November 30, 1920September 28, 2024
November 30, 1920September 28, 2024
February 16 - June 22, 2025
Through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC) Doctor of Naturopathy and Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) prepares students to pass the Certified Nutritional Consultants Exam. Once qualified you are entitled to use the designation CNC after your name and practice as a Nutritionist. Certified Nutritional Consultants (CNC) can work in hospitals, clinics, private practice settings alongside acupuncturists, mental health professionals, physical therapists, doctors and chiropractors, as well as a consultant in schools, businesses, health food stores, spas and health clubs.
Next Course starts Sep 2022 - Feb 2023 dates TBD
Today's economists have determined that the natural health field is the fastest growing industry in the U.S. today. It goes without saying that people are getting more concerned about their personal health and their families health. Just take a look at this picture below and ask yourself, what type of life are you planning for yourself.
in 6 Months and put the letters CNC after your name. This recognized qualification is obtained through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, AANC.
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) Course Instructor
“If the doctors of today do not become the nutritionists of tomorrow, then the nutritionists of today will become the doctors of tomorrow”. (Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research)
The course includes 12 modules, and classes meet twice a month on Sundays 9 am - 1pm . All modules are taught by Dr. Derek Rodger (ND). Course fee is $1794 and can be paid over 6 monthly installments at $299 per month.
Natalie, who flew in from Chicago every 2 weeks to do the CNC program has passed her Certified Nutritional Consultant and can now proudly put the letters CNC after her name: I met Dr. Rodger (ND) before I took his Nutrition Course and it was his knowledge and experience that drew me to choose his class over others. I am so very glad I did as, I'm positive I wouldn't have learnt what I did with other teachers. I'm not sure I would have had such an inspirational teacher with highly motivational lectures.
Every student receives a free 90 minute private nutritional consultation with Dr. Rodger (ND) 89.
To obtain a detailed information pack visit:
or Tel: 908-223-8899
Alessandra, already had her nutritional degree, before she came on the course. I'm so proud of myself for finishing this the course and the exam. It was a great experience and I truly learned a lot.There are so many opportunities out there for me in my career to help others. I'll be attending the Natural Gourmet Institute which has a strong focus on a plant based diet. I look forward to helping others achieve a healthy lifestyle as a CNC and chef!
A library of material becomes yours following course completion. The course includes 11 modules and the classes meet on a Sunday morning 9-1 pm. The course fee is $1950 and can be paid over 6 months at $325.
If you would like to attend this educational course, which will clearly change your life from a nutritional perspective. More detailed information is sent out to students who are interested, sign up by going to: www.NutritionalConsultants.org
A library of material becomes yours following course completion.
NEXT COURSE February 16 - June 22, 2025
Through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC) Doctor of Naturopathy and Clinical Nutritionist
Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) prepares students to pass the Certified Nutritional Consultants Exam. Once qualified you are entitled to use the designation CNC after your name and practice as a Nutritionist. Certified Nutritional Consultants (CNC) can work in hospitals, clinics, private practice settings alongside acupuncturists, mental health professionals, physical therapists, doctors and chiropractors, as well as a consultant in schools, businesses, health food stores, spas and health clubs.
Today's economists have determined that the natural health field is the fastest growing industry in the U.S. today. It goes without saying that people are getting more concerned about their personal health and their families health. Just take a look at this picture below and ask yourself, what type of life are you planning for yourself.
course includes 11 modules and the classes meet on a Sunday morning 9-1 pm. The course fee is $1950 and can be paid over 6 months at $325.
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© 2025 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.
It feels like the same story every year, the ball drops on New Year’s Eve, and everyone begins the new year eager to get started on their goals. Most of us start out strong and there is a reason why the gymnasiums are always so crowded the first week of January, but the majority of us lose steam before the month is even over!
Why is that? Why do so many people (by some accounts, as many as 80% to 90%) lose their enthusiasm for their New Year’s resolutions and fail to see improvement by the time the next year rolls around? There have been many studies about this topic, with most experts concluding that the root cause of “resolution failure” stems from poorly planned goals. In other words, most of us just throw out a vague declaration, like “I want to lose weight” instead of “I’m going to lose 3 lbs in the month of January, or “I want to save money” without identifying how much you want to save. You have to be specific about your goal setting.
The result of such poor planning, of course, is that enthusiasm tends to fade rather quickly. Instead of working toward a pre-determined end result, we end up spinning our wheels and trying to decide what to do instead of doing it. When the results don’t happen quickly, it’s just so easy to slide back into old patterns and forget about the goal altogether.
Since waning enthusiasm is only natural, it’s important to find other ways to stay on track, throughout the new year. Try adding these 2 strategies to your repertoire and experience better results.
Studies show that people who are trying to make a change, whether it’s losing weight, quitting smoking, starting up, or expanding a business, are more successful when they have another person who holds them accountable for their goals. It helps people become more successful when they have a support system in place.
Another common reason resolutions fail is that results aren’t always immediately apparent. In some cases, even though things are changing, they happen so subtly that they may be hard to notice. Therefore, setting intermediate milestones along the way to your goal can keep you motivated. For example, if you are trying to lose 60 pounds, reward yourself after every 15 pounds, or after you meet your workout goals for an entire month. By recognizing your achievements, you’ll want to keep going.
Many experts caution against setting resolutions and instead recommend setting goals or intentions for the New Year. Regardless of what we call it, maintaining enthusiasm is key to staying on track.
Use the techniques that work for you and make this year the one when you finally reach your goals!
Here’s wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy and goal achievements New Year!
Dr. D Rodger ND, MBA
apply for a free clarity call to see if we are the right fit at https://you.feelgoodagaincourses.com/ foundations-program.
(formerly HowToLiveYounger.com)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome has become a huge struggle for people today. There are different answers out there including a Fodmaps diet or Vagus nerve meditations. These solutions can be helpful, but it still doesn’t explain the cause.
