NEXT COURSE STARTS September 1, 2024 finishes January 19, 2025
Through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC) Doctor of Naturopathy and Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) prepares students to pass the Certified Nutritional Consultants Exam. Once qualified you are entitled to use the designation CNC after your name and practice as a Nutritionist. Certified Nutritional Consultants (CNC) can work in hospitals, clinics, private practice settings alongside acupuncturists, mental health professionals, physical therapists, doctors and chiropractors, as well as a consultant in schools, businesses, health food stores, spas and health clubs.
Today's economists have determined that the natural health field is the fastest growing industry in the U.S. today. It goes without saying that people are getting more concerned about their personal health and their families health. Just take a look at this picture below and ask yourself, what type of life are you planning for yourself.
The course includes 11 modules and the classes meet on a Sunday morning 9-1 pm. The course fee is $1950 and can be paid over 6 months at $325.
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© 2024 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.Natural Awakenings is a free publication distributed locally and is supported by our advertisers. Please call to find a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business. We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements, nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Check with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate use of any treatment.
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
Doesn't it feel great when someone pays you a compliment? Did you ever have one of those days when things weren't going well and you wished you could get back in bed, cover up your head, and not have to see or speak to anyone? You must go out even though you don't want to. You're feeling gloomy and don't know how you're going to make it through the day...then, out of nowhere...a perfect stranger pays you a compliment and suddenly it's a brand-new day and a whole new world.
How can so little mean so much? Usually, it's because you are down on yourself and can't think of anything nice, good, or acceptable about yourself. Out of nowhere comes a perfect stranger or someone you hardly know and tells you something really good about yourself...wow!
Why didn't you tell yourself something good about you? Probably you couldn't because, in that state of mind, you wouldn't have believed anything good about yourself, from yourself. It is easier for us to believe nice things that others tell us about us than the things we tell ourselves.
For right now I have a secret for you. Think about how good a sincere compliment makes you feel when you're down and gloomy. Next time you find yourself with a bad case of the doldrums, don't wait for someone else to cheer you up. You go pay a compliment to someone who looks as though they could use it. Doing so will make you feel even better than you felt when you received a compliment. Here's the secret: When you're having a bad day and are feeling gloomy, pay compliments to as many others as you can and watch them light up. Sometimes you can even see their physiology change as they begin to smile inside. You do it for them, but you receive an equal or greater reward.
Have a great month everyone…
by Bear Creek Organics
Summertime gardening involves taking action and getting dirt under your fingernails! It’s time to put your worries, doubts, and limiting beliefs BEHIND you and start moving, in a positive direction, toward your gardening goals. Plant now! Think of where you will be this Fall or next year. Yum, you’ll be eating handfuls and bowlfuls of fresh organic fruit!
Let’s consider a few questions.
1. What can you plant now that will positively impact your family’s nutrition and your food budget?
2. What foods are rich in antioxidants and cheaper to grow than to buy at the store especially if you want organic produce?
3. Which plants can you stick in the ground and harvest for years with little effort and maintenance, and zero chemicals?
How would you like to grow a berry patch for the kids, or have a plethora of organic berries for yogurts, jams, pies, and smoothies? This may be the year to consider a Backyard Berry Patch. If you plan it out, you can plant a variety
of berries and extend your organic berry harvest from early summer well into fall.
There are so many rewarding options. Consider a blueberry patch to grow plump perfectly ripe organic blueberries year after year. Honeyberries taste like blueberries but can grow in a wide range of soils. Currants and gooseberries can benefit from partial shade. Elderberries and Aronia berries can produce immuneboosting berries for producing medicinal syrups. Strawberries can be grown pretty much anywhere as an edible ground cover. Seaberries are not only a nitrogen fixer but they produce deep orange berries that are vitamin C rich and considered a superfood in Russia and Eastern Europe.
And what about Blackberries and Raspberries? Oh how wonderful, delicate, plump, and juicy these fruits can be when fresh from the garden, yet so variable in quality and expensive to buy at the store. These cane fruits love our slightly acidic soils and can be grown with ease.
Few things can match the joy of wandering through the raspberry patch, searching out the plump jewels of ripe yellow and red, grazing through the patch popping berry after berry into your mouth, and savoring that surprising burst of sweet and tart of the perfect raspberry.
Bear Creek Organics carries a wide variety of berry plants well suited for our area. They also carry fruit trees nut trees, native flowers, and more.
Visit the Bear Creek Organics Nursery! A fully-stocked nursery for your edible landscaping dreams. The most unique fruit trees, nut trees, and berry plants, along with beautiful native flowers, are selected for low maintenance and success in our local area.
Open Monday-Friday 9-am-6-pm (Week ends by appointment). Please call or email if you are coming. Location: 76 Helmer Ln, White Haven, PA, 18661. 570-582-0615, hello@bearcreekorganics.com. BearCreekOrganics.com. Facebook: facebook.com/bearcreekorganics
September 15. Rain Date
September 29.
Greenshire Institute, Upper Bucks near Lake Nockamixon, are holding A Festival of Peace. The festival will focus on promoting peace within Self, Family, Community, and All Humankind. The re-dedication of Greenshire’s Peace Pole, erected in 2006, is central to this gathering. On the Peace Pole is inscribed seven different languages reading: "May peace prevail on earth."
During the Peace Festival people will unite through such activities as: Sacred Circle, Workshops, Healing Sessions, Presentations, Drumming, Music, Dance, Vendors, Food, Fire Circle, Face Painting, Balloon Clown, and spontaneous happenings! Greenshire will also host One… A Shared Vision, a conversation that will explore visions for peace. También, estaremos ofreciendo talleres en español para nuestra comunidad hispana.
The Peace Festival will also feature Spa for the Soul, an organization that provides a revitalizing haven for the Mind, Body, and Soul. They will be providing private healing sessions, each specializing in unique modalities focusing on Mind, Body, and Soul wellness. Through their holistic approach to wellness, Spa for the Soul aims to elevate and inspire individuals in cultivating self-care practices that nurture well-being and promote a deep sense of relaxation and renewal. Their unique blend of Soulful Nourishment and Healing Touch creates a space filled with love, care, and a sense of value for each of their guests.
Greenshire’s Space for Peace is dedicated to helping people explore new horizons as they revitalize the quality of their life: body, mind, and spirit. Their team of professionals provides powerful experiences to help individuals reach their goals, such as Yoga, Reiki, Meditation, Spiritual Studies, Life’s Transitions, Poetry, Astrology, Tarot, and Community Gatherings. They also offer healing sessions, including Reiki, Energy Balancing, Sound, Craniosacral, Shamanic, Medical Intuition, Reflexology, and Holistic Life Coaching.
Greenshire’s seven-acre grounds are always open to the public. Welcoming visitors, the Angel of Peace statue invites you to visit Greenshire’s seven-acre sanctuary. A Stone Circle has been constructed to acknowledge summer and winter solstices, spring and fall equinoxes. The Peace Garden brings focus to the Peace Pole. A three-dimensional Star of David helps bring clarity to one’s spiritual journey. You can even “paint a rock, give a rock, take a rock!” Also, deep in the silent woods is Greenshire’s Stone Amphitheater, Medicine Wheel, and Heart Garden
Greenshire Institute was founded in 2006 and continues to this day, inviting you to explore their many gatherings, workshops, and healing sessions. For Greenshire’s current calendar, please visit: www.GreenshireInstitute.org. Greenshire is open to All People, Races, Creeds.
Entrance Donation: $20/individual. $30/family. Vendors & Healers: $80/space. Presenters: Free. Contact Greenshire to reserve: info@GreenshireInstitute.org. 3620 Sterner Mill Road, Quakertown, PA. See ad on page 12.
