Natural Awakenings Lehigh Valley PA & Far West NJ- July 2024

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NEXT COURSE STARTS September 1, 2024 finishes January 19, 2025

Through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC) Doctor of Naturopathy and Clinical Nutritionist

Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) prepares students to pass the Certified Nutritional Consultants Exam. Once qualified you are entitled to use the designation CNC after your name and practice as a Nutritionist. Certified Nutritional Consultants (CNC) can work in hospitals, clinics, private practice settings alongside acupuncturists, mental health professionals, physical therapists, doctors and chiropractors, as well as a consultant in schools, businesses, health food stores, spas and health clubs.

Today's economists have determined that the natural health field is the fastest growing industry in the U.S. today. It goes without saying that people are getting more concerned about their personal health and their families health. Just take a look at this picture below and ask yourself, what type of life are you planning for yourself.

The course includes 11 modules and the classes meet on a Sunday morning 9-1 pm. The course fee is $1950 and can be paid over 6 months at $325.


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© 2024 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.


How many have laid waste to Your life when you weren’t aware of what you were losing, how much was wasted in pointless grief, foolish joy, greedy desire, and social amusements, how little of your own was left to you. You will realize you are dying before your time!” Seneca, On Tranquility of Mind, 12.5

One of the hardest things to do in life is to say “No”, to invitations, to requests, to obligations, to the stuff that everyone else is doing. Even harder is saying no to certain time-consuming emotions: anger, excitement, distraction, obsession. None of these impulses feels like a big deal by itself, but they become a commitment like anything else.

If you’re not careful, these are precisely the impositions that will overwhelm and consume your life. Do you ever wonder how you can get some of your time back, how you can feel less busy? Start by learning the power of “NO”, as in “No, thank you,” and “No I’m not going to get caught up in that,” and “No, I just can’t right now.” It may hurt some feelings. It may even turn people off you. It may take some hard work. But the more you say no to the things that don’t matter, the more you can say yes to the things that do.

Law 29 of the 48 laws of power is to plan all the way to the end. Robert Greene writes, “By planning to the end you will not be overwhelmed by circumstances and you will know when to stop”. Gently guide fortune and help determine the future by thinking far ahead. The second habit in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is: begin with an end in mind. Having an end in mind is no guarantee that you’ll reach it, but not having an end in mind is a guarantee you will never reach it.

When your efforts are not directed, at a cause or a purpose, how will you know what to do day in and day out? How will you know what to say no to and what to say yes to? How will you know when you’ve had enough, when you’ve reached your goal, when you’ve gotten off track, if you’ve never defined what those things are? The answer is that you cannot. And so, you are driven into failure or worse, into madness by the oblivion of no direction. This is why it is important to plan ahead decide upon a goal, and by doing this you override your failure mechanism and change the direction of your life, which in turn will let you live and enjoy Your life.

Have a great month everyone.

Dr. Lorraine Maita, the Hormone Harmonizer and Detoxifier, can help you have boundless energy, stable moods, a lean body, sharp, clear mind and balance your hormones so you can feel like yourself again and even better.

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Native Immune

Boosting Berries You Can Grow Yourself

We all know the importance of having a strong immune system. Rest and exercise, balanced nutrition and hydration are more important than ever. Two shrubs that may provide helpful nutrients and immune boosting properties are elderberry and Aronia berry. Both are easy to grow here in the Poconos and Lehigh Valley. While aronia and cooked elderberries are generally considered safe, please consult a medical professional to see if these herbs would benefit your particular health issues.


Father of Medicine, called the elder plant his “medicine chest.” Elderflowers are edible and are rich in flavanols. They can be steeped in freshly boiled water to make a tea. The berries are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and dietary fiber. The cooked berries release a rich, tart juice that when blended with honey makes a delicious syrup.

Elderberry has become very popular over the past several years. Have you noticed that they are now adding elderberry to cough syrups and supplements?

Grow your own Elderberries: Keeping up with the increased demand has put a strain on the supply of dried elderberries and the price has risen accordingly. But why purchase elderberries when you can grow your own.

Elderberry History and Uses: Hippocrates, the fifth century BC classical Greek physician known as the

Herbalists use elderberry to strengthen the immune system to help us avoid catching colds or flu or to shorten the duration of symptoms. A spoonful of syrup can be taken daily as a nutritional supplement.


Bear Creek Organics can supply you with Elderberry varieties that flourish here in the Poconos and the Lehigh Valley. They grow and sell many of the leading cultivars of American Elderberry. You’ll want to buy at least two varieties for healthy cross pollination. Once you have a plant established you can propagate additional plants by pruning small branches and rooting the cuttings, multiplying your investment.

Aronia Berries (see picture): Aronia bushes are beautiful native shrubs that are easy to grow in the northeast growing roughly 5 feet in height and width. They have many benefits to wildlife as well as people. They produce clusters of white flowers that the native bees love in early summer and their foliage is a nice reddish orange in the Fall.

What’s best is that they produce large amounts of berries that are extremely high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, and other health promoting compounds. Studies have shown that Aronia berries have many health benefits such as reducing risk of cancer, antidiabetic effects; and promotion of heart, artery, blood vessel health, organ health and more! Many people have been making a combo syrup with aronia berries and elderberries.

Contact Bear Creek Organics: Our nursery is open and we sell elderberry, Aronia berry and many more amazing berry plants and fruit trees. We also offer consult-design-install-and maintenance services. faceook. com/bearcreekorganics. 570-582-0615.

A Festival Of Peace

September 15. Rain Date

September 29.

Greenshire Institute, Upper Bucks near Lake Nockamixon, are holding A Festival of Peace. The festival will focus on promoting peace within Self, Family, Community, and All Humankind. The re-dedication of Greenshire’s Peace Pole, erected in 2006, is central to this gathering. On the Peace Pole is inscribed seven different languages reading: "May peace prevail on earth."

During the Peace Festival people will unite through such activities as: Sacred Circle, Workshops, Healing Sessions, Presentations, Drumming, Music, Dance, Vendors, Food, Fire Circle, Face Painting, Balloon Clown, and spontaneous happenings! Greenshire will also host One… A Shared Vision, a conversation that will explore visions for peace. También, estaremos ofreciendo talleres en español para nuestra comunidad hispana.

The Peace Festival will also feature Spa for the Soul, an organization that provides a revitalizing haven for the Mind, Body, and Soul. They will be providing private healing sessions, each specializing in unique modalities focusing on Mind, Body, and Soul wellness. Through their holistic approach to wellness, Spa for the Soul aims to elevate and inspire individuals in cultivating self-care practices that nurture well-being and promote a deep sense of relaxation and renewal. Their unique blend of Soulful Nourishment and Healing Touch creates a space filled with love, care, and a sense of value for each of their guests.