Most of our digestion happens in the small intestine, and we tend to view the large intestine as a basic poop-chute. Yet, there is another process that takes place here, dependent on our microbes. We don’t have to go as far back as our ancestors to access this problem. A hundred years ago, symptoms like IBS were unheard of. A huge difference in our world today is the use of antibiotics, since the year 2000, the usage has increased 66%. One dose of antibiotics can wipe out the entire microbiome, which can take up to six months to restore. Even at birth, we are given antibiotics, and many children born through C-Section are skipping the inheritance of our mother’s microbes. This also allows harmful bacteria to thrive, like Clostridioides difficile, which has been linked to Autism.
Microbes in our large intestine are responsible for breaking down indigestible fibers and producing short-chain fatty acids. Butyrate promotes the integrity of the intestinal lining, preventing a leaky gut. This also explains why people are becoming more sensitive to natural foods because they do not have the microbes to break them down. This causes the large intestine to react and be unable to process.
We have to consider when we are eating that we are not just feeding ourselves but our whole ecosystem inside of us. It is essential to incorporate prebiotics and probiotics into our diet. Gut dysbiosis can be a root cause of many conditions, including mental health, autoimmune, and digestive. As always, it all begins in the gut!
For more information: Soul Natural Alchemy, Leah Mary Quirk. SoulNaturalAlchemy@ outlook.com. 610-438-0689. www.SoulNaturalAlchemy. com See ad on page 20.
Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries …a time for giving gifts that say, “You are special. I treasure you. I love you.” We wrack our brains for the right gift, something more memorable than another spa day, more useful than an expensive watch or piece of jewelry that will be tucked away for safe keeping and rarely worn. We want to find something as special as our love itself, something beautiful and useful, something that will renew itself year after year. Something alive.
Let’s get creative. How about a garden? Perhaps, a raised bed with your favorite vegetables, culinary and medicinal herbs? Or a native flower garden bursting with blossoms that attract bees, butterflies, and songbirds? How about a raspberry, blackberry, or blueberry patch producing bowlfuls of berries for the family throughout the summer and Fall? One of our favorites is a backyard orchard with an assortment of fruit and nut trees. Or start with a small fruit tree patch. Can you imagine gifting your family member a few of their favorite fruit trees – apples, pears, peaches, cherries, plums, or pawpaws? How about a consultation with an Edible Landscaping expert? Our initial consultation and design process can be a great holiday gift to get your family member or loved one started with their edible landscape planning.
This is the perfect year to give a gift certificate from Bear Creek Organics. We offer Custom Edible Landscaping Gift Certificates that meet your needs and budget.
35% off any gift certificate purchased through January 31st.
On-Site Consultation: Most essential! Our most important service is our consultation where we come to your home for a property assessment to help you envision, plan, and problem solve for your Edible Landscape.
Edible Landscaping Shopping Spree: Most popular! Purchase a gift certificate for our Edible Landscaping
Nursery. The gift card can be any value and can be applied towards any of our nursery plants, workshops, or services.
3 Berry and Fruit Tree Packages: We offer fruit tree packages, berry patches, raised garden packages and more.
Raised Vegetable Gardens: Gift a beautiful cedar garden bed to a family member and have it delivered and installed next Spring.
5 Bee and Butterfly Gardens: Give a gift for your loved ones, and the local bees, butterflies, and birds when you purchase a gift certificate for a native flower garden.
Edible Landscaping Experience: Plan a trip to the farm for a fun day of organic gardening coaching and education. Or we can come to you to instruct you on your own land.
To inquire about holiday gift certificates: Contact Bear Creek Organics at BearCreekOrganics.com/Contact or call 570-582-0615.
Most understand that exercising is a vital part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, in our fast-paced society, we tend to neglect something equally as important, which is rest and recovery. On average, most individuals have poor sleep hygiene habits, which leads to less-than-optimal recovery. This can involve looking at cell phones and laptops right before bed, which produce blue light that can negatively affect circadian rhythm. It can also include eating shortly before going to sleep, which can reduce the chance of getting deep rest due to digestion taking place late at night. Our society is also overly caffeinated, and most individuals are drinking coffee throughout the day. Unhealthy habits completed during the day can result in reducing the quality and amount of
deep and REM sleep stages at night. These sleep stages are when the body repairs itself from microtrauma sustained during the day. More specifically, the body also produces something called growth hormone while we sleep, which also assists in repairing the body overnight. When someone performs strength training at the gym they will most likely produce exercise-induced damage. This is a normal healthy process that allows muscles to get stronger and produce hypertrophy. This is also why muscles tend to get sore after performing strength training exercises. An athlete must get high-quality sleep to achieve proper healing. Only when sleeping habits are optimal can an individual then reap all of the many benefits of exercising.
For more information, Kyle S. Kasman, PT, DPT. Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. 484-781-5341. Kyle@LightThePathPhysicalTherapy.com. See ad on page 4.
Is your New Year’s resolution to have peace of mind? Here is a helpful tool for you.
When a person learns selfhypnosis they are taught to get into the goal state, the state of being that they want to have. From there they bring their goals to themselves easily and effortlessly. With hypnosis it’s important to get the feeling that you want first, then the actions will follow.
A simple way to get that calm, peaceful, easy feeling is abdominal breathing. This is sometimes referred to as diaphragm breathing. It helps if you place your hand on your abdomen so that as you take a deep breath you use your abdomen to push your hand up. In this way you will automatically take a deep breath, moving the diaphragm down and allowing air to fill the lower lobes of the lungs. This stimulates the Vagus nerve which triggers the release of anti-stress hormones.
Breathe in for a count of 3 to 5 seconds, hold the breath for a count of 3 to 5 seconds and then exhale for a count of 6 to 10 seconds. Holding the breath for a count of 3 to 5 seconds allows more time for gas exchange in the lungs so more healing oxygen will be sent through your body.
You always have your breath with you so it’s what is considered an “anchor” in mindfulness, something that brings you back to the here and now. Try it today.
For more information, Vanessa Perez Weiss, BCH, FNP, NP-C. Stream Hypnosis, LLC, 535 E. Laurel St, Bethlehem, PA 18018. 570-617-5325, vperweiss@StreamHypnosis.com, www.StreamHypnosis.com. See ad on page 7.
