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Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail

季刊 第二十期 Newsletter Issue.20 07-09.2023

社區 / 探尋區內好地方

In Search of Good Spots

人物 / 期間限定空間:七份一辦館@安所

A Limited-time Space: One Seventh Store

焦點 / 九龍城簇絨社區藝術計劃

Kowloon City Community

Arts Project: Tufting

方 地 尋好

歷史.文化.藝術.設計 History.Culture.Arts.Design

編者的話 Editor's Note

步行徑團隊來到九龍城區接近六年,從最初不斷摸索,到後來與街坊結緣,舉辦過不同形式的活動,也在大家 的帶路下,走訪過社區不同角落,發掘了不少好地方。

這些地方並不神秘,也非隱世大發現,有些甚至大家都聽過去過,乍看是普通公園、後山、廟宇、店舖,但對 街坊來說卻摻雜回憶與日常生活,是心靈的休憩站。好地方,大概便是可以讓人放鬆,甚至放空的空間。

今期季刊我們推薦十個區內好地方,有些只能遠觀而無法抵達,有些僅是一種感覺,願大家能從文字中感受到 它們的「好」,並落區觀察及發掘更多好地方。此外,我們亦訪問了土瓜灣七份一辦館的負責人James,與大 家聊聊如何透過一間期間限定店連繫土瓜灣社區。

In our nearly six years in Kowloon City, we’ve done a lot of exploring, connected with local residents, and run many types of events. In the process, thanks to all your input, we’ve visited different parts of Kowloon City and uncovered plenty of good spots.

These places aren’t some big secrets or discoveries. You’ve probably heard of or been to some of these places. Whether it’s a park, a back hill, a temple, or a shop, no matter how ordinary-looking, to some local residents are simply mind relaxing stop, infused with memories and part of daily life. A good spot is where people can relax and just be.

In this issue, we’ll cover ten such places in Kowloon City. Some are unreachable and can only be seen from afar, and some are just a feeling. We hope you’ll be inspired to explore and find more good spots. This newsletter also includes our interview with James, the person in charge of One Seventh Store in To Kwa Wan — fascinating discussion about connecting with the community through a pop-up store.

季刊 第二十期

Newsletter Issue.20



Edited by Christy Ng


Designed by SY Wong


Reviewed by Gwyneth Chan, Vivian Cheng


Supervised by Joyce Ho


8,000 copies in print


First edition Sep 2023



Office: 1/F, Lower Block, Chun Seen Mei Chuen, Ma Tau Chung, Kowloon

躍變.龍城體驗館: 九龍譚公道115號運通大廈地下5號舖

Kowloon City in Transformation Information Centre:

Shop No.5, Ground Floor, Wan Tung Building, No. 115 Tam Kung Road, Kowloon

電話 Tel:+852 3183 0928

電郵 Email:kctwt@skhwc.org.hk

傳真 Fax:+852 3104 9911

網址 Web:kowlooncitywalkingtrail.hk

步蹤電子版 Newsletter e-version: issuu.com/kowloon.city.walking.trail


Kowloon City Walking Trail


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香港聖公會 聖三一座堂 S.K.H. Holy Trinity Cathedral

步行徑公共設施最新發展 Updates on Public Facilities of the Walking Trail

九龍城主題步行徑總長逾6.5公里,分為五個特色路 段,是全港最長的主題步行徑。路段上的公共設施先 後進行改善及美化,包括更新花盆及欄杆、加設地面 及地磚裝飾、燈柱裝飾,及社區資訊指示牌等。

真善美村 Chun Seen Mei Chuen

牛棚藝術村 Cattle

Eastern舊東方紗廠 CottonMills

Shim Luen St 燕安街 Yin On St 駿發街 Tsun Fat St 鶴齡街 Hok Ling St 十三街 13 Streets

煤氣廠 Towngas Gasholder

為加強社區連繫性及公眾互動,團隊在不同路段設置 社區智慧地圖及AR指示牌,前者透過設計工作坊及 全港中小學設計比賽,發掘不同主題的社區地圖;後 者善用AR科技,設計了「當年今日」、「迴.眸寨 城聲音故事」、「飛機蹤影」等互動,歡迎大家利用 步行徑手機應用程式盡情探索。團隊會定時檢視硬件 的狀態及進行維修保養,以確保公眾可充分享受路段 上的設施。因應硬件落成,團隊亦將策劃不同類型的 文化活動,以推動更多人認識及遊覽九龍城。

Infill Paving Block

燈柱裝飾 Sign Plate 欄杆 Railing

Consisting of five designated routes, the Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail has a total length of 6.5 kilometers, which is the longest of its kind in Hong Kong. The public facilities on the trail have undergone upgrading works, including the renewal of planters and railings, installation of new infilled floor and paving blocks, new light pole sign plates and information panels.

