Selah Yearbook 1977-78

Page 199

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"*-^,^* .*** • ?Tt-> v •••••• I Liberty Baptist College P.O. Bo x 1111 Lynchburg. Virginia 2450 5 Volume 5

"Well, glory"is notan uncommon expression to the students of LBC. When those famous words are heard, everyone knows that Dr. C. Sumner Wemp isaround

Dr.Wemp came toLBC in1973 at the invitation of Dr Jerry Falwell Since then, he has found a spot in the hearts of the students at LBC

Before coming to LBC, Dr. Wemp served in many facets of Christian ministry. He has pastored several churches as well as taught and administrated in Christiancolleges.

At present,Dr.Wemp is thechairman of the Division of Religion at LBC aswellastheVicePresidentfor Spiritual Life.To this great man of God the SELAH staff dedicates the 1978 yearbook.

OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Dr Wemp and his wife, Celeste, participate in the "Truly Weds" as panelists MIDDLE BOTTOM: Dr Wemp enjoys one of the lighter moments ofchapel MIDDLE TOP: "You're only as old as you feel"and Dr Wemp doesn'tseem tofeel too old as he demonstrates at an LBC Flames football game BOTTOM: Dr Wemp gives some words of advice concerning the ministry tohis Church Aflame class BELOW: Dr Wemp always feelsathome inthe pulpit preaching the Word ofGod

Liberty Baptist College is not buildings and budgets. LBC is people, 1800 people from all50 states and several foreign countries who have come together for a common cause and purpose - to learn how to better serve.Jesus

RIGHT: The LBC student body gathers together on Liberty Mountain for the first time inthe 1977-78 school year FAR RIGHT: The Liberty Baptist College student body

OPPOSITE TOP: Students converse as they enjoy their new surroundings on Liberty Mountain BOTTOM MIDDLE: Two students move their belongings into one of the new dormitories on the Mountain RIGHT: The two classroom buildings now inuse BELOW: One ofthe many dormitories now underconstruction on Liberty Mountain

In September and the following months, the LBC family began to move to Liberty Mountain. Classroom buildings were finished and ready to be occupied. Regularly, new dormitorieswere ready and the students converged on them Finally, besides the two classroom buildings, several dormitories were also occupied

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FAR RIGHT: Robbie Hiner sings "IWant That Mountain." RIGHT: LBC students meet to claim a mountain by faith before two nations on a cold, snowy January day ABOVE: LBC students stand on Liberty Mountain for a second time to give thanks for the miracle that had occurred.

JANUARY 21, 1977.The student body of Liberty Baptist College met to lay claim to a piece of ground called Liberty Mountain. By faith, these students and their leaders asked God to make it possible to have a school there in thefall.

SEPTEMBER 2, 1977. The LBC family stood again on Liberty Mountain, not to claim the Mountain,but to give God the praise for the Miracle of Liberty Mountain Ill


OPPOSITE TOP:Jan Euliss, MissLBC.OPPOSITE BOTTOM: First runner-up, Eleano/ Myers TOP RIGHT:Anita Bryant beginsthe Homecoming festivities by singing the National Anthem ABOVE: The LBC Flames score another touchdown enroute to defeating St Paul's, 47-0 RIGHT: The LBC Homecoming court

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The stage is City Stadium The LBC Flames are still in the locker room ... the cheerleaders fire up the fans and the platform looks set for a queen

Anita Bryant comes to the microphone and begins the Homecoming events with the singing of the NationalAnthem. The LBC Flames are the center of attention until the clock runs out at halftime and then the six Miss LBC candidates are escorted to the platform 'the envelope please.' Miss LBC 1978 .... Jan Euliss.

The field again as LBC defeats St Paul'sand thescoreboard shows a final score of47-0.

What appeared to be a blatant parking offense was really a snow sculpture created by male dormitory students housed on Liberty Mountain.

This, among other things,was a creative use of leisure time by LBC students Activities ranged from introducing prospective college students to LBC during College For A Weekend to dressing up for Halloween. With a little creative imagination and spare time, LBC students found and made things to do

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OPPOSITE TOP LEFT: The members of the Sweat Hog Club post their progress in the hallto keep up on the number of miles they have run.OPPOSITE TOP RIGHT: Some students use free time to shop fornecessities.

OPPOSITE BOTTOM: A prospective LBC student studies the schedule for her weekend stay at LBC LEFT: Tim Wagner and Jewel Vessel take time for a creative hairsiyle provided by the Super Hair Swingers

ABOVE: Contrary to what many students believed,there was not a real car under this snow sculpture

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The first annual Super Conference was truly a SUPER conference Christian ministry workers came from allacross the nation to draw on the experience of the Thomas Road Baptist Church Ministriesand receive a charge intheir spiritualbatteries

As Associate Pastors of TRBC, the Pastor Majors of LBC hosted the conference and did much ofthe work involved in it. Such distinguished men as Paul Harvey, Dr. B.R Lakin, Dr John Rawlings, Dr Al Smith, and Dr. Truman Dollar were involved in the conference.

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OPPOSITE TOP: Dr. Truman Dollar speaks to a group concerning church finances. OPPOSITE MIDDLE: The overflow crowd watches as Al Smith leads singing via closed circuit television. LEFT: Dr. Jerry Falwell introduces Paul Harvey asthe keynote speaker for the conference. ABOVE: Finding one's way around was made easier by directional signs FAR LEFT: Dr John Rawlings addresses one of the main sessions of the Super Conference

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As she sang "Amazing Grace" it was apparent to those present that the song had a special meaning to Joni Eareckson Joni was just one of the many artists who appeared in the Liberty Baptist College Artist Series

The Series was set up to familiarize the college community with a wide variety of Christian artists Also appearing were Jerome Hines, Dave Brubaker, Merrill Womach, Bill Pearce, Johnny Hall, and the LBC music faculty inrecital.


BOTTOM LEFT: Joni Eareckson signs her book for Dr. Falwell's daughter, Jeannie.

LEFT: Merrill Womach sings praises to our Lord. OPPOSITE PAGE RIGHT: Jerome Hines,the great Metropolitan Opera star, as he appeared at LBC TOP LEFT: Bill Pearce presents 'Night Sounds' live at LBC.
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ABOVE: Dave Brubaker premieres the LBC Artist Series with his concert in September.

Special students receive recognition on Awards Day each year Awards rangefrom the academicto athletic

Some of the awards this year included: Who's Wh o In American Colleges and Universities, music awards, intramural awards, speech awards, drama awards, athletic awards, and a variety of other awards.

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FAR LEFT: Dr Guillermin presents Jon Cooper with his certificate of recognition as a member of Who's Who InAmerican Colleges and Universities TOP: Dr Mark Lloyd presents awards to outstanding students in the Division of Communications BOTTOM: Winners in the league formed by Dr Alfred Moore's bowling class

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TOP MIDDLE: Dr Lakin addresses the LBC students at Chapel. OPPOSITE RIGHT: Ed Cooley and other students are captivated by chapel music OPPOSITE BOTTOM LEFT: The Mizzo Choir shares songs from India with the LBC students during the Chapel Service TOP: Dr John R Rice expounds on a text from Scripture
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ABOVE: James Robison preaches RIGHT: Jerry Falwell introduces the LBC Chorale


The heartbeat of LBC was the chapel services every Monday Wednesday and Friday The students' hearts were blessed by the preaching ofgreat men such as Dr John R. Rice,Dr.Lakin,and James Robison The favorite chapel speaker was LBC's own Chancellor, Dr. Jerry Falwell. Not only did the chapel have great preaching, but chapel music was always spiritually uplifting as well.

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Variety described the chapel services at LBC. Not only did LBC have excellent preachers in chapel but also inspiring music, Christcentered testimonies and special presentations

LBC's Mark Lowry magnified the Lord through music during one of the chapel services

Rev. Poppov testified about his experiences in a Communist concentration camp. The students fell in love with Butch and Steve when they gave their testimonies in chapel.

The Wrestling team won the NCCAA Regional Finals and the Na-

championship and Bob Bonheim presented the banner to Dr. Guillermin.

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OPPOSITE TOP LEFT: Mark Lowry sings in chapel OPPOSITE RIGHT: Dr Guillermin speaks in chapel ABOVE: Butch waves to the students before reciting the Scripture verses Dr Wood taught Steve and him TOP RIGHT: Reverend Poppov tellshis life story in chapel. RIGHT: The Wrestling Team wins the regional title and the team presents the banner to the LBC student body.


One of the unique aspects of Liberty BaptistCollege is thespiritual emphasis on the importance of the local church and the ministry of Thomas Road Baptist Church in particular. Being vitally interested in the whole man, LBC not only provides physical education for the body, academics for the mind but also church and chapel for the spiritual needs

The classroom is provided for the teaching of the Bible; however, chapel is for the preaching of the

Bible. Chapel is primarily for the application of spirital truths tolife. The old saying "keep the platform hot" isthe philosophy and goal for chapel. Chapel is designed to help students, staff and faculty to be "exalted daily, lestany be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin" (Hebrews 3:13)

It is a time for the family to come together to be refreshed, challenged and stirred to love the Lord Jesus and glorify God in our daily lives.

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"Evening ofSplendor" accurately described the 1978 Spring Banquet. Featured atthebanquet was Karen Morrison, Miss USA 1974 and Jim Gibson, a talented young soloist The banquet meal was a delicious buffet ofroast beef,fried chicken, and turkey with all the trimmings.

Earlier in theyear, LBC students had an opportunity to enjoy the talent of Christine Wyrtzen at the annual Fall Banquet. Thetheme of the Fall Banquet was centered around Thanksgiving

OPPOSITE TOP: Karen Morrison gives her testimony at the Spring Banquet OPPOSITE MIDDLE: Christine Wyrtzen sings at the Fall Banquet OPPOSITE BOTTOM: For the Spring Banquet, SGA members decorated the ceiling of the exhibition hall of Roanoke Civic Center LEFT: An LBC Student converses with soloist Jim Gibson before themeal

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Student Life/27

erent Face s in Different Places

Different faces indifferent places describe the campus situation at LBC. Since the college's inception in 1971, LBC has had many campuses

Academic campuses included the Church, Mountain and Library.

Dormitory campuses included Kennedy and Harrison houses, the Hotel, Ramada Inn,the Island,and the Mountain

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OPPOSITE LEFT: Students use the cafeteria for studying as well as for dining OPPOSITE RIGHT: Len Chayka leisurely glances at one of the many magazines available at the LBC library TOP: Tony Mitchell leaves his 'home away from home': 215 Harrison Street Approximately 30 students lived on thisstreet untilthe new dorms on the Mountain were completed MIDDLE LEFT: Tacos are delicious but they are also very messy SGA's Mexican Fiesta gave LBC students a chance to taste 'South of the Border' foods MIDDLE RIGHT: Joey Baraty and Deryl Edwards en|oy a meal at the Hotel cafeteria LEFT: Hurry up and get on the bus' says one of the LBC bus drivers Roger Mole's bus is known to be one of the first buses toleave the Islandformorningclasses

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OPPOSITE TOP: Jesus,played by Dave Zick, talks to the disciples at the last supper OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Jesus,played by David Zick shows the nail scars in his hands RIGHT: Steve Compton and John McCullough prepare for a fire BELOW: Players in the drama 'Firebugs' gather around the table BOTTOM LEFT:Jesus,played by David Zick, ministers to the littlechildren

Highlighting the school year of Liberty Baptist College was the Passion Play, 'Calvary' The play was presented by LBC students on Palm Sunday weekend

Long hours of practice and work were involved in the production of this play Under the direction of Mrs. Helen Lloyd, the play was successful in portraying the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ

Other campus plays included ' Firebugs', 'SaintJoan', and 'Everyman'. The drama department and the students worked together and gave the LBC audience good productions.

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Commencement ceremonies at LBC were a beginning, not an ending Many ofthegraduates went out into various areas of service for the Lord.Some of these graduates went into full time Christian service, while others went to work in secular fields Some of the graduating seniors left Lynchburg to go all around the world, while others stayed and worked atLBC orTRBC.

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OPPOSITE PAGE LEFT: Co-Pastor Jim Moon receives an honorary Doctorate degree OPPOSITE RIGHT: Dr Henry leads the graduates in the graduation pledge TOP: Seniors wait for their diplomas LEFT: Dr Greg Dixon addresses the graduation audience BOTTOM LEFT: Seniors recite the pledge at the graduation ceremonies BELOW: Barb Armstrong is hooded by Dr Henry as were allthe college graduates.

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'We ran where Jesus walked' is typical of the pace set by Dr. Woodrow Kroll,the director of the International Studies Program of Liberty Baptist College, when travelling abroad.

This year the program included Jordan, Egypt, and Israel in the Holy Land Studies and England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales in the British Isles Studies. The goal of the International Studies Program isto provide first-hand knowledge of the culture of other countries

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OPPOSITE TOP: Tom Debalski Julie Delphey Jerry Morgan, and Gary Aldndge talk to an English girl at the birthplace of John Wesley MIDDLE: The tour group waits for a restaurant to open in Dublin, Ireland TOP: The British Isles Tour Group, led by Dr Woodrow Kroll tours Edinborough Castle in Scotland MIDDLE RIGHT: Tom Debalski and Colleen Cundall pose in front of the Tower of London RIGHT: Gary Aldndge takes photographs of the Welsh countryside

Psalm 150 says to praise God with all sorts of instruments. The LBC band under the direction ofMr.Ray Locy didit in rareform.

The 50 piece band found themselves busy during football season playing for halftime at all home games Placing first in the annual Lynchburg City Christmas Parade was a highlight of the year. In concert, the band appeared in three local high schools as well as the LBC Christmas and Spring Concerts.During basketball season, the Pep Band sparked enthusiasm

Officers were President, Stan Trost; Vice-President, Tim Totten; Secretary, Sheryl Kyper; Public Relations, Susan Danner; and Librarians,Bonnie Brunner and Randi and Sandy Chandler

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OPPOSITE TOP: The 1977-78 LBC Band. OPPOSITE BOTTOM: The band marches on the field at halftime. ABOVE: Playing for football games lifts the spirits of the fans. LEFT: Steve Kerr practices his trumpet in preparation for the Christmas Concert.



Love ... it comes in allcolors, shapes, and sizes.That isthe goal of Smite and the LBC International Singers -to love people. In thefall of 1977, Haiti became the burden of LBC Missions and TRBC. A program for Haitibegan,and byChristmas break LBC found one hundred and fifty students dedicating their vacation to spend time in Haiti. A program for food shipment began and thousands oftons offood were shipped regularly. A ship was donated to the ministry for that purpose. Before leaving for Haiti the LBC International Singers found themselves spending many late hours learning to sing in Creole, the language of the Haitian people. The hours were long as students prepared daily for a ministry to people.The rewards came inseeing a hungry face turn to the love and joy ofChrist.

OPPOSITE TOP: The ship on which food was carried to Haiti The ship's name was 'The Hallelujah' OPPOSITE BOTTOM: The LBC International Singers MIDDLE: Jan Euliss with one of the Haitian children BOTTOM: Patty Balliet gives a Haitian woman a New Testament in her own language TOP: The LBC International Singers

Wit h Love

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In Concert characterizes the main activity of the Choraleers under the direction of Mr. Kim Renas The Choraleers also sang during the early service every Sunday at Thomas Road Baptist Church

Participating in the LivingChristmas Tree at TRBC was a highlight of the year.The Choraleers played a major part inthe recording ofthe Living Christmas Tree album

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OPPOSITE: The Living Christmas Tree in which the Choraleers sang BOTTOM LEFT: Mr Kim Renas, Choraleers director, takes an active part in an SGA-sponsored Donkey Basketball game BOTTOM RIGHT: Christy Farmer sings during a concert in the spring LEFT: Dana Haller,the Choraleers pianist

FAR RIGHT: David McNabb plays the xylophone for the EnPsalms RIGHT: The EnPsalms, along with the LBC Chorale, back up Robbie Hiner at a television special on Liberty Mountain ABOVE: The 1977-78 EnPsalms

The LBC EnPsalms spent part of their summer in Australia. Under the direction of Mr Dave Randlett, the group had an effective ministry there last year Made up totally of those in the field ofmusic,the EnPsalms were a quality group. Being a part of this group gave the music major a chance to use those things which he learned in the classroom experience

South of the Equator

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FAR RIGHT: Dennis Chapman and John McCullough, members of King's Players, talk during the play 'Firebugs' MIDDLE BOTTOM: Dennis Chapman, who was named LBC's outstanding actor,playsPilate in 'Calvary.' RIGHT: John McCullough prepares Jeff Miletti for his part as Judas


Religious Drama isthe emphasis of LBC's touringdrama group, The King's Players. The 1978 team saw many changes Mr David Allison was welcomed as assistant director joining leadership with Dr. and Mrs. Mark B. Lloyd.Two new plays,'Everyman'and 'Firebugs', were performed for the student body.King'sPlayers members also participated in the annual production of 'Calvary', a passion play Weekend touring to churches found the group in four states during two semesters. A 1978 summer tour kept the team active in the southeastern states for eight weeks The greatest joy throughout the year for the players was seeing the birth of 'new creatures' inChrist.


