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Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Community Development in Rejowinangun Tourist Village
The English Language Education
Department (ELED) of Universitas kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) held a Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Village Development Program for ELED students who are in their 6th semester. This program was intended to enable students to use their knowledge and skills to give service to the community just like one of the Duta Wacana values, service to the world The program was held in Rejowinangun Tourism Village located in Kotagede, Yogyakarta Rejowinangun Tourism Village has five clusters which become the main tourist attractions The five clusters are culture, crafts, herbs, culinary, and agrotourism Besides the clusters, Rejowinangun Tourism Village also has a traditional dance called “Tari Edan-Edanan”. This traditional dance is used to welcome important guests when they come to the village. Besides doing the community development program in the tourism village, ELED also has a joint program with Cinta
Bangsa Kindergarten which is located in Rejowinangun Tourist Village. Cinta Bangsa Kindergarten is located in Retno Dumilah street, Kotagede, Yogyakarta This school places democracy as a fundamental value in its vision and mission.
On 17 February 2023, the program field supervisors consisted of Dra Mega Wati, M.Pd, Lemmuela Alvita Kurniawati, M.Hum., and Ignatius Tri Endarto, M.A. along with the 6th-semester students of ELED went to Rejowinangun Tourism Village’s secretariat office to hand over the students to the village administrators. The event attended by Pak Icok and Pak Didik, the village administrators as well as the cluster coordinators, marked the start of the community development program in Rejowinangun Tourist Village In this event, the village administrator provided general and comprehensive explanations about Rejowinangun Tourism Village. During the event, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Rejowinangun
Tourist Village and was signed. Village and March 15, 2023 in Cinta Bangsa Kindergarten The needs analysis in Rejowinangun Tourist Village was guided by Pak Icok and Pak Didik as the village administrators. Pak Icok and Pak Didik then took the ELED students to the five clusters of Rejowinangun Tourism Village. In the five clusters, they explained the problem the clusters are facing In response to the problem faced by most of the clusters, the students plan to make a social media account to promote the handicraft produced by Rejowinangun Tourism Village In Cinta Bangsa Kindergarten, the students observed h o w t h e s t u d e n t s i n C i n t a B a n g s a Kindergarten study and join the class activities. From the observation, the students decided to make a picture storybook for the kindergarten students Hopefully, all the programs that are planned will give improvements and empowerment to the community. [Maria Hanum]
On March 2, 2023, the field supervisors and t h e s t u d e n t s w e n t t o C i n t a B a n g s a Kindergarten to hand over the ELED students as previously done in Rejowinangun Tourist Village Dra Anastasia Endang Suhartini, M.Pd as the headmaster of the Cinta Bangsa Kindergarten welcomed the ELED 6th students and the field supervisors Dra Anastasia Endang Suhartini, M Pd then started to explain how the school is operated, the classes, and the activities. She expected that ELED students could make various programs for the school and the students, such as digitalizing the traditional games introduced by the teachers and played by the students and developing the school website and YouTube channel.
The first activity done by the students was conducting a needs analysis in Rejowinangun T o u r i s m V i l l a g e a n d C i n t a B a n g s a Kindergarten. The needs analysis was held on March 28, 2023 in Rejowinangun Tourist