A clinical audit conducted by Health Services Research sought to assess the effectiveness of homeopathic interventions administered in 2020 for 305 outpatients with COVID-19 symptoms. Homeopathy is the treatment of health conditions by minute doses of natural substances. As there is no standard homeopathic remedy, the treatments covered by the audit were individualized for each patient.
Published in Integrative Medicine Reports, the audit reported that 70 percent of the patients experienced a full recovery, while 14.4 percent showed no improvement. Most cases (74.4 percent) were resolved within 21 days and 29.2 percent were resolved in less than five days. The authors of the audit also noted that homeopathy was easy to administer and there were no adverse reactions.
In a study involving 76 adults published in the Natural Medicine Journal, researchers evaluated the effectiveness of magnesium supplements to reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. The subjects were divided into three groups; two of the groups took 120 milligrams of either magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate three times a day for eight weeks, while a control group took a placebo. A urine analysis was performed on each participant at the start of the study and after eight weeks.
The researchers found that magnesium citrate significantly reduced 24-hour urine oxalate levels and calcium oxalate supersaturation—two indicators of kidney stone risk. A reduction in the urinary excretion of calcium is believed to reduce the chances of developing kidney stones.
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) resulting from longterm use of marijuana is characterized by nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain every few weeks to months. CHS symptoms typically begin abruptly, within 24 hours of the last cannabis use, and may be relieved by hot baths or showers, which leads some people to bathe compulsively. Hospitalized patients’ symptoms are managed with intravenous fluids and anti-nausea drugs, but the most effective treatment is to stop cannabis use altogether.
According to a report in JAMA Network, CHS now affects an estimated 2.75 million Americans each year, particularly among men between 16 and 34 years old. From 2017 to 2021, emergency room visits for CHS in the U.S. and Canada doubled. In addition to the gastrointestinal issues, CHS may also cause dehydration, acute kidney injury and low blood levels of chloride, potassium, sodium and bicarbonate. Frequent vomiting may erode tooth enamel and promote tooth loss. Rare severe complications include heart rhythm abnormalities, kidney failure, seizures and death. The rise in CHS coincides with the legalization of recreational cannabis and increases in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration in cannabis products that cause intoxication.
African forest elephants, a smaller cousin of the savanna elephants that inhabit the dense rain forests of central Africa, are natural climate-change mitigators. They shape their forest habitats by dispersing seeds from large, carbon-storing trees through their dung. Some of the seeds of trees responsible for the greatest carbon sequestration do not germinate until they are digested by the elephants.
As they forage for food, African forest elephants trample the dense underbrush, which promotes the growth of taller, denser carboncapturing trees. Because the litter left from foraging is not easily decomposed, more carbon is accumulated in the soil. A 2019 report in Nature Geoscience estimates that one forest elephant can increase net carbon capture capacity by almost 250 acres, the equivalent of one year’s worth of emissions from more than 2,000 cars. African forest elephants are critically endangered as a result of illegal poaching and habitat loss.
The Silk Road was a series of ancient trade routes that once connected China to the Roman Empire. Research published in the journal Nature reported the discovery of two fortified cities—Tashbulak and Tugunbulak—in the mountains of southeastern Uzbekistan, 7,000 feet above sea level. Urban centers above 6,000 feet are rare.
The discovery is important because it had been assumed that ancient trade routes avoided the mountains of Central Asia. Archaeologists used light detection and ranging equipment (LiDAR), a drone mapping technology, to create a detailed map of these large urban centers, which included watchtowers, fortresses, complex buildings and plazas.
Many people have T-shirts that are faded, worn, torn, out of style or don’t fit anymore. Before throwing them out, consider giving them a new life as a useful item for personal or home use.
Scrunchie: Cut a 21-by-3.5-inch strip of fabric and fold it in half, lengthwise and inside-out. Sew the long edges together to make a tube. Turn the tube right-side-out. Thread an 8.75-by-one-quarter-inch piece of elastic through the tube and tie the ends of the elastic. Sew the ends of the tube together after folding in the edges to create an even seam.
Tote Bag: Start by cutting off the sleeves and neckline so the shirt resembles a tank top. This will be the top of the bag. Turn the shirt inside-out and mark a horizontal line across the shirt for the bottom of the bag, leaving at least 2 inches
below that line. Using scissors, cut threequarter-inch-wide vertical strips from the bottom of the shirt to the line drawn, cutting the front and back of the shirt at the same time. Take the first pair of fringe pieces (a front piece and its back piece) and tie them into a knot. Continue across until all of the pairs are tied. To further close any gaps, grab the top strand of the first tied set and tie it in a knot with the bottom strand of the set next to it. Repeat until all the strands are tied. Finally, flip the bag right-side-out again to hide the fringe. Alternately, to keep the fringe as a visible part of the bag, turn the shirt rightside-out before tying any pieces.
Dog Tug Toy: Using scissors, cut a shirt into thin strips, stretch the strips to reduce elasticity and then braid them together tightly. Tie a knot at each end and play a game of tug-of-war with the dog.
Memory Quilt: Cut each shirt as close to the neckline as possible, in a consistent size with the graphics in the center. Organize and lay out the squares. Stitch or sew the T-shirts in columns, then sew the columns together. Add batting and backing. The other side of the T-shirts can be used as the backing fabric, if assembled the same way as the front.
Braided Basket: The first step is to create braided yarn. Cut the T-shirt into long strips about two inches wide, and stretch the fabric to increase length and reduce elasticity. Braid three strips together. To add new material, overlap the end of the new fabric strips with the end of the existing strips and sew or glue them together with fabric adhesive before continuing to braid. The second step is to arrange the braid in a circular or oval pattern to the desired size and use heavy-duty thread to sew the braid to make the bottom of the basket. Using another braid, sew it to the outside of the bottom of the basket and then upwards to make the sides. Add a doublebraided handle and sew it to the top of the basket.
Cleaning Cloths: For shirts too worn to upcycle, cut them into squares and use them as cleaning cloths. When they are dirty, throw them in the washing machine and reuse.
by Marlaina Donato
Diving into a new job, partnership or living situation might not be as scary as jumping into a fire or abyss, but fear of the unknown can certainly get a grip on us if we are not careful. Beginning anything new can feel unsettling, but with a little shift in mindset, anxiety can morph into genuine excitement. Whether taking piano lessons or trying a fitness class at the gym for the first time, we have one thing on our side: beginners have nothing to prove. Every master of their craft was once a novice, and remembering this can quell the ego’s impatience for perfection.
