La Prensa Latina Biingual Yellow Pages - 2010 Edition

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INFORMACIÓN DE INTERÉS COMUNITARIO COMMUNITY INTEREST INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 4 • Índice / Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 2 • Números de emergencia / Emergency Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …pág. 4 • Resucitación cardiopulmonar (niños y adultos) / CPR (adults and children) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …pág. 8 • Clima severo (guía de superviviencia) / Severe weather (survival guide) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 9 • Desastres (Qué hacer en caso de…) / Disasters (What to do in the case of …) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 10 • Carta de saludo / Welcome letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 12 • Teléfonos de ayuda a la comunidad / Community Service Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 13 • Servicios a la comunidad hispana / Services For The Hispanic Community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 14 • Información sobre automóviles y licencias / Automobile and License Information. . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 17 • Mapas de Memphis / Memphis Maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 19 • Información general sobre la ciudad de Memphis / Memphis general information . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 20 • Consulados / Consulates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 21 • Códigos telefónicos nacionales / US Area Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 22 • Códigos telefónicos internacionales / International Area Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 23 • Inmigración (Información) / Immigration information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 24 • Escuelas públicas de la ciudad de Memphis / Memphis City Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 26 • Escuelas del condado de Shelby / Shelby County Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 29 • Colegios, Universidades, Escuelas Técnicas / Colleges - Universities - Technical Schools. . . . . .pág. 30 • Sitios para visitar / Places to Visit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 31 • Deportes / Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pág. 32


Índice - Español

ABOGADOS................................................................. 33 ABORTOS (SERVICIOS DE) ........................................... 37 AEROLÍNEAS ............................................................... 37 AGENCIAS DE EMPLEO................................................. 37 AGENCIAS DE PUBLICIDAD .......................................... 41 AGENCIAS DE VIAJE .................................................... 41 AIRE ACONDICIONADO ................................................ 41 ALARMAS CONTRA ROBO ............................................ 44 ALTERNATIVAS AL ABORTO........................................... 45 AMBULANCIA.............................................................. 45 ANTENAS SATELITALES ................................................. 45 APARTAMENTOS .......................................................... 45 ÁRBOLES (SERVICIO Y MANTENIMIENTO) ..................... 49 ARENA Y GRAVILLA ..................................................... 49 ARTE (SUMINISTROS PARA) ......................................... 49 ARTÍCULOS DEPORTIVOS ............................................. 50 AUTOMÓVILES (CONCESIONARIAS DE NUEVOS Y USADOS) .................................................................................. 51 AUTOMÓVILES (REPUESTOS Y PARTES) ......................... 52 BANCOS ..................................................................... 55 BANQUETES (SALONES E INSTALACIONES) .................... 57 BASURA (REMOCIÓN DE) ............................................ 57 BIENES RAÍCES............................................................ 57 BODAS (PLANIFICACIÓN-PASTELES) ............................. 58 BOLICHE..................................................................... 58 CABLE ........................................................................ 58 CALEFACCIÓN (CONTRATISTAS) .................................... 59 CAMBIO DE CHEQUES.................................................. 59 CASAS DE EMPEÑO ..................................................... 60 CELULARES ................................................................. 61 CEMENTERIOS ............................................................. 61 CENTROS COMERCIALES .............................................. 62 CERRADURAS & CERRAJEROS ...................................... 62 CERVEZA (VENTA MAYORISTA) .................................... 62 CHATARRA .................................................................. 64 CIGARROS Y TABAQUERÍAS.......................................... 64 COLCHONES................................................................ 65 COLEGIOS - UNIVERSIDADES - ESCUELAS TÉCNICAS ...... 65 COMPAÑIA DE ELECTRICIDAD ...................................... 66 CONSTRUCCIÓN (MATERIALES) .................................... 66 CONTRATISTAS ............................................................ 66 CONTRATISTAS ELÉCTRICOS .......................................... 70 DECORACIÓN DE HOGAR ............................................. 70 DENTISTAS (ODONTOLOGÍA)........................................ 71 DENTISTAS (ODONTOLOGÍA PEDIÁTRICA) ..................... 73 DISEÑO GRÁFICO ........................................................ 73 DISTRIBUIDORES (VENTAS MAYOREO).......................... 73 EMPLEOS .................................................................... 73 ENTRETENIMIENTO (SITIOS DE).................................... 75 ENVÍO DE PAQUETES / SHIPPING ................................ 75 ENVÍOS Y TRANSFERENCIAS DE DINERO ....................... 75

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

EQUIPO PARA AUTOS DEPORTIVOS Y DE CARRERAS...... 78 ESCAPES ..................................................................... 78 ESTÉREOS ................................................................... 79 ESTILISTAS .................................................................. 79 EVENTOS (PLANEACIÓN DE) ........................................ 80 FACIALES Y MAQUILLAJES .......................................... 80 FARMACIAS................................................................. 81 FIANZAS ..................................................................... 82 FOTÓGRAFOS.............................................................. 83 FRENOS DE AUTOMOTORES (SERVICIO)........................ 84 FUNERARIAS ............................................................... 85 GIMNASIOS ................................................................ 86 GRÚAS Y GRÚAS PARA REMOLQUES ............................ 86 GUARDERÍAS PARA NIÑOS .......................................... 86 HIPOTECAS ................................................................. 87 HOSPITALES ................................................................ 88 HOTELES..................................................................... 88 IGLESIAS .................................................................... 91 IMMIGRACIÓN Y NATURALIZACION .............................. 93 IMPUESTOS - PREPARACIÓN DE ................................... 93 IMPRENTAS................................................................. 93 INSTRUMENTOS MUSICALES (VENTA Y RENTA DE) ......... 93 INVESTIGACIÓN .......................................................... 94 JOYAS ........................................................................ 94 LAVANDERÍAS (AUTOSERVICIO).................................... 96 LICORERÍAS ................................................................ 96 LIMOSINAS ................................................................. 98 LIMPIEZA COMERCIAL Y RESIDENCIAL .......................... 99 LIMPIEZA DE ALFOMBRAS ........................................... 99 LLANTAS ..................................................................... 99 MADERA ................................................................... 101 MARISCOS ................................................................ 102 MASCOTAS (PROVISIONES) ........................................ 102 MECÁNICA Y HOJALATERIA EN GENERAL .................... 102 MÉDICOS CARDIÓLOGOS ........................................... 103 MÉDICOS FAMILIARES Y/O GENERALES ...................... 103 MÉDICOS DERMATÓLOGOS ........................................ 105 MÉDICOS ENDOCRINÓLOGOS .................................... 105 MÉDICOS GINECÓLOGOS Y OBSTETRAS ...................... 105 MÉDICOS NEURÓLOGOS ............................................ 106 MÉDICOS OFTALMÓLOGOS......................................... 106 MÉDICOS ONCÓLOGOS .............................................. 106 MÉDICOS PEDIATRAS................................................. 107 MÉDICOS PODIATRAS ................................................ 108 MÉDICOS QUIROPRÁCTICOS....................................... 108 MÉDICOS URÓLOGOS ................................................ 109 MEJORAS PARA EL HOGAR ........................................ 110 MERCADOS DE PULGAS ............................................. 110 MOTOCICLETAS ......................................................... 110 MUDANZAS Y ALMACENAJE ....................................... 111 MUEBLES .................................................................. 115

MUEBLES (RENTA DE) ............................................... 116 NIÑOS Y JÓVENES (SERVICIOS PARA)......................... 116 NOTARIOS PÚBLICOS ................................................ 116 NOVIAS .................................................................... 117 PARQUES PARA CASAS MÓVILES ................................ 117 PASTELERIAS Y PANADERIAS...................................... 118 PINTORES ................................................................. 118 PIZZERIAS ................................................................ 118 PLAGAS (SERVICIOS DE CONTROL DE) ........................ 120 PLOMEROS ............................................................... 121 PRÉSTAMOS HIPOTECARIOS ....................................... 121 PRODUCTOS PARA EL CABELLO .................................. 122 PSÍQUICOS ............................................................... 122 PUBLICIDAD EN EXTERIORES ..................................... 122 QUINCEAÑERAS ........................................................ 122 QUIROPRACTICOS ..................................................... 122 REHABILITACIÓN CENTROS ........................................ 122 RENTA DE EQUIPOS................................................... 125 REPARACIONES DE DAÑOS POR INCENDIOS O INUNDACIONES ........................................................ 125 REPUESTOS PARA AUTOS........................................... 125 RESTAURANTES ......................................................... 125 RINES ....................................................................... 138 ROPA PARA CABALLEROS........................................... 138 ROPA VAQUERA ........................................................ 139 SALONES DE BRONCEADO ......................................... 139 SALONES PARA BANQUETES ...................................... 139 SALONES Y SERVICIOS DE BELLEZA ............................ 139 SEGUROS.................................................................. 140 SERVICIOS DE INTERNET ............................................ 141 SILLAS DE RUEDAS Y TRANSPORTE PARA NECESIDADES ESPECIALES............................................................... 141 TANQUE SÉPTICO ...................................................... 141 TATUAJES.................................................................. 141 TEATROS ................................................................... 142 TERAPIA FÍSICA ......................................................... 142 TECHOS (MATERIALES PARA) ..................................... 143 TIENDAS DEPARTAMENTOS ........................................ 143 TIENDAS DE ABARROTES ........................................... 143 TIENDAS DE DESCUENTO ........................................... 146 TRANSMISIONES ....................................................... 146 TRANSPORTACIÓN AÉREA .......................................... 146 TRAJES ELEGANTES (VENTA Y ALQUILER DE) .............. 146 UNIDADES DE ALMACENAMIENTO .............................. 147 UNIFORMES .............................................................. 147 UNIVERSIDADES ....................................................... 147 VETERINARIOS Y HOSPITALES PARA ANIMALES ........... 148 VIDEOJUEGOS (PROVEEDORES) ................................. 148 VIDRIOS (PARA AUTOS Y CASAS) ............................... 148

Index - Enlgish ABORTION ALTERNATIVES ............................................ 45 ABORTION SERVICES ................................................... 37 ADVERTISING (OUTDOOR) ......................................... 122 ADVERTISING AGENCIES .............................................. 41 AIR CONDITIONING..................................................... 41 AIRLINES .................................................................... 37 AIRPORTS ................................................................. 146 AMBULANCE SERVICES ................................................ 45 AMUSEMENT ............................................................... 75 APARTMENTS .............................................................. 45 ART SUPPLIES ............................................................. 49 ATTORNEYS................................................................. 33 AUTO RACING & SPORTS CAR EQUIP............................ 78 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS – NEW & USED........................ 51 AUTOMOBILE PARTS .................................................. 125 AUTOMOBILE PARTS .................................................... 52 BAIL BONDS ............................................................... 82 BAKERIES ................................................................. 118 BANKS ....................................................................... 55 BANQUET FACILITIES ................................................. 139 BANQUET HALLS & FACILITIES ..................................... 57 BEAUTY SALONS & SERVICES ..................................... 139 BEER & ALE – WHOLESALE.......................................... 62 BOWLING ................................................................... 58 BRAKE SERVICE (AUTOMOBILE) ................................... 84 BRIDAL .................................................................... 117 BUILDING MATERIALS ................................................. 66 BURGLAR ALARMS ...................................................... 44 CABLE ........................................................................ 58 CARDIOLOGY ............................................................ 103 CARPET CLEANING ...................................................... 99 CELL PHONES ............................................................. 61 CEMETARIES................................................................ 61 CHECK CASHING ......................................................... 59 CHILDREN & YOUTH (SERVICES) ................................ 116 CHIROPRACTORS....................................................... 108 CHIROPRACTORS....................................................... 122 CHURCHES.................................................................. 91 CIGAR, CIGARETTE & TOBACCO DEALERS ...................... 64 COLLEGES - UNIVERSITIES - TECHNICAL SCHOOLS ......... 65 CONTRACTORS ............................................................ 66 DAMAGE RESTORATION ............................................. 125 DAYCARE .................................................................... 86 DENTISTS.................................................................... 71 DEPARTMENT STORES ................................................ 143 DERMATOLOGY ......................................................... 105 ELECTRIC COMPANIES .................................................. 66 ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS.............................................. 70 EMPLOYMENT ............................................................. 73 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES ............................................. 37 EQUIPMENT RENTAL .................................................. 125

EVENTS PLANNING ...................................................... 80 FACIALS & MAKE-UP ................................................... 80 FIRE & WATER........................................................... 125 FITNESS CENTERS ........................................................ 86 FLEA MARKETS.......................................................... 110 FORMALWEAR SALES & RENTALS................................ 146 FUNERAL HOMES ........................................................ 85 FURNITURE............................................................... 115 FURNITURE RENTALS ................................................. 116 GARBAGE & RUBBISH REMOVAL .................................. 57 GLASS ...................................................................... 148 GRAPHIC DESIGN ........................................................ 73 GROCERS .................................................................. 143 HAIR PRODUCTS ....................................................... 122 HAIR STYLISTS ............................................................ 79 HEATING..................................................................... 59 HOME DÉCOR ............................................................. 70 HOME IMPROVEMENT ............................................... 110 HOSPITALS ................................................................. 88 HOTELS ...................................................................... 88 IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION .......................... 93 INSURANCE .............................................................. 140 INTERNET SERVICES................................................... 141 JANITORIAL ................................................................ 99 JEWELERY................................................................... 94 LAUNDRIES (SELF SERVICE) ......................................... 96 LIMOSINES ................................................................. 98 LIQUOR STORES .......................................................... 96 LOCKS & LOCKSMITHS ................................................ 62 LUMBER ................................................................... 101 MATTRESSES ............................................................... 65 MECHANICS & BODY SHOPS ...................................... 102 MEN'S CLOTHING...................................................... 138 MOBILE HOME PARKS ............................................... 117 MONEY ORDERS & TRANSFER SERVICES ....................... 75 MORTGAGES ............................................................. 121 MORTGAGES ............................................................... 87 MOTORCYCLES .......................................................... 110 MOVING & STORAGE ................................................. 111 MUFFLERS .................................................................. 78 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT RENTALS & SALES..................... 93 NEEDS TRANSPORT ................................................... 141 NOTARY PUBLICS ...................................................... 116 PAINTING ................................................................. 118 PAWNBROKERS ........................................................... 60 PEDIATRIC DENTISTS ................................................... 73 PEST CONTROL SERVICES ........................................... 120 PET SUPPLIES ........................................................... 102 PHARMACIES .............................................................. 81 PHOTOGRAPHY ........................................................... 83 PHYSICAL THERAPY................................................... 142


PHYSICIANS - ENDOCRINOLOGY ................................ 105 PHYSICIANS - FAMILY & GENERAL PRACTICE............... 103 PHYSICIANS - GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS ................ 105 PHYSICIANS - NEUROLOGY........................................ 106 PHYSICIANS - ONCOLOGY ......................................... 106 PHYSICIANS - OPHTALMOLOGY.................................. 106 PHYSICIANS - PEDIATRICIANS .................................... 107 PHYSICIANS - UROLOGY............................................ 109 PIZZA ....................................................................... 118 PLUMBERS................................................................ 121 PODIATRY ................................................................. 108 PRINTING ................................................................... 93 PSYCHICS ................................................................. 122 REAL ESTATE ............................................................... 57 REHAB CENTERS........................................................ 122 RESEARCH .................................................................. 94 RESTAURANTS ........................................................... 125 ROOFING SUPPLIES................................................... 143 SALVAGE ..................................................................... 64 SAND & GRAVEL ......................................................... 49 SATELLITE DISHES ....................................................... 45 SEAFOOD.................................................................. 102 SEPTIC TANKS ........................................................... 141 SHIPPING ................................................................... 75 SHOPPING MALLS ....................................................... 62 SPORTING GOODS ...................................................... 50 STEREO SALES............................................................. 79 STORAGE UNITS ........................................................ 147 SWEET 16 PARTIES .................................................... 122 TANNING SALONS ..................................................... 139 TATOOS .................................................................... 141 TAX PREPARATION & FILING ........................................ 93 THEATRES - LIVE ....................................................... 142 THRIFT STORES ......................................................... 146 TIRES ......................................................................... 99 TOWING ..................................................................... 86 TRANSMISSIONS ....................................................... 146 TRAVEL AGENCIES ....................................................... 41 TREE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE ................................... 49 UNIFORMS ............................................................... 147 UNIVERSITIES ........................................................... 147 VETERINARIANS / ANIMAL HOSPITALS ....................... 148 VIDEO GAME DEALERS .............................................. 148 WEDDINGS-PLANNING ................................................ 58 WESTERN APPAREL.................................................... 139 WHEELCHAIRS & SPECIAL .......................................... 141 WHEELS.................................................................... 138 WHOLESALERS ............................................................ 73


Memphis - Información de interés comunitario Memphis - Community Information

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas





AMBULANCIA 901 458-3311


901 543-2709 (TTY) 901 495-1111 (ARLINGTON) 901 385-5555 (BARTLETT) 901 853-3207 (COLLIERVILLE) 901 754-7222 (GERMANTOWN) 901 872-3333 (MILLINGTON) 901 874-5534 (NAVAL AIR STATION) 662 393-0228 (SOUTHAVEN, MS)


ALGUACIL 901 527-6581 (CONDADO DESOTO) 901 379-7625 (CONDADO SHELBY) 901 495-1111 (TTY)



BOMBEROS 901 458-3311 (MEMPHIS) 901 324-5678 (TTY) 901 386-1728 (ARLINGTON) 901 386-1728 (CONDADO SHELBY) 901 385-5533 (BARTLETT) 901 853-4866 (COLLIERVILLE) 662 429-1111 Ó 662 429-1358 (CONDADO DESOTO) 901 754-1414 (GERMANTOWN) 662 393-7669 (HORN LAKE, MS) 901 872-3333 (MILLINGTON) 901 874-5311 Ó 901 874-5312 (NAVAL AIR STATION)




LÍNEA DE AYUDA DE NARCÓTICOS ANÓNIMOS 615 251-7462 / 800 677-1462



GUARDIA COSTERA ESTADOUNIDENSE 901 544-0555, Horas extras: 901 521-4822



POLICÍA 901 545-2677 (MEMPHIS)


SERVICIO POSTAL 901 576-2077

Memphis - Información de interés comunitario Memphis - Community Information







901 495-1111 (ARLINGTON) 901 385-5555 (BARTLETT) 901 853-3207 (COLLIERVILLE) 901 754-7222 (GERMANTOWN) 662 393-6174 (HORN LAKE, MS) 901 872-3333 (MILLINGTON) 901 874-5534 (NAVAL AIR STATION) 662 393-0228 (SOUTHAVEN, MS)


SHERIFF 662 429-1470 (DESOTO COUNTY) 901 379-7620 (SHELBY COUNTY)



FIRE 901 458-3311 (MEMPHIS) 901 324-5678 (TTY) 901 386-1728 (ARLINGTON) 901 386-1728 (SHELBY COUNTY) 901 385-5533 (BARTLETT) 901 853-4866 (COLLIERVILLE) 662 429-1111 OR 662 429-1358 (DESOTO COUNTY) 901 754-1414 (GERMANTOWN) 662 393-7669 (HORN LAKE, MS) 901 872-3333 (MILLINGTON) 901 874-5311 OR 901 874-5310 (NAVAL AIR STATION)



SUICIDE & CRISIS INTERVENTION SERVICE 901 274-7477 TENNESSEE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (TBI) 901 379-3400 IF NO ANSWER 615 744-4000 TENNESSEE HIGHWAY PATROL 901 543-6256 TOXIC CHEMICAL AND OIL SPILLS 800 262-3300 U.S. COAST GUARD 901 544-0555 , After hours: 901 521-4822 U.S. MARSHALS SERVICE 901 544-3304 U.S. POSTAL SERVICE 901 576-2077


Jackson - Información de interés comunitario Jackson - Community Information

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas









731 424-0111 (CONDADO DE MADISON)

800 232-0144

731 425-8400 (JACKSON) 731 425-8400 (TTY) 731 423-6000 (MADISON COUNTY)







800 662 HELP (4357) 731 668-9578

901 747-4300 (MEMPHIS)


731 425-8341 (JACKSON) 731 424-9677 (CONDADO DE MADISON)

800 772-1213 731 423-5790

615 744-4000 (NASHVILLE)






731 427-9774 (DÍA) 731 423-2815 (NOCHE) 731 422-7500


LÍNEA ANÓNIMA CONTRA NARCÓTICOS 615 521-7462 800 677-1462




800 351-1111

800 342-8359 WWW.STATE.TN.US/TRA/





SERVICIO POSTAL 731 422-6461


Jackson - Información de interés comunitario Jackson - Community Information











731 424-0111 (MADISON COUNTY)

800 232-0144


800 662 HELP (4357)

800 288-9999

731 425-8400 (JACKSON) 731 425-8400 (TTY)


731 423-6000 (MADISON COUNTY)



800 772-1213



731 668-9578

901 747-4300 (MEMPHIS)


731 425-8341 (JACKSON) 731 424-9677 (MADISON COUNTY)

FOREST FIRE MADISON COUNTY 731 427-9774 (DAY) 731 423-2815 (NIGHT)


731 423-5790


615 744-4000 (NASHVILLE)



731 422-7500




800 809-9957


800 342-8359 WWW.STATE.TN.US/TRA/ 800 848-0298 (TTY) 800 848-0299 (VOICE)

615 521-7462 800 677-1462






800 SUICIDE 800 784-2433

800 453-2530

800 262-3300

901 544-3304 (CALL COLLECT) 901 544-0333 (MEMPHIS)



Información de interés comunitario

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

Community Information

Aprenda cómo dar resucitación cardiopulmonar (CPR) LLAMAR AL 911

CALL 911 1












Resucitación cardiopulmonar en niños (1-8 años)

CPR for Children (Ages 1-8)

Este proceso es similar al que se le aplica a los adultos con sólo 4 diferencias:

CPR for children is similar to performing Quick CPR for adults. There are, however, 4 differences.

1) Si usted está solo con el niño, efectúe por un minuto el proceso de resucitación cardiopulmonar antes de llamar al 911. 2) Use sólo una mano para hacer la compresión sobre el pecho. 3) Presione el esternón hacia abajo entre 1 y 1.5 pulgadas. 4) Efectúe una exhalación completa seguida por 5 compresiones en el pecho.

1) 2) 3) 4)

If you are alone with the child give one minute of CPR before calling 911 Use the heel of one hand for chest compressions Press the sternum down 1 to 1.5 inches Give 1 full breath followed by 5 chest compressions

Información de interés comunitario

Community Information


Guía de supervivencia en caso de clima severo / A Severe Weather Survival Guide Consejos de seguridad en caso de relámpagos: • Ingrese a su casa, auto o camioneta. • Manténgase alejado de lugares altos y árboles. • Si no puede ingresar a su casa o a alguna construcción o vehículo, póngase en cuclillas y mantenga su cabeza lo más bajo que pueda. • Evite todo contacto físico con aparatos eléctricos. • Si ve que una persona ha sido golpeada por un rayo, revise su respiración y pulso. Comience de inmediato con la resucitación cardiopulmonar en caso de ser necesario (la persona herida puede ser tocada, puesto que NO está cargada eléctricamente). Consejos de seguridad en caso de tornado: • Si usted se encuentra en su trabajo, escuela u hogar, debe saber ubicar el oeste y el sureste puesto que los tornados siempre provienen de esa dirección. • Un tornado se puede formar a cualquier hora del día o de la noche, aunque es más probable que aparezca entre las 3pm y las 9pm (15 a 21hs). • Aléjese de las ventanas. • El sótano es el mejor lugar para permanecer en estos casos. Diríjase allí tan pronto como pueda y proteja su cabeza, colocándola debajo de una mesa resistente o colchón. • En caso de no tener sótano, aléjese de las puertas y ventanas. Un armario ofrece buena protección. Muchos han sobrevivido permaneciendo en la tina de baño. La tubería colocada en las paredes del baño hace que éstas sean más resistentes. • Una gran parte de la población vive en lugares altos. Si usted vive en un edificio y sabe que viene un tornado, salga de su cuarto y vaya al pasillo, si es posible, al nivel más bajo del edificio. Si es posible, trate de ir a la planta baja del edificio. No use el elevador. • Nunca permanezca dentro de una casa móvil. Si no encuentra un albergue cerca, refúgiese en un pozo o área baja y acuéstese en el suelo. Consejos de seguridad en caso de inundación: • Si usted vive cerca de un río, es importante que conozca el nivel de desbordamiento. Usted debe saber a qué nivel del río su propiedad se puede ver afectada por la creciente. • En casos de inundaciones repentinas, es aconsejable que se desplace al piso más alto que pueda. No trate de caminar por lugares inundados ya que una corriente rápida lo podría tumbar. • No intente conducir su vehículo por el agua. Recuerde que con sólo dos pies de agua en movimiento su auto puede flotar. Si su auto está atascado, abandónelo y vaya a un lugar más alto. Tenga una provisión de agua potable a mano, una linterna y radio con baterías. Si debe evacuar, apague todos los servicios públicos como agua, gas y electricidad.

Lightning Safety Tips: • Go inside a building, car or truck. • Avoid elevated places and isolated trees. • If you can't go inside, crouch down and keep your head as low as possible. • Avoid contact with electrical appliances. • If you see someone struck by lightning, check their breathing and pulse, if necessary start CPR immediately (It's OK to touch them, they are NOT electrically charged.) Tornado Safety Tips: • At school, at work, and where you live you should know which direction is West and which direction is Southwest. Tornadoes come from those directions. • Tornadoes can form at any hour of the day or night, but a tornado is most likely to hit between 3pm and 9pm. • Don't waste time opening windows. Instead get away from them. • The best place to be is down in your basement. Get there as fast as you can and cover your head, maybe with a strong table or a mattress. If you don't have a basement, get away from doors and outside walls. A closet offers good protection, and many have survived a tornado by being in the bathtub. Here the plumbing in the walls can make them more resistant to breaking apart. • A large number of our readers live in high-rises. If you do live in a high-rise and you think there might be a tornado coming, get out of your room and into the hallway, if possible on the lowest level of the buildings. Do not use the elevator. And never stay inside a mobile home. • If no substantial shelter is nearby, get into a ditch or a low area and lie flat on the ground. Flood Safety Tips: • If you live near a river, it is very important that you know your elevation above flood stage. You should understand what stage the river must reach for your property to be affected by water. • In times of flash flooding it is recommended you move immediately to higher ground. Do not attempt to walk through flood waters because a swift current can knock you off your feet. • Never attempt to drive through water because just 2 feet of moving water can float a car. If your car stalls, get out and go to higher ground. • Before a major river flood occurs move valuable items to the second story level. Have a supply of fresh water on hand, along with flashlights, and a battery powered radio. Should you be forced to evacuate, turn off all utilities such as water, gas, and electricity before evacuating.


Información de interés comunitario Community Information

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

Los desastres llegan sin avisar: formule un plan por adelantado • Hablar: hable con su familia sobre los desastres que podrían ocurrir en su zona de residencia. Explíqueles la importancia de estar preparados para enfrentar estos desastres. Explique con calma los peligros potenciales a los que están expuestos y formule un plan en el que todos puedan trabajar juntos y distribuirse las responsabilidades. Designe responsabilidades alternativas en caso de que una de las personas no esté ahí en ese momento. • Plan: decida dónde se encontrarán después del desastre. Escoja dos lugares: a) afuera de su casa, en caso de emergencias como incendios. b) fuera de su vecindario, en caso de que no pueda regresar a su casa o que deba evacuar su vecindario. Determine cuales son las mejores rutas de escape de su hogar: encuentre dos rutas de escape de su casa. Pídale a un amigo o conocido que viva en otra ciudad que sea su “contacto de familia”. Después del desastre muchas veces es más sencillo hacer llamadas de larga distancia. Los otros miembros de su familia deberían llamar a esta persona y decirle dónde se encuentran. Todos los miembros de su familia deben conocer el número telefónico de su contacto. Sepa qué hacer con sus mascotas: muchos refugios no los aceptan debido a regulaciones de salud. Para más información sobre qué hacer con sus mascotas, visite la página • Aprenda: cada miembro de su familia debería saber cuándo apagar ciertos servicios como electricidad, agua y gas. Pídale al personal del departamento de bomberos que le enseñe usar el extinguidor de incendios que tiene en su hogar. Familiarícese con las señales de advertencia de desastres en su comunidad: qué sonido tiene cada una de ellas y qué debe hacer cuando las escuche. Sepa cuales son los lugares más seguros en su hogar para cada tipo de desastre: familiarícese con los planes en caso de desastres que hay en su trabajo, escuela o guardería u otros lugares donde usted y su familia pasen bastante tiempo. Revise sus provisiones: revise las provisiones de las cuales dispone para caso de desastres y reponga alimentos y agua cada seis meses. Revise las baterías en sus detectores de humo cada año y asegúrese de que haya uno (mínimo) en cada piso de su casa. Asegúrese que tiene el seguro adecuado para cada desastre posible. • Comuníquese: infórmeles a todas las personas que viven en su hogar dónde se encuentra la información de emergencia. Haga copias para cada miembro de la familia para que éstos puedan tenerla con ellos. Asegúrese de que contenga al menos un contacto en otra ciudad. En ciertas ocasiones puede ser más fácil comunicarse con teléfonos en otras ciudades ya que las líneas locales suelen saturarse en estos casos. Enséñeles a sus hijos cómo y cuándo deben llamar al 9-1-1 o a su

número local de servicios de emergencia médica para pedir ayuda. Anote sus números de teléfono de emergencia cerca de cada teléfono. • Simulacros: haga simulacros de emergencia para las distintas situaciones posibles, dos veces al año. Recorra las rutas de evacuación y sus caminos aleatorios en caso de que su ruta principal esté inhabilitada. Haga simulacros en caso de tornado y terremoto en su hogar, trabajo y colegio. Dedique un fin de semana a actualizar sus números de teléfono, provisiones de emergencia y a revisar sus planes de emergencia

Sustancia química o peligros en el aire En caso de que haya un potencial riesgo de sustancias químicas o sustancias peligrosas que se puedan transmitir por aire, las autoridades podrían pedirle que se refugie en su hogar. Esto significa que: • debe cerrar y poner seguro a todas las ventanas y puertas que den al exterior. • Apague todos los ventiladores y todos los sistemas de aire acondicionado y calefacción. • Cierre la boca de las chimeneas. • Busque sus suministros para casos de desastre y asegúrese de que su radio a baterías funcione. • Vaya a un ambiente que no tenga ventanas y que esté más alto que el nivel del suelo. En caso de una amenaza química, una ubicación alta es preferible ya que muchos químicos son más pesados que el aire y por esa razón tienden a descender; muchos pueden entrar a sótanos aunque éstos tengan las ventanas cerradas. • Cierre con cinta aislante todas las aberturas alrededor de las puertas y las ventilaciones en el cuarto. • Esté atento a su radio o televisión a baterías para más instrucciones. Las autoridades a cargo pueden evacuar áreas específicas que corren mayor riesgo en su comunidad.

Información de interés comunitario

Community Information


Disaster can strike quickly and without warning: Make a plan During an emergency, the more you have planned ahead of time, the calmer and more assured you and your family will be. These six steps will help you through the process:

Talk, Plan, Learn, Check Supplies, Tell and Practice.

• Talk: Talk with your family about disasters that can happen where you live. Talk with your family about why you need to prepare for these events. Calmly explain the potential dangers, and plan to share responsibilities and work together as a team. Make sure every family member knows their particular responsibilities. Designate an alternate in case a person is not there at the time. • Plan: Plan where to meet after a disaster. Choose two places: a) Right outside your home, in case of a sudden emergency such as a fire; b) Outside your neighborhood, in case you cannot return home or are asked to evacuate your neighborhood. After determining your meeting places, you should also: Determine the best escape routes from your home. Find two ways out of each room. Also, determine the best two escape routes out of your neighborhood/community. Ask an out-of-town friend to be your "family contact". After a disaster, it's often easier to call long distance. Other family members should call this person and tell them where they are. Everyone must know your contact's phone number. Find out how to care for your pets. Many shelters do not allow them because of health regulations. For more information on how to care for your pets, visit our Animal Safety section on • Learn: Each responsible family member should learn how and when to turn off utilities such as electricity, water and gas. Ask someone at the fire department to show you how to use the fire extinguisher you store in your home. Learn about your community's disaster warning signals: what they sound like and what you should do when you hear them. Learn where the safe spots are in your home for each type of disaster. Learn about the disaster plans at your business, your child's school or daycare center, or other places where you and your family spend time. • Check supplies: Review your disaster supplies and replace water and food every six months. Visit the Build a Kit page for more information. Check batteries in smoke alarms every year and make sure one is installed on each level of your home. Check if you have adequate insurance coverage for each disaster. • Tell: Tell everyone in the household where emergency contact information is kept. Make copies for each member of the family to carry with

them. Be sure to include an out-of-town contact. It may be easier to call out of the area if local phone lines are overloaded or out of service. Tell your children how and when to call 911 or your local Emergency Medical Services number for help. Post emergency telephone numbers by phones. Complete the information on an Emergency Contact Card and make copies for each member of your family to carry with them. Be sure to include an out-of-town contact on your Contact Card. You may be able to reach someone out of town when local phone lines are out of service or overloaded. • Practice: Conduct fire drills and practice evacuating your home twice a year. Drive your planned evacuation route and plot alternate routes on a map in case main roads are impassible or gridlocked. Practice earthquake and tornado drills at home, school and work. Commit a weekend to update phone numbers, disaster supplies and review your plan with everyone.

Chemical or Airborne Hazards When there is concern about a potential exposure to a chemical or other airborne hazard, local officials will advise you to "shelter-inplace." This is unrelated to taking shelter on the lowest level of your home in case of a natural disaster like a tornado. To shelter-in-place: • Close and lock all windows and exterior doors. • Turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems. • Close the fireplace damper. • Get your disaster supplies kit and make sure the radio is working. • Go to an interior room without windows that is above ground level. In the case of a chemical threat, an above-ground location is preferable because some chemicals are heavier than air, and may seep into basements even if the windows are closed. • Using duct tape, seal all cracks around the door and any vents into the room. • Listen to your radio or television for further instructions. Local officials may call for evacuation in specific areas at greatest risk in your community.


Información de interés comunitario Community Information

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

Queridos amigos, La Prensa Latina está celebrando su décimo segundo aniversario de servicio a la comunidad Hispana del área del Medio Sur. Nuestro periódico semanal y nuestro directorio anual de Páginas Amarillas Hispanas han sido reconocidos por negocios en toda Latinoamérica y en los Estados Unidos. Nuestro leal equipo de trabajo se enorgullece en brindarles los mejores productos y servicios tanto a los hispanos como a los americanos alrededor del mundo. Aunque La Prensa Latina sigue creciendo, el objetivo principal es y será siempre el mismo, la gente. En solo once años, he visto personalmente el crecimiento y los logros de los hispanos en nuestra comunidad. Memphis se ha convertido en el destino más popular para los hispanos en todas las profesiones, incluyendo doctores, abogados, contadores públicos, maestros y mucho más. El orgullo más grande de La Prensa Latina es la ayuda que ofrece a los residentes de Memphis para una mejor comunicación y relación entre las diferentes culturas de nuestra ciudad.

Sidney Mendelson Presidente/CEO

Friends; La Prensa Latina is celebrating our 12th Anniversary in serving the Hispanic population in the MidSouth area. Our weekly newspaper and yearly Hispanic Yellow Page Directory are recognized by businesses throughout all the Latin countries as well as the United States. Our loyal staff takes pride in making available the very best in product and services for both Hispanics and Americans around the world. As La Prensa Latina’s services continue to grow, our company focus will always remain on people first. In just a short twelve years, I have personally seen the growth and achievements of Hispanics in our community. Memphis has become a major destination for Hispanics in all professions including doctors, lawyers, accountants, and teachers, as well as many other areas. The one thing that La Prensa Latina is most proud of is helping the people of Memphis work together by building communication and relationships for all the different cultures in our city.

Sidney Mendelson President/CEO

Teléfonos de ayuda a la comunidad

Community Service Numbers




Federal Internal Revenue Service: Tax Questions/Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 829-1040 Tax Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 829-3676 Social Security Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 772-1213 Veterans Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 827-1000 Local Town of Arlington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 867-2620 City of Bartlett. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 386-6400 City of Collierville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 853-3200 City of Germantown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 757-7200 City of Horn Lake, MS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .662 393-6178 City of Lakeland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 867-2717 City of Memphis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 576-6500 City of Southaven, MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .662 393-5931 Shelby County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 545-5000 State TN Highways Hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 858-6349 Consumers Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 342-8385 Governor’s Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 543-7480 State Parks Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 421-6683 State Taxes- Taxpayer Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 213-1400 Missing Persons ChildHelp USA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 422-4453 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 843-5678 National Runaway Switchboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 621-4000 Postal Service ZIP Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 275-8777 Passport Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 275-8777 Senior Services Shelby County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 452-0340 Delta Area Agency on Aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 324-6333 Senior Services Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 766-0600 Legal Assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 523-8822 Social Services Family Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 523-7518 Salvation Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 543-8586 United Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 543-5800

Bibliotecas públicas de Memphis y el condado de Shelby . . . . . . . . . . .901 415-2700

BOLETOS / TICKETS FedEx Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 205-2640 Memphis Grizzlies Basketball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 888 HOOP Memphis Redbirds Baseball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 721-6000 Mississippi RiverKings Hockey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .662 342-1755 University of Memphis Tigers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 678-2331 Memphis International Motorsports Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 358-7223

TRANSPORTE / TRANSPORTATION Aeropuerto / Airport Memphis International Airport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 922-8000 Parking Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 922-8069 Autobuses / Buses Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 274-6282 MATAplus Curb-to-Curb (Van service for individuals with disabilities / Servicio para personas con discapacidades) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 722-7171

ELECTRICIDAD, GAS Y AGUA / UTILITIES GAS, ELECTRICITY & WATER Memphis Light, Gas and Water - . . . . . . . . . . 901 544-MLGW (6549) Emergency Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 528-4465

TELÉFONO / TELEPHONE AT&T Residential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .888 757-6500 Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .866 620-6000

LÍNEAS DE AYUDA / HELPLINES Alcohol & Drug Abuse: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 274-0056 Alcoholics Anonymous: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 454-1414 Child Abuse: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 543-7120 Domestic Violence Hotline: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 799-7233 Family Services of the MidSouth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 324-3637 Memphis Sexual Assault Resource Center Crisis Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 272-2020 Victims Assistance Center-Shelby County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 545-4357

SERVICIOS E INFORMACIÓN AL CONSUMIDOR / CONSUMER SERVICES & INFORMATION Better Business Bureau: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 759-1300 Consumer Affairs: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 342-8385 Adult Literacy Hotline: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 531-1515

HOSPITALES CON SALAS DE EMERGENCIAS LAS 24HS. / HOSPITALS WITH 24 HOUR EMERGENCY ROOMS Baptist Memorial Hospital Collierville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 861-8926 Baptist Memorial Hospital Desoto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .662 349-4000 Baptist Memorial Hospital East. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 226-5000 Delta Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 369-8100 LeBonheur Children’s Medical Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 572-3000 Med, The, Regional Medical Center of Memphis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 545-7100 Methodist Hospital Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 726-7000 Methodist Hospital Germantown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 754-6418 Methodist Hospital North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 384-5200 Methodist Hospital South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 346-3700 Regional Medical Center at Memphis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 545-7100 St. Francis Hospital. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 765-1000 University Of Tennessee Medical Center Bowld Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 448-4000 Veterans Administration Medical Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 523-8990

SALUD & MEDICINA / HEALTH & MEDICAL Alcoholics Anonymous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 454-1414 Alzheimer’s Disease Hot Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 621-0379 American Cancer Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 278-2000 American Diabetes Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 682-8232 American Heart Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 526-4616 American Lung Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 276-1731 American Kidney Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 638-8299 American Red Cross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 726-1690 Arthritis Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 685-9060 March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 385-8580 Muscular Dystrophy Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 367-0902 National Down Syndrome Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 221-4602 National Mental Health Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800 969-6642 National Multiple Sclerosis Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 FIGHT MS


Servicios a la comunidad hispana Services For The Hispanic Community

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

SERVICIOS A LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA DEPORTES Ligas deportivas hispanas en Memphis Liga de Fútbol Memphis Tuzos Para máa información llama al (901) 734-2802 Liga Hispanoamericana de Fútbol Más información llamando a los tels.: 901 604-0793 ó 901 6032982 Instituto de Fútbol Memphis Fútbol (ligas para niños, mujeres y hombres). Más información llamando a los tels.: 901 218-7309 ó al 901 219-7509. GOBIERNO Centro de Asistencia a la Víctima de Crimen del Condado de Shelby 600 Adams Avenue, Memphis, TN 38105 Tel.: 901 545-4357 (en español) Departamento de Policía de Memphis Emergencias: 911 No emergencias: 901 545-2677 Preguntas sobre multas 901 545-5450. Organized Crime Unit 901 528-2338 Escuelas Públicas de Memphis Programa de inglés como segunda lengua, tel.: 901 325-5411 Centro Messick de educación para adultos, para clases contacte a Barbara Hermann al 901 416-4855. Gobierno del Condado de Shelby / Oficina de Asuntos Hispanos Coordinadora Ivette B. Monzón (Horario: L – V de 8:00 am. a 4:30 pm.) 160 N. Main, suite 850, Memphis, TN 38103 Tel.: 901 545-4265 Fax: 901 545-4759 Gobierno de la Ciudad de Memphis / Oficina de Asuntos Multiculturales y Religiosos 125 N.Main, suite 200, Memphis, TN 38103 901 576-6507 Gobierno del Estado de Tennessee, Oficina de Diversidad en los Negocios 27th floor, William R. Snodgrass TN Tower, 312 8th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37243 Tel.: 615253-4657, línea gratuita: 1-866 894-5026. Página electrónica:

Fiscalía General de Distrito del Condado de Shelby Bill Gibbons, fiscal general; José León, coordinador de la víctima hispana 201 Poplar suite 105, Memphis, TN 38103 Tel.: 901 545-2308 ORGANIZACIONES LATINAS – INMIGRANTES Coalición por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes y Refugiados de Tennessee (TIRRC) 1103 Chapel Avenue, Nashville, TN 37206, Tel.: 615 846-6672, fax: 615 227-7551. Página web: Hispanic Business Alliance / La Cámara de Comercio Hispana de Memphis 7845 US Highway 64, Memphis, TN. 38133 Tel.: 901 2662999 Fax: 901 379-0825 e-mail: Latino Memphis 2838 Hickory Hill (y Mt. Moriah), suite 25 Memphis, TN 38115 901 366-5882 Fax: 901 366-5799 SALUD / PROGRAMAS PARA LA FAMILIA “Comenzando Bien”, programa de cuidado prenatal para mujeres latinas Coordinadora / instructora: Alejandra Gómez. Tel.: 901 572-5358. E-mail: Los lunes de 10 am a 12 pm y el segundo y cuarto sábado de cada mes de 9:30 am a 11:30 am en la Clínica de Hickory Hill, 6590 Kirby Center Cv Memphis TN 38115. Community HIV Network / Programa de prevención de VIH / SIDA para hispanos Giovanna Polack, educadora hispana 880 Madison Ave., suite 1C01, Memphis, TN 38103 Tel.: 901 545-6753 Fax: 901 545-8268, e-mail:, página web: Familias Sin Drogas Memphis, TN: 901 365-4286 YWCA - Poder de Mujer, programa contra el abuso doméstico para la mujer inmigrante 1156 Peabody Ave, Memphis, TN 38104, Tel.: 901 276-0576 Fax: 901 276-7409 e-mail: Programas contra el alcoholismo Grupo Sendero de Vida 3911 Elliston St. Memphis. Grupo Tres Legados 109 Watkins St. Memphis 901 230-6915. Grupo Unidos en Sobriedad 1715 Graham, Memphis 38108, tel.: 901 384-7425. Grupo Un Nuevo Despertar 3825 Neely Rd. Memphis 901 744-1044.

Servicios a la comunidad hispana Services For The Hispanic Community

Por más de una década, la agencia comunitaria al servicio de los latinos de Memphis y Medio-Sur.

Aquí estamos para usted y su familia. Aquí estamos para usted y su familia. Aquí estamos para usted y su familia.

Proveemos acceso al Departamento de Servicios Humanos Ofrecemos programas educativos para jóvenes y adultos • Informamos sobre recursos y servicios públicos • Ayudamos a individuos y familias a resolver problemas • Abogamos por los latinos en Memphis, Nashville y Washington • Celebramos festivales y otros eventos de cultura hispano-latina

Ofrecemos ferias/talleres de impuestos, salud, trabajo y otros. Latino Memphis ofrece esta gama de servicios en forma directa y también en colaboración con grupos y agencias aliadas en la comunidad 2838 Hickory Hill Rd #B25 (esq. Mt Moriah) 901-366-5882



Información de interés comunitario

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

Community Information

SERVICES FOR THE HISPANIC COMMUNITY SPORTS Hispanic Sports Leagues: Memphis Tuzos Soccer League For more information call 901 734-2802 Hispanic American Soccer League For more information, call 901 604-0793 or 901 603-2982. "Instituto de Fútbol Memphis" Soccer leagues for children, women and men. For more information call 901 218-7309 or 901 219-7509. GOVERNMENT Shelby County Crime Victims Center 600 Adams Avenue, Memphis, TN 38105 901 545-4357 (for Spanish). Memphis Police Department For emergencies call 911. Non emergency phone numbers 901 545-2677. Traffic Ticket Information 901 545-5450 Memphis City Schools English as a Second Language 901 325-5411. Messick Center for Adult Education. For class information call Barbara Hermann at 901 416-4855. Organized Crime Unit 901 528-2338 Shelby County Government – Hispanic Affairs Office Coordinator Ivette B. Monzón (Hours: M-F 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM) 160 N. Main, suite 850, Memphis, TN 38103 Ph.: 901 545-4265 Fax: 901 545-4759 City of Memphis – Office of Multicultural and Religious Affairs 125 N.Main, suite 200, Memphis, TN 38103 901 576-6507 Tennessee State Government – Office of Business Diversity 27th floor, William R. Snodgrass TN Tower, 312 8th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37243 Ph.: 615253-4657, Toll Free: 1-866 894-5026. Shelby County District Attorney’s Office District Attorney Bill Gibbons; Hispanic Victim Coordinator José León. 201 Poplar suite 105, Memphis, TN 38103 Ph.: 901 545-2308 LATINO – INMIGRANT ORGANIZATIONS Tennessee Immigrant and Refuge Rights Coalition (TIRRC) 1103 Chapel Avenue, Nashville, TN 37206, Ph.: 615 846-6672, Fax: 615 227-7551.

Hispanic Business Alliance in Memphis 7845 US Highway 64, Memphis, TN. 38133 Ph.: 901 266-2999 Fax: 901 379-0825 e-mail: Latino Memphis 2838 Hickory Hill, Suite 25 Memphis, TN 38115 901 366-5882 Fax: 901 366-5799. HEALTH AND FAMILY PROGRAMS “Comenzando Bien”, Prenatal Care For Latinas Alejandra Gómez, instructor / coordinator, Ph.: 901 572-5358. E-mail: On Mondays from 10 AM - 12 PM pm and every second and fourth Saturday from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM, Hickory Hill Clinic, 6590 Kirby Center Cv. Memphis TN 38115. Community HIV Network / HIV – Aids Prevention Program For Hispanics Giovanna Polack, Hispanic Educator 880 Madison Ave., suite 1C01, Memphis, TN 38103 Ph.: 901 545-6753 Fax: 901 545-8268, e-mail: , web site: “Familias Sin Drogas”, Drug Prevention Program Memphis, TN: 901 365-4286 YWCA – “Poder De Mujer” Program For Immigrant Women Victims Of Domestic Violence 1156 Peabody Ave, Memphis, TN 38104, Ph.: 901 276-0576 Fax: 901 276-7409 e-mail: Alcohol Abuse Programs for Hispanics "Grupo Sendero de Vida", 3911 Elliston St. Memphis "Grupo Tres Legados", 109 Watkins St. Memphis 901 230-6915. "Grupo Unidos en Sobriedad", 1715 Graham, Memphis 38108, 901 384-7425. "Grupo Un Nuevo Despertar", 3825 Neely Rd. Memphis 901 744-1044.

Información de interés comunitario

Community Information



Haga una cita para el examen de manejo en esta dirección:

6340 Summer Ave. Memphis, TN 38134

901 872-0800 Fax: 901 873-2992 Direcciones: Ubicado al norte de Memphis cerca de la carretera 51 en las afueras de Millington. Tome Hwy 51 (Thomas St.) Norte hacia Millington. Pase a través de Millington más allá de Wal-Mart. Doble a la izquierda sobre la calle West Union Rd (segunda calle pasando Wal-Mart). La estación de licencias está a la izquierda.

Haga una cita para el examen de manejo en esta dirección: 901 543-7920

Fax: 901 372-2076

Direcciones: Ubicado en Memphis Este sobre la Avda. Summer (Hwy 70) entre Raleigh LaGrange y Elmore Road en el mismo estacionamiento que THP y la Oficina de Restituciones (Reinstatement). Tome la I-40 Este hacia Nashville hasta la salida 12 (Sycamore View). Doble a la izquierda sobre Sycamore View. Tome Sycamore View hasta la Avda. Summer (Hwy 70) y doble a la derecha. La estación de licencias está a una milla y media por ese camino, en la mano izquierda. Servicios Estación de licencias de servicio completo, CDL (Licencia Comercial), Prueba de habilidades, Permiso de portación de armas de mano original, Historial de manejo (MVR). Haga una cita para el examen de manejo en esta dirección:

Whitehaven - 3200 E. Shelby Drive Memphis, TN 38118 901 543-7920

Fax: 901 795-4389

Direcciones: Ubicado en Memphis Sur sobre Shelby Drive entre Tchulahoma Rd y Swinnea Rd, cerca del aeropuerto. Tome la I-240 Oeste hacia Jackson, MS, hasta la salida 20 (Getwell Rd). Doble a la izquierda en Getwell Rd. Siga por Getwell Rd., por aproximadamente 4 millas y luego doble a la derecha sobre Shelby Drive. La estación está a una milla sobre ese camino a mano derecha luego de la intersección de Tchulahoma Rd. , y Shelby Dr. Servicios Estación de licencias de servicio completo, CDL (Licencia Comercial), Prueba de habilidades, Permiso de portación de armas de mano original, Historial de manejo (MVR). Haga una cita para el examen de manejo en esta dirección:

2714 Union Avenue Extended, Memphis, TN 38112 901 452-7148

Fax: 901-452-7169

Direcciones: Desde Poplar Ave, hacia el sur en North Humes St, luego hacia el oeste en Union Ave Servicios: Oficina con servicios completos para la licencia de conducir, permiso original de tenencia de armas, archivos de licencia de conducir, (MVR), rehabilitación de licencia de conducir (sin cita solamente)

Millington - 5019 W. Union, Millington, TN 38053

Servicios Estación de licencias de servicio completo, Permiso de portación de armas de mano original, Historial de manejo (MVR). Horario de todas las agencias: De lunes a viernes de 8:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Nota: esta estación abre una hora más tarde cada segundo miércoles del mes. Sitio de Internet del Departamento de Seguridad

Estaciones de verificación de vehículos White Station

855 North White Station 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Lunes - Viernes 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sábados Dónde estamos: Una cuadra al norte de Summer Avenue sobre White Station cerca del cruce con la I-40.


1720 R.K.S. Commercial Cove 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Lunes - Viernes 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sábados Dónde estamos: Dos cuadras al oeste la I-40 saliendo por la rampa Sur por Lamar Ave., girando en King's Furniture Store


590 Washington Ave. 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Lunes - Viernes Información de la Estación: (901) 528-2904 TTY: (901) 576-6501 Dónde estamos: Una cuadra al sur de Poplar Ave. Entre Danny Thomas y Manassas.


Información de interés comunitario

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

Community Information

INFORMACIÓN AUTOMOVILÍSTICA / AUTOMOBILE INFORMATION Drivers Licence Testing Centers 6340 Summer Ave. Memphis, TN 38134 901 543-7920

Fax: 901 372-2076

Directions: Located in East Memphis on Summer Avenue (Hwy 70) between Raleigh LaGrange and Elmore Road in the same parking lot with the THP and Reinstatement office. Take I-40 East toward Nashville to Exit 12 (Sycamore View), Turn left onto Sycamore View.Take Sycamore View to Summer Ave (Hwy 70) and turn right. The driver license station is 1 1/2 miles down on the left. Services Full Driver License Service station, CDL (Commercial Driver License) Skills Test, Original Handgun Permit, Driving Records (MVR)

Whitehaven - 3200 E. Shelby Drive Memphis, TN 38118 901 543-7920

Fax: 901 795-4389

Directions: Located in South Memphis on Shelby Drive between Tchulahoma Rd and Swinnea Rd, close to the airport. Take I-240 West toward Jackson, MS, to Exit 20 (Getwell Rd). Turn left onto Getwell Rd. Take Getwell Rd. approximately 4.0 miles and then turn right onto Shelby Drive.The station is about a mile down on the right after the intersection of Tchulahoma Rd. and Shelby Dr. Services Full Driver License Service station, CDL (Commercial Driver License) Skills Test, Original Handgun Permit, Driving Records (MVR)

2714 Union Avenue Extended, Memphis, TN 38112 901 452-7148

Fax: 901-452-7169

Directions: From Poplar Ave, Turn South onto North Humes St, Then West onto Union Ave. Services: Full Driver License Service Station, Original Handgun Permit, Driving Records, (MVR), Driver License Reinstatement (Walk-In Only)

Millington - 5019 W. Union, Millington, TN 38053 901 872-0800

Fax: 901 873-2992

Directions: Located north of Memphis off of Hwy 51 on the outskirts of Millington. Take Hwy 51 (Thomas St.) north to Millington. Go through Millington past Wal-Mart. Turn left on West Union Rd (the second street past Wal-Mart). The driver license station is on the left. Services Full Driver License Service station, Original Handgun Permit, Driving Records (MVR) Hours all areas: Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please Note: This station opens 1 hour late on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Department Of Safety Internet Site:

Auto Inspection Stations White Station

855 North White Station 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Saturday Directions: One block north of Summer Ave. on White Station near the I-40 interchange.


1720 R.K.S. Commercial Cove 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Saturday Directions: Two blocks west on Lamar Ave. from the I-240 South interchange turn at King's Furniture Store


590 Washington Ave. 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday Station Info: (901) 528-2904 TTY: (901) 576-6501 Directions: One block south of Poplar Ave. between Danny Thomas and Manassas.




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Información de interés comunitario 19


Información de interés comunitario

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

Community Information

INFORMACIÓN SOBRE MEMPHIS, TN. / INFORMATION ABOUT MEMPHIS, TN. • Fundación: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1819 • Incorporación: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1826 • Altitud: el aeropuerto se encuentra a 331 pies sobre el nivel del mar. El río . Mississippi se encuentra a 188 pies sobre el nivel del mar.

Universidades más grandes • Christian Brothers University: fundada en 1871. • LeMoyne-Owen College: fundada en 1871. • University of Memphis: fundada en 1912. • Rhodes College: fundada en 1848. • Southwest Community College • University of Tennessee College of Medicine: fundada en 1911.

• Área / Ubicación: 296.35 millas cuadradas (medición de agosto de 1992); Latitud / longitud: 35.10’ norte por 90.00’ oeste en Madison y Front.

Gobierno: El Alcalde y el Consejo de la ciudad fueron establecidos en 1966.

• Flor oficial de la ciudad: Crape Myrtle.


• Árbol oficial de la ciudad: cornejo.

• 1820: 364 • 1830: 663 • 1840: 1,799 • 1850: 8,841 • 1860: 22,623 • 1870: 40,226 • 1880: 33,592

• Clima: temperatura (en grados Fahrenheit): promedio anual: 61.9º; promedio de enero: 41.2º; promedio de julio: 81.2º. Temperatura más alta registrada: 108º F el 13 de julio de 1980. Temperatura más baja registrada, 13º F, el 24 de diciembre de 1963.

• 1890: 64,495 • 1900: 102,320 • 1910: 131,105 • 1920: 162,351 • 1930: 253,140 • 1940: 292,942 • 1950: 396,000

• Precipitaciones: promedio anual de lluvias 48.6 pulgadas. Puentes, fechas de inauguración: • Frisco: 12 de mayo de 1892. • Harahan: 14 de julio de 1916. • Memphis & Arkansas: 17 de diciembre de 1949. • Hernando, MS DeSoto: 2 de agosto de 1973. Terminales aéreas y ferroviarias • Estación Central: construida en 1914; el servicio Amtrak comenzó en 1971. • Aeropuerto Internacional de Memphis: designado como aeropuerto internacional en 1969; la terminal fue completada en 1975. Edificios más altos • 100 North Main: 430 pies, 37 pisos. • Commerce Square: 396 pies, 31 pisos. • Sterick: 365 pies, 31 pisos. • Torre Clark: 365 pies, 32 pisos. • Torre Morgan Keegan: 341 pies, 23 pisos. La Información sobre Memphis es una cortesía de las Bibliotecas Públicas de Memphis y el condado de Shelby.

• 1960: 497,524 • 1970: 623,530 • 1980: 646,356 • 1990: 610,337 • 2000: 650,100

Información de interés comunitario

Community Information

CONSULADOS / CONSULATES ARGENTINA 800 Brickell Ave. Penthouse 1 Miami Fl. 33131 Tel: (305) 373-7794

Commercial Office 1101 Brickell Ave. #M-103 Miami, FL 33133 Tel: (305) 599-2224

245 Peachtree Center Ave. # 2101 Atlanta, GA 30303 Tel: (404) 880-0805

Atlanta 2876 Sequoyah Dr. NW Atlanta, GA 30323 Tel: (404) 355-7923

1811 Q. St. NW Washington, DC 20009 Tel: (202) 238-6460

4153 Broadway Kansas City, MO 64111 Tel: (816) 531-2345

BOLIVIA 3413 Canacee Dr. Mobile, AL 36693 Tel: (334) 666-6969

700 Sleater-Kinney Rd. SE #B-261 Olympia, WA 98503 Tel: (360) 754-8747

4339 Garfield St. NW Washington, DC 20008 Tel: (202) 244-7648

COLOMBIA 280 Aragon Ave. Miami, FL 33134 Tel: (305) 448-5558

1101 Brickell Ave. # 1103 Miami, FL 33131 Tel: (305) 358-6303 1401 Peachtree St. NE #240 Atlanta, GA 30309 Tel: (404) 522-0777 BRASIL 1901 6th Ave. North #2900 Birmingham, AL 35242 Tel: (205) 970-0714

601 Brickell Key Dr. #801 Miami, FL 33131 Tel: (305) 374-3144 5901 C Peachtree-Dunwoody Rd. #375 Atlanta, GA 30328 Tel: (770) 668-0451 2 Canal St. #2302 New Orleans, LA 70130 Tel: (504) 525-5580

EL SALVADOR 300 Biscayne Blvd. Way #1020 Miami, FL 33131 Tel: (305) 371-8850 GUATEMALA 2153 Meadow Lane Dr. Montgomery, AL 36106 Tel: (205) 269-2756 2601 Oakland Park Blvd. #200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33306 Tel: (954) 467-1700 1101 Brickell Ave. #1003-S Miami, FL 33131 Tel: (305) 679-9945 4772 E. Conway Dr. NW Atlanta, GA 30327 Tel: (404) 255-7019 147 Jefferson Ave. Memphis, TN 381036 Tel: (901) 527-8466 2100 5th Ave. Seattle, WA 98121 Tel: (206) 728-5920 HONDURAS 1914 Beachway Rd. #3-0 Jacksonville, FL 33207 Tel: (904) 348-3550

2601 S Bayshore Dr. #800 Miami, FL 33133 Tel: (305) 285-6200

COSTA RICA 1101 Brickell Ave. #704 Miami, FL 33131 Tel: (305) 871-7485

1201 W Peachtree St. Atlanta, GA 30309 Tel: (404) 881-7987

2200 Barker Rd. Tampa, FL 33605 Tel: (813) 248-6741

1107 E. Jackson St. #103 Tampa, FL 33602 Tel: (813) 209-2349

107 Prosperity Dr. Savannah, GA 31408 Tel: (912) 964-0711

1870 The Exchange Unit #100 Atlanta, GA 30339 Tel: (770) 951-7025

600 Houze Way #3-A Roswell, GA 30076 Tel: (770) 234-9560

ECUADOR 1101 Brickell Ave. #M-102 Miami, FL 33131 Tel: (305) 539-8214

MÉXICO 3500 South University Avenue Little Rock, Arkansas 72204 Horario: Lunes a Viernes, 8:00am - 6:00pm. Tel: (501) 372-6933

1465 Ted Dunham Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Tel: (504) 336-4143 175 E Capitol St. #700 Jackson, MS 39201 Tel: (601) 961-2600 1256 N McLean Blvd. Memphis, TN 38108 Tel: (901) 272-6505 CHILE 800 Brickell Ave. # 1230 Miami, FL 33133 Tel: (305) 371-3219

Visa Office 3785 NW 82nd Ave. # 317 Miami, FL 33166 Tel: (305) 716-5252 5505 Roswell Rd. #350 Atlanta, GA 30342 Tel: (404) 252-2211

7171 Coral Way #309 Miami, FL 33155 Tel: (305) 269-9399

100 W Washington St Orlando, FL 32801 Tel: (407) 422-0514 2600 Apple Valley Rd. Atlanta, GA 30319 Tel: (404) 266-2233

Commercial Office 229 Peachtree St. NE #907 Atlanta, GA 30303 NICARAGUA 870 Market St. #518 San Francisco, CA 94102 Tel: (415) 765-6821 PANAMÁ 2801 Ponce De Leon Blvd. #1050 Coral Gables, FL 33134 Tel: (305) 447-3700 225 Peachtree St. #503 NE Atlanta, GA 30303 Tel: (404) 522-4114 PARAGUAY 300 Biscayne Blvd. Way #907 Miami, FL 33131 Tel: (305) 374-9090 611 Gravier St. #903 New Orleans, LA 70130 PERÚ 444 Brickell Ave. #M-135 Miami, FL 33131 Tel: (305) 374-8935 2106 W. Busch Blvd. Tampa, FL 33612 Tel: (942) 923-7586 1401 Peachtree St. NE #240 Atlanta, GA 30309 Tel: (404) 299-8234 URUGUAY 1077 Ponce De Leon Blvd. Coral Gables, FL 33134 Tel: (305) 443-9764 VENEZUELA 1101 Brickell Ave. #901 Miami, FL 33131 Tel: (305) 577-4301 2 Canal St New Orleans, LA 70130 Tel: (504) 524-6700




Información de interés comunitario Community Information

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

Información de interés comunitario

Community Information


Códigos telefónicos para llamadas a otros países / International Calling Codes Para hacer una llamada hacia otro país, marque: "011 – código del país – código de la ciudad – número de teléfono". Si usted está llamando a un país con código 809 u 808, no necesita marcar 011, pero sí necesita marcar 1.

Argentina 54 * Azul 281 * Bahía Blanca 91 * Buenos Aires 1 * Chilvilcoy 341 * Comodoro Rivadavia 967 * Córdoba 51 * Corrientes 783 * La Plata 21 * Las Flores 244 * Mar Del Plata 23 * Mendoza 61 * Merio 220 * Moreno 228 * Posadas 752 * Resistencia 722 * Río Cuarto 586 * Rosario 41 * San Juan 64 * San Rafael 627 * Santa Fe 42 * Tandil 293 * Villa María 531 Colombia 57 * Armenia 60 * Barranquila 53 * Bogotá 1 * Bucaramanga 76 * Cali 2 * Cartagena 59 * Cartago 66 * Cúcuta 70 * Giradot 832 * Ibague 82 * Manizales 69 * Medellín 4 * Neiva 80

* Palmira 31 * Pereira 61 * Santa Marta 56 * Villavicencio 86 El Salvador 503 Guatemala 502 * Antigua 9 * Guatemala City 2 * Quezaltenango 9 Honduras 504 Mexico 52 * Acapulco 744 * Aguascalientes 449 * Cabo San Lucas 624 * Campeche 981 * Cancún 998 * Celaya 461 * Cd. Juárez 656 * Cd. Lázaro. Cárdenas 753 * Cd. Obregón 644 * Cd. Sahagun 791 * Cd. Valles 481 * Cd. Victoria 834 * Coatzacoalcos 921 * Colima 312 * Cuernavaca 777 * Culiacan 667 * Chetumal 983 * Chihuahua 614 * Chilpancingo 747 * Durango 618 * Fresnillo 493 * Guadalajara 33 * Guadalupe Victoria 676

* Guamuchil 673 * Guanajuato 473 * Guasave 687 * Guaymas 622 * Hermosillo 662 * Huatabampo 647 * Iguala 733 * Isla Mujeres 998 * Ixtapan de la Sal 721 * Jalapa 228 * La Paz 612 * León 477 * Manzanillo 314 * Maravatio 447 * Matamoros 868 * Mazatlan 669 * Mérida 999 * Mexicali 686 * Ciudad de México 55 * Minatitlán 922 * Monclova 866 * Monterrey 81 * Morelia 443 * Nuevo Laredo 867 * Oaxaca 951 * Orizaba 272 * Pachuca 771 * Poza Rica 782 * Puebla 222 * Puerto Vallarta 322 * Querétaro 442 * Saltillo 844 * San Luis Potosí 444 * Tampico 833 * Tapachula 962 * Taxco 762 * Tehuacan 238 * Tepic 311

* Tequisquiapan 414 * Texcoco 595 * Teziutlan 231 * Tlaxcala 246 * Toluca 722 * Torreón 871 * Tulancingo 775 * Tuxpan 783 * Tuxtla Gutiérrez 961 * Valle de Bravo 726 * Veracruz City 229 * Villahermosa 993 * Zacatecas 492 Venezuela 58 * Barcelona 81 * Barquisimeto 51 * Cabimas 64 * Caracas 2 * Cuidad Bolivar 85 * Coro 68 * Cumana 93 * Guanare 57 * Los Teques 32 * Maiquetia 31 * Maracaibo 61 * Maracay 43 * Maturin 91 * Mérida 74 * Miranda 2 * Puerto Cabello 42 * Punto Fijo 69 * San Cristobal 76 * San Juan De Los Morros 46 * Valencia 41 * Zaraza 38


Información de interés comunitario Community Information

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

INFOPASS : ES INFORMACIÓN DE INMIGRACIÓN CON CITA PREVIA Infopass es un sistema de Internet que brinda la posibilidad de que el público establezca citas con oficiales del Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los EE.UU., (USCIS) a través de la Red. Si usted tiene una pregunta compleja sobre inmigración o una necesidad que debe ser atendida por un oficial capacitado de USCIS, InfoPass le ofrece una alternativa conveniente a esperar en fila para ser atendido. InfoPass es una página de Internet de alta seguridad.

¿CÓMO FUNCIONA INFOPASS? • Usted puede entrar al sistema Infopass a través de la dirección electrónica No necesita contar con ningún programa especial. Lo único que usted precisa para usar este sistema es un ordenador con acceso a Internet. • Desde la página de Internet de InfoPass podrá seleccionar el idioma de su preferencia. InfoPass es ofrecido actualmente en 12 idiomas. • A continuación, se le pedirá que ingrese su código postal, nombre, fecha de nacimiento, número de teléfono, tipo de cita que desea, fecha y hora. • InfoPass generará una notificación electrónica de la cita, la cual aparecerá en su pantalla. • Las citas de InfoPass están disponibles en períodos de dos semanas, seguidas por otras dos semanas sin posibilidad de hacer citas.

¿QUÉ DEBO LLEVAR A MI CITA? • Traiga una copia impresa de la notificación de la cita. La notificación debe mostrar la fecha y hora de la cita, la dirección de la oficina de USCIS, e instrucciones sobre cualquier documentación extra requerida. • Esté preparado para presentar identificaciones personales, como una tarjeta de identificación emitida por el estado, pasaporte, licencia de conducir válida, I-94, tarjeta de autorización de trabajo, o tarjeta verde (I-551). • Traiga cualquier formulario, recibo, traducción y documento original relacionado con su indagación. • Usted puede cancelar o cambiar la fecha de su cita por medio de Internet usando los números de identificación que se encuentran en la parte inferior de su hoja de notificación de la cita. • Si pierde su notificación para la cita, puede generar una copia por medio de InfoPass ingresando la información solicitada

¿ES INFOPASS LO QUE YO NECESITO? Puede que usted no necesite visitar las oficinas de USCIS para recibir asistencia. Los formularios de inmigración están a su disposición en la dirección electrónica, o llamando al Centro Nacional de Servicio al Consumidor (NCSC), al teléfono 800 375-5283. Los clientes también pueden completar un formulario de beneficios de inmigración por medio de E-Filling. En este momento, E-Filling contiene ocho de los formularios más utilizados que componen más del 50% de las solicitudes llenadas cada año. Para revisar el estatus de una solicitud, contáctese con el centro de servicios de USCIS, y también puede ingresar vía Internet, eligiendo la opción "Case Status Online".

Información de interés comunitario

Community Information


Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica

INFOPASS – IMMIGRATION INFORMATION BY APPOINTMENT InfoPass is an Internet-based system that enables the public to go online to schedule appointments with immigration information officers at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) offices. If you have a complex immigration question or need that is best addressed by a trained USCIS officer in person, InfoPass offers a convenient alternative to waiting in line for assistance. InfoPass is a secure Internet site.

HOW DOES INFOPASS WORK? • You access the system by typing into your Internet browser window. No special software is necessary. The only requirements are a computer with a browser and Internet access. • The InfoPass home page asks you to select your preferred language. InfoPass is currently offered in 12 languages. • Follow screen prompts asking for your zip code, name, birth date, phone number, desired appointment type, date, and time. • InfoPass generates an electronic appointment notice, which appears on the screen. • InfoPass appointments are available in two-week blocks.

WHAT SHOULD I TAKE TO MY APPOINTMENT? • Bring a print out of the appointment notice. The notice gives the date and time of the appointment, the USCIS office address, and instruction on any additional documents required. • Be prepared to present personal identification, such as a government-issued ID card, passport, valid driver’s license, I-94, Work Authorization Card, or green card (I-551). • Bring any forms, receipts, translations, and original documents related to your inquiry. You can cancel and reschedule appointments over the Internet using the identification numbers at the bottom of your appointment confirmation notice. If you lose your appointment notice, you may generate a replacement by accessing InfoPass and entering the information requested.

IS INFOPASS FOR ME? You may not need to visit a USCIS office to receive the assistance you need. Immigration forms are available on the agency’s website at, or by calling the National Customer Service Center (NCSC), 800 375-5283. Customers can also file for an immigration benefit by using E-Filing. E-Filing currently supports eight of the most frequently used forms that account for over 50% of the applications filed each year. To check the status of an application filed with a USCIS service center, you can also go online and select “Case Status Online.”


Información de interés comunitario Community Information

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

ESCUELAS DE LA CIUDAD DE MEMPHIS / MEMPHIS SCHOOLS Los nuevos residentes del estado necesitarán lo siguiente para registrar a sus hijos: Newcomers registering students in local schools will need the following: • Certificado o acta de nacimiento del alumno. • La última cartilla de calificaciones (grade report). • Registro de vacunas.

• The pupil’s birth certificate. • The most recent grade report. • Immunization records.