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As never before,the LBC Chorale opened a world-wide ministry last summer Traveling around the world to the Orient was the climax of the Chorale's ministry

Since the Chorale's birth seven years ago,the ministry ofthisgroup has expanded in leaps and bounds Under Gordon Luff, director, the Chorale maintained a high spiritual level along with superb musical performance.

This past year, the Chorale was featured in America's Finest Family Hour. In a program of singing and multi-media presentations, the Chorale presented the message of God's love at city-wide rallies with Dr.Falwell.

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FAR LEFT:The Chorale with Gordon Luffand Dr Falwell on Liberty Mountain MIDDLE: THE 1977-78 LBC Chorale ABOVE: Kendra Cook, a Chorale soprano, shares her talent at the Senior Citizens'weekend

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Sponsoring activities was one of the main functions of the Student Government Association at LBC. Last year, SGA made it possiblefor students to be involved in an activity almost every weekend

SGA was not just an activities organizing group of students SGA's members represented a crosssection of the LBC student body The communication bridge between the students and administration was stengthened by SGA.


OPPOSITE TOP: The officers of SGA: President, Wilson Green: Vice-president, John McCann; and Secretary, Debbie Seneff

OPPOSITE BOTTOM: A student dresses in 50's attire as part of LBC's Spirit Week.

LEFT:On an SGA sponsored triptothe Peaks of Otter, two students stop for a rest.

BELOW: This isthe object of SGA's efforts: the student body.


The LBC Singers visited over 600 churches in a combined effort last year. Almost every night, the two road teams were in a different church

Under the direction of Randy Rebold, the two groups followed a tight schedule. The teams held meetings in high schools, prisons, and detention homes as well as churches. Ocasionally, the teams came back to Lynchburg to sing for the student body


OPPOSITE TOP LEFT: John Freel and Mike Hopkins come off the bus at a rest stop

OPPOSITE TOP RIGHT: Mike Hopkins shops around in aChristianbook store LEFT: Keith Littlepage and Diana Murphy sing "Blessed Assurance" ABOVE: The LBC singers Red Team ledby RickWolgamott.BOTTOM LEFT: The LBC Singers Blue Team led by John Freel.


'People'isnot justthe name ofa high school assembly program. People are the main concern ofthe LBC Youth Aflame singers.

The main ministry of the YA singers,directed by Dennis Henderson, is high school assembly programs. In the assemblies the YA members demonstrate the kind of life that the Christian enjoys The Youth Aflame Singers also sing in many churches and youth rallies.


OPPOSITE TOP RIGHT: Dennis Henderson preaches at TRBC. MIDDLE: The Youth Aflame Singers.OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Youth Aflame sings at TRBC. BOTTOM: Youth Aflame sings at the Bent Creek Baptist Church in Asheville, NC ABOVE: Many churches like the Bent Creek Baptist Church have heard the YA Singers


Preserving history is the object of a time capsule and likewise, the purpose of the LBC Yearbook, SELAH, was to preserve the year of 1978 in picture and the written word.

With the help of Alice LaVoie, Josten's/American representative, and Phil Pantana, adviser,the staff felta unity likenever before Under the direction ofJon Cooper,editor, the staff launched into new and different areas of yearbook experimentation Producing a more contemporary type book offered new challenges to the staff.

The highly experienced efforts of Associate Editor, Tony Mitchell, and Photography Editor, Mike Waters, added much. Other staff members were Tom Debalski,Faith Welling, Charles Stambaugh, Mike Waite, Mary Lynn Coquillard, Julie Delphey, Michele Sady, Jean Hale, Jim Snyder, Susie Pence, Nancy Cunningham, Tammy Morgan,and Scott Rasmussen. Working for the Institute was Ubo Miersma, and for the Seminary, Bob Harris


OPPOSITE TOP LEFT: Company representative Alice LaVoie, looks over some cover ideas OPPOSITE TOP RIGHT: Associate Editor Tony Mitchell, moves books during distribution

OPPOSITE BOTTOM LEFT: Adviser Phil Pantana makes announcements concerning school pictures LEFT: Photography Editor Mike Waters, at home in the darkroom ABOVE: Editor Jon Cooper, consults with the company artist and designer


When Jesus ascended to heaven, He left the promise of one institution by which He would accomplish the evangelization of the world That institution: the local church.

Students in the Liberty Baptist Schools are actively involved in the ministries of the Thomas Road Baptist Church. Dr. Falwell is a strong believer in the ministries of the local church Coordinating this effort is the job of Bill 'Paul, Christian Service Director


Have you HEARD? The children of Thomas Road Baptist Church between firstandsixth grades have two exciting programs. For the primaries, Plug-N-Primaries is available, and forjuniors, THE HEARD offers what they need LBC students play an active role inworking with these young ones. These programs are not just Sunday School classes or Junior Church programs but a whole array of variousactivities.

OPPOSITE TOP: Puppets are important and effective in the teaching of children.

Owen,director of

OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Herb the Heard. RIGHT: Sal Catapano, an LBC student with two young HEARD members.

What's the big news? It's Good News in the Good News Clubs The outreach of TRBC to children is through Child Evangelism Fellowship and home clubs LBC students were invited to help (BELOW) and many did

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Highways and hedges are the areas that the TRBC Bus Ministry reaches. Children whowould otherwise have nowaytocome tochurch are picked up by theTRBC busses and brought to the services(LEFT) This wasa real opportunity forLBC students toget involved with people (TOP).

Highways and Hedges


Being a pastoral major at LBC automatically made onepart of the Pastor's Staff.This program makes a pastoral student an associate pastor of TRBC under Dr Falwell Being on staff teaches organization (BELOW) and provides many opportunities for service (RIGHT).

Pastor in training


In the right program, a senior citizen can lead an active, fulfilling life, and even begin a new phase of life Norm Hedding, director of the TRBC Jolly Sixties ministry, used LBC students to enhance his ministry Opportunities such asrest home services and Senior Saints weekend (BELOW) were available to students.


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Life Begins At

Everybody ought togoto Sunday School! ...Sunday School is the place to be on Sunday morning (OPPOSITE BOTTOM, TOP) at Thomas Road Baptist Church

On occasion as many as ten thousand persons, newborns (OPPOSITE TOP)rightthrough the Jolly Sixties, flood the corridors and classrooms. About 1,000 adults are involved in all instructional aspects of this ministry, aided by LBC students (RIGHT), who learn by firsthand experience the ministry of thelocal church

'Everybody ought togo...'


Regulars at TRBC have often been told that the main parking lot isfull. Keeping check on the lotis the responsibility of the Special Projects area of Christian Service. Many areas are open in Special Projects These range from thewelcoming committee (RIGHT) to special LBC functions such as SGA or yearbook staff (BELOW)


Working inthe TRFdepartment as a Christan Service opens a wide field of view to the student. The potential of Christian outreach through media is unlimited Students received notonly a focus on the United States, butalso onthe world. Students operated cameras (LEFT), worked inthecontrol room (TOP LEFT), and observed (TOP RIGHT)

World Focus

Giving hope to hopeless men was the goal of Hope Aglow Ministries. Men and women from LBC became involved in this ministry as a Christian Service To create interest, students like Kurt Strong put on skits (TOP), and set up displays (RIGHT).


Not French, Spanish, or German but sign language was the language to be learned to be involved in the TRBC Deaf Ministries Under Mrs Sue Willmington (TOP RIGHT) Students worked hard but enjoyed it. Hands ofLiberty (TOP LEFT)worked in allways with deaf people.


Try "TRY" was the plea of the TRBC youth program to LBC students. Entering TRY (Thomas Road Youth) offered a diversity offields with which to be involved. AWANA (FAR RIGHT)was one option aswell as Senior High (TOP). LBC Students like Wes Beals found a spot in Junior High (RIGHT).





LBC's offense made touchdowns while the defense attempted to prevent them. The Flames had a year of increasing effectiveness as the year progressed.

Under Coach Tom Dowling'sfirst year ofleadership atLBC,66freshmen and sophomores,and butone senior took a giant step forward toward major competition Sixof LBC's opponents were nationally ranked at the time of the game Outstanding players included Steve Kearns who caught 23 passes and Kim Raynor who rushed for1156 yardsto become the second leading ground gainer in the NAIA. Scott Goetz and Kim Raynor were chosen to theSecond Team ofthe Churchman's Ail-American Team.

OPPOSITE TOP: The Flames come enthusiastically onto the field OPPOSITE BOTTOM: The 1977-78 LBC Flames Football Team TOP

MIDDLE: The Flames line up against Bowie State whom they defeated 47-0 BOTTOM

MIDDLE: The LBC Defense crushes an attempted quarterback sneak by the Bowie State quarterback


Chowan College Elon College Bowie State College Gardner Webb College Hampden-Sydney College Bridgewater College St. Paul'sCollege Lenoir Rhyne College Ferrum College Susquehanna University LBC 13 14 47 7 24 7 26 0 0 29 OPP 31 38 0 22 44 10 9 53 25 28 76/Sports
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Howard University seems to have been a littletoomajor for the LBC Soccer Team but the experienceof playing a team of Howard's caliber helped buildtheteam'sconfidence

Ending the season with an 8-7-1 record onthe field of play was good indication of the team's potential power For the first time, LBC defeated Eastern Mennonite by a score of 3-1 Theteam scheduled a year oftougher competition tobuild a reputation among majorcolleges

Unfortunately, the Flames forfeited 5 wins due to an eligibility problem. They still ended 3-3-1 after the forfeits. With only 2 players not returning, the Flames will be strong next year.

SEASON LOG >'7 Averett Christopher Newport UNC-Asheville King Hampden-Sydney Longwo6ef Eastern Mennonite Washington Bible University of Richmond Radford King x ,, ',,.,, Howard Gatlaudet Virginia Wesleyan West Virginia Te^h Roanoke College LBC OPP 1 0 27 I 0 8 3 4 X 1 1 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 3 2 D i 0 I 0 3 H i 2 3 78/Sports

OPPOSITE TOP: The Soccer Team huddles fora moment ofinspiration beforethe game

BOTTOM MIDDLE: Coach Eddie Dobson

LEFT: Chuck Wemp and Jim Bates bring the balldown the field ABOVE:the 1977-78 Soccer Team

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For the second year in a row, LBC's Wrestling Team captured the National Christian College Athletic Association National Championship in Kankakee,Illinois

After jumping to a 10-0 start, the Flames finished their season of dual meets with a 10-3 record They also won the North Carolina A & T Tournament and the NCCAA Eastern Regionals

Liberty boasted three first place winners at the national championship They were Aaron Thomas Jesse Castro, and Dave Maple. Finishing second were Roy Jones and Dennis Flanagan. Third place was captured by Wayne Brooks, while Tim Amon and Rob Hetrick finished fourth.

> BBS? •* •*•!<. SEASON LOG Barber Scotia Elon Chowan Va Commonwealth Univ Va. Military Institute Hampden-Sydney North Carolina A & T Washington AndLee Univ. of Richmond Campbell Madison Virginia Tech Salisbury State LBC 49 36 44 21 30 53 60 29 30 30 21 13 27 Monarch Civitan Open-14th North Carolina A & T Tournament-1st NCCAA Eastern Regionals- 1st NCCAA National Finals - 1st OPP 0 13 6 19 13 0 0 16 17 12 25 30
OPPOSITE TOP: The LBC Wrestling Team OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Head Coach Bob Bonheim and Assistant Tom Brittain MIDDLE TOP: Coach Bob Bonheim presents the NCCAA championship banner to Dr A Pierre Guillermin in chapel MIDDLE BOTTOM An LBC wrestler gams theadvantage over hisopponent ABOVE Dave Maple attempts to get hisopponent on the mat

Home games for the Flames meant a winning record. The Flames had a 5-3 record on the home court

Under the leadership of first year coach Skeeter Swift, the LBC Basketball Team tackled a tough schedule ofonlyeighthome games. One ofthe outstanding players on the team was Mark Chafin who broke all LBC records Mark was selected to the first team of the NCCAA Division I Another team member, Ed Vickers, was selected to the second team of the NCCAA DivisionI.


Guilford Ohio Northern Va. Military Institute Elon Bluefield State Hampden-Sydney Bridgewater Eastern Mennonite Elon Bluefield College Wofford Francis Marion Malone Hampden-Sydney Elon Longwood Bluefield College Roanoke College Bluefield State Bluefield College St Paul's Clinch Valley Guilford College St. Paul's Longwood Randolph Macon Clinch Valley Concord College Geneva College (NCCAA Dist LBC 71 70 68 64 79 80 106 102 96 69 92 67 80 53 60 89 80 80 60 61 88 78 76 88 77 49 73 77 II) 63 OPP . 90 76 105 109 97 96 109 81 98 72 88 75 92 67 76 77 90 98 53 55 54 84 100 54 78 52 80 89 70 82/Sports

OPPOSITE TOP: The 1977-78 LBC Flames OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Terry Comer goes up for a jump shot. MIDDLE BOTTOM: The LBC cheerleaders cheer the Flames ontothe floor. LEFT: The Flames go up for the rebound. ABOVE: Barry Holzbach loses his balance and Coach Swift protects him from falling into the crowd. BELOW: The Flames huddle to get fired up before the game.

1 xxl •di ' \ 0t % r . 0 t*X* WWw.b fl J! • Sports/83

After winning seven of their last ten games, theLady Flames BasketballTeam ended theirseason witha 9-11 record. In the Appalachian Conference,theteam finished sixth with a 4-5 record

As a team their 60.2averageled the conference in rebounding and a percentage of 39% placed them second infield goal shooting. Helen and Reggie Gomes were named to the Appalachian All-Conference team. Impressive wins included victories over Lynchburg College, Roanoke College, and Emory & Henry


George Washington Randolph Macon Va Commonwealth Bridgewater James Madison Clinch Valley Virginia Intermont Longwood JV Hollins Univ Univ Mt. Vernon Nazarene Sweet Briar Ferrum Roanoke College Averrett Lynchburg College Randolph Macon Emory & Henry Ferrum Longwood JV Virginia Wesleyan • LBC 30 63 63 38 56 48 63 69 59 62 63 67 77 49 69 59 52 61 63 73 OPP 74 67 67 79 71 68 70 64 49 63 37 75 59 60 62 65 46 55 50 48 84/Sports

OPPOSITE TOP: The 1977-78 Lady Flames Basketball Team OPPOSITE BOTTOM: The Lady Flames go up for the jump ball ABOVE: Members of the team wait for the rebound LEFT: Jane Mottershead waitsfor play tobegin

1 86/Sports

Success adequately describes the 1977-78 Flames baseball season. The team jumped to a beginning which even topped a 31-10 season that theteam hadpreviously experienced.With 14freshmen and sophomores, the Flames looked forward to even greater years ahead.Coach Al Worthingtontaught his team the importance of awellrounded lifestyleon thefieldas well as off.

FAR LEFT: A Miami-Dade player is forced out at second base ABOVE: The 1977-78 LBC Flames Baseball Team. LEFT^/Greg Cashion winds up forthepitch.

> >
^J^-ii*.'X CSm.x'


Another of theLady Flamesteams at LBC was the Volleyball Team. Under the leadership of Coach Brenda Bonheim, the team had a fineseason.

