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UKDW Student Selected as IISMA Awardee to Sapienza University of Rome
Haniif Ahmad Candraputra, a student of
Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) majoring in Informatics is s e l e c t e d a s a n a w a r d e e o f I n d o n e s i a n International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) 2023 He becomes part of Indonesia's best students who got the scholarship to study for one semester at top universities abroad. Haniif will spend the Fall Semester 2023 at Sapienza University of Rome.
"We are proud that Haniif successfully passed the tight competition in the IISMA selection process," said the Director of the Office of Partnerships and Public Relations Dr. phil. Lucia Dwi Krisnawati.
IISMA is a scholarship scheme by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to fund Indonesian students for mobility programs at top universities and reputable industries overseas. IISMA covers two schemes for both undergraduate and vocational students. With IISMA, they can spend one semester at prominent partner institutions. For undergraduate students, this program equips them with the skills required for the future workforce: sense-making, social intelligence, novel & adaptive thinking, crosscultural competency, computational thinking, new-media literacy, transdisciplinarity, design mindset, cognitive load management, and virtual collaboration For vocational students, this program offers learning in collaboration with industry where they will undertake practical assignments to enhance their skills Overall, IISMA will expose Indonesian students to international academic and cultural diversity. The scheme is centrally managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MoECRT).
UKDW has organized various activities to prepare students who are interested to apply for IISMA 2023 since last year, including conducting IISMA info session and workshop on writing motivation letter, and preparing for scholarship interview. These programs aimed to help students to be ready go through the fierce
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“I am very grateful for the guidance from UKDW’s Office of Partnerships and Public Relations (Biro IV) and the support from the lecturers, friends, family, and loved ones, that I can pass the selection process,” said Haniif.
As Indonesian young generation, he hopes in the future he can contribute to develop this country, especially in the field of technology. “By joining IISMA program, I wish to learn from influential people in the world so that I can bring back and implement those knowledge to Indonesia,” he said.