A B Hill Elementary 345 East Olive Av . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7844 A. Maceo Walker Middle School 1900 East Raines Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-1030 Airways Middle School 2601 Ketchum Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-5006 Alcy Elementary 1750 Alcy Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7800 Alton Elementary 2020 Alton St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7430 American Way Middle 3805 American Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-1250 Avon Lenox School 310 North Avon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2124 B T Washington High School 715 South Lauderdale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7240 Balmoral Elementary 5905 Grosvenor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2128 Bellevue Junior High School 575 South Bellevue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4488 Berclair Elementary 810 North Perkins Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8800 Bethel Grove Elementary 2459 Arlington Av. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-5012 Brewster, Dr. WM Herbert Elementary 2605 Sam Cooper Blvd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7150 Brookmeade Elementary 3777 Edenburg Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3920 Brownsville Rd Elementary 5292 Banbury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4300 Bruce Elementary 581 South Bellevue Bl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4495 Caldwell Elementary 230 Henry St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3200 Campus School 535 Zach Curlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 678-2285 Carnes Elementary 943 J. W. Williams La . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3206 Carver High School 1591 Pennsylvania. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7594 Central High School 306 South Bellevue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4500 Charjean Elementary 2140 Charjean Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-5016 Cherokee Elementary 3061 Kimball.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-5028 Chickasaw Junior High School 4060 Westmont Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8134 Circles Of Success Learning Academy 867 South Parkway East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 322-7978 City University School Of Liberal Arts 4748 Winchester Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 368-9890 Coleman Elementary 3210 Raleigh Millington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4306 Colonial Middle School 4778 Sea Isle Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8980 Colonial Visually Limited Center 1360 Colonial Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8960 Cordova Elementary School 750 Sanga Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-1700

Cordova High School 1800 Berryhill Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4540 Cordova Middle School 900 Sanga Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2189 Corning Elementary 1662 Dabbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3926 Coro Lake Elementary 1560 Drew Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8140 Corry Middle School 2230 Corry Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7804 Craigmont High School 3333 Covington Pk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4312 Craigmont Middle School 3455 Covington Pk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7780 Cromwell Elementary 4989 Cromwell Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2500 Crump Elementary 4405 Crump Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-1970 Cummings Elementary 1037 Cummings St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7810 Cypress Middle School 2109 Howell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4524 Delano Elementary 1716 Delano Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3932 Denver Elementary 1940 Frayser Bl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3936 Diamond Academy 2109 Howell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4615 Double Tree Elementary 4560 Double Tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8144 Douglass Elementary 1650 Ash St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-5946 Downtown Elementary 10 North Fourth St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8400 Dunbar Elementary 2606 Select Avenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-5000 East Career Technology Center 3206 Poplar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-6200 East High School 3206 Poplar Av. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-6160 Egypt Elementary 4160 Karen Cove.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4150 Evans Elementary 4949 Cottonwood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2504 Fairley Elementary 4950 Fairley Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8080 Fairley High School 4950 Fairley Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8060 Fairview Jr High School 750 East Parkway, South. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4536 Florida-Kansas Elementary 90 West Olive St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7874 Ford Road Elementary 3336 Ford Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8150 Fox Meadows Elementary 2960 Emerald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2530 Frayser Elementary 1602 Dellwood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3840 Frayser Middle/ High School 1530 Dellwood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3880

Informaci贸n de inter茅s comunitario

Community Information


ESCUELAS DE LA CIUDAD DE MEMPHIS / MEMPHIS SCHOOLS Gardenview Elementary 4075 Hartz Dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3068 Geeter Middle School 4649 Horn Lake Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8157 Georgia Ave Elementary 690 Mississippi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7200 Georgian Hills Elementary 3930 Leweir Av . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3750 Georgian Hills Junior High School 3925 Denver Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3740 Germanshire Elementary School 3965 South Germantown Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3733 Getwell Elementary School 2795 Getwell Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-0267 Goodlett Elementary 3001 Goodlett Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2510 Gordon Elementary 815 Breedlove.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3212 Graceland Elementary 3866 Patte Ann Dr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3074 Grahamwood Elementary 3950 Summer Av. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-5952 Grandview Heights Elementary School 2342 Clifton Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3940 Graves Elementary 3398 Graves Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3086 Grizzlies Academy 168 Jefferson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 525-0266 Guthrie Elementary 951 Chelsea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3220 Hamilton Elementary 1378 Ethlyn Av . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7826 Hamilton High School 1363 Person. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7838 Hamilton Middle School 1478 Wilson St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7832 Hanley Elementary 680 Hanley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-5958 Havenview Middle School 1481 Hester Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3092 Hawkins Mill Elementary 4295 Mountain Terrace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3944 Hickory Ridge Elementary School 3890 Hickory Hill Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-1195 Hickory Ridge Middle School 3920 Ridgeway Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-9337 Hillcrest High School 4184 Graceland Dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3104 Hollis F. Price Middle College High School 807 Walker Av. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 435-1765 Holmes Road Elementary School 1083 Holmes Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-6469 Humes Middle School 659 North Mannassas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3226 Ida B Wells Academy 777 Firestone Bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3210 Idlewild Elementary 1950 Linden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4566 Jackson Elementary 3925 Wales Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4222 John P. Freeman Optional School 5250 Tulane Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3156 Kansas Career And Technical Center 80 W. Olive St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7300 Kate Bond Elementary School 2727 Kate Bond Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-0020 Keystone Elementary 4301 Old Allen Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3924 Kingsbury Elementary 4055 Bayliss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-6020

Kingsbury Middle/ High School 1270 North Graham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-6060 Kingsbury Career & Technology Cntr. 1328 North Graham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-6000 Kirby High School 4080 Kirby Pw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-1960 Kirby Middle School 6670 East Raines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-1980 Klondike Elementary 1250 Vollintine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4572 Knight Road Elementary 3237 Knight Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2514 Lakeview Elementary 5132 Jonetta St.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8163 Lanier Middle School 817 Brownlee Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3128 Larose Elementary 864 Willoughby St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7848 Lester Elementary School 320 Carpenter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-5969 Levi Elementary 135 W. Levi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8166 Lincoln Elementary 1566 South Orleans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7860 Longview Middle School 1895 South Orleans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7420 Lucie E. Campbell Elementary 3232 Birchfield... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-1000 Macon Elementary 968 North Mendenhall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2132 Magnolia Elementary 2061 Livewell Cr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4578 Manassas High School 781 Firestone Bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3244 Manor Lake Elementary 4900 Horn Lake Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8170 Melrose High School 2870 Deadrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-5974 Memphis Academy Of Health Sciences 3925 Chelsea Ave Ext . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 382-1441 Memphis Academy Of Science Engineering 20 South Dudley St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 448-6273 Memphis Business Academy 3333 Old Brownsville Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 380-8176 Messick Adult Career & Tech. Center 703 South Greer... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 325-4841 Memphis Job Corps Academy 1555 Mcalister Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 396-2800 Middle College High School 737 Union Av... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 333-5360 Mitchell Middle/ High School 658 Mitchell Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8174 Newberry Elementary 5540 Newberry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2518 Norris Elementary 1490 Norris Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7876 Northside High School 1212 Vollintine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4582 Oak Forest 7447 Nonconnah View Cove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2257 Oakhaven Elementary 3795 Bishops Bridge Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2320 Oakhaven Middle/ High School 3125 Ladbrook Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2300 Oakshire Elementary 1765 East Holmes Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3140 Orleans Elementary 1400 McMillan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7880 Overton High School 1770 Lanier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2136


Información de interés comunitario Community Information

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

ESCUELAS DE LA CIUDAD DE MEMPHIS / MEMPHIS SCHOOLS Peabody Elementary 2086 Young . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4606 Promise Academy 1346 Bryan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4860 Pyramid Academy 1266 Poplar Av. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4400 Raineshaven Elementary 430 Ivan Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3146 Raleigh Egypt High School 3970 Voltaire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4108 Raleigh Egypt Middle School 4215 Alice Ann Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4141 Raleigh- Bartlett Meadows School 5195 Twin Woods Av . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4336 Richland Elementary 5440 Rich Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2148 Ridgeway Elementary 1775 Ridgeway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8840 Ridgeway High School 2009 Ridgeway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8820 Ridgeway Middle School 6333 Quince Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-1588 Riverview Elementary 260 Joubert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7360 Riverview Middle School 241 Majuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7340 Robert R. Church Elementary School 4100 Mill Branch Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-0198 Ross Elementary 4890 Ross Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-1990 Rozelle Creative & Performing Arts Elementary 993 Roland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4612 Scenic Hills Elementary 3450 Scenic Hwy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4342 Sea Isle Elementary 5250 Sea Isle Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2104 Shady Grove Elementary 5360 Shady Grove Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2166 Shannon Elementary 2248 Shannon Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4616 Sharpe Elementary 3431 Sharpe Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-5020 Sheffield Career And Technical Center 4350 Chuck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2340 Sheffield Elementary 4290 Chuck Av. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2360 Sheffield High School 4315 Sheffield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2370 Shelby Oaks Elementary 6053 Summer Av. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4305 Sherwood Elementary 1156 Robinhood Ln.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4864 Sherwood Middle School 3480 Rhodes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4870 Shrine School 4259 Forestview Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2400 Snowden School 1870 North Pkwy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4621 South Park Elementary 1736 Getwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-5024 South Side High School 1880 Prospect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7380 South Side Alternative School 1880 Prospect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-1931 Southern Avenue Charter School Of Academic Excellence Creative Arts 3311 KImball Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 743-7335 Southwest Career And Technical School 3746 Horn Lake, MS Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8186 Spring Hill Elementary 3796 Raleigh Frayser Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4346

Springdale Elementary 880 North Hollywood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4883 Star Academy 3260 James Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 387-5050 Soulsville Charter School 910 East Mc Lemore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 942-7627 Treadwell Elementary 3538 Given Av. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-6130 Treadwell Middle/ High School 920 North Highland.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-6100 Trezevant Career And Technical School 3224 Range Line Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3800 Trezevant High School 3350 Trezevant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3760 Vance Middle School 673 Vance Av . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3256 Vollentine Elementary 1682 Vollintine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-4632 Wells Station Elementary 1610 Wells Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2172 Westhaven Elementary 4585 Hodge Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8202 Westside Elementary 3347 Dawn Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3725 Westside High School 3389 Dawn Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3700 Westwood Elementary 778 Parkrose Av. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8020 Westwood Middle/ High School 4480 Westmont St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8000 White Station Elementary 4840 Chickasaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8900 White Station High School 514 South Perkins Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8880 White Station Middle School 5465 Mason Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2184 Whitehaven Elementary 4783 Elvis Presley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-7431 Whitehaven High School 4851 Elvis Presley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3000 Whites Chapel Elementary 3966 Sewanee Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-8206 Whitney Elementary 1219 Whitney Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3949 Willow Oaks Elementary 4417 Willow Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2196 Winchester Elementary 3587 Boeingshire Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-3152 Winridge Elementary School 3500 Ridgeway Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-6618 Wooddale High School 5151 Scottsdale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2440 Wooddale Middle 3467 Castleman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 416-2420 Yo! Academy 2410 South Third St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 947-5353

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ESCUELAS DEL CONDADO DE SHELBY / SHELBY COUNTY SCHOOLS Elementary Schools Alturia Elementary School 6641 Deermont.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 373-2600 Arlington Elementary School 11825 Douglass St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 867-6000 Baily Station Elementary 3435 Baily Station Rd, Collierville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 853-6380 Barrets Elementary School 10280 Godwin Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 873-8160 Bartlett Elementary School 3932 Billy Maher Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 373-2610 Bon Lin Elementary 3940 N Germantown, Bartlett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 937-2344 Chimneyrock Elementary School 8601 Chimneyrock Bl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 756-2316 Collierville Elementary School 590 Peterson Lake Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 853-3300 Crosswind Elementary School 831 West Shelton Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 853-3330 Dexter Elementary School 7105 Dexter Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 373-3526 Dogwood Elementary School 8945 Dogwood Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 756-2310 E A Harrold Elementary School 4943 West Union Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 873-8165 Ellendale Elementary School 6950 Dawn Hill Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 373-2636 Farmington Elementary School 2085 Cordes Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 756-2320 Germantown Elementary School 2730 Cross Country Dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 756-2330 Highland Oaks Elementary School 5252 Annandale Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 756-2343 Jeter Elementary School 7662 Benjestown Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 873-8170 Lakeland Elementary School 10050 Oak Seed Ln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 867-7071 Lucy Elementary School 6269 Amhurst Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 873-8175 Macon-Hall Elementary School 9800 Macon Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 759-4530 Millington Elementary 6445 Wm. Osteen Dr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 873-8433 Northhaven Elementary School 5157 North Circle Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 353-8580 Oak Elementary School 3573 Oak Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 373-2646 Rivercrest Elementary School 4825 Rivercrest La. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 373-1373 Riverdale Elementary School 7391 Neshoba Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 756-2300

Southwind Elementary School 8155 Meadowvale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 756-2325 Sycamore Elementary School 1155 Sycamore Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 854-8202 Tara Oaks Elementary School 600 Harpers Ferry Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 853-3337 Middle Schools Appling Middle School 3700 Appling Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 373-1410 Arlington Middle School 5470 Lamb Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 867-6015 Collierville Middle School 146 College St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 853-3320 Dexter Middle School 6998 East Raleigh- La Grange R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 373-3134 Elmore Park Middle School 6330 Althorne Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 373-2642 Germantown Middle School 7925 Cd Smith Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 756-2338 Houston Middle School 9400 Wolf River Bl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 756-2366 Millington Middle School 4964 Cuba Millington Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 873-8130 Mount Pisgah Middle School 1444 Pisgah Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 756-2386 Schilling Farms Middle School 935 South Colbert St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 854-2345 Shadowlawn Middle School 4734 Shadowlawn Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 373-2654 Southwind Middle School 7740 Lowrance Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 759-3000 Woodstock Middle School 5885 Woodstock Cuba Rd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 353-8590 High Schools Arlington High School 5475 Airline Rd, Arlington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 867-1541 Bartlett High School 5688 Woodlawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 373-2620 Bolton High School 7323 Brunswick Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 873-8150 Collierville High School 1101 N Byhalia Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 853-3310 Germantown High School 7653 Old Poplar Pk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 756-2350 Houston High School 9755 Wolf River Bl.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 756-2370 Millington High School 8057 Wilkinsville Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 873-8100 Southwind High School 7900 East Shelby Dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 752-2881


Información de interés comunitario Community Information

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

COLEGIOS / COLLEGES • UNIVERSIDADES/ UNIVERSITIES • ESCUELAS TÉCNICAS / TECHNICAL SCHOOLS Baptist College of Health Sciences 1003 Monroe Ave Ofc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 575-2247

New Horizons Computer Learning 4775 American Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 375-1533

Baptist College of Health Sciences – Division of Allied Health 1003 Monroe Ave Ofc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 572-2641

New Wave Hair Academy 804 S Highland St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 320-9283 3262 Coleman Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 372-2026

Baptist College of Health Sciences – Division of General Studies 1003 Monroe Ave Ofc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 572-2492 Baptist College of Health Sciences – Division of Nursing 1003 Monroe Ave Ofc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 572-2841 Bellhaven College 5100 Poplar Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 888 3343 Bluff City Bible College 1169 Race St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 942-9088 Christian Brothers University – Admissions, Day Program 650 East Parkway South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 321-3205 Christian Brothers University – Evening Program, Admissions, Summer Program 650 East Parkway South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 321-3291 Concorde Career Institute 5100 Poplar Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 761-9494 Crichton College 255 North Highland St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 320-9700 Education America-Memphis 3731 Nonconnah Blvd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901-345-1000

Plaza Beauty School 4682 Spottswood Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 761-4445 Remington College 2710 Nonconnah Blvd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 345-1000 Rhodes College 2000 North Parkway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 843-3000 Southern College of Optometry 1245 Madison Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 722-3200 Southwest Career Tech Center 3746 Horn Lake Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 416-8186 Southwest Tennessee Community College 5983 Macon Cove. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 333-4000 Evening & Weekend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 333-4243 Gill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 333-5970 Whitehaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 333-6450 Millington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 872-8117 Southeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 333-6005 Fayette County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 466-7656 Union Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 333-5000

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 3221 Players Club Parkway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 507-9969

Strayer University 2620 Thousand Oaks Blvd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 369-0835 6211 Shelby Oaks Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 383-6750

Harding University Graduate School of Religion 1000 Cherry Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 761-1353

The Beauty Institute 568 Colonial Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 761-1888

High Tech Institute 5863 Shelby Oaks Cir 3 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 432-3800

Tennessee Academy of Cosmetology 7020 East Shelby Dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 757-4131 7041 Stage Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 382-9085

ITT Technical Institute 1255 Lynnfield Rd. Ste 192 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 762-0556 Kansas VoTech School 80 West Olive Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 416-7300 Kingsbury Career & Tech 1328 N Graham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 416-6000 Lemoyne–Owen College 807 Walker Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 775-3755 Memphis College of Art 1930 Poplar Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 272-5100 Memphis School of Preaching 3950 Forest Hill Irene Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 751-2242

Tennessee Technology Center At Memphis 550 Alabama Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 543-6100 The Massage Institute of Memphis 3445 Poplar Ave Ste 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 324-4411 The University of Tennessee Health Science Center Administration and Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 448-2896 Trezevant Career Vo Tech 3224 Range Line Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 416-3800 Union University 2745 Hacks Cross Rd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 759-0029

Memphis Theological Seminary 168 East Parkway South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 458-8232

University of Memphis Information Center Visitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 448-2896 University Operator, Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 678-2000 Minority Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 678-2054

Methodist Healthcare – Hospital Schools of Nursing – RN 251 South Claybrook St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 726-8516

University of Phoenix 65 Germantown Ct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 751-0785

Methodist Healthcare – Hospital Schools of Nursing – LPN 251 South Claybrook St . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 726-8884

Vatterott College 6152 Macon Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 761-5730 2655 Dividend Dr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 843-3870

Mid-South Christian College 3097 Knight Arnold Rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 375-4400

WM R Moore College of Technology 1200 Poplar Ave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .901 726-1977

Información de interés comunitario

Community Information


ATRACCIONES EN EL ÁREA / AREA ATTRACTONS Art Museum of the University of Memphis 901 678-2224

Memphis Pink Palace Museum 901 320-6320

Peabody Hotel Ducks 901 529-4000

Ballet Memphis 901 737-7322

Memphis Redbirds Baseball 901 721-6000

Peabody Place Entertainment & Retail 901 261-PLAY(7529)

Beale Street Historic District 901 526-0110

Memphis Rock ‘n’ Soul Museum 901 205-2533

Peabody Place Museum 901 523-2787

Center for Southern Folklore 901 525-3655

Memphis Transportation Museum 901 683-2266

Slave Haven/Burkle Estate Museum 901 527-3427

Children’s Museum of Memphis 901 458 2678

Memphis Zoo 901-276 (WILD) 9453

Southland Park, Gaming and Racing 870 735-3670 or 800 467-6182

Chucalissa Museum 901 785-3160

Mississippi Casinos 800 488-6422

Stax Museum of Ameican Soul Music 901 942-7685 or 888 942-7685

Cordova Cellars Winery & Vineyards 901 754-3442

Mississippi Riverkings 662 342-1755

Sun Studio 901 521-0664 or 800 441-6249

Davies Manor Plantation 901 386-0715

Mississippi River Museum 901 576-7241 or 800 507-6507

W.C. Handy House Museum 901 527-3427

Dixon Gallery & Gardens 901 761-5250

Mud Island River Park 901 576-7241 or 800-507-6507

Woodruff-Fontaine House 901-526-1469

FedEx Forum 901 205-1234

National Civil Rights Museum 901 521-9699

Fire Museum of Memphis 901 320-5650

National Ornamental Metal Museum 901 744-6380 or 877 881-2326

NEARBY ATTRACTIONS Alex Haley House & Museum 731 738-2240

Germantown Performing Arts Centre 901 751-7500

Orpheum Theatre 901-525-3000

Gibson Guitar Factory & Showcase 901 544-7998 Graceland 901 332-3322 or 800 238-2000 Hunt Phelan Estate 901 525-8225 Lichterman Nature Center 901 767-7322 Main Street Trolley 901 274-6282 Memphis Botanic Garden 901 685-1566 Memphis Brooks Museum of Art 901 544-6200 Memphis City Parks 901 576-4200 Memphis Grizzlies 901-888-HOOP (4667) Memphis Motorsports Park 901 358-7223 Memphis Music Hall of Fame 901 525-4007

Casey Jones Village 731 668-1223 Desoto County 662 429-4414

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas



Mississippi Riverkings 662 342-1755

Memphis Grizzlies 901 888 HOOP (4667)

Memphis Redbirds 901 721-6000

Nashville Predators 615-770-PUCK (7825)

Tennessee Titans 615 565-4200


ABOGADOS / ATTORNEYS Abbott Charles E Attorney 6969 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 681-4201 Abbott Law Firm 6969 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 681-4222 Adams Ben C Jr Attorney 165 Madison Ave................................................................................... 901 577-2307 Alissandratos Mary K Attorney 6750 Lenox Center Court ...................................................................... 901 767-5566 Allie Prescott & Partners LLC 6555 Quince Road................................................................................. 901 758-2565 Alvarez Robert K Attorney 5400 Poplar Ave ................................................................................... 901 683-3526 Anderson Steven L Attorney 6060 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 685-9222 Avery Thomas B Attorney 5830 Mount Moriah Road ..................................................................... 901 370-5775 Baer Dennis R Attorney 568 Harwood Cove ................................................................................ 901 683-7159 Bailey John Michael Attorney 5978 Knight Arnold Road Extension ...................................................... 901 529-1010 Ball Bradley Attorney 2705 Appling Road ................................................................................ 901 372-5003 Ballin Ballin & Fishman P C Attorney 200 Jefferson Ave Suite 1250 ............................................................... 901 525-6278 Ballin Leslie I Attorney 200 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................. 901 525-6278 Ballin Marvin E Attorney 200 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................. 901 525-6278 Bateman Gibson & Childers 65 Union Ave Suite 1010....................................................................... 901 526-0412 Beard Craig M Attorney 200 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................. 901 523-1110 Bell Gene E Attorney 2600 Poplar Ave Suite 210.................................................................... 901 458-1133 Ben G Sissman Law Offices 100 North Main Street........................................................................... 901 525-4414 Bernstein Law Office 555 Perkins Extension Suite 250 .......................................................... 901 682-6631 Bhagat Nimmo Attorney 6555 Quince Road................................................................................. 901 756-6100 Blanchard Jerred Attorney 44 North 2nd Street Bsmt ..................................................................... 901 525-8721 BLATTEIS CHARLES (ver nuestra ad en esta página) 130 North Court Ave............................................................................. 901 524-5114 Bloomfield Jeff Attorney 50 North Front Street............................................................................. 901 528-1702 Blount Law Firm 253 Adams Ave ..................................................................................... 901 529-9377 Bowling W Kerby II Attorney 766 South White Station Road .............................................................. 901 761-3440

Brasher Rex L Jr Attorney 5100 Poplar Ave Suite 2515.................................................................. Brawner Robert E Attorney 3412 Park Ave ....................................................................................... Brode Marvin J Attorney 100 North Main Street Suite 3116 ........................................................ Brown Aubrey L Jr Attorney 80 Monroe Ave Suite 700...................................................................... Burlison David Attorney 6263 Poplar Ave Suite 1037.................................................................. Campbell John W Attorney 80 Monroe Ave ..................................................................................... Cannon John R Jr Attorney 200 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................. Cantor Irwin I Attorney 1661 International Drive ........................................................................ Carol Chumney Law Firm 5050 Poplar Ave Suite 2400.................................................................. Caywood David E Attorney 100 North Main Street Suite 2400 ........................................................ Center for Inalienable Rights 1355 Lynnfield Road Suite 263 ............................................................. Chambers Durham Attorneys 100 North Main Street Suite 3200 ........................................................ Charles E Rich Law Office Attorney 3884 Summer Ave ................................................................................ Clinton Law Office 100 North Main Street........................................................................... Cochran Cherry Givens Smith & Bolton L L P 1 Commerce Square ............................................................................. Cohen Steve Attorney 707 Adams Ave ..................................................................................... Conflict Mediation Inc 1879 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................


901 761-1010 901 324-0696 901 527-0763 901 524-4961 901 685-2121 901 523-8211 901 526-7399 901 680-0036 901 844-7141 901 526-0206 901 818-5374 901 543-0866 901 323-0890 901 521-6018 615 277-0364 901 525-8601 901 624-0264


Notario registrado en el Consulado del Perú TELÉFONO




2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas


COREY B. TROTZ ATTORNEY 488 S Mendenhall Rd .......................................................................... 901 683-7000 En español............................................................................................ 901 259-0404 1408 N. Highland #309, Jackson, TN.................................................. 731 427-5550 Crain Steven B Attorney 2900 One Commerce Square................................................................ 901 577-6118 David W. Hill Attorney at Law 253 Adams Ave ..................................................................................... 901 523-1783 Delgado Law Firm 5779 Getwell, Building D, Suite 5........................................................... 901 536-2120 Discenza David M Attorney 119 South Main Street .......................................................................... 901 525-8776 Donati Law Firm LLP 1545 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 278-1004 Drewry Jimmie Delton Attorney 3030 Covington Pike Suite 180............................................................. 901 372-1600 Dunlap David Attorney 165 Madison Ave................................................................................... 901 523-8088 Emerson George W Jr Attorney 200 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................. 901 576-1313 Eskridge & Eskridge Law Firm 100 North Main Street............................................................................901-734-5600 FEILD, ROSCOE y JOHN ATTORNEYS (ver nuestra ad en esta página) 239 Adams .............................................................................................901 525 0257 Fernandez F Sherry 100 Peabody Place................................................................................ 901 312-5555 Fishman Randall J Attorney 200 Jefferson Ave Suite 1250 ............................................................... 901 525-6278 Fox Joseph D Attorney 200 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................. 901 527-4110 FRAGER BARRY L ATTORNEY (Ver nuestro anuncio en página 2) 5100 Poplar Ave Ste 2204 .................................................................. 901 763-3188 Ganguli Juni S Attorney 405 Main Street. Ste. 1540 ................................................................... 901 544-9339 George E. Whitworth Abogado Bilingue 147 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................ 901 527-8466 Hackel Lenard P Attorney 301 Washington Ave Suite 203 ............................................................. 901 521-0558 Hardwick William Graves Attorney 4745 Poplar Ave Suite 201.................................................................... 901 685-0559 Hernandez Shannon M Attorney 100 Peabody Place................................................................................ 901 543-5900 Hill Boren Law Firm 191 Jefferson Ave .................................................................................. 901 527-2637 1269 N Highland Ave, Jackson TN ......................................................... 731 423-3300 Gratis/Toll-Free ...................................................................................... 866 837-6520 Irby Dale E Attorney 100 North Main Street Suite 3304 ........................................................ 901 523-1106 Jewel Law Firm 6000 Poplar Ave Suite 403.................................................................... 901 685-2408 Johnson Russell Law Office of Attorney 5100 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 761-0799 Katzman Mendy M Attorney 200 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................. 901 527-0644

Kelley Moore & Parrish 100 N Main St # 3217........................................................................... 901 523-9669 Kirkland Lloyd C Jr Attorney 5050 Poplar Ave Suite 1632 ................................................................ 901 767-8070 Kremer Richard H Attorney 165 Madison Ave Suite 1500 ............................................................... 901 525-4466 Kriger Martin R Attorney 314 Poplar Ave ...................................................................................... 901 522-9316 Kyles & Associates PC 200 Jefferson Ave Suite 850 ................................................................ 901 522-1200 Lalor Firm PLC 50 North Front Street Suite 1150 .......................................................... 901 527-0800 Landry Emily T Attorney 165 Madison Ave................................................................................... 901 577-2261 Latimore Michael Attorney 202 Adams Ave .................................................................................... 901 526-6476 Law Office Of Gail O. Mathes 50 North Front Street Suite 800 ........................................................... 901 528-9532 Law Office of Manuel Scarmoutsos 5100 Poplar Ave ................................................................................... 901 683-8813 Law Offices of Horne-Gilluly-Wells 65 Union Ave Suite 300......................................................................... 901 507-2520 Law Offices Of Stanley H Less 100 North Main Street #225 ................................................................ 901 525-2525 Lawrence James A Attorney 140 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................. 901 526-2522 Libby Stephen F Attorney 1 Commerce Square ............................................................................ 901 523-1222 Mathes Gail O. Attorney 50 North Front Street Suite 800 ............................................................ 901 528-9532 Midsouth Criminal Defense 1509 Madison Ave ................................................................................ 901 276-5100 Monroe Bill Attorney 80 Monroe Ave Ste 650 ........................................................................ 901 521-4001 NAHON, SAHAROVICH & TROTZ, PLC (Vea nuestro anuncio en la contraportada) 488 S Mendenhall Rd .......................................................................... 901 683-2751 NAHON MARCUS ATTORNEY 488 S Mendenhall Rd .......................................................................... 901 683-2751 Norfleet Kathleen Attorney 5583 Murray Road Suite 200 ............................................................... 901 763-1177 Nowlin Jason Attorney 50 North Front Street Suite 800 ............................................................ 901 528-9532 Patton Charles H Attorney-At-Law 5100 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 685-8475 Permanent General Law Offices 80 Monroe Ave ...................................................................................... 901 527-0634 Phillips & Associates 80 Monroe Ave ...................................................................................... 901 529-0606 Pittman Steven W Attorney 296 Washington Ave.............................................................................. 901 523-2222 Poe Ronald E Attorney 261 Germantown Bend Cove ................................................................ 901 758-8200 Powers Jennifer L Attorney 200 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................. 901 529-3007

“Podemos ayudarle con todos sus problemas legales.”

John y Roscoe Feild

“El abogado Feild me ayudó cuando me lesioné en el trabajo y puede ayudarle a usted también,” - José Naranjo, cliente.

John Feild abogado bilingüe

¡Nosotros somos los abogados hispanohablantes en los que puede confiar!

Abogados bilingües trabajando para los hispanos.

• ¿Tiene problemas domésticos? • ¿Necesita un abogado especializado en divorcios? • ¿Ha tenido un accidente automovilístico? • ¿Ha sido lesionado en el trabajo y necesita ayuda para recibir compensación del trabajador?

239 Adams en el centro de Memphis • 901-525-0257 No certificado como especialista en juicios civiles, derechos de acreedores, o derecho familiar por la Comisión de Educación y Especialización Continua en Leyes de Tennessee.


Memphis’s choice for bilingual news for 12 years!

Ragland Stephen W Attorney 100 Peabody Place................................................................................ 901 543-5900 Ragsdale Duncan E Jr Attorney 100 North Main Street Suite 2340 ....................................................... 901 526-2933 Ramsey James A III Attorney 6263 Poplar Ave Suite 300.................................................................... 901 683-5718 Ray Arthur Attorney 6244 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 682-1500 Rice Amundsen Caperton & Khumalo PLLC 275 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................. 901 526-6702 Richards Medical Attorney 165 Madison Ave................................................................................... 901 577-2214 Riggs Ronald T Attorney 100 North Main Street........................................................................... 901 526-6200 Ritchey Kevin Attorney 65 Union Ave Suite 1010....................................................................... 901 843-2467 Roane Glenwood Attorney 236 Adams Ave .................................................................................... 901 521-0084 Robinson Paul Law Offices Of 100 North Main Street Suite 2626 ....................................................... 901 579-9977 Rose Rose & Simpson Attorney 6242 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 682-6344 Rosenblum & Reisman Attorneys at Law 80 Monroe Ave ...................................................................................... 901 527-9600 Rutledge and Rutledge 1053 West Rex Road # 101 .................................................................. 901 682-0667 SAHAROVICH ALEX ATTORNEY 488 S Mendenhall Rd ........................................................................ 901 683-2751 Salky Irvin M Attorney at Law 240 Hawthorne Street ........................................................................... 901 274-4473 Sauer Stephen A Dermon Building.................................................................................... 901 525-8813 Schwartz J Hanover Attorney 5100 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 683-8766 Shapiro & Kirsch Law Office 5101 Wheelis Drive Suite 214 ............................................................... 901 767-5566 Siskind, Greg Attorney 5400 Poplar Ave Suite 300.................................................................... 901 682-6455 Siskind Susser Law Firm 5400 Poplar Ave Suite 300.................................................................... 901 682-6455 Gratis/Toll-Free ...................................................................................... 800 343-4980 En español ..................................................................901 507-4271 ó 901 507-4267 Sklar Joel B Attorney 1000 Ridgeway Loop Road ................................................................... 901 525-6781 Smart, Terry, Attorney 371 Carroll Ave ....................................................................................... 901 287-1146 Sorin Marc A Attorney at Law 545 South Main Street Ofc .................................................................... 901 529-9313 Sossaman Dennis J Attorney 100 North Main Street Suite 3002 ........................................................ 901 523-1869 Spicer Flynn & Rudstrom PLLC 80 Monroe Ave Suite 500...................................................................... 901 523-1333

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?)



• John Forbes Kerry es primo del ex Presidente George W. Bush en 11ava. línea. • John Forbes Kerry is the 11th Cousin of President George W. Bush.



2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas


Steinberg Jill M Attorney 165 Madison Ave................................................................................... 901 577-2234 Stubblefield William H Attorney 3767 New Getwell Road........................................................................ 901 369-1510 Sullivan David M Attorney 3251 Poplar Ave Suite 130.................................................................... 901 324-5474 Susser, Lynn Attorney 5400 Poplar Ave Suite 300 .................................................................. 901 682-6455 Sweeney David Attorney 5108 Stage Road................................................................................... 901 386-3662 Taylor Halliburton Ledbetter & Caldwell 44 North 2nd Street Suite 200 .............................................................. 901 523-8153 THE FRAGER LAW FIRM P.C. 5100 Poplar Ave Suite 2204 ..................................901 763-3188 or 901 371-5333 Línea gratuita/Toll-free ........................................................................888 889-VISA The Lawyers Of Hill Boren Pc 191 Jefferson Ave .................................................................................. 901 527-2637 1269 N Highland Ave, Jackson TN ......................................................... 731 423-3300 Gratis/Toll-Free ..................................................................................... 866 837-6520 Thorp Allan B Attorney 5668 South Rex Road ........................................................................... 901 763-0460 TROTZ, COREY B 488 S Mendenhall Rd ........................................................................... 901 683-7000 En español............................................................................................. 901 259-0404 1408 N. Highland # 309, Jackson TN.................................................. 731 427-5550 Union Ave Law Firm of Barbara R Loevy 1451 Union Ave Suite 120 ................................................................... 901 278-2800 VILLAFANA, WENDY LAW FIRM (Vea nuestro anuncio en la página anterior) 5119 Summer Ave, No. 303 ................................................................. 901 761-9280 Vescovo Christopher L Attorney 2900 One Commerce Square................................................................ 901 577-6140 Vescovo Stephen W Attorney 2900 One Commerce Square............................................................... 901 577-6138 Waddell Linda S Attorney at Law 5508 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 384-9185 Wagerman Howard L Attorney 200 Jefferson Ave Suite 1313 ............................................................... 901 527-0644 Weiss Miller & Weiss 100 North Main Street Suite 1201 ........................................................ 901 525-6804 Weissman Larry A Attorney 5118 Park Ave Suite 600....................................................................... 901 682-2697 Weissman Larry A Law Offices Attorney 5118 Park Ave Suite 600....................................................................... 901 763-2134 Wilkes McCullough & Wagner 44 North 2nd Street Suite 401 .............................................................. 901 525-8151 Wiseman Lang Attorney 2705 Appling Road Suite 202 ............................................................... 901 372-5003 Ziskind Gregory A Attorneys 119 South Main Street .......................................................................... 901 525-8776

ABORTOS (SERVICIOS DE) / ABORTION SERVICES Memphis Regional Planned Parenthood 1407 Union Ave Third Floor .................................................................... 901 725-1717

AEROLÍNEAS / AIRLINES AirTran Airways Línea gratuita /Toll Free ......................................................................... 800 247-8726 Línea gratuita /Toll Free (Para español) ................................................. 877 581-9842 American Airlines Línea gratuita /Toll Free ......................................................................... 800 433-7300 Continental Airlines Reservations For Mainland U S Hawaii & Mexico Línea gratuita /Toll Free ......................................................................... 800 523-3273 Continental Express - Air Cargo Memphis, TN 38103 .............................................................................. 901 922-2529 Línea gratuita /Toll Free ......................................................................... 800 421-2456 Delta Airlines Línea gratuita /Toll Free ......................................................................... 800 221-1212


Express Airlines 1 Inc 1689 Nonconnah Boulevard .................................................................. 901 332-8571 Northwest Airlines / KLM 2240 Democrat Road .......................................................................... 800 225-2525 Southwest Airlines Flight Connections from Little Rock........................................................ 800 435-9792 United Airlines Línea gratuita /Toll Free ..............................................................................800 UNITED

AGENCIAS DE EMPLEO / EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES A One Employment Agency Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 572-2303 A One Medical Recruiters 5865 Ridgeway Cntr Pkwy ..................................................................... 901 820-4550 A One Staffing LLC 3639 New Getwell Rd ............................................................................ 901 367-5757 Able Body Labor 3379 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 454-4041 Access Personnel Inc 280 Hernando St .................................................................................... 901 529-8384 Accountemps 22 N Front St .......................................................................................... 901 529-1500 6750 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................... 901 753-7600 Acrux Staffing 1285 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 452-5122 Acw Logistix Staffing 3225 Whitebrook Plaza .......................................................................... 901 766-0112 Adecco 5100 Poplar Ave # 2808......................................................................... 901 683-2342 6504 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-3888 3900 New Covington Pike # 112 ........................................................... 901 385-1127 Adecco Direct Hire 5100 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 682-7886 Advantage Technology Solutions 5945 Knight Arnold Road E .................................................................... 901 363-8834 Aerotek 2838 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 566-2040 1255 Lynnfield Rd # 110........................................................................ 901 462-2100 3930 Vantech Dr # 11 ............................................................................ 901 248-7400 Agri-Associates Inc 7777 Walnut Grove Rd Box 14 ............................................................... 901 757-8787 Ajilon Finance 6075 Poplar Ave # 201........................................................................... 901 761-1416 All in A Day Temporary Service 6084 Apple Tree Dr # 8 .......................................................................... 901 375-4797 Allegis Group 1255 Lynnfield Rd .................................................................................. 901 820-0432 Alliance for the Blind 4700 Poplar Ave # 100........................................................................... 901 766-0600 Allied Forces 6759 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 546-7524 Allied Forces Temporary Service 2279 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 324-7113 American Staffing Resources 2838 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 362-2090 American Workforce Inc 552 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 521-8191



Apple One Employment Service 6060 Primacy Pkwy # 261 ..................................................................... 901 685-0550 ASAP Staffing Service 3956 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 794-7794 ATC Healthcare Service 5500 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-8233 Bioworks Place Inc 1932 Exeter Road # 1 Germantown .................................................... 901 753-4141 Brannon Professionals LLC 3189 Kirby Whitten Rd ........................................................................... 901 759-9622 Bridges 477 N 5th St ........................................................................................... 901 527-5627 Career Concepts 3340 Poplar Ave # 230........................................................................... 901 320-9224 Career Driver Placement 4911 William Arnold Rd .......................................................................... 901 328-9170 Carvel Model & Talent Agency 7075 Poplar Ave Germantown .............................................................. 901 754-4747 Center for Teaching & Learning 7592 W Farmington Blvd # 2145, Germantown..................................... 901 857-2930 Chloe Agency 2770 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 383-8333 Clayton & Taylor Associates 3569 Kathy Rd........................................................................................ 901 744-2182 Colors Talent Agency 1985 Madison Ave # 3 ........................................................................... 901 726-9300 Comforce Staffing Service 3150 Lenox Park Blvd # 410.................................................................. 901 362-5640 Command Center 1192 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 578-7373 Condustrial Inc 8500 Wolf Lake Dr # 103 ....................................................................... 901 507-6680 Conexx Staffing Service 3319 Kirby Pkwy .................................................................................... 901 363-7474 Cook Systems INTL 6799 Great Oaks Rd # 200 Germantown............................................... 901 757-8877 Corporate Image Group 2215 West St # 2 Germantown.............................................................. 901 360-0309 Corporate Leasing Systems Inc 3225 Kirby Whitten Rd ........................................................................... 901 380-2972 Corvel Corporation 3150 Lenox Park Blvd ............................................................................ 901 818-0451 Counsel On Call Inc 3251 Poplar Ave # 115........................................................................... 901 432-4720 Covenant Contracting - Contractor 7752 Stout Rd Germantown ................................................................. 901 691-3786 Cushion 22 N Front St # 620................................................................................ 901 526-1795 Den Temp Staffing 1444 Gillham Dr ..................................................................................... 901 853-1797 1145 Winsail Dr Collierville.................................................................... 901 853-1797 Dental Staffing Agency 1028 Cresthaven Rd # 205 .................................................................... 901 763-1028 Donna Groff Agency Inc PO Box 382517 Germantown .............................................................. 901 854-5561 Enterprise Personnel Inc 1517 Demo Ave...................................................................................... 901 278-6200 Evolution Staffing Inc 2504 Mount Moriah Rd .......................................................................... 901 881-6835 Express Employment 7185 US Hwy 64 .................................................................................... 901 794-9933

Space for the 2011 Edition is filling up fast! Speak with one of our account executives today to reserve your space! Call 901-751-2100!

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Express Human Resources 2713 Colony Park Dr .............................................................................. 901 794-7075 Express Staffing Inc 5425 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 398-2911 First Choice Staffing Solution 5134 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 344-9900 First Temps 2600 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 755-3299 Flash Staffing Llc 3799 Covington Pk ................................................................................. 901 379-3622 G 2 Technology 5050 Poplar Ave # 2413......................................................................... 901 543-8324 Gateway Group Personnel 1770 Kirby Pkwy # 216 Germantown.................................................. 901 756-6050 Germantown Temporary Service 1922 Exeter Rd Germantown............................................................... 901 756-8627 Harvey's Job Service 7430 German Hollow Cv ........................................................................ 901 755-3050 Health Care Concepts 680 Oakleaf Office Ln............................................................................. 901 680-7424 Help Inc of Memphis 3798 Premier Ave................................................................................... 901 368-1189 Hewitt Assoc Inc 4055 Willow Lake Blvd ........................................................................... 901 419-2200 I T Corporation 391 Western Park Dr .............................................................................. 901 789-4101 Impact Group 172 Kimbrough Pl................................................................................... 901 278-0744 Impact Staffing Group 5968 Knight Arnold Rd East ................................................................... 901 795-7775 Insurance Overload Staffing Sys Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 374-9877 Intense Technology 6410 Poplar Ave # 151........................................................................... 901 761-2345 Interim Personnel 5118 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 761-6009

Memphis’s choice for bilingual news for 12 years!


Intravenous Health Care 4273 American Way, Ste 6 ..................................................................... 901 363-9111 J & D Resources 6410 Poplar Ave # 151........................................................................... 901 753-0500 Jacobson Staffing 6041 Mount Moriah Road Ext # 9 .......................................................... 901 794-7147 Jean Billingsley Personnel 5100 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 821-7466 JIT Medical Solutions 5118 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 767-0568 Job News Inc 1355 Lynnfield Rd # 187........................................................................ 901 761-3025 K B Staffing Service 4570 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 266-0799 Kelly Services, Inc. 1769 Paragon Pl Ste 112 ..................................................................... 901 348-2245 Labor Express Temporary Service 2279 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 327-4727 Labor Finders 3939 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-7400 6039 Knight Arnold Road Ext ................................................................. 901 794-1404 3834 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 542-0002 Labor Force 5021 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 372-1004 Labor Ready Inc 6135 Mount Moriah Rd Ext .................................................................... 901 363-0434 3584 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 797-8404 2235 Covington Pk # 6........................................................................... 901 272-3944 5531 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 213-2165 Labor Systems Temporary Svc 6759 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 546-7524 Lockhart Associates 3251 Poplar Ave # 100........................................................................... 901 844-6227 LSI Temporary Service 134 Monroe Ave ..................................................................................... 901 526-1111 31 S 2nd St ............................................................................................ 901 526-1188 Management Recruiters INTL Inc 5158 Stage Rd # 130............................................................................ 901 888-2580 Management Recruiters-Memphis Germantown ......................................................................................... 901 757-2443 Manpower at MIFA 910 Vance Ave........................................................................................ 901 529-4561 Manpower Inc. 6060 Poplar Ave # 365........................................................................... 901 818-5512 Manpower Temporary Service 6060 Poplar Ave # 340........................................................................... 901 761-3232 Mathews & Pierce 1579 S White Station Rd ........................................................................ 901 683-7377 Medical Staffing Network Inc 756 Ridge Lake Blvd # 200.................................................................... 901 766-2051 6064 Apple Tree Dr................................................................................. 901 795-4648 Memphis Legal Placement 80 Monroe Ave # 220............................................................................. 901 527-3573

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?) • En el sistema judicial de los Estados Unidos, la defensa puede pagar por testificar. La fiscalía no puede hacer esto. La alternativa es un citatorio • In the US Judicial system, the defense can pay for testimony. The prosecutor cannot; a subpoena is the alternative.


Memphis Medical Society Med Temp 1067 Cresthaven Rd............................................................................... 901 761-0200 Memphis Temporary Service 4245 Cherry Cntr Dr ............................................................................... 901 362-9962 Menage Innovations 3580 Airpark St ...................................................................................... 901 756-1489 Mid-South Training Dvlpmnt 606 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 763-1555 Mike Rhodes Memphis ............................................................................................. 901 373-6929 Mike Rhodes Recruit & Consltng 6055 Primacy Pkwy ............................................................................... 901 531-7100 Millennium Search 5384 Poplar Ave # 312........................................................................... 901 761-6141 Miriam Leffler Personnel Service 1715 Aaron Brenner Dr .......................................................................... 901 761-9777 Mirror Images Modeling Agency 4450 Knight Arnold Rd ........................................................................... 901 363-8800 Model & Talent Management 6263 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-0079 My Secretary 2129 S Germantown Rd# 3 ................................................................... 901 755-1220 Nanny 911 5358 Blue Ridge Pkwy ........................................................................... 901 382-7853 NE Marc Professional Service Inc 2506 Mount Moriah Rd # B467 ............................................................. 901 360-1804 Nursefinders 6750 Poplar Avenue # 206 Germantown............................................. 901 759-9500 Nursing Innovations 6685 Quince Road # 103 ...................................................................... 901 843-0809 OfficeTeam 22 N Front St .......................................................................................... 901 522-1500 6750 Poplar Avenue Germantown ........................................................ 901 756-9966 Olympic Staffing Inc 3294 Poplar Avenue # 403..................................................................... 901 323-9337 Omni Staffing Plus Inc 80 Tillman Street Suite 201.................................................................... 901 843-8433 Omnisource Integrated Supply 6685 Quince Road, # 116 ...................................................................... 901 753-5007 On-Call Staffing 2504 Mount Moriah Rd .......................................................................... 901 795-5504 Optimal Process Mortgage Service 2354 Birchton Dr Germantown ............................................................ 901 759-9200 Orgill Inc 3742 Tyndale Dr ..................................................................................... 901 754-8850 Papsco 83 Nottoway Blvd ................................................................................... 901 336-4442 Paragon Inc 1255 Lynnfield Rd .................................................................................. 901 277-3090 Paramount Staffing 5888 Distribution Dr ............................................................................... 901 367-8888 4010 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................. 901 375-1171 Paul Mc Daniel CO 8955 Grovelawn Cove W Germantown ................................................. 901 757-9220 Peoplemark Inc 3003 Airways Blvd # 702 ....................................................................... 901 332-5555 Personnel Placement LLC 4273 Cherry Center Dr ........................................................................... 901 363-5918 PIRC 1028 Cresthaven Rd Ste 202 ................................................................. 901 685-2042 Plus Group 6041 Mt Moriah Road Ext # 9 ................................................................ 901 366-5557 Priority Placement 6064 Apple Tree Dr # 12 ........................................................................ 901 360-1236 Professional Drivers 2778 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 385-9935 Professional Logistix 4147 Willow Lake Blvd ........................................................................... 901 794-9998 Professional Services Inc NEMA 2506 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 360-1813



Professional Staffing CO 3741 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 794-0102 Professionals in Recruiting CO 1028 Cresthaven Rd # 207 .................................................................... 901 685-2042 Progressive Loading Service 712 Firestone Ave................................................................................... 901 383-9240 PSC Staffing 3731 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 794-6144 1979 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 947-6771 Quarles Kelly Associates 813 Ridge Lake Blvd # 400.................................................................... 901 682-5352 R & R Staff Solutions 6094 Apple Tree Dr................................................................................. 901 365-7300 R & S Consulting Germantown ........................................................................................ 901 755-1300 Randstad 7210 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 624-7789 2697 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 794-4411 7780 US Highway 64 # 105 ................................................................... 901 937-0387 1460 Union Ave # 2................................................................................ 901 274-8146 5510 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................. 901 541-8941 Randstand 5295 Logistics Dr ................................................................................... 901 546-0293 Reality Check LLC 9245 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................. 901 753-8966 Recruiting Svcs Grp Inc 3107 E Corporate Edge Dr Germantown ............................................. 901 367-0778 Reflections Modeling Agency 5316 Cottonwood Rd.............................................................................. 901 365-4121 Reliable Temporary Svc 3630 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 382-1189 Rescue Employment Svc 7027 Baintree Cv.................................................................................... 901 737-9599 Resources Link Staffing Inc 1331 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 255-3390 Resources Link Temporary Plcmt Memphis ............................................................................................. 901 795-1908 RMA Search 5050 Poplar Ave # 2121......................................................................... 901 763-1818 Robert Half Finance & Accounting 6750 Poplar Ave Germantown .............................................................. 901 753-7600 Robert Half Management Resources 6750 Poplar Ave Germantown .............................................................. 901 737-2000 Robert Half Technology 6750 Poplar Ave Germantown .............................................................. 901 759-2332 S & S Logistics 2380 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 299-6319 S U Labor Network 2094 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 353-0203 Search Right 8444 Lansingwood Cv Germantown.................................................... 901 844-6001 Sedona Group 4405 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 367-9662 Select Personnel Memphis ............................................................................................. 901 362-8446 Select Services Inc 1725 E Holmes Rd # 108...................................................................... 901 844-1500 Select Staffing 5100 Poplar Ave Ste 112 ...................................................................... 901 685-6913 3558 Kirby Pkwy .................................................................................... 901 546-7501 4165 Willow Lake Blvd ........................................................................... 901 366-0088 4095 American Way Ste 8..................................................................... 901 360-0388 3035 Directors Row Ste 206................................................................ 901 398-7853 5800 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 751-4018 Snelling Professional Service 40 S Main St........................................................................................... 901 322-8010 Software Resource Consultants PO Box 38118 Germantown ............................................................... 901 759-7225 Solusoft 8180 T & B Blvd # 101........................................................................... 901 312-2477

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Spherion 5100 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 365-6993 300 Court Ave......................................................................................... 901 523-5412 5155 Citation Dr ..................................................................................... 901 541-8513 5215 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 214-2918 4601 Cromwell Ave ................................................................................ 901 795-2085 STAFFLINE 2838 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................. 901 273-8555 Staffmark 1835 Nonconnah Blvd # 125 ................................................................. 901 398-8508 Staffmark 5155 Citation Dr ..................................................................................... 901 433-7223 Star Placement Specialists 2790 Lynchburg St ................................................................................. 901 382-2201 Summerfield Associates Inc 6555 Quince Rd # 525 ........................................................................... 901 753-7068 Superior Staffing Service Inc 170 Harbor Isle Circle N ......................................................................... 901 523-7505 Supplemental Services Incorporated of Tennessee 5945 Knight Arnold Rd E ........................................................................ 901 363-8834 Talent Force Staffing 5425 E Raines Rd # 1 ........................................................................... 901 795-9000 Tandem Staffing Solutions 6753 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 360-9441 Tek Systems 6750 Lenox Cntr Court # 110 ................................................................ 901 415-1070 Trojan Labor 1285 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 452-5888 Unique Labor Inc 5420 Knight Arnold Rd ........................................................................... 901 565-0404 Unique Staffing 3722 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 843-0749 United States Government 3150 Lenox Park Blvd ............................................................................ 901 366-6706 Univ of Mem - Career Services Wilder Tower #400 ................................................................................. 901 678-2239


Unlimited Success 5342 Airview Rd ..................................................................................... 901 485-2877 Vaco Mid South LLC 6000 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 333-2250 Volt Services Group 8245 Tournament Dr # 250.................................................................... 901 748-1755 2725 Kirby Rd # 11 ................................................................................ 901 767-8658 Westaff 6555 Quince Rd # 115 ........................................................................... 901 758-8450 5019 Andover Dr .................................................................................... 901 789-0224 Wilhelmina Dan Agency Models & Talent 1503 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 726-1331 Wise Staffing Service 3675 New Getwell Rd # 4 ...................................................................... 901 367-7919 Work Force Inc 6228 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 433-3200 Workforce Systems 2502 Mount Moriah Rd .......................................................................... 901 794-9581 Working Solutions of Memphis 6064 Apple Tree Dr................................................................................. 901 794-7400 YWCA Employment Programs 1044 Mississippi Blvd ............................................................................ 901 942-9383 Youth Agency Job Center 2600 Poplar Ave # 325........................................................................... 901 454-2211 Zoom-N-Broom House Cleaning Germantown ........................................................................................ 901 757-2513

AGENCIAS DE PUBLICIDAD / ADVERTISING AGENCIES MENDELSON AND ASSOCIATES, LLC 995 South Yates, Suite 3 ...................................................................... 901 751-2100

AGENCIAS DE VIAJE / TRAVEL AGENCIES A & I Travel Service Inc 5124 Poplar Avenue Suite 101.............................................................. 901 291-1400 AAA Travel Agency, Motor Club Services 5138 Park Avenue ................................................................................. 901 761-5371 Access Travel 5159 Wheelis Drive ............................................................................... 901 685-8166 Air-Sea Travel 7730 Wolf River Boulevard Suite 110 ................................................... 901 763-2033 All Travel 5180 Park Avenue Suite 125................................................................. 901 767-2080 Bartlett Travel 7984 US Highway 64 ............................................................................ 901 842-4819 Custom Travel 901 W Poplar ...........................................................................................901 854 2024 754 E Brookhaven ..................................................................................901 682 5550 2765 WolfCreek Pkwy ............................................................................ 901 377-6600 Designer Travel 1875 Orr Rd Arlington............................................................................ 901 867-3868


Gateway Travel 574 South Cooper Street ........................................................................ 901 276-3388 Gulliver’s Travel Wolfchase Galleria ................................................................................. 901 373-7300 Oak Court Mall ....................................................................................... 901 685-6111 Majestic Travel 7285 Winchester Road ........................................................................... 901 737-0277 Regency Travel & International Market 397 North Perkins Road ......................................................................... 901 682-9065 Travel Network Vacation Central 8400 US Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 385-0081

AIRE ACONDICIONADO / AIR CONDITIONING A Air-One Service 5055 Pleasant View Road....................................................................... 901 762-0303 A Apple Service 1138 N Germantown Parkway # 233 .................................................... 901 755-7460 A To Z Air Cond & Heating 581 Vandalia St ...................................................................................... 901 452-2667 Aaa-Gurley Appliance CO ............................................................................ 901 682-1742 Aamco Comfort Air Systems Memphis................................................................................................. 901 323-1231 Absolute Comfort Heating & Air 3711 Homewood Rd .............................................................................. 901 375-0998 Accurate Air CO Heating & Ac 2290 Podesta Cove ................................................................................ 901 372-3050 Advanced Air 5115 Covington Way, # 16 ..................................................................... 901 767-6900 Affirmative Efficiency 4118 Elmhill Dr....................................................................................... 901 937-8774 Affordable Comfort Heating & AC Memphis................................................................................................. 901 388-3924 Affordable Heating & Air 1360 E Crestwood Dr ............................................................................. 901 338-1700 Affordable Plumbing Heating & Air Memphis................................................................................................. 901 405-4389 Air Conditioning & Heating 2804 Southmeade Ave ........................................................................... 901 358-3410 Air Doctors of Memphis Memphis................................................................................................. 901 590-2007 Air Professional Air Conditioning & Heating 3892 Philwood Ave................................................................................. 901 324-1223 Air Professional Air Conditioning & Heating 4842 Misty River Rd ............................................................................... 901 381-0099 Air Solutions Memphis Memphis................................................................................................. 901 351-0833 Air Standard Air Cond & Heating Memphis................................................................................................. 901 385-0805 Air Stream Heating & Air Memphis................................................................................................. 901 277-5599 Air Technical Service Inc 2856 Cela Rd.......................................................................................... 901 388-1272 Airone 5055 Pleasant View Rd .......................................................................... 901 386-7067 AL Britt Air Conditioning Co 41 N Larchmont Dr................................................................................. 901 324-6213 Aloha Heating & Air 672 Moss Rd .......................................................................................... 901 574-7546 American Heating & Air 3110 Broad Ave...................................................................................... 901 452-7550 American Heating & Air Cond Co 2465 Frisco Ave...................................................................................... 901 743-7200 American Residential Service LLC 965 Ridge Lake Blvd # 201.................................................................... 901 820-8400

Space for the 2011 Edition is filling up fast! Speak with one of our account executives today to reserve your space! Call 901-751-2100!



Atoka Heating & Air Memphis................................................................................................. 901 233-2904 Austin's Air Cond & Heating Inc 4460 Cleo Ave ........................................................................................ 901 682-9589 Automatic Heating & Air Cond 3470 Tchulahoma Rd ............................................................................. 901 363-4636 B & K Heating & Air Appliance Repair & AC 4782 Mallard Nest Dr Germantown ...................................................... 901 398-1770 B & L Heating & Air LLC ............................................................................................................... 901 332-0014 B & W Heating & AC CO 5521 United Dr ....................................................................................... 901 794-6050 Barney's Mechanical Service 6094 Apple Tree Dr................................................................................. 901 795-6002 Bartlett Heating & Air Cond 7664 Memphis Arlington Rd................................................................... 901 371-7316 Benchmark Mechanical Service 400 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 527-2888 Best Ac Heating & Appliance 7727 Us Hwy 70, # 104 ......................................................................... 901 357-6936 Best Air Conditioning & Heating CO Memphis................................................................................................. 901 382-4472 Memphis................................................................................................. 901 365-7731 Memphis................................................................................................. 901 383-1834 Memphis................................................................................................. 901 366-4084 Best Refrigeration Memphis................................................................................................. 901 382-4153 Birdsong Air Cond & Heating CO 661 N Holmes St .................................................................................... 901 324-1885 Blues City Repair Memphis................................................................................................. 901 461-1650 Bluff City Refrigeration 1985 Vanderhorn Dr ............................................................................... 901 881-7318 Bob Cochran Air Conditioning 3386 Bowen Ave .................................................................................... 901 382-1170 Bob Curl Heating & Air Cond 7757 Deer Trail Ln .................................................................................. 901 683-4220 Bonanza Heating & Air Cond Memphis................................................................................................. 901 372-5005 Bowen Heating & Air Memphis................................................................................................. 901 486-1444 Brooke Appliance & Air Cond 5694 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 795-0436 Brown Refrigeration 4882 English Towne Dr .......................................................................... 901 362-1881 Brownstone Home Maintenance CO Memphis................................................................................................. 901 340-1756 Bryko Heating & Air Cond CO 5302 Crestview Dr.................................................................................. 901 386-2538 C & K Heating & Air 1809 Watson St ...................................................................................... 901 744-4000 C & SAC Heating Sales Repair 3175 Pershing Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-4422

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?) • Las focas nacen con sus dientes completos. • Seals are born with a full set of teeth.

• La proporción de abejas obreras hembras y machos en cualquier colmena es de 1,618 a uno. • The ratio of female honey bees to male worker bees in any given bee hive is 1,618 to one.

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Cannon Brothers Air Cond & Heating 5492 Old US Hwy 78.............................................................................. 901 794-2250 Card's Heating & Air Memphis................................................................................................. 901 542-2482 Carrier Building Systems & Service 5191 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 795-3970 Carrier Mid-South 5191 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 433-1900 Carrier Rental Systems 5657 Federal Ave ................................................................................... 901 367-2600 Carrier Totaline 1609 Bartlett Rd ..................................................................................... 901 388-4119 Chickasaw Air Conditioning 2093 Thomas Rd # 4.............................................................................. 901 937-4660 Clarence Scott Heating & AC 2757 Browning Ave ................................................................................ 901 262-0712 Climate-Zone Air Cond & Heating 2330 Harley Wind Dr .............................................................................. 901 323-3222 Cole HVAC Service 2023 Waverly Ave................................................................................... 901 272-7077 Coleman Air Conditioning & Heating 468 N Bellevue Blvd ............................................................................... 901 274-1138 Contractors Air Conditioning 7757 US Hwy 70, # 101......................................................................... 901 388-3434 Conway Air Conditioning 2093 Thomas Rd .................................................................................... 901 371-0888 Conway Services LLC 6426 Summer Gale Dr ........................................................................... 901 384-3511 Cooling Technologies 1028 S Yates Rd ..................................................................................... 901 527-7551 Coopertown Heating Air Cond 1081 Stage Ave ...................................................................................... 901 358-5588 Corporate Air Inc 3292 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 327-1077 Crowe Heating & Air 7175 Havershire Cove Germantown .................................................... 901 413-5361 Dean Nelson 2665 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 354-0341 Desoto Air Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 338-9154 Discount A C & Heating Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 628-7544 Donald Dodd & Son AC Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 644-3858 Ellendale Heating & AC 7041 Santa Cruz Dr................................................................................ 901 384-6000 Engineered Comfort 5401 Crestview Dr.................................................................................. 901 737-4640 Equinox Air Cond & Heating CO Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 438-0534 Esquivel Heat & Air 4124 Ronnie Ave .................................................................................... 901 849-2784 Fast Lane Mechanical Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 359-0483 Federal Service Co LLC 807 Harbor Isle Circle East ..................................................................... 901 523-0660 Ferrell & CO Inc HVAC 7724 US Hwy 70 .................................................................................... 901 382-3100 Ferrell Enterprises Inc 2810 Bartlett Rd # 12............................................................................. 901 382-1161 Findley & Pegram CO Inc 3280 Commercial Parkway .................................................................... 901 396-2342 Fordy's Chilling Filter CO 3909 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 367-7811 Four Seasons HVAC Service Memphis ............................................................................................... 901 517-6794 General Heating & Cooling Inc 2800 Shelby St ....................................................................................... 901 372-1842 Germantown Home Service 5055 Pleasant View Rd .......................................................................... 901 755-6767


Global Central Air Services Inc 5093 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 794-3144 Glyn Herndon Heating & Air Memphis................................................................................................. 901 385-2640 Golding Mechanical Svc. 3045 Bartlett Corp Dr # 101B ................................................................ 901 380-3165 Golding Mechanical Service 8893 Clair Douwie Cv............................................................................. 901 377-5101 Green & Son Air Conditioning 1029 Gary St .......................................................................................... 901 683-0326 Greenway Homes Service LLC 7550 Bartlett Corp Cove East ................................................................. 901 754-1515 Harrington Heating & Cooling Memphis................................................................................................. 901 327-7726 Harrison Barr & Associates Heating 3975 Bishops Bridge Rd......................................................................... 901 363-3601 Hawks Mechanical 5520 Benjestown Rd .............................................................................. 901 324-6092 Helpco Services Inc 4087 Viscount Ave .................................................................................. 901 745-4500 Hensley Heating & Air Cond. CO 3761 Getwell Cv ..................................................................................... 901 794-3074 Herb Ferrell & Sons Inc 5446 Pleasant View Rd .......................................................................... 901 382-2330 Hibner Heating & Air Inc 745 Scott St............................................................................................ 901 323-0360 Hibner Heating & Air Inc Memphis................................................................................................. 901 388-2103 Holton Refrigeration A C & HT Memphis................................................................................................. 901 332-4594 HVAC Technologies 7560 A E Beaty Dr # 2............................................................................ 901 388-8898 J & A Mechanical Inc 60 Germantown Ct ................................................................................. 901 752-5099 J & A Mechanical Inc 5350 Poplar Ave # 500........................................................................... 901 396-6709 J C Hartsfield CO Inc 2192 Filmore Ave ................................................................................... 901 744-8900 J D Scott Heating & Air Cond. 4352 Benjestown Rd .............................................................................. 901 358-7447 Jackson's Heating Air Cond. 402 Clower Rd........................................................................................ 901 396-3465 JMC Heating & Air Cond 4619 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 345-2271 Johnson Controls Inc 6935 Appling Farms Pkwy ..................................................................... 901 383-5757 Jordan Air 4210 Altruria Rd ..................................................................................... 901 379-2030 Kim Heating & Air Conditioning 1125 Whiting St...................................................................................... 901 761-2559 Landmark Heating & Air Cond 3212 Jean Dr ......................................................................................... 901 365-4260 Lemmon Heating & Air Condi 2319 Brannick Dr ................................................................................... 901 383-1689 Luther's Air Cond & Heating 3900 Marion Ave .................................................................................... 901 452-3599 M & A Supply CO Inc 3910 Senator St ..................................................................................... 901 363-7865 M & H Heating & Air Cond Inc 1740 September Ave.............................................................................. 901 332-9314 M & S Heating & Air 7423 Eggleston Rd ................................................................................. 901 757-5768 M & W Heating & Air Cond Service 3235 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 323-1811 Maclin's Air Conditioning Memphis................................................................................................. 901 831-4935 Martin Mechanical A C & Heating Memphis................................................................................................. 901 870-4349 Marty's Heating & Air Cond 5924 Pamela Ann Drive South ............................................................... 901 388-4528


Maxxair Heating & Cooling Memphis................................................................................................. 901 299-9317 MBJ Inc 7227 Winchester Rd # Pmb334 ............................................................. 901 850-5454 Mc Mullen's Memphis................................................................................................. 901 550-3135 McNinch Mechanical Contractors 5447 Crestview Dr.................................................................................. 901 382-5681 Memphis Air Cond & Heating CO 2125 Hillshire Circle ............................................................................... 901 379-1400 Memphis Cooling Towers 5865 Ridgeway Cntr Pkwy, #300 ........................................................... 901 820-4423 Metro Air Conditioning & Heating 1676 Barcrest Dr .................................................................................... 901 388-1414 Metro Mechanical 5030 Wilfong Rd ..................................................................................... 901 388-8113 Mid-South Geothermal 8275 Tournament Dr # 185.................................................................... 901 751-6500 Mid-South Heating & Air Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 262-3290 Mitch Wright Plumbing Heating Memphis................................................................................................. 901 795-9044 Montgomery Heating & Air Cond 3777 S Bluff Point .................................................................................. 901 372-6021 Moore Heating & Air Cond CO 5210 Pleasant View Road, # 3 ............................................................... 901 386-4444 Morris Heating & Air Cond Inc 5263 Mendenhall Park Pl ....................................................................... 901 363-0384 Moss-Eaton Heating & Ac 3876 Hickory Farms Dr # 4.................................................................... 901 485-3060 Mr Cool's Air Conditioning 1323 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 754-2244 Nathaniel's Heating & Air 972 Chambliss Rd .................................................................................. 901 344-7906 Noland Co 7526 A E Beaty Dr .................................................................................. 901 373-5300 On-Time Service Air Cond & Heating 7757 US Hwy 70, # 101......................................................................... 901 373-3636 Osborne & Osborne LLC 3457 Holman Pl...................................................................................... 901 547-2500

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Patron Plumbing Heating & A C Memphis................................................................................................. 901 489-2119 Precision Air Conditioning 2099 Thomas Rd # 16 ........................................................................... 901 372-0036 Priola Brothers 5570 Pleasant View Rd .......................................................................... 901 372-0108 R E Michael Co 1025 John A Denie Rd ........................................................................... 901 382-1680 R E Michel Co 3219 New Getwell Rd ............................................................................ 901 546-9403 1825 Thomas Rd .................................................................................... 901 385-9822 R L Short Heating & Air 2552 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 372-0673 R P Heating & Air Conditioning 2911 Sky Way Dr.................................................................................... 901 353-6738 Ray E Baker Heating & Plumbing 5080 Wilfong Rd ..................................................................................... 901 385-2222 Reeves Heating & Air 1785 Santa Clara Ave............................................................................. 901 348-0140 Rick Stone Plumbing Heating & Air 5704 Montpelier Dr ................................................................................ 901 377-5256 River City Air Cond & Heating 4092 Hayling Cv ..................................................................................... 901 387-0670 Riverside Heating & Air Cond 1235 Riverside Blvd ............................................................................... 901 399-7020 Rock & Roll Heating & Air Service Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 628-4252 Roselee Air Conditioning & Heating PO Box 34367 Memphis ....................................................................... 901 488-4849 Rougeau Inc 5560 Pleasant View Rd .......................................................................... 901 383-2880 Safari Heating & Air Inc PO Box 4224 .......................................................................................... 901 461-7044 Service Experts Memphis................................................................................................. 901 373-4000 Sibley Solutions 4920 Pleasant Hill Rd # 101 ................................................................. 901 332-3743 Silla Cooling Systems 2793 Barris Dr ........................................................................................ 901 345-6957 Soefker Services LLC 1568 Panama St..................................................................................... 901 386-6723 Southmark Air Conditioning 2000 Sycamore View Rd ........................................................................ 901 373-8799 Sprint Heating & Air 1620 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 818-1103 Starlight Heating & Air Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 921-7776 Stewart Air Conditioning & Heating 2099 Thomas Rd .................................................................................... 901 372-1780 Supertechs 2093 Thomas Rd # 5.............................................................................. 901 791-0911 Sykes Electrical and Mechanical Memphis-Arlington ................................................................................. 901 388-9091 Temperature Inc 7500 Appling Cntr Dr.............................................................................. 901 388-8765 Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 388-6772 Thompson Heating & Air Cond Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 413-9695 Thornton's Air Cond & Heating Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 579-4067 Three States Supply Co 1899 Thomas Rd .................................................................................... 901 373-6217 Three States Supply Co 3744 Air Park St ..................................................................................... 901 794-4264 Three States Supply Co LLC 666 E EH Crump Blvd............................................................................. 901 948-8651 Tim Threadgill's HVAC Service 2474 Flowering Tree Dr .......................................................................... 901 323-6301 Top Quality Service Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 644-3303

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Trane Parts Center 3109 Directors Row ............................................................................... 901 345-6091 Troy Air Conditioning & HTNG 3467 Dobbin Ferry Ave........................................................................... 901 604-9394 United Home Service 4857 Callaway Hills Dr ........................................................................... 901 368-6801 Unlimited Air Conditioning 7757 Us Hwy 70..................................................................................... 901 373-4000 Upchurch Services LLC Memphis................................................................................................. 901 388-0333 Veteran Home Care & Repair PO Box 161584 Memphis ..................................................................... 901 486-4571 Washington's Heating & Cooling 7465 Hedgington Dr ............................................................................... 901 758-8185 West TN Heat & Air Memphis................................................................................................. 901 386-9770 3329 Douglass Ave ................................................................................ 901 452-9898 1215 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 332-3321 Window Air Conditioning Service 814 S 3rd St ........................................................................................... 901 774-5804 Winter Heating & Air Cond Memphis................................................................................................. 901 458-2484 Woodson & Bozeman Inc 3870 New Getwell Rd ............................................................................ 901 362-1500 York Heating and Air Conditioning Memphis................................................................................................. 800 910-9675

ALARMAS CONTRA ROBO / BURGLAR ALARMS ADT Security Services Gratis/Toll Free........................................................................................ 800 238-2727 Alarm One Security Co 3792 S Mendenhall Rd .......................................................................... 901 797-0100 Broadview Security Gratis/Toll Free........................................................................................ 800 884-1246 Compass Pointe Security 1200 Sycamore Rd................................................................................. 901 752-3983 D & A Security 8662 Pepper Bush Ln ........................................................................... 901 751-7426 Federal Alarm Company 3550 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 323-4754 Mautz Security Inc 7895 Stage Hills Blvd ............................................................................ 901 377-3277 Protection First 1458 S Perkins Rd................................................................................. 901 685-2339 Pyramid Alarm Systems 7929 Hwy 70 ......................................................................................... 901 377-4991 Security Systems of Memphis Inc 3550 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 682-7233 Stop Alarms Inc 5103 Millbranch Rd ............................................................................... 901 332-1124 Webster Safe & Lock Co Inc 3020 Millbranch Rd ............................................................................... 901 332-2911


ALTERNATIVAS AL ABORTO / ABORTION ALTERNATIVES Adoption Connection 6560 Poplar Pike ................................................................................... Birthright of Memphis Inc 115 Alexander Street ............................................................................. Birthright of Memphis Inc - North Office 1750 Frayser Boulevard Suite H............................................................ Life Choices 3297 Park Avenue .................................................................................

