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歷史.文化.藝術.設計 History.Culture.Arts.Design

Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail

季刊 第二十一期 Newsletter


10-12.2023 社區 / 藝遊九龍城 Exploring Arts in Kowloon City

人物 / 肩負使命 傳承傳統工藝 Mission of Traditional Craftsmanship Inheritance

焦點 / 光影.龍城—社區攝影比賽入圍及得獎作品展 Shortlisted and Award-winning Entries of the “Dragon City of Light and Shadow” Community Photography Competition Exhibition

藝遊 龍城

編者的話 Editor's Note

加入步行徑這個團隊不久、住在港島區的我,對於九龍城區起初有點陌生,但經過這些上班的歲月,常常遊走九 龍城,發現這個地方很多元化,例如它有屹立半世紀的老店、帶有異國色彩的食肆、擁有新舊共融的獨特面貌, 以及充滿不少藝術文化的地方,都令我慢慢愛上九龍城。 今期季刊,我們會推介區內八個值得一去的藝文地點,例如牛棚藝術村、十三街唐樓群、香港毛筆博物館、100 米社區壁畫、寶石戲院等等﹐讓大家體會這裡獨特的藝術氣息,暫且從忙碌的生活中放空!希望你也像我一樣在 此蹓躂時,你會發現自己會越來越喜歡這個地方。 I was not familiar with Kowloon City before joining the team in Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail as I used to live in Hong Kong Island. Because of my job, I get chances to hang around the district and start to appreciate this diverse community in which you can find old shops, various gourmets, streetscapes of combination of the new and the old as well as cultural spots. In this issue, we are going to introduce eight worth-to-go cultural spots including Cattle Depot Artist Village, tenement building cluster on 13 Streets, Hong Kong Chinese Writing Brush Pen Museum, a 100m community mural and LUX Theatre for you to feel the unique artistic vibes in Kowloon City. We hope you love them all and find a moment of peace there.

九龍城主題步行徑辦公室: 九龍馬頭涌真善美村低座一樓 Office: 1/F, Lower Block, Chun Seen Mei Chuen, Ma Tau Chung, Kowloon





1 0 - 1 2 . 2 0 2 3 編輯:北向惠理 Edited by Kitamukai Eri

設計排版:林紫茵 Designed by Traci Lam

編審:陳詠琳、鄭詠恩 Reviewed by Gwyneth Chan, Vivian Cheng

督印人:何穎儀 Supervised by Joyce Ho

印量:8,000 8,000 copies in print

躍變.龍城體驗館: 九龍譚公道115號運通大廈地下5號舖 Kowloon City in Transformation Information Centre: Shop No.5, Ground Floor, Wan Tung Building, No. 115 Tam Kung Road, Kowloon

免費索取地點 Free Copies

步行徑手機應用程式 Mobile App 立即下載 Download Now

電話 Tel:+852 3183 0928 電郵 Email:kctwt@skhwc.org.hk 傳真 Fax:+852 3104 9911 網址 Web:kowlooncitywalkingtrail.hk 步蹤電子版 Newsletter e-version: issuu.com/kowloon.city.walking.trail 躍變.龍城——九龍城主題步行徑



Kowloon City Walking Trail

First edition Dec 2023


步行徑最新消息 Latest News of the Walking Trail 九龍城主題步行徑一直努力透過連結區內居民及各持 份者,促進區內歷史文物保育及藝術文化推廣。除了 出版繪本、舉行各種文化、藝術工作坊,我們於今年 更衝出香港,參加由香港建築師學會雙年展基金會主 辦的「美美與共 和而不同——連接大都會」建築巡迴 展,先後在7月及10月到馬來西亞吉隆坡及南京,將 九龍城獨特的建築特色和文化帶到國際舞台。 團隊以「『城』市中的人情永留」為主題,透過多層 次的光雕模型,配合六個故事主題,勾畫九龍城獨有 的建築輪廓,將一幕幕甚少受注視的事物,例如屹立 於行人道上的廟宇、化身武館的天台、樓梯小店、泰 國文化、自發綠化、特色招牌等,這些看似平凡的事 物,卻有着不平凡的面貌呈現給大眾。我們希望透過 展品讓參觀者反思新舊不是對立的關係,重建和保育 可以並行。而這次巡迴展的終站將以回應展的形式於 2024年2月23日至3月11日假香港中環街市舉行。








