Spring 2020 Kripalu Donor Newsletter

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Kripalu Donor Newsletter SPRING 2020 Inside: Gratitude Report 2019 Plus: Donors give hope to islanders and inmates

Thanks to You, the Mission Abides As I write, Kripalu is in the midst of a shutdown to help keep our guests, staff, and broader community safe from the spread of COVID-19. These are difficult times. But today’s uncertainty only amplifies our gratitude for all that your gifts have made possible over the last year: curricular innovation for lifelong learning, guest room upgrades, air conditioning, and improved financial and physical accessibility to Kripalu. Though the retreat center is closed, the mission abides. Kripalu is here for you. Practice with our teachers online. Breathe, Relax, Feel, Watch, Allow. Know that we hold you in our hearts. In a year that was already bound to create national and personal stress, the benefits of Kripalu’s practices and wisdom are needed now as never before. More than ever, your love and generosity are vital in allowing Kripalu to continue to respond with compassion through good times and bad. I thank you. I pray you and yours are healthy. And I hope we’ll all be together again soon.

Barbara Vacarr, PhD, CEO

MISSION DRIVEN, DONOR SUPPORTED Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization whose mission is to empower people and communities to realize their full potential through the transformative wisdom and practice of yoga. To find out more about Kripalu’s mission, please visit give.kripalu.org.

Fusing Yoga and Activism, with Your Help Guayana Paez-Acosta has practiced yoga for years. For even longer than that, she’s worked for social justice and sustainable development in Latin America. Could combining the two help create a more just and compassionate world? A donor-supported scholarship to Kripalu’s first Women’s Week last November helped Guayana pursue this line of inquiry. During her time here, with your help, Guayana explored the pertinence of feminine energy to social change with the guidance of a true visionary, Angela Farmer. Now a US citizen living in Miami, Guayana remains committed to social progress in her birth country of Venezuela and other Latin American societies. She knows that’s unlikely to happen without a fusion of both male and female energy: planning, goal-setting, and outcome-measuring combined with spontaneity, creativity, and nurturing. Guayana’s instincts and experiences tell her yoga can help. Your gifts to the Scholarship Fund help her prove it. Read more about Guayana’s work, and your impact on it: kripalu.org/Guayana

Two donors light a shared path of love Lily doesn’t get a whole lot of letters in the mail, so she was excited to get this one. She sat down at the kitchen table in her New York City apartment to open it. Lily is a new reader, and with determination, she worked through the letter. She absorbed the message: Giving helps people who need it. And when she was done, she had something to say: “Mommy, I want to donate.” Lily is eight years old. She’s been to Kripalu with her parents, and her name slipped onto our mailing list. “From the moment Lily picked up the envelope, it was an extraordinary evening for us,” said her mom, Wendy. “We were thrilled to be able to honor a place we love so much.” We’re thrilled, too. Every gift, whether you’re eight or 80, lights the path of love. Thank you, Lily!

Jonathan Schwartz’s career as an investor and business-builder started when he was an 18-yearold in the Bronx. In his 40s, he became a yogi, and one passion fed the other. His widow, Marcella Fischer, says that at least half the books on the floor-to-ceiling shelves in Jonathan’s home office are about yoga. “I remember coming home when I was about 11 and he’d be standing on his head,” says the couple’s son, Alex. Jonathan and Marcy visited Kripalu many times, starting in the 1980s. After years of practice, Jonathan earned his teaching certification in India in 2012, and began teaching yoga at UP Academy, a public middle school in Dorchester, Massachusetts. When Kripalu’s Teaching for Diversity Fund was established in 2001, Jonathan and Marcy were among the earliest donors. How better, they thought, to build compassion than by providing seed grants to visionary Kripalu Yoga teachers bringing yoga to communities in need? In 2015, Jonathan suffered a fatal heart attack. In his memory, Marcy and Alex have made a multi-year commitment to what henceforth will be called the Jonathan P. Schwartz Teaching for Diversity Fund. They hope that their gift in Jonathan’s memory will inspire additional generosity in support of a rallying cry we can all get behind: Everyone deserves yoga! For more of Jonathan Schwartz’s inspiring story, including his role at a pivotal moment in Kripalu’s history, visit kripalu.org/schwartzTFD

Kripalu donors open hearts, one at a time

Since its inception, the Teaching for Diversity (TFD) fund has provided small grants to Kripalu-trained teachers, underwriting yoga programs in communities that would not have access otherwise. The fund has now been renamed the Jonathan P. Schwartz Teaching for Diversity Fund in honor of a major commitment from the Schwartz family (see page 3). Here are a few snapshots of the impact your gifts to the fund made possible in 2019. Thank you! Learn more: kripalu.org/schwartzTFD

Your gifts help grief-stricken families heal from loss.