燈柱裝飾 Sign Plate

資訊指示牌 Information Panel

地面裝飾 Infill Floor Block

To enhance community connectivity and public interaction, our team has installed Community Wisdom Map and AR information panels along the trail. The former involved design workshops and design competitions for primary and secondary schools across Hong Kong to create community maps with different themes. The latter utilised AR technology to create interactive experiences such as ‘Today in History’, ‘Immersion in Old Kowloon Walled City sound stories’ and ‘Capturing the airplanes’. You are welcome to explore these features by using our mobile app. Our team will keep on checking and maintaining the hardwares, as well as organising various cultural activities to ensure that everyone can fully enjoy the hardware facilities.

KOWLOON CITY 九龍城 TO KWA WAN 土瓜灣 HUNG HOM 九龍城渡輪碼頭 Kowloon City Ferry Pier 衙前圍道 Nga Tsin Wai Road 太子道西 Prince Edward Rd West 太子道東 Prince Edward RoadEast 東頭村道 Tung Tau TsuenRd 宋皇臺站 Sung Wong Toi Station 亞皆老街 ArgyleStreet 世運道 OlympicAvenue Hau Wong Rd 賈炳達道 Carpenter Rd 侯 王 道 樂善道 Lok Sin Road 宋皇臺道 SungWongToiRd 啟德隧道 Kai Tak Tunnel Sung On St 浙江街 Chi Kiang St 崇 安 街 旭日街 YukYat Street 土瓜灣道 ToKwa Wan Road SanMa TauSt 新碼頭街 寶其利街BulkeleySt差館里StationLane Ma Tau Wai Road 蕪湖街WuhuSt 馬 頭 圍 道 鶴園東街 Hok Yuen St East 民裕街 Man Yue St 德民街TakManSt 民泰街 漆咸道北 Chatham Road North ManTaiSt 船澳街 Dock St 戴亞街 Dyer Avenue Street 佛光街天橋 木廠街 MokCheongSt 馬頭角道 Ma Tau Kok Road 北帝街 Pak Tai Street 譚公道 Tam Kung Rd 九龍城道 Kowloon City Rd 馬 頭 圍 道 Ma Tau Wai Road 庇利街 Bailey St 紅 磡 道 Hung Hom Road 景雲街 King Wan St 高山道公園 Ko Shan Road Park 聯 合 道 樂善堂小學(舊址) Lok
侯王古廟 Hau Wong Temple 石屋家園 Stone Houses Family Garden 宋王臺花園 Sung Wong Toi Garden 香港聖公會聖匠堂 S.K.H. Holy Carpenter Church & Community Centre 聖母堂 St. Mary Church 寶石戲院 Lux Theatre 紅磡觀音廟 Kwun Yam Temple 褔德古廟 Fuk Tak Temple 北帝古廟 Pak Tai Temple
St 龍圖街
鹿鳴街 Luk
麟祥街 Lun
St 鴻運街
Sin Tong Primary School (Former Site)
九龍寨城公園 Kowloon Walled City Park
Ying Yeung
Lung To St
Fung Yi St
Ming Street
Cheung St
Pang Ching
Hung Wan St
Depot Artist Village
天光道遊樂場 Tin Kwong Road Recreation Ground 土瓜灣站 To Kwa Wan Station 黃埔站 Whampoa Station 香港飛行總會 Hong Kong Aviation Club 欄杆 Railing 資訊指示牌 Information Panel 地面裝飾 Infill Floor Block 地磚裝飾
龍城 館
躍變 龍城體驗館 Information Centre
Route 2 Local Culture Walk 寨城憶古 管與不管 路段一 Route 1 Walled City Historical Walk 社區藝術 牛與十三 路段三
Community Art Walk
路段四 Route 4 Waterfront Leisure Walk 欄杆 Railing 資訊指示牌 Information Panel 地面裝飾 Infill Floor Block 當年今日 Today in History 地磚裝飾 Infill Paving Block 花盆 Planter 燈柱裝飾 Sign Plate 資訊指示牌 Information Panel 地面裝飾 Infill Floor Block 燈柱裝飾 Sign Plate 欄杆 Railing 地面裝飾 Infill Floor Block 當年今日 Today in History 燈柱裝飾 Sign Plate 海心公園 Hoi Sham Park 馬頭涌道 Ma Tau Chung Rd 炮仗街 Pau Chung Street
大宋遺址 文史探索 路段二
Route 3
廟堂之旅 我信我在 路段五 Route 5 Temple and Church Walk 海心留痕 漫步海濱