been working tirelessly to connect residents and stakeholders, promoting the conservation of historical artifacts and arts and culture in Kowloon City. In addition to publishing picture books and organising various cultural and art workshops, we have extended our reach beyond Hong Kong by participating in the "Harmony in Diversity – Connecting the Metropolis by In-Betweens" Architecture Exhibition organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects Biennale Foundation. We showcased Kowloon City's unique architectural features and cultural heritage on the international stage in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Nanjing, China in July and October 2023. With the theme "In Search of Reminiscence in the City", our team used multi-layered LED light engraving models with six story themes, to outline the distinctive architecture of Kowloon City. They depict often overlooked elements, such as street temple, rooftops transformed into martial arts schools, shops underneath the staircases, Thai culture, spontaneous greenery and feature signboards. We hope that the exhibit can showcase the community’s extraordinary uniqueness in ordinary daily lives in order to reflect on the idea that the new and the old are not in opposition, and that redevelopment and conservation can coexist. The final stop of this roving exhibition in a form of a response exhibition will take place from 23rd February to 11th March, 2024 at the Central Market in Hong Kong.

社區專題 Feature Story

一趟藝文遊,可以讓你從 忙碌的生活中放空,也可 為你帶來對事物的新看 法!九龍城這個歷史悠久 的市區,除了傳統老店、 古今交融的社會面貌,區 內還有不少充滿獨特藝術 文化的地方,例如牛棚藝 術村、十三街唐樓群、香 港毛筆博物館、100米社區 壁畫等等,都值得大家趁 空檔前來發掘,感受這區 絲絲文藝氣息。 A cultural excursion can provide you with a break from your busy life and offer you a new perspective! Not only can you find old shops, various gourmets, streetscapes of combination of the new and the old, but also cultural spots such as the Cattle Depot Artist Village, the tenement buildings on 13 Streets, the Hong Kong Chinese Writing Brush Pen Museum, the 100m community mural etc. These places are all worth exploring during your free time, allowing you to experience the artistic atmosphere of the area.


藝 遊 九 龍 城


1 牛棚藝術村

Cattle Depot Artist Village

位於馬頭角道的牛棚藝術村,原為「馬頭角牲畜檢疫 站」,曾被用作屠宰場,直到1999年上水屠房啟用 後便停業。其後被改建為牛棚藝術村,並開放給公眾 參觀。由於保存了香港早期的倉庫建築風格,被評定 為二級歷史建築,紅磚屋配以綠色的正門是其獨有的 標誌打卡位之一。 自開放以來,牛棚藝術村為香港藝術家提供了一個創 作據點,吸引了許多許多本地藝術家和藝術團體進 駐,如「牛棚一號工作室」、「香港盆景協會」、 「1a空間」等等。 Located on Ma Tau Kok Road, originally was the “Ma Tau Kok Animal Quarantine Depot”, which was used as a slaughterhouse until the Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse opened in 1999, after which it

2 十三街唐樓群

Tenement Buildings on 13 Streets

ceased operations. It was later transformed into the Cattle Depot Artist Village and opened to the public.


Preserving Hong Kong’s early warehouse architectural


style, the red-brick buildings with a green entrance


have become one of its distinctive and iconic spots.


Since its opening, the Cattle Depot Artist Village


has provided a creative space for Hong Kong


artists, attracting numerous local artists and art groups to establish their studios there.

A traditional old area in Ma Tau Kok, consisting of thirteen streets. Former was Nanyang Cotton Mill. With a surge in the population and an increase in housing demand, landowners transformed the land into tenement buildings. Due to its proximity to the old Kai Tak Airport, the building height was restricted to 42.5m for aircraft safety, gradually decreasing from seven to five floors towards the To Kwa Wan Road direction. Its unique appearance has attracted many illustrators who incorporate it into their artistic creations.

