Invites you to the next networking Party.
June 26, 2024
Magnolia Inn & Wellness Center, 11 Knob Rd, Mt Pocono, PA 18344
Featuring natural products and supplements. What an incredible opportunity to meet holistic nutritionists, naturopathic doctors, holistic veterinarians, homeopaths, holistic estheticians, integrative doctors, herbalists, thermographers, health coaches, holistic dentists, energy-medicine practitioners, integrative chiropractors, compounding, integrative pharmacists, acupuncturists, Spectracell Labs, Vibrant Wellness Labs, and other like-minded people who share in the joy of our wellness community.
All Past and present advertisers are invited to this Special Event. Please RSVP DrRodgerND@HealthyLehighValley.com to let him know you are attending. Free. Light refreshments and beverages served.
Open To The Public. You must email DrRodgerND@Healthylehighvalley.com to get your invite/entry ticket, numbers are limited, for this special event.
Venue: Mt Pocono
Magnolia Inn & Wellness Center, 11 Knob Rd, Mt Pocono, PA 18344. Starts 6pm-8pm.
NEXT COURSE STARTS September 1, 2024 finishes January 19, 2025
Through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC) Doctor of Naturopathy and Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) prepares students to pass the Certified Nutritional Consultants Exam. Once qualified you are entitled to use the designation CNC after your name and practice as a Nutritionist. Certified Nutritional Consultants (CNC) can work in hospitals, clinics, private practice settings alongside acupuncturists, mental health professionals, physical therapists, doctors and chiropractors, as well as a consultant in schools, businesses, health food stores, spas and health clubs.
Today's economists have determined that the natural health field is the fastest growing industry in the U.S. today. It goes without saying that people are getting more concerned about their personal health and their families health. Just take a look at this picture below and ask yourself, what type of life are you planning for yourself.
and the classes meet on a Sunday morning 9-1 pm. The course fee is $1950 and can be paid over 6 months at $325.
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© 2024 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.
If you take risks, you’re going to be wrong as much as you’re going to be right; that is the pain of life and the
joy of life.
One of the most common questions asked is, how can I overcome fear and take a chance?
A friend couldn’t decide whether to take a job in a new city. It was a good job, but it would require him to leave his lifelong home. Everyone fears change and the risks it carries, but everything significant that I’ve ever experienced has involved change. When we stay with the familiar, just because it is familiar, we are responding to a fear of failure that doesn’t support our growth.
Consider this - what if there is no such thing as failure? Failing is a judgment that we humans place on a given action. Rather than judging, substitute this attitude: you cannot fail, you can only produce results. Then the most important question to ask yourself is what do you do with the results you produce? It’s better to jump in and experience life than to stand on the sidelines fearing that something might go wrong.
As an infant, before you were ever subjected to the conditioning that leads you away from risks and fear of failing, your nature was programmed to learn how to walk. For a while you just laid down, then your nature said, “Sit,” and you did. Then your nature commanded, “Crawl,” and you obeyed. Eventually, your nature said, “Stand up on two feet, balance yourself, and move in an upright position”.
The first time you made the effort, you fell down and returned to crawling. But your nature wouldn’t let you stay satisfied with crawling and you ignored your fears and the results you had produced and you stood up again. Eventually, your nature won out and you walked upright. What if you had succeeded in resisting your natural programming? You would still be crawling on all fours, not knowing the advantages of an upright life!
Know in your heart that you have never failed at anything, and you never will. What might be judged as errors or mistakes are the very stuff of growth.
Refuse to use the term “failure” about yourself or anyone else. When you take a chance and things don’t go as planned, you didn’t fail, you only produced a result.
Feel gratitude for the life-enhancing opportunity to learn and grow from those results.
Have a great month everyone.
Dr. D Rodger ND, MBA Natural Awakenings is printed on partially recycled and fully recyclable newsprint with black soy ink.Dr. Lorraine Maita, the Hormone Harmonizer and Detoxifier, can help you have boundless energy, stable moods, a lean body, sharp, clear mind and balance your hormones so you can feel like yourself again and even better.
If you need support in getting your life back, apply for a free clarity call to see if we are the right fit at https://you.feelgoodagaincourses.com/ foundations-program.
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Bear Creek Organics Ecological Edible Landscaping Nursery is fully stocked and open for the season! It’s time to enjoy homegrown fruits, nuts, and berries, and all of the flowering blooms that attract bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and more.
We are excited to share some of our favorite edible plants with you!
Paw Paw Trees! By far one of our favorites! We love these native yet tropical-tasting fruit trees. Their fruit tastes like a mix between banana and Mango - soft like a banana and mouth watering like a mango, yum. Pawpaws are an easy-to-grow ‘no spray’ tree that is extremely ornamental.
Apple trees: An amazing and easy-togrow staple in the backyard orchard and edible landscape! They have such a diversity of colors, flavors, and uses - from fresh eating to juicing, baking, canning, drying, etc. Here are a few tips. Homegrown apples should be superior in disease resistance, flavor, texture, and wonder compared to store-bought varieties. We love growing heirloom apples with complex and rich flavor! We also believe it’s crucial to plant cultivars that are extremely disease-resistant, so you can easily grow them organically.
Our Favorite Berry Plants: We love all of the berries – so many shapes, sizes,
colors and flavors; and so many uses in edible landscape design. Raspberries are great because they are so easy to grow. They come in many colors such as red, yellow, gold, purple, and black. We love Blueberries because they are such a staple fruit in America that can be enjoyed more fully when picked from the backyard. We carry many interesting varieties that specifically do well in the heavy soil of PA. Aronia and Elderberry bushes are amazing natives that have high medicinal benefits. These easy-to-grow ‘zero spray’ natives are good for pollinators and their berries are great for your immune system too!
Go Nuts: We love chestnuts and hazelnuts because they are a good source of fat and protein.
Nitrogen fixers, soil Builders, pollinator attractors: False indigo is an awesome native flowering shrub that fixes nitrogen to help fertilize your surrounding fruit trees. It also has beautiful flowers that attract bees and hummingbirds. Comfrey is the Swiss army knife of the garden. It beaks up compaction, attracts pollinators, and has medicinal uses. Chop and drop the leaves wherever you want soil to build.