The new props made it possible for Lanier to help her students—the loved ones of those in hospice care— to relax into deeply restorative poses. Suddenly, they were finding depths of release and relief they had been unable to access before. “I had never let go of my husband’s death,” one woman told Lanier after a class. “And now I’ve let it go.” After six years, grief’s grip had loosened, in a pose you helped support. Thank you!

PO Box 309 Stockbridge, MA 01262-0309


Inmates at West Virginia’s only state prison for women are working toward their 200-hour yoga teacher certification in a program run by Kripalu Yoga teachers Sue Julian and Barbara Steinke, longtime friends who spent their careers working in the state justice system. In retirement, they were inspired to teach yoga in prisons; when the idea of a teacher In a hurricane’s wake, you give hope. training course was floated, they took up the challenge. When Hurricane Maria devastated the Puerto Rican island of Vieques in 2017, “We were asked to do something Kripalu Yoga teacher Marion Fischer’s that could create real change in house on the island became an ad hoc the world,” Sue says. “We took the shelter and command center. Marion plunge.” Your generosity helped make moved to Vieques full-time in 2019 and that change possible. realized immediately that while the first responders had gone home, the hurricane lived on. Trauma-related depression and anxiety levels were off the charts, especially among kids. Marion wanted to help, and your gifts made it possible. A grant from the Schwartz TFD program helped Marion start a yoga program at the island’s middle school. She dreams of extending the program to all the island’s schools and starting a community yoga program for adults.

Photo by Mike Youngren

Hospice of Acadiana in Louisiana had a room for yoga practice, but no equipment. Volunteer Lanier Cordell, a Kripalu alum, applied for a Schwartz TFD grant to purchase blankets, bolsters, blocks, and eye pillows.

Change in the world starts with change in individual hearts.

Thank you Kripalu Donors We gratefully acknowledge these gifts received between January 1 and December 31, 2019. Please notify us of any errors or omissions at jennal@kripalu.org or 413.448.3423.

$100,000+ Bronner Charitable Foundation OJAS STUDIO Scholarships VBS Foundation $50,000–$99,999 The Angell Foundation Sarah Hancock Carol S. and John J. O'Neil III The Schauble Family Foundation The Willow Tree Fund $25,000–$49,999 Estate of Beth A. Dropkin John and Arlene McLaren $10,000–$24,999 Anonymous (1) Berkshire United Way Jennifer C. Berrent and Carolyn Eaton Taylor Dina and John Chu The Daly Family Foundation, Inc. Marcia and Jonathan Feuer Eileen Fisher Foundation Alice and Jaclyn Houseknecht Foundation Tara & Jim Knicos Foundation, Inc. Jane and Peter McLaughlin Anne C. Mitchell Molly and Jeff Morgan Alexandra Ottaway M K Reichert Sternlicht Foundation Laura S. Rodgers Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey Sara and David Rolley Janine Shelffo and Steve McGrath Dr. Robert C. and Tina Sohn Foundation Robert and Margaret Thomas Fund #3 Yawkey Foundation $5,000–$9,999 Anonymous (1) Sarah J. Armstrong Marcy and Bruce Balter Holly Johnson Carr and Tom Dacey Carr The Feigenbaum Foundation Christine Fuchs Catherine Gamon and Dan Dietterich Thomas Gunning Duane and Mary Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. Keith Herndon Roy A. Hunt Foundation (Next Generation Fund) David Krett and Lisa Arpaia Lavori Sterling Foundation Inc. The Long Road Foundation Mary C. Palmer Gene and Ruth Posner Foundation Shepherd Foundation Rufus Tieder Watering Pond Foundation YourCause, LLC Trustee for Mastercard Sarah Zimman