3 香港毛筆博物館

Hong Kong Chinese Writing Brush Pen Museum

它是慈善文化單位,旨在收藏、修復、研究和展 出毛筆。館內收藏多種珍貴展品,像是清朝時期 的佩筆、皇帝用的琉璃筆和瓷筆、剃髮令的產物 辮子筆。博物館也展出使用珍貴動物毛髮製作而 成的毛筆。 It is run by a charitable cultural organisation.

4 土瓜灣海豚樓梯

To Kwa Wan Dolphin Stairs


The museum focuses on collecting, restoring,


researching and exhibiting traditional Chinese


writing brushes. You can find a variety of precious


exhibits inside, including brushes used during the Qing Dynasty, glass and porcelain pens used by emperors, and brushes made from shaved hair. The museum also showcases brushes made from rare animal hair.

Located at the intersection of San Shan Road and Kowloon City Road, this artwork was created by the Hong Kong Art and Culture Anywhere Foundation Association in 2020. They transformed an ordinary staircase into an artwork of dolphins swimming freely in the starry sky. Despite the fading colours, it's still worth a look.

5 100米社區壁畫

The 100m Community Mural

同樣由香港悠揚文化藝術基金創作,以九龍城區最 具代表性之地標及這區常出現的雀鳥作設計藍本, 當中包括寶石戲院、黃埔古砲、觀音廟、海心公 園、魚尾石等。 It was created by the Hong Kong Art and Culture Anywhere Foundation Association, showcases the most representative landmarks of Kowloon City and the birds commonly found in the district. It includes iconic landmarks like the LUX Theatre, Whampoa Cannon, Kwun Yum Temple, Hoi Sham Park, Fishtail Rock etc.



益豐大廈 I-Feng Mansions

電影用了畫面和聲效作媒介,展現導 演和編劇想帶出的感受,所以都是表現 生活的一門藝術。在九龍城區入面,就有一個電 影取景勝地 —— 位於土瓜灣道與浙江街的益豐大 廈。由A、B、C、D四座大廈相連,有狹長而四通

Films use visuals and sound effects as a medium to convey the emotions intended by directors and writers, making it a form of art that represents life. Within the Kowloon City area, there is a notable filming


location—the I-Feng Mansions located between To


Kwa Wan Road and Chi Kiang Street. The features of four buildings from A to D and versatile corridors give an ideal setting for chase scenes in movies.


夕拾 Jiksap


寶石戲院 Lux Theatre









A hidden vintage store. The store is filled with a wide

The only theatre which has an old weighing scale

variety of vintage items from different eras, such as

and offers a manual seating plan in Kowloon City. It

toys, clocks, cameras, glass crafts, sofas and more.

retains old decor, including a 35mm film projector and

It looks like a small museum, where wandering inside

valuable movie posters from the 1970s and 1980s. If

is like stepping into a time tunnel, exploring the lives

you want to experience the cultural and artistic vibe of

of previous generations.

the past generation, come and visit!

人物專訪 Interview

Mission of Traditional Craftsmanship Inheritance

肩負 使命 傳承傳統工藝 隨着城市發展,香港的舊建築及老店陸續被清拆,過去 的行業、工藝逐漸消失,大家可能都會為此惋惜,感歎 「時不予我」,但有人卻選擇肩負使命,花時間、心 思,以不同創作形式將這些舊物繼續傳承下去…… Old buildings, outdated industries and craftsmanship are going to vanish because of city development. We may feel sorry for losing them forever, however, there is someone who devotes a lot of time and effort to preserve them in various ways.



「麻雀獻藝」工作室創辦人及 本地插畫師

Founder of Karen Aruba Studio & Local Illustrator

Karen 墨 水 筆 下 的 九 龍 城 情 懷 。 The Look of Kowloon City presented by Karen in ink.

張誠忠師傅打理麻雀廠的 舊相片。 The photo of Master Ricky Cheung running the mahjong manufacturing factory.

看見九龍城很多地方被清拆,她將一些老店以 繪畫方式紀錄下來。 She recorded the old shops in Kowloon City in drawings before demolition.

由她繪畫的手雕麻雀製作過程,家裡的分工很清晰,她爸爸張誠忠師傅 負責雕刻,三嬸、嫲嫲則替麻雀上色。 This drawing demonstrates the procedures of making a hand-carved mahjong. The division of labour was clear. Her father, Master Ricky Cheung was responsible for carving while her aunt and grandmother were colouring.

/11 自小便喜歡畫畫的Karen(張凱欣),生於手雕 麻雀工房世家,小時候很多時間都待在爺爺開設 的「復興隆麻雀廠」內,爺爺和爸爸忙著雕刻麻 雀,三嬸、嫲嫲則替麻雀上色,由於她是獨女, 當家人忙著工作時,便給予她很多畫畫的空間, 培養了畫畫的興趣。 在九龍城長大,看見舊建築及店鋪被清拆,例如 家庭式手工業、舊式理髮店、舊式鞋店、豆腐店 等等,在時代巨輪逐漸消失,令她心血來潮拾畫 筆,將小時候腦海的回憶一一繪畫下來。除了努 力將這些即將消失的影像紀錄,於手雕麻雀廠長 大、親歷傳統工藝被機器取代的她亦有感要肩負 使命,創立「麻雀獻藝」工作室 (Karen Aruba Studio),與爸爸張誠忠師傅緊密合作,將手雕 麻雀這項工藝傳承下去。 Karen, born in a hand-carved mahjong business






drawings since she was young. She spent a lot of time staying in Fuk Hing Lung Mahjong Factory which was founded by her grandfather. Her grandfather and father were busy carving mahjong while her aunt and grandmother were colouring them. Since then, she nurtured the interest of drawings. Growing up in Kowloon City, she has been witnessing the demolition of old buildings and elimination of old-fashioned industries as time changes. In view of that, she picked up the drawing pen and started to draw every memory she remembered in her mind. Besides, she also founded “Karen Aruba Studio” and worked closely with her 圖為1980年代「復興隆麻雀廠」位於九龍城城南道的平面圖, 內裡包含一家人居住及工作地方。廠房於1987年已遷址至九龍 灣,正式進入機器輔助生產的年代。 Photo represents the floor plan of Fuk Hing Lung Mahjong Factory located in South Wall Road in the 1980s.

father, Master Ricky Cheung as she felt she was on a mission to inherit the traditional hand-carved mahjong craftsmanship.

「現在有個很重要的使命, 就係做傳承手雕麻雀的工作, 這是我第一要考慮的東西!」 Here comes an important mission, promoting hand-carved mahjong. That is my top priority!


傳承路上不簡單 The road of inheritance is never easy 然而,要肩負起這個重任都並不容易。「因為家

In fact, to shoulder this responsibility is never


easy. “Once I lost all of my tools during home

師傅退休了,我專程拜訪希望可以收購師傅的工 具。幸好,他聽到爺爺的名字,得悉我將會舉辦

renovation. I was about to meet Master Wong who retired recently so that I could purchase his tools instead. Fortunately, Master Wong


gave me all the tools for free as he heard of my


grandfather’s name and realised I was going to hold an exhibition. I was so touched by his act


because the tools meant everything to Master


Wong.” Karen said.


Although you have all the tools you need, there is a


long way to go to carry this craftsmanship forward.

雀就會聯想到賭博,覺得此舉好像鼓吹賭博 。」

She pointed out that the younger generation is always being supportive, however, some are still holding a traditional thought considering mahjong as a gambling tool.

麻雀上色過程逐格睇 Procedures of mahjong tiles colouring

Step 1

雕好的麻雀可以準備上色。 The mahjong tiles are ready to be coloured.

Completed !

Step 2

完成上色過程便可照燈待乾。 Dry by light after colouring.

Step 3

顏色乾透後便可用刮刀鏟走多餘油彩。 Remove excessive paint with palette knife after drying.

完 成!