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In the West, the typical paradigm is to treat patients allopathically (Medical Doctor MD). This means that pharmaceutical drugs or surgery usually address or manage diagnoses. Instead of only addressing the symptoms and/or diagnosis, Chinese medicine searches for the root cause, so that the symptom can be eradicated, instead of merely being treated by a pharmaceutical drug. Pharmaceuticals in most cases, tend to manage symptoms, until such times as the effect of the medication tends to weaken or fails to treat the issue. At that point there is either a dose increase or an additional medication prescribed, when this happens the body can get more and more imbalanced.
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Here is an East/West comparison of similar diagnoses that we work with often, hives, rashes, and eczema are allergic reactions expressed through the skin. In the West, a patient will go to a dermatologist for such complaints and steroids are likely to be prescribed. The function here is these pharmaceuticals tell the body to “stop overreacting”. This will likely make the patient comfortable in the moment, it does nothing to address the question of why the body is so inflamed and why it is reacting this way. Suppressing the immune system (as is the function of steroids) can lead to a host of other health issues, both long and short-term. In Chinese medicine theory, we would see the same person and establish which of the five organ systems is at the root of the immune system’s overreaction, using intake, tongue, and pulse examination. We address that and balance the body using dietary strategies, herbs, and nervous system releases so that the skin issues cease permanently as opposed to the patient treated by long-term pharmaceuticals/steroids, which tend to result in recurring treatments and the likelihood of experiencing further symptoms of imbalance in the future.
For more information, please visit FiveElementsHolisticHealth. com, email eileen@eileenCuce.com, or call 215-7380-0751. See ad on page 13.
Often during a physical therapy plan of care, it is usually beneficial to include a variety of manual techniques. They are often used to reduce pain and muscle tension while also promoting optimal mobility and postural stability. More specifically, instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization has been proven to be an excellent treatment option to improve a patient’s symptoms. It has been thoroughly studied and proven to have benefits in the treatment of a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions such as muscular strains, ligament sprains, tendinitis, low back pain, neck pain, myofascial pain, after surgical procedures such as knee replacements, and much more. Stainless steel tools with beveled edges are used to perform a variety of strokes to first assess and then treat soft tissue disorders. The tools can be viewed as an extension of the practitioner’s hands to produce a more beneficial therapeutic response than what may be achieved with hands alone. These types of techniques can be beneficial in breaking down scar tissue and reducing fascial restriction while also promoting fluid dynamics and increasing blood flow. Mechanoreceptors are also stimulated during treatment, which can reduce pain. Tissue healing can also be promoted through stimulation of the inflammatory response. This subsequently produces collagen synthesis and fibroblast proliferation for optimal healing to take place. At Light The Path Physical Therapy we have earned the designation of certified instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization practitioners through HawkGrips to offer advanced care.
For more info: Kyle S. Kasman, PT, DPT. Board-Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist 484-781-5341. Kyle@lightthepathphysicaltherapy.com. See ad on page 11.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), smoking and secondhand smoke exposure cause 480,000 deaths in the USA each year.
Most smokers are aware that smoking causes serious health risks and that it contributes to a shortened life expectancy as compared to nonsmokers. They may not have been aware of the risks when they had that first cigarette. Almost no one thinks that they will get stuck in a habit that lasts many decades or even a lifetime.
Hypnosis helps people stop smoking. Perhaps you or someone you know used hypnosis to stop smoking. You may also know a person who did not stop smoking with hypnosis and came to the conclusion that “nothing works” for them. That may be true for them, and it may just be true for that attempt at stopping. For hypnosis to be effective the person must want the goal and the person must want to have hypnosis. This rule applies to other problems people want to make better with hypnosis, you need to want the goal and you need to want hypnosis.
The famous hypnotist Don Mottin is quoted as saying that of people who receive hypnosis to stop smoking 30% respond as if they never smoked, 30 % reach for a cigarette and realize they don’t need it and 30% have a struggle and they overcome it with the techniques the hypnotist teaches them.
Contact me to find out about private and group sessions to stop smoking. Vanessa Perez Weiss, BCH, FNP, NP-C. Stream Hypnosis, LLC. 535 E. Laurel St, Bethlehem, PA 18018. vperweiss@streamhypnosis.com. 570-6175325. www.streamhypnosis.com See ad on page 11.
by Yuliya Semenovych, Elixir Health and Wellness
I’m only in my 30s, but whenever I tell my older client population that I aim to live to a healthy 120 years of age, their response is either shock, amusement, or dread on my behalf. In the quest to extend my healthspan, I dove into the research on Blue Zones when creating the framework for Elixir Health and Wellness
Blue Zones are regions identified by National Geographic fellow Dan Buettner where people live significantly longer and healthier lives. These areas include Okinawa (Japan), Sardinia (Italy), Ikaria (Greece), Nicoya Peninsula (Costa Rica), and Loma Linda (California, USA).
A key finding from the Blue Zones studies is the impact that strong community ties have on longevity and quality of life. In these regions, people maintain close-knit social networks that provide emotional support, a sense of belonging, and foster an environment where individuals feel valued and supported well into their 100’s.
One of the ways this is reflected at Elixir Health and Wellness is in the layout and construction of the space - you immediately feel like you’re walking into a friend’s home. There are almost no walls dividing the space, plenty of comfy seating, books on the windowsills, and art adorning the walls.
On the Greek island of Ikaria, as well as on the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, a sense of community and social engagement is woven into daily life. The people often engage in communal activities and regular social gatherings which foster a strong sense of belonging and purpose. Studies show that these people all have lower rates of depression dementia, and are physically healthier.
Elixir Health and Wellness taps into this research of connectedness within the community. Other local businesses are highlighted, and clients are encouraged to foster new friendships (if they are open to it) and bring friends with them. Group activities like sound bowl meditations and networking nights, will be offered in the fall of 2025.
The lessons from Blue Zones offer a roadmap to longevity beyond diet and exercise. Elixir Health and Wellness also offers mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT), Red Light Therapy, and Compression Therapy to support my (and your) longevity journey.
In an era where social isolation and loneliness are increasingly recognized as public health concerns, the findings from the Blue Zones underscore the need to cultivate strong social networks and foster community engagement. Whether through family or friends, local businesses, or community groups, nurturing relationships can significantly enhance our quality of life, stave off mental illness, and contribute to longer, healthier lives.
If you have a question or are interested in booking a session for mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy email us at ElixirBethelehm@gmail.com or book directly online at www.ElixirLV.com.
Wayne Wolfe is a Certified Instructor of traditional Yang Style Tai Chi (Tai Chi Chuan). He teaches Yang Style Tai Chi at Embrace Holistic Center on Saturday mornings. Beginner class at 10 AM and an Advanced Class at 11 AM.
Wayne is a student of Great Grandmaster William C.C. Chen, since 1990. The foundational form taught is the 60 Movements of Tai Chi Chuan, developed by Chen and approved by his teacher Cheng Man-Ching. Cheng Man-Ching was a student of Yang Cheng Fu, the grandson of the founder of the Yang style, Yang Lu Chan.
Embrace Holistic Center is a Center for William C. C. Chen Tai Chi Chuan. 647 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston, PA. 570-578-7978 EmbraceHolisticCenter.com. WilliamccChen.com.
by Sheila Julson
Vanessa Sabatine initially formed Herbs to Your Success in 1994 as a way to offer quality herbal supplements for weight loss. Thirty years and three brick-and-mortar locations later, the business has evolved into a “spapothecary” with herbal teas, customized tea blends, and essential oils, along with cutting-edge sauna experiences to aid in detoxification and relaxation.
As Sabatine reflects on the 30th anniversary of Herbs to Your Success, she’s seen wellness trends come and go, changing public attitudes about health, and a barrage of one-size-fits-all advice from myriad internet sources. However, having a brick-and-mortar space where customers can come in and ask questions, see, smell and try herbs that support the body, and book in-person consults with a trained herbalist provides a valuable experience that the internet or big-box stores cannot.
“I’m like a detective, peeling away layers to get to the root causes of people’s health symptoms,” she says. “People are curious and looking into natural solutions more today than when I first started, and I hope that I’ve been on the forefront of teaching them.”
Sabatine has also learned a lot on her journey. “Getting rid of toxins in the body is more important than anything else,” she affirms, noting that toxic particles from heavy metals, chemicals, and microbial compounds can clog the body and lead to inflammation, lack of energy, weight gain, and other symptoms of inflammation.
There are more players in the holistic health field today than when Sabatine first started. She thoroughly monitors every product she provides at Herbs to Your Success. “There were many natural
wellness companies that were good in the beginning but got bought out. When bigger conglomerates take over a small business, they often cut corners,” she explains.
Sabatine stocks her shop windows and shelves with vetted products such as Young Living essential oils, a company that also turns 30 years old this year. She carries natural soaps, and teas and herbs from smaller, traceable suppliers. She will custom blend teas per each customer’s individual needs and preferences.
While many might associate spa services with luxurious pampering, Sabatine’s spa services are selected for health purposes first and foremost. Her most recent addition, the FLOWpresso, from New Zealand, helps stimulate the body’s lymphatic system to flush toxins and restore balance.
During a session, the client lies on a table and the FLOWpresso booties are placed on their legs. Mats are wrapped around the arms and abdomen. The machine then gives gentle hugs all the way up and down the body, which Sabatine says calms the central nervous system and stimulates the lymphatic system. Infrared heat from the FLOWpresso also helps promote relaxation.
The sessions also include a lymph-cleansing tea, an essential oils roll-on and a cream to rub on neck area to open the lymph system. Sabatine demonstrates tapping sessions that clients can use to further help open the body. She remarks that the FLOWpresso treatment plan better allows for teaching moments so clients can learn how to keep their lymph system healthy at home.
Several of Sabatine’s detoxification modalities are complementary and can be used together. The infrared sauna, which mimics the sun’s rays, can be a more comfortable and effective detoxification alternative to steam saunas. The private salt booth uses a generator to blow salt into the air so the recipient can breathe it in more efficiently. The salt booth may improve respiratory problems and improve skin issues.
In addition, the oxygen sauna saturates oxygen throughout the body to aid in circulation. The ionic footbath pulls out toxins from the body through the pores of the feet.
Sabatine will host a 30th anniversary event on August 17, 2024; call the store for details. After running Herbs to Your Success for 30 years, she says more friends and relatives are encouraging her to retire, but she still feels a calling to educate people about achieving health naturally.
“I can’t keep these therapies to myself,” she says. “I still have to tell too many people, including the younger crowd, and keep my finger in the pool and make them aware that daily habits affect their health more than they realize.”
Herbs to Your Success is located at 64 S. Main St., Nazareth. For more information, call 610-365-8996 or visit HerbstoYourSuccess.com.
habits that developed subconsciously, like nail biting or negative thinking that limits self-growth.
“Hypnotherapy drills into the subconscious mind while you’re in a state of deep relaxation,” LeClaire explains. While one is in this deeply relaxed, meditative state, the subconscious mind is more susceptible to absorbing positive suggestions or affirmations and can thus be conditioned into letting go of ingrained habits.
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique that focuses on stress reduction and relaxation. “Reiki is the word for universal life force energy,” LeClaire says. Clients lie fully clothed on a table while the practitioner facilitates the body’s healing process through gentle touch. When the mind and body is calm and deeply relaxed, the body’s energy, or chakras, become unblocked. Reiki can be used to ease pain, anxiety, depression and fatigue. While it’s most beneficial to experience hypnotherapy or reiki in person, LeClaire notes that these therapies can also be performed virtually.
by Sheila Julson
As a holistic lifestyle coach for more than 25 years, Jacqueline LeClaire of Results Wellness Center, LLC understands that change can be intimidating. Using a warm, personable approach, LeClaire looks at each client individually as a whole person and uniquely combines hypnotherapy, reiki, intuitive readings, yoga, chakra balancing, crystal healing, fitness and esogetic colorpuncture to steer clients toward a forward path.
LeClaire started building a solid client base while working as a fitness coach, teaching weight training and cardiovascular exercises. While dating a chiropractor, LeClaire became intrigued by how he had used hypnotherapy to help his patients meditate and find relief from stress. She became a Certified Hypnotherapist and worked for many years from an office in North Arlington, New Jersey.
LeClaire notes that hypnosis often conjures up images of parlor tricks and levitation for entertainment purposes, but hypnotherapy can foster change of habit and help people quit smoking and reduce cravings for unhealthy foods, as well as alter compulsive
LeClaire also offers yoga classes, fitness and nutrition coaching, and esogetic colorpuncture, a system to healing that uses a device to focus on points and zones on the skin to transmit light through the body’s energetic pathways. “I felt led toward each of these holistic energy healing modalities through people that had influenced me over the years and whom I’ve intersected with throughout life,” she says. She offers free phone consults and customizes individualized plans for each client.
During the pandemic, LeClaire says that more people are seeking ways to promote self-healing and spiritual, physical and emotional stability. She works with people that feel overwhelmed and are seeking ways to cope; people that want to make lifestyle changes; and cancer patients that want to support their conventional treatments with holistic modalities.
“I meet people where they’re at. I read their energy and try to figure out where they are blocked,” LeClaire concludes. “I don’t want to overwhelm them but instead try to put them on the path forward by eliminating negative thinking. If something’s not working, I’ll try a different approach. I give them MP3 music, mediation techniques and mantras—all the tools they need to continue healing outside of my office.”
LeClaire is also a teacher; she regularly offers classes to instruct others to become Reiki Level I, Level II or Reiki Master practitioners. She also teaches hypnotherapist certification classes to people that want to learn the therapeutic art for personal development, for expanding coaching skills, or for communicators seeking to add depth to their toolbox. This summer and autumn, LeClaire will add more classes to train people how to give reiki and hypnotherapy to others, how to teach physic abilities and how do energy readings to help more people connect with their spiritual selves.
Results Wellness Center, LLC is located at 6120 W. Main Blvd., Bath. For more information, call 484-264-3889 or visit JacquelineLeClaire.com.
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Mycelium, the soft, dense and strong roots of fungi, are being used in mycotextiles, a potential replacement for leather. MycoWorks, a South Carolinabased biotechnology company, is working on a scalable approach to grow uniform sheets of interwoven mycelium that are customizable for varying thickness, surface features and dimensions. The goal is to produce a more ethical, environmentally sustainable and efficient alternative to animal leather. The fungus is grown in sterilized agricultural waste such as sawdust and bran, and the growth process ends when the sheets of mycelium are peeled off the sawdust block, at which point they can be tanned and crafted into a range of marketable products. To date, MycoWorks materials have been used in designer handbags for Hermès, making them biodegradable at the end of their life cycle.
The Panama Canal, a 51-mile waterway connecting the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, transports $270 billion of cargo annually. Located at each end of the canal, locks lift and lower ships, moving them into and out of Gatun Lake, an artificial freshwater lake. A severe drought during the May to December 2023 rainy season has resulted in the lake being six feet below its pre-drought levels. As a result, the Panama Canal Authority has restricted the number and size of ships that are able to pass through the canal since June 2023, causing ships to have to travel around the tip of South America to reach their destinations, adding delays at other ports and escalating the demand for trucking and rail services—all of which have increased greenhouse gas emissions and the cost of imported goods. In addition, water in the locks that is usually flushed into the oceans is being recycled to maintain Gatun Lake’s water level, and because this reused water can become saltier, it poses a threat to Panama’s main source of drinking water.
Makers of laundry detergent sheets tout their products’ eco-benefits, including their compact size; a reduction in detergent waste caused by drips, spills and overfilling; and their efficient, plastic-free packaging. The sheets contain polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), an ingredient that is also present in dish-detergent pods, which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has deemed safe for humans and the environment due to the fact that it biodegrades into water and carbon dioxide when exposed to certain microbes.
Unfortunately, PVA biodegradation conditions are not always present in municipal wastewater treatment plants. A 2021 study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health estimates that approximately 75 percent of PVAs end up in the environment through sludge or water released from treatment plants. Because the majority of PVAs are made from fossil fuels, they add to global microplastic pollution.
by Thais Harris, BCHN
Despite society’s increasing emphasis on individualism, the concept of community remains a powerful force for personal and collective well-being. Loneliness is detrimental to both mental and physical health and comparable to smoking or obesity in terms of risk factors. Among older adults, isolation is associated with an increased probability of dementia.
In his book Project Unlonely: Healing Our Crisis of Disconnection, Dr. Jeremy Noble discusses the public health and economic
impacts of widespread seclusion, as well as the importance of building meaningful connections. He advocates making loneliness screening a routine part of health care and prescribing social activities such as museum visits, classes and nature walks for patients. These measures have been effectively used in the United Kingdom.
There is a growing movement that encourages us to find our tribe—those that resonate with our own core values, interests and lifestyle. While historically
associated with Indigenous groups, a “tribe” is defined as a social division consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect. The point is to surround ourselves with supportive individuals that uplift us and provide a sense of belonging.
Family is, in a sense, our original tribe, serving a crucial role in our sense of belonging throughout life. Regardless of interpersonal dynamics, maintaining consistent connection with relatives can ease loneliness and improve longevity and other health outcomes. In the world’s Blue Zones, where people live the longest and have a better overall quality of life, the happiest centenarians build their lives around their families, and multigenerational households are common.
To remain anchored in our heritage, it is essential to regularly share moments and activities with kin, enjoying family meals, holiday parties, game nights, walks around the neighborhood or even living room hangouts. Simply spending time together allows us to share family stories,
learn from each other and create traditions. Outside the family, there are many ways to find or create a tribe of cheerful acquaintances and deeply held friendships that form a safety net to shield us from drifting into isolation.
Volunteering is a powerful way to engage in activities that align with our passions and values while also connecting with likeminded people and helping a cause or deserving group of individuals. One example is Volunteers in Medicine (VIM), founded in 2003, which brings together 70 medical professionals and approximately 100 community stakeholders that volunteer their time to provide free health care for the uninsured people of the Berkshires, in Massachusetts. While the practitioners treat patients—in-person and online—the others serve as interpreters, drivers and receptionists. The generosity of these individuals addresses an important need in the community and keeps people out of hospitals.
“By engaging in VIM’s mission, volunteers find purpose and meaning through the act of giving back, enhancing their own lives while improving others,” shares VIM Executive Director Ilana Steinhauer. “The opportunity to serve the community not only fulfills a personal desire to help those in need, but also fosters a deep sense of connection and community among volunteers. This camaraderie and shared mission enrich the volunteers’ lives, creating a ripple effect of positivity that strengthens the entire community fabric, making it a cornerstone of community and personal development.”
Another example is nonprofit Citizen University, which equips Americans to be cultural catalysts. Their Local Civic Collaboratory aims to shift the paradigm of success from individual achievement to shared triumph. Through collaborative gatherings, participants are empowered to address local issues, launch educational initiatives and spark artistic endeavors while relishing in deep conversations, forging meaningful bonds and launching networks of unified action.
Coming together around shared beliefs or devotional practices can be another avenue to step away from seclusion and into a loving fraternity. Some people with shared values and goals choose to live with each other in what is known as intentional communities, many of which emphasize sustainability, cooperation and mutual support. The Foundation for Intentional Community offers an online directory to find the right living situation based on multiple criteria, including geographical location, community type, dietary preferences, educational styles, religious or spiritual beliefs and renewable energy sources.
When we are out and about, we encounter people we don’t know—strangers in supermarket aisles, bank lines or walking their dogs in the local park. Instead of passing by without acknowledging them, we have the choice to say hello or exchange pleasantries. On his podcast “Hidden Brain”, Shankar Vedantam explores how these tiny encounters can impact our lives. Smiling at people in the street, expressing gratitude for small acts of kindness or complimenting someone’s style elevates both parties. Studies by Amit Kumar, assistant professor of marketing and psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, and Nicholas Epley, professor of behavioral science at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, highlight the beneficial, long-term impact of small acts of kindness and positive interactions on recipients and givers.
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If friendships were lost during the pandemic, rebuilding a tribe will require intentionality and creativity. Reaching out with purpose to create community might just be what saves us and the planet. When we feel a sense of belonging, we can collaborate for the common good and boost our ability to protect nature, innovate and find solutions for the world’s problems. How we network is limited only by our imagination: Take classes at the local library, community college or arts organization;
find a fun activity on MeetUp.com; or form a group to make new friends that share a common interest.
While online tribes can offer accessibility and a broader reach, thus facilitating connections with people from different geographies and backgrounds, face-toface interactions are essential to our wellbeing. Holistic psychologist Victoria Kar shares, “Never in history has humanity been more disconnected from each other than now. The predominance of urban lifestyles creates barriers for deep social connections, and technology creates a false sense of belonging—where we can reach someone on the other side of the world on a screen—yet have no one to hold next to us.”
In-person communities provide a more heartfelt sense of fellowship. When we are present, we emit energetic fields, and the heart radiates perhaps the most powerful energy. Studies conducted by the HeartMath Institute have shown that the heart’s magnetic field can be detected by other individuals up to five feet away, igniting our sense of belonging in a way that is not possible online.
In his recent advisory report, “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation,” U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Hallegere Murthy notes that, across age groups, people are spending less time with each other in person than two decades ago, and this is most pronounced among young people aged 15 to 24 that are engaging in 70 percent fewer interactions with friends. Murthy points out, “The impact of this lack of social connection can be felt in our schools, workplaces and organizations, where performance, productivity and engagement are diminished.”
The report outlines six recommendations to enhance social connection, including:
• Urging for greater social infrastructure at parks, libraries and public programs
• Enacting pro-connection public policies at every level of government such as access to public transport and paid family leave
• Mobilizing the health sector to address needs stemming from isolation
• Reforming digital environments
• Investing in research to deepen our understanding of social isolation
• Cultivating a culture of connection
In his book Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World, Murthy identifies three types of connections that play a crucial role in our lives: intimate (close friends and family), relational (friends and acquaintances) and collective (communities). Factors such as work culture, social media and urbanization can hinder meaningful connections, contributing to a growing sense of isolation.
As a solution, he emphasizes the importance of small, consistent actions such as active listening, expressing gratitude and engaging with community. True connection is a source of healing. The Surgeon General urges, “Answer that phone call from a friend. Make time to share a meal. Listen without the distraction of your phone. Perform an act of service. Express yourself authentically.”
Finding a tribe can significantly impact our health and happiness, providing support, joy and inclusion. The connections we choose to nurture can enrich our lives in profound ways, ensuring we thrive in body, mind and spirit.
Thais Harris is a board-certified holistic nutritionist, bestselling author and international speaker. Connect at NourishTogether.com.
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August 2024
by Ruth Roberts, DVM, CVA, CVH, CVFT, NAN
Like the African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child,” it takes a village to raise a pet, too. Pet ownership involves much more than just feeding and walking them. It requires a holistic approach that includes training, socialization, health care and emotional wellbeing. A supportive community can play a crucial role in raising a pet by offering a diverse set of skills, resources and advocations that contribute to their comprehensive care.
A 2017 study across urban sites in the U.S. and Australia found that pet owners have significantly higher “social capital” than non-pet owners. Defined as the “connections among individuals, social networks, and the norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness
that arise from them,” social capital is crucial for community well-being.
The study describes how pets can facilitate social interactions, acting as catalysts for building social networks and fostering a sense of community. Such interactions extend beyond simply breaking the ice between strangers; they contribute to a wider social trust and the ties that bind communities together.
A recent report by Mars Incorporated, makers of human and pet food, highlights the power of pets to bring people together and alleviate the loneliness epidemic. Nearly nine in 10 adults say pets are one of the easiest conversation-starters, and pet parents say pets made them more familiar with their neighbors (85 percent) and more invested in their community (70 percent).
Benefits of a Pet Community
A supportive pet community enhances the quality of life for pets and their owners.
• Socialization for Pets and Owners: Pets need social interaction to thrive. Regular playdates, dog park visits and community events help pets interact with other animals, improving behavior, reducing anxiety and boosting happiness. For owners, these gatherings can foster lasting friendships and a supportive network.
• Shared Knowledge and Resources: Experienced pet owners share advice on training techniques, veterinarians, pet-sitting services, groomers and pet-friendly activities, helping pets receive the best care.
• Emotional Support: Pet ownership can be challenging. A community offers much-needed emotional support, empathy and practical advice during difficult times, such as dealing with a sick pet or behavioral issues.
groups, offer platforms to share experiences, seek advice and build friendships worldwide. Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok also host vibrant pet communities.
Veterinary clinics and pet stores often act as local pet community hubs, hosting events and providing bulletin boards for announcements. Participating in pet-friendly festivals, charity walks and adoption fairs offers great opportunities to meet other pet owners and learn about local resources. These activities not only help in finding a pet tribe, but also enhance a pet’s social life and well-being.
Box 421 Emmaus, PA 18049 • P: 610-421-4443 • F: 610-421-4445
The right pet community includes professionals such as veterinarians, pet trainers and nutritionists to provide access to high-quality, accurate and reliable information and support. These experts stay updated with the latest research and best practices, allowing pet owners to benefit from the most recent advancements in pet care.
LVEditor@NaturalAwakeningsMag.com • www.NaturalAwakeningsMag.com
Proof for Natural Awakenings
• Active Lifestyle: Pet communities promote an active lifestyle that includes group walks, hiking clubs and outdoor events that keep pets and owners physically healthier and happier.
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• Advocacy and Education: Pet communities organize events for spaying and neutering, raise awareness about pet adoption and host workshops on pet care. These efforts contribute to the wellbeing of pets and promote responsible pet ownership.
If an existing community doesn’t fit specific needs, consider organizing personal events. Starting a weekly dog walk, hosting a pet playdate in the backyard or planning a pet-friendly picnic can create a supportive network of pet owners with shared interests. Volunteering at animal shelters, rescue organizations or pet adoption events is another excellent way to connect with other passionate pet owners while contributing to a worthy cause.
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Joining a meetup hosted by a dog park or local pet club is an excellent starting point to find a pet community nearby. Websites like Meetup and Facebook help connect pet owners in the area. Online communities, including breed-specific forums and pet care
The power of community in pet ownership is undeniable. Embracing the collective care model ensures a healthier, happier and more connected life for all involved.
Ruth Roberts is an integrative veterinarian and holistic health coach for pets, as well as the creator of The Original CrockPet Diet. Learn more at DrRuthRoberts.com.
We feature a full line of veterinary preparation with size, dose and flavor appropriate medications for every animal ... including cats, dogs, ferrets, bunnies, reptiles, birds and exotics! We work with your vet!
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by Maya Whitman
The average life expectancy is 77.5 years in the United States, but residents of the Seventh-Day Adventist city, Loma Linda, California, are outliving the rest of the country by 10 years. Like other regions of the world classified as Blue Zones, Loma Linda’s soil and water aren’t sprinkled with magic, but daily lifestyle and dietary habits might be key contributing factors.
Coined by National Geographic explorer and researcher Dan Buettner, the term “Blue Zones” is bestowed upon intriguing corners of the world where people reach their ninth decade and beyond without suffering from chronic illness and disease. While no definitive formula for longevity exists in Loma Linda or any of the other four Blue Zones— Nuoro Province, Sardinia, Italy; Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica; Okinawa, Japan; and Ikaria, Greece—commonalities include
staying physically active, eating unprocessed food and enjoying a vibrant social network.
“By prioritizing physical activity, encouraging plant-based diets and creating spaces that promote social interactions, communities can reduce the incidence of chronic diseases and improve overall well-being,” says Buettner, author of The Blue Zones Kitchen, who found his life’s work traveling the world in search of centenarian secrets.
In 2023, JAMA Internal Medicine published the findings of a long-term study involving more than 75,000 women and 44,000 men over 36 years, which determined that adherence to one of four plantbased and Mediterranean dietary patterns can lower the risk of premature death. All of the dietary guidelines in this study
included whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. Growing evidence suggests that nutrient-dense, unprocessed meals play a major role in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, which can contribute to cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.
“Diets in Blue Zones are predominantly plant-based, with a heavy emphasis on vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. They also eat a variety of beans, which are a staple in their diets and an excellent source of protein and fiber,” Buettner points out, adding that moderate portion sizes, unhurried mealtime and leaving the table when 80 percent full are also highlights of the Blue Zone lifestyle.
Anna Freedman, a natural-food chef, educator and founder of Wholefood Harmony, in London, England, specializes in a health-supporting macrobiotic approach based on ancient Japanese philosophy and developed in the 1920s by George Ohsawa. She says, “Whole foods are essential to health and longevity. Plants capture the sun’s energy, so consuming vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains bestows both nutrition and vibrancy upon the body. These foods are alkalizing and directly nourish the cells, restoring the blood quality and supporting health and longevity.”
Macrobiotic favorites like lentils, chickpeas, whole grains and dark, leafy greens echo Blue Zone dietary models and are believed to promote overall systemic balance.
The macrobiotic approach, adds Freedman, “can be adjusted to focus on improving a certain health condition or adapted to meet climate, phase of life or another factor.” In her work with clients, she encourages the consumption of a wide range of plant ingredients and cooking styles, and even incorporates certain animal proteins, to accommodate client preferences.
Diets that seek to promote a longer, healthier life usually include powerhouse ingredients such as naturally fermented sauerkraut and kimchi, legumes like lentils and split peas, and whole grains, especially barley, millet and oats.
In our modern world, feelings of isolation are reaching epidemic proportions, and in the medical community, loneliness is now seen as a risk factor for mortality that is equal to the effects of obesity, smoking or a sedentary lifestyle. Through Blue Zone research, it is understood that emotional nourishment is vital to good health. According to Buettner, “In Blue Zones, people often engage in regular social interactions, whether it’s through communal meals, faith-based gatherings or simply spending time with neighbors and family.” A table of delicious food surrounded by loved ones is an inspiring way to eat and age gracefully.
For Gladys McGarey, M.D., cofounder of the American Holistic Medical Association, who is still practicing medicine at 103 years of age, our thoughts are also a form of nourishment. “What we feed our minds grows and lives, and we become it,” says the author of the bestseller The Well- Lived Life. “It has to do with love, the whole process of life. Love must be shared to flow, and life is the same. We must not only create community, but live it.”
Freedman sums it up saying, “Eating and togetherness is a key feature of humanity, which is alarmingly in sharp decline. Food was always meant to be enjoyed together, and doing so serves up much more than simply nutrition.”
Maya Whitman is a frequent writer for Natural Awakenings magazine.
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This recipe calls for the use of nixtamal corn tortillas, a staple in Mexican cooking. The masa is made by cooking and soaking dried corn kernels with calcium hydroxide or another alkali, which significantly increases its nutritional benefits. The tortillas can be made at home from scratch or purchased ready-made. Look for products made with nixtamalized corn masa.
1 small ripe papaya, peeled, halved, seeded and chopped (about 1 cup)
1 small red bell pepper, stemmed, cored and diced (about ½ cup)
¼ cup fresh cilantro leaves, finely chopped
3 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp fresh lime juice
1½ cups canned black or pinto beans, drained and rinsed
1 medium yellow squash, chopped (about 4 oz)
1 cup corn kernels cut from the ear or frozen kernels, thawed
2 medium carrots, peeled and shredded through the large holes of a box grater
1 tsp ground cumin
½ tsp ground dried cayenne (or less, to taste)
¼ tsp salt
6 nixtamal corn tortillas
Stir the papaya, bell pepper, cilantro, lime juice and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a small bowl. Cover this salsa and set aside at room temperature for up to 4 hours.
Warm 1 tablespoon of the oil in a large skillet set over medium-high heat. Add the beans, squash, corn, carrots, cumin, cayenne and salt. Cook, stirring often, until the squash is tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in the papaya salsa and set aside off the heat.
Set the oven rack 4 to 6 inches from the broiler element; heat the broiler for a few minutes. Lay the tortillas on a large, lipped baking sheet and brush them with the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil. Broil until warmed and lightly toasted, about 30 seconds. Transfer the tortillas to serving plates and top each with a sixth of the bean mixture to serve.
Recipe courtesy of Dan Buettner.
1 15-oz can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
3 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
2 tsp ground cumin
½ tsp garlic salt
½ tsp chili powder
¼ tsp freshly ground black pepper
Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat to 350°F.
Toss the chickpeas, oil, cumin, garlic salt, chili powder and black pepper in a large bowl until well coated and uniform. Pour the mixture onto a large, lipped baking sheet and spread into one layer. Bake 45 to 60 minutes until browned and crisp, stirring occasionally.
Set the baking sheet on a wire rack and cool for 10 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the chickpeas to a serving bowl. Serve warm or at room temperature with plenty of napkins.
Recipe courtesy of Dan Buettner.
Sunday, August 4
Learn to Connect with your Angels and Spirit Guides – 9am-12pm. With Psychic/ Intuitive Jacqueline LeClaire. $85, Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Preregister 484-264-3889.
Have Instant Access to Angel Power Using Seal & Sigils – 1-4pm with Psychic/ Intuitive Jacqueline LeClaire. $85, Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Preregister 484-264-3889.
Saturday, August 10
Reiki Level ll Training and Certification – 9:30am- 3:30pm, day 1 of 2, with Jacqueline LeClaire, Usui Reiki Master. Includes Manual. $415, for both days. Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Preregister 484264-3889.
Sunday, August 11
Reiki Level ll Training and Certification – 9:30am-3:30pm, day 2 of 2 with Jacqueline LeClaire, Usui Reiki Master. Includes Manual. $415, for both days. Results Wellness Center, Bath, PA. Preregister 484264-3889.
Wednesday, August 14
Anxiety and Stress Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – 6:30-7:45pm. Physicians recommend this meditation technique as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, Twin Ponds Holistic Health, West LV - Breinigsville, Greg Schweitzer, D.Ay, Pre-register, 610-670-6700.
Tuesday, August 20
Anxiety and Depression Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – noon-1:15pm. Physicians recommend this meditation technique as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, LIVE ONLINE Video Conference, Greg Schweitzer, D.Ay, Pre-register 610-670-6700.
Wednesday, August 21
Anxiety and Stress Relief with Effortless Meditation™ – 7-8:15pm. Physicians recommend this meditation technique as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, Stress Reduction Resources, Curtis Rd., Sinking Spring, PA, Greg Schweitzer, D.Ay, Pre-register 610-670-6700.
Wednesday, August 28
Brain and Heart Health with Effortless Meditation™ – 7-8:15pm. Physicians recommend this meditation technique as a key to self-care. Gain relief from - insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, OCD, and more. FREE Introduction, LIVE ONLINE Video Conference, Greg Schweitzer, D.Ay, Pre-register 610-670-6700.
Free Your Heart-Chakra Challenge (24/7) A FREE online course to get out of your head & into your heart with 3 simple tools. In 2 hours or less learn meditation, journaling & art play expressing left/right brain energies. Enroll now: MichelleLeeArtsStudio. com/p/Free-Your-Heart- Chakra-Challenge.
Narcotics Anonymous – If you think you have a drug problem, and are tired of being sick and tired, there is a better way. Call 24-hour helpline 610-439-1998. We are here to help. You are not alone.
Radiant HeART Rising (24/7) A soulistic experience to unblock your heart, embrace self-love & empower an inspired life, using yoga, meditation & heart-chakra art making. Take this online course at your pace for $33: MichelleLeeArtsStudio. com/p/Radiant-Heart-Rising.
Sunday Services – Metaphysical and non-denominational. Rev. Lloyd Moll, Pastor –Unique Sunday services 10:30am. All welcome! St. John’s Church of Faith, 607 Washington St Allentown. 610-776-7211.
Co-Dependent Anonymous – CoDA is a 12-Step Fellowship of men and women with a common purpose to recover from codependence. The only requirement for membership in CoDA is a desire for healthy and loving relationships. 7pm, Unity Church, 26 N. 3rd St., Emmaus. Call 610-704-6963 or visit Coda.org.
LV Lyme Support Group – First Wednesday of every month except July. Zoom calls only. Contact Heidi Healey at 973-610-0531 if interested. Speakers, Doctors, brochures and books. Country Meadows Retirement Facility. 4007 Greenpond Rd Bethlehem PA 18020. Building #3 Personal Care /2nd Floor Chapel (back of the campus).
Bear Creek Organics is hiring! We are looking for skilled landscapers who are passionate about Ecological Edible Landscaping. Permaculture Design Certificate preferred. Email resume and cover letter to: Richie@bearcreekorganics.com
Calling Holistic Presenters – Facilitate your workshop or retreat at our Upper Bucks center, with peaceful country setting, meditation gardens, and woods. GreenShireArts.org. Email info@GreenShireArts.org or call 215-538-0976.
Holistic Chiropractor, Naturopath or Natural Functional Medicine Practitioner Needed – Join our comprehensive solution Wellness Center in Stroudsburg. Access to over 2000 clients in a professional, dedicated facility. Call Vicki at 570977-1900 to discuss.
Crystal Tones Singing Bowls – Classic & Alchemy for meditation & vibrational healing. Also offering personal vibration testing. Contact Anthony at Life Holistic Center, 570-706-6680 or LifeHolistic@hotmail.com. See more at LifeHolistiReiki.com.
Interactive Dementia and Alzheimer Game – An interactive and fun family game that will bring a twinkle to the eye and smile on the face. Call 484-8605894. HighRollDice.com.