APARTAMENTOS / APARTMENTS 901 767-2525 901 327-8109 901 353-2828 901 323-5433

AMBULANCIA (SERVICIOS DE) / AMBULANCE SERVICES ASI Ambulance Service 1950 Madison Ave .............................................................................. 901 452-4435 Gratis/Toll Free........................................................................................ 800 489-1033 Emergency Mobile Healthcare Bus Ofc 5575 Poplar Ave ................................................................................... 901 821-9005 5575 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 685-0888 Med Care Ambulance Inc 5079 Old Summer Rd ........................................................................... 901 685-2212 Priority EMS 137 Scott St........................................................................................... 901 327-1956 EMERGENCIA / EMERGENCY .................................................................................................................................911

ANTENAS SATELITALES / SATELLITE DISHES Atlantic Communications 3245 Whitebrook Plaza Bldg E # 120 ................................................... 901 949-8028 Dish Network ............................................................................................................... 888 508-2701 Limon's Dish Satellite ............................................................................................................... 786 343-9772 Up Link Communications 1420 Bartlett Rd .................................................................................... 901 380-1115

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Abington Apartments 4616 Scott Crossing Dr ......................................................................... 901 386-8707 Alta Vista Apartments 1749 Gowan Dr ..................................................................................... 901 357-5475 Annandale Garden Apartments 1086 Nichols Blvd.................................................................................. 901 521-9993 Appling Lakes At CordovaClub 1385 Appling Rd S Cordova .................................................................. 901 755-6630 Arbors Communities 225 Arbor Commons Cir........................................................................ 901 747-2011 Arbors Harbor Town 671 Harbor Edge Dr .............................................................................. 901 526-0322 Arbors of Hickory Ridge 6296 Lake View Tr ................................................................................. 901 365-4231 Arlington Manor Apartments 11216 Marquis Ct Arlington .................................................................. 901 867-0757 Aspenwood Square Apartments And Townhomes 3235 S Mendenhall Rd.......................................................................... 901 542-9700 Audubon Park Place 939 Getwell Rd ...................................................................................... 901 312-2700 Autumn Ridge Apartments 3888 Autumn Ridge Ct .......................................................................... 901 546-0900 Bailey Creek Apartments 1907 Bailey Woods Dr N Collierville ........................... 901 853-0003 贸 901 853-0659 Barron Court Apartments 1175 Barron Ct ...................................................................................... 901 745-4416 Bartlett Heights Apartments 6130 Bartlett View Ln ............................................................................ 901 388-6901 Bella Vista Apartments 5859 East Point Dr ................................................................................. 901 365-0421 Benbow Apartments 2080 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 345-3249 Big Creek Apartments 2266 N Big Creek View Cir Millington ................................................... 901 358-7844 Birch Leaf Place 1043 Whitaker Dr .................................................................................. 901 396-7348 Birches At Countryside 6939 Dusty Trail Ln ............................................................................... 901 382-5723 Birches Townhouses 1466 Birch Bend Rd .............................................................................. 901 396-7551 Breezy Point Apartments 2801 Raja Dr ......................................................................................... 901 358-1328 Brentwood Place Apartments 1835 Sycamore View Rd ....................................................................... 901 372-6400 Briar Club Apartments 6355 Briar Patch Ln .............................................................................. 901 363-6865 Burnette Enterprises Inc 2758 Bartlett Blvd ................................................................................ 901 213-3555 Butterfield Village Apartments 1300 Lynnfield Rd ................................................................................. 901 761-2312 Camelot Manor Apts 3151 Ashwood St. ................................................................................. 901 363-7011 Campus View Apartments 3606 Walker Ave ................................................................................... 901 324-0448 Cedar Mill Apartments 3505 S. Mendenhall Rd. ........................................................................ 901 365-8023 Cedar Ridge Patio Homes 6977 Amberly Rd................................................................................... 901 382-3230 Chardonnay Apartments And Townhomes 1880 Kimbrough Germantown .............................................................. 901 754-2140 Cherokee Cabana 3204 Sharpe Ave ................................................................................... 901 744-8761

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Cherokee Square Apts William H Reed 2884 Filmore Ave .................................................................................. 901 744-6334 Cherry Crest Apartments 1460 Cherry Rd .................................................................................... 901 683-2282 Clearbrook Village Apartments 3516 Tall Oaks Cir ................................................................................. 901 365-2430 College Park Apartments 838 Walker Ave ..................................................................................... 901 946-7100 Colonial House Apts 4583 Airways Blvd................................................................................. 901 396-5041 Cordova Creek Apartments 1175 N. Germantown Parkway Cordova ............................................... 901 755-3934 Corning Village Apartment 3595 Steele St....................................................................................... 901 353-1447 Cottonwood Apartment 4653 Cotton Dr ...................................................................................... 901 360-8400 Country Oaks Apartments 6555 N Country Oaks Cir ...................................................................... 901 365-7452 Country Squire Apartment 8056 Country Squire Ln ........................................................................ 901 756-4272 Country View Apartments 3990 Stephanie Ln ................................................................................ 901 386-6629 Countryside Apartments 6934 Country Manor Dr ........................................................................ 901 377-4025 Coventry Village 1258 Dove Flight Ln .............................................................................. 901 348-1100 Covington Crossing 4845 Bontura Dr .................................................................................. 901 386-1300 Creekwood Village Apartments 4302 Creekwood Dr .............................................................................. 901 382-4970 Cromwell Park Apartments 3720 Outland Rd ................................................................................... 901 362-0723 Danville Square 3187 E Danville Cir ................................................................................ 901 795-1500 Deerfield Apartments 2155 Deer Crest Ln ............................................................................... 901 372-1050 Dogwood Creek Apartments 1969 N Dogwood Creek Dr Collierville .................................................. 901 854-8822 Eaglewood Maintenance 3885 Ravenoak Dr ................................................................................ 901 362-9661 Eastern Heights Apartments 281 W Johnson Cir ................................................................................ 901 458-3283 Eastwood Park Apartments 2973 Getwell Rd.................................................................................... 901 363-5807 Edison Park Apartments 567 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................. 901 523-8112 Emerald Park Apartments 3338 Summer Place Ln ........................................................................ 901 365-2750 Emerald Point Apartment 3315 Hickory Hill Rd.............................................................................. 901 795-5599 English Village Apartment 5246 Raleigh Lagrange Rd .................................................................. 901 388-8998 Eton Square 3315 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................ 901 546-9800 Fairfax Manor Townhouses 1875 Camberley Cir .............................................................................. 901 683-9969 Farmington Gates Apartments 2216 Brierbrook Rd ............................................................................... 901 754-4170 Faronia Square Townhouses 1350 S Faronia Sq................................................................................. 901 332-2502 Festival Square Apartments 3888 Pikes Peak Ave............................................................................. 901 377-5900 Fieldstone Apartments 3333 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................ 901 752-0032 Flairwood Community 4361 Tchulahoma Rd ............................................................................ 901 365-1460 Fogelman Properties 5400 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 767-6500 Fox Lair Apartments 3130 S Mendenhall Rd.......................................................................... 901 365-4790

2010 P谩ginas Amarillas Hispanas Foxwood Apartments 2778 Pickering Dr ................................................................................. 901 365-7511 Frayser Manor Apartments 3350 Frayser Manor Dr ......................................................................... 901 353-3391 French Village Apartments 4045 Summer Ave OFC......................................................................... 901 452-6653 Gables Cordova 555 Wood Arbor Pkwy ........................................................................... 901 756-1906 Gables Stonebridge 2866 Morning Trace Dr ......................................................................... 901 386-7473 Gardenwood Apartments 4787 Garden Grove Cv .............................................. 901 372-1314 贸 901 372-1314 Gazebo Apartments 2160 Greengrass Cv ............................................................................ 901 332-6760 Germantown Falls 6895 Club Ridge Cir .............................................................................. 901 795-9008 Germantown Square Townhouses 2247 McVay Rd ..................................................................................... 901 754-1500 Glen Townhomes The 6081 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 382-2994 Gleneagles Apartments 2894 Putting Green Cv .......................................................................... 901 362-7270 Graceland Farm Apartments 1984 Bonnie Dr OFC ............................................................................. 901 332-0286 Graceland Manor Apartments 4103 W Manor Cir ................................................................................. 901 398-4328 Greenbriar Apartments 3131 Madewell St ................................................................................. 901 358-3026 Greenbrook Apartments 8285 Irene Blvd. .................................................................................... 901 754-7508 Greens At Irene 8285 Irene Blvd ..................................................................................... 901 754-7508 Grove At Germantown 7865 Grove Ct W OFC ........................................................................... 901 758-2881 Grove At Shelby Farms The 536 Shelby Grove Dr ............................................................................. 901 759-0770 Harbor Town Square 1440 Island Park Dr.............................................................................. 901 523-7900 Hedgemoor Square Apartments Ofc 385 N Graham St .................................................................................. 901 820-0410 Heritage Square 1160 Jefferson Ave ............................................................................... 901 725-5179 Hickory Forest Apartments 3920 Hickory Hill Rd.............................................................................. 901 365-9741 Hickory Hills Apartments 3513 Graceland Dr ................................................................................ 901 398-8548 Highland Gardens 491 N Highland...................................................................................... 901 452-2411 Highlander Apartments 461 S Highland St ................................................................................. 901 327-9971 Hillcrest Apartments 4155 Eastwind Dr # ............................................................................. 901 398-1378 Hilldale Apartments 3500 Westline Dr .................................................................................. 901 382-2400 Hilltop Apartments 1223 Aubra Rd ...................................................................................... 901 745-1400 Howell Garden Apartments 2248 Howell Ave ................................................................................... 901 272-7944 Hunter Oaks Apartments 680 Woodstone Cir ................................................................................ 901 398-2945 Hunters Ridge Apartments 3108 New Allen Rd................................................................................ 901 386-6861 Hunters Trace Apartments 1730 Hunters Hill Cv ............................................................................. 901 756-8000 Irving Park Apartments 2452 Ketchum Cv................................................................................. 901 743-1601 Jamesbridge 3815 N Advantage Way Dr .................................................................... 901 372-2694 Jefferson Place 560 S Jefferson Pl ................................................................................. 901 529-8841


Jefferson River Estates 1445 River Estates Dr .......................................................................... 901 544-7077 Jennifer Meadows Apt 4800 Raleigh Lagrange Rd .................................................................. 901 386-8100 John Madison Exum Towers 3155 Sharpe Ave .................................................................................. 901 743-7300 Kenilworth Apartments 3389 Steve Rd....................................................................................... 901 743-4982 Kensington Manor 3896 Chippewa ..................................................................................... 901 794-6770 Kimball Cabana Apartments 2856 Kimball Ave OFC........................................................................... 901 744-0100 Kirby Station Apartments 6653 N Quail Hollow Rd ........................................................................ 901 756-1805 Knightway Apartments 4454 Brianway Dr OFC.......................................................................... 901 362-3380 Lake Point Apartments 3424 Winchester Park Dr ..................................................................... 901 795-7622 Lantern Square 3737 James Rd ..................................................................................... 901 388-8669 LaPaloma 1394 LaPaloma Cir ................................................................................ 901 274-4951 Laurel Wood Apartments 130 Laurelwood Pl Collierville ............................................................... 901 853-1915 Lexington Apartments 4123 Aux Arms Dr ................................................................................. 901 388-2970 Lincoln At Wolfchase Apartments 2460 Vintage Dr Cordova ...................................................................... 901 380-0188 Loft Apartments The 4187 Rainbranch Dr .............................................................................. 901 396-3242 Lynnfield Place 5900 Cedar Forrest Dr........................................................................... 901 761-2304 Macon Manor Apartments 4517 Macon Rd OFC ............................................................................. 901 682-7104 Madison At Shilling Farms 160 Madison Farms Ln Collierville ........................................................ 901 853-5000


Magnolia Colony 197 N Merton St .................................................................................... 901 327-3204 Maple Ridge Apartments 3373 Regal Plaza Dr ............................................................................ 901 346-8778 McCorkle Apartments 4418 McCorkle Rd ............................................................................... 901 346-2343 McKellar Woods 5001 Airways Blvd................................................................................. 901 346-4640 Meadow Oaks Apartments 3634 Colonial Oak Ln ............................................................................ 901 332-4471 Meadows Apartments The 2154 Meadow Glade Ln ........................................................................ 901 382-6080 Midtown Apartments 1400 Jefferson Ave ............................................................................... 901 274-8115 Mill Creek Apartments 4537 Mill Stream Dr ............................................................................. 901 345-9100 Millbranch Park Apartments 3561 Claymore Dr ................................................................................ 901 345-8600 Monticello Apartments Rental Office 3250 Kirby Pkwy .................................................................................. 901 366-1999 North Terrace Apartments 3236 Millington Rd ................................................................................ 901 357-8222 Northside Manor Apartments 1541 Northside Dr ................................................................................. 901 353-4368 Oakview Apartments 2861 Kimball Ave .................................................................................. 901 744-6150 Orchards Of Collierville The 400 Orchard Cir W Collierville ............................................................... 901 854-5400 Overlook Apartments 3157 Steele Manor Dr ........................................................................... 901 358-5007 Park Estate/Crossings 960 Catbird Ct OFC ............................................................................... 901 767-8686 Park Palace 5400 Park Ave OFC ............................................................................... 901 685-5400 Park Plaza Apartments 3950 E. Service Road West Memphis AR.............................................. 870 732-2162 Park Tower 57 N Somerville St ................................................................................ 901 523-0068 Parkway Village Townhomes 4104 Tarry Park ..................................................................................... 901 362-7837 Pauline Place 23 S Pauline St OFC ............................................................................. 901 523-8222 Peachtree Apartment 3186 Steele St....................................................................................... 901 357-2808 Pendleton Arms Apartments 2436 Tori Dr........................................................................................... 901 744-1550 Pendleton Place Apts 1780 Pendleton St OFC ......................................................................... 901 744-3945 Pepper Tree Apartments 4243 Graceland Dr ................................................................................ 901 332-4212 Perkins Woods Apartments 4635 Forest Oak Way ............................................................................ 901 362-0475 Pershing Park Apartments 3707 Pershing Park Dr ......................................................................... 901 357-7731 Plum Tree Apartments 3570 Royal Arms Dr............................................................................... 901 365-6832 Poplar Place 1669 Randolph Pl .................................................................................. 901 761-2250 Posts Apartments The 4485 Hudgins Rd................................................................................... 901 398-4502 Prescott Place Apartments 1747 Morlye St ...................................................................................... 901 743-2000 Presidential West Apt 5459 Hudgins Rd OFC ........................................................................... 901 346-6814 Raintree Place Apartments 742 E Raines Rd .................................................................................... 901 398-0932 Raleigh Pines 2789 Beverly Hills Rd ............................................................................ 901 388-4061 Raleigh Woods Apartments 4168 The Place St ................................................................................. 901 386-0874



Range Line Place 3403 Range Line Rd.............................................................................. 901 358-8865 Red Oaks Apts & Townhouses 4907 Autumn Leaf Dr ............................................................................ 901 346-2294 Reese Road Apartments 2503 E Reese Grove Ct Bartlett............................................................. 901 373-1954 Regency Apartments 3000 Barron Ave .................................................................................. 901 743-3505 Ridgecrest Apts Office 2570 Woodcliff Dr.................................................................................. 901 357-7435 Ridgemont Terrace Apartments 4266 Ridgestone Dr .............................................................................. 901 353-2884 Ridgeway Terrace Apartments 6332 E Village Grove Pl ......................................................................... 901 794-6734 Ridgeway Trace 5941 Poplar Pike Ext ............................................................................ 901 682-6900 Ridgewyck Apartment Homes 6114 Ridgewyck Dr............................................................................... 901 366-7054 River Trace Apartments 2165 E River Trace Dr .......................................................................... 901 377-3865 Riverdale Apartments 3295 Riverdale Rd ................................................................................ 901 755-3669 Rivergrove Townhouses The 4000 Rio Lobo Dr .................................................................................. 901 388-4082 Riverset Luxury Apartments 100 Riverset Ln ..................................................................................... 901 526-6629 Riverwood Apartments 3358 Dawn Dr ....................................................................................... 901 358-5432 Robinhood Park Apartments 3717 Robin Park Cir .............................................................................. 901 744-1650 Rockcreek Apartments 8125 Rockcreek Pl ................................................................................ 901 388-4286 Rosecrest Apartments 45 S Idlewild St ..................................................................................... 901 278-2993 Rosewood Apartments The 4230 Overton Crossing St ..................................................................... 901 354-9894 Royal Knight Apartments 5267 Knight Arnold Rd .......................................................................... 901 362-2300 Royal Oaks Apts 1040 Craft Rd ........................................................................................ 901 396-2055 Salem Manor Apartments 2270 S. Parkway East ......................................................................... 901 278-5052 Shady Oaks Apartments 518 Sharon Dr ....................................................................................... 901 323-9999 Shelby County Housing Authority 7620 Robinson Cv Arlington .................................................................. 901 372-2682 Shelby Station 3290 Woodhollow Dr ............................................................................. 901 363-8896 Sherwood Apartments 3667 Rhodes Ave .................................................................................. 901 323-9839 Silvercreek Apartments 5760 Silvercreek Dr S ........................................................................... 901 372-8962 South Pointe Townhomes 1500 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................. 901 346-4397 Southern Oaks Apartments 641 Southern Oaks Pl ........................................................................... 901 458-0259 Stone Ridge Apts 6930 Club Ln ......................................................................................... 901 366-1525 Stonegate Apartments 4500 Stone Gate Dr............................................................................... 901 372-1933 Suburban Lodges Of America 3539 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................ 901 369-0210 Summer Grove Apartments 595 Cadraca Dr #15 .......................................................................... 901 682-0864 Summer Trace Apartments 6015 Summer Trace Dr ......................................................................... 901 373-2300 Summereast Apartments 810 Bartlett Rd ...................................................................................... 901 682-9977 Summit Park Apartments 1770 Piping Rock Dr ............................................................................. 901 332-0472

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Surrey Apartments 3789 Andreas Dr ........................................................ 901 377-8513 ó 800 454-1833 Sycamore Lake Apartments 2174 Westchester Dr............................................................................. 901 388-0583 The Lofts 505 Tennessee St .................................................................................. 901 544-1447 The Park at Hickory Hill 2831 Fosterwood Dr. ............................................................................ 901 365-2380 Trails At Mt. Moriah 3048 Moriah Trail .................................................................................. 901 367-0900 Twelve Oaks Apartments 6520 Macon Rd. ................................................................................... 901 388-5369 University Cabana Apartments 2059 N. Cabana Circle........................................................................... 901 276-4439 Valley Forge Apts. 176 Hillview Dr....................................................................................... 901 345-6867 Village Green Apts. 3456 Fescue Ln..................................................................................... 901 365-0236 Village Square Apts 3357 E. Winchester Pl ........................................................................... 901 332-4365 Watergrove Apartments 6860 Quince Rd..................................................................................... 901 756-7926 Whitehaven View Apartments 1594 E. Holmes Rd................................................................................ 901 346-4612 Whitney Manor Apts. 3081 St. Charles Dr ............................................................................... 901 358-2128 Willow Creek Apartments 4544 Willow Creek Dr ........................................................................... 901 362-2211 Willow Oaks 2459 Ketchum Rd ................................................................................. 901 745-8333 Willowlake Apartments And Townhomes 2774 S Mendenhall Rd.......................................................................... 901 362-2451 Winbranch Community 3551 Dalebranch Dr .............................................................................. 901 345-1745 Wingood Manor Apartments 3463 Wingood Cir.................................................................................. 901 365-8318

Memphis’s choice for bilingual news for 12 years!


Winstone Park 4280 Mount Hood St ............................................................................. 901 794-9360 Woodbriar Apartments 2774 S Mendenhall Rd.......................................................................... 901 365-1028 Woodchase Apartments 1946 Williamswood Rd Cordova ........................................................... 901 753-9999 Woodcrest Apartments 170 N Hollywood St............................................................................... 901 454-7800 Woodlake Apts The 3314 S Woodlake Cir............................................................................. 901 362-2960 Wyndham Apartments 7542 Legacy Dr .................................................................................... 901 755-8480

ÁRBOLES (SERVICIO Y MANTENIMIENTO) / TREE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE A to Z Tree Service 1033 Farmington Dr N, Southaven MS .................................................. 901 412-9732 Blume Tree Services 5165 Old Summer Rd ............................................................................ 901 682-0279 Jones Bros Tree and Landscape Co 7892 Summer Ave, Bartlett .................................................................... 901 377-8733 Robinson Tree Service 2851 Lamb Pl, Suite 11.......................................................................... 901 363-3539

ARENA Y GRAVILLA / SAND & GRAVEL Bnb Sand & Gravel Transport 1740 September Ave.............................................................................. 901 345-9114 Jordan W S and Sons Sand and Gravel Incorporated 5623 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 363-2345 Memphis Stone and Gravel Company 1111 Wilson St ....................................................................................... 901 947-5700 Ruleman Sand & Gravel Plant 4 1442 Baskins Rd, Burlison ..................................................................... 901 475-4835 Ruleman Sand & Gravel Company 560 Curtis Rd, Brighton .......................................................................... 901 476-7263

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?) • Cada vaca tiene cuatro estómagos. • A Cow has four stomachs.

• Las mulas pueden ver sus cuatro patas mientras caminan; los caballos no. • Mules can see all four of their legs when walking; horses can’t.

• Un grupo de ballenas nadando juntas se llama grupo o vaina. • A Group of whales swimming together is called a pod.

• Una cucaracha puede vivir hasta nueve días después de que se le ha removido la cabeza. • A cockroach can live up to nine days after its head is removed.


ARTE (SUMINISTROS PARA) / ART SUPPLIES Amy's Golden Strand 3808 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 458-6109 Art Center Supply Stores Inc 1636 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 276-6321 Baskets Etc 1572 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 615 790-1204 Beelines Stained Glass Memphis................................................................................................. 901 758-0096 Clayworks 2116 Vinton Ave ..................................................................................... 901 722-2164 Craftlobby.Com 3727 Air Park St ..................................................................................... 901 507-7441 Creative Cooperative 5445 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 365-8449 Creative Stitches 3525 Mynders Ave ................................................................................. 901 458-2610 David's Frames & Art 3151 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 323-5557 Eclectica Scrapbooks & Games 2965 N Germantown Rd # 104 .............................................................. 901 377-0730 Factory Card Outlet 2755 Wolfcreek Pkwy............................................................................. 901 373-5800 Garden Ridge 5280 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-7731 Herold's Ceramics 2867 Cela Rd.......................................................................................... 901 386-2574 Hobby Lobby Creative Center 7986 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 266-4346 Hobby Lobby Creative Center 1991 Exeter Rd Germantown ................................................................. 901 757-4419 Holland Emporium 438 N Cleveland ..................................................................................... 901 365-6351 Illumicraft Inc 500 Cumberland St ................................................................................ 901 324-5883 J & B Basket Creation 6099 Mt Moriah Rd Ext .......................................................................... 901 795-7733 Just Because Baskets & Gifts 2720 Skylake Dr..................................................................................... 901 353-2559 Klassy Katz 2958 Elmore Park Rd ............................................................................. 901 213-0099 Madison Sherman Stained Glass 2456 Country Trail Dr ............................................................................. 901 373-1863 Make-Up Art Cosmetics Inc 2840 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 382-7100 Michael's Arts & Crafts 857 S White Station Rd .......................................................................... 901 762-0117 7931 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 751-0720 8035 Giacosa Pl ..................................................................................... 901 388-9247 Paint a Piece 8075 Giacosa Pl #102 ............................................................................ 901 387-3473 9289 Poplar Ave #105 Germantown ...................................................... 901 754-0884 Permanent Memories Hirsch 3676 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 761-4356 Rainbow Yarn & Fiber 1980 Exeter Rd Germantown ................................................................. 901 753-9835 Rasheedah's Creations 3305 Burgess Dr .................................................................................... 901 363-2623 Remember When Scrapbook Store 7825 Winchester Rd # 111 .................................................................... 901 759-9247 Sarah's Designs 1773 Netherwood Ave ............................................................................ 901 274-9860 Sew What Embroidery 3855 Watman Ave .................................................................................. 901 566-0307 Sharri's Discount Arts 3517 Southern Ave................................................................................. 901 323-4681 Silver Shuttle 2547 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 323-7975



Something for Everyone 8037 Laurel Tree Dr................................................................................ 901 754-0131 Southern Creations Craft Mall 2853 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 382-7492 Stash 816 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 276-5442 Stitchers Inc 5498 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 681-9276 Tandy Leather CO 1482 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 728-5551 Tinker Tunes & Balloons 740 W Clover Dr ..................................................................................... 901 767-8320 Treasured Heirlooms Inc 3480 Altruria Rd ..................................................................................... 901 373-6791 Treasured Keepsakes 4808 Egypt Central Rd ........................................................................... 901 377-9223 Village Frame & Art 540 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 767-8882 Yarn Studio 816 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 276-5442 Yarniverse 709 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 818-0940 Yarns To Go 2883 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 454-4118

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas ARTÍCULOS DEPORTIVOS / SPORTING GOODS A Fitting Place 6150 Poplar Ave # 111........................................................................... 901 683-0210 Aeropostale 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 127.......................................................... 901 266-4494 All American Sporting Goods 3230 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-3783 All-Star Sports Office Line 411 Williamsburg Ln .............................................................................. 901 684-6699 Alleson Athletics 4875 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 380-5130 American Eagle Outfitters 4465 Poplar Ave # 114........................................................................... 901 761-4639 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 100.......................................................... 901 377-9788 Amerispan Tents Inc 1927 Vanderhorn Dr ............................................................................... 901 387-0110 Athlete's Foot 2636 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 357-2277 1261 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 345-1493 Barbara's Dancewear 1499 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 682-6898 Bartlett Sports Inc 2804 Bartlett Rd # 1............................................................................... 901 385-2597 Bass Professional Shops 6140 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 213-5800 Bluff City Sports Print 769 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 274-2202 Bowling Difference Pro Shop 1576 S White Station Rd ........................................................................ 901 684-7467 Buck and Bass Wolfchase 2760 North Germantown Pkwy,Ste 199 ................................................ 901 312-1541 Buck Gardner Calls 2129 Troyer Ave # 104 ........................................................................... 901 946-2996 C & C Outdoors Inc 6047 Executive Centre Dr ...................................................................... 901 377-0525 Champs Sports 3355 Raleigh Springs Mall ..................................................................... 901 388-6701 Dick's Sporting Goods 7766 Polo Grounds Blvd ......................................................................... 901 737-2216 E P Kirk's Sports Store PO Box 42222 Memphis ....................................................................... 901 218-8942 Edwin Watts Golf 4625 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-1244 Finish Line 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 198.......................................................... 901 371-2012 1215 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 345-0394 4465 Poplar Ave # 1010......................................................................... 901 763-3543 Fleet Feet Sports 571 Erin Dr ............................................................................................. 901 761-0078 Foot Locker 3448 Raleigh Springs Mall ..................................................................... 901 382-5515 Frayser Bait Shop 2989 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 358-0006 Hibbett Sporting Goods Inc 1286 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 345-2403 4465 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 684-1346 Hibbett Sporting Goods Inc 3415 Raleigh Springs Mall ..................................................................... 901 384-4878 Hibbett Sporting Goods Inc 3415 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 384-4879 J H Bait Shop 4271 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 785-0302 Judy's Tack Shop 2075 Exeter Rd # 80 Germantown ........................................................ 901 755-5314 Ladd's 6881 Appling Farms Pkwy ..................................................................... 901 324-8801 Lady Foot Locker 1209 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 346-9806


Lids 2760 N Germantown Parkway # 277 ................................................... 901 937-1188 LILO Sports Pvt LTD. Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 490-4535 Miller Net CO Inc 1674 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 744-3804 Nike 5151 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 366-6453 8400 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 755-6453 Nylon Net CO 845 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 526-6500 Outdoors Inc 5245 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-6790 1710 Union Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104 zip code Outdoors Outlet 3421 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-7876 P C Sports 195 Linden Ave....................................................................................... 901 529-8655 PAC Sun 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 221.......................................................... 901 382-9050 Phil's Gun Shop 4778 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 681-0788 Professional Image 1220 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 332-2660 Professional Logis 4319 Delp St .......................................................................................... 901 795-2833 Reebok International 3965 Pilot Dr .......................................................................................... 901 369-5700 RENN MultiSport 2599 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 452-3991 Rose Equipment 411 Donna Ave,Covington ...................................................................... 901 581-0330 Saddles'n Such 2135 S Germantown Rd......................................................................... 901 754-7452 Sam's Sport Stop 4081 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 386-7711 Signatures 559 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 327-5456 Soccer USA 9155 Highway 72 Germantown ........................................................... 901 758-1367 Sportman Warehouse 7951 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 753-5000 Team Sports America Inc 5790 E Shelby Dr # 104......................................................................... 901 405-8326 The Sports Authority 2751 Wolfcreek Pkwy............................................................................. 901 373-2501 1185 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 683-7724

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Tommy Bronson Sporting Goods 109 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 458-5458 Track Couture 119 S Main St # 111 .............................................................................. 901 521-1605 Varsity Brands Inc 6745 Lenox Center Ct # 300 .................................................................. 901 387-4300 Wildman Athletic Co Inc 42 Riverview Drive West......................................................................... 901 526-0102

AUTOMÓVILES (CONCESIONARIAS DE NUEVOS Y USADOS) / AUTOMOBILE DEALERS – NEW & USED Acura Of Memphis 2680 Mount Moriah Rd ......................................................................... 901 365-6565 Auto Buyers LLC 2019 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 382-1500 Bartlett Auto Center Inc 1811 Bartlett Road ................................................................................ 901 380-3777 Bluff City Buick Company 1810 Getwell Rd.................................................................................... 901 745-9700 Bluff City Isuzu 1810 Getwell Rd.................................................................................... 901 745-9600 Bluff City Nissan 1810 Getwell Rd.................................................................................... 901 745-9700 Bud Davis Cadillac Inc 5433 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 761-1900 Bud Davis Lincoln Mercury 2177 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 373-5700 C J Auto Sales 3379 Jackson Avenue ........................................................................... 901 507-1200 Carmax 7771 US Highway 64 ............................................................................ 901 382-1315 Chuck Hutton Chevrolet 2471 Mount Moriah Rd ......................................................................... 901 355-9700 Chuck Hutton Toyota 4601 Hutton Way................................................................................... 901 345-3200 Country Ford 95 E Goodman Southaven, MS,............................................................ 662 349-4300 Covington Pike Dodge 1825 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 371-9200 Covington Pike Toyota 1970 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 377-8000 Crossroads Ford Inc 5299 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 762-6500 Dobbs Honda 2240 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 377-6100 Dobbs Pontiac GMC 2621 S Mendenhall Rd ......................................................................... 901 367-3116 Dobbs Ford 2515 Mount Moriah Rd ............................................. 901 362-6364 ó 901 367-4976 Dobbs Ford At Wolfchase 7925 Us Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 382-5555 Ez Car Sales 1315 Winchester Rd ............................................................................. 901 396-9288 Gossett Hyundai 1880 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 386-9000 Gossett Motor Cars 1875 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 388-8989 Gossett Mitsubishi 1919 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 388-8989 Gossett Volkswagen 7420 Winchester .................................................................................... 901 333-8989 Gossett Hyundai 2660 Mt Moriah...................................................................................... 901 363-6556 Gossett Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge 1825 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 388-8989 Gossett Kia 1900 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 388-8989 Gossett Kia 2660 Mt Moriah...................................................................................... 901 363-6556



Gossett Mazda 1870 Ccovington Pike ............................................................................ 901 386-9000 Graceland Dodge Inc 3311 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 398-9231 Guinn Used Cars 5454 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 384-7736 Gwatney Chevrolet Isuzu 2000 Covington Pike Sales ...................................................................................................... 901 387-2000 Parts & Service ...................................................................................... 901 387-2002 Body Shop ............................................................................................. 901 387-2003 Homer Skelton’s Pontiac Gmc Inc 1048 W Poplar Ave Collierville ............................................................... 901 853-2213 Jimmy Gray Chevrolet 181 Goodman Rd E Southaven, MS ...................................................... 662 349-8808 Infiniti Of Memphis 1831 Getwell Rd.................................................................................... 901 744-1111 Landers Ford 2082 W Poplar Ave Collierville ............................................................... 901 854-3673

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?)

• Los osos polares tienen la piel negra para (absorber el calor). Su pelaje es claro. • Polar bears have black skin (to absorb heat) Their fur is Clear.

• Los pichones pueden volar hasta 600 millas en un solo día. • Pigeons can fly up to 600 miles in one day.

• La leche de vaca puede ser alterada químicamente para transformarla en lana. • Cow’s milk can be chemically altered to become wool.

• Las aves canoras tienen dos conjuntos de cuerdas vocales. • Songbirds have two sets of vocal chords.

• El insecto más grande es el Escarabajo Acteon (Megasoma acteon) de Sudamérica. Puede medir 9 cms de largo por 5 cms de ancho. • The largest insect is the Acteon Beetle (Megasoma action) from South America. It can measure 9cms long by 5cms wide by 4cms thick.

• Algunas polillas tienen orejas. • Some moths have ears.

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

Landers Dodge 315 Goodman Rd E Southaven, MS ...................................................... 662 349-3006 Landers Nissan 371 Goodman Rd Southaven, MS ......................................................... 662 349-5557 Lexus Of Memphis 2711 S Mendenhall Rd ........................................................................ 901 362-8833 Memphis Auto Sales 2419 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 327-9005 Memphis Auto World 1635 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 396-4697 Mt Moriah Automart Kia 1900 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 363-6556 Performance Toyota 7370 Winchester Road ........................................................................... 901 758-4040 Pride Auto Sales 2439 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 213-0220 Rogers Used Cars East 4287 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 680-0240 Serra Chevrolet Inc 7850 Us Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 382-5644 Sunrise Pontiac GMC Hummer at Wolfchase 8500 USHighway 64, Bartlett ............................................................... 901 333-8000 Thrifty Car Sales 1989 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 381-0088 Wolfchase Honda 2982 N Germantown Rd ....................................................................... 901 255-3700 Wolfchase Toyota-Scion 2201 N. Germantown Pkwy ................................................................... 901 377-8000 United Auto Sales 5050 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 762-0366

AUTOMÓVILES (REPUESTOS Y PARTES) / AUTOMOBILE PARTS Action Muffler & Brake Service 4657 Knight-Arnold Rd........................................................................... 901 366-4514 Advance Auto Parts 3311 Jackson Avenue ........................................................................... 901 325-7880 2631 Frayser Boulevard ........................................................................ 901 354-8686 3497 Austin Peay Highway.................................................................... 901 386-9780 3188 North Watkins Street .................................................................... 901 354-9071 213 North Cleveland Street .................................................................. 901 725-0599 1520 Getwell Road ................................................................................ 901 744-1913 1427 Airways Boulevard........................................................................ 901 324-4348 4619 Elvis Presley Boulevard ................................................................ 901 346-6060 4660 Knight Arnold Road ...................................................................... 901 367-1050 6645 East Shelby Drive ......................................................................... 901 797-9191 3585 Elvis Presley Boulevard ................................................................ 901 396-3302 7855 Highway # 51Millington ............................................................... 901 873-2103 4522 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 766-2942 1561 North Germantown Pkwy, Cordova ............................................... 901 754-5562 9811 US HWY 64. Arlington.................................................................... 901 371-0388 2790 Kirby Whitten Rd., Bartlett ............................................................. 901 213-5997 3096 Goodman Rd. West, Horn Lake, MS .............................................. 662 280-0200 5984 Hwy. 51 North, Horn Lake, MS...................................................... 662 393-4684 6830 Goodman Rd, Olive Branch, MS .................................................... 662 895-0496 Airport Auto Parts Incorporated 3411 Winchester Rd ................................................... 901 362-7743 ó 901 867-3305 AutoZone 995 W Poplar Ave Collierville ................................................................. 901 853-5511 4400 Summer Avenue ......................................................................... 901 251-4500 5023 Park Avenue ................................................................................. 901 683-9943 7699 Farmington Boulevard Germantown ............................................ 901 754-5331 2076 Frayser Boulevard ....................................................................... 901 357-0395 4011 Jackson Avenue ........................................................................... 901 377-6850 6770 Stage Road................................................................................... 901 377-7113 2900 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 386-3000 385 North Cleveland Street ................................................................... 901 278-1437 1510 Elvis Presley Boulevard ................................................................ 901 775-9840 2449 Jackson Avenue ........................................................................... 901 327-5661


4124 South 3rd Street........................................................................... 901 789-5573 1850 South 3rd Street........................................................................... 901 947-3121 3171 Summer Avenue ........................................................................... 901 454-0083 2323 Lamar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 743-0631 5945 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 366-1660 1211 East Raines Road ......................................................................... 901 396-1182 3343 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 366-4983 4701 Knight Arnold Road ...................................................................... 901 795-3300 4394 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 761-0514 4205 Riverdale Road ............................................................................. 901 365-0873 1592 North Germantown Road ............................................................. 901 756-5924 Bud Davis Cadillac Inc 5433 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 761-1900 Cadillac Of Memphis 2177 Covington Pike ............................................................................ 901 373-7373 CARLOS - MECÁNICA EN GENERAL 2972 Lamar Ave.................................................................................. 901 644-5565 Carquest Auto Parts 3043 S 3rd St ........................................................................................ 901 332-7640 6989 Stage Rd Bartlett .......................................................................... 901 373-8464 5205 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 360-8044 5103 Raleigh-LaGrange Rd ................................................................... 901 213-0212 Cecil’s Auto Parts 6151 Macon Rd..................................................................................... 901 382-3340 Chuck Hutton Chevrolet Co 2471 Mount Moriah Rd .............................................901 369-0750 ó 901 382-5644 Coleman Taylor Automatic Transmission Company 3235 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 396-7561 Cooper Auto Parts Inc 2841 Bartlett Rd ................................................................................... 901 372-4523 Covington Pike Dodge 1825 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 371-9300 Covington Pike Honda Inc 1990 Covington Pike ............................................................................ 901 377-6400 Dennis Hall’s Wreckage & Auto Salvage 3100 Gill Rd........................................................................................... 901 346-9546 Discount Performance Inc 4509 Summer Ave ............................................................................... 901 257-7333 Dobbs Honda On Covington Pike 1990 Covington Pike Gratis/Toll Free Dial .............................................................................. 866 451-0814 Dobbs Honda On Mendenhall 2785 Mendenhall Rd. S. Gratis/Toll Free Dial ..............................................................................877-766-0902 Dobbs Ford 2515 Mt. Moriah Rd. Gratis/Toll Free Dial .......................................... 866 417-8478 Dobbs Ford At Wolfchase 7925 Us Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 386-9080 Dobbs Nissan 6535 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 794-0088 Dobbs Pontiac- Gmc 2621 S Mendenhall Rd.......................................................................... 901 795-4500 East Auto Parts Inc 3670 Macon Rd .................................................................................... 901 458-8531 East Radiator Service 862 Bartlett Rd ...................................................................................... 901 682-8939 Flores Auto Repair 3395 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 458-4999 LAMAR SERVICES 2972 Lamar Ave.................................................................................. 901 644-5565 Liberty Collision Center 8170 Us Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 365-0002 MASSEY'S AUTO PARTS 7710 Raleigh Millington Road, Millington.......................................... 901 872-2217 MECÁNICA EN GENERAL “CARLOS” 2972 Lamar Ave.................................................................................. 901 644-5565 Memphis Auto Center 3815 Winchester .................................................................................... 901 795-1078 Mid Town Auto Parts 1670 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 274-7411

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2010 Pテ。ginas Amarillas Hispanas

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ツス milla al sur de la I-40- salida 3- 1515 North Watkins


Napa Auto Parts 270 US Highway 72 W Collierville ......................................................... 901 853-4718 3733 Lamar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 368-4924 7415 Stage Road................................................................................... 901 380-6996 1046 E Brooks Rd ................................................................................ 901 332-4666 496 Jack Carley Causeway .................................................................. 901 942-9301 506 Vandalia Street ............................................................................... 901 452-1144 3505 Ridgeway Road ............................................................................ 901 365-7290 5079 Raleigh LaGrange......................................................................... 901 382-8000 8891 Hwy 51 N ..................................................................................... 662 342-6636 7885 Hwy 51 Millington ....................................................................... 901 872-3377 2480 Mt Pleasant Hernando, MS, ........................................................ 662 429-5216 9071 Goodman Ave E Olive Branch, MS .............................................. 662 895-2965 593 E Broadway W W Memphis AR ..................................................... 870 735-3702 O’Reilly Auto Parts 4550 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 345-4816 1239 Getwell Rd.................................................................................... 901 323-2685 3255 Thomas Street.............................................................................. 901 354-3870 4051 Jackson Avenue ........................................................................... 901 381-1940 3320 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 454-5583 2355 Lamar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 743-1189 3655 Hickory Hill Road.......................................................................... 901 365-8392 4110 S 3rd St ........................................................................................ 901 786-1412 6650 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................. 901 375-4948 Ty's Auto 595 Vandalia St............................................................901 320-5755 ó 901 320-5784 Transmission Clinic 2825 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 327-3866 Weiss Auto Parts Co 1414 Florida St ...................................................................................... 901 948-0367 U PULL IT AUTO PARTS (Vea nuestro anuncio en la página anterior) 1515 N Watkins .................................................................................... 901 726-1561

BANCOS / BANKS AM South Bank 1463 Goodman Rd Horn Lake, MS......................................................... 662 342-8390 1215 Main St Southaven, MS ................................................................ 662 342-1200 7100 Airways Blvd Southaven, MS ....................................................... 662 349-8480 1130 W Poplar Ave Collierville ................................................................ 901 762-5905 1045 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 762-5904 7550 W Farmington Blvd Germantown .................................................. 901 762-5908 117 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 684-3338 1415 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 762-5970 2491 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 762-5950 2595 James Rd ...................................................................................... 901 684-3270 3471 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 762-5975 3715 Malco Way..................................................................................... 901 762-5930 4485 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 762-5955 5090 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 762-5965 5679 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 762-5980 5969 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 762-5945 6165 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 762-5960 Arlington Community Bank 5810 Airline Rd Arlington........................................................................ 901 867-2265 Bancorp South Bank 1046 Church Rd W Southaven, MS ........................................................ 662 536-5000 7055 Getwell Rd Southaven, MS............................................................ 662 349-3532 7125 Airways Blvd Southaven................................................................ 662 349-5516 1624 Highway 51 S Covington............................................................... 901 475-2560 738 Highway 51 N Covington................................................................. 901 475-2390 50 Humphreys Ctr Ste 7 ........................................................................ 901 747-0740 6363 Poplar Ave Ste 125........................................................................ 901 762-0369 6675 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 382-2265 8140 US Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 385-1473 8146 US Highway 51 N Millington ......................................................... 901 872-2751 1562 Goodman Rd W Horn Lake, MS .................................................... 662 342-2885 8848 Northwest Dr Southaven, MS........................................................ 662 342-1633 604 W Poplar Ave Collierville .................................................................. 901 850-8642 9265 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................... 901 737-6951


763 Goodman St ................................................................................... 901 521-9929 7800 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 751-5600 Bank of America 304 New Byhalia Rd Collierville ........................................................... 901 853-6800 1591 N Germantown Pkwy ................................................................. 901 757-6230 2915 Forest Hill Irene Rd ....................................................................... 901 757-6220 1725 E Brooks Rd ................................................................................. 901 348-5710 200 Madison Ave ................................................................................... 901 755-9405 2710 S Mendenhall Rd .......................................................................... 901 366-3900 2731 Union Avenue Ext ......................................................................... 901 320-5510 3378 Austin Peay Hwy .......................................................................... 901 385-3510 3741 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 366-3910 3945 Park Ave ....................................................................................... 901 320-5500 4350 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 348-5700 5270 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 684-6000 6060 Poplar Ave # 100 .......................................................................... 901 433-6215 6188 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 385-3500 6725 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 366-3930 945 S Cooper St .................................................................................... 901 725-8000 Bank Of Bartlett 9915 Hwy 64.......................................................................................... 901 328-6610 678 N Germantown Pkwy ................................................................... 901 624-1019 1870 Kirby Pkwy Germantown ............................................................ 901 382-6666 7708 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................. 901 624-3700 1020 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 257-7200 3691 Austin Peay Hwy .......................................................................... 901 382-6622 6281 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 382-6600 7984 US Highway 64 ............................................................................ 901 842-4800 Bank Tennessee 100 W Mulberry St Collierville .............................................................. 901 854-7854 1125 W Poplar Ave Collierville .............................................................. 901 854-0854 150 Court Ave ........................................................................................ 901 525-5533 5540 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 767-8170



Community Bank 6910 Airways Blvd Southaven, MS ........................................................ 662 280-9700 5100 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 682-3455 De Soto County Bank 6341 Highway 51 N Horn Lake, MS....................................................... 662 393-3277 Federal Reserve Bank 200 N Main St ....................................................................................... 901 523-7171 First Alliance Bank 51 Germantown Ct Ste 100 .................................................................. 901 753-8339 464 N Front St ....................................................................................... 901 527-9393 First Tennessee 9025 Highway 64 Arlington .................................................................. 901 388-6937 275 New Byhalia Rd Collierville ........................................................... 901 853-9910 1182 W Poplar Ave, Collierville .............................................................. 901 523-4444 7735 Farmington Blvd Germantown .................................................... 901 753-1042 1212 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................. 901 543-4778 3926 Goodman Rd W Horn Lake ......................................................... 662 393-5455 615 Goodman Rd E Southaven ............................................................ 901 523-4444 1500 W Poplar Ave Collierville .............................................................. 901 861-0787 1150 W Germantown Pkwy ................................................................ 901 523-4444 1750 N Germantown Pkwy ................................................................. 901 523-4444 4000 Highway 51 N Covington ............................................................ 901 476-3133 1200 S 3rd St ........................................................................................ 901 523-4444 1250 Park Place Ctr .............................................................................. 901 523-4444 1338 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 523-4444 2015 E Brooks Rd ................................................................................. 901 523-4444 2284 Lamar Ave .................................................................................... 901 523-4444 2664 N Hollywood St ............................................................................. 901 523-4444 2750 N Germantown Pkwy ................................................................... 901 523-4444 2942 Kirby Whitten Rd .......................................................................... 901 523-4444 300 Court Ave ........................................................................................ 901 523-5308 3129 S Mendenhall Rd .......................................................................... 901 523-4444 3409 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 523-4444 3430 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 523-4444 3444 Plaza Ave ...................................................................................... 901 320-3130 366 S Highland St ................................................................................. 901 458-0336 3770 Lamar Ave .................................................................................... 901 523-4444 3860 Austin Peay Hwy .......................................................................... 901 523-4444 4784 American Way .............................................................................. 901 523-4444 5100 Poplar Ave Ste 427 ...................................................................... 901 537-2020 700 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................... 901 523-4444 7080 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................. 901 523-4444 8058 US Highway 64 ............................................................................ 901 385-9666 888 S White Station Rd ......................................................................... 901 523-4444 910 Madison Ave ................................................................................... 901 523-4444 920 Poplar Ave ...................................................................................... 901 523-4444 951 Thomas St ...................................................................................... 901 523-4444 5052 Navy Rd Millington ...................................................................... 901 523-4444 7080 Highway 64 Oakland ................................................................... 901 465-4115 First Tennessee Bank Wolf Rvr. 2055 Houston Levee Rd Germantown ................................................. 901 854-5648 First Trust Bank For Savings 894 N Germantown Pkwy ................................................................... 901 259-5400 Firstbank 2850 Wolfcreek Pkwy ........................................................................... 901 462-0145 7525 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 737-6036 Independent Bank 2116 W Poplar Ave Collierville .............................................................. 901 842-1170 1711 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 844-2050 5050 Poplar Ave Ste 112 ...................................................................... 901 844-5050 6209 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 842-2600 Insouth Bank 425 Highway 51 S Covington ............................................................... 901 476-3330 4362 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 820-0005 6141 Walnut Grove Rd .......................................................................... 901 747-5555 7696 US Highway 51 N Millington ....................................................... 901 872-4545 Memphis Area Teachers Credit Union 7875 Hwy 64.......................................................................................... 901 385-5210 80 Flicker................................................................................................ 901 385-5200 310 New Byhalia .................................................................................... 901 385-5200

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas 1675 Germantown Parkway .................................................................. 901 385-5200 335 S Walnut Bend................................................................................. 901 385-5200 559 Erin Drive......................................................................................... 901 385-5200 7960 Lowrance ...................................................................................... 901 385-5200 7845 Highway 64 ................................................................................... 901 385-5200 1364 N. Watkins ..................................................................................... 901 385-5200 1030 Madision........................................................................................ 901 385-5200 7265 Highway 64 ................................................................................... 901 385-5200 3120 S. Perkins ...................................................................................... 901 385-5200 3118 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 385-5200 1670 Mississippi Valley Blvd Southaven, MS ........................................ 901 385-5200 3155 Millbranch ..................................................................................... 901 385-5200 Memphis First Community Bank 4230 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 346-1111 Paragon National Bank 6300 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 273-2900 Regions Bank 397 New Byhalia Rd Collierville............................................................. 901 861-6399 8040 Walnut Run Rd ............................................................................. 901 624-5835 1100 Ridgeway Loop Rd ....................................................................... 901 766-2719 147 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................. 901 523-8013 3020 Kirby Whitten Rd .......................................................................... 901 388-5868 4135 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 345-3224 42 S Claybrook St .................................................................................. 901 274-3658 4725 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 680-7913 5281 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 795-9260 5384 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 680-0358 5705 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 382-5237 6263 Poplar ........................................................................................... 901 684-4688 6705 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 684-4661 Renasant Bank 1890 N Germantown Pkwy Ste 100 .................................................... 901 312-4060 2177 S Germantown Rd ........................................................................ 901 312-4000 South Trust Bank 9059 Highway 64 Arlington ................................................................... 901 381-1720 1365 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................. 901 537-1352 9301 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 537-1372 3611 Hacks Cross Rd ............................................................................ 901 537-1180 6445 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 537-1301

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Suntrust Bank 7251 Interstate Dr Horn Lake ............................................................... 662 349-2481 9050 Highway 64 Arlington ................................................................... 901 385-6685 1175 W Poplar Ave Collierville .............................................................. 901 853-4141 252 New Byhalia Rd Collierville ........................................................... 901 853-0086 3685 Houston Levee Rd Collierville ..................................................... 901 861-6950 1136 N Germantown Pkwy ................................................................. 901 624-8510 1230 Houston Levee Rd ...................................................................... 901 309-6900 676 N Germantown Pkwy ................................................................... 901 757-4840 2130 Exeter Rd Germantown ................................................................ 901 757-4845 6660 Poplar Ave Germantown .............................................................. 901 757-4855 7770 Poplar Ave Germantown .............................................................. 901 757-4850 1 Commerce Sq Memphis .................................................................... 901 523-3023 1211 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 272-1255 1366 Poplar Ave Memphis .................................................................... 901 543-4010 177 N Highland St Memphis ................................................................. 901 320-1718 1895 Union Ave Memphis ..................................................................... 901 543-4040 2632 Frayser Blvd Memphis .................................................................. 901 543-4020 2835 Kirby Rd Memphis......................................................................... 901 309-6906 3338 Elvis Presley Blvd Memphis ......................................................... 901 346-6100 3441 Poplar Ave Memphis .................................................................... 901 320-1710 3550 Austin Peay Hwy Memphis .......................................................... 901 385-6690 3565 Riverdale Rd ................................................................................. 901 367-4195 3585 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 757-4870 4264 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 762-4392 464 Perkins Ext ..................................................................................... 901 762-4370 4700 Knight Arnold Rd .......................................................................... 901 367-4180 4770 Riverdale Rd ................................................................................. 901 757-4859 5049 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 762-4360 5350 Poplar Ave Ste 100 ...................................................................... 901 766-5900 540 S Mendenhall Rd ............................................................................ 901 762-4380 5860 Ridgeway Center Pkwy ................................................................ 901 762-4377 5995 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 385-6680 6075 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 367-4170 6633 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 373-8400 910 Madison Ave ................................................................................... 901 543-4030 990 College Dr ...................................................................................... 901 543-4050

BANQUETES (SALONES E INSTALACIONES) / BANQUET HALLS & FACILITIES Appling Manor 1755 Appling Rd .................................................................................... 901 759-1000 Candle Light Ballroom Silver Park Plaza 3015 Park Av ......................................................................................... 901 323-1509 Delta Ballroom 2310 Airport Interchange Ave ................................................................ 901 398-7240 Holiday Inn Select 5795 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 682-7881 Holiday Inn – University of Memphis 3700 Central Ave ................................................................................... 901 678-8200 Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. 3734 Elvis Presley Boulevard ................................................................. 901 332-3322 Toll Free .................................................................................................. 800 238-2000 Memphis Marriott Downtown 250 N Main St ....................................................................................... 901 527-7300 Shabach Christian Fellowship Centre 2124 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................ 901 345-1966 Woodland Hills 10000 Woodland Hills Dr....................................................................... 901 754-2000

BASURA (REMOCIÓN DE) / GARBAGE & RUBBISH REMOVAL ABC Waste Inc 5547 Millington Rd ................................................................................. 901 354-3201 All Star Waste Systems 7585 Priority Ln, Olive Branch MS ......................................................... 901 521-9997 BFI 7111 Old Millington Rd........................................................................... 901 872-7200


1-800 Got-Junk 6880 Hillshire Dr, Bartlett ....................................................................... 901 377-0377

BIENES RAÍCES / REAL ESTATE Banyon Tree Realtors / BH & G 1162 W Poplar ....................................................................................... 901 853-8666 Boone Charles Real Estate 8585 Highway 64 .................................................................................. 901 386-3500 Boshwit Bros 2308 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 272-0100 CB Richard Ellis 2650 Thousand Oaks St 1120 .............................................................. 901 528-1000 Clay & Land Insurance Tonya Flores 866 Ridgeway Loop, Suite 200 Memphis, TN 38120 .............................................................................. 901 767-3600 Cohen Ruth Realtor 1025 Oakhaven Re................................................................................ 901 767-9040 Coldwell Banker Hoffman-Burke Inc Realtors 1709 Kirby Pkwy .................................................................................. 901 759-1651 1011 W Poplar ....................................................................................... 901 853-0834 Coldwell Banker John R Thompson 6520 Stage Rd ..................................................................................... 901 386-5907 Continental Realtors 3145 Hickory Hill Rd.............................................................................. 901 367-0000 Crye Leike Realtors 1320 Goodman Rd Southaven, MS ....................................................... 662 349-5550 826 W Poplar Collierville........................................................................ 901 853-4312 3634 Austin Peay Hwy .......................................................................... 901 388-8320 6397 Goodman Rd ................................................................................ 901 521-0736 1396 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................. 901 396-8400 7700 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 754-0800 2220 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 276-8800 894 Germantown Pkwy ......................................................................... 901 756-8100 585 S Perkins ........................................................................................ 901 766-9004 6525 Quail Hollow Rd............................................................................ 901 756-8900 FSBO Services Inc 5181 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 767-1686 1st Choice Realty 3276 Goodman Rd Southaven, MS ....................................................... 662 349-0039 Foster Real Estate Services 1770 Kirby Pkwy ................................................................................... 901 624-7124 Goodwin T David Companies 6112 Macon Rd ..................................................................................... 901 377-1006 Grace Realty Company 4551 Millbranch Rd ............................................................................... 901 348-9066 Juan J. Romo - Century 21 Su Casa Realty 279 Germantown Bend Cv ................................................................... 901 753-3305 Fax ........................................................................................................ 901 753-3336 Kensington Properties 740 E Brookhaven Cir .......................................................................... 901 680-9944 740 W Brookhaven Cir .......................................................................... 901 821-0013 Magnolia Real Estate 752 E Brookhaven Cir ........................................................................... 901 754-4100 Matlock Realty 1655 International Dr ............................................................................ 901 683-0682 Mid South Homes Inc 3120 S Perkins Rd................................................................................. 901 362-7410 Mid South Realty 756 E Brookhaven Cir ........................................................................... 901 761-4444 New South Properties 362 New Byhalia Rd.............................................................................. 901 854-4649

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Peyton & Associates Realtors 6753 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................. 901 363-5546 Prudential Collins-Maury Inc Realtors 1352 Cordova Cv................................................................................... 901 753-0700 Reeves Williams Realty 868 Goodman Rd E Southaven, MS ...................................................... 662 349-2184 Starnes Company The 5489 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 795-1660 Stellar Properties & Investments 1713 Kirby Pkwy ................................................................................... 901 757-2045 Tennco 3411 S Mendenhall Rd ........................................................................ 901 542-9590

BODAS (PLANIFICACIÓN-PASTELES) / WEDDINGS-PLANNING American Event Tents Memphis................................................................................................. 901 544-9999 Bergeron's Flowers 3618 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 357-1855 Cotton Boll Catering 870 Vance Ave........................................................................................ 901 526-4882 Elegant Traditions 2753 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 369-1757 HeartFelt Creations Memphis................................................................................................. 901 730-0456 Hicks Convention Service & Special 935 Rayner St......................................................................................... 901 272-1171 Mayu Cakes ............................................................................ 901 848-7785 Memphis Brooks Museum of Art Catering & Special Events 1934 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 544-6222 Mid-South Wedding & Event Planners' Memphis................................................................................................. 901 503-3071 Mid-South Wedding Consultants 935 Rayner St......................................................................................... 901 272-1171 Mid-South Wedding Planners GLD Germantown ........................................................................................... 901 754-4700 Ministers in A Minute PO Box 770164 ...................................................................................... 901 754-4700 Misty Hollow Farms 6315 Walsh Rd ....................................................................................... 901 876-6315

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?)

• El color de los piojos cuando son adultos depende del color del pelo de la persona en la cual viven. • The color a head louse will be as an adult can depend on the color of the person’s hair in which it lives.

• Los recuerdos de un pez dorado sólo duran tres segundos. • The memory of a goldfish is only three seconds long.

• Los ojos de un calamar gigante son tan grandes como una cabeza humana. • The giant Squid’s eyes are each as large as a human head.

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Once Upon A Time Boutique 5834 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 266-0222 Perpetual Petals Flower 2980 Millers Pond Dr.............................................................................. 901 755-1990 Reeds by Design 4574 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 230-1860 Simple Occasions Wedding Chapel 3003 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 240-5889 Social Butterflies 2148 Monroe Ave ................................................................................... 901 828-9321 Social Butterflies LLC 2148 Monroe Ave ................................................................................... 901 691-1849 Southern Event Planners 3092 Poplar Ave # 18............................................................................. 901 757-9339 The Bridal Firm Memphis................................................................................................. 901 262-0506 True Moments Event Planning Services Memphis................................................................................................. 901 767-8320 Unique celebrations Bartlett .................................................................................................... 901 628-4659

BOLICHE / BOWLING All Star Lanes 1576 S. White Station Rd ....................................................................... 901 683-2695 Bartlett Lanes 6276 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 386-7701 Cordova Bowling Center 7945 Club Center Cove .......................................................................... 901 754-4275 Winchester Bowl 3703 S Mendenhall ................................................................................ 901 362-1620

CABLE / CABLE Adams Electronics 8323 Hunny Hill Cv................................................................................. 901 755-6231 Advanced Satellite Television Memphis................................................................................................. 901 213-3233 Bartlett Cable Bundles 6426 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 877 202-3231 Cable Connection Inc 1951 S Germantown Rd......................................................................... 901 759-1444 Cablevision 3245 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 458-9068 Comcast Cable ............................................................................................................... 901 529-4336 ............................................................................................................... 901 259-1400 5450 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 259-2225 6555 Quince Road # 400 ....................................................................... 901 259-1111 Memphis................................................................................................. 901 365-1770 DirecTV Memphis................................................................................................. 901 353-9342 Direct USA Satellite TV 150 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 881-5014 DirecTV 6750 Poplar AvE ..................................................................................... 901 624-7760 Dish Now Direct 5300 Silver Stone Dr .............................................................................. 901 598-5377 DishNetwork Authorized Dealer-Cable TV 150 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 881-5346 DishNetwork Authorized Dealer-Cable TV 74 S 2nd St ............................................................................................ 901 881-7755 Diversified Network Solutions Memphis................................................................................................. 901 649-3899 Memphis Cable 155 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 881-3702 Metro Cable Installation CO 3850 Viscount Ave .................................................................................. 901 362-0048 Orbitrom Enterprice 4284 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 565-7445


Satellite TV Memphis Memphis................................................................................................. 901 725-1117 Southeastern Marketing Service 5830 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 794-2558 Southern Satellites Memphis................................................................................................. 901 524-0740 Time Warner Business Music Service Memphis................................................................................................. 901 369-5050 Time Warner Cable Memphis................................................................................................. 800 227-6477 Time Warner Cable Memphis................................................................................................. 901 259-2225 Time Warner Telecom Inc 6000 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 260-5000 Verizon Select Service 3665 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 546-8180 Versatile Communications 6194 East Shelby Dr............................................................................... 901 542-0950 Visual Concepts Audio & Video Memphis................................................................................................. 901 848-4778


CAMBIO DE CHEQUES / CHECK CASHING ACE Americas Cash Express 4899 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 763-1167 ACE Cash Express 2222 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 357-2819 3394 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 353-0895 1414 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 744-0551 3310 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 324-9965 7444 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 309-9416 1787 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 774-8404 2628 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 357-2792 416 E Eh Crump Blvd ............................................................................. 901 948-2402 3032 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 327-2274 3102 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 937-0897 5820 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 367-8922 3979 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 385-1467 4085 American Way ............................................................................... 901 795-5148 1979 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 942-2274 2889 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 743-1924 5169 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 795-4690 2117 Sycamore View Rd ........................................................................ 901 383-2274 3174 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-8601 6657 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-1967 2474 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 388-2316 3858 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 546-9724 1391 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 454-0500 1231 Greenwood St ............................................................................... 901 763-1166 3317 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 795-5046 2139 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 276-1020 1631 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 272-9685 1609 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 272-7213 2242 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 324-5027 4221 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 398-2323 1882 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 396-8080 3713 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 362-8265 2268 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 278-7488 3201 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 398-9957 1330 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 345-5676 32 S 2nd St ............................................................................................ 901 525-6544 3109 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 794-2363 1386 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 942-3726 1440 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 774-2274 2038 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 348-1116 4437 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 789-3397


Americash 3624 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 382-0700 Cash N Dash 2235 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 375-0042 Cash Connection 1281 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 348-2164 Cash Depot 5040 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-5834 7535 Us Highway 64 .............................................................................. 901 383-4117 4226 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 566-0800 4109 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 360-8883 Cash In A Flash 3096 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 797-8200 Cash In A Flash Check Advance 1791 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 358-4646 6922 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 795-6300 1268 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 744-6500 3690 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 547-1600 5823 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 797-9009 3517 Ramill Rd....................................................................................... 901 266-5597 4359 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 332-0220 Cash In Hand 2094 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 357-9045 3263 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 358-7767 Cash Mart of Hickory Hill 4730 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 755-4482 Cash Now 1605 Getwell Rd, Memphis .................................................................... 901 744-1976 Cash Quick Inc 3800 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 757-0542 Cash Quick V 4565 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 683-6124 Cash USA 4696 American Way ............................................................................... 901 542-0513 Centroamerica Multiservice 4778 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-6557 Check Advance Nat'l Check Cashing 2889 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 743-5757 416 E H Crump Blvd............................................................................... 901 948-7407 3174 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-0364 1787 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 774-9538 6424 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 367-0464 2877 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 744-4213 3317 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 795-1552 4221 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 398-2379 1609 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 272-8877 3201 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 398-1926



Check Advance Nat'l Check Cashing 1386 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 942-9820 Check Into Cash 4041 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 396-5737 4514 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 685-9844 8385 Us Highway 64 .............................................................................. 901 377-9722 2926 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 744-3230 1213 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 327-8383 6636 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 362-2420 2829 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 384-9488 5 S Main St, Memphis ............................................................................ 901 543-8271 Check N Go 3580 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-2444 5065 American Way ............................................................................... 901 363-8323 2548 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 937-4666 294 N Cleveland St................................................................................. 901 276-5999 City Cash Inc 3127 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 367-3900 Convenient Cash of Memphis 6233 Mount Moriah Road Ext ................................................................ 901 375-0003 Discount Cash Advance 3722 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 794-6323 Dodges Money Center 3923 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 396-9332 Eduardo Services 4118 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 373-7211 Evios Los Rios 3030 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 382-8755 Memphis Check Advance 4205 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-2505 Memphis Currency Exchange 1295 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 346-8532 Mr Payroll 1312 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 396-2879 4941 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 542-0505 My 4 Habits 215 S Pauline St ..................................................................................... 901 522-9119 Nat'l Check Cashiers 2242 Lamar Ave, Memphis .................................................................... 901 324-0950 3979 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 385-2514 2628 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 357-2792 Nat'l Check Cashing Check Cashing Advance 2114 Southern Ave................................................................................. 901 324-0950 Quick Cash Inc 6825 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-2777 3865 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-3334 Quik Lend 5347 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 366-1220 3921 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 458-3844 4269 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 346-2726 1620 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 276-1959 1650 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 866-0173 3148 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 565-7522

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2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Shelby County Check Cashing 3693 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 866-0055 U S A Cash 3686 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 353-0032 1295 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 346-5693

CASAS DE EMPEÑO / PAWNBROKERS 51 Pawn Shop 14382 Hwy. 51 S.Atoka.......................................................................... 901 837-1993 AAA Collateral Loan & Jewelry Co. 5273 Navy Rd. Millington ...................................................................... 901 872-8176 A-1 Pawn Inc 3725 Lamar Ave. .................................................................................... 901 368-5808 A 1 A Pawn 1625 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 744-9933 A Pawn Shop in Hickory Hill 5851 Winchester Rd. .............................................................................. 901 743-8181 Accent Jewelers Inc. 5050 Poplar Ave. Ste. 127 ...................................................................... 901 682-8036 Best Pawn 3202 Jackson Ave. ................................................................................. 901 452-9366 Best Pawn of Whitehaven 1652 Winchester Rd. .............................................................................. 901 345-1917 Big Daddyís Pawn Shop 3700 Hickory Hill .................................................................................... 901 546-9252 BST Internet Services 201 Court Ave......................................................................................... 901 526-3477 Bullfrog Corner Pawn Shop Inc. 1436 Goodman Rd. Horn Lake MS ....................................................... 662 393-7740 CS Jewelry & Music 8596 Hwy. 51 N. Millington ................................................................... 901 872-4270 Capitol Loans and Jewelers 774 Poplar Ave. ...................................................................................... 901 525-6771 Cash America Pawn 1133 S. Bellevue Blvd............................................................................. 901 942-4747 1302 Poplar Ave. .................................................................................... 901 725-0116 1910 S. 3rd St. ....................................................................................... 901 774-6335 2378 Lamar Ave. .................................................................................... 901 743-7252 3305 Austin Peay Hwy............................................................................ 901 377-4912 3644 Lamar Ave. .................................................................................... 901 367-1577 3880 Park Ave. ....................................................................................... 901 452-5550 4275 Summer Ave.................................................................................. 901 682-3675 3450 Millbranch Rd. ............................................................................... 901 345-5440 Dabbs Gun & Pawn Shop 7957 Hwy. 51 N. Southaven MS ........................................................... 662 393-6498 Diamond Bankers Group 901 355-3999 Diamond Brokers of Memphis 6401 Poplar Ave. .................................................................................... 901 682-3426 Doc Hollidayís Pawnbrokers & Jewelers 3337 Overton Crossing St. ..................................................................... 901 357-4642 Elvis Presley Sales and Service 3283 Elvis Presley Blvd. ......................................................................... 901 398-8173 Empire Pawn Shop 3632 Summer Ave.................................................................................. 901 327-8117 EZ Pawn 1410 Poplar Ave. .................................................................................... 901 278-9873 EZ Pawn 286 Winchester Rd. ................................................................................ 901 362-6070 Happy Hockers CI Inc. 975 E. Parkway S. .................................................................................. 901 276-7350 Hollywood Pawn Shop 2655 N. Hollywood St. ............................................................................ 901 358-4967 Kellerís Pawn 1389 Hwy. 61 Lake Cormorant, MS ....................................................... 662 781-8400 Money Now Pawn 3963 Park Ave. ....................................................................................... 901 452-8888 Mr. Cash Title and Pawn 105 S. Holmes St.................................................................................... 901 324-0702


Munford Flea Market 88 Munford Ave. ..................................................................................... 901 837-9169 Pawn Plus 5851 Winchester Rd. .............................................................................. 901 365-9399 7199 Hwy. 51 N. Southaven MS ........................................................... 662 393-7296 Pioneer Trade Shop 504 Hwy. 51 S. ....................................................................................... 901 476-7177 Star Jewelry & Loan 5363 Winchester Rd. .............................................................................. 901 369-9400 Top Dollar Pawn 9053 Hwy. 51 N. Southaven MS ...........................................................662-393-4455

CELULARES / CELL PHONES Cellular South 3070 Connahbrook Dr Memphis ........................................................... 901 346-7725 9245 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 753-1200 200 Goodman Rd E Southaven, MS ...................................................... 662 536-0288 1003 N Germantown Pky ...................................................................... 901 309-0226 6115 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 767-7949 2565 Horizon Lake Dr ........................................................................... 901 266-4004 2760 N Germantown Pky ...................................................................... 901 380-0600 AT & T Wireless Gratis/Toll Free....................................................................................... 888 696-5433 AT & T Wireless Stores 3720 Hacks Cross Ste. 101................................................................... 901 751-4280 4938 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 762-4562 Peabody Place ....................................................................................... 901 522-9914 Wolfchase Galleria Mall ......................................................................... 901 381-1159 465 N Germantown Pkwy ..................................................................... 901 737-5327 Midsouth Wireless 2400 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 730-0038 PCS Plus 9155 Highway 72 Memphis ................................................................... 901 685-0339 RadioShack 4082 Elvis Presley Blvd Memphis ......................................................... 901 332-8384 714 N. Germantown Rd Cordova, TN ................................................... 901 753-6381 3103 S. Mendenhall Rd Memphis ......................................................... 901 362-3431 2075 Exeter Rd Germantown ................................................................ 901 754-1042 7464 Winchester Rd Memphis .............................................................. 901 751-0675 6045 Stage Rd Bartlett .......................................................................... 901 382-0760 Wolfchase Galleria Bartlett .................................................................... 901 388-1317 1825 S. 3rd St Memphis ...................................................................... 901 774-9454 2170 Frayser Blvd Memphis ................................................................. 901 358-4315 4235 Summer Ave Memphis ................................................................ 901 767-4851 5066 Park Ave Memphis ....................................................................... 901 761-5460 S E Wireless 4730 Riverdale Rd Memphis ................................................................. 901 759-1919 4899 Summer Ave Memphis ................................................................ 901 821-0040 Sprint .............................................................................................................. 800 877-7746 Sprint Stores 4631 Poplar Avenue Memphis .............................................................. 901 680-7520 2835 Bartlett Blvd. Bartlett .................................................................... 901 380-7719 1042 Goodman Road, Southaven, MS .................................................. 662 536-3820 3551 Riverdale Road, Suite 101 Memphis........................................... 901 368-7591 7990 Trinity Road, Suite 106, Cordova .................................................. 901 624-7045 Sprint PCS Communication Services 3551 Riverdale Rd. Memphis ............................................................... 901 368-7592 T-Mobile 6313 Stage Rd Bartlett .......................................................................... 901 384-0561 1498 Union Ave Memphis ..................................................................... 901 725-2200 4741 Poplar Ave Memphis .................................................................... 901 761-3001 1022 Goodman Rd Southaven, MS ....................................................... 662 349-8784 4899 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 821-0040 6472 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 370-6200 Teletouch 5040 Summer Ave Memphis ................................................................ 901 683-1212 Touchtel Wireless 3384 Austin Peay Hwy Memphis .......................................................... 901 213-4666


USA Cell Accessories 3516 Park Ave. Memphis ...................................................................... 901 452-5448 Verizon Wireless 3665 S Perkins Rd ................................................................................ 901 546-8180 1016 W. Poplar Ave ............................................................................... 901 854-1100 5323 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 365-2355 7945 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 368-6822 8350 US Highway 64 Bartlett ................................................................ 901 759-0515

CEMENTERIOS / CEMETARIES Aaron Cremation Services 2440 Whitten Rd ................................................................................... 901 382-1000 Calvary Cemetery 1663 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 948-1529 Catholic Cemeteries Of Memphis 7500 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................ 901 948-1529 1663 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 948-1529 Elmwood Cemetery 824 S Dudley St .................................................................................... 901 774-3212 Family Funeral Care 4925 Summer Ave .................................................................................901 761 8000 Forest Hill Cemeteries & Funeral Homes - East 2440 Whitten Rd.................................................................................... 901 382-1000 Forest Hill Cemeteries & Funeral Homes - Midtown 1661 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 775-0310 Forest Hill Cemeteries - South 2545 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................ 901 346-3250 Forest Hills Cemetary & Fnrl 3003 Airways Blvd # 1012 .................................................................... 901 344-8275 Memorial Park Funeral Home 5668 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-8930 Memorial Park South Woods Cemetery 7814 State Line Rd................................................................................. 901 755-3028 Memory Hill Gardens And Mausoleums 3700 N Germantown Rd ........................................................................ 901 388-5135 Memphis Memory Gardens 6444 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 386-4858 New Park Monuments & Memorials 4536 Horn Lake, MS Rd ......................................................................... 901 785-7150 Woodhaven Cemetery & Funeral Home 6755 US Highway 51 N Millington ......................................................... 901 872-3375

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2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

CENTROS COMERCIALES / SHOPPING MALLS The Avenue Carriage Crossing 4674 Merchants Park Circle ................................................................... 901 854-8240 CareFour at Kirby Woods 6685 Poplar Pike ................................................................................... 901 759-0448 Casino Factory Shoppes 13118 Highway 61N, Tunica, MS ........................................................... 662 363-1940 Germantown Village Square 7700 Poplar Ave.Germantown .............................................................. 901 523-2000 Hickory Ridge Mall 6075 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 367-8045 Laurelwood Shopping Center 3120 S. Perkins ..................................................................................... 901 794-6022 Oak Court Mall 4465 Poplar Ave. ................................................................................... 901 682-8928 Peabody Place 100 Peabody Place ................................................................................ 901 261-7529 Poplar Plaza Shopping Center 62 S. Prescott St. ................................................................................... 901 458-8922 Raleigh Springs Mall 3384 Austin Peay Hwy .......................................................................... 901 388-4300 Southland Mall 1215 Southland Mall ............................................................................. 901 346-1210 Wolfchase Galleria 2760 North Germantown Parkway ........................................................ 901 372-9409

CERRADURAS & CERRAJEROS / LOCKS & LOCKSMITHS 4 Hour Instant Locksmith 2639 Harvard Ave.................................................................................. 901 454-4010 A-1 Key Shop 4859 Poplar ........................................................................................... 901 767-6777 AAA Safe & Lock Company 578 S Highland St ................................................................................. 901 323-1701 A-Advantage Mobile Lock & Key ................................................................. 901 786-1932 Casey Lock & Saw Company 4444 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 682-5625 Locksmith Express Bartlett ................................................................................................... 901 386-4591 East Memphis ........................................................................................ 901 743-5625 Germantown / Cordova ......................................................................... 901 753-5508 Collierville ............................................................................................. 901 861-4414 Pop-A-Lock Midtown ............................................................................................... 901 525-0087 Hickory Hill ........................................................................................... 901 346-4608 Raleigh / Bartlett ................................................................................... 901 382-9372 Germantown / Cordova ......................................................................... 901 755-0460 Lakeland / Arlington............................................................................... 901 867-0390 Peifer Safe & Lock 4761 Knight-Arnold Rd.......................................................................... 901 363-6396 Town & Country Locksmith 2583 Broad Ave..................................................................................... 901 324-2910

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CERVEZA (VENTA MAYORISTA) / BEER & ALE – WHOLESALE A S BARBORO (Vea nuestro anuncio en la página siguiente) 5020 Tuggle Road................................................................................. 901 795-5310 D Canale Beverages Inc 45 W EH Crump Blvd ............................................................................ 901 948-4543 DBI Distributing Inc 5020 Tuggle Rd ..................................................................................... 901 323-7411 Canale D Beverages Inc 45 W EH Crump Blvd ............................................................................ 901 948-4543




Lista Completa de Productos DOMESTIC BEERS

Coors Banquet Coors Light Coors NA Icehouse Keystone Ice Keystone Light Killian's Irish Red Miller Chill Miller Genuine Draft Miller Genuine Draft Light 64 Miller High Life Miller High Life Light Miller Lite Milwaukee's Best Milwaukee's Best Ice Milwaukee's Best Light Old Milwaukee Old Milwaukee Light Old Milwaukee NA Pabst Blue Ribbon Pabst Blue Ribbon Light Red Dog Schaefer Light Schlitz Sharps Non-alcoholic Southpaw Light


Black Dog Blue Moon Blue Moon Seasonals Bridgeport IPA Lazy Magnolia Southern Pecan Leinenkugel Red Leinenkugel Seasonals Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat McSorley's Irish Black Lager McSorley's Irish Pale Ale Pete's Strawberry Blonde Pete's Wicked Ale Samuel Adams Sam Adams Black Lager Sam Adams Blackberry Witbier Sam Adams Brown Ale Sam Adams Cherry Wheat Sam Adams Honey Porter Sam Adams Irish Red Sam Adams Light Sam Adams Seasonals Schlafly Hefeweizen Schlafly Pale Ale Schlafly Seasonals Shiner Bock Shiner Seasonals


Amstel Light Asahi Super Dry Bohemia Buckler Non-alcoholic Carlsberg Carta Blanca Dos Equis Amber Dos Equis Lager Foster's Lager Foster's Premium Ale Grolsch Guinness Harp Heineken Heineken Dark Heineken Premium Light Kaliber NA Molson Canadian/Golden/Ice Moosehead Peroni Nastro Azzurro Pilsner Urquell Red Stripe Sapporo Smithwick's Sol Tecate


Four Loco Energy Drinks Sparks Energy Drink Sparks Light Energy Drink Sparks Plus Energy Drink B&J Coolers Boones Farm Seagrams Coolers Hornsby Cider Jack Daniels Country Cocktails Mike's Hard Lemonade Mike's Hard Punch Mike's Seasonals Parrot Bay Rock Hard Margarita Rock Hard Root Beer Rock Hard Strawberry Daiquiri Smirnoff Ice Smirnoff Ice Green Apple Bite Smirnoff Ice Light Smirnoff Ice Mango Smirnoff Ice Passion Fruit Smirnoff Ice Strawberry Acai Smirnoff Ice Triple Black Smirnoff Ice Watermelon Smirnoff Ice Wild Grape Twisted Tea




CHATARRA / SALVAGE Chandler Demolition Inc 1223 N Watkins Street ........................................................................... 901 276-5459 Davis Auto Care 3402 Elvis Presley Boulevard ................................................................. 901 396-8801 Don Payne Cylinder Head Service 1301 N Hollywood Street ....................................................................... 901 452-2350 Gossett Gene Auto Parts Inc 7891 Highway 72, Byhalia MS ............................................................... 662 851-7200 Hamilton Garage 684 Scott Street ..................................................................................... 901 324-7616 J & K Trading 3271 Chelsea Avenue............................................................................. 901 323-7755 J & K Trading 733 Jackson Avenue .............................................................................. 901 523-7191 Jones Wrecking 155 E Olive Avenue ................................................................................ 901 210-7947 Levee Auto Parts & Salvage 1336 N 2nd Street.................................................................................. 901 526-0645 McKenzie Lane Auto Parts 2830 Jackson Avenue ............................................................................ 901 327-3376 MASSEY'S AUTO PARTS 7710 Raleigh Millington Rd ................................................................. 901 872-2217 Memphis Wrecking CInc 2301 S 3rd Street................................................................................... 901 774-4011 Mid-Town Metals 1606 Chelsea Avenue............................................................................. 901 726-0023 Mike's Desoto Road Auto & Truck Salvage 5455 Desoto Road Horn Lake, MS....................................................... 662 781-0820 Mike's Desoto Road Auto & Truck Salvage 5556 Desoto Road Walls, MS ............................................................. 662 781-0820 Pull-A-Part 2955 Farrisview Boulevard..................................................................... 901 543-5400 S & S Sales 2369 Covington Pike # 102.................................................................... 901 377-8166 S & S Sales 1337 Farmville Road .............................................................................. 901 452-3366 Southside Auto Parts & Salvage Inc 2555 Elvis Presley Boulevard ................................................................. 901 948-3456 Star Service Center Inc 3458 Park Avenue .................................................................................. 901 452-5334 Superior Automotive LLC 5075 Pleasant View Road....................................................................... 901 377-5996 Surplus Warehouse 4500 Summer Avenue ........................................................................... 901 680-0699 Test & Tune Automotive 4599 Millbranch Road ............................................................................ 901 345-9388 Total Car Care 5144 Poplar Avenue ............................................................................... 901 685-9168 Trailer Parts Inc Salvage 8 W Georgia Avenue ............................................................................... 901 525-4213 U-PULL-IT AUTO PARTS 1515 N Watkins St ................................................................................ 901 726-1561

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas CIGARROS Y TABAQUERÍAS / CIGAR, CIGARETTE & TOBACCO DEALERS A P Tobacco Shop 3878 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 372-3303 Briggs Tobacco & Specialty CO 1916 Vanderhorn Dr ............................................................................... 901 323-0411 Cheap Cigars 4778 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-5873 Cheap Cigs 1595 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 745-2447 6848 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 383-2447 4610 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 761-7147 Cigar Depot 3040 Forest Hill Irene Rd #102 Germantown......................................... 901 755-7279 Conwood Sales Co LLC 813 Ridge Lake Blvd # 100.................................................................... 901 761-2050 Crosstown Tobacco 1242 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 743-0701 Discount Beer & Tobacco 1709 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................. 901 396-6745 Don Rigo Cigars Inc Memphis................................................................................................. 800 984-5074 Galler Wholesale 4280 Concorde Rd ................................................................................. 901 794-4800 He-Man Humidors 397 S Front St ........................................................................................ 901 529-1923 Lorillard Tobacco CO 5148 Elmore Rd ..................................................................................... 901 388-0970 Madison Tobacco & News 1497 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 726-5118 Memphis Tobacco Bowl 152 Madison Ave.................................................................................... 901 525-2310 Montesi's Tobacco Store 3362 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-1026 P M Green & Sons Inc 4280 Concorde Rd ................................................................................. 901 843-2236 Pay Less Tobacco 7546 Us Hwy 70..................................................................................... 901 382-3242 Smokers Shop 2564 Appling Rd ..................................................................................... 901 213-0616 Tobacco Express 4520 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 761-9751 Tinder Box 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 296.......................................................... 901 381-2775 Tobacco Beverage Discount 3193 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 369-0434 Tobacco Corner Limited 669 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 682-3326 Tobacco Discount 6155 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 384-6956 Tobacco Etc 3171 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 358-1223 Tobacco King 2204 Whitten Rd # 4 .............................................................................. 901 387-1224 Tobacco Outlet 3142 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 363-3206 Tobacco Snacks 8081 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 756-9001 Tobacco Store 7020 E Shelby Dr # 110......................................................................... 901 752-1717 Tobacco Superstore 4071 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-2747 U S Tobacco 1270 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 745-5404 United Smoke Shop 2618 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 353-0420 W K Discount Tobacco 2686 Kirby Whitten Rd ........................................................................... 901 380-4070


Whatever 610 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 452-4731 Whitten Express 2240 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 380-8111

COLCHONES / MATTRESSES Ashley Furniture Homestore 5228 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 881-6915 Baker Furniture & Mattress 4614 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 763-3876 Big Dream Mattress CO 6025 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 213-2138 Chapman Furniture CO 341 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 526-2246 Cloud Nine Mattresses Memphis ........................................................................................... 901 277-2456 Crazy Mike's Mattress SPR Center 4862 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 682-8800 Discount Flooring & Mattress 900 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................... 901 432-7283 Furniture Depot 5360 Knight Arnold Rd ........................................................................... 901 375-4599 Futon Store 4635 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 682-8122 Havertys Furniture 2825 Wolfcreek Pkwy............................................................................. 901 380-4150 Havertys Furniture 6870 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 795-5577 Hollywood Furniture & Hardware 2461 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 452-1991 Home Decor Liquidators 4998 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-6944 Mattress Depot 7215 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 759-5336 Mattress Firm 4629 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 681-0007 8070 Us Hwy 64 # 102 .......................................................................... 901 213-3344 5244 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 374-9788 5975 Stage Rd # 2 ................................................................................. 901 373-7004 3530 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 624-8556 Mattress Warehouse 3473 Austin 7204 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 377-6902 Mattress Wholesale 7915 Winchester Rd # 105 .................................................................... 901 757-4206 Mid-South Carpet & Mattress Co 4321 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 683-0703 Pyramid Furniture MFG Inc 5526 Pleasant View Rd .......................................................................... 901 377-3322 Relax the Back Store 4646 Poplar Ave # 125........................................................................... 901 683-8385 Value City Furniture 6393 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 362-3200 7930 Giacosa Place................................................................................ 901 381-1660 Vaughan Furniture Sales 1350 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 323-3393

COLEGIOS - UNIVERSIDADES - ESCUELAS TÉCNICAS / COLLEGES - UNIVERSITIES - TECHNICAL SCHOOLS Baptist College of Health Sciences 1003 Monroe Ave .................................................................................. 901 575-2247 Division of Allied Health 1003 Monroe Ave Ofc ........................................................................... 901 572-2641 Division of General Studies 1003 Monroe Ave Ofc............................................................................. 901 572-2492 Division of Nursing 1003 Monroe Ave Ofc............................................................................. 901 572-2841 Bellhaven College 5100 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................901 888 3343


Bluff City Bible College 1169 Race St ....................................................................................... 901 942-9088 Christian Brothers University 650 East Parkway South ........................................ 901 321-3205 or 901 321-3291 Concorde Career Institute 5100 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 761-9494 Crichton College 255 North Highland St ........................................................................... 901 320-9700 Harding University Graduate School of Religion 1000 Cherry Rd .................................................................................... 901 761-1353 ITT Technical Institute 1255 Lynnfield Rd. Ste 192 ................................................................... 901 762-0556 Memphis College of Art 1930 Poplar Ave ................................................................................... 901 272-5100 Memphis School of Preaching 3950 Forest Hill Irene Rd ...................................................................... 901 751-2242 Memphis Theological Seminary 168 East Parkway South ..................................................................... 901 458-8232 Methodist Healthcare - Hospital Schools of Nursing – RN 251 South Claybrook St ....................................................................... 901 726-8516 Hospital Schools of Nursing – LPN 251 South Claybrook St......................................................................... 901 726-8884 Mid-South Christian College 3097 Knight Arnold Rd .......................................................................... 901 375-4400 New Wave Hair Academy 804 S Highland St ................................................................................. 901 320-9283 3262 Coleman Rd ................................................................................ 901 372-2026 Plaza Beauty School 4682 Spottswood Ave .......................................................................... 901 761-4445 Rhodes College 2000 North Parkway ............................................................................ 901 843-3000 Southern College of Optometry 1245 Madison Ave ............................................................................... 901 722-3200 Southwest Tennessee Community College 5983 Macon Cove ................................................................................ 901 335-5000 Centers & Sites Gill ....................................................................................................... 901 333-5970 Whitehaven............................................................................................ 901 333-6450 Millington ............................................................................................... 901 872-8117 Southeast ............................................................................................ 901 333-6005 Fayette County ...................................................................................... 901 466-7656 Strayer University 2620 Thousand Oaks Blvd .................................................................... 901 369-0835 The Beauty Institute 568 Colonial Rd ..................................................................................... 901 761-1888 Tennessee Academy of Cosmetology 7020 East Shelby Dr.............................................................................. 901 757-4131 7041 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 382-9085 Tennessee Technology Center At Memphis 550 Alabama Ave ............................................................................... 901 543-6100 Massage Institute of Memphis 3445 Poplar Ave Ste 4 ........................................................................ 901 324-4411 The University of Tennessee Health Science Center Administration and Services .............................................................. 901 448-2896 University of Memphis Information Center Visitors .................................................................. 901 448-2896 University Operator, Information .......................................................... 901 678-2000 University of Phoenix 65 Germantown Ct .............................................................................. 901 751-0785 Vatterott College 6152 Macon Rd..................................................................................... 901 761-5730 WM R Moore College of Technology 1200 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 726-1977

Space for the 2011 Edition is filling up fast! Speak with one of our account executives today to reserve your space! Call 901-751-2100!



