LECOM Link June/July 2024

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the New and Improved

The refreshed and redesigned LECOMHealth com representing all LECOM Health entities has officially launched!

Notable upgrades include better navigation and search capabilities, among other features, that will immediately elevate the user experience and ultimately improve ease of access to our expert care and services.

If you find items that need updated or added, submit a change request

Encourage your family, friends and colleagues to visit LECOMHealth.com.

Celebrating 150 Years of Osteopathic Medicine

On June 22, 1874, Dr Andrew Taylor Still declared the founding of osteopathic medicine It was the culmination of 20-plus years of study on optimizing human health Every day since that day, humanity has been the beneficiary of his meticulous study In conjunction with the best of modern medicine, LECOM proudly and boldly carries the fire of Dr Still’s revolutionary philosophy of finding and augmenting the patient’s health into the 21st century


Susan Calderbank, D.M.D., Receives First Ever Leah Dever Women in STEM Professional of the Year Award

At the third annual Thiel College Mentor of the Year Awards, Dr Susan Calderbank, Director of Regional Outreach at LECOM, was awarded the Leah Dever Women in STEM Professional of the Year Award for her work in the field of dentistry, and as (former) Director of Patient Care at LECOM

LECOM Welcomes Kristyn Miyamoto from the University of Hawaii at Manoa

Mark Terrell, Ed.D., Assistant Dean of Medical Education, and Christine Lomiguen, M D , Assistant Professor of Pathology and Medical Education recently met with Kristyn Miyamot Daasha at Mano Kristyn a Molecula to be pa LECOM Medicine 2030 W school, K to LECO Accepta and she other stu medical, dental, a schools

Ahmed Wins Second Place in Healthcare Essay Contest

LECOM student Noor Ahmed’s essay, “Apartment 5 on Dolphin Drive,” was selected from nearly 500 submissions in the 2024 Dr. Hope Babette Tang Humanism in Healthcare Essay Contest to be published It will appear later this year in both “Academic Medicine” and the “Journal of Profes i l N i ”

LECOM Participates in NCORE

Last month, LECO participated in the National Conferen y Higher Education (NCORE) in Honolulu, Hawaii. Justin Chin, D.O., family physician and graduate scholar of the LECOM Master of Science in Medical Education Program, presented his research thesis, “Generating Resiliency through Cultural Organization Affiliation in Undergraduate Medical Education,” alongside his research mentors, Mark Terrell, Ed.D., Assistant Dean of Medical Education, and Christine Lomiguen, M D , Assistant Professor of Pathology and Medical Education Learn more about the LECOM Master of Science in Medical Education

Register for the Annual LECOM 5K and 1-Mile Wellness Walk

LECOM Medical Fitness and Wellness Center Aug. 10, at 9 a.m. Register by Aug. 10

LECOM Bradenton

Seth Gardner, D.C., M S Publishes Book

Dr Seth Gardner, Professor of Anatomy at LECOM Bradenton, recently published Cadaver Dissection with Clinical Applications, written for students who ha cadaver, allowing them to learn anatomical relevance.

Sabatose Presents at Digestive Disease Week

LECOM Bradenton’s Kent Sabatose, OMS2, presented “Patient Factors in Responders and NonResponders Treated with Steroids for Acute Alcohol Associated Hepatitis,” at the Digestive Disease Week in Washington, D C

Ahmad and Jacobsen Present at International Sym Endovascular Th

LECOM Bradenton second-year student doctors Yusuf Ahmad and Torrin Jacobsen presented “Public Interest in Endovascula Therapy: A Google Tre “Adverse Events Assoc Thrombectomy Device Interventions: Review o Database.”

Anupam Bishayee, M Ph Ph D P t



Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM)

Annual Conference: “Educating Leaders 2024” in Kansas City

Student Doctors Present at American College of Osteopathic Surgeons

Annual Clinical Assembly

Victoria Young, Breanna Van Loon, Peter Richa, Jarrod Van Loon, Joachim Kavalakatt, and Paul Cervone (faculty) presented “The Effects of Crocheting on Suture Technique: Can Fine Motor Hobbies Help Medical Students Prepare for Surgery?”

