Rite of Spellscale Assumption The Rite of Spellscale Assumption is a rare procedure that allows a character to fully manifest latent draconic potential within his body, transforming from a member of his original race into a spellscale. Becoming a spellscale is a choice that is made only after long consideration. Giving up one’s heritage is not to be done impulsively. It is a choice one makes knowing full well that when the rite is complete, all vestiges of one’s former race are wiped away, replaced by a body and a look that might at first seem alien and awkward. When the rite begins, the subject spends six consecutive days fasting and meditating on texts discussing spellscale history, demeanor, and characteristics. The character uses this time to fully get into the heart of what it means to be a spellscale.
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“Magic is my religion.”
Unlike dragonborn, characters of other races who are drawn to the spellscale lifestyle and psychology cannot merely undergo a ritual to become a spellscale—at least such is the general belief. Because dragonborn can only come into existence through a ritual, whereas spellscales are born naturally, this belief has become entrenched. But no arcane feat is beyond those with a will to make changes. The Rite of Spellscale Assumption enables individuals of other races to become spellscales.
Illus. by E. Cox
Humans: Humans, with their nearly infinite diversity, After the meditation ends, the prospective spellscale bathes in a special mixture of fragrant salts, water, and appeal to spellscales’ curiosity. Humans vary greatly in their lifestyles, ambitions, and philosophies. Each dragon scales for 24 hours, with a spellscale individual is unique and interesting. ritualist standing over the water, chanting the The human race is young comwords of the rite. When the period of pared to dragons or dwarves, chanting has passed, the character adding to its charm. Spellarises from the bath. As he does so, scales treat humans with a he finds himself magically transfond tolerance. formed into a spellscale. Kobolds: These creatures Prerequisites: Any willing try hard as sorcerers, they humanoid can undergo the really do, but they’re far Rite of Spellscale Assumption. too limited in their talents The rite must be performed and their worldview. The by a spellscale who can cast kobold race’s inclination the polymorph spell and who toward both strict loyalty has at least 10 ranks in Knowledge (arcana). and sociopathic behavior perplexes spellscales. How could Benefit: This ceremony cona race with so much potential verts any nondraconic humanoid limit itself with such philointo a spellscale. A character who sophical baggage? undertakes this rite is stripped of True Dragons: While spellall his racial traits, and in their place scales admire and revere dragons, gains the racial traits of the spellscale ever curious about them, they feel no race. See the Substituting Spellscale Racial particular attraction for them. A spellTraits sidebar for details. scale is naturally interested when presented Time: The Rite of Spellscale Assumpwith an opportunity to investigate a dragon’s tion takes seven consecutive days to complete. . . . or this . . . lair or converse with a friendly dragon, but he is The ritual cannot be conducted on an unwilling subject. equally fascinated to explore the nooks and cranCost: This rite requires special salts and a collection of nies of a human city or delve into the depths of the earth. dragon scales gathered from ancient dragons of varying Spellscales acknowledge the link between themselves and colors. These materials cost 2,000 gp. dragons, but they view themselves as something apart from dragons—and possibly, in a small way, superior.
RELIGION —Kepesk Maekrix, spellscale
Spellscales prize magic above all else, considering it holy and giving it the reverence most other races accord to their deities. Certainly, spellscales believe that deities exist. Gods are powerful and awesome, but magic is too, in a way that surpasses even the power of the deities. Spellscales alternately honor all dragon deities through their daily meditations. They gain great spiritual satisfaction from their devotion to magic. Their rituals blend a sense of divinity in with sorcery, uniting both spirit and blood. Almost every spellscale goes through a religious phase, indulging in short-term excesses of pious behavior toward one god or another. During this period, many spellscales devote themselves to a dragon deity, but some are attracted to deities of magic. Boccob, the Lord of All Magics, is especially attractive because of his permissive, hands-off attitude toward his followers. The exclusive, long-term commitment that most deities and churches demand of followers is difficult for the changeable spellscales to meet. Aside from the aforementioned bursts of piety, few spellscales consider themselves ardent followers of any one deity, dragon or otherwise. The rare spellscales who do follow one deity throughout their lives are most often worshipers of Aasterinian. The
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