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Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail 歷史.文化.藝術.設計 History.Culture.Arts.Design

躍變.龍城——九龍城主題步行徑 季刊 第二十四期 Newsletter Issue.24 07-09.2024

社區 / 紅磡宗教地圖

Hung Hom Religious Map

人物 / 廟祝牧師有話講

Words from the Reverend and Temple keeper

焦點 / 城市偵探隊:


”Detectives in Kowloon City”

Culture Orienteering

今年盛夏與兩位實習生因緣幸會。短短數月已萌生了不少有趣題目,帶給步行徑新穎的創意與靈感,生色不 少。她們經過長時間的苦苦思索和討論,終定下今期步蹤之兩大主題:紅磡信仰之地及黃埔的小日本。前者 可讓到訪紅磡的讀者感受信仰與社區的連繫;後者則在黃埔一探隱藏於社區的日式元素。希望讀者透過她們 的小試牛刀,了解更多九龍城區的多元文化。

We had the pleasure of meeting two interns in this summer. In just a few months, we have come up with various intriguing topics, bringing fresh creativity and inspiration to the team, and adding a lot of colours. After spending much time on thinking and discussing, finally two topics are selected in this issue: ‘The Sacred Sites of Hung Hom’ and ‘Little Japan in Whampoa’. The former allows readers to experience the connection between faith and the community in Hung Hom; the latter explores the hidden Japanese elements in Whampoa. Through these explorations, we hope readers can understand more about the diverse aspects of the Kowloon City area.

季刊 第二十四期 Newsletter Issue.24 07-09.2024


Edited by Frandie Yau, Michael Cheung


Written by Faren Lao, Faye Yuen 設計排版:林紫茵、勞鈺婷、袁上雅

Designed by Traci Lam, Faren Lao, Faye Yuen


Reviewed by Gwyneth Chan, Vivian Cheng


Supervised by Joyce Ho


8,000 copies in print

出版日期:2024年9月 First edition Sep 2024



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Kowloon City Walking Trail


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實習生 Faren

自小在將軍澳成長的我,對九龍城最大的印象是各式各樣的美食。於實習期間到九龍城考 察時發現九龍城的魅力:充滿人情味的街道、記載着歷史的建築,和曾在電影與漫畫中出

現過的場景。在市區重建後,不知未來的九龍城會有何變化,或許只能透過記憶來回味那 年在九龍城度過的夏天。我相信時光荏苒,人事依舊。無論是我或是街坊對九龍城的喜愛 之情,都不會隨着變遷而消失。

我本身沒有任何宗教信仰,然而每當經過煙霧繚繞的寺廟時,總對裏面傳來的神秘氣息感 到著迷。九龍城雲集各種街坊居民,同時匯集各種宗教場所:從佛教、道教、基督教,到 民間習俗,應有盡有。透過觀察他們日常生活的重心與習慣,可以推敲出他們信奉着怎樣 的宗教,同時宗教與區內居民存在着怎樣的關係。我希望透過撰寫本期步蹤,帶大家走訪 紅磡,感受該區的宗教氣息,同時探索信仰在現代都市生活中的價值和意義。


在實習期間了解到九龍城區的各種歷史痕跡,才知道自己對社區的認識甚少,一直也只 視作一個居住地方。實習中不少活動讓我更了解這地以及九龍城區,如海心公園原來曾 是一座島、西西文學對土瓜灣「生於斯長於斯」的熱愛等等,令我得以從另一角度觀察 和思考。

本期專題我選擇了較少人提及的黃埔「小日本」。黃埔與日本文化的關連在街坊心目 中根深蒂固,昔日的八佰伴到現在的「AEON」、大街小巷的居酒屋,以及為數不多 的全日語授課幼稚園。在這個慢活又低調的社區,為何街上不時滲雜着日語對話?就 讓我們一起尋覓黃埔「小日本」是從何而來,發掘「日昔黃埔」。

紅磡 宗教 地圖

Hung Hom Religious Map

香港是宗教自由之地,有超過600多間廟 宇、佛寺、教堂。單在紅磡,規模較大的 已有五間之多,轉個街角又一間的模樣實 屬罕見。宗教如此貼近該區的生活,衪們 是怎樣與居民擦肩,走進人們的生活中?


