
The Christmas season is a time for us to gather with families and friends and to take stock of the meaning of this important time of year. It is a time to rejoice and to reach out to others in the spirit of all that the holidays mean to us.
Educational institutions, such as LECOM seek to commemorate this joyous celebration through the freedoms that we derive from the founding of our great nation. It is most fitting that during this Christmas season, we at LECOM, embrace the loved ones who enrich our lives. We also look to a bright and promising future for the lives that, through our care and skills, we may also enrich.
As medical professionals, we recognize that all of these blessings, and that life itself, comes not from the hand of man, but from Almighty God. We honor that moment in Bethlehem, over two thousand years ago, when the nascent gift of one life, would begin a journey that continues to time’s end. Although Christmas is a cherished holiday for Americans, steeped in faith and family, countries around the globe celebrate Christmas with traditions of their own. People the world over have embraced the spirit of Christmas, venerating in their own way, the importance of the day.
In Peru, La Noche Buena (“the Good Night”) on December 24th centers upon attending mass, sharing a meal, exchanging gifts, and a midnight toast. The most important decorations are pesebre – intricately carved wood or stone Nativity scenes. Christmas in East African countries such as Kenya and Uganda are deeply religious. The most common gift is a new outfit to wear to church, and many people collect stones, leaves, and other natural items as a birthday present for Jesus.
A special tradition in the Philippines involves the lighting of a Christmas lantern, called a "paról." The lantern is starshaped, reminiscent of the star of Bethlehem. Syrian children receive gifts from one of the wise men’s camelsbelieved to be the youngest and weakest in the caravan - who collapsed from exhaustion at the end of the long journey to Bethlehem.
Though only 2% of the nation’s population is Christian, India reveres Christmas as a national holiday. Christmas traditions include lighting oil lamps along the perimeter of a home or courtyard. Iraq declared Christmas an official holiday in 2008. On Christmas Eve, Iraqis burn wreaths of dried thorns and children of the family read the Christmas story from Arabic Bibles while family members light candles and listen.
So at this and every Christmas, let us remember the gift of Providence, granting to us an abundant land and an indomitable people. As medical professionals, we are blessed with talents to live and to work toward a purpose greater than ourselves. As we recall our college history at LECOM and as we remember each Christmas shared, we recognize that we live in a land of countless blessings where every person enjoys the freedoms lost to many in a world hungry for health and for liberty. Especially at this time of year, LECOM is thankful for the brave men and women of our Armed Forces who protect these freedoms while forgoing their own desires. As long as they serve - to them, at Christmas and always, we recognize that their courage sustains our freedoms, their sacrifice deserves our thanks, and their character fortifies our pride. In particular, during the holidays, our entire campus holds them and their families in our thoughts and prayers.
During this season, we pay tribute to all of those caring individuals who reach out with a helping hand and who serve a cause larger than themselves. LECOM faculty and students are ever mindful of the need to share our gifts with others, and we are ever moved to compassionate action. LECOM extends the merriest of Christmas wishes to all of those who join us in celebration. As ever, to all of those who are of other faiths and of other beliefs, we extend joyous and heartfelt good wishes as they may gather together in their homes and places of worship with family, friends, and loved ones to strengthen the ties that bind us, the common ground that we share, and to give thanks for the many choices that we enjoy as we continue to forge new beginnings in unity.
An event was held recently that will put in motion a mission that will champion the opportunity not only for excellence in medical education, but for a better, brighter, and fuller community vision for the whole of the Northeast Florida region and beyond.
On November 30, 2022, administrators and leaders from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine traveled to Jacksonville, Florida to announce plans for the first four-year medical school in the regionLECOM at Jacksonville University.
To this end, LECOM will receive national accreditation and the College plans to break ground on a new facility at the site of Jacksonville University. As the leadership readies plans to move forth on this new journey, they took time to reflect upon the path that has brought the institution to this place at this moment. The journey of an idea from concept to reality, is a meaningful one, for many an idea gets tucked away in the closet of doubt, or it withers on the vine of procrastination, or it simply never passes from “what if” to “what next.”
“However, since its inception, three decades ago, the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine has played a definitive role in making ideas blossom, in breathing life into a yet unseen vision, and in launching those skyward thoughts - those beautiful creations of a beneficent human mind - nurtured to maturity, so that in time, another idea of equally purposeful vision may spring forth,” remarked Silvia M. Ferretti, LECOM Provost, Senior Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs.
Over the course of three decades, and building upon ideas, LECOM has accomplished amazing undertakings: Beginning with 60 students, a nascent School of Medicine grew to the largest osteopathic academic health center in the nation, with medical, pharmacy, dental, and graduate school programs spread across its nexus of four campus locations.