Curiosity, instead of fear, can become our internal navigation system, urging us forward as we turn a new corner or a new page. The month of January can bring expectations, fresh goals and, for the anxietyprone, flashes of what-ifs. It is not easy approaching the unknown, even for the seasoned artist putting that first brushstroke onto a stark, white canvas. Tapping into our innate creativity helps us to see an open road of choices lying before us.
First steps can be shaky, but with a little purpose and fortitude, they become surer, even elegant. Martin Luther King, Jr. advised, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” When we feel snagged in a web of procrastination or hesitance, reviving our sense of wonderment and childlike innocence can disarm doubt. Despite our fears and uncertainties, we might even experience some levity in our pursuits.
• Try a different ethnic restaurant.
• Visit an unexplored town.
• Start a conversation with a previously unknown neighbor.
• Begin wearing hats or another signature piece, and own a new style.
• Learn an interesting word every week, and use it in conversation.
• Investigate an intriguing culture.
• Enroll in a cooking class, or learn to bake bread.
• Take a screen break and pick out a new book at the library.
Marlaina Donato is an author of several books, a painter and a composer. Connect at WildflowersAndWoodsmoke.com.
November 30, 1920 - September 28, 2024
on the Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age
by Rose Winters
Recognized around the world as the mother of holistic medicine, Gladys McGarey was a physician and activist who inspired new ways of thinking about disease and health. Throughout her expansive career, she championed the integrated use of healing methods from Western, Eastern and Indigenous sources; advocated the use of food to prevent and treat disease; and promulgated the idea that illnesses offer glimpses into our inner selves.
McGarey practiced medicine for eight decades, was the co-founder and former president of the American Holistic Medical Association (now called the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine) and co-founder of the Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine. She was one of the first medical doctors to use acupuncture in the United States.
In her book, The Well-Lived Life: A 102-Year-Old Doctor’s Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age, McGarey offers both practical advice and inspiring wisdom drawn from her own life, as well as from the experiences of patients, family and friends. Here is a selection of excerpts from her book.
Each of us is here for a reason, to learn and grow and to give our gifts. When we are able to do so, we’re filled with the creative life energy that I call the “juice.” The juice is our reason for living. It’s our fulfillment, our joy. It’s what happens when life is activated by love. It’s the energy we get from the things that matter and mean something to us.
Consider life flowing like a forest stream. A tree falls across the stream, creating a small dam, and some sticks come along to build
the dam up a little higher. Downstream of the dam, the water flow may slow significantly, but it usually doesn’t stop completely. Even if it does, the water continues to flow upstream of the dam, and the movement can be seen in the rising waterline. At some point, the water reaches the top of the dam and a trickle forms on one side or another, going around the dam and continuing downstream.
Life reaches for life. Always. That means that when we feel the most stuck, whether physically, emotionally, situationally, or any other way, we may need only to look to where things are still moving. When we put our focus and our energy there, a trickle will form around our dam. Aligning with this trickle will help us realign with life. When we do, we can get up and start moving again. Once that happens, all we need to do is keep going.
Love dispels fear, but it is also blocked by fear. The two are often presented together because they’re constantly in a push-pull game with each other. If fear is our habit, practicing love is a wise solution. And
that practice will take us far, because love is infinitely stronger than fear—always. Just as our bodies are born to breathe air, we are born to love. That’s why although it’s good to address our fear, it’s even better to focus on our love. Any effort we put toward love—truly, any effort at all—will self-perpetuate, bringing joy, health, and wellbeing into our lives.
There’s a danger in thinking that we have to agree on everything to enjoy each other’s company. This pushes everyone to extremes. It’s natural that when someone’s life looks like ours, it’s easier to find common points of connection. But it’s sometimes the people who are most unlike us who push us to see things in a new way. That means there’s great meaning in interacting with people we don’t like that much. When we approach people who think very differently from us with curiosity instead of condemnation, we grow.
True optimism isn’t toxic, because focusing on the positive does not mean denying the negative. It does not mean we dissociate from our pain, whether it’s physical or emotional, or pretend that things are okay when they aren’t. Instead, it means we look for what’s
wonderful anyway. We allow what hurts to hurt while continuing to search for the lesson in it and be grateful for the teaching.
Love is always worth your energy. Always. Lean into what you love, whom you love, how you love. Love is an endless font of life force, and it’s always there for you.
Excerpts are printed by permission of The Foundation for Living Medicine, created in 1989 by McGarey to bridge the gap between holistic and allopathic medicine through research and education. To learn more or to make a donation, visit FoundationForLivingMedicine.org.
Rose Winters is chief executive officer of The Foundation for Living Medicine and a consultant addressing nonprofit strategies with a special focus on women, health and children.
To read a longer version, visit online at https://tinyurl.com/McGareyWW or scan the QR code.
by Carrie Jackson
The new year brings a fresh focus on growth and forward thinking. An intentional way to harness this is to adopt the Zen Buddhist idea of shoshin, or beginner’s mind. This approach guides people to experience life with curiosity and openness, helping them let go of old patterns. It is a way of being that encourages practitioners to abandon preconceptions, embrace the world with a sense of wonder and see things from a more optimistic perspective. By examining and releasing old ways of thinking, expressing gratitude and incorporating different practices, the mind, body and heart open to novel opportunities.
“The idea of being open to the situation comes up repeatedly in meditative traditions,” says Steve Rogne, owner and director of Zen Shiatsu, in Evanston, Illinois. He notes that in his practice, shoshin is an
essential part of shiatsu, a form of massage therapy that uses gentle pressure to stimulate the body’s acupressure points and meridian channels. Shoshin can aid in unblocking stagnant energy and harmonizing the flow of qi, or vital energy, in the body.