Hong Kong is a land of religious freedom, with over six hundred temples, Buddhist monasteries, churches, and more. In Hung Hom alone, there are as many as five large-scale religious sites, and it's rare to turn a street corner without encountering another. With religion so closely intertwined with the life of this district, how do these places brush shoulders with residents and enter into their daily lives?

受難日 Good Friday

復活節前一個星期五 | The Friday before Easter

受難日是記念耶穌基督被釘死受難的日子。有教會 會於受難日當日舉行「苦路十架」,背着十架於區 內行走,讓市民感受當時耶穌所體會的痛苦。

Good Friday is a Christian holy day observing the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. On the day of the Good Friday, the ‘Stations of the Cross’ will be held. They will carry a cross through the district, allowing the worshippers to experience the pain Jesus suffered at that time.



西曆十二月二十五日 | 25th December

聖誕節是記念耶穌基督誕生的日子。不同教堂組織 聖詩班走入社區報佳音,分享聖誕喜悅。

The birth of Jesus Christ. During Christmas, Christian go into the community to spread the gospel and invite different individuals to perform lord singing.

S.K.H. Holy Carpenter Church


|Christianity| 1 Dyer Avenue, Hung Hom

1950年代,大量難民聚居紅磡寮居區,一群牧師決定在 大環山興建聖堂。至1975年重建為八層大樓、1990年擴 建新聖堂和社區中心,再於2004年翻新外牆。如今,聖 匠堂的服務包括教育、社區中心、長者服務等。

In 1950s, many refugees were based in urban squatter area in Hung Hom. A group of pastors recruited the church members to first terrace the slope of Tai Wan Shan and started the development of a church. Later on, it was redeveloped into an 8-storey tall building in 1975. The current building complex was completed in 1990. The external walls of the building were refurbished in 2004. The Church offers education, community and elderly services nowadays.


St. Mary's Church


|Catholicism| 5 Dyer Avenue, Hung Hom

杜志明神父(George Dopchie)早於五、六十年代

在紅磡傳教,先租用住宅設小聖堂,後受主教委託 建立堂區,並建設聖母堂。

Father George Dopchie began his missionary work in Hung Hom in the late 1950s. He initially rented a residence to set up a small chapel. He then was commissioned by the bishop to establish a parish and build St. Mary's Church.

盂蘭勝會 Yu Lan Festival

農曆七月 | 7th Lunar Month

源於潮州。潮州人藉此悼念離世的同鄉及親人,並 向神靈祈福及超度亡魂。當中有請神、神功戲、派 米等傳統儀式。

Originating from Chiu Chow, Teochew people use this observance to mourn their deceased compatriots and relatives, and to pray to the spirits for blessings and to help the souls of the deceased. The festival includes traditional rituals such as



Kwun Yam Treasury Opening Festival

農曆正月廿六日 | 26th of 1st Lunar Month

「庫」為粵語「富」的諧音,市民在當日向觀音「借 庫」祈求來年財運亨通。借庫後善信需於翌年返回觀音 廟「還庫」作結,而借庫所得的香油錢則用於救濟。

‘Fu’ is a homonym in Cantonese for ‘wealth.’ On that day, citizens ‘borrow wealth’ from Kwun Yum and pray for financial prosperity in the coming year. After borrowing wealth, believers must return to the Kwun Yum Temple the following year to ‘repay’ the borrowed wealth as a conclusion. The money obtained from borrowing wealth is used for charitable purposes.

Birthday Celebration of Fuk Tak

農曆三月二十九日 | 29th of 3rd Lunar Month

福德—即為人熟識的土地公。每年農曆三月,紅磡三約街坊會 都會舉辦「福德老爺寶誕」,包括巡遊、神功戲、上香祈福、 請神儀式等活動。

Fuk Tak, commonly known as the Lord of the Land or ‘Tudigong’ in Cantonese, is a familiar deity to people. Every third month of the lunar calendar, the Hung Hom Kaifong Association holds the ‘Birthday Celebration of Fuk Tak’, featuring activities such as processions, Chinese opera performances, offering incense for blessings, and rituals to invite the gods.