Visit the Bear Creek Organics Nursery! A fully- stocked nursery for your edible landscaping dreams. The most unique fruit, nuts, and berry plants, along with beautiful native flowers, selected for low maintenance and success in our area. Location: 76 Helmer Ln, White Haven, PA, 18661. Check Facebook for hours. Please call or email if you are coming. 570-582-0615 - hello@bearcreekorganics. com bearcreekorganics.com
• Purchase Fruit Trees, Berry
• Attend Workshops and Farm
• Please call or send a web
With as much effort as it takes to recline in a chair and take a nap, you can give your body the energy it needs to heal itself. The body wants to and can heal itself, but until now the proper environment has not been available to make that possible. With the use of the Energy Enhancement System (EES) the proper environment is now available right here in Allentown, PA.
What is the EE System and how does it work?
This innovative technology was invented by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, DNM, Ph.D., DCSJ Inventor, Researcher, and Professor of Applied Integrative Biophysics. Energy Enhancement Systems (EES) combines the mind, body, and spirit, as well as science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization.
With 25 years of extraordinary beneficial use and many thousands of success stories, the EES is a set of custom-built and installed computers designed to generate energy fields that promote healing. This bio-active life-enhancing field combines color therapy, light therapy, a biophotonic charge and scalar wave energy. It is Nikola Tesla’s technology finally realized for the benefit of human health.
Optimal health does not start outside of the body, it starts within, more specifically within the cells of your body. If your cells are not properly charged you will experience disease, as opposed to health. The cells in your body hold an electrical charge between 70-90 millivolts, whereas cancerous cells hold a charge below 20 millivolts.
In other words, sickness can be measured by a weaker charge in your cells, whereas health is measured by a higher electrical charge in your cells.
Through Scalar wave technology and bio photonic light, the EE System gives a boost to the cells of your body, charging them at their optimal charge of 70-90 millivolts. Spending time in this technology is like recharging the battery of your body, giving you more strength, vitality, and energy to thrive.
Clinical trials have shown that the EE System technology assists in cell regeneration, neurotransmitter functions, immune function and so much more. This research has been acknowledged by many in both the medical and scientific communities. Thousands of people around the world are reporting benefits such as mood elevation, lower stress levels, pain relief, increased energy, emotional stability, and improved immune function and that is just the tip of the iceberg.
This is what the future of health looks like, and the good news is, it’s already here. To get your first treatment and experience the full benefits see the ad on page 13.
Watch Tony Robbins’ positive impression with the EES. Search YouTube for ‘Tony Robbins EES’.
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Tinnitus is the phenomenon of perceiving a sound in the ear or the head when there is no corresponding external sound. It affects approximately 18 percent of people in the industrialized world to a mild extent and 0.5% percent of people are affected severely.
It has a high association with insomnia, depression, and anxiety. People who have depression, anxiety, and insomnia tend to have worse symptoms and a harder time coping with tinnitus to function productively.
Tinnitus requires a qualified medical practitioner visit to get an evaluation, examination, diagnosis, and treatment. Tinnitus is a symptom of many- different types of health problems. In some rare cases, tinnitus is the sign of a tumor. Therefore, imaging of the head and neck with a CT scan or MRI is one of the first tests ordered.
Because the causes of tinnitus are so varied, treatments are individualized. When tinnitus continues despite treatment, the goals become helping the person reduce the focus on the tinnitus, learn how to turn down the volume, and cope better.
Hypnosis has been utilized to assist in the treatment of tinnitus with good results to help with treatment goals as well as helping a person change their emotional reaction to the tinnitus. Medical studies have proven that hypnosis is useful in reducing the annoyance of tinnitus and enhancing health-related quality of life.
Consider Kevin Hogan’s book “Tinnitus Turning Down the Volume” if you have tinnitus.
If you are interested in Hypnosis, contact me. Stream Hypnosis, LLC. 570-617-5325. vperweiss@streamhypnosis.com. www. streamhypnosis.com. See ad on page 34.
Spring is the first of the five seasons in the Chinese medicine calendar year, a very active season. We think of it as a time for new beginnings and an ideal time for cleansing and detoxifying the body and mind. In Chinese medicine theory, each season relates to an organ pairing. During the Spring, our concentration is on balancing the health of the liver and gallbladder pair. It is an ideal time to shed some of the acidity that is typically acquired during the Winter months. From a Chinese medicine perspective, the following Western diagnoses or patterns have their root cause in the liver/gallbladder system, migraines, depression, anger management, moodiness, weight gain, auto-immune disease, gynecological issues, painful or problematic menses and PMS, physical pain, including arthritis, fibromyalgia and migraines. What sets Five Elements Holistic Health apart from others is that we address the emotion that is held in each season’s organs.
The liver houses anger and the gallbladder is about activity in the body. We often hear clients tell us that they believe anger to be a negative emotion. This is part of the reason that people experience issues with their liver and gallbladder because they think that anger is best kept inside. This is completely wrong; anger is an appropriate emotion in many cases and we need to learn to express it appropriately. When anger is stored in the body, unexpressed, then we have stuck energy in the liver and gallbladder meridians. The liver is responsible for the free flow of Qi (or energy) in the body, which means that energy flows evenly throughout the channels/ meridians and evenly on both the right and left sides of the body. When the channels have stagnant or clogged energy then we often see a person having symptoms only on one side of the body as well as any of the complications/diagnoses mentioned above.
Other things that signal that a person needs to balance the liver and gallbladder energy, are a person’s inability to start projects, being overly impulsive or disliking morning time, which is the time of day that relates to this element, or even hating Spring itself. This is because this season is about new beginnings and action, and last, but definitely not least, if a person is plagued with Spring allergies, this is a sure sign that their liver needs cleansing. The good news is that when we add in healing foods, cleansing and supportive herbs, we learn how to express our anger appropriately and make appropriate lifestyle changes, we can rid ourselves of the issues mentioned earlier as well as enjoy this beautiful season of new beginnings with vibrant health.
For more information contact Eileen Arenz Cuce at 215-738-0751 or FiveElementsHolisticHealth.com. See ad page 12.
• Herbal Medicine for both, chronic and acute symptom patterns by Master Clinical Herbalist
• Trauma and Nervous system release through Mixed Body/Energy medicine, Combination of Polarity and Cranialsacral Therapy and Reiki
• Nutrition Counseling – Oriental Healing Diet
• Family Constellations Therapy
• BEAT cancer support services –meeting clients where they are in their journey, supporting their healing and improving the efficacy of protocols already in place, through herbs, diet and bodywork
We classify anxiety as a mental health disorder, yet anxiety is a gut health issue. You know how you get that ‘gut feeling’. This is because the intestinal tract and colon are lined with a sheath of neurons that connects directly to the brain’s Vagus nerve. ADHD is also known as ‘allergy syndrome’, linked to food sensitivities. Taking a supplement or pharmaceutical is not going to treat the root cause. Ayurveda understands the root cause of all dis-ease is ‘ama’, which is undigested food rotting in the digestive tract. Anxiety is a symptom of a deeper issue going on, not the condition itself.
Wheat is the most common trigger for people with mental health issues. I tell my clients to go gluten-free for two weeks and then reintroduce it, you will most likely find it related. A white coating on the tongue reveals ama in the gut. In Ayurveda, anxiety is a Vata condition. When energy is blocked such as through constipation, air and ether elements move upwards to the brain creating anxiety. Eating all your food cooked, warm, and moist is a great way to counteract Vata.
42 S. Main Streey Coopersburg, PA 18036 Fridays & Saturdays 10am-3pm
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For people with more serious mental health issues such as schizophrenia and bipolar, parasites may be the cause. Some parasites like Toxoplasma Gondii can encyst in the brain increasing dopamine causing reckless behavior and making a person more prone to addiction. Schizophrenia is related to parasites encysting in the brain. Pinworms and hookworms will also create anxiety. These are symptoms you do not want to ignore. Parasites lay thousands of eggs per day times how many you have, how long you had them. Nobody is limited by a ‘chemical imbalance,’ everything has a cause and is a manifestation of some sort. And everyone can heal.
Leah Quirk, Soul Natural Alchemy. SoulNaturalAlchemy.com. 610-438-0689. See ad on page 33.
The Inner Peace Holistic Expo is marking its 21st show with an exciting move to the Morgantown Event Center from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on June 29, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on June 30. Says founder Nancy Hartman, “Attendees can expect a plethora of offerings aimed at nurturing mind, body, and spirit. Highlights include free lectures covering various holistic topics, a diverse array of vendors showcasing gifting options, wellness products, treatments, and readings, catering to the holistic enthusiast. Additionally, food will be available for purchase to keep attendees fueled throughout the event.”
She enthuses, “In a new addition sure to captivate guests, this year introduces an indoor labyrinth, providing a meditative journey for those seeking inner harmony and exploration.”
Admission is $10 for the entire weekend, free for veterans and children 12 years of age and younger. Location: 6180 Morgantown Rd., Morgantown. For updates, vendors and lecture schedules, follow at Facebook@iphexpo and Instagram@innerpeaceholisticexpo or visit InnerPeaceHolisticExpo.com. See ad on page 15.
Cannabis, the endocannabinoid system, and the immune system
An elegant connection exists between the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) and its immune system. The ECS is generally considered to be one of the gatekeepers of the immune system, preventing the onset of overwhelming inflammatory responses that may result in disease. The ECS can also influence the function of immune cells.
CBD American Shaman has perfected the extraction of the fragile and volatile cannabinoids
CBDA & CBGA to create new comprehensive immune support. This new formulation is a pioneering charge into more well-rounded supplements that can give you the support you need. In addition to the sought-after combination of CBDA (cannabidiolic acid) & CBGA (cannabigerolic acid) we've also included water-soluble forms of Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Zinc in this formulation to create a powerhouse of comprehensive immune support. We are also aligning the cannabidiolic acid & cannabigerolic acid with CBD & CBG in non-acid form to give you a full range of cannabinoids for a better range of entourage effects. This combination of cannabinoids equals a total of 1200 mg per bottle. CBD American Shaman also incorporates nanotechnology into our production making this water-soluble more absorbent. Stop in our Fogelsville store to discuss this amazing product with a certified CBD consultant.
Crystal Frey, Owner, CBD American Shaman. 484-656-7771. info@cbdfogelsville.com. See ad on page 34.
The Elixir of Health and Anti-Aging by
Yuliya Semenovych, Elixir Health and WellnessSleep has gotten a bad rap in today’s go-gogo culture. Medical research now shows that those who live by the “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” mentality, could literally be walking to an early grave.
Sleep is the foundation that all of health is built upon. Matthew Walker's book, "Why We Sleep," underscores the impact sleep has and provides scientific evidence linking insufficient sleep with health issues ranging from compromised immune function to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, lower lifetime salary, cancer, and decreased life expectancy.
Those who don’t have a long enough sleep window lose out on portions of both and suffer long-term consequences.
to improve sleep quality. Preliminary studies suggest that red light therapy might influence melatonin production and circadian rhythms, potentially helping individuals fall asleep faster and achieve a deeper sleep.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, traditionally used for its benefits in healing and inflammation reduction, has also been examined for its effects on sleep. Some clinical trials indicate that HBOT can enhance brain oxygenation and circulation, which may contribute to better sleep patterns. Although research in this area is still in its infancy, the potential for HBOT to alleviate sleep disorders presents a fascinating area for further study.
I’m sure you know that sleep and memory are tightly linked. But do you know why?
REM sleep, the stage associated with vivid dreaming, plays a critical role in emotional regulation and creativity. People who get good quality sleep exhibit better problemsolving skills and greater emotional resilience than those who are sleep-deprived. Non-REM sleep, or deep sleep, is crucial to clearing our mental hard drive - it’s what keeps our brains from getting overloaded.
Sleep also plays a vital role in metabolic health and a lack of sleep can affect the body's ability to regulate blood sugar. One study showed that sleeping less than six hours per night for just one week significantly disrupted gene activity equivalent to the onset of diabetes in completely healthy adults who didn’t exhibit those markers before the study.
Emerging therapies such as red-light therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) are also being explored for their potential
The importance of sleep cannot be overstated. It may be more critical to our well-being than the food we eat or the exercise we get. Given the compelling evidence, prioritizing sleep is a wise investment in our overall health and longevity. As research continues to unfold, improving sleep quality will remain a key focus in enhancing health and extending our years of disease-free life.