“As a situation arises, we have our natural responses, which may include wanting to change what is happening. Another perspective is to ask, ‘What if I accept things the way they are?’” Rogne explains. “Accepting situations for the way they are is the foundation from which we can respond. It’s like a preparation for action without being the endpoint. We can simultaneously be open and respond mindfully.”
Learning to accept what is happening can also help us break old patterns of thinking and reacting. “There is a very common human dynamic to move toward the things
we want and away from the things we don’t want; however, this can lead to a fixed response pattern that limits our growth,” says Rogne. “In shiatsu, we help people to recognize those patterns and find the balance between active response and trusting with faith. This trains us to listen to our inner wisdom and relax into outcomes that aren’t what we prefer.”
Mindfully changing patterns can open us up to new experiences that we had previously shut out. “You may find a willingness to move forward in new relationships, even though you’ve experienced that relationships can be painful, or perhaps you find the willingness to speak up even though there’s a chance you won’t be heard in the way that you want,” Rogne notes.
Keeping a receptive mind helps to open us up physically, as well. “In both shiatsu and the shoshin mindset, we trust that every person’s body is already working on its own healing. When we let go of our fixed holding patterns, the internal circulation is freed up, leaving the best possible opportunity for the body to regain all the healthy rhythms of the organs and reduce conditions such as chronic pain,” Rogne asserts.
Having hope and confidence about the future is essential in cultivating a beginner’s mind, helping to counter some of the fear and intolerance that can undermine our lives. “A shoshin principle is that there is not
anything fundamentally wrong with us or with the world. This allows us to move forward with positive faith and engagement,” says Rogne.
“Optimism is a belief that good things will happen and that things will work out in the end,” says Victor Perton, founder of the Centre for Optimism, an Australian-based think tank dedicated to fostering realistic and infectious optimism around the world. “With optimism, we enter each experience expecting fresh possibilities, guided by a sense that there’s something meaningful to discover.”
This positive outlook has myriad benefits. “Optimism nurtures healthy longevity and acts as a powerful protector against major health threats like heart disease, cancer and dementia,” says Perton. “Optimism also lowers the risk of cognitive decline, as optimistic people tend to be more socially and physically active, helping stave off dementia and agerelated memory loss.” A 2022 study of more than 150,000 racially diverse, older women published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society found that the most optimistic women were healthier, lived 4.4 years longer than the least optimistic women and were more likely to live past age 90.
A positive outlook can help navigate the stress and anxiety of life. “Optimism doesn’t mean ignoring the challenge; it means approaching it with the belief that solutions are possible. Optimism and a beginner’s mind work together in this way, helping us to stay open to new paths, resilient in the face of setbacks and appreciative of life’s small, beautiful details,” opines Perton.
Incorporating small, intentional practices into our day can help us cultivate optimism. “Smiling with genuine warmth—even at strangers—can shift our outlook, and asking others, ‘What’s the best thing in your day?’ brings a positive energy to conversations,” says Perton. He also recommends simple grounding practices like gardening, yoga and meditation to nurture curiosity and positivity, noting, “Through these small habits, optimism becomes a daily practice and, in time, a personal superpower for resilience and joy.”
Reflective practices encourage us to explore our goals with a fresh outlook. “Journaling is a practice that is just for you, and you’re not intending to share it with anyone else,” explains Shawn Brown, a Baltimore-based wellness facilitator and yoga teacher who helps clients find a path to being their authentic selves. “It really allows you to examine what is popping up and what you are curious about. This might be learning a new language or starting a new yoga practice. When we look at things as a beginner, we are open to what we are truly interested in.”
A regular gratitude practice also helps bring us back to a place of grounding. “When we tap into gratitude, it expands our propensity to be creative and allows us to drop into the present moment. This is where we live, but when we think of the future or ruminate on something that happened in the past, we are pulled out,” says Brown. She encourages clients to take breaks throughout the day and recall a person, place or experience for which they are grateful. “Think about something that makes the corner of your mouth turn into a smile,” she suggests. “It can be as simple as gratitude for your partner who bought dog food or a neighbor who moved a package off the porch. This brings us back into our lives right now, and that’s where the beginner is.”
Cultivating a sense of play can also tap into a shoshin mindset. “As adults, there’s a need to have a goal or expected result in any
situation. When you’re a beginner, you don’t have a specific outcome because you’re just learning. Play, especially with kids or an animal, is free-form engagement without the need to get it right or check something off our to-do list. Releasing the need for control and perfection opens us up and expands us for so many other options and possibilities,” Brown says.
Brown encourages her yoga students to be open in the way they approach their practice. “Coming into a pose in a different way can give us a new experience of it,” she says. “My approach to yoga is not that we’re trying to do the posture, it’s that we’re trying to feel the posture. It’s a mirror of our being and can indicate if you are feeling strong, tired, energized or wobbly. Rather than attaching a label of good or bad, you just notice, and that opens us up.”
Especially in the new year, Brown urges clients to replace “I have to” with “I get to,” which presents more of a growth mindset. “This is the time to reframe our goals,” she points out. “Trying something new, like taking a West African dance class instead of your regular spin class, shakes up the routine and keeps your mind and body learning. You get to be pushed out of the comfort zone, and that’s where the magic happens.”
Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings. Connect at CarrieJackson Writes.com.
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by Ruth Roberts, DVM, CVA, CVH, CVFT, NAN
Engaging with the family dog can strengthen the relationship, improve well-being and bring joy. With a little planning, each interaction offers dogs and their owners a chance to exercise, bond, explore and have fun.
In a 2020 study published in Scientific Reports involving 35 dog owners and 58 doghuman activities, researchers concluded:
• Physical interactions with dogs, such as playing, training exercises and being greeted by the dog, increased the owners’ positive emotions, including happiness, joy
and contentment, while at the same time reducing feelings of stress, anxiety and fear.
• Owning and caring for a dog was linked to an increased sense of purpose, meaning, responsibility and fulfillment, as well as a positive feeling of companionship.
• While not directly tied to dog-human activities, the general experience of having a dog contributed to a more positive outlook on life.
According to the National Institutes of Health, a strong bond with the family pet can lower a person’s blood pressure and
decrease levels of cortisol, a stress-related hormone. Playing or relaxing with a dog engenders a sense of safety, while also allowing the dog to feel calm and less reactive. Dogs that regularly share activities with their owners tend to show more affection, trust and excitement.
