Nove Rusovce

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Poloha/ Location: Laténska ulica, Bronzová, Pri gaštanovej aleji Rusovce / Laténska street, Bronzova, Pri gastanovej aleji - Rusovce Realizácia/Construction: 2000-2003 Popis územia/Brief description: Rusovce are district of Bratislava on the right bank of Danube, southern from district Petržalka. Rusovce is firstly the biggest district (satellite) southern from Petržalka and by its character it suggest little town. It is well known firstly with neoromantic Rusovce Mansion, discovery site of roman army camp Gerulata creating part of Limes Romanus a laso with pleasant living in family houses that joins advantages of living on the countryside and advantages of accessibility of civil and cultural facilities of town – Rusovce is only 20 minutes remote by car. Therefore is this locality among Bratislava people very popular, from leisure time view, nearness of Danube cyclic route as well as presence of water element in form of lakes and Danube channels. Locality popularity results in constant expansion and occupancy of plough land for building purposes. One of compact realizations from last time is complex of 50 family houses and duplex houses bounded by streets Pri gaštanovej aleji, Laténska a Bronzová. It is a group of two to three floor family houses of traditional type with saddle roofs. Because it is a locality in satellite area of Bratislava, in surrounding suggesting a village, for a comfortable living you need to own a car. But the locality is well connected to public transport network, bus stop connecting urbanization with city centre is 200 – 600 m remote (depends on position of the house). Bus journey with acceptable interval of connection every 15-20 minutes last to centre of Bratislava no more than half an hour. Approximately 500m remote the houses is a local railway station with another bus link to centre and firstly connection to train network (direct connection to Petržalka). Because it is a new building outskirts Rusovce, no amenities is in the pedestrian attendance distance, for access to services you need to use a bicycle or a car and to get at least to centre of Rusovce (cca 1,5 km remote), eventually to Bratislava.


>> STRUCTURE | NOVÉ RUSOVCE |SK Údaje/Parameters: Celková plocha/ Total area: 42671 m2 Plocha parcely/ Ground area: 36518 m2 Stupeň zastavanosti v %/ Build area %: 0.17 Hĺbka bloku budov/ The depth of the block of buildings: 0 m Počet podlaží/ Number of stories: family houses 1-3 Hrubá podlažná plocha nad úrovňou/ Gross floor area above: 8212 Z toho bývanie %/ Of which housing: 100 Z toho sociálne a osobné služby %/ Of which social and personal services%: 0 Hustota podlažných plôch/ Density of floor area: 0.19 Počet bytových jednotiek/ Number of housing units: 221 Bytové jednotky na ha čistej zástavby a na ha hrubej zástavby/ Housing units per hectar: 163 Bytové jednotky s vlastnými záhradami %/ Housing units with own gardens %: 100 Nezastavané plochy spolu m2/ Unbuild areas total m2: 35416 Z toho verejné m2/ Of which public m2: 0 Z toho poloverejné m2/ Of which semipublic m2: 0 Z toho súkromné m2/ Of which private m2: 35416 Z toho súkromné %/ Of which private %: 100 Z toho detské ihriská m2/ Of which playgrounds m2: 0 Z toho detské ihriská %/ Of which playgrounds %: 0 Dopravné plochy m2/ Traffic areas m2: 6153 Nadzemné parkoviská m2/ Surface parking m2: 0

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