2019 Kripalu Schools Course Catalog

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2019 SCHOOLS COURSE CATALOG Yoga | Ayurveda | Integrative Yoga Therapy | Mindful Outdoor Leadership

The Kripalu Experience Why Kripalu?

What Makes Our Trainings Different?

For more than 40 years, Kripalu has offered a depth of practice—as well as an inclusive and nondogmatic When you study at Kripalu, you are immersed in an approach—that empowers each student to explore environment designed for learning, integration, and reflection. Led by our exceptional faculty and supported their own unique relationship to yoga, Ayurveda, by peers, you can let go of everyday demands in order to Integrative Yoga Therapy, and nature. As a student in our schools, you are connected to dive deeply into practice. a living lineage and evolving tradition. Kripalu is For more than a decade, Kripalu has spearheaded founded upon the teachings of Swami Kripalu (1913– original research on the impact of yoga- and 1981), an Indian yoga master and spiritual teacher mindfulness-based practices. This work has informed our evidence-based curriculum, helping us branch out whose name means “compassion.” His warm, heartcentered spirit infuses everything we do. And while we to serve diverse populations such as adolescents and honor our past, we also look to the future, embracing frontline providers. the knowledge and insights made available by science As a nonprofit educational organization, we are on the effects and efficacy of yoga, mindfulness, and committed to serving our mission of empowering people meditation. We are proud to present a contemporary and communities to realize their full potential through approach to this ancient quest for truth. the transformative wisdom and practice of yoga.

Index 2 School of Yoga 4 School of Ayurveda 6 School of Integrative Yoga Therapy

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8 School of Mindful Outdoor Leadership 10 2019 Training Dates 12 Meet the Deans and More Information

Lead with skill. Lead by example. Lead from the heart. During a retreat I led recently, I invited the group to walk barefoot across Kripalu’s front terrace. Afterward, a few of the participants expressed that it had been more than 20 years since the soles of their feet had touched the earth. The experience had brought tears to their eyes, and they said that they wouldn’t go that long without touching the earth again. I share this story because I think it says a lot about the times we live in—times where so many people feel a sense of disconnection. At the heart of what we do here in the Kripalu Schools is the intention to connect: to connect with our breath, with our bodies, and with our hearts; to connect with one another and with the great family of life of which we are a part. The Kripalu School of Yoga has been training yoga teachers for almost 40 years. Our School of Ayurveda is the largest in the country, and has been training Ayurvedic Health Coaches for 14 years. Our School of Integrative Yoga Therapy has been a pioneer in the field, and our new School of Mindful Outdoor Leadership is forging a new path for our students to guide people toward greater connection, resilience, and vitality. Each of our schools offers a unique trajectory of learning, transformation, and growth, providing opportunities for change agents like you to be the change you wish to see in the world. We are incredibly excited about what the future holds, because we are inspired by our students every day. We look forward to supporting your journey! Micah Mortali, Director Kripalu Schools


School of Yoga An incredible journey awaits you. Whether you’re establishing the foundation of your practice or deepening your skills to become the yoga teacher you were meant to be, our comprehensive certification programs are designed to empower, nurture, and support you on your path to transformation. 200-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training kripalu.org/ytt200 Study asana, explore yoga philosophy, learn anatomy and physiology, and practice teaching in our classic residential immersions offered as monthlong, two 12-day, or weekend sessions.

200-Hour Kripalu Vinyasa Teacher Training kripalu.org/vtt200 Built on clear, intelligent sequencing and rooted in compassionate selfobservation, this training gives you the necessary skills to lead dynamic vinyasa flow classes grounded in classic Kripalu methodology.

300-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training kripalu.org/ytt300 Delve deeper into the subtleties of your practice and teaching with advanced trainings that provide specialized tools for personal transformation and professional growth.

1000-Hour Yoga Teacher Training kripalu.org/ytt1000 Offering an unparalleled experience in yoga-based education, our 1000-hour teacher training is led by some of today’s most sought-after yoga teachers and thought leaders.

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Yoga Alliance Rating with more than 800 reviews

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300-Hour Teacher Training—Three Ways Customize your 300-hour yoga teacher training with one of our specialized tracks! All three unique 300-hour teacher training options provide you with our world-renowned yoga curriculum tailored to suit your inspired work in the world! Scholarships are available. 300-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training kripalu.org/ytt300 Delve deeper into the subtleties of your practice and teaching with advanced trainings that provide specialized tools for personal transformation and professional growth.

