First of all, congratulations and welcome to Aalto University!
What do you gain by being a member of Suomen Ekonomit?
You are just about to start a new, exciting jour-
Legal advice. Our legal counselors are
ney towards your future and we at The Finnish
available every weekday between 9-12,
Business School Graduates are here to help
tel. +358 20693205. You can also make an
you achieve your full potential!
appointment in our booking calendar. Our
We want to walk along with you - from the
legal advisors can check your employment
beginning of your studies and throughout your
contracts and give advice to many other
whole working life.
work life related legal issues. •
Access to huge variety of webinars, work-
The Finnish Business School Graduates was
shops and group discussions related to
founded 1935 by former members of KY who
your career (for example: CV- and Linke-
wanted to spend more time together and sup-
port each other in their working life. Nowadays,
we are a central organization for graduates and students in Economics and Business Administration. There are more than 50 000 of us, including 13 student societies across Finland. Together we form a community of like-minded people with the same educational background. We warmly welcome you to join our community. When you sign up as a KY member, you automatically and free of charge become a student member. Our mission is to create a better working life for our members, but also to prepare and guide you along the way towards the career of your dreams.
Professional advice for salary determination and salary negotiations
Diverse local events and training organized by your student liaison (“Kylli”)