KY Legal Advisor KY’s legal advisor Matti Marttunen assists students in legal matters in confidence. The legal advisor is on duty weekly. Specific duty hours and location will be announced at the beginning of the academic year at You can also reach the legal advisor via email at matti.
Different locations, one KY Since the spring of 2019, the business students at Aalto University have been at two campuses: Otaniemi and Mikkeli.
At the Otaniemi campus, Bachelor’s
students at the School of Business carry out their studies at the Undergraduate Centre on Otakaari 1, along with students of many other
Student card
Aalto disciplines.
Master’s students’ home is the new
As a student you get to enjoy various discounts
School of Business at Ekonominaukio 1.
and benefits – but in order to be eligible, you
need to prove your student status by show-
ness students during the day, go check out KY
ing a valid student card. After having paid the
Corner, abreak room located in the U-wing of
membership fee of your student union, you
the Undergraduate Centre. KY’s Office, Espilä,
may download the Frank App on Google Play
and event space Saha are both just a few min-
or AppStore to your phone to use your digital
utes away from the Undergraduate Centre and
student card. If you want to order the physical
right next to the new School of Business.
If you want to meet other Aalto busi-
card to show your student status, you will find the instructions at
Once your student card is ready, Frank will de-
Espilä is located at Konemiehentie 4, right
liver it to you at home. During the first weeks
opposite of KY’s event space Saha. Espilä is
of autumn, this may take a while as every new
where the KY Board, employees and staff of
student will be ordering their card simultane-
KY Foundation work at. Espilä has conference
ously. After receiving the card, get an updated
rooms available for reservation and common
year tag from AYY and the KY Sticker. Ask your
working space open to all KY members to use.
tutor about the temporary pick-up points or
Don’t hesitate to drop in for a cup of coffee (it’s
visit AYY’s office during the service hours. You
free for all KY members!) and say hi to the KY
can get the KY Sticker from the KY Office.
Board and employees!