300-Hour Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher Training kripalu.org/ksa300 Focused on the principles of Ayurveda as they relate to yoga, this training prepares you to help people develop a personal yoga practice suited to their unique circumstances and doshas.

300-Hour Advanced Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga kripalu.org/iyt300 Forming the foundation of our yoga therapist training, this program gives you in-depth skills to teach yoga as a vehicle for total wellness.

“This training went beyond my expectations—which were high! I loved the professionalism required, the seriousness of the education, the affirming feedback, and the moments of group bonding.” —Paula M.


School of Ayurveda Discover the wisdom of your true nature. Comprehensive study and professional certifications—our Ayurveda trainings are empowering and effective, inspired by the wisdom of nature and relevant to contemporary life. Whether you’re a yoga teacher, health professional, or someone who is ready to gain understanding of your health, Ayurveda helps you thrive. 200-Hour Foundations of Ayurveda kripalu.org/ksa200 Immerse yourself in study and hands-on practice as you learn the core concepts and applications of Ayurveda—anatomy, physiology, self-care routines, introductory Sanskrit, and more.

300-Hour Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher Training kripalu.org/ksa300 Focused on the principles of Ayurveda as they relate to yoga, this training prepares you to help people develop a personal yoga practice suited to their unique circumstances and doshas.

650-Hour Ayurvedic Health Coach Certification kripalu.org/ksa650 Combined with Foundations of Ayurveda, this training qualifies you to provide professional consultations focused on optimizing physical, mental, and spiritual health from an Ayurvedic perspective.

Advanced Studies in Ayurveda kripalu.org/pace Continuing-education programs designed for Ayurvedic Health Coaches and Ayurvedic practitioners on topics such as women’s health, cardiovascular disease, immunity and chronic disease, geriatric care, and herbology.

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“I learned practical strategies to help my clients improve their health and well-being, and in the process, I also learned to heal myself. The elite Ayurveda faculty, experiential program, and supportive learning environment are remarkable!”—Susan O. •5•

School of Integrative Yoga Th Nurture your exceptional skills. This training combines yoga’s most powerful tools—asana, pranayama, mudra, yoga nidra, mantra, and meditation—creating a variety of techniques to guide and nurture your clients and students on their journey toward balance, health, and happiness. 300-Hour Advanced Teacher of Therapeutic Yoga kripalu.org/iyt300 Forming the foundation of our yoga therapist training, this program gives you in-depth skills to teach yoga as a vehicle for total wellness.

800-Hour Professional Yoga Therapist Program kripalu.org/iyt800 Establish your expertise as a yoga therapist in a training that prepares you to address the specific needs or health challenges of your clients. You’ll develop an understanding of philosophy, theory, process, and application of yoga therapy using the Integrative Yoga Therapy model, based on the five koshas.

“Having a mentored internship was absolutely invaluable. I was able to consult with my mentor as I worked with clients, and she gave me the confidence to teach from the heart.”—Debra C.

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School of Mindful Outdoor Le Go outside. Go within. Meaningful connection with the generative powers of nature is an essential part of a healthy and balanced life. This exciting new branch of the Kripalu Schools is designed for all those called to share nature’s gifts by integrating their love of the outdoors with mindfulness. Mindful Outdoor Guide Certification, Level 1 Forest Community kripalu.org/ksmol Our Level 1 certification provides instruction and practice in nature meditation, council practice/ group facilitation, forest bathing, outdoor skills, and more. Level 1 Mindful Outdoor Guides are trained to lead a nine-step mindful outdoor experience for deepening connection with the natural world.

Mindful Outdoor Guide Certification, Level 2 Aligning with Nature kripalu.org/ksmol Level 2 takes your leadership to the next level as you deepen your exploration and relationship to the land and expand your repertoire of sensory and elements-based meditation and invitations. Level 2 Mindful Outdoor Guides develop advanced outdoor skills such as friction fire-making, shelterbuilding, naturalist skills, and advanced nature connection facilitation. You also present a personal project to the group.