Several players had an outstanding season Beth Glass served 99% ofher serves. The spark plugof the team was Dawna Blank, the team captain. Other standouts were Kathy Harper and Kim Ferguson

RIGHT: The 1977-78 LBC Lady Flames Volleyball Team FAR RIGHT: Dawna Blank,team captain,spikes theball
> Roanoke Hollins Longwood Randolph Macon Bridgewater Ferrum George Washington Roanoke Hollins Radford Radford Randolph Macon Emory & Henry Virginia Intermont Univ of Md at Bait SEASON LOG L L L L W L W L W L L L W L L L 15-8,10-15.12-15 12-15.7-15 13-15,15-11.6-15.15-2,5-15 6-15,6-15 15-10,15-2 3-15,9-15 15-13,15-2 3-15.0-15,4-15 15-13,15-13 11-15.15-5,7-15 2-15.7-15 1-15,13-15 15-9,15-5.15-4 9-15,13-15 9-15,15-10.11-15 6-15,6-15,6-15

As a young team, the LBC Cross Country Team realized their goals for the season and expressed the same high hopes for nextyear

Four of the five runners in the nationals were freshmen, but LBC still defeated the 1975 champions.

iH WB8B8& SEASON LOG LBC OPP Institute 25 34 Hampden-Sydney 21 37 Va Military Inst 50 15 Washington & Lee 42 17 West Va Tech 23 33 Shepard 35 20 Davis & Elkins 44 15 Ferrum 41 18 Bridgewater 48 15 Hampton Institute 31 24 Eastern Mennonite 46 17 Roanoke College 22 36 Emory & Henry 15 44 Ferrum 44 16 Va Military Inst 45 16 Radford College 18 41 VirginiaWesteyan 21 36 Roanoke College 30 26 Iff xsxaX'
m ' *-

OPPOSITE: LBC leads the way in one of the cross country meets BOTTOM: Coach Jake Matthes signalsthe start of the meet LEFT: Coach Matthes prays with his team before the cross country meet

> >
Sport •

The 1977-78 LBC Track and Field Team moved up one inthe ranks at the national meet of the NCCAA This move from fourth to third was earlierpreceded by winning the regional meet

LBC had several outstanding runners this year. Several of these did notably well at the national meet One runner, David Pigg,took first place in one of the hurdle races.

The team travelled away to allof its meets this year. In spite of the extensive travel involved in their schedule, the team had a fine season.


OPPOSITE BOTTOM: At the gun, David Pigg leaves the starting block in the 880 relay race TOP MIDDLE: David Pigg crosses the hurdle on his way to a first place win at the national meet BOTTOM MIDDLE: The LBC Track and Field Team ABOVE: Jonathon Sprano competes in the long jump

Sports 93

For students who did not get involved in the intercollegiate competition program at LBC, a program of intramurals was offered for competitionwithinthethestudent body

Under the direction of Dr.Alfred Moore, this program has come a long way since itsbeginning. Sports included in the program were basketball, wrestling, bowling, Tennis, cross country, football and softball.

:» *%*»"" " 'n i i mkii 94/Sports

OPPOSITE TOP: Dan Green goes in for a layup in the intramural AllStar game against Central Virginia Community College.

OPPOSITE BOTTOM: An LBC studentdelivers' the pitch in the intramural Softball championship game. LEFT: Mark Dunn goes up for a shot against CVCC.


The steam and scream ofthe LBC athletic teams was the 1977-78 Cheerleading Squad. Under the leadership of Mrs Debbie Benoit, the squad showed spirit and aroused excitement among the fans.

Members of the squad were Debbie Bruckner, Becky Johnson, Pam Lucas,Carole Crowder,Jackie Olson, Jane Sims, and Melanie Alfrey

TOP: The 1977-78 Cheerleading Squad BOTTOM: The Cheerleading Squad takes a break during a football game to freshen up
<k - 3 Sports/97
BOTTOM RIGHT: Mrs Debbie Benoit the squad'ssponsor

Everything rises and falls

It has been said that everything risesand fallsonleadership.At LBC, under the leadership of Dr.Jerry Falwell, Chancellor, and Dr A Pierre Guillermin, President, everything rises

Under the leadership ofthese two men, LBC hasgrown inall ways in an unusual manner since itsinception seven short years ago From the beginnings on Thomas Road to the multi-million dollar complex on Liberty Mountain, this school has depended on the brilliant efforts of these twomen of God.


OPPOSITE TOP: Dr Fallwell and his wife, Macel OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Dr Guillermin meets with Assistant Academic Dean Dr Douglas John OPPOSITE MIDDLE LEFT: Dr Falwell's secretary, Mrs Jeanette Hogan and Dr Guillermin's secretary, Mrs Sarah Webster ABOVE: Dr Falwell takes time off from his busy schedule to bring the Wednesday chapel messasge LEFT: Dr Guillermin and his wife, with Virginia Senator Harry Byrd

ADMINISTRATION Makes Things Happen!

Things are always happening at LBC and the administration staff islargely responsible.LBChas been fortunate to have a highly trained and experienced staffto do thejob.

One ofthe newer members ofthe staff, Dr James Carpenter, Executive Vice President, completed his first year of service at Liberty Baptist College. Another addition, Dr. Douglas John, Assistant Academic Dean, also completed his firstyear at LBC.

Dr James Henry,Academic Dean, took the pastorate at a church in Newport News, Virginia,and willbe followed in his position by Dr Russell Fitzgerald


OPPOSITE TOP: Dr Douglas John, Assistant Academic Dean MIDDLE BOTTOM: Dr James Henry demonstrates his love for the members of his church, Pleasant View Baptist Church OPPOSITE LEFT: Dr Henry works with the registrar,Mrs June McHaney, in his position as Academic Dean. LEFT: Dr. James Carpenter, Executive Vice President, joined the staff this year. MIDDLE: An important part of administrative responsibility,registration is an event requiring much planning.

Keener. Lamar H

Leslie. Donald Business Manager

Donald Edward G Administrative Assistant to the President
Academics 103

Open wide and say flHHH

Across the LBC campus many men and women serve the students. From the bookstore to the counseling room and on tothe infirmary, capable people are there to meet the students' needs. These people and their staffs are trained and equipped to help students

Blaisdell, Glenn School Doctor
Mlxx l -•*II Pi 104/Academics
Bowen, Robert Bookstore Manager Brasure, Ralph Admissions Counselor

OPPOSITE TOP: LBC students study in the newly remodeled library OPPOSITE MIDDLE: Bill Wheeler, the Vocational Guidance Counselor at LBC LEFT: Terry Jacobsen helps Mrs Billie Snell the LBC postmaster

Diggs Tom Director of Admissions

Elmer. Richard Head Librarian

Gerlmger. John Admissions Counselor

Stover. Philip Director of Counseling

. y *Wf % '
Academics/ 105

Discipline isn't theonly job handled bythe Office ofStudent Affairs under Dean Eddie Dobson Student Affairs isan office tohelp students by providing various services and activities

Another important part ofLBC is Christian Service. This office, under Bill Paul, coordinates the training of LBC students in the ministries of theThomas Road Baptist Church. This office also handles church planting and extension teams

Mr Fred Duncan, the Financial Aid Director at LBC, provides students with thenecessary information and the help in receiving financial aid.

B.Noise after lights out



Baker John Associate Dean of Students Benoit, Debbie Assistant Dean of Women Dobson.Eddie Dean of Student Affairs Paul Bill Christian Service Director Pearson, Connie Assistant Dean of Women Wood, Bette Dean of Women OPPOSITE TOP: Paul Clark, an RA, talks with a student's father in the dormitory OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Glen Kurka works with Bill Paul in the Christian Service Office
10/ Academics
ABOVE: Fred Duncan sings at a banquet Mr Duncan isLBC's Financial Aid Officer

Equipping men and women to serve Christ in local churches around the globe is the thrust of the Liberty Baptist College Division of Religion

In a world of four billion people, the ministry of the local church is God's only ordained institution from which to work. Training pastors, church workers, youth pastors, and missionaries isnecessary to reap a harvest of souls before Christ's soon return

equipped to serve LOCAL churches

OPPOSITE TOP: Dr. Ed Hindson preachesin chapel. MIDDLE: Gordon Luff introduces the chorale. TOP: Dr.Sumner Wemp, Chairman ofthe Division of Religion.RIGHT:The three winners inthe LBC sermon contest are Gary Ervin, first place, Tom Thompson, second place, and Terry Hoffecker,third place.
Borland. Dr.James Bruckner Dr Lee Chapman Dr Benjamin Cundall. Earl
Grooms,J.O Hartman, Harvey Kroll Dr Woodrow Stevens,James Wood, Dr Don


The professors of the Division of Communications attempt to teach students proper expression inwriting, speaking and dramatics. Being able to communicate intelligently and properly is a must inthe educational sphere of today These professors want to send out students that can serve the Lord inthe areas of English, Speech, and Drama

OPPOSITE PAGE: Miss Walsh, Debbie Dockendorf,and Becky Taylor rest infront ofthe Tower ofLondon duringthe British IslesSeminar trip TOP: Dr Mark Lloyd, Chairman of the Division of Communications, checks over a class roster Right: Mr Towles looks over class notes Brinkley, Dr Edwin Harrison, Don
Larson, Irene Miller,Gloria Ozolins, Dr. Aija Pantana, Philip

i x " P

.»£- iX/ •tC"ss ' blsSfU v a WriiiiM
Samuelson, Marshall Smith, Lenora Towles, David Walsh, Betty Wipf,Joyce
Academics I l l
Wong, Carmen

History in view of HISTOR Y

How can one study history without seeing His/Story? The study of Social Sciences iscentered around Christ at LBC.

A wide range of studiee isoffered inthe Social Science Division under the direction of Mr. Boyd Rist.Psychology,History and PoliticalScience are some ofthe areas ofinstruction offered.

MIDDLE TOP: Dr. John writes notes on the board for his American History class MIDDLE BOTTOM: Boyd Rist, Chairman of the Division of Social Science, ABOVE: Phil Stover preaches a chapel message dealing with Christian psychology

Dudley, Haddon Hall, Dr Cline Snell, Dr Charles Steinhoff, Dr Mark
Witham, Stephen Cooley,Russ Hall,James Landtroop, Dorman Matthes,Lloyd McGibbon,Garth Sumrall,Dr Glenn Taylor, Bill
Varkey,Dr Alexander

The pride of the Natural Science and Math Division is the new science building on Liberty Mountain. Well equipped with labfacilities, the building isa real asset to the students ofLBC

One of the new offerings in this division was a computer programming course which enabled students to learn basic foundational facts about computers To enhance this program a new computer was purchased which will be available for use

OPPOSITE TOP: Students disect for a zoology class OPPOSITE PAGE BOTTOM: LBC students take a field trip to Washington, DC with the Natural Science Department LEFT: Mr BillTaylor looks at one ofthe parts tothe new computer purchased this year

Division EnjoysNew Building


The Division of Television, Radio and Film became the first division to have a graduate of LBC on it's staff. Mr. Mike Korpi, an English major, was assigned this position lastyear

As usual, the division made it's annual trip to the National Religous Broadcasting Convention in January.This year tenstudents and three faculty members attended.

The action oriented program of LBC isbest exemplified in the TRF Division. This group is actively involved intheproduction of'The Old Time Gospel Hour.'

Lights, Camera, Action

RIGHT:Jim Pickering conducts atourof'The Old Time Gospel Hour' facilities OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Mr Pickering prepares the platform fora production OPPOSITE FAR RIGHT: Mr Snyder observes a student in the studio

DO R E Ml PA SO • ••

LBC's Division of Music teaches a student more than just scales These students learn how to most effectively use the talent God has given them for Hisservice

Various musical groups were testimonies of the quality music education provided at LBC. Mr. David Randlett, chairman, has actively sought new and better programs for hisdivision.

MIDDLE TOP: David Randlett, Chairman of the Division of Music, directs music in chapel FAR RIGHT: A student practices for her piano lesson ABOVE RIGHT: This building houses the Division of Music on Liberty Mountain
Ehrman, David Flewell, Joan Kent, Lucille
Lo, Lawrence Locy, Ray Matthes Sandra Renas Jane

V A T iB fY

Training future teachers in a variety of fields was the object of LBC's Division of Education.

Four years of learning ultimately culminates in student teaching, the real test ofa person's teachingability. Dr. Russell Fitzgerald, chairman, graduated several teachers who will be a credit to the Division of Education.

OPPOSITE: Dr Soule observes a physical education class on the Mountain RIGHT: Studentspracticearchery on the Mountain

Barnes, Dr. Darwin Diemer, Carolyn Farver, Linda Fitzgerald, Dr Russell

&* " '• • arr '
Gibson Dale Hawkins, Dr Jerry Hickey Al Moore Dr Alfred
Pantana, John
X /x f
Runion, Dr. Garth
Soden, Elmer Soden, Ellen Stone Dr Maurice Worthington, Al

in Church ministries or in BUSINESS life

Men and women going outfrom LBC with a degree inbusiness have the option of working in a church environment or taking part in the secular business system.

Even though this was the first year to have a business major at LBC there were many confirmed business majors and there were many business classes offered to train these individuals inthisarea

Dr. Ora Max Wellman, chairman, taught many of the business classes along with Hope Hamilton Next year the business programwill include business education allowing some ofstudents to teach business in public and private high schools


OPPOSITE LEFT: One day LBC's Division of of Business hopes tograduate many businessmen such as localbusinessman, BillMeengy.

LEFT: Christy Farmer studies for a test inbusiness.BOTTOM: Dr.Wellman. Chairman of the Division of Business.


£ ar


lint the end,the beginning!

Graduation from Liberty Baptist College isnottheend butthe beginning For some it was the beginning of a new church, for othersthe beginning ofanew phase of education in seminary, and for all a new open door ofservice for the Lord

Dan Davey, senior class president, lead the class successfully and planned several enjoyable activities Oneofthese activitieswas a senior breakfast forthe graduates and their families Also, the class had a fellowship at which a slide presentation oftheir four years at LBC waspresented.

Graduation was the climax of the year. On Sunday, May 7,atLiberty Mountain,the LBC seniorsgathered for one last time before venturing intoan unknown butexcitingfuture.

OPPOSITE TOP: The crowd that gathered for the senior breakfast OPPOSITE BOTTOM

RIGHT: Dr Jerry Falwell delivers a charge to the seniors OPPOSITE BOTTOM LEFT: Dr Falwell and his wife, Macel, talk with two graduates BOTTOM: Bryce Cumbie and Patrick Ogingo enjoy the senior breakfast

RIGHT: The senior class officers: President, Dan Davey, Vice-President, Paul Clark, Treasurer, Barbara Armstrong, and Secretary, Brenda Bylsma

Marion Leigh Allison English Education Dennis Lee Allison Pastoral Barbara Lynne Armstrong English Education Gary Anthony Avila Health and Physical Education Walter Dewey Belles Health and Physical Education Richard Warren Beavers Missions Jeffrey W. Benson Youth David Benoit Christian Ministries Marsha Wendelin Berry Health and Physical Education George Samuel Bieri Sacred Music Brenda Ann Blood Elementary Education
Randi Erbse Blevins Elementary Education David Lawrence Bounds Pastoral Ronald Paul Bolton Health and Physical Education David William Bowers Christian Ministries Timothy John Bowman Missions Hans Werner Braun History Education
Lela Lyne Braud Missions Ted Kevin Brewer Christian Ministries Maria Grace Brautigam Speech/Youth Thomas Joseph Brittain History Education Judy Lynn Bruce Elementary Education Gordon Thomas Burke, Jr. Pastoral
Sue Ellen Burgess Elementary Education John Carl Campbell Psychology Brenda Sue Bylsma Elementary Education Steven Lee Carlisle Youth John Edward Carper Christian Ministries Paul Gordon Clark Christian Ministries
Sonya Lisa Caughman Elementary Education Mary Nell Columbus Art Marilyn Denise Coats History Education William Edward Cooley Biology Education Steven Scott Cornwel Drama Edward Sterling Crook Christian Ministries
Darlene Elizabeth Coward Missions William Bryce Cumbie Television Radio Film Marlene Dickenson Crowder Elementary Education Sharon Marie Dagen Music Education Russell Glenn Damas Youth Janet Ann Davis Christian Ministries
Daniel Keith Davey Pastoral Rita Gail Dieterle Sacred Music Kayward Von Davis Christian Ministries Lilalice Duck Elementary Education Randy Lynn Eckman Pastoral Michael Stephen Ely Psychology
•• Senior
Sharon Sue Eggers Elementary Education William Russell Evans Pastoral Carlisa Elaine Euliss Psychology Janella Gail Euliss Elementary Education Deborah Elaine Ford Elementary Education Luann Julia Frey History
Patrick Paul Fortner Pastoral George Albert Garancosky Jr. Pastoral Douglas Clyde Fry Youth Lori Ann George Youth Scott David Goetz Health and Physical Education Patricia Ann Graham Elementary Education
Charles Russell Goodin Pastoral Jerry Duane Hall Christian Ministries Daniel LeeGrover Biology Donald Wayne Harbaugh Christian Ministries Jack Kenneth Hardy, Jr. Christian Ministries James Edward Hartley Christian Ministries
Kenneth JoeHarrison Christian Ministries Kenneth Wayne Hawkins Christian Ministries James Edward Hartman Pastoral Cynthia Lee Hammond Elementary Education Marion David Hammonds Pastoral Carmela Hernandez Psychology
Patricia Gail Heath Missions Terry Allen Hofecker Christian Ministries Lawrence Mark Hine Youth Linda Leah Holloway Elementary Education Sandra Gail Holt Elementary Education Garry Steele Irvin Christian Ministries Rhonda Nyann Honeycutt Music Education Linda Rae Johnson Christian Ministries Lewis Randall Jenkins Christian Ministries Wendell Kenneth Johnson Elementary Education Karen Weakland Karika Elementary Education Larry Dean Kendrick Missions
Bonnie Lou Kanagy Elementary Education Stephen Gregory Knepp History Denise Rae King Biology Education James Richard Kracht Christian Ministries Rebecca Fleming Kull Elementary Education Edward James Laremore Pastoral Glenn Alan Kurka Pastoral Darryl Kim Lawler Youth Christina Lathrem Christian Ministries Cathy Jo Lawrence Psychology Vernon Henry Lawrence Sacred Music Scotty Ray Lovelace Pastoral
John Michael Lee Psychology Maria Gail Lowell Elementary Education/ Music Education Mark Charles Lugg Pastoral Kent Erie Lyles Pastoral Scott Allen Manganella Pastoral Larry Calvin Marshal Youth
Keith Edward Marlett Pastoral