Pak Tai Temple

1876|紅磡馬頭圍道 146 號

|No. 146, Ma Tau Wei Road, Hung Hom

舊址附近街道被名為「北帝街」,而現址則位於 「北拱街」,是「受北帝拱衛的地方」之意。

The streets near the old location were named ‘Pak Tai Street’, while the temple is currently located on ‘Pak Kung Street’, which means ‘a place guarded by the North Emperor’.


Kwun Yum Temple, Hung Hom


|Station Lane, Hung Hom

據聞1909年有工人掘地時忽現紅色水柱,謠傳掘傷龍 脈。坊眾生恐,便集資重修觀音廟,望得觀音庇蔭。

It is said that in 1909, workers unexpectedly encountered a red water column while digging, leading to rumours of disturbing a dragon vein. The residents were filled with fear, so they collectively raised funds to renovate the Kwun Yum Temple, hoping to receive Kwun Yum 's protection.


Fuk Tak Temple


Bulkeley Street, Hung Hom

位於行人路中央的福德古廟歷史悠久,在黃埔船 塢仍運作的年代,是船塢員工上班祈求工作平安 順利之地。

Located right in the middle of the footpath, Fuk Tak Temple has a long history. During the operation of the nearby Whampoa Dock, it was a place where workers prayed for safety.

「寺廟是神明休息的地方,固然地方 要乾淨整理,這樣神明才能舒適地在 這休憩。」曾叔自發打理福德古廟五

年有多,日常以保持寺廟整潔為先, 時而清花瓶、潔香爐,亦會協助善信 參拜。雖現搬離紅磡,仍堅持每天到 廟處理雜務。

‘A temple is a resting place for the deities. It is essential to keep the place clean and tidy so that the deities can rest comfortably.’ Uncle Tsang has been voluntarily managing Fuk Tak Temple for over five years. His priority is to maintain the cleanliness of the temple on a daily basis, sometimes cleaning the flower vases and incense burners, and assisting worshippers. Although Uncle Tsang has now moved away from Hung Hom, he still insists on going to the temple every day to take care of miscellaneous tasks. 人物專題 Exclusive Interview

廟祝牧師 有話講。。。



Uncle Tsang

The keeper of Fuk Tak Temple

廟祝牧師 有話講。。。

張牧師自2015年落户聖公會聖匠堂 服務至今,每天除打理教堂事宜外, 亦要處理教區「堂校社服」工作,牧 師身份的背後同為教區四所學校的校 監。服務近十年,生活與工作之近, 早已使他與社區形影不離,亦與街坊 建立了深厚感情。

Since settling in at S.K.H. Holy Carpenter Church in 2015, The Revd Cheung has been serving there. Besides managing church affairs daily, he also handles the church district's ‘Church, School & Social Service’ work, serving as the supervisor of four schools in the diocese behind his role as a reverend. Nearly a decade of service has intertwined his life closely with his works, making him inseparable from the community and fostering deep relationships with the residents.




Revd Cheung Shu Suen

S.K.H. Holy Carpenter Church

How did you begin your relationship with the church/temple?


下的志願,更使我毅然放下手上事 業,走上播道的路。在我心中,基督 教不只是一種簡單的宗教信仰,更是 一個充滿愛與關懷的團體。在教堂工 作,目的也不盡是吸納教徒,反之注 重如何照顧好街坊的需要,散播神愛 世人的信息。

The Revd Cheung: Serving God was a vow I made when I was young, which led me to willingly set aside my career and embark on the path of preaching. In my heart, Christianity is not just a simple religious belief but a community filled with love and care. Working in the church, the goal is not only to attract believers but also to focus on how to meet the needs of the community and spread the message of God's love for all people.

曾叔:當初來到紅磡打拼時,我嘗試 過各種工作都未算合適,在輾轉間便 來到福德古廟門前。我其實沒有宗教 信仰,但紅磡工作四十餘年後一直以 舊街坊自居,照顧寺廟的責任感與我 對紅磡的感情同樣。雖現已搬至區外 居住,我仍堅持每天風雨不改從九龍 灣前往寺廟打理雜務,與街坊見面。

Uncle Tsang: When I first came to Hung Hom to make a living, I tried various jobs that didn't seem suitable. Eventually, I found myself in front of Fuk Tak Temple. I didn't actually have any religious belief, but after more than forty years of working in Hung Hom, I have always considered myself a part of the old neighbourhood. My sense of responsibility towards the temple and my feelings for Hung Hom are the same. Even though I now live outside the district, I still insist on going to the temple every day, rain or shine, from Kowloon Bay to take care of miscellaneous tasks and meet with the residents.


