Invites you to the next networking Party.
April 11, 2024
Venue Infinite Energy of Allentown, 1125 S Cedar Crest Blvd Allentown, PA, 18103. Starts 6pm-8pm
Featuring natural products and supplements.
What an incredible opportunity to meet holistic nutritionists, naturopathic doctors, holistic veterinarians, homeopaths, holistic estheticians, integrative doctors, herbalists, thermographers, health coaches, holistic dentists, energy-medicine practitioners, integrative chiropractors, compounding, integrative pharmacists, acupuncturists, Spectracell Labs, Vibrant Wellness Labs, and other like-minded people who share in the joy of our wellness community.
All Past and present advertisers are invited to this Special Event. Please RSVP DrRodgerND@HealthyLehighValley.com to let him know you are attending. Free. Light refreshments and beverages served. Open To The Public. You must email DrRodgerND@Healthylehighvalley.com to get your invite/entry ticket, numbers are limited, for this special event.
September 1, 2024 finishes January 19, 2025
Through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC) Doctor of Naturopathy and Clinical Nutritionist
Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) prepares students to pass the Certified Nutritional Consultants Exam. Once qualified you are entitled to use the designation CNC after your name and practice as a Nutritionist. Certified Nutritional Consultants (CNC) can work in hospitals, clinics, private practice settings alongside acupuncturists, mental health professionals, physical therapists, doctors and chiropractors, as well as a consultant in schools, businesses, health food stores, spas and health clubs.
Today's economists have determined that the natural health field is the fastest growing industry in the U.S. today. It goes without saying that people are getting more concerned about their personal health and their families health. Just take a look at this picture below and ask yourself, what type of life are you planning for yourself.
The course includes 11 modules and the classes meet on a Sunday morning 9-1 pm. The course fee is $1950 and can be paid over 6 months at $325.
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© 2024 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.
The bulk of the typical everyday diet is dead food; it has no nutritional benefits to the body. In fact, humans are the only creatures on God’s earth who see fit to alter food before we eat it, killing the enzymes and many of the nutrients in the process. The food we buy at the supermarket has already had the life processed out of it, we ensure its “deadness” by the way we prepare it for the table. We bake, barbecue, broil, char, fricassee, fry, microwave, sauté, scald, simmer, stew, toast, or otherwise kill the live enzymes in most of our food before we invest our bodies with it. What kind of investment we make in our bodies is determined by the quality of the food we take in. Over an extended period of time, the returns of bad food investments leave our health accounts bankrupt. The body has an amazing ability to sustain life even on the “junkiest” of diets. However, simply sustaining life is a far cry from producing vibrant health, and the older we get the more we need to invest in our human engine, our immune system.
Like any fighting force, the immune system army marches onwards and forward strongly based on the quality of the food it has been given. Healthy immune system warriors need good, REAL nutritional food. Organic food, fruits vegetables, and foods that provide vitamins, minerals, proteins, good fats, and fiber are important to the overall health of the individual. The majority of carbs should come from complex carbohydrates (starches) and naturally occurring sugars, rather than processed or refined sugars, which do not have the vitamins or minerals that we need. Refined sugars are often called "empty calorie food" because they have little to no nutritional value. If you’re going to eat meat, make sure it’s grass-fed beef, free-range or pasture-raised chickens, and wild-caught fish all cooked at a temperature below 120 degrees, so as not to kill the enzymes. Scientists have long recognized that people who live in poverty and are malnourished are more vulnerable to infectious diseases. Being lazy with your diet also fits into this category.
Real food is the best way to improve your immune system. If you do not like vegetables or you are not a fruit eater, then try fruit and vegetable smoothies. You need to supplement your diet, as you cannot get your everyday requirements from your everyday food even if you are organic. Today’s soil has been farmed for hundreds of years; it does not have the minerals in it today as it did in the past. Most Americans are mineral deficient. You need to supplement your diet daily.
If we are improving our immune system by eating properly, supplementing correctly, and exercising, we allow ourselves to live a longer sick-free healthier life. Investing in your health by eating correctly, supplementing, and exercising all of which cost you more money and precious time, understand your health is an investment not an expense.
Have a great month!
Are you hoping for a more vibrant and positive start to the Spring? Maybe a little more gardening will do the trick. A vegetable garden is a great place to start. No matter what form your garden takes that investment of time and money is more than worth it. There’s no better way to bring more peace and freedom to your life than growing your own food and immersing yourself in nature with friends, family, pets, and community.
A vegetable garden gives us more control over what we put in our bodies. Do you want to eat more vegetables, better quality, organic vegetables? Planting and growing your own vegetables is one sure way to gain some control over the quality of our food. When we sow and nurture these plants ourselves we know what goes into their production. We know they are healthy and good for us.
Just tending a vegetable garden is good for our health. It gets us off our butts and outdoors in the sunshine and fresh air. There are even health benefits to sticking our hands into rich, nutrient-dense soil. Getting soil under our fingernails nourishes our gut by exposing us to beneficial bacteria. And what is good for us is especially good for our children!
Growing a vegetable garden is a great Family Activity. Parents, grandparents, and children working together creates and
nurtures the family bond. Elders pass on stories from their childhood as well as practical how-to, and children supply the joy of discovery and the delight in a new experience. From planting seeds to harvesting the produce, growing vegetables teaches basic biology with hands-on learning. The vegetables that you grow yourself always taste better than storebought. Kids who grow vegetables eat a greater quantity and variety of veggies.
Growing a garden is good for the soul. Working in a garden lifts us out of worry about the future and plants us in the present. Visiting the garden every day, watering seedlings, tying up loose tendrils of a pea plant, thinning crowded greens, welcoming bees and butterflies, celebrating the flowers and swelling fruits, drinking in the sensory delight of color, fragrance, sound, touch, and eventually taste lifts us out of the mundane and grounds us in the sacredness of creation.
Yes, this is a great year to plant a vegetable garden.
If you need a little help getting started, call Richie Mitchell at Bear Creek Organics. Visit bearcreekorganics.com to schedule a consultation. Don’t hesitate; the growing season is upon us! Location: 76 Helmer Ln, White Haven, PA, 18661. See ad on page 9.
• Herbal Medicine for both, chronic and acute symptom patterns by Master Clinical Herbalist
• Trauma and Nervous system release through Mixed Body/Energy medicine, Combination of Polarity and Cranialsacral Therapy and Reiki
• Nutrition Counseling – Oriental Healing Diet
• Family Constellations Therapy
• BEAT cancer support services –meeting clients where they are in their journey, supporting their healing and improving the efficacy of protocols already in place, through herbs, diet and bodywork
• Chair/gentle yoga classes
42 S. Main Streey
Coopersburg, PA 18036
Fridays & Saturdays 10am-3pm
Eileen Arenz Cuce, HHC AADP CN
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fiveelementsholistichealth.com 215-738-0751
With as much effort as it takes to recline in a chair and take a nap, you can give your body the energy it needs to heal itself. The body wants to and can heal itself, but until now the proper environment has not been available to make that possible. With the use of the Energy Enhancement System (EES) the proper environment is now available right here in Allentown, PA.
What is the EE System and how does it work?
This innovative technology was invented by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, DNM, Ph.D., DCSJ Inventor, Researcher, and Professor of Applied Integrative Biophysics. Energy Enhancement Systems (EES) combines the mind, body, and spirit, as well as science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization.