Cheryl Lynne McFall Psychology


William George Mast Christian Ministries James Alan Mason Christian Ministries Donald Lynn May Christian Ministries John Edward McFall Health and Physical Ann Mclntire Christian Ministries
Henry Lee McKinney, Jr. Youth Robert A Mead Youth Larry Stevenson McKnight Pastoral Cindy Charlene Mellott Elementary Education Kenneth Wesley Miller Youth Carol Ann Mohler Elementary Education
Robin Ellis Mimna Pastoral Patricia Ann Mulholland Elementary Education Bernard Lewis Morris Pastoral Eleanor Laverne Myers Psychology Thomas Lee Nelms,Jr Pastoral Karl Patrick Noll Pastoral
Seniors/ 147
Janice Nadine Neufeld Music Education Karen Oldham Offenbacker Elementary Education Doretta Ann Ockenhouse Christian Ministries Patrick Odhiambo Ogingo Pastoral Steven Lewellyn Paine Health and Physical Education Stephen Paul Peters Television Radio Film Anita Claire Peters Elementary Education Neil Clayton Poole Christian Ministries Allen Lee Poison Music Education Richard Arthur Popovich Pastoral Peggy Laird Poison Music Education Joannah Gomer Powers English Education David Mark Prather Pastoral Robert Louis Powers, Jr Pastoral Dana Lynne Pritchard Elementary Education David Alan Price Pastoral Larry Charles Ralston Youth Glenn Foster Reese Youth Jon Wesley Rich Youth
Joyce Ann Rhoden Youth David W. Roberts English Nancy Victoria Rizor Elementary Education Patsy Lynne Roberts Music Education David John Roth,Jr Sacred Music Renee Patricia Scoggin Television Radio Film
Cynthia Joy Samples Speech Education Billy Dean Sherfy Christian Ministries Calvin Louis Shattuck Pastoral Karen Faith Shuman Elementary Education Thomas William Sims Psychology/Youth Verna Lee Small Elementary Education
Ronald Powell Sloan Pastoral Charles Leroy Stambaugh Television Radio Film Mark William Spriggel Youth Donita Sue Stowell Christian Ministries David Thomas Thompson Pastoral Richard Dale Vaughn Christian Ministries
Steven Donald Trost Music Education Debra J Waggett Youth Michael James Vigneulle Youth Deborah Lynne Walker Christian Ministries David James Warren Missions Ewing Vance Wiley Christian Ministries
Leonard Carl Whitman Christian Ministries Lisa Graham Woods Christian Ministries Jeffrey Lynn Winstead Pastoral Willie Vonthella Wrinn Christian Ministries William Richard Wiita Youth Russell Swift Pastoral
Danny L Chalfant Youth

Baker,James M.

Binkley,Verle L.

Boothe, Richard L. Brown, Kenneth F

Burket, Marlene G. Chafin, Michael K.

Clark,James R. Cooper, Jon W.

DeWitt,Tom R. Duta, Renee M

Edgar,Allan D Elrod, Pamela J

Glass,Roy E. Gordon, Gary L Hood, Katherine Keason, Konnie F.

Kiser,Gregory L. MacFetrich, Renee A McLaury, David N. McLean, William S

156/Non-graduating Seniors

Thompson, Perry L. Wallace, Donna R. Wheeler, James L.

Miller, Robert D Moles, Roger C Nichols, Nicki L. Nichols, Vicki L

Osborne, Richard M Post, Linda Reitenour, Steve L Reynolds, Debra A.

Roberts, Jay D. Roberts, Mark W. Runge, Sheri L. Scheuing, Paul M.

Sims, R. Jane Slagle,Michael R. Snyder, Howard D. Steininger,Frederick R.

Non-graduating Seniors/157

Juninr Class Serves L.B.C.

Under the leadership of President, Jim Sample, thejunior class of LBC served the student body well. Other officers included VicePresident, Rod Weimer, Secretary, Sandra Beatty, Treasurer, Peggy Richards, and representative, Craig Sands.

Several activities were conducted by this class By becoming actively involved inthe planning and production of activities, this class helped lighten theload for SGA.

One ofthese activities wasa Sadie Hawkins dinner. Instead of the guys asking the girls, the girls asked the guys. This dinner was held at the Liberty Mountain cafeteria. The class also sponsored aused book saleatwhichstudents could buy and sell used books from fellow students

Aber, Michele P. Albaugh Jr., Paul R Allen, Eric J Anderson, David W

Atchley, Benny D Ausbrooks, YulindaAna Ball, MichelleE

Balog, Nancy E

Barringer, Paul G Bates, James C Beatty, Sandra K Boyle, Naomi R Brooks, Teresa D Burnham, Timothy L

Burry, Sandra L Butcher, JerryL Butler, Sandra L Campbell, DonA Chadwick, CarolA Cook, Ronald D Cook, David L

Cooper, Lil M.

Creath, David S.

Crider, Diane M.

Criss, Trena F.

Crowell, Harold F

Debalski, Thomas Earl Dickerson, PaulS

Donley, Faith C

Dorris, JeffW

DuBois, James J Dunn, Steven L

Eagy, RobertE. Eaton, Dorothy E. Edgreen, Judy K.


Elwell Angela E

Fleming. Donn a J. Ford, Beverly J.

Fordyce, Walter E. Foster, Vickie K. Frankenfield Wayn e R Frisk, Martin A

Frye, Rachel A Gaines Deborah J Garnett Nathan M Garrett, Jame s P Gomes , Helen C Goodnough , Matthe w E Grooms , Janet K

Gross, Diane M Grubbs, Deborah J Hammersley, Jacqueline G

Hamrick, Mark Allen Hanna, Charles E Hawks , Constance E Herron, Marion L

Higginbotham, Ed A

Hockman , Arthur F Homan , Robert M Howell, Deborah K Jackson Victoria R Johnson, Deborah J Johnson, Judy C

Johnson, Michelle L Johnson, Rebecca J Johnson Tony L Jones, lla M Kanagy, Kenneth E

Keast, Carol L Keith, William E

Kelly, Donald E Kerr, Daniel R Knight, Bruce W Linaburg, Rickey L Livingston, Debra A Lockard, William H McCrory, Claudia

Melton Brenda J Minich, Rodney A. Minnich, Harley G Moore, David A Orman Darrell P Parrish, Clay D. Peake Robert W

Peters. Debra D. Ritchey, Daren L Rotz, Glenda K Rowe Janet M Rowe , Morris A Royer. Matthew S Ruckman , Kathy L

Sawanowich Joseph W , Scheitor Marion Shinkle Conte L

Shumaker Beth

Spangler Sherrie S Stephens Keith A Stone William N Juniors/159

Storay, Kimberly J.

Taylor, Rebecca L. Tripp,Wayne E.

Venable, Murnice W.

Vigneulle, Richard H. Volkots, John M.

Waddell, Robert E.

Watts, David B

Walsh, Julieanne E Webb, Roger Weimer, Rod W

Whittaker, Walter E

Wilkinson, Dina G Wilson, Johnny B

BELOW: Debbie Clayton puts on her skates as she prepares for an evening of funatan SGA sponsored LateSkate. RIGHT: Mike Waters takes shelter in his coat at an LBC Flames football game Mike isphotography editorfor the LBC yearbook Selah
Woods, Byron J Yohe, Rebecca E

5iiphi.iini.ire HI as s Achieve s

Under the direction of President John Benson, the sophomore class had a fruitfulyear.The classwasinvolved in several activities in which they worked closely with SGA. Other officers included Vice-President, Bruce Stewart, Secretary, Sharon Toy, Treasurer, Peggy Swanson, and representatives, Karen Veech, Kathy Veech, Sabrina Hippey, Dave Johnson, and Beth Glass

The sophomore class boasted several outstanding sports figures Two ofthe national wrestling champions,Aaron Thomas and Dave Maple, were sophomores Another outstanding sports figure was Kim Raynor who was named to the second team of Churchmen's AllAmerican team as a sophomore

Achilles, Marie A Alexander, Donald G Alfrey, Melanie E

Angerman, Joseph J Aquino, Andrew W Axtell,Joseph W Bagley, Susan Marie

Bales,Virginia L. Barnes. Joy C. Barth Debra Kay Batts, Nancy Joy Beauchamp, Barbara Beckley, James R Bender, Richard Lee

Benson, John B Bloch, Sandra K Bonneau, Ava L Blaisdell Glenna R Boeck, Melanie Bonner, Donald L Booker, David W

Bouler Jon G Boyd, Dennis M Bradley, Marlene V. Brewster, Dawn D. Breen. Nadine A Brown, Clarence H. Brown. Susan D.

Bryant. Karen Marie Buckner. Deborah D Buffington. Bruce A. Bullock. Judy L Burchette. Steven M Burress. Kimberly L Chapman, Dennis G Sophomores/ 161


Chayka, Leonard M


Clapper, Paula J

Clayton, Christy M

Climie,Twila D

Coffman, Raymond G Comer, Terry A

Compton, Steve C

Condon, Nancy D

Coquillard, Mary Lynn

Corfman, David W

Cottingham, Jr., Kenneth E

Coy, Debra Jean

Crowder, Carole A

Croy,John F

Cubino, Daniel

Culver, Ricky E

Curry, Kim I

Cyr, Steven R Dalton, Rodney

Dail, Robert A

Daniels, Joyce

Danner, Susan E Darnell, Gary T

Davidson, Cecilia A


Davis, Bill DeHamer, Terri L

Deitch, Cheryl L.

Delmonico, Rodney J.

Delphey, Julie R.

DeVaul, Randy E.

DeVoe, Deborah A.

DeWald, Jacqueline K DeWitt,Tommy R

Dockendorff, Deborah J

Dowdy, David W

Doyle, Rita K

Draeger, Glen R

Dunn, Peter M

Ewing, Bruce E Fellenger,Linda R

Ferguson, Barry Ferrin, Ron C.

Fitzgerald,Curtis W. Fowler, Linda E

Fox,James R. Fox II,Ralph W Fry, Loretta A

Fuchs, James H

Furterer, Peggy Garber Nancy J

Garner, Betty J

Generette, Gladys Elaine

Giesman, Beth A

Gillette,Jeffrey W.

Gladfelter, Rod

Golladay, Lavon K

Gregory, Lauren B

Haehle, Richard C

Haggard, Bobby W

Hagley, Joseph S Hall,Amy M


LEFT: Mike Waite and Marty Frisk display their spirit by participatinginHat Day of Spirit Week Mike makes sure thatthe photographer catches Marty in his unique hat

Haller, Dana Ham, Ronnie E.

Hammer, Cris H. Hammond, Robert Hardy, Mark Harrington, Jeanne

Harrison, Brenda A


Hayes, Jeri L

Hippey, Sabrina M

Hedding, Edward L Hodges, Danny H. Holland, Nathan

Holliday,Georgina M

Hooks Ricky L Hopkins, Jeffery D

Home, Mark S

Huddleston, Joseph L Hulbert, Debbie S.

Humerickhouse, Gina R.


Jacobsen, Helen

Jason, Karen

Jester, Maria

Johnson, David

Johnston, Mark Johnson, Rickie

Johnson, Terry L

Kamphuis, Gerald

Kearns, Stephen E Kendall, Thane

Kersey, David M

Kirby Jimmy

Knutson Pennie R

Kreider, Beverly J

Kurczy, Vera L

Kyper, Sheryl

Lattimer, John L

Leary Nathan S

Ledford, Barbara


Linton, Edgar F.

Lepp Deborah

Lewis Anita

Love Brenda

Lowe, Thomas D

Lucas Pamela S

Lutz Robert B



MacDonald, Kathy Magus Jr.,John Martin, James

McCullough, John

Meckley, Charles

Michael, David

Miles, Rebecca Mitchell Judy Mitchell, Tony

Mottershead, Jayne

Murphy, Aaron J. Newman, Brenda Olson, Jackie K. Orman, Elizabeth

Owens, Randell

Padgett, Tamara Park, Keith


Patton, Miriam A. Pelloni,Cindy Perryman, Cheryl

Pittman III, John M Proctor,Daniel Rader, Tara A. Raker, Roger A.

Randolph, Janet K. Randolph, Judy A. Reid, Jean C.

Reitenour, Debby J.

Reynolds, Steven K. Rice, Linda J. Richards, Peggi E. Richter, Robert P

Robbe, Bret R Robinson, Peri E

Rogers, Redgie M Ross, Vickie L

Ryver, Cindy G

Sanders, Cathy A

Sanders, Craig D. Sawtelle, David A. Scharmann, Richard J.

Schmidt, Bonnie K Schroeder, Gerald R Scott,Arthur G Seiders, Kenneth W

Seneff, Deborah M. Setliff, Timothy A. Sherrick, Dwane K.

Shumacher, Marilyn D. Sims III, Eric 0. Simmons, Terrie L.

Sistrunk, Sally A. Shamblin, Cloa S.

Shearer, Virginia C. Slabach, Harry D.

Smith, Julie D

Smith, Randy R

Smith, Robert M

Spanski, Paul E

Steffen,Cindy A

Stewart, Bruce D Stroupe, Barbara J


BELOW: Dean ofStudents,EddieDobson and Mrs Evelyn Tomlin, who works in the LBC Business Office,prepare to be crowned as Mr and Mrs Ugly of LBC

LEFT: Dennis Slabauch takes on the "cool" look of the 1950's as part of SpiritWeek atLBC

Stryker,Jon M

Summers. Kenneth L. Swanson, Peggy M. Swanson ShirleyL Taylor, Russell H Teeters, Randall S Terrell, Steve

Thomas, Daniel M. Thomas, DennisA. Tinman,Jack T. Todd, Robert S. Totten, Mark T Totten,Timothy F Trost,Stanley, J

Treadway, Steven A Vanaman, Tambra E Vanderpool,Cindy A Veach, Karen Veach, Kathy

Wakefield. John C. Walton, Sherry L.

Worrell.Ken E. Warren, Ronald A. Waters, Michael H. Wilkerson,Patricia C. Williams,Cherie L. Wilson,Frances D Winter,Nancy L.

Wolff,Jeffrey P.

Woodburn Beverly A

Wooten Anita C

Wright Kevin D

Wright, Rupert C

Yates, Steven F


Freshme n ITIake Impac t !

The Freshman Class was headed up by President,Scooter Simmons, Treasurer, Anna Patterson, VicePresident, Donny Hargett, and Secretary, Rhonda Katterheinrich The representatives were Susie Clark and Lesa Sumner.

The freshmen worked hard this year at all of the Student government activities. The classwas especially involved in the Fall and Spring Banquets. Even though the freshmen did not sponsor a late skate, they did run a few.

The total body of the freshman class was composed of students coming together for the firsttime With this in mind, the officers of the class worked to bring about a spirit of unity inthe class and they succeeded

Abercrombie, Lori M.

Adams, JillA.

Albaugh, Kathleen S.

Alewine, Andrea K

Allen, Frances R

Allen, Karen S

Amburgey, Mellissa A

Anderson, Gail L.

Andrews III, Tom B.

Angell, Charles T

Arblaster, Janette P

Armstrong, Martha K

Arnold, Kim E

Auten, Alice G

Babcock, Gary E.

Baer, Robert L.

Bailey, Connie L

Baker, Calvin P

Ball, Ronaele S

Baraty, Joseph S

Barclay, Lori K

Barnes, Timothy W

Barrett, Gina Marie

Barrett, Jeff N

Bartram, Robert L

Basham, Donna G

Bass, Rhonda C

Bassie, Mark S

Bates, Cynthia L.

Bates, Lester R.

Bauman, Clyde C.