$1,000–$4,999 Anonymous (9) Patricia Passmore Alley Lisa Argento and William Hodash Abby and Chris Beale Mary Beck Berkshire Bank Foundation Edie Bottner Kathi Cafiero Sally and Richard Charpie Rebecca Churt SS Cohen Donor Advised Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation Inc. Lisette Cooper Gina and Marc Cote Katherine L. W. & Winthrop M. Crane III Charitable Fund Dr. Michael Cucka Cody Dalton Erin Daly Joanne Dillon Julie and Canute Distin Marjory Epstein Mary Frances Firsching Kathleen Ford Tracy and Andy Foster David Gengler Deborah Gerken Dr. Cindy Gilmore Google Christine Grad, MD Greylock Federal Credit Union Paula Heller Brian J. Henderson Mark Jankeloff and Kelly Jankeloff Vinci Peter Katzenbach Rev. Naomi King Susan Kirincich and Charles Wooster Judy and Jeff Klunk Barbara and Richard Kurz Tina and Larry LaFranchi Nancy Larson Dorothy Lichtenstein Leslie and Jenna Ioffredo Cynthia and Roger Lopata Lubrano Family Charitable Foundation Nora and Jack Luftman Martha and Terry Maguire Meena Mansharamani Mattis Family Foundation Pamela S. McAuley Keely McDonald Elle McPherson Robert & Gladys Miller Foundation Elizabeth C. Morgan Justin and Adele Morreale Newcastle Foundation Trust Caren Osten Ross and Donna Payne Jane Pollak Ramelle and Michael Pulitzer Jr. Nadia Puttini Qualprint Foundation Fund of Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Neela and Ashok Ranade The Rorer Foundation, Inc. on behalf of Bear and Carrie Pratt

Anita L. Schill, PhD, RYT 500, C-IAYT Dr. Mary Melinda Sanders and Dr. Mark Alan Shifman Gitadevi Eva T. and Gopinath Stephan Slane Fund Della Spring Daniel J. Streeter Sweet Mia Jewels Dr. Audrey Tanner Martha Tata Barbara and Mike Vacarr Henry Steinway Ziegler and Jourdan Arpelle-Ziegler

$500–$999 Anonymous (1) Ann Griffith Ash Arella and Jeffrey Axelrod Dr. Samantha Brainard Megha Nancy Buttenheim/ Let Your Yoga Dance Teacher's Association Rebecca Coffey Bette Collom John and Diana Devaul Kathy Durivage The Elno Family Foundation Martin Evans Elisa and Robert Ezor Debra Gilmore/Gilmore Lighting Design Linda Graham Stephen and Molli Hourihan Ian Hunt Amanda Jacobsen Kamica Lewis Lisa and Stuart Lewtan Ann and Chris Linke Elena Mansour MassMutual Life Insurance Co Patti McCabe Thom McGinley Donna McKenna Sara J. McKenzie Dr. Christine Meyer Kristen Miller Peggy Miller Dr. Kimberly S. Mollo Robin Murphy Paige Parisi and Howard Seeherman Aimee Roberts Bernard Schneider and Shelley Mazor Mary E. Shapiro Leib Shulman Michelle Slater and Dmitri Sinenko Miles Stitt Sachi E. Taussig Nancy and David Vernooy Sage Wheeler Caaron Willinger Mary Yntema

$100–$499 Anonymous (38) Dan and Kathy Abreu Stacy Ackerman Elizabeth Adolphson Regina Schwarz and Dr. David Aftergood Patti and Mike Aha

Tracey Akitt Julius Albano Lee and Marcia Albert Jaimie Alexander Elizabeth Alter Audrey Altstadt and Bruce Arbour Benjamin M. Baker Tad Ames Maren Anderson Bruce and Tobi Andrews Victoria Antonini Jenn Armstrong-Solomon Janet Arnold-Grych Judith Porter Atkins Beth Bachmann Karl Bandtel Bank of America Charitable Foundation Open Banks Heather Banting Banyan Botanicals Cynthia Barbarits Katrine Batcho Anne Beane Claudia Becker Diane Beers Joan and Ira Berkowitz Roslyn Biskin and Rodney Crumrine Carol Black Michelle Black Jennifer R. Blackmon Candace Blades Julie Boehning Sara Borden Katie Bouton Martha Brezina John Britton Heather Brock-Hearn Elena Brower Meryl Brown Mark Browne Bob and Lin Bruce Dianne D. Brumble Tad Brundage Esther Buchmann Sherri Burchman Caroline Butler Jennifer Butler Joseph Butler Tara Caffrey Daniel Cahill Chris and Martin Capra Parke Capshaw Alice L. Carey Mary and Thomas Carey Cristina Carlino Julia Carr Christina Castegren Rochelle A. Clark Johvonne Claybourne Eavan Cleary Patricia Cmielewski Tony Cochran Jane Bisantz and Nick Mougey Alyssa Cook Cathy Costantino Nancy Costerisan Lynn Cyr Crawford Rachel Croitoru Katharine Crowl Emilia Csiffary Shari Czar and Stephen Caffery

$100–$499 (continued) Ann and Dick Daley Diana Daugherty Frederica M. Davis MJ Day Fatima De Melo-Shay Joy and Stephen Del Rosso Janna Delgado Josephine Dellano Susan Desantis Chris Devaul Melinda Dillon Brandon Doll Carolyn Dorazio Edward Dowling Marquetta Drakes Mary Dudzik Linda Dumoff Robin Dziuba Carol Eggers Eversource Matching Gifts Program Nancy Felts Bronxville Wellness Sanctuary Ann Flannery Rose Fonseca Roma Franzia Adam Freed Deborah S. Freedman Ann French Kim Friedman Michael Gadbaw Kathleen and Christopher Gaffney Peter Gallagher and Bethany Yon Jeffrey Gallin Rheema and Timothy Garrett Christy Gavitt Julia Geer Steve Gellman and Elizabeth Sullivan Mark and Julie Gemerek General Electric Company Bev George Diane Georgeson Charm Giangrieco Holly Giardina Beth Gibbs Cristina Gibson Sharon Ginsburg Jo-Ann Gisolfi Robin Glantz and Anthony Ciccone Mary Glass Shoshana and Ron Goldberg Evelyn Gonzalez Victoria Graham Richard and Myra Grand Maureen Graney Mary and Michael Green Mary Starr Green Kri Greenberg Mary W. Groden Anne B. H. Grote Paula P. Gulak Gabriela Gutierrez Ibarra Claire Hafner Lorie Hamermesh Kristina Hansen William Hardy Robbie Harris Rebecca Hart Stan Hart

Heart of Inquiry, Inc. Anne Hill Barbara and William Hill Carey Hochberg Silver Dragon Tai Chi & Qi Gong Roma and Cliff Hoyt Anne Innes Laurel Jarp Brooks Treya Jennings Valerie Joseph Nancy Johansen Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program Patricia Johnson Frank Jones Kristie Jones Sue Julian and Ellen Allen Marla and William Kannel Ellen Bruce Keable Dr. Lisa Keiner Mary-Margaret Kerns Lee A. Kinzer James B. Kirchhoffer Dr. Janice Kitson Judith Kline John E. Kochanowski Nancy and Jay Krevsky David Krogman KYTT Weekend 2019 Sangha Alix Laager Barbara Landau Barbara Forrester Landis Kirsten and Alan Langohr Ann Lapinski Jenna Larkin Lorie Leavy Mira and Andrzej Lechowicz Abbe J. Levin Ken and Paula Lichtenstein Deborah and Scott Livingston Theresa Mundy, DC, RYT Meika Loe Pamela Loughran Gloria Lovett Mariana Luttmann May Ann Madlansacay Pia Maenpaa Cynthia Magoon Mary Mahoney Michael Mahoney Markel Service, Inc. Maurita Marley Lauren Maronnier Elizabeth Martin Kristin and Bill Martin Stephanie Martin Andrea and Jim Masterman Brad McAllester Karen McCusker Lyn McMahon Lyn Meczywor Lavinia "Mirabai" Meeks Jenifer Melo Kathrin Midgley G. Milano Josie Miller Susan and Paul Hart Miller Donna Mills Steve and Diane Misner Judith Mitchell Dr. Rochelle Mitlak Michael Mocella Marcy Monkman Debra Montanino

Micah Mortali Jenn Mosher Irene Motyl-Mudretzkyj Robert Mulhall Pamela Myers-Kinney James Nash Ken Nelson Dennis and Jane Neslusan Lynn Newenhisen Michele Nivens Kathy M. Nolan Victoria Nordgren Pamela Normandeau Glory Jordan and John Norton Jennifra Norton Sarah O’Connor Teddy O'Connell Erin Odell Irene O'Garden Julie Orts Kathleen O'Shaughnessy Ann Otte P. Jenny Otto Lisa Palmer Christina and Richard Parker Jennifer Warr Parker Edi Pasalis and Candace Currie John and Esther Pasalis Heather Pearson Kari Penkoff Janet Perna Jerry Petell Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Robert Phifer Molly Pickett Diane Pienta Joan Pierro Nancy Pirodsky Cassandra Powell Jillian and Brad Pransky Bernadette S. Prue John Quatrale Heather Quigley Jorge Quintana Allison Ramme Elizabeth Ramme Marisol Ramos-Cummings Elaine Ravelson Donna Raye-Sullivan Regions Bank Mark and Diana Remlinger Cathy Richards Edwina Richardson-Mendelson Nikki Richio Ellen Richter-Norgel Patti Riley Jennifer Ringelheim Sharon Rivet Christine Robertello Cindy Kaufman and Rob Rosen Pamela Rosenlund Janet Rossbach Anne Rossi Bonnie Rukin and Mark Miller Teresa Sabol Leila Sadat and Andrew Ruben Kenneth Sam Michael R. Sandberg and Maryla Sandberg Heidi G. Savage Elizabeth Scarchilli Erik Sebesta Margarita R. Severinghaus Judith Shaw

Elizabeth Sheffield Eleanore Shulman Jennifer Siedman Connie Sigel Eloise Singh Anne Smith Linda Smith Nancy Smith Michaela Spampinato Jumanna Stark State Farm Companies Foundation Stephen and Susan Stetson James Stevens Nan Stewart Pamela Stirrat Elizabeth M. Stites and Kevin C. Randall Kate Straus and Blair Caple Julie Stubblefield Sun Microsystems, Inc. Judith Swan Cynthia Swienton John Swope Masami Terada Laura T. Thomas Stephen Toohey Bernadette S. Toomey Anne Trevisan Marianne Trevisani Jeffree Trudeau Kelley Tucker Erin and John Tunnicliffe Paula Manseau Ninette Van Lingen Sarah Vania Felipe Venegas Barbara Vosk and Howie Shareff Rosemary Vrablic Kevin Wadalavage Martha and William Walker Jennifer Warr Parker Kathryn Weirick Tom and Suky Werman Nancy and Robert Weshkoff Alison Whitmire Sarah and Alexander Wiener Midge Wilcke and Ruben Pollard Julie and Lee Wilcox Linda B. Williams Sue Williamson Jennifer Willms Maria Wilson Suzanne Wilson James V. Wilton Tyler Winklevoss Laura Winston Julianne Yazbek Michelle Zientek

$50–$99 Anonymous (19) Ellen Abdow Suzanne C. Adams Julie-Ann Adduci Donna Albury Robert Alderton Virginia Aldrich Michelle Alexander Lakshmi Annavajhala Kathy Antle Julie Applegate

Jen Aull Paula Austin Laura Bagnall Jean Baker Tammy Balamut Edie Banker Agnes Barba Karen Rose Barbarisi Bernadette Barber Jeff Barnes and Felise Luchansky Sue and Jack Barry David Bayard Alex Baze Elizabeth Beall Nicole Beaudoin Kristen Benakis Lakshmi and Ganesh Susan Blickstein Stephanie Blount Sandra Myrtha Born Ammann Brenda Boucher Cecilia Bowerman Judith Bram Murphy Angel Brana Dr. Stephanie Braun Catherine Brennan Katie Brooke Carol R. Brooks Dawn Browning Florence Butler Richard Butler Nada Carey Marsha Carlson Elizabeth Chase John Child Alison Christiansen Claudia Cline Cynthia Cloud Helen Cluett Emily Cohen Kate Connors Paul Cooperstein Katherine Coppedge Lynda Corcoran Luke Corda Lisa Core Tina Costello Rick Cresta Nadi Crichton Elizabeth Cronin David Dashiell Marguerite Davidson Lydia De Johnette Susan D. Dee Kathy Dekoven Robert Dembling Yves Denize Ruth Desantis Niseema D. Diemer Dwight D. Patrick Dolan Gary and Jan Donovan Sarah Doucette Catherine Dowling Christine Dumestre Patricia Dunn Annie Duryea Jim Epstein and Susan Sternburg Joyce E. Falkenbury Myra Feeney Christopher Ferguson Tony Ferraiolo Lisa Finn