Corey Mumaw, Natalie Nagib, Victoria Young, Saloni Chadha, and David Boesler (faculty) presented “Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Injuries in Baseball Players ”

Natalie Nagib, Corey Mumaw, Saloni Chadha, Victoria Young, George Leonard Ettel-III, and David Boesler (faculty) presented “A Global Review on Global Surgery: Navigating Inequities and Innovations in Access and Care ”

Nagib Presents at the American Academy of Osteopathy Convention in Colorado Springs

LECOM-Bradenton second-year student doctor Natalie Nagib presente “Turning Heads: A review of OMT in Whiplash-Associated Disorders.”

LECOM Seton Hill

American College of Osteopathic Surgeons Holds Suturing Event

LECOM Seton Hill’s American College of Osteopathic Surgeons (ACOS), held a suturing event in May to practice operating room skills. Students were provided with an “injured banana” that they used to learn simple interrupted sutures and instrument ties. They were given two colors of yarn to practice surgeon’s knot tying with instruction and had a practice laparoscope that students took turns using for suturing and instrument-tying

Erie and Seton Hill SAOAO Chapters Attend National Spring Meeting in Las Vegas

2023 Seto President OMS-II, se SAOAO M Chairwom National Student American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics conference and hosted several events including a fracture , a chapter representative casting lab.

024 Erie Chapter President Corey Zimmer, OMS-I, was joined by the National Chapter Liaison, Imran Husain, OMS-I, and student member Sierra Ziegler, cipated in a sawbones lab, a nd an audition rotation panel nd attended Sarah’s fracture conference and casting lab.

Bruce E. Wright, Ph.D., Presents at American Physiology Summit

right, Professor logy at LECOM , gave a poster presentation at can Physiology ong Beach. The ion was “Micrograting Multiple g Objectives for Enhanced Co Teaching of Medical Education Sessions,” and the session was “Innovations Promoting Student Success in Physiology Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional Programs ”


Seton Hill

Celebrates Accepted Students Day

Accepted Students Day took place on May 31 at LECOM Seton Hill. The 43 students in attendance enjoyed presentations, activities, and lunch in the dining hall. They had the chance to converse with faculty members and local vendors. The day concluded with student ID photos being taken, a white coat fitting, and a campus tour.

GUM Hosts Silent Auction

LECOM Seton Hill’s Global Underserved Medicine Club (GUM) hosted a silent auction to raise money for their upcoming trip to the Dominican Republic. Some items auctioned included an embroidered white coat, baskets, gift cards, a world map scratch-off poster, and a painting donated by Katie Raymer.

LECOM Seton Hill LECOM Elmira


of 2026

Reflects on Time Spent at LECOM Seton Hill

As the LECOM Seton Hill Class of 2026 joined in the Lynch Auditorium for the last time, students reflected on national conferences, new clubs, community volunteer events, and lifelong friendships and memories created.

H&P Cl e Intricac nagement

On behalf of the Class of 2026, SGA President Madison Kober would like to thank faculty and t ff f i th

LECOM a nd Physical” class has icacies of airway ma g q g the skills necessary to ensure patient safety and deliver effective care.

LECOM Behavioral Health

Be a Behavioral Health Hero on Erie Gives Day

On Erie Gives Day, Aug 13, consider donating to the Achievement Center of LECOM Health and Corry Counseling of LECOM Health. Your donation will directly impact the children, adults, and families we serve.

Ashley Criscione is a Face of Erie

LECOM Behavioral Health Blended Case Manager Ashley Criscione is the most recent LECOM Health employee to be featured on the Faces of Erie Facebook page Halfprincess, half-behavioral health heroine, Ashley’s work within the Erie community makes her a full-time difference maker!