What do you think of the role of church/temple in the community?

張牧師:基督教中提到「落地」一 詞,意旨實踐基督救濟世人的理 念,無分階級、種族、背景,只要 有能力皆出手相助。聖匠堂亦身 體力行,集服務於一身:一樓是禮 堂,二至四樓是社區中心,五至六 樓是過渡性房屋等等,希望任何人 前來教堂,也能得到協助。

The Revd Cheung: In Christianity, the term 'incarnation' signifies the practice of the concept of Christ saving humanity, regardless of class, race, or background, assisting anyone in need. Holy Carpenter Church embodies this principle, serving in various ways: the ground floor is the chapel, the second to fourth floors are the community centre, the fifth to sixth floors are transitional housing, and so on, with the aim that anyone who comes to the church can receive assistance.

曾叔:福德古廟不只提供一個上香參 拜的地方,亦是一個相聚點,匯聚紅 磡街坊的深厚聯繫。每天來來回回不 少善信拜訪,只要看見熟面孔,都會 不禁上前閒談兩三句;遇上年輕善 信,更會指導他們正確上香方法。古 廟累積着多代街坊的感情和期盼,至 今成為了紅磡的樞紐,今後亦繼續連 繫居民,成為他們的寄託。

Uncle Tsang: Fuk Tak Temple not only provides a place for offerings and worship but also serves as a gathering point, where the deep connections among the residents of Hung Hom are consolidated. Every day, many devout visitors come and go, and when we see familiar faces, we can't wait to engage in a few words of small talk. When encountering young devotees, I guide them on the correct way to offer incense. The temple has accumulated the emotions and hopes of generations of residents, becoming a hub in nowadays Hung Hom. I will continue to connect with the residents and become their solace.

問: 面對社區和宗教團體,你是如何看待 自身的角色和責任?

How do you perceive your role and responsibility towards the community and religious organisations?

張牧師:牧師同為街坊,每當被問起, 我常言「我的需要也應被看見」,以 「處處謀求街坊福祉」為出發點。我住 在聖匠堂七樓,偶爾買菜時遇到街坊, 閒談間能了解他們需要,拉近了彼此距

離。一個宗教團體與居民之間有着互助 關係,正因為我們有所付出,居民才會 選擇相信及加入我們。去建立宗教基礎 不只是靠是一本聖經,更多的是人與人 之間的互助精神—相互回饋的責任。

The Revd Cheung: As a reverend and a neighbour live on the seventh floor of Holy Carpenter Church, whenever asked, I often say, ‘My needs should also be seen,’ with the starting point being ‘seeking the wellbeing of the neighbourhood in all things’.

There is a mutual assistance relationship between a religious organisation and the residents. Building a religious foundation involves more than just a Bible; it's about the spirit of mutual assistance between people - a relationship of mutual feedback.

曾叔:作為紅磡老街坊,我對這地充滿 責任心和歸屬感,堅持皆因不捨人情味 和街坊情。相信民間信仰的年輕人越來 越少,加上中式宗教正息微,每見零星 年輕人前來上香都已值得慶幸。身為廟 祝,處理寺廟大小事早已理所當然,但 我更想籍此與街坊連繫。能在工作時和 街坊問候幾句和閒聊,為了他們生活開 心,即便是日復日的工作亦十分值得, 也是我的原動力。

Uncle Tsang: Being an old ‘Kai Fong’ of Hung Hom, I feel a strong sense of responsibility and belonging to this place. I believe that the number of young people practicing folk beliefs is decreasing, and with traditional Chinese religions on the decline, it's heartening to see the occasional young person come to offer incense. Engaging in small talk and greetings with neighbours during work, seeing them happy in their lives, makes the daily grind worthwhile and serves as my motivation.