Now, as LECOM moves forward with its fifth campus - the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine at Jacksonville University - the College unites in a blossoming partnership with Baptist Health, Flagler Health+ and Advent Health to serve as clinical education allies. The medical school is supported by long-term clinical agreements with these preeminent healthcare providers. The medical school expects to welcome an inaugural class of approximately 75 medical students to its Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) Program in 2026, with total enrollment growing to nearly 150 students per year within five years.
LECOM President and CEO, John M. Ferretti, D.O., noted that “Since our inception 30 years ago, LECOM has always striven to meet the need for highly trained physicians in the markets we serve and throughout the country. Partnering with Jacksonville University to establish our fifth campus will produce doctors and skilled healthcare workers who will serve Northeast Florida and beyond.”
The estimable gathering of luminaries and visionaries celebrated the forthcoming LECOM at Jacksonville University, emphasizing that the transformative idea of a new school will hold aloft a magnificent vision that will develop and deliver the future of medicine and whole body health in Florida and far afield.
“Jacksonville has become a globally recognized healthcare hub and it now will be enhanced by a four-year medical school that can deliver a pipeline of talented physicians to meet the healthcare needs of a growing population,” said Jacksonville University President, Tim Cost. “Jacksonville University is honored to partner with LECOM and our outstanding hospital partners to bring the largest medical college in the country to Northeast Florida,” he concluded.
During the event, Dr. Matthew Bateman, LECOM Assistant Provost of Institutional Effectiveness and Integration detailed the forthcoming formative process of the new school.
Dr. Travis Smith, Associate Dean of Clinical Assessment and Integration, will serve as the new Medical School Dean in Jacksonville.
To support this expansion, LECOM plans to build its new education facility within the Jacksonville University Medical Mall, an expanding mixed-use healthcare plaza. In addition to the forthcoming LECOM facility, the venue features the existing 104,000square-foot Health Sciences Complex, the School of Orthodontics Teaching Clinic, the Jacksonville University Occupational Therapy teaching facility for immersive clinical training, and the 146-bed skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility - Dolphin Pointe Health Care.
The addition of LECOM at Jacksonville University will create a home for medical students, faculty, and staff in a welcoming environment that will propel the economy and broaden a nexus of community connections. LECOM plans to invest approximately $50 million to develop its north Florida location, which will yield an estimated economic impact of $91.1 million for the state of Florida and the city of Jacksonville. By 2030, the project will support more than 600 jobs and provide an estimated economic impact of $60 million per year.
The soon-to-come LECOM at Jacksonville University complements four other national campus locations, including Greensburg, PA, Bradenton, FL, Elmira, NY, and the main LECOM campus in Erie, PA. The College also boasts a plethora of clinical education teaching sites with more than 100 hospitals and clinics throughout ten states, including more than ten providers in Florida.
Indeed, LECOM at Jacksonville University will build a footbridge between the present and the future of medical education throughout and beyond the Northeast Florida region. Osteopathic physicians are essential healthcare professionals and the role that they play in preventive medicine, health and wellness cannot be overstated.
Thus it is through vision, determination, leadership, and a commitment to excellence, that LECOM proudly announces yet another triumphant accomplishment.
Pictured Left to Right: Dr. Danny Pulido, LECOM Regional Dean; Dr. Richard Terry, Dean of LECOM at Elmira; Dr. Travis Smith, Founding Dean of LECOM at Jacksonville University; Dr. Silvia M. Ferretti, LECOM Provost, Senior Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs; Tim Cost, Jacksonville University President; Dr. Mathew Bateman, LECOM Assistant Provost of Institutional Effectiveness; Steve Inman, LECOM Vice President of Fiscal Affairs, CFO; and Nancy Peaden, LECOM Board of Trustees.
“Whoever increases his knowledge multiplies the uses to which he is enabled to turn the gift of his Creator to his own benefit and partakes in some degree of that goodness which is the highest attribute of Providence itself.” So said, President and statesman, John Quincy Adams as he described the inexorable value of the pursuit of knowledge.
The Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) advances the wise words articulated by the sixth American President as the College hosts its annual Continuing Medical Education (CME) events.
Those interested in partaking in the next eagerly awaited event may register now for the LECOM Spring CME to be held March 2 – 5, 2023 at Peek’n Peak Resort in Clymer, New York. In-Person and Virtual Options are available and registration may be completed easily online at CME.LECOM.edu.
The American Osteopathic Association CCME has approved this program for 28 credit hours in Category 1-A. This activity has been submitted for up to 28 credit(s) to the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determination of credits is pending. Many state licensing boards require a minimum of 20 Category 1-A CME credits for license renewal, and these programs supply sufficient credit hours to attain that objective.
Each March, physicians from across the nation assemble for the Spring event - the Primary Care CME Conference at Peek’n Peak Conference Center. The event regularly draws knowledge-seeking medical professionals and students to the resort to deepen, broaden, and further develop their understanding of, and proficiencies in, various medical and practice-related areas. The Conferences always are very well organized, with plenty of interaction time for questions to be posed to the presenters.