Beals, John Wesley

Belcher Jr.,Billy Eugene

Belue, Trina R

Berg, Sharon K


Berrien John P

Bernard Michael H

Berry Victoria L

Bibb, David W .

Biggs, Richard D.

Birkitt Jeanne

Bishop. Jame s P.

Blackwell, DeAnn e L

Blank, Dawn a S

Blatherwick, Do n M

Bloom, Carol C

Booker, Karen S

Bornemeier, Steve A

Boudneau , Sherma n H

Bouler, Mon a A

Boutieller, Scott J

Bowers, Charles W

Bowman , Barbara A

Bowron, Carrie L

Boyd, Sandra L

Boyer, Elaine M.

Boyle, Scott A

Bracken, Robert D

Bradford, Leonard J

Bradley Jr., John R

Braley, Charlene Joy

Brendle, Carol L.

Brewer, April E

Britt, Doris R

Britton, Mark E

Broadbent, Cindy Lou

Brooks, Melody A

Brown, Dale E

Brown, Timothy D

Brown, Twyla I

Brownfield, Kimberlie E.J

Bruce, Dean A

Brunner, Bonnie J

Buchanan, Robyn R

Bullard, Daw n L.

Bullock, Patrick W

Burkett, David A

Burleson, Fred L

Burton, Carol E

Butcher, Connie L

Byers, Judith A

Campbell, Jame s L

Campbell, Michael, B Canedy Beth E

Carey, Robert W

Carney, Debra E

Carragher, Michael S

Carroll, Teresa A

Castro Jesse

Catapano, Salvatore M

Caviness Todd L

Cernigliaro Michael C

Chandler, Randi S

Chandler. Sandy L

Chaphk, Ted M

Chapman William R Chick John A

Churchman Jame s L



RIGHT:Gladys Generette smiles happily as she displays the check she won in the annual Halloween party The party is sponsored by the ARA food service

Clark, Mark C.

Clark,Susan R.

Classon, David

Clauser, Gary L

Clayton, Darryl S

Clayton, Deborah K

Clemens, Victoria L.

Clouston,Terri R.

Coble,Terry W.

Coleman, Connie R.

Coleman, PriscillaA.

Coleman, Stephen A.

Connell, Paul Stephen

Conway, Jr.,James C.

Cooley, Michael T.

Cooley, Rita Sue

Cooper, Lenore E

Cordle, Jerry M

Corley, Constance A

Correll, Rebekah A

Couch, Jeffrey D

Cowan, Merry Elaine

Cox, James Steven

Craft Jr.,William H

Cramer, William O

Crawford, April R Crispell, Rebecca

Crowe, Juanita M.

Crowell Linda J

Crowers Cynthia A

Crowson, Andrea L

Cunningham, Nancy J

Curtis, Robin J

Dalton, Johnnie S

Darby, Grover C

Darnell,Tim B

David, Susie E

Davidson, Kimberly K

Davis, Barbara J

Davis, Kenneth W

Day, Kathleen A

Day,Terry L

Dean, Rebecca J

Dekker, Joni F

DeMoss, Charlotte A

DePalma, Noel D

DeVilbiss, Mable A

DeVilbiss,Thomas G


Dice Stephen Jon Dickens Jr. PerryI

Dix Donna M

Dobbs Charles D

Doggett Rene A

Donell Lee A Dorris, Melanie G

Doutrich. Stephen D. Draper. Rosanna M. Drumheller, Vernon R

DeBois Jr.,Bruce E

Dukes Alan L

Duke, David A

Dunbar, Tex R

Dunbar William C Dunn, Mark A Dunham Glen R Durham Becky L Eagle Jr. Roy A

Earley, David B Easton, Michael L

Eaton, Barry A

Echols, Patricia A

Edwards, Charles K Edwards, Deryl M Edwards, Gregory A

Ehm, Kevin E. Eilers. F.A.

Eldndge, Randy L. Elliot,Patrick C.

Emel, Caroline J. Epperson, Teresa L.

Enckson, Jeanne E.

Ervin, Pamela R. Escamilla, David

Eure, Debra K Evans, Shaune M

Fahnestock Leonard L Farley, Pamela A. Farmer, Christi Lynn

Farnsler, Natalie M. Farris, Rhesa Beth

Feathers. Cindy L. Fenlason. James J. Fentress, Deborah L. Ferguson, Kimbra L. Ferguson, Larry J. Fero, Melody D. Ferreira,Steven W.

Fernnger Betty R Fields, Dennis Franklin Fisher Penny S

Fisher, Rodney, E

Flanagan Dennis W

Flattum, Debra L Flow Kimbra

Foley Sharon L

Foote, Kathleen J

Ford. Hilda J

Ford. Roberta F

Ford. ValerieJ

Fowler. Bobby E Fox. Timothy J


Freel Rex Alan

Freeman, Gwendolyn D

French,Ellis L

Fries,Marcy E

Fry,Mary J



Fultz, Sandra A

Furrow,Stephen L

Fuss, Mark A.

Gallagher,Bryan 0.

Garland, Debbie L


Garner,James T.

Garnett,Gregory R

Garnett,Matthew W

Garnett,Roy D

Gentry,Timothy C

Gilbert,Karen 0

Giesman, Beth A

Bill, James Lawerence

Godby, Diana C

Goff, Trudy A


Good,Joanne E

Goodman, Clara D

Graves,Sharon C Gray,VickiD.



Gum, Pamela S.

Gutshall, Joseph M.


Guy,Jr.,Edwin C.

Habermehl,Cheryl M.

Hagenbuch,Joy K.

Hale, Mylinda Jean

Halsey, PaulCurtis

Hamer, Colette R.

Hamilton,Gary L

Hamilton,Mary J

Hamilton,Sandra D

Hamm, Donald W

Hamm, Sandra F

Hamm, Thomas Lee

Hammond, William B

Handyside,James Dale Hardison,Mary C

RIGHT: Rick Sherman and Mr Ray Locy battleforthebasketball during the Donkey Basketball Game in which the LBC faculty competed against the students The SGA sponsored game waswon bythe students

Hardy Danny M

Harper Donna S

Harper Katherine S

Harris, David P

Harris Lorraine K

Hart Robert D Hartman, Jeffery E

Haskins Jacqueline A Hawkins Jr.,James F

Hays, Bradley D

Haywood, Darlene M

Heggie, Julie A

Heiss, Linda S

Helder, Carol A

Henderson Daniel D Henderson, Don S

Hendricks, David M Hendricks, Terry G Hensley Cindy L

Herbster, Steven L Herring Rebecca L

Hertzler, David J Hewett, Rhonda F Hill,Sylvia J

Hinkley Richard D

Hintz, LeeAnn

Hipsley, Kenneth L Hoagland, Edwin F

Hofer, Steven J

Hogan, Jonathon E Hohnstein, Noel K

Holcomb, Ronald J Holifield, Marquerite D Holstein, Martha B Holzbach, Tina C

Hood Jeannette

Hooks, David W

Home, David E

Hoy, Melanie F

Hoy, Melinda B

Hudson, David K Hughes, Mary E

Hughett Cynthia A

Humble, Pamela S Hunt, Dennis E Hunt, Mary A lies,Steven L Jack, PhyllisT Jackson, Michael T

Jacobson, Terry W James, Wanda C

Jarrell, Daniel G

Jarrell,Jeffrey W

Jarvis, Cheryl B

Jarvis Robert M Jennings, Daniel R

Jester, Larry E

Jobe, Susan Y

Johnson, Joyce E Jones Roy C Jones Jr., Bobby L Jones Charles R Jones. Cheryl A

Freshmen 1 71

Jones, Derek B Jones, Don P Jones Jeffery C

Katterheinrich, Rhonda K. Keenan, Carol J. Keeney, David L. Keith, David L.

Keith,James B. Kellam, Stan E Kelly, Barbara J Kelly, Nancy K Kelly, Robert W Kerr, Stephen P Kesterson, Judith A

Ketron, Naomi A Kilburn,Joyce F Killian,Cheryl L Klase, David Klenz, Cynthia J Kohorst, Shelia M Krueger, Randall L

Kuhns, Mark T. Kunkle, Kim D. Kwaak, Henry R. Ladwig, Candace N Lamb, Ronnie L Lance, Steven J Lange, Irene

La Tour, John S Lawson, Carolyn M Lawson, Randy D Lawton, Raymond J Lee, Kenneth W Lees, Cindy S Leister,Vicki L

Leonard, Christine F Leotti,John M Lever, Joy L Levy, Joseph P Lewis, LuCretia A

Llddle, Mark A, Linaburg, Sandra S

Lindsey, Denise J. Lindsey, Diane R. Linton,Temesia A. Lithgow, Julie M. Lituski, Patricia A. Lockrem, William L Loftis,Allen K

Long, Carla L. Long II,Marvin A. Lorenz, Lori A.

Lowe, Barry W. Lowman, Brian Lucas, Deborah A Lutz,James M

Lykins, Gina L. Lytle, Edwin G. Mackey, Roger Maclagan. Maranne D. Mannino, Donna G Marble, Leslie H Mark, Kal D

—Trp, af '^


LEFT: Roger Moles takes a look at the 1977 Selah.

Markley Kimberely Kae

Martin Alan D

Martin, Kenneth A

Mason, Steven B

Mathis, Patty L

McCarter, Donna R

McCarthy, Orla J

McCaskill Doris M

McClary, Amber R

McClure, Timothy E

McDonald, Lynn

McFarland, Allen R

McLamb, Jane H

McNabb, Harold D.

McNeer, Rodetta L.

McVey, Richard G. Merry, Dena K

Mertens, Glenn C

Meyers, Martha J

Militti Jeffrey

Miller Kathy J, Miller,Kitty C

Miller,Michael E

Miller Wesley C Mills,Terry A

Mitchell Sally E Montgomery, Daniel P

Moody, John W Moody Timothy L Moore Lori D

Moore, Susan E Moore Tony L

Morrell Laurmda J

Morrison Douglas H

Morykon Michael J

Moseley Laurie S

Moseley, Lehman A

Moss Roger L Mount II,Dale E

Moyer, Ronald L

Mulkey, Vickie L

Mullendore Karen A

Mumford Donald W

Munn Timothy E

Murphy, Dawn M Murray Randy G Myers Malcom B

Nagel SylviaJ

Freshmen/ 1 73

Nebel, David F

Neenan, Mark D

Nelson, Billy W

Nelson, Bruce K. Newton, Ruth A.

Neyman Jr.,John E.

Nicholson, James E.

Nicks, Paul F Nieves, Leonard Noell, Danny Noll, Russell W Norman, Susanne E

Nuckols, Fred D Odell,Cheryl L

Odend'hal, Kathryn A

Odiorne, Sharon R Olson, Douglas S Olson, John A

Olson, Michelle K Ott, Debbie M Otto, Alma L

Overstreet,William T Owen, Marvin P

Packard, Julianne E Palmer, Jeff B

Palmquist, David R Parks, Deborah K Parrish,Anthony K

Parson, Melody Z

Passe Jr., Daniel B

Patterson, Anna A Paulson, Susan F

Payne, Amy M

Pederson, Kathy L Pence, Ada Susie

Penn, Warren C. Perry,Aaron A.

Perry, Beverly J.

Pennington, James C.

Perkins, Reginald D

Picard, Brian L. Peters, Gregory A.

Peterson, Yvonne J

Pfau, Steven M

Phillips,Gary A

Phillips,Kent V. Pickard, Kim L. Pitney,Jerrine L. Poff, Deborah J.

Poole, Lynda G

Poucher, Daniel R

Powell, Brenda L.

Phelps, Michael P.

Pratt,Valerie L.

Prillaman, Martha E.

Prince, Brian C.

Quaintance, Terrence R

Quaintance, Laurie J

Quattlebaum, Mary K


Rackley, Gwendolyn K

Radcliffe, Russell D

Rains, Linda S


Raker Leslie K

Ramsey, Amy L

Rasmussen Scott J

Rast Robert G

Ratliff,Michael T

Reese Linda C Reeves, Jeffery S

Reffner.Timothy A. Reichenberger, Doug C. Reinert, William G

Revell, Donnie C Rice, Mark E

Richards, Cathy J Richards III,Harold E

Richardson, Karen L Richey, Debbie K

Roberts, Laird D

Roberts Faye E Robison Deborah J

Robertson, Michael W Rodgers, Kyle L.

Rogers, Phillip D. Rolf,Cathy L. Rooks, Susan L. Rowe, David G. Ruppel, Susan L. Rusk, C Jacel Sady, Michele

Sandy, Mark A

Saunders, Deborah M Saulter, Joeseph Savoy, William C

Sawtelle,Timothy D Schlimm, Barbara A Schauer, Robert J

Scherer, Karen A

Schrumpf, Collen J

Schroeder, Guy R Sedora, Sandra J Shank, Ronald L Shannon, Ted R Shaver,Elivia

Shaw, Kathy S

Sheppard. Tom A. Shreve, Tamara E. Shirley,Tammy J

Shull Cheryl L Simmons, Norman H

LEFT: Faith Donley, Homecoming representative for the Junior class, enjoys the festivitiesof Homecoming

*+~ Freshmen/1 75

Skinner, Sandra S

Sloan, Laurie A

Sly,Diane S

Smith, Annella S

Smith, Debbie D

Smith, Lori R

Smith, Renee M

Smith, John M

Smith, Thomas M

Smith, James E

Snyder, David E

Snyder VI,James R

Snyder, Sandra L

Sorrells,Calvin M

Sosnoski, James E

Spahr, Ruth N

Sparks, Wendy R

Splawn, Melinda A

Sprano, Jonathon D Squier, Jane

Stahl, Brian K

Stahl, Pamela J.

Stanley, Rose R.


Stephens, Kevin

Stevens, Earl C. Stirewalt,Cindy A.

Stockwell, Mickey R

Stone, Larry K

Strader, Donna L Stringfield,Jr James C

Stutsman, Kevin S

Suell,Jerrie L

Sumner, Lesa G

Surratt, Dennis W.

Swean, Arie J

Swift,Mark R

Taitt,Steven F

Tant, Kay L

Taylor, HonorI

Taylor, Rebecca L

Temple, David E.

Thomas, John C.

Thomas, Kevin R.

Thomas, Mark V.

Thompson, David L.

Tobin,Alvin F. Todd, Joy

RIGHT: Dennis Chapman brings a little touch of country music to LBC during a Gong Show on Treasure Island

atrial L fifLt A9 M1VM

Yonce, Edna J Zeitler Philip D Zimmerman Janelle K Zook, Ramona M

Toews, Kenneth E

Toth Cheryl A

Toy, Sharon M

Traugh Carol J

Treadway, Debra A

Trenary, Judith A

Trower Glenda C

Troyer Mark L

Truman, Beth A

Tsiatsios, Caryl A

Tubbs Susan L

Tucker, Teresa D

Turley, Thomas R

Tyler, Sandra L

Vanaman, Barbara L

Vanderpool, Kelli J

Vanover, Randall W

Vaughn, Venetia C

Veale, Patricia L

Vessell, Eleanor J

Vincent, Kathryn A

Vogelpohl, Ronald J.

VonDuyke, Timothy D

Waite, Michael W

Waldrep, Allen B

Wallace, Terry J

Walker, James D

Ward, Daniel T

Warner, Douglas A.

Watros, Kimberly A

Weaver, Patricia L

Webb, Deborah L

Webb Kennith D

Welch, Larry A Welch, Tobby

Welling, Faith I

Wertz, Lori E

Welkley, Christine G

Wells, Edward L

Werts. Carolann

Whittmgton, Tina M. Williams, Paul J.