How do you view the relationship between religion and us?

The Revd Cheung: Religious beliefs should be a matter of personal choice and freedom. The diverse array of religious organisations in the Kowloon City area is a blessing for the residents, as we can always find their own circle amidst the myriads of options. As long as we fulfil our own duties and serve those in need well, it is sufficient.

曾叔:無論遇到甚麼問題,神明都會 公平地保佑有心人。雖然未必有求必 應,但只要誠心地求神,神明總會 聽到。我沒有信教,但七十多歲仍然 身體健康,或許是自己上香多年的成 效,「求得神多自有神庇佑」吧!有 些人認為拜神只不過是迷信,但心裡 多個寄託,總好過胸中無數。

Uncle Tsang: Regardless of the challenges we face, the deities will bless those with sincere hearts fairly. While prayers may not always be answered immediately, as long as one earnestly seeks the divine, there will always be some form of assistance. I'm not religious, but at over seventy years old, I am still in good health. Perhaps it's because of the many years of offering incense. Some may view worship as mere superstition, but having something to rely on in the heart is always better than having nothing at all. 張牧師:宗教信仰本應是自由的,由 教徒自己選擇才是合理的安排。九龍 城區有各種各樣的宗教團體,是街坊 們的福氣,他們總能在林林總總的選 擇中找到屬於自己的圈子。我們亦只 要做好自己的本份,服務好有需要的 人便足夠。

默默地為寺廟打點一切,只為信眾供奉 神明;閒時上香,讓神明保佑着眾生。

即便他不信教且搬離紅磡區,仍堅持到 福德古廟上香和打點,通過這個地方與 相鄰建立深厚感情。這廟這地承載着人

與人之間的連繫,是彼此在這座城市默 默耕耘而編織出無形的線,形成一個閉 合的環。

無 形 的 線 閉 合 的 環

The invisible threads, the closed loop

Silently arranging everything for the temple, solely for the worship of the deities; offering incense in leisure, allowing the divine to bless all beings. Even after moving away from the Hung Hom area, the habit of visiting Fuk Tak Temple for offerings and prayers is maintained. Even on a non-religious person, a deep bond can be established through this place with the neighbouring community. This place carries the connection between individuals, silently cultivating and weaving invisible threads among each other in this city, forming a closed loop.

守 望 相 助 落 地

聖經中提及:「你要盡心、盡性、盡 力、盡意愛主你的神 ;又要愛鄰舍如同 自己。」(路加福音10:27)誰願意去 幫助別人,他就是別人的「鄰舍」。縱 使歲月更迭,身邊聚少離多,大家曾出 手幫助,均情同手足。這種守望相助聯 繫着人與人之間,而聖匠堂實踐落地, 為讓紅磡區長出「人情味」的根。

The Bible mentions: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and Love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Luke 10:27) Whoever is willing to help others is their ‘neighbour’. Even as the times change constantly, with people coming and going, those who have extended a helping hand have formed bonds akin to siblings, perhaps re-defining what it means to be a neighbour. This kind of watchful assistance connects people with each other, and Holy Carpenter Church put it into practice, aiming to let the essence of humanity take root in the community of Hung Hom.

港人喜愛日本文化,閒時更言「回鄉解鄉愁」。其實有個充滿日式風情的小 社區早在我們身旁。該地早於十九世紀中葉便開始發展。讓我們沿着時間線 前進,一同探索「日昔黃埔」。

Hong Kong people adore Japanese culture, often saying "returning to the hometown to dispel homesickness" in their leisure time. There has long been a small community filled with Japanese-style charm right beside us. This place began developing as early as the mid-19th century. Let's move forward along the timeline together and explore the "Whampoa of the past in Japan."


Whampoa Dock began operation in the 1860s, and continuous development and reclamation also commenced in Hung Hom over the following decades.

1863 Establishment of Whampoa Dock JAPANESE-STYLE

香港黃埔船塢有限公司成立,為來港商船及遠東船舶提供修船、保養等 服務。同時提供大量就業機會,至20世紀初,員工多達四千人,造船技 術和出產船隻排水量亦與日本齊名。

The Hong Kong Whampoa Dock Company Limited was established to provide repair and maintenance services for merchant ships and Far Eastern vessels visiting Hong Kong. It also provided many employment opportunities, with employing as many as 4,000 people by the early 20th century. Plus, the shipbuilding technology and displacement of produced ships are mentioned in the same breath with Japan’s.