LECOM is wholly dedicated to the philosophy of osteopathic medicine that entails a comprehensive approach to health care and to the prevention of disease. An integral part of the LECOM mission focuses upon conducting educational activities related to caring for the sick, the injured, the infirm, and the elderly, as well as to the promotion of health. The Continuing Medical Education leadership advances that mission with avidity, and it is committed to providing the resources and facilities necessary to offer medical education opportunities to the physicians of an ever expanding community. Through the CME Department, LECOM provides quality, cost-effective continuing education programs for its local, regional, and graduate physicians.
The LECOM Continuing Medical Education Program is proud to use its own faculty and graduates as lecturers. This practice is dually beneficial as it encourages students to attend the programs, thereby enhancing and enlarging their growing educational foundation; and it familiarizes them with one of the ways that they will continue their education as future physicians.
LECOM also uses the forum of the CME Conference to thank its valued Preceptors who so willingly and altruistically take on new students in their third and fourth years of medical study.
LECOM looks forward to probing the depths of understanding and to furthering the boundaries in the optimal practice of medicine as it continues to offer superbly designed programs and seminars to discerning knowledge-seekers.
We live in a world assailed by words. In recent years, words have become a form of fustian dissonance, overused to the point of losing their meaning and the power that once they suggested. Words come at us as pelting sands in a desert storm lifted on the winds of empty rhetoric. Yet words - for centuries have held their greatest power when they have been supported by concomitant actions. For words without action are as empty as the winds.
Since its inception, each word put forth by the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) has been supported by action. Each vision voiced in its strategic plan has been evidenced by the result. Each sentence articulated in the vanguard of osteopathic medicine has been reinforced by a team of leaders and by a purposeful commitment to education and to the community that has transformed the field of education in osteopathic medicine to the place that it stands at this very moment.
It is, therefore, in keeping with this commitment that LECOM announced recently that it will open a School of Podiatric Medicine (SPM). The LECOM-SPM Erie (Pennsylvania) received approval from the accreditation agency - the Council on Podiatric Medical Education - to begin accepting students for the fall semester of 2023, and the College soon will be accepting applications.
The new LECOM-SPM will be the eleventh podiatric medical school in the United States. The four-year program will be established at the LECOM main campus in Erie, Pennsylvania; and it will offer unique curricular collaboration with the LECOM College of Osteopathic Medicine.
“There is a growing need for podiatric doctors throughout the United States and LECOM is committed to meeting this national healthcare need through the creation of this new school,” explained LECOM President and CEO, John M. Ferretti, D.O. “LECOM is uniquely positioned to provide podiatric students the opportunity to be trained alongside medical students and receive extensive clinical learning within our regional academic health system,” the LECOM President furthered.
Podiatric students will receive much of the same training as osteopathic medical students while also undertaking studies specific to the podiatric physician. This focused teaching opportunity will better prepare graduates for entrance into podiatric residency programs.
The LECOM Erie campus is integrated with LECOM Health - the only osteopathic academic health system in the nation - which provides students with clinical learning opportunities in hospitals, long-term care facilities, and in a range of specialized medical practices.
Dr. Ferretti has appointed Jason Lee, DPM, MSMEd, FACFAS to lead the Podiatric School as Dean. Dr. Lee is Board Certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery and by the American Board of Podiatric Medicine. He also serves as a Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Podiatric physicians are the leading providers of medical and surgical management of foot and ankle disorders.
Many conditions treated by podiatric physicians are related to underlying diseases such as diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, and disorders of bones and joints. The LECOM-SPM curriculum is designed to educate students in these, and many other, chronic disease states as well as conditions associated with the aging process.
As the population and longevity in the United States are increasing, the ability to maintain an active lifestyle is essential for one’s overall health and well-being. Podiatric physicians are key healthcare team members, essential to helping people to remain active and in good health. There is little doubt that virtue manifests itself in action; and virtuous words that manifest themselves in virtuous action have formed the essence of the remarkable institution that is LECOM.
The establishment of the LECOM Podiatric School is a result of lofty thoughts transformed into meaningful words and put into play through unstinting action - all of which have propelled LECOM to the forefront of osteopathic health care as the force of a new age.
For additional information, prospective students may visit www.lecom.edu, call 814-866-6641, or e-mail admissions1@lecom.edu
LECOM Bradenton held its White Coat Ceremony for the Class of 2026, on October 22, 2002, where 352 first-year students received their white coats, marking the beginning of their journey from preclinical education to clinical training.
The ceremony highlights a pinnacle moment at LECOM, one that embodies a year defined by hard work, sacrifice, and perseverance. The event also signifies a new beginning as scholars commit themselves into the total immersion of heart, mind, and spirit in pursuit of exceptionalism in one of the most noble of all professions.
The 2022 ceremonies began with School of Dental Medicine scholars receiving the evocative white coats. The Dental School welcomed Alumni Keynote Speaker, Jennifer Katz, DMD, Class 2016. Dr. Katz is the Managing Clinical Director and a practicing General Dentist at Aspen Dental in Largo, Florida.
Dr. Katz encouraged dental students to embrace challenges, stating, “Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. Trust the knowledge that you have already obtained, but remember that this is a field in which you will never stop learning, growing, and gaining knowledge and skills.” The accomplished graduate continued, “Being a dentist, your patients will look up to you. Show them how you can change their lives. You have a unique opportunity to transform their smile and to give someone back their confidence. No other profession can do that,” she affirmed.
School of Pharmacy students received their white coats during the second ceremony of the day. LECOM alumna, Flora Blumin, Pharm.D., Class of 2014, a retail pharmacist for Publix Pharmacies, presented the Pharmacy Keynote Remarks. As a training manager for new stores, Dr. Blumin led her division to be ranked within the top three pharmacists across all of the Publix Pharmacies. Dr. Blumin explained, “There is an opportunity to make a difference each day in pharmacy. Listen to your customers, seek to understand their challenges, and work to provide solutions.”
The College of Medicine first-year class was pleased to receive a Keynote message from Class of 2000 alumnus, Jonathan Yousef, D.O. Dr. Yousef is a prominent family practice physician established in Wesley Chapel, Florida, where he oversees his own practice comprising two urgent care clinics. The successful alumnus serves as an Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at LECOM Bradenton. Dr. Yousef encouraged the students to, “Look around at your fellow classmates, for they are your future family. These are the people who will walk with you through the next four years.” His words emphasized the importance of complete engagement in the educational process.
During all of the ceremonies, students pledged to uphold the standards of their chosen professions and to administer compassionate, quality care to their patients. Standing stalwartly beside its progeny, LECOM reaffirmed its enduring commitment to provide the highest level of medical education and clinical training to assist these firmly-focused scholars in the realization of their noble goals.
Suncoast benefactors, area leaders, and supporters turned out for the yearly gathering of lively generosity on the evening of October 15, 2022 as the LECOM Bradenton Student Scholarship Fund Dinner and Auction Gala hosted its annual event.
A testament to the determination and devotion of LECOM supporters, the Gala affair was a well-attended one despite its being held only weeks after Category 4 Hurricane Ian ravaged south Florida.
This year’s extraordinary and indulgent affair welcomed a plethora of LECOM allies seeking to provide their deepest support through their spirited bids as they vied for a vast assortment of donated prizes.
The evening was held at the Sarasota Hyatt Regency Grand Ballroom. Chaired by LECOM Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Mark Kauffman, D.O. and his team of auction committee stalwarts, superlative attention to detail during the evening was unmistakable.
Scholarship recipient and third-year LECOM Bradenton School of Dental Medicine student, Gwen Gostomsik, provided the evening’s Invocation, offering a depth of sincere gratitude to God for delivering the attendees safely from the hurricane and for drawing together the purposeful group.
Second-year LECOM medical scholar, Alexandra “Gracie” Korkmaz offered the Gala Appreciation Keynote Address. She spoke in a heartwarming tone to the assembled philanthropists as she articulated profound appreciation for the scholarship fund. Her sincere words evoked palpable emotion from the attendees as she reminded the donors that the scholarship is more than financial support, it also represents their gift of vision and belief in the future of each scholar (including herself), in the community of osteopathic health care, and in a desire to advance that vision.
Matthew Bresee, Vice President of Marketing, Communications, and Organizational Culture for LECOM and LECOM Health Affiliates launched the festivities as Emcee with a supportive nod to LECOM objectives and to the far-reaching value of the College.
Amid the gentle din of the surveying guests, a cocktail reception was followed by a Silent and a Live Auction, and capped by a toothsome dinner provided by the Hyatt.
Auctioneer, Blake Kennedy - of Kennedy Brothers Auction Services - artfully encouraged the willing Live Auction bidders as the spirit of philanthropy gripped the dedicated attendees, ultimately resulting in several friendly bidding skirmishes.
The benefit and fundraiser for future LECOM doctors, pharmacists, and dentists is a keenly anticipated event that provides monies raised to assist the financial needs of matriculating medical students. The encompassing theme and character of the evening was that of immense pride in, and support of, the students.
Noticeably spilling forth from each sponsor and contributor, supporter and bidder, whether winning or not, was the passionate sense that the evening consisted of merriment with a mission. Indeed, the annual event has raised millions; and with each passing year, the Gala proves to be even more enlivening.
The room boasted many distinguished individuals, political leaders, and organization sponsors whose outstanding contributions to the medical community and to the community as a whole make the yearly occasion a success.
The bountiful generosity and devoted readiness to advance the scholarship fund proved the mission of the moment, and nowhere is it ever more evident than at the heart of the senior administration. Several interesting bidding episodes peppered the night with moments occurring during affable paddle battles for a Broadway Theater Package; and another vying for a custom-crafted rare Pink Obsidian and Diamond Necklace.