怎樣才算是好地方,每個人都有不同 的答案。九龍城區位處鬧市,有着舊 區常見的低矮建築,街頭巷尾喧囂熱 鬧,轉角卻是柳暗一明,有意想不到 的驚喜。結合團隊的觀察與街坊的分 享,我們列出十個好地方,有清幽的 後花園,有摻雜回憶的山丘與公園, 有觸不到的島嶼,也有近在咫尺的 公共空間。這些會否是你心中的好 地方?

Everyone has a different definition of a good spot. In the bustling Kowloon City, amid its low-rise buildings and lively streets, there are hidden surprises just around the corner too. Here are ten good spots we’ve gathered ourselves and from local residents, including quiet back garden, memory-infused hill and park, island that’s out of reach, and public space within easy reach. Are they good spots for you too?


Four hills and service reservoirs

位於土瓜灣與何文田之間的十二號山、老龍坑山、採石山和紅燈 山,堪稱是區內的後花園。山上可遠眺土瓜灣與紅磡景觀,低矮 樓房夾雜不少牙籤樓,可略窺紅土戰後的發展與變遷。沿途經過 多個配水庫與運動場,林蔭處處,是鬧市中的清幽之地。

Located between To Kwa Wan and Ho Man Tin, No. 12 Hill, Lo Lung Hang Hill, Quarry Hill and Red Light Hill are essentially the district’s back garden. From the hills, you can gaze into the landscape of To Kwa Wan and Hung Hom, its mix of low-rise buildings and toothpicklike buildings offering a glimpse of its post-war development and changes. On your way there you’ll pass by multiple service reservoirs and sportsgrounds. There’s plenty of shade, peace, and quietness.

社區專題 Feature Story
從山到海, 從地面到樓上 探尋區內好地方

In search of good spots

From mountain to sea, ground to upstairs

格仔山 Checkerboard Hill

一個充滿回憶的地方。上山的步道非常土炮,由街 坊鋪設,山丘其中一面塗上紅白相間的格仔圖案, 主要用途是在啟德機場年代,引導機師右轉降落跑 道。完成歷史任務後,這裏已成為街坊觀賞日落的 好去處。

A place full of memories. The uphill trail was paved by local residents. One side of the hill was painted with a red and white checkerboard pattern. Back when the Kai Tak Airport was in use, the checkerboard pattern guided pilots to execute the right turn to land on the runway. It has since become a good place for local residents to enjoy the sunset.

雜貨店與貓店長 Grocery stores and their cats

香港有為數不少的古樹,這些百年樹木與社區共生 共息。九龍城賈炳達道公園內有一棵大榕樹,相傳 榕樹在公園的前身──國家片場時期已種下,一直 開枝散葉,形成大片綠油油的遮蔭空間,為居民遮 風擋雨,亦見證社區變遷。

Hong Kong has a good number of century-old trees that coexist with the community. One of them is a large Chinese banyan tree in Carpenter Road Park. The tree is said to have been planted during the Kwokar Film Studio era, and it’s been growing ever since. It’s been providing a large green shade for local residents, protecting them from wind and rain, and bearing witness to changes in the community.

榕樹下 Under the banyan tree 3

有貓的地方就是好地方!土瓜灣有不少雜貨店,店 主售賣生活雜貨及柴米油鹽,滿足街坊日常所需, 有些甚至由少數族裔人士經營,販售各式異域醬 料,最引人駐足的是店裏總有貓店長坐陣,讓人心 花怒放,忍不住逗逗貓咪。 4

Anywhere with cats is a good spot! There are many grocery stores in To Kwa Wan, selling various household items and staples to meet the daily needs of local residents. Some, run by people from ethnic minority backgrounds, carry many kinds of spices and condiments. The most attractive thing is that there is always a cat in the shop, nobody will resist playing with it.