1890s Reclamation in Hung Hom

Hung Hom has undergone several reclamation projects over time, first with the expansion project of the Whampoa Dock and later with the Kowloon-Canton Railway extending the coastline towards Tsim Sha Tsui through reclamation.

1870 黃埔船塢填海工程

1880 黃埔船塢填海工程

1900 九廣鐵路填海工程

1960 紅磡灣填海工程

1990 紅磡灣第三期填海工程

1880-1990 其他填海工程


在國際享譽盛名的黃埔船塢成為日軍爭奪 地。日佔時期船塢被日本陸軍奪得。由於 其戰略價值能威脅盟軍地位,導致美國空軍要轟炸船塢,據記錄 顯示共有140枚炸彈投放 在此。

The internationally renowned Whampoa Dockyard became a contested site for the Japanese military. During the Japanese occupation, the dockyard was seized by the Japanese Army. Due to its strategic value that could threaten the Allied forces, the US Air Force bombed the dockyard, with records showing a total of 140 bombs being dropped on the site.



The US Air Force bombed the dock in 1944

黃埔船塢在日軍眼中極具軍 事價值,短短日佔時期便在 此修建二十多艘千噸運輸 船。由於日本海軍需要維修 中心,但回國或去新加坡又 太花時間和成本,恰好香港 是亞洲中心,黃埔船塢作東 亞地區的補給及維修站便再 也合適不過。

During the occupation, the Japanese army built over 20 transport ships at Whampoa Dockyard, which was considered to have great military value. The Japanese Navy needed a repair centre in the hub of Asia, and Hong Kong was a perfect fit in terms of time and cost.


1973年黄埔船塢和太古船塢合併,改名為 香港聯合船塢,廠房移師至青衣。黄埔船 塢亦於1984年移交地權,結束百年使命,並發展住宅項目。

In 1973, Whampoa Dockyard and Taikoo Dockyard merged to form Hongkong United Dockyards and relocated its operations to Tsing Yi. Whampoa Dockyard also transferred its land rights in 1984, ending its century-long mission and transitioning to residential development projects.

Whampoa Dockyard served as a supply and repair station for the East Asian region, making it the ideal choice.


日本經濟起飛,日資公司紛紛向外擴張。香港的開放市場和緊接中國大陸的 優越地理位置吸引其到來開業,當中以大型零售業居多。另一方面,香港電 視台自70年代起引入日劇,至90年代期間持續輸入的流行音樂、動漫、特攝等流行文化爆紅,迎來 一段以日本為中心的消費模式。

In the 1980s, as the Japanese economy soared, Japanese companies began expanding overseas. Hong Kong's open market and its advantageous geographical position near mainland China attracted these companies to establish operations, with a significant presence in the large retail sector. Meanwhile, starting from the 1970s, Hong Kong television station began importing Japanese dramas. Throughout the 1990s, the continuous importation of popular music, anime, tokusatsu, and other aspects of Japanese pop culture led to a surge in popularity, ushering in a consumption trend centred around Japan.

90 年代風靡港人之動畫

Animation that was popular among Hong Kong people in the 1990

日資公司不只售賣日式商品,更引進一種生活 態度,港人更容易在熱潮下接觸「MIJ」(日本 製造)。當中零售主要分為:

Japanese companies not only sell Japanese products, but also introduce a certain way of life, making it easier for Hong Kong people to come into contact with ‘Made in Japan’ products amidst this trend. The retail sector is primarily divided into:

1989 年歌手譚詠麟出戰 NHK 紅白歌合戰 Singer Alan Tam participated in the 40th NHK Kōhaku Uta Gassen


黃埔船塢原址於80年代末改建成大型住宅項目,包括黃埔花園、黃埔新邨、紅磡 灣中心等私人屋苑。八佰伴的進駐一度成為黃埔地標,埋下日式居住環境的種子。

In the late 1980s, the original site of the Whampoa Dock was redeveloped into large residential projects, including private estates like Whampoa Garden, Whampoa Estate, and Hung Hom Bay Centre. The entry of Yaohan once became a landmark in Whampoa, establishing the foundation of a Japanese-style living environment.