Auctioneer Kennedy brought the ballroom to humming anticipation as the bids climbed by the hundreds.
As the largest medical school in the country with its main campus in Erie, Pennsylvania and partner campuses in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, and in Elmira, New York, the LECOM facility, located in Lakewood Ranch, Florida extends to generations of medical practitioners a dedicated commitment to exceptionalism and to educational distinction. The Gala event is evocative of that charge as administrator and attendee alike join in the fundraising bidding.
Including living expenses and related needs, the cost of a medical school education for today’s future health care practitioner can exceed $250,000. The burden upon students to meet the onerous financial obligations while balancing the demands of a rigorous and exacting medical program is arduous. This grand occasion affords significant support and succor to the scholarship recipients; and the delight that they found in being part of the program was evident.
The continuing commitment to excellence advanced and advocated by LECOM remains steadfast. Perhaps even if, at the close of the gala, those in attendance headed home with a less weighty pocket-book or with a slimmer billfold, it is without question that they left in their wake more than dollars as they championed a cause that will surely transform lives for generations to come.
There is still a short window of time to reach out to the School with a festive heart and a holiday spirit to support the future of LECOM healthcare professionals. Donations to the LECOM Student Scholarship Fund may be received until December 31, 2022.
Despite facing a dreary and bracingly chilly afternoon, guests began eagerly arriving at the Erie Bayfront Convention Center at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, November 12, 2022, for the 28th LECOM Student Scholarship Auction and Gala.
By the close of the evening, more than 740 guests had participated in the annual philanthropic undertaking.
The Master of Ceremonies, Monsignor David Rubino, LECOM Institutional Director of External Affairs, delivered the invocation.
Words of welcome and appreciation were offered by the College of Medicine Student Government Association (SGA) President, Khin Oo, along with SGA Treasurer, Anthony DiCecca and Secretary, Ananya Koka. All three students are in their second-year at LECOM Erie. SGA President Oo announced that the organization is contributing $50,000 to the Student Scholarship Fund this year.
Among the special guests in attendance was United States Representative, Mike Kelly, representing Erie and Northwestern Pennsylvania
Also present in the gathering were two well-known retired professional athletes: Dwayne Woodruff, formerly a cornerback with the Pittsburgh Steelers, now a judge with the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas, and retired Pittsburgh Pirate baseball pitcher, Steve Blass. After ten years as a player, Blass joined the Pirates TV and radio broadcasting team before retiring in 2019, closing a 60-year baseball career as a player and broadcaster.
The highlight of the evening was the Silent and Live Auction portion of the event. The Silent Auction included more than 510 items; and the Live Auction had 31 offerings for bidding skillfully presented by Auctioneer, Corey Brown of Frewsburg, New York.
Percolating through the evening activities was a chance to partake of the Raffle, which provided cash prizes of $1,000, $2,000, and $5,000 to three lucky winners: Danielle Garris of Erie, Cindra Hobbs of Edinboro and Armando Bernal of Bronx, NY., respectively.
The final fundraising tally won’t be known for a while but all proceeds will certainly benefit future LECOM medical professionals. Thanks are in order for unstinting contributions from generous donors and major sponsors, including PNC Bank, Dr. John M. Ferretti, Dr. Silvia M. Ferretti, Mary Eckert, and members of the auction committee.
Don’t forget that you are able to make tax-deductible year end donations to the LECOM Student Scholarship Fund to help deserving students find the purpose of their calling. There is still time!
Mail to: LECOM Student Scholarship Fund, 1858 West Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA 16509.
Submitted by John Bennett, Ph.D. Director, LECOM MSBE and MPH Programs
A formal Master’s Degree in Biomedical Ethics adds significant value to a wide variety of healthcare organizations by having a direct impact upon the quality of patient-centered care and by guiding healthcare policy. Hospitals in the United States that offer more than two hundred fifty beds are required to have an ethics committee and an ethics consulting service.
The LECOM Master of Science in Biomedical Ethics (MSBE) is a 36-credit hour, on-line graduate program that prepares scholars to obtain advanced certifications, such as Health Care Ethics Consultant Certification (HEC-C), Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional (CCEP), Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional – International (CCEP-I), Certified Healthcare Compliance (CHC), Certified in Healthcare Research Compliance (CHRC), and Certified in Healthcare Privacy Compliance (CHPC) credentials.
The LECOM MSBE Program also provides a pathway to obtaining the Doctor of Health Administration (DHA) through the LECOM School of Health Services Administration.
According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, all occupations within the field of healthcare are showing above average growth in all occupations combined. Thus, there will be a continued need for the knowledge, skills, and abilities derived from a biomedical ethics education for complex medical cases, palliative care, hospice care, healthcare policy ethics, beginning of life care ethics, public health ethics, new discoveries and biotechnological breakthroughs for scientific research in a host of areas.