When a

temple meets a church

區內有不少低調而有特色的廟宇建築,例如被列為法 定古蹟的侯王古廟,香火鼎盛的紅磡觀音廟,還有糅 合龍頭石雕、斗拱、紅牆綠瓦,看似廟宇實際是教堂 的聖三一座堂,可讓人逃離繁囂,慰藉心靈所需。

There are a number of low-key yet distinctive temples in the Kowloon City District, such as Hau Wong Temple (a declared monument) and Kwun Yum Temple in Hung Hom. There’s also a building that features stone carvings of dragon heads, dougong brackets, red walls and green tiles. While it looks like a temple, it’s in fact the Holy Trinity Cathedral, offering an escape from the hectic world and a balm for the soul.


Hidden spaces upstairs

土瓜灣有部分樓上店舖,是「半開放」予公 眾的好地方,說是半開放,因為這些都是私 人地方,有既定的營業時間及規則,不時策 劃展覽及活動。如果對舊物有興趣,不妨到 夕拾尋寶,好客的店主願意與你聊上半天, 如果想買書及支持本地社企,七份一辦館可 以讓你流連整個下午。

觸不可及的島嶼 The unreachable island

土瓜灣對出海面,有個可遠觀而不可到訪的 「島嶼」,只有一塊礁石,上面建有一盞導 航燈,小島又名「九龍石」。這個不知是島

還是石的地方,僅能在來往九龍城碼頭與北 角的渡輪航程上一窺究竟,是一個容易忽略 卻美好的存在。

Across the sea from To Kwa Wan is an ‘island’ that can be viewed from afar but cannot be visited. There’s only a rock, with an isolation danger mark installed. Named Kowloon Rock, this place can only be seen on the ferry ride between Kowloon City and North Point. It’s easy to miss but beautiful still.

Some of the upstairs shops in To Kwa Wan are semi-public: private property with established business hours and terms as well as scheduled exhibitions and activities. If you’re interested in vintage, you may want to go treasure-hunting at Jiksap. Its hospitable shopkeeper would be happy to chat with you for a long time. If you want to buy books and support local social enterprises, you can easily spend a whole afternoon at One Seventh Store.


寨城公園 Walled City Park

九龍寨城公園對街坊來說是特別的存在,因為背後 牽繫着一段三不管的歷史,及兼容古蹟與江南園林 的設計,在市區公園中實為少見。公園有八景與八 徑,還有常於衙門附近出沒的導賞員敏叔,他邊講 解歷史邊撕紙的身影,是公園的人文風光之一。

Lok Sin Tong

有街坊特別提到九龍樂善堂這個歷史悠久的機構,因 為它早期於龍津石橋上設置公秤,並以所得的公秤費 及捐款修建石橋,惠及不少街坊。樂善堂與九龍城的 發展息息相關,現時門外左右兩邊掛上的對聯內容正 正體現其過去百年來的慈善事業與民生結緣。

A local resident made a special mention of the Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon, an organisation with a long history. Having installed a designated scale on the Lung Tsin Stone Bridge to be used for fair trade, Lok Sin Tong used the fees from the service and donations to construct the stone bridge, benefiting many local residents. The Chinese couplets hanging on Lok Sin Tong’s door tell the organisation’s charity and connections with local life over the past century.

The Kowloon Walled City Park is special to local residents both because of the site’s history as a no man’s land and because of how the park’s design incorporates many features from the Jiangnan garden style of the early Qing Dynasty. The park has eight landscape features and eight floral walks. Often seen near the Yamen is tour guide Uncle Man, whose history-telling and paper-tearing art-making skills identify him as one of the park’s cultural attractions too.

步行徑 The Walking Trail

一條全長逾6.5公里的步行徑,分為五個路 段,橫跨九龍城、土瓜灣及紅磡舊區。街 道上設置不同的硬件設施供市民享用,例 如由公眾設計的社區智慧地圖、長者友善座 椅、AR指示牌等。大家在不同路段可感受 不同的社區氛圍,及欣賞到各種地標及有趣 建築。

The 6.5 km Walking Trail comprises five routes that spans across Kowloon City, To Kwa Wan, and Hung Hom. Facilities include community wisdom maps designed by the public, elderlyfriendly benches, AR information panels, etc. Each route of the trail offers a different atmosphere of the community, with various landmarks and interesting architecture.