COMPAÑIA DE ELECTRICIDAD / ELECTRIC COMPANIES MEMPHIS LIGHT, GAS, AND WATER 3820 Jackson Ave ............................................................................... 901 388-4919

CONSTRUCCIÓN (MATERIALES) / BUILDING MATERIALS Building Materials On Jackson 3820 Jackson Ave ................................................................................. 901 388-4919 Camco Roofing Supplies Inc 6009 Resources Dr ............................................................................... 901 372-1402 Chickasaw Lumber And Supply Co 140 Scott St .......................................................................................... 901 324-3833 Commercial Products Inc 6055 Primacy Pkwy .............................................................................. 901 682-7130 Discount Building Supply 1260 N Hollywood St............................................................................. 901 327-1625 84 Lumber Co 5747 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 388-0484 9200 Hudgins Rd .................................................................................. 662 342-1984 Enco Materials Inc 4100 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................. 901 366-9133 General Shale Brick 4033 Lamar Ave .................................................................................... 901 363-1887 Hyman Builders Supply Inc 40 W McLemore Ave ............................................................................. 901 948-4555 Jenkins H W Lumber Co - Office 4155 Pidgeon Roost Rd ......................................................................... 901 363-7641 Jimmy Whittington Lumber Co 3637 Jackson Ave ................................................................................. 901 386-2800 9045 Macon Rd ..................................................................................... 901 757-2800

Contactando a MLGW por teléfono Horario del Centro Telefónico de Atención al Cliente: Lunes a viernes, 7 a.m. a 9 p.m. Para iniciar, suspender o transferir servicio y para colocar solicitudes de servicio:

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(901) 544-6549

Otros números telefónicos importantes Línea activa de apagones eléctricos:

(901) 544-6500

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Mid-South Distributors 330 S Parkway W .................................................................................. 901 947-4654 Lowe's Home Improvement 8300 Highway 64, Bartlett...................................................................... 901 386-0719 585 North Perkins Road ......................................................................... 901 684-2750 7895 Winchester Road ........................................................................... 901 755-9557 430 S. Germantown Parkway, Cordova .................................................. 901 309-2379 8490 Highway 51 North, Millington........................................................ 901 873-8350 8370 Camp Creek Boulevard, Olive Branch, MS.................................... 662 890-9720 178 Goodman Road West, Southaven, MS............................................. 662 536-3245 Owen Lumber & Millwork Co 2625 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 324-4441 Russann Lumber Co 3496 Bayliss Ave ................................................................................... 901 327-1607 Tom Eubanks Lumber Co Inc 814 Scott St .......................................................................................... 901 452-1124 Universal Supply Co 3361 Fontaine Rd .................................................................................. 901 396-6565

CONTRATISTAS / CONTRACTORS A & B Construction Co & Furnishings 5091 Wilfong Rd ..................................................................................... 901 383-7360 A 1 Contractors 4466 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 345-1333 AAA Restoration Services Inc 1235 Riverside Blvd ............................................................................... 901 566-9097 AAA Weatherstripping Co 3625 Tutwiler Ave ................................................................................... 901 323-0735 Action General Contractors 3845 Watman Ave .................................................................................. 901 362-7363 Action Interiors 3467 Holman Pl...................................................................................... 901 368-3008 Affordable Floors Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 870-6284 Airways Electric Inc 2177 E Alcy Rd ....................................................................................... 901 744-1221 Alberici Constructors Inc 4587 Swinnea Rd ................................................................................... 901 547-7576 Allied Hotel Renovations 634 Azalea Terrace Cir............................................................................ 901 683-6638 Ambassador Construction Co 3127 Stonebrook Cir .............................................................................. 901 345-1040 American Builders & Supply Co 3927 Old Getwell Rd .............................................................................. 901 360-0709 American Home Remodelers Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 521-1118 Anderson Contractors 3088 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 458-7730 Archer Custom Builders Inc 431 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 575-3187 Architectural Customworks LLC 21 Mina Ave ........................................................................................... 901 526-8885 Askew Construction Company 3000 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 346-9709 Austin Donald G General Contractor 169 E Goodwyn St.................................................................................. 901 452-7783 Ayers Construction Inc 538 Princeton Oaks Cv........................................................................... 901 761-7636

Atención permanente de 24 horas, siete días a la semana

Pago de facturas de MLGW: 1 (888) 589-4868

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Space for the 2011 Edition is filling up fast! Speak with one of our account executives today to reserve your space! Call 901-751-2100!


B & B Specialty Contractors Inc 1661 N Shelby Oaks Dr.......................................................................... 901 682-0581 B and M Contractors 1069 Colonial Rd .................................................................................... 901 767-7267 Banes Alvin M Construction 5119 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-5122 Bank Equipment and Construction 6819 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 387-1105 Barnett General Contractors LLC 493 N Front St ........................................................................................ 901 578-9307 Barron Construction 4357 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 541-8989 Bartlett Construction & Landscaping Bartlett .................................................................................................. 901 380-8617 Batchelors Home Improvement 1795 Grovehaven Cir.............................................................................. 901 332-8700 Baum & Company 5744 Rayben Cir..................................................................................... 901 365-9750 Beazer Homes 7415 Cotton Grove Ct ............................................................................. 901 756-8162 Belz Architecture & Construction 100 Peabody Pl ...................................................................................... 901 260-7370 Besco Construction Co Inc 2854 Stage Center Dr ............................................................................ 901 372-7711 Bishop H L Construction Co 3991 Bayliss Ave .................................................................................... 901 452-8170 Bratten Construction 921 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 276-4514 Bright Construction Company Inc 3434 Holman Pl...................................................................................... 901 794-7180 Bronze Construction 1000 Brookfield Rd................................................................................. 901 202-5990 Bryan Company LLC 717 Riverside Dr..................................................................................... 901 575-9499 Builders Floors & Interiors 3085 Stage Post Dr ................................................................................ 901 382-2155 C & W Construction 1877 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 272-3817 C D C Inc 860 Vaughn Rd ....................................................................................... 901 324-9891 C M Plus Inc 1503 Monroe Ave ................................................................................... 901 278-4260 Cagebilt Inc 884 Crockett Pl....................................................................................... 901 523-8922 Cains Custom Homes MS ......................................................................................................... 662 562-6352 Cal Inc 3229 Democrat Rd ................................................................................. 901 370-6612 Campbell R L Contracting Co Inc 3229 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 327-4256 Caroma Construction Company 6168 Montridge Cv................................................................................. 901 795-4580 Cary Hood Construction Inc 712 S Cox St .......................................................................................... 901 276-1062 Catmur Development 4889 Roane Rd....................................................................................... 901 680-8200 Chase Homes 6255 E Stage Plz .................................................................................... 901 213-9216 Conley Construction Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 377-7513 Construction Services Inc 1271 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 726-0220 Construction Support Services Inc 3277 Old Brownsville Rd ........................................................................ 901 377-5500 Construction Unlimited 206 Fairview Dr ...................................................................................... 901 775-0021 Continental Construction Co 5646 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 382-4070 Contract Painting & Sandblasting Co Inc 1796 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 743-0461


Contractors Inc 1989 Fletcher Creek Dr .......................................................................... 901 377-6055 Coop & Associates 1824 September Ave.............................................................................. 901 398-0800 Cornerstone Construction Co Inc 6100 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 382-6100 Crawford Smith and Sharp LLC 8046 N Brother Blvd............................................................................... 901 383-9077 Creative Contractors 1049 Galloway Ave................................................................................. 901 528-0110 Crye Leike Home Services Inc 6525 N Quail Hollow Rd ......................................................................... 901 271-7000 CSB Inc 5350 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-3158 Custom Enterprises Inc 3504 Knight Arnold Rd ........................................................................... 901 565-9100 D & M Grading 3300 Cazassa Rd ................................................................................... 901 332-7823 Davis Insulation Co 5424 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 332-8341 Dawkins Construction 3809 Homewood Rd .............................................................................. 901 794-0832 Days Construction Co 680 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................... 901 387-4567 Debris & Junk Removal 4216 Fairmont Ave ................................................................................. 901 870-0059 Delisi Cp and Associates 5658 S Rex Rd ....................................................................................... 901 755-0078 Delta United Specialties Inc 3166 Broad Ave...................................................................................... 901 324-7171 Denley Robert J Co Inc 205 Mt Pleasant Rd ................................................................................ 901 365-7711 Descon Inc Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 761-4325 Design Specialties & Construction 2280 Podesta Cv .................................................................................... 901 382-8380 Dickerson Home Improvement & Repair 7523 Laguna Ln ..................................................................................... 901 281-1537 Dimension Construction Inc 3776 New Getwell Rd ............................................................................ 901 794-9292 Distinctive Home Designs Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 521-1553 Diversified Builders Inc 7140 Shadow Oaks Dr ........................................................................... 901 367-1181 Dixieland Contractors Inc 5967 North St ......................................................................................... 901 354-3218

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?) • Un sapo hembra puede poner hasta 20,000 huevos de una sola vez. • A mother toad can lay up to 20,000 eggs at a time.

• Los camellos tienen orificios nasales contra el viento y orificios nasales a favor del viento. • Camels have upwind nostrils and downwind nostrils.

• Las estrellas marinas no tienen cerebro. • A Starfish has no brain.



Dowling Properties & Renovations 6818 Baudette Ln................................................................................... 901 328-9307 Downen Russ Construction 427 Alexander St .................................................................................... 901 324-8859 Duke Ben Builder Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 327-0030 Duke John R Builder 985 Reddoch Cv ..................................................................................... 901 761-4113 E B Construction Company Inc 5362 Republic Dr ................................................................................... 901 368-4700 Easley Contractors Inc 3136 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-0681 Epstein Enterprises 3559 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-2253 Ewing Leonard Jr 2834 Heber Ave...................................................................................... 901 743-7786 F & F Construction 3180 Carrier St ....................................................................................... 901 398-1900 Foglesong Construction Fcci 1906 E Mclemore Ave ............................................................................ 901 276-1703 Garland Sullivan Company 682 S Cox St .......................................................................................... 901 272-0622 GFK Construction 2056 Fletcher Creek Dr .......................................................................... 901 371-2056 Gilluly & Associates 986 Village Oak Cv ................................................................................. 901 747-0768 Grace Builders 4200 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 546-0970 Grant Homes LLC 8186 Windersville Dr .............................................................................. 901 382-8735 Griffin Construction Company Memphis ............................................................................................... 901 737-1600 Grinder Building Corp 1814 Thomas Rd .................................................................................... 901 382-4720 Grinder Haizlip Construction Inc 1746 Thomas Rd .................................................................................... 901 377-1000 Grinder Taber & Grinder Inc 1919 Lynnfield Rd .................................................................................. 901 767-2400 Guess Industrial Contracting 3442 Flintlock Dr .................................................................................... 901 388-2019 Habitat for Humanity 169 Scott St............................................................................................ 901 761-4771 Haining S Webster and Co 96 S Front St .......................................................................................... 901 527-2727 Hambrick Paul Construction Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 335-1479 Hansom Homes 7895 Players Forest Dr........................................................................... 901 757-4994 Hardhat Construction Inc 3755 Cherry Rd ...................................................................................... 901 546-0108 Hasco Inc 3762 Getwell Cv ..................................................................................... 901 794-4400 Hays Company Inc Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 452-8911 Haywood Properties LLC 2191 S Parkway ..................................................................................... 901 320-7877 Hecht Construction Company 4937 William Arnold Rd .......................................................................... 901 767-4360 Helpco Services Inc 1892 Watson St ...................................................................................... 901 745-4500 Herverys Home Improvement Inc 4961 Shelter Cv...................................................................................... 901 650-0537 Hill Brothers Construction 369 Rivergate Dr .................................................................................... 901 774-6030 Home Improvement Solutions 5543 Austin Rd ....................................................................................... 901 381-2525 Horizon Construction LLC 5134 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 372-0001 In & Out Home Improvements 3377 Coleman Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-3777

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Industry General Corporation 5384 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 682-3314 International Tradesmen 5115 Covington Way .............................................................................. 901 379-2114 J Sweeney Homes 3367 Richland Valley Dr ......................................................................... 901 386-0024 James Rodgers Company MS ........................................................................................................ 662 342-5788 Jaycon Development Corp 4269 Pidgeon Roost Rd.......................................................................... 901 794-4134 Jesco Inc 600 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................... 901 682-9805 Johnny Coleman Builders Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 525-2122 Kajima Construction Services 1000 Ridgeway Loop Rd ........................................................................ 901 366-1718 Keith Allen Homes Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 767-4044 Key Homes Inc 2941 Cela Rd.......................................................................................... 901 386-6084 Kircher Belz Builders 3575 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................ 901 758-8882 Kostka Investment Co 5583 Murray Rd ..................................................................................... 901 683-7100 L & S Construction Co 5425 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 344-7070 L L & B Construction Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 527-8864 Level Construction Co 308 Stonewall St .................................................................................... 901 276-3004 Levine and Poor 6641 Humphreys Blvd............................................................................ 901 747-3180 Levine and Poor Inc 4967 William Arnold Rd .......................................................................... 901 683-6885 Linkous Construction Co Inc 1661 Aaron Brenner Dr .......................................................................... 901 754-0700 Logan & Associates Builders Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 850-2183 Love & Associates 2791 Sonora Dr ...................................................................................... 901 369-9770 M & B Enterprises Inc Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 372-1160 M & H Construction Inc Memphis .............................................................................................. 662 349-1884 M D M Company 768 E Brookhaven Cir ............................................................................ 901 767-6740 Makowsky Construction Company LLC 1010 June Rd......................................................................................... 901 767-2850 Mann Builders Inc 4717 Spottswood Ave ............................................................................ 901 762-6266 Marigold Co 4466 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 348-4445 Markwell and Hartz 3800 New Getwell Rd ............................................................................ 901 363-7035 Master Church Builders Inc 2013 Fletcher Creek Dr .......................................................................... 901 372-6224 Matthew Electrical Contractor Inc 2900 Broad Ave...................................................................................... 901 452-7769 Mayer Construction Co Inc 2834 Appling Way .................................................................................. 901 382-2462 Mccabe Construction 4031 Given Ave ...................................................................................... 901 323-5545 MCDR 5100 Wheelis Dr ..................................................................................... 901 761-0911 Mcmurry Construction Co Inc 5335 Distriplex Farms Dr ....................................................................... 901 362-0967 Meadowbrook Companies LLC Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 748-3450 Mechanical Systems Co 3753 Tyndale Dr ..................................................................................... 901 755-1109


Memphis Construction & Dvlpmnt 304 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 529-9983 Memphis Flooring Company 5653 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 369-8088 Memphis Home Improvement Company Inc 4515 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-2026 Metro Construction LLC 1936 Vanderhorn Dr ............................................................................... 901 386-0094 Meyers Bradick Associates 1911 Sea Isle Rd .................................................................................... 901 682-6821 Mid America Construction Company 5900 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 766-4233 Mitchell & Edwards Inc 2196 Thornwood Ln ............................................................................... 901 754-8415 Mitchells Contracting Service 5310 Hungerford Rd............................................................................... 901 367-9184 Montgomery Martin Contractors LLC 3150 Lenox Park Blvd ............................................................................ 901 374-9400 Moore Painting & Remodeling LLC 3726 Burdan Cv ..................................................................................... 901 363-1350 Multi-Cover 5141 Woods Landing Rd ........................................................................ 901 753-1735 Multi-Cover Inc 5275 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 753-1735 Murphy Mike Builders LLC 7895 Players Forest Dr........................................................................... 901 756-1975 N D I Construction Inc 1212 S Bellevue Blvd ............................................................................. 901 774-8150 Napier Builders 1887 Latting Ln Cordova....................................................................... 901 757-0169 Naylor Construction 44 N 2nd St ............................................................................................ 901 522-9640 NBJ Builders 4269 Pidgeon Roost Rd.......................................................................... 901 794-4134 Nesta Custom Homes Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 748-0777 New Beginnings Contracting 1620 S Wellington St .............................................................................. 901 946-5001 Northwest Contracting Services 3770 Cherry Rd ...................................................................................... 901 365-6252 Nosam Construction LLC Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 375-0010 NRC Contracting Inc 4941 Williams Arnold Rd ........................................................................ 901 761-3637 Nu Prime of Memphis Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 323-7663 1420 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 323-2248 O B Home Repair and Improvement 2024 Vinton Ave ..................................................................................... 901 729-2800 Ochs Construction 4690 Cole Rd.......................................................................................... 901 767-1647 Omega General Contractors Inc 1778 September Ave.............................................................................. 901 345-6600 P & G Builders LLC 3340 Players Club Pkwy ........................................................................ 901 748-0488

The Mid-South's Largest Bilingual Newspaper - Pick up your copy of La Prensa Latina today!


Panattoni Construction Inc 6055 Primacy Pkwy ............................................................................... 901 683-1970 Parkers Workshop Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 384-4984 Parkway Builders Inc 1420 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 726-9188 Parsons David Construction Inc 2763 Summer Oaks Dr .......................................................................... 901 388-2651 Perry Arthur Construction Co Inc 1366 Breamhaven Cv............................................................................. 901 785-7857 Pollan Robert M Construction Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 753-2626 Populace Homes of Memphis Inc Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 794-8180 Premiere Contractors Inc 629 Monroe Ave ..................................................................................... 901 725-5625 Procraft 4087 Viscount Ave .................................................................................. 901 507-6645 R & R General Contractors Inc 6756 Whitten Pl ...................................................................................... 901 382-8533 Rainey E L 5347 Knollwood Dr................................................................................. 901 683-7710 Ramco Remodel America Corp 3013 Kate Bond Rd ................................................................................ 901 388-8611 Rana Construction and Security 4087 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-5100 Raynor Home Service Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 755-5382 Reavis Remodeling Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 274-1610 Reese Inc Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 320-1700 Ricks Doyle C & Co Builders Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 748-2222 Riverbirch Corporation 2188 Freemont Rd ................................................................................. 901 745-7000 Roberson Development Co 907 Chambliss Rd .................................................................................. 901 348-0700 Rooms With A View Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 383-2221 Rosenberg Construction & Remodeling 1522 Delmont Rd ................................................................................... 901 821-4369 Rosewood Renovations 211 Ayers St ........................................................................................... 901 528-2494 Roy Construction Co 5060 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 363-7121 Running Bear Construction 2140 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 791-2679 S & H Bldg. & Construction LLC 6296 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 680-8181 Sage Contractors Inc 4533 Aldersgate Rd................................................................................ 901 682-8833 Salton Companies LLC 5384 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 537-1300 Sawyer Construction 3246 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 398-2664 Shadowlawn Greenhouses Inc 6600 Massey Ln..................................................................................... 901 685-5271 Shelby Construction Inc 3294 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 458-4328 Simpson Construction LLC 3764 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-3661 SMS Contractors Inc 1790 Lapaloma St .................................................................................. 901 774-4171 Southern Plastering Inc 3615 S Goodlett St ................................................................................. 901 368-6641 Southport Construction Services 7021 Gleneagles Dr................................................................................ 901 753-2680 Sparks C H Construction Company Inc 2129 Florida St ....................................................................................... 901 948-2709



Speck R L & Assoc 465 N Waldran Blvd................................................................................ 901 523-1485 Spectra Home 820 Normal Cir ....................................................................................... 901 323-5993 Spencer General Contractors 373 Cumberland St ................................................................................ 901 327-5551 Standard Builders Inc 1864 Vanderhorn Dr ............................................................................... 901 399-7800 Standard Maintenance 1898 Vanderhorn Dr ............................................................................... 901 386-4185 2168 Frisco Ave...................................................................................... 901 745-8440 Systems Contracting 3601 Paul R Lowry Rd ........................................................................... 901 789-7501 T A Brown Construction 5727 Summer Trees Dr .......................................................................... 901 372-6692 The Court Company 3059 Forest Hill Irene Rd........................................................................ 901 682-2600 The Frazier Co 985 Reddoch Cv ..................................................................................... 901 685-0179 The Southern Company 3101 Carrier St ....................................................................................... 901 345-2531 The Tayloe Company 985 Reddoch Cv ..................................................................................... 901 767-1679 Thorp Construction Co Inc 4954 Elmore Rd ..................................................................................... 901 266-0808 Tie Construction LLC 3698 Rhea Ave ....................................................................................... 901 324-5082 Tradesmen International 2851 Directors Cv................................................................................... 901 344-9940 Traditional Construction Company Inc 1706 Bartlett Rd ..................................................................................... 901 388-6302 Treadwell Swift General Contractors 5130 Wheelis Dr ..................................................................................... 901 683-4440 Tri Tech Management Services 50 Peabody Pl ........................................................................................ 901 432-4300 Tristate Renovation 3780 Homewood Rd .............................................................................. 901 541-6932

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Ultimate Garage Solutions 2770 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 385-2929 Venture Construction Co 3085 Stage Post Dr ................................................................................ 901 372-5766 Walker Bradshaw Construction 1420 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 726-1131 Walker Dan Associates Inc 5350 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 683-1440 Warren Ayres Construction 202 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 722-8830 Washington George Framing 7543 Us Highway 70 .............................................................................. 901 388-1963 Webster Om 2567 Courtney Dr ................................................................................... 901 387-1521 Weiss & Weiss LLP 1255 Lynnfield Rd .................................................................................. 901 683-3783 Welch & Assoc Construction Co Inc 3735 Cherry Rd ...................................................................................... 901 794-3600 West Tennessee Construction Corp 304 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 527-4252 Westside Builders Inc 3410 Alfred Dr ........................................................................................ 901 373-3678 Whitworth Construction 3334 Oak Rd .......................................................................................... 901 372-3666 Wiley Harrison Construction 1332 Stage Ave ...................................................................................... 901 358-3864 Williams & Sons Construction 1128 Florida St ....................................................................................... 901 774-3710 Williford Construction Co 2874 Lamb Pl ......................................................................................... 901 362-9654 Willis Custom Homes Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 754-2557 Winsett Simmonds Inc 3980 Runway Rd.................................................................................... 901 362-5887 Woods Chris Construction Co Inc 8068 Us Highway 70 .............................................................................. 901 386-3182 Woods Plastering & Drywall 7044 Shadow Oaks Dr ........................................................................... 901 755-0324 Wright Lovitt Inc 10000 Woodland Fern Dr ....................................................................... 901 507-5854 Yates W G & Sons 5050 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 761-0010 Zellner Construction Services LLC 3252 Linda Dr ........................................................................................ 901 794-1100

CONTRATISTAS ELÉCTRICOS / ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS A-C Electric Co Inc 453 Buntyn St......................................................................................... 901 458-1187 A R C Electric Co 4805 Cuba Millington Rd........................................................................ 901 872-1911 Chism Electric Inc 4161 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 795-8880 S & S Electric 3504 Knight Arnold Rd ........................................................................... 901 365-9400


AJ Import 3972 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 383-4004 Decorative Art Décor 11994 Hwy 70, Arlington........................................................................ 901 290-0029 Home Décor Liquidators 4998 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-6944 Home Décor Outlet 3075 Goodman Road E, Ste 1, Southaven MS....................................... 662 536-3344 Jacquard Home Fashions 6095 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 365-0878


DENTISTAS (ODONTOLOGÍA) / DENTISTRY Adkins Joseph B DDS 6075 Poplar Avenue Suite 414.............................................................. 901 685-2010 AFFORDABLE DENTURES – MEMPHIS, P.C. 3481 Poplar Ave., University Center ................................................... 901 320-9301 Toll-Free................................................................................................. 866 476-6747 Agriesti Charles DDS 2838 Hickory Hill Road Suite 34 ........................................................... 901 794-8334 Albright J E DDS 766 South White Station Road .............................................................. 901 685-8090 Alexander Carlos DDS & Associates 1697 Bender Road ................................................................................ 901 346-1820 Alissandratos George L DDS 5430 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 363-0510 American Family Dentistry 3068 Covington Pike Suite 2 ................................................................. 901 386-2328 7948 Winchester Southwind ................................................................. 901 624-0440 Barnes Pat DDS 3540 Summer Avenue Suite 205 .......................................................... 901 458-4633 Bartlett Dental Associates PLC 3105 Kirby Whitten Road....................................................................... 901 388-9883 Bartlett Dental Clinic 6630 Summer Knoll Circle # 103, Bartlett ............................................ 901 377-1344 Bowden Daniel R DDS 5350 Poplar Avenue Suite 450.............................................................. 901 761-1767 Cannon John S DDS 1717 Kirby Parkway Suite 100.............................................................. 901 756-8475 Cherny Irving DDS 920 Estates Drive Suite 4...................................................................... 901 685-9921 Chin Vanessa DDS 5959 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 566-9900 Cordova Family Dentistry 8520 Macon Rd Memphis ..................................................................... 901 754-4383 COVINGTON PIKE DENTAL CLINIC 3594 Covington Pike ........................................................................... 901 377-6800 Dentalworks 3890 Austin Peay Highway.................................................................... 901 373-3894 Doctors Dental Service 2798 Bartlett Boulevard, Bartlett ........................................................... 901 386-0351 East Memphis Dental Association 6005 Park Avenue Suite 123B .............................................................. 901 682-7118 East Memphis Dental Care 6223 Mount Moriah Road Ex................................................................. 901 794-3391 4137 Kirby Parkway Suite 3 .................................................................. 901 362-7844 3697 N Watkins St ................................................................................ 901 357-0797 East Pediatriac Dentistry 2136 Exeter Road Suite 201, Germantown........................................... 901 754-8830 6425 Stage Road................................................................................... 901 380-5543 Frizzell Jeff P DDS 4177 Macon Road ................................................................................. 901 454-6103 Fuson Steven J DDS 7734 Airways Rd S Southaven, MS, ...................................................... 662 349-3838


Germantown Dental Group 2165 West Street, Germantown ............................................................ 901 754-0540 Goldwin Robert R DDS 540 South Mendenhall Road Suite 8..................................................... 901 682-5782 Gregory Wendi DDS 7519 US Highway 64 ............................................................................ 901 371-0609 Gruen Todd D DDS 871 Mount Moriah Road ....................................................................... 901 682-4366 Gruen and Morris Oral Surgery Group 780 Ridge Lake Boulevard Suite 101.................................................... 901 682-8431 Hedgerow Family Dentistry 6757 East Shelby Drive ......................................................................... 901 363-3144 HEROS FRED C DDS 3594 Covington Pike ........................................................................... 901 377-6800 Hickory Hill Family Dentistry 3725 Riverdale Road Suite 1................................................................. 901 797-3077 Highland Park Dental Center 845 South Highland Street .................................................................... 901 323-8488 Kirby Parkway Dental Group 3337 Kirby Parkway .............................................................................. 901 362-2276 Life-Smiles Dental Care 2838 Hickory Hill Road Suite 34 ........................................................... 901 794-8334 Logan Keith DDS 3030 Covington Pike Suite 150............................................................. 901 382-0581 Long Rodney B DDS PC 5575 Poplar Avenue Suite 505.............................................................. 901 767-9185 Majestic Family Dentistry 3705 Malco Way Suite 103 ................................................................... 901 751-4420 May Valencia DDS 3422 Plaza Avenue................................................................................ 901 452-1103 McBride Mike DDS 5336 Estates Office Drive...................................................................... 901 681-0408 McCann Pediatric Dentistry 5885 Ridgeway Center Parkway Suite 230 .......................................... 901 767-9200 Memphis Dental Center PC 4700 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 767-0507

Su dentista familiar

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2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas


Mid-South Dental Center 1707 Bender Road ................................................................................ 901 346-2514 New Image Family Dentistry 2713 Mount Moriah Road Suite 101 ..................................................... 901 366-9953 Newsom Deborah DDS 6603 Summer Knoll Cove ..................................................................... 901 373-7144 Page John C Ms DDS 6611 Kirby Center Cove ........................................................................ 901 363-8191 7734 Airways Blvd Southaven, MS ....................................................... 662 349-3838 Park Station Dental Group PC 5180 Park Avenue Suite 310 ................................................................ 901 685-1152 Pediatric Dental Group 6611 Kirby Center Cove ........................................................................ 901 363-8191 7734 Airways Blvd. Southaven, MS ...................................................... 662 349-3838 Plaza Dental Offices PC 3422 Plaza Avenue................................................................................ 901 452-1103 Raleigh Dental Group PC 4283 Raleigh Millington Road ............................................................... 901 372-1221 Raleigh Family Dentistry 3068 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 386-2328 SALAZAR DENTAL GROUP (Vea nuestro anuncio en la página anterior) 6799 Great Oaks Road, Suite 201 ....................................................... 901 753-7049 Salomon Alan P DDS 5575 Poplar Avenue Suite 121.............................................................. 901 683-5293 Sanders Harry B DDS 5420 Knight Arnold Road ...................................................................... 901 362-1050 Siskin Milton Jr DDS 5180 Park Avenue Suite 300 ................................................................ 901 685-1152 Smile Center 6750 Poplar Avenue, Germantown........................................................ 901 309-1333 Smile Studios Inc 1697 Bender Road ................................................................................ 901 346-1820 Spell Charlie DDS 6223 Mount Moriah Road Ex ................................................................ 901 794-3391 4137 Kirby Parkway Suite 3 ................................................................. 901 362-7844 3697 N Watkins St................................................................................. 901 357-0797 Southwind Family Dentistry 7948 Winchester Road Suite 108.......................................................... 901 624-0440 The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Dentistry Memphis ............................................................... 901 448-6206 Thompson Charles L DDS 4146 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 458-0010 Thompson Richard M DDS 871 Mount Moriah Road ....................................................................... 901 682-7698 Turner Terry W DDS 6500 Stage Road Suite 2 ...................................................................... 901 382-5661 Umsted David DDS 6445 Stage Road .................................................................................. 901 377-5060 Van Sickle & Taylor DDS 2835 Summer Oaks Drive..................................................................... 901 372-7283 Vescovo Barry A DDS 3705 Malco Way Suite 103 ................................................................... 901 751-4420 Weiss Danny DDS 5885 Ridgeway Center Parkway Suite 200 .......................................... 901 767-7370 Weiss Larry S DDS 165 Madison Avenue Suite 1206 .......................................................... 901 523-2999 Wesberry Fred C Senior DDS 2900 South Perkins Road...................................................................... 901 362-9995 Westbrook Jesse L DDS 910 Madison Avenue Suite 828 ............................................................ 901 526-3322 Williams Stephen S DDS 5112 Stage Road Suite 4 ...................................................................... 901 372-7906 Wolfchase Family Denistry 7975 Stage Hills Boulevard Suite 10 .................................................... 901 381-1900

DENTISTAS (ODONTOLOGÍA PEDIÁTRICA) / PEDIATRIC DENTISTS Alka V Cohen DDS 8142 Country Village Dr @# 101 ........................................................... 901 756-4447


Bartlett Pediatric Dentistry 3071 Kirby Whitten Rd ........................................................................... 901 382-1564 Burriss, William B DDS 830 W Poplar Ave ................................................................................... 901 853-1568 Children’s Dental Center of West Tennessee 2028 W Poplar Ste 110 .......................................................................... 901 861-9668 McCann Pediatric Dentistry 5885 Ridgeway Center Pkwy ................................................................. 901 767-9200 McCrary, Charles W DDS 730 Goodman Rd E, Southaven MS ....................................................... 662 349-0079 Pediatric Dental Group 7675 Wolf River Circle, Ste 102 Germantown ........................................ 901 363-8191 7734 Airways Road N, Southaven MS.................................................... 662 349-3838

DISEÑO GRÁFICO / GRAPHIC DESIGN Alpha Graphics 788 E Brookhaven Cir ............................................................................ 901 681-9909 Audio Graphics Masterworks 5068 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 821-9099 Bartlett Art Printing & Graphic Design 2919 Elmore Park Rd # 4 ....................................................................... 901 266-2464 Cobalt Design Group 5909 Shelby Oaks Dr # 217................................................................... 901 266-5414 Cyber Graphics 3825 Delp St .......................................................................................... 901 369-5400 Deluge Studios Web Design 138 Timber Creek Dr .............................................................................. 901 757-8898 Deluge Studios Web Design 1365 West Brierbrook Rd ....................................................................... 901 757-8898 Digital Storm Design Princeton Rd ........................................................................................... 901 337-4713 Flash Pro Design 1 review 4646 Poplar, Suite 517, ......................................................................... 901 767-8767 Graphic Arts Associates Inc 3821 Homewood Rd .............................................................................. 901 795-9006 Indigorain Design - Web & Graphic Solutions 7905 Ashlee Farm Road, Cordova .......................................................... 901 628-6026 John Helms Gallery 4255 Arrowhead Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-6589 Kelly Brother Illustration 5250 Sycamore Grove Ln....................................................................... 901 761-4204 Felix Graphic Design Apt 3, 2008 Courtland Pl ........................................................................ 901 626-0229 Mendelson and Associates, LLC 995 South Yates, Suite 3 ........................................................................ 901 751-2100 Rebourne Strategies 1102 Llano Cv ....................................................................................... 901 251-5468 Rocket Science Design 80 Monroe Avenue, Suite 625 ................................................................ 901 526-1420 Shara's Paperie 1789 Kirby Parkway ............................................................................... 901 737-5056 Speak! Creative 8337 Cordova Rd, .................................................................................. 901 757-5855 Splash Creative 2574 Sam Cooper Boulevard ................................................................. 901 378-4270 TV II Multimedia 2883 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 794-3515 Wild Hair Graphics 4809 Durbin Ave..................................................................................... 901 683-8157 Wolf River Graphic Design 8361 Davenport Cv, Germantown .......................................................... 901 756-6670

DISTRIBUIDORES (VENTAS MAYOREO) / WHOLESALERS Monogram Foods/Circle B 3205 Players Club Parkway ................................................................... 901 685-7187



2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas



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ENTRETENIMIENTO (SITIOS DE) / AMUSEMENT Cyberstation 3719 S Hickory Ridge Mall.................................................................... 901 362-8504 GRACELAND (Vea nuestro anuncio en esta página) 3734 Elvis Presley Bvd......................................................................... 901 332-3322 Laser Quest 3417 Plaza Ave...................................................................................... 901 324-4800 Memphis Botanic Gardens 750 Cherry Road .................................................................................... 901 576-4106 Memphis Zoo 2000 Prentiss Place ............................................................................... 901 276-9453 Paintball Park 9640 E Davies Plantation Rd Brtlt ......................................................... 901 372-3383 Putt-Putt Family Park 5484 Highway 70 .................................................................................. 901 386-2992 Sonido Casa Blanca ............................................................................................................... 901 240-0233 ............................................................................................................... 901 797-9951

ENVÍOS Y TRANSFERENCIAS DE DINERO / MONEY ORDERS & TRANSFER SERVICES ACE America’s Cash Express 1414 Elvis Presley Blvd. ........................................................................ 901 774-2274 2222 Frayser Blvd. ................................................................................ 901 357-2819 3032 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 327-2274 KROGER FOOD STORES (see SUPERMERCADOS /GROCERS ) Western Union Gratis/Toll-Free ...................................................................................... 800 325-6000 Número en español ............................................................................... 800 325-4045 Para transferir dinero por teléfono ........................................................ 800 225-5227

ENVÍO DE PAQUETES / SHIPPING 1st National Logistics 1779 Kirby Parkway 1 Ste 59 ................................................................ 901 881-5316 3-State Towing Recovery 3501 Knight Arnold Rd ........................................................................... 901 368-4503 4 J Transport 2500 Mount Moriah Rd .......................................................................... 901 362-6796 Affordable Movers Inc 1011 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 794-6683 AAA Cooper Transportation 4920 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 795-9988 ABF Freight System Inc 2080 Dunn Ave....................................................................................... 901 744-4980 475 E South St. Collierville ..................................................................... 901 853-7885 ABX Air 2491 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 345-3869 Adcom Worldwide 4800 Southridge Blvd # 2 ...................................................................... 901 797-3393 Advanced Logistics & Distributor Service Memphis................................................................................................. 901 381-4101 AIT MEM Inc 3861 Knight Rd ...................................................................................... 901 795-0277 Ajax Transportation 27 W Carolina Ave .................................................................................. 901 527-7400 Alamo Transportation Service Co 1170 N Manassas St .............................................................................. 901 578-7080 Alexander Int'l 4294 Swinnea Rd ................................................................................... 901 367-9400 Allen Moving Co 7227 Winchester Rd # 237 .................................................................... 901 757-4743 Allied Sys Co 2355 Frisco Ave...................................................................................... 901 744-6655 Am Pm Movers 2809 Kirby Rd # 116 .............................................................................. 901 362-0110


American Cotton Shippers Association 88 Union Ave # 1204.............................................................................. 901 525-2272 Apple Moving Co 2564 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 373-5355 Arco Transport 4800 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 542-0315 ASAP Moving Memphis................................................................................................. 901 854-9493 Associated Global Systems 4153 Senator St ..................................................................................... 901 367-1119 Astar Air Cargo 2491 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 332-3024 Auto Driveaway Co 6401 Poplar Ave # 299........................................................................... 901 685-3360 Averitt Express 4250 Air Trans Rd ................................................................................... 800 283-7488 Ballentine Trucking Co 4741 Pleasant Run Rd............................................................................ 901 433-0345 BAX Global Inc 3644 Winchester Rd # 105 .................................................................... 901 363-2595 Best Moving Service Memphis................................................................................................. 901 755-1762 Blue Sky Courier 830 S Bellevue Blvd ............................................................................... 901 274-8990 Bolton Trucking Co Memphis................................................................................................. 901 864-1238 Brooks Trucking 4540 Delp St .......................................................................................... 901 367-9698 Buck's Almost Anything Moving 4260 Windermere Rd ............................................................................. 901 691-1617 Builders Transportation Co 3710 Tulane Rd ...................................................................................... 901 396-1220 C & R Trucking Byhalia, MS............................................................................................. 662 838-7824 C I Transportation Service 3290 New Getwell Rd ............................................................................ 901 794-7110 California Multimodal 1797, Florida St ...................................................................................... 901 942-3108 Campbell Motor Lines Inc 3388 Gemini Dr ...................................................................................... 901 396-3949 Can Xpress Inc 3922 Gila Dr ........................................................................................... 901 372-2655 Capital Logistics Inc 4162 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 795-7005 Central Freight Lines Inc 1980 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 396-2229 3705 Outland Rd .................................................................................... 901 366-2229 Central States Truck Brokerage 3767 New Getwell Rd ............................................................................ 901 369-1675 Central Transport Inc 3100 Stonebrook Circle .......................................................................... 901 396-9990 CEVA Logistics 3937 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 547-6700

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Circle Delivery Inc 3030 Old Horn Lake Rd .......................................................................... 901 785-2019 Circle International Inc Memphis................................................................................................. 901 362-5577 Cline Maxcy Logistics 2325 Kentucky St # A............................................................................. 901 775-0999 Commercial Cartage, Inc 5564 Universal Dr................................................................................... 901 365-4973 Comtrak Logistics 5660 Universal Dr................................................................................... 901 541-8000 Con-Way Freight 3955 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 396-8371 Cool Breeze Trucking 6099 Mount Moriah Rd Ext .................................................................... 901 433-7217 Cooper & Cooper Moving 5161 Wilfong Rd ..................................................................................... 901 382-2083 Cooper Freight Service 1081 Arkansas St ................................................................................... 901 775-5007 Cooper Truck Line Inc 4570 Sequoia Rd.................................................................................... 901 458-7265 Craters & Freighters 5624 Federal Ave ................................................................................... 901 795-0009 CSX Intermodal Inc 670 W Alcy Rd ........................................................................................ 901 320-1146 Cummins Mid-South LLC 3770 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 577-0600 D A Van Leeuwen Trucking Inc 3045 Meadowbrook Rd.......................................................................... 901 348-1177 Dancer Enterprises Inc 447 E Mallory Ave .................................................................................. 901 775-9913 Dart Advantage Logistics 2969 Elmore Park Rd ............................................................................. 901 266-9926 Delta Air Lines Inc 2491 Winchester Rd # 315 .................................................................... 901 922-8210 Delta Logistics & Consulting 44 S Front St # 3C.................................................................................. 901 544-9115 DHL Global Forwarding 4569 Distriplex Dr. West ......................................................................... 901 365-3835 Diversified Global Logistics 5375 Mineral Wells Rd ........................................................................... 901 360-0292 Duncan International Transport 7956 Woodford Ln Germantown .......................................................... 901 375-1445 Eagle Systems Inc 2500 Mt Moriah Rd # H254 .................................................................. 901 367-2490 Easley Transportation 4629 Damascus Rd................................................................................ 901 362-5152 Empire Express 999 Channel Ave .................................................................................... 901 942-3300 Estes Express Lines 3344 Cazassa Rd ................................................................................... 901 398-0851 EXEL Logistics 4221 Pilot Dr .......................................................................................... 901 369-1840 Expeditors Int'l of WA 5395 Distriplex Farms Dr ....................................................................... 901 362-9771 Fedex Freight 461 Winchester Rd ................................................................................. 901 346-3034 Film Transit 3931 Homewood Rd .............................................................................. 901 365-7550 Forward Air Inc 3861 Knight Rd # 14 .............................................................................. 901 366-4242 Forward Logistics Grp 5375 Mineral Wells Rd ........................................................................... 901 370-6461 Frank P Phillips Produce Inc 3710 Tulane Rd ...................................................................................... 901 396-6641 FTS Logistics LLC 4969 W Old Farm Rd .............................................................................. 901 755-8006 Gay Truck Line 66 Farrow Ave ........................................................................................ 901 948-4429 Gemini Air Cargo 8150 T & B Blvd ..................................................................................... 901 748-2070

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Get Er There Freight LLC 2952 Dove St.......................................................................................... 901 358-4060 Get It N Go Trucking Memphis................................................................................................. 901 366-2054 Gilmore Industries 3340 Players Club Pky Ste 160.............................................................. 901 748-5858 Global Logistics Inc 4456 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 767-4553 Greyhound Package Xpress 203 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 523-2440 H & W Transportation 3290 New Getwell Rd # 10 .................................................................... 901 795-5093 Hanjin Shipping 5050 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 259-4686 Harrell Transportation 1145 Kansas St ...................................................................................... 901 947-6694 1241 Louisiana St .................................................................................. 901 947-1394 Horizon Freight Systems 181 W McLemore Ave ............................................................................ 901 948-9220 Huddleston Enterprises Inc 2525 Farrisview Blvd.............................................................................. 901 375-0646 Hyundai America Shipping Agncy 5050 Poplar Ave # 1625......................................................................... 901 681-4380 Ideal Transport LLC 7718 Brookbury Cove............................................................................. 901 753-3551 Intermodal Cartage CO Inc 3150 Lenox Park Blvd # 312.................................................................. 901 312-2244 J & J Trucking 6326 Winchester Rd # 2 ........................................................................ 901 546-8164 J Brewer Trucking Memphis ............................................................................................ 901 363-8070 J L Butler Forwarding Inc 65 Union Ave .......................................................................................... 901 526-4546 J W Gillentine US Customs 3140 Tchulahoma Rd # 16..................................................................... 901 794-0661 JAS Forwarding 6075 E Shelby Dr # 1 ............................................................................. 901 369-9901 JLM Trucking Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 937-7772 Johnston Trucking 2408 Channel Ave .................................................................................. 901 947-3232 Jones Transporter 4290 Gray Fox Cove ............................................................................... 901 794-2554 JRC Trucking 3141 Farrisview Blvd.............................................................................. 901 365-8600 KATT World Wide 4006 Air Park St ..................................................................................... 901 362-1777 4105 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 363-3800 KATT Worldwide Logistics 3956 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 794-7449 4795 Imagination Dr .............................................................................. 901 542-0610 Kitty Hawk 3861 Knight Rd ...................................................................................... 901 362-1970 Kuehne & Nagel 4985 Outland Center Dr # D101 ............................................................ 901 365-7039 6005 Freeport Ave .................................................................................. 901 366-1251 KWG Auto Transport 5041 Wilfong Rd ..................................................................................... 901 388-8333 Kyle Trucking Inc 9146 Hillman Way Dr ............................................................................. 901 384-9795 L & O Trucking CO 150 E Virginia Ave................................................................................... 901 942-4991 Lanport Inc 642 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................... 901 312-9982 LEP Profit Intl 5805 Advantage Cove ............................................................................ 901 795-2233 Lonestar Transportation 5909 Shelby Oaks Dr # 123................................................................... 901 373-7971 Maxcy Transportation Inc 2325 Kentucky St ................................................................................... 901 774-3455


Meadows Transportation LLC 303 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................... 901 644-8324 Memphis Logistics Inc 802 Rozelle St ........................................................................................ 901 312-8836 Mesaba Airlines 2491 Winchester Rd Ste 309 ................................................................. 901 922-8590 Metropolitan Transport 1910 Madison Ave Ste 29 ...................................................................... 901 357-0257 Mid Southern Express Inc 5074 Guffin Rd ....................................................................................... 901 381-0067 Mid-South Auto Shippers 3585 Old Getwell Rd .............................................................................. 901 375-9011 Mid-South Transport 2765 Profit Dr ......................................................................................... 901 332-8600 Milan Express Co 4100 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 362-5553 Military Express Shipping Co Memphis ........................................................................................... 901 255-3022 Morgan Southern Inc 185 W McLemore Ave ............................................................................ 901 948-7901 Mt Pleasant Transfer Inc 3030 Old Horn Lake Rd .......................................................................... 901 774-8750 Murden Delivery Service Inc 6099 Mt Moriah Road Ext #9B ............................................................... 901 546-9933 Nippon Express USA Inc 3955 Vantech Dr..................................................................................... 901 367-2266 Nissin International Transport 3860 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................. 901 794-1170 Old Dominion Freight Line Inc 3050 Carrier St ....................................................................................... 901 346-1267 On Tyme Freight LLC 5181 Wax Wing Ln ................................................................................. 901 388-0224 Otis Transportation 1874 Southern Ave................................................................................. 901 725-2005 Ozark Motor Lines 3934 Homewood Rd .............................................................................. 901 251-9711 P & M Transportation 2500 Mount Moriah Rd, # H262 ............................................................ 901 375-9115 P & P Trucking Inc 2312 Channel Ave .................................................................................. 901 774-5570 Pacer Stacktrain 6060 Primacy Pkwy # 310 ..................................................................... 901 684-5000 Pak Mail 7605 Us Hwy 70, # 107 ......................................................................... 901 266-3607 2809 Kirby Rd, # 116 ............................................................................. 901 362-1122 540 S Mendenhall Rd # 12 .................................................................... 901 763-1002 2946 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 372-3919 7592 W Farmington Blvd Germantown .................................................. 901 751-9757 1519 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 276-0500 Panalpina Inc 6555 Quince Rd # 204 ........................................................................... 901 363-0501 2855 Business Park Dr........................................................................... 901 363-0053 Paris Trucking CO 2955 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 344-9099 Pathmark Transportation Marketing 2875 S Mendenhall Rd, # 3 ................................................................... 901 362-1555 Peacock Enterprises 1727 Florida St ....................................................................................... 901 775-0809 Perimeter Transportation 5515 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................. 901 365-7366 Phillips Truck Line Inc 777 Moss Rd .......................................................................................... 901 682-1154 Pilot Air Freight Corporation 3359 Winbrook Dr .................................................................................. 901 332-1600 Professional Moving Packers Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 386-3607 Professional Trans Intl 4521 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 542-9721 Pulp & Paper Transport LLC 400 Mahannah Ave ................................................................................ 901 529-1614


Pyramid Logistics Group 200 Collins St ......................................................................................... 901 323-1906 Quality Carriers Inc 1029 Channel Ave .................................................................................. 901 947-1491 R.Bean Trucking 2687 Barron Ave..................................................................................... 901 493-0677 Rapid Cartage & Distribution 3126 Carrier St ....................................................................................... 901 398-4848 Really Out Dare Moving Co Memphis................................................................................................. 901 488-3048 Reginald's Trucking Inc 6875 Hickory Lake Cove ........................................................................ 901 753-3869 Roadway Express Inc 3310 Gill Rd............................................................................................ 901 348-1600 SAIA Motor Freight Line Inc 3400 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 396-1818 Satco Inc 3090 Democrat Rd ................................................................................. 901 375-0017 SDI Material Handling 2208 Central Ave .................................................................................... 901 272-3346 SEKO Worldwide 3674 Cherry Rd ...................................................................................... 901 797-9590 Service by Air 2882 Barris Dr ........................................................................................ 901 398-6284 Service One 5300 Old Us Hwy 78 .............................................................................. 901 365-6701 Shipper's Express Inc 3770 Homewood Rd .............................................................................. 901 366-4788 Somner Express Flatbed Truck 65 W Carolina Ave .................................................................................. 901 521-8238 Sonic Delivery Inc 2208 Central Ave .................................................................................... 901 272-3119 Southeastern Freight Lines 4450 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 794-8383 Southern States Forwarding Inc 5269 Brantford Ave ................................................................................ 901 763-3044 Southern Xpress LLC 2158 Heyde Ave # 10............................................................................. 901 942-3996 Southwestern Motor Transport 3086 Carrier St ....................................................................................... 901 344-9269 Star Transportation Inc 201 Court Ave......................................................................................... 901 521-6314 Supervan Service Co 1896 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 775-9030 Swift Transportation 1940 E Brooks Rd # 20 .......................................................................... 901 332-2500 Tallory Alexander Intl Lgstcs 4294 Swinnea Rd ................................................................................... 901 795-2189 Target Logistic Service 4161 Senator St ..................................................................................... 901 794-3500 TCW 3770 Homewood Rd .............................................................................. 901 375-4445 TCX Inc 5600 Universal Dr................................................................................... 901 368-5600 Tennessee Moving 5724 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 377-7740

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Tennessee Trucking Express Inc 3030 Old Horn Lake Rd .......................................................................... 901 785-3911 The UPS Store®- Shipping & Packaging 6025 Stage Rd Ste 42 ............................................................................ 901 385-8701 7948 Winchester Rd Ste 109 ................................................................. 901 759-2060 9245 Poplar Ave Ste 8 Germantown ..................................................... 901 624-9701 111 S Highland Ave ................................................................................ 901 324-7282 2095 Exeter Rd Ste 80 ........................................................................... 901 756-1618 1779 Kirby Pkwy #1 Germantown ........................................................ 901 624-7538 TLC Express 4800 Southridge Blvd # 1 ...................................................................... 901 363-9366 TN Way Trucking, Inc. 4086 Burrow Ave.................................................................................... 901 382-4008 Topline Transportation Inc 4014 Outland Rd .................................................................................... 901 367-4994 Trac Lease Inc 5280 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 794-6650 Trans Load of Tn-Memphis 4791 Hungerford Rd............................................................................... 901 794-3678 Transcarriers Inc 5135 Us Hwy 78..................................................................................... 901 368-2900 Transportation Logistics 2860 Bartlett Rd ..................................................................................... 901 382-9605 Transportation Specialist Inc 7894 Winchester Rd # 300 .................................................................... 901 854-9355 Tri-State Transportation Service 391 S 3rd St ........................................................................................... 901 523-7039 Triple G Express Inc 2040 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 745-1448 Turnmire Logistics Inc 4456 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 362-5530 Turnmire Transportation Inc 4456 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 362-5530 Twenty Two Global Transport 6094 Apple Tree Dr # 6 .......................................................................... 901 362-3707 UBIC Freight Lines 1520 Texas St......................................................................................... 901 948-4808 United Post Office Investments 5050 Poplar Ave # 1102......................................................................... 800 275-8777 UPS Freight 1803 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 398-9900 UPS Supply Chain Solutions 1910 Danielson Pl .................................................................................. 901 261-6500 UPS Supply Chain Solutions 5280 Meltech Blvd # 114....................................................................... 901 375-0500 US Post Office 13 S Prescott St...................................................................................... 800 275-8777 5821 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 800 275-8777 3735 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 800 275-8777 US Express Trucking 5671 Pidgeon Roost Rd.......................................................................... 901 398-2626 Uunet for Comtrak Inc 5660 Universal Dr................................................................................... 901 367-9728 V Alexander & CO Inc 6555 Quince Rd # 201 ........................................................................... 901 795-7761 Value Logistics Inc 4685 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................. 901 947-4285

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2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Vantage Logistics 3874 Viscount Ave .................................................................................. 901 433-0501 VIP Express Inc 1890 E Brooks Rd # C ............................................................................ 901 396-2027 Vitran Express 4521 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 344-3540 Volunteer Express Inc 3126 Carrier St ....................................................................................... 901 398-4443 W E Graham Inc 3906 Homewood Rd .............................................................................. 901 366-1546 Wallstreet Systems Inc 1046 Arkansas St ................................................................................... 901 942-0724 Walt's Drive A Way 5044 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 794-4674 Wilson Trucking Corporation 3665 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 365-9100 World Bridge Logistics Inc 6555 Quince Rd # 201 ........................................................................... 901 366-1722 Yang Ming America PO Box 1542 .......................................................................................... 901 452-5988 Yellow Transportation Inc 3914 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 365-1117 Yost Rental Co 447 E Mallory Ave .................................................................................. 901 948-1516 Z Trans Inc Memphis................................................................................................. 901 767-0707

EQUIPO PARA AUTOS DEPORTIVOS Y DE CARRERAS / AUTO RACING & SPORTS CAR EQUIP BB&T Racing 2698 Statelline Rd W Southaven, MS..................................................... 662 280-7600 .............................................................................................................. 662 342-7711 Competition Cams Inc 3406 Democrat Rd ................................................................................. 901 795-2400 Crankshaft Specialists 280 Tillman St ........................................................................................ 901 452-6663 Fab Auto 6037 Resources Dr ................................................................................ 901 937-5313 Godman Hi-Performance 5255 Elmore Rd ..................................................................................... 901 382-7404 Memphis Performance and Engineering 1458 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 274-7248 Performance Specialties 1390 Stonewall St .................................................................................. 901 276-5893 Precision Performance Inc 1809 Thomas Rd ....................................................................................901-386-5445 Premier Auto Sports 3025 Kirby Whitten Rd ........................................................................... 901 213-1932 TC Racing 4467 Chickasaw Rd ............................................................................... 901 821-9235 Xtreme Auto Accessories 7555 US Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 377-0027

ESCAPES – SILENCIADORES / MUFFLERS Advance Muffler & Auto Service 3619 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 327-8217 5704 Mt. Moriah Rd Ext ........................................................................ 901 368-0111 3491 Ramill Rd...................................................................................... 901 383-9402 Cordova Automotive Inc 7970 Patriot Rd ..................................................................................... 901 754-8381 Meineke Car Care Center Horn Lake, MS ....................................................................................... 662 280-9206 2399 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 384-4144 Quality Muffler & Brakes 5065 Raleigh-LaGrange Rd ................................................................... 901 372-4551 Three Star Muffler 586 S Highland ...................................................................................... 901 458-8766 6541 Winchester ................................................................................... 901 365-1145





A-1 TV Sales & Service 3243 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 353-2122 Audio Video Artistry 1680 Century Center Pkwy # 17............................................................ 901 373-2444 Auto Radio 1979 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 386-3444 AWC Sales 5640 Summer Ave # 2 ........................................................................... 901 230-4097 Berclair Television 4539 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 683-4556 BSI Car Stereo 5530 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 382-8703 Clay's Audio 5231 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 375-4026 Eggleston Audio LLC 540 Cumberland St ................................................................................ 901 525-1100 Electronic Environments 1678 N Shelby Oaks Dr.......................................................................... 901 386-6557 Electronic Environments 6907 Dawnhill Rd................................................................................... 901 452-6565 Go Page 5231 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 375-4026 Memphis Communications Corp 4771 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 725-9271 Merrill Audio 2125 Central Ave .................................................................................... 901 272-1410 Mr Z Sound Express 3175 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 344-7001 245 N Cleveland St................................................................................. 901 276-9245 Sound Visions 975 North Germantown Pkwy Germantown .......................................... 901 754-7111 Sound Waves Inc 7585 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 377-1001 Stereo One 3631 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 542-9020 2408 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 745-5255 Stereo Sound 1331 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 324-3337 TNT Professional Audio 1720 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 332-4277 Video Station 6696 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................... 901 755-3566

Africa Classic Hair Braiding 5179 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 365-7522 Afrik Trends 4821 American Way ............................................................................... 901 363-3201 Bac 2 Life 4521 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 345-8225 Beauty Nation 7970 Giacosa Pl ..................................................................................... 901 937-8387 Blend The Beauty and Barber Shop 462 E Shelby Dr ..................................................................................... 901 785-0609 Cindys Beauty Shop 505 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................... 901 766-2062 Codu African Hair Braiding 4610 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 345-3175 Codu African Hair Braiding 3174 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 332-2244 D'Carlo Salon de Belleza 5945 Knight Arnold Rd # 101................................................................. 901 370-5751 D'Carlo II 2235 Whitten Rd. # 103 Bartlett .......................................................... 901 266-2230 Delois Hair Clinic 4779 Horn Lake Rd ................................................................................ 901 785-9717 Distinctive Styles 2757 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 794-9517 Ericals Beauty Salon 1688 Kendale Ave .................................................................................. 901 272-2111 Fantastic Sams 2346 Mcingvale Rd Hernando MS .......................................................662-449-4663 3021 Goodman Rd W Horn Lake MS ...................................................662-280-8840 6888 Goodman Rd Olive Branch MS ...................................................662-895-4247 775 Goodman Rd E Southaven MS......................................................662-349-3082 622 W Poplar Ave Collierville................................................................901-853-0899 1691 N Germantown Pkwy Cordova....................................................901-752-1400 7820 Poplar Ave Germantown .............................................................901-757-5262 9160 Highway 64 Lakeland .................................................................901-383-1500 540 S Mendenhall Rd.............................................................................901-683-8355 7605 Highway 70 ...................................................................................901-937-0009 7948 Winchester Rd ...............................................................................901-624-5558 Fantastic Sams Bartlett 6490 Memphis Arlington Rd Bartlett ....................................................901-266-4001 Fantastic Sams Midtown 8 N McLean ............................................................................................901-276-1405 First African Hair Braiding 1316 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 276-0011 Hair Inc 6720 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 370-6767 46 Chickasaw Oaks Dr ........................................................................... 901 454-7933 Hawa Hair Braiding 6063 Mount Moriah Road Ext ................................................................ 901 546-0995 Jeanaes Hair Studio 5226 Martin Edwards Pl......................................................................... 901 345-8833 Just Fix IT Hair Salon 1578 E Alcy Rd ....................................................................................... 901 774-7339 Juve Salonspa 620 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................... 901 683-3944 La Nouvelle Salon 1985 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 274-9455 La Styles Barber & Beauty 1073 National St..................................................................................... 901 454-9788 Latinas Hair Salon 4089 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-1395 Latisha Hair Salon 601 N Hollywood St................................................................................ 901 458-9770 Legacy Locs and Natural Styles 3402 Park Ave, Memphis ....................................................................... 901 323-6030

Memphis’s choice for bilingual news for 12 years!



Lorettas Hair Port 4106 S Plaza Dr ..................................................................................... 901 398-2858 Nappi by Nature 1391 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 775-2111 Pavo Salon 374 S Grove Park Rd .............................................................................. 901 818-0773 PRO Styles 4466 Elvis Presley Blvd # 166................................................................ 901 395-0085 Rachels Salon & Day Spa 10 N Main St .......................................................................................... 901 527-7511 Regis Hairstylists 253 N Mcneil St...................................................................................... 901 386-8822 Reliable Beauty Shop 1377 Hyde Park Blvd.............................................................................. 901 274-9976 Sare African Hair Braiding 5959 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 367-3902 Scales Exquisite Creations 2681 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 353-0088 Shantas Hair Day 5910 Mount Moriah Rd .......................................................................... 901 375-1076 Sharons Hair Gallery 4171 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 332-4721 Sims Unisex Style Shop 2542 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 452-5744 Spa Pageboy Salon 650 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................... 901 767-1268 Sport Clips 4732 Spottswood Ave ............................................................................ 901 685-5995 7825 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 753-7126 295 New Byhalia Rd Collierville ...........................................................901-854-1088 7685 Farmington Blvd Germantown .....................................................901-756-4884 Sport Clips Of East Memphis 4732 Spottswood Ave ............................................................................901-685-5995 Terry's Beauty & Barber Salon 4610 Winchester Rd ...............................................................................901-794-6625 Today's Highlight & Style 1296 Wilson St .......................................................................................901-948-6009 Trade Secret 4650 Merchants Park Cir Collierville ......................................................901-850-0641 Upper Level The 574 Green Tree Cv Collierville ................................................................901-854-3533

EVENTOS (PLANEACIร N DE) / EVENTS PLANNING American Event Tents Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 544-9999 Ascension Entertainment Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 239-5818 Bergeron's Flowers 3618 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 357-1855 Bounce Around Party Rentals 6587 Barley Cv ....................................................................................... 901 795-5545 Coltharp United Convention Service 4447 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 682-1125 Cotton Boll Catering 870 Vance Ave........................................................................................ 901 526-4882 Elegant Traditions 2753 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 369-1757 Executive Speaker's Bureau 8567 Cordes Circle Germantown ......................................................... 901 754-9404 Fashion Academy Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 384-0724 Fox's Den Banquet Facility 347 Dreger Rd ........................................................................................ 901 360-1967 HeartFelt Creations Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 730-0456 Hicks Convention Service & Special 935 Rayner St......................................................................................... 901 272-1171 Justlarry.Com Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 378-4474

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Magicmrnick.Com 6025 Stage Rd # 42-187 ....................................................................... 901 358-7258 Memphis Brooks Museum of Art Catering & Special Events 1934 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 544-6222 Mid-South Wedding & Event Planners Memphis ............................................................................................. 901 503-3071 Mid-South Wedding Consultants 935 Rayner St......................................................................................... 901 272-1171 Mid-South Wedding Planners GLD Germantown ........................................................................................ 901 754-4700 Ministers in A Minute PO Box 770164 ...................................................................................... 901 754-4700 Misty Hollow Farms 6315 Walsh Rd ....................................................................................... 901 876-6315 NB3 Productions Memphis ............................................................................................. 901 679-3848 Once Upon A Time Boutique 5834 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 266-0222 Party Concepts Memphis................................................................................................. 901 276-7368 Perpetual Petals Flower 2980 Millers Pond Dr.............................................................................. 901 755-1990 Reeds by Design 4574 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 230-1860 Safety-Quip Inc 4950 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 452-7040 Simple Occasions Wedding Chapel 3003 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 240-5889 Social Butterflies 2148 Monroe Ave ................................................................................... 901 828-9321 Social Butterflies LLC 2148 Monroe Ave ................................................................................... 901 691-1849 Southern Event Planners 3092 Poplar Ave # 18............................................................................. 901 757-9339 Sports Consultants 3767 New Getwell Rd ............................................................................ 901 795-7700 The Bridal Firm Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 262-0506 Tinker Tunes & Balloons 740 W Clover Dr ..................................................................................... 901 767-8320 True Moments Event Planning Services Memphis .............................................................................................. 901 767-8320 Unique celebrations Bartlett .................................................................................................. 901 628-4659

FACIALES Y MAQUILLAJES / FACIALS & MAKE-UP A Sharper Image 6415 Summer Avenue Ste 112.............................................................. 901 384-9313 Bussyn Beauty Salon 3645 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 362-9955 Day Spa 664 95 S Main St # 105 ................................................................................ 901 526-7556 Dermatology Realm 2120 Merchants Row, # 2,Germantown ................................................ 901 362-7170 Glamour Nails 5766 Lowry Rd....................................................................................... 901 767-1512 Memphis Facials Etc 5160 Sanderlin Ave ................................................................................ 901 767-7680

Read La Prensa Latina online 24 hours a day:


Mid South Facial Imaging Center 795 Ridge Lake Blvd # 101.................................................................... 901 682-5074 Mona Spa & Laser Center 5101 Sanderlin Ave # 102...................................................................... 901 683-0048 Nails Plus 3928 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 398-2724 Natural Body Spa & Shoppe 7509 Poplar Ave # 2, Germantown ........................................................ 901 737-5161 Preferred Medical Spa 4466 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 332-9774 Relax and Smile Experience 3056 Princeton Ave ................................................................................ 901 454-0054

FARMACIAS / PHARMACIES Acupuncture & Herbal Pharmacy 6490 Stage Road................................................................................... 901 382-5100 Baxter Pharmaceuticals 1710 North Shelby Oaks Drive Suite 16 ............................................... 901 373-3015 Cloverleaf Quality Drugs 733 North White Station Road ............................................................... 901 683-5205 Fred's Discount Stores - Pharmacies 4300 New Getwell Rd ............................................................................ 901 257-5114 4280 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 794-9420 5855 Hwy 70 N ...................................................................................... 901 373-5361 6064 Stage Rd, Bartlett .......................................................................... 901 388-4810 450 Hwy 72 West, Collierville ................................................................. 901 853-8454 8217 Hwy 51 N, Millington..................................................................... 901 872-3011 7105 Cockrum Street, Olive Branch ....................................................... 662 895-3190 6250 Hwy 64, Oakland........................................................................... 901 466-9160 Highland Heights Pharmacy 3423 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 452-2189


Memphis’s choice for choice for bilingual bilingual news for news for 12 years! 12 years!




Ike’s - Pharmacy 2145 Union Avenue ............................................................................... 901 274-3058 4126 Elvis Presley Boulevard ................................................................ 901 398-4537 5040 Park Avenue ................................................................................. 901 682-2886 4571 Summer Ave ..................................................................................901 682 8471 Kmart Super Centers - Memphis 3201 Austin Peay Highway Store Information ................................................................................... 901 372-8099 Prescription Only ................................................................................... 901 372-7277 KROGER PHARMACIES 2632 Frayser Boulevard ...................................................................... 901 353-8284 3860 Austin Peay Highway................................................................. 901 383-4848 1366 Poplar Avenue ............................................................................ 901 272-7883 3444 Plaza Avenue .............................................................................. 901 324-1013 2267 Lamar Avenue ............................................................................ 901 324-1017 1234 Finley Road ................................................................................. 901 345-1341 2835 Kirby Road .................................................................................. 901 353-1387 3830 Hickory Hill Road ....................................................................... 901 353-8274 540 South Mendenhall Road .............................................................. 901 683-8843 4770 Riverdale Road Suite 1 .............................................................. 901 756-7408 4270 Summer Avenue ........................................................................ 901 763-0831 4075 American Way ............................................................................ 901 795-7335 1977 South 3rd Street ......................................................................... 901 946-8852 7942 Winchester Road........................................................................ 901 758-3615 6532 Winchester Road........................................................................ 901 795-5166 1230 North Houston Levee Road ....................................................... 901 751-1615 1675 Germantown Parkway ............................................................... 901 624-9637 Medicine Shoppe 4770 Knight Arnold Road ...................................................................... 901 363-0750 920 Estates Drive Lobby ....................................................................... 901 683-3511 Metro Medical Homecare Pharmacy 50 Humphreys Centre Suite 101............................................................ 901 747-3239 Peoples Custom RX & Clinical Care Center 785 East Brookhaven Circle .................................................................. 901 682-2273 RX Shoppe 3701 Riverdale Road ............................................................................. 901 360-8714 Rite Aid 2670 Frayser Boulevard ........................................................................ 901 358-4827 3500 Ramill Rd ...................................................................................... 901 388-3902 3060 Thomas St .................................................................................... 901 353-3549 1635 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 726-4025 1810 Union Avenue ............................................................................... 901 272-6191 3476 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 320-3707 6646 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 794-9526 4212 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 344-3351 Sam’s Club - Pharmacy 2150 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 382-1616 Wal-Mart - Pharmacy 3950 Austin Peay Highway .................................................................... 901 366-6274 3950 Austin Peay Highway.................................................................... 901 377-2422 1280 South Germantown Road ............................................................. 901 758-2447 5000 American Way .............................................................................. 901 366-6036 1280 South Germantown Road ............................................................. 901 758-1591 Wal-Mart Supercenter - Pharmacy 577 Germantown Parkway.................................................................... 901 755-2699 8400 US Highway 64 ............................................................................ 901 382-6106 7525 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 757-8292 Walgreens Drug Stores 2926 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 382-9237 6565 Saint Elmo Road........................................................................... 901 383-1547 3360 N Watkins St................................................................................. 901 353-4603 4015 Austin Peay Hwy .......................................................................... 901 373-4575 3670 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 309-2621 2891 Kirby Rd........................................................................................ 901 757-5017 5900 Knight Arnold Rd .......................................................................... 901 368-9986 3670 Riverdale Road ............................................................................. 901 309-2621 3445 Elvis Presley Boulevard ................................................................ 901 346-4699 6980 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................ 901 309-5766 6672 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................. 901 368-6675 2 N Main St .......................................................................................... 901 525-0036



FIANZAS / BAIL BONDS A & A Bail Bonds 38 N 3rd St ............................................................................................. 901 525-8398 A 1 Bail Bond Company 1110 W Polk # D, West Memphis, AR..................................................... 870 735-3000 A 1 Bail Bond Company 80 Court St, Marion, AR .......................................................................... 870 739-2212 A 1 Bail Bonds 1150 Simonton St, Covington................................................................. 901 475-3630 A 1 Bail Bonds 238 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 523-8081 A Alpha Liquidation 105 Kay Dr, Oakland............................................................................... 901 465-6878 A B C Bonding Company 200 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 525-6581 A River City Bail Bonding Incorporated 556 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 888-2489 Ace Bail Bonding Company 122 W Pleasant Ave, Covington.............................................................. 901 475-9080 Acme Bail Bond Agency 209 N Lauderdale St .............................................................................. 901 527-7750 Active Bail Bonds 288 W South St, Hernando, MS.............................................................. 662 429-4406 Active Bail Bonds Desoto Company Tunica 99 N Main Street .................................................................................... 901 365-7900 Advanced Bonding Company 209 N Lauderdale St .............................................................................. 901 842-0001 Advanced Roofing & Construction 521 S College St, Covington ................................................................... 901 476-1125 Al Williams Bail Bonds 2620 Highway 51, Hernando, MS .......................................................... 662 429-2310 All Day All Night Bonding 214 N Lauderdale St .............................................................................. 901 527-1110 All Out Bail Bond Company 209 N Lauderdale St .............................................................................. 901 575-3324

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?) • Las mariposas tienen el sentido del gusto en las patas. • Butterflies taste with their feet.

• Los delfines nadan en círculos mientras duermen con el ojo de la parte de afuera abierto vigilando por posibles predadores. Después de cierto tiempo nadan en sentido contrario con el otro ojo abierto mientras descansan el ojo previo. • Dolphins swim in circles while they sleep with the eye on the outside of the circle open to keep watch for predators. After a certain amount of time they reverse and swim in the opposite direction with the opposite eye open.

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Allied Bonding Company 214 N Lauderdale St .............................................................................. 901 527-2622 Allied Sentinel Bonding Company 4877 Navy Rd, Millington ....................................................................... 901 873-4328 Allstate Bail Bonds 2584 Highway 51 Ste 4, Hernando, MS ................................................. 662 449-2245 Alpha Omega Bail Bonding 40 N 3rd St ............................................................................................. 901 543-8300 Always Bonding Company 100 N Main St, Covington ...................................................................... 901 475-1103 Angel Bail Bond 211 N Lauderdale St .............................................................................. 901 544-9959 Angel Bail Bond 300 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 544-9959 Asap Bail Bonds Company 240 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 523-9894 At One Bail Bonds 200 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 523-2245 Barron Bail Bond Company 196 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 526-5882 Battle Bonding Company 252 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 576-1333 Big Daddy Bail Bonds 117 W Oliver Ave, West Memphis, AR .................................................... 870 732-3030 Brisco Bonding Company 54 N 3rd St ............................................................................................. 901 525-5595 Brooks Bail Bonding Company 95 N 2nd St ............................................................................................ 901 525-4790 Bryces Bail Bonding Incorporated 218 E Broadway St, West Memphis, AR ................................................. 870 733-1110 Clark Bail Bonds 552 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 572-7171 Cobb Bail Bonding 2584 Highway 51, Hernando, MS .......................................................... 662 429-8171 Cobb Bail Bonds 8931 Highway 305 Ste 203, Olive Branch, MS...................................... 662 895-2535 Comfort Keepers 9057 Millbranch Rd, Southaven, MS ...................................................... 662 393-1110 Continental Auto Insurance 59 N 3rd St ..............................................................................................901.526.7636 Coop Bail Bonds 2276 Highway 51 Ste B, Hernando, MS................................................. 662 449-2667 Cross Roads Bonding PO Box 128, Walls, MS ........................................................................... 662 781-1411 Crossroads Bonding 7401 Northbrook Dr, Horn Lake, MS ...................................................... 662 781-1411 First Arkansas Bail Bond Incorporated 515 N Missouri St, West Memphis, AR ................................................... 870 732-6597 Garner Bail Bonds 283 Losher St Ste B, Hernando, MS....................................................... 662 429-8022 Garner Bail Bonds 2100 Goodman Rd, Horn Lake, MS........................................................ 662 393-3338 Gray Bail Bonding 240 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 544-1777 Gulf National Surety Incorporated 279 Exchange Ave.................................................................................. 901 522-9969 Hailey Ruby Bail Bond Company 59 N 3rd St ............................................................................................. 901 543-8740 Hester Bail Bonding Company 231 Exchange Ave.................................................................................. 901 522-0060 International Bail Bond 211 N Lauderdale St .............................................................................. 901 578-8230 Interstate Bail Bonds 8441 Greenbrook Pkwy, Southaven, MS ................................................ 662 342-9319 Liberty Bail Bonds 208 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 527-3733 Liberty Bail Bonds 217 E Market St, Somerville................................................................... 901 465-0089 M & M Bail Bond Company 144 N 3rd St........................................................................................... 901 523-1308


Manuel Bail Bonds 704 Calvin Avery Dr, West Memphis, AR ................................................ 870 735-4607 Memphis Bonding Company 279 Exchange Ave.................................................................................. 901 528-1776 Mid South Bonding Company 333 Adams Ave ...................................................................................... 901 544-9290 Midsouth Bail Bonds Highway 304, Hernando, MS.................................................................. 662 429-5087 Miracle Bail Bonds 1835 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 725-0377 Morgan Mike Bondsman 80 Court St, Marion, AR .......................................................................... 870 739-8430 Nationwide Bail Bonds 45 N 3rd St Ste 107 ............................................................................... 901 529-9448 Payne Brent 1505 N Golf Links Cv, West Memphis, AR .............................................. 870 732-8727 Professional Bonding Company 45 N 3rd St ............................................................................................. 901 526-1660 Sanders Bail Bonds 9230 Millbranch Rd, Southaven, MS ...................................................... 662 342-8489 Sanders Bonding Company 122 Blue Lake Cv, Hernando, MS........................................................... 662 449-1149 Southern Security Bail Bonding Incorporated W Commerce St, Hernando, MS............................................................. 662 449-1600 Tennessee Bonding Company 17426 Us Highway 64, Somerville ......................................................... 901 465-1444 Terrys Bail Bonding 709 N Main St, Covington ...................................................................... 901 475-1252 TN Bonding Company 8155 Highway 76, Somerville ................................................................ 901 465-5988

FOTÓGRAFOS / PHOTOGRAPHY Advent Wedding Photography 7349 Dawnhaven Dr .............................................................................. 901 550-9984 Alan Peeler Photography 2175 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 272-1769 Alex Ginsburg Photographics 7707 Poplar Pike Germantown .............................................................. 901 754-9680 Allen Mims Photography 1802 Harbert Ave ................................................................................... 901 527-4040 1583 Overton Park Ave........................................................................... 901 278-0094 Amydale photography 107 Madison Ave #3 .............................................................................. 901 521-1459 Animal Photography by Peggy PO Box 22650 ........................................................................................ 901 324-7695 API 3111 Stonebrook Circle .......................................................................... 901 396-8650 Barbee Photography 4464 Tracy Lynn Dr ................................................................................ 901 754-1883 C M Neal Photography 2752 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 371-2000 Calvin's Television Productions 6890 Birch Lake Dr ................................................................................ 901 751-3771 Capture the Occasion Memphis................................................................................................. 901 497-2867 Conroy Studio 2832 Bartlett Rd # 200........................................................................... 901 624-6535 Conroy Studio 2832 Bartlett Rd ..................................................................................... 901 377-0293

Space for the 2011 Edition is filling up fast! Speak with one of our account executives today to reserve your space! Call 901-751-2100!


Custom Photography 2674 Hunters Forest Dr Germantown .................................................... 901 857-0907 David Starnes Photography 523 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 412-8739 Family Affair Photography Memphis................................................................................................. 901 413-9192 Forest Hill Photography 9057 Valley Crest Ln Germantown......................................................... 901 737-0114 Frozen Zen Photography 2583 Park Creek Dr Germantown .......................................................... 901 309-5700 Glamour Shots 2760 North Germantown Pkwy Ste 295 ................................................ 901 266-3581 Holland Studio of Photography 7632 Poplar Pike Germantown ............................................................. 901 362-1818 Hymark Studio 3791 Contractors Pl................................................................................ 901 366-3660 Images By LaMar Memphis................................................................................................. 901 383-8086 Immigration Services Asstnc 4172 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-3787 Impact Video Productions 2311 Glencliff St ..................................................................................... 901 683-6972 J & B Childress Portrait Art 136 E Ge Patterson Ave.......................................................................... 901 521-8181 J C Penney CO 2756 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 937-7666 J Herndon Photography 4486 Fairmeadow Rd ............................................................................. 901 848-9790 Jaffe Studio 4725 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 682-7501 JC Penney Portrait Studio Centennial Shopping Centre Germantown ............................................. 901 757-4532 Jessica Risinger Photography Memphis................................................................................................. 901 230-2216 Jim Kiihnl Commercial Photography 3615 S Goodlett St Ste 106 ................................................................... 901 360-1707 Jimmy Alford Studio Inc 6685 Quince Rd # 110 .......................................................................... 901 751-1512 Keepsakes Studio LLC 6070 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 763-2959 Ken Ross Photography 5168 Wheelis Dr ..................................................................................... 901 761-0334 Kjera Kellen Photography Memphis................................................................................................. 901 603-9042 Lasting Impression 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 169.......................................................... 901 266-6007 Levons World of Photography Memphis................................................................................................. 901 649-6182 Lewis Photography PO Box 901528 ...................................................................................... 901 789-0005 Locastro Photography 5728 Robin Hop Ln ............................................................................... 901 386-7009 Mangiante Photography LLC 4646 Poplar Ave # 220........................................................................... 901 767-6555 Maria Benton Photography Rich Rd ................................................................................................... 901 481-1765 Mark Hamsley Photography 2301 Sleepy Hollow Ln Germantown..................................................... 901 753-8320 Murray Riss Photography 516 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 526-3435 Norman Gilbert Photography 355 Alexander St .................................................................................... 901 820-0301 Olan Mills Portrait Studio 7060 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 266-3087 Passport & Visa Express Memphis................................................................................................. 901 529-0728 Perfect Photography 1201 Shirley Cv ...................................................................................... 901 674-2514 Photo Group 1 N 3rd St ............................................................................................... 901 526-6054



Photos for Less Memphis................................................................................................. 901 412-7315 Picture ME Portrait Studios 7525 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 751-7292 8400 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 387-1002 5255 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 396-1398 Pizazz Photography PO Box 770164 ...................................................................................... 901 870-5112 Putnam Photography 1499 Wolf Park Rd.................................................................................. 901 737-2221 Ramsey Photography 2965 N Germantown Rd # 112 .............................................................. 901 372-0020 Ray White Photography 1684 Poplar Ave # 106........................................................................... 901 726-4100 Regis Lawson Photography 410 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 283-3754 Renee Scott Photography 2958 N Stage Plaza................................................................................ 901 497-0898 Sandra Stroh Fine Portraiture 1860 Wellsley Dr Germantown............................................................... 901 755-1452 Sears Portrait Studio 3344 Raleigh Springs Mall ..................................................................... 901 372-4212 4570 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 766-2598 6075 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 369-7669 28000 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................. 901 937-7469 Sharp Photography 5755 Brenners Pl.................................................................................... 901 385-7010 Shivley Photography 305 N Willett St....................................................................................... 901 278-7373 Skipworth Photography 1072 W Rex Rd ...................................................................................... 901 685-7000 Sky Tracing 3980 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 489-9266 Spot Light Studio 6860 Hillshire Dr # 2 .............................................................................. 901 386-3674 Star Image 1244 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 348-6814 Star Studio Inc 5687 Mt Moriah Rd Ext .......................................................................... 901 366-9200 Studio Aesthetic 4465 Poplar Ave # 1315......................................................................... 901 818-5601 Susan Riddle Duke Photography Memphis................................................................................................. 901 359-7575 Sweeney South Commercial Photography 395 Cumberland St ................................................................................ 901 452-9593 The Bridal Firm Memphis................................................................................................. 901 262-0506 TNT Photography 3540 Summer Ave # 300 ....................................................................... 901 323-8810 Visa & Immigration Service Assstnc 1341 Sycamore View Rd # 404 ............................................................. 901 385-3888 Warchild Photography 2347 Hubbard Ave.................................................................................. 901 246-8489 Watercliff Studio 6560 Black Thorne Cv ............................................................................ 901 737-8021 Wedding Meister Memphis................................................................................................. 901 643-1559

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Wedding Photography by Val Memphis................................................................................................. 901 871-0923 Wedding Traditions Photography 6779 Poplar Pike .................................................................................... 901 759-1881 Williams & Assoc Professional Photo LLC 1516 Vollintine Ave ................................................................................. 901 272-1724 Withers Photography 333 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 527-7476

FRENOS DE AUTOMOTORES (SERVICIO) / BRAKE SERVICE (AUTOMOBILE) ABC Mobile Brake 5045 American Way .............................................................................. 901 744-1900 Action Muffler And Brake Service 4657 Knight Arnold Road ...................................................................... 901 366-4514 Advance Muffler And Auto Service 3619 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 327-8217 3941 Ramill Rd .................................................................................... 901 383-9402 5704 Mt Moriah South .......................................................................... 901 368-0111 8145 Highway 51 N Millington............................................................. 901 872-2276 Airport-Winchester Tire & Alignment 1830 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 345-5484 Archer’s Auto Care 4471 South Mendenhall Road ............................................................... 901 362-8863 Archer’s Ron Auto Care 5155 Quince Road................................................................................. 901 682-6515 Auto Express 2330 Frayser Blvd ................................................................................. 901 353-6740 Automotive Solutions 2906 Austin Peay Highway .................................................................... 901 382-2936 Ballinger’s 76 7617 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 754-4470 4585 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 767-2630 Bartlett Tire Service 2795 Bartlett Boulevard ........................................................................ 901 372-3877 Big R Car Care Inc 3531 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 214-0054 Byrd’s Auto Repairs 2929 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 327-6753 C & F Brake & Alignment Service 5494 Stage Road ................................................................................. 901 371-8873 David’s Tire Center 5805 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 366-1134 Davids Tire Center 3531 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 366-1134 Dukes Automotive 596 North Graham Street ...................................................................... 901 323-9837 Firestone Dealer Stores 3506 Jackson Avenue ........................................................................... 901 327-3516 Firestone Dealer Stores 4177 Elvis Presley Boulevard ................................................................ 901 332-1801 Firestone Tire & Service Centers 3484 Austin Peay Hwy .......................................................................... 901 377-5244 5151 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 683-0240 6100 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 795-3151 Gwatney Chevrolet-Isuzu - Service 2000 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 387-2001 Holt Tire Service Inc 572 South Mendenhall Road ................................................................. 901 682-7030 Just Brakes 3144 Austin Peay Highway .................................................................... 901 386-2032 Mathis Tire & Auto 5115 Park Ave ....................................................................................... 901 767-9054 Mathis Tire And Auto Service 8529 Us Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 380-9115 Meineke Car Care Centers Inc 1190 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 346-1211 Memphis Auto Repair Service 3378 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 327-0096


Midas 5796 Pleasant View Rd ......................................................................... 901 377-3311 798 W Brookhaven Cir .......................................................................... 901 682-6622 5799 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 795-9508 2359 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 324-2194 Mr Quick Tune & Lube 5941 Stage Road .................................................................................. 901 382-2530 Quality Muffler & Brakes 5065 Raleigh Lagrange Road................................................................ 901 372-4551 Raleigh Tire Service Inc 2827 Austin Peay Hwy .......................................................................... 901 386-6211

FUNERARIAS / FUNERAL HOMES AL Tacker's Casket Store 2740 Whitten Rd # 124 .......................................................................... 901 388-0465 All States Cremation Society 2740 Whitten Rd # 124 .......................................................................... 901 685-0713 Annointed & Blessed Monuments 1550 Cherry Rd ...................................................................................... 901 685-2787 Bartlett Funeral Home 5803 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 372-5555 Calvary Memorial Funeral Home 659 Semmes St...................................................................................... 901 452-2966 Canale Funeral Directors 2700 Union Avenue Ext .......................................................................... 901 452-6400 Carriage Tours of Memphis 393 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 527-7542 Catholic Cemeteries of Memphis 1663 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 948-1529 Chimes Chapel 207 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 722-9687 Christian Funeral Directors 2615 Overton Crossing St ...................................................................... 901 358-0062


Crone Rock of Ages Memorial 811 S Dudley St ..................................................................................... 901 774-5653 Dignity Memorial 5599 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 731 660-6509 E H Ford Mortuary Service 3390 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 345-9558 Family Funeral Care 4925 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 761-8000 Family Mortuary 878 Jackson Ave .................................................................................... 901 521-0594 Forest Hill Cemeteries & Funeral Homes 2440 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 382-1000 Galilee Memorial Gardens 8283 Ellis Rd .......................................................................................... 901 372-8357 Genesis Legacy of Life 44 S Cleveland St ................................................................................... 901 278-7841 Golden Gate Funeral Home 734 Vance Ave ........................................................................................ 901 521-6767 Harrison's Funeral Home Inc 2647 Carnes Ave .................................................................................... 901 452-7331 HC Jett-HC Ford & Son Funeral 1496 E McLemore Ave ........................................................................... 901 278-0642 Heritage Casket Gallery Inc 621 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 685-0723 High Point Funeral Chapel 3788 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 454-5795 J E Herndon Funeral Home 1779 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 346-1291 J O Patterson Mortuary Inc 2944 Walnut Grove Rd ........................................................................... 901 324-4022 Joe Ford Funeral Home 1616 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 345-6075 M J Edwards Funeral Home 1165 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 327-9360 4445 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 791-9700 5494 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 332-3164 Mays Funeral Homes 2034 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 942-2120 Memorial Park Funeral Home 5668 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-8930 Memory Hill Gardens 3700 N Germantown Rd ........................................................................ 901 388-5135 Memphis Funeral Home 5599 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 725-0100 Memphis Memory Gardens 6444 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 386-4858 Mid-South Mortuary Service 3788 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 458-8575 Ministers in A Minute PO Box 770164 Memphis ..................................................................... 901 754-4700 N H Owens & Son Funeral Home 421 Scott St............................................................................................ 901 324-2116 N J Ford & Sons Funeral Parlor 12 S Parkway West ................................................................................ 901 948-7755 New Park Memorial Gardens 3900 Sewanee Rd .................................................................................. 901 785-7150 R S Lewis & Sons Funeral Home 374 Vance Ave ........................................................................................ 901 526-3264 Roller Family Funeral Home 3651 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 371-9500 S W Qualls & Co 479 Vance Ave ........................................................................................ 901 526-2181 Snow Funeral Home 1382 Florida St ....................................................................................... 901 946-9726 Southern Funeral Home 440 Vance Ave ........................................................................................ 901 527-7311 Superior Funeral Home 1129 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 323-7898 VH Bins-Son Mid-South Funeral 1265 Mississippi Blvd ............................................................................ 901 946-2061



2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

GIMNASIOS / FITNESS CENTERS MASON YMCA (Vea nuestro anuncio en esta página) 3548 Walker Avenue ............................................................................901-458-9622

GRÚAS Y GRÚAS PARA REMOLQUES / TOWING A 1 Towing 2939 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 452-9391 Als Towing & Recovery 5038 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................. 901 795-6782 Bartlett Towing Service 1807 Bartlett Rd .................................................................................... 901 387-0324 Big Bear Towing 2485 Parkway Pl .................................................................................. 901 323-2060 Franks Towing Service 4491 Poplar Ave ................................................................................. 901 624-0986 Gleaves Wrecker Service 3461 Democrat Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-4401 Glenda Towing 303 E Brooks Rd ................................................................................. 901 348-9070 Holmes & Sons Towing 961 Whitney Ave .................................................................................. 901 353-0815 J & A Wrecker Service 975 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 523-2600 Mace’s Towing 3497 Knight Arnold Rd .......................................................................... 901 366-5873 Matthews Towing & Car Care Center 3995 Raleigh-Millington Rd................................................................... 901 388-3316 Murphrees City Wide Wrecker Service Inc 3913 Lamar Ave ................................................................................... 901 794-7846 Summer Avenue Wrecker Service 1826 Thomas Rd ................................................................................... 901 388-0642

GUARDERÍAS PARA NIÑOS / DAYCARE 1st Choice Kids Academy 2145 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 344-3450 A Children’s Place at Schering Plough 2980 Jackson Ave ................................................................................. 901 320-2958 A Different World Christian Child Care 5750 Winchester Road ......................................................................... 901 797-9005 Addie’s Learning Academy 3524 Democrat Road ............................................................................ 901 566-2525 All About Love Christian Childcare 3750 Ridgeway Road ............................................................................ 901 362-3967 Around the Clock Learning Center Twenty Four Hour Service 2995 Lamar Avenue ............................................................................. 901 745-8459 Bartlett Child Care Center Inc 2863 Stage Village Cove ....................................................................... 901 388-3020 Bartlett Stage Headstart 2775 Stage Center Drive ...................................................................... 901 384-4668

Todo lo que necesita tu familia para estar en forma y divertirse Venga a disfrutar con su familia de nuestras Piscinas, Gimnasio, Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Kick Boxing, etc. Contamos con programas de Cuidado de niños antes y después de la escuela, Programa para jóvenes como “Logros Multiculturales” que incluyen Clases de Inglés para los padres. Con 9 sucursales en la ciudad y con precios basados en tu ingreso anual, nunca ha sido más accesible y fácil ser socio de YMCA.

La Misión de YMCA es poner en práctica los principios Cristianos a través de programas que fortalecen el espíritu, la mente y el cuerpo. Mason YMCA 3548 Walker Ave Memphis, TN 38111 (Hablamos español) 901-458-9622

Bless Beginnings Child Care 3262 Millington Road ............................................................................ 901 354-9802 Bright Ideas Enrichment Center 2104 Hillshire Circle .............................................................................. 901 380-9331 Building Blocks Child Development Center 5400 Knight Arnold Road ..................................................................... 901 366-0103 Children’s Palace Learning Academy 2451 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 454-0896 Children’s Paradise Prepatory Academy 1852 Winchester Road ......................................................................... 901 345-1313 Children’s World Learning Center Bartlett 2979 Elmore Park Rd Bartlett ................................................................ 901 377-0395 Children’s World Learning Center Mount Moriah 5735 Mount Moriah Rd ........................................................................ 901 365-0411 Children’s World Learning Center Raleigh La Grange 4984 Raleigh Lagrange Rd .................................................................. 901 377-1280 Children’s World Learning Center Winchester 4344 Winchester Rd ............................................................................. 901 362-7212 Christie’s 24 Hour Day Care Center 3834 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 454-0641 Community Childcare & Referral Services Center Inc 730 South Highland Street ................................................................... 901 327-8600 Cotton Tail Learning Center 3533 Ridge Meadow Parkway .............................................................. 901 566-9970 Crestview Daycare 5680 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 362-6022 Discovery Learning Center Inc 5270 Mendenhall Park Place ............................................................... 901 367-1070 Happy Times Day Care 3237 South Perkins Road...................................................................... 901 362-2962 Jack and Jill Day Care Center - Memphis 3489 Jackson Avenue ........................................................................... 901 323-4178 Jack and Jill Day Care Center - Raleigh 4379 Stage Road................................................................................... 901 384-7722 Kid’s World Learning Center 2341 Frayser Boulevard ........................................................................ 901 358-8212 Kinder Care Learning Centers 3038 Johnson Avenue........................................................................... 901 751-2222

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?) • Las hijas de Saddam Hussein (Raghad y Rana) se casaron con dos hermanos— Saddam Kamal y Hussein Kamal….atención a los nombres. • Saddam Hussein’s daughters (Raghad and Rana) married brothers—Saddam Kamal and Hussein Kamal…..note the first names.

• Ningún ciudadano cubano puede abordar barcos sin permiso del gobierno. • Cuban citizens cannot board a boat of any size without obtaining a permit.


KinderCare Learning Centers 3675 Riverdale Rd ................................................................................. 901 363-1983 KinderCare Learning Centers 2941 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................ 901 795-6350 KinderCare Learning Centers 6000 Bartlett Center Dr Bartlett ............................................................ 901 373-9184 Kreative Kids Learning Center 3187 Jackson Avenue ........................................................................... 901 458-9241 LA Petite Academy 2914 Hickory Hill Road ......................................................................... 901 795-0639 LA Petite Academy 4125 New Allen Road............................................................................ 901 353-5975 Learning Tree Daycare Center 2780 Summer Oaks Drive .................................................................... 901 380-2004 Little People’s Preparatory Academy 2845 South Mendenhall Road............................................................... 901 375-4367 Little Scholar Learning Center 3837 South Mendenhall Road............................................................... 901 795-2800 Macon Child Care Center 3490 Macon Road ................................................................................ 901 324-5698 New Tyler Child Development Center 3300 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 458-4763 Play-Care Learning Center 6634 Summer Avenue ......................................................................... 901 386-8818 Prime Time Daycare & Enrichment Center 3715 South Mendenhall Road .............................................................. 901 565-8849 Rose Carousel Child Care 3523 Jackson Avenue ........................................................................... 901 454-9055 Shelby County Headstart Center 3311 Kimball Avenue ........................................................................... 901 743-5400 Trafalgar Village Baptist Daycare & Preschool 6161 Summer Avenue ......................................................................... 901 388-2060 Treehouse Learning Center 3683 Austin Peay Highway.................................................................... 901 373-6715 Twinkles’s Day Care Center Inc 4169 Jackson Avenue ........................................................................... 901 387-1214 YWCA - Child Care 1940 Frayser Boulevard ........................................................................ 901 357-3937

HIPOTECAS / MORTGAGES Access Home Loans 290 S Walnut Vend Rd ............................................................................901 432 5626 Accubanc Mortgage 6055 E Primacy Pkwy ........................................................................... 901 415-3320 Affordable Home Properties 5501 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 566-9400 American First Mortgage John Davis 763 Brookhaven Cir Ste 204 ................................................................. 901 685-5900

The Mid-South's Largest Bilingual Newspaper - Pick up your copy of La Prensa Latina today!


Bank Of America 6060 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 433-6088 Customer Service .................................................................................. 800 285-6000 Banktennessee 5540 Poplar ........................................................................................... 901 767-8170 1125 W. Poplar ...................................................................................... 901 854-0854 100 W Mulberry Collierville .................................................................. 901 854-7854 24 Hour Teller ........................................................................................ 901 861-3800 Benchmark Mortgage LLC 2737 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 373 5837 Crossroads Mortgage Home Equity Loans Refinance Toll Free .................................................................................................877 564-CASH 850 Ridge Lake Blvd. ............................................................................ 901 818-2100 Crump Mortgage 684 W Brookhaven Cir .......................................................................... 901 259-4662 Desoto Home Mortgage 3342 Goodman Rd E Southaven, MS .................................................... 662 536-3053 Eagle Mortgage & Funding 6260 Poplar Av ...................................................................................... 901 761-9700 First Alliance Mortgage 2277 West St ......................................................................................... 901 752-0408 First Greensboro Home Equity Inc 882 Willow Tree Cir ............................................................................... 901 737-5282 First South Credit Union ............................................................................................................... 901 380-7400 First Tennessee -Mortgage Loan Offices– 975 Goodman Rd E Southaven, MS ....................................................... 662 349-2295 Germantown Home Mortgage 2157 Judicial Dr .................................................................................... 901 624-7446 GRT Mortgage 910 Goodman Rd E Southaven, MS ..................................................... 662 536-2593 Golden Oak Lending 5050 Poplar Av ...................................................................................... 901 767-8383 Midsouth Mortgage Company 8567 Sycamore Trail Dr Germantown ................................................... 901 759-1200 Midsouth Mortgage 7156 Tchulahoma Rd, MS ..................................................................... 662 536-4245 Morningstar Financial Inc 6555 Quince Rd..................................................................................... 901 566-1001 Mortgage Market Financial Co, The 7512 Corporate Center Dr ..................................................................... 901 755-8500 National Mortgage Acceptance 5108 Stage Rd Bartlett .......................................................................... 901 381-1098 Nova Star Home Mortgage Inc 165 N Main Collierville Inc..................................................................... 901 854-5447 One Stop Mortgage 5909 Shelby Oaks Bartlett..................................................................... 901 388-1588 Paragon Mortgage Services 4744 Millbranch Drive ........................................................................... 901 344-7000 Premier Plus Mortgage 9065 Highway 51 N .............................................................................. 662 280-4473 Pyramid Mortgage Corp. 2764 Bartlett Blvd.................................................................................. 901 266-9922 Regions Mortgage 6263 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 684-4663 RE/MAX 1335 N Germantown Pkwy ................................................................... 901 757-3710 2028 W Poplar ....................................................................................... 901 853-3430 Service First Financial Corp 98 Timber Creek Dr ............................................................................... 901 507-1398 Trust One Bank 1715 Aaron Breners Dr ........................................................................ 901 759-3526 United American Mortgage Co 8001 Centerview Pkwy ......................................................................... 901 751-1116 United Housing 51 N Cooper ........................................................................................... 901 272-1122 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 1669 Kirby Pkwy ................................................................................... 901 753-2371 7125 Getwell Rd N Southaven, MS, ...................................................... 662 349-9999



2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas



Baptist Memoiral 350 North Humphreys ............................................................................ 901 227-2474 Delta Medical Center 3000 Getwell ......................................................................................... 901 369-8100 Department of Veterans Affairs — Medical Center 1030 Jefferson ...................................................................................... 901 523-8990 Lakeside Behavioral Health System 2911 Brunswick .................................................................................... 901 377-4700 Memphis Mental Health Institute (MMHI) 865 Poplar ............................................................................................. 901 524-1200 Methodist Healthcare University Hospital 1265 Union ............................................................................................ 901 726-7000 Methodist North Hospital 3960 New Covington Pike ..................................................................... 901 384-5200 Methodist Germantown Hospital 7691 Poplar ........................................................................................... 901 754-6418 Methodist South Hospital 1300 Wesley Dr ..................................................................................... 901 516-6418 Fayette Hospital 214 Lakeview Dr ................................................................................... 901 465-3594 Extended Care Hospital 225 S Claybrook .................................................................................... 901 726-2152 Methodist Lebonheur Healthcare Medical Center 50 N. Dunlap ......................................................................................... 901 572-3000 East Diagnostic Center 806 Estate Place ................................................................................... 901 681-4000 East Surgery Center 786 Estate Place ................................................................................... 901 681-4000 THE MED - REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER AT MEMPHIS 877 Jefferson Ave ............................................................................... 901 545-7100 Methodist Minor Medical Centers 8045 Club Parkway ............................................................................... 901 758-6035 8071 Winchester ................................................................................... 901 756-5550 Parkwood Behavioral Health System 8135 Goodman Rd Olive Branch, MS .................................................... 901 521-1400 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 332 N. Lauderdale ................................................................................. 901 495-3300

Adler Hotel Apts 267 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 523-2914 Airways Inn 2375 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 743-7888 Americas Best Value Inn & Suites-MemphisGraceland 1360 Springbrook Ave ............................................................................ 901 396-3620 Americas Best Value Inn-MemphisAirport 3875 American Way ............................................................................... 901 363-2335 Artisan Hotels Memphis 1837 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 278-4100 Best Western 5024 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 363-8430 8635 Us Highway 64 .............................................................................. 901 372-0000 3105 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 312-7000 164 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 527-4100 Budget Inn 4030 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 362-5700 Budget Lodge of Memphis 1533 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 345-2470 Colonial Inn & Suites 1952 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 332-5777 Comfort Inn 2606 Satellite St ..................................................................................... 901 372-2700 Comfort Inn 1581 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 345-3344 Comfort Inn 1335 Mcree St........................................................................................ 901 372-2700 Comfort Inn & Suites Airport 3005 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 396-5411 Comfort Inn Downtown 100 N Front St ........................................................................................ 901 526-0583 Comfort Suites Southwind 4090 Stansell Ct ..................................................................................... 901 309-3020 Courtyard By Marriott 6410 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 761-0330 2491 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 922-8170 Courtyard Memphis Airport 1780 Nonconnah Blvd ............................................................................ 901 396-3600 Courtyard Memphis East Lenox Corporate Park 3076 Kirby Pkwy .................................................................................... 901 365-6400 Courtyard Memphis East 6015 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 761-0330 Crowne Plaza Hotel Memphis 300 N 2nd St .......................................................................................... 877 865-6581 Days Inn 2889 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 386-0033 3839 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 346-5500 Deluxe Inn 3733 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 387-0165 Double Tree Memphis 185 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 528-1800 Doubletree Hotels Suites Resorts 5059 Sanderlin Ave ................................................................................ 901 322-6666 Econo Lodge & Suites 1541 Sycamore View Rd ........................................................................ 901 388-1300 Econo Lodge Inn & Suites 2745 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 396-1000 Elvis Presley Boulevard Inn 2300 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 948-1522 Elvis Presleys Heartbreak Hotel 3677 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 332-1000 Embassy Suites Hotels 1022 S Shady Grove Rd ......................................................................... 901 684-1777 6325 Humphreys Blvd............................................................................ 901 683-6343 5012 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 374-5000 Executive Inn 3222 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 332-3800


Extended Stay America 5885 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 386-0026 6520 Mount Moriah Road Ext ................................................................ 901 362-0338 6325 N Quail Hollow Rd ......................................................................... 901 685-7575 5949 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 386-0026 6085 Apple Tree Dr................................................................................. 901 360-1114 2520 Horizon Lake Dr ............................................................................ 901 380-1525 Fairfield Inn & Suites Memphis 6010 Macon Cv ...................................................................................... 901 384-0010 Fairfield Inn & Suites Memphis I-240 & Perkins 4760 Showcase Blvd.............................................................................. 901 795-1900 Fairfield Inn By Marriott 8489 Us Highway 64 .............................................................................. 901 381-0085 3755 N Germantown Rd ........................................................................ 901 381-0085 Graceland Inn 3280 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 345-1700 Guest Inn 5225 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 685-0704 Hampton Inn 5320 Poplar Ave901 683-8500 33 Humphreys Ctr .................................................................................. 901 747-3700 2935 N Germantown Rd ........................................................................ 901 382-2050 3579 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 754-8454 6655 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 683-8500 959 Ridgeway Loop Rd .......................................................................... 901 762-0056 2700 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 367-1234 175 Peabody Pl ...................................................................................... 901 260-4000 975 E Parkway ....................................................................................... 901 276-1194 Hawthorn Suites 1070 Ridge Lake Blvd ............................................................................ 901 761-0104 Hilton Hotels & Resorts 939 Ridge Lake Blvd .............................................................................. 901 683-8579 Holiday Capri Motel Apartments 1199 Linden Ave .................................................................................... 901 272-0521 Holiday Inn 2600 Nonconnah Blvd ............................................................................ 901 332-1130 6263 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 682-7881 254 Court Ave......................................................................................... 901 525-5491 Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Memphis (Airport Area) 4225 American Way ............................................................................... 877 865-6581 Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Memphis-Hacks Cross 4068 Stansell Ct ..................................................................................... 877 865-6581 Holiday Inn Express Memphis Medical Center Midtown 1180 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 877 865-6581 Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Memphis Northeast - Wolfchase 2751 New Brunswick Rd ....................................................................... 877 865-6581 Holiday Inn Memphis-Univ Of Memphis 3700 Central Ave .................................................................................... 877 865-6581 Holiday Inn Select Memphis-Downtown (Beale St.) 160 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 877 865-6581 Holiday Inn Select Memphis-East-Poplar & I-240 5795 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 877 865-6581 Holiday Inn Select Memphis-Intl Airport 2240 Democrat Rd ................................................................................. 877 865-6581 Homestead Studio Suites Hotel 2541 Corporate Ave................................................................................ 901 344-0010 6500 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-5522 Homewood Suites by Hilton 7855 Wolf River Blvd .............................................................................. 901 751-2500 3583 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 758-5018 5811 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 763-0500 5839 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 763-0132 696 W Brookhaven Cir ........................................................................... 901 374-5000 5341 Estate Office Dr ............................................................................. 901 763-0500 Hyatt Place Memphis Primacy Pkwy 1220 Primacy Pkwy ............................................................................... 901 680-9700 Hyatt Place Memphis Wolfchase Galleria 7905 Giacosa Pl ..................................................................................... 901 371-0010 Intown Suites Hickory Hill Office 3533 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 547-6051


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2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Knights Inn 2949 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 345-8554 La Quinta Inns & Suites 6020 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 377-2233 6069 Macon Cv ...................................................................................... 901 381-0044 1236 Primacy Pkwy ............................................................................... 901 374-0330 2979 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 791-9200 Lamplighter Motor Inn 667 S Bellevue Blvd ............................................................................... 901 726-1000 Liberty Hotel 3075 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 744-9898 Madison Hotel 79 Madison Ave...................................................................................... 901 333-1200 Marriott Hotel 2625 Thousand Oaks Blvd ..................................................................... 901 366-1161 Marriott Hotels Resorts Suites 119 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 527-7300 Memphis Inn 4879 American Way ............................................................................... 901 794-8300 6050 Macon Cv ...................................................................................... 901 373-9898 Memphis Marriott 2625 Thousand Oaks Blvd ..................................................................... 901 362-6200 Memphis Marriott Downtown 250 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 527-7300 Memphis Plaza Hotel & Suites 6101 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 388-7050 Motel 6 1321 Sycamore View Rd ........................................................................ 901 382-8572 3272 Democrat Rd ................................................................................. 901 365-7999 210 S Pauline St ..................................................................................... 901 528-0650 Motel 78 3896 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 365-6100 Park Place Hotel 5877 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-6300 Peabody Hotel 149 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 529-4000 Quality Inn 6068 Macon Cv ...................................................................................... 901 382-2323 Quality Inn Airport-Graceland 1581 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 345-3344 Radisson Hotels & Resorts Worldwide 2411 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 332-2370 Ramada Inn 160 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 527-3036 Red Roof Inn 6055 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 388-6111 Red Roof Inn 42 S Camilla St....................................................................................... 901 526-1050 6065 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 372-5062 6231 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 372-5062 Residence Inn by Marriott 6141 Poplar Pike .................................................................................... 901 685-9595 Residence Inn Memphis Downtown 110 Monroe Ave ..................................................................................... 901 578-3700 Scottish In Airport 4000 Lamar Ave, Memphis .................................................................... 901 365-8808 Scottish Inn & Suites 3524 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 507-7630 Sleep Inn 5119 American Way ............................................................................... 901 363-4800 Sleep Inn at Court Square 40 N Front St .......................................................................................... 901 522-9700 SpringHill Suites Memphis Downtown 21 N Main St .......................................................................................... 901 522-2100 SpringHill Suites Memphis East Galleria 2800 New Brunswick Rd ....................................................................... 901 380-9700 Staybridge Suites Memphis-Poplar Ave East 1070 Ridge Lake Blvd ............................................................................ 877 865-6581 Studio 6 4300 American Way ............................................................................... 901 366-9333


Studioplus 2993 Vanguard Dr .................................................................................. 901 348-0207 Super 8 Motel 4060 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 362-0011 340 W Illinois Ave ................................................................................... 901 948-9005 Value Place 7060 Riverdale Bend Rd......................................................................... 901 522-6989 Value Place 5787 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 266-8088 Value Place Elvis 1218 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 344-7992 Value Place Lamar 3913 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 566-2699 Westin Memphis Beale Street Hotel 119 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 334-5900 Wyndam Hotel 300 N 2nd St .......................................................................................... 901 575-9493 Wyndham Garden Hotel Office 777 Washington Ave............................................................................... 901 525-1800

IGLESIAS / CHURCHES Abounding Grace Church of God In Christ 2783 McMurray St ................................................................................. 901 794-9973 Abundant Faith Ministries 5645 Spring Lake Rd ............................................................................. 901 381-2708 Abundant Grace Fellowship 843 W Raines Rd .................................................................................... 901 789-4722 Abundant Harvest Church of God 730 S Byhalia Rd Collierville................................................................... 901 853-7266 Abundant Life Deliverance Church 714 Ayers St ........................................................................................... 901 526-5002 Abyssinian Missionary Baptist Church 1683 S Parkway ..................................................................................... 901 725-6885 Acts II Community Church 106 Star Shopping Ctr St Covington ...................................................... 901 475-1732 Acts Whole Truth Ministries 2755 Colony Park Dr .............................................................................. 901 370-5797 Adams James Rev 2857 Chiswick Pl # 3 ............................................................................. 901 386-2323 Advent Presbyterian Church 1879 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 755-6290 Agape Baptist Church 5156 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 386-5522 Agape Christian Faith Ministries 3606 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 377-2236 Alcy Seventh Day Adventist Jr Academy 1325 E Alcy Rd ....................................................................................... 901 775-3960 Aldersgate United Methodist Church 1718 Dearing Rd .................................................................................... 901 683-8861 Alice Avenue Church of Christ 964 Alice Ave .......................................................................................... 901 942-4801 Alice Avenue Tiny Tots 964 Alice Ave .......................................................................................... 901 948-3019 All Believers Christian Center 837 Craft Rd ........................................................................................... 901 345-5861

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All Believers Christian Center 837 Craft Rd ........................................................................................... 901 398-6265 All People Fellowship Ministry 2805 E Service Rd West Memphis AR ................................................... 870 400-3525 All Saints Episcopal Church 1508 S White Station Rd ........................................................................ 901 685-7333 All Saints Presbyterian Church 1870 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 729-4452 All Saints Presbyterian Church 263 S Mclean Blvd ............................................................................ 901 276-1478 1557 Madison Ave ............................................................................ 901 276-1479 Alpha Church Congregation of the Temples of the Living God 1084 E Mclemore Ave ....................................................................... 901 946-6548 Alston Neasble Rev 1080 N Manassas St ............................................................................. 901 522-1762 Amazing Grace Lutheran Church Lcms............................................................................... 1203 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 761-9525 8720 Meadow Vale Dr ............................................................................ 901 737-6226 Ambassadors For Christ Ministry 653 Wells Ave ........................................................................................ 901 527-8060 3579 Lakeview Rd ................................................................................. 901 346-6799 Ame Department of Church Growth & Development 280 Hernando St .................................................................................... 901 523-2777 Angelic Voices of Faith 3311 Birchfield Dr ............................................................................. 901 358-1665 Angels Way Baptist Church 500 E Broadway St West Memphis AR ................................................. 870 735-1336 Angels Way Baptist Church PO Box 2567 West Memphis AR ............................................................ 870 735-1336 Angels Way Baptist Church 801 Angels Way Marion AR .................................................................... 870 735-1336 Annesdale Cherokee Baptist Church 2960 Kimball Ave ................................................................................... 901 743-2057 Anointed Outreach Ministries Church Incorporated 4570 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 384-0138 Anointed Temple of Praise Atop Outreach Ministries 3939 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 795-9677 Antioch Baptist Church 4715 New Allen Rd................................................................................. 901 382-1213 Antioch Missionary Baptist Church 3639 Faulkner Rd .................................................................................. 901 362-8444 Apostolic Deliverance Temple Church 404 N 14th St West Memphis AR........................................................... 870 735-3769 Apostolic Deliverance Temple Church of Jesus Christ 1369 Norris Rd .................................................................................. 901 774-0313 Apostolic Fellowship Church 1024 Philadelphia St ......................................................................... 901 722-7770 Ardmore Terrace Baptist Church 3857 Schoolfield Rd .......................................................................... 901 353-2060 Arlington Assembly of God Church 11056 Highway 70 Arlington.................................................................. 901 867-9611 Arlington Church of Christ 5999 Polk St Arlington ............................................................................ 901 867-3237 Arlington Presbyterian Church 6176 Chester St Arlington ...................................................................... 901 867-3059 Arlington United Methodist Church 6145 Quintard St Arlington ..................................................................... 901 867-3977 Asbury United Methodist Church 2969 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 363-1135 After Hours Dial ...................................................................................... 901 365-2794 Ascension Mb Church 3000 New Airline Rd Arlington TN 38002 ........................................... 901 383-8285 Aububon Park Baptist Church 4060 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 324-5541 Avery Chapel Ame Church 483 Church Rd Southaven MS ............................................................... 662 349-9428 Avery Chapel Cme Church Leighs Chapel Rd Millington ................................................................... 901 476-2337 Avondale Missionary Baptist Church 1001 Balfour Rd West Memphis AR ....................................................... 870 735-5363



2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

Barry L. Frager, Abogado

¿ Tiene problemas de inmigracion? ¡Hablamos español! ¡Entonces venga con nosotros, aquí podemos ayudarlo! Clark Tower, Ste. 2204 5100 Poplar Ave. Memphis, TN 38137 901.763.3188

Two International Plaza Drive, Ste. 810 Nashville, TN 37217 615.366.1000

Sirviendo a la comunidad del Medio Sur

Zulema MontañezColunga, Assesora legal

• Visas de matrimonios • Ciudadanía • Visas H-1B • Deportación / Procedimientos de remoción • Permisos de trabajo • Entrevistas con el servicio de inmigración. • Certificación laboral • Todo tipo de visas • También manejamos casos de divorcio no impugnados y casos de leyes criminales • ¡Emitimos tarjetas de identificación al Cliente!.

Línea de asistencia las 24 horas 901-371-5333

La certificación como especialista de inmigración no está actualmente vigente en Tennessee. No certificado como especialista en juicios civiles, juicios criminales, o leyes de familiar por la Comisión de Educación y Especialización Continua de Tennessee.


IMMIGRACIÓN Y NATURALIZACION / IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz PC 165 Madison Ave ................................................................................... 901 526-2000 FRAGER LAW FIRM THE (Vea nuestro anuncio en la página anterior) 5100 Poplar Ave ................................................................................... 901 763-3188 Immigrant's Services 836 Virgina Run Suite 104 ..................................................................... 901 683-9905 Siskind Susser Law Firm 5400 Poplar Ave Suite 300 .................................................................... 901 682-6455 Toll-Free .............................................................................................. 1 800 343-4980 En español ..................................................................901 507-4271 ó 901 507-4267 VILLAFANA, WENDY LAW FIRM 5119 Summer Ave, No. 303 ................................................................. 901 761-9280 VISA Inc 1341 Sycamore View Suite 404 ..............................................................901 385 3888

IMPUESTOS - PREPARACIÓN DE / TAX PREPARATION & FILING American Fast Tax 2758 Bartlett Blvd.. ................................................................................ 901 388-4339 Check Advance 6310 Winchester Rd Memphis .............................................................. 901 566-0557 1036 Goorman Rd. Southaven, MS ....................................................... 662 536-1930 H & R Block 6025 Stage Rd....................................................................................... 901 384-3562 4672 Knight Arnold................................................................................ 901 368-5228 6490 Arlington Rd Bartlett ..................................................................... 901 266-0669 3919 Park Av. ........................................................................................ 901 458-5400 6811 Southcrest Pkwy. Southaven, MS ................................................ 662 536-1642 7464 Winchester Rd. ............................................................................. 901 737-0890 Jackson Hewitt Tax Service 4899 Summer Ave................................................................................. 901 763-7023 4045 American Way .............................................................................. 901 377-4083 2838 Hickory Hill Rd ............................................................................ 901 365-1040 3540 Summer Ave................................................................................. 901 327-4600 6698 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 362-5177 3679 S. Mendenhall Rd ........................................................................ 901 542-0309 Toll Free .................................................................................................. 800 234-1040 JBL Rapid Tax Refund 5382 Knight Arnold ................................................................................ 901 368-3636 5183 Winchester ................................................................................... 901 542-0452 2222 Frayser ......................................................................................... 901 353-1717 Patrick David R CPA 2755 Simmer Oaks Dr ......................................................................... 901 386-1150 Street’s Accounting Service 299 S Walnut Venid Rd ......................................................................... 901 759-0359 Tax Solutions 748 Crossover Ln .................................................................................. 901 821-9333

6233 Winchester ................................................................................... 901 368-2679 7801 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 755-6261 3295 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 458-9130 1130 N Germantown Parkway ............................................................... 901 752-0200 200 Goodman Rd E, Southaven MS ....................................................... 662 349-2850 PIP Printing 2095 Exteter Rd, Ste 25 ......................................................................... 901 757-1820 1000 June Rd Ste 101 ........................................................................... 901 763-3171 Riverside Printing LLC 2519 Summer Ave .................................................................................901-324-7331

INSTRUMENTOS MUSICALES (VENTA Y RENTA DE) / MUSICAL INSTRUMENT RENTALS & SALES Howard Vance Guitar Academy 978 Reddoch Cv .................................................................................... 901 767-6940 Memphis Drum Shop 878 S Cooper St .................................................................................... 901 276-2328 Strings & Things In Memphis 1555 Madison Ave ................................................................................ 901 278-0500 Yarbrough’s Music 6122 Macon Rd..................................................................................... 901 761-0414

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?) • En algunos lugares del desierto de Atacama en Chile, a veces no llueve en más de 100 años. • At some places in Chile’s Atacama Desert, it does not rain for centuries at a time.

• La tribu taína de Cuba y las islas vecinas fue exterminada por armas españolas 30 años después de que Colón visitó La Española. Sólo quedó algunos rastros de ellos en el lenguaje - palabras que son usadas comúnmente hoy: barbacoa, hamaca, tabaco, huracán y canoa. • The Taino tribe from Cuba and the nearby islands were killed by Spanish weapons 30 years after Columbus visited Hispaniola. They left behind only a few clues about their language—words that are commonly used today: barbecue, hammock, tobacco, hurricane, and canoe.

IMPRENTAS / PRINTING A-1 Printing Service Inc 810 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................... 901 396-2023 AlphaGraphics 1195 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 681-9909 Bartlett Art Printing and Graphic Design 2919 Elmore Park................................................................................... 901 266-2464 Business Products Inc 2766 Broad Ave...................................................................................... 901 278-5500 FedEx Kinko’s 6165 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 384-0100 7962 US Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 385-2011 6641 Poplar Ave, Ste 104....................................................................... 901 756-7603 9077 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 755-0525 4691 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 386-8300 1573 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 278-2679


• La India es la nación angloparlante más grande del mundo. • India is the largest English-speaking nation on earth.

• Los bosques de Kauai son fertilizados con polvo de los desiertos de China, ¡que están a 9,600 millas de distancia! • The forests on Kauai are fertilized by dust from the deserts of China, 9660 miles away!



2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas INVESTIGACIÓN / RESEARCH RESEARCH STRATEGIES MEMPHIS 5395 Estate Office Dr .............................................. 901 685-8890 ó 877 774-7118 Fax ........................................................................................................ 901 685-8895

JOYAS / JEWELERY AAA Import 3188 Coleman Rd .................................................................................. 901 218-2043 Abbott Diamond Enterprises 3754 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 353-1342 Accent Jewelers & Loans 5050 Poplar Ave # 127........................................................................... 901 682-8036 American Gem Appraisers Inc 5050 Poplar Ave # 127........................................................................... 901 682-4565 Annie's Jewelry 4214 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 366-1428 Astor Online 376 Perkins Ext ...................................................................................... 901 257-3000 803 Mount Moriah Rd # 201.................................................................. 901 682-4448 B C Bangles 9596 Doe Meadow Dr Germantown ..................................................... 901 759-1899 Bagley Jewelers 474 Perkins Ext # 217 ............................................................................ 901 767-2475 Bakadi Store Inc 1128 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 345-8664 Bell Fine Art Jewelers 4726 Poplar Ave # 1 ............................................................................... 901 763-4049 Best Import & Wholesale 4075 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 327-6322 Bob Richards Jewelers Inc 7730 Wolf River Blvd # 103 ................................................................... 901 751-8052 Boston Fine Jewelry 5384 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 590-0889 Brothers Jewelers 3384 Raleigh Springs Mall ..................................................................... 901 213-0001 Charlotte Fine Jewelry 7615 W Farmington Blvd........................................................................ 901 754-0111 Claire Ellers Jewelry 5384 Poplar Ave # 440........................................................................... 901 683-5521 Claire's 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 211.......................................................... 901 381-4573 Cope Williams Jewelers 5384 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-1465 Crown Jewelry 6569 Winchester Rd # 104 .................................................................... 901 542-9667 Dagen's 6600 Stage Rd # 128 ............................................................................. 901 372-0506 Daniel Yacoubian Jewelers 5030 Poplar Ave # 1 ............................................................................... 901 680-9009 Danny Rumble Jeweler 5100 Wheelis Dr ..................................................................................... 901 590-1183 De Angelis Jewelers 2037 Exeter Rd # 1 Germantown ......................................................... 901 754-5957 Design Jewelers 3135 Kirby Whitten Rd # 107 ................................................................. 901 372-2701 Diamond Brokers of Memphis 5134 Poplar Ave # 101........................................................................... 901 682-3426

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Doris Mc Lendon's Jewelry 9387 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................... 901 758-8605 Doron Diamond Merchant Inc 376 Perkins Ext ...................................................................................... 901 763-3921 Elite Creations Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 859-0555 Elmer Holder Jeweler 5384 Poplar Ave # 337........................................................................... 901 767-4589 Endicott Custom Jewelers 1355 Lynnfield Rd # 133........................................................................ 901 767-3320 Excellent Watches 4465 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 761-3800 150 Peabody Pl ...................................................................................... 901 495-1786 Finlay Fine Jewelry 4545 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 683-3698 Futurecollection 3005 Vanguard Dr .................................................................................. 901 346-1053 G M Diamonds 1211 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 396-7467 GDI 7221 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 755-1600 GDI 364 S Front St ........................................................................................ 901 405-3915 Gdi-Gold Diamond INTL 7221 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 754-7501 Gemological Institute Memphis 545 Perkins Ext # 302............................................................................ 901 680-0020 GIR Intl Silver 4465 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 681-9295 Gold & Gifts 2760 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 388-5993 Gold Diamonds & More 3384 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 377-4077 Golden Brothers Jewelers 2926 Lamar Ave # 105 .......................................................................... 901 744-6633 Golden Gifts 1236 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 398-4467 Gordon's Jewelers 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 180.......................................................... 901 385-0023 Handiwork Jewelry 615 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 682-5311 Helzberg Diamonds 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 272A ....................................................... 901 379-3599 Ice Time 1231 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 345-9798 Inch of Gold 2760 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 383-8991 Jack Yacoubian Jewelers 145 Madison Ave.................................................................................... 901 767-8777 James Gattas Jewelers 4900 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-9648 James Middleton Jewelers 1811 Kirby Pkwy # 1 .............................................................................. 901 755-5075 Jeweler's Choice Inc 5100 Wheelis Dr # 211 .......................................................................... 901 763-0195 Jewelry Express 5424 Brantford Ave ................................................................................ 901 367-5700 Jewelry Market-Downtown 43 S Main St........................................................................................... 901 522-9624

The Mid-South's Largest Bilingual Newspaper - Pick up your copy of La Prensa Latina today!


Jewelry World 4308 Raleigh Springs Mall ..................................................................... 901 380-5535 Jim Gordon Jewelers 5384 Poplar Ave # 337........................................................................... 901 767-3538 Josef's Jewelers 9155 Poplar Ave # 18 Germantown ....................................................... 901 794-9200 Joyeria & Perfumeria Guerrero 3766 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 415-4878 Joyeria Suarez 3766 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 550-6561 Jun Lee Trading Co 3397 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 327-1822 K & L Jewelers 1254 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 743-0540 Kay Jewelers 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 1180 ....................................................... 901 383-9997 King Fine Jewelry 4568 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 682-4643 Lamar Jewelry 2782 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 745-4121 Las Savell Jewelry 61 S McLean Blvd .................................................................................. 901 725-5200 Le Clear Jewelry Co 3340 Poplar Ave # 105........................................................................... 901 324-9992 Lee's Jewelers 5814 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 794-6900 Littlefield Jewelers 4531 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 685-6861 Littman Jewelers 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 2245 ....................................................... 901 377-8817 Lowery's Jewelry 4515 Poplar Ave # 130........................................................................... 901 761-4324 Mary Beth Harris Jewelry 5384 Poplar Ave # 440........................................................................... 901 685-8236 Masterpiece Jewelers 555 Perkins Ext # 315 ............................................................................ 901 681-0501 Mednikow Jewelers 474 Perkins Ext # 100 ............................................................................ 901 767-2100 Mednikow Wholesale 5118 Park Ave # 601 ............................................................................. 901 682-4466 Memphis Fine Jewlers 4721 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 683-2177 Memphis Gemology Laboratory 5384 Poplar Ave # 440........................................................................... 901 681-0507 Memphis Jewelry 683 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 763-4671 Memphis Plating Works Inc 678 Madison Ave.................................................................................... 901 526-3051 Mensi's Jewelers 5118 Park Ave # 207 ............................................................................. 901 683-4041 Mr Goldman III 1236 Southland Mall # 236.................................................................... 901 398-7051 Nubar Yacoubian Jewelers 4646 Poplar Ave # 101........................................................................... 901 682-7070 Peter D Poole Fine Jewelers 5101 Sanderlin Ave # 117...................................................................... 901 683-2469 Pike Jewelers 474 Perkins Ext # 235 ............................................................................ 901 761-4305 Platinum Jewelers 545 Perkins Ext ...................................................................................... 901 680-0020 Quality Jewelry Repair 4780 Riverdale Rd # 16 ......................................................................... 901 755-0690 Raleigh Jewelers 3271 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 373-3271 Reeds Jewelers Inc 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 278.......................................................... 901 937-1774 Regency Jewelers 4627 American Way ............................................................................... 901 368-6555 Riddle Gems & Minerals 540 S Mendenhall Rd # 13 .................................................................... 901 682-8936



Robert Irwin Jewelers 3709 Hickory Hill .................................................................................... 901 368-1674 Robert Irwin Jewelers 8075 Giacosa Pl # 101........................................................................... 901 380-9558 6025 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 371-8867 4316 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 682-4553 Robert S McDow & Son 4646 Poplar Ave # 548........................................................................... 901 682-4510 Ruby Imports Inc 3113 Carrier St ....................................................................................... 901 375-4377 Russell Brothers Fine Jewelers 4646 Poplar Ave # 109........................................................................... 901 682-5471 Silver Linings 156 N Tucker St...................................................................................... 901 274-8539 Silver Specialties 3340 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 327-7192 Smith's Jewelers 5100 Wheelis Dr # 208 .......................................................................... 901 683-1566 Swarovski 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 275.......................................................... 901 387-3830 Tate Professional Jewelers 5007 Black Rd # 230 ............................................................................. 901 683-9293 Treasure Chest 5788 Stage Rd # 105 ............................................................................. 901 377-8245 Tut-Uncommon Antiques 421 N Watkins St.................................................................................... 901 278-8965 Union Jewelry 2399 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 745-9177 Victorian Inc 5963 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 380-1288 White's Designers Jewelry 4696 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 346-8000 Wiemar's Jewelry 7525 Us Hiwy 64.................................................................................... 901 382-4982 World Diamond Center 3434 Raleigh Springs Mall ..................................................................... 901 266-6051 Yacoubian Salpy Jewelers 5689 Glade View Dr................................................................................ 901 842-6111 Young's Trading Co 5529 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 680-0900 Zales Jewelers 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 237.......................................................... 901 384-4631 4465 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-9196

LAVANDERÍAS (AUTOSERVICIO) / LAUNDRIES (SELF SERVICE) Bartlett Coin Op Laundry 6303 Stage Rd Bartlett .......................................................................... 901 382-2004 Berclair Coin Laundry & Dry Cleaning 4541 Summer ....................................................................................... 901 683-5211 Cherry Road Laundry 1498 Cherry Rd. ................................................................................... 901 821-9274 Comfort Coin Operated Laundry & Dry Cleaner 2380 Airways ........................................................................................ 901 744-8220 4430 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 375-9305 Day & Night Coin Op Laundry 4302 Winchester ................................................................................... 901 547-7888 Getwell Coin Laundry 2745 Getwell Rd.................................................................................... 901 365-2465 Highland Coin Laundry 616 S. Highland ..................................................................................... 901 452-2584 Laundry Chute The 3229 Winchester Rd ............................................................................. 901 795-8430 Laundry Express 5877 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 380-8900 Neighborhood Coin-Op Laundry 2334 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 942-3690 Nicky’s Laundry & Dry Cleaners 4648 Horn Lake, MS .............................................................................. 901 789-9684

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Rub-A-Duds 4038 Jackson Av ................................................................................... 901 385-0712 Speed Queen Coin Laundry 3365 Summer Av .................................................................................. 901 320-5701 Super Coin Laundry 3960 Jackson Ave ................................................................................ 901 379-0603 Wash World 1324 Getwell Rd.................................................................................... 901 745-0727 5827 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 433-8346 Yorkshire Launderette 1574 S White Station Rd ....................................................................... 901 767-2485

LICORERÍAS / LIQUOR STORES Airways Discount Liquor 4907 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 746-8534 Alex's Discount Liquor 5939 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 360-1117 Arthur's Wine & Liquor 964 June Rd ........................................................................................... 901 763-3772 5475 Poplar Ave # 104........................................................................... 901 767-9463 Azor's Liquor 1433 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 725-5003 B & B Liquor Shop 681 Walnut St ......................................................................................... 901 947-6161 Barnett's Liquor 3548 Ridgemont Ave .............................................................................. 901 388-5530 Bartlett Wine & Spirits 6841 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 373-3566 Bellevue Liquor Store 1479 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 946-8874 Bernie's C & S Liquors 2211 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 278-1925 Beverage Center 4626 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 362-5419 Blue 4 Liquor Store 1886 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 345-5039 Broad Street Liquor Store 2655 Broad Ave...................................................................................... 901 324-7833 Brown Jug Liquors 2375 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 458-3501 Bud & Hal's Liquors 4097 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 396-3840 Budget Liquor Store 4910 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 683-7756 Bursi Liquors 2344 Deadrick Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-3231 Buster's Liquors & Wines 191 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 458-0929 C C'S Liquor 105 Madison Ave.................................................................................... 901 526-1340 Cardosi Liquors 3327 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 452-4368 Carl's Wines & Liquors 6005 Stage Rd # 26 ............................................................................... 901 388-7791 Cattaneo Liquor Store 2617 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 948-1508 Cedar Grove Wines & Liquors 5010 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 382-1910

Call 901-751-2100 to reserve your space for the 2011 edition of the La Prensa Latina Hispanic Yellow Pages!


Central Wine & Spirits 2847 Poplar Ave # 103........................................................................... 901 323-0630 Charlies Wine & Spirits 2570 Kirby Whitten Rd ........................................................................... 901 386-2520 Chelsea Liquor Store 677 Chelsea Ave..................................................................................... 901 523-1120 Coda Liquor Store 4707 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 785-5660 Corkscrew 511 S Front St ........................................................................................ 901 523-9389 County Line Liquor Store 4637 Tchulahoma Rd ............................................................................. 901 363-2226 Crown Liquor Store 2530 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 357-5221 Dance's Wine & Spirit Shoppe 6600 Stage Rd # 146 ............................................................................. 901 388-4488 Davenport's Wine & Spirits 7505 Us Hwy 64 # 101 .......................................................................... 901 266-4313 Desoto Liquor Store 672 Waring Rd........................................................................................ 901 683-5189 Downtown Liquor 455 E Georgia Ave .................................................................................. 901 522-9442 F & G Liquors 2636 Southern Ave................................................................................. 901 672-7852 Flask Wine & Liquors 743 N White Station Rd .......................................................................... 901 680-0052 Forst Hill Wine Merchants 9087 Poplar Ave # 101 Germantown ..................................................... 901 757-1903 Fountain Liquor Drive-In 1219 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 327-6744 Fox Meadows Liquors Inc 3215 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 362-6595 Fox Ridge Discount Liquor 3204 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 565-9229 Frayser Wine & Liquors 3234 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 357-1653 Frugal Freddies 2096 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 386-3175 Gagliano's Liquor Store 1237 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 458-3178 Gaslight Liquor Shoppe 4177 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-8743 General Package 70 Cumberland St .................................................................................. 901 378-1443 Germantown Liquor & Wines 7645 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................... 901 754-3225 Getwell Liquors 2701 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 362-6901 Globe Liquor Store 3167 Barron Ave # 102 .......................................................................... 901 744-0734 Graceland Liquors 1225 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 398-5074 Grape & Grain 8057 Us Highway 64 # 104 ................................................................... 901 266-3211 Great Wines & Spirits-Memphis 6150 Poplar Ave # 124........................................................................... 901 682-1333 Heart of Frayser Liquor Store 3429 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 357-6747 Hi-Way 51 Liquor Store 1209 S Bellevue Blvd ............................................................................. 901 948-8772 Highland Park Liquors 902 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 324-4220 Holmes Road Liquor 571 E Holmes Rd.................................................................................... 901 396-4425 Humphreys Wine & Spirits 50 Humphreys Centre # 2 ...................................................................... 901 747-4239 I-40 Liquor Store 6153 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 388-7158 J & S Liquor Store 1033 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 332-4950


Jack's Discount Wine & Liquor 4230 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 367-4989 Jack's Liquors 940 E EH Crump Blvd............................................................................. 901 523-9747 JNL Liquor 930 Kerr Ave........................................................................................... 901 774-3800 Joe's Liquor Store 1681 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 725-4252 Jumpin Jimmy's Liquor 2930 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 346-7273 K'Jays Liquor Store 445 Saint Paul Ave ................................................................................. 901 525-6133 Kaufman Liquor Store 1509 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 948-2461 Kimbrough Towers Fine Wine 1483 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 278-5881 King's Liquors 4014 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 362-2785 Kirby Parkway Liquors Inc 1829 Kirby Pkwy Germantown ............................................................. 901 754-3964 Kirby Wine & Liquors 2865 Kirby Rd......................................................................................... 901 756-1993 Lagrange Discount Liquors 5789 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 371-8188 Lauderdale Liquors 1502 S Lauderdale St............................................................................. 901 942-2184 Leggett's Liquor 3957 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 372-9765 Leno's Liquors 5933 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 386-3011 Liquor & Wine Depot 756 Mt Moriah Rd .................................................................................. 901 685-3080 Liquor Mart 2801 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 363-8889 Lucchesi Liquors 3934 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 357-3081 Majestic Spirits-Wine & Liquor 3705 Malco Way, # 106 ......................................................................... 901 757-1579 Massa Liquors 791 S 3rd St ........................................................................................... 901 946-4923 Midway Liquor 4624 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 367-2521 North Berkeley Imports 5050 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-3603 P & L Package Store 1501 Florida St ....................................................................................... 901 942-4114 Polo Wine & Liquors 7444 Winchester Rd # 109 .................................................................... 901 309-9463 Poplar Pike Liquors 9330 Poplar Pike Germantown .............................................................. 901 309-0202 Pyramid Liquors 120 Auction Ave # 101 ........................................................................... 901 578-2773 Quality Liquors 3001 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 743-5482 Raleigh Liquors & Wines 3503 Ramill Rd....................................................................................... 901 388-1475 Range Line Liquors 3550 Range Line Rd............................................................................... 901 358-2488 Rex Liquors 1026 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 525-5150 Ridgeway Liquors 6205 Mt Moriah Road Ext ...................................................................... 901 362-8009 Sam's Liquor Store 1283 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 529-0691 Shamrock Liquors 2398 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 458-2122

Call Today - 901-751-2100



Shelby Drive Liquors 1984 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 398-2666 Skylite Liquors 5300 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 365-2330 Skyway Liquors 2600 James Rd ...................................................................................... 901 590-4897 Southgate Liquor Store 1789 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 942-2080 Southwind Wine & Spirits 3775 Hacks Crossing Rd # 101 ............................................................. 901 309-2100 Spirits Shoppe 4848 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-7030 Spirits Unlimited 3024 Covington Pike # 1 ........................................................................ 901 388-8616 Stateline Liquor 5308 S 3rd St # 101 .............................................................................. 901 785-6836 Still Liquor Store 4595 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 346-7742 Sycamore Wines & Spirits 5798 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 372-7112 Tal's House of Spirits 595 E EH Crump Blvd............................................................................. 901 774-3451 Tana Liquors 798 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 526-6261 Tee Jay's Liquors 3085 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-9752 Thomas Street Liquors 956 Thomas St ....................................................................................... 901 527-2455 Three Star Liquor Store 3305 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 398-2214 Tip Top Liquor Stores 1883 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 726-4976 Uncle Harry's Liquor Stores 2247 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 743-0741 V & B Liquors 2232 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 327-4934 Virgie's Liquor & Wines 2090 Elvis Presley Blvd # B.................................................................... 901 774-6057 W & W Package Store 815 Vance Ave........................................................................................ 901 526-8678 Walnut Grove Wines & Spirits 2875 Walnut Grove Rd ........................................................................... 901 324-7800 Wayne's Wine & Liquor 8485 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 531-7799 Westside Liquors 4149 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 789-2850 Whitehaven Liquors 1608 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 345-2290 Wine & Spirit Shoppe 1711 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................. 901 346-3225 Wine Cellar 7960 Winchester Rd # 105 .................................................................... 901 869-9463 Wine Market 4700 Spottswood Ave ............................................................................ 901 761-1662 Wine Rack Liquors 2765 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 362-1422 Winery of Germantown 7841 Farmington Blvd Germantown ...................................................... 901 755-0520 Yorkshire Liquors 5669 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 767-1971

Space for the 2011 Edition is filling up fast! Speak with one of our account executives today to reserve your space! Call 901-751-2100!