新舊融合 努力傳承 To create a fine blend of old and new

麻雀獻藝工作室今年與本地慈善基 金會飄雅活藝合作,將新設計的英 倫版麻雀於英國舉行的倫敦工藝周 (London Craft Week) 展出。 This year “Karen Aruba Studio” collaborated with the charitable organization,




to showcase the newly designed British version of Mahjong at the London Craft Week held in the United Kingdom.


要 在 堅 硬的麻雀上刻上一顆字或圖案,既需要技 巧,如手腕要不停轉換角度,雕刻時也要用陰力, 才能造出中文書法的點、撇、劃,還要加上天份,有 些工作坊參加者甚至連刻上一劃都有困難,難怪這個 傳統工藝難以傳承。Karen指,時至今日香港只剩下 五位手雕麻雀工匠,若不將這項手藝保育推廣,很快 便會失傳。 「麻雀不局限打麻雀,其實可以有很多話題、題材去 發揮,緊扣社區、回憶及香港文化,我希望可以做到 將傳統加入新穎的元素,將這個工藝繼續延續落去。」 她說。Karen表示未來會積極推動保育、傳承工作,例 如舉辦工作坊、展覽、出版紀錄等,繼續將手雕麻雀工 藝發揚光大。 To carve a character or a figure with Chinese calligraphic style onto the hard surface of a mahjong requires a superb control of our wrist to adjust the carving angle as well as the power, not to mention talent. People may even find it difficult to carve a stroke. No wonder this kind of craftsmanship is unable to sustain. There are only 5 hand-carved mahjong masters left in Hong Kong. “If we do not preserve and promote this craftsmanship proactively, it will soon be lost.” Karen said. “Mahjong is not only a game, but also a culture, a memory and a tool for something else. I hope I can add new elements into this traditional art and carry it forward.” She said. With a view to preserving and promoting it, Karen is about to organise a series of activities including workshops, exhibitions, and publications.

手雕作品 C ra ft C o ll e c

ti o n

據說全盛時期,香港有超過200個押行的霓虹燈招牌。不 過,隨着時代這些招牌亦成為逐漸消失的文化了。「麻雀 獻藝」工作室將當舖元素加入麻雀設計中,這副「巧雀奇 遇—香港版」的萬子設計就取自押行的獨特外型。 There were over 200 pawn shop neon lightings that could be found during that time. However, those neon lighting signboards are vanishing as time goes by. In this “Mahjong Wanderlust–Hong Kong Theme”, the design of the character tiles are inspired by the unique logo appearance of pawn shops.

Karen在2021-2022年疫情期間夥拍攝影師 AndyPoll拍攝同昌大押照片,現於Studio展出。 Photos of Tung Cheong Pawn Shop taken by Karen and photographer AndyPoll during the pandemic in 2021-2022.

下期預告 Next Issue


古 早 味

九 龍 城 的

Traditional taste in Kowloon c city ity 古早味原本是台灣居民用來形容古舊的味道,時至今日可以泛指「懷舊的 味道」。而在這個歷史悠久的九龍城區,不單止匯聚了多元的文化,當中亦 有不少屹立不倒的老店,它們除了售賣充滿懷舊風味的食物外,還有啖啖 的人情味。 下期季刊我們一起尋找這區的懷舊老店,歡迎街坊與我們分享你心目中九龍 城獨有的古早味。 “Traditional taste” originally referred to the old-fashioned taste in the Taiwanese dialect. Today, it broadly signifies a sense of nostalgia. In this long-historical district of Kowloon City, not only can you find diverse cultures, but also many old shops here. They not only offer nostalgic delicacies but also a taste of human warmth. In the next issue, we’ll go around Kowloon City and explore the nostalgic old shops here. Please feel free to share your own unique traditional taste in Kowloon City with us.


Submit Now!

投稿一經採用, 將獲薄酬。 Once your article is accepted, a gift voucher will be given.