$50–$99 (continued) Susan Fisher Patricia Fitzgerald and Gregory J. Dobrich Hollis Floyd Cathy Forkey Kathy Fotterall Deb Fuller Susan Fuller, Esq. Mel Gallagher Joan E. and Stephen M. Garfinkel Julie Gemerek Theresa Gendron Sharon and Jim Gernady Todd Giardino Susan Gimilaro Katie Greer Hannah Grove Izabela Guevara Elisabeth Haddad Susan L. Hall Rebecca Haskins Margaret Hecht Carol E. Heim Aden Henry Roda Ahmed Hermansen Kathleen S. Hodges Maureen Houlihan– Gentle Spirit Yoga Gillian Howell Sally Hurley Mary Irish Danielle Jacobs Edith Jason Anne Johnstone Jennifer Jordan Ellen Joseph Jacqueline Kaplan Hallie and Adam Kasper Amanda Kefalas Anne Kelleher Cynthia Kelly Michael Kelly Alison Klein Kevin Kless Mary Kloppenberg Laurie Knowlton and Phil Roberts Mim Kohn Randy Krotowski Pat Lambiotte Storm Large Marie Lavendier Marcelle T. Lawas, DDS Cindy Lee Alicia Leeds Louise LeGouis Holly Lehman Kayla Lehmann Izzy Lenihan Daniel Lewin Melinda Leyden Eric Long David Lovins Tracy Lunquist Alexander Lyall Dawn Macarthur Daniel Macdonald Kenny Mady Laura Malloy Ren Marasco Ellen Marks Maureen Martin

Anne Maxwell David McCready Ellen McCurley Michael McDonald Lindsay McDougall Abby McDowell Emily McGinnis Pamela McKay Eva McLeod Paul McPeake Bernard Mercer Friedrike Merck Catherine Mikic Karen Miller Claudia Milne Allison Mleczko Lynn Modell Hannelore Moebius Karen Morin Maja Moritz Kathleen Moscillo and James Megna Madonna Murphy Nawal Najjar Satwant Narula Bhavani Lorraine Nelson Gina Nichols Shari Noe Justina Noyal Anne Nugent Margaret Nunnelly Maryanne Ohara Charles Olejarz Elizabeth Orlic Wes Ostertag Keith Ottoson Margaret Oxtoby Carmen Partridge Carol Pate Charlie Petty Susan Phyfe Dana Pierce Ash Poirier Terri Powell Stephen Powers Louise Prockter Lonnie Raffray Laura Reed Theresa Reese Thomas Reinert Deborah Q. Reinke Kirsten Reitan Mark and Diana Remlinger Gloria Riviera Marianne Robb Maryann and Daniel Rodrigues Maria Rodriguez-Winter Christine Roscoe Dina Rose Julie Rosier Torie Rubin Diane C. Ryan Alix Sacknoff Deborah Samuels Yvonne Sandell Dorothy Savarese Tiffany Scherer Iris Schillen Allan Schmidt Rebecca Schwarz Brittany Seibert Kim Setla Heidi Shahbaz Marilyn Shea Terri Shuck

Evelyn Silverman Polly and Brad Simpkins Ed Sisk Paula Sistare Cindy Skulsky Cheryl Smith Maryanne Sonnemann Kathy Spirtes John T. Sullivan, Jr. and Gloria Sullivan Patricia Swaim Sheila Tetreault Barbara Thomson Cheryl Thomson David Thut Christine Tierney Vanessa Tierney Lorraine Tinger Anne M. Tirpak Marla Tremblay Josine Van Der Brug Sarah Van Leer Ingrid Vidas Sharon Vienneau Brynja Vifilsdottir Mark Vonnegut Aaron Weininger Gretchen Werle Ayana Wigfall Joan H. Wiles Todd and Sue Williamson Renie Wilson Brenda Witham Jessica Woods Hilary Herrick Woodward Sandra and James Wulach Cindy Yaple Andrea Zahn Tim Zebo

2019 Financial Snapshot These summaries are drawn from internal accounting. Kripalu’s audited financial statements will be available after October 15, 2020. UNAUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5% RETAIL SHOP COST OF SALES 8% GENERAL ADMINISTRATION




FY2019 USE OF FUNDS Program services Promotional expenses General administration Retail shop cost of sales Fundraising Total

$29,526,464 $2,503,559 $2,878,383 $1,897,231 $322,615 $37,128,252

Legacy Society We thank those who have included Kripalu in their estate plans. Anonymous (5) Elizabeth Ayer Liza Bertini Ellen Brown Kathi Cafiero Cody Dalton Tony Dimick Susan Edelstein and Richard Wells Danna and Richard Faulds Thomas Gunning Shirley Kiefer Poli Kieffer Kathleen Emery Laux May Ann Madlansacay Gregg Mayer Lavinia "Mirabai" Meeks Julie Romandetta Paul and Sandra Striberry Jill Abel White Julie and Lee Wilcox Space limitations prevent us from listing donors who made gifts of $1–$49. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! For a list of every 2019 donor, please visit kripalu.org/2019-kripalu-donors.