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas LIMOSINAS / LIMOSINES 1-800-Book-A-Limo Memphis................................................................................................. 800 266-5254 1st Choice Limousine & Car Service Memphis................................................................................................. 901 489-6958 A Class Act Limousine Service 4815 Harvest Park Dr ............................................................................. 901 590-1314 A Limousine Service 7295 Winter Harbor Ln ........................................................................... 901 502-7467 A Sterling Limousine Service Memphis................................................................................................. 901 826-5466 A Tennessee Limousine Service 2555 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 452-6207 Advantage Cab Co 2240 Deadrick Ave ................................................................................. 901 844-9999 Arrow Transportation Corporation 901 Vance Ave ........................................................................................ 901 332-7769 At Your Service Limousines 7295 Winter Harbor Ln ........................................................................... 901 315-8874 Bartlett Taxi Co 6825 US Hwy 70 .................................................................................... 901 383-9000 Blackline Chauffeur & Carriage 3280 Democrat Rd ................................................................................. 901 521-1999 Brooks Limousine Service Memphis................................................................................................. 901 550-5004 C3 Enterprise LLC Limousine Service 3665 Big Bend........................................................................................ 901 652-9952 Checker Cab Co Inc 581 S 2nd St .......................................................................................... 901 577-7777 City Wide Cab 800 S McLean Blvd ................................................................................ 901 324-4202 Collierville Cab Co 2240 Deadrick Ave ................................................................................. 901 853-9999 Corporate Coach Inc 1360 Dovecrest Rd................................................................................. 901 372-7106 Darren's Transportation Memphis................................................................................................. 901 331-6435 Edingbourgh Limousine Svc 4670 Ross Rd ......................................................................................... 901 337-2508 Eurostar Limousine 3280 Democrat Rd ................................................................................. 901 348-9080 Everything Xpress 3247 Thirteen Colony Mall # 3 ............................................................... 901 454-7223 First Premier Limousine Service PO Box 140155 ...................................................................................... 901 406-8880 G 3 Enterprise Memphis................................................................................................. 901 859-2795 Germantown Cab Co 2240 Deadrick Ave ................................................................................. 901 527-6001 Germantown Taxi Transportation Memphis................................................................................................. 901 527-6001 Harris & Harris Limo & Shuttle Svc Memphis................................................................................................. 901 730-1104 Imperial Limousines PO Box 753445 ...................................................................................... 901 283-5555 Lamar Limousine 9189 Retro.............................................................................................. 901 491-7240 Limousine Express 111 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 323-8915 Limousine Express Inc 4389 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 566-5594 Luxury Limousine 5288 Mimi Cove ..................................................................................... 901 366-4811 Luxury Transportation 4513 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 650-7848


Maxwell Shuttle Service Memphis................................................................................................. 901 379-0344 Memphis Best Limousines Memphis................................................................................................. 901 606-8583 Memphis Cab Memphis................................................................................................. 901 552-7000 Memphis Limousines Memphis................................................................................................. 901 834-4050 Metro Cab CO 2240 Deadrick Ave ................................................................................. 901 322-2222 National Limousine Service 2555 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 327-8113 Premier Transportation Services 581 South 2nd St ................................................................................... 901 508-0527 Racing Limousines of Memphis Memphis................................................................................................. 901 239-5656 Sfax Limousine Service 410 Meadowcrest Cir ............................................................................. 901 684-1714 Superior Limousine Service 1155 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 327-2503 Taxi and Tours Memphis Memphis................................................................................................. 901 691-9562 Tennessee Limousine 2577 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 452-9026 Tri State Logisitics Enterprise Memphis................................................................................................. 901 274-8177 Vintage Auto Rental PO Box 770164 ...................................................................................... 901 754-4700 WPW Limousine PO Box 70321 ........................................................................................ 901 360-0342 Yellow Cab CO 581 S 2nd St .......................................................................................... 901 577-7777

LIMPIEZA COMERCIAL Y RESIDENCIAL / JANITORIAL ABC Janitorial Services 3340 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 327-1005 Amerishine 4559 Whisper Spring Dr ......................................................................... 901 861-4545 Banks Janitorial Service 2994 S Harris Cir .................................................................................... 901 743-9794 Bryant Building Maintenance 2399 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 744-3220 Empire Inc 1384 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 274-4724 First Class Janitorial Systems 910 Goodman Rd, Southaven ................................................................ 662 536-1555 Jani King of Memphis 3715 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 362-5464 Pro-Touch Services Millington ................................................................................................ 901 872-8449 4384 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 380-8000


LIMPIEZA DE ALFOMBRAS / CARPET CLEANING AAA Chem Dry 1333 Kansas .......................................................................................... 901 774-6700 Best Carpet Cleaning 1512 Weiner Rd...................................................................................... 901 767-8812 Chem-Dry 5099 Old Summer Rd ............................................................................ 901 753-4447 Germantown ........................................................................................... 901 752-2199 Collierville ............................................................................................... 901 854-4350 3098 Clubview Cv S, Lakeland............................................................... 901 362-3971 Kleen-Rite Professional Services 2648 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-0186 Premium Floor Care & Services 3895 Vantech Dr, Ste 1........................................................................... 901 869-9055 Rainbow International Memphis..................................................................................................901 371 0004 Memphis................................................................................................. 901 345-5584 9117 Corporate Dr, Southaven MS......................................................... 662 342-0897

LLANTAS / TIRES 4 Wheel Parts 2369 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 377-0323 901 South Tire Shop 1694 S Lauderdale St............................................................................. 901 948-2020 A To Z Tire 727 Galloway Ave ................................................................................... 901 526-2802 American Tire Distributors Inc 4370 S Mendenhall Rd # 15 .................................................................. 901 566-9200 Ayers Tires & More 1251 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 281-5434 Big Ed's Tire Shop 2654 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 337-9089 Big R Care Car Center Inc 3531 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-2451 Bigfoot Tire & Truckin' 3376 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 357-1253 Billy Strawn's Firestone 4177 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 332-1801 Brother Terrys Tires 784 E Eh Crump Blvd ............................................................................. 901 527-3388 Brother's Tires 775 E Eh Crump Blvd ............................................................................. 901 775-1777 Bryant Tire & Auto Service 5975 Bartlett Center Dr .......................................................................... 901 373-6265 Bryant Tire & Auto Service 3220 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 388-2523 Carson Tire & Allignment 691 Marshall Ave.................................................................................... 901 526-0244 Champs Tire Service 1029 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 353-0545 Chop Shop Customs 5116 Wilfong Rd ..................................................................................... 901 384-4728 Clark's Alignment 2845 Walnut Grove Rd ........................................................................... 901 458-5479 Clayton's Tire Shop 968 Thomas St ....................................................................................... 901 525-9703 CMA Llc 4481 Distriplex Cove .............................................................................. 901 794-6677 CNA Tires 7 Customer Wheels 5830 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 362-5074 Cordovan Tires 4770 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 363-8030 Cowboy & Sons Tire Shop 3004 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-1680 Criner's Goodyear Tire & Auto 4191 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 398-9270 Custom Springs Inc 4909 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 365-1788



David's Tire Center 5805 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 366-1134 Davis Tire Shop 1208 Tunica St # B ................................................................................. 901 722-0070 217 Cedar Ave ........................................................................................ 901 576-2255 Deibel Tire & Service 3145 George Cove.................................................................................. 901 859-2662 Del-Nat Tire 2365 Texas Dr ........................................................................................ 901 775-5002 Desser Tire & Rubber CO 3400 Chelsea Ave # B ............................................................................ 901 380-9212 Direct Tire Distributors Inc 2615 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 357-0047 5285 Pleasant View Rd .......................................................................... 901 377-3900 2516 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 327-7328 Dixie Tire CO Inc 3695 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 362-2864 Downtown Tire 455 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 525-0897 Dynamic Tire Corporation 5838 Advantage Cove ............................................................................ 901 795-5042 Early Bird Towing 2206 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 942-4001 Eastman Tire Co 3070 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 396-8899 Elite Tire CO 2711 Range Line Rd............................................................................... 901 357-9195 Ellendale Used Tires & Auto 7723 Us Hwy 70..................................................................................... 901 373-8448 Elliston Tire Shop 2100 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 775-9323 Firestone Tire & Auto Center 3507 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 323-2627 1694 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 274-5833 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co 5010 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 767-0551 Firestone-Jackson Tire-Algnmnt 3506 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 327-3516 Friend Tire Co 5280 Meltech Blvd # 101....................................................................... 901 794-2777 Friend Tire Service Inc 1379 Farmville Rd .................................................................................. 901 323-2241 Gateway Tire & Service 3197 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 458-1197 6915 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 360-0680 3530 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 385-7498 2705 Kirby Whitten Rd ........................................................................... 901 379-0610 7191 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 525-1980 Glenn's Firestone Home & Auto 2211 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 946-4719 Goodyear Auto Service Center 1200 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 725-1165 6551 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 795-3811 1622 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 346-2150 4191 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 398-9278 Goodyear Wholesale Tire Center 237 E Belz Blvd ...................................................................................... 901 775-3143 GPX International Tire 5835 Advantage Cove ............................................................................ 901 433-3848 GPX Intl Tires 5838 Advantage Cove ............................................................................ 901 795-4232 Grand Prix Batteries 4770 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 363-8030 Grimes Tire Pros 4285 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 624-5121 2429 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 743-5901 Hamptons Used Tires 2376 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 452-8681 Holt Tire Service Inc 572 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 682-7030

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Hub Cap Annie 1450 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 743-2457 Jordan Tire Shop 3920 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 324-2002 2083 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 357-7600 Jordon Tires #2 4029 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 344-2200 Junior Tire 944 Jackson Ave .................................................................................... 901 523-0296 Leland Sowell's Frame & Alignment 753 Vance Ave ........................................................................................ 901 525-4626 Lil Gipson Tires 1767 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 276-3940 Luxury Tires 3995 Chelsea Ave Ext............................................................................. 901 371-0223 MACO Tires 4468 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 682-1657 Mathis Goodyear Tire & Auto 5667 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 360-8027 Mathis Tire & Auto Service 6791 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 365-4701 8529 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 380-9115 5115 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 767-9054 Memphis Industrial Tire 4436 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 368-2520 Memphis Racks & Axles 2146 Venture Dr # E ............................................................................... 901 345-7865 Mitchell Road Tire Shop 275 W Mitchell Rd .................................................................................. 901 785-2828 Multi-Mile Tires 4770 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 363-8030 New & Used Tires Lamar 2161 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 552-3017 Nussbaum Distributing Inc 677 Galloway Ave ................................................................................... 901 525-3885 Orange Mound Tires 2950 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 324-8013 Performance Tire & Wheel Inc 1744 Bartlett Rd ..................................................................................... 901 382-0126 Professional Tire & Lube 2804 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 366-1710 Providential Fabricators Inc 1340 Channel Ave .................................................................................. 901 946-0060 Quitman Tire & Automotive 3478 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 363-6999 Raleigh Tire Service Inc 6902 Goodman Rd ................................................................................. 901 521-4005 2827 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 386-6211 Russell Tire Company 3358 Mountain Terrace St ...................................................................... 901 357-2348 S & S Tire 1325 Warford St ..................................................................................... 901 527-1636 Safeway Tire Co II 4695 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 789-6613 Sammys New & Used Tires 3491 Ramill Rd....................................................................................... 901 372-8361 Scott Alignment & Tire Service 4933 Old Summer Rd ............................................................................ 901 685-7511 Second Hand Power Speed Shop 685 Avon Rd ........................................................................................... 901 685-7777 Shelby Co Govt Tire Recycling 3000 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 523-7269

The Mid-South's Largest Bilingual Newspaper - Pick up your copy of La Prensa Latina today!


Sigma Tires 4770 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 363-8030 Sixty-One Tire Co Inc 3704 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 363-0110 Southern Tire Mart LLC 5398 Old Us Hwy 78 .............................................................................. 901 795-8868 Steepleton Tire CO 777 S Lauderdale St............................................................................... 901 774-6440 Steve Tire & Auto 1719 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 725-1819 Stigler Alignment Corporation 720 National St....................................................................................... 901 327-2335 Still Tire Service Inc Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 521-9155 Super-Lo Tire & Brakes 5694 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 371-9600 T's Tires 4804 Horn Lake Rd ................................................................................ 901 785-8813 Tire Centers LLC 4901 Southridge Blvd............................................................................. 901 360-1621 Tire Shop 3980 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 358-2297 Tire Shop of Memphis 2538 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 386-1000 Tommies & Sons Tire Shop 2420 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 791-4905 Transtar 3543 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 362-2821 Twankies Rims & Tires 2757 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 363-3779 Unicorn Tire 4660 Distriplex Dr West.......................................................................... 901 547-5866 Unlimited Tire & Automotive 1004 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 526-7205 V & V Auto World Detail & Tire 579 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 521-1145 Voma Tire 5815 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 672-0816

Memphis’s choice for bilingual news for 12 years!


Weekend Tires 1037 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 590-4375 Wheel Workz 4765 American Way ............................................................................... 901 363-3639 2235 Covington Pike # 2 ........................................................................ 901 382-9903 Wilkerson Tire Inc 774 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 323-9365 Willie Gipson Tire Service 1158 Florida St ....................................................................................... 901 946-8614 114 W Holmes Rd................................................................................... 901 785-8810 Wilson Tire Company 2380 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 327-0523 Wingfoot Commercial Tire Systems 3085 Bellbrook Dr .................................................................................. 901 396-9970 Xtreme Auto Accessories 7555 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 377-0027 Young's Mobile Tire Shop Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 273-4041

MADERA / LUMBER 84 Lumber 5747 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 388-0485 Action Fence Co 6045 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 365-9757 Bolen-Brunson-Bell Lumber Co 3175 Johnson Ave.................................................................................. 901 327-8190 Chicksaw Building Materials 140 Scott St............................................................................................ 901 324-3833 Cirtain Plywood 887 Rayner St......................................................................................... 901 725-7477 Colco Fine Woods & Tools 2631 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 452-9663 Discount Building Supply 1260 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 327-1625 Flag Pole & Banner Center 5893 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 754-3013 Frayser Lumber Co 2104 Clifton Ave ..................................................................................... 901 357-4331 Gates Lumber Co 1253 S Bellevue Blvd ............................................................................. 901 942-3201 Germantown Lumber Co 7501 Poplar Pike Germantown .............................................................. 901 754-7214 Hood Distribution 4060 Pilot Dr .......................................................................................... 901 794-1050 Hyman Builders Supply Inc 40 W McLemore Ave .............................................................................. 901 948-4555 Interstate Plywood Co 2485 Hernando Rd ................................................................................. 901 948-2711 Jimmy Whittington Lumber Co 8222 Industrial Dr................................................................................... 901 755-6810 3637 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 386-2800 Memphis Plywood Corp 337 E Mallory Ave .................................................................................. 901 948-5531 Mr Sandman Hardwood Ceramic 1701 Acornwood Dr ............................................................................... 901 301-8441 Pearson Bros. Crane Renting 5429 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 363-3211 Plywood Inc 4991 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 682-3386 Russann Lumber Co 3496 Bayliss Ave .................................................................................... 901 327-1607 Sam Carey Lumber Co 3108 Fountainside Dr Germantown ....................................................... 901 526-0489 Southern Laminating Co 1601 Clancy St ....................................................................................... 901 942-4631 Tom Eubanks Lumber Co Inc 814 Scott St............................................................................................ 901 452-1124 Wilson Lumber CO Inc 1279 N McLean Blvd.............................................................................. 901 274-6887



MARISCOS / SEAFOOD East Memphis Fish Market 5697 Mt. Moriah..................................................................................... 901 365-1333 Midtown Fish Market 629 Cheasea Ave.................................................................................... 901 523-9369 Millbranch Fish Market 3639 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 396-7901 Premier Seafood Inc 5041 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 761-3886 Sea Sea’s 3659 N Watkins ......................................................................................901-354-3222 South Memphis Fish Market 2039 Kansas St ...................................................................................... 901 775-1800 Southern Meat Market 8050 US Highway 51 N Millington ......................................................... 901 872-4264

MASCOTAS (PROVISIONES) / PET SUPPLIES Bob’s Tropicals LLC 2944 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 385-2904 H20 Services ......................................................................................... 901 382-9252 Hollywood Pet Star 6765 Stage Road .................................................................................. 901 382-8002 2648 Broad Avenue ............................................................................... 901 452-2474 House of Mews 933 Cooper Street ................................................................................. 901 272-3777 Jim’s Pets & Supplies 4456 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 683-6961 Petco 6025 Stage Road Suite 52 .................................................................... 901 388-3588 7730 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 755-7011 3484 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 323-5535 5970 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 366-5320

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Pete’s Treats 2256 Central Avenue ............................................................................. 901 272-0001 PetSmart 7941 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 756-2676 2805 Wolfcreek Parkway........................................................................ 901 384-9823 1650 Cordova Rd.................................................................................... 901 756-4124 Something Fishy Aquariums & Ponds 1658 Whitten Road................................................................................ 901 371-2223

MECÁNICA Y HOJALATERIA EN GENERAL / MECHANICS & BODY SHOPS Abra Auto Body & Glass 2965 New Brunswick Rd ....................................................................... 901 386-1652 2419 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 377-4800 4901 Elmore Rd ..................................................................................... 901 384-6714 5684 Mr Mopriah ................................................................................... 901 794-7218 7980 Patriot Dr ....................................................................................... 901 756-9095 6400 Shelby Dr ...................................................................................... 901 363-0780 AAMCO Transmissions 2439 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 372-6000 1717 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 398-5256 3596 Winchest Cove .............................................................................. 901 794-0897 1261 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 324-3816 Airport Radiator & Car Care Service 2365 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 743-8910 Archer’s Auto Care 4471 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 362-2983 ASAP Service Center 2238 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 327-7999 Auto-Rite 1262 Main St, Southaven MS ................................................................ 662 280-5252 Brother Auto Repair 4520 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 396-7974 Coleman Taylor 3235 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 346-1012 1694 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 744-4145 7530 Winchester .................................................................................... 901 755-4454 611 N Holmes St .................................................................................... 901 452-4474 3674 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 363-4038 466 Union Ave ........................................................................................901-525-2740 4321 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 382-4836 88 Moore Drive West, Southaven MS..................................................... 662 349-6339 7981 Fischer Steel Rd ............................................................................901-754-2832 Dent Doctor of Memphis 5041 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 682-4665 Dents Away 4920 Elmore Rd ..................................................................................... 901 388-4100 Desoto Collision Center 6751 Elmore Rd Southaven MS ............................................................. 662 349-9441 Express Oil Change 956 N Germantown Pkwy ...................................................................... 901 309-0900 7540 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 756-3585 5180 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 752-7050 2831 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 795-7676 2940 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 380-0058 2846 Dromedary Dr ............................................................................... 901 266-9971 9106 Highway 64 Lakeland ................................................................... 901 384-7182 1045 Goodman Rd, W Horn Lake, MS.................................................... 662 349-8519

The Mid-South's Largest Bilingual Newspaper - Pick up your copy of La Prensa Latina today!


Gateway Tire and Service Center 6915 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 360-0680 3197 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 458-1197 9750 Highway 64, Arlington ................................................................... 901 387-0706 7191 Hacks Cross ................................................................................. 901 525-1980 3530 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 385-7498 1010 Goodman Rd, W Horn Lake MS .................................................... 662 349-0055 8115 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 624-0911 2705 Kirby Whitten Rd ........................................................................... 901 379-0610 Gotera Automotive 5260 Elmore Rd ..................................................................................... 901 382-5050 Hispanos Auto Service 3541 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 320-3070 Jose Toro-Mechanic Specialist .............................................................................................................. 901 830-8377 Lamar Service 2972 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 743-0183 La Raza Body Shop 1745 N Graham St ................................................................................. 901 372-1180 Mathis Tire & Auto Center 7071 Commerce Dr................................................................................ 901 521-1214 1120 W Poplar ........................................................................................ 901 753-1593 301 Stateline Rd W Southaven MS ........................................................ 662 342-6021 1394 Goodman Rd E Southaven MS...................................................... 662 536-1727 Mattei’s Garage 4930 Black Rd........................................................................................ 901 683-3158 Mechanic to Go .............................................................................................................. 901 830-8377 MECÁNICA EN GENERAL “CARLOS” 2972 Lamar Ave.................................................................................. 901 644-5565 Perez Auto Care 3820 Contractors Pl................................................................................ 901 362-1222 Quality Automotive 975 Berclair Rd....................................................................................... 901 761-2289 Raleigh Tire Service, Inc 2827 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 386-6211 1399 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 753-4900 653 US Highway 72 ............................................................................... 901 853-1242 Safe and Sound Automotive 6409 Summer Gale ................................................................................ 901 763-3111 Xpert Tune Inc 3341 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 452-8865 4229 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-8373 3620 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 794-9343 8994 Northwest Dr, Southaven MS ........................................................ 662 342-3993 2280 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 324-8345 2086 S Germantown Rd......................................................................... 901 757-9828

MÉDICOS CARDIÓLOGOS / PHYSICIANS - CARDIOLOGY Arrhythmia Consultants 1211 Union Ave # 475............................................................................ 901 274-2643 Francisco Vieira MD 956 Court Ave # B226 ............................................................................ 901 448-2300 Heart Center of Memphis 1211 Union Ave # 495............................................................................ 901 507-6600 Memphis Cardiac Care Center PLLC 1325 Eastmoreland Ave # 440............................................................... 901 722-8884 U T Medical Group Inc-Cardiology - Thomas K Chin MD 777 Washington Ave # 110 .................................................................... 901 448-2020

MÉDICOS FAMILIARES Y/O GENERALES / PHYSICIANS - FAMILY & GENERAL PRACTICE Abutineh Mike MD 1734 Madison Avenue ........................................................................... 901 726-0200 Abutineh Mike Mohammad Dr 3294 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 324-3660 Adams James W II MD 3960 Knight Arnold Road ...................................................................... 901 375-0655 Adams-Graves Patricia MD 920 Madison Avenue ............................................................................. 901 448-7000 Adult Medical Group PLLC 6025 Walnut Grove Road Suite 417 ...................................................... 901 685-9165 Adult Primary Care of Memphis 3294 Poplar Avenue Suite 100............................................................... 901 324-3660 Associates in Internal Medicine 6570 Stage Road Suite 255 .................................................................. 901 371-0533 Ayyagari Venkatachalam Internal MD 2784 Bartlett Boulevard ........................................................................ 901 382-3991 Baptist Primary Care 3787 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 452-7391 Bartlett Medical Clinic 2784 Bartlett Boulevard ........................................................................ 901 382-3991 Bartlett-Raleigh Internal Medicine 2743 Summer Oaks Drive ..................................................................... 901 371-0200 Beard J Michelle MD 6005 Park Avenue ................................................................................. 901 761-2100 Bishop Hal D MD 1750 Madison Avenue Suite 400 .......................................................... 901 276-2410 Blakney Eric D MD 5287 Knight Arnold Road ...................................................................... 901 366-1666 Brookhaven Medical Clinic PC 711 West Brookhaven Circle ................................................................. 901 767-3030


Services “Carlos” Estamos ubicados en 2972 Lamar ave. lunes a sabado 8am-6pm Hacemos:

• Afinaciones • Reparación de fallas mecánicas y eléctricas. • Servicio completo de frenos. • Rectificación de rotores y tambores. • Aire acondicionado • Arreglamos llantas ponchadas.

Hacemos chequeos por computadora!!!

Llámenos a los Tels:


Taller (901) 743-0183. Cel. (901) 644-5565

Call today to reserve your space for the 2011 edition of the La Prensa Latina Hispanic Yellow Pages! 901-751-2100



Castellaw Mark A MD 1734 Madison Avenue ........................................................................... 901 726-0200 Chu George MD 6027 Walnut Grove Road Suite 206 ...................................................... 901 767-5000 Cordova Medical Group 3809 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 386-1625 Dismukes J Richard MD 6025 Walnut Grove Road Lbby .............................................................. 901 685-9165 Dorko Craig MD 920 Madison Avenue ............................................................................. 901 448-7000 Dugdale Marion MD 920 Madison Avenue ............................................................................. 901 448-7000 East Memphis Internal Medicine Group 6005 Park Avenue Suite 722B 901 683-3869 Eastmoreland Internal Medicine Mp LLC 1325 Eastmoreland Avenue Suite 245 .................................................. 901 729-3700 Ensor James K MD 6005 Park Avenue Suite 900B .............................................................. 901 766-2099 Evans Benjamin F MD 1264 Wesley Drive Suite 206 ................................................................ 901 346-6566 Everson Freddie MD 1750 Madison Avenue ........................................................................... 901 276-2410 Farris Brian MD 6263 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 761-6157 Finn Cary MD and Associates 6025 Walnut Grove Road Lbby .............................................................. 901 767-3321 Gastroenterology Center of the Midsouth M D 6025 Walnut Grove Road Suite 314 ...................................................... 901 767-1591 Graceland Internal Medicine Group PSC 1264 Wesley Drive Suite 405 ................................................................ 901 396-3061 Green Clinic 5287 Knight Arnold Road ...................................................................... 901 366-1666 Hammond Mark L MD 6263 Poplar Avenue Suite 1052 ............................................................ 901 761-6157 Hans Osvaldo MD 100 Norman Rd Corinth MS ................................................................. 888 286-6997 6025 Walnut Grove Suite 612 Memphis ............................................... 901 763-0304 Health First Medical Group 1588 Union Avenue ............................................................................... 901 276-2410 Hoover & Jordan Associates MD 3787 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 452-7391 Hutt Rebecca MD 6263 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 761-6157 Internal Medicine & Pain Management 2996 Kate Bond Road # 211 ................................................................. 901 388-1495 Jones Wesley E MD 1331 Union Avenue Suite 1212 ............................................................ 901 272-2900 1264 Wesley Drive Suite 303 ................................................................. 901 398-9574 Jordan Richard J MD 3787 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 452-7391 Kamo Nika MD 1734 Madison Avenue ........................................................................... 901 726-0200 Karmel Douglas L MD 6005 Park Avenue Suite 200 ................................................................ 901 761-2100 Kathawala Zulekha MD 6005 Park Avenue ................................................................................. 901 683-3869 Khattak Taslim MD 6005 Park Avenue Suite 433B .............................................................. 901 255-1140 Koplon Michael D MD 6005 Park Avenue ................................................................................. 901 761-2100 Laambda Healthcare Inc 6025 Walnut Grove Road Lbby .............................................................. 901 767-1100 Medical Group 1734 Madison Avenue ........................................................................... 901 726-0200 Memphis Critical Care Associates 3960 Knight Arnold Road Suite 215A .................................................... 901 375-0655 Memphis Medical Specialists 6005 Park Avenue Suite 200.......................................901 761-2100 ó 901 542-2411 Memphis Primarycare Associates 1750 Madison Avenue ........................................................................... 901 276-2410

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

Mid-South Internal Medicine Specialists 6027 Walnut Grove Road Suite 206 ..................................................... 901 767-5000 Motley Internal Medicine Group 1264 Wesley Drive Suite 201 ................................................................ 901 332-2277 Motley Thomas E MD PC 1325 Eastmoreland Avenue Suite 245 .................................................. 901 729-3700 Motley Todd S MD 1264 Wesley Drive ................................................................................ 901 332-2277 North Internal Medicine 4901 Raleigh Common Drive Suite 200 ................................................ 901 387-0193 Overstreet Hugh T MD 5374 Estates Office Drive Suite 2 ......................................................... 901 683-1999 Owens Curtis MD 3960 Knight Arnold Road ...................................................................... 901 369-6095 Patchen Jay MD 1750 Madison Avenue Suite 400 .......................................................... 901 276-2410 Patterson James O III MD 1325 Eastmoreland Avenue .................................................................. 901 729-3700 Premier Internal Medicine 2725 Kirby Road, Suite 1 ....................................................................... 901 756-6991 Preventive Internal Medicine Group PLLC 6005 Park Avenue Suite 728B .............................................................. 901 761-9097 Primary Medical Care Inc 3960 Knight Arnold Road Suite 420 ...................................................... 901 366-3883 Prime Medical Group 6005 Park Avenue Suite 433B .............................................................. 901 255-1140 Primus Medical Group PC 4557 Millbranch Road ........................................................................... 901 346-6566 Rassoul Khalid Dr 4466 Elvis Presley Boulevard ................................................................ 901 344-0002 Rhodes Avenue Medical 3977 Rhodes Avenue ............................................................................ 901 744-1544 Robinson Wiley T MD 6263 Poplar Avenue Suite 1052 ............................................................ 901 761-6157 Ryder Kathryn MD 920 Madison Avenue ............................................................................. 901 448-7000 Sands Christopher MD 1325 Eastmoreland Avenue .................................................................. 901 726-8785 Sharfman David MD 6005 Park Avenue ................................................................................. 901 684-1322 Siegel Jerome S MD 6025 Walnut Grove Road Suite 607 ...................................................... 901 683-2161 Sikes James C Jr MD 3809 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 386-1625 Smolenski Lisabeth MD 1588 Union Avenue ............................................................................... 901 276-2410 Spiotta Eugene J Jr MD 6005 Park Avenue Suite 602 ................................................................ 901 761-2100 Taylor Ralph MD 1750 Madison Avenue Suite 330 .......................................................... 901 276-2357 Thompson Paul Andrew MD 1734 Madison Avenue ........................................................................... 901 726-0200


UT Medical Group Inc - Hematology, General Internal Medicine 920 Madison Avenue ............................................................................. 901 448-7000 Ungab Ramon T MD 2743 Summer Oaks Drive ..................................................................... 901 371-0200 Verzosa Samuel T MD 3809 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 386-1625 2743 Summer Oaks Drive 901 371-0200 2851 Stage Center Drive ....................................................................... 901 388-7711 Warr A Graham MD 6025 Walnut Grove Road Lbby .............................................................. 901 683-2161 Warr Otis S III PC 6025 Walnut Grove Road Suite 607 ...................................................... 901 684-1909 White Haven Internal Medicine 4466 Elvis Presley Boulevard ................................................................ 901 344-0002 Woods Carolyn Owens MD 1331 Union Avenue Suite 1250 ............................................................ 901 272-2900 Wright Dana J MD 1734 Madison Avenue ........................................................................... 901 726-0200 Young Mark S MD 6005 Park Avenue Suite 828B .............................................................. 901 683-3869

MÉDICOS DERMATÓLOGOS / PHYSICIANS - DERMATOLOGY Baker Adam W MD 6825 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 362-7170 Jackson, Robert MD 3960 Knight Arnold # 202 ..................................................................... 901 795-0886 Dunaway Dan A MD 5210 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 761-0685 Tuli Malika MD 6570 Stage Rd ..................................................................................... 901 372-4545 Turner James E MD PHD 6570 Stage Rd ..................................................................................... 901 372-4545 Woodbury Linda P MD 5210 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 682-5606

MÉDICOS ENDOCRINÓLOGOS / PHYSICIANS - ENDOCRINOLOGY Endocrine & Diabetes Clinic 6630 Summer Knoll Circle ..................................................................... 901 266-1080 Endocrine Clinic CP 5659 S Rex Rd ....................................................................................... 901 763-3636 Endocrinology Associates 6027 Walnut Grove Rd ........................................................................... 901 681-0346 Endocrinology Clinic PC 4913 Raleigh Common Dr...................................................................... 901 386-7870

MÉDICOS GINECÓLOGOS Y OBSTETRAS / PHYSICIANS - GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS Abortion Acceptable 1462 Poplar Avenue 38104................................................................... 901 274-3550 Adler Nancy PhD 6215 Humphreys Boulevard.................................................................. 901 751-0300 Anderson-Brooks Lanetta MD 1469 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 276-3222 Associates Obstetrics & Gynecology PC 220 South Claybrook Street Suite 304.................................................. 901 726-4000 Austin John L MD 6215 Humphreys Boulevard.................................................................. 901 767-3810 Bishop Laura J MD 6215 Humphreys Boulevard .................................................................. 901 682-0630 Blackett Melrose I MD 1211 Union Avenue Suite 811............................................................... 901 272-0060 Bronstein Michael S MD 80 Humphreys Centre Suite 330 ........................................................... 901 747-1200 Byrd Kenneth N MD 6005 Park Avenue Suite 310 ................................................................ 901 763-0833


Carter Belvia MD 1469 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 767-4300 Childers Linda Mission Cnp MD 3775 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 373-9221 Cox S J III MD 6215 Humphreys Boulevard.................................................................. 901 767-3152 Cypress Family Care Obstetrics 6610 Kirby Center Cove ........................................................................ 901 362-0677 Donato Heather O MD 80 Humphreys Centre ........................................................................... 901 747-1200 Duncan-Cody Barbara MD PC 1174 Poplar Avenue 38105................................................................... 901 278-1412 Duncan-Cody Medical Group 1900 Kirby Road.................................................................................... 901 624-7577 Givens Vanessa MD 880 Madison Avenue ............................................................................. 901 448-6632 Graves Lester R MD 6215 Humphreys Boulevard .................................................................. 901 541-5034 Hostetler Barbara MD 1211 Union Avenue ............................................................................... 901 448-6632 Hsu Lin MD 880 Madison Avenue............................................................................. 901 448-6632 Keathley Craig MD 880 Madison Avenue............................................................................. 901 448-6632 Keegan Mary Leigh MD 6215 Humphreys Boulevard .................................................................. 901 767-3810 Kutteh Fertility Associates of Memphis 80 Humphreys Centre Suite 307 ........................................................... 901 747-2229 Lazar Edward H MD 6570 Stage Road .................................................................................. 901 372-4418 6027 Walnut Grove Rd .......................................................................... 901 763-0050 Lipscomb Gary MD 880 Madison Avenue 38103 ................................................................. 901 448-6632 Long Diane M MD 6215 Humphreys Boulevard.................................................................. 901 682-0630 7705 Highway 72 .................................................................................. 901 682-0630 Lynn Carol I MD 6215 Humphreys Boulevard.................................................................. 901 682-0630 Marshall Michael R MD 6215 Humphreys Boulevard.................................................................. 901 767-3810 Martin Center for Women’s Health & Fertility 6215 Humphreys Boulevard Suite 100 ................................................. 901 751-0300 McDonald Murrmann Woman’s Clinic 6215 Humphreys Boulevard.................................................................. 901 752-4500 Memphis Center for Reproductive Health 1462 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 274-3550 Memphis Obstetrics and Gynecological Association PC 3775 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 373-9221 Memphis Regional Planned Parenthood 1407 Union Avenue Suite 409............................................................... 901 725-1717 Memphis Women’s Center 1211 Union Avenue Suite 811............................................................... 901 272-0060 Mid-South Ob-Gyn Group PC 80 Humphreys Centre Suite 330 ........................................................... 901 747-1200 Moise Claudia L MD 6401 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 767-9368

Space for the 2011 Edition is filling up fast! Speak with one of our account executives today to reserve your space! Call 901-751-2100!



Ob-Gyn Physicians Group of Memphis PC 6570 Stage Road Suite 160 .................................................................. 901 383-4850 3775 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 843-0960 Ob-Gyn Centers of Memphis Mpllc 1264 Wesley Drive Suite 402 ................................................................ 901 396-5577 Ob-Gyn Specialists PC 6401 Poplar Avenue Suite 530.............................................................. 901 767-9368 Ob-Gyn Consultants 220 South Claybrook Street .................................................................. 901 274-9717 1900 Kirby Parkway ............................................................................ 901 737-0495 Park Avenue Ob Gyn 6005 Park Avenue Suite 310................................................................. 901 763-0833 Patterson Gynecology & Obstetrics 4325 Stage Road .................................................................................. 901 386-1818 Souder Marva L MD 6401 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 767-9368 Stack Michael L MD 80 Humphreys Centre ........................................................................... 901 747-1200 Stern J Bradley MD 6215 Humphreys Boulevard .................................................................. 901 767-3810 Thayer Gilbert M MD 6005 Park Avenue Suite 310................................................................. 901 763-0833 The Battles’ Clinic 8127 North Highway 51 ........................................................................ 901 872-7256 1314 Peabody Avenue........................................................................... 901 278-8336 Townsend A M IV MD 220 South Claybrook Street Suite 304.................................................. 901 726-4000 UT Medical Group Inc - Obstetrics & Gynecology & Primary Care for Women 880 Madison Avenue............................................................................. 901 448-6632 Obstetrics & Gynecology in Germantown Memphis, TN ......................................................................................... 901 347-8340 Women’s Care Center of Memphis 6215 Humphreys Boulevard 38120 ...................................................... 901 763-2212 Women's Clinic (Clínica de la Mujer) 1028 Cresthaven Rd, Suite 101 ..............................................................901 680 8146

MÉDICOS NEURÓLOGOS / PHYSICIANS - NEUROLOGY Brophy & Lovell Neurosurgical 1325 Eastmoreland Ave # 370............................................................... 901 726-5300 Center for Peds-Neuropsycholgy - V R Brewer MD 777 Washington Ave # P235 .................................................................. 901 287-5220 Mays & Schnapp Pain Clinic 55 Humphreys Centre # 200.................................................................. 901 747-0040 Memphis Neurology 777 Washington Ave............................................................................... 901 202-4287 Nelson Martinez 5575 Poplar Ave # 702........................................................................... 901 763-0909 Neurology Outreach Clinics 6005 Park Ave # 722B ........................................................................... 901 683-8448

Call 901-751-2100 to reserve your space for the 2011 edition of the La Prensa Latina Hispanic Yellow Pages!


Nader Alan MD 6005 Park Ave ....................................................................................... 901 680-9377 Neurology Clinic PC 80 Humphreys Center ........................................................................... 901 747-1111 Gratis/Toll Free........................................................................................ 800 756-1117 Semmes-Murphy Clinic 6325 Humphreys Blvd........................................................................... 901 522-7700 1211 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 259-5340 3980 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 386-8850 West Tennessee Neurology PC 6570 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 213-4222 Cordahi,Ghassan Joseph MD 825 Ridge Lake Blvd ........................................................................... 901 685-2200 Cassell, Michael A. MD 825 Ridge Lake Blvd ........................................................................... 901 685-2200 Flores, Ana Lucia MD 825 Ridge Lake Blvd ........................................................................... 901 685-2200 Gollamudi, Subba R. MD 825 Ridge Lake Blvd ........................................................................... 901 685-2200 1245 Madison Ave .............................................................................. 901 722-3250 7948 Winchester Commons ................................................................ 901 328-2020 8120 Hwy. 51 N # 7 Millington .......................................................... 901 873-1122 Hard, William C. MD 220 S. Claybrook # 504 ...................................................................... 901 276-4844 May, Christopher MD 6401 Poplar Ave # 220 ....................................................................... 901 683-7255 Toyos, Rolando MD 6401 Poplar Ave # 220 ....................................................................... 901 683-7255

MÉDICOS ONCÓLOGOS / PHYSICIANS - ONCOLOGY Abul-Khoudoud Omran MD 1325 Eastmoreland Avenue .................................................................. 901 726-0939 Baskin Reed C MD PC 1325 Eastmoreland Avenue .................................................................. 901 725-4844 Toll Free .................................................................................................. 800 287-7052 Baum Scott L MD 100 North Humphreys Boulevard .......................................................... 901 683-0055 Boston Baskin Cancer Group 1331 Union Avenue Suite 800 ............................................................... 901 725-1785 Cancer Specialty Clinic 1325 Eastmoreland Avenue Suite 370 .................................................. 901 725-4844 Gratis/Toll Free........................................................................................ 800 287-7052 Charles Steve MD 6401 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 767-4499 Chaum Edward MD PhD 920 Madison Avenue ............................................................................. 901 448-6650 Deweese M MD 4697 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 683-8226 El-Ghandour Omar MD 1331 Union Avenue ............................................................................... 901 725-1785 Ellis C Neal Jr MD 1325 Eastmoreland Avenue .................................................................. 901 726-0939 Family Cancer Center 6005 Park Avenue ................................................................................. 901 685-5655 Family Cancer Center 4960 Black Road ................................................................................... 901 680-9807 Family Cancer Center 1211 Union Avenue Suite 810 ............................................................... 901 726-9490 Freeman Jerre Minor MD - Office 6485 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 767-3937 Gordon Lawrence W MD 6005 Park Avenue ................................................................................. 901 682-1100 Gore Margaret MD 1331 Union Avenue ............................................................................... 901 725-1785


Hodgkiss Thomas D MD 100 North Humphreys Boulevard .......................................................... 901 683-0055 Iannaccone Alessandro MD 920 Madison Avenue ............................................................................. 901 448-6650 Johnson Robert A MD Facp 1068 Cresthaven Road.......................................................................... 901 763-0446 Lawson Ronald D MD PC 1325 Eastmoreland Avenue ................................................................... 901 725-4844 Madan Atul K MD 1325 Eastmoreland Avenue .................................................................. 901 726-0939 Mandell Alan MD 6005 Park Avenue Suite 926B .............................................................. 901 761-4620 Memphis Cancer Center PC 1068 Cresthaven Road Suite 500 ......................................................... 901 763-0446 Minhas Sohail MD 1331 Union Avenue ............................................................................... 901 725-1785 Mitchell Elizabeth MD 5350 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 683-4600 Morgan Dennis P MD 1068 Cresthaven Road.......................................................................... 901 763-0446 Netland Peter A MD PhD 920 Madison Avenue.............................................................................. 901 448-6650 Photopulos Guy J MD 100 North Humphreys Boulevard .......................................................... 901 683-0055 Pritchard Elizabeth MD 1325 Eastmoreland Avenue .................................................................. 901 726-0939 Przepiorka Donna MD PhD 1331 Union Avenue ............................................................................... 901 725-1785 Sievers Richard E MD 6005 Park Avenue Suite 624B .............................................................. 901 682-1100 Smiley Linda M MD 100 North Humphreys Boulevard .......................................................... 901 683-0055 Smith Kirby L MD 1068 Cresthaven Road .......................................................................... 901 763-0446 Somer Bradley MD 100 North Humphreys Boulevard .......................................................... 901 683-0055 Upshaw Jefferson D MD 1068 Cresthaven Road Suite 500 ......................................................... 901 763-0446 UT Cancer Institute 1331 Union Avenue Suite 800............................................................... 901 725-1785 UT Medical Group Inc - Oncology Cancer, Ophthalmology Eye Care 920 Madison Avenue ............................................................................. 901 448-6650 Walsh Cancer Clinic 3980 New Covington Pike Ste108 ........................................................ 901 379-0703 Weeks A Earle MD 6005 Park Avenue ................................................................................. 901 685-5655 West Clinic PC 100 North Humphreys Boulevard .......................................................... 901 683-0055

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?) • En una ocasión Charles Chaplin ganó el tercer puesto en un concurso de imitadores de Charles Chaplin. • Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.

• Bodybuilder Charles Atlas’ real name was Angelo Siciliano. • El nombre real del físico culturista Charles Atlas era Angelo Siciliano.


MÉDICOS PEDIATRAS / PHYSICIANS - PEDIATRICIANS Andrew Elizabeth M MD 6615 Kirby Center Cv ............................................................................ 901 795-9193 Barnes Grover W MD 4250 Faronia Rd .................................................................................... 901 345-0202 4395 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 937-6223 Bell Emmett D Jr MD 1129 Hale Rd......................................................................................... 901 396-0390 Benaim Elisa I MD 8025 Stage Hills Blvd ............................................................................ 901 757-3540 Billmeier, G J Jr MD 6248 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 371-5334 Black Dennis D MD 806 Estate Pl ......................................................................................... 901 448-2050 Butler Dorothy H MD 6615 Kirby Center Cv ............................................................................ 901 795-9193 Carter James E MD Faap 6479 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 396-8281 Cowan James L III MD 6073 Mount Moriah Rd Ext Ste 2 .......................................................... 901 365-2555 Dellinger Hubert L Jr MD 6248 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 371-5334 Durham Anna M MD 7705 Poplar Ave Ste 230 ...................................................................... 901 755-2400 Edwards Lelon O MD 2004 Exeter Rd...................................................................................... 901 757-3530 Eiseman Robert MD 920 Estate Dr Lbby................................................................................ 901 767-3620 Frizzell Noel K MD 6215 Humphreys Blvd........................................................................... 901 821-9990 777 Washington Ave .............................................................................. 901 523-2945 Geshke Terry E MD 7705 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 755-2400 Giger Jerri L MD 6615 Kirby Center Cv ............................................................................ 901 795-9193 Gillespie Timothy G MD 1129 Hale Rd......................................................................................... 901 396-0390 6615 Kirby Center Cv ............................................................................ 901 795-9193 Guinter Robert H MD 1114 Poplar View Ln N .......................................................................... 901 757-3560 Hill John R MD 3445 Poplar Ave Ste 13......................................................................... 901 320-3065 Hubbard E Amy MD 3876 New Covington Pike ..................................................................... 901 377-2711 Jogai Sachin S MD 1129 Hale Rd.......................................................................................... 901 888 0345 Kids Care Medical Center 6073 Mount Moriah Rd Ext ................................................................... 901 365-2555 Kloek Scott M MD 7705 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 755-2400 Kronenberg Joel I MD 920 Estate Dr Ste 3 ............................................................................... 901 767-3620 Langenberg R Katherine MD 3876 New Covington Pike ..................................................................... 901 377-2711 Laurelwood Pediatrics LLc 5050 Sanderlin Ave .............................................................................. 901 683-9371 Le Bonheur 8035 Club Pkwy .................................................................................... 901 758-6000 Le Bonheur After Hours 8071 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 756-9634 MacGaw Douglas M MD 2860 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 252-6034 Memphis Children’s Clinic 6605 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 379-0092 Memphis Children’s Clinic 7705 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 755-2400 Memphis Children’s Clinic 1129 Hale Rd......................................................................................... 901 396-0390



Memphis Childrens Clinic 6615 Kirby Center Cv ........................................................................... 901 795-9193 Montgomery James C MD 8025 Stage Hills Blvd ............................................................................ 901 757-3540 Murray Stacey L MD 6605 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 379-0092 Norman Noe H MD 770 Estate Pl ......................................................................................... 901 681-4030 Pandya-Lipman Rashmi 2120 Exeter Rd ...................................................................................... 901 751-3813 Parker Joseph MD 920 Estate Dr Lbby ............................................................................... 901 767-3620 Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine Of East Memphis In 6248 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 761-1880 Pediatric Associates PC 3876 New Covington Pike ..................................................................... 901 377-2711 Pediatric Consultants Pc 6215 Humphreys Blvd ........................................................................... 901 821-9990 777 Washington Av ................................................................................ 901 523-2945 Pediatrics East Inc 2002 Exeter Rd ...................................................................................... 901 757-3570 8025 Stage Hills Blvd ............................................................................ 901 757-3540 Pender John V Jr MD 3876 New Covington Pike ..................................................................... 901 542-2512 Raleigh Group PC 2860 Covington Pike ..................................................901 937-6156 ó 901 252-6034 Riikola Robert W MD 1129 Hale Rd......................................................................................... 901 396-0390 Robertson Kenneth R MD 6605 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 379-0092 Schulz Angela M MD 3876 New Covington Pike ..................................................................... 901 377-2711 Segal Jack MD 920 Estate Dr Lbby ............................................................................... 901 767-3620 Senter Mel MD 2002 Exeter Rd...................................................................................... 901 757-3535 Shapiro David N MD 8025 Stage Hills Blvd ............................................................................ 901 757-3540 Snider Charles Van MD 7705 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 755-2400 Snider Charles Van MD 1129 Hale Rd......................................................................................... 901 396-0390 Wanderman Richard G MD Faap 6077 Apple Tree Dr Ste 5 ...................................................................... 901 375-0551 Willie Tsiu MD 920 Estate Dr Ste 3 ............................................................................... 901 767-3620 Wright Monica L MD 4250 Faronia Rd .................................................................................... 901 345-0202 Yukon Charles L MD 1355 W Brierbrook Rd ........................................................................... 901 755-8300

MÉDICOS PODIATRAS / PODIATRY Campbell Clinic Foot & Ankle Center 1400 S Germantown Rd ........................................................................ 901 753-3338 Collierville Foot Health Center 1121 N Poplar View Ln .......................................................................... 901 853-3015 East Memphis Podiatry Group 5180 Park Ave ....................................................................................... 901 682-4668 KIEL BRIAN N DPM 995 S Yates Suite 2 ............................................................................ 901 767-5620 3315 Hacks Crossing No. 109 ............................................................ 901 368-3288 Langford Jerry H Dpm 6074 Apple Tree .................................................................................... 901 360-0990 380 New Byhalia Rd .............................................................................. 901 853-1574 MOINESTER DAVID M DPM 6575 Stage Rd ..................................................................................... 901 382-0393 PODIATRY CENTERS OF MEMPHIS, PC 6575 Stage Rd ..................................................................................... 901 382-0393 1653 Poplar Ave................................................................................... 901 725-6680

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas 995 S Yates Suite 2 ............................................................................. 901 767-5620 3315 Hacks Crossing No. 109 ............................................................ 901 368-3288 Robinson Rick L Dpm 5145 Millbranch Rd ............................................................................... 901 332-1567 Rosenberg Ronald E Dpm 920 Estate Dr ........................................................................................ 901 682-1113 Siciliano Carl J Dpm 7424 Highway 64 .................................................................................. 901 381-2800 8076 Highway 51 North ........................................................................ 901 381-2800 Webster Chad E Dpm 1653 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 725-6680 Webster Julie Kate Dpm 1653 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 725-6680

MÉDICOS QUIROPRÁCTICOS / CHIROPRACTORS Amodeo Richard J DC 3325 Kirby Pkwy Ste 102 .................................................................... 901 375-0900 Anderson Taylor DC 3675 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 323-9692 Back & Neck Specialists 959 S White Station Rd ......................................................................... 901 767-8824 Bast Chiropractic 5804 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 363-5088 Brandenburg Chiropractic Clinic 1750 Frayser Blvd # B........................................................................... 901 358-8008 Brandenburg Stephen DC 6490 Stage Rd Ste 106......................................................................... 901 377-3100 Clenin Chiropractic Clinic 1069 W Rex Rd # 100 ........................................................................... 901 683-5971 Cole Chiropractic Ctr 3675 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 323-3613 Cole Don E DC 3675 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 323-9692 Cole Luke DC 959 S White Station Rd ......................................................................... 901 767-8824 Cole Pain Therapy Clinics 2845 Summer Oaks Dr ......................................................................... 901 377-2340 Cole Pain Therapy Group 2155 West St ......................................................................................... 901 755-1821 Copeland Chiropractic Centers Of The Mid-South 4239 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 763-2225 Covington Pike Chiropractic Clinic 3625 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 377-8706 Cromer Chiropractic Care 2465 Whitten Rd # 104 ......................................................................... 901 380-0340 Crossroads Chiropractic 3445 Poplar Ave # 18............................................................................ 901 327-1551 Davis Larry DC 5695 Quince Rd..................................................................................... 901 767-6727 Dobson Chiropractic Clinic 6030 Knight Arnold Rd Ext # 4 .............................................................. 901 795-4300


East Memphis Chiropractic 4954 William Arnold Rd ......................................................................... 901 685-1356 Gill Thomas R DC 3625 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 377-8706 Goode Allen DC 4954 William Arnold Rd ......................................................................... 901 685-1356 Goode G Allen DC 2121 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 332-5997 Hanson Terry J DC 2121 Germantown Rd S........................................................................ 901 757-9000 Hickory Ridge Chiropractic 3325 Kirby Pkwy # 102......................................................................... 901 375-0900 Holliman Mark E Dr. 5135 Quince Rd .................................................................................... 901 821-9312 Hurst Rick DC 4239 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 763-2225 3445 Poplar Ave Ste 18 ........................................................................ 901 327-1551 James Alan DC Ccrd Ccsp Cscs 1069 W Rex Rd ..................................................................................... 901 821-0945 JAMES CHIROPRACTIC 830 N Germantown Rd.......................................................................... 901 752-8883 4970 Raleigh La-Grange Rd .................................................................. 901 752-8883 Johnson Chiropractic 5695 Quince Rd .................................................................................... 901 767-6727 Kammer Daniel P DC 3445 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 327-1551 Kellenberger Dave J DC 3675 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 323-3613 Kemker Family Chiropractic 2743 Bartlett Blvd.................................................................................. 901 383-2101 Kolwaite Patrick A DC 3068 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 386-0811 Madlinger Joseph Dr 3900 New Covington Pike Ste 101 ....................................................... 901 382-9693 Memphis Chiropractic Group 4913 Raleigh Common Dr # 202 .......................................................... 901 382-9693 Memphis Family Chiropractic 3725 Riverdale Rd ................................................................................. 901 795-6363 Morgan Chiropractic Ctr 6135 Mount Moriah Road Ext ............................................................... 901 375-1122 Morgan James P DC 2725 S Mendenhall Rd .......................................................................... 901 375-1122 Novak Eric DC 3725 Riverdale Rd ................................................................................. 901 795-6363 Payne Jason DC 3675 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 323-3613 Primary Care Chiropractic Center 4322 American Way .............................................................................. 901 794-1949 Raleigh Chiropractic Ctr 3068 Covington Pike # 6 ....................................................................... 901 386-0811 Smith Chiropractic Clinic 2121 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 346-2121 Southern Chiropractic 2834 Coleman Rd ................................................................................. 901 377-2334 Summer Ave Chiropractic Clinic 4239 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 763-2225 Swan Chiropractic Center 6965 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 795-6965

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Whyatt Dana L DC 3068 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 386-0811 Wyse Richard B DC 6801 Summer Ave Ste 102................................................................... 901 382-1404 Wyse Rick DC 651 Oakleaf Office Ln Ste 1 .................................................................. 901 763-2233

MÉDICOS URÓLOGOS / PHYSICIANS - UROLOGY ALABASTER MICHAEL MD 995 S Yates Rd Suite 1........................................................................ 901 527-7100 ALBERT GERALD L MD 995 S Yates Rd Suite 1......................................................................... 901 527-7100 7420 Guthrie Dr. N Ste 111, Southaven, MS....................................... 662 349-2220 Center For Urinary & Pelvic Disorders 3101 Walnut Grove Rd .......................................................................... 901 257-4005 Cox Clair E MD 920 Madison Ave ................................................................................... 901 448-6653 DANG, GERLAD MD 995 S Yates Rd Suite 1......................................................................... 901 527-7100 Ganguli S K MD 6005 Park Ave ....................................................................................... 901 761-2900 920 Madison Ave ................................................................................... 901 529-0672 Gingrich Jeffrey R MD 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8350 920 Madison Ave................................................................................... 901 448-6653 Gubin David A MD 6027 Walnut Grove Rd Ste 319............................................................. 901 767-8158 Horton Russell MD 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8340 Jerkins Gerald R MD 1920 Kirby Pkwy Ste 102...................................................................... 901 751-0500 Larimer Perry J MD 3950 New Covington Pike ..................................................................... 901 726-1541 MacDiarmid Scott A MD 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8350 Maddux H Benjamin Jr MD 3950 New Covington Pike ..................................................................... 901 372-3453 Male Health Center The 3960 Knight Arnold Rd .......................................................................... 901 794-2828 McGowan Leslie R MD 6027 Walnut Grove Rd .......................................................................... 901 767-8158 Mid-south Urology 1500 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 753-9821 3980 New Covington Pike Ste 304 ....................................................... 901 753-9821 640 N Germantown Pkwy # 200........................................................... 901 753-9821 3980 New Covington Pike # 304 .......................................................... 901 373-8333 1500 W Poplar Ave Collierville ............................................................... 901 853-2524 NEWMAN LARRY B MD 995 S Yates Rd Suite 1........................................................................ 901 527-7100 Patterson Lynn MD 920 Madison Ave Ste 921 ..................................................................... 901 448-6653 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8350 Pediatric Urology Assoc 1920 Kirby Pkwy # 102......................................................................... 901 751-0500 Pediatric Urology Associates Of The Mid-south Pc 1920 Kirby Rd........................................................................................ 901 371-5274 Porter William MD 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8340 Portera Gregory MD 3101 Walnut Grove Rd .......................................................................... 901 257-4005 Pound Charles R MD 920 Madison Ave................................................................................... 901 448-6653 RAYFORD, WALTER, M.D., Ph. D. 995 S. Yates Suite 1 ............................................................................. 901 527-7100 SASLAWSKY MARK J MD 995 S. Yates Suite 1 ............................................................................. 901 527-7100 7420 Guthrie Dr. N Ste 111, Southaven, MS....................................... 662 349-2220 Shappley William Vance MD 7705 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 759-0101



Smith Rick MD 640 N Germantown Pkwy ..................................................................... 901 753-9821 Southeast Center For Incontinence 3960 Knight Arnold Rd .......................................................................... 901 794-2828 SOUTHEAST UROLOGY NETWORK 995 S Yates Rd Suite 1 ........................................................................ 901 527-7100 7420 Guthrie Dr. N Ste 111, Southaven, MS....................................... 662 349-2220 Steiner Mitchell S MD 920 Madison Ave ................................................................................... 901 448-6653 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8350 Summitt Robert L Jr MD 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8340 Thompson Tommy C MD Facs 3960 Knight Arnold Rd Ste 202............................................................. 901 794-2828 Uro Center 80 Humphreys Ctr # 310 ...................................................................... 901 747-3370 Urogynecology And Urinary Incontinence 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8340 Urology Center Of The South 3980 New Covington Pike ......................................................................901 888 6186 Urology Center Of The South P C 1325 Wolf Park Dr ................................................................................. 901 726-1541 5909 Shelby Oaks Dr Ste 220............................................................... 901 373-8101 1325 Eastmoreland Ave # 360.............................................................. 901 726-1541 3950 New Covington Pike # 340 .......................................................... 901 372-3453 Urology Clinics Of Memphis 1264 Wesley Dr # 607 .......................................................................... 901 345-8860 Urology Group 6027 Walnut Grove Rd # 319 ................................................................ 901 767-8158 UT Medical Group Inc - Urogynecology And Urinary Incontinence 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8340 UT Medical Group Inc - Urology 920 Madison Ave................................................................................... 901 448-6653 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8350 UT Medical Group Inc - Women’s Center For Urinary Control 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8340 Vogt Val Y MD 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8340

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Wake Robert W MD 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8350 920 Madison Ave................................................................................... 901 448-6653 Williams Mark A MD 770 Estate Pl ......................................................................................... 901 371-5145 Wiygul Ragi D MD 7945 Wolf River Blvd ............................................................................. 901 347-8350

MEJORAS PARA EL HOGAR / HOME IMPROVEMENT American Builders & Supply Co 4087 Viscount Ave ................................................................................. 901 360-0709 American Home Improvement 1609 Dancy Blvd Horn Lake, MS,.......................................................... 662 393-9417 Metro Builders 2504 Mt. Moriah Bldg D Suite 301 ....................................................... 901 375-1717

MERCADOS DE PULGAS / FLEA MARKETS Agricenter-Flea Market 7777 Walnut Grove Rd .......................................................................... 901 757-7777 Airways Mini Flea Market 1426 Airways Blvd ............................................................................... 901 323-5505 Cleveland Street Flea Mkt Co. 438 N. Cleveland St. ............................................................................. 901 276-3333 Covington Flea Market 1934 Highway 51 Covington ................................................................. 901 476-2888 Frayser Flea Market 3238 Millington St ................................................................................ 901 353-3532 Galloway Trading Post & Flea Market 914 Highway 70 Arlington ..................................................................... 901 867-7549 Lucille’s Boutique 2574 Lamar Ave ................................................................................. 901 745-1305 Memphis Flea Market/The Big One 955 Early Maxwell Boulevard ................................................................ 901 276-3532 Second Time Around Flea Market 3437 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 725-1257 Somerville flea market 17455 Highway 64 ................................................................................ 901 465-6555 Top Dog Flea Market 11625 Highway 64 ................................................................................ 901 867-3532


901 Motorsports 2466 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 474-1556 Al's Cycle Shop Inc 3155 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-3767 ATV Motorcycle Parts Inc 3865 Winchester Rd Ste 5 ..................................................................... 901 366-4279 ATV Parts Depot 7221 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 800 945-1850 Bellevue Suzuki-Kawasaki 2319 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 774-1870 Biker's Dream of Memphis 7555 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 388-1889 Blues City Cycle 6045 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 382-9888 BMW Motorcycles of Memphis 5312 Pleasant View Rd .......................................................................... 901 385-8790 Bob's Honda 6175 Mt Moriah Rd Ext .......................................................................... 901 345-0088 Bruce Rossmeyer's Southern Thunder Harley-Davidson 6935 Windchase Dr Horn Lake .............................................................. 662 349-1099 Bumpus Harley-Davidson 2160 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 372-1121 Cycle Gear 6343 Summer Ave # 104 ....................................................................... 901 371-9692 Ducati of Memphis 5312 Pleasant View Rd .......................................................................... 901 385-7510


Fletcher's Cycle Service 2436 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 743-6948 FRS Power Sports & Equipment 6695 Fletcher Creek Cv.......................................................................... 901 385-9366 Fulmer CO 122 Gayoso Ave...................................................................................... 901 525-5711 Graceland Harley-Davidson 3727 Elvis Presley Blvd # 3.................................................................... 901 332-5847 Handicap Unlimited 5640 Summer Ave # 3 ........................................................................... 901 373-0095 Kawasaki of Memphis 6412 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 372-8210 Leo's Cycle & ATV 3755 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-0954 Levi Motor Sports 3883 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 435-6038 Motorcycle Maddness 6838 Us Hwy 70.......................................................................................... 901 386-4466 N-Line Cycle Trailers 2465 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 507-5640 Performance Plus Motocycle 5312 Pleasant View Rd .......................................................................... 901 385-8296 Polaris of Memphis 2141 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 374-0909 Royal Enfield of Memphis 2141 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 374-0909 Scooters Plus 3425 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 458-8843 Second To None Scooter Depot 3255 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 327-8434 Super Cycle 624 S Bellevue Blvd ............................................................................... 901 725-5991 Wilson Tire Company 2380 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 327-0523

MUDANZAS Y ALMACENAJE / MOVING & STORAGE 4 Way Self Storage 6780 Country Park Dr............................................................................. 901 372-2242 A & F Storage Trailer Rental 777 Moss Rd .......................................................................................... 901 682-1154 A & M Custom Crating & Movers 5724 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 246-3734 A Affordable Movers Inc 1011 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 794-6683 A Lock N Key Mini Storage 1045 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................ 901 521-6000 A Team Movers 4411 Alixs Dr .......................................................................................... 901 756-6130

The Mid-South's Largest Bilingual Newspaper - Pick up your copy of La Prensa Latina today!


A-Aaa Key Mini Storage 1880 Titus Rd ......................................................................................... 901 744-0260 1411 Corporate Ave................................................................................ 901 396-6408 A-Mobile Mini Memphis................................................................................................. 901 328-9239 Absolute Kare Movers 2144 Westchester Circle ........................................................................ 901 331-4300 Absolute Storage Mgmt Inc 1590 Kimdale Dr .................................................................................... 901 737-7343 Acclaimed Movers Memphis................................................................................................. 901 282-6687 Ace Instant Storage 2921 Ketchum Rd .................................................................................. 901 745-4444 Ace Movers & Storage 3978 Prescott Rd.................................................................................... 901 362-2359 Active Moving & Storage CO Inc 3775 Felts Station Rd ............................................................................. 901 358-2107 Admiral Van Lines LLC 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 255-3011 Affordable Moving 6423 Eagle Valley Cv .............................................................................. 901 388-3313 Airborne Moving & Storage 1011 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 681-0959 Alexander Transfer 4226 Clarke Rd ...................................................................................... 901 386-5400 All 4U Professional Movers Memphis................................................................................................. 901 725-8994 All American Moving Group LLC 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 202-7843 All State Moving Memphis................................................................................................. 901 864-6683 All-Wright Van Lines LLC 4340 Us Highway 51 N .......................................................................... 901 255-3013 Allen Moving CO 7227 Winchester Rd # 237 .................................................................... 901 757-4743 American Mini Storage 6105 Apple Tree Dr................................................................................. 901 368-4600 7399 US Hwy 64 .................................................................................... 901 328-9312 American Mini Storage LLC 7399 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 368-0800 American Paper & Twine CO 5872 Advantage Cv ................................................................................ 901 542-0090 American Van Lines Inc 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 255-3012 American Van Lines World Headquarters Memphis................................................................................................. 901 522-4485 Americraft Carton Inc 835 S Bellevue Blvd ............................................................................... 901 725-5100 AMPM Movers 2809 Kirby Rd # 116 .............................................................................. 901 362-0110 Amro Music Store 2918 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 323-8888 Annox Self Storage Memphis ........................................................................................... 901 490-9656 Armstrong Relocation 3927 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-1914 ASA Industries 136 Cumberland St ................................................................................ 901 454-4801 ASAP Moving Memphis................................................................................................. 901 854-9493 ASI Storage Solutions Inc 4444 Delp St .......................................................................................... 901 312-6195 Atlas Van Lines Agent 3569 Air Park St ..................................................................................... 901 363-0650 Auderick Moving Services Memphis................................................................................................. 901 438-9656 Austin Peay Mini Storage 4271 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 382-9445 Auto Driveaway Co 6401 Poplar Ave # 299........................................................................... 901 685-3360



B & L Trailer Sales & Service 2871 Farrisview Blvd # 5 ....................................................................... 901 366-7394 Balentine Express Moving Co 3567 Mill Branch Park Dr ....................................................................... 901 345-1524 5897 Waterstone Oak Way ..................................................................... 901 541-8945 Bartlett Self Storage Inc 8036 Us Highway 70 .............................................................................. 901 384-8901 Best Moving Service Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 755-1762 Big League Movers 540 South Mendenhall Ave .................................................................... 901 486-6897 Bluff City Transfer & Storage 3569 Air Park St ..................................................................................... 901 363-0650 Boxes Boxes Boxes 157 S Parkway East, # 3 ........................................................................ 901 948-1117 Brumlow's Piano Service 4077 Ronnie Ave .................................................................................... 901 372-8968 Buck Moving Penske 2369 Covington Pike # 101.................................................................... 901 388-2420 Buck's Almost Anything Moving 2369 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 266-7129 4260 Windermere Rd ............................................................................. 901 691-1617 Budget Car & Truck Rental 5133 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-8888 7171 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 379-0700 Budget Mini Storage 3417 Fontaine Rd ................................................................................... 901 345-5270 C W South Inc 227 Titan Dr............................................................................................ 901 346-1007 CAM Moving Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 649-7293 Clark Welborn's Moving Service 2477 Calkins Rd Germantown ............................................................... 901 755-7222 Collierville Mini Storage 6504 East Raines Rd .............................................................................. 901 794-3840 Colonnade Self Storage 7279 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 759-1133 Coltharp Commercial Piano Rental 4447 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 682-2274 Coltharp's Moving & Storage 4447 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 682-1172 Confederate Van Lines Llc 4340 Us Highway 51 N .......................................................................... 901 255-3014 ConGlobal Industries Inc 1684 Florida St ....................................................................................... 901 942-4835 Cooper & Cooper Moving 5161 Wilfong Rd ..................................................................................... 901 382-2083 Cord Moving & Storage 3264 Democrat Rd # 5........................................................................... 901 370-6400 Country Club Moving CO 6105 Apple Tree Dr................................................................................. 901 751-9611 Craig's Garage Cleanup & Rmvl Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 336-0200 Craters & Freighters 5624 Federal Ave ................................................................................... 901 795-0009 Crown Packaging Corporation 200 Collins St ......................................................................................... 901 276-9291 D & D Moving Memphis ......................................................................................... 901 489-1722 DACO Trailer Leasing 1761 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 332-0700 Delta Materials Handling Inc 4676 Clarke Rd ...................................................................................... 901 795-7230 Delta Packaging 2500 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 367-9000 Dieco Products 2533 Matthews Ave ............................................................................... 901 324-4218 Downtown Self Storage 525 N Main St # 1 .................................................................................. 901 529-0333

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Duncan Piano Moving Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 486-0545 East West Van Lines LLC PO Box 271327 ...................................................................................... 901 255-3015 Electronic Van Lines LLC 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 255-3016 Ewing Moving & Storage 12 E Belz Blvd ........................................................................................ 901 774-2197 Exel Logistics 4221 Pilot Dr .......................................................................................... 901 369-1840 Exodus Van Lines LLC 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 255-3017 Extra Space Storage 7222 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 751-2353 7301 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 759-4888 1235 Gateway Dr ................................................................................... 901 332-4440 2625 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 794-3900 3545 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 362-6147 2673 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 362-9370 5675 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 372-3086 1075 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 525-7000 4961 Covington Way .............................................................................. 901 372-0077 4994 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 388-0468 395 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 528-0505 2939 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 452-1177 3175 N Germantown Rd ........................................................................ 901 386-8137 4805 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 763-2800 Extra Space Storage 2124 Charles Bryan Rd .......................................................................... 901 385-2425 6937 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 386-1141 Fairgrounds Mini Storage 2472 Southern Ave................................................................................. 901 324-6789 Family Movers Memphis ........................................................................................... 901 383-0298 Federal Cold & Dry Storage 3264 Democrat Rd # 2........................................................................... 901 332-6191 Federal Vine Lines LLC 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 255-3018 Fluid Management Corporation LLC 7715 Us Highway 70 # 106 ................................................................... 901 266-1030 Fox Moving & Storage 514 Ash St Nashville .............................................................................. 615 770-3000 Freeway Van Lines LLC 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 255-3019 G & S Moving Memphis ........................................................................................... 901 650-5243 Garuda's Garage & Storage 1231 N Bellevue Blvd ............................................................................. 901 725-0276 General Moving CO 5361 Jordan Dr ...................................................................................... 901 398-8696 General Moving CO Inc 1328 William Fields Ave ......................................................................... 901 722-5287 Genesis Van Lines LLC 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 255-3020 Georgia-Pacific Corporation 611 Winchester Rd ................................................................................. 901 346-8500 Getwell Self Storage LLC 2700 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 362-0031 Go Mini's 4421 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 546-7546 Grady's Moving Service 908 Crockett Pl....................................................................................... 901 572-7000 Great Dane Storage Trailer Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 345-6090 Heritage Van Lines LLC Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 255-3021 Holiday Container 790 S 4th St ........................................................................................... 901 774-5711 Hollywood Self Storage 2555 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 353-6300


Humping To Please Moving Services Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 572-7000 Installation Connection 1060 Richland Dr ................................................................................... 901 619-2656 International Paper Co 3232 Players Club Pkwy ........................................................................ 901 419-9000 Johnson Bryce Inc 276 S Parkway W ................................................................................... 901 948-5687 Just Movers & More Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 210-2075 King of The World Movers 2884 Cargo Cir ....................................................................................... 901 299-9566 Kirby Raines Mini Storage 6504 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 794-3840 Kirby Raines Self Storage 6504 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 328-9234 L P Brown CO 6060 Primacy Pkwy # 454 ..................................................................... 901 767-6052 Lanigan Storage & Van CO Inc 1870 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 744-7070 Mario's Professional Moving Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 864-2045 Mason Dixon Intermodal 4014 Outland Rd .................................................................................... 901 546-9273 Mayflower Transit Agency 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 353-2900 Medical Center Self Storage 1045 Jefferson Ave ................................................................................ 901 328-9273 Meisler Trailer Rentals 5044 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 794-6227 Memphis Movers 218 Adams Ave ...................................................................................... 901 328-9416 Memphis Portable Storage LLC 5280 Meltech Blvd # 109....................................................................... 901 794-5992 Memphis Self Storage 4175 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 362-8962 Memphis Self Storage 3951 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 365-0301 Mid-South Movers Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 331-7394 Midtown Mini Storage 1449 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 272-3800 Midtown Vault Self Storage 1485 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 328-9327 Mighty Mississippi Movers Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 413-7631 Military Express Shipping CO Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 255-3022 Miller's Installation LLC 3282 Commercial Pkwy ......................................................................... 901 332-2122 Miller's Installations LLC 3282 Commercial Pkwy ......................................................................... 901 647-1320 Mini Storage of Jackson Avenue 3446 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 323-0400 Mobile Mini Inc Memphis ........................................................................................... 901 328-9262 Mobile Mini Inc 5553 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 795-2993 Mobile Storage Mobile Mini 5553 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 332-1165 More Deliverance Moving Service 3131 Farrisview Blvd.............................................................................. 901 565-9796 Morgan Moving & Storage Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 346-1030 Move Center 1492 Rozelle St ...................................................................................... 901 276-4567 Move USA Inc 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 353-6900 Movers World Van Lines Inc 3551 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 743-5082


Multi - Cover Inc Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 368-6968 Navy Van Lines 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 255-3023 Nelson Co 3400 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 380-0022 Nelson Inc 92 S Main St........................................................................................... 901 524-0902 New-Tech Packaging 2718 Pershing Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-5553 O K Storage 1353 Farmville Rd .................................................................................. 901 590-0529 Office Furniture Service 3035 Bellbrook Dr .................................................................................. 901 377-8800 OK Storage & Transfer Co 195 Scott St............................................................................................ 901 327-3535 Old Glory Van Lines LLC 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 353-3900 Omni Packaging Corporation 7581 Appling Center Dr .......................................................................... 901 387-0323 One Source Industries 4467 Delp St .......................................................................................... 901 565-9761 Ozburn-Hessey Logistics 5510 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................. 901 546-0006 Pac-Van, Inc. - Memphis Office 670 Winchester Rd ................................................................................. 901 348-9800 Pack Mule 4200 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 365-8900 Park Place Van Lines LLC 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 255-3025 Peete Moving CO 3471 N Germantown Rd ........................................................................ 901 372-8032 Penske Truck Rental 2369 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 382-5592 6504 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 794-0665 5724 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 382-1697 6105 Apple Tree Dr................................................................................. 901 751-3733 737 Madison Ave.................................................................................... 901 527-6261 4343 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 363-5717 2046 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 213-4595 Planetary Van Lines LLC Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 255-3026 Postal Plus Inc 3125 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 366-1368 Pratt Industries 3835 Knight Rd # 1 ................................................................................ 901 794-9417 Professional Moving Packers Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 386-3607 Public Storage 7495 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 937-7700 2130 Sycamore View Rd ........................................................................ 901 373-3979 4409 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 766-9007 2878 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 384-9788 4500 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 362-9281 421 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 544-7244 4910 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 818-1969 Q S Storage & Transfer CO Inc 1492 Rozelle St ...................................................................................... 901 276-4567 Quality Movers Memphis ............................................................................................... 901 763-3030 Quarles Moving Service 4562 Nevis Dr # 201 .............................................................................. 901 737-1801 Really Out Dare Moving CO Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 488-3048 Redwood Packaging Inc 3872 Delp St .......................................................................................... 901 794-8741 Richards Packaging 4721 Burbank Rd ................................................................................... 901 360-1121 River King Moving Co LLC Memphis................................................................................................. 901 277-0377



Riverking Moving CO 8915 Bristol Park Dr ............................................................................... 901 377-8242 Ryder 4121 Delp St # 1895.............................................................................. 901 362-4160 Ryder Truck Rental and Leasing 4121 Delp St # 1895.............................................................................. 901 365-1000 Sam J Simmons Moving Service 4436 Sequoia Rd.................................................................................... 901 682-7779 SBOX Storage 4800 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 870-6643 SBOX STORAGE LLC 4727 Poplar Ave Ste 204........................................................................ 901 818-0500 Self Storage 2555 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 881-8193 3891 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 881-8195 4720 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 881-8216 2700 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 881-8167 Sentry Self Storage 1961 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 388-6619 Service Packaging 1855 Thomas Rd .................................................................................... 901 385-7063 Shurgard Storage 7395 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 937-7700 421 Main St ............................................................................................ 901 527-1694 Smiley's Professional Moving 6816 Abelia Cove ................................................................................... 901 650-8241 Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation 265 West Trigg Ave ................................................................................. 901 942-3274 Southern Self Storage 4720 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 367-2500 Southwind Storage 7279 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 759-1133 St John Moving & Storage 6440 Forest Glen Dr Horn Lake ........................................................... 901 351-9459 Storage Locker Inc 6303 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 373-5900 Storage Rental & Sales LLC 3331 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 255-1010 Storage Solutions 4011 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 541-5494 Storage Town of America 7845 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 759-1230 Storage Towne of America 5900 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 382-7800 Storopack Packaging Systems USA 4290 Delp St .......................................................................................... 901 367-8053 Synergy Moving Service 2305 Airport Interchange Ave ................................................................. 901 332-2227 Tennessee Moving & Storage Inc 5724 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 377-7740 Tennessee Packing Inc 5724 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 377-5776 Tennessee Storage 5724 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 382-0707 Thomas Cold Storage 3412 Fontaine Rd ................................................................................... 901 332-6191 Tony Lanigan Moving Service 729 N White Station Rd .......................................................................... 901 680-9130 Trainor & Associates 4285 Wind Tree Cv ................................................................................. 901 373-8940 Transfer Alexander Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 794-9402 Tri State Logisitics Enterprise Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 274-8177 Trinity Moving & Storage Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 573-3020 Try Moving for Less Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 314-1245 Two Experts Movers PO Box 17633 ................................................................................... 901 337-9000

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Two Men and A Truck 3058 Lakeview Rd ................................................................................. 901 937-0123 U Store 2835 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 382-5600 1801 S Prescott St ................................................................................. 901 743-7900 6440 US Hwy 70 .................................................................................... 901 382-5300 4000 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 786-1400 1355 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 396-9018 U Store Self Storage 3435 Range Line Rd............................................................................... 901 357-7300 5570 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 937-0300 5345 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 396-4100 4530 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 346-7500 5515 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 367-0290 U Store Self Storage 6900 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 363-9400 4700 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 367-2200 U-Haul Co 370 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 521-0851 3666 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 386-2839 4175 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 362-9363 525 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 528-1241 3551 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 366-2624 5315 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-1663 3182 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 278-0285 2722 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 353-2051 3020 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 743-1993 7595 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 328-8109 1364 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 332-6603 U-Stor 3645 Stage James Rd............................................................................ 901 386-0600 U-Stor Self Storage 4000 South 3rd St .................................................................................. 901 786-1400 U-Stor Self Storage 1801 South Prescott St .......................................................................... 901 743-7900 6440 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 382-5300 5570 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 937-0300 6900 East Raines Rd .............................................................................. 901 363-9400 5345 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 396-4100 5515 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 367-0290 4530 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 346-7500 U-Store-It 2700 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 327-2080 5141 American Way ............................................................................... 901 362-8994 6390 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 366-0598 6140 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 362-8313 4705 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 794-9000 3577 New Getwell Rd ............................................................................ 901 362-3699 3686 Old Germantown Rd...................................................................... 901 756-9592 3040 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 266-3377 United Van Lines Agent 3927 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-1914 Urban Van Lines LLC 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 202-7680 USA Van Lines LLC PO Box 271277 ...................................................................................... 901 202-7296 Volunteer Van Lines LLC 4340 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 202-8065 Watkins Mini Storage 3969 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 358-5793 Wehaulit 1430 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 726-9461 Williams Scotsman 5012 Malone Rd ..................................................................................... 901 366-1433 Winchester Pointe Mini Storage 6714 Winchester Pointe Cv .................................................................... 901 565-0454 Wolff Packing Service Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 491-2568 Wurzburg Inc 710 S 4th St ........................................................................................... 901 525-1441


MUEBLES / FURNITURE Arlington Furniture 12015 Highway 70 Arlington................................................................. 901 867-7773 Babytime 3086 Norbrook Dr ................................................................................. 901 332-2229 Bartlett Home Furnishings 2755 Bartlett Blvd ................................................................................. 901 388-6030 Bluff City Used Furniture 3255 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 454-0729 CORT FURNITURE 3777 Winchester Rd. ............................................................................ 901 365-2560 Flack’s Ethan Allen 1820 N Germantown Pkwy Cordova ..................................................... 901 753-7888 Furniture Connection 3672 Hickory Hill Rd ............................................................................ 901 547-9050 Furniture Depot 5360 Knight Arnold Road ....................................................................... 901 375-4599 Furniture Factories’ Showroom 7980 Us Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 377-0553 Futon Store The 4635 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 682-8122 2874 Wolfcreek Pkwy............................................................................ 901 372-8055 Haverty’s Furniture 2825 Wolfcreek Pkwy............................................................................ 901 380-4150 6870 Winchester Rd ............................................................................. 901 795-5577 3961 Outland Rd ................................................................................... 901 795-5430 3961 Outland Rd .................................................................................. 901 794-9755 Hollywood Furniture & Hardware Co 2461 Chelsea Ave ................................................................................ 901 452-1978 Kay Furniture 2985 Lamar Ave ................................................................................... 901 744-1453 Kidz Bedzzz 5248 Summer Ave ............................................................................... 901 683-2245 Mattress Warehouse 6214 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 385-9292 7204 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 752-8600 1870 N Germantown Pkwy Cordova ..................................................... 901 751-2331 2703 S Perkins Rd ............................................................................... 901 365-4200 Memphis Furniture Showroom 6656 Winchester Rd ............................................................................. 901 368-4525 3119 S Perkins Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-8585 Pottery Barn Furniture Outlet 4718 Spottswood Ave .......................................................................... 901 818-9770 Price Is Right The 5066 American Way ............................................................................. 901 566-0234 Royal Discount Furniture 122 S Main St ...................................................................................... 901 527-6407 4000 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 525-4000 6250 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 794-6275 Royal Discount Furniture 5255 Elvis Presley Blvd ........................................................................ 901 346-2174 2700 Lamar Ave .................................................................................... 901 324-2700

Tu oportunidad de grandes ahorros en muebles previamente rentados, para tu hogar y oficina ¡Visita CORT Clearance Center y encontrarás lo que estás buscando... al precio que quieres!