A 2024 Finnish study published in Science Daily determined that during interactions, dogs tended to be in sync with their owners’ stress levels, as measured by heart rate variability. This suggests that a close bond between a dog and their companion can build an emotional connection and even affect underlying physiological responses. What we do with our pets can
have an effect on their emotional disposition, and ours.
Carla Brown, a dog trainer and holistic pet health coach in Truckee, California, offers these tips to keep dogs happy and healthy.
Play and Exploration: Dogs are happiest when they can play and explore off-leash. This time is essential for their physical and mental growth. If off-leash spaces are not available, find other ways for the dog to play and explore.
Safety Tips for Dog-Dog Play: Dog-dog play can be rough and scary to the inexperienced observer. They rear up, wrestle and use open mouths. When dogs play together properly, no one should get hurt. Good playmates take self-imposed breaks when play escalates too much. On the other hand, puppies need help to calm down and stop playing.
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Tips for Human-Dog Play: Set clear rules and follow through to ensure play is fun and safe. Teach cues like “Sit” and “Give a hug.” Don't allow rough play that promotes bad mouth habits. If a dog is used to roughhousing at home, they won’t understand that it is not okay with others. Allowing the dog to jump on their owner when they come home might suggest that it is okay to jump on strangers.
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Running and Playing: Running and playing release a dog’s endorphins—hormones that can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression. These activities also improve brain function, support immune health, reduce inflammation and help regulate appetite. Varying the activities keeps them mentally and physically healthy.
Mental Stimulation: Teaching the dog basic nose-work skills is a great way to challenge their mind and provide calm, enriching experiences. Start nose work by tossing a treat for the dog to find. Use simple phrases like “Find it” or “Search.” As the dog gets better at finding the treat, make the search more challenging by hiding treats in different spots. Dog puzzles, snuffle mats and frozen stuffed toys that hide a treat inside are other ways to teach nose work.
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Safety With Kids and Seniors: When it comes to playing with children or older people, the rules are stricter. Dogs should be discouraged from using their mouth or jumping on people. This is why controlling play is important. Giving the dog a cue to sit, wait, take or drop will help them calm down. If the dog has trouble calming down, give them regular breaks. The reward is playing by the rules.
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Ruth Roberts is an integrative veterinarian and holistic health coach for pets, as well as the creator of The Original CrockPet Diet. Learn more at DrRuthRoberts.com.
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by Zak Logan
Most of us feel a little grumpy when we’re hungry, but a diet that is dominated by ultra-processed packaged foods and drive-through meals increases our chances of experiencing chronic mood swings and symptoms of depression. Ultra-processed foods are characterized by a long list of additives—artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, preservatives, salt and more—resulting in products that do not resemble their original natural state.
In a 2022 study published in JAMA Network Open involving more than 10,000 participants aged 18 or older, individuals with a higher percentage of their total energy intake from ultra-processed foods were significantly more likely to report mild depression and more mentally unhealthy and anxious days. Research involving more than 31,000 middle-aged women published last year in JAMA Network Open linked a higher consumption of ultra-processed foods, especially artificial sweeteners, to a higher risk of depressive disorders. Reducing ultraprocessed food intake by at least three servings per day lowered the risk of depression.
In order to produce serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters that are crucial for balanced mental health, our bodies require vitamins, minerals and other nutrients found in real, whole foods. The Mayo Clinic recommends avoiding processed meats, sugary beverages, sweets and refined grains, and it gives a thumbs-up to feel-good fare on the Mediterranean diet that includes plantbased foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains; healthy fats like olive oil; lean meats, including fish and poultry; and some dairy, such as natural cheese and yogurt.
According to Holly DeLong, a registered dietitian and the founder of Food & Mood, in Malvern, Pennsylvania, “Food is a form of medicine, and we truly can make big improvements in our mental and emotional well-being using the intersection between nutrition and mental health. Food, gut health and nutrient status all affect neurotransmitter production and balance. Certain nutrients are required to produce neurotransmitters.” She recommends the consumption of mood-friendly, B-vitamin-rich leafy greens, avocados, lentils, sunflower seeds and nutritional yeast, as well as magnesium-packed whole grains, tofu and bananas.
we eat influences key systems in
our body, especially blood sugar, gut health and inflammation, and these impact mood, energy, stress and anxiety,” says Amy Fox, a certified functional food coach and life coach in Cincinnati, Ohio. “Think of each meal as your ‘nutrition prescription’. These choices almost always predict how you’ll feel in a few hours. A helpful rule of thumb is to aim for foods with five ingredients or less and limit boxed, bagged or wrapped items.” She also notes that high-sugar items, especially before bed, are the worst offenders.
What we eat, and when, can improve the body’s chemical balancing act. “Meal timing can be a huge factor in how food affects mood. Skipping meals and eating too close to bedtime can contribute to poor energy, lower moods and higher anxiety for some people,” explains DeLong.
Fox notes that consuming alcohol can also backfire. “Sometimes we think a glass of wine will help us unwind after a long day, but it has the opposite effect. Even small amounts of alcohol can disrupt the production of our natural happiness chemicals.”
Because 95 percent of serotonin is produced in the gut, nutritionally dense foods and those containing probiotics and prebiotics promote the presence of good bacteria in the belly, which ensures the production of this neurotransmitter. Fox recommends three daily servings of fermented foods like kefir, kombucha, kimchi, plain Greek yogurt and naturally fermented sauerkraut found in the refrigerated section with “live cultures” on the label.
DeLong’s favorite go-to allies are sources of omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, walnuts and chia seeds to combat inflammation, an integral factor in fighting the blues. She praises the antioxidant potential of berries, acai and pomegranates, and suggests swapping coffee for L-theanine-rich matcha green tea to decrease systemic patterns of anxiety.
Protein is an unsung hero in eating to feel better. “A craving for sweets might indicate a serotonin deficiency often linked to stress and low energy,” says Fox. “When you eat protein-rich foods, they help slow digestion, keeping blood sugar levels stable and providing a longer-lasting energy source.” She recommends lean chicken, beef, eggs, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese and legumes.
