Appendix: Dragon Deities
The dragon deities are all children of Io, the Ninefold Dragon who encompasses all the opposites and extremes of dragonkind. You don’t have to be a dragon to worship one of these deities, though most of their worshipers are. Just as a human weaponsmith might venerate Moradin, or an elf archer pay homage to Ehlonna, so too could a dwarf, half-orc, or halfling worship a god or goddess otherwise associated with dragons. In fact, such worship is particularly common among the various reptilian (and Draconic-speaking) races, such as kobolds, lizardfolk, and troglodytes. The deity descriptions in this appendix are expanded from a similar presentation in Chapter 1 of Draconomicon. These descriptions supersede previous versions.
Some deities do not accept clerics of all alignments that are within one step of their own. For example, Bahamut, a lawful good deity, only has lawful good and neutral good clerics. Domains: Clerics of the deity can choose from among the domains listed here. Domains marked with an asterisk (Dragon, Greed and Wealth) are found in Draconomicon. Domains presented inside brackets are found in the FORGOTTEN R EALMS campaign setting. If your campaign is set in that world, you can add these domains to the god’s list (possibly replacing other domains if desired). Favored Weapon: What weapon the deity favors. The deity’s clerics generally prefer to use such weapons, and certain spells that clerics cast, such as spiritual weapon, can have effects that resemble this weapon. All favored weapon entries for these deities have two listings. The first is for weapon-wielding clerics, while the weapon in parentheses is for dragon clerics who use natural attacks rather than manufactured weapons.
The first section of text contains basic information about DESCRIPTIVE TEXT the deity. Immediately following the line-item deity entries is inforName: The first line gives the name by which the deity mation about what the deity looks like and other general facts. Sections address specific aspects of how the deity is is generally known. Other names or titles attributed to the worship such as its clergy, temples, and prayers. deity (if any) are given immediately below the name. Rank: This entry gives the god’s divine rank, either demigod, lesser, or intermediate. GAME STATISTICS Symbol: A short description of the holy or unholy This product doesn’t have the scope to address specific symbol carried by the deity’s clerics. This symbol is often game statistics and divine powers for these deities. used on altars or other items dedicated to the deity. Game statistics for Bahamut and Tiamat are presented Home Plane: The portion of the cosmos where the in Deities and Demigods. Use that book to create game deity chiefly resides. If you don’t use the core cosmology statistics for the other dragon deities here if you desire presented in the Manual of the Planes, feel free to change such information. these home planes as appropriate to your campaign. Alignment: The deity’s alignment. Deities follow The Draconic Pantheon Deity Align Domains the same alignments as mortals do; see Chapter 6 of the Aasterinian CN Chaos, Dragon*, Luck, Travel, Trickery Player’s Handbook. [Charm, Illusion, Trade] Portfolio: The aspects of mortal existence with which Astilabor N Dragon*, Protection, Wealth* [Cavern, the deity is most often associated. Portfolio elements are Metal] listed roughly in their order of importance to the deity. Bahamut LG Air, Dragon*, Good, Luck, Protection Worshipers: Those who worship or venerate the [Nobility, Storm] deity, roughly in order of their number and importance Chronepsis N Death, Dragon*, Knowledge [Fate, to the deity. Planning, Time] Cleric Alignments: What alignments the deity’s clerics Falazure NE Death, Dragon*, Evil [Darkness, Undeath] can have. As noted in the Player’s Handbook, a cleric typiGaryx CE Chaos, Destruction, Dragon*, Evil, Fire cally has the same alignment as his deity. Some clerics are [Renewal] one step away from their respective deity’s alignment. For Hlal CG Chaos, Dragon*, Good, Trickery [Rune] example, most clerics of Heironeous (who is lawful good) Io N Dragon*, Knowledge, Magic, Strength, are lawful good themselves, but some are lawful neutral or Travel, Wealth* [Spell] neutral good. A cleric cannot be neutral unless his deity Lendys LN Destruction, Dragon*, Law, Protection is neutral. [Retribution] Two alignments are within one step of each other if they Tamara NG Dragon*, Good, Healing, Strength, Sun appear adjacent to each other horizontally or vertically on [Family] the following chart. Alignments that are adjacent to each Tiamat LE Destruction, Dragon, Evil, Greed*, Law, Trickery [Hatred, Scalykind, other on a diagonal are not within one step. Tyranny] Lawful good Lawful neutral Lawful evil
Neutral good Neutral Neutral evil
Chaotic good Chaotic neutral Chaotic evil
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