Latino Lubbock Magazine "¡Que Vivan los Veteranos!" Vol. 14, Issue 11, November 2020

Page 12

Education/ Educación

Legislative Leadership

Program Seeking Fellows

amed for the longest-servN ing Hispanic member of the Texas House of Representatives,

Teacher on the Rise

Recognized by United & Mrs. Baird's

arlier this month, The United E Family® and Mrs Baird’s Bread® announced the Septem-

ber winners of the eighth annual Teachers On The Rise program. Since the program launched at the beginning of the school year, nominations have poured in from students and families across the Panhandle explaining why their teacher(s) go above-and-beyond the call of duty and deserve special recognition. Congratulations to our three September winners: Misty Smith of Rush Elementary, Melinda Barrett of Evans Middle School and Tony Chavez of Estacado High School. “We want to congratulate all of our teachers and students who were a part of this first round of winners,” said Nancy Sharp, communications & community relations manager for the United Family. “There are so many teachers who are deserving of recognition, especially right now.

We encourage everyone to keep nominating!” “We had a tremendous first month of the school year for Teachers On The Rise,” said Shane Sumrow, the program’s director. “With more than 700 nominations, we heard many testimonials about the great things teachers are doing in our classrooms and virtual learning. We select three winners every month, so we encourage students to reenter their teachers if they didn’t win and try to be a detailed as possible on why your teachers deserves special recognition.” Winning teachers receive a $100 United Supermarkets gift card, lunch for two to the Texas Tech Club and a gift box full of Mrs Baird’s goodies. The students who nominate a winning teacher also receive a $50 American Express gift card. To nominate a teacher from your school , visit www.MrsBTeacher. com.


Paul C. Moreno (El Paso), and the first Mexican American woman to serve in the Texas Legislature, the late Irma Rangel (Kingsville), a program offered by the Mexican American Legislative Leadership Foundation is seeking undergraduate and graduate students from across the state to gain hands-on experience working in the Texas House of Representatives. Program participants will be placed in the State Capitol office of a member of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus and serve as full-time policy fellows. Fellows will work alongside experienced legislative staff and participate in weekly seminars where they will interact with other pro-

n 1621 the Icolonists Plymouth and the Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast which



is now known as the first Thanksgiving. While cooking methods and table etiquette have changed as the holiday has evolved, the meal is still consumed today with the same spirit of celebration and overindulgence.

Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias 26 de nov. O LORD God Almighty, my Abba Father and loving Shepherd, strengthen me with your might and grace so that I can withstand the attacks and temptations of the evil one. In Jesus' name, I ask it. Amen.

806-791-7643 6002 Slide Rd.-Unit Q

NOTE: Due to COVID-19, there is a possibility for Fellows to work remotely, in person, or both. This will be deliberated on a case by case basis.

Happy Thanksgiving, Nov. 26th

November Prayer

gram participants, Latino leaders, elected officials and state agency representatives. In addition to learning the legislative process and developing their leadership skills, participants will receive a monthly stipend of $2,000 to assist with living expenses. The Moreno/Rangel Legislative Leadership Program begins on the first day of the 87th legislative session January 12, 2021, and ends following the last day of the session (sine die) on May 31, 2021. All application materials must be received by 5 pm on November 16, 2019. Register at

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” ~ Ephesians 6:10

n 1621, los colonos de PlymE outh y los indios Wampanoag compartieron una fiesta de la cosecha de otoño que ahora se conoce como la primera Acción de Gracias. Si bien los métodos de cocción y etiqueta en la mesa han cambiado como la fiesta ha evolucionado, la comida se consume todavía hoy con el mismo espíritu de celebración y de los excesos.

Education & Scholarship Updates SCHOLARSHIP INFO ONLINE - This website claims to be the most complete source of local, national, and college-specific scholarships on the net. It lists thousands of scholarships. When you sign up, you can get email updates when new scholarships become available. Good and free resource. 2021–22 FAFSA FORM AVAILABLE The new 2021–22 FAFSA form is here! Some states and schools have limited funds, so don’t delay! For priority consideration, submit your application by Jan. 15, 2021. Additional forms might be required. Private and two-year institutions may have different deadlines. Check with your financial aid administrator. To begin your application, go to https://studentaid. gov/. 2020-2021 FACULTY AND HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR SCHOLARSHIPS ARE NOW OPEN *Applicants will need to create a user ID (email address is recommended) and password at the start of the application, which will allow you to finish the application in multiple sittings if needed. Deadline is November 15, 2020. Apply at https://fs1.formsite. com/txpta/form634/form_login.html "HACER® MORE SCHOLARSHIP" Se invita a los estudiantes hispanos del último año de la escuela secundaria que tengan deseos de ir a la universidad, y a sus padres, a que visiten hacer para obtener recursos universitarios adicionales en inglés y en español y para conocer todos los detalles sobre cómo solicitar la Beca Nacional HACER® de McDonald's. El período para solicitar la beca para el próximo año académico comienza el 5 de octubre de 2020 y finaliza el 3 de febrero de 2021. COLGATE-PALMOLIVE is now accepting applications for its annual Haz la U™ ("Make the U") educational grant program for the 2021-2022 academic year in partnership with the Hispanic Heritage Foundation (HHF). To be awarded to students who have demonstrated academic excellence, volunteerism and leadership within their communities. Applications close on December 6, 2020. Apply at or HHFYouthAwards. com WOMAN-TO-WOMAN SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship fund was established by Mrs. Lou Diekemper in order to provide support for women who are 50 years of age or older and find themselves in need of additional education or vocational training in order to obtain employment or to make a needed change in their current employment situation. Deadlines: June 15 and Dec. 1. Apply online at https://

Latino Lubbock Magazine Proudly Advocates for Education/La revista latina Lubbock aboga por la educación

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