With 25 years of extraordinary beneficial use and many thousands of success stories, the EES is a set of custom-built and installed computers designed to generate energy fields that promote healing. This bio-active life-enhancing field combines color therapy, light therapy, a biophotonic charge and scalar wave energy. It is Nikola Tesla’s technology finally realized for the benefit of human health.
Optimal health does not start outside of the body, it starts within, more specifically within the cells of your body. If your cells are not properly charged you will experience disease, as opposed to health. The cells in your body hold an electrical charge between 70-90 millivolts, whereas cancerous cells hold a charge below 20 millivolts.
In other words, sickness can be measured by a weaker charge in your cells, whereas health is measured by a higher electrical charge in your cells.
Through Scalar wave technology and bio photonic light, the EE System gives a boost to the cells of your body, charging them at their optimal charge of 70-90 millivolts. Spending time in this technology is like recharging the battery of your body, giving you more strength, vitality, and energy to thrive.
Clinical trials have shown that the EE System technology assists in cell regeneration, neurotransmitter functions, immune function and so much more. This research has been acknowledged by many in both the medical and scientific communities. Thousands of people around the world are reporting benefits such as mood elevation, lower stress levels, pain relief, increased energy, emotional stability, and improved immune function and that is just the tip of the iceberg.
This is what the future of health looks like, and the good news is, it’s already here. To get your first treatment and experience the full benefits see the ad on page 13.
Watch Tony Robbins’ positive impression with the EES. Search YouTube for ‘Tony Robbins EES’.
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The desire to offer services within the health environment of a holistic chiropractic office is no coincidence as treating the muscular health and spinal health issues for clients coexist quite well together and we are pleased to be able to say that we have been offering that all under one roof for over 20 years!
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Not feeling like yourself anymore?
Gaining weight, no matter what you do? Tired, have brain fog, moody or “hormonal?”
Dr. Lorraine Maita, the Hormone Harmonizer and Detoxifier, can help you have boundless energy, stable moods, a lean body, sharp, clear mind and balance your hormones so you can feel like yourself again and even better.
If you need support in getting your life back, apply for a free clarity call to see if we are the right fit at https://you.feelgoodagaincourses.com/ foundations-program.
The Feel Good Again Institute (formerly HowToLiveYounger.com)
“I want YOU to Feel Good Again”
Red light therapy (RLT) dates back to the late 20th century when NASA scientists discovered its potential for plant growth in space. This serendipitous discovery led to further research, revealing Red Light Therapy’s profound effects on human cells, tissue repair, and mitochondrial health. It has become a groundbreaking treatment and has emerged as a versatile, natural solution to various health and aesthetic concerns.
A study that underscores the efficacy of RLT on skin health was conducted by Whelan et al. (2001), published in the Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery (590/830nm). The study demonstrated that RLT significantly accelerated wound healing, improved skin rejuvenation, and decreased inflammation in participants. These findings have propelled Red Light Therapy to the forefront of non-invasive skin treatments.
The benefits of this therapy extend beyond skin health, encompassing:
• Skin Rejuvenation: Boost collagen production and reduce wrinkles for a more youthful appearance.
• Pain Reduction: Get relief for conditions like arthritis and muscle soreness.
• Improved Mental Well-being: Reduce depression and anxiety, calm the mind and improve sleep quality.
• Hair Growth Stimulation: Invigorate hair follicles and combat hair loss.
For optimal results, consistency is key. Initially, it’s recommended to undergo Red Light Therapy two to three times a week, with maintenance sessions every one to two weeks after achieving desired outcomes.
Here at Elixir Health and Wellness we use the highest quality panels, and include multiple wavelengths of red light, blue light, and infrared light. If you’re interested in booking a protocol, email us at elixirbethelehm@gmail.com or book directly online at www.elixirlv.com. See ad on page 7.
Clinical hypnosis helps people manage pain. It is evidence-based, meaning scientific studies have been done to support its use for a variety of problems, including pain management. Hypnosis is a safe, effective means to empower people to feel better and have a meaningful quality of life.
Pain is a part of the body’s system designed to keep one safe and ensure survival. It’s the alarm signal to the brain to sound the alert that something needs attention. Pain that starts and then resolves once everything is taken care of is termed acute pain.
Pain that lasts longer than 3 months and persists even though the proper diagnosis or source is identified and treated correctly is termed chronic pain. Chronic pain is pain that continues to send the pain signal to the brain like a continuous alarm that is not helpful or necessary for safety or survival. It reaches into all areas of a person’s life from employment to finances, relationships, hobbies, emotions, sleep, and spirituality.
There is neuroscientific evidence that chronic pain can be imprinted in the brain indicating how the perpetual impulses received leave a lasting effect that is evidence that the statement “It’s all in your head” may in some ways be true.
Hypnosis offers people hope to regain freedom and comfort. Neuroplasticity is a phenomenon, in which the brain grows and adaptively improves given the right conditions and experiences.
Please feel free to reach out to me for a free consultation.
For more info: please contact Vanessa. Stream Hypnosis, LLC. 40 S. 5th St. Suite 203, Allentown. PA 18102. 570-617-5325. vperweiss@StreamHypnosis.com. www.StreamHypnosis.com. See ad on page 34
Do you have a desire to have new experiences or build your knowledge? Being curious is the character strength that keeps us engaged in the ongoing experiences of life. When we are excited to meet new people, explore new places, or learn new facts about an area of interest, we grow our curiosity. When we are in search to find meaning in our lives, curiosity aids our efforts. When curiosity leads us into new experiences that resonate with us, we discover more joy and passion in our lives. Relationships can be refreshed and more satisfying when we remain curious.
How do we begin growing curiosity…Ask Questions! Actively seeking knowledge and understanding is a hallmark of curiosity and a love of learning strengths. Being curious about life’s meaning and spirituality can bring forth lots of questions. What are we most curious about? Let’s discover a more engaging life this Spring. Sharing these questions and growing our strengths can begin a session in the spiritual direction or positive psychology practices. Be curious and book today!
For more info:
Mandy Gero, OFS, Spiritual Director and Positive Psychology Practitioner. MGero@GroundHovering.rocks. www.GroundHovering.rocks. 908-319-3605. See ad on page 23.
If you were trapped in a room with a lion would you be able to relax? Most definitely not. Your body would move into fight-or-flight mode and begin to create a stress response. Adrenaline would begin to be distributed, which would cause a spike in your heart and respiration rate. At the same time, blood and oxygen would be pumped toward larger muscles while your digestion speed would begin to slow. This is all with the intent of the nervous system trying to protect you from a perceived threat by making survival decisions. The metaphorical lion is a depiction of all of the struggles in your life such as pain, which the brain will bundle together and create a stress response toward. Struggles that can elicit these responses may include job stress, financial difficulty, and family issues. If the lion was removed from the room, you would feel relief and the body would restore balance to the systems originally engaged in the stress response. However, if the lion is left in the room with you for a prolonged period this can wreak havoc throughout the body. While suffering from chronic pain you may also experience sleep disturbances, weight gain, low libido, mood swings, and depression. It is vital for a patient to receive a thorough education on the many side effects chronic pain can create throughout the body. A patient who has a better understanding of their condition is better equipped to manage their symptoms and create healthier habits.
Kyle S. Kasman, PT, DPT. Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. 484-781-5341. Lightthepathphysicaltherapy.com. See ad on page 17.
Using Chinese Medicine's Five Elements Theory a treatment diet can be comprised for anyone. Every food and herb has a taste, temperature, and an energy property. Should you be eating more cooked or more raw foods? How about protein? Do you need more animal protein or is a plantbased diet good for you right now? Right now is the question? Our constitutions change, so re-evaluating when the body talks to us through symptom patterns is not only wise but also necessary for optimum health and balance.