If you have a question or are interested in booking a session for red light or hyperbaric oxygen therapy email us at ElixirBethelehm@ gmail.com or book directly online at Elixirlv.com. See ad on Page 7.
Your home is a sanctuary. It’s a safe haven from the outside world, yet every day, we bring harsh chemicals and toxins into our homes under the disguise of cleanliness. We rely on these harsh household cleaners to help us maintain a clean home, rid us of dirt and germs, but they are harming us and the environment. When using Kangen Water® you can make your own environmentally friendly, non-toxic, chemical-free cleaning products that work! Clean your home, wash your clothes, do your dishes, and sanitize your counters all while maintaining a cleaner, greener home with Kangen Water®.
Our body is comprised of over 70% water. It is no exaggeration to say that “the basis of vitality and a longer life is water”. Kangen offers safe water that can be used to benefit health, beauty, cleaning, and cooking. It is easier than ever to live eco-friendly.
Kangen Water® can make different Potential of Hydrogen (pH) waters. pH 11.0 preserves
hygiene in your daily life due to its strong cleaning effect. It has dissolving and heatconducting benefits. You can use it for food preparation, cleaning, stain removal, and washing dishes.
Kangen Water® pH 8.5 - 9.5 is perfect for drinking and healthy cooking. This electrolytically-reduced, hydrogen-rich water works to restore your body to a more alkaline state which is optimal for good health. This is excellent for drinking, food preparation, coffee, tea, soups, and watering plants.
Kangen Water® pH 7.0 is free of chlorine, rust, and cloudiness. Neutral water is delicious drinking water. You can use this to prepare baby food and take your medication.
Kangen Water® pH 4.0-6.0 is not for drinking. This slightly acidic water is recognized for its astringent effects. It’s perfect for gentle cleaning and beauty care. You can use it as
a face wash, hair care, pet care, polishing, cleaning, and preserving frozen food.
Kangen Water® Acidic pH 2.7 is also not for drinking. This water has cleansing properties. You would use this water as a hand sanitizer, cleaning your cutting boards, and countertops to prevent cross-contamination. It is also used for hygiene, it reduces germs, and has a commercial application.
The uses for Kangen Water® are endless and the Enagic machine that produces, Kangen Water® is not just providing the best ionized, hydrolyzed, antioxidant drinking water on the market, but you have the added benefits of making other types of water. A greener lifestyle with Kangen Water® is the water that will change your life. Begin your green journey by making Kangen Water® an integral part of your daily routine. Achieve the cleaner, greener life you desire.
For more info: 732-977-0803,Info@Path TowardsLife.com, KangenWaterPoconos.com. See ad on page 11.
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Dr. Kyle S. Kasman has always been intrigued by the body’s musculoskeletal and neuromuscular systems. After watching a family member who had suffered from dementia gradually lose her functional ability, Kyle was motivated to help others stay independent and maintain a high quality of life. He learned that a career as a physical therapist would offer opportunities to make this sort of impact while also helping others develop the best versions of themselves.
After earning a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from The University of Scranton, Kyle went on to become a Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist through The American Physical Therapy Association. He had worked in conventional healthcare for four years after graduating, but he felt that he could best serve his patients through a cash-based model that removes insurance companies as a middleman. The benefits of this include one-on-one appointments, reduced expenses, transparent pricing, and no visit restrictions.
In 2022, Kyle formed Light The Path Physical Therapy, a primary care physical therapy practice that uses a hybrid model. He
offers in-home appointments in the Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania area. He also offers on-site appointments at Competent Compassionate Care Health in Kutztown and at Muscle Inc Gym in Bethlehem.
“This model gives patients the freedom of choice to make their own healthcare decisions, without the intrusion of a third-party payer,” Kyle says. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania allows patients to start physical therapy through direct access without the requirement of a physician’s script. Oftentimes, Kyle is the point of entry for patients into the healthcare system.
Kyle primarily treats orthopedic conditions that include, but is not limited to low back pain, sciatica, knee pain, and plantar fasciitis. He offers free consultations to patients upon request, which can be done in person or via phone. During the first appointment of a formal plan of care he will begin by gathering the patient’s subjective history. He will then complete an examination, which includes objective testing to evaluate a patient’s condition. Based upon his findings, he will create an individualized plan of care for a patient.
Through a root cause analysis approach, Kyle focuses treatment on the source of pain, rather than only treating the symptoms. While some people may equate physical therapy to being just about exercising, Kyle says he also incorporates a variety of manual techniques like therapeutic massage and manual mobilizations.
Physical therapy is often used for rehabilitation after a surgery or an injury. However, physical therapy can also treat pain and
other impairments not associated with an injury. This includes headaches, balance issues, chronic pain, and dizziness. Kyle associates bad habits such as hunching over smartphones as well as completing daily tasks like lifting, driving, and household chores with poor posture as a contributor to chronic pain.
“I also see people at the gym neglecting functional exercises and working out for appearance only,” Kyle observes. “Completing exercises with improper form, as well as neglecting stretching and mobility activities, can also lead to future injuries.” Kyle incorporates a lot of education into each of his sessions to offer his patients a clear understanding on their conditions. This helps them create better habits to improve their daily lives.
Kyle hopes to grow Light The Path Physical Therapy’s local presence to offer a better solution to those seeking a way to take back control of their lives from pain and injury— and to do it on their terms.
“We offer a more personable and individualized treatment experience. We want to make sure that each of our patients feel heard and not like they’re just another number in the medical system. We offer true pain relief that treats the entirety of each patient’s condition.”
Light The Path Physical Therapy offers inhome appointments within the Lehigh Valley area. On-site appointments are also offered at their offices in Kutztown and Bethlehem. For more information, call 484-781-5341, email Kyle@LightThePathPhysicalTherapy.com, or visit LightThePathPhysicalTherapy.com.
Kyle S. Kasman, PT, DPT. Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. 484-781-5341. Kyle@lightthepathphysicaltherapy.com
Many men struggle with mental health issues, often experiencing debilitating emotional turmoil, alone and in silence. Evidence of this suffering can be quantified in a number of ways.