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“Knowing that you love the earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the earth loves you in return, that feeling transforms the relationship into a sacred bond.” —Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass •9•

2019 Trainings JANUARY JAN 18-27

Ayurvedic Anatomy and Physiology, Western Physiology, Etiology, and Pathology I Rosy Mann, Nanette Bowen, and Margrit Mikulis 650

FEB 24-MAR 22

200-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training Monthlong Intensive Cristie Newhart and Janna Delgado 200

200-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training Weekend Format Michelle Dalbec and Steven Leonard 200

MARCH In-Depth Anatomy of Asana Mary Northey, Joseph Le Page, and Christopher Holmes 300


MAR 8-17

Instructing Yoga for Special Populations Yoga for Every Body


Sudha Carolyn Lundeen 300


Yoganand Michael Carroll and Michelle Dalbec 300



Radiant Skin An Ayurvedic Approach to Skin Health PACE

MAY 17-26

Chakras, Granthis, and Nadis Applied Yoga Philosophy, Subtle Anatomy, and Advanced Practice Yoganand Michael Carroll and Devadas Gregg Day 300


MAY 26-JUN 21

200-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training Monthlong Intensive Jurian Hughes and Rudy Peirce

FEB 1-10

Guiding Meditation for Transformational Yoga Teaching Exploring the World Within

MAY 5-10

Anusha Sehgal

MAR 1-10

JAN 24-AUG 25


MAR 10-19

Pranayama, Mudra, and Subtle Anatomy in Yoga Therapy Mary Northey, Joseph Le Page, Cathy Prescott, Ellen Schaeffer, and Jennifer Reis 300



MAY 31-JUN 9

Vata Management, Case Study Presentations, and Ethics Sunil Joshi and Margrit Mikulis 650

FEB 1-10

Yoga Therapy Applications Within the Mental Health Field Mary Northey, Lisa B. Nelson, and Ellen Schaeffer 300


FEB 17-22

Restorative Yoga Teacher Training Sudha Carolyn Lundeen 1000

FEB 22-MAR 3

Etiology, Pathology II, Ayurvedic Herbs, Clinical Assessment, and Pulse Analysis Rosy Mann, Anusha Sehgal, and John Douillard 650

MAR 24-29

Yin Yoga Teacher Training Brahmani Liebman and Jashoda Edmunds



JUN 7-16


Mindful Outdoor Guide Certification, Level 2 Aligning with Nature

APR 5-14

Micah Mortali and Mark Roule

Clinical Training, Ayurvedic Therapies, and Empowered Coaching

LEVEL 2 1000

Larissa Carlson, Rosy Mann, and Claudia Welch

JUN 21-30


Coby Kozlowski APR 26-MAY 5

Mindful Outdoor Guide Certification, Level 1 Forest Community Micah Mortali, Mark Roule, Lisa B. Nelson, Erin Casperson, Becky Cushing, and Dale Abrams LEVEL 1 1000

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Leading Kripalu Vinyasa Breathe, Feel, Flow 300


JUN 30-JUL 26

200-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training Monthlong Intensive Yoganand Michael Carroll and Janna Delgado 200



Uniting Yoga and Ayurveda Balancing the Doshas Larissa Hall Carlson and Kate O’Donnell 300



Erin Casperson and KSA Faculty 650



JUL 22-AUG 4

Foundations of Yoga Therapy, Part 1 Mary Northey, Joseph Le Page, Lisa B. Nelson, and Kaelash Neels 300

Foundations of Ayurveda

200-Hour Kripalu Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Monthlong Intensive Yoganand Michael Carroll and Erica Arce 200

OCT 18-27

200-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training


Mindful Outdoor Guide Certification, Level 1 Forest Community


Micah Mortali, Mark Roule, Lisa B. Nelson, Erin Casperson, Becky Cushing, and Dale Abrams

MARCH 19–22

NOV 1-10

Leading Kripalu Vinyasa Breathe, Feel, Flow Coby Kozlowski 300

JANUARY 17–19, 2020 FEBRUARY 20–23 APRIL 23–26 200

1000-HOUR YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Visit us online for upcoming 1000-hour training dates




NOV 3-8

AUG 5-18

Foundations of Yoga Therapy, Part 2 Mary Northey, Lisa B. Nelson, Ellen Schaeffer, and Kaelash Neels 800

SEP 20-29

Guiding Meditation for Transformational Yoga Teaching Exploring the World Within Yoganand Michael Carroll and Michelle Dalbec 300

Ayurvedic Pregnancy Training Classic Care from Conception to Delivery Rosy Mann PACE


KEY Yoga 200






AUG 2-11








Michelle Dalbec and Christopher Holmes


Janna Delgado and Iona M. Smith

Yoganand Michael Carroll and Janna Delgado


LEVEL 1 1000

Kripalu Yoga in the Schools Teacher Training

Teaching Pranayama and Advanced Asana Essential Practices for Yoga Teachers

200-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training Monthlong Intensive