期間限定空間 以閱讀連繫社區 A Limited-time Space: Connecting the Community Through Reading

七份一辦館@安所 主理人James

人物專訪 Interview

從地下乘電梯上一樓,穿過落地玻璃走廊, 盡頭是一個寬敞的室內空間,放着大大小小 的木造書架,展示着不同主題的書籍及本地 社企產品,還有數個格仔書櫃,每個格仔由 不同個性的店長擁有,有着南猿北轍的選書 口味。周遭擺放了不少兒童圖書箱,不時見 到家長帶着小朋友來玩及睇書。

這裏是七份一辦館@安所,位處土瓜灣鬧市 一個私人住宅之中,既是書店、辦館,也是 一個期間限定的「公共空間」,由Rolling Books創辦人莊國棟(James)主理。

Take the lift from the ground floor to the first floor. Go through the corridor with glass curtain walls. At the end is a spacious interior full of wooden bookshelves. On display are books of various themes and products of local social enterprises. There are also several multi-cube bookshelves. Each cube belongs to a different owner, each has their own personality and taste in books. Also present nearby are many boxes of children’s books. You’ll see parents coming here with their kids to play and read.

This is One Seventh Store, which is located in one of the private residences within the busy To Kwa Wan. Managed by James, founder of Rolling Books, it is a bookshop, a store, and also for a limited time, a ‘public space’.



在這裏,大家可以放鬆心情,揭揭不同的出版 物,感受本地產品的溫度,看看格仔店主的選 書,甚至坐下來好好放空。「雖然我們佔了大部 分地方做零售及書店,但這裏同時亦是一個共享 工作空間,會舉辦不同的活動,街坊可以過來坐 坐,一起使用這個空間。」James介紹。

七份一辦館目前有兩間分店,一間在深水埗, 經營了一年多,凝聚了不少街坊,另一間便是 土瓜灣,四個月期間限定店,現正努力融入社區 中。James與團隊花了不少心思連繫街坊,包括 利用落地玻璃走廊展示土瓜灣的舊照,在入口處 的小角落擺放社區夥伴的宣傳刊物,他們更在盛 夏策劃了集結本地農作物的「土.市集」。「我 好想繼續做『瓜.市集』及『灣.市集』,土是 土地,瓜是夏天有不同的瓜,灣就是跟海有關, 不知道做不做得到。我們很希望這個地方可以連 結土瓜灣,因為認識街坊需要時間,在這四個月 可以做到幾多便盡做。」


土瓜灣是舊區,商店、食肆都集中於地面,一間 設於樓上的店舖,對居民來說不容易消化。「很 多人跟我說,土瓜灣街坊不習慣上樓購物,因為 大部分店舖都是地舖。」土瓜灣到底適合哪種營 運模式呢?James不斷思考,亦不斷拋出點子, 譬如引入49份格仔書店、做市集活動,「我覺得 這個實驗是有趣的,到底應該如何利用私人地方 去做公共空間呢?土瓜灣這個位置很值得探討, 可以怎樣去做一個社區客廳。」

There aren’t many places like this in To Kwa Wan. Here, people can relax, flip through various publications, get a feel for local products, explore different cube owners’ book selections, and even just sit and do nothing. As James introduces the place, ‘While most of the space is used for retail and the bookshop, this is also a co-working space. We run different types of activities here. Local residents can hang out here and share this space.’

One Seventh Store has two branches. The one in Sham Shui Po has been operating for a little over a year and built a local following. The branch in To Kwa Wan is a four-month pop-up shop which is developing itself to become part of the community. James and his team have put a lot of thought into connecting with local residents. For instance, the corridor leading to the shop doubles its role as a gallery exhibiting old photos of To Kwa Wan. By the entrance is the showcase of publications of its partners in the community. They even planned a marketplace mid-summer, named ‘To Market’, for local crops. ‘I’d love to do “Kwa Market” and “Wan Market” too. “To” is land. “Kwa” refers to the different gourds and melons in the summer. “Wan” is related to the sea. I don’t know if I’ll get to do that. We’d really want this space to link up with To Kwa Wan. It takes time to get to know the locals. We’ll do as much as we can in these four months.’

That’s not a lot of time, especially when it comes to make connections in the community. To Kwa Wan is an old district. Most of its shops and restaurants are at ground level. It may take a while for local residents to pay attention to a shop that’s located up in a building. ‘Many people say to me, To Kwa Wan residents aren’t used to going up a building to shop, because most stores are on the ground floor.’ What type of operations is appropriate for To Kwa Wan? James is always thinking and filled with ideas — the 49 Partitioned Bookshops and market activities. ‘I find this experiment very interesting. How do we use private property to act as public space? It’s worth exploring the idea of a community living room in To Kwa Wan.’