According to DeLong, “Neurotransmitter health is not a predetermined, unchangeable defect as it is often seen. We can make an impact with the choices we make.”
Simple, consistent changes in the diet can produce lasting effects. “It’s about small, supportive choices that build up over time, shifting focus from restriction to nourishment,” says Fox.
Zak Logan is a freelance health writer dedicated to getting back to basics.
1 cup whole grain of choice, cooked (millet; wild, brown or black rice; buckwheat; quinoa; farro; or amaranth)
1 to 3 cups vegetables, raw, lightly steamed, roasted or sautéed
4 to 6 oz of lean protein of choice, cooked (lean meat, egg, beans, legumes, tempeh, tofu or fish)
⅛ cup nuts, seeds, sprouts or avocado
Cook grain, vegetables and protein, depending on choice of ingredients. To build, layer grain as the base and add vegetables, protein and toppings.
Recipe courtesy of Holly DeLong.
2 cups mixed greens of choice (baby lettuce, mustard, chard, spinach, arugula or chicory)
¼ cup fermented veggies (kimchi or sauerkraut)
¼ cup cooked beans (kidney, black or garbanzo)
1 Tbsp flaxseeds
2 Tbsp walnuts
1 Tbsp lemon juice
½ Tbsp olive oil
Optional: grilled salmon or avocado slices
Mix greens, fermented veggies, beans, flaxseeds and walnuts in a bowl. Drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil. Top with grilled salmon and/or avocado slices.
Recipe courtesy of Amy Fox.
¾ cup ultra-filtered protein milk (found in many grocery stores)
1 scoop protein powder (whey, soy, egg white, pea or hemp)
½ frozen banana
1 Tbsp of flaxseeds
Handful of frozen strawberries or other berries
1 Tbsp of flaxseeds
¼ cup of zero-percent-fat, plain Greek yogurt
Handful of kale
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well. To thicken, add a few ice cubes or place smoothie in the freezer for 7 to 10 minutes.
Recipe courtesy of Amy Fox.
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Wednesday, January 8
Anxiety and Stress Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – 6:30-7:45pm. Physicians recommend this meditation technique as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, Twin Ponds Holistic Health, West LV - Breinigsville, Greg Schweitzer, D.Ay, Pre-register, 610-670-6700.
Saturday, January 11
Reiki Level ll Training and Certification 10am-4pm. with Jacqueline LeClaire, Reiki Master (day 1 of 2-day training). Distant, mental, and emotional healing. Learn to send healing to the root cause of problems, the emotional scars of the past, and the shadow or relationship issues. Learn Mental Reprogramming techniques to bring about new, desired behaviors, how to integrate hypnosis, and more! Includes the Training Manual, $325, and both days. Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Preregister (484) 264-3889.
Sunday, January 12
Reiki Level ll Training and Certification 10am-4pm. with Jacqueline LeClaire, Reiki Master. (day 2 of 2-day training). Distant, mental, and emotional healing. Learn to send healing to the root cause of problems, the emotional scars of the past, and the shadow or relationship issues. Learn Mental Reprogramming techniques to bring about new, desired behaviors, how to integrate hypnosis, and more! Includes Training Manual $325 and both days. Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Preregister (484) 264-3889.
Wednesday, January 22
Anxiety and Stress Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – 6:45-8pm. Physicians recommend this meditation technique as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, Stress Reduction Resources, Curtis Rd., Sinking Spring, PA, Greg Schweitzer, D.Ay, Pre-register 610-670-6700.
Saturday, January 25
Restorative Yoga and Singing Bowls –10:30am-12:30pm. Do you have unresolved pain and tension in your body? Due to lifestyle, stress, trauma, and sitting in chairs, we all have patterns in our bodies that can create imbalances in the form of muscles that are chronically tight and/or weak. $45 per person. Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Preregister 484-264-3889.
Sunday, January 26
Past Life, Regression – 1:30-4:30pm. Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover memories of a past life (incarnation) and is typically used as a spiritual experience. The person may view personal relationships in a new light, energize talents, reduce fears and traumas linked to a past life, and understand their life purpose, Jacqueline has developed the J. LeClaire Method of Hypnosis. $75 Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Preregister (484) 264-3889.
Tuesday, January 28
Free Your Heart-Chakra Challenge (24/7) A FREE online course to get out of your head & into your heart with 3 simple tools. In 2 hours or less learn meditation, journaling & art play expressing left/ right brain energies. Enroll now: MichelleLeeArtsStudio.com/p/Free-YourHeart- Chakra-Challenge.
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Sunday Services – Metaphysical and nondenominational. Rev. Lloyd Moll, Pastor –Unique Sunday services 10:30am. All welcome! St. John’s Church of Faith, 607 Washington St Allentown. 610-776-7211.
CoDA is a 12-Step Fellowship of people with a common purpose to recover from codependency. The only requirement for membership in CoDA is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. Meetings are Tuesday 7-8:30pm at Calvary Baptist Church 4601 W. Tilghman St. Allentown, PA 18104. Questions; call Jim at 610-264-7046 or visit coda.org.
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Tuesday, January 14
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Anxiety and Depression Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – 12noon-1:15pm. Physicians recommend this meditation technique as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, LIVE ONLINE Video Conference, Greg Schweitzer, D.Ay, Pre-register 610-670-6700.
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Anxiety and Stress Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – 7-8:15pm. Physicians recommend this meditation technique as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, LIVE ONLINE Video Conference, Greg Schweitzer, D.Ay, Pre-register 610-670-6700.
LV Lyme Support Group – First Wednesday of every month except July. Zoom calls only. Contact Heidi Healey at 973-610-0531 if interested. Speakers, Doctors, brochures and books. Country Meadows Retirement Facility. 4007 Greenpond Rd Bethlehem PA 18020. Building #3 Personal Care /2nd Floor Chapel (back of the campus).