Williams, Vicki L

Willis, Thomas L Wilson, Richard L Wilson Carla J

Wix, Charles L

Wood, Jamielee

Woodard, Dalese E

Wordie William

Worley, William A,Jr

Worrell, Cynthia E

Wray, Wayne T

Wrinn Arvella M

Yelvington Juanita J Yeoman Trevor J

A JL Freshmen/ 1 77


Cowart, Sherry

Curwin, Debra

Dieudonne, Raymond

Dunn, Mark

Durand, Felix

Fields, Glenna

Flocco, Brenda

Flowers, Pam

Flowers, Richard

Ford, Robbi

Frailey, Brad

Friedman, Andrew

Ainsworth, Jeannette Angerville, Edzer Bailey, Bonnie Barden, Diana Benson, Donald Blaisdell, Terri Bohachek, Robert Brownfield, Kimberle
178/Late Takes/Second Semester Students

Garland, Steve

Griffith, Kim

Haas, LuAnne

Hagner, Ralph

Hargett Donny

Holaway, Bradley

Holdren Linda

Hood, Danny

Judd, Joseph

Kitchen, Karen

Kuiper, Karen


Lubrich Jr., Otto

Mabry, Terrye

Maris, Donna

I v -
Martelli, John Mclntyre,Lorri McMullen, Brenda Mellema Beth Melvin, Dennis Miller Mark
Second Semester

Richards, Cathy


Mitchell, Shane


Sherman, Kerry

Schaffner, David

Schmeckenbecker, Eddie

Mobley, Michael Morgan, Frederick Murphree, Wendy O'Neill, Desmond Parker, Timothy Pennington, Deborah Perrino, Kathy Peterson,Victoria Pottorff,Tim Reed, Kathy Reed, Phil Richey, Debbie Robbins, Sherri Sapp, Jeffrey Debra
^K W\ h ** HK * ' 'im "• >* Mtixr A^^ i fa 180/Late Takes/ Second Semester Students

Sindt Bruce

Sloan Donald

Smith, Annella

Soud, Marcus

Sprankle, Kenneth

Stadel, Randy

Taylor, Kandi

Tinman, Douglas

Turner Patrick

Utley Denise

Vaughn, Jeffrey

Vermillion, Linda

Vincent, Kathryn

Webb Kenneth

Williams, David

Willis. N.

Willoughby. Sharon

Wilson, Ann

Wilson, Sheri

Yoder, Richard

Zike, Douglas

Second Semester Students/Late Takes/181
A, £ x


The Institute completed its 6th year and4thgraduating class, May 7, 1978

Each student made strides to become a Champion for Christ (CFC) and to be more ofa biblicist. The evidence of God's moving and speaking in this generation was witnessed by many students of different cultural backgrounds.

The constant change, whetherit was the room temperature (freezing or hot), new experiences,new visions,ornewdimensions of living, has shown each student that he stands on the threshold of something great in the present generation. During this year each student was better able togive a reason of the hope that lies within him with accurateness and boldness and confidence before God and man.

RIGHT: Dean Willmington and Associate Dean Chapman stand before thewhole student body TOP LEFT: Flipping through the Bible, Luther Goff tries to find thecorrect interpretation of a passage during an open book test in Hermeneutics. TOP RIGHT: January 13, 1978, began with a snow that cancelled thefirst dayof class.
fitt^'fiE ^ \ l"' .%*'?'^ %±^yjL 3^1 I B rtfgp ^ • ^X*T • »

The Dean is a proven writer, author, teacher, Bible expositor, and seminar lecturer across the nation. Recently, Dr Willmington completed the New Testament Basic Stages in the Book of Ages complimentary to his book of the Old Testament Basic Stages. He has authored eleven books over a 17 year period of labour and Bible study

The 195 TRB1 studentswere challenged bythe Dean'sChrist-centered life which is a consistent example of what he teaches.

In addition to being Associate Dean of TRBI, Mr. Chapman is a full-time pastor at Bethel Baptist Church in Amherst County, and he travels widely in Bible seminars. Pastor Chapman exercised hisgift of an evangelist, especially in the 7:00 class and set the pace for the day.Also, thisyear he wrote a book concerning pastoral theology.In his own church Pastor Chapman reproduced his ministry because several have come from his church and have graduated from theInstitute and are now pastoring churches.



OPPOSITE TOP: Dean Willmington keeps in touch with his class and his preacher men who have started churches OPPOSITE

BOTTOM: Weekly staff meetings create a family atmosphere and oneness of spirit in matters of institute life LEFT: Pastor Chapman keeps well informed on material pertaining to the subjects he teaches plus many years of practical experience

BOTTOM: Course decisions and life direction are sought often by those going into the ministry from Pastor Chapman.

Institute 187


OPPOSITE PAGE TOP: William Crowder. OPPOSITE PAGE MIDDLE LEFT: Rick Lawrenson. OPPOSITE PAGE MIDDLE RIGHT: Al Hickey. OPPOSITE PAGE BOTTOM LEFT: Robert Harris. OPPOSITE PAGE BOTTOM RIGHT: Jim Stevens TOP LEFT: Mrs Marie Chapman TOP RIGHT: Anita Fordyce, Connie Jones,Benita Severson ABOVE:Roy Newman RIGHT: Mrs Jani DeSaegher

The Dean's Assistant, Roy Newman, was the firstperson tograduatefrom all three schools: Institute, College and Seminary.The instructors for the Institute included Rick Lawrenson who isa localpastor and also who did graphics work for the Institute. Mrs. Marie Chapman taught Christian Womanhood, journalism, and Sunday School methods. The English area was handled by Robert Harris. For Church History,homiletics, and hermeneutics, William Crowder was theinstructor Mrs. Jani DeSaegher taught speech and advanced speech. Al Hickey taught language improvement and study skills Finally, Jim Stevens taught Greek. The executive secretary to the Dean was Anita Fordyce. Also assisting in the office works were Connie Jones and Benita Severson


Liberty Home Bible Institute under the direction ofAssociate Director, Joel Pearson, and an elevenmember staff,has sent to students tapes whose combined length stretch around the world eight times. In fact, the U.S., Canada, and four foreign countries are receiving the study course which familiarizes students with the whole Bible,not justa particular book Billy Kim, a pastor in Korea, is in the process of translating the entire 400 lectures into the Korean language

Five thousand new students enrolled for 1977-78, and several hundred others graduated in May having completed the two year course

Updating and moving seems to be the theme with LHBI The third location for LHBI is presently located in a new shopping plaza The new on-line computer terminals, plus a grading machine kept pace with the demanding work load. These terminals kept track of students' marks, courses taken, number hours per course, billing, and print-out labels Work that was formerly done inone week with two girls was done in four hours.


OPPOSITE PAGE TOP RIGHT: Pat Harrel handles an on-line computers that records grades, courses, and accounting

OPPOSITE PAGE TOP LEFT:The transition of student grade compiling between the automatic grading machine and the computor process isdone by Mrs Irene Emery, Mrs Cindy Currin, and Sana Eagle OPPOSITE PAGE BOTTOM: People, problems, and solutions are only a phone call away with the help of the friendly competent counsel of Joel Pearson

TOP: Roy Newman tapes and times the last of the 400 lectures MIDDLE: The impact and importance of the LHBI course is focused upon by Dr FalwelltotheTRBI studentsas part of the last tape BOTTOM: In their second semester, Lynchburg students, Mr and Mrs Steven Proodian together learn of the Word of God through the LHBI courses.


The Institute held itsown chapel service on Monday, highlighting many guest speakers such as Dr. A.P. Guillermin, Dr. John Hughes, Dean Eddie Dobson, Dr. Robert Hughes, Pastor James Moon and others including local pastors,missionaries back from the field and those preparing to go

The experience and insight of these men helped to prepare the students for a challenging and purposeful Christian life The authority of these men enabled students to prepare as Sunday School teachers, missionaries,or pastors

The Institute curriculum was strengthened by these earnest witnesses They believed and practiced the precept that the KNOW is no substitute for the GO in the Christian'slife


OPPOSITE PAGE TOP LEFT:Dr. Young. President of Holy Land Studies,explains some of the problems in the Middle East concerning Israel today OPPOSITE PAGE TOP RIGHT: Charles Saunders an Institute student, and his wife minister in music during chapel OPPOSITE PAGE BOTTOM: Leading thesinging with gusto, Rick Lawrenson promises to let anyone who does not sing do a solo

LEFT: Jerry Killian is the recipient of the Clifford Smith Memorial Award for the outstanding student of the Institute TOP RIGHT: Future missionary to New Zealand Chuck Wadsworth, gives a report of how the Lord is providing for allhis needs BOTTOM

RIGHT: One of the Institute's favorite singers Fred Duncan, sings "My Tribute."


OPPOSITE PAGE RIGHT:After preaching his sermon at Elim Home, Louis Sady gives personal counsel to one of the men.OPPOSITE PAGE LEFT:Working on Sunday nights as a Counselor for AWANAS Lanny Kidd does some last minute checking on two contestants in the three-legged race.

BELOW: Jolly 60's worker,BillLayton, completes his chalk drawing on the birth of Christ for the retirement group at Kennedy House BOTTOM: Donald Witham finds that being a bus captain may involve being a"parttime" daddy to many of hisbuschildren RIGHT: As part of his Christian Service in the Children's Ministry Warren Rice uses his ability in ventriloquism to reach young children



The outgrowth of learning was married to the practical ministry of teaching and bringing others to an understanding of Christ Total commitment tothelives ofothers was a continual daily occurance Robert Hall went as faras pulling an 83 year-old lady's tooth during his visitation because she did not have the money to pay fora dentist. Don Reynolds drove over 1000 miles a week toattend classes and to work in his Christian Service.

Molding and shaping men's lives into Christ's image in some cases meant great sacrifice, but it was not without a sense ofgreat privilege and purpose of God fulfilling his purpose in this generation



OPPOSITE PAGE TOP: During Homiletics class Kenn Duff preaches hisprizesermon on the 'Fear of God.' OPPOSITE PAGE TOP: Many ofthe get-togethers forfellowship were combined with pot luck suppers TOP RIGHT: Dr Willmington completes his 20 year effort of summarizing the Bible,"A Piece of Cake."

TOP LEFT: Every Tuesday night wives of the future pastors meet with the Dean, Mrs Will-

mington, and Pastor Chapman for Bible teaching and practical helps. TOP MIDDLE: Pat Lindley, women's class president, was responsible for coordinating many of the ladies activities.ABOVE: Under the direction of Tim Broom the Institute Singers made their first trip to Tennessee in November.

RIGHT: Dr. and Mrs. Willmington carve the first slice of the Sweetheart Banquet Cake


The activities of 1978 reflected a wide scope of interest. Senior Day came alive with testimonies of God's blessing.The many family pot luck dinners provided good times and plenty of fellowship. Two independent pastors' fellowship groups were started, one in Virginia, the other in the North. This spring Dr. Willmington was given charge of a church in Greensboro, NC. Several students drove 120 mileseach week to witness and hold services there.

The classroom experience was made reality at Simplimatic Engineering where students worked and witnessed. Alvin Tanner, Paul Payton, Manual Guzzman, Lee Dittman, and Doyle Loffits saw over 15 fellowworkers come toknow Christ

k ^ Institute/197

The Institute Singers were an independent group supported bylove offerings Thedonation ofa bus by two local businessmen made it possibleforthe Singers to expand their ministry toother states.

A survey taken by Selah found that the majority of the students felt that thehighlight oftheir year was being able to sit under Dr Willmington and to acquire the overview his teachings offered The Sweetheart Banquet was thought by the majority to be the best event for fellowship In iteach couple renewed their vows and reaffirmed their committments to each other.


198/lnstitute fX

OPPOSITE PAGE TOP LEFT: Lois Robertson, a Canadian student, sorts mail for TRBI students OPPOSITE PAGE TOP RIGHT: Bill Preston, future missionary to New Zealand confirms his commitment by buying his tomb-stone which he will take to N.Z as an indication to New Zealanders that he will either die or be raptured in that country OPPOSITE PAGE BOTTOM: Manual Guzzman has been an instrument in seeing many of hisfellow employees come to know Christ as Savior

TOP: Robert Hall, during speech class, gives a visual aid demonstration of the importance of colour,which is synonymous with Mrs DeSaegher's expression, "Put colour in your words, itis not only pleasant to the eyes but alsoto the ears." ABOVE: Registration, with its forms, papers and instructions, teaches new students the importance of organization LEFT: Keith Gamble and Ray Lyons were two ofthree finalists inthe preachingcontest, which was won by Ubo Miersma

Institute /199
'-.'.- V • Henry loncie Ball, Estel Bane Gary Beatty, Gerald Beck Gloria Beck, WilliamBell, Wesley Berhow, Susan Bocook, Lonnie •'--i Timothy ic, Craig Branton Henry Brightsen, Gilbert Bunker, Theodore Burke, Jerry Burke, Sherry Carey, Earnest Carey, John David Cheney, Jody Chick John Conway, Samuel Creath,Henry Doggett, Randy Dogof, Emma Douglas, Larry Edwards Kenneth Eidson, John Farmer. Wayne Rdler,Tom Fister.James Fisher, Shay Frazter, Debra Gamble,Milton -.sir . .. _., Rufus Green.Andrew Guzman, Manuel Hall,Robert Harbaugh, Donald Harmon, Thomas Harretl, Terry Harvey,Aloma Hollinhead, Lolita
Humbach Jeffery
Jerner, Brian Karl, Dorothy Kennedy Bob Kephart Percy Kidd, Lannie Kittle Sheila Lamar, Laura Lee, Dennis Lucart, Michael MacArthur, Arthur Main Kenneth Mayo, Davy McHale, Kim Miedema. Robert Miller Donald Moore Nelda Murray Lauerne Nadelen,Robert Owens Bill Palen, Gregory Parrett,Maureen Powell. Robert Rees, Edward Reid, Cheryl Reyes, Linda Reynolds, Harvey Rice WarrenJr Ritchie, Thomas Rogers, Robert Rutherford Gordon Samual, Nathan Sanders, Charles Scott Debra Smith Charles Smith, Leonard Spencer Sandra Stern Cynthia Sutyak Linda Sykes Danny Tagg Howard Tanner,Alvin Tice Gerald Trauger,Elaine Viera Joseph Wagner Timothy Wheeler. Bill Wilson.Larry Institute/205


do not mark the end of training but rather a commencement to begin a work for God.

come to know Christ as Savior.


turns filling in for

OPPOSITE PAGE: The graduating exercises TOP RIGHT: Through Alvin Tanner and other TRBI students many fellow workers have TOP LEFT: Hospitalized with rheumatic fever TRBI student Larry Lindley has his blood pressure checked by another TRBI student, Timothy Wommack. During his 10 day stay in the hospital his friends from school kept him from missing lectures taping them for him, and they also took his security job at TRBC. ABOVE: Coming from Michigan as a first year student at TRBI Mr Parker helps hisfamily unload the lastofthe luggage
RIGHT: Tim Boden takes time to review notes from 'The New Testament Basic Stages in the Book of Ages.'

This year learning Christ through comprehending the acquired knowledge was not divorced from individual circumstances, crises, and character building qualities in the students'lives.

Graduation completed a field of study only with recognition to a commencement of greater responsibility to make as many people like Jesus in the shortest possible time. Fifty-five forerunners from TRBI have started churches, and many others are in supportive roles Now, many more willfollow Paul, in Romans 1:12, reminds us thatwe owe thegospeltoeveryone.

^ 5*

The Right Man For The Job

When Dr.Jerry Falwell decided to starta seminary,he had one man in mind that he knew could do thejob. That man was Dr. Robert Hughes. Under his leadership, Liberty Baptist Seminary has progressed to where itstands today Dr Hughes has and always will stand by the Bible and itsdoctrines He is a man ofperserverance and has withstood many tests of faith Under his influence, Liberty Baptist Seminary willcontinue to move ahead

Seminary 21 1
LEFT: Dr Hughes' secretary, Myra Lucas OPPOSITE TOP: Dr Hughes teaches in Psalms bringing special attention to the inferences to Jesus ABOVE: A class in Genesis takes careful notes as Dr Hughes teaches

XGathering good men around a leader isa must when one isina key position ofleadership. Dr. Robert Hughes hasaccomplished that goal Teaming faculty and staff, the Seminary was awell runorganization accomplishing much


OPPOSITE TOP: Dr Carl Diemer, Jr., Chairman of the Division of Theology and Professor of Church History OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Dr Harold McNabb, Associate Professor of Christian Education LEFT: Paul Spaeth, Acting Director of Library Services

BOTTOM: Dorman Landtroop, AdministrativeAssistanttothe Dean:Dr Frank Schmitt, Professor of Christian Education; and Dr Wayne Sterling, Associate Professor of Old Testament


Faculty and staff at LBS were action-oriented. Not only were they professors in an academic world, they were also people that loved Christ and His word.

Under the leadership of Dr Hughes, theSeminary has come to be known for itsacademic excellence and its Scriptural stand The words, Scriptural Scholarship Aflame, were real to the LBS family.

The faculty of LBS consisted of men with earned doctorates from accredited institutions.Teachingin the Christian Education field were Dr. Frank Schmitt and Dr.Harold McNabb.

Inthe theology fieldwere Dr.Carl Diemer, Dr Robert Hughes, Dr Edward Roustio,Dr.Wayne Sterling and Dr.Austin Tucker.

3 35



Staff at LBS were also getting things done The Library staff spent long hours bettering the facilities. Paul Spaeth, Acting Director of Library Services, and Kay Compton, Librarian,were busy people Helping them were Diane Cade, Carmen McNabb, and Eileen Stallard.

