aTalent Recruiting: KY’s own recruiting company
How can I benefit from aTalent? By subscribing to aTalent’s job alerts you will
aTalent Recruiting is a recruiting compa-
get notified about job opportunities in your
ny owned by Prodeko’s alumni association,
field of study, targeted directly to you based
Prodeko and KY which offers job opportuni-
on your interests and education. It is always a
ties for students and graduates in the fields of
good idea to subscribe even if you weren’t cur-
business, technology and IT. Our ambition is to
rently searching for a job. We also post about
provide the best possible career opportunities
the open positions regularly on social media,
and recruitment experience for young talents.
so it is highly recommended to follow our
That’s right, we are here for you Mursu!
Facebook page, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts and also KY Career & Monday Mail!
Only relevant job opportunities
At aTalent we care deeply about the profesFrom aTalent, you’ll only find relevant job op-
sional development of young talents. This is
portunities for academic students and gradu-
why we organize workshops and other training
ates. We offer positions in various companies
sessions in order to offer effective tools for job
in different industries, from small startups to
hunting. Close cooperation with different stu-
listed companies and have recruited employ-
dent organizations is also one of our main pri-
ees for companies such as Nordea, Hartwall
orities, which is why we are looking forward to
and Rovio. We offer part-time and full-time po-
meeting you in career related events!
sitions, summer jobs, traineeships and shorter projects. In addition we provide comprehensive feedback and support in any career related matter. Last year about 400 young champions landed their dream job with our help!