活動回顧 Programme Review

遊 歷 社 區 共創社區簇絨藝術 Explore the community, creating community art 九龍城區是一個充滿不同歷史、文化的社區, 亦是一個新舊文化交融的地區,不少族裔都在 這裏扎根,形成多元文化的社區。隨着市區進 行更新,吸引不少特色小店及咖啡室進駐,為 這個舊區帶來變化。今年10月至11月,步行徑 特別舉辦了九龍城社區簇絨藝術計劃,邀請22 位熱衷社區藝術、喜歡九龍城歷史的參加者, 共同創作社區簇絨藝術,希望大眾能更認識這 區的文化,並傳承至年輕一代。

Kowloon City is a community filled with stories, bearing traces of both old and new. Various ethnic groups have rooted here, giving rise to a diverse culture. As urban renewal is underway, numerous unique shops and cafes have been attracted to the area, bringing changes to this old district. From October to November this year, we hosted the Kowloon City Community Art Project. Twenty-two participants who are passionate about community art and interested in Kowloon City's history were invited to join the project and create community art. The aim was to help the public understand more about the culture in this district and pass it on to the younger generation.


# 九龍城組 # 紅土組

及紅土組,團隊會與參加者一 同遊歷社區,走訪區內的特色 景點,了解在地故事。完成導 賞後,他們以「構成九龍城/紅 磡/土瓜灣的 _____ 」為題, 創作出專屬又別具特色的社

on 1 s s Le

社區導賞 Gui ded Tou r

區簇絨作品。而這些作品將於 2024年初的九龍城青年藝術節 展出。

The project is divided into two groups, Kowloon City Group and Hung Hom/ To Kwa Wan Group. Our team explored the community together with the participants, visiting unique local attractions and understanding the stories here. After the guided tours, they created exclusive and distinctive community tufting artworks based on the theme “The Elements of Kowloon City /Hung Hom/To Kwa Wan”. And these artworks will be exhibited at the 2024 Kowloon City Youth Arts Festival.

九龍城青年藝術節詳情可留意步 行徑網頁及社交媒體更新 For details of the 2024 Kowloon City Youth Arts Festival, please stay tuned to our website and social media.

Lesson 2

創作簇絨作品 Create their own tufting art

焦點活動 Highlighted Programme

__ 眾生相 The Mases

Shortlisted and Award-winning Entries of the “Dragon City of Light and Shadow” Community Photography Competition 2023 Exhibition 日期及地點 展期 : 2023年12月17日至 2024年2月17日 地點 : 躍變.龍城體驗館

步行徑希望透過社區攝影比賽,鼓勵公眾關心及探索社區,以影像及文 字細訴九龍城區的故事,紀錄社區的獨特面貌。是次比賽收到約180份 參賽作品,初步遴選出20份入圍作品,再經評審及網上投票後,選出9 個獎項的得獎者,所有得獎及入圍作品會於「躍變.龍城體驗館」作公 開展出。

Date & Time

With a view to raising people’s awareness towards their community and

Exhibiton period: 17 Dec 2023 -- 17 Feb 2024

encouraging community exploration, Kowloon City Themed Walking Trail


organised a community photography competition for the public to express

Kowloon City in Transformation

themselves through photos and texts. We received around 180 applications

Information Centre

this year. 20 entries were shortlisted after a preliminary screening. With judging and online voting, a total of 9 awards were finally shortlisted. Those entries are showcased in the Kowloon City in Transformation Information Centre.

所有活動免費參加!更多活動及報名詳情,請留意網頁及社交媒體。 All activities are free to join! For more details, please stay tuned to our website and social media. 九龍城主題步行徑辦公室:九龍馬頭涌真善美村低座一樓 Kowloon.City.Walking.Trail

電郵 Email:kctwt@skhwc.org.hk

Office:1/F, Lower Block, Chun Seen Mei Chuen, Ma Tau Chung, Kowloon

Kowloon City Walking Trail

電話 Tel:3183 0928

躍變.龍城體驗館:九龍譚公道115號運通大廈地下5號舖 Kowloon City in Transformation Information Centre: Shop No.5, Ground Floor, Wan Tung Building, No. 115 Tam Kung Road, Kowloon

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