What’s possible in four months…

對於土瓜灣,James自認不算熟悉,主要認知來自於文學,會聯想到西西筆 下的街市、學校,鄧小宇童年去過的海心島、大笪地,因為他曾經也是一個文 青,開過一間名為阿麥書房的樓上書店。這間書店沒能讓他賺大錢,卻曾經 策劃過不少有趣的文藝活動,譬如辦過董啟章作品展、邀請智海及小克教插 畫、做過各種音樂會,這些經歷在許多年後成為他推動閱讀及策劃活動的重要 養份。

往日他從文學中認識到土瓜灣的街道及城景,如今則在茶餐廳及街市的熟食市 場感受到草根而粗獷的生活氣息。近日他最常流連的地方是一街之隔的紅蘋 果街市,這裏的熟食市場的姨姨熱情不已,總是叫來光顧的客人不一定要點咖 啡奶茶,也可以飲涼茶。「你可以感覺到她們不是在推銷,而是真心與你交 流。」社區的脈絡不一定要穿街過巷才能串連,他在熟食市場與姨姨交流,聽 旁邊的地盤叔叔與清潔姐姐的對話,抓住了一點土瓜灣的氣息──人與人的交 往頻繁而貼地。

James claimed that he is not so familiar with To Kwa Wan. Most of his knowledge has come from literature: Xi Xi’s descriptions of markets and schools; the Hoi Sham Island and night market from Peter Dunn’s childhood. James was once an artsy youth and the founder of Mackie Study, an upstairs bookshop. The bookshop didn’t make him a fortune, though it did give him the chance to organise many interesting literary and artistic events. From organising an exhibition of author Dung Kai Cheung’s works, inviting Chi Hoi and Siu Hak to teach illustrations, to running various types of concerts, these experiences would go on to support his endeavours in promoting reading and planning events many years later.

While he used to learn about To Kwa Wan’s streets and cityscape through literature, now he experiences a more grassroot, rugged life at tea cafes (cha chaan teng) and cooked food markets. ‘You can feel that they’re not trying to sell you something. They’re genuinely connecting with you.’ Community connections can be made without travelling across streets and alleys. Just by chatting with those staff working at cooked food market and listening to conversations nearby between a construction worker and a cleaner, James has his finger on the pulse of To Kwa Wan. People are always in touch and down to earth.

土瓜灣的氣質是…… To Kwa Wan’s temperament is…

在有限的時間和空間裏,James希望為這個社 區帶來變化,凝聚到力量。策劃故事環節、做漂 書活動、賣平價二手童書,是吸引街坊的契機, 「書店讀者會跨區來參與文藝活動,但如果是純 粹來看兒童書、玩玩具、拎書的,很大機會是街

坊。我還有一個目標,希望少數族裔的家庭或者 小朋友也能用得着這個地方。我會讓實習生設計 一張英文海報,然後叫他們幫忙派發予少數族裔

店舖,因為這裏有不少難民家庭,他們甚至無法 在公共圖書館借書,那便來拎書吧。只要這個空 間持續開放,便有許多可能性。」或許反應好,

場地的主人願意繼續提供租金優惠,讓店舖延續 下去。

「不要用閱讀去推廣閱讀。」James在不同場合 都說過這句話。閱讀看似很悶,但換個環境換個 角色,可能有不一樣的效果,譬如他做跑步讀書 會、邀請小丑講故事、將退役輪椅的士轉化為流 動圖書車,這些點子賦予閱讀多一點趣味。「這 不是一次性的事,做完一次也不代表小朋友有興 趣睇書,但起碼他們享受那一刻,從而不那麼抗 拒睇書。」

James hopes to bring about changes and solidarity in the limited time and space he’s got. Planning story sessions, holding Book Crossing events, and selling affordable second-hand children’s books are all opportunities to attract local residents. ‘Book readers do travel from other areas to take part in our cultural activities. However, people who’d come just to read children’s books, play with toys or grab free books are more likely to be local residents. Another goal of mine is that minority-ethnic families or children will find this space useful too. I’ll have the interns design an English-language flyer and distribute to ethnic shops. There are many refugee families here. Some may not even be able to borrow books from the public libraries, and I’d like them to come and take books from us. As long as this space is open, there are many possibilities.’ Perhaps with good response, the landlord will be willing to extend the rent concession and let the shop carry on.