Greenshire’s Space for Peace is dedicated to helping people explore new horizons as they revitalize the quality of their life: body, mind, and spirit. Their team of professionals provides powerful experiences to help individuals reach their goals, such as Yoga, Reiki, Meditation, Spiritual Studies, Life’s Transitions, Poetry, Astrology, Tarot, and Community Gatherings. They also offer healing sessions, including Reiki, Energy Balancing, Sound, Craniosacral, Shamanic, Medical Intuition, Reflexology, and Holistic Life Coaching.

Greenshire’s seven-acre grounds are always open to the public. Welcoming visitors, the Angel of Peace statue invites you to visit Greenshire’s seven-acre sanctuary. A Stone Circle has been constructed to acknowledge summer and winter solstices, spring and fall equinoxes. The Peace Garden brings focus to the Peace Pole. A three-dimensional Star of David helps bring clarity to one’s spiritual journey. You can even “paint a rock, give a rock, take a rock!” Also, deep in the silent woods is Greenshire’s Stone Amphitheater, Medicine Wheel, and Heart Garden

Greenshire Institute was founded in 2006 and continues to this day, inviting you to explore their many gatherings, workshops, and healing sessions. For Greenshire’s current calendar, please visit: Greenshire is open to All People, Races, Creeds.

Entrance Donation: $20/individual. $30/family. Vendors & Healers: $80/space. Presenters: Free. Contact Greenshire to reserve: 3620 Sterner Mill Road, Quakertown, PA. See ad on page 12.


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Timeline is a technique utilized in hypnosis in which one imagines viewing their entire life, from the beginning to the end, and from a distant perspective, usually from high above looking down. Just as details are not visible when looking at this from a high vantage point it is the same with the Timeline technique, a person goes has to visit a point in their past, present or future.

How a person orients the past, present and future can be an indicator of how they perceive time and their relationship to time. People who view the past as being behind them or “over their shoulder” are able to easily go back to exact moments on their timeline. These people tend to view time as relative and in general would be considered less punctual. Then there are people who view their timeline configured in front of them. These people value time, are generally quite punctual and are good at gauging time duration. When accessing events in their timeline it may take more time because they tend to group and store memories in a categorically condensed manner. Some people are a combination of these two styles.

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Any memories accessed in Timeline should be interpreted metaphorically and not literally as there is a risk of false memories being created. So, unless one is working with a Forensic Hypnotist as part of a criminal investigation one should maintain a light hearted approach. Timeline has many benefits and can even help retrieve a lost object.

Please contact me if interested. Free consultations. Stream Hypnosis, LLC. 535 E. Laurel St, Bethlehem, PA 18018. 570617-5325. vperweiss@StreamHypnosis. com. See ad on page 19.

Vanessa Perez Weiss

The Negative Impact Stress Has on Your Body

When someone is dealing with excessive stress this activates your sympathetic nervous system. This response is part of the fight or flight response, which the body utilizes to react to a threat. Many systems of the body are involved in this process. For instance, there is an increase in adrenaline as well as a slowing of food digestion. It will also increase your respiratory rate while concurrently activating larger muscles and reduce activation of postural muscles to evade a threat. A spike in adrenaline can also increase the sensitivity of nerves and body tissue, which can then subsequently produce symptoms of pain. This is why it is not a prerequisite to have suffered an injury in order to feel pain. More specifically, in individuals who suffer from chronic pain conditions this mechanism is extended for longer periods of time. If a stressor remains in place for prolonged intervals this can result in a higher production of cortisol, which can lead to reduction of bone formation, increased blood pressure, reproductive system impairments, and obesity. High levels of cortisol can also impair memory formation and limit the ability to learn. Cortisol production is directly affected by psychological issues such as fear, depression, and anxiety. It can also be influenced by stressors related to illness, injury, surgery, and pain. Another major issue of chronically spiked levels of cortisol is that the presence of it stimulates the production of cytokines from the immune system, which can increase inflammation systematically throughout the body.

For more information: Kyle S. Kasman, PT, DPT. Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. 484-781-5341. See ad on page 11.

What is the cause of Anxiety?

We classify anxiety as a mental health disorder, yet anxiety is a gut health issue. You know how you get that ‘gut feeling’. This is because the intestinal tract and colon are lined with a sheath of neurons that connects directly to the brain’s Vagus nerve. ADHD is also known as ‘allergy syndrome’, linked to food sensitivities. Taking a supplement or pharmaceutical is not going to treat the root cause. Ayurveda understands the root cause of all dis-ease is ‘ama’, which is undigested food rotting in the digestive tract. Anxiety is a symptom of a deeper issue going on, not the condition itself.

Wheat is the most common trigger for people with mental health issues. I tell my clients to go gluten-free for two weeks and then reintroduce it, you will most likely find it related. A white coating on the tongue reveals ama in the gut. In Ayurveda, anxiety is a Vata condition. When energy is blocked such as through constipation, air and ether elements move upwards to the brain creating anxiety. Eating all your food cooked, warm, and moist is a great way to counteract Vata.

For people with more serious mental health issues such as schizophrenia and bipolar, parasites may be the cause. Some parasites like Toxoplasma Gondii can encyst in the brain increasing dopamine causing reckless behavior and making a person more prone to addiction. Schizophrenia is related to parasites encysting in the brain. Pinworms and hookworms will also create anxiety. These are symptoms you do not want to ignore. Parasites lay thousands of eggs per day times how many you have, how long you had them. Nobody is limited by a ‘chemical imbalance,’ everything has a cause and is a manifestation of some sort. And everyone can heal.

Leah Quirk, Soul Natural Alchemy. SoulNaturalAlchemy. com. 610-438-0689. See ad on page 29.

Memory Learn New Memory Techniques and Unlock Your Younger Mind

Memory is an interesting concept. It is both tangible and conceptual, fact based but emotional, clear yet malleable. The history of memory is just as interesting as the concept itself.

Memory training dates back to ancient civilizations. The Greeks and Romans developed sophisticated memory techniques to retain vast amounts of information because they had no access to a printing press or cell phone reminders.

One of the most famous methods developed at this time was the “method of loci,” also known as the memory palace technique. This involves visualizing a familiar place and associating each piece of information with a specific location within that place. By mentally walking through the memory palace, individuals could recall large amounts of information with remarkable accuracy. These methods were passed down through generations and were considered essential skills for scholars and public figures.

In the modern era, the art of memory has experienced a revival thanks to memory competitions and enthusiasts like Joshua Foer. The book “Moonwalking with Einstein” details Foer’s personal journey as a journalist covering a memory championship to becoming a participant with a surprising ending... His transformation underscores the idea that memory is not a genetic gift but a skill that can be developed with practice and dedication.

Here are several key techniques that anyone can use to enhance their memory:

1.The Memory Palace: This ancient technique remains one of the most effective methods for memorizing information. By creating vivid and memorable associations within a familiar mental space like your childhood home, you can significantly improve their recall.

2. Chunking: This involves breaking down large pieces of information into smaller, more manageable chunks. For example, breaking a long string of numbers like a phone number into smaller groups of 3 and 4 numbers makes it easier to remember.