JUL 28-AUG 23

DEC 6-15

DEC 1-13, 2019 PART 1 JAN 26-FEB 7, 2020 PART 2

200-Hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher Training Two 12-Day Sessions Jurian Hughes and Steven Leonard 200



Ayurveda 300



Integrative Yoga Therapy 300


Mindful Outdoor Leadership LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2

• 11 •

Meet the Deans


E-RYT 500, DEAN OF THE KRIPALU SCHOOL OF YOGA, has more than 25 years of experience studying and teaching yoga. He has studied with masters in the Kripalu tradition in both the US and India and is a dedicated scholar of esoteric yoga texts and techniques. Yoganand leads workshops and teacher training programs across North America. Why do you teach yoga? Yoga has been the most powerful force throughout my life. Over the years, yoga has become a way for me to live in integrity and truth—inner first, then outer. That is what I try to teach, and yoga is my vehicle.

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THE KRIPALU SCHOOL OF INTEGRATIVE YOGA THERAPY, is a graduate of the Professional Integrative Yoga Therapist Training Program and a certified teacher of Yoga of the Heart Cardiac and Cancer Program. She teaches yoga for stress management, restorative yoga, and healing through deep relaxation; she also offers individual yoga therapy. Why do you teach yoga therapy? My goal as a yoga therapist is to foster well-being for individuals of all backgrounds. Yoga therapy is an opportunity for people to establish steadiness and ease at all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. There is a natural unfolding that happens in a therapeutic yoga session, and I have the privilege to witness and provide the space for this unfolding.


KRIPALU SCHOOLS, is founder of the Kripalu School of Mindful Outdoor Leadership, a Mindful Outdoor Guide, a 500-hour Kripalu Yoga teacher, and a graduate student at Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont. Why do you teach mindful outdoor leadership? The outdoors has always been where I turn to for solace, inspiration, and reflection. Mindfulness is such a perfect doorway for nature connection, and mindfulness is also fostered by nature connection; the two go together naturally. I teach mindful outdoor leadership because it is an expression of my greatest passions, and because I believe that it is essential for our health—and the well-being of our planet.

IMMERSION EXPERIENCE kripalu.org/accommodations

When you train with the Kripalu Schools, you benefit from a unique immersion experience in our beautiful retreat center setting. We offer a variety of accommodation options to support your experience and budget needs, ranging from dormitories to private rooms. All housing options include • Nutritious, all-natural meals • Daily yoga, meditation, and movement classes • Optional evening workshops and events • Sauna • Fitness and Meditation rooms • Cafe and Shop with applicable student discounts on selected products • Hiking trails, walking paths, and lakefront area.


KRIPALU SCHOOL OF AYURVEDA, is an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, a 500-Hour Kripalu Yoga teacher, and an ACA-certified Level 1 SUP Instructor. A passionate, heartfelt, and enthusiastic teacher, Erin loves sharing how the ancient practices of Ayurveda can be applied to modernday living. Drawing on her connection to nature, she has many years of hiking and backpacking experience in the woods of New England and has summited all 48 4,000-foot mountains in New Hampshire. Why do you teach Ayurveda? I teach Ayurveda because I love translating these classical teachings into a language and practice that is relevant to today’s society. I believe that creating time every day to care for the sense organs, practice yoga, meditate, cultivate gratitude, eat whole foods, and develop loving relationships changes people’s lives. I know it has changed mine.

Scholarships are a vital part of our mission to make Kripalu’s offerings accessible to anyone seeking to enhance their life and realize their potential, regardless of background or financial status.

KRIPALU YOGA AND AYURVEDA ASSOCIATION kripalu.org/kyaa Our community of more than 2,000 people is open to any yoga teacher who is a graduate of a Yoga Alliance–registered 200-hour yoga teacher training and graduates of the Kripalu School of Ayurveda Health Coach track. Membership includes continuing education resources, marketing and professional support, opportunities to save, and discounts on yogaand Ayurveda-related products and services.

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Yoga is only understood by those who study it systematically through personal experience. The day you start to practice, your true progress will begin. —Swami Kripalu

kripalu.org/schools | 800.848.8702 | kripaluschools@kripalu.org MISSION DRIVEN, DONOR SUPPORTED Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization whose mission is to empower people and communities to realize their full potential through the transformative wisdom and practice of yoga.

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