Samuels Furniture & Interiors 5508 Poplar Ave ................................................................................... 901 761-4998 Samuel’s Furniture Thomasville Home Furnishings 1615 N Germantown Pkwy Cordova ..................................................... 901 624-9700 Samuels Furniture Warehouse Showroom 2449 Scaper St .................................................................................... 901 743-6565 Sensational Sofas 6685 Poplar Ave Germantown .............................................................. 901 758-8974 Sleep Fairs Mattress Warehouse 3473 Austin Peay Hwy .......................................................................... 901 377-6902 Thrifty Furniture Co 1356 Florida St ...................................................................................... 901 942-1815 Union Avenue Antique Mall 1652 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 276-0089 Unpainted Furniture Center 5266 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 818-9500 Value City Furniture 6393 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 362-3200 Wilson Furniture Co Inc 225 Washington St Collierville ............................................................... 901 853-2664

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?) • A Elvis Presley le gustaba el tocino muy dorado y crujiente. Algunas otras comidas favoritas de Presley eran las patas de cerdo, las hojas verdes de la col y los intestinos de puerco. • Elvis Presley liked his bacon very crisp. Some of his other favorite foods were pig’s feet, collard greens, and chitlins (chitterlings).

• Isaac Hayes, un reconocido alumno de Stax era la voz de “Chef ” en la comedia Central’s South Park. • Issac Hayes, well known Stax alumnus was the voice of “Chef” on Comedy Central’s South Park.

• El 19 de septiembre de 1982 Scott Fahlan, investigador de IBM, escribió el primer emoticón (carita sonriente) :-) en un mensaje en línea. • On September 19, 1982, Scott Fahlman, and IBM researcher first typed the smiley face emotion :-) in an online message.

• Cuando usted alcance la edad de 75, habrá pasado 23 años durmiendo.

• By the time you are 75 years old, you will have spent an average 23 years sleeping.

LPL Hispanics YP 2010 EPH / BW



2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

MUEBLES - RENTA DE / FURNITURE RENTALS Aaron Rents & Sells Furniture 4883 American Way .............................................................................. 901 365-7360 Aaron’s Sales & Leasing Ownership 3331 Jackson Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-4222 3093 S Perkins Rd ............................................................................... 901 546-0909 Central Appliance & TV Rental 3617 Central Ave ................................................................................... 901 327-7368 CORT FURNITURE RENTAL & CLEARANCE CENTER 3777 Winchester Rd ........................................................................... 901 365-2560 Rent-A-Center 3296 Jackson Ave ................................................................................. 901 327-3766 2570 Frayser Blvd ................................................................................ 901 353-5300 4005 Jackson Ave ................................................................................. 901 377-8300 3265 Austin Peay Hwy ......................................................................... 901 386-3800 4267 Elvis Presley Blvd ........................................................................ 901 332-3200 4090 Elvis Presley Blvd ........................................................................ 901 396-1400 2387 Lamar Ave .................................................................................... 901 744-6111 4661 American Way .............................................................................. 901 794-7760 4691 Knight Arnold Rd .......................................................................... 901 794-7760 5825 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 362-1236 Rentway 3260 Jackson Ave ................................................................................. 901 458-1036 6510 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 365-1322 Staton’s Rental Purchase 3435 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 458-2350 Uzico Appliances 2544 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 452-4025

NIÑOS Y JÓVENES (SERVICIOS PARA) / CHILDREN & YOUTH (SERVICES) Baptist Childrens Home 6936 Us Hwy 70..................................................................................... 901 373-1009 Boy Scouts of America 171 S Hollywood St ................................................................................ 901 327-4193 Boys & Girls Club of Greater Memphis 894 Isabella St........................................................................................ 901 324-5763 4299 Ross Rd ......................................................................................... 901 542-9604 620 S Lauderdale St............................................................................... 901 946-9222 Boys & Girls Club of Memphis Tech Training Cntr 903 Walker St ......................................................................................... 901 774-3074 Central Office 189 S Barksdale St................................................................................. 901 278-2947 Girl’s Inc 60 N 3rd St ............................................................................................. 901 523-0217 Girl Scouts Tenn, Ark & Miss Council Headquarters 1931 Dorrie Ln ....................................................................................... 901 767-1440 Goodwill Homes Community Service 4590 Goodwill Rd ................................................................................... 901 785-6790 John Dustin Buckman Boys & Girls Club 1100 Vollintine Ave ................................................................................. 901 527-7994 MASON YMCA 3548 Walker Ave................................................................................... 901 458-9622 Medical Center YMCA 777 Washington Ave # 405 .................................................................... 901 572-5622 Southside Boys & Girls Club 667 Richmond Ave ................................................................................. 901 774-1173 YMCA of Memphis & The Mid-South 6373 Quail Hollow Rd............................................................................. 901 766-7677

NOTARIOS PUBLICOS / NOTARY PUBLICS 1st Continental Mortgage Inc. 3340 Poplar Ave Ste 214........................................................................ 901 414-0304 24 7 Mobile Notary 1527 Gold Ave ........................................................................................ 901 212-1610

Memphis’s choice for bilingual news for 12 years!



A 24 Hour Mobile Notary 5115 Shady Grove Rd ............................................................................ 901 438-6111 A Plus CO 1020 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 396-8208 A River City Bail Bonding CO 556 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 888-2489 A-One Express Courier 1855 Poplar Woods Cv,Germantown ...................................................... 901 755-7078 Act Now Mobile Notary 1144 River Fall Cv .................................................................................. 901 483-8430 Affordable Financial Service 2851 Stage Village Cv ............................................................................ 901 379-0086 Agencia de Seguros Hispana de Memphis 3024 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 266-5508 Anders & Associates 3182 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 272-1313 Daniels Court Reporting 3869 W Christine Gardens ..................................................................... 901 366-4056 Davco Insurance Group 2277 West St Ste 200 Germantown ...................................................... 901 592-1509 Farmers Insurance Grp 3189 Kirby Whitten Rd # 106 ................................................................. 901 881-2501 Farmers Insurance Grp-Fncl Service 3329 Kirby Pkwy # 1 .............................................................................. 901 363-1717 Fedex Kinko's 50 North Front St .................................................................................... 901 521-0261 First Tennessee Home Loans 7640 Poplar Ave Germantown .............................................................. 901 759-7838 Gail Glass Insurance 4730 Riverdale Rd # 5 .......................................................................... 901 795-9288 Hubbard & Phelps 5769 Rayben Circle ................................................................................ 901 367-9044 Jones Notary Service 7624 Glenfield Cv ................................................................................... 901 336-4897 Kaiser Insurance 2868 Summer Oaks Dr .......................................................................... 901 372-3900 Mail Center 1910 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 725-9173 Memphis Notary Service 5495 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 362-1946 Memphis Notary Service Inc Memphis .......................................................................................... 901 365-3793 Mid-South Coin Co Inc 3894 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 324-2244 Nationwide Ins- Lazara Semanate 3024 Covington Pike # 6 ........................................................................ 901 266-5507 Notary Memphis 3125 S Mendenhall Rd # 353 ................................................................ 901 375-1091

The Mid-South's Largest Bilingual Newspaper - Pick up your copy of La Prensa Latina today!


Pak Mail 540 S Mendenhall Rd, # 12 ................................................................... 901 763-1002 2946 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 372-3919 7605 Us Hwy 70 # 107, Memphis ........................................................ 901 266-3607 2809 Kirby Rd # 116 .............................................................................. 901 362-1122 Post Office - Airport Mail Facility 4233 Louis Carruthers Dr ....................................................................... 800 275-8777 Post Office - Desoto 161 East Ge Patterson Ave ..................................................................... 800 275-8777 Post Office - Hollywood 1283 Tunica St ....................................................................................... 800 275-8777 Post Office - Main 555 S 3rd St ........................................................................................... 800 275-8777 Post Office - Raleigh 3711 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 800 275-8777 Postal Plus Inc 3125 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 366-1368 Signing Services 5000 Lochinvar Rd ................................................................................. 901 268-3754 Southeast Memphis Community Development Corp 3150 Lenox Park Blvd # 420.................................................................. 901 273-2870 The UPS Store - 3395 9245 Poplar Ave # 8 Germantown ........................................................ 901 624-9701 The UPS Store - 3489 1779 Kirby Pkwy #1 ............................................................................... 901 624-7538 The UPS Store®- Shipping & Packaging 7948 Winchester Rd # 109 ................................................................... 901 759-2060 The UPS Store®- Shipping & Packaging 111 S Highland Ave ................................................................................ 901 324-7282 Ups Store 6025 Stage Rd # 42 ............................................................................... 901 385-8701 Villasenor Notary 3674 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 363-1575 Wiles-Smith Drug Store 1635 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 278-6416


PARQUES PARA CASAS MÓVILES / MOBILE HOME PARKS Allentown Mobile Home Community 4912 Raleigh Millington Rd ........................................901 388-0046 ó 901 357-0301 Candlelight Park For Mobile Homes 296 Western Park Dr ............................................................................. 901 785-5710 Country View Mobile Home Community 3951 Hillsboro Cv .................................................................................. 901 353-1491 Dick Moore Mobile Homes 6565 Hwy 51 North, Millington ...................................901 873-4663 ó 901 745-0928 Edgewood Mobile & Rv Park 2911 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 396-8580 Green Acres Mobile Home Parks 2710 Whitten Rd .................................................................................. 901 386-2515 Grove At Cayce The 25 Grove Rd Collierville ......................................................................... 662 851-3572 Harbin’s J C 3993 Elvis Presley Blvd ........................................................................ 901 398-4633 Leahy’s Rv And Trailer Park 3070 Summer Ave OFC ....................................................................... 901 452-7456 Shady Oaks Mobile Home Park 7860 Raleigh Millington Rd Millington................................................... 901 872-3168 Southern Meadows Mobile Home Community 6334 Dawn Haven Dr Millington ........................................................... 901 872-0428 United Mobile Homes 4912 Raleigh Millington Rd .................................................................. 901 373-1700 Wheel Estate Mobile Home Park 1520 E Brooks Rd ................................................................................ 901 396-2220



PASTELERIAS Y PANADERIAS / BAKERIES Atlanta Bread Company 7850 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................... 901 399-7400 Best Donuts 1793 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 942-2348 Busy Bakery 5824 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 435-6751 Cheesecake Corner 113 E GE Patterson Ave.......................................................................... 901 525-2253 City Doughnuts 6335 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 373-9779 Cookie Factory 1217 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 396-4444 Daylight Donuts 5735 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 266-5152 Daylight Donuts 7546 US Hwy 70 # 101.......................................................................... 901 380-0228 Dolly Madison Cake CO 4899 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 682-0541 Donald Doughnuts 5144 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 751-3604 1776 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 725-5595 Donna's Doughnut 1311 Haynes St ...................................................................................... 901 743-5394 Draper's Bakery & Banquets 6110 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 385-7788 Dungan Cookie 3712 Steele St........................................................................................ 901 358-8674 Dunkin' Donuts 1674 Whitten Rd # 108 .......................................................................... 901 379-2626 French Bakery 181 Cumberland St ................................................................................ 901 454-0454 Gibson's Donuts 760 Mt Moriah Rd .................................................................................. 901 682-8200 Harriets Creations Inc 2974 Green Fairway Cv North ................................................................ 901 854-1104 Howard's Donuts 4348 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 683-2985 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts 4244 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 332-0620 6255 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 795-2301

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas La Baguette French Bread Shop 2095 Exeter Rd Germantown............................................................... 901 458-0900 3088 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 458-0900 La Espiga Bakery 3967 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 454-9220 5959 Knight Arnold Rd Ext ..................................................................... 901 795-9171 La Ilucion 4273 American Way # 9 ......................................................................... 901 369-0212 Miss Muff'n 7511 Queens Ct Germantown................................................................ 901 757-1258 Muddy's Bake Shop LLC 5101 Sanderlin Ave # 114...................................................................... 901 683-8844 Original Donut Man 3224 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 388-9500 Sam's Donuts 2235 Whitten Rd # 2 .............................................................................. 901 385-1152 Sara Lee Bakery Group 5564 Universal Dr................................................................................... 901 726-9104 Southern Gourmet Designer Cake 4529 Atoll Ln .......................................................................................... 901 218-4618 Sunbeam Bread Bakery Thrift Store 6525 Memphis Arlington Rd................................................................... 901 372-7292 3342 Goodman Rd Horn Lake.............................................................. 662 280-7858 Sweet Urges With A Prayer 7233 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 757-1887 TJ Cinnamons 5021 Us Highway 78 .............................................................................. 901 367-5760 Twinique Cakes 6880 Hillshire Dr..................................................................................... 901 386-0779 Willette's Bakery 4545 Dorff Dr ......................................................................................... 901 396-4277 Wonder Bread Hostess 570 Rivergate Dr .................................................................................... 901 942-2772 341 Monroe Ave ..................................................................................... 901 522-9494 400 Monroe Ave ..................................................................................... 901 525-8404 3171 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 353-0622 4403 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 346-2530 2532 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 373-5854 Wonder Hostess Bakery Outlet 3763 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 372-6830 Worlds Famous Pie Lady Memphis................................................................................................. 901 522-1502


¿Sabías que? (Did you know?) • La lepra es la enfermedad más antigua conocida en el mundo, los primeros datos se remontan a 1350 AC. • Leprosy is the world’s oldest known disease, dating back to 1350 BC.

• Casi todas las células del cuerpo humanos contienen seis pies (casi 2 metros) de ADN. • Almost every cell in your body contains six feet of DNA.

Affordable Solutions 630 Richmond Ave ................................................................................. 901 282-9539 Baucom Built Construction 7531 Bavarian St Germantown .............................................................. 901 753-5725 Blue Moon Painting & Drywall 6935 Green Crest Dr .............................................................................. 901 383-2928 Bynum Home Improvement 3149 Southern Ave Apt E ....................................................................... 901 359-3594 D & D Paint & Repair 2689 Willow Rest Dr............................................................................... 901 428-7543 L & V Painting 919 Inman Rd......................................................................................... 901 864-7762 Old Fashioned Residential 3246 Club Rd ......................................................................................... 901 503-2183 Olde Town Painting & Repair 7948 Winchester Rd Ste 109 ................................................................. 901 569-4259 Straight Line Painting Memphis ............................................................................................... 901 484-2788

PIZZERIAS / PIZZA Ace's Pizza & Subs 1258 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 396-3000 America's Incredible Pizza Co 1245 Germantown Pkwy,Cordova .......................................................... 901 309-3132


Best Pizza in Town-Exlines 2356 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 452-0865 Blue Monkey Pizza & Potations 2012 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 272-2583 Broadway Pizza House 2581 Broad Ave...................................................................................... 901 454-7930 Camy's 3 S Barksdale St..................................................................................... 901 725-1667 Chuck E Cheese's 3649 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 363-1064 3268 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 757-7776 Ciao Bella Pizza 552 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 205-2500 Cici's Pizza 3637 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 368-0006 3474 Plaza Ave # 1 ................................................................................ 901 452-6225 6600 Stage Rd # 113 ............................................................................. 901 387-0999 Coletta's Italian Restaurant 1063 S Parkway East ............................................................................. 901 948-7652 Domino's Pizza 550 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 323-3030 3000 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 344-9999 5784 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 372-3030 7869 Farmington Blvd Germantown ................................................... 901 756-6800 5695 Mount Moriah Rd .......................................................................... 901 369-0303 686 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 527-3030 7464 Winchester Rd # 101 .................................................................... 901 624-5114 3937 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-3030 5123 Yale Rd .......................................................................................... 901 373-6391 6971 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 360-0030 East Memphis Pizza & Subs 3736 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 794-9600 Exlines' Best Pizza in Town 3375 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 396-1339 1560 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 725-1430 2809 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 744-3938 2801 Kirby Rd......................................................................................... 901 754-0202 3145 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 358-8333 6250 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 382-3433 2545 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 452-0865 3556 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 368-3846 2935 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 388-4711 Figaro's Italian Pizza 3315 Hacks Crossing ............................................................................. 901 756-6500 Garibaldi's Pizza 3530 Walker Ave .................................................................................... 901 327-6111 921 S Yates Rd ....................................................................................... 901 763-4111 7521 Queens Ct Germantown ........................................................... 901 756-4444 Gourmet Pizza 3315 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 759-0005 High Point Pizza 477 High Point Terrace ........................................................................... 901 452-3339 Iberia's Pizzeria 5070 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 373-4868 Italian Rebel Pizza Parlor 1636 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 345-5164 Johnny Bruscos New York Style Pizza 3810 Hacks Crossing Rd ........................................................................ 901 755-0706 Knight Kap Pizza 3991 Knight Arnold Rd ........................................................................... 901 362-3050 Little Caesar's Pizza 3794 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 454-4741 5018 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 767-4046 Summer Shopping Cntr .......................................................................... 901 767-4666 Whitehaven Shopping Cntr ..................................................................... 901 332-3341 Village Plaza Shopping Cntr.................................................................... 901 360-8555 3390 Overton Crossing........................................................................... 901 353-3600 2219 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 683-2300 4730 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 753-5575 5985 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 377-1122


7820 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................ 901 757-5626 Little Italy Pizza 1495 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 725-0280 Lou's Pizza Pie LLC 2158 Young Ave...................................................................................... 901 722-4031 Memphis Pizza Cafe 5061 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 684-1306 7604 W Farmington Blvd,Germantown .................................................. 901 753-2218 2087 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 726-5343 Milano's Pizza 3705 Malco Way # 102 ......................................................................... 901 751-0430 2801 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 382-1007 6525 Memphis Arlington Rd................................................................... 901 372-4849 7625 Hwy 64......................................................................................... 901 380-7800 Movie & Pizza CO 110 Harbor Town Square ....................................................................... 901 527-2233 New York Pizza Cafe 7140 Hwy 64......................................................................................... 901 384-9028

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Old Venice Pizza Company 368 Perkins Ext ...................................................................................... 901 767-6872 Papa Pia's 83 Union Ave .......................................................................................... 901 521-4331 Pietro Pizza & Subs 7717 Hwy 70.......................................................................................... 901 380-5504 Pizza Hut 4630 American Way ............................................................................... 901 360-9100 6168 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 377-5007 6090 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 795-1911 7990 Hwy 64 # 101 ............................................................................. 901 372-2744 1940 Exeter Rd # 1 Germantown ....................................................... 901 362-3333 3675 Southwind Park Cv # 107 ............................................................ 901 362-3333 River City Pizza LLC 4280 Concorde Rd ................................................................................. 901 546-0377 Roma Pizza Pasta 22 N 3rd St ............................................................................................. 901 521-1977 Romano's Macaroni Grill 2859 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 266-4565 6705 Poplar Ave,Germantown................................................................ 901 753-6588 Russo's New York Pizzeria 9087 Poplar Ave # 111,Germantown ..................................................... 901 755-0092 Schlotzsky's Deli 4758 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 763-0741 Stevi B's Pizza 2990 Kirby Whitten Rd ........................................................................... 901 372-2800 Tony's Pizza Co & Deli 799 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 324-1003 Tucker's Pizza, Wings & Subs 1607 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 274-0333 Villa Pizza 2760 N Germantown Pkwy #266........................................................... 901 372-9485

PLAGAS (SERVICIOS DE CONTROL DE) / PEST CONTROL SERVICES A 1 Sanders Pest Control 3055 Southwall St .................................................................................. 901 745-9008 A-1 Pest Control Memphis................................................................................................. 901 372-7165 Abbey Road Chimney Sweep Co 776 Shotwell St ...................................................................................... 901 452-1984 ABC Wildlife Control 7366 Guilder Cove.................................................................................. 901 373-4567 Accurate & Thrifty Pest Cntrl Memphis................................................................................................. 901 870-0574 Acme Pest Control 3055 Southwall St .................................................................................. 901 745-9003 Action Pest Control CO Inc 221 Oakwood Dr .................................................................................... 901 327-7378 Affordable Termite Control 4246 Outland Rd .................................................................................... 901 367-0577 American Wildlife Removal 781 Pecan Gardens Circle E ................................................................... 901 323-8443 Annie's Termites-Pest Control PO Box 9065 .......................................................................................... 901 785-0971 At Last Pest Management Inc 5119 Summer Ave # 225 ....................................................................... 901 683-5520 Atomic Pest Control Co Inc 2371 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 774-0057 Battles Pest Control Inc 6535 Royal King Dr ................................................................................ 901 372-8888 Big Creek Animal Removal Memphis................................................................................................. 901 237-2576 Bomar's Bugs-N-Stuff 2978 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 388-8120 Bug Doctor Memphis................................................................................................. 901 870-5166 Buzz Off Mosquito Control LLC 1025 Cherry Rd ...................................................................................... 901 685-0900

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Chief Termite Service 5291 Us Hwy 51 N ................................................................................. 901 358-1418 Control Bug A Way 2600 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 323-0594 Control Pest Inc 2149 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 272-0162 Cook's Pest Control Inc 8527 Wolf Lake Dr.................................................................................. 901 743-4200 3225 Sharpe Ave .................................................................................... 901 473-6588 Coopertown Critter Gitters 1081 Stage Ave ...................................................................................... 901 358-3333 Craig Leon Pest Control Service 5401 Maple Ridge Rd............................................................................. 901 377-3465 Craig Pest Control Memphis................................................................................................. 901 317-4296 Craig Pest Control 6111 Sugar Tree Ave .............................................................................. 901 377-5580 Crawlspace Doctor 7155 Butterfly Dr .................................................................................... 901 355-0701 Critter Control of Memphis Memphis................................................................................................. 901 381-4222 Critter Ridders Simmons Pest 2938 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 365-2847 Custom Pest Control 3717 Us Hwy 78..................................................................................... 901 367-1558 Dart Pest Control 6343 Summer Ave # 102 ....................................................................... 901 384-6071 Drexel Chemical Co Inc 1700 Channel Ave .................................................................................. 901 774-4370 Ervin's Pest Control 3540 Summer Ave # 304 ....................................................................... 901 327-8803 FMC Agricultural Products Grp 3238 Players Club Circle # 60-61 .......................................................... 901 565-0301 For Ever Green 4600 Tchulahoma Rd ............................................................................. 901 238-7041 George Termite & Pest Control 4745 Poplar Ave # 301........................................................................... 901 683-4423 Gillespie Termite & Pest Control 7152 Chico Cove Germantown .............................................................. 901 757-9004 Good Earth Termite & Pest Co 5164 Elmore Rd ..................................................................................... 901 373-9300 Great Home Service Memphis................................................................................................. 901 761-2116 Have A Heart Animal Control 4001 Fern Valley Dr ................................................................................ 901 757-0756 Holliday Exterminating Co Inc 2521 Frisco Ave...................................................................................... 901 744-2840 Home Pest Control Co 2823 Shelby St ....................................................................................... 901 937-7850 J J Fair Pest Control 5549 Patsy Circle W ............................................................................... 901 757-4336 James Pest Management 4246 Outland Rd .................................................................................... 901 367-2007 Jamison Pest & Lawn 3638 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-1505 Jamison Pest Control Memphis................................................................................................. 901 756-4600 Kee Pest Control Inc 4145 Senator St ..................................................................................... 901 366-7378 Lady Bug Pest Control 3471 Christy Ln ...................................................................................... 901 373-8488


Lewis Termite & Pest Memphis................................................................................................. 901 383-2118 Lewis Termite & Pest Control 979 Bartlett Rd ....................................................................................... 901 763-0063 M & W Termite Control Co Inc 3167 Barron Ave # 101 .......................................................................... 901 744-7150 Mack Pest Control Inc 6957 Us Hwy 70..................................................................................... 901 377-6225 Mid-South Pest & Termite Inc 1364 Dovecrest Rd................................................................................. 901 386-9222 Mike Sullivan Wildlife Service Memphis................................................................................................. 901 949-6790 Mole Patrol Memphis................................................................................................. 901 473-9483 Molpus Pest Control Co 4164 Oak Rd .......................................................................................... 901 386-1510 Monsanto Co 7608 Moore Rd ...................................................................................... 901 252-2316 3175 Lenox Park Blvd # 110.................................................................. 901 375-5640 Moray Termite Control Co 5397 Finchwood Ave .............................................................................. 901 372-6443 North Mississippi Pest Control 4230 Faronia Rd ..................................................................................... 662 393-3887 Nu Era Pest Control 70 W Mitchell Rd .................................................................................... 901 786-0109 Oldham Chemicals CO Inc 3701 New Getwell Rd ............................................................................ 901 794-0084 One Stop Termite & Pest Cntrl 5790 Ferguson Rd .................................................................................. 901 386-8959 Orkin Pest Control 2170 Business Cntr Dr ........................................................................... 901 377-1442 Pate's Termite & Pest Control PO Box 111334 ...................................................................................... 901 458-6568 Peache's Termite-Pest Control 893 Ledbetter Ave .................................................................................. 901 785-0307 Pest Masters Memphis................................................................................................. 901 360-9848 Pest Unlimited Memphis................................................................................................. 901 590-1136 Pied Piper Pest Control 3835 Viscount Ave .................................................................................. 901 794-8500 Plantation Pest Control 690 Scott St............................................................................................ 901 324-2500 Presto-X Co 6180 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 797-8785 Pro-Serve Inc 3390 Winbrook Dr .................................................................................. 901 332-7052 Professional Pest Management 3915 S Rossiland Circle ......................................................................... 901 327-8400 Proven Pest Management 6810 Canna Hill Cove ............................................................................. 901 377-8946 Rainbow Pest Control Inc 1128 Winchester Rd # 108 .................................................................... 901 345-0818 Redd Pest Control 4255 Cherry Center Dr ........................................................................... 901 367-2577 Reed Exterminating Co Memphis................................................................................................. 901 345-2128 Rehoboth Pest Control Memphis................................................................................................. 901 240-2154 Ridall Pest Control Services 100 North Main St Ste 920 .................................................................... 901 377-9915

The Mid-South's Largest Bilingual Newspaper - Pick up your copy of La Prensa Latina today!


Spillman Pest Control Inc 2999 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 458-1111 Steve-N-Sons Termite & Pest 5530 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 372-7900 Stroupe Pest Control 3717 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 367-2093 Syngenta Corporation Protection Inc 3760 Business Dr # 105 ........................................................................ 901 751-5200 Terminix Memphis................................................................................................. 866 341-3319 Terminix International 860 Ridge Lake Blvd .............................................................................. 662 562-6700 3635 Knight Rd # 7 ................................................................................ 901 363-1132 3860 Forrest Ave .................................................................................... 901 751-7580 7540 Appling Center Dr .......................................................................... 901 756-4600 6855 Appling Farms Pkwy # 200 ........................................................... 901 386-4157 Memphis................................................................................................. 901 752-1255 Terry's Pest & Termite Memphis................................................................................................. 901 859-4724 Terry's Termite & Pest Control 5815 Ackerman Ave ............................................................................... 901 213-9400 Total Termite & Pest Control 4210 Altruria Rd # 126........................................................................... 901 382-8878 Tri State Exterminating CO 3130 Appling Rd ..................................................................................... 901 377-2546 Tri State Termite Memphis................................................................................................. 662 536-4911 Univar USA Chemicals 713 Lakeside Dr Germantown .............................................................. 901 371-8250 Ward's Termite & Pest Control PO Box 1310 .......................................................................................... 901 789-2711 Weir Pest Control 2031 Cranberry Dr ................................................................................. 901 377-1124 Whitby Exterminations Memphis................................................................................................. 901 309-5655 Wildlife Solutions Memphis................................................................................................. 901 323-9878 Womack Exterminators 1458 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 685-5464

PLOMEROS / PLUMBERS Affordable Plumbing 3614 Jackson Ave ................................................................................. 901 383-8800 Albert Cook Plumbing CO 2101 Central Ave ................................................................................... 901 272-2507 Brooks Plumbing 931 Galloway Ave .................................................................................. 901 526-8452 Dennis Wright Plumbing Company 9074 Southview , Southaven, MS ......................................................... 662 342-1329 Glenn Terhune Plumbing, Inc 2820 Whitten Rd ................................................................................... 901 767-7501 Hill Services 1201 Sycamore View Rd ....................................................................... 901 388-7500 Kevin Wright Plumbing 5690 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 387-4530 Rescue Rooter Memphis, TN ........................................................................................ 901 372-0626 Roto-Rooter Greater Memphis ................................................................................... 901 323-1760 Germantown / Collierville ................................................................... 901 757-2900 Southaven, MS ...................................................................................... 662 342-5700 Toll Free ................................................................................................. 800 438-7686 Wade Plumbing Company 1631 Bartlett Rd .................................................................................... 901 380-9252




PRODUCTOS PARA EL CABELLO / HAIR PRODUCTS AMPRO 9074 Southview , Southaven, MS ...................................................... 662 342-1329

PSÍQUICOS - PSYCHICS Gregorio Jose Maestro 3760 Park Ave. ....................................................................................... 901 552-4935 Inner Man Church of the Future 5038 Millbranch Rd. ............................................................................... 901 345-9099 Mrs. Mitchell Psychic Readings 5239 S. 3rd St. ....................................................................................... 901 789-6868 Powell, Monica Psychic 1876 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 278-8500 Psychic Predictions 6045 Stage Rd. Ste.61 ........................................................................... 901 384-9700 Psychic Reader 3618 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-9877 Psychic Reader 6061 Stage Rd. Ste.1 ............................................................................. 901 266-0052 Psychicís of Beale Street 333 Beale St. .......................................................................................... 901 523-2003

PUBLICIDAD EN EXTERIORES / ADVERTISING (OUTDOOR) Mendelson and Associates, LLC 995 South Yates, Suite 3 ........................................................................ 901 751-2100


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REHABILITACIÓN CENTROS / REHAB CENTERS Aa Alcohol Abuse and Addictions 100 S Holmes St .................................................................................... 901 452-0923 About Recovery Resources 2009 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 877 345-3220 Acar Center 633 Monroe Ave ..................................................................................... 901 527-3100 Adc Recovery and Counseling Center 3041 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 375-1050 Advanced Toxicology Network 3560 Air Center Cv ................................................................................. 901 794-5770 Alacohol 24 Hour Detox Rehab 200 Court Ave......................................................................................... 901 572-7286 Alcohol A Abuse Accredited Drug Detox Rehabilitation Treatment ............................................................................................................... 901 371-2163 Apex Medical Management Center 3624 Austin Peay Highway, .................................................................... 901 377-7870 Alcohol Treatment Center 815 Decatur St ....................................................................................... 901 521-0094 Alcoholics Anonymous 109 Alexander St .................................................................................... 901 458-7845 Alcoholics Anonymous 8017 Highway 51 Southaven MS........................................................... 662 280-3435 5119 Summer Ave Ste 315.................................................................... 901 454-1414 Alliance Care 7701 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 309-5305 Alliance Care 6580 Poplar Pike .................................................................................... 901 680-0521 Alliance Care 274 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 454-2208 Baptist Industrial Rehabilitation 8990 Germantown Rd Olive Branch MS ................................................ 662 893-0544 Baptist Memorial Healthcare 1111 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 529-4045 Baptist Occupational Health Services 350 N Humphreys Blvd .......................................................................... 901 722-9675 Baptist Rehabilitation 1734 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 276-4416 7950 Club Center Dr .............................................................................. 901 754-0384 4539 Winchester Rd Ste 3 ..................................................................... 901 795-5585 318 W Tyler Ave West Memphis AR........................................................ 870 735-0816 6215 Humphreys Blvd............................................................................ 901 227-9693 6570 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 385-3877 50 Humphreys Ctr .................................................................................. 901 226-4522 2100 Exeter Rd....................................................................................... 901 757-3458 401 Southcrest Cir Southaven MS ......................................................... 662 349-7530 6019 Walnut Grove Rd ........................................................................... 901 226-5180 7601 Southcrest Pkwy Southaven MS................................................... 662 349-4095 3146 Goodman Rd Southaven MS ......................................................... 662 349-0403

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Bartlett Therapy Center 5142 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 383-4200 Behavorial Services of Tn 1296 Hazel Crest Ln ............................................................................... 901 388-0963 Burford Spinal Rehabilitation 346 New Byhalia Rd Ste 3 ..................................................................... 901 853-1734 Caaps Halfway House Extended 1347 Ferguson Rd .................................................................................. 901 942-0022 Clovernook Center For the Blind & Visually Impaired 346 Saint Paul Ave ................................................................................. 901 523-9590 Cocaine & Alcohol Homeless Va Program 3375 Winbrook Dr .................................................................................. 901 346-1115 Cocaine Alcohol Awareness Program 1725 Pinebrook Dr ................................................................................. 901 395-0964 3835 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 794-0915 1656 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 272-2227 4029 Knight Arnold Rd ........................................................................... 901 362-6988 4023 Knight Arnold Rd ........................................................................... 901 367-7550 Compass Intervention Center 7900 Lowrance Rd ................................................................................. 901 758-2002 Delta Rehab 1038 Goodman Rd Horn Lake MS ......................................................... 662 536-2540 318 W Tyler Ave West Memphis AR........................................................ 870 732-7774 Delta Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine 2400 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 458-5997 Desoto County Hernando Dayhab 170 W South St Hernando MS ............................................................... 662 429-8651 Drug Abuse Action Addiction Helpline 1304 Beauregard Ave............................................................................. 901 726-9392 East Arkansas Substance Abuse Program 110 Center St Marion AR........................................................................ 870 739-5676 Eastark Enterprises Sheltered Workshop 401 S Woods St West Memphis AR........................................................ 870 732-2750 Healthsouth Sports 6100 Primacy Pkwy ............................................................................... 901 685-6670 1282 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 722-2000 875 W Poplar Ave ................................................................................... 901 854-7312 7174 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 382-7476 Lakeside Behavioral Health System 2911 Brunswick Rd................................................................................ 800 232-5253 2911 Brunswick Rd................................................................................ 901 380-5093 Memphis Alcohol and Drug Council 1430 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 274-0056 Memphis Center For Research & Addiction Treatment 1270 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 722-9420 Memphis Orthopaedic Group PT 3980 New Covington Pike, # 200 .......................................................... 901 382-2606 3860 New Covington Pike, # 110 .......................................................... 901 386-2607 3980 New Covington Pike, Suite 204,.................................................... 901 937-3201 Methodist North Rehabilitation Center 3960 New Covington Pike ...................................................................... 901 516-5320 Novacare 7464 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 758-2377 Occupational Rehabilitation Clinic 3860 New Covington Pike ...................................................................... 901 382-2607 Omega Rehab Group Incorporated 4092 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 346-0010 1091 Whitaker Dr Apt 2.......................................................................... 901 346-0012 1440 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 346-0010 Paragon Rehabilitation 3568 Appling Rd ..................................................................................... 901 371-2175 1467 E Mclemore Ave ............................................................................ 901 726-1824 Parkwood Behavioral Health System 8135 Goodman Rd Olive Branch MS ..................................................... 800 477-3422 Parkwood Bhs Outreach Center 8135 Goodman Rd Olive Branch MS ..................................................... 800 307-3598 Physiotherapy Associates 5146 Stage Road Suite 102 ................................................................... 901 380-2722 Raleigh Professional Associates 2960 Austin Peay Highway..................................................................... 901 372-7878


Rehab America 1536 Appling Care Ln............................................................................. 901 384-9752 Rippee Rehabilitation Inc 5134 Stage Road.................................................................................... 901 388-4444 TLC Medical & Physical 3624 Austin Peay Highway, # 1.............................................................. 901 372-7324 Teen Challenge of Memphis 33 N Cleveland St................................................................................... 901 272-2308 Teen Drug Hot Line 616 Adams Ave ...................................................................................... 901 527-3784 The Recovery Club 1953 Sartain Dr Horn Lake MS .............................................................. 662 342-2380 Therapy Hut 751 Walnut Knoll Ln ............................................................................... 901 309-5219 Trustworks 80 Tillman St .......................................................................................... 901 323-4999 Turning Point Counseling & Consulting 5600 Goodman Rd Ste B Olive Branch MS ............................................ 662 893-6556 United States Government Department of Veterans Affairs 225 N Humphreys Blvd .......................................................................... 901 544-0199 US Rehab Services Incorporated 6570 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 384-3733 Wellsource Rehabilitation 8035 Club Pkwy ..................................................................................... 901 758-6026

Memphis’s choice for bilingual news for 12 years!




2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas


RENTA DE EQUIPOS/EQUIPMENT RENTAL DIXIE RENTS 3271 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 327-1601 6352 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 377-7275 5411 Elvis Presley ................................................................................ 901 332-3431 6920 Winchester................................................................................... 901 363-8338 777 W Poplar-Collierville ..................................................................... 901 854-5200 8160 Macon Rd..................................................................................... 901 756-6969

REPARACIONES DE DAテ前S POR INCENDIOS O INUNDACIONES / FIRE & WATER DAMAGE RESTORATION AAA Restoration ............................................................................................................... 901 753-4432 Commercial Carpet Maintenance 5529 Pleasant View Rd ........................................................................ 901 386-2525 Enviro Clean .............................................................................................................. 901 691-0641 Metro Builders Inc 2504 Mt. Moriah Rd Bldg D Suite 301 .................................................. 901 375-1717 Paul Davis Systems 2093 Thomas Rd., Suite 6 ..................................................................... 901 373-5394 Steamatic Of Memphis 3684 Cherry Rd ..................................................................................... 901 365-3700


RESTAURANTES / RESTAURANTS 1176 Restaurant 2770 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 213-3586 123 Fish Chicken 1651 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 743-6667 51 Smoke Shop 1400 Highway 51 N Covington .............................................................. 901 475-0289 A & R Barbeque 3721 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 365-9777 1802 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 774-7444 A Great 'lil Place Restaurant 6300 Highway 64 Oakland..................................................................... 901 465-0428 A Tan Hibachi Steakhouse 3445 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 458-8877 A Touch of Soul 881 Highway 51 S Covington................................................................ 901 475-9900 A Yodi's Wings & More 9050 Millbranch Rd Southaven MS ...................................................... 662 280-8133 Abbay's 2345 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 384-7622 Abner's Of Southaven 787 Goodman Rd E Southaven MS....................................................... 662 536-3992 Abners Famous Chicken Tenders 1100 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 754-5355 Abuelos Mexican Food Embassy 8274 US Highway 64 ............................................................................ 901 672-0765 Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant 2600 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 321-0082 Ace's Chicago Pizza 1134 N Germantown Pkwy Cordova ..................................................... 901 756-7223 Adline Hot Wings Express 2736 Warford St .................................................................................... 901 357-2515 Airport Inn 1441 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 398-9211 Alcenia's Desserts & Preserves Shop 317 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 523-0200 Alex's Tavern


1445 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 278-9086 Alfred's On Beale 197 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 525-3711 All About Dem Wangs 1381 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 946-1747 All Star Hot Wings 286 N Cleveland St................................................................................. 901 272-8728 3111 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 369-0504 3228 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 357-4550 7537 US Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 388-1047 Al's Tasty Burger Inn 942 E EH Crump Blvd............................................................................. 901 529-0800 Amana Bakery 3978 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 795-3848 Amar's Deli 137 Madison Ave.................................................................................... 901 526-0400 Amber Palace 97 S 2nd St ............................................................................................ 901 578-9800 American Cafテゥ 2055 West St Ste 20 .............................................................................. 901 753-3651 American Deli 1250 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 332-8866 2760 N Germantown Pkwy Ste 248 ...................................................... 901 383-2772 3401 Raleigh Springs Mall ..................................................................... 901 383-2772 Amerigo 1239 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 761-4000 Amigos Restaurant 3121 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 363-5210 Anne's Bakery & Cafe 3050 Central Ave .................................................................................... 901 320-6407 Applebee's Neighborhood Grill 2890 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 213-5034 2114 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 725-7136 Arcade Restaurant 540 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 526-5757 Arnold's BBQ 6721 East Shelby Dr............................................................................... 901 566-0005 4560 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 345-5992 Asian Grill 2072 West St ......................................................................................... 901 737-3988 Asian Kitchen 7605 Us Hwy 70 # 104 ......................................................................... 901 213-3298 Asian Palace 2920 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 388-3883 Asian Palace Express 4978 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 761-7888 At The Bistro Restauarant 2063 Brooks Rd...................................................................................... 901 398-5917 Atlanta Bread Company 7850 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................... 901 399-7400 Atrium 6800 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................... 901 309-0261 Audubon Cafe & Catering 4002 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 327-4488



Aunt Cora's Cafe 73 East McLemore Ave .......................................................................... 901 942-5506 Automatic Slim's Restaurant 83 S 2nd St ............................................................................................ 901 525-7948 B J'S Buffalo Style Hot Wings 1315 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 323-9464 3824 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 396-4688 7825 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 624-5773 Babe's Fish Chicken & Lounge 813 Jackson Ave .................................................................................... 901 578-3474 Bach's Lunch 1715 Aaron Brenner Dr .......................................................................... 901 432-2224 Bagel Co of Memphis 6698 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................... 901 754-2660 Bahama Breeze 2830 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 385-8744 Bamboo Garden 2235 Whitten Rd # 101 .......................................................................... 901 388-5858 Bar-B-Q Shop Restaurant 1782 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 272-1277 Bari 22 S Cooper............................................................................................ 901 722-2244 Barksdale Restaurant 237 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 722-2193 Barnhill's Buffet 6196 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 377-1826 Bartlett Book Center & Cafe 5975 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 385-9168 Bartlett Gyros & Wrap 5788 Stage Rd # 1 ................................................................................. 901 385-3572 Baskin-Robbins 8057 US Hwy 64 # 106.......................................................................... 901 266-3831 7820 Poplar Ave # 8 Germantown ......................................................... 901 752-1031 1680 Union Ave # 115............................................................................ 901 272-3131 85 S Highland St .................................................................................... 901 458-6031 2450 Scaper St ...................................................................................... 901 743-8331 4012 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 395-8431 6114 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 685-0298 4307 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-8368 7110 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 737-3195 Bayou Bar & Grill 2094 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 278-8626 Beale Street Tap Room 168 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 527-4392 Beauty Shop Restaurant 966 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 272-7111 Beijing Chinese Restaurant 6149 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 373-4356 Bel Air Bar & Grill 6195 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 388-1474 Belmont Grill 9102 Poplar Pike .................................................................................... 901 624-6001 4970 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-0305 Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream 9155 Poplar Ave Ste 14.......................................................................... 901 751-3511 5007 Black Rd Ste 110 .......................................................................... 901 767-3178 Benihana Restaurant 912 Ridge Lake Blvd .............................................................................. 901 683-7390 Best Kept Secret Restaurant 629 Chelsea Ave..................................................................................... 901 521-8318 Best Pizza in Town-Exlines 2356 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 452-0865 Best Wings of Memphis 2390 Summer Ave # 102 ....................................................................... 901 458-7711 Bhan Thai 1324 Peabody Ave.................................................................................. 901 272-1538 Big Bill BBQ 3530 Ramill Rd....................................................................................... 901 388-9038 Big Daddy's Restaurant & Dance 5221 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 507-3002

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Big Dip Dairy Bar 2391 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 743-6706 Big Momma's Kitchen 4363 S 3rd St # B .................................................................................. 901 785-8700 Binion's Chicken and Waffles 7537 US Hwy 64 Bartlett ...................................................................... 901 213-3518 Black Diamond 153 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 521-0800 Blimpie Subs & Salads 6600 Stage Rd # 109 ............................................................................. 901 382-1144 7525 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 752-8530 1551 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 275-8930 4831 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 682-4700 Blockers Soul Food Restaurant 3624 Austin Peay Hwy #4 ...................................................................... 901 381-2648 Blue City Cafe 138 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 526-3637 Blue Coast Burrito 3546 Walker Ave .................................................................................... 901 323-3730 Blue Fin 135 S Main ............................................................................................. 901 528-1010 Blue Monkey 513 S Front St ........................................................................................ 901 527-6665 Blue Monkey Pizza & Potations 2012 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 272-2583 Blue Plate Cafe 5469 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 761-9696 113 Court Square ................................................................................... 901 523-2050 Blue Shoe Bar & Grill 2625 Thousand Oaks Blvd ..................................................................... 901 362-6200 Bluff City Bayou 2117 Peabody Ave.................................................................................. 901 274-8100 Bob Evans Restaurant 8445 US Hwy 64 .................................................................................... 901 377-2591 Bogie's Delicatessen 80 Monroe Ave # L8 ............................................................................... 901 525-6764 Bogie's Delicatessen Midtown 2098 Lasalle Pl ....................................................................................... 901 272-0022 Bogies Delicatessen 715 S Mendenhall R............................................................................... 901 761-5846 Booya's Burrito Beach 2965 N Germantown Rd # 115 .............................................................. 901 386-7919 Bosco's Squared 2120 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 432-2222 Boss Man Pitt Stop 1621 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 743-0062 Bourbon Street Grill 2760 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 385-8008 Brad's Bar-B-Q 2845 Bartlett Rd ..................................................................................... 901 373-6326 Bradleys Hamburgers 3695 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 368-4395 Break Room 5909 Shelby Oaks Dr # 142................................................................... 901 388-1123 Broadway Pizza House 2581 Broad Ave...................................................................................... 901 454-7930 Bronte Bistro @ Davis Kidd 387 Perkins Ext ...................................................................................... 901 374-0881


Brookhaven Pub & Grill 695 Brookhaven Circle ........................................................................... 901 680-8118 Brooklyn Bridge Italian Restaurant 1779 Kirby Pkwy # 5 Germantown ........................................................ 901 755-7413 Brother Juniper's College Inn 3519 Walker Ave .................................................................................... 901 324-0144 Brother's Grill & Seafood 2204 Whitten Rd # 1 .............................................................................. 901 590-4637 Bruno's Italian Restaurant 1354 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 726-0770 Brushmark Restaurant the at Overton Park 1934 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 544-6225 Bruster's & Nathan's Hot Dogs 7938 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 737-9592 Bryant's Bar-B-Q & Breakfast 3965 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-7494 Bubba's Ale House & Grille 7041 Hwy 64 #107 ................................................................................ 901 937-1911 Buckley's Lunch Box 919 S Yates Rd ....................................................................................... 901 682-0570 Buckleys Poplar 5355 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 683-4538 Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar 8385 Us Hwy 64, # 101 ......................................................................... 901 380-9294 3770 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 737-9463 3448 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 324-9225 Burger Express 4625 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 345-2227 Butcher Shop Steakhouse 101 S Front St ........................................................................................ 901 521-0856 Bynum's Bar-B-Q 1404 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 323-8227 C & J Barbecue 2019 E Person Ave ................................................................................. 901 774-6696 C Fu Chinese Restaurant 3135 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 370-4706 C K'S Coffee Shop 567 Perkins Ext ...................................................................................... 901 683-7900 1698 Pope St.......................................................................................... 901 276-6737 6815 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 388-6522 1308 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 726-0907 3139 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 327-6365 5370 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-1238 Cafe 1912 243 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 722-2700 Cafe Eclectic 603 N McLean........................................................................................ 901 725-1718 Cafe Medical 1817 Kirby Pkwy # 7 Germantown ........................................................ 901 755-9710 Cafe Napoleon 86 N Main St .......................................................................................... 901 524-1848 Cafe Ole 959 S Cooper St .......................................................................................... 901 274-1504 Cafe Society 208 N Evergreen St ................................................................................ 901 722-2177 Cafe Toscana LLC 5007 Black Rd # 150 ............................................................................. 901 761-9522 Cafeteria 1425 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 346-1190

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Cajun's Catfish 1616 Sycamore View Rd ........................................................................ 901 383-8958 Cal's Championship Steakhouse 5069 Sanderlin Ave ................................................................................ 901 322-6666 Camy's 3 S Barksdale St..................................................................................... 901 725-1667 Capriccio A Restaurant 149 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 529-4164 Captain Bishop Deli 2721 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 743-5200 Carolyns Soul Food Kitchen 615 Chelsea Ave..................................................................................... 901 528-1123 Carrabba's Italian Grill 5110 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-9900 Casa Blanca 2156 Young Ave...................................................................................... 901 725-8557 Casa Mexicana 8057 Us Hwy 64 # 102 .......................................................................... 901 213-0775 Castle Restaurant 3992 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 320-1020 Catfish Shack 3706 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 366-4574 Cayenne Bar and Grill 2411 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 332-2370 Celtic Crossing 903 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 274-5151 Central BBQ 4375 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-4672 Chang's House 5999 Bartlett Center Dr .......................................................................... 901 382-7581 Chao Praya 3588 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 366-7827 Chapultepec Mexican Restaurant 3170 Village Shops Dr Germantown ...................................................... 901 751-2655 Chef's Downtown Wings & More 200 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 527-1009 Cherry Road Cafe 1535 Cherry Rd ...................................................................................... 901 435-6907 Cheryl's Arcade Snack Bar & Rest. 450 W Peebles Rd .................................................................................. 901 785-4515 Chesters Chicken 3371 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 433-3637 Cheyenne Country Restaurant 1976 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 332-9428 Chili's Grill & Bar 8100 Giacosa Pl ..................................................................................... 901 372-3132 4609 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-2257 7810 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................... 901 756-5203 China Bear Fast Food 316 E EH Crump Blvd............................................................................. 901 527-0902 China Buffet 3641 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 398-3998 China Chef 4375 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 381-1338 China Doll Chinese Restaurant 1246 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 278-6888 China Dragon 7960 Winchester Rd #103 ..................................................................... 901 309-1988 China Garden 3205 Coleman Rd .................................................................................. 901 937-8836 China House 4780 Riverdale Rd # 10 ......................................................................... 901 756-9491 China Inn 2829 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 383-8211 China Inn Restaurant 4430 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 396-0287 China Master 4465 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 761-9808 China Restaurant 150 Jefferson Ave .................................................................................. 901 527-3838



China Royal Restaurant 2936 Kirby Whitten Rd ........................................................................... 901 377-2666 China Super Buffet 4764 American Way ............................................................................... 901 369-7585 China Wok 3850 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 383-9777 Chinese Restaurant 1259 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 396-7117 Chop Suey House 2285 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 947-4023 Chow Time 4207 Hacks Crossing Rd ........................................................................ 901 737-8272 Christian Supper Club Restaurant 383 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 526-8403 Chuck E Cheese's 3268 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 757-7776 3649 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 363-1064 Ciao Bella 565 Erin Dr ............................................................................................. 901 684-6004 Ciao Bella Pizza 552 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 205-2500 Cici's Pizza 3637 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 368-0006 6600 Stage Rd # 113 ............................................................................. 901 387-0999 3474 Plaza Ave # 1 ................................................................................ 901 452-6225 Cielo 679 Adams Ave ...................................................................................... 901 524-1886 Circa 119 South Main St ................................................................................. 901 522-1488 Classic Wings N Things 1056 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 346-0707 Claybrook Restaurant 220 S Claybrook St................................................................................. 901 272-7444 Cold Stone Creamery 1243 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 761-9120 Coleman's Bar-B-Q Pit & Grill 5175 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 332-9929 Coletta's 2850 Appling Rd ..................................................................................... 901 383-1122 1063 S Parkway East ............................................................................. 901 948-7652 Colton's Steakhouse & Grill 8030 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 383-8445 Combo Hot Wings 7020 East Shelby Dr............................................................................... 901 755-5664 Combos Hots Wings Express 1707 Winchester Rd # 104 .................................................................... 901 396-3486 Commissary 2290 S Germantown Rd Germantown ................................................... 901 754-5540 Coney Island 2351 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 948-8962 Corky's Bar-B-Q 5259 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-9744 Corned Beef House 2250 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 744-3840 Cottage Restaurant 3297 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-4447 Cove 2559 Broad Ave...................................................................................... 901 730-0719

Space for the 2011 Edition is filling up fast! Speak with one of our account executives today to reserve your space! Call 901-751-2100!

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Cozy Corner 745 N Parkway ....................................................................................... 901 527-9158 Cozymel's Mexican Grill 6450 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 763-1202 Cracker Barrel Old Country Store 8000 Lowrance Rd ................................................................................. 901 757-0269 6081 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 382-5465 Crepe Maker 175 Peabody Pl ...................................................................................... 901 522-1290 CrisCharlz Restaurant & Lounge 3705 Malco Way..................................................................................... 901 751-8838 Crock Pot 2166 Florida St ....................................................................................... 901 947-6200 Crumpets 262 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 324-2221 Crumpy's Hot Wings 4270 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 789-1166 3724 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 363-6565 4641 Millbranch R .................................................................................. 901 396-3400 Crumpy's Wings & More 220 S Claybrook St................................................................................. 901 729-2302 Cuauh's Hot Dog-O & Taco 2965 Germantown Rd ............................................................................ 901 275-8017 Cupboard Restaurant 1400 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 276-8015 Curb Side Casseroles 5130 Wheelis Dr ..................................................................................... 901 761-0287 Currents @ The River Inn of Harbor Town 50 Harbor Town Square.......................................................................... 901 260-3300 Curry's Hot Wings 629 Chelsea Ave..................................................................................... 901 522-0145 Cynthia's Soul Food Restaurant 4310 New Allen Rd................................................................................. 901 373-3399 Do Sushi Restaurant 964 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 272-0830 D'Bo's Buffalo Wings-N-Things 5727 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 379-0006 4407 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 345-9464 7050 Malco Crossing # 106 ................................................................... 901 363-8700 Da Wing Stop 2926 Lamar Ave # 101 .......................................................................... 901 743-4500 Dad's Place 1471 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 332-3500 Daily Grill 221 S 3rd St ........................................................................................... 901 334-5950 Daily Grind Coffee Bar 111 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 529-1685 Dan Mc Guiness Pub 4698 Spottswood Ave ............................................................................ 901 761-3711 Davis-Kidd Cafe 387 Perkins Ext ...................................................................................... 901 374-0881 De-Javu New Orleans-Vgtrn 936 Florida St ......................................................................................... 901 942-1400 Denny's 6090 Macon Cove .................................................................................. 901 382-7791 166 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 522-1304 Destiny Diner 322 S Cleveland St ................................................................................. 901 725-9809 Dino's Grill 645 N McLean Blvd ................................................................................ 901 278-9127 Dish 948 South Cooper .................................................................................. 901 276-0002 Divine Wings & Bar Inc 3279 Kirby Pkwy .................................................................................... 901 362-8468 Dixie Burger 2388 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 454-1904 Dixie Cafe 3895 Hacks Crossing Rd ........................................................................ 901 737-8515 2861 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 377-2211 4699 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 683-7555


Doc Watson's 1817 Kirby Pkwy Germantown .............................................................. 901 755-2481 Dodge's Chicken Store 5192-B Hwy 61 S................................................................................... 901 785-8429 Don Don Hot Wings 2741 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 937-0096 3620 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 377-7007 2926 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 396-8377 4591 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 396-9991 Double Deuce Highland 557 S Highland Ave ................................................................................ 901 458-2787 Down South BBQ & Hot Wing 902 E Raines Rd ..................................................................................... 901 398-1108 Doc Watson's 1817 Kirby Pkwy Germantown .............................................................. 901 755-2481 Dodge's Chicken Store 5192-B Hwy 61 S................................................................................... 901 785-8429 Don Don Hot Wings 2741 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 937-0096 3620 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 377-7007 2926 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 396-8377 4591 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 396-9991 Double Deuce Highland 557 S Highland Ave ................................................................................ 901 458-2787 Down South BBQ & Hot Wing 902 E Raines Rd ..................................................................................... 901 398-1108 Dragon China Buffet Restaurant 1680 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 278-8838 Drake's Deli 5050 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 761-5535 Du Won Jung 3810 Hacks Cross Rd # 101 .................................................................. 901 756-1334 Dyer's Burgers 205 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 527-3937 Dyer's Cafe 8610 Ricky Bell Circle ............................................................................ 901 590-1460 Eagle's Nest Restaurant 6102 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 386-9100 Earnestine & Hazel's Bar-Grill 531 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 523-9754 East End Grill 7956 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 432-4256 7547 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 937-1392 East Memphis Fish Market & Eatery 5697 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 365-1333 East Memphis Pizza & Subs 3736 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 794-9600 Eat Well Sushi & Grill 2965 Germantown Rd ............................................................................ 901 388-8178 Edo Japanese Restaurant 4792 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-7096 El 7 Mares 3681 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 386-1199 El Chapultepec Mexican Restaurant 2037 Exeter Rd # 2 Germantown........................................................... 901 751-1800 El Charro 3511 Ramill Rd....................................................................................... 901 373-3705 El Chico Cafe 3491 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 323-9609 El Mercadito 3766 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 365-3036 El Mezcal 9947 Wolf River Blvd Germantown ........................................................ 901 853-7922 402 Perkins Ext Ste B............................................................................. 901 761-7710 4688 Knight Arnold Rd ........................................................................... 901 360-1838 1492 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 274-4264 El Mollino Restaurant 6496 Us Hwy 70..................................................................................... 901 380-9523 El Palmar Restaurant 4069 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-9700


El Patron 5811 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 388-1022 El Porton Mexican Restaurant 2095 Merchants Row Germantown ....................................................... 901 754-4268 8361 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 380-7877 El Porton of Memphis 65 S Highland St .................................................................................... 901 452-7330 El Puerto Mexican Grill & Bar 775 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 452-8019 El Taquito 5721 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 380-3073 Ellen Soul Food 2497 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 942-0350 Elliott's Restaurant 16 S 2nd St ............................................................................................ 901 525-4895 Emerald Thai Restaurant 5699 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 367-2827 Encore - Memphis 150 Peabody Pl #111 ............................................................................ 901 528-1415 Equestria Restaurant & Lounge 3165 Forest Hill Irene Rd........................................................................ 901 869-2663 Equizite Dining 4547 Sundown Ln .................................................................................. 901 785-1044 Erling Jensen The Restaurant 1044 S Yates Rd ..................................................................................... 901 763-3700 Euphoria 704 Madison Ave.................................................................................... 901 523-9444 Eurest Dining 1300 Wesley Dr ...................................................................................... 901 345-2051 Exlines' Best Pizza in Town 3375 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 396-1339 2801 Kirby Rd......................................................................................... 901 754-0202 1560 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 725-1430 2809 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 744-3938 3145 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 358-8333 6250 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 382-3433 2545 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 452-0865 3556 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 368-3846 2935 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 388-4711 Express Deli II 137 Madison Ave.................................................................................... 901 526-0996 Extreme Cuisine 569 Erin Dr ............................................................................................. 901 542-5141 Fairway Cafe 8275 Tournament Dr # 120.................................................................... 901 748-1555 Fajitas Mexican Restaurant 7424 Us Highway 64, # 101 .................................................................. 901 937-4129 Family Affair 2904 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 452-4445 Family Bar BQ & Snack Bar 2457 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 327-5624 Fargo's 4027 Raleigh Millington R ...................................................................... 901 377-6878 Fat Larrys 7537 Us Hwy 70..................................................................................... 901 386-1900 Fatburger 1393 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 327-2212 Fazoli's 3587 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 794-9121

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Felicia Suzanne's Restaurant 80 Monroe Ave ....................................................................................... 901 523-0877 Figaro's Italian Pizza 3315 Hacks Crossing ............................................................................. 901 756-6500 Fino's Italian Grocery 1853 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 272-3466 Firebirds Rocky Mountain Grill 8470 US Hwy 64 .................................................................................... 901 379-1300 Firehouse Subs 7685 Farmington Blvd # 108 Germantown............................................ 901 755-8633 7505 US Hwy 64 # 109.......................................................................... 901 373-9200 5062 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 763-3066 Fish & Hot Wings 1661 Semmes St ................................................................................... 901 743-3055 Fish Fil A 4730 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 624-3474 Fish Net 2731 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 744-3656 Flemings Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar 6245 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 761-6200 Flight Restaurant & Wine Bar 39 South Main St.................................................................................... 901 521-8005 Flying Saucer 130 Peabody Place................................................................................. 901 523-8676 Folk's Folly Prime Steak House 551 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 762-8200 Formosa Restaurant 6685 Quince Rd # 126 ........................................................................... 901 753-9898 Four Way Restaurant 998 Mississippi Blvd............................................................................... 901 507-1519 Fox and Hound 5101 Sanderlin ....................................................................................... 901 763-2013 Fratelli's 750 Cherry Rd ........................................................................................ 901 576-4118 Fresh Slice's Sidewalk Cafe 1585 Overton Park Ave........................................................................... 901 725-1001 Fresh Slices Sidewalk Cafe 6600 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 388-0270 Front Street Delicatessen 3301 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 794-6655 Front Street Delicatessen 77 South Front St ................................................................................... 901 522-8943 Fuego Maya's 4308 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 763-3893

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2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Garibaldi's Pizza 921 S Yates Rd ....................................................................................... 901 763-4111 7521 Queens Ct Germantown................................................................ 901 756-4444 3530 Walker Ave .................................................................................... 901 327-6111 Gay Hawk Restaurant 685 S Danny Thomas Blvd ..................................................................... 901 947-1464 George's Coffee Shop 50 N 3rd St ............................................................................................. 901 528-9713 Getaway Sports Bar 4632 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-3073 Gip Cafe 5979 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 526-4157 Golden China Restaurant 1160 S Bellevue Blvd ............................................................................. 901 774-5621 Golden India 2097 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 728-5111 Grand Buffet 2015 Exeter Rd Germantown ................................................................. 901 309-2036 6105 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 382-6339 Grandma's Desserts Etc 3108 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 458-2197 Great Wall 2838 Hickory Hill Rd # 19 ...................................................................... 901 542-5252 Green Bamboo 4205 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 753-5488 Green Beetle 325 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 526-0383 Green China Restaurant 9435 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................... 901 758-8383 Gridiron Diner 4101 Elvis Presley Dr ............................................................................. 901 396-9869 Gridiron Restaurant 100 N Front St ........................................................................................ 901 525-3126 1533 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 398-1664 711 S Dudley St ..................................................................................... 901 774-0482 Gridley's Fine Bar-B-Q 6842 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 377-8055 Grill 83 83 Madison Ave...................................................................................... 901 333-1224 Ground Zero Blues Club 158 Lt George W Lee.............................................................................. 901 522-0130 Grove Grill 4550 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 818-9951 Gus's World Famous Hot & Spicy 310 S Front St ........................................................................................ 901 527-4877 Gus's World Famous Fried 2965 N Germantown Rd # 111 .............................................................. 901 373-9111 Gwills 1278 Latham St ..................................................................................... 901 774-7669 Half Shell 7825 Winchester Rd # 122 .................................................................... 901 737-6755 688 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 682-3966 Hamburgers & More 94 N Main St .......................................................................................... 901 543-9977 3 S Main St............................................................................................. 901 545-0048 Happy Mexican 385 S 2nd St .......................................................................................... 901 529-9991 Happy Wok 3685 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 353-1888 Hard Rock Cafe 315 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 529-0007 Harry's Detour 532 South Cooper St .............................................................................. 901 276-7623 106 E G E Patterson ............................................................................... 901 523-9070 Heavenly Hoagie 1428 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 726-0303 Helen's Coffee Shop 2300 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 948-0660 HELO Restaurant 5910 Mount Moriah Rd .......................................................................... 901 362-8875


Hephzibah 3627 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 324-1618 Hephzibah Take-Out 3627 Park Ave # B ................................................................................. 901 324-0606 High Point Coffee 9077 Poplar Ave Ste 106 Germantown .................................................. 901 590-0917 High Point Pizza 477 High Point Terrace ........................................................................... 901 452-3339 Hog Wild-Real Memphis Barbeque 1291 Tully St........................................................................................... 901 522-9453 Holiday Deli & Ham Co. 3750 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 624-4848 7652 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................... 901 869-6650 2087 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 881-6433 585 Erin Dr ............................................................................................. 901 763-4499 Hollywood Fish Market 1383 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 324-2602 Homestyle Deli & Catering 1407 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 725-9156 Honey Baked Ham 6010 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 388-8800 6825 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 365-1930 5081 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 685-6800 Hong Kong Restaurant 3966 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 396-0801 Hooters 2838 New Brunswick Rd ....................................................................... 901 266-4404 250 Peabody Place # 101 ...................................................................... 901 523-9464 Hot Wings Express 6761 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 362-7400 Hot Wings Express 1373 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 544-1900 Hot Wings Xpress 3303 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 362-3109 Houston's Restaurant 5000 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 683-0915 Howard's Donuts 4348 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 683-2985 Huey's 77 S 2nd St ............................................................................................ 901 527-2700 Huey's Midtown 1927 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 726-4372 Huey's Poplar 4872 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 682-7729 Huey's Southwind 7825 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 624-8911 Hunan Gourmet Buffet 2965 N Germantown Rd ........................................................................ 901 371-9329 Hunan Palace 7140 Us Highway 64 .............................................................................. 901 388-7848 IHOP Restaurant 4725 Showcase Blvd.............................................................................. 901 547-9200 2810 Wolfcreek Pkwy............................................................................. 901 266-0400 1661 Sycamore View Rd ........................................................................ 901 213-3195 2060 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 725-4448 3710 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 737-3902 1277 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 346-4190

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India Palace 1720 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 278-1199 Interim Restaurant & Bar 5040 Sanderlin ....................................................................................... 901 818-0821 Interstate Bar-B-Q & Restaurant 2265 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 775-2304 Iris Restaurant 2146 Monroe Ave ................................................................................... 901 591-2828 Italian Rebel Pizza Parlor 1636 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 345-5164 Itta Bena at B.B. King's 143 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 578-3031 J & C Fine Dining 5123 Yale Rd .......................................................................................... 901 377-1216 J & J Bar & Grill 1065 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 523-9823 J Alexander's Restaurants 2670 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 381-9670 J R Fish & Chicken 4109 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 345-3333 3087 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 795-5255 Jack's Bar-B-Q Rib Shack 5099 Old Summer Rd ............................................................................ 901 682-3320 Jackson Corned Beef House 845 Jackson Ave .................................................................................... 901 527-8438 Jarrett's Restaurant 5689 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 763-2264 Jasmine Thai & Vegetarian 916 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 725-0223 Jason's Deli 1199 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 685-3333 3473 Poplar Ave # 102........................................................................... 901 324-3181 Java Juice & Jazz 1423 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 774-3004 Java Wings & Waffles 143 Madison Ave.................................................................................... 901 577-0700 Jazsper's 1450 Gaither Pkwy ................................................................................. 901 775-2139 Jerusalem Market & Restaurant 4794 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-6960 Jim Neely Interstate Bar-B-Q 2265 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 775-1045 Jim's Place East 5560 Shelby Oaks Dr ............................................................................. 901 388-7200 Jimmy John's 5181 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-3040 Jimmy's Chicago Style Hot Dogs 6773 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 386-1644 Joann's Soul Food 2550 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 354-3877 Joe's Crab Shack 7990 Horizon Center Blvd ...................................................................... 901 384-7478 Johnny Bruscos New York Style Pizza 3810 Hacks Crossing Rd ........................................................................ 901 755-0706 Johns Creek Restaurant 5766 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 362-0512 Josie's Tamales 1289 S Lauderdale St............................................................................. 901 775-3757 Jumbo Cafe 5950 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 365-4418 Just For Lunch 3092 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 323-3287 Just Heavenly 887 N Thomas St ................................................................................... 901 577-6475 Just in Thyme 5063 Old Summer Rd ............................................................................ 901 818-5500 Justus & Co. 2740 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 362-2222 Kelly's Deli 2670 Union Avenue Ext .......................................................................... 901 452-1292



Kelvin's BBQ & Wings 2675 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 357-8500 Ken Neely's Hickory Bar-B-Que 7444 Winchester Rd # 106 .................................................................... 901 753-4116 Kendricks Soul Food & Candy 1033 Peabody Ave.................................................................................. 901 526-0058 664 Regent Place ................................................................................... 901 947-4470 Kettle Restaurant 4139 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 795-9433 1258 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 398-5210 Khun's Restaurant 3290 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 323-2117 Kim Chai Restaurant 3307 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-7004 Kim's Family Restaurant 782 Washington Ave............................................................................... 901 527-7931 Kings of Wings & Burgers 548 E Mallory Ave .................................................................................. 901 775-9351 Kings Palace Cafe Inc 162 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 521-1851 Knight Kap Pizza 3991 Knight Arnold Rd ........................................................................... 901 362-3050 Kooky Canuck 97 Second St .......................................................................................... 901 578-9803 Kudzu's 603 Monroe Ave ..................................................................................... 901 525-4924 L D Restaurant & Lounge 1422 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 525-6248 La Cantina 3669 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 547-7915 La Cocina Mexicana 2535 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 373-6655 La Espiga 3024 Covington Pike # 7 ........................................................................ 901 384-3366 La Jewell's Deli 4646 Poplar Ave # 227........................................................................... 901 682-7735 La Shawn's Sports North Restaurant 1312 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 527-2325 La Teranga 1269 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 345-8505 La Unica 3214 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 368-3155 Lana's Fine Dining 6749 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 794-1225 Las Delicias 3727 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 542-0170 Las Tortugas Deli Mexicana 1215 S Germantown Rd Germantown ................................................... 901 751-1200 Lavoro's 5849 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 377-2141 Le Chardonnay Wine Bar & Bistro 2105 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 725-1375

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Lenny's Sub Shop 4668 American Way ............................................................................... 901 368-4215 5643 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 367-8870 4085 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 327-0320 7424 US Hwy 64 # 124.......................................................................... 901 937-0800 6300 Poplar Ave # 111........................................................................... 901 761-2403 3750 Hacks Cross Rd # 103 .................................................................. 901 758-0273 2095 Exeter Rd # 30 Germantown ...................................................... 901 755-0750 4970 Raleigh Lagrange Rd # 1 .............................................................. 901 371-9979 22 N Front St # 111................................................................................ 901 543-9230 12 S Cooper St ....................................................................................... 901 276-5775 2893 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 320-0022 3593 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 366-6006 4103 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 507-4298 4726 Spottswood Ave ............................................................................ 901 202-4800 1664 Sycamore View Rd ........................................................................ 901 371-8203 2491 Winchester Rd # 231 .................................................................... 901 922-0269 521 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 454-7077 Leonard's Barbecue 103 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 528-0875 Leonard's Pit Barbecue 5465 Fox Plaza Dr .................................................................................. 901 360-1963 Links Golf Cafe 888 S White Station Rd .......................................................................... 901 767-6310 Lisa's Lunchbox 5885 Ridgeway Center Pkwy ................................................................. 901 767-6465 Little Italy Pizza 1495 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 725-0280 Little Tea Shop 69 Monroe Ave ....................................................................................... 901 525-6000 Logan's Roadhouse 2710 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 381-5254 7755 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 759-1430 Longhorn Steakhouse 8324 US Hwy 64 .................................................................................... 901 388-5053 Los Comales Restaurant 4774 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 683-9530 Los Compadres Restaurant 2617 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 458-5731 Los Pilares 6063 Mt Moriah Road Ext ...................................................................... 901 795-0302 6249 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 377-8338 Los Reyes 3024 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 383-1873 Lou Jacks Diner 3183 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 370-6618 Lou's Pizza Pie LLC 2158 Young Ave...................................................................................... 901 722-4031 Louisiana Joe Wings & Things 111 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 277-4917 Love Seafood Restaurant 1775 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 358-8687 Luby's 5240 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 680-0136 Lucchesi's Ravioli & Pasta Co 540 S Mendenhall Rd # 3 ...................................................................... 901 766-9922 Lunch Box 1211 Union Ave # 155............................................................................ 901 278-2218 M & J Restaurant & Lounge 1065 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 590-1441 Majestic American Grill & Bar 145 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 523-1347 Makeda's 5729 Raleigh Lagrange Rd..................................................................... 901 380-5250 Malibu Wings 4465 Poplar Ave # Fs02 ......................................................................... 901 680-9913 Mama Katie's Diner 662 Madison Ave.................................................................................... 901 576-1502 Mandarin Express 2760 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 372-4588


Mandarin Palace Chinese Restaurant 2845 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 383-8817 Marciano's Restaurant 780 E Brookhaven Circle ........................................................................ 901 682-1660 Marlowe's Restaurant & Ribs 4381 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 332-4159 Marmalade 153 E Ge Patterson Ave.......................................................................... 901 522-8800 Masala India Cuisine 4205 Hacks Cross Rd # 101 .................................................................. 901 737-9914 Mayuri Indian Cuisine 6524 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 753-8755 Mc Alister's Deli 3855 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 881-6068 2857 Kirby Rd # 119 .............................................................................. 901 756-2943 8385 US Hwy 64 # 115.......................................................................... 901 388-7053 7710 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 753-1507 9091 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 756-5292 6600 Stage Rd # 120 ............................................................................. 901 213-3311 2670 Union Avenue Ext # 100................................................................ 901 791-9176 1 Commerce Square .............................................................................. 901 522-9123 580 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 763-2711 3482 Plaza Ave....................................................................................... 901 452-6009 Mc Ewen's On Monroe 120 Monroe Ave ..................................................................................... 901 527-7085 Medical Center Deli 80 N Pauline St....................................................................................... 901 525-0819 Melanie's Fine Foods 1070 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 278-0751 Melinos Soul Food 3178 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-1314 Memphis 112 Live 3518 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 757-8018 Memphis Best Wings 3110 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 547-7499 Memphis Pizza Cafe 5061 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 684-1306 7604 W Farmington Blvd ....................................................................... 901 753-2218 2087 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 726-5343 Memphis Style Hot Wings 2493 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 458-0042 Meng's Chinese Cuisines 2990 Semmes St ................................................................................... 901 743-0170 Mercy's Soul Food & More 5181 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 566-9709 Mesquite Chop House 88 Union Ave .......................................................................................... 901 527-5337 Mexico Linda Y Que Rico 3203 Coleman Rd .................................................................................. 901 382-5454 Mi Pueblo 3750 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 751-8896 Mi Tierra Colombian & Mexican Restaurant 5883 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 371-9990 Mike's Restaurant 1489 Florida St ....................................................................................... 901 775-1028 Milano's Pizza 3705 Malco Way # 102 .......................................................................... 901 751-0430 2801 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 382-1007 7625 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 380-7800 6525 Memphis Arlington Rd................................................................... 901 372-4849 Mimi's Italian Cafe 7546 Us Hwy 70..................................................................................... 901 373-5535 Miss Annie's Cafe 632 Mississippi Blvd............................................................................... 901 864-7152 Miss Cordelia's 737 Harbor Bend Rd............................................................................... 901 526-4772 Mister B'S 6655 Poplar Ave # 107 Germantown................................................... 901 751-5262 Moe's Southwest Grill 6300 Poplar Ave # 108........................................................................... 901 881-6012


Mollie Fontaine Lounge 679 Adams Ave ...................................................................................... 901 524-1886 Molly's La Casita 2006 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 726-1873 Moma's Bar-B-Q 6301 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 377-9004 Mortimer's Restaurant 590 N Perkins Rd ................................................................................... 901 761-9321 Mosa Asian Bistro 1825 Kirby Pkwy Germantown ............................................................ 901 755-6755 850 S White Station Rd .......................................................................... 901 683-8889 Mother's Family Restaurant 2661 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 353-3663 Mr P'S Buffalo Wings 5144 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 756-9499 3285 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 756-5242 Mr Rusty's Taste of Chicago 1859 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 345-9905 Mr T Diner 1491 S Lauderdale St............................................................................. 901 942-0409 Mr Tart Buffalo Wings 6158 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 380-4096 Mr V'S Wings & More 2818 Coleman Rd .................................................................................. 901 373-9952 Ms Alberta's Kitchen 6749 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 507-0049 Ms D Bar & Grill 813 Jackson Ave .................................................................................... 901 525-0058 Ms GG Homecooking 288 S 4th St ........................................................................................... 901 527-0693 Mulan Chinese Restaurant 2059 Houston Levee Rd # 121 ............................................................. 901 850-5288 Munchee's Galore 3983 Knight Arnold Rd ........................................................................... 901 363-8165 Nagasaki Inn 3951 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 454-0320 Nam King Restaurant 6494 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 366-6422 Nam King Restaurant 4594 Yale Rd .......................................................................................... 901 373-4411 Napa Cafe 5101 Sanderlin Ave ................................................................................ 901 683-0441 Napoleon Yates Restaurant 86 N Main St .......................................................................................... 901 524-1848 National Pizza Co-Pyramid 1 Auction Ave.......................................................................................... 901 523-9177 Neely's Bar-B-Que Restaurant 670 Jefferson Ave .................................................................................. 901 521-9798 5700 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 795-4177 Neo China 4255 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 398-6878 New Asia Restaurant 2075 Exeter Rd # 90 Germantown ...................................................... 901 758-8388

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?) • Los dientes postizos de George Washington fueron hechos a mano utilizando marfil de hipopótamo y dientes de vaca y después fueron fijados a su boca con un conjunto de resortes. • George Washington’s false teeth were hand-carved from hippopotamus ivory and cow’s teeth, then fastened to his mouth with a set of metal springs.



