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Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail

躍變.龍城——九龍城主題步行徑 季刊 第二十五期 Newsletter Issue.25 10-12.2024


Masterpieces of the Photography Collection

人物/不同背景 一 同感覺與想像

Emotions and Imagination of Different Walks of Life


Your Ideal Park & Shopping Mall

感謝各位讀者一直以來對《步蹤》的支持和愛戴。由2018年10月第一期推出至今共跨越六年時間,不論是九 龍城區或是你和我們同樣經歷了不少變化。每期《步蹤》都蘊含着編者們付出的努力與心血,希望能為社區 帶來一點不一樣,讓大家從多角度出發觀察與探索社區。《步蹤》的十餘廿頁不只是區內的歷史、文化、藝 術和設計,更是誘發那份對社區產生興趣的瞬間。

在時代巨輪推移下,似乎唯一不變的正是變化本身。九龍城主題步行徑踏入尾聲,《步蹤》亦以此期作 結。今期主題「齊想社區」正好與各街坊及熱愛社區人士趁變更激發對社區的聯想,建構出適合街坊鄰舍 的模樣。

Thank you for your continuous love and support for the Newsletter. Six years have passed since the first issue in October 2018. In this span of time, the Kowloon City District, you, the reader and all of us have undergone big changes. Each issue is a labour of love from the team of editors, hoping to breathe some new life into it and for you to observe and explore our city in different ways. The some 20 pages of the Newsletter is not only about the history, culture, art and design of the district, but also a fuse for the ignition of interest to the community.

The only constant is change itself. As Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail draws to a close, so does the Newsletter with this issue. It is time to encourage people in the community and other enthusiasts to brainstorm their image of a ideal neighbourhood for the local residents.

季刊 第二十五期 Newsletter Issue.25 10-12.2024


Edited by Frandie Yau, Michael Cheung 設計排版:林紫茵

Designed by Traci Lam 編審:陳詠琳、鄭詠恩

Reviewed by Gwyneth Chan, Vivian Cheng 督印人:何穎儀

Supervised by Joyce Ho

印量:8,000 8,000 copies in print


First edition Dec 2024



Office: 1/F, Lower Block, Chun Seen Mei Chuen, Ma Tau Chung, Kowloon


九龍譚公道115號運通大廈地下5號舖 Kowloon City in Transformation Information Centre:

Shop No.5, Ground Floor, Wan Tung Building, No. 115 Tam Kung Road, Kowloon

電話 Tel:+852 3183 0928

電郵 Email:kctwt@skhwc.org.hk

傳真 Fax:+852 3104 9911

網址 Web:kowlooncitywalkingtrail.hk

步蹤電子版 Newsletter e-version: issuu.com/kowloon.city.walking.trail


Kowloon City Walking Trail


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“Sound Stories: Immersion in Old Kowloon

Walled City” has been awarded the Merit Award of DFA Design for Asia 2024!


Latest News of the Walking Trail

團隊非常感謝參加者以及一眾受訪者的 參與及支持。透過收集與訪問製作出故 事文本,並用聲音呈現九龍寨城昔日二 三軼事,讓未曾感受過「三不管」的市 民用聲音置身其中,認識罪惡温床的另 一面,也使曾與寨城連繫的一代人回味 昔日景象。

誠邀各位在即日起至12月31日前遊走九 龍寨城公園,十個「聲音故事:迴眸寨 城」指示牌已放置於公園外圍,漫遊公 園同時不妨細聽昔日寨城生活。

The team would like to thank all participants and interviewees for their support. The project combined research and interviews to create a story of everyday life in the old walled city that is presented via sound. Citizens who have never experienced the lawlessness in the city can be immersed in it to know the other side to the crime-filled region. People related to the city can likewise reminisce their days via the project.

We cordially invite you to the Kowloon Walled City Park, where you can find ten information spots for 'Sound Stories: Immersion in Old Kowloon Walled City' around the outsides of the Park until the 31st December. Enjoy the stroll in the Park with sounds in the historic city!

徵集得獎 Awardees of Collection



早前步行徑於社交平台上邀請公眾參 與,投選最喜愛的社區攝影作品,獲最 多讚好之十幅作品正式出爐。

兩位熱愛社區的年輕人奪得「編輯最 愛」一獎,從他們的眼中能看見一份熱 血,同時對未來帶着一絲期盼。

Earlier, we invited public to vote for their favourite photos on social media platforms, and ten with most like were selected. Congratulations to the awardees and thank you to all who participated. The “Editors' Favourite” was given to two young people who love their community. In their eyes are enthusiasm and a sense of hope for the future.