3. Repetition: Regular review and repetition of information, especially at increasing spaced-out intervals, are crucial for long-term retention.

Modern neuroscience supports these techniques and reveals that the brain’s capacity for memory is expansive and adaptable. Neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections, plays a key role in memory improvement.

Engaging in memory exercises stimulates the brain and can lead to better cognitive function overall. Prioritizing sleep and fixing poor sleep habits can lead to better assimilation of memories into long term storage. Increasing oxygen to the brain through technologies like mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) and lead to improvements in how the brain functions and how quickly it recovers.

All that being said, no matter if you have a good memory or a poor one, you have a lot of control over whether it keeps getting better or worse.

If you have a question or are interested in booking a session for mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy email us at or book directly online at www.ElixirLV. com. See ad on page 7.

Five Elements School of Holistic Studies


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In Vivo Gene Editing

Several companies are experimenting on human subjects to develop gene editing that is performed inside the body. Such therapies differ from a recently approved treatment for sickle-cell anemia that removes bone marrow from the body before editing the genetic material and reintroducing it into the patient.

Intellia Therapeutics and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals are in clinical trials to use gene editing to knock out a gene that causes fibrous protein clumps, which can accumulate in organs and nerves, increasing the risk of heart failure and other serious complications. Verve Therapeutics is enrolling patients to test a gene-editing protocol designed to reverse the effects of a genetic disease that leads to severely elevated cholesterol and increased risk of early-onset cardiovascular disease. One caveat: These therapies carry the risk of editing unrelated genes.

New Bathroom Tech to Monitor Health

Imagine a toilet that not only cleans itself but also performs a urinalysis to detect hydration levels, urinary tract infections and kidney issues. A trip to the restroom may be the first step in monitoring and maintaining health and wellness, as a number of new products with medical monitoring features are finding their way into the latest bathrooms.

Toi Labs makes smart toilets equipped with advanced sensors that non-invasively monitor fluid intake levels, stool and urine contents, and other vital health metrics without any burden to the user. Withings, a French company, offers a toilet device that detects a large variety of biomarkers found in urine and offers actionable advice for improving health.

CareOS has unveiled the first AI-powered smart mirror for mental wellness that the company asserts can identify mood and help manage stress. Look into the mirror for skin care recommendations and how to correct yoga poses. A Canadian company, NuraLogix, offers a mirror that detects blood pressure and vital signs and assesses disease risk. A 2020 study found that smart floor sensors could be used to predict fall risk and signs of illness. Smart bath maker BBalance is hoping to launch a mat next year that can measure weight and body composition, and detect posture and balance to predict the risk of neurodegenerative disease.

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from Getty

Ayurvedic Seasonal Eating

How to Balance Doshas With the Right Foods

Each season brings a unique bounty of fresh food to sustain and nourish us. A ripe tomato off the vine in the summer or a hearty winter squash stew highlights what the Earth naturally offers. Seasonal eating is a rhythmic approach that is more sustainable than relying on grocerystore staples and connects us to the world around us. Combining seasonal eating with the Ayurvedic concept of balancing our doshas helps to maintain harmony with nature. It also helps support local farmers, reduce carbon emissions, maximize the food’s nutritional value and nourish holistically.

The Fresher the Better Seasonal eating is intuitive, but modern technology and busy lifestyles get in the

way. “For thousands of years, people ate seasonally all the time, as there was no other option,” says Erin Casperson, director at Kripalu School of Ayurveda, a global leader in mindfulness education. “They trusted that each harvest gave us exactly what we needed to survive and thrive. It is only recently, with the development of refrigeration and modern transport, that we are able to access food from other areas of the world and store it for long periods of time.”

Eating local food when it is fresh not only helps to maximize the food’s nutritional value, it strengthens our connection to its origin. “From an Ayurvedic perspective, we look at the prana, or life force, in food,”

explains Casperson. “Generally, the shorter it’s been off the plant, the more life, or nourishment, it will supply. When it’s treated with pesticides and sits in storage or refrigeration for days or weeks, it starts to lose that life force. Looking at a freshly picked strawberry, you can see the value it has. If I pick up a plastic box of spinach at the grocery store, there’s no connection. I have no idea how long it’s been traveling or what it’s been exposed to.”

Kadiatou Sibi, a board-certified Ayurvedic and reiki practitioner and founder of Los Angeles-based A Web of Wellness, recommends frequenting farmers markets, coops and grocery stores that offer locally grown food to maximize freshness. “Consuming foods during their harvest honors the natural cycle of the Earth. The crops are brighter, tastier and more nutritionally dense. By purchasing food from a [farmers] market, you are supporting marginalized communities, which historically are often women and families working in the fields. Cultivating locally grown foods also helps to maintain the biodiversity of crops and prevents big corporations from taking over the land.”

Cutting out long-distance transportation doesn’t just increase the food’s freshness, it is better for the environment, too. “When we eat locally, we lower the carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions it takes to access the food. It also eliminates the need for pesticides and other harmful agents that make the food last longer,” Sibi explains.

Eating seasonally is a cornerstone of Ayurvedic practices, which Sibi says are rooted in a deep connection with nature. “The idea of seasons is based around the cycles of the moon and sun,” she asserts. “Food is one important way we can balance ourselves holistically. Seasonal eating teaches us to wait for the right time and not rush nature. We can look forward to watermelon in the summer and Brussels sprouts in the winter. We learn to cultivate deep gratitude and respect for the land and all it provides for us. It fosters deep stewardship for the Earth.”

Balancing Our Doshas

Incorporating the Ayurvedic understanding of doshas into our diet further supports our connection to nature and intuitive eating. “According to Ayurveda, everything and everyone is comprised of five elements: space, air, fire, water and earth,” says Veena Haasl-Blilie, founder of Minnesota-based Saumya Ayurveda. “These elements combine to form three basic energy properties called the doshas. These foundational energies, known as vata, pitta and kapha, are the building blocks of our universe. While all three doshas are present in every one of us, they manifest to varying degrees. Our distinct physical, mental and spiritual traits are the result of our unique dosha constitution.”

Disruptions in our daily routines, stress and diet changes can cause doshas to get out of balance. By mindfully incorporating dosha-balancing foods and herbs into our day, our bodies and minds can reset. “In Ayurveda, food is medicine. When we eat to balance the doshas, we are eating in the most supportive and nourishing way possible,” explains Haasl-Blilie. “Instead of a one-size-fits-all diet, we are eating what is balancing to us specifically in that season.”

Understanding an individual’s own dosha type is a key starting point. Haasl-Blilie recommends, “Fiery pitta is best balanced through naturally sweet foods like fruit, most grains, squash, root vegetables, milk and ghee. The best tastes for balancing pitta are sweet, bitter and astringent, while sour, salty and pungent tastes should be minimized. Airy vata has a cold, dry, light nature that can be countered with foods that are warm, moist and grounding, such as hearty soups and healthy fats. Sweet, sour and salty foods help to balance it. For kapha’s cool, dense, oily nature, we should favor food that is light, dry and easy to digest, ideally served warm or hot with invigorating herbs or spices. Sweet, sour and salty tastes should be minimized.”