香港首間日資百貨—大丸百貨於1960年進駐銅鑼灣,期後數十年間百貨公司相繼落 户,大部分集中在銅鑼灣、尖沙咀、太古城等中產地段。唯八佰伴於1984年響應新 城市廣場邀請,在沙田設立首間香港門市,於新市鎮一支獨秀。

The first Japanese department store in Hong Kong, Daimaru Department Store, arrived in Causeway Bay in 1960. Over the following decades, several department stores set up shop, with most concentrating in affluent areas like Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui, and Taikoo City. However, in 1984, in response to an invitation from New Town Plaza, Yaohan established its first Hong Kong store in Sha Tin, standing out as a pioneer in the new town.

1960-1987 香港的日資百貨公司

Hong Kong’s Japanese funded Department Store between 1960 and 1987


Yaohan in Whampoa Garden

其後,八佰伴以開拓新客源為首,1988年於 黃埔花園的新商場開設分店。有別於傳統百 貨公司,八佰伴的目標顧客相對惠民,亦因 選址、營銷策略等從中脱穎而出。它又營造 出接近日本的生活日常;週末到廣場享受日 本美食、和家人到戲院觀賞電影、逛超市買 食材等等,滿足海外日本人的思鄉愁緒,驅 使他們留下。

Subsequently, Yaohan focused on expanding its customer base and opened a branch in the new shopping mall Whampoa Garden in 1988. Setting itself apart from traditional department stores, Yaohan targeted a more ordinary customer base and stood out through its choice of locations, marketing strategies, and more. It created an atmosphere reminiscent of daily life in Japan; where people could spend weekends at the mall enjoying Japanese cuisine, watching movies with family at the cinema, and shopping for groceries. Furthermore, it satisfied the homesickness of overseas Japanese residents and encouraged them to stay.



「社宅」源自日本終身雇用制的褔利之一。公司會 建立「企業一家」的精神,提供一系列完整福利如 醫療、保險、住宿、餐廳等等以彌補員工的低薪。

當中亦不乏海外的員工,社宅絕對是一大誘因吸引 海外出勤。

當時外派日本員工多聚居黃埔一帶,時至今日皆傳 「黃埔花園、海逸豪園住咗好多日本人」。黃埔 花園落成時以設備齊全見稱,配備室內泳池、健身 房、會所等設施。加上坐落海岸,鄰近尖沙咀,橫 渡維港更能直達灣仔和中環,交通便利。據人口普

查統計,九龍城區內居住之日本人為香港三甲,僅 次於東區和灣仔。

The concept of ‘company housing’ originates from one of the benefits of Japan's lifetime employment system. Companies foster a sense of corporate family and provide a range of comprehensive benefits such as medical care, insurance, accommodation, restaurants, etc., to compensate for employees' lower salaries. This practice also appeals to overseas workers, making company housing a significant incentive for attracting international staff.

At that time, many expatriate employees clustered around the Whampoa area, and even today, it is commonly known that ‘many Japanese people live in Whampoa Garden and Laguna Verde.’ When Whampoa Garden was completed, it was renowned for its comprehensive facilities, including indoor swimming pools, gyms, clubhouses, and more. Situated by Victoria Harbour and close to Tsim Sha Tsui, crossing the harbour provided easy access to Wan Chai and Central, making it well-connected. According to census statistics, the Japanese population residing in the Kowloon City district has consistently ranked among the top three in Hong Kong, second only to the Eastern District and Wan Chai.