'Brightness of Hoi Sham Park'


海心公園是我兒時常去的地方,記得那時那裡很熱 鬧,公園內其實沒有甚麼特別,只有一個亭、花草、

長凳和巨石。每年中秋,我和爸媽姐姐,也會在這裏 賞月、吃月餅和玩燈籠。後來人大了,也離開了土瓜 灣。沒有甚麼在這社區的地方仍然惦記着,只有這個 公園。因為滿載的就是往日和現在已逝家人的記憶和 足印,永志不忘。

杜樂禧 社區攝影作品徵集


'Retrieve the Memories on The Stairs'

這照片捕捉了一位男士在一舊屋邨樓梯上行走的瞬 間,展現了香港特有的生活氛圍。照片中的他以街坊 的裝扮,散發出平實而真摯的生活氣息,彷彿在訴說 着舊事的回憶與新景的變遷。屋邨的樓梯不僅是日常 出入的通道,更是無數故事的交匯點,見證了人們的 生活與情感。透過這幅作品,我希望帶領觀眾感受香 港的獨特韻味與人情味,讓舊事與新景交織成為心中 的美好記憶。



'The Back of Old Times, the Changing City'

這幅黑白作品捕捉了一位男人在紅磡馬路上推着車工 作的瞬間,光影的對比強調了生活的沉重感。照片中 的他背對攝影師,彷彿在承載着生活的艱辛與責任。

紅磡的街道見證了無數這樣的背影,無論是日常的忙 碌還是追逐夢想的艱辛,都是城市生活的一部分。透 過這幅作品,我希望引發觀眾對於普通人生活的思 考,展現舊事與新景交織下的真實情感。


'Empty Hung Fook Street'


'New Urban Dynamics'

David & Billy

紅綠燈轉燈後,車輛魚貫駛入馬頭圍道。有趣的是, 一馬當先的是一名騎着單車的外籍外送員。他們每天 為市民送上熱騰騰的食物,而城市發展則為舊社區帶 來新的活力。馬頭圍邨是不少街坊的集體回憶,而左 右兩方正好反映土瓜灣的社區更替。新樓為居民提供 更理想的生活環境,但願居民能夠得到合理賠償,發 展後遷回社區。不論如何,我們都始終在獅子山下, 一同為這片社區打拼。


'Seal The Memories'


昔日鴻福街滿載土瓜灣居民的生活點滴,隨着社 區重建,居民搬離鴻福街,男住戶回來收拾餘下物 品,赫見鴻福街人去樓空,頓感茫然。


這張照片攝於牛棚藝術村內,四道荒廢的門彷如四季 的變遷,盛載着不少創作痕跡,每次來都有着不同驚 喜。門後那昔日的屠宰場,已被門前這些封條般的書 畫作品緊緊閉上,不復存在。取而代之是一個個藝術 工作室,為九龍城區帶來一股濃厚的藝術氣息,實屬 香港獨特的另一面。



'The Era of Right-To-Left'


書寫文化從前由右至左,由文化看到冰室的時代感。 相片從右至左,亦看到年齡的時代感。冰室在土瓜灣 記錄了居民的回憶,同時保留了時代的痕跡。


'Tudi Gong in Hung Hom'


照片上是紅磡著名福德古廟,亦是聽到住在紅磡當地 居民說靈驗之一的小廟,他們每日經過都會拜拜土地 公以保平安。

有日重返紅磡感覺周圍都有所變化,幸好這個廟還 在,看到人們還是虔誠地供奉,就拍下這張照片。

《非賣品: 貓店長與



'Not for Sale: A Cat Store Manager and The Community Stories'

近年不少「貓奴」為貓而瘋狂。然而,在九龍城的街 舖中,貓早已成為舖中捉老鼠的能手。這家為於九龍 城的鞋店,店主對於前來拍攝貓貓的人來者不拒,更 把牠們的故事娓娓道來。我愛聽貓的故事,更愛聽舖 頭從九龍城寨一路走來半世紀的歷史。這些故事和貓 貓雖然是非賣品,但店主總會無私地和我們分享。貓 見證着城市變遷,然而,不同年代的人們始終都深愛 牠們。