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Marie Ruxton CMT, CN 628 Chestnut St., Emmaus, PA 18049 610-965-2500
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Dr. Joseph A. Perelli 656 5th St., Whitehall, PA 18052 610-266-6111 AssociatedChiropractic.com
Dr. Perelli has served the Lehigh Valley for 31 years delivering natural, hands-on chiropractic care for neck, mid-back, low back and extremity conditions. He specializes in sports, auto and work comp injuries with various holistic treatments to get you back to your pre-injury status quickly.
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Rev. Lyn S. Felix, MSW, LCSW, CHT, RM 3037 S. Pike Ave. #105, Allentown PA 18103 610-282-0709
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Achieve your personal best in sports, sales public speaking and more. Whether you need to eliminate chronic pain, achieve your ideal body weight, reduce stress, or kick the smoking habit hypnosis is a useful tool that can help you move forward. Individual and group sessions, remote and in person sessions. Board Certified Hypnotist with NGH. See ad, page 7.
Jacqueline LeClaire 6120 W. Main Blvd., Bath, PA 18014 484-264-3889
Become a Certified Hypnotherapist / Become a Certified Reiki Practitioner, Usui Master. Jacqueline LeClaire is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master Trainer with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and Reiki Master for over two decades. She is the owner of Results Wellness Center, LLC.
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DR. DEKA RODGER ND, MBA Owner/Publisher 610-421-4443
Tina Stashko, PhD MIfHI
Emmaus, PA 18049
DrRodgerND@HealthyLehighValley.com DrRodgerND@gmail.com www.HealthyLehighValley.com www.DrRodgerND.com www.NutritionConsultans.org www.Ultimatelongevity.com/DrRodgerND www.DrRodgerND.B3Sciences.com
Due to his extensive background in business and marketing and built his own practice through the Natural Awakenings magazine he can take businesses to the next level. Also, with a strong background in keeping fit and understanding all aspects of exercising, he promotes B3 Science, an advanced method of achieving better fitness results in 1/2 the time. He also teaches a Nutrition Certification Course over a 6-month period, students completing this course and passing all exams can put the designation CNC after their name. See ads, pages 2, 5 and 17.
Kathy Hatcher, LMT 656 5th St., Whitehall, PA 18052 610-266-6111
Kathy has been administering deep tissue, therapeutic, medical, pregnancy and aromatherapy massage since 1996. Her NEWEST services are Ionic Foot Cleanse Detoxification as well as Red-light therapy for non-surgical weight loss and chronic pain management. Insurance billing for massage available.
Specializing in preventative healthcare, digestion and nutrient absorption, and thyroid and adrenal health. Modalities such as iridology, sclerology and biochemical balancing enable the development of your unique program for optimum health. These programs are easy to follow and incorporate into your daily life. Reach your full health potential! See ad, page 8.
Kyle S. Kasman, PT, DPT 484-781-5341
Kyle@LightThePathPhysicalTherapy.com LightThePathPhysicalTherapy.com
Kyle started his mobile practice to offer high-quality care where every patient feels heard. His services include one-on-one inhome appointments to provide convenient treatment that fits your busy schedule. Evidencebased techniques and taskspecific activities are incorporated into each patient’s plan of care that are relevant to their goals. See ad, page 4.
570 671-2121
11 Knob Road Mt Poconos, PA 18325 magnoliapoconos.com oksanna@magnloiapoconos.com
Magnolia Inn & Wellness Center is state of an art wellness hub that offers an extensive array of cutting-edge wellness modalities like Floating Therapy, Cryotherapy, IV Therapy, Colon Hydrotherapy and so much more. Our medical director, therapists, and staff are committed to helping our clients achieve TRUE health by accessing their optimal vitality and longevity. Membership programs are available and designed to make our services accessible to our local community. See ad, page 11.
Vanessa Sabatine 64 South Main St., Nazareth, PA 18064 610-365-8996 • HerbsToYourSuccess.com
Herbs to Your Success is a health & wellness spa located in Nazareth, offering multiple holistic spa experiences and herbal remedies. We also offer a wide selection of essential oils, teas, skincare, make-up and more! We provide high quality spa services to our customers and our friendly and courteous staff guarantees exceptional customer service. See ad, page 10.
Bear Creek Organics is hiring! We are looking for skilled landscapers who are passionate about Ecological Edible Landscaping. Permaculture Design Certificate preferred. Email resume and cover letter to: Richie@BearCreekOrganics.com
Calling Holistic Presenters – Facilitate your workshop or retreat at our Upper Bucks center, with peaceful country setting, meditation gardens, and woods. GreenShireArts.org. Email info@GreenShireArts.org or call 215-538-0976.
Holistic Chiropractor, Naturopath or Natural Functional Medicine Practitioner Needed – Join our comprehensive solution Wellness Center in Stroudsburg. Access to over 2000 clients in a professional, dedicated facility. Call Vicki at 570-977-1900 to discuss.
Crystal Tones Singing Bowls – Classic & Alchemy for meditation & vibrational healing. Also offering personal vibration testing. Contact Anthony at Life Holistic Center, 570-706-6680 or LifeHolistic@hotmail.com. See more at LifeHolistiReiki.com.
Interactive Dementia and Alzheimer Game – An interactive and fun family game that will bring a twinkle to the eye and smile on the face. Call 484-8605894. HighRollDice.com.
Two Green Burial Plots for Sale – At Green Meadows Burial Ground in Fountain Hill, PA. $1,800 total.Call 610-6984921.
Spiritually guided card readings offered in person, or via phone, parties also welcome. Channeled messages are for your highest good. Let my gifts guide you! Reasonable rates. Cheryl 908-268-8029.
Readings with intuitive counselor, Reiki also available. Free 10-minute initial session. Evelyn peptel62@gmail.com. 551804-7571.
Free Phone Reading for Lightworkers. Your Higher-Self reveals the blocks that are slowing you from growing your practice/business. Email Enaid to learn more. enaid-rensporp@ProtonMail.com Kula Heart Yoga & Wellness, LLC contracts self motivated and ethical bodyworkers and yoga instructors to serve Bath and the Lehigh Valley. If you are interested in growing your business, making your own hours and being a part of a Wellness Center that is filled with compassion, professionalism, and FUN! Submit your interest to info@ KulaHeartYogaAndWellness.com.