Cooking with seasonal food that supports dosha balance helps to further nourish holistically. Chef Divya Alter is a cookbook author and the co-founder of Divya’s,

which combines culinary education, goodfor-you packaged foods and a plant-based restaurant in New York City. Aiming to offer practical ways to bridge the ancient wisdom of food with modern living beyond the boundaries of India, she notes, “Part of my mission is to show people how to apply the universal Ayurveda principles to every part of the world, incorporating the ancient principles of food compatibility and digestion into local cuisines.”

The Joy of Summer Foods

Alter says that in warmer months, choosing balancing foods helps to naturally regulate our bodies and our doshas. “Summer is the season of outdoor activities, travel, vacationing and more. The heat and exertion tend to deplete our systems, but nature’s peak harvest season provides us with abundant produce to help us replenish. Ayurveda is all about balancing with nature, so in the hot summer, when we tend to sweat more and feel dehydrated, we need to incorporate cooling and hydrating foods. We feel extra pleasure eating the juicy seasonal fruits like peaches, apricots, berries and watermelon because they quickly cool and nourish us. Zucchini, fennel, leafy greens, okra, carrots and green beans are all great vegetables to give us minerals, vitamins and fiber, plus keep our bodies cool. Coconut in every form is our best friend in summer because it is very cooling and nourishing. Fresh coconut water is the best natural electrolyte drink, and you can add fresh coconut milk to your curry or smoothie. For plant-based protein, mung beans and red or green lentils are all great choices.”

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For a simple complement to any dish, Alter recommends using fresh herbs, most of which can be grown locally. “Cilantro, basil, parsley, dill, rosemary, thyme, curry leaves and tarragon, and the cooling spices such as coriander, fennel, cumin and cardamom, add flavor without overheating the body. I use very little or no chili, and if my digestion needs a bit more heat, then I’d use warming spices like black pepper, turmeric, cinnamon and ginger in small amounts,” she says.

Sibi points out that using fresh herbs and spices while cooking also helps to preserve cultural traditions. “While they may not have originated here, locally grown and ethically sourced herbs honor global cooking and customs,” she says. “Incorporating fresh cilantro into a Mexican dish, turmeric into an Indian recipe, or parsley into a Mediterranean meal reminds us of their origins. Besides the medicinal benefits, the flavors are more palatable, and it’s a valuable way to teach these traditions to a younger generation. They learn that what you put in your mouth doesn’t just affect you, but has a larger global impact.”

While this may seem like a lot to consider when making daily food choices, Casperson recommends starting with seasonal eating and balancing our doshas using ingredients that are readily available. “Seasonal eating is more accessible, because you can literally choose what to eat by what is in the market. From there, have some fun with it,” she suggests. “Look up recipes and menus that you can easily digest to support your dosha balance, and add in herbs grown in your own garden. Sit down and eat in a relaxed setting without distractions and really connect with how you’re nourishing yourself.”

Carrie Jackson is a Chicago-based freelance writer and frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings. Connect at


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Taking Dogs for a Swim

Tips for a Safe and Fun Experience

Dogs generally love to splash around and play in water, whether in a pool, a calm lake or the open ocean. This might give the impression that all dogs are natural swimmers, but that isn’t necessarily true. As responsible pet owners, it is important to realize that a dog’s swimming skills can vary based on their breed, age and health. Even for dogs that are good swimmers, it is crucial to keep a close eye on their health and safety whenever they are in the water.

Pre-Swimming Preparation

Understanding a dog’s abilities and comfort level in water is crucial. Observing their behavior around water provides insights into their readiness to swim. Signs of comfort such as approaching puddles excitedly or displaying relaxed postures and tail wagging suggest a natural affinity for water. Conversely, hesitance or fear may be indicated by behaviors like barking at waves or avoiding even shallow water.

To create a safe environment, select pools with gentle slopes or steps for easy access and exit. Consider factors like water depth, currents and potential entrapment hazards. Additionally, providing swim accessories such as sunscreen, life jackets, ear protection and paw balm can enhance safety and comfort. Adding water-safe toys can enhance the enjoyment of the swimming experience.

Before allowing a dog to swim, it is essential to check the water quality and temperature. A 2014 study conducted at Chiang Mai

University, in Thailand, reported that cold water below 77° F can elevate a dog’s heart rate and blood sugar levels after just 20 minutes of swimming, potentially straining their bodies, while very warm water above 98.6° F may cause rapid breathing. Water with a temperature around 91.4° F helps dogs stay comfortable and regulate their body temperature during exercise, minimizing the risk of hypothermia from prolonged exposure to cold water.

Ensure the water is clean and free from pollutants and harmful chemicals by regularly testing its quality, especially in pools, to maintain proper pH levels and chlorine content. Chlorine is commonly used to keep pool water clean and free of harmful bacteria, but it can be irritating to a dog’s skin and eyes in high concentrations. A 2012 study published in the Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine examining the effects of frequent swimming in chlorinated pools found that dry hair (21 percent) and dry skin (19 percent) were the most common side effects observed after the first swim. These percentages significantly increased with more frequent swims, reaching 78 percent for dry hair and 59 percent for dry skin by the fifth swimming session.

Optimizing Swim Lessons

Keeping an eye on the dog while they swim is essential for their safety. Unexpected situations like strong currents or sudden deep spots can happen, and the dog may not know how to handle them. Dogs, like humans, can also become tired while swimming, making

it crucial to monitor their energy levels. It can be easy for them to get lost or confused, especially in unfamiliar surroundings, which is where the owner’s guidance comes in handy.

While the dog is in the water, minimize distractions by avoiding phone use and selecting quiet areas away from crowds or loud noises. Keeping within arm’s reach of the dog allows for immediate response to any difficulties they may encounter. Providing regular breaks and offering encouragement during swimming sessions helps maintain the dog’s comfort and confidence in the water.

“Common mistakes made by dog parents are rushing the process and trying to force a

support and visibility. “Stick to the shallows until the dog is comfortable, using a floating longline for safety in large bodies of water,” Hrnciar suggests. “Consider having a dog swim with another dog that already knows how to swim and enjoys it, as they learn a lot from modeling other dogs.”

Post-Swim Care

After a refreshing swim, it is essential to prioritize the dog’s post-swim care. Begin by thoroughly rinsing them with clean, fresh water to remove any chlorine, salt or contaminants that may irritate their skin.

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dog that is unsure or frightened,” says Beth Hrnciar, a dog trainer at Follow My Lead, in Connecticut. A dog with little to no swimming experience should never be thrown into the water or allowed to accidentally fall in, she adds, and if a dog displays fear, the swimming session should be terminated.