Three secretaries worked at LBS They were Myra Lucas, Dr. Hughes' secretary; Judy Gerlinger, faculty secretary; and Lela McDowell, Old Time Gospel Hour secretary.

T ~fo " \ c*~\
TOP: Dr. Wayne Sterling translates a portion of the book of Jonah in Hebrew class. OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Secretaries Myra Lucas and Judy Gerlinger look over some Seminary business BELOW: Dr Edward Roustio,Associate Professor of New Testament BELOW Dr Austin Tucker, Associate Professor of Homiletics BOTTOM: Dr Frank Schmitt talkswith some prospective Seminary students
LBS: No Cemetery 216/Seminary

OPPOSITE TOP (and this page top): Dr. Harold Lindsell, author of 'The Battle for the Bible', speaks to LBS students OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Dr McNabb announces an opening for a pastorate while Dr Schmitt looks on LEFT: Alan Read sings in chapel

ABOVE: Dr Diemer points to the field while preaching inchapel

While it might be said of some seminaries that 'cemetery' would be amore fittingname,thatwas not true of Liberty Baptist Seminary

From classes to chapel and even in the daily outside lifeofeach student, there was a vitality and life in those associated with LBS.

The main motivator of LBS students was their own chapel held every Friday. Men of God weekly challenged the students of LBS to a more dedicated and fulfillinglife for Christ.



ft*«e> feu may not be *vtest, but /oo an 31*0/5 do four best 218/Seminary

OPPOSITE TOP: A bulletin board informs students of housing and job opportunities LBS students are known for dependability

OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Bob Harris and afriend enjoy a ride on a sled BELOW: Kurt and Bonnie Strong enjoy the fellowship of a banquet

The real test of one's spirituality is not his classroom ability or even his conduct in the institution The real person shows through when he or she isout inthe secular world At LBS, the students, faculty, and staff always exhibited a Christ-honoring lifestyle.

In their jobs, LBS students were admired for their faithfulness and hard work Good times were had at LBS with various social events during the year. All around, LBS students were a well-balanced group of men and women training for the service of Christ

LBS-No Cemetery7

Semin H

Finding outwhat itwasall about iswhat Seminary for a Day was all about. Men andwomen came from out of state as well as from the local area toexperience the atmosphere of LBS.

The Seminary rana normal daily schedule to letthose present get the idea ofwhat LBS was like An address by Dr.Hughes to kick off the day was a highlight. Challenging the prospective seminariansto further their education, he spoke of the need for men and women who could rightly divide God's Word. The day included a chapel service, visits to classes, and a luncheon with LBSPresident,Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin,asthespeaker.

a a mm

* 1 ^ fa 01 > 0
V A\ 220/Seminary

OPPOSITE TOP: Judy Gerlinger, secretary, registers prospective students for 'Seminary for a Day' OPPOSITE BOTTOM: The Seminary makes prospective seminarians welcome ABOVE: Three prospective LBS students look over the map containing the names of the graduates of LBS

Some 35 students have graduated from Liberty Baptist Seminary in the first four years of its experience,and severalmore did not graduate but came and went, and therefore joined the ranks of seminary alumni.

The school began in 1973, offering a three-year Master of Divinity degree for preachers and pastors and a two-year Master of Arts degree in Christian Education

Itmight prove interesting to see what some of the seminary alumni are doing at thistime

The first seminary graduating class consisted of two students, John Lynn Horner and Donald James Pendley,in 1975. They both received the M.A in Christian Education. Horner since has been ordained tothe Gospel ministry and works as a school administrator at Calvary Baptist Church in Marion, III. Pendley also was ordained and now is associate pastor at First Baptist Church in Spring Lake, Mich

In 1976 four students received the M.A. degree. Of them, Dr. Cheppanalil Thomas Abraham now is a church pastor ministeringtohis own people in Kerala State,India; Robert William Farnsworth is principal of a Christian day school in Ashland,KY.;LeslieWoodrow Smith has been ordained and serves as principal of Gateway Christian Academy at Luster's Gate Baptist Church in Blacksburg; and Donald Banks Swanson is principal of Greenwood Village Christian Schools in Houston, Texas.

That year also saw the first Master of Divinity degree gradu-

ates There were 11 of them John Beck Cartwright is pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Sharon Hill, PA.; Don Lewis Crain is pastor of the First Christian Church in Holtville, CA.;and Gary Glendon Elmore pastors the Faith Bible Church in Theodore, AL. Cartwright, Crain, and Elmore have all been ordained James Lee Flanagan teaches part-time at Boulevard Baptist Schools while working on his Doctorate from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX.; and Norman Lynn Hedding, an ordained preacher, directs the Jolly 60's Senior Citizens Outreach here at Thomas Road Baptist Church

Peter Lewis Hilmar, also ordained, teaches at the Hartford Christian Academy at Farmington Avenue Baptist Church in Hartford, CN.; Harry Wayne Lewis also is working on his Doctorate at Southwestern; and John Grimsley Napier is working on a Doctorate from Dallas Theological Seminary.

And lastbut not least, threeother 1976 Master of Divinity graduates are all pastors. David B. Overton leads the Mitchell Hollow Mission Church in Windham, N.Y.; Frank Demetrio Papandrea serves at Union County Baptist Church in Clark, NJ; and Donald Wayne Reynolds ministers at Calvary Baptist Church in Denton, MD

There were 11 Christian Education graduates in 1977 Eugene Samuel Albert, Jr., has a tape ministry in Hurst, TX; Patricia McDaniel Bellosa ison the staffof the soul-winning ministry at Thomas Road Baptist Church; Stephen

Bowman, an ordained minister, pastors the Ellsworth Baptist Temple in Ellsworth, ME; Barbara Doane Stewart is on the faculty ofa Christian day school inTallahassee, FL; and Ronald Edward Gatlin teaches at Lynchburg Christian Academy

Michael Paul Gass and Robert Roy Gass are two brothers who graduated together with M.A. degrees in 1977 and went to Medford, OR., together to start a church. Bob is pastor of the Harvest BaptistTemple, and Mike isminister of youth.

Other 1977 M.A. graduates were George Edward Gray,now pastorof the New Testament Baptist Church in Indiana, PA; Patricia Greenhalgh, who teaches physical education and coaches Softball at Liberty Baptist College; Steve Raymond Vandergriff, minister of youth at First Christian Church in Holtville, CA (Don Crian'sChurch);and Larry Witt, pastor of the People's Baptist Church in Buena Vista,Va

There were only seven Master of Divinity graduates in 1977. James CorneliusAllen is pastor ofthe Tabb Street Presbyterian Church in Petersburg FL; Frederick Jackson Beyer is the undershepherd at Community BibleChurch in Altoona, PA; Donald Jasper Ellison pastors the Maynard Baptist Church in Forsyth, GA; William Stan Howerton, pastor of Community Bible Church in Harper, KA; Gregroy Miller Sprau, who works in Lynchburg; Marvin Earl Wood, pastor of Harvest Baptist Church inCharleston Heights, S.C.

Other alumni include Kenneth M.

Waggoner, Robert Gallagher, Al Henson, Richard Whitaker, Ronald E Biggers, Larry Lusk, Robert C Elness, T.P. Johnson, Randy Brooks, Louis Lakatos,Robert Gehman, John Houghton, Gary Byers, Mr and Mrs Kevin Hartman, and Bryson Wood

Waggoner is pastor of Shippensburg Independent Baptist Church in Newburg, PA; Gallagher ispastor of Maranatha Baptist Church in Farmville, VA; Henson has started the Lighthouse Baptist Church in Nashville,TN; and Antoine B.Alexis isdirector of the Eglise Baptiste de la Providence of Strategic Mission in St.Marc,Haiti.

Whitaker pastors the Berean Baptist Church in Charlottesville, VA; Biggers leads the Southwest Baptist Church in Richmond, VA; Larry Lusk pastors the Hendrix Road Baptist Church in Florence, AL; Elness is pastor of the First Baptist Church of Windon, MN; and T.P.Johnson pastors the New River ValleyBaptistChurch inPulaski, VA

Other alumni who are now pastors are Randy Brooks at Northside Baptist Church in Tallahassee, FL; Lakatos at the Old-Time Gospel Church in Youngstown, OH; Robert Gehman at the Baltimore County Baptist Church in Reisterstown, MD; Houghton at the First Baptist Church of Clay, WV; and Byers at the Fredericktown Baptist Church in Fredericktown, MD

Mr and Mrs Hartman have joined the faculty and staff of Greenwood Village Christian Schools in Houston, TX; and Wood is a Christian teacher in Kingston, TN.

Bennett has accepted a jobas principal of a Christian school in Pasadena,Texas Duff is workingon a pastoral theology degree now at Luther Rice Seminary in Jacksonville, Fla. Everman ispastor of Big Oak Christian Church inBiscoe, NC. Harris teaches at Thomas Road Bible Instituteand is research editor for the Journal-Champion Miss Joynson works in a church in Isfahan, Iran Landtroop is atraveling evangelist andadministrativeassistant toDr Robert Hughes,deanof Liberty Baptist Seminary. Matteson is assistant director of the Single Adults Ministry at Thomas Road Baptist Church and will teach a course in youth work at the seminary this fall. McGee — who is receiving a double-degree, one Master of Divinity as well — will move to Holtville, Calif., as minister of education atthe First Christian Church, pastored by seminary alumnus Don Crain with another seminary alumnus, Steve Vandergriff,asminister of youth

Liberty Baptist Seminary completed its fifth year of existence by graduating 27 students lastweek its largestgraduatingclassso far.

Fourteen students received a Master ofArts degree inChristian Education — a two-year degree — and the other 13 received the Master of Divinity three-year degree.

The 14 M.A graduates were Jerry Eugene Bennett, Wirt Rexford O'Dair Duff, Deri Lee Everman, Robert Dean Harris, Gail Miller Johnson,Dorman Worth Landtroop, Richard Carl Matteson, Richard Patrick McGee, Elory Joel Newman, James Allen Skinner, Barry Lee Webster, Robyn DeeWisdom, Richard Leland Hendershot and Ernest Frier Tanner, Jr

>• 224/Seminary
,;>; •"• * ••'it"'
1.Alvarez, Richard 2. Barnett, Earl 3. Lormejuste, Joseph 4 McGee, Richard 5. Mitchell, Wilton
V'X> \ Seminary/225
£\\ 1. Owens,Tom 2.Schwartz, David 3 Strong, Kurt 4 Tanner, Ernest
5. Wisdom, Robyn

Newman works as assistant to the Dean of Thomas Road Bible Institute. Skinner will teach at a Christian school in Buffalo,N.Y., his home town. Webster andhisfamily will start out their post-seminary ministry with a stint in theHawiian Islands Missions.

Tanner andMiss Wisdom hopeto go into Central American missions. Tanner is looking to Costa Rica, and Miss Wisdom, a Californian, wants toserve inGuatemala.

Hendershot now teaches at Lynchburg Christian Academy.

The Master ofDivinity graduates are Earl Eugene Barnett, Frederick Ross Campbell, Larry Steven Holloway, William Frank Hutchinson, Richard Patrick Mcgee, Wilton Kirt Mitchell, Phillip Clinton Murphy, Daryl Lynn Newton,William Thomas Owens, Ronn Dean Read, David Charles Schwartz, and Joseph 0. Lormejuste.

Barnett plans to go into graduate work at Dallas Theological Seminary. Campbell nowworksfulltime for the Children's Ministries at Thomas Road Baptist Church and will return as science instructor atLiberty Baptist College in the fall.

Holloway ispastor of Sycamore Baptist Church in Gretna, Va Hutchinson plans tostart a church in Phoenix, Ariz. Mitchell works on the maintenance staff at Thomas Road Baptist Church Murphy is principalofCoosa Christian Schools in Gadsden,Ala.

Newton isnowworking ona Master of Theology degree at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, III Owens will return to work in his church inWest Virginia. Read ispraying about pastoring a church in Illinois Schwartz issettling down with church work inVirginia somewhere after hegets married in July Strong isstarting a church in his home town inFreeport, III

» <

Birdwell, Joe Brewington, Ray Brumfield, Darrell

Chow, John Connell, Robert Conwell, Steven

Dail, Donnie Denny, Earl Derrick, Ted

Dogor, Christian Dryer, David Earls, Rod

Elliot, Roger Good, Don Gregorian, Frank

Henderson, Eleanor Lineberger,Tom Lovelace, Scotty

v ' / x4tFjm. .mm. 228/Seminar

Lucas, Jerry

Malenick, Paul

McCann, Benjy

McDowell, Oliver

Milazzo, David

Ogingo, Patrick

Padgett, Krista


Pizor, Glenn

Sargeant, Douglas

Smith, Randy

Spaeth, Paul

Stallard, James

Stallard, Michael Swank, Jerome

Totten,Dan Tucker, James
•J? * ^ ft mm ::&• 't -r, 230/Conclusion
; to »< i «•• a fD r+ < o D • (D (T) Q) W _ o o o s-^l OQ ^ </> _ne r taf f vh n 3 " C/>' Q) n> o 3" 3 • c/1 Ul -1 S8 ,"7- o O ft> < OQ o- rra o i Q.»< s


Abercrombie,Lori M 166

Achilles,Marie A 161

Adams, Jill A 166

Adkins,Curtis C 200

Adkins,Henry D 204

Ainsworth,Jeannette 178

Albaugh,Kathleen S 166

Albaugh,Paul R Jr 158

Alewine, Andrea K 166

Alexander,Donald G 161

Alexander,James 200

Alfrey,Melanie E 161

Allen, EricJ 158

Allen, Frances R 166

Allen,Karen S. 166

Aldridge, Gary 34, 35

Allison, Dennis 128

Allison, Marion 128

Alvarez,Richard 224

Amburgey, MelissaA. 166

Anderson. David W. 158

Anderson,Gail L.166

Andrews,Tom B.Jr.166

Artgell, CharelsT 166

Angerman,Joseph J 161

Angerville,Edzar 178

Aquino,Andrew W 161

Arblaster, Janette P 166

Armstrong,Barbara 33 126,128

Armstrong, Martha K 166

Arnold Kim E 166

ArtistSeries 18, 19

Atchley,Benny D 158

Ausbrooks,Yulinda A 158

Auten,Alice G 166

Avila, Gary 128

Awards 20,21

Axtell, Joseph W 161 '