'Taking Root for Survival'

Li Wing Sum

某天遊走龍城,途經南角道時抬頭張望,驟然發現一 棵樹根四出伸展,依附在大廈外牆上的小樹,樹冠長 得頗為茂盛,慰為奇觀。翻看街景記錄,原來此樹早 於16年已存在,這些年間不斷擴展生長。然而世間萬 物沒有永恆,就在記錄後的數個月以後,約24年頭, 大概因為已長大得嚴重妨礙旁邊住戶,已被移除,光 景不再。

無論如何,這種獨有的風景只會存在於舊有建築,不 會在新建冷冰冰的玻璃幕牆大樓上所看到。



'New Urban Dynamics'

David & Billy


角街道 — 一個俯首便能眺望獅子山的位置。恰好獅子 山處於新舊建築間,獨特構圖隨即顯現。在此停留與 思索,使他們悟出九龍城區的新舊交融:也許身旁大

興土木,但獅子山仍在,獅子山下體現的拼搏精神仍 在,隨即拍下屬於此區的舊事新景。

「我們在九龍城其他地方拍了一輯相,最後卻放棄 了。」他們二人提到投稿僅以手機拍攝。David又指 器材雖重要,但相片背後的故事如何連結社區往往更 顯難能可貴。他們分享照片中的外籍外賣員正是城中 活力:外賣盛行皆因科技與疫情,是近幾年興起之新 潮;而外籍即代表種族多元,有為舊區注入新活力之 意。問及市區更替,二人異口同聲提起區內多元文化 氣息且人情味濃,望往後更新能保留獨有歷史文化, 同時改善區內環境,令居民舒適地生活。

畢竟更新是永續城區的重要一環,能否如同心中的理 想社區仍然是未知數,二人笑言「它們(歷史文化建

築)能捱過二戰 怎會避不了重建」。市區更新帶來的 新氣象,「以人為本」相信是不可或缺。

looking up can see the Lion Rock. The mountain in this view was right between old and new buildings, creating a unique image composition. Stopping here to think made them realise the idea of fusion between the old and the new: although renovations are taking place, the Lion Rock is still here with us - the spirit of Hong Kong is still embedded within the mountain. With this, they snapped the picture.

“We did take a different set of photos in other places, but we gave up.” Surprisingly, they took their pictures with only a phone camera. David points out that while the hardware is important, what is more precious is the community connections shown within the photograph. The non-local delivery worker in one of their photos is an example of liveliness in the city. The popularity of takeaways stemmed from the epidemic and recent technological advancements, which are slowly becoming a new norm. The worker represents racial diversity, pumping new energies into this old place. When asked about the urban renewal, the two replied in unison that they hoped for renewal to preserve the unique culture, such as the diverse backgrounds of residents and the relationships amongst them, and to improve living conditions for a more comfortable space.

Renewal are an important part of prolonging the life of a city. It is still unknown if the outcome of it can be their ideal version. ‘If they survived World War II, they can also avoid the redevelopment, right?’ they remarked. The novelty brought by urban renewal has to be based on the people.

The city is undergoing changes, and they are not necessarily regrettable.



變更能為社區注入可能性。不少城市如倫敦、巴 黎、阿姆斯特丹、京都、上海等地都不難看到保有 歷史建築、同時現代風格建築林立的獨特城市面 貌。變更不單是外貌上的改變,而是變得更適合市 民居住、更凸顯當地文化特色、為社區多添一份朝 氣。

一個稱得上理想的社區,讓街坊鄰里健康快樂地居 住是規劃中的重中之重。充滿巧思的空間分配、盡 顯細心的公共設施、以及連結居民的社區互動等 等,便能滿足生活所需,又使身心靈豐沛滿足,打 從心底樂活社區。

正值九龍城區面臨市區更替,我們亦可藉此試想 一下理想社區的模樣。來自不同背景的社區人— Luke、McKay及Sidney都不約而同地與該區連繫 起來。讓我們從三位的角度出發,一探各自對九龍 城區的感覺與想像。

Changes are opportunities for the community. Many cities like London, Paris, Amsterdam, Kyoto and Shanghai are examples of the unique fusion of historical and modern buildings. A change is not only superficial, but it must also make the community more suitable to live in, features more distinct and more lively.

It is very important for the people to live happily and healthily - this is what makes a community ideal. A carefully planned division of space, public facilities and community interactions satisfy the needs of life while fulfilling the body and mind, being truly happy from the inside out.

Kowloon City is facing huge urban changes. In the midst of this, we can think of how an ideal community would look like. Three members of the community from different walks of life - Luke, McKay and Sidney - have coincidentally formed ties with the district. Let us explore the emotions and imaginations towards Kowloon City from their perspectives.

社區導賞團體「街坊帶路」創辦人之一, 多年來致力推廣街坊主導的社區導賞團。

先後與九龍城主題步行徑策劃多次地膽導 賞培訓班及地膽導賞團,反應熱烈。

As one of the founders of the community tourism organisation Kaifong Tour, he has been promoting community tours tirelessly for years. Luke has also coordinated several training programmes for community tour guides training and community tours with the Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail, which were all well-received.




僅僅代表市區更新的過程,同時亦展示着街 坊構成的多變。「這裏住户(居民)的流動 性很高,未必百分百住在這裏,但都一定曾

在這裏生活過。」從Luke的地區工作推敲, 主動參加導賞的朋友往往不是長期居住或原 街坊,而是曾與這地有過連結。如同他自身 一樣,雖然不是九龍城街坊,但藉着工作及 種種原因到區內累積的點滴皆成為他下次回 頭的原因。正如九龍城至啟德的一段路亦是 他時常跑步路過。Luke興奮道,每次帶着不 同的眼睛去看,在不同的時間走在不同的地 方都有着不一樣的體會,正如跑步穿街過巷 與平日散步走過的風景也絕不相同。

Luke believes that the Kowloon City District symbolises changes, which is not only about the urban renewal of the city itself, but also the variety of members who make up the community. 'People (residents) here are very fluid. They don’t all reside here, but they lived here at some point in time,' he remarked. Deducing from Luke’s work, those who actively participate in community tours are often not long-term residents or raised in Kowloon City. Although Luke is not a resident, he always returns to the district because of the memorable bits and pieces gathered from both his work and off-hours. Luke often passes by the path between Kowloon City and Kai Tak when he jogs. He gains different perspectives even at the same location following different times - just as one would see various sceneries when having a walk versus a jog.

Luke從「歸屬感」延伸下去說道,我們同處變 化之下,自己眼中的九龍城既有「承先啟後」, 亦承載著「鄰里」關係。從昔日的歷史地位流傳 至今天的緊密社區,無不強調連結。而如何激活 和保持這份社區氣氛則是街坊、社區人的持續議 題。

問至理想社區,他以「製造連結」和「保存社區 特色」兩大基礎出發,率先提出的想像是一個猶 如大草原般的公共休憩空間。街坊可以自由躺下 享受日常,感受着仿若置身家中、無需設防的舒 適感。他又提到大草原作為密集城市中的一點 綠,理應消除一般公共空間存有的見外和尷尬, 就像一個有着「自己地方、自己打理」氣氛般的 社區庭院。

其次Luke亦提到「社區商場」同是不可或缺的 一環。比起純商業考慮的商場,社區商場更能 承載人情和關係。他希望帶領導賞、訴説社區 故事時,能在途中與各家店員「傾個偈」。推 上一層,商場被看見的不只有產品服務,更是 街坊鄰里資訊匯流之地,亦是發揮各自看家本 領的集合區域,可謂群眾參與的極致,達而社 區「幸福感」。


Your ideal community

Followed by a ‘sense of belonging’, he explains that in his eyes, important values such as the preservation of history for posterity and the tight bonds within the community are well kept in Kowloon City under the curtain of change. From the rich history to the tightknit community of today, connections have always been the core of the City. Maintaining such dynamic bonding is the core topic for residents and members of the community.

Speaking of the ideal community, he mentions ‘the forging of community connections’ and ‘the preservation of the district’s features’ as the starting point. Luke first poses his imagination with a public recreational space like a big grassland, where residents can enjoy homely comfort by simply lying down. Also, he mentions that as a “spot of green” in a forest of packed buildings, this space should be free of the awkwardness normally felt between strangers, like a homely community courtyard for the people.

Luke mentions a “community mall” as well, which is indispensable to the community. This kind of mall, compared to conventional profit-making malls, acts as a platform to support interaction among residents. The small talk between the customers and the shop owners is what Luke hopes to do during his community tours. Not only are products and services seen in these malls, but shop owners can also carry the interaction of residents while exhibiting their business strengththe epitome of crowd participation, which brings up a sense of well-being.

六年前帶着僅幾句普通話從美國遠渡香港工 作,輾轉居於不同地區,最終成為九龍城街 坊。近年開始手執旗幟,向親友以及本地人 介紹九龍城的風土人情。

With only a couple sentences of Mandarin, McKay came to Hong Kong to work all the way from the United States six years ago. He has stayed at numerous places before residing in Kowloon City. Recently, he has started to introduce the unique culture of Kowloon City to his family, friends and even locals as a tour guide.

Overcoming cultural barriers by sheer enthusiasm


McKay六年來走遍香港東西南北,唯九龍 城區使他不再漂泊。充斥在九龍城區各處的 「Authenticity(真實)」、「Unity(和 睦)」、「Excitement(興奮感)」正是被 深深吸引的特點。他憶述一次外出適逢宋干 節,踏出閘門半步,臉頰隨即被塗得白白一 片。迎面而來的祝福與笑臉,瞬間潑走距離 感;他又提到光顧區內的店舖時,不時被店主 認得,以及耐心教授他廣東話。不時的閒聊, 徹底讓他感受鄰里的親切。

在外國人眼中,一個「Super-friendly(超 級友善)」的社區可以消除異國陌生、拉近彼 此,而多元的九龍城區正好充份展現出這種魅 力。九龍城作為McKay心目中的滿分社區, 同時也贏盡地利。從九龍城「過海」或外出至 其他地區都極其容易。相比起其他曾居住的社 區,九龍城不論在歷史文化和生活節奏上都取 得平衡,活出一種鄰里連結。

打 破 隔 膜

McKay has set foot in almost every corner of Hong Kong in his six years here, only to finally settle down in Kowloon City District. He is particularly attracted by the district’s authenticity, unity and excitement. One time when McKay was going out during the Songkran celebrations, he was splashed right in the face when not even a moment had passed. The white powders that with blessings and friendly smiles, which washed away the barriers between them. He adds that from time to time, local shop owners recognise him and teach him how to speak Cantonese when he goes shopping. It is the occasional small talk that make McKay feel the friendliness of the people.

In the eyes of a non-local, a 'super-friendly' community removes this foreign barrier and closes the gaps between one another, which is demonstrated by Kowloon City District. As McKay’s top tier community, it is also incredibly convenient: it is quick to cross the harbour or to reach other districts from Kowloon City. In contrast to other places which he has lived in, Kowloon City strikes a careful balance between history, culture and pace of living, empowering connections amongst neighbours.

「你」想社區 Your ideal community

面對社區更替,McKay從話語中流露出半點 期待,樂意迎來新面貌、新設施,但同時擔憂 那份鄰里關係隨此流逝。他一直強調鄰里之間 的「真」,是撐起龍城獨有氛圍的重要之柱。

In the face of change within the community, McKay expresses a bit of excitement as he looks forward to a new look and new facilities. However, he worries nonetheless as this change may make neighbour ties pass. He places great importance on the authenticity between the people, which is a crucial pillar in forming Kowloon City’s unique atmosphere.

「一個社區必須有公園,滿滿花草樹木連同休 憩空間。」McKay分享他與女朋友約會時途 經賈炳達道公園,公園位置與民居一路之隔, 數十步便能感受鳥語花香,又見街坊圍團而 坐、工友小休、小孩渾灑汗水,無一不體現着 日常的真實,是社區「must-have(不可或 缺)」。舊城人情作為九龍城特色之一亦應被 重視。論娛樂,McKay又指「老店老區老生 態」是遊客或區外人最感興趣的事。若能把特 色小店集成墟市,這更能吸引新面孔。


絡上看到它的各種故事被傳開,都使他作為九 龍城人而自豪。驅使McKay主動與他人分享

在這居住的原因,不只是那份自豪感,背後更 埋藏着那份來自異鄉的真摰熱情與喜愛。

'There should be parks filled with flowers and trees, and recreational spaces in a community,' remarked McKay. He shared a time when he and his girlfriend were on a date and were passing by Carpenter Road Park, where only a road separates it from residential buildings nearby, allowing people to enjoy the nature that it offers within walking distance. In the park he also saw people gathering around, workers taking breaks, children playing games, all of which demonstrated the authenticity of everyday life - a must-have in a community. As the features of Kowloon City, one should be valued on the old town and the genuine relationships. In terms of entertainment, McKay believes that the 'old way of living', comprising more antique shops and districts, is the top attraction for visitors, local or foreign alike. If these shops can be brought together as a market, it will be a sure way to attract people.

Kowloon City is the cradle for unforgettable moments for McKay. Every time he sees reports of the City’s story on the internet, his pride as one of it is again ignited. It is not only because of this pride, but also of the genuine enthusiasm and love for this place that drives McKay to actively share with others the reason he lives here.

園林設計師Sidney去年與友人開展社交 媒體專頁「Public Space Users」,關 注港九大小公共社區空間。他們透過觀 察、體驗、思考與討論,以繪畫補完空 間的不足。發掘那些被忽略的空間之 餘,同時亦凝聚志同道合一同探索。

Sidney, a landscape designer, started a social media page 'Public Space Users' last year with his friends that is dedicated to public spaces throughout Hong Kong. Through observation, experience, thought and discussion, they devise solutions to what is lacking in those spaces via painting. This also dives deeper into those which are neglected, and have attracted like-minded for the cause.

Look up, and see the sky

and the hills


深,在市區更替議題及影視作品大肆討論下開 始留意更多。「最大感覺係新舊共融,又好 diverse。」Sidney說以前對九龍城區的印象

是個舊區,自近幾年陸續出現的新形態,與固 有社區生活習慣的景象一同並列。如從啟德走 到土瓜灣一帶,亦不難發現一區並存兩種不同

規模的市區發展,形成對比。着重城市空間的 他又提到啟德機場限制了房屋的高度,彷如不 論貧富、整齊共處這地,一致又多元。正因如

此,抬頭便能望見天,寬敞疏通的樓宇區隔帶 來喘息空間,自成一角般形成了親密社區。



從未深入了解到徒步走進九龍城區,獨有的公 共空間加深了Sidney的印象和感覺,並為九 龍城區打出7-7.5分。他直指有地方被扣減分

數,例如缺少以街坊(使用者)角度出發的社 區設施。與此同時,他展望日後的市區更新能


和人情味,否則只會變成複製其他區的社區更 新,將其貼於九龍城區,覆蓋區內的魅力。

Sidney says he is still not familiar with Kowloon City, as he is not originally from there. Recently the urban renewal issue and various films have got him to know more about this place. He said, 'The biggest thing I feel here is the harmony between the new and the old, and the diversity of it.' He also adds that in the past, 'an old place' was all that Kowloon City was to him. The everyday lives of the people here create a parallel with the novelty that has slowly formed over the past few years. Contrast can be seen as one walks the road from Kai Tak to To Kwa Wan, where two distinct types of development are shown. Caring for urban spaces, Sidney mentions the limitation of building heights as imposed by Kai Tak Airport, which seemed to symbolise both conformity and diversity regardless of rich and poor. This is exactly why one can look up and see a big piece of the sky as the sparse buildings bring about a moment of breather, knitting a close community.

A wish to preserve a community

From not being familiar to walking in the streets of Kowloon City, the unique public spaces have intensified Sidney’s impressions. He scored the district 7 to 7.5 out of 10, as he directly pointed out that the lack of facilities which are designed with the user in mind led to the deduction of points. He hopes that the future urban renewal can reclaim the lost points, with the premise being that they preserve the feeling and the human elements of the current community. Otherwise the renewal will just be a lazy copy of that of other districts splattered onto Kowloon City, losing its attraction.