FY2019 SOURCES OF FUNDS Retreats, education, etc. $30,146,693 Retail sales $3,307,397 Healing Arts $3,038,902 Donations $1,585,312 Other $1,121,195 Total


2019 Gifts In Honor of In honor of the one-year anniversary of my graduating from YTT Anonymous In honor of the 4 Generations Family Jessica Woods In honor of the 2019 200-Hour Sangha Anonymous (3) Claudia Becker Diana Fernandes Thomas Gunning Krista Oberlander Cynthia Swienton Cheryl Smith In honor of Kathleen Allen Chloe Erskine In honor of Nancy Aronie Lorie Hamermesh In honor of Aeriel Arthur Anonymous In honor of Aruni's work and programs on recovery Mark and Diana Remlinger In honor of Bhavani Pamela Rosenlund In honor of Maya Breuer Anonymous In honor of Donald A. Brown Laura S. Rodgers Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey In honor of our March 2019 200-Hour YTT Sangha mentors, Cristie, Janna, and Sachi Diane Georgeson Marisol Ramos-Cummings In honor of the wonderful work all of you do, especially Michelle Dalbec and Steven Leonard Janice Fleischman-Eaton In honor of Cindy Depureur and Julie Wilson Susan D. Dee In honor of Steve Dinkelaker and Ruah Donnelly Ramelle and Michael Pulitzer Jr. In honor of Lily Epstein Jim Epstein and Susan Sternburg In honor of Danna Faulds Beth Bachmann In honor of Allison Shore Gaines Valerie Joseph In honor of Miles and Parker Gilburd Dinah Gilburd Joey Gilburd In honor of Mary Anne Gonzalez Alta Bury In honor of Jurian Hughes and Rudy Pierce, my beloved YTT Teachers July 2018 Kris Gosnell In honor of Todd Iarussi Keely McDonald In honor of Tama Kieves Mim Kohn

In honor of Rabbi Myriam Klotz Aaron Weininger In honor of Kathleen Krevsky—for healing Nancy and Jay Krevsky In honor of Kripalu Staff Rev. Naomi King In honor of Mia Kusumadilaga Heidi Shahbaz In honor of Jenna Larkin David Dashiell In honor of Pam LeBlanc James Stevens In honor of Chelsea Linke (Teacher) Ann and Chris Linke In honor of Lori Ann Logiolo Anonymous In honor of Jacqueline Lombardi Carrie Lombardi In honor of Chase Lyon Marjory Epstein In honor of Bernadette Macca Dana Pierce In honor of Joyce Malaguti Marianne Trevisani In honor of Arlene and John McLaren Anne Beane Candace Blades Julia Carr Katharine Crowl Paula P. Gulak Anne Innes Nan Stewart In honor of Cher Meli, Charlene Lawrence, and Inbar Behiri Martina Gibilaro In honor of Carol O’Neil Anonymous Katrine Batcho Heather Banting Mary and Thomas Carey Cynthia Coddington Carol Colecchi Melinda Dillon Anne B. H. Grote Margaret Hecht Roma and Cliff Hoyt Marla and William Kannel Mary Kloppenberg Elizabeth Lemons Gloria Lovett Mary Mahoney Judith Mitchell Robert Phifer Molly Pickett Elaine Ravelson Jennifer Siedman Linda Smith Nancy Smith Pamela Stirrat Christine Tierney Carolyn Tracy Linda B. Williams Sue Williamson In honor of Cathy Farrell Eva McLeod In honor of Tao Porchon-Lynch Marcelle T. Lawas DDS