Babcock. Gary E. 166

Baer,Robert L.166

Bagley Susan M 161

Baker,Calvin P 166

Baker,James 156

Baker,John 107

Bailey,Bonnie 178

Bailey, Connie L 166

Bales, VirginalL 161

Ball,Estel 204

Ball, Michelle E 158

Ball,Ronalee S 166

Balliet, Patty 41

Balog,Nancy E 158

Bane,Gary T 204

Baraty,Joseph S 29 166

Barber,Jeremiah P 200

Barclay,Lori K 166

Barden, Diana 178

Barnes,Dr Darwin 120

Barnes,Joy C 161

Barnes,Timothy W 166

Barnett,Earl 224

Barrett,Gina M 166

Barrett, Jeff N 166

Barringer,Paul G 158

Barth,Debra K. 161

Bartram, Robert L.166

Bass, Rhonda C. 166

Basham, Donna G. 166

Bassie,Mark S. 166

Bates,Cynthia L.166

Bates, James 79, 158

Bates,Lester R. 166

Batts,Nancy J.161

Bauman, Clyde C 166

Beal,Clayton 200

Beals,John W 166

Beatty, Gerald 204

Beatty,Sandra K 158

Beauchamp, Barbara 161

Beavers, Richard 128

Beck,Gloria 204

Beck,William 204

Beckley,James R 161

Belcher,Billy E Jr 166

Bell, Wesley 204

Belles, Walter,128

Belue,Trina R 166

Bender, Richard L 161

Benoit,David 129

Benoit,Debbie 97, 107

Benson,Donald 178

Benson,Jeffrey 129

Benson,John B 161

Berg,Sharon K. 166

Berhow,Susan 204

Bernard, Michael H. 167

Berrien, John P. 167

Berry,Marsha 129

Berry,Victoria L.167

Bibb,David W. 167

Bieri, George 129

Biggs,Richard D. 167

Binkley, Verle 156

Birkitt, Jeannie 167

Birdwetl, Joe 228

Bishop,James P 167

Blackwelf,DeAnne L 167

Blaisdell, Glenn 104

Blaisdell, Glenna R 161

Blaisdell, Terri 178

Blank,Dawna S 89, 167

Blatherwick,Don M 167

Blevins,Randi 129

Bloch,Sandra K 161

Blood,Brenda 129

Bloom,Carol C 167

Bocook, Lonnie 204

Boden,Timothy 204 206

Boeck,Melanie 161

Bohachek, Robert 178

Bolduc,Craig 204

Bolton,Ronaid 130

Bonheim, Bob 80

Bonneau,Ava L 161

Bonner,Donald L 161

Booker,David W 167, 161

Booker,David W. 161

Boothe, Richard 156

Borland,James 109

Bornemeier,Don 200

Boudrieau,Sherman H. 167

Bounds, David 130

Bouler, Jon G. 161

Bouler,Mona A. 167

Boutieller, Scott J. 167

Bowers,Charles W 167

Bowers,David 130

Bowman, Timothy 130

Bowen, Robert 104

Bowron, Carrie L 167

Bowman, Barbara A 167

Boyd, Dennis M 161

Boyd, Sandra L 167

Boyer,Elaine M 167

Boyle,Naomi R 158

Boyle,Scott A 167

Bracken,Robert D 167

Bradford,Leanard J 167

Bradley,John R Jr 167

Bradley,Marlene V 161

Braley,Charlene J 167

Branton Henry P 204

Brasure, Ralph 104

Braud,Lela 130

Braun,Hans 130

Brautigam, Maria 131

Breen,Nadine A 161

Brendle,Carol L 167

Brewer,Ted 131

Brewster,Dawn D. 161

Brewington,Ray 228

Brightsen,Gilbert 204

Brinkley,Dr.Edwin 110

Britt, Doris R. 167

Brittain, Thomas 131

Brittain, Tom 80

Britton,Mark E. 167

Broadbent.Cindy Lou 7

Brooks,Melody A. 167

Brooks,Teresa D. 158

Broom,Tim 196

Brown, Clarence H.Jr.161

Brown, Dale E.167

Brown, Kenneth 156

Brown, Susan D. 161

Brown,Thorn D 167

Brown,Twyla I 167

Brownfield,Kirnerle 178

Brownfield,Kimberle E.J 167

Brubaker,Dave 19

Bruce,Dean A 167

Bruce,Judy 131

Bruckner,Lee 109

Brumfield,Darrell 228

Brunner,Bonnie J 167

Bryant, Anita 12

Bryant,Karen Marie 161

Buchnan, Robyn R 167

Buckner, Deborah D 161

Buffington,Bruce A 161

Bullard,Dawn L 167

Bullock,Patrick W 167

Bufluck, Judy L 161

Bunuer,Theodore 204

Burchette, Steven M 161

Burgess,Sue 131

Burke, Jerry 204

Burke,Sherry 204

Burkert,David A. 167

Burket,Marlene 156

Burleson,Fred L.167

Burnham,Timothy L.158

Burry,Sandra L.158

Burton,Carol E. 167

Butcher,Connie L.167

Butcher,Jerry L.158

Butler,Sandra L. 158

Byers,Judith A. 167

Bylsma, Brenda 126, 132

Byrd,Senator Harry 101

Calton, Rodney 162

Campbell,Don A. 158

Campbell,James C 167

Campbell,John 132

Campbell,Michael B 167

Canedy, Beth E 167

Carey,Earnest 204

Carey, John 204

Carney, Debra E 167

Carey,Robert W 167

Carlisle, Steven 132

Chadwick,Carol A 158

Carragher,Michael S 167

Carroll, Teresa A 167

Carper,John 132

Castro, Jesse 167

Catapano,Salvatore M 167

Cashion,Greg 87

Cassell, Cristille 178

Caughman, Sonya 132

Caviness,Todd L 167

Cernigliaro,Michael C 167

Chafin,Michael 136

Chalfant,Danny 155

Champney, David 204

Chandler, Randi S. 167

Chandler,Sandy, L. 167

Chapel 22, 23, 24, 25

Chaplik, Ted M. 167

Chapman, Ben 109

Chapman, Dennis G.47, 161

Chapman, Ken 184,187

Chapman, Marie 188

Chapman, Willian R. 167

Chayka, Len 28

Chayka, Leonard M 162

Tim B 168

David,Susan E 168

Davidson,CeciliaA 162

Davidson,Kimberly K 168

Davey,Daniel 126,134

Davis,Alan 162

Davis,Barbara J. 168


Davis,Glen D. 200

Davis,Janet 134

Davis,Kayward 134

Davis,Kenneth W. 168

Dean, Rebecca J. 168

Debalski, Thomas E.34, 35,158

Debois,Brice E.Jr. 169

Dehammer Terri L 162

Dekker,Joni F 168

Delmonico, Rodney J 162

Delphey Julie R 34,162

Duck Lilalice,135

Duff,Kenn 197

Duke, David A 169

Dukes,Alan L 169

Dunbar,Tex R 169

Dunbar,William C 169

Duncan, Fred 193

Dunn Mark A 95 169 178

Dunn, Peter M 162

Dunn, Steven L 158

Dunttam, Glen R 169

Durand Felix 178

Durham Becky L 169

Duskin,Bonny 200

Outer, Renee 156

EEagle,Sany 190

Eagle,Roy A.Jr. 169

Eagy, Robert E 158

Eareckson,Joni 19

Earley David B 169

Earls,Rod 228

Eaton,Barry A 169

Eaton,Dorothy E 158

Easton, Michael L 169

Echols Patricia 169

Eckman, Randy 135

Edgar,Allan 156

Edgreen,Judy D 158

Edwards,Charles K 169

Edwards, Daryl M 29,169

Edwards Gregory A 169

Edwards, Kenneth 204

Eggers,Sharon 135

Ehm Kevin E 169

Ehrman, David 118

Eldridge,Randy L 169

Eidson,Robert 204

Eilers, F A 169

Elliot, Patrick C 169

Elliot, Roger 228

Elmer Richard 105

Elrod,Pamela 156

Elwell. Angela E. 159

Ely, Michael 135

Emel,Caroline J. 169

Emmery, Irene 190

EnPsalms 44, 45

Epperson,Teresa L. 169

Erickson,Jeanne E. 169

Jon 169

Perry E Jr 169

Dieislonne,Raymond 178

Diemer, Carolyn 120 Diemer, Dr Carl 212

Dieterle,Rita 135

Diggs.Tom 105

Dittman,Leland 200

Dix,Donna M. 169

Dixon,Dr. Greg Dobbs, Charles D. 169

Dobson, Eddie 78. 107,165

Dockendorff,Deborah J. 111.162

Doger,Emma 204

Doggett Randy 204

Doggett,Rene A 169

Dogor Christain 228

Dollar,Dr Truman 16

Donell Lee A 169

Donald Edward 103

Donley Faith C 158 175

Dorris,JeffW 158

Dorris Melanie G 169

Douglas Larry 204

Doutrich Stephen D 169

Dowdy David W 162

Doyle Rita K 162

Draeger Glen R 162

Draper Rosanna M 169

Drumheller,Vernon R 169

Dryer David 228

DuBois James J 158

Erlenbach,John 204

Ervin, Gary 108

Ervin,Pamela R 169

Escamilla,David 169

Euliss Carlisa 136

Euliss, Jan 13,40, 136

Eure,Debra K 169

Evans, Russell 136

Evans,Shaune M 169

Ewing Bruce E 162 F .Fahrstock,Leonard L 169

Falwell,Dr.Jerry 17.22. 48, 100, 101, 122, 126, 127. 191

Falwell.Macel 100

Fall. Spring Banquets 26. 27

Farley.Pamela A. 169

Farmer,Christy 123

Farmer,Christi Lynn 43, 169

Farmer,Wayne 204

Farnsler,Natalie M 169

Farris Rhesa Beth 169

Farver Linda 120

Feathers Cindy L 169

Fellenger Linda R 162

Fenlason James J 169

Fentress Deborah L 169

Ferguson Barry 162

Ferguson Kimbra L 169

Ferguson,Larry J 169

Fero Melody D 169

Ferreira Steven W 169

Ferrin Ron C 162

Cheney, Jody 204
Chick,John 167,204
Chilcote, Terry 162
Christy M 162
S 168
K 168
L 168
D 162
David L
Ronald D 158
57,156 Cooper, Lenore E 168 Cooper, LilM 158
Mary Lynn 162 Cordle Jerry M 168 Corfman David W 162 Corley,Constance A 168 Correll,Rebekah A 168 Cottingham Kenneth E Jr 162 Couch Jeffrey D 168
Mary E 168 Coward, Darlene 133 Cowart Sherry 178 Cox, James S 168 Coy, Debra J 162 Craft, William H Jr 168 Cramer, William 0. 168 Crank,John Crawford,Arril Roe 168 Creath,David S. 158 Creath,Henry C. 204 Crider.Diane M. 158 Crispell,Rebecca 168 Criss.Trena F. 158 Crook, Edward 133 Crowder,Carole A 162 Crowder Marlene 134 Crowder William 189 Croy John F 162 Crowe Jaunita M 168 Crowell Harold F 158 Crowell Linda J 168 Crowers Cynthia A 168 Crowson Andrea L 168 Cubino Daniel 162 Culver Rickey E 162 Cumbie Bryce 126 134 Cummings Randau 200 Cundall Colleen 35 Cundall Earl 109 Cunningham, Nancy J 168 Currin Cindy 190 Curry,Kim L 162 Curtis,Robin J 168 Curwin,Debra 178 Cyr,Steven R 162
Choraleers 42 43 Chow, John 228 Christian Service 58-73 Churchman,James L 167 Clapper,Paula J 162 Clark, James 156 Clark Mark C 167,168 Clark,Paul 106,126,132 Clark,Susan R 168 Classon,David 168 Clauser,Gary L
Climie, Twila
Clouston,Terri R
Coats, Marilyn 133 Coble,Terry W
Coffman, Raymond G 162 Coleman,Connie R 168 Coleman, PriscillaA 168 Coleman, Stephen A 168
Mary 133 Comer,Terry A. 162 Compton, Steve C.38.162 Condon. Nancy D. 162 Connell,Paul S. 168 Connell,Robert 228 Conway, James C.Jr. 168 Conway, Samuel 204 Conwell,Steven 133,228 Cook, Kendra 49 Cooley,Ed 23 Cooley,Michael T 168 Cooley, Rita S 168 Cooley, Russ 114 Cooley,William 133 Cook
158 Cook,
Cooper,Jon W 20,
DDagen,Sharen 134 Dail, Donnie 228 Dail,Robert 162 Dalton,Johnnie S 168 Damas Russell 134 Daniels, Joyce 162 Danner,Susan 162 Darby Grover C 168 Darnell,Gary T 162 Darnell,
DeMoss, Charlotte A 168 Dennis,Chapman 176 Denny, Earl 228 DePalms, Noel D 168 DeSaegher Janie 188 DeVaul Randy E 162 DeVilbiss,Mable A 168 DeVilbiss Thomas G 168 DeVoe, Deborah A 162
Ted 228 DeWald,Jacqueline K 162
A 168
Terry L 168 DeWitt,Tom 156,162
Dickerson,Paul S 158

Ferringer,Betty R 169

Fidler, Tom 204

Fields,Dennis F 169

Fields Glenna 178

Fisher,Penie S 169

Fisher,Rodney E 169

Fisher,Shay 204

Fister, James 204

Fitzgerald,Curtis W 162

Fitzgerald,Dr Russell 120

Flanagan,Dennis W. 169

Flattum,Debra L. 169

Fleming,Donna J. 159

Flewell, Joan 118

Flocco,Brenda 178

Foley, Sharon 169

Flow,Kimbra 169

Flowers,Pam 178

Flowers,Richard 178

Foote,Kathleen J 169

Fodr,Beverly J 159

Ford,Deborah 136

Ford,Herbert 309

Ford,Hilda 169

Ford,Robbi 178

Ford, Roberta F 169

Ford,ValerieJ 169

Fordyce,Anita 188

Fordyce,Walter E 159

Fortner,Patrick 136

Foster, Vickie K 159

Fowler,Bobby E 169

Fowler,Linda E 162

Fox,James R 162

Fox,Ralph W II 162

Fox,Timothy J 169

Fraley,Brad 178

Frankenfield,Wayne R 159

Frazier,Debra 204

Fred, John 52

Freel,Rex A 170

Freeman,Gwendolyn D 170

French,EllisL 170

Frey,Luann 136

Friedman,Andrew 178

Fries, Marcy E. 170

Frisk,Martin A.159

Fry,Douglas 137

Fry,Loretta A. 162

Fry,Mary J. 170

Frye,Rachel A. 159

Fuch,James H. 162

Fullmer,Oliver B 170

Fullmer,Oscar 170

Fultz, Sandra A 170

Furrow,Stephan L 170

Furterer,Peggy 162

Fuss,Mark A 170

Gaines,Deborah J 159

GGallasher,Bryan 0 170

Gamble, Milton K 199,204

Garancosky,George Jr 137

Garber Nancy J 162

Graduation 32, 33

Graham, Patricia 137

Garland,Debbie L 170

Garland,Steve 179

Garner,DorisA 170

Garner,James T 170

Garner,Michael 204

Garnet,Gregory R 170

Garnett,David 204

Garnett,James 159

Garnett,Matthew W. 170

Garnett,Nathan 159

Garnett,Roy D. 170

Generette,Gladys E. 162

Gentry,Timothy C. 170

George. Lori 137

Gerlinger,John 105

Giesman, Beth A 170

Gibson Dale 121

Gibson, Jim 27

Giesman,Beth A 162

Gilbert,Karen 0 170

Gill, James Lawrence 170

Gillette, Jeffrey W 162

Given,Rufus 204

Gladfetter, Rod 162

Generette,Gladys 168

Glass,Roy 156

Godby, Diane C.-170

Goetz,Scott 137

Goff, Trudy A. 170

Goff, Walter 200

Goins, Terri L.170

Golfaday,Lavon K. 162

Gomes, Helen C 159

Good, Don 228

Good,Joanne E, 170

Goodirt, Charles 137

Goodman, Clara D 170

Goodnough, Matthew E 159

Gordon,Gary 156

Gosnetl, Victor 200

Graves,Sharon C 170

Gary,Vicki D 170

Green, Andrew 204

Green, Dan 94

Green,Wilson 50

Gregory,Lauren B 162

Gregorian,Frank 228

Greiman, Annalee 200

Grenier, CurtisC 170

Gerlinger, Judy 214, 220

Griffith, Kim 179

Grooms, Janet K 159

Grooms, J 0 109

Gross,Diane M 159

Grover,Daniel 138

Grubbs, Deborah J 159

Guetterman,Arthur L.170

Guillermin,Dr.A.Pierre 20,25, 80,100, 101

Guillermin,Louanne 101

Gum, Pamela S. 170

Gutshall,Daniel P. 170

Gutshall, Joseph M. 170

Guy,Edwin C.Jr.170

Guzman, Manuel 198, 204

Haas, LuAnne 179

HHabermebl,Cheryl M. 170

Haeble,Richard C. 162

Hagenbuch,Joy K. 170

Haggard, Bobby W. 162

Hagner, Ralph 179

Hagley,Joseph S. 162

Hate, Mylinda Jean 170

Hall, Amy M. 162

Hall, James 114

Hall, Jerry 138

Hall, Robert 199, 204

Hailer,Dana 43, 163

Halsey,Paul Curtis 170

Ham, Ronnie E 163

Hamer, Colette R 170

Hamilton, Gary L 170

Hamilton,Mary J 170

Hamilton,Sandra D 170

Hamm, Donald W 170

Hamm, Sandra F 170

Hamm, Thomas Lee 170

Hammer, Cris H 163

Hammersley, Jacqueline G 159

Hammond, Cynthia 139

Hammonds, Marion 139

Hammond, Robert 163

Hammond, William B 170

Hamrick, Mark Allen 159

Handyside,James Dale 170

Hanna,Charles E 159

Harbaugh,Donald 138, 204

Hardison,Mary C, 170

Hardy,Danny M 171

Hardy,Jack Jr 138

Hardy,Mark 163

Hargett,Donny 179

Harmon,Thomas 204

Harper,Donna S 171

Harper,Katherine S 171

Harrel,Pat 190

Harrell, Terry 204

Harrington,Jeanne 163

Harris,Bob 218

Harris,David P 171

Harris,Robert 189

Harris, Lorraine K 171

Harrison, Brenda A 163

Harrison, Don

S 171

Helder,Carol A 171

Henderson, Daniel D 171

Henderson, Dennis 54

Henderson, Don S 171

Henderson,Eleanor 228

Hendricks,David M 171

Hendricks, Terry G 171

Henry, Dr James 32, 102, 103

Hernandez,Carmela 139

Hensley,Cindy L 171

Herbster,Steven L 171

Herring,Rebecca L 171

Herron,Marion L 159

Hertzler,David J 171

Hewett,Thonda F 171

Kickey, Al 121,189

Higginbotