Barnas store blå ordbok - engelsk-bokmål

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Barnas store bl책 ordbok


Illustrert av Emma Chichester Clark Norsk oversettelse ved Siri Natvig

Oxford001-006_2oppl.indd 3

30.11.2006 12:16:52

Tekst © Oxford University Press 2003 Illustrasjoner © Emma Chichester Clark 2003 This DICTIONARY originally originally This translation translation of of THE THE OXFORD OXFORD FIRST ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY published in English in 2003, is published by arrangement with Oxford University Press. Oxford Illustrated Dictionary ble første utgitt på engelsk i 2003. Denne ut- er Oxford FirstFirst Illustrated Dictionary ble første ganggang utgitt på engelsk i 2003. Denne utgaven gaven er utgitt i samarbeid Oxford University Press. utgitt i samarbeid med med Oxford University Press.

Norsk utgave © Kunnskapsforlaget ANS H.Aschehoug Aschehoug&&Co Co(W. (W.Nygaard) Nygaard)A/S A/SogogGyldendal GyldendalASA, ASA,2005 2005 H. 2. opplag 2013 2007 3. Oversatt av Siri Natvig Omslagsdesign: Union Design Revidert omslag 2. opplag: Uniform as SA Revidert omslag 3. opplag: Bokproduksjon

Redaktør: Monica Kaasa Markedssjef: Anette Espeli Sats og repro: Capella Media AS Sats og Printed repro: Capella Media AS in Poland Trykt i Singapore ISBN: 978-82-573-1597-9 ISBN-10: 82-573-1597-4 ISBN-13: 978-82-573-1597-9 Det må ikke kopieres fra denne boken i strid med åndsverksloven eller avtaler om kopiering inngått med Kopinor, interesseorgan for rettighetshavere til åndsverk. Det må ikke kopieres fraeller denne boken i strid med erstatningsansvar åndsverksloven eller avtaler om kopierKopiering i strid med lov avtale kan medføre og inndragning, og kan ing inngått med Kopinor, interesseorgan rettighetshavere til åndsverk. straffes med bøter ellerfor fengselsstraff. Kopiering i strid med lov eller avtale kan medføre erstatningsansvar og inndragning, og kan straffes med bøter eller fengselsstraff.

heart – him

hide verb (hides, hiding, hid, hidden) 1 gjemme

If you hide something, you put it into a place where no one can see it.

heavy adjektiv (heavier, heaviest) tung

2 gjemme seg When you hide, you get into a place where no one can see you.

Something that is heavy is hard to lift or carry because it weighs a lot.

The opposite of heavy is light.

hedge substantiv (hedges) hekk

high adjektiv (higher, highest) høy

A hedge is a kind of wall made by bushes growing close together.

Something like a wall or a mountain that is high goes up a long way.

held see hold ◆

helicopter substantiv (helicopters) helikopter

A hill is land that is higher than the land around it. Hills are smaller than mountains.

help verb (helps, helping, helped) hjelpe

When you help somebody, you do something useful for them.

I gave him a big box of chocolate.

A hen is a female chicken.

her 1 henne

She is my best friend. I really like her.

sh Jo

d an


here her

Here means in this place.

The word here sounds just like hear.

Some other words that end with the letters 'ill' are: fill ill kill pill still will

him ham

hen substantiv (hens) høne

The opposite of high is low.

hill substantiv (hills) bakke, ås

A helicopter is a small aeroplane without wings. It has large blades that spin round on top.

2 hennes I really want to go to her party. 3 sin, sitt, sine Megan is brushing her hair.

Some other words that end with the letters 'ide' are: ride side wide

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hidden see hide

Your heart is a part of your body inside your chest. It pumps blood around your body.



hid see hide

heart substantiv (hearts) hjerte

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hippopotamus substantiv

(hippopotamuses or hippopotami)


A hippopotamus is a large animal with a big head and short legs. It lives near rivers and lakes in Africa. â—†

A hippopotamus is called a hippo for short. The word hippopotamus comes from a Greek word that means 'a river horse'.

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his – horn

2 sin, sitt, sine o l Jason is holding his puppy.

history substantiv historie

History is learning about what happened in the past.

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Gra ce lik It is his house. es t

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his 1 hans

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hit verb (hits, hitting, hit) slå

hi ve


home substantiv (homes) hjem

If you hit something, you touch it hard.

hive substantiv (hives) bikube

A person's home is the place where they live.

A hive is a kind of box for keeping bees in.

homework substantiv lekse

Some other words that end with the letters 'ive' are: alive dive drive five

Homework is work that teachers give their pupils to do at home.

hold verb (holds, holding, held) holde

honey substantiv honning

If you hold something, you have it in your hands or arms.

Honey is a sweet, sticky food made by bees.

Some other words that end with the letters 'old' are: cold gold old sold told

hop verb (hops, hopping, hopped) hinke

hole substantiv (holes) hull

When you hop, you jump on one leg.

A hole is a gap or opening in something.

The word hole sounds just like whole.

holiday substantiv (holidays) ferie, fridag

hope verb (hopes, hoping, hoped) håpe

A holiday is time off from school or work.

When you hope that something is going to happen, you want it to happen.

hollow adjektiv hul

horn substantiv (horns) horn

Something hollow has an empty space inside it.

Some other words that end with the letters 'op' are: chop drop shop stop top

A horn is a kind of pointed bone that grows out of the heads of cows and other animals.

The opposite of hollow is solid. 70

horse – hurt

huge adjektiv veldig stor

horse substantiv (horses) hest

Something huge is very big.

A horse is an animal that is used for riding.

human substantiv (humans) menneske

A male horse is called a stallion. A female horse is called a mare. A baby horse is called a foal. The long hair on a horse's neck is called a mane.

A human is a man, woman, or child.

hump substantiv (humps) pukkel

hospital substantiv (hospitals) sykehus

A hump is a big lump on a camel's back.

A hospital is a place where people who are ill or hurt are looked after.

hung see hang hungry adjektiv (hungrier, hungriest) sulten

hot adjektiv (hotter, hottest) veldig varm

If you are hungry, you want something to eat.

When something is hot, it feels very warm.

hunt verb (hunts, hunting, hunted) 1 jakte

The opposite of hot is cold.

To hunt means to go after a wild animal to kill it.

house substantiv (houses) hus

2 lete etter When you hunt for something, you look carefully for it.

A house is a building where people live.

how hvordan

hurry verb (hurries, hurrying, hurried) skynde seg

If you wonder how to do something, you want to know in what way you can do it.

When you hurry, you move or do something quickly.

hug verb (hugs, hugging, hugged) klemme

hurt verb (hurts, hurting, hurt) gjøre vondt

If you hug someone, you put your arms around them and hold them tightly.

When something hurts, you feel pain.

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ice substantiv is

Ice is water that has frozen hard.

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Some other words that end with the letters 'ice' are: nice price rice

ice cream substantiv (ice creams) iskrem Ice cream is a sweet, frozen food made from milk or cream.

icicle substantiv (icicles) istapp

An icicle is a hanging piece of ice made from dripping water that has frozen hard.

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idea substantiv (ideas) idé

An idea is something that you have thought of.



If the sun shines tomorrow, we will have a picnic.

igloo substantiv (igloos) igloo

An igloo is a house made from blocks of hard snow or ice.

iguana substantiv (iguanas) iguan

An iguana is a large lizard that lives in trees in hot countries.

ill adjektiv syk

Someone who is ill does not feel well.

Some other words that end with the letters 'ill' are: fill hill kill pill still will

illness substantiv (illnesses) sykdom

Illness is when you do not feel well.


ice – insect

a b c d e f g h


imagine verb (imagines, imagining, imagined)

tenke seg

If you imagine something, you make a picture of it in your mind.

Ima gin e

you can jump over an igloo .

information substantiv informasjon

immediately straks

Information is facts that tell people about something.

If you do something immediately, you do it at once.

ink substantiv blekk

important adjektiv viktig

Ink is the coloured liquid that is used for writing with a pen.

If something is important, it matters a lot or is worth thinking about.

insect substantiv (insects) insekt

impossible adjektiv umulig

An insect is a very small creature with six legs. Flies, ants, butterflies, and bees are all insects.

If something is impossible, it cannot be done. It is impossible to jump over a house.