During a consultation, after the review of symptoms and history, a tongue and pulse exam are also performed. This tells a beautiful story of what is going on inside of the body and can forecast potentially problematic issues before a true health crisis arises. A treatment diet plan can give quick and noticeable results. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all diet plan for success. Even two people with the same diagnosis may need to eat differently for their particular constitutional needs.
As a client of my program, you will receive the following:
A program to achieve your optimal state of health by balancing your body through a combination of modalities that are best for you, this may include any combination of the following: nutrition and a Chinese treatment diet, Herbal medicine, nervous system, and trauma release through integrative bodywork - combining Polarity therapy, Craniosacral therapy and Reiki or Family Systems Therapy. Programs are customized and designed very specific to each client.
A non-judgmental space for your health to be discussed and balanced, recipes that are healthy and simple to prepare. Coaching and support to help you make the dietary and lifestyle changes you want and need. Simple but informative handouts that will increase your understanding of nutrition and knowledge of Chinese medicine. You also get our commitment to your health and success. To decide if our programs are a good fit for you, we invite you to schedule an initial consultation. This appointment is one hour in length. We will get your complete health history, hear about your life, and tell you how to proceed in constructing an individualized balancing program.
For more information about Eileen and her upcoming Herbal Study Course please visit FiveElementsHolisticHealth.com, email eileen@eileencuce.com or call 215-738-0751.
See add on page 9.
*Start curating your own learning library. KnoWEwell Pathfinder members get 50+ and growing courses for free, plus discounts on expert courses for less than a smoothie a month! Natural Awakenings readers receive a 30% discount on KnoWEwell memberships. Join at: https://www.knowewell.com/community/join-individuals. Apply code: KWW30
According to a 2023 study by Yale scientists published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, two distinct neurodevelopmental abnormalities that arise shortly after the start of brain development have been linked to the emergence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The researchers created brain organoids using stem cells from 13 boys with the disorder, including eight with macrocephaly, a condition in which the head is
enlarged. The organoids were small replicas of developing brains that mimicked neuronal growth in the fetus.
The study found that children with ASD and macrocephaly showed an excessive growth of excitatory neurons, while those without macrocephaly exhibited a deficit of the same type of neurons. Measuring the prevalence of certain types of neurons,
as was done in this study, could help doctors diagnose autism and also identify which autism cases might benefit from existing drugs that treat excessive excitatory neuron activity.
San Mateo County near San Francisco is the first county in the U.S. to declare loneliness a public health crisis. The resolution, which commits the county to address the issue but does not set aside funds to reduce loneliness, was inspired by the United Kingdom and Japan, which appointed ministers to tackle the problem. Future efforts by San Mateo County may include investments in infrastructure to make neighborhoods more accessible, social media posts that encourage social interaction, and the earmarking of community mental health dollars for organizations that develop or offer solutions.
Loneliness has been associated with increased risk of dementia, depression, anxiety, heart disease and stroke. A British study found that those that lived alone and had no visitors had a 39 percent increased risk of premature death compared to those visited by loved ones daily.
Deep below the icy expanse of the Arctic lies a hidden danger that could have catastrophic consequences for our planet. Layers of methane gas are trapped beneath the permafrost, and as the landscape changes, this sea of methane has the potential to be unleashed, wreaking havoc on the world.
Studying the permafrost beneath the islands of Svalbard, researchers found an immense reservoir of methane that could reach several million cubic feet. Currently, the leakage from below the permafrost is minimal, but glacial retreat and permafrost thawing could “lift the lid” on this hidden danger, according to Thomas Birchall, a geologist at Norway’s University Center in Svalbard and lead author of a study published in Frontiers in Earth Science
Ocean currents can thin the permafrost, creating patchy and unpredictable regions. Geographical features can also allow gas produced by underlying rocks to escape. Even in areas with continuous permafrost, methane gas can migrate beneath the cold seal of the permafrost, creating the potential for escape.
A large-scale seepage would initiate a dangerous feedback loop of warming—a cycle where methane release leads to further permafrost thaw, resulting in additional gas emissions. While the focus of the study was on Norway, the researchers believe that migrating deposits of methane are likely present in other parts of the Arctic region as well.
Scientists at the BioRescue project have announced a breakthrough in embryo transfer that could save the northern white rhinoceros from extinction. According to the World Wildlife Federation, two genetically different subspecies exist—the northern and southern white rhino—found in two different regions of Africa. There are only two northern white rhinos left, both of which are female, living under protected housing in Kenya.
The BioRescue team achieved the world’s first rhino pregnancy through in vitro fertilization by implanting a southern white rhino embryo in a surrogate mother named Curra. Although the surrogate mother died after two months due to an unrelated infection, the successful embryo transfer offers proof of concept that this strategy could help save the northern white rhinos.
Plans are underway to implant a northern white rhino embryo into a southern white rhino surrogate mother. The scientists have used preserved sperm and eggs from the remaining females to make 30 preserved embryos. The BioRescue project has cost millions of dollars, supported by public and private donors. Eventually, the group hopes to reintroduce northern white rhinos into the wild.
Invites you to the next networking Party.
June 26, 2024
Magnolia Inn & Wellness Center, 11 Knob Rd, Mt Pocono, PA 18344
Featuring natural products and supplements.
What an incredible opportunity to meet holistic nutritionists, naturopathic doctors, holistic veterinarians, homeopaths, holistic estheticians, integrative doctors, herbalists, thermographers, health coaches, holistic dentists, energy-medicine practitioners, integrative chiropractors, compounding, integrative pharmacists, acupuncturists, Spectracell Labs, Vibrant Wellness Labs, and other like-minded people who share in the joy of our wellness community.
All Past and present advertisers are invited to this Special Event. Please RSVP DrRodgerND@HealthyLehighValley.com to let him know you are attending. Free. Light refreshments and beverages served.
Open To The Public. You must email DrRodgerND@Healthylehighvalley.com to get your invite/entry ticket, numbers are limited, for this special event.
Whether travel is enjoyed for much-needed relaxation, cultural immersion or the opportunity to volunteer in an eco-program spotlighting permaculture or farming, journeying to places far and near greatly enriches our human experience. During these environmentally critical times, our travels may carry a hefty price tag that the planet can no longer afford. This does not mean we need to sacrifice adventure. Every traveler can make a difference not only for the Earth but for the local communities they visit.
According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, 8.1 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions can be attributed to travel and tourism. Being in the know and taking more responsibility for our environmental impact can be easier than commonly assumed, all the while inviting unexpected enjoyment.
Amanda Reiser, a global sustainable tourism specialist based in Pennsylvania, encourages her clients to consider the three pillars of sustainable tourism: environment, economy and equity. “We all can play a part in fostering sustainable tourism and creating a more sustainable world," she explains, noting that a green-minded approach benefits not only the traveler but also the destination. "Ask yourself: Does my participation in this activity create a negative impact on the natural environment? Are there any actions to help reduce my environmental impact?"
A traveler’s footprint extends to the socio-cultural fabric of the destination, too. Reiser reminds travelers, “You may be in your destination for only a week, but the people who live there year-round feel the impacts of visitors every day, for better or worse.” By respecting local traditions and
engaging locals in a respectful and inclusive manner, tourists can contribute positively to the cultural integrity of the communities they visit.
Instead of hitting all the trendy, transportation-reliant sights, opt to slow down and stay in one place for a longer period. This not only invites a richer, deeper experience but minimizes the need to hop onto another plane or bus. To support the local economy of a desired destination, buy locally produced items and book small, private hotels and inns, rather than international chains. Dining at locally owned eateries supports small business while giving travelers higher-quality fare and a more authentic cultural experience.
When planning a trip, contemplate the many treasures of domestic travel or choose a location that is not drowning in overtourism. The influx of tourists can significantly strain fragile ecosystems, deplete resources and disrupt the lives of local communities. Consider destinations that can be crossed via boat, train or bus, such as the New YorkMontreal border or clusters of countries in Europe or Southeast Asia.
Making small choices even when packing a suitcase goes a long way. Bring eco-friendly sunscreen and opt for brands that avoid chemicals harmful to coral reefs and tropical environments. Pack a cloth tote bag for daily excursions and a reusable water bottle to avoid single-use plastics. Remember that by using plastic containers more than once, we reduce the amount of waste that is released over time. Try not to overpack— bring only the most necessary items, preferably those that can be recycled, reused and disposed of properly.
To avoid getaway glitches, become acquainted with local laws and regulations. When planning a fishing excursion, for example, identify the legally designated fishing spots and avoid harming endangered species, which are heavily protected under national and international regulations. The
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) offers an interactive map to show where legal fishing areas are by state (fws.gov/fishing/ map). Historical resources should also be taken into consideration. For instance, the Florida Keys require special permits for cultural, maritime, heritage and archeological explorations, including snorkeling expeditions of ancient shipwrecks and other unique, underwater sites.
It is always best to ask whether a destination is a naturally protected sanctuary or requires special permits. The FSW is a good reference site for information on activities in national wildlife refuges and the endangered animals that live there. To enjoy these areas to their fullest, make sure to find a knowledgeable local tour guide that understands the laws of the land.
Traveling consciously involves personal responsibility toward the environment through individual actions. “You can make a difference,” says David Knight, a professor of tourism management at Colorado State University. “Regenerative travel is not just leaving things the way you found them. It’s a matter of giving more than you take.”
Greenwashing is a corrupt practice by companies that claim to support conscious tourism but fail to live up to their claims. Vetting businesses when planning a trip means delving into third-party research and reports to check the fine print. Before booking, make sure the ecolodge or ecotouring company being considered has a legitimate certification on their website. The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) sets global standards and provides accreditations for destination managers, hotels and tour operators. There are also certifying groups in specific locations, such as the Sustainable Tourism Association of Hawaii, and others that are accredited by the GSTC, like Preferred by Nature.
For tourism operations that have not been certified, the onus is on the traveler. “Check with the local chambers of commerce. They should know who is working toward sustainability and can direct you to those
aligned with what you are looking for,” says Claudia Gil Arroyo, an agricultural agent for the Rutgers University Cooperative Extension, in New Jersey. “If a tour operator or destination does not have a clear goal on how they’re contributing to the environment, it is unlikely that they are actually green.”
For tourism to be truly sustainable, it must also be economically viable for local communities. Economic sustainability ensures that tourism dollars benefit the local economy, creating fair wages, local sourcing and community empowerment, and allowing communities to thrive while preserving their cultural heritage. When traveling, support local, eco-friendly businesses that provide sustainable products.
A good example is agritourism—a vacation stay at a participating local farm—which can provide exciting, hands-on learning experiences. “Get out there. Look for your local growers and check out the services and activities they offer,” says Gil Arroyo. “People have this idea that agritourism is just picking
your pumpkins and that’s it, and there’s so much more that can be done at a farm.”
North America is home to many national parks—63 in the United States and 48 in Canada. Here are five exceptional examples that provide a sustainable, eco-friendly vacation experience.
Yellowstone National Park is known for its geothermal features, including the famous Old Faithful geyser. It also has a diverse range of wildlife, including grizzly bears, wolves and herds of bison. This U.S. park has implemented sustainable practices such as renewable energy installations, waste management programs and educational initiatives to promote conservation.
Great Bear Rainforest is a temperate locale on the central and northern coasts of
British Columbia, Canada. It is home to a variety of wildlife, including the rare Kermode bear, also known as the spirit bear. The park works closely with First Nations communities, implementing conservation measures to protect biodiversity and support eco-conscious businesses.
Everglades National Park is a unique wetland ecosystem in Florida known as the “River of Grass”. It provides habitat for numerous endangered species, such as the Florida panther and the West Indian manatee. The park employs restoration efforts to preserve the natural water flow and conserve wildlife, with plenty of opportunities for eco-friendly recreational activities like kayaking and hiking.
Cape Breton Highlands National Park is located on the northern tip of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. It offers breathtaking coastal views, rugged cliffs and stunning hiking trails. The park implements waste reduction, energy conservation, ecological restoration and educational programs to promote environmental stewardship.
Redwood National and State Parks, in California, are home to the tallest trees on Earth, the majestic coast redwoods. Sustainable eco-practices include trail maintenance and restoration, wildlife protection, interpretation programs to educate visitors about the delicate ecosystem, and conservation efforts to combat climate change and preserve redwood habitat.
Sara Kaplan is an environmentally conscious freelance writer and eco-traveler from Fort Collins, CO.
Pets are part of our family, and ensuring their comfort during travel speaks volumes about our bond with them. Travel, whether by car, train or plane, can significantly affect pets, leading to symptoms of anxiety such as excessive barking, whining, pacing and, in some cases, aggression or withdrawal. To address a pet’s anxiety, it is critical to understand their perspective. Travel disrupts their feeling of safety. Mitigating this disturbance with natural and comforting interventions ensures that such journeys can evolve into harmonious and enriching adventures.
Holistic veterinary medicine offers a range of solutions that address travel-induced anxiety in pets. By focusing on natural remedies that promote calmness, we can avoid the side effects often associated with pharmaceuticals.
• Hemp Oil: Anecdotal reports from dog owners suggest that cannabidiol (CBD), which is abundantly found in hemp oil, can significantly aid in managing anxiety. These observations are supported by a study conducted at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine in which 83 percent of participating dogs demonstrated a decrease in stress or anxiety-related behaviors after consuming CBD chews prior to a stressful event.
• Herbal Supplements: Herbs like chamomile, valerian root and passionflower have been used for centuries to relieve anxiety in humans, and are equally as effective in pets. They can be administered in the form of treats or capsules. Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) have been reported to enhance relaxation behaviors such as resting and sleeping, and to diminish dog barking in rescue shelters.
• Aromatherapy: When diffused in a pet’s travel space, essential oils such as lavender and frankincense can create a serene environment and significantly reduce stress and anxiety. Choose therapeutic-grade oils and verify with a veterinarian that they are safe for pets, as certain essential oils can be harmful to our furry friends.
• Acupressure: By applying pressure to specific points on a pet’s body, we can help release tension and encourage a calm state. It is especially useful for pets that are less amenable to oral supplements, offering a noninvasive path to relaxation. Pet owners can be trained in this modality by a veterinarian or acupressure therapist that specializes in treating pets.
Dr. Mary Burch, a certified applied animal behaviorist, emphasizes the value of taking preparatory steps as early as possible before the family embarks on a journey. Introducing a dog to the car well before a trip, for example, can significantly help make them more comfortable. This method involves gradually acclimating the pooch to the vehicle in a series of steps—from simply spending time in a parked car to taking short drives. Such preparatory measures allow pets to become familiar with the environment of a vehicle, associating it with positive experiences and rewards, thereby easing their anxiety and making travel a more enjoyable experience for all.