As a biomedical ethicist, scholars become subject matter experts in the principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice applied to healthcare.
The MSBE Program helps to qualify students for expanded careers as a Healthcare Policy Analyst, Community Health Educator, Bioethics Researcher, Health Care Compliance Manager, Bioethics Consultant, Bioethics Patient Rights Advocate, Clinical Ethicist, Biomedical Ethics Director, Research Ethics Compliance Manager, Pediatric Care Bioethicist, Palliative Care Bioethicist, Hospice Bioethicist, Bioethics Pastor or Chaplain, Instructor of Biomedical Ethics, Instructor of Philosophy, and Bioethics Fellow.
The MSBE Program develops one’s knowledge, skills, and abilities to lead Institutional Ethics Committees, Ethics Review Committees or Peer Review Committees, and ethics consulting.
One may choose to serve in a leadership role as chairperson for providing development, training, and education across all medical specialties and health professions to improve the quality of patient care and healthcare policy in the hospital or healthcare organization.
One may also choose to serve in a leadership role as chairperson for the Ethics Review Committee, applying ethical principles to complex medical cases.
Become an expert at your organization by earning a LECOM MSBE degree.
Classes are now forming. Call 941-405-1533 or email SHSA@lecom.edu to learn more.
From its very inception, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) leadership has held fast to the tenet that the great use of life must be spent for something that will outlast it. Every LECOM endeavor has spoken to that noble end, and in every mission, enduring service and unyielding exceptionalism has been at its heart. The most recent exemplar of this golden paradigm comes in the form of a new LECOM undertaking.
The LECOM Institute for Successful Aging and its network of services for older adults has broadened its options as Independence Court of Erie- an enhanced personal care facility - takes the name “Parkside at Glenwood.” Recently, LECOM Health announced that the organization purchased the facility, located at 41 West Gore Road in Erie, adding to its already vast nexus of healthcare living options.
Parkside at Glenwood offers enhanced personal care and a memory care unit. “The LECOM Institute for Successful Aging provides the most comprehensive care for older adults in our region, and the addition of Parkside at Glenwood affords us the opportunity to serve even more residents in need of assisted living and memory care services,” remarked James Lin, D.O., President of the LECOM Institute for Successful Aging.
LECOM staff and administration gathered at the facility recently to greet employees and patients and to welcome them into the LECOM Health family. Current residents will not be affected by the sale and all staff were extended the
With the addition of Parkside at Glenwood, the LECOM Institute for Successful Aging now includes eight senior living communities throughout northwest Pennsylvania: Parkside at Corry and Parkside at Westminster provide exclusively independent living; Parkside at North East and Parkside Regency at South Shore offer independent living and personal care apartments; and LECOM Nursing and Rehabilitation, LECOM Senior Living Center, and LECOM at Village Square provide skilled nursing services.
LECOM Health is a comprehensive academic health system that also includes Millcreek Community Hospital, Corry
Additional services of the LECOM Institute for Successful Aging include the LECOM Visiting Nurses Association, Share Care Housing, and a multi-specialty geriatric clinic.LECOM has ever endeavored to build upward from its solid and purposeful foundation - burnishing and broadening its golden paradigm. Parkside at Glenwood will further serve as an enduring reminder that LECOM is vigorously committed to respond to the needs of the community through growth, renewal, and an ever-present attention to the region.
Third-year medical scholars, Dobroslav Dobrikov, Peter Malaker, and Nadia Hrynewycz volunteered at the Columbiana County Health Department COVID/Flu Vaccine Clinic on September 27, 2022. The trio engaged in rotations at East Liverpool City Hospital (ELCH). ELCH provides LECOM students with the opportunity to volunteer and to be involved in the community while the scholars are engaged in their clinical rotations.
Mohammed S. Razzaque, M.B.B.S., Ph.D., Professor of Pathology at LECOM Erie, authored an article with third-year student, Nikolay Mironov entitled, Phosphate Dysregulation and Metabolic Syndrome,. The piece was published in Nutrients. See link for full article: https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/21/4477
Dr. Razzaque also authored an article entitled Interactions Between FGF23 and Vitamin D, published in Endocrine Connections. See link for full article: https://doi.org/10.1530/EC-22-0239
Nader Abdulhameed, B.D.S., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biomaterials at LECOM Bradenton School of Dental Medicine, had his dental scanner image depicting a polished dental ceramic surface appear on the cover of the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation.
Albert Sabirov, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Comprehensive Basic Science at LECOM Erie, has had a case report accepted for publication in Advances in Clinical Medical Research and Healthcare Delivery. The case report is entitled, A Rare Presentation of Fulminant Toxic Shock Syndrome in a Healthy 10-YearOld Male Patient, and it is scheduled to appear in the December journal issue.
Five LECOM students, (three from LECOM at Seton Hill), received the Andrew D. Bagby Family Medicine Scholarship. The scholars participated in a month-long program at Excela Health Latrobe Hospital where they gained inpatient and outpatient experience and explored career options in primary care.