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Peter lives in a little house. 73

There are many different types of insect. Here are some of them: ant, bee, beetle, butterfly, fly, ladybird, wasp.

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inside – into

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Listen to the insects playing the instruments.

inside inne

interesting adjektiv interessant

instrument substantiv (instruments) 1 redskap


If something is interesting, you want to spend time on it or want to learn more about it.

Peter is sick, so he has to stay inside.

Instruments are things that help you do a special job.

interrupt verb (interrupts, interrupting,

2 instrument An instrument is also something that you can use to make music. â—†

The opposite of interesting is boring. interrupted)


If you interrupt somebody, you stop them in the middle of what they are saying or doing.

There are many different types of musical instrument. Here are some of them: clarinet, drum, flute, guitar, piano, recorder, triangle, trumpet, violin

into inn i, ned i

He put the puppy into the box.


invent – it

a b c d e f g h

i iron substantiv (irons) 1 jern

Iron is a strong, heavy metal.

2 strykejern An iron is a hot tool that you use to make clothes smooth and flat.

invent verb (invents, inventing, invented) finne opp

is er (om han, hun og det)

If you invent something new, you are the first person who thinks of how to make it.

Grace is a lovely girl.

island substantiv (islands) øy

A person who invents something is called an inventor.

An island is a piece of land with water all round it.

invisible adjektiv usynlig

Things that are invisible cannot be seen.

invite verb (invites, inviting, invited) invitere


If you invite someone to a party, you ask them to come to it.

Why is an island like the letter T? Because it’s in the middle of water. den, det

You use the word it when you talk about an animal or a thing. Throw the ball in the air and then catch it.

The card that you send to someone when you invite them is an invitation.


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a b c d e f g h i


guar a J

jacket substantiv (jackets) jakke A jacket is a short coat.

jaguar substantiv (jaguars) jaguar

A jaguar is a big wild cat with spots on its coat.

jam substantiv (jams) 1 syltetøy Jam is a food that is made by boiling fruit with sugar until it is thick. 2 trafikkork A jam is a lot of cars crowded together so that nothing can move.


jam verb (jams, jamming, jammed) sette seg fast

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If something jams, it becomes stuck and difficult to move.

jar substantiv (jars) krukke

Jars are usually made of glass. They hold things like jam.

Some other words that end with the letters 'ar' are: bar car far star

jelly substantiv (jellies) gelé

Jelly is a sweet, slippery food that shakes when you move it.

jet substantiv (jets) jetfly

A jet is a very fast aeroplane.

jewel substantiv (jewels) juvel, edelsten

A jewel is a valuable and beautiful stone. The treasure chest was full of jewels.


There are many different types of jewel. Here are some of them: diamond, pearl, ruby. Things like rings, necklaces, and earrings are called jewellery.

jacket – jungle

journey substantiv (journeys) reise

A journey is the travelling that people do to get from one place to another.



a igs j d bir a s Mina ha

A drive is a journey by car. A flight is a journey by aeroplane. A ride is a journey on a horse or bicycle. A voyage is a journey by ship. An expedition is a journey made to do something.

jug substantiv (jugs) mugge

A jug is used for holding and pouring liquids.

jigsaw substantiv (jigsaws) puslespill

juice substantiv (juices) juice

A jigsaw is a puzzle made from a picture cut into pieces.

Juice is the liquid that comes out of fruit.

job substantiv (jobs) jobb

jump verb (jumps, jumping, jumped) hoppe

Someone's job is the work that they do to earn money. It can also be something you have to do. My job is to take the dog for a walk.

When you jump, you go suddenly into the air with both feet off the ground.

join verb (joins, joining, joined) sette sammen

If you join two things, you put them together.

Some other words that end with the letters 'ump' are: bump hump lump plump pump thump

jumper substantiv (jumpers) genser

joint substantiv (joints) skjøt, ledd

A jumper is a piece of clothing with long sleeves that you wear on the top part of your body.

A joint is the place where two parts fit together. Your ankle is the joint between your foot and your leg.

jungle substantiv (jungles) jungel

joke substantiv (jokes) vits

A jungle is a thick forest in a warm, wet part of the world.

A joke is a short story or a riddle that makes people laugh. 77

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