Corry Counseling Puts a Spin on ‘Bring your Dog to Work Day’

Corry Counseling of LECOM Health recently put their own spin on “Bring your Dog to Work Day.” While Fido was not actually allowed in the building, the Corry Counseling team showed off their furry friends’ pictures.

Millcreek Community Hospital

Welcome New Residents!

Millcreek Community Hospital welcomed its newest residents in June:

Back Row: Caleigh Adams, D.O., Transitional Year; Sarah Sinsebox, Pharm D, Pharmacy; Megan McQuaid, Pharm D, Pharmacy; Meghan Miller, Pharm D, Pharmacy; Carlo Magaway, D O , Transitional Year; Brandon Weiss, D O , Transitional Year; Karam Natsheh, D O , Transitional Year; Ping He, M D , Family Medicine; Anitha Anbalagan, D.P.M., Podiatric Medicine and Surgery; Felicia Sheesley, D.O., Transitional Year; Mallory Harold, D.O., Family Medicine

Front Row: Daniel Ogas, D.O., Psychiatry; Ahmed Jabir, D.O., Psychiatry; Alexander Tkatchenko, D.O., Psychiatry; John Graham, D.O., Psychiatry; Matthew Bambino, D O , Family Medicine; Nneka Onukwugha, D O , Transitional Year; Mark Cyterski, D P M , Podiatric Medicine and Surgery; Olumide Oladeinde, D.P.M., Podiatric Medicine and Surgery; Joshua Shanahan, D.O., Psychiatry; Ji Hwan Yu, D.O., Family Medicine

Carleen Cho, M.D., Provides MCH Staff with Overview of Services

Dr. Carleen Cho, Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon at LECOM Health, recently gave Millcreek Community Hospital staff a brief overview of her services Department managers and providers gained insight on how they can collaborate with her to deliver a successful patient experience

Christopher Rial, D.O., Offers Sports Medicine Presentation Series to LECOM Students

Dr Christopher Rial, Sports Medicine Specialist at LECOM Health, offers a sports medicine presentation series at Millcreek Community Hospital every other month for LECOM students interested in learning about sports medicine Call (814) 868-2170 to learn more

Medical Associates of Erie

Clinical Practices Receive High Praise

Clinical Practices Re Pr

Eastside Medical Center

“This is the best team I’ve ever seen this place have! I love that they are respectful and understanding all the time!” - Heather H.

“Lexi and Selina were very sweet and had a lot of respect Made me feel like I was loved ” - John B

“Lexi and Selina were very sweet and had a lot of respect Made me feel like I was loved ” - John B

“Alexis and Selina were very helpful and knowledgeable about questions I had. They were very nice and welcoming.”Shananiker J.

“Alexis and Selina were very helpful and knowledgeable about questions I had They were very nice and welcoming ”Shananiker J

In-Person Provider Meeting

Wednesday, July 24 Bayfront Office 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Welcome New Providers!

LECOM Institute for Successful Aging

“Dr Melaragno is an excellent doctor And his nurses are also!” - Debra C.

LECOM Health Orthopedics and Pain Management

“I would just like to mention the kindness and helpful care I received from Luanna. She was vibrant and cheerful; it was contagious! I have been feeling down in the dump with my injury and she made me feel like a real person and listened. Bless her heart! The world needs more people that go the extra mile!” - Amy S.

Matthew Potts, D.O. Family Medicine Union City Rural Health Clinic (starting Aug. 1)

Jordan Vroman, D.O. Family Medicine Institute for Successful Living

Richard Wagner, D.O. Psychiatry Millcreek Community Hospital Inpatient Mental Health

Corry Counseling of LECOM Health

M.D., as well as staff from both locations educated the Corry community on LECOM Health facilities and services, as well as provided chances to win raffle prizes, and an opportunity for attendees to walk through a giant heart.

“Alexis and Selina were very helpful and knowledgeable about questions I had. They were very nice and welcoming.” -

Charleen Cho, M.D., Presents Services to CMH Staff

Carleen Cho, M D , Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon at LECOM Health, participated in a meet and greet with Corry Memorial Hospital department managers and providers to provide information on her services.

Congratulations to the CMH Employee of the Month!

Chris Chase Billing Specialist April 2024

Nominate a CMH employee!

CMH Hosts SPOT Camp for Kids

Corry Memorial Hospital hosted a one-week speech and occupational therapy (SPOT) camp

CMH to Host 8th Annual Golf Classic Sept. 11

Corry Memorial Hospital is hosting their 8th Annual Golf Golf Classic on Sept 11 at North Hills Golf Course in Corry Register here

LECOM Senior Services

Purchase Raffle Tickets, Butterflies and T-shirts to Support Wings of Hope

The annual Wings of Hope Butterfly Release will take place Saturday, Aug 3 (rain date Aug 4), at Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine West Campus, located at 2000 West Grandview Blvd The band will start at noon, with the ceremony to follow at 1 p m All proceeds go to the Wings of Hope fund, a fund that supports VNA hospice services

Visit WingsofHopeErie.org to purchase butterflies and/or T-shirts

Purchase tickets here for a chance to win a Lafonn Sterling Silver Platinum & 18 Karat Gold Simulated Diamond Pendant, donated by Dahlkemper’s Jewelry Connection

HERO LTC RISE Participates in W

On June 15, the LECOM Health HERO LTC RISE Team participated in Wear Blue Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about men’s health

Join the LECOM Health Walk to End Alzheimer’s Team

This year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s will take place on Saturday, Sept. 21, at Perry Square.

Register Here

Residents and Staff Celebrate Father’s Day

LECOM at Village Square hosted a Father’s Day Luncheon for all fathers June 16

Students Engage in Bridging the Gap Initiative

LECOM students led a walking and wheeling tour of the Strong family property in Erie with Parkside Regency at South Shore residents

LECOM Senior Livin Center Celebrates Centenarians

LECOM Senior Living Cen Residents Charlotte (102) a Mini (100) recently celebra centennial birthdays.

Service Awards

25 Years

Daniel Welch

20 Years

Jonathan Kalmey, Ph D

Francis Liuzzi, Ph D

Helen McKenzie

Oren Rosenthal, Ph D

Joseph Tolomeo

10 Years

Jessi Bartlett

Perry Dingle

Zachary Heeter, PharmD

Christine Jennings

Cameron Lang

Carol Lipinski

Daniel Lynch

Timothy Novak, DBA

Maricely Reyes-Cruz

Nicole Squitieri

John Weston, D.O.

5 Years

Brent Bisbee

Alex Borisov

Delbert Briley

Maxim Crasta, Ph D

Ronald Fecek, Ph D

Christopher Fonner, Ph D

Cindy Ingaldi

Peggy Kenyon

Constantino Lambroussis, D.O.

Brian Leuthold

Susan Mason

45 Years

Louis Rossi

10 Years

Amanda Adams

Martin Ellis

Caitlin Feeny, RN

Kristina Fuller, RN

James Jackson

Nicole Overmoyer

Joshua Scheid, RN

Brenna Shannon, RN

Edward Weber

Cheryll Wurst, PT

15 Years

Rebecca DeSimone, Esq.

Deepak Gupta, Ph.D.