Box 421 Emmaus, PA 18049 • P: 610-421-4443
• F: 610-421-4445
• www.NaturalAwakeningsMag.com
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• Start early. Gradually acclimate a pet to both their travel carrier and intended mode of transportation.
To: P: 610-421-4443
Email: F: 610-421-4445
• Maintain a routine. As much as possible, stick to the pet’s regular feeding and exercise schedule to provide a sense of normalcy.
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• Stay calm. Pets often pick up on their owner’s emotions; maintaining a calm demeanor can help reassure them.
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• Consult a holistic veterinarian: Before introducing any new supplement or remedy, consult with a professional to ensure it is appropriate for a pet’s health status and needs.
Ruth Roberts is an integrative veterinarian and holistic health coach for pets, as well as the creator of The Original CrockPet Diet. Learn more at DrRuthRoberts.com.
We feature a full line of veterinary preparation with size, dose and flavor appropriate medications for every animal ... including cats, dogs, ferrets, bunnies, reptiles, birds and exotics! We work with your vet!
Thomas E. Silvonek, RPH, FACA Fellow American College of Veterinary Pharmacists Compounding Specialist
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3330 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown
P: 610-437-4600
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Embarking on a journey toward healthier eating often begins with a quest for a better understanding of food-labeling and food-sourcing options. For those taking their first steps into the world of healthy eating and sustainable agriculture, terms like grass-fed, organic and regenerative can be both intriguing and perplexing. Understanding these distinctions empowers consumers to make choices aligned with their values and priorities when selecting food products.
“Conventional farming practices involve very heavy equipment, heavy tillage and a lot of inputs—chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides,” says Elizabeth Whitlow, the executive director of the Regenerative Organic Alliance. “Despite its high outputs, conventional farming does not necessarily guarantee nutritious, healthy crops.”
A majority of our meat originates from animal feeding operations (AFOs), where animals are commonly raised in confinement and fed genetically modified grains, as opposed to grazing
or foraging in pastures or rangelands. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Manure and wastewater from [AFOs] have the potential to contribute pollutants such as nitrogen and phosphorus, organic matter, sediments, pathogens, hormones and antibiotics to the environment.”
Grass-fed farming focuses on feeding livestock grass rather than grains and, in some cases, allowing them to forage for their food, which is considered more humane than AFOs. Rotational grazing, common in grass-fed farming, contributes to environmental sustainability by promoting soil fertility and biodiversity.
According to a 2019 review published in Nutrition Journal that compared the nutritional profiles of grass-fed and grain-fed beef, scientists from the California State University College of Agriculture noted that grass-fed beef tends to be lower in overall fat and higher in several heart-healthy fatty acids and antioxidants, including omega-3s, conjugated linoleic acid, precursors for vitamins A and E, and glutathione. The authors also note, “To maximize the favorable lipid profile and to guarantee the elevated antioxidant content, animals should be finished [fed before slaughter] in 100 percent grass or pasture-based diets.”
While there is no federal standard for a grassfed label, third-party certifiers that may lend a level of reliability include the American Grassfed Association and A Greener World. Look for 100 percent grass-fed and grassfinished certification, and remember that a grass-fed label doesn’t automatically mean that the product is organic or regenerative organic.
Established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1990, the USDA Organic certification and farming practices focus on soil health, biodiversity and natural methods of pest and weed control, rather than using synthetic inputs like chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, or genetically modified organisms. According to the USDA, 17,445 certified
organic farms operated a total of 4.9 million acres in 2021, amounting to less than 1 percent of U.S. farmland. From 2019 to 2021, sales of organic crops increased 5 percent to $6.1 billion.
A 2019 study published in the journal Environmental Research reported that an organic diet may reduce exposure to a range of pesticides in children and adults. A 2024 review of studies published in the journal Food noted that certain health benefits have been associated with a higher consumption of organic foods, including a reduction in obesity, improvements in blood nutrient composition and a reduction in the development of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and colorectal cancers. Rodale Institute’s Vegetable Systems Trial, a long-term, sideby-side comparison of conventional and organic methods, is designed to analyze nutrient density and explore the links between soil health and human health.
In addition to adhering to the core principles of organic farming, regenerative agriculture sets out to actively rejuvenate and improve ecosystems, nurture soil health, foster biodiversity and promote water retention, with the added benefit of sequestering environmental carbon by returning it to the soil. According to Kegan Hilaire, a small-farms consultant for Rodale Institute, this type of farming prioritizes human health, farmworker conditions, animal welfare and animal integration into farming methods. Farms and products that bear the Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC) label “meet the highest standards in soil health, animal welfare and social fairness,” Whitlow explains. As of 2023, 156 farms and about 1.1 million acres have received this certification, which is overseen by the Regenerative Organic Alliance, a nonprofit group of experts in farming, ranching, soil health, animal welfare, and farmer and worker fairness.
Hilaire points out that only about 1 percent of the U.S. population are farmers, fewer are certified organic or regenerative, and many small farms employ these methods without
getting the official paperwork. “The best certification is meeting your farmer and deciding if you trust where your food is coming from,” he suggests.
Grass-fed, organic and regenerative organic foods each offer unique benefits, from improved nutrition to environmental sustainability. Every purchase becomes a vote for the kind of world we want to
live in. By selecting products aligned with our values, we can collectively drive positive change in the food system and shape a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come.
Sara English is the owner of Wild Roots Farm Marketing, a digital marketing firm for regenerative farmers and ranchers. Connect at WildRootsFarmMarketing.com.
Liver is a nutrient powerhouse. Opt for grass-fed beef liver from regenerative farms. Sauté with onions for a traditional dish bursting with flavor and health benefits.
1 lb grass-fed beef liver
2 Tbsp grass-fed ghee
2 large onions, sliced 2 garlic cloves, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
1 Tbsp grass-fed butter
Fresh parsley, chopped, as garnish
Cut the liver into strips or cubes and season both sides with salt and pepper.
Heat ghee in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onions and cook for about eight minutes until softened and lightly browned. Add the garlic to the onion mixture and cook for another minute. Transfer the onion mixture to a plate and set aside.
Increase heat to medium-high, then add butter to the same skillet used for the onions. Once butter is melted, add liver pieces in a single layer, making sure not to crowd them in the pan. Cook for four minutes per side until cooked through, longer for more well-done liver. Return onion mixture back to the pan with liver. Stir everything together and season with additional salt and pepper, if desired. Serve hot with fresh parsley as garnish.
Recipe courtesy of Sara English.
This easy, slow-cooker recipe fills the home with delightful aromas while providing a nutrient-dense broth. Using organic chicken supports farming practices that prioritize animal welfare and environmental sustainability.
1-2 lbs organic whole chicken bones (leftovers from a whole chicken roast is perfect)
1 onion, roughly chopped
3 carrots, roughly chopped
3 celery stalks, roughly chopped
6 cloves garlic, smashed
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tsp black peppercorns
1 tsp salt
Optional: fresh herbs such as parsley or thyme for extra flavor
Place the chicken bones in a large six-quart slow cooker. Add the vegetables, herbs (if using), garlic, apple cider vinegar, black peppercorns and salt on top of the bones and mix to combine. Fill the slow cooker with filtered water until the ingredients are submerged. Cover with the lid and set to low heat for 12 hours.
Once done cooking, let it cool for about 45 minutes before straining through a fine mesh strainer into a large bowl. Discard the solids. The liquid should be thick and gelatinous. Once cooled, transfer to jars or other containers, labeled with the date and contents, and store in the refrigerator for up to five days or freeze for up to three months. Reheat before serving.
Recipe courtesy of Sara English.
This frittata is bursting with farm-fresh goodness. Savor the superior taste and nutrition of organic eggs, supporting regenerative farming practices with every delicious bite.
1 lb organic pork breakfast sausage, chopped
1 Tbsp grass-fed ghee or butter
1 onion, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups spinach leaves, chopped 8 large organic eggs
½ cup grass-fed cheddar cheese, shredded
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat the oven to 350° F. In a large skillet on medium heat, add ghee or butter and onions. Cook until onions have softened, about four minutes. Add minced garlic and cook for an additional minute. Add in chopped spinach leaves, stirring until wilted down, about one minute.
Place cooked mixture into a greased nineby-13-inch baking dish and spread out evenly. Place sausage around edges of the pan and in-between gaps of the spinachonion mixture for an even layer of sausage throughout the pan.
Crack eight eggs into a medium bowl and lightly beat together using a whisk or fork. Pour eggs over top of the sausage-spinachonion mixture, ensuring all ingredients are covered in egg evenly and completely. Sprinkle with shredded cheese. Place dish in oven and cook for 25 minutes or until eggs are set through the center and golden brown on top.
Recipe courtesy of Sara English.
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Sunday, April 7
How to Read Tarot Cards – 10am-1pm. Psychic/Intuitive Jacqueline LeClaire. This fun and educational workshop will have you leaving understanding your own Readings and ready to offer Tarot Readings to friends, family, and clients! $75. Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Preregister 484-264-3889.
Mediumship with Psychic/Intuitive –2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Jacqueline LeClaire. This fun and educational workshop will have you leaving understanding your own Readings and ready to offer Mediumship Readings to friends, family, and clients! $75. Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Pre-register 484-264-3889.
Wednesday, April 10
Anxiety and Pain Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – 6:30-7:45pm. This meditation technique is recommended by physicians as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, Twin Ponds Holistic Health Center, West LV – Breinigsville, Pre-register 610-670-6700.
Tuesday, April 16
Anxiety and Pain Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – Noon-1:15pm. This meditation technique is recommended by physicians as a key to self-care. Gain relief from -insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, LIVE ONLINE Video Conference, Pre-register 610-670-6700.
Wednesday, April 17
Anxiety and Stress Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – 7-8:15pm. This meditation technique is recommended by physicians
as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, Stress Reduction Resources, Curtis Rd., Sinking Spring, PA, Pre-register 610-670-6700.
Saturday, April 20
Reiki Level ll Training and Certification – 10am-4pm. Day 1 of 2, with Jacqueline LeClaire, Usui Reiki Master. Includes Manual. $315, for both days. Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Pre-register 484-264-3889.
Sunday, April 21
Reiki Level ll Training and Certification 10am-4pm. Day 2 of 2 with Jacqueline LeClaire, Usui Reiki Master. Includes Manual. $315, includes both days. Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Pre-register 484-264-3889.
Wednesday, April 24
Stress Relief and Heart Health with Effortless Meditation™ – 7-8:15pm. This meditation technique is recommended by physicians as a key to self-care. Gain relief from -insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, LIVE ONLINE Video Conference, Pre-register 610670-6700.
Saturday, April 27
Enhance Your Reiki/ Body Work Practice – noon-3pm. Reiki Master Jacqueline LeClaire. You will be led through techniques using tuning forks, crystals, pendulums & more to create healing around the body to help clear and balance energy. $75. Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Pre-register 484-264-3889.
Please call ahead to confirm date and times
Free Your Heart-Chakra Challenge (24/7) A FREE online course to get out of your head & into your heart with 3 simple tools. In 2 hours or less learn meditation, journaling & art play expressing left/right brain energies. Enroll now: MichelleLeeArtsStudio. com/p/Free-Your-Heart- Chakra-Challenge. Narcotics Anonymous – If you think you have a drug problem, and are tired of being sick and tired, there is a better way. Call 24-hour helpline 610-439-1998. We are here to help. You are not alone.
Radiant HeART Rising (24/7) A soulistic experience to unblock your heart, embrace self-love & empower an inspired life, using yoga, meditation & heart-chakra art making. Take this online course at your pace for $33: MichelleLeeArtsStudio. com/p/Radiant-Heart-Rising
Sunday Services – Metaphysical and non-denominational. Rev. Lloyd Moll, Pastor –Unique Sunday services 10:30am. All welcome! St. John’s Church of Faith, 607 Washington St Allentown. 610-776-7211.
Co-Dependent Anonymous – CoDA is a 12-Step Fellowship of men and women with a common purpose to recover from codependence. The only requirement for membership in CoDA is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. 7pm, Unity Church, 26 N. 3rd St., Emmaus. Call 610-704-6963 or visit Coda.org.
Yoga to Soothe the Soul – 6pm. Gentle yoga to restore balance and release stress. Cost: donations $5-$15 suggested. 484-280-4963. Contact Info: www.RebeccaRoseReiki.com.
LV Lyme Support Group – First Wednesday of every month except July. Zoom calls only. Contact Heidi Healey at 973-610-0531 if interested. Speakers, Doctors, brochures and books. Country Meadows Retirement Facility. 4007 Greenpond Rd Bethlehem PA 18020. Building #3 Personal Care /2nd Floor Chapel (back of the campus).
Bear Creek Organics is hiring! We are looking for skilled landscapers who are passionate about Ecological Edible Landscaping. Permaculture Design Certificate preferred. Email resume and cover letter to: Richie@bearcreekorganics.com
Calling Holistic Presenters – Facilitate your workshop or retreat at our Upper Bucks center, with peaceful country setting, meditation gardens, and woods. GreenShireArts.org. Email info@GreenShireArts.org or call 215-538-0976.
Hip Replacement Surgery: Did you or someone you know have a successful hip replacement surgery? Your experiences can help me make an important decision. Please call 610-252-8039.
Holistic Chiropractor, Naturopath or Natural Functional Medicine Practitioner Needed – Join our comprehensive solution Wellness Center in Stroudsburg. Access to over 2000 clients in a professional, dedicated facility. Call Vicki at 570977-1900 to discuss.
Crystal Tones Singing Bowls – Classic & Alchemy for meditation & vibrational healing. Also offering personal vibration testing. Contact Anthony at Life Holistic Center, 570-706-6680 or LifeHolistic@hotmail.com. See more at LifeHolistiReiki.com.
Interactive Dementia and Alzheimer Game – An interactive and fun family game that will bring a twinkle to the eye and smile on the face. Call 484-8605894. HighRollDice.com.
Two Green Burial Plots for Sale – At Green Meadows Burial Ground in Fountain Hill, PA. $1,800 total.Call 610-698-4921.
Spiritually guided card readings offered in person, or via phone, parties also welcome. Channeled messages are for your highest good. Let my gifts guide you! Reasonable rates. Cheryl 908-268-8029. Readings with intuitive counselor, Reiki also available. Free 10-minute initial session. Evelyn peptel62@gmail.com. 551-804-7571.
Free Phone Reading for Lightworkers. Your Higher-Self reveals the blocks that are slowing you from growing your practice/business. Email Enaid to learn more. enaid-rensporp@protonmail.com
Kula Heart Yoga & Wellness, LLC contracts self motivated and ethical bodyworkers and yoga instructors to serve Bath and the Lehigh Valley. If you are interested in growing your business, making your own hours and being a part of a Wellness Center that is filled with compassion, professionalism, and FUN! Submit your interest to info@ kulaheartyogaandwellness.com.
Attention Health Care Professionals! Twin Ponds Health Center, a highly diverse holistic health center, offers a unique lease opportunity. Schedule a tour of the site. 610-899-2499.
Peaceful Country Setting – Building includes 4 gathering rooms, kitchen, and covered porch. Wooded paths, meditation gardens. Perfect for workshops, weddings, retreats. Quakertown. Call 215-538-0976. Classifieds
Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email DrRodgerND@HealthyLehighValley.com to request our media kit.
1617 Hamilton Street
Allentown, PA 18102
Eastman Acupuncture provides high quality, individualized acupuncture treatments to the Lehigh Valley community. We see patients for a wide range of symptoms such as pain, headaches, neuropathy, digestive issues, incontinence, anxiety and much more. We use a variety of techniques including Dr. Tan’s Balance Method, Master Tung points and electroacupuncture.
Dr. Robert W. Livingston III, DC, L.Ac.
Dr. Jennifer K. Bollinger, DC, L.Ac. 8026 Hamilton Blvd.
Trexlertown, PA 18087
LiveWell Integrated Health offers traditional Chinese acupuncture, chiropractic, body work, and nutritional and lifestyle coaching. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice...choose to LiveWell. See ad, page 23.
Leah Mary Quirk
I am a certified Ayurveda Practitioner and energy healer. Did you know that 80% of Americans have parasites? Cancer, Autoimmune, Digestive, Neurological, and Mental Health conditions can be caused by parasites. I work to get my clients properly digesting and eliminating along with diet, lifestyle changes, and custom herbal formulas to get real results.
Marie Ruxton CMT, CN 628 Chestnut St., Emmaus, PA 18049 610-965-2500
Marie is a certified massage therapist trained since 1997 in Advanced Myofascial Release Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Reiki, Ear Candling, Homeopathy and Holistic Nutrition. Offers comprehensive custom bodywork for those wanting to overcome chronic pain and movement problems. Sessions range from a (2 hour) Head to Toe meltdown massage to “Just Neck and Head” massage for those needing stress relief. Gift certificates available. See ad, page 14.
Dr. Joseph A. Perelli
656 5th St., Whitehall, PA 18052 610-266-6111
Dr. Perelli has served the Lehigh Valley for 31 years delivering natural, hands-on chiropractic care for neck, mid-back, low back and extremity conditions. He specializes in sports, auto and work comp injuries with various holistic treatments to get you back to your pre-injury status quickly. See ad, page 11.
Dr. Robert W. Livingston III, DC, L.Ac.
Dr. Jennifer K. Bollinger, DC, L.Ac. 8026 Hamilton Blvd. Trexlertown, PA 18087
LiveWell Integrated Health offers traditional Chinese acupuncture, chiropractic, body work, and nutritional and lifestyle coaching. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice...choose to LiveWell. See ad, page 23.
Kathy Harrington, MS
Functional Medical Nutritionist 3400 Bath Pike, Ste. 101 Bethlehem 610-419-3909
Bethlehem Nutrition & Wellness Center, we give you the tools to bring you and your family into a state of optimal health. Using the most advanced nutritional testing available, we look for the underlying cause of your health problems. Once the underlying cause is addressed not only do symptoms go away, but your overall health can also be greatly improved. See ad, page 31.
Rev. Lyn S. Felix, MSW, LCSW, CHT, RM 3037 S. Pike Ave. #105, Allentown PA 18103
A holistic, highly intuitive counselor, coach and vibrational chakra rebalancing practitioner who supports you in getting unstuck and moving forward. Using mindfulness, hypnotherapy, EFT, Reiki, tuning forks, breathwork, and more, Rev. Lyn guides you step by step from chaos to calm and confidence. Insurances & Private Pay. Free Phone Consultation.
Dr. Paul Gross
401 N. 17th St., Suite 304, Allentown, PA 610-820-0700
Thousands in the Lehigh Valley struggle with depression every day, but thanks to the TMS Center of the Lehigh Valley, they are not alone in their fight. We are the region’s first transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment facility and one of the most experienced centers on the east coast, having performed over ten thousand TMS treatments. See ads, pages 2.
Infinite Energy of Allentown
The EE System generates bio-active energy fields called “Scalar Waves”. These promote wellness, cell regeneration, improved immune function, relieve pain, body detoxification, elevated mood, and balancing of the right and left-brain hemispheres for increased energy levels. Ultimately, it assists in facilitating an optimal healing environment that can assist the body to begin healing itself. See ad, page 13.
570 595-2489
2518 Route 390 Canadensis, PA 18325 magnoliastreamside.com inna@magnoliastreamside.com
Magnolia Streamside Resort offers streamside lodging and a one-of-a-kind event wedding venue. From the chapel in our enchanted forest to festivities in a 4,000 ft pavilion surrounded by a gorgeous mountain stream. Magnolia is a perfect destination wedding resort venue. We invite you to enjoy the privacy and exclusivity of this nature oasis for a wholesome wedding weekend experience or a perfect getaway with your friends and family. See ad, page 21.
Dianne & Lloyd Burg
7150 Hamilton Blvd Trexlertown, PA 610-366-9866
Dianne and Lloyd Burg opened Healthy Alternatives in 1994 to help people live a healthy lifestyle. As a registered nurse, Dianne saw a lot of hospital patients who weren’t getting better with traditional treatment. She started studying natural remedies to help them heal. Dietary changes and homeopathy seemed promising, but no one offered these solutions. The Burgs wanted to change that, so they decided to open Healthy Alternatives. See ad, page 10.
Nicos C. Elias, Supervisor Allentown, PA 610-433-2200
Mr. Elias offers several different green and eco-friendly funeral plans using biodegradable caskets, preservation without chemicals. A natural, back to the earth approach. Biodegradable urns for those choosing cremation.
1121 Graham Street, Fountain Hill, PA 18015 610-868-4840
The only green cemetery in the Lehigh Valley. A cemetery of wildflowers and grasses native to Pennsylvania. Return to the natural cycle of life to nourish the soil, green the meadow and live on. Nondenominational. Non-profit. Speakers available to visit organizations. See ad, page 22.
info@yourempoweredmindhypnotherapy. com
VM: 570.585.LOVE (5683)
Join me on a journey into the natural healing properties of your mind, body and spirit. Whether it is the achievement of a personal improvement or the urgent need to find a healthy more fulfilling life path, the therapeutic use of hypnosis, imagery and mindfulness is the most powerful resource to achieve your goals.
Bethlehem, PA
Achieve your personal best in sports, sales public speaking and more. Whether you need to eliminate chronic pain, achieve your ideal body weight, reduce stress, or kick the smoking habit hypnosis is a useful tool that can help you move forward. Individual and group sessions, remote and in person sessions. Board Certified Hypnotist with NGH.
Jacqueline LeClaire
7727 Glenlivet Dr West, Ste D Fogelsville PA 18051 484-656-7771
Including high-quality CBD into your daily routine can change your health for the better. Our certified consultants will show you why we were voted Best CBD Store by Readers’ Choice in 2021.
1021 Main St., Bethlehem PA 18018 elixirbethlehem@gmail.com www.ElixirLV.com
Elixir Health and Wellness is an east meets west, holistic approach for longevity and anti-aging. We offer mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT), Red Light Therapy, Compression Therapy, and Metabolomic testing. These can be combined to optimize health or be used as stand alone therapies for specific goals. Protocols are tailored to each individual client. See ad, page 7.
6120 W. Main Blvd., Bath, PA 18014 484-264-3889
Become a Certified Hypnotherapist / Become a Certified Reiki Practitioner, Usui Master. Jacqueline LeClaire is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master Trainer with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and Reiki Master for over two decades. She is the owner of Results Wellness Center, LLC.
Mountain Vista Wellness was birthed from a years-long vision to bring more holistic health options to the Northeast & Central Pennsylvania region. The founder Annie was raised with the wonderful input of an Iridologist who deeply influenced her view of health & wellness for the mind, body & spirit. After seeing wonderful personal results for herself, as well as those of friends & family over the years, she chose to dedicate study and learning to this practice. I seek to help our visitors begin or expand on their unique health journey through the holistic modality of Iridology! Annie is a Comprehensive Certified Iridologist (CCI) with the International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA).
Enagic Independent Distributor 732-977-0803
Since 1974, Enagic® has been a leading innovator of pure water technology and has transformed the way we look at water and its role in a healthy and vibrant life. Enagic® specializes in producing ionized alkaline water systems that transform ordinary tap water into healthy, hydrating, alkaline Kangen Water® for cooking, cleaning, drinking and sanitizing. See ad, page 11.
We create organic and ecological edible landscapes. With mother nature as our teacher, and extensive knowledge of edible plants,. We develop beautiful food production systems that support your needs and the needs of the natural wildlife. No matter the size of your budget we will help you create an edible landscape that is right for you. See ad, page 9.
DR. DEKA RODGER ND, MBA Owner/Publisher
Kathy Hatcher, LMT 656 5th St., Whitehall, PA 18052 610-266-6111
Kathy has been administering deep tissue, therapeutic, medical, pregnancy and aromatherapy massage since 1996. Her NEWEST services are Ionic Foot Cleanse Detoxification as well as Redlight therapy for non-surgical weight loss and chronic pain management. Insurance billing for massage available. See ad, page 11.
Phil Diaz
570-604-1531 • askmrphil@gmail.com
Here at Inner Awakening Music Studio, we take pride in our holistic approach to music. We believe that everyone deserves the gift of creativity and expression. Our music lessons prepare students from all walks of life to not only grow as musicians but also as individuals. Expand your horizons and contact us today! See ad, page 17
Tina Stashko, PhD MIfHI Emmaus, PA 18049 610-965-8132
Kyle S. Kasman, PT, DPT
Kyle started his mobile practice to offer high-quality care where every patient feels heard. His services include one-on-one inhome appointments to provide convenient treatment that fits your busy schedule. Evidencebased techniques and taskspecific activities are incorporated into each patient’s plan of care that are relevant to their goals. See ad, page 17.
570 671-2121
11 Knob Road Mt Poconos, PA 18325
Magnolia Inn & Wellness Center is state of an art wellness hub that offers an extensive array of cutting-edge wellness modalities like Floating Therapy, Cryotherapy, IV Therapy, Colon Hydrotherapy and so much more. Our medical director, therapists, and staff are committed to helping our clients achieve TRUE health by accessing their optimal vitality and longevity. Membership programs are available and designed to make our services accessible to our local community. See ad, page 21.
Due to his extensive background in business and marketing and built his own practice through the Natural Awakenings magazine he can take businesses to the next level. Also, with a strong background in keeping fit and understanding all aspects of exercising, he promotes B3 Science, an advanced method of achieving better fitness results in 1/2 the time. He also teaches a Nutrition Certification Course over a 6-month period, students completing this course and passing all exams can put the designation CNC after their name. See ads, pages 2, 5, 16, & back page.
Specializing in preventative healthcare, digestion and nutrient absorption, and thyroid and adrenal health. Modalities such as iridology, sclerology and biochemical balancing enable the development of your unique program for optimum health. These programs are easy to follow and incorporate into your daily life. Reach your full health potential! See ad, page 12.
Caitlin Bird
Lehigh Parkway, Allentown PA 484-619-3554 • Caitlin@CaitlinsAnimals.com
The only independent Service Dog specialist in the Lehigh Valley. Our services include basic manners, group, and in-home training, day training, Therapy, and Service Dog coaching. Our philosophy is “first, do no harm” focusing on a holistic approach to dog ownership to strengthen bonds and connection.
Vanessa Sabatine 64 South Main St., Nazareth, PA 18064 610-365-8996 • HerbsToYourSuccess.com
Herbs to Your Success is a health & wellness spa located in Nazareth, offering multiple holistic spa experiences and herbal remedies. We also offer a wide selection of essential oils, teas, skincare, make-up and more! We provide high quality spa services to our customers and our friendly and courteous staff guarantees exceptional customer service. See ad, page 23.
Coming in May
September 1, 2024
finishes January 19, 2025
Become a Certified Nutrition Consultant
Through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC) Doctor of Naturopathy and Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) prepares students to pass the Certified Nutritional Consultants Exam. Once qualified you are entitled to use the designation CNC after your name and practice as a Nutritionist. Certified Nutritional Consultants (CNC) can work in hospitals, clinics, private practice settings alongside acupuncturists, mental health professionals, physical therapists, doctors and chiropractors, as well as a consultant in schools, businesses, health food stores, spas and health clubs.
Next Course starts Sep 2022 - Feb 2023 dates TBD
Today's economists have determined that the natural health field is the fastest growing industry in the U.S. today. It goes without saying that people are getting more concerned about their personal health and their families health. Just take a look at this picture below and ask yourself, what type of life are you planning for yourself.
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Derek Rodger (ND)
Course Instructor
“If the doctors of today do not become the nutritionists of tomorrow, then the nutritionists of today will become the doctors of tomorrow”. (Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research)
To obtain a detailed information pack visit: NutritionConsultants.org or 908-223-8899
in 6 Months and put the letters CNC after your name. This recognized qualification is obtained through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, AANC.
The course includes 12 modules, and classes meet twice a month on Sundays 9 am - 1pm . All modules are taught by Dr. Derek Rodger (ND). Course fee is $1794 and can be paid over 6 monthly installments at $299 per month.
Natalie, who flew in from Chicago every 2 weeks to do the CNC program has passed her Certified Nutritional Consultant and can now proudly put the letters CNC after her name: I met Dr. Rodger (ND) before I took his Nutrition Course and it was his knowledge and experience that drew me to choose his class over others. I am so very glad I did as, I'm positive I wouldn't have learnt what I did with other teachers. I'm not sure I would have had such an inspirational teacher with highly motivational lectures.
Every student receives a free 90 minute private nutritional consultation with Dr. Rodger (ND) 89.
To obtain a detailed information pack visit:
NutritionConsultants.org or Tel: 908-223-8899
The course includes 11 modules and the classes meet on a Sunday morning 9-1 pm. The course fee is $1950 and can be paid over 6 months at $325.
A library of material becomes yours following course completion.
If you would like to attend this educational course, which will clearly change your life from a nutritional perspective. More detailed information is sent out to students who are interested, sign up by going to: www.NutritionalConsultants.org
Alessandra, already had her nutritional degree, before she came on the course. I'm so proud of myself for finishing this the course and the exam. It was a great experience and I truly learned a lot.There are so many opportunities out there for me in my career to help others. I'll be attending the Natural Gourmet Institute which has a strong focus on a plant based diet. I look forward to helping others achieve a healthy lifestyle as a CNC and chef!
A library of material becomes yours following course completion.