The students, Margaret Mary McMurtry, Matthew Sanchez, and Valerie Rosborough from LECOM at Seton Hill and Colton Hurley and Olivia Colon from LECOM Erie are pursuing careers in primary care medicine.
LECOM at Seton Hill second-year scholar, L. Gabriel Iannotte, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics, had a paper published recently in The Journal of Medical Decision Making. The paper, entitled The Electronic Health Record as the Primary Data Source in a Pragmatic Trial: A Case Study, focused upon cost-effectiveness analysis and evaluation of the primary outcome of a pragmatic trial, hospital readmissions, and important clinical covariates through mining EHR data systems supplemented by the hospital admissions files from three states.
LECOM at Seton Hill, second-year student, Shawn Kaura, was an FAER MSARF 2022 Awardee. The accomplished scholar won the Third Place Award for his research abstract presented at the 2022 ASA National Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. In addition, he is one of several authors of a piece entitled, A Bibliometric Analysis of the Top 100 Most Influential Articles on Carotid Cavernous Fistulas, which was published in the journal, World Neurosurgery.
Mark Terrell, Ed.D., Assistant Dean of Medical Education, Christine Lomiguen, M.D., Ashley S. King, Pharm.D., Class of 2014 , James Lin, D.O., Clinical Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Silvia Ferretti, D.O., LECOM Provost, Senior Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs, coauthored Effect of SARS CoV2-Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody on Hospitalization and Mortality in LongTerm Care Facility Residents in the journal, Aging and Disease. https://doi.org/10.14336/AD.2022.0205
Dr. Terrell, Dr. Lomiguen and others also co-authored Mental Health and Quality of Life Considerations: Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery During the COVID-19 Pandemic, published in The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/07488068221110719.
Niki Nourmohammadi, OMS4, LECOM at Seton Hill, presented at the 2022 CalDerm Fall Symposium in September of 2022 on Botulinum Toxin for Rosacea, Acne Vulgaris, and Facial Seborrhea: A Systematic Review.
Nourmohammadi also had two articles accepted for publication entitled, Emerging Intralesional Treatments for Plantar Warts: A Systematic Review, published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology; and in the British Medical Journals, case reports were published highlighting, An Unusual Genetic Variant: A Case of PTCH1 Negative Gorlin Syndrome.
On October 20, 2022, the LECOM Erie SGA hosted a student panel discussion hosted on Zoom featuring three third-year students, Ronald Lott, Samuel Wlasowicz and Jayleen Everett. The panelists led the discussion and fielded questions about their experience with Board Preparation and clinical rotation sites.
Sierra Mills, MMS, OMS3, LECOM Erie, recently was selected to serve as the American College of Osteopathic Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOOG) representative at the OMED Conference in Boston, Massachusetts held on October 27-30, 2022.
At the Conference, she met with the National ACOOG Board and representatives from each of the osteopathic medical schools to discuss issues relating to the ever-transforming OB/GYN profession. Discussion also included innovative ways in which to continue to learn about and to promote women's health while still in medical school.
Courtney Eiley, a LECOM at Seton Hill third-year (Class of 2024) scholar has received the 2022 Sherry R. Arnstein Underrepresented Minority Scholarship.
Eiley was selected as one of only six recipients of the coveted award. “We received many exceptional submissions this year; therefore, Courtney (Eiley) being selected is a true testament to her hard work, determination, and commitment as a student that will make an impactful change as a future osteopathic physician and leader,” wrote Aisha Ali, MHRM, Arnstein Committee Co-Chair.
Recognizing the achievements and passion of these student doctors, the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) annually announces the recipients of the Sherry R. Arnstein Minority Scholarship. The Scholarship was endowed by the Arnstein family to honor Sherry Arnstein’s legacy and to help at least one current and one new minority osteopathic student fund their education.
A former Executive Director of AACOM, Arnstein spent more than 30 years in public service, first in her native California and then in Washington, D.C. While serving in the Kennedy Administration in the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Arnstein led the team developing the federal strategy to desegregate all hospitals in the nation.
Eiley will be awarded a scholarship in the amount of $5,000 and a photo event will result in a post on the AACOM website and on social media pages.
Indeed, the probative scholarship, critical assessments, dedication and perseverance exhibited by LECOM students, such as Courtney Eiley, result in the production of consistently superlative work and the finest in healthcare professionals. LECOM celebrates this exceptional scholar with great pride and satisfaction.
More than 2,000 children and parents gathered at the Millcreek Mall on October 27 and 28, 2022, to participate in the Annual Trail of Treats. The popular Halloween event returned this year, after its two-year absence due to the Pandemic.
As one of a number of corporate sponsors, LECOM Health provided student volunteers at the event on each of the two nights, manning an information table and providing healthful materials along with the ever-popular Halloween candy.