Walter Hu

Andrew Jack

Heather Jones, Ph D

Bojana Stevich-Heemer, PharmD

Mark Venzin

Patty Morse

Mark Moskowitz, D D S

Kayla Penta, Ph D

Brian Risavi, D O

Munir Syed, M D

Katy Uhlman

Jawanna Wilkins

Chris Workman

Peggy Workman

35 Years

Martin Kelly

20 Years

Todd Marzalen, RN

5 Years

Ariel Fleming

Jenelle Gallagher

Nancy Guckes, RN

Nicholas Lombardo, PharmD

Kevin Lytle

Laurie Mahoney

Alexia Manning

Daniel Nick Kaila Shaut, LPN

David Vargulich

Mary Wilwohl

Karlie Williamson

Tara Yochim

Nicholas Zappia (2024) (2023)

15 Years

Kayla Cooney, RN

Bonnie Galbraith, LPN

Shannon Harrington

Jeffrey Keddie, LPN

Jessica Kightlinger

Kay Kimmel

Aram Ovanesov

Randal Poulson, RT

Robert Simora

Eric Smith, RN

Rebecca Smith

Jeffrey Stubbs

Service Awards

45 Years

Lois Scouten

20 Years

Janet Burrows

Tara Lyon

Cheryl Taylor

40 Years

Donna Marbach

15 Years

Codie Irwin

35 Years

Esther Nickerson

10 Years

Mary Davis

Jennifer Dean

Timothy McGahen

Marie Redlecki

Tammy Swarm

Suzanne Tracy

20 Years

David Beaton, D.O.

Armando Ricci, D.O.

Beth Ann Callihan Ricci, D.O.

15 Years

Sara Bachmaier

Sarah Breon, D.O.

Danielle Hansen, D.O.

Hope Papucci

Gary Peterson, D.O.

Joshua Tuck, D.O.

10 Years

Kevin Falk, D.O.

Jay Kiessling, M.D.

Krista Lanager

Amanda Madurski, O.D.

Jean Nejman

Jeanine Romeo

25 Years

Cindy Bonniger

Kelly Cooney

Fred Gabriel

Kevin Miller

15 Years

Caron Drop

Bil Gunsullas

10 Years 5 Years

Nicole Cowan

Kelly English

Mike Gustafson

Nicole Platz

Ray Sylvis

Maggie Fish

Bob Matecki

Lisa Mikolajczak

Anthony Burgos

Cathy Davis

Betty Dean

Sonia Emanuel

Julie Getz

25 Years

James Jaworski

Collean Moats

Jennifer Titch

5 Years

Sally Amy

Rachel Chelton

Teresa Filson

Billie Marino

Lisa Morris

Hannah Trautman (2023) (2024)

5 Years

Amy Beckman, D.O.

Rachel Caplinger

Jessica Darr

Lori Dulabon, D.O.

Elena Estela

Amy Farris, D.O.

Dena Al Mosawi

Jonathan Spaulding

Shawn Storm, D.O.

Kyle Haight

Kristen Keene

Holly Lalewicz

Amanda Shannon

Dr. Leslie Smith Varner

Jennifer Zazado (2024)

15 Years

Dana Oyebanji

Resources Service Awards


10 Years

Melissa Byerly

Romeo Ghamo

Michele Mayes

Amanda Stadler

Agnieszka Szelwach

Ranee Wykoff

5 Years

Lucia Mora Cabrera

Shirjana Chauwan

Ashley Connors

Amanda Donnelly

Abbey Fuller

Lori Gillespie

Richard Knepper

Alicia Marks

Mykola Melnyk

Nurimae Merritt

Alice Mitchell

Julie Modzelewski

AnnMarie Monroe

Hari Naupaney

Cara Prokocki

Fatin Pullin

Visiting Nurses Association Butterfly Release (Aug. 3)

LECOM 5K - Erie (Aug. 10)

Flu Kickoff (Aug. 30)


Healthy Aging Month

Pain Awareness Month

World Alzheimer’s Month

World Suicide Prevention Day (Sept. 10)

National Suicide Prevention Week (Sept. 8-14)

National Rehabilitation Awareness Week (Sept. 16-22)

Falls Prevention Awareness Week (Sept. 23-27)

Walk to End Alzheimer’s (Sept. 21)

World Alzheimer’s Day (Sept. 21)

National Women’s Health and Fitness Day (Sept. 25)

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