Artesia Active Transportation Plan FINAL In general, how comfortable are you walking in the City of Artesia?
In general, how comfortable are you bicycling in the City of Artesia?
44% of them indicated they are comfortable enough walking in Artesia, followed by 39% that indicated they are very comfortable.
The majority of respondents (37%) indicated they feel a little comfortable, followed closely by 32% of respondents who indicated moderate comfort.
How often do you bike in the City of Artesia?
Do you own a bike?
Almost half of the respondents (42%), indicated that they never bike around Artesia; 32% indicated they do it only a few times a year. A smaller percentage of the respondents can be classified as frequent cyclists. The same percentage of respondents (10%) indicated that they either bike daily or 1-2 days per week; and only 5% indicated they bike 3-4 days per week.
68% of respondents indicated they own a bike.
Figure 3-3: How do you get to work/school/facilities?