Issue 7 - The Ancient Ayurveda Magazine India's First B2B Ayurveda Magazine Koryfi Group

Page 8


CREATING PUBLIC AWARENESS ON PANCHAKARMA The cleansing procedures for the body are generally called as panchakarma. If doshas are vitiated highly, then panchakarma is to be carried out. The root level cleansing will bring complete cure of the disease. Normal person can also do panchakarma to prevent the occurrence of diseases. We usually carry out Servicing of vehicles (car/ scooter/ bus etc) in regular intervals. The mechanic will check all the parts of vehicle and carry out service thereby the life of vehicle will be increased and it makes smooth functioning of vehicle possible. Same manner, if our body is serviced in time, we can keep free from diseases. The servicing of our body is considered as Panchakarma. Vamana (medicated vomiting), virechana (medicated purgation), Snehavasti (Enema with oil), Kashaya vasti (Enema with decoction) and nasya (nasal medication) are coming under panchakarma. Vagbhata has included Raktamoksha (Blood Letting) in place of snehavasti and renamed as Panchasodhana (five purificatory measures). The pre operative procedures also play important role in the efficacy of treatment. Before vamana and

8 | Issue 7 | May-Jun 2021 | The Ancient Ayurveda

virechana, snehapana (intake of ghee or oil) and svedana (sudation) are usually done to loosen the body and to remove the rigidity. The Merits of Snehana The person, who consumes sneha (medicated ghee) judiciously, can live hundred years with good digestive fire, clear gut, physical strength, good complexion, stable sense organs and slow aging. Achapana (intake of sneha alone), vicharana (intake or external application of sneha combined with food, enema, nasal application, gargling, retention of oil in eyes, head, ear etc.) and sadya sneha (mixing with soup, gruel etc.) are various types of sneha. The Merits of Sveda Sudation is to be selected according to the condition of disease and diseased person. The selection of various sveda is to be done logically. Particular order is mentioned while describing types of sveda. Tapa, Upanaha, Ushma and Drava are to be performed in order. Generally various sveda is performed in vatavyadhi (arthritis like conditions and pain in joints). If it is done from rooksha to snigdha order, will be found more effective. Valuka sveda, Upanaha sveda,

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