‘Don’t promote reading with reading,’ James often says. Reading may seem boring, but try with a change of environment and roles, it may twist the result. For example, he has organised a running book club, invited clowns to tell stories, and turned a former wheelchair taxi into a mobile library. These ideas make reading more interesting. ‘This is not a one-off action. A single experience doesn’t mean that children will become interested in reading, but at least they enjoy that moment and may become less resistant to reading.’

May he bring his ideas to life, one by one, in To Kwa Wan.

And many, many more ideas…



每時每地都有不同的故事發生,你在社 區裏有哪些經歷和回憶?步行徑現正收 集九龍城區的故事,不論是關於舊區變 遷、街坊鄰里,還是生活小事,都歡迎 投稿與我們分享。

Different stories happen all the time everywhere. What are your experiences and memories in the community? We are now collecting stories of the Kowloon City District, whether it is about the changes in the old district, the neighbourhood, or the little things of life, you are welcome to contribute and share with us.

提起本港的廟宇,不少人第一時間會想起沙田的車公廟 或上環的文武廟,還有連外國遊客也會慕名而去的黃大 仙祠。位處聯合道與東頭村交界的九龍城侯王古廟,論 名氣之大、善信之眾,可能不及上列寺廟,但侯王古廟 歷史悠久,廟內還有不少富歷史與藝術價值的文物,設 計也別具特色,屋頂呈現中國古建築樣式之一的「歇山 頂」,即四坡式屋頂,結合兩面山牆, 2014年更被列


我經常路過侯王古廟,知道廟宇並非建於平地,而是座 落在用古樸石磚頭砌成的高地上。沒有人山人海、信眾 喧鬧與香火鼎盛的景象,也不見有在門口向途人兜售香 燭的小販,只有正在上香的善信,感覺舒適寧靜。

其實侯王是誰一直眾說紛紜,最普遍的說法是南宋國舅 楊亮節,因奮力抗元,協助宋帝昺南下有功被封為侯, 死後更被封為王,民眾為紀念他而建廟。侯王古廟坐落 之地昔日稱為白鶴山,也有鶴嶺之稱。最吸引我的是廟 內以一筆寫成的「鵝」字與「鶴」字石刻,可惜前者在 日治時期受到破壞,現在所見的只是仿製品,而後殿見

到的「鶴」字則是真跡。石刻對面的山牆採用了在本地 甚為少見的「五岳朝天式」設計,即有五個如同山峰的 屋簷。在夕陽映照下錯落有致,別有一番風情。

Speaking of temples in Hong Kong, most of you may first come up with Che Kung Temple in Sha Tin, Man Mo Temple in Sheung Wan or world famous Wong Tai Sin Temple. The historic Hau Wong Temple is situated at the junction of Junction Road and Tung Tau Tsuen Road in Kowloon City. Its fame may not be as widespread as the temples mentioned above, however, there are an abundance of historical relics maintained inside the temple. On the other hand, the ancient Chinese architectural design characteristics like hip-and-gable roof can be found on this temple. The temple was listed as a declared monument in 2014, thus, it is definitely a good place to visit.

I used to pass by the temple so I knew it was built on an elevated terrace assembled by rock bricks. The place is pleasant and relaxing as there are only

a few faithful worshippers at any time.

There are different versions of the temple's history. Some believe that it was built to commemorate Yeung Leung Jit, a loyal follower and a marquis of the last Emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty who fled with the royal family to Kowloon driven by the Mongols. Hau Wong Temple was originally located in Pak Hok Shan. The stone inscriptions of the Chinese characters ‘goose’ and ‘crane’ written in one brush stroke inside the pavilion in the Chinese garden and behind the temple respectively attract me the most. Opposite to the stone inscriptions, the stepped gables of the rear hall are built in the style known as ‘five peaks pay tribute to heaven’, a very rare design that is seldom found in Hong Kong.