Two Green Burial Plots for Sale – At Green Meadows Burial Ground in Fountain Hill, PA. $1,800 total.Call 610-698-4921.
Spiritually guided card readings offered in person, or via phone, parties also welcome. Channeled messages are for your highest good. Let my gifts guide you! Reasonable rates. Cheryl 908-268-8029.
Readings with intuitive counselor, Reiki also available. Free 10-minute initial session. Evelyn peptel62@gmail.com. 551-804-7571.
Free Phone Reading for Lightworkers. Your Higher-Self reveals the blocks that are slowing you from growing your practice/business. Email Enaid to learn more. enaid-rensporp@protonmail.com
Kula Heart Yoga & Wellness, LLC contracts self motivated and ethical bodyworkers and yoga instructors to serve Bath and the Lehigh Valley. If you are interested in growing your business, making your own hours and being a part of a Wellness Center that is filled with compassion, professionalism, and FUN! Submit your interest to info@ kulaheartyogaandwellness.com.
Large, Victorian Home Rental – 5 bedrooms 2 baths home: weekend get aways, workshops, retreats, craft events, showers, private parties, photo shoots. Spacious front porch, backyard. White Haven PA. 215-870-9428.
Attention Health Care Professionals! Twin Ponds Health Center, a highly diverse holistic health center, offers a unique lease opportunity. Schedule a tour of the site. 610-899-2499.
Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email DrRodgerND@HealthyLehighValley.com to request our media kit.
LAURA EASTMAN, M.AC., L.AC. 1617 Hamilton Street Allentown, PA 18102 484-425-2865
Eastman Acupuncture provides high quality, individualized acupuncture treatments to the Lehigh Valley community. We see patients for a wide range of symptoms such as pain, headaches, neuropathy, digestive issues, incontinence, anxiety and much more. We use a variety of techniques including Dr. Tan’s Balance Method, Master Tung points and electroacupuncture.
Dr. Robert W. Livingston III, DC, L.Ac. Dr. Jennifer K. Bollinger, DC, L.Ac. 8026 Hamilton Blvd. Trexlertown, PA 18087 610-395-5509 LiveWellIntegratedHealth.com
LiveWell Integrated Health offers traditional Chinese acupuncture, chiropractic, body work, and nutritional and lifestyle coaching. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice...choose to LiveWell. See ad, page 11.
Leah Mary Quirk soulnaturalalchemy@outlook.com www.soulnaturalalchemy.com
I am a certified Ayurveda Practitioner and energy healer. Did you know that 80% of Americans have parasites? Cancer, Autoimmune, Digestive, Neurological, and Mental Health conditions can be caused by parasites. I work to get my clients properly digesting and eliminating along with diet, lifestyle changes, and custom herbal formulas to get real results.
Marie Ruxton CMT, CN 628 Chestnut St., Emmaus, PA 18049 610-965-2500
Marie is a certified massage therapist trained since 1997 in Advanced Myofascial Release Therapy, Therapeutic Massage, Reiki, Ear Candling, Homeopathy and Holistic Nutrition. Offers comprehensive custom bodywork for those wanting to overcome chronic pain and movement problems. Sessions range from a (2 hour) Head to Toe meltdown massage to “Just Neck and Head” massage for those needing stress relief. Gift certificates available. See ad, page 10.
Dr. Joseph A. Perelli 656 5th St., Whitehall, PA 18052 610-266-6111
Dr. Perelli has served the Lehigh Valley for 31 years delivering natural, hands-on chiropractic care for neck, mid-back, low back and extremity conditions. He specializes in sports, auto and work comp injuries with various holistic treatments to get you back to your pre-injury status quickly.
Dr. Robert W. Livingston III, DC, L.Ac. Dr. Jennifer K. Bollinger, DC, L.Ac. 8026 Hamilton Blvd. Trexlertown, PA 18087
610-395-5509 LiveWellIntegratedHealth.com
LiveWell Integrated Health offers traditional Chinese acupuncture, chiropractic, body work, and nutritional and lifestyle coaching. Being healthy is a lifestyle choice...choose to LiveWell. See ad, page 11.
Kathy Harrington, MS Functional Medical Nutritionist 3400 Bath Pike, Ste. 101 Bethlehem 610-419-3909 www.BethlehemNutrition.com
Bethlehem Nutrition & Wellness Center, we give you the tools to bring you and your family into a state of optimal health. Using the most advanced nutritional testing available, we look for the underlying cause of your health problems. Once the underlying cause is addressed not only do symptoms go away, but your overall health can also be greatly improved. See ad, page 9.
Kathy Lockett
kathy@connectwithkc.com 610-569-5022
Life Coach and Meditation Instructor. Recovering from infidelity and divorce, I rebuilt my life and found joy again. I am grateful for my experiences and passionate about empowering and walking with women in similar situations. If you are ready to be empowered and create your best life, call for a complimentary 1:1 coaching session.
Rev. Lyn S. Felix, MSW, LCSW, CHT, RM 3037 S. Pike Ave. #105, Allentown PA 18103 610-282-0709
A holistic, highly intuitive counselor, coach and vibrational chakra rebalancing practitioner who supports you in getting unstuck and moving forward. Using mindfulness, hypnotherapy, EFT, Reiki, tuning forks, breathwork, and more, Rev. Lyn guides you step by step from chaos to calm and confidence. Insurances & Private Pay. Free Phone Consultation.
Dr. Paul Gross
401 N. 17th St., Suite 304, Allentown, PA 610-820-0700
Thousands in the Lehigh Valley struggle with depression every day, but thanks to the TMS Center of the Lehigh Valley, they are not alone in their fight. We are the region’s first transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment facility and one of the most experienced centers on the east coast, having performed over ten thousand TMS treatments. See ads, pages 2.
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Infinite Energy of Allentown THE FUTURE IS NOW
The EE System generates bio-active energy fields called “Scalar Waves”. These promote wellness, cell regeneration, improved immune function, relieve pain, body detoxification, elevated mood, and balancing of the right and left-brain hemispheres for increased energy levels. Ultimately, it assists in facilitating an optimal healing environment that can assist the body to begin healing itself.
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2518 Route 390 Canadensis, PA 18325 magnoliastreamside.com inna@magnoliastreamside.com
Magnolia Streamside Resort offers streamside lodging and a one-of-a-kind event wedding venue. From the chapel in our enchanted forest to festivities in a 4,000 ft pavilion surrounded by a gorgeous mountain stream. Magnolia is a perfect destination wedding resort venue. We invite you to enjoy the privacy and exclusivity of this nature oasis for a wholesome wedding weekend experience or a perfect getaway with your friends and family. See ad, page 21.
Dianne & Lloyd Burg
7150 Hamilton Blvd
Trexlertown, PA
Dianne and Lloyd Burg opened Healthy Alternatives in 1994 to help people live a healthy lifestyle. As a registered nurse, Dianne saw a lot of hospital patients who weren’t getting better with traditional treatment. She started studying natural remedies to help them heal. Dietary changes and homeopathy seemed promising, but no one offered these solutions. The Burgs wanted to change that, so they decided to open Healthy Alternatives. See ad, page 28.
Nicos C. Elias, Supervisor Allentown, PA 610-433-2200
Nicos@EliasFuneralHome.com EliasFuneralHome.com
Mr. Elias offers several different green and eco-friendly funeral plans using biodegradable caskets, preservation without chemicals. A natural, back to the earth approach. Biodegradable urns for those choosing cremation.