Day One volunteers were: LECOM second-year scholars, Suhani Patel and Serene Bahi, and first-year students, Ianna Pirozzi and Trisha Mehta. Volunteers on Day Two were: second-year scholars, Zacariya Yahya and Hassan Darsham, and first-year students, Baani Dhanoa and Patrick Dycus.
The Health Resources and Services Administration offers a student loan repayment program for students willing to serve in the National Health Service Corps (NHSC). The NHSC offers up to $120,000 in tax-free loan repayment for three years of full-time service or six years of half-time service. Loan repayment begins during residency. The application deadline is December 1, 2022. More information is available at: Loan Repayment | NHSC (hrsa.gov)
NHSC S2S LRP participants must begin their service commitment within six months of their graduation and/ or completing approved postgraduate training.
Participants must find employment at an NHSC-approved site with a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) score of 14 or higher.
NHSC clinicians serve at approved sites throughout the nation.
NHSC-approved sites are outpatient facilities providing primary care medical, dental, and/or mental and behavioral health services which:
• May be located in an urban, rural or tribal community,
• Must be an eligible site type and meet applicable requirements.
• Will negotiate and receive a salary and benefits from participant’s eligible employment site.
• Are required to verify employment and time spent in practice every six months. Participants must document with the NHSC, vacations, sick leave, and other time spent away from site.
• Full-time contract status is 40 hours per week (includes patient care, administrative duties, teaching hours, and telemedicine). Requirements vary by discipline, so please consult the Application and Program Guidance for additional clarification.
The Elmira Chapter of Sigma Sigma Phi (ΣΣΦ) is delighted to bring unique and exciting volunteer opportunities to the LECOM and Elmira community through a collaboration with Gift of Life, an international bone marrow foundation.
Approximately 25% of patients with hematologic diseases treatable with bone marrow transplants find matches within their own family, and the remaining 75% of patients rely upon public registries to find a match. The Gift of Life mission is to cure diseases like leukemias, lymphomas, plasma cell disorders, and hemoglobinopathies through these donations.
The Sigma Sigma Phi members’ role is to serve as spokespersons for the foundation and to spread awareness of their cause, offering information to those interested. The Chapter is seeking to recruit more participants in the registries.
The Global and Underserved Medicine (GUM) Club hosted a fundraising and social event field day on September 17, 2022, at Eldridge Park in Elmira, New York.
Students in the first- and second-year classes signed up in teams of four to compete against each other in a variety of outdoor events. Points were awarded to each team based upon finishes in each of the events, and the team with the most points at the end of the competition was determined to be the winner.
The winning team selected the global health organization to which its prize would be donated.
The plethora of events included a sack race, an egg on spoon race, a limbo contest, a scavenger hunt, a relay race, a water balloon toss, a tug-of-war, a football throwing event, and a human battleship.
Tasty finger food and drinks were available to sustain the competitors as the dedicated participants vied for victory.
Collectively, the event raised $120 dollars for the global health charity, FIMRC, which provides greater access to healthcare to families and children in underserved regions around the world.
In September of 2022, the LECOM Student Chapter of The American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists club (formerly CPNP) participated in the Erie Out of the Darkness Walk. The Walk is hosted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).
AFSP is an organization that works to raise funds for those who have been affected by suicide; and to advance suicide prevention methods and create community awareness.
The Erie Out of the Darkness Walk commenced with an opening ceremony and a poetry session that depicted the impact of suicide on a community.
There was also a celebration with awards presented to the top fundraisers. During the Walk, mental health and suicide prevention information and resources were provided to those interested.
The AAPP student walkers raised money for the event, walking three miles around Presque Isle, all while interacting with the community to support this meaningful cause. Scholars commented on the strong sense of community that they felt during this truly meaningful event.
The Out of Darkness Walk is an annual event that encourages community participation. The AFSP website contains information about the way in which one may become involved with next year’s walk as well as information about donation to the cause.
The Kappa Psi Pharmacy Fraternity at LECOM Bradenton has had an active fall season starting with review sessions for the P1 Class, a Trivia Night, and several social events. Community service events included a drive to collect school supplies, clothing, and hygiene items for the needy. A Marvel versus DC Bingo Event was held on October 5, 2022, during which all proceeds were donated to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
The Chapter also hosted a beach cleanup and participated in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in St. Petersburg, Florida to support the participants who entered the Walk. In addition, members continue to collect donations for those affected by Hurricane Ian in Fort Myers and in Puerto Rico. In late September of 2022, members of Kappa Psi attended the Fall Southeast Province Assembly in Charleston, South Carolina.
Pictured below, Left to Right: Brothers Drew Austin, Bria Ariza, Amanda Melendez, Elizabeth Ocasio. Back: Reynell Flores Morales, Sabrina Alahmad, Dhara Patel, Bosun Alayoku, Fayola Robillard, Elena Santiago, and Sarah Stoner at the SEP Assembly.