街市是街坊的日常,而日本人的生活與日式超市形 影不離。自八佰伴開業,環境乾淨明亮、多款商品 陳列整齊、店員親切有禮的超市特質,日式氛圍也 逐漸影響着黃埔的日常。從日本人撰寫的散策遊記 中,原來紅磡、黃埔早已是他們口中的其一「香港 下町」。

90年代末日本經濟泡沫爆破,部分在港日資公司站 不住腳,無奈撤出香港。然而,歷時數十年的文化 落地,不斷為黃埔注入日系元素,成為街知巷聞的 日藉社區。時至今天,由店舖、社區設施,到街道 上傳來的日語及指示牌,都滲雜着似淡亦濃的日式 味道。市區發展一日千里,或許又一十年,日式黃 埔也會變成日昔黃埔。趁現在,我們到此走走。

Unlike traditional Hong Kong where street markets are part of daily life for residents, Japanese living involves frequent visits to Japanese supermarkets. Since Yaohan opened, its clean and bright environment, neatly displayed products and courteous staff have gradually influenced the daily life in Whampoa area with a Japanese atmosphere. Through travelogues written by Japanese individuals, it is revealed that Hung Hom and Whampoa have long been considered as their ‘Hong Kong Downtown’ among them.

At the end of the 1990s, the bursting of the Japanese economic bubble caused some Japanese-owned companies in Hong Kong to struggle and eventually withdraw from the city. However, after decades of cultural integration, Whampoa has continuously been infused with Japanese elements, becoming a well-known Japanese community. Today, from shops and community facilities to the Japanese language heard on the streets and seen on signs, there is a subtle yet strong Japanese influence present. With urban development progressing rapidly, perhaps in another decade, the Japanese-style Whampoa of today will transform into the Whampoa of the past. Let's take a walk here while we can.

資料來源:文匯報、《日本財團在香港投資之探討》、香 港記憶、"The Battle of Hong Kong-Hong Kong under the camera of the Japanese Army"、香港社會發展回顧項 目 、香港海岸線地圖



黃埔總給人「周處日本人」的感覺,並非無道 理。透過以下地圖,我們邊走黃埔,邊找尋埋 藏在社區裏的日本味道。

Whampoa often gives off a ‘Japanese presence’ vibe, and this perception is not unfounded.

Through the following map, let's walk through Whampoa and uncover the hidden Japanese tasty nestled within the community.

三 河 屋

紅磡具歷史且價錢實惠的日式家庭 小店。從中環遷至尖東再到紅磡, 著名忌廉豬扒飯、鰻魚飯及忌廉汁 烏冬是必點推介。

A historic and affordable Japanese family-owned shop in Hung Hom. From Central to Tsim Sha Tsui and then to Hung Hom, famous dishes like cream pork chop rice, eel rice, and creamy udon are highly recommended

和食 竹乃里

由日本婦人開設的日本餐廳。多款壽 司拼盤及日式燒肉,炸吉列豬扒天婦 羅等脆口炸物 。

A Japanese restaurant opened by a Japanese lady, offering various sushi platters and Japanese BBQ. Their deep-fried dishes like crispy tonkatsu and tempura are delightful.

&Green Cafe

90年代河野正先生被派來香 港工作,其後自立門戶,以 咖啡廳混合公司陳列室形式 開設&Green Café,主打全 日早餐、班戟、咖啡等等。

In 90s, Mr. Tadashi Kono was sent to work in Hong Kong. Subsequently, he decided to establish his own interior design company which combining with a coffee shop and a showroom. It features a classical café menu with all-day breakfast, pancakes,

稻庭 養助

已傳承百多年佐藤家手打稻庭烏 冬均襲名佐藤養助。其手打烏冬 條條分明、柔軟滑溜,配上其他 佐食,享受滋味。

The Sato family, which has been preserving the tradition for over a hundred years, continues to pass down the art of handcrafted Inaniwa udon under the name Sato Yosuke. Their handcrafted udon noodles are distinct, soft, and smooth, creating an exquisite dining experience when paired with other accompaniments.

理。因2009年金融海嘯而失去原來 工作,後選址紅磡開設串燒店。

An authentic izakaya honoured by Michelin, managed by Mr. Mitsuru Harada from Kumamoto Prefecture and his Shanghainese wife. After losing his job during the 2009 financial crisis, he chose to open a yakitori restaurant in Hung Hom

コメダ 珈琲店

源自名古屋,至今已有50年歷史,將名古 屋早餐文化帶來香港。

Originating from Nagoya with a history of 50 years. It brings the Nagoya's breakfast culture to the Hong Kong branch.


九龍城主題步行徑 11am - 6pm

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