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“Just because a dog is young and healthy doesn’t necessarily mean they can start swimming right away,” explains Hrnciar. Canine fitness instructors can design physical conditioning programs to help dogs avoid unnecessary strain on joints or the cardiovascular system.

Encourage them to drink fresh water to prevent stomach upset. Dry the dog with a towel, paying extra attention to areas where moisture can linger, including between paws and under the ears. Monitor the dog for signs of discomfort or illness such as ear infections or skin irritation, and seek veterinary care, if necessary.

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Swimming can be a fun and enjoyable activity for dogs. With a few precautions and an eye on their safety and health, our furry friends can stay cool and comfortable during hot summer days by the water.

Using a proper-fitting life jacket or vest made specifically for dogs will provide

Ruth Roberts is an integrative veterinarian and holistic health coach for pets, as well as the creator of The Original CrockPet Diet. Learn more at

We feature a full line of veterinary preparation with size, dose and flavor appropriate medications for every animal ... including cats, dogs, ferrets, bunnies, reptiles, birds and exotics! We work with your vet!

Thomas E. Silvonek, RPH, FACA Fellow American College of Veterinary Pharmacists Compounding Specialist

Monday – Friday • 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 3330 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown P: 610-437-4600 · F: 610-437-1444

KnoWEwell MEOAM.Love/CanvaPro

Nourish Skin From Within

Foods That Enhance Health and Radiance

Our skin is the largest human organ. In addition to protecting us from ultraviolet radiation, bacterial invaders and chemicals, it also provides a visual record of the human story, as it is vulnerable to emotional stress, hormonal rhythms and poor diet. While more research is needed, there is growing evidence that food can be an ally for resolving stubborn acne, preventing certain types of skin cancer and aging gracefully. According to a clinical review published in the journal Medicina, nutrients like vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, may be beneficial for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

“The global market for skincare topicals is estimated at around $180 billion,” says Mark Tager, M.D., an integrative healthcare synergist in San Diego, California, and author of Feed Your Skin Right: Your Personalized Nutrition Plan for Radiant Beauty. “There are some topicals with ingredients that do penetrate the skin. For the most part, these approaches pale in comparison with the power of an inside approach to skin health and beauty.” He reminds us that what we consume is reflected in our skin.

Gut Health and Glowing Skin

Emerging research published in Gut Microbes in 2022 shows the relationship between intestinal flora and skin health and proposes the value of supplemental prebiotics, probiotics and fermented foods. “Trillions of organisms—mainly bacteria in our

gastrointestinal tract—produce vitamin K, neurotransmitters and short-chain fatty acids, each of which plays a role in skin health,” says Tager, highlighting the microbe Akkermansia muciniphila, which produces acetone. “People with acne have much lower levels of this short-chain fatty acid in their skin microbiome. Raising the acetate levels, along with changing the ratio of good-tobad gut bacteria, can help with acne.” Tager recommends eating fiber, which is the preferred food of the good bacteria like Akkermansia, as well as taking probiotics.

Deanna Minich, a nutrition scientist, functional medicine practitioner and author of

The Rainbow Diet: A Holistic Approach to Radiant Health Through Foods and Supplements, concurs, “An imbalance in the microbiome has been linked to acne. Eating a diverse, colorful, plant-rich diet is a wonderful way to promote a healthy balance of gut bugs.” For acne, she lauds the benefits of green tea.

Full-Spectrum Sustenance

Skin-friendly foods are nutrient-dense and include avocados, sunflower and flax seeds, almonds, walnuts, b erries and cold-water fatty fish (herring, sardines and salmon). “Colorful plant pigments or phytochemicals can fortify skin internally,” Minich asserts. “They tend to accumulate in the skin and offer protection from the sun by absorbing UV rays and reducing inflammation. When we eat a colorful diet, we’re eating an array of nutrients and phytochemicals that protect our skin.” She recommends carotenoids like beta-carotene and lycopene, which are abundant in foods like melons, tomatoes and carrots.

Minich also touts protein to help repair damaged skin, especially plant sources like lentils, beans and tofu, as well as animal proteins such as eggs, fish and lean meats, but

warns against charring in the cooking process. “This can create inflammatory compounds known as advanced glycation end products (AGE), which can contribute to aging. Instead, prepare foods with low heat and wet cooking methods such as boiling, stewing and steaming.”

A 2019 prospective cohort study of French women published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition connected a decreased risk of melanoma and basal cell skin cancer with the adherence to the Mediterranean diet.

Trigger Foods

Reducing inflammation and taming a sweet tooth is important. “Too much sugar attaches itself to the collagen in our skin, making it brittle, and this leads to more fine lines and wrinkles,” explains Tager, advising, “Diets high in saturated fats and fried foods contribute to inflammation and changes in sebum production.” He underscores the possibility of food sensitivities to tree nuts, dairy, fish, wheat, eggs, shellfish, peanuts or soy that can manifest as skin irritations, itching and swelling.

Collagen Factors

According to Tager, collagen forms a scaffold within the body and is an essential component of connective tissue that supports the skin’s elasticity. Minich notes, “Collagen supplements can be helpful to improve the appearance of skin, but the body also creates its own collagen and needs nutrients like zinc and vitamin C to do so.”

A Personalized Approach

Ultimately, better skin depends upon multiple considerations, including diet, lifestyle, genetics, medical history and emotional health. “The real breakthrough we have seen over the last decade is the rise of personalized nutrition,” Tager observes, encouraging people to work with medical and nutritional professionals to develop a customized plan.

Maya Whitman is a frequent contributor to Natural Awakenings.

Green Tabbouleh

This salad is very colorful and fresh-tasting. The vibrant greens flecked with red, orange and black vegetables, as well as the white quinoa, paint an image of a righteously healthy bowl. For variety, add steamed vegetables such as beets and sunchokes [artichokes], or raw cucumbers or jicama.


⅓ cup white quinoa, washed and drained

¼ tsp plus a pinch salt, divided

½-inch fresh ginger, peeled and chopped

6 fresh curry leaves

½ green Indian or Thai chile, seeded (optional)

1 bunch kale (about ½ lb), washed, stems removed and torn into smaller pieces

1 tsp olive oil

Tiny pinch asafoetida [Indian spice]

¼ cup finely diced carrots

2 or 3 red radishes, diced

2 Tbsp celery, finely diced

¼ cup pitted black olives, chopped

¼ cup toasted pine nuts or walnuts

2 Tbsp fresh parsley leaves

1 Tbsp fresh mint leaves


2½ Tbsp olive oil

2 Tbsp fresh lime juice

1 tsp salt

¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper

In a medium saucepan, bring three cups of water to a boil over medium-high heat, then add the quinoa and one-quarter teaspoon of the salt. Cook uncovered for 12 to 15 minutes until a little tail-shoot separates from the seed. Drain. Spread on a plate or tray to let the quinoa cool completely.

In a food processor, finely chop the ginger, curry leaves and chile. Add the kale leaves and pulse until they are finely chopped but not pasty.