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文 Text:雯雯

九龍城區是個滿載歷史的社區,街頭巷尾都可以看到 各種古蹟及特色建築。為了讓更多人認識這個社區, 團隊在今個夏天帶來兩本全新繪本,包括以文物保育 為題的AR繪本《下一站……》及追溯社區建築的《咔 嚓,這是一部神奇相機!》。

《下一站……》帶大家回到沙中線探勘時,於宋皇臺 挖掘出宋元時期的文物,並藉着文物出土後經歷檢 查、修復等過程及文物們對搬家的想像,帶出文物保 育的各種可能性,亦讓讀者了解宋皇臺背後的歷史及 典故。《咔嚓,這是一部神奇相機!》則透過一場父 子之旅,兩人帶着一部神奇相機在社區探索,從土瓜 灣一路走到紅磡,沿途經過不少有趣的地方,如益豐 大廈、愛華大廈、寶石戲院等,每幢建築物背後都牽 繫一個與電影相關的故事。

為了提升閱讀趣味,團隊更為《下一站……》設計了 AR版本,加入不少互動元素,只要下載步行徑手機應 用程式及開啟鏡頭便可體驗。

The Next Station is...

Kowloon City district is a historical community that is filled with monuments and special buildings. To let more people know about this place, we introduced two brand new community picture books this summer, ‘The Next Station is…’ and ‘Click! This is a magic camera!’. One of them is an AR picture book talking about heritage conservation, and the other is about community architecture.

To raise the public's concern on cultural conservation, ‘The Next Station is…’ brings everyone back in time to Sung Wong Toi station where archaeological remains were unearthed. ‘Click! This is a magic camera!’ features community architectures depicting the journey of a father and his son who carry a magic camera travelling around To Kwa Wan and Hung Hom.

In order to enhance more interactions and make reading fun, we also added AR elements in the book ‘The Next Station is…’. Download our app and experience now!

Series of community picture books are now for sale in the Information Centre!

最新消息 What's New
一套七本社區繪本現已上架, 歡迎前往躍變 龍城體驗館選購!
make reading fun 下一站......
New picture
released Let’s
咔嚓,這是一部神奇相機! Click! This is a magic camera!


農曆七月盂蘭節,是潮州人的重要節日,各區都有團 體舉辦盂蘭勝會拜祭祖先及超渡亡靈。九龍城區有四 個盂蘭勝會,其中東頭邨盂蘭勝會於七月初一至初 三舉行,惟潮劇團及佛社未能承辦酬神演出及超渡法 事,主辦方遂改在會址內進行酬神儀式,並與步行徑 合辦三場「深入重地——盂蘭團體會址導賞及潮州小 食體驗」,與參加者一同走入東頭村盂蘭勝會會址,

聽導賞員分享盂蘭節的歷史及典故,及後於創發潮州 飯店淺嚐戲棚小食──潮州粥與清心丸。


過半個世紀,曾因地區重建、人口老化等問題,出現 停辦危機,幸好後來申請非物資文化遺產資助計劃,

才一直延續至今,是目前少數以屋邨為主導的盂蘭勝 會。會址內保存了不少珍貴器皿及潮式刺繡,還有俗

稱「金榜題名」的名單,記錄了捐款的善長人翁的名 字,相當有意思。雖然地方淺窄,未能見證各種儀式



Yu Lan Festival is one of the important days for Teochew people. They used to pray for release of the suffering souls and worship ancestors during this period. There are usually four different Yu Lan Festival celebrations held within the Kowloon City district. Normally, the Tung Tau Estate Yu Lan Festival celebration is held from the first to third day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. However, since the Teochew opera and temple crew was not available to perform and conduct the ritual this year, the rituals were held at the site of Tung Tau Estate Yu Lan Sing Association Limited instead. In view of that, we together with the Association Limited organised totally three sessions of “Let’s Go Deep - Yu Lan Sing Association Site Visit and Teochew Snacks Tasting Activity”. Participants were able to understand the history of Yu Lan Festival and taste two famous Teochew snacks in Chong Fat Chiu Chow Restaurant through this activity.

The estate-oriented Yu Lan celebration, Tung Tau Estate Yu Lan Festival was first held in 1965. There were a few times the festival had faced the crisis of suspension because of city redevelopment and the problem of ageing population. Fortunately, with the financial assistance from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Funding Scheme introduced by the Hong Kong government, the tradition continues. We had found it interesting that many valuable utensils, crafts as well as “The List of Donors” are still kept by the company. Although the space of the site was limited, the whole activity was enjoyable and meaningful as participants did learn more about this kind of traditional culture.

活動回顧 Programme Review
Explore Yu Lan Culture in a Different Way
焦點活動 Highlighted Programme

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