GREEN MEADOWS AT FOUNTAIN HILL CEMETERY 1121 Graham Street, Fountain Hill, PA 18015 610-868-4840 GreenMeadowPA.org
The only green cemetery in the Lehigh Valley. A cemetery of wildflowers and grasses native to Pennsylvania. Return to the natural cycle of life to nourish the soil, green the meadow and live on. Nondenominational. Non-profit. Speakers available to visit organizations. See ad, page 22.
1021 Main St., Bethlehem PA 18018 elixirbethlehem@gmail.com www.ElixirLV.com
Elixir Health & Wellness is an east meets west, holistic approach for longevity and anti-aging. We offer mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT), Red Light Therapy, Compression Therapy, and Metabolomic testing. These can be combined to optimize health or be used as stand alone therapies for specific goals. Protocols are tailored to each individual client. See ad, page 11.
40 South 5th St Suite 203 Allentown 18101 570-617-5325
vperweiss@streamhypnosis.com www.streamhypnosis.com
Achieve your personal best in sports, sales public speaking and more. Whether you need to eliminate chronic pain, achieve your ideal body weight, reduce stress, or kick the smoking habit hypnosis is a useful tool that can help you move forward. Individual and group sessions, remote and in person sessions. Board Certified Hypnotist with NGH. See ad, page 11.
Jacqueline LeClaire 6120 W. Main Blvd., Bath, PA 18014 484-264-3889
Become a Certified Hypnotherapist / Become a Certified Reiki Practitioner, Usui Master. Jacqueline LeClaire is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Master Trainer with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and Reiki Master for over two decades. She is the owner of Results Wellness Center, LLC. See ad, page 16.
Enagic Independent Distributor
Since 1974, Enagic® has been a leading innovator of pure water technology and has transformed the way we look at water and its role in a healthy and vibrant life. Enagic® specializes in producing ionized alkaline water systems that transform ordinary tap water into healthy, hydrating, alkaline Kangen Water® for cooking, cleaning, drinking and sanitizing. See ad, page 11.
BearCreekOrganics@gmail.com BearCreekOrganics.com
We create organic and ecological edible landscapes. With mother nature as our teacher, and extensive knowledge of edible plants,. We develop beautiful food production systems that support your needs and the needs of the natural wildlife. No matter the size of your budget we will help you create an edible landscape that is right for you. See ad, page 8.
DR. DEKA RODGER ND, MBA Owner/Publisher 610-421-4443
Kathy Hatcher, LMT 656 5th St., Whitehall, PA 18052 610-266-6111
Kathy has been administering deep tissue, therapeutic, medical, pregnancy and aromatherapy massage since 1996. Her NEWEST services are Ionic Foot Cleanse Detoxification as well as Red-light therapy for non-surgical weight loss and chronic pain management. Insurance billing for massage available.
Tina Stashko, PhD MIfHI Emmaus, PA 18049 610-965-8132
Specializing in preventative healthcare, digestion and nutrient absorption, and thyroid and adrenal health. Modalities such as iridology, sclerology and biochemical balancing enable the development of your unique program for optimum health. These programs are easy to follow and incorporate into your daily life. Reach your full health potential! See ad, page 27.
Kyle S. Kasman, PT, DPT 484-781-5341
Kyle@lightthepathphysicaltherapy.com Lightthepathphysicaltherapy.com
570 671-2121
11 Knob Road Mt Poconos, PA 18325 magnoliapoconos.com
Magnolia Inn & Wellness Center is state of an art wellness hub that offers an extensive array of cutting-edge wellness modalities like Floating Therapy, Cryotherapy, IV Therapy, Colon Hydrotherapy and so much more. Our medical director, therapists, and staff are committed to helping our clients achieve TRUE health by accessing their optimal vitality and longevity. Membership programs are available and designed to make our services accessible to our local community. See ad, page 21.
Vanessa Sabatine
64 South Main St., Nazareth, PA 18064
610-365-8996 • HerbsToYourSuccess.com
Herbs to Your Success is a health & wellness spa located in Nazareth, offering multiple holistic spa experiences and herbal remedies. We also offer a wide selection of essential oils, teas, skincare, make-up and more! We provide high quality spa services to our customers and our friendly and courteous staff guarantees exceptional customer service. See ad, page 14.
DrRodgerND@gmail.com www.HealthyLehighValley.com www.DrRodgerND.com www.NutritionConsultans.org www.Ultimatelongevity.com/DrRodgerND www.DrRodgerND.B3Sciences.com
Due to his extensive background in business and marketing and built his own practice through the Natural Awakenings magazine he can take businesses to the next level. Also, with a strong background in keeping fit and understanding all aspects of exercising, he promotes B3 Science, an advanced method of achieving better fitness results in 1/2 the time. He also teaches a Nutrition Certification Course over a 6-month period, students completing this course and passing all exams can put the designation CNC after their name. See ads, pages 2 & back page.
Kyle started his mobile practice to offer high-quality care where every patient feels heard. His services include one-on-one inhome appointments to provide convenient treatment that fits your busy schedule. Evidencebased techniques and taskspecific activities are incorporated into each patient’s plan of care that are relevant to their goals. See ad, page 11.
September 1, 2024 finishes January 19, 2025
Through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC) Doctor of Naturopathy and Clinical Nutritionist Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) prepares students to pass the Certified Nutritional Consultants Exam. Once qualified you are entitled to use the designation CNC after your name and practice as a Nutritionist. Certified Nutritional Consultants (CNC) can work in hospitals, clinics, private practice settings alongside acupuncturists, mental health professionals, physical therapists, doctors and chiropractors, as well as a consultant in schools, businesses, health food stores, spas and health clubs.
Next Course starts Sep 2022 - Feb 2023 dates TBD
Today's economists have determined that the natural health field is the fastest growing industry in the U.S. today. It goes without saying that people are getting more concerned about their personal health and their families health. Just take a look at this picture below and ask yourself, what type of life are you planning for yourself.
in 6 Months and put the letters CNC after your name. This recognized qualification is obtained through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, AANC.
Naturopathic Doctor Dr. Derek Rodger (ND) Course Instructor
“If the doctors of today do not become the nutritionists of tomorrow, then the nutritionists of today will become the doctors of tomorrow”. (Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research)
The course includes 12 modules, and classes meet twice a month on Sundays 9 am - 1pm . All modules are taught by Dr. Derek Rodger (ND). Course fee is $1794 and can be paid over 6 monthly installments at $299 per month.
Natalie, who flew in from Chicago every 2 weeks to do the CNC program has passed her Certified Nutritional Consultant and can now proudly put the letters CNC after her name: I met Dr. Rodger (ND) before I took his Nutrition Course and it was his knowledge and experience that drew me to choose his class over others. I am so very glad I did as, I'm positive I wouldn't have learnt what I did with other teachers. I'm not sure I would have had such an inspirational teacher with highly motivational lectures.
Every student receives a free 90 minute private nutritional consultation with Dr. Rodger (ND) 89.
To obtain a detailed information pack visit:
or Tel: 908-223-8899
Alessandra, already had her nutritional degree, before she came on the course. I'm so proud of myself for finishing this the course and the exam. It was a great experience and I truly learned a lot.There are so many opportunities out there for me in my career to help others. I'll be attending the Natural Gourmet Institute which has a strong focus on a plant based diet. I look forward to helping others achieve a healthy lifestyle as a CNC and chef!
A library of material becomes yours following course completion. The course includes 11 modules and the classes meet on a Sunday morning 9-1 pm. The course fee is $1950 and can be paid over 6 months at $325.
If you would like to attend this educational course, which will clearly change your life from a nutritional perspective. More detailed information is sent out to students who are interested, sign up by going to: www.NutritionalConsultants.org
A library of material becomes yours following course completion.