In honor of Beth Ramme Allison Ramme In honor of Betsy Rosen Ellen Thompson In honor of Rudy, Janna, and the entire KYTT 200 Hour Team Anonymous Jennifer Jordan Ann Otte In honor of Valerie B. Schmid Michael Mahoney In honor of Cantor Lizzie Shammash Aaron Weininger In honor of Kalpana Sheth Sue and Jack Barry Iris Schillen In honor of Katharine Johnson Patricia Johnson In honor of Guru Singh Anonymous In honor of Meghan Stetson Susan and Stephen Stetson In honor of Shirley Symister Edwina Mendelson In honor of Tatiana in Guest Services Anne M. Tirpak In honor of Yatri Kathryn Taussig Sachi E. Taussig In honor of Ronni Tichenor Michael Vostal In honor of Janet Toussaint Carolyn McCoy In honor of my daughter Allison Van Fossen Harriette Flavio In honor of Kelly Jankeloff Vinci Mark Jankeloff In honor of Lakshmi Voelker Lakshmi and Ganesh In honor of Kripalu teacher Christine Warren Anonymous In honor of Julia Willinger and Alexandra Cohen, the light that shines my path Caaron Willinger In honor of the Yoga Retreat for Women of Color Jasmine Jusino-McGilchrist In honor of Yoganand Jumanna Stark

2019 Gifts In Memory of In memory of my dear aunt, Mrs. Anwar Ali Zahra Jamshed In memory of Maria Arpino Elvira Anselmi In memory of Jules Bender, Kripalu Yoga Teacher Edith Jason In memory of Janet Boyce Michelle Black In memory of Suzy Bronstein Caroline Butler

In memory of Judi Brower Elena Brower In memory of George Buck Paula Heitzner In memory of Buckley Candice Diaz In memory of Anne Chandler Gary and Jan Donovan In memory of Joel Conrad Barbara and William Hill Elizabeth Lynch In memory of Mrs. Josephine F. Dellano Josephine Dellano In memory of Danielle Denis Gabriela Gutierrez Ibarra In memory of Monique Dupont Evelyn Gonzalez In memory of Kermit Easton Judith Shaw In memory of Allister Etzel Carol E. Silvaney In memory of Julia Z. Fonseca Rose Fonseca In memory of Judith E. Funkhouser Ellen Carr In memory of Betty Gaylin, a kind and loving neighbor and citizen of the world Jo-Ann Gisolfi In memory of Margaret J. Gibbs Beth Gibbs In memory of Pearl Goodspeed Bonny Woodward In memory of Mary H. Gormley Anonymous In memory of Rachel Greene Anonymous In memory of Anne W. Doane Mary W. Groden In memory of William L. Hammond Gail Louise Hammond In memory of Judith Hand Dan and Kathy Abreu In memory of Merrill McKenzie Hannis Susan Blickstein In memory of Steve Houseknecht Alice Houseknecht In memory of Janie Claudia Becker In memory of Rosemary Jarman Kathy M. Nolan In memory of Chuck King Kristie Jones In memory of Swami Kripalvananda Anonymous In memory of Barbara Vacarr's brother, Larry Marcy and Bruce Balter In memory of Leia Anonymous

In memory of Christine Loeber Laura Malloy Ren Marasco John Swope In memory of Thomas Magoon Cynthia Magoon In memory of my mother, Ethel McLennon Pamela S. McAuley In memory of Lucille and Frank Milano G. Milano In memory of Omar Murib Bassima Masri In memory of Ellis and Martha Nadelman Sondra Lewis In memory of Michael O'Donnell Melissa O Donnell In memory of Elvira and Arturo Paniza Elvira Paniza In memory of my parents, Elvira and Jerry Joan Pierro In memory of Paul Pransky Jillian and Brad Pransky In memory of Hank Richmond Kelly Richmond In memory of Margaret Ann Rogers Anonymous In memory of Debra Schey Gretchen Werle In memory of Cyrus G. Shehan Sherrill E. Ryan In memory of Frank and Vyta Shulman Leib Shulman In memory of Urszula Stachowska Mira and Andrzej Lechowicz In memory of India Supera Nancy Pirodsky In memory of Virginia Swick Eleanore Shulman In memory of Angela Trimmel Frank and Stephen FigueiraToohey In memory of V.V. Vitols Maruta Z. Vitols In memory of Diane Westebbe Pamela McKay Michaela Spampinato In memory of Carol Winfield Virginia Aldrich In memory of Simon Zaslavsky Anonymous In memory of Ziggy and Frances Rebecca Coffey In memory of my dear mother, Zipora Nir Kantor


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