In a 10-inch skillet, heat the olive oil over low heat. Add the asafoetida, food-processed kale and carrots. Sauté for about three minutes, until the kale wilts but is still vibrant green and the carrots are softer but still crunchy. Season with a pinch of salt and set aside to cool.


In a small bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lime juice, salt and black pepper. Toast the pine nuts or walnuts in a small skillet on low heat. Move them frequently in the pan until they turn slightly golden in color. Transfer the nuts to a small bowl and let them cool completely.


In a large bowl, combine the quinoa, kale and carrot mixture, radishes, celery and olives. Just before serving, drizzle the dressing over the tabbouleh and toss to mix. Serve at room temperature and garnish each bowl with pine nuts, parsley and mint.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Chef Divya Alter from her cookbook, Joy of Balance (Rizzoli, 2022).


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Comprehensive Management Services: Beyond just website creation, AJD Solutions offers ongoing management and maintenance services. This includes regular updates, security monitoring, and performance optimization, ensuring that the website remains functional, secure, and up-to-date.


Calendar of Events

Saturday, July 6

Dowsing, How to Use a Pendulum – 1:303:30pm. This engaging and hands-on session will introduce you to the ancient art of dowsing, a practice used to locate water, minerals and other hidden objects, as well as gain insights into personal and environmental energies. $85. Results Wellness Center. 484-264-3889..

Sunday, July 7

Become a Tarot Card Advisor – 10am1pm. This comprehensive session is designed for those who wish to deepen their understanding of tarot and develop the skills to offer insightful readings professionally. $85. Results Wellness Center. 484264-3889.

Wednesday, July 10

Anxiety and Stress Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – 6:30- 7:45pm. This meditation technique is recommended by physicians as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, Twin Ponds Holistic Health Center, West LV - Breinigsville, Pre-register. 610-670-6700.

Mediumship – 1:30-4:30pm. This immersive experience is designed for individuals

seeking to explore and develop their abilities to connect with the spirit world. $85 Results Wellness Center. 484-264-3889.

Thursday, July 18

Anxiety and Depression Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – noon-1:15pm. This meditation technique is recommended by physicians as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, LIVE ONLINE Video Conference, Pre-register 610670-6700.

Sunday, July 21

Life Coaching Workshop – 1am-2pm. This unique program combines the power of life coaching with the transformative techniques of hypnosis, designed to help you overcome obstacles, unlock your potential, and achieve your personal and professional goals. $150 Results Wellness Center. 484-264-3889.

Wednesday, July 24

Anxiety and Stress Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – 7-8:15pm. This meditation technique is recommended by physicians

as a key to self-care. Gain relief from: insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, Stress Reduction Resources, Curtis Rd., Sinking Spring, PA, Pre-register. 610-670-6700.

Saturday, July 27

Hypnosis Certification Level 1 – 9am-5pm. $320 (for both days) with Master trainer Jacqueline LeClaire. Must preregister Results Wellness Center. 484-264-3889.

Sunday, July 28

Hypnosis Certification Level 1 – 9am-5pm. $320 (for both days) with Master trainer Jacqueline LeClaire. Must preregister Results Wellness Center. 484-264-3889.

Wednesday, July 31

Brain and Heart Health with Effortless Meditation™ – 7-8:15pm. This meditation technique is recommended by physicians as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, LIVE ONLINE Video Conference, Pre-register 610-670-6700.

On Going Events


Free Your Heart-Chakra Challenge (24/7) A FREE online course to get out of your head & into your heart with 3 simple tools. In 2 hours or less learn meditation, journaling & art play expressing left/right brain energies. Enroll now: MichelleLeeArtsStudio. com/p/Free-Your-Heart- Chakra-Challenge.

Narcotics Anonymous – If you think you have a drug problem, and are tired of being sick and tired, there is a better way. Call 24-hour helpline 610-439-1998. We are here to help. You are not alone.

Radiant HeART Rising (24/7) A soulistic experience to unblock your heart, embrace self-love & empower an inspired life, using yoga, meditation & heart-chakra art making. Take this online course at your pace for $33: MichelleLeeArtsStudio. com/p/Radiant-Heart-Rising.


Sunday Services – Metaphysical and non-denominational. Rev. Lloyd Moll, Pastor –Unique Sunday services 10:30am. All welcome! St. John’s Church of Faith, 607 Washington St Allentown. 610-776-7211.

Co-Dependent Anonymous – CoDA is a 12-Step Fellowship of men and women with a common purpose to recover from codependence. The only requirement for membership in CoDA is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. 7pm, Unity Church, 26 N. 3rd St., Emmaus. Call 610-704-6963 or visit


LV Lyme Support Group – First Wednesday of every month except July. Zoom calls only. Contact Heidi Healey at 973-610-0531 if interested. Speakers, Doctors, brochures and books. Country Meadows Retirement Facility. 4007 Greenpond Rd Bethlehem PA 18020. Building #3 Personal Care /2nd Floor Chapel (back of the campus).


Bear Creek Organics is hiring! We are looking for skilled landscapers who are passionate about Ecological Edible Landscaping. Permaculture Design Certificate preferred. Email resume and cover letter to:

Calling Holistic Presenters – Facilitate your workshop or retreat at our Upper Bucks center, with peaceful country setting, meditation gardens, and woods. Email or call 215-538-0976.

Bethlehem Nutrition and Wellness Center is hiring a part-time front desk assistant. An ideal applicant is someone with a positive mental outlook who enjoys working with people and wants to be an integral part of a wellness-based practice. Interested applicants should send their résumé to

Holistic Chiropractor, Naturopath or Natural Functional Medicine Practitioner Needed – Join our comprehensive solution Wellness Center in Stroudsburg. Access to over 2000 clients in a professional, dedicated facility. Call Vicki at 570977-1900 to discuss.


Crystal Tones Singing Bowls – Classic & Alchemy for meditation & vibrational healing. Also offering personal vibration testing. Contact Anthony at Life Holistic Center, 570-706-6680 or See more at

Interactive Dementia and Alzheimer Game – An interactive and fun family game that will bring a twinkle to the eye and smile on the face. Call 484-8605894.

Two Green Burial Plots for Sale – At Green Meadows Burial Ground in Fountain Hill, PA. $1,800 total.Call 610-698-4921.


Spiritually guided card readings offered in person, or via phone, parties also welcome. Channeled messages are for your highest good. Let my gifts guide you! Reasonable rates. Cheryl 908-268-8029.

Readings with intuitive counselor, Reiki also available. Free 10-minute initial session. Evelyn 551-804-7571.

Free Phone Reading for Lightworkers. Your Higher-Self reveals the blocks that are slowing you from growing your practice/business. Email Enaid to learn more.