An epidemic of “despair deaths” related to alcoholism, substance abuse and suicide is documented to be worse in men than women. According to the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, American males were almost four times more likely to commit suicide than women in 2021. The National Institutes of Health reports overdose mortality rates for opioids and stimulant drugs such as methamphetamine and cocaine are two to three times greater in men. While men use drugs at higher rates than women, this alone does not explain the gap in overdose deaths.
Loneliness has become such a widespread problem that the U.S. Surgeon General recently called it an epidemic and the World Health Organization noted, “The effect of social isolation and loneliness on mortality is comparable to that of other wellestablished risk factors such as smoking, obesity and physical inactivity.” A 2021 report by the Survey Center on American Life stated that since 1990, the number of men saying they have no close friends has jumped from 3 percent to 15 percent.
Men’s Health and the Pandemic COVID-19 incurred invisible costs such as increases in loneliness and mental health strain. Because men generally tend to spend less time and energy cultivating meaningful social relationships but still require structure to thrive, the pandemic was particularly destructive to them.
Roughly one out of three men in America under the age of 30 reported having no sex in the last year (a 30-year low), which is an obstacle to building meaningful relationships and families. Men have become not only socially disconnected, but also more vulnerable to following dangerous groups, influencers and others with extreme messaging. Men that fail to attach to partners, communities or careers may grow increasingly resentful and act out with volatility and unrest. An African proverb says, “The young men who do not feel the warmth of the tribe will burn down the village to feel it.”
According to Gabor Maté, a Canadian physician, author and speaker on addiction, stress and childhood development, “The issue is men’s value has been defined in a very narrow sense, and when the power is taken away from people, people have a loss of agency and loss of control, belonging, meaning and value. Men have become deprived of a sense of meaning and belonging, and that’s a function of the culture we live in.”
Men’s Mental Health Advocacy: Shame is the biggest barrier, preventing men from seeking help and expressing vulnerability. We need to talk and stop shaming them.
Male-Specific Mental Health Treatment:
Men communicate differently, so counseling must address unexamined feelings. Research shows that physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression, so sports activities that draw men together such as softball, surfing or martial arts can offer a win-win situation.
Emotional Communication Training: Men need to develop their emotional communication skills, such as how to express themselves and share feelings through language, vulnerability and emotional expression, to deepen relationships. Men can be strong and competitive while also being authentic, vulnerable and emotionally connected.
Maté advises, “Men need to accept their vulnerability and work it through, and not reject it or be ashamed of it. And to let go of, ‘I can’t be self-reflective; I have to be tough,’ and that takes a lot of help and support. Men who come back from war will heal by accepting their vulnerability and spending time in support groups. Another thing we should do is show respect for the courage of those men who choose to explore their vulnerability.”
Embracing Universal Masculinity and Femininity: We must realize there is masculinity and femininity in all of us. Neither masculinity nor femininity is the problem— hatred, oppression and inequality of opportunity are the problems, no matter the
gender or ratio of masculine and feminine qualities within the individual.
Defining Healthy Masculinity: Masculine qualities are traditionally thought of as bravery, strength, courage, confidence, ambition, competitiveness, self-reliance and decisiveness. These standards are hard to live up to, so the question is how do we adapt healthy masculinity to be equipped with skills for success in changing times.
Offer Coaching Before Therapy: Because men may be more defensive, less open, less vulnerable and more disconnected from their feelings than women, many will respond to coaching over therapy, which can be a gateway to start thinking about deeper purpose and well-being. A personal development program geared specifically for men to build skills, share support and figure out how to excel in a changing world of technology and role-confusion may be helpful.
Encourage Inspiration and Purpose: Men need to find purpose by doing something meaningful that inspires them and makes them feel energized and appreciated. The more they feel helpless and stuck in survival mode, the more loneliness grows.
Psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo explains how a survival mentality doesn’t allow for meaningful and purposeful pursuit. “Perceived or real threats put you in survival mode, and when you’re in this mode, your limbic system takes over and you’re not thinking about purpose, connection or collaboration (things that can pull you out of this mode); you’re just trying to survive.”
Men’s health needs to become a movement that encourages males to be proud of their masculinity, but also add new skills in emotional communication and vulnerability to find purpose, improve their health and have the best chance for success in turbulent times.
Dr. Reef Karim is a humanistic psychiatrist and founder of Mad Genius and The Madness Movement. For more information, visit TheMadnessMovement.com and MadGeniusLife.com.
For elementary school-aged kids, summer represents the promise of no homework and a whole lot of fun, but parents may be less enthusiastic. Figuring out how to keep children entertained, active and engaged while juggling work and household responsibilities, vacation schedules or camp sign-ups can be a little daunting.
Here are some suggestions for the best summer ever—one that combines playtime, nature encounters and fun with chores, rest and time to daydream. This holistic approach encourages a balance of physical, emotional and creative development so that children can enjoy a sense of spaciousness and possibility during the summer, feeling refreshed and ready for school when it resumes.
Summer can be a perfect time to boost connection without having to plan something extraspecial like a trip or a fancy outing, says Caroline Griswold, a parenting coach and founder of Fertile Ground Parenting. She notes that kids are better able to appreciate parental attention and care when they see that their mom or dad is present and relaxed.
One way to promote free-flowing connection is by being playful or acting goofy with children, Griswold suggests. Such carefree playfulness sends a strong message that all is well, and that we find our kids irresistibly delightful. If our goofiness makes the kids laugh, even better, because laughter can help residual tensions of the school year float away, making kids emotionally and mentally available for summer relaxation and fun.
“Play more music, especially if it makes everyone want to dance,” Griswold remarks. “When you dance, get goofy! If your kids laugh at you or roll their eyes, you’re on the right track. Our kids love to see us feeling relaxed and silly and might just join in.” Playing silly games is another winning option. Griswold recommends what she calls the “sock fight”, where family members put on socks and sit in a circle with their legs facing inward. The object of the game is to try to remove the socks off everyone else. “Hilarity ensues,” she promises.
It is important to encourage kids to take a break from the constant stimulation of screens and social media. This will help them recharge and reduce stress. “Unstructured playtime is crucial for children to develop creativity and problem-solving skills,” says Dr. Michael Rich, associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and director of the
Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital. Such free time enables kids to explore their interests at their own pace.
“Mom, I’m bored,” are not words we often welcome, but there is an increased opportunity for creativity that arises out of boredom, according to a 2014 UK study at the University of Central Lancashire. Allowing a little of it for our kids can make them more open to discovery and inspiration.
Activities that provide an outlet for selfexpression, physical experience and emotional release while also advancing a child’s intellect can support harmony and balance in our children, says Joseph Cooney, a family doctor at Berkshire Center for Whole Health, in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Motor skill mastery and practicing dexterity through artistry and creativity is highly beneficial for the intellectual unfolding of children, nurturing their whole body and mind, he explains. Examples include playing with blocks, building structures, drawing, painting or fiddling with magnets.
Getting outside is a must for summering kids. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “There is increasing evidence that outdoor play environments containing natural elements may offer health benefits
that come specifically from engaging in the natural world. Recent studies have demonstrated that a broad range of outcomes are related to access to, and contact with, nature, including increased physical activity, reduced obesity, decreased stress and improved mental health.”
A study published in Journal of Attention Disorders reported that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder were able to concentrate better after taking a 20-minute walk in the park. Integrating outdoor activities like hiking or swimming can provide a refreshing break from indoor routines. For an even more immersive experience, outdoor treasure hunts or building a fairy-house with items found in nature can transform natural settings into playgrounds of make-believe and connect kids to the wondrous life forms they encounter.
By embracing a holistic approach, we can provide children with a summer experience that not only entertains, but also nurtures their physical, emotional and mental well-being. The secret to summer magic is to boost nonsensical energy at home, encourage unstructured playtime, integrate outdoor activities, foster creative endeavors and remember to allow for plenty of leisure.
Thais Harris is a holistic nutritionist, bestselling author and international speaker, helping women and families nourish themselves into a more fulfilling life through holistic nutrition, mindful lifestyle practices and functional-medicine strategies.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a standout compound found in cannabis and hemp plants. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it will not get a pet “high”, but it has caught the attention of dog owners worldwide for its health benefits. With more than 100 cannabinoids interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) to regulate everything from mood to inflammation, it is no wonder that CBD supplements for pets are on the rise. But as popularity grows, so do questions and concerns.
Research suggests that CBD is generally safe for dogs when used responsibly. A 2022 study published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science determined that a daily dose of 4 milligrams (mg) of CBD per kilogram of body weight was well-tolerated in clinically healthy dogs for six months. Another study published in the same journal two years earlier tested the tolerability of three cannabis oil formulations containing CBD, THC or a combination of CBD and THC versus a placebo. The researchers found that dogs tolerated escalating doses of 18.3 to 640.5 mg of CBD oil well, concluding that a CBDpredominant oil formulation was safer for dogs than formulas containing higher concentrations of THC.
Angela Ardolino, founder of CBD Dog Health, highlights the benefits of fullspectrum hemp extract, which, unlike CBD
isolates, incorporates a broad array of cannabinoids, including CBD and even THC in trace amounts up to the legal threshold of 0.03 percent. She recommends choosing organic, U.S. hemp-derived products to guarantee purity and legal compliance; CO2 extraction for a high-quality, solventfree extract; and formulations made specifically for dogs rather than humans to prevent overdosing and unnecessary ingredients.
According to Ardolino, products should have enough CBD to treat a condition effectively, from 6 to 12 mg for stress or anxiety to 12 mg for pain and 50 to 100 mg for severe conditions like cancer or seizures. Consider bioavailability, also—sublingual oils are most effective for absorption.
"Only choose products that have a COA [certificate of analysis] by a third-party lab that tests for potency and purity and to ensure it has no contaminants like pesticides, heavy metals, mycotoxins or solvents in the product,” recommends Ardolino. “This is also the only way to prove that you are buying a full-spectrum hemp extract. It should be easily found on the label or on the website. If you can’t easily find one, don’t buy the product.” Customer reviews can also provide insights into a product’s efficacy, safety and quality, as well as a company’s transparency and level of customer support.
While the general guidance is to start with a low dose and adjust based on the dog’s
response, Ardolino notes that conditions like seizures, pain or cancer may require a higher dosage from the start. She acknowledges that dogs may initially experience a mild psychoactive effect, but this typically subsides as they become accustomed to CBD. The key is to monitor a pet’s reaction closely and adjust the dosage as needed to find a balance that alleviates symptoms without causing discomfort.
How long the effects of CBD will last depends on a variety of factors, including a dog’s size, as well as the dosage and administration method. A 2021 study published in Animals found that an intravenous administration of CBD will generally be eliminated from the body within nine hours. However, an oral dose, which is influenced by food intake and liver processing, has a lower bioavailability (13 to 19 percent), so less CBD enters the bloodstream, and yet its effects may last longer due to a slower absorption rate. The exact duration varies with dosage, metabolism and whether it is taken with food.
While CBD is generally well-received by many dogs, some may experience mild side effects, including dry mouth, a decrease in
LVEditor@NaturalAwakeningsMag.com • www.NaturalAwakeningsMag.com
blood pressure or drowsiness. Selecting the appropriate dosage and a high-quality product is crucial to minimize these risks. Research indicates that CBD can also influence liver enzymes, notably cytochrome P450s and alkaline phosphatase, both essential in metabolizing various medications. Consequently, there is a potential risk of interactions when CBD is used alongside other drugs, possibly altering the effectiveness
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and required dosages of those medications. Therefore, despite the availability of CBD treats and products, consulting a veterinarian before introducing a CBD regimen is vital to ensure safety and efficacy.
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Ruth Roberts is an integrative veterinarian and holistic health coach for pets, as well as the creator of The Original CrockPet Diet. Learn more at DrRuthRoberts.com.
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made a difference. Now 81, he pedals 25 miles several times a week.
Most men don’t usually think about their prostate until they face an exam or experience symptoms such as pain or difficulties while urinating. These symptoms may be attributed to a benign enlargement of the gland, usually in older men, or to the presence of cancer cells. This understated reproductive player, which can be stimulated for sexual pleasure, is responsible for regulating urine flow, secreting semen and converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) at puberty.
Prostatic cancer usually affects men over 65. African American and Caribbean men are at a higher risk. Although the American Cancer Society predicts almost 300,000 new cases this year, overhauling the diet and getting regular exercise can make a difference. “It’s never too early to begin taking care of your prostate,” says Dennis Golden, a twotime cancer survivor and prostate-cancer coach from New Kent, Virginia.
“In terms of lifestyle, everything is accumulative. If you put in junk, your body doesn’t know what to do with it and stores all those chemicals that don’t belong there, and it all eventually catches up with you someday. Read labels. If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it,” says Golden, who went back to basics when he faced his frightening cancer diagnosis.
According to Jon Lanman, a registered dietitian nutritionist in Bend, Oregon, “In
health care, we talk a lot about lifestyle change, and the reality is that lifestyle change is hard, and it takes time.” He advises tossing aside perfection and expecting slip-ups while committing to small changes that add up.
For Golden, eliminating restaurant food, excessive sodium and alcohol has been key. A fan of quick and easy meals, he relies on pan cooking for healthy, delicious fare with plenty of steamed veggies. “There’s no reason to grab a burger or to eat out when you can have a meal finished in 25 minutes. I veered away from beef and incorporated more chicken and fish like salmon and fresh trout,” he explains, adding that biking also
Lanman notes, “There is no single miracle food, but I’d recommend limiting sugars and processed carbohydrates, as well as processed meats and red meats.” To amp up nutrients, he spotlights the Mediterranean and DASH diets that accentuate fiber from fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Lanman also recommends lycopene, a compound found in tomatoes, beets, radishes, cherries and pink grapefruit, which has shown promise in the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer.
The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) advocates cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, bok choy, kale and Brussels sprouts. Packed with the phytochemical glucoraphanin that targets cancer cells, broccoli is a heavy hitter, as well.
Recent research points to a number of nutritional guidelines. A 2021 study published in European Journal of Public Health noted that nitrites as food additives were positively associated with prostate cancer risk. A 2022 study published in Frontiers in Nutrition also found a higher risk of the disease in those consuming red and processed meats.
In a 2022 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers reported a lower risk of aggressive forms of prostate cancer in men under 65 that followed a diet rich in plant-based foods. After tracking men in a study for six years, a team of Harvard University scientists found that selenium supplementation was linked to a 65 percent lower occurrence of advanced prostate cancer, but it was contraindicated for individuals with high systemic levels of the mineral. Additional studies are underway to determine recommended dosages, but the researchers of this study suggested “a healthful diet that will provide good amounts of the mineral.”
Both Lanman and Golden recommend eliminating alcohol altogether. While research on the correlation between alcohol consumption and prostate cancer is inconclusive, a 2022 meta-analysis published in the journal Biomolecules suggests that alcohol intake and the development of prostatic cancer can create the perfect storm when poor diet, folate and fiber deficiencies, advanced age, race, smoking, obesity, genetics, stress and other factors are also present.
According to the PCF, extreme stress can have a cumulative effect on the body, allowing prostate cancer to take root and grow. This is because the stress response can activate certain hormones that make it easier for tumors to grow and spread, while also negatively impacting the immune system.
To relieve stress and learn better coping skills, PCF suggests adopting relaxation and meditation practices, counseling, group therapy and exercise. For Golden, better health is a mindset. He endorses journaling and having good expectations daily. “Focus on the positives,” he says.
Zak Logan is a freelance health writer dedicated to holistic living and getting back to basics.
4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts or thighs
1 28-oz can of organic, diced, fire-roasted tomatoes
¼ cup capers (4 Tbsp)
¼ tsp Himalayan salt
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
2 medium-sized, fresh garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced
1 Tbsp organic, extra virgin olive oil
Preheat oven to 400°F. Place cast iron pan on a medium-high stove and sauté garlic until brown. Add chicken and pour fire-roasted tomatoes evenly over it. Add capers. Sprinkle salt, oregano and basil over chicken and tomatoes. Place uncovered cast iron pan into the oven for approximately 35 to 40 minutes or until chicken is tender. If desired, serve over garbanzo wheat-free pasta.
Recipe courtesy of frequent contributor Marlaina Donato.
1¾ cups water
1 cup organic white quinoa
½ cup fresh or frozen organic blueberries
¼ cup finely chopped red or white onion
¼ cup finely chopped fresh Italian parsley
1 Tbsp aged balsamic vinegar
⅓ tsp Himalayan pink salt
Organic, extra virgin olive oil
Combine quinoa, water and salt in a medium pot. Bring to a boil; cover and reduce heat; and simmer for 15 minutes. Remove covered pot from heat and let sit for 10 minutes before removing lid and fluffing the grains with a fork.
Add vinegar, blueberries, parsley and onion; mix gently. Serve quinoa salad warm or cold with a drizzle of olive oil.
Recipe courtesy of frequent contributor Marlaina Donato.
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Wednesday, June 12
Anxiety and Stress Relief with Effortless Meditation™ 7:45pm. This meditation technique is recommended by physi cians as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, Twin Ponds Holistic Health Center, West LVBreinigsville, Pre-register, 610-670-6700.
Tuesday, June 18
Anxiety and Stress Relief with Effortless Meditation™
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Thursday, June 20
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Wednesday, June 26
Brain and Heart Health with Effortless Meditation™
This meditation technique is recommended by physicians as a key to self-care. Gain relief from insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE. Introduction, LIVE ONLINE Video Conference, Pre-register, 610.670.6700.
Inner Peace Holistic Expo – 10am-6 pm. Swag bags to the first 150 visitors each day. Find vendors of gems, health and wellness products and services, jewelry, reiki, massage, ionic foot detox, chiropractic, CBD products, medical intuitives, astrology, mediums, and more. Lectures throughout the weekend. Food is available for purchase. $10/weekend, free for veterans and children 12 and under. Morgantown Event Center, 6180 Morgantown Rd, Morgantown. 610-4011342. InnerPeaceHolisticExpo.com.
Please call ahead to confirm date and times
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6120 W. Main Blvd., Bath, PA 18014
Become a Certified Hypnotherapist / Become a Certified Reiki Practitioner, Usui Master. Jacqueline LeClaire is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master Trainer with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and Reiki Master for over two decades. She is the owner of Results Wellness Center, LLC.
Enagic Independent Distributor 732-977-0803 www.pathtowardslife.com www.kangenwaterpoconos.com Info@pathtowardslife.com
Since 1974, Enagic® has been a leading innovator of pure water technology and has transformed the way we look at water and its role in a healthy and vibrant life. Enagic® specializes in producing ionized alkaline water systems that transform ordinary tap water into healthy, hydrating, alkaline Kangen Water® for cooking, cleaning, drinking and sanitizing. See ad, page 11.
We create organic and ecological edible landscapes. With mother nature as our teacher, and extensive knowledge of edible plants,. We develop beautiful food production systems that support your needs and the needs of the natural wildlife. No matter the size of your budget we will help you create an edible landscape that is right for you. See ad, page 8.
DrRodgerND@HealthyLehighValley.com DrRodgerND@gmail.com www.HealthyLehighValley.com www.DrRodgerND.com www.NutritionConsultans.org www.Ultimatelongevity.com/DrRodgerND www.DrRodgerND.B3Sciences.com
Due to his extensive background in business and marketing and built his own practice through the Natural Awakenings magazine he can take businesses to the next level. Also, with a strong background in keeping fit and understanding all aspects of exercising, he promotes B3 Science, an advanced method of achieving better fitness results in 1/2 the time. He also teaches a Nutrition Certification Course over a 6-month period, students completing this course and passing all exams can put the designation CNC after their name. See ads, pages 2 & back page.
Kathy Hatcher, LMT 656 5th St., Whitehall, PA 18052 610-266-6111
Kathy has been administering deep tissue, therapeutic, medical, pregnancy and aromatherapy massage since 1996. Her NEWEST services are Ionic Foot Cleanse Detoxification as well as Redlight therapy for non-surgical weight loss and chronic pain management. Insurance billing for massage available. See ad, page 23.
Phil Diaz 570-604-1531 • askmrphil@gmail.com www.innerawakeningmusicstudio.com
Here at Inner Awakening Music Studio, we take pride in our holistic approach to music. We believe that everyone deserves the gift of creativity and expression. Our music lessons prepare students from all walks of life to not only grow as musicians but also as individuals. Expand your horizons and contact us today! See ad, page 16
Tina Stashko, PhD MIfHI Emmaus, PA 18049 610-965-8132
Specializing in preventative healthcare, digestion and nutrient absorption, and thyroid and adrenal health. Modalities such as iridology, sclerology and biochemical balancing enable the development of your unique program for optimum health. These programs are easy to follow and incorporate into your daily life. Reach your full health potential! See ad, page 10.
Kyle S. Kasman, PT, DPT 484-781-5341
Kyle started his mobile practice to offer high-quality care where every patient feels heard. His services include one-on-one inhome appointments to provide convenient treatment that fits your busy schedule. Evidencebased techniques and taskspecific activities are incorporated into each patient’s plan of care that are relevant to their goals. See ad, page 17.
MAGNOLIA INN & WELLNESS CENTER 570 671-2121 11 Knob Road Mt Poconos, PA 18325
Magnolia Inn & Wellness Center is state of an art wellness hub that offers an extensive array of cutting-edge wellness modalities like Floating Therapy, Cryotherapy, IV Therapy, Colon Hydrotherapy and so much more. Our medical director, therapists, and staff are committed to helping our clients achieve TRUE health by accessing their optimal vitality and longevity. Membership programs are available and designed to make our services accessible to our local community. See ad, page 19.
Vanessa Sabatine
64 South Main St., Nazareth, PA 18064 610-365-8996 • HerbsToYourSuccess.com
Herbs to Your Success is a health & wellness spa located in Nazareth, offering multiple holistic spa experiences and herbal remedies. We also offer a wide selection of essential oils, teas, skincare, make-up and more! We provide high quality spa services to our customers and our friendly and courteous staff guarantees exceptional customer service. See ad, page 21.
September 1, 2024 finishes January 19, 2025
Through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC) Doctor of Naturopathy and Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) prepares students to pass the Certified Nutritional Consultants Exam. Once qualified you are entitled to use the designation CNC after your name and practice as a Nutritionist. Certified Nutritional Consultants (CNC) can work in hospitals, clinics, private practice settings alongside acupuncturists, mental health professionals, physical therapists, doctors and chiropractors, as well as a consultant in schools, businesses, health food stores, spas and health clubs.
Next Course starts Sep 2022 - Feb 2023 dates TBD
Today's economists have determined that the natural health field is the fastest growing industry in the U.S. today. It goes without saying that people are getting more concerned about their personal health and their families health. Just take a look at this picture below and ask yourself, what type of life are you planning for yourself.
in 6 Months and put the letters CNC after your name. This recognized qualification is obtained through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, AANC.
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) Course Instructor
“If the doctors of today do not become the nutritionists of tomorrow, then the nutritionists of today will become the doctors of tomorrow”. (Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research)
The course includes 12 modules, and classes meet twice a month on Sundays 9 am - 1pm . All modules are taught by Dr. Derek Rodger (ND). Course fee is $1794 and can be paid over 6 monthly installments at $299 per month.
Natalie, who flew in from Chicago every 2 weeks to do the CNC program has passed her Certified Nutritional Consultant and can now proudly put the letters CNC after her name: I met Dr. Rodger (ND) before I took his Nutrition Course and it was his knowledge and experience that drew me to choose his class over others. I am so very glad I did as, I'm positive I wouldn't have learnt what I did with other teachers. I'm not sure I would have had such an inspirational teacher with highly motivational lectures.
Every student receives a free 90 minute private nutritional consultation with Dr. Rodger (ND) 89.
To obtain a detailed information pack visit:
Alessandra, already had her nutritional degree, before she came on the course. I'm so proud of myself for finishing this the course and the exam. It was a great experience and I truly learned a lot.There are so many opportunities out there for me in my career to help others. I'll be attending the Natural Gourmet Institute which has a strong focus on a plant based diet. I look forward to helping others achieve a healthy lifestyle as a CNC and chef!
The course includes 11 modules and the classes meet on a Sunday morning 9-1 pm. The course fee is $1950 and can be paid over 6 months at $325.
A library of material becomes yours following course completion.
If you would like to attend this educational course, which will clearly change your life from a nutritional perspective. More detailed information is sent out to students who are interested, sign up by going to: www.NutritionalConsultants.org
A library of material becomes yours following course completion.