Poloha/ Location: Račianska ulica, Bratislava / Racianska street, Bratislava Autor/ Architect: Márius Žitňanský + Jozef Ondriaš Investor/ Investor: GRUNT, s.r.o. Realizácia/ Construction:2004 - 2009 Popis štruktúry/ Brief description: The authors of residential complex Slanec – Pekná cesta is team of architects led by Márius Žitňanský and Jozef Ondriáš. For urban and architectural solution of residential complex was put up a post for a competition by investor in 2004, where was a proposal of building of low-rise residential houses required. Architects proposed continual 2 floor high parterre situated in the direction of level curves, through that are 3 floor high volumes of residential houses laid cross. This form offered maximal number of apartments at low-rise built area and generous lighting conditions, optical lowering of 5 floor high building, lots of verdure on terraces, architectonical challenge… Apart from transport load, it is for urbanism of Rača a good message. Complex on the beginning of outskirts features high-class architecture and is situated in quiet surrounding on southeastern slope with nice view on the surrounding. Traditional problem of the district is complicated transport connection. The most comfortable connection is provided by individual automobile transport, on what the local roads are not adapted (Račianska Street) and firstly in time of morning and afternoon transport peak there are many traffic jams. Bus top is located 400 – 500 m remote, but it is just a local link in the district. The real connection to the city centre is tram link that is approximately 1 km remote (15 minutes of walking), journey to the city centre by tram lasts approximately 25 minutes longer. Basic amenities (grocery, market place) are approximately 850 m remote, for the comfortable life in this area in otherwise high-class surrounding you need to have your own car.