Kula Heart Yoga & Wellness, LLC contracts self motivated and ethical bodyworkers and yoga instructors to serve Bath and the Lehigh Valley. If you are interested in growing your business, making your own hours and being a part of a Wellness Center that is filled with compassion, professionalism, and FUN! Submit your interest to info@

Space To Rent

Large, Victorian Home Rental – 5 bedrooms 2 baths home: weekend get aways, workshops, retreats, craft events, showers, private parties, photo shoots. Spacious front porch, backyard. White Haven PA. 215-870-9428.

Attention Health Care Professionals! Twin Ponds Health Center, a highly diverse holistic health center, offers a unique lease opportunity. Schedule a tour of the site. 610-899-2499.

Greater Lehigh Valley Business Directory

Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email to request our media kit.



LAURA EASTMAN, M.AC., L.AC. 1617 Hamilton Street Allentown, PA 18102


Eastman Acupuncture provides high quality, individualized acupuncture treatments to the Lehigh Valley community. We see patients for a wide range of symptoms such as pain, headaches, neuropathy, digestive issues, incontinence, anxiety and much more. We use a variety of techniques including Dr. Tan’s Balance Method, Master Tung points and electroacupuncture.


Dr. Robert W. Livingston III, DC, L.Ac. Dr. Jennifer K. Bollinger, DC, L.Ac. 8026 Hamilton Blvd. Trexlertown, PA 18087


LiveWell Integrated Health offers traditional Chinese acupuncture, chiropractic, body work, and nutritional and lifestyle coaching. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice...choose to LiveWell. See ad, page 11.

Ayurveda Practitioner


Leah Mary Quirk

I am a certified Ayurveda Practitioner and energy healer. Did you know that 80% of Americans have parasites? Cancer, Autoimmune, Digestive, Neurological, and Mental Health conditions can be caused by parasites. I work to get my clients properly digesting and eliminating along with diet, lifestyle changes, and custom herbal formulas to get real results.



Marie Ruxton CMT, CN 628 Chestnut St., Emmaus, PA 18049 610-965-2500

Marie is a certified massage therapist trained since 1997 in Advanced Myofascial Release Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Reiki, Ear Candling, Homeopathy and Holistic Nutrition. Offers comprehensive custom bodywork for those wanting to overcome chronic pain and movement problems. Sessions range from a (2 hour) Head to Toe meltdown massage to “Just Neck and Head” massage for those needing stress relief. Gift certificates available. See ad, page 10.



Dr. Joseph A. Perelli

656 5th St., Whitehall, PA 18052


Dr. Perelli has served the Lehigh Valley for 31 years delivering natural, hands-on chiropractic care for neck, mid-back, low back and extremity conditions. He specializes in sports, auto and work comp injuries with various holistic treatments to get you back to your pre-injury status quickly. See ad, page 15.



Dr. Robert W. Livingston III, DC, L.Ac. Dr. Jennifer K. Bollinger, DC, L.Ac. 8026 Hamilton Blvd. Trexlertown, PA 18087


LiveWell Integrated Health offers traditional Chinese acupuncture, chiropractic, body work, and nutritional and lifestyle coaching. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice...choose to LiveWell. See ad, page 11.

Clinical Nutritionist


Kathy Harrington, MS Functional Medical Nutritionist 3400 Bath Pike, Ste. 101 Bethlehem 610-419-3909

Bethlehem Nutrition & Wellness Center, we give you the tools to bring you and your family into a state of optimal health. Using the most advanced nutritional testing available, we look for the underlying cause of your health problems. Once the underlying cause is addressed not only do symptoms go away, but your overall health can also be greatly improved. See ad, page 9.



Kathy Lockett 610-569-5022

Life Coach and Meditation Instructor. Recovering from infidelity and divorce, I rebuilt my life and found joy again. I am grateful for my experiences and passionate about empowering and walking with women in similar situations. If you are ready to be empowered and create your best life, call for a complimentary 1:1 coaching session.


Rev. Lyn S. Felix, MSW, LCSW, CHT, RM 3037 S. Pike Ave. #105, Allentown PA 18103 610-282-0709

A holistic, highly intuitive counselor, coach and vibrational chakra rebalancing practitioner who supports you in getting unstuck and moving forward. Using mindfulness, hypnotherapy, EFT, Reiki, tuning forks, breathwork, and more, Rev. Lyn guides you step by step from chaos to calm and confidence. Insurances & Private Pay. Free Phone Consultation.



Dr. Paul Gross

401 N. 17th St., Suite 304, Allentown, PA 610-820-0700

Thousands in the Lehigh Valley struggle with depression every day, but thanks to the TMS Center of the Lehigh Valley, they are not alone in their fight. We are the region’s first transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment facility and one of the most experienced centers on the east coast, having performed over ten thousand TMS treatments. See ads, pages 2.

Energy Enhancement Systems (EES)



Infinite Energy of Allentown THE FUTURE IS NOW

The EE System generates bio-active energy fields called “Scalar Waves”. These promote wellness, cell regeneration, improved immune function, relieve pain, body detoxification, elevated mood, and balancing of the right and left-brain hemispheres for increased energy levels. Ultimately, it assists in facilitating an optimal healing environment that can assist the body to begin healing itself.

Events & Retreats Resort


570 595-2489

2518 Route 390 Canadensis, PA 18325

Magnolia Streamside Resort offers streamside lodging and a one-of-a-kind event wedding venue. From the chapel in our enchanted forest to festivities in a 4,000 ft pavilion surrounded by a gorgeous mountain stream. Magnolia is a perfect destination wedding resort venue. We invite you to enjoy the privacy and exclusivity of this nature oasis for a wholesome wedding weekend experience or a perfect getaway with your friends and family. See ad, page 17.

Food & Nutrition


Dianne & Lloyd Burg

7150 Hamilton Blvd

Trexlertown, PA


Dianne and Lloyd Burg opened Healthy Alternatives in 1994 to help people live a healthy lifestyle. As a registered nurse, Dianne saw a lot of hospital patients who weren’t getting better with traditional treatment. She started studying natural remedies to help them heal. Dietary changes and homeopathy seemed promising, but no one offered these solutions. The Burgs wanted to change that, so they decided to open Healthy Alternatives. See ad, page 28.

Funeral Services


Nicos C. Elias, Supervisor Allentown, PA 610-433-2200

Mr. Elias offers several different green and eco-friendly funeral plans using biodegradable caskets, preservation without chemicals. A natural, back to the earth approach. Biodegradable urns for those choosing cremation.

Green Cemetery


1121 Graham Street, Fountain Hill, PA 18015 610-868-4840

The only green cemetery in the Lehigh Valley. A cemetery of wildflowers and grasses native to Pennsylvania. Return to the natural cycle of life to nourish the soil, green the meadow and live on. Nondenominational. Non-profit. Speakers available to visit organizations. See ad, page 18.

He alth Food & Supplement Store


7727 Glenlivet Dr West, Ste D Fogelsville PA 18051

Facebook: @CBDAmericanShamanFogelsville

Including high-quality CBD into your daily routine can change your health for the better. Our certified consultants will show you why we were voted Best CBD Store by Readers’ Choice in 2021.