「你」想社區 Your ideal community

Sidney的口中的公共空間,是理想社區中不 能省卻之要素。一個理想社區空間自由度高、

不限於室內或室外、使用者可隨意進出,並能 找到舒適位置樂在其中。同時,外在因素不會 影響他們進入該空間的動機,反之由用家主 導。再者,他亦指公共空間是連結人之必要。

九龍城區的街景、街舖等結構讓鄰里街坊得以 互動,築成現有社區和體驗。若未來市區更新 下注入多元化的空間,定能加強這個特色。

就此Sidney更大膽提出一個「單車出行」的理 想社區。「單車」雖為十九世紀產物,至今在 發達國家中一再盛行。在某些歐洲城市,單車 不只慢活佗佻,亦是善待人文與環境。Sidney 提到單車出行着重感受,以單車代步意味隨時 穿梭城中亦能隨時停低。香港四通八達,高效 率更是有過之而無及。然而換個角度,不少人 外遊時常以單車體驗生活文化,若在急速緊密 的城市中能提供有如單車出行的慢活方式,配

上「15分鐘生活圈」的概念並行,或許我們已 經踏出零約束的新活日常。

According to Sidney, public spaces are a musthave in an ideal community. An ideal public space has a high degree of freedom. Users can freely come and go and find a comfortable place to relax regardless of it being indoors or outdoors. At the same time, this space is user-driven, meaning that outside factors will not affect their desire to enter it. Moreover, he points out that public spaces are essential to connecting people. The streetscape and the shops of the Kowloon City district allow for interactions between local residents, creating the current community and experience. If the future renovations can incorporate more diverse spaces, this greatest feature can surely be enhanced.

With this, Sidney bravely asserts an ideal community that is a 'bicycle city'. Although bicycle is an invention of the 19th century, it has regained traction in developed countries. In some European cities, not only is cycling a low-stress way to spend a day, it is also friendly to the people and the environment. Sidney mentions that biking is a feeling-based activity and one can freely stop for a break when they are cycling through the city. Hong Kong is very convenient in its transportation, and the idea of high efficiency is often surpassed again and again. However, inspiring from how people experience life and culture with cycling when they are in a foreign place, a change of perspectives can lead us to think if we can offer people a downshifting lifestyle similar to 'bicycle city', coupled with the concept of a '15-minute living circle', we could already be pioneering a new, restraint-free way forward.




What does an ideal park have? How can the form of malls change? Be creative and think big! If I were in charge, I would like to add…

我想召集志同道合嘅園友喺公園輪流舉行每個月一場嘅主題派 對,主題包括但不限於「萬聖節以外限定扮鬼扮馬」、「周圍 玩Board game唔一定喺張枱上」等等。想加啲噴霧降溫裝置 喺公園,因為香港夏天真係好熱。

商場嘅話,想喺商場玩「捉伊因」,細個睇過「Running Man」之後一直想試吓。另外想加多啲凳落所有商場嘅公共區 域。平時行街行到攰想坐低唞唞都無位,入舖頭坐一嚟尷尬, 二嚟費事阻住人哋做生意。

I want to gather like-minded friends to hold a themed party in the park every month. This includes but not limited to events like ‘Halloween’ or ‘Board Game Day’. Additionally, I would like to add some mist-cooling devices in the park because summers in Hong Kong can be boiling.

As for the shopping malls, I would like to play hide and seek because ever since watching the show ‘Running Man’, I have always wanted to try it. Also, I would like to add more chairs in all the public areas of the shopping malls. It can be tiring during shopping and I couldn’t find a chair to rest in. Sitting in a shop would be awkward and could disturb others' business.


假如地鐵站不再依附於商場,反坐落在社區公園之下。每逢出閘都 先走過綠油油的一片空間,九龍城區以歡笑聲迎接每個回家、探索 這地的人。

假如今天商場能重現舊日前舖後居,除了零售事業外,商場亦是他 們的生活空間。相比過去私有空間,現手執地方使用的自由度,或 此能打造以街坊為本的小天地。

If MTR stations were no longer connected to shopping malls but instead linked to local community parks, you would first walk through a lush green space. Kowloon City District would welcome everyone returning home or those exploring the area with joyful laughter.

If the form of shophouses can be re-created in today’s shopping malls, it could be their living spaces. Compared to the past private spaces, the current use of these public spaces could foster a community-oriented atmosphere, creating a world that promotes local connections.

你想公園有甚麼?商場形式又 可以怎樣變?公園與商場似乎已 成為現代人生活與約會之必要。三

兩個提問,足已刺激我們對社區的無 限聯想。假如你同是愛想像、好發夢 的社區人,馬上掃描右方二維碼,告


What would you like for a park to have? How can malls change? Parks and malls have seemingly become necessary for life in the modern world. A few prompts are already enough to start an infinite train of thought about the community in our minds. If you are like those who love to dream and care for the community, scan the QR code and tell us about your thoughts right now!

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