New China 2857 Kirby Rd # 113 .............................................................................. 901 755-6867 7020 E Shelby Dr # 115......................................................................... 901 754-6777 New Hong Kong 4594 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 680-0999 New Hong Kong Restaurant 1979 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 947-3888 New Hunan of Memphis 5052 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 766-1622 New Lin's Garden 215 S Pauline St ..................................................................................... 901 578-3968 New Mexico Restaurant 1184 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 766-7666 New Nam King Restaurant 4322 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 685-5453 New Spot 1407 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 523-1395 New York Deli 9155 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 624-1115 New York Pizza Cafe 7140 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 384-9028 Newby's Restaurant 539 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 452-8408 North End Bake Shop 348 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 527-2873 Number One Chinese Kitchen 1219 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 327-3838 Nuttin But Wings 4202 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 369-1901 NYC Deli 1 Commerce Square .............................................................................. 901 590-4515 O'Charley's 2844 New Brunswick Rd ....................................................................... 901 388-8022 6045 Stage Rd # 74 ...................................................................................... 373-5602 Old Venice Pizza Company 368 Perkins Extd .................................................................................... 901 767-6872 Olive Garden 7778 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 624-2003 5679 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 761-5711 8405 Us Hwy 64..................................................................................... 901 377-3437 2830 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 385-8744 6222 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 794-5567 On the Border Mexican Grill 8101 Giacosa Pl ..................................................................................... 901 372-8883 4552 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 763-0569 On the River Seafood & More 51 S Main St........................................................................................... 901 522-0052 On the Square Regene's 1288 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 791-4907 One & Only BBQ and More 1779 Kirby Pkwy .................................................................................... 901 751-3615 One Asia 782 Washington Ave............................................................................... 901 523-0507 One Memphis Place Deli 200 Jefferson Ave # 100 ........................................................................ 901 526-2565 Onix 412 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 552-4609 Orange Mound Grill 1238 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 458-3429 Orange Mound Grill II 1699 E Holmes Rd ................................................................................. 901 395-8466 Outback Steakhouse 3750 Hacks Crossing Rd Ste 101 .......................................................... 901 754-4911 2255 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 728-5100 Overstuffed Deli 3003 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 396-1969 Owen Brennan's Restaurant 6150 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 761-0990 P & H Cafe 1532 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 726-0906

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas P F Chang's China Bistro 1181 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 818-3889 Palace Cafe 3050 Central Ave .................................................................................... 901 320-6407 Palacio de Reyna, Inc. 3434 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 366-9400 Pancho's 2855 Lamb Place ................................................................................... 901 362-9691 717 N White Station Rd .......................................................................... 901 685-5404 2841 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 363-8118 Panda Buffet 6600 Stage Rd # 118 ............................................................................. 901 372-5388 Panda Garden 3735 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-4819 Papa Pia's 83 Union Ave .......................................................................................... 901 521-4331 Pappy's Oyster Bar 2204 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 937-6993 Paradise Bistro 6075 Poplar Ave # 102........................................................................... 901 685-3173 Paradise Cafe 6150 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 821-9600 Patricks 4972 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 682-2853 Paulette's 2110 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 726-5128 Payne's Bar-B-Q 1393 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 942-7433 1762 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 272-1523 Peabody Hotel - Chez Philippe 149 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 529-4188 Pearl's Oyster House 299 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 522-9070 Pei Wei Asian Diner 1680 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 722-3780 540 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 761-9226 Perkins Restaurant & Bakery 1340 S Germantown Rd Germantown................................................ 901 759-5938 1571 Sycamore View Rd ........................................................................ 901 382-5905 3455 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 323-5300 6819 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 360-0136 5112 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 682-2777 Pete & Sam's Restaurant 3886 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 458-0694 Petra Cafe 6641 Poplar Ave # 101 Germantown................................................... 901 754-4440 Petra Restaurant 1761 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 726-6700 Pho Binh 1615 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 276-0006 Pho Saigon 2946 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 458-1644 Pho Vietnam & Restaurant 1411 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 728-4711


Piccadilly Cafeteria 2055 Exeter Rd Germantown ............................................................ 901 755-5603 3425 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 324-6442 3968 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 398-5186 1212 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 346-5522 4996 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 377-2961 5272 Mount Moriah View ....................................................................... 901 794-8201 Pier Restaurant 100 Wagner Place .................................................................................. 901 526-7381 Pietro Pizza & Subs 7717 Hwy 70.......................................................................................... 901 380-5504 Pig N Whistle 2740 Bartlett R ....................................................................................... 901 386-3300 Pig N Whistle Barbecue Restaurant 4265 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 624-2033 Pig On Beale 167 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 529-1544 Pita Mediterrean 5030 Poplar Ave # 7 ............................................................................... 901 683-5242 3950 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 452-1055 Plate Lunch 1308 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 744-1788 Player's Billiard & Restaurant 2968 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 257-0077 Playita Mexicana 6194 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 377-2282 Pop's Deli 6755 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 366-3463 Port Restaurant 1039 Harbor Ave .................................................................................... 901 942-0121 Posh Nosh Deli Restaurant 6560 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-4888 Pow-Wow Restaurant 830 W Raines Rd .................................................................................... 901 789-0947 Pyramid Grill & Buffett 6090 Macon Cove .................................................................................. 901 380-7814 Q'S Soul Food Hot Wings 2839 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 743-1376 Qdoba Mexican Grill 2257 N Germantown Pkwy Ste 101 ..................................................... 901 213-2100 Quetzal 664 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 521-8388 Quiznos 7546 US Highway 70 # 108 ................................................................... 901 377-2285 2059 S Houston Levee Rd # 118 Germantown .................................... 901 853-4009 2465 Whitten Rd # 106 .......................................................................... 901 373-6616 671 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 327-9583 764 Mt Moriah Rd .................................................................................. 901 405-7855 R & R Deli 200 Jefferson Ave .................................................................................. 901 522-8700 R P Tracks 3547 Walker Ave .................................................................................... 901 327-1471 Raffe's Beer Garden 84 S Reese St......................................................................................... 901 454-9988 Raffe's Deli 3358 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 458-5110 Rafferty's Restaurant 4542 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 374-0096 Raji Maison Restaurant 4960 Black Rd........................................................................................ 901 685-8723 Red Lobster 8161 Hwy 64.......................................................................................... 901 387-0056 7750 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 759-9045


Red Robin Gourmet Burgers 10211 Collierville Rd .............................................................................. 901 854-7645 Red Rooster 140 Lt Geo W Lee Ave ............................................................................ 901 521-1092 Red Sun Buffet 2769 Wolfcreek Pkwy # 105 ................................................................. 901 384-9080 Reese's Bar-B-Q 4606 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 366-1497 Regys Country Kitchen 4159 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-4558 Rendezvous Charles Vergos 52 S 2nd St ............................................................................................ 901 523-2746 Rendezvous Ribs Shipping 355 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 522-8840 Renee's Sandwich Shop 202 E GE Patterson Ave.......................................................................... 901 525-2963 51 S Main St........................................................................................... 901 521-1988 Restaurant Excalibur 956 Breedlove St .................................................................................... 901 590-4625 Rice Bowl Chinese Restaurant 2705 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 795-3115 Ridge Lake Eatery 860 Ridge Lake Blvd .............................................................................. 901 767-5280 Rio Loco 117 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 523-2142 Rising Roll Gourmet 7730 Wolf River Blvd #114 Germantown.............................................. 901 737-8600 River City Bar-B-Que 3465 Cazassa Rd ................................................................................... 901 345-5200 River City Pizza LLC 4280 Concorde Rd ................................................................................. 901 546-0377 River Oaks 5871 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 683-9305 Robilio's Sidecar Cafe 2194 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 388-0285 Robo's Hot Tamales 5227 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 786-9909 Rock & Roll Cafe 3717 Elvis Presley Blvd # 5.................................................................... 901 398-5692 Roma Pizza Pasta 22 N 3rd St ............................................................................................. 901 521-1977 Roma Pomodori Inc 827 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 278-0087 Romano's Macaroni Grill 2859 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 266-4565 6705 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................. 901 753-6588 Round One Restaurant & Bar 6642 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 367-1801 Royal Panda Restaurant 3120 Village Shops Dr Germantown .................................................... 901 756-9697 Ruby Tuesday 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 205 ........................................................ 901 372-6414 7535 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 755-6570 1653 Sycamore View Rd ........................................................................ 901 382-9280 Rudabagas 282 N Cleveland St................................................................................. 901 726-9004 Rum Boogie Cafe 182 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 528-0150 Rumba Room 303 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 523-0020 Rumblefish Restaurant 1913 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 278-0618 Russo's New York Pizzeria 9087 Poplar Ave # 111 Germantown................................................... 901 755-0092 Ruth's Chris Steak House 6120 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 761-0055 Ryan's Grill Buffet & Bakery 3813 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 795-6287 Ryu Sushi Bar 5137 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 766-7599



Sabor Latina 3675 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 795-5454 Sac Lunch 2650 Thousand Oaks Blvd # 1200......................................................... 901 794-3354 Safari - World Tapas Bar 414 S Main St......................................................................................... 901 672-7339 Saigon II 2731 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 213-0447 Saigon Le 51 N Cleveland St................................................................................... 901 276-5326 Saito Restaurant 6600 Stage Rd # 101 ............................................................................. 901 373-1957 Sakura Japanese Restaurant 2060 West St Germantown ................................................................. 901 758-8181 Salsa Mexican Restaurant 6150 Poplar Ave # 129........................................................................... 901 683-6325 Sammies Bistro 1515 Shady Birch Rd ............................................................................. 901 346-2900 Sarah Lee's Kitchen 4040 N Watkins St.................................................................................. 901 353-2550 Sarku Japan 2760 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 266-2221 Sauces 95 S Main St ......................................................................................... 901 473-9573 Saved by the Platter 2715 Cherry Rd ...................................................................................... 901 312-9677 Sawaddii Thai Cuisine 121 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 529-1818 Sawmill Restaurant 2135 Democrat Rd ................................................................................. 901 398-8580 Sbarro 4465 Poplar Ave SP# FC-1 ..................................................................... 901 766-9805 Schlotzsky's Deli 4758 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 763-0741 Sean's Cafe 1651 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 274-3917 Sekisui 50 Humphreys Blvd ................................................................................ 901 747-0001 25 S Belvedere St.................................................................................. 901 725-0005 Sekisui Bartlett 2990 Kirby Whitten Rd ........................................................................... 901 377-2727 Sekisui Downtown 160 Union Ave # 1................................................................................. 901 523-0001 Sekisui Pacific Rim 4724 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-7770 Serendipity Tea Room 6044 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 383-1799 Shaharazah House of Kabobs 923 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 323-5041 Shang Hai Restaurant 1400 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 722-8692 Shelby's Bar & Grill 2166 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 398-3333 Shelby's Kitchen 5062 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 685-0383 Shoney's 3081 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 382-2220 5829 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 386-6570 Showboat Barbecue 3200 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 366-0242 Side Porch Steak House 5689 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 377-2484

Call Today! 901-751-2100

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Side Street Grill 2078 Monroe Ave ................................................................................... 901 278-9080 Silky O'Sullivan's 183 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 522-9596 Sing Lay Chinese Restaurant 2684 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 358-8341 Smokey Bones Barbeque & Grill 8324 Hwy 64.......................................................................................... 901 213-4690 Sneaky Pete's Cajun Bar & Grill 6288 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 360-9288 Sole Restaurant & Raw Bar 221 S 3rd St ........................................................................................... 901 334-5950 Sonny Joe's Restaurant 1242 Breedlove St.................................................................................. 901 522-9930 Soul Cafe 3557 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 322-1695 Soul Fish Cafe 862 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 725-0722 Soulsville Grille 3816 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 369-9900 South Park Bar-B-Que 887 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 324-7676 South Philly 250 Peabody Place................................................................................. 901 527-0007 Southern Belle's Restaurant 972 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................... 901 396-3030 Southern Hands 2135 Democrat Rd ................................................................................. 901 345-2213 Southwind Fish 7915 Winchester Rd # 101 .................................................................... 901 309-2464 Spindini 383 South Main St ................................................................................. 901 578-2767 Sports Bar & Grill 3569 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 794-7626 Stein's Restaurant 2248 S Lauderdale St............................................................................. 901 775-9203 Stewart's Bar & Grill 6761 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 257-1756 Stine's Home Cooking 4219 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 365-0606 Super King Buffet 3678 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 360-0988 Super Submarine Sandwich Shops 614 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 324-3728 Swanky's Taco Shoppe 6641 Poplar Ave Germantown ............................................................ 901 737-2088 Sweden Kream 1472 National St..................................................................................... 901 454-5882 Szechuan Hot Wok 2578 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 358-6912 T J Mulligans Restaurant 362 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 523-1453 6635 Quince Rd # 101 ........................................................................... 901 753-8056 T J'S Restaurant & Lounge 1502 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 948-2138 Tapatios 2860 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 795-6360 Taqueria Camino de Michoacan 3896 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 458-5550 Taqueria El KORA 694 Waring Rd........................................................................................ 901 767-3275 Taqueria El Rey 5967 Knight Arnold Rd Ext ..................................................................... 901 370-5820 Taqueria Guadalupana 3160 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 386-4641 5848 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 365-4992 Taqueria Jalisco's 6343 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 372-6367 Taqueria La Guadalupana 4818 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 685-6857


Tastee Bar-B-Que 1028 E Brooks Rd .................................................................................. 901 332-3133 Tasty Buffet 3420 Plaza Ave....................................................................................... 901 323-3889 Tequilas 4497 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 763-0199 Texas de Brazil Churrascaria 150 Peabody Place #103 ....................................................................... 901 526-7600 Texas Roadhouse 2810 New Brunswick Rd ....................................................................... 901 382-5992 TGI Friday's 185 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 523-8500 8325 US Hwy 64 .................................................................................... 901 372-2539 7733 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 752-1369 THA BBQ Factory 3711 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 797-8606 The Blue Fish Restaurant and Oyster Bar 2149 Young Ave...................................................................................... 901 725-0230 The Flying Fish 105 South 2nd St ................................................................................... 901 522-8228 The Fried Pie 628 Madison Ave.................................................................................... 901 527-1993 The Garden Cafe 300 N Second St .................................................................................... 901 525-1800 The Inn At Hunt-Phelan 533 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 525-8225 The Majestic Grille 145 South Main St ................................................................................. 901 522-8555 The Melting Pot - Memphis 2828 Wolfcreek Pkwy............................................................................. 901 380-9500 The Pancake Shop 4838 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-0206 The Superior Bar 159 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 523-1940 Three Little Pigs Bar B Que 5145 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 685-7094 TJ Cinnamons 5021 Us Hwy 78..................................................................................... 901 367-5760 Tom's Barbecue & Deli 4087 New Getwell Rd ............................................................................ 901 365-6690 Tony & Brian's Snack Bar 1400 Pavillion Dr .................................................................................... 901 789-6698 Tony's Bar & Grill 3101 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 565-0901 Tony's Pizza Co & Deli 799 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 324-1003 Tony's Restaurant 2804 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 358-6878 Top Fish & Chicken 1918 S Lauderdale St............................................................................. 901 942-9998


Tops Bar-B-Q 4183 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-4325 3353 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 452-5616 2288 Frayser Blvd .................................................................................. 901 353-4925 3023 Thomas St ..................................................................................... 901 353-0337 6130 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 371-0580 1286 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 725-7527 687 N Watkins St.................................................................................... 901 274-8600 3970 Rhodes Ave ................................................................................... 901 323-9865 2748 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 743-3480 5391 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 794-7936 5720 Mt Moriah Rd ................................................................................ 901 363-4007 Tortillería Cadengo 6349 Hwy 70.......................................................................................... 901 590-1511 Tortillería La Unica 5040 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 685-0097 Tsunami 928 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 274-2556 Tucker's 920 Madison Ave.................................................................................... 901 529-9700 Tucker's Pizza, Wings & Subs 1607 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 274-0333 Tuggs 51 Harbor Town Square.......................................................................... 901 260-3344 Tycoon Asian Noodle Shop 3309 Kirby Pkwy .................................................................................... 901 362-8788 Ubee's 521 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 323-0900 Umai 2015 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 405-4241 Uncle Lou's Fried Chicken 3633 Millbranch Rd ................................................................................ 901 332-2367 Uncle Sam's Bar B Q 2700 Whitten Rd..................................................................................... 901 590-1218 Vanelli's Deli 7873 Farmington Blvd ............................................................................ 901 754-2246 Velvet Room Jazz Cafe 67512 Winchester Rd ............................................................................. 901 367-2223 Victor Sotelo Restaurant 4806 Cromwell Ave ................................................................................ 901 375-1178 Vietnamese Lotus Restaurant 4970 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 682-1151 Villa Pizza 2760 N Germantown Pkwy #266.......................................................... 901 372-9485 Waffle House 5255 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 767-9674 2931 N Germantown Rd ........................................................................ 901 385-9070 1249 S Germantown Rd Germantown .................................................. 901 753-0040 1550 Sycamore View Rd ........................................................................ 901 377-9923 4314 American Way ............................................................................... 901 363-5120 Wang's Mandarin House 6065 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 685-9264 113 S Main St # 101 .............................................................................. 901 523-2065 544 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 458-4880 West Street Diner 2076 West St Germantown ................................................................. 901 757-2191 Westy's 346 N Main St ........................................................................................ 901 543-3278 Wet Willie's 209 Beale St ........................................................................................... 901 578-5650 Whole Hog Cafe 5727 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 682-8882 Wild Bill's 1580 Vollintine Ave ................................................................................. 901 726-5473 Wings Etc Hot Wings 6661 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 365-8383 Wings Gone Wild 2006 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 345-4358 Wings Wolfchase 3108 N Germantown Rd # 104 .............................................................. 901 386-2000



Wok & Roll 3305 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 365-6866 Woodstock Deli 5341 N Hwy 51 ...................................................................................... 901 354-5405 Wrangler's Bar & Grill 4210 Altruria Rd ..................................................................................... 901 405-4866 Wrapzody Gourmet Wrapz 99 N Main St .......................................................................................... 901 791-2512 X Partners Restaurant & Bar 5070 Raleigh Lagrange Rd # 30 ............................................................ 901 937-1337 Xingwan Chinese Restaurant 3209 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 363-2885 Yang's Deli 4985 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 682-5309 Yosemite Sam's 2126 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 726-6138 Young Avenue Deli 2119 Young Ave...................................................................................... 901 278-0034 Yum's Chinese Carry Out 3500 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 454-4800 2451 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 458-3797 4571 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 396-9867 3582 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 327-8989 7190 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 752-9005 795 Poplar Ave ....................................................................................... 901 523-1400 1934 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 774-5105 2265 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 327-1696 3283 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 388-7400 3141 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 363-7440 Yummy Sub Shop 911 Union Ave ........................................................................................ 901 575-3336 Zaxby's 3821 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 759-9211 Zinnie's 1688 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 726-5004 Zodiac Restaurant & Lounge 6135 Mt Moriah Road Ext ...................................................................... 901 547-7734

RINES / WHEELS American Eagle Wheel Corp 2812 Barris Dr ........................................................................................ 901 346-5510 American Racing 5388 Crestview Dr.................................................................................. 901 373-5551 Chrome Automotive 6305 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-3300 Chrome Depot 975 N Germantown Pkwy ......................................................................901-757-1115 Custom Wheel of Memphis 1973 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 381-1271 Hub Cap Annie 1450 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 743-2457 2090 Goodman Rd W Horn Lake MS ..................................................... 662 393-7467 Tire Shop of Memphis 2235 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 386-1000 Xtreme Auto Accessories 7555 SU Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 377-0027

ROPA PARA CABALLEROS / MEN'S CLOTHING Causal Male XL 6326 Winchester Rd. .............................................................................. 901 363-3064 Evensky Big & Tall 2363 Park Ave. ....................................................................................... 901 458-5502 Extreme Gear 2246 Lamar Ave. .................................................................................... 901 327-2060 Extreme Wear 4619 American Way ............................................................................... 901 794-7477 Fashion Corner Etc 2480 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 324-8816

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Fashion Corner Mens Store 2477 Chelsea Ave................................................................................... 901 452-7764 Fashion Unlimited 2244 Lamar Ave. .................................................................................... 901 458-9882 Givens E Clothiers 7050 Malco Crossing ............................................................................. 901 624-0550 Greg's Store For Men 4636 Faronia Rd. .................................................................................... 901 344-7727 JNJ Menswear Inc 3750 Hacks Cross Rd. Ste. 108 ............................................................. 901 757-9770 Jos A Bank Clothiers 4465 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 374-9881 Marty's 2 1781 S. 3rd St. ....................................................................................... 901 774-7132 Marty's 5 3449 Raleigh Springs Mall ..................................................................... 901 937-1163 Marty's 6 2624 Frayser Blvd. ................................................................................. 901 357-8989 Marty's 8 4641 American Way ............................................................................... 901 795-2274 Men of Distinction Apparell Group 433 N. Cleveland St ................................................................................ 901 725-6003 Men's Wearhouse, The 8095 Giacosa Pl...................................................................................... 901 382-8660 New Trends 3364 Austin Peay Hwy........................................................................... 901 372-0385 Sammy's Man of Fashion 2703 S. Perkins Rd................................................................................. 901 366-0026 4672 American Way ............................................................................... 901 542-0280 Suits U 1232 E. Shelby Dr. .................................................................................. 901 332-9335 4835 American Way ............................................................................... 901 365-0735 6297 Winchester Rd. .............................................................................. 901 541-1215 Village Mart 5 3451 Raleigh Millington Rd. ................................................................... 901 353-9494 Village Mart 6 6605 Knight Arnold Rd. Ext..................................................................... 901 565-0014 Village Mart Discount 4045 American Way ............................................................................... 901 366-1110 VIP Clothing Store 3439 Raleigh Springs Mall ..................................................................... 901 386-8089 S & K Menswear 125 Goodman Rd. Southaven ............................................................... 662 349-3336 Casual Male XI 3536 Canada Rd. Arlington..................................................................... 901 385-0639 Gap Carriage Crossing Collierville................................................................. 901 850-1027 Sammy's Man of Fashion 6717 Airways Blvd. Southaven MS ....................................................... 662 536-0922

¿Sabías que? (Did you know?)

• John DeLorean inventó el limpia parabrisas retráctil. • John DeLorean invented the retracting windshield wiper.

• La primera montaña rusa de los Estados Unidos fue construida en 1929. • The first roller coaster in the United States was built in 1929.





Chicos Western Wear 4194 Highway 51, Brighton.....................................................................901 475 4141 Cowboy Corner Saddlery & Western Wear 3698 Goodman Rd, Southaven, MS .......................................................662 349 3267 Eclipse 5843 Winchester Rd ................................................................................901 546 0076 Eclipse 4532 Getwell Rd......................................................................................901 367 1242 El Mesan 3670 Macon Rd.......................................................................................901 323 6545 Frontier Ranch Supply 5880 Goodman Road, Olive Branch,MS ..................................................901 363 4801 Frontier Western Store 5880 Goodman Rd, Olive Branch MS......................................................662 895 4878 La Herradura 4090 Summer Ave ..................................................................................901 458 2330 Rodeo Western Boutique 1130 Church Rd, Southaven, MS ............................................................662 342 7800 Saddle Up Western Works 1015 Highway 51, Covington ..................................................................901 476 0607 SHOE & BOOT OUTLET 3407 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 324-4770 Silverados Western Hunting Apparel 7027 Highway 64, Oakland .....................................................................901 466 9944 Tucker Saddlery & Western Apparel 2756 Appling Center Cv ..........................................................................901 385 0097

Bartlett Tanz LLC 2810 Bartlett Rd # 2............................................................................... 901 386-8180 Elite Beach Tanning Co 6490 Memphis Arlington Rd................................................................... 901 372-1555 Malibu Tans 4778 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 761-2444 Midnight Sun Tanning Salon 706 S Mendenhall Rd............................................................................. 901 685-7866 Palm Beach Tan 7730 Poplar Ave # 1 Germantown ....................................................... 901 507-3862 Planet Beach 7546 Hwy 70 #105 ............................................................................... 901 380-2797 Sun FX 2751 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 372-4990 Sunsations of Bartlett 2751 Bartlett Blvd Bartlett................................................................... 901 372-4990 Tan N Go Inc 2400 Chiswood St .................................................................................. 901 386-8383 9947 Wolf River Blvd # 109 Germantown............................................ 901 850-8103 2066 West St Germantown............................................................... 901 754-4505 3149 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 324-2090 103 Harbor Town Square ....................................................................... 901 523-0852 6600 Stage Road, # 113 ........................................................................ 901 385-0721 5035 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 767-9285 7505 Us Hwy 64 # 107-108 .................................................................. 901 388-3999 Under the Sun Tan Co 7140 Hwy 64 # 108 .............................................................................. 901 386-8826

Shoe & Boot Outlet 3407 Summer Avenue Memphis, Tn.38122 901-324-4770

Botas exóticas estilo Oeste Sombreros Western Tacones Stiletto Ropa retro Marcas originales Ropa exótica Zapatos para hombres y mujeres Levis

Memphis’s choice for bilingual news for 12 years!


SALONES Y SERVICIOS DE BELLEZA / BEAUTY SALONS & SERVICES Beauty Max 7588 Farmington Blvd ........................................................................... 901 758-8460 Berclair Hair Fashions 4822 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 767-7670 D’Carlo Salon 5189 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 370-5751 Fantastic Sam’s 3021 Goodman Rd W, Horn Lake, MS ................................................... 662 280-8840 2111 Madison Ave ................................................................................ 901 276-1405 6490 Memphis-Arlington Rd ................................................................. 901 266-4001 622 W Poplar ......................................................................................... 901 853-0899 1691 N Germantown Pkwy ................................................................... 901 752-1400 7605 Highway 70 .................................................................................. 901 937-0009 775 Goodman Rd E, Southaven, MS ..................................................... 662 349-3082 9160 Highway 64 .................................................................................. 901 383-1500 3445 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 323-4247 7820 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 757-5262 4780 Riverdale Rd ................................................................................. 901 757-1861 540 S Mendenhall Rd ............................................................................ 901 683-8355 7948 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 624-5558 7060 Ashley Cv, Olive Branch, MS ........................................................ 662 895-4247 2346 McIngvale Rd, Hernando, MS ....................................................... 662 449-4663 Massage Spa ............................................................................................................... 901 644-0278 SuperCuts 5063 Park Ave ....................................................................................... 901 761-1512 4288 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 766-9849 7915 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 754-9805 6045 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 373-0109 875 W Poplar ......................................................................................... 901 853-2311 1779 Germantown Pkwy ....................................................................... 901 755-8899 2058 West Street ................................................................................... 901 757-1491


2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas


SEGUROS / INSURANCE AFLAC 6263 Poplar Ave Ste 540........................................................................ 901 866-2190 Allstate 24/7 Customer Service Toll-Free Dial ....................................................................................... 800 255-7828 Allstate Insurance Companies 3315 Kirby Pkwy ................................................................................... 901 365-2008 1407 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 725-0721 5501 Winchester Rd # 6 ....................................................................... 901 365-2600 4708 Yale Rd ......................................................................................... 901 386-5341 402 Perkins Ext # A ............................................................................... 901 680-9967 6759 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................. 901 362-8405 7731 Us Highway 70 Bartlett ................................................................ 901 388-3773 297 Germantown Bend Cv Cordova ...................................................... 901 756-7900 2705 Appling Rd Ste 201 Cordova ........................................................ 901 756-8044 3030 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 373-3336 44 N 2nd St Ste 503 ............................................................................. 901 525-1813 1255 Lynnfield Rd ................................................................................ 901 537-7474 3525 Ridge Meadow Pkwy ................................................................... 901 366-4572 6154 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................. 901 795-5604 Associated Agency, The 5050 Poplar Ave. ................................................................................... 901 682-3301 No Answer, Dial ..................................................................................... 901 682-9917 No Answer, Dial ..................................................................................... 901 767-4943 Autosave Insurance 2550 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 458-1630 Barrett & Associates 5575 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 763-4366 Barry Godwin Life & Health Insurance 3232 S. Perkings Rd.............................................................................. 901 360-1595 Berclair Insurance Center 4564 Warden Rd.................................................................................... 901 767-8603

Blue Cross & Blue Shield Of Tennessee Individual, Línea gratuita/Toll Free- ........................................................ 800 845-2738 Customer Service, Línea gratuita/Toll Free- ........................................... 800 258-3612 Clay & Land Insurance, Inc. 866 Ridgeway Loop, # 200 Mphs 38120............................................... 901 767-3600 Collierville Insurance Agency 114 E Mulberry St. ................................................................................ 901 853-7800 Continental Southern Insurance Agency Inc. 5511 Murray Rd .................................................................................... 901 761-5001 Couch & Assoc Insurance 7850 Stage Hills Blvd # 107 ................................................................. 901 398-0245 Crum Larry E Agency 5165 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 767-2210 Crye-Leike Insurance Inc 6525 N Quail Hollow Rd # 500.............................................................. 901 758-5622 Davis Fred L. Insurance Agency 1374 Airways Blvd................................................................................. 901 405-0169 Farmers Ins. 2176 West St ......................................................................................... 901 624-5002 Farmers Insurance – Henderson Thomas C. 6099 Mt. Moriah Rd. Ext,...................................................................... 901 365-0813 Farmers Insurance 3430 Winchester Rd 901 368-9000 3792 S Mendenhall Rd # 105 .............................................................. 901 795-9288 Larry E. Crum & Associates 3546 Hickory Hill ................................................................................... 901 365-1505 LOFTON-WELLS INSURANCE AGENCY 5705 Stage Rd Suite 114 ..................................................................... 901 377-7935 McDonnell Insurance Inc 1545 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 278-5375 McMillian Steve Insurance Agency 6099 Mt. Moriah Rd Ext. ....................................................................... 901 794-0477 Menard Gates & Mathis Inc 6401 Poplar Ave # 250.......................................................................... 901 761-3100

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Mid-South Insurance Co 673 S Cooper St .................................................................................... 901 276-6388 673 S Cooper St .................................................................................... 901 726-6995 Morat Insurance Services Inc 3942 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 458-2633 Nationwide Insurance Larry E. Crum 3546 Hickory Hill .................................................................................... 901 365-1505 4976 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 766-2225 6551 Hwy 305 N No. 2 Olive Branch ..................................................... 662 895-6440 312 N Missouri West Memphis .............................................................. 870 702-9433 205 West Moultrie Suite D Blythville ...................................................... 866 822-4519 NATIONWIDE INSURANCE LOFTON-WELLS 5705 Stage Rd Suite 114 .................................................................... 901 388-7283 Peterson Insurance Svc 5705 Stage Rd # 200 ............................................................................ 901 386-4777 Pittman & Assoc Inc 1 S Prescott St....................................................................................... 901 473-3100 Progressive Insurance --- Swafler & Associates 2564 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 386-1930 Rayo Insurance 2241 Germantown Rd. south ................................................................. 901 484-9822 Raleigh-Bartlett Insurance 2850 Stage Village Cv # 4 ..................................................................... 901 372-0894 State Farm Insurance, Chuck Petrey 6565 Stage Road, Ste. 4 ....................................................................... 901 373-3500 State Farm Insurance, Ron Willis 3486 Poplar Plaza, Ste. 102 .................................................................. 901 454-7912 Tate Insurance Agency 5754 Rayben Cir..................................................................................... 901 362-1476 Trippett And Associates 670 Waring Rd........................................................................................ 901 683-2120 Watson Sam Insurance Agency 3687 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 458-2981

SERVICIOS DE INTERNET / INTERNET SERVICES Access Internet 7518 Enterprise Street .......................................................................... 901 869-8000 AT&T Internet Services Línea gratuita /Toll Free- ........................................................................ 800 967-5363 Comcast High-Speed Internet Access (Busniess) 6555 Quince Road Suite 400 ............................................................... 901 369-5055 Comcast High-Speed Internet Access (Home) Memphis, TN 38103 .............................................................................. 901 259-1111 Cyber-Net Café 1134 N Germantown Pkwy ................................................................. 901 507-3222 EarthLink Gratis/Toll Free ....................................................................................... 800 511-2041 XO Communications Gratis/Toll Free........................................................................................877-617-2111


SILLAS DE RUEDAS Y TRANSPORTE PARA NECESIDADES ESPECIALES / WHEELCHAIRS & SPECIAL NEEDS TRANSPORT Accessible Van Rentals 3755 Cherry Rd ...................................................................................... 901 795-6533 American Medical Transportation 3026 Scheibler Rd.................................................................................. 901 371-0590 BTW Transportation 831 Bullington Ave ................................................................................. 901 774-0808 Complete Patient Care Inc 1331 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 729-4403 Quality Transportation 5395 Fox Plaza Dr ..................................................................................901-507-1192 Tennessee Carriers Dispatch 4045 American Way ............................................................................... 901 385-4969 Vans to Go, Inc 5472 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 382-7676 Wheelchair Express 389 Thomas St ....................................................................................... 901 353-3500

TANQUE SÉPTICO / SEPTIC TANKS A-1 Septic Tank & Drain Service Memphis................................................................................................. 901 396-2181 Mississippi .............................................................................................. 662 429-2158 Olive Branch MS ..................................................................................... 662 895-8950 Jim’s Tank Service P.O.Box 281431 ...................................................................................... 901 357-7237 Mid South Septic Service 11284 Gulf Stream Rd, Arlington............................................................ 901 867-2094 Rooter Man Bartlett .................................................................................................... 901 371-0940 Whitehaven............................................................................................. 901 398-4040 Germantown ........................................................................................... 901 756-7333 Midtown.................................................................................................. 901 278-4344 East Memphis......................................................................................... 901 363-1010 Raleigh.................................................................................................... 901 371-0940 Southaven MS ........................................................................................ 901 398-4040 Parkway Village ...................................................................................... 901 363-1010 Collierville ............................................................................................... 901 756-7333 Frayser.................................................................................................... 901 278-4344 Russell Septic Service 150 Pleasant Grove Rd, Moscow ........................................................... 901 877-0195 Silvery Services 4641 Shelby Rd, Millington .................................................................... 901 872-0772

TATUAJES / TATOOS A Cat Daddys Tattoo 7041 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 388-4451 Alien Ink Tattoos Body Piercing 5800 Stage Rd, Ste 104 ......................................................................... 901 384-9913 All American Tattoo Shop 3814 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 362-8857 Dave's Tattoos & Body Piercing 1295 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 276-8748 Elektrik Ink Tatoo & Body Piercing 3430 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-8272 Explicit Ink 2830 Coleman Rd .................................................................................. 901 388-2220 House of Ink 2056 Clifton Ave ..................................................................................... 901 353-3465 Illusion Ink 9045 Millbranch Rd, Southaven,MS.......................................................662-393-1155 Infinity Ink Tattoo Studio 57 N Somerville St ................................................................................. 901 527-2587 Ink Stainz 2 Tattoo 1731 Dancy Blvd Horn Lake MS ............................................................ 662 280-0763



Ink Stainz 3 5032 S 3rd St ......................................................................................... 901 789-7890 Insanity Ink 13274 Highway 51 Atoka ....................................................................... 901 840-2011 J Ds Body Art 2304 N Service Rd # E, West Memphis AR ............................................ 870 400-3433 Mammoth Tattoo Company 19 Florence St ........................................................................................ 901 274-8282 Marked 3566 Walker Ave .................................................................................... 901 323-3883 Memphis Tattoo 3387 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-3848 Memphis Tattoos Off Beale 116 S 4th St ........................................................................................... 901 524-0062 Memphis Tattooland 3768 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-7922 Mouses Custom Tattoo 6079 US Highway 51 N .......................................................................... 901 353-6250 Phat City Tattoo 5130 E Shelby Dr ................................................................................... 901 542-9519 Raleigh Tattoo 4570 Raleigh LaGrange Rd .................................................................... 901 266-0678 Ramesses Shadow Tattoos 383 N 2nd St .......................................................................................... 901 527-0203 Sickside Tattoos 1721 Dancy Blvd Horn Lake MS ........................................................... 662 342-6767 Southern Comfort Tattoo Expo 3387 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-7924 The Tattoo Shop 6415 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 383-7300 The Tattoo Spot 638 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 324-0217 Tattoo You 2240 Whitten Rd, Memphis .................................................................... 901 213-2627 Trilogy 530 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 327-0404 Underground Art Incorporated 2287 Young Ave, Memphis ..................................................................... 901 272-1864

TEATROS / THEATRES - LIVE Circuit Playhouse Box Office 51 South Cooper Street ......................................................................... 901 726-4656 Elvis Entertainment Of Memphis By David Crews ....................................................................................901 270-4820 ó 901 266-8125 Germantown Community Theatre 3037 Forest Hill Irene Road ................................................................... 901 754-2680 Memphis Black Repertory Theater 2090 Madison Avenue........................................................................... 901 276-9555 Our Own Voice Theatre Troupe 2085 Monroe Avenue ............................................................................ 901 274-1000 Playhouse On the Square 51 South Cooper Street ......................................................................... 901 726-4656 Playwrights’ Forum 2085 Monroe Avenue ............................................................................ 901 725-2040 Poplar Pike Playhouse 7653 Poplar Pike ................................................................................... 901 755-7775 Sleeping Cat 655 Marshall Avenue ............................................................................. 901 529-1904 Theatre Memphis Box Office 630 Perkins Extension ........................................................................... 901 682-8323

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2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas Theatre Works 2085 Monroe Avenue ............................................................................ 901 274-7139

TERAPIA FÍSICA / PHYSICAL THERAPY A Hands of Health and Relaxation 6067 Apple Tree Dr................................................................................. 901 367-1212 A Masters Touch 6151 Bartlett Crest Cv ............................................................................ 901 377-3934 A Touch For Balance 9704 Green Spruce Dr ........................................................................... 901 277-0099 A Touch of Health 4726 Poplar Ave Ste 4............................................................................ 901 767-8484 Acupressure & Swedish Massage 6415 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 213-0108 Advance Therapy Solution 5668 S Rex Rd ....................................................................................... 901 761-0191 Ambiance Day Spa 4707 Woodridge Dr ................................................................................ 901 345-4817 Apex Medical Management Center 3624 Austin Peay Hwy Ste 1 .................................................................. 901 377-7870 Bartlett Therapy Center 5142 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 383-4200 Bazeberry Rehab & Wellness 36 Bazeberry Rd..................................................................................... 901 758-0036 Body Mechanix Therapeutic Massage 3486 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 323-1220 Brewer William Massage Therapy 1907 Lyndale Ave ................................................................................... 901 278-1936 6793 Shorey Ln ...................................................................................... 901 377-6864 Healing Arts of Memphis 1835 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 274-0257 Healing Hands of Memphis Incorporated 950 Mount Moriah Rd ............................................................................ 901 683-5600 Integrative Physical Therapy Incorporated 8880 Germantown Rd, Olive Branch, MS............................................... 662 890-1142 La Bella Delle Mani 831 S Cooper St ..................................................................................... 901 272-0400 Lakeland Rehab & Pain Therapy 9160 Highway 64, Arlington, TN ............................................................ 901 388-4474 Massage Therapy 728 Goodman Rd, Southaven, MS ......................................................... 662 536-2220 Medical & Personal Injury Specialists Incorporated 4673 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 395-8121 Medical Massage & Physical Medicine 6225 Humphreys Blvd............................................................................ 901 240-2072 Memphis Physical Therapy 5039 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 818-9746 Memphis Physical Therapy 6600 Stage Rd Ste 129.......................................................................... 901 371-0732 Memphis Physical Therapy Millington 8253 Us Highway 51, Millington ............................................................ 901 872-6422 Millington Therapeutic Massage 8596 Us Highway 51 # 2, Millington ...................................................... 901 494-8218 Momentum Physical Rehabilitation 54 S Prescott St...................................................................................... 901 257-3422 Oasis Myotherapy 5830 Mount Moriah Rd .......................................................................... 901 546-9952 Olive Branch Physical Therapy 6879 Crumpler Blvd, Olive Branch, MS .................................................. 662 893-1125 Pediatric Therapy East 4692 Spottswood Ave ............................................................................ 901 761-0555 Rehabmed Physical Therapy & Wellness Services Pc 2552 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 323-1196 Simple Strokes Therapy Consultants 5600 Goodman Rd Ste D, Olive Branch, MS .......................................... 662 895-4545 Yokos Oriental Massage 5489 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 565-0151 Young Physical Therapy 5120 Weeping Willow Ln, Southaven, MS.............................................. 662 280-9898


TECHOS (MATERIALES PARA) / ROOFING SUPPLIES ABC Supply Company 2900 Airways Blvd.................................................................................. 901 346-3130 Bradco Supply Corp 4365 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 565-8784 Building Materials Outlet 8612 US Highway 51N ........................................................................... 901 872-3211 Camco Roofing Supplies 6009 Resources Drive ............................................................................ 901 372-1402 Discount Building Supply 1260 N Hollywood St.............................................................................. 901 327-1625 Exterior Materials 4555 Damascus Rd................................................................................ 901 368-0620 Harold Hall Roofing 1430 Kansas St ...................................................................................... 901 785-4500 Harrison Roofing Supply 2680 Broad Ave...................................................................................... 901 452-8255 Hyman Builders Supply 1129 Florida St ....................................................................................... 901 948-4459 International Coatings Inc 2614 Jackson Ave .................................................................................. 901 323-9055 Owens Corning Fiberglas Corp 704 Corrine Ave...................................................................................... 901 525-4556 Roofing Supply Group 1810 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 866-7663 Roofing Supply Group 3980 Premier Ave................................................................................... 901 866-7663 Spec Building Materials 3960 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 795-4172 Spirco Manufacturing 3861 Old Getwell Rd .............................................................................. 901 365-6900 Woods Wayne Roofing Co 723 N Holmes St ................................................................................... 901 323-2126 Kasey Dalton Roofing 1426 Brookhaven, Southaven MS.......................................................... 662 342-9378 Simon Roofing 1100 Timberlake Dr W ........................................................................... 901 754-4516

Memphis’s choice for bilingual news for 12 years!


TIENDAS DEPARTAMENTALES / DEPARTMENT STORES Burlington Coat Factory 4991 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 363-2688 5100 Park Ave ....................................................................................... 901 682-3650 4075 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 396-2628 6480 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 363-9877 Fred’s Discount Stores 4589 Quince Rd .................................................................................... 901 682-4516 8912 Northwest Dr , MS ........................................................................ 662 342-1805 3186 Thomas St .................................................................................... 901 358-0363 4280 Getwell Rd.................................................................................... 901 794-9420 Pharmacy 5855 Highway 70 .................................................................................. 901 373-5361 6064 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 388-4810 Ike’s 4126 Elvis Presley Blvd ......................................................................... 901 398-4115 2145 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 274-3107 5040 Park Ave ....................................................................................... 901 761-9570 S & K Menswear 5058 Park Ave ....................................................................................... 901 682-1693 7850 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 756-9559 6700 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 375-4851 The Commons ....................................................................................... 901 381-9215 Sam’s Club 1805 Getwell Rd.................................................................................... 901 743-6401 - Pharmacy .......................................................................................... 901 743-2289 - Bakery .............................................................................................. 901 743-6501 7475 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 754-0324 - Pharmacy .......................................................................................... 901 754-0865 2150 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 386-4004 - Pharmacy .......................................................................................... 901 382-1616 - Bakery .............................................................................................. 901 386-0911 8480 Highway 64 .................................................................................. 901 384-9997 - Pharmacy .......................................................................................... 901 384-9406 - Bakery .............................................................................................. 901 384-9882 465 Goodman Rd Southaven, MS, ........................................................ 662 349-0723 - Pharmacy .......................................................................................... 662 349-3740 - Bakery .............................................................................................. 662 349-5687 Super K-Kart 3201 Austin Peay Hwy .......................................................................... 901 372-8099 Wal-Mart Supercenter 7525 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 757-1442 6811 Southcrest Pkwy .......................................................................... 662 349-1838 560 W Poplar ......................................................................................... 901 854-5100 8400 Highway 64 .................................................................................. 901 382-6101 577 Germantown Pkwy ......................................................................... 901 758-1591 World Sales Liquidators 11625 Highway 64 ................................................................................ 901 867-3532

TIENDAS DE ABARROTES / GROCERS A & A Market 752 N Dunlap St. ................................................................................... 901 525-2954 Asiana Market 5940 Mt Moriah Rd ............................................................................. 901 363-8902 Associated Wholesale Grocers 2929 Stateline Rd Southaven, MS ........................................................ 662 342-4100 Best Market 3239 Hickory Hill Rd. ............................................................................ 901 363-6462 Big Jet Supermarket 1378 N Hollywood St............................................................................. 901 327-9642 Canale George and Sons Grocery 10170 Raleigh-LaGrange Rd ................................................................. 901 853-9490 Chism Trail Supermarkets 1665 Winchester Rd. ............................................................................. 901 398-6846 Coe’s Grocery 2649 Spottswood Ave............................................................................ 901 323-5953


2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas







Juanita • Gamesa • Maseca • La Sierra • Papi Pops • Tapatio • Nestle • Inca Kola Cans • Tamazula • Las Palmas • Jumex • Valentina • Cacique • Sangria Señorial • Herdez • Gabi • Cafe • Doña Maria • Goya • Maggi • El Club • Tostadas • Bimbo Energia • Barrilitos de todos los sabores • Bufalo y mucho mas


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808 NORTH 12TH..........................MURRAY KY 501 LONE OAK RD....................... PADUCAH KY 3275 COBB DRIVE ....................... PADUCAH KY 3141 PARK AVE........................... PADUCAH KY 2770 N. WESTWOOD........... POPLAR BLUFF MO 110 KEATING ROAD.................. BATESVILLE MS 1811 W GOVERNMENT ................BRANDON MS 6745 SIWELL RD.............................BYRAM MS 870 SOUTH STATE ST............. CLARKSDALE MS 602 NORTH DAVIS.................... CLEVELAND MS 406 SPRING RIDGE RD...................CLINTON MS 1829 HWY 45 NORTH ................COLUMBUS MS 104 HWY 72 WEST....................... CORINTH MS 110 PROMENADE BLVD. ............. FLOWOOD MS 1778 HWY 1 SOUTH .................GREENVILLE MS 2315 HIGHWAY 82 E.................GREENVILLE MS 2380 MT. PLEASANT .................HERNANDO MS 7251 INTERSTATE BLVD ........... HORN LAKE MS 4910 I-55 NORTH........................ JACKSON MS

2101 RAYMOND RD..................... JACKSON MS 3520 TERRY ROAD ...................... JACKSON MS 2340 HIGHWAY 15 N ...................... LAUREL MS 1070 HIGHWAY 51 ...................... MADISON MS 1617 DELAWARE AVE...................McCOMB MS 7427 GOODMAN ROAD.........OLIVE BRANCH MS 2013 UNIVERSITY AVE.................... OXFORD MS 201 GEORGE WALLACE..................... PEARL MS 1167 HWY 49 SOUTH ................. RICHLAND MS 2000 E COUNTY LINE................ RIDGELAND MS 465 STATELINE ROAD.............. SOUTHAVEN MS 3095 GOODMAN RD ................ SOUTHAVEN MS 826 HWY 12 WEST...................STARKVILLE MS 930 BARNES CROSSING.................. TUPELO MS 960 MAIN ...................................... TUPELO MS 3405 PEMBERTON SQ. ..............VICKSBURG MS MAIN & HWY 45 ...................... WEST POINT MS 11635 HWY 70......................... ARLINGTON TN 11630 HWY 51 S..............................ATOKA TN

5995 STAGE ROAD..................... BARTLETT 7615 HIGHWAY 70 ..................... BARTLETT 240 NEW BYHALIA RD ........... COLLIERVILLE 3685 HOUSTON LEVEE RD ..... COLLIERVILLE 676 GERMANTOWN RD................ CORDOVA 1675 GERMANTOWN RD.............. CORDOVA 1230 N. HOUSTON LEVEE RD. ...... CORDOVA 11631 HIGHWAY 51 S............... COVINGTON 2525 NICHOLS AVE ................. DYERSBURG 2130 EXETER ROAD ............ GERMANTOWN 1320 SOUTH HIGHLAND............... JACKSON 941 NORTH PARKWAY................. JACKSON 41 STONEBROOK PLACE.............. JACKSON 35 WEST UNIVERSITY PKWY......... JACKSON 9050 HIGHWAY 64 .....................LAKELAND 1977 SOUTH THIRD..................... MEMPHIS 1234 FINLEY............................... MEMPHIS 2269 LAMAR AVE........................ MEMPHIS 4075 AMERICAN WAY.................. MEMPHIS


3830 HICKORY HILL RD................ MEMPHIS 3226 THOMAS ............................ MEMPHIS 3444 PLAZA................................ MEMPHIS 6660 POPLAR AVE....................... MEMPHIS 4770 RIVERDALE......................... MEMPHIS 1366 POPLAR AVE....................... MEMPHIS 2632 FRAYSER BLVD................... MEMPHIS 540 S MENDENHALL ................... MEMPHIS 7942 WINCHESTER ROAD ............ MEMPHIS 3860 AUSTIN PEAY...................... MEMPHIS 4270 SUMMER AVE..................... MEMPHIS 2835 KIRBY PARKWAY................. MEMPHIS 3565 RIVERDALE ROAD ............... MEMPHIS 8039 HIGHWAY 51 N ............... MILLINGTON 7265 HWY 64 ............................. OAKLAND 1059 MINERAL WELLS.......................PARIS 775 PICKWICK RD ..................... SAVANNAH



Dandy Mart Food Store 1254 N. Collierville-Arlington Rd............................................................ 901 853-0648 Discount Grocery 651 Jefferson Ave................................................................................. 901 523-9515 El Gallo Giro 3991 Lamar Ave. ................................................................................... 901 794-0609 El Manantial 3209 Coleman Rd. ............................................................................... 901 380-5370 El Rancherito 5070 Raleigh-LaGrange Rd. Bartlett ..................................................... 901 266-3761 El Ranchito 3908 Macon Rd..................................................................................... 901 323-1016 Ellendale Grocery 7811 Highway 70 Bartlett ..................................................................... 901 382-1469 Emilio’s Grocery 2757 Getwell Rd.................................................................................... 901 365-3015 Family Grocery 1778 Kerr Ave........................................................................................ 901 272-9375 Foodtown Grocery 458 Buntyn ............................................................................................ 901 452-5865 High Point Grocery 469 High Point Terrace ......................................................................... 901 452-2378 Hills Supermarket 2954 Overton Crossing St. ................................................................... 901 357-4991 Kaye’s Food Market 16240 Highway 64 ................................................................................ 901 465-3967 KROGER FOOD STORES 11635 Hwy 70, Arlington ......................................................................901 290 9260 4075 American Way ............................................................................ 901 795-5932 3860 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................ 901 383-4840 2130 Exeter Rd Germantown ............................................................. 901 754-7787 1234 Finley Rd ..................................................................................... 901 345-1334 2632 Frayser Blvd................................................................................ 901 353-8280 676 N Germantown Rd Ext ................................................................. 901 756-8909 1675 N Germantown Rd. Cordova ..................................................... 901 624-1338 1201 Getwell Rd .................................................................................. 901 323-7694 3830 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................ 901 353-8270 951 Highway 51 N Covington ............................................................. 901 872-6741 3226 Highway 51 N ............................................................................. 901 357-2006 8039 Highway 51 N Millington ........................................................... 901 872-6741 7265 Highway 64 Oakland ................................................................. 901 465-0681 9050 Highway 64 ................................................................................. 901 371-0405 7615 Highway 70 Bartlett ................................................................... 901 758-3622 1230 N Houston Levee Rd .................................................................. 901 751-1840 3685 S Houston Levee Rd ................................................................. 901 854-2705 7427 Goodman Rd Olive Branch, MS ................................................ 662 895-1460 3095 Goodman Rd Southaven, MS .................................................... 662 536-3741 7251 Interstate Blvd. Horn Lake, MS ................................................. 662 349-8331 2835 Kirby Parkway ............................................................................. 901 353-1822 2269 Lamar Ave................................................................................... 901 324-1011 540 Mendenhall Rd S .......................................................................... 901 683-8846 2380 Mt Pleasant Hernando, MS ....................................................... 662 429-0355 240 New Byhalia Rd Collierville ......................................................... 901 853-1330 3444 Plaza Ave .................................................................................... 901 323-0191 1366 Poplar Ave ................................................................................... 901 272-7881 6660 Poplar Ave ................................................................................... 901 754-0354 4770 Riverdale Rd ............................................................................... 901 756-7408 5995 Stage Rd ..................................................................................... 901 385-7090 465 Stateline Rd W Southaven, MS ................................................... 662 393-2675 4270 Summer Ave ............................................................................... 901 763-1556 1977 S Third St .................................................................................... 901 947-3417 3226 Thomas ........................................................................................ 901 357-2006 7942 Winchester Rd ............................................................................ 901 758-3609 300 Interstate 40, West Memphis, AR ................................................ 870 732-2692 Kwik-Chek Food Store 2013 Madison Ave. ............................................................................. 901 274-9293 2361 Ketchum Rd. ................................................................................ 901 743-1145 3123 Barron Ave.................................................................................... 901 744-4491 La Bodega 4028 Senator St ..................................................................................... 901 365-6405


La Fiesta Market 3662 Macon Rd. ................................................................................... 901 324-7199 La Guadalupana Supermarket 4440 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 386-5200 4118 Jackson........................................................................................ 901 386-5200 4497 Macon Rd..................................................................................... 901 684-1788 La Plazita De Collierville 146 E Highway 72 ................................................................................. 901 850-9533 Market Basket 4862 Summer Ave.................................................................................. 901 682-8361 Mediterranean Grocery Inc 3561 Park Ave. ...................................................................................... 901 320-5757 Mercado Rosita 9085 Millbranch Rd Southaven, MS...................................................... 662 342-6740 Montesi’s Supermarket 3362 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 452-3901 New East Supermarket 2965 N. Germantown Rd....................................................................... 901 937-6868 Quick & Easy Food Store 3686 Knight Arnold Rd .......................................................................... 901 795-0466 935 S Highland St.................................................................................. 901 458-6158 Riley’s Grocery 3906 Hawkins Mill Rd. .......................................................................... 901 386-9074 Robilio’s Big Star Supermarkets 729 N. White Station Rd. ...................................................................... 901 761-2692

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Sac and Save 5150 American Way .............................................................................. 901 795-0012 Sam’s Discount 1241 E. Raines Rd. ................................................................................ 901 332-4011 Save-A-Lot Food Store 3465 Austin Peay Hwy .......................................................................... 901 380-5550 Save-A-Lot Foods 1780 Frayser Blvd. ................................................................................ 901 357-5027 3240 Jackson Ave ................................................................................. 901 324-0830 2256 Lamar Ave. .................................................................................. 901 323-5044 4445 S Third St ..................................................................................... 901 785-8870 Stepherson’s Food Store 3942 Macon .......................................................................................... 901 324-3759 Supermercado El Rey 3968 Jackson Ave. ................................................................................ 901 377-0578 Super Mercado El Rey II 3699 Hickory Hill & Winchester.............................................................. 901 797-8412 Super Mercado Guadalajara 5359 Winchester Rd .............................................................................. 901 565-8066 Super Mercado La Espiga 3987 Summer Ave.................................................................................. 901 454-9220 Superlo Foods 2155 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 382-5701 4744 Spottswood Ave ........................................................................... 901 683-6861 Super Mercado y Taquería La Esmeralda 4284 Winchester Ave............................................................................. 901 794-2231 Tienda La Loma 5910 Mt. Moriah #110 ......................................................................... 901 797-8644 Tienda Mexicana La Azteca 4205 Jackson Ave ................................................................................. 901 388-6133 Wal-Mart Neighborhood Markets 2401 Goodman Market, MS .................................................................. 662 342-5929 6990 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................. 901 309-7876 6520 Memphis-Arlington Rd ................................................................. 901 388-1004 2856 Hickory Hill Rd .............................................................................. 901 362-3622

TIENDAS DE DESCUENTO / THRIFT STORES Amvets Thrift Center 2526 Elvis Presley Boulevard ................................................................ 901 775-5010 D A V - Thrift Store 3440 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 327-4601 Disabled American Veterans-Thrift Store 3680 South Mendenhall Road............................................................... 901 797-9995 Disabled American Veterans-Thrift Store 3440 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 327-4661 Goodwill Industries Thrift Stores 7040 East Shelby Drive ......................................................................... 901 754-8500 Goodwill Industries - Retail Store 574 South Highland Street .................................................................... 901 458-6610 4651 Knight Arnold Road ...................................................................... 901 795-4061 2605 Chelsea Avenue ........................................................................... 901 323-6221 6899 Stage Rd ...................................................................................... 901 507-3287 925 Main St ........................................................................................... 901 342-7097 5333 Getwell Rd.................................................................................... 901 375-1555 925 Stateline Rd W Southaven, MS ...................................................... 662 342-2930 Mid-South Outlet 3432 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 327-4321 MIFA - Thrift Shop 910 Vance Ave....................................................................................... 901 529-4504 Nancy’s Thrift Store 1 1469 Wells Station Road ....................................................................... 901 680-0356 Nancy’s Thrift Store 2 4556 Summer Ave ................................................................................ 901 681-0106 Park Avenue Thrift 3899 Park Ave ....................................................................................... 901 458-2010 Repeat Boutique 3586 Summer ....................................................................................... 901 327-4777 The Salvation Army - Thrift Stores 340 Adams Ave ..................................................................................... 901 576-2286

2010 Páginas Amarillas Hispanas

3329 Austin Peay Hwy .......................................................................... 901 373-3245 3459 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 452-9330 Thrift Shop Junior League 3425 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 327-4777 Thrift Town 6646 Winchester Road, Memphis ......................................................... 901 370-6797

TRANSMISIONES / TRANSMISSIONS AAMCO Transmissions 2439 Covington Pike .............................................................................. 901 372-6000 1717 E Raines Rd................................................................................... 901 398-5256 3596 Winchest Cove .............................................................................. 901 794-0897 1261 Getwell Rd.....................................................................................901-324-3816 Coleman Taylor 3235 Elvis Presley Blvd .......................................................................... 901 346-1012 1694 Getwell Rd..................................................................................... 901 744-4145 7530 Winchester .................................................................................... 901 755-4454 611 N Holmes St .................................................................................... 901 452-4474 3674 S Mendenhall Rd........................................................................... 901 363-4038 466 Union Ave ........................................................................................901-525-2740 4321 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 382-4836 88 Moore Drive West, Southaven MS..................................................... 662 349-6339 7981 Fischer Steel Rd ............................................................................901-754-2832 Johnson Automatic Transmission Co 5351 Pleasant View Rd ...........................................................................901 272 2428 Master-Bilt Transmission Service 3264 Tchulahoma Rd ............................................................................. 901 367-1969 Performance Transmission 1136 Marlin Rd....................................................................................... 901 395-8324 .............................................................................................................. 901 395-8326 Safe and Sound Automotive 6409 Summer Gale ................................................................................ 901 763-3111


TRAJES ELEGANTES (VENTA Y ALQUILER DE) / FORMALWEAR SALES & RENTALS American Tuxedo 4722 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 761-2848 4730 Riverdale Rd # 101 ...................................................................... 901 753-8897 Black Tie 3558 Hickory Hill Rd............................................................................... 901 375-4401 Black Tie Tuxedo 1208 Southland Mall .............................................................................. 901 345-6515 Donna's Bridal & Formal Wear 2975 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 386-6654 Gingiss Formalwear 2807 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 385-0301 Guy's Formal Wear 3580 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 327-8889 4870 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-8170 I Do Bridal Gown Rentals 2758 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 213-4115 K & G Fashion Superstore 3480 Plaza Ave....................................................................................... 901 458-2289 Men's Wearhouse 8095 Giacosa Place................................................................................ 901 382-8660 780 Truse Pkwy # 102 .......................................................................... 901 415-6302 Men's Wearhouse & Tuxedo 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 290 ........................................................ 901 372-9558 4465 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 682-9580 6075 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 795-7607 Patten's Custom Design 2124 Curry Ave....................................................................................... 901 289-6314 Unique Boutique 2726 Bartlett Blvd................................................................................... 901 383-1544


UNIDADES DE ALMACENAMIENTO / STORAGE UNITS Austin Peay Mini Storage 4271 Raleigh La Grange Rd. ...................................................................901 382 9445 Public Storage 2878 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 384-9788 4409 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 766-9007 Shurgard Storage 7495 Us Highway 64 ............................................................................. 901 937-7700 Shurgard Storage Centers - Wolfchase 7395 Stage Road.................................................................................... 901 937-7700 Storage USA 4994 Raleigh Lagrange Road ................................................................ 901 388-0468 2939 Poplar Avenue .............................................................................. 901 452-1177 1235 Gateway Drive.............................................................................. 901 332-4440 6937 State Road ................................................................................... 901 386-1141 7301 Winchester Road .......................................................................... 901 759-4888 4961 Covington Way ............................................................................. 901 372-0077

UNIFORMES / UNIFORMS Alsco Inc 1312 Louisiana St .................................................................................. 901 946-1691 Ameri Pride Service Inc 800 Vance Ave........................................................................................ 901 525-3434 Aramark Uniform Services 2860 Rudder Rd ..................................................................................... 901 365-4561 At Work Uniforms 4692 American Way ............................................................................... 901 360-1390 Cintas Uniform Rental & Work Apparel 5425 Mineral Wells Rd ........................................................................... 901 942-5497 Command Uniforms 4280 Macon Rd...................................................................................... 901 767-1420 Dennis Uniform Mfg Co 6935 Appling Farms Pkwy ..................................................................... 901 387-1721 Discount Uniforms 2713 Lamar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 743-9150 Family Corner School & Uniform 2725 S Perkins Rd.................................................................................. 901 360-1909 Focus Apparrel & Uniform Co 4405 S Mendenhall Rd # 104 ................................................................ 901 363-8002 Identity Factor Uniforms 2965 N Germantown Rd #126 ............................................................... 901 381-0116 J School Uniforms 6095 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 362-2218 JSS School Uniforms 4224 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 730-0748 Landau Uniforms 9245 Poplar Ave # 7 Germantown...................................................... 901 753-9880 1004 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 523-9655 Paramount Uniform Rental Inc 5421 Crestview Dr.................................................................................. 901 382-4411 R & R Uniforms Inc 4696 American Way ............................................................................... 901 360-9194 School Uniform Inc 3393 Raleigh Springs Mall ..................................................................... 901 937-0105 Shapiro Uniforms 3929 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 323-6688 The Sports Authority 1185 Ridgeway Rd ................................................................................. 901 683-7724 2751 Wolfcreek Pkwy............................................................................. 901 373-2501 Uniform Disposal Service Inc 5192 Drexel Ave ..................................................................................... 901 644-3800 Uniform Factory Outlet 7730 Poplar Ave # 3 Germantown..................................................... 901 759-1106 Uniform Masters 3276 Democrat Rd # 1........................................................................... 901 363-4841


UNIVERSIDADES / UNIVERSITIES Baptist College of Health Sciences 1003 Monroe Ave Ofc............................................................................. 901 575-2247 Baptist College of Health Sciences – Division of Allied Health 1003 Monroe Ave Ofc............................................................................. 901 572-2641 Baptist College of Health Sciences – Division of General Studies 1003 Monroe Ave Ofc............................................................................. 901 572-2492 Baptist College of Health Sciences – Division of Nursing 1003 Monroe Ave Ofc............................................................................. 901 572-2841 Bellhaven College 5100 Poplar Ave ......................................................................................901 888 3343 Bluff City Bible College 1169 Race St.......................................................................................... 901 942-9088 Christian Brothers University – Admissions, Day Program 650 East Parkway South ........................................................................ 901 321-3205 Christian Brothers University – Evening Program, Admissions, Summer Program 650 East Parkway South ........................................................................ 901 321-3291 Concorde Career Institute 5100 Poplar Ave .................................................................................... 901 761-9494 Crichton College 255 North Highland St ............................................................................ 901 320-9700 Education America-Memphis 3731 Nonconnah Blvd ............................................................................901-345-1000 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 3221 Players Club Parkway ................................................................... 901 507-9969 Harding University Graduate School of Religion 1000 Cherry Rd ...................................................................................... 901 761-1353 High Tech Institute 5863 Shelby Oaks Cir 3 100 .................................................................. 901 432-3800 ITT Technical Institute 1255 Lynnfield Rd. Ste 192 .................................................................... 901 762-0556 Kansas VoTech School 80 West Olive Ave................................................................................... 901 416-7300 Kingsbury Career & Tech 1328 N Graham...................................................................................... 901 416-6000 Lemoyne–Owen College 807 Walker Ave ...................................................................................... 901 775-3755 Memphis College of Art 1930 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 272-5100 Memphis School of Preaching 3950 Forest Hill Irene Rd........................................................................ 901 751-2242 Memphis Theological Seminary 168 East Parkway South ........................................................................ 901 458-8232 Methodist Healthcare – Hospital Schools of Nursing – RN 251 South Claybrook St.......................................................................... 901 726-8516 Methodist Healthcare – Hospital Schools of Nursing – LPN 251 South Claybrook St.......................................................................... 901 726-8884 Mid-South Christian College 3097 Knight Arnold Rd ................................................................................ 901 375-4400 New Horizons Computer Learning 4775 American Way .............................................................................. 901 375-1533 New Wave Hair Academy 804 S Highland St .................................................................................. 901 320-9283 3262 Coleman Rd .................................................................................. 901 372-2026 Plaza Beauty School 4682 Spottswood Ave ............................................................................ 901 761-4445 Remington College 2710 Nonconnah Blvd ............................................................................ 901 345-1000 Rhodes College 2000 North Parkway .............................................................................. 901 843-3000

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Southern College of Optometry 1245 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 722-3200 Southwest Career Tech Center 3746 Horn Lake Rd ................................................................................ 901 416-8186 Southwest Tennessee Community College 5983 Macon Cove .................................................................................. 901 333-4000 Evening & Weekend................................................................................ 901 333-4243 Gill........................................................................................................... 901 333-5970 Whitehaven............................................................................................. 901 333-6450 Millington ............................................................................................... 901 872-8117 Southeast .............................................................................................. 901 333-6005 Fayette County........................................................................................ 901 466-7656 Union Ave ........................................................................................... 901 333-5000 Strayer University 2620 Thousand Oaks Blvd ..................................................................... 901 369-0835 6211 Shelby Oaks Dr .......................................................................... 901 383-6750 The Beauty Institute 568 Colonial Rd ...................................................................................... 901 761-1888 Tennessee Academy of Cosmetology 7020 East Shelby Dr............................................................................... 901 757-4131 7041 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 382-9085 Tennessee Technology Center At Memphis 550 Alabama Ave ................................................................................... 901 543-6100 The Massage Institute of Memphis 3445 Poplar Ave Ste 4............................................................................ 901 324-4411 The University of Tennessee Health Science Center Administration and Services................................................................... 901 448-2896 Trezevant Career Vo Tech 3224 Range Line Road........................................................................... 901 416-3800 Union University 2745 Hacks Cross Rd............................................................................. 901 759-0029 University of Memphis Information Center Visitors ..................................................................... 901 448-2896 University Operator, Information ............................................................. 901 678-2000 Minority Affairs........................................................................................ 901 678-2054 University of Phoenix 65 Germantown Ct ................................................................................. 901 751-0785 Vatterott College 6152 Macon Rd ..................................................................................... 901 761-5730 2655 Dividend Dr ................................................................................... 901 843-3870 WM R Moore College of Technology 1200 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 726-1977

VETERINARIOS / HOSPITALES PARA ANIMALES / VETERINARIANS / ANIMAL Animal Emergency Center PC 3767 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 323-4563 Animal Hospital-Hickory Hill 6001 Knight Arnold Road Extension ...................................................... 901 795-7387 Avian and Exotic Animal Veterinarian 1890 North Germantown Road ............................................................. 901 756-5556 Bartlett Animal Clinic & Hospital 2832 Bartlett Road ................................................................................ 901 388-2356 Berclair Animal Hospital PC 4670 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 323-4563 Cloverleaf Animal Clinic 749 North White Station Road ............................................................... 901 682-5681 Collierville Animal Clinic 474 West Highway 72 ........................................................................... 901 624-9002 Emergency Care for After-Hours Emergencies 830 North Germantown Parkway Suite................................................. 901 624-9002 Forest Hill Animal Hospital 3133 Forest Hill Irene Road ................................................................... 901 754-5007 Frayser Raleigh Animl Hospital 3147 Frayser Raleigh Road .................................................................. 901 323-4563 Memphis Animal Clinic - Parkway at Central 733 East Parkway South ...................................................................... 901 272-7411 Mid-South Veterinary Specialists 3767 Summer Avenue .......................................................................... 901 323-4563

2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas Parkway Village Companion Animal Hospital 3855 South Perkins Road...................................................................... 901 363-4077 Pet Health Center 8935 Highway 64 .................................................................................. 901 382-0330 Stanfill Gregory W DVM 3147 Frayser Raleigh Road ................................................................... 901 323-4563

VIDEOJUEGOS PROVEEDORES / VIDEO GAMES DEALERS Blockbuster 4300 Summer Ave ................................................................................. 901 761-1256 5339 Elvis Presley Blvd Ste 101 ............................................................ 901 346-9571 9245 Poplar Ave Ste 5 Germantown.................................................. 901 757-1334 5123 Quince Rd...................................................................................... 901 685-8300 4860 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 767-0944 3412 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 327-3776 3245 Austin Peay Hwy ........................................................................... 901 373-6911 6645 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 794-6993 7850 Poplar Ave Ste 32 Germantown................................................. 901 755-1919 1556 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 725-9500 6515 Poplar Ave Ste 100........................................................................ 901 685-9899 6600 Stage Rd Ste 138.......................................................................... 901 373-5111 EB Games 7539 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 758-8414 6300 Poplar Ave # 104........................................................................... 901 682-4000 2760 N Germantown Pkwy # 222.......................................................... 901 382-7882 GameStop 5985 Stage Rd ....................................................................................... 901 382-4422 6223 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 363-9911 4465 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 685-9787 4673 American Way ............................................................................... 901 365-8005 1680 Union Ave # 110............................................................................ 901 726-4057 2760 N Germantown Pkwy .................................................................... 901 382-7882 6300 Poplar Ave ..................................................................................... 901 682-4000 2878 Wolfcreek Pkwy............................................................................. 901 383-8002 5043 Park Ave ........................................................................................ 901 766-1538 7539 Winchester Rd ............................................................................... 901 758-3185 Hollywood Video 3000 Kirby Whitten Rd ........................................................................... 901 371-8817 3541 Riverdale Rd .................................................................................. 901 565-0093 Home Video 1335 Madison Ave.................................................................................. 901 278-3966 Midtown Video 1604 Union Ave ...................................................................................... 901 272-7000

VIDRIOS (PARA AUTOS Y CASAS) / GLASS A-1 Auto Glass Memphis, TN 38103 .............................................................................. 901 682-4823 Abra Auto Body & Glass Southeast .............................................................................................. 901 794-6658 2862 Appling Way ................................................................................. 901 386-1652 2419 Covington Pike ............................................................................. 901 377-4800 6400 E Shelby Dr .................................................................................. 901 363-0780 4901 Elmore Rd .................................................................................... 901 384-6714 5684 Mt. Moriah .................................................................................... 901 794-7218 7980 Patriot Dr ...................................................................................... 901 756-9095 960 Goodman Rd W Horn Lake, MS ..................................................... 662 349-3514 Brownsville Auto Glass 2759 Meadowlake Dr............................................................................ 901 574-2679 Jack Morris Auto Glass 5075 Raleigh Lagrange Rd ................................................................... 901 388-8400 6564 Winchester ................................................................................... 901 795-7525 1945 Union Ave ..................................................................................... 901 725-5500 800 Mt. Moriah ...................................................................................... 901 767-4242 2130 N Highland Jackson, TN ............................................................... 731 664-6500 Mobile Service ....................................................................................... 901 725-5501 Universal Glass 1790 Crump Blvd ................................................................................. 901 726-1184


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2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas

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2010 Pรกginas Amarillas Hispanas

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