Hyperbaric Therapy


1021 Main St., Bethlehem PA 18018

Elixir Health & Wellness is an east meets west, holistic approach for longevity and anti-aging. We offer mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT), Red Light Therapy, Compression Therapy, and Metabolomic testing. These can be combined to optimize health or be used as stand alone therapies for specific goals. Protocols are tailored to each individual client. See ad, page 7.

Hypnosis & Hypnosis Training


40 South 5th St Suite 203 Allentown 18101 570-617-5325

Achieve your personal best in sports, sales public speaking and more. Whether you need to eliminate chronic pain, achieve your ideal body weight, reduce stress, or kick the smoking habit hypnosis is a useful tool that can help you move forward. Individual and group sessions, remote and in person sessions. Board Certified Hypnotist with NGH. See ad, page 19.


Jacqueline LeClaire

6120 W. Main Blvd., Bath, PA 18014


Become a Certified Hypnotherapist / Become a Certified Reiki Practitioner, Usui Master. Jacqueline LeClaire is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master Trainer with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and Reiki Master for over two decades. She is the owner of Results Wellness Center, LLC. See ad, page 14.

Kangen Water



Enagic Independent Distributor


Since 1974, Enagic® has been a leading innovator of pure water technology and has transformed the way we look at water and its role in a healthy and vibrant life. Enagic® specializes in producing ionized alkaline water systems that transform ordinary tap water into healthy, hydrating, alkaline Kangen Water® for cooking, cleaning, drinking and sanitizing. See ad, page 11.




We create organic and ecological edible landscapes. With mother nature as our teacher, and extensive knowledge of edible plants,. We develop beautiful food production systems that support your needs and the needs of the natural wildlife. No matter the size of your budget we will help you create an edible landscape that is right for you. See ad, page 8.



DR. DEKA RODGER ND, MBA Owner/Publisher 610-421-4443



Kathy Hatcher, LMT 656 5th St., Whitehall, PA 18052 610-266-6111

Kathy has been administering deep tissue, therapeutic, medical, pregnancy and aromatherapy massage since 1996. Her NEWEST services are Ionic Foot Cleanse Detoxification as well as Redlight therapy for non-surgical weight loss and chronic pain management. Insurance billing for massage available. See ad, page 15.



Tina Stashko, PhD MIfHI Emmaus, PA 18049 610-965-8132

Specializing in preventative healthcare, digestion and nutrient absorption, and thyroid and adrenal health. Modalities such as iridology, sclerology and biochemical balancing enable the development of your unique program for optimum health. These programs are easy to follow and incorporate into your daily life. Reach your full health potential! See ad, page 23.

Physical Therapy


Kyle S. Kasman, PT, DPT 484-781-5341

Wellness Spa


570 671-2121

11 Knob Road Mt Poconos, PA 18325

Magnolia Inn & Wellness Center is state of an art wellness hub that offers an extensive array of cutting-edge wellness modalities like Floating Therapy, Cryotherapy, IV Therapy, Colon Hydrotherapy and so much more. Our medical director, therapists, and staff are committed to helping our clients achieve TRUE health by accessing their optimal vitality and longevity. Membership programs are available and designed to make our services accessible to our local community. See ad, page 17.

Wellness Spapothecary



64 South Main St., Nazareth, PA 18064

610-365-8996 •

Herbs to Your Success is a health & wellness spa located in Nazareth, offering multiple holistic spa experiences and herbal remedies. We also offer a wide selection of essential oils, teas, skincare, make-up and more! We provide high quality spa services to our customers and our friendly and courteous staff guarantees exceptional customer service. See ad, page 15.

Due to his extensive background in business and marketing and built his own practice through the Natural Awakenings magazine he can take businesses to the next level. Also, with a strong background in keeping fit and understanding all aspects of exercising, he promotes B3 Science, an advanced method of achieving better fitness results in 1/2 the time. He also teaches a Nutrition Certification Course over a 6-month period, students completing this course and passing all exams can put the designation CNC after their name. See ads, pages 2 & back page.

Kyle started his mobile practice to offer high-quality care where every patient feels heard. His services include one-on-one inhome appointments to provide convenient treatment that fits your busy schedule. Evidencebased techniques and taskspecific activities are incorporated into each patient’s plan of care that are relevant to their goals. See ad, page 11.

Nutrition Course

September 1, 2024 finishes January 19, 2025

Through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC) Doctor of Naturopathy and Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) prepares students to pass the Certified Nutritional Consultants Exam. Once qualified you are entitled to use the designation CNC after your name and practice as a Nutritionist. Certified Nutritional Consultants (CNC) can work in hospitals, clinics, private practice settings alongside acupuncturists, mental health professionals, physical therapists, doctors and chiropractors, as well as a consultant in schools, businesses, health food stores, spas and health clubs.

The Next Nutrition Course

Next Course starts Sep 2022 - Feb 2023 dates TBD

Today's economists have determined that the natural health field is the fastest growing industry in the U.S. today. It goes without saying that people are getting more concerned about their personal health and their families health. Just take a look at this picture below and ask yourself, what type of life are you planning for yourself.

in 6 Months and put the letters CNC after your name. This recognized qualification is obtained through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, AANC.

Naturopathic Doctor Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) Course Instructor

“If the doctors of today do not become the nutritionists of tomorrow, then the nutritionists of today will become the doctors of tomorrow”. (Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research)

The course includes 12 modules, and classes meet twice a month on Sundays 9 am - 1pm . All modules are taught by Dr. Derek Rodger (ND). Course fee is $1794 and can be paid over 6 monthly installments at $299 per month.

Natalie, who flew in from Chicago every 2 weeks to do the CNC program has passed her Certified Nutritional Consultant and can now proudly put the letters CNC after her name: I met Dr. Rodger (ND) before I took his Nutrition Course and it was his knowledge and experience that drew me to choose his class over others. I am so very glad I did as, I'm positive I wouldn't have learnt what I did with other teachers.  I'm not sure I would have had such an inspirational teacher with highly motivational lectures.

Every student receives a free 90 minute private nutritional consultation with Dr. Rodger (ND) 89.

To obtain a detailed information pack visit:

or Tel: 908-223-8899

Alessandra, already had her nutritional degree, before she came on the course. I'm so proud of myself for finishing this the course and the exam. It was a great experience and I truly learned a lot.There are so many opportunities out there for me in my career to help others. I'll be attending the Natural Gourmet Institute which has a strong focus on a plant based diet. I look forward to helping others achieve a healthy lifestyle as a CNC and chef!

A library of material becomes yours following course completion. The course includes 11 modules and the classes meet on a Sunday morning 9-1 pm. The course fee is $1950 and can be paid over 6 months at $325.

If you would like to attend this educational course, which will clearly change your life from a nutritional perspective. More detailed information is sent out to students who are interested, sign up by going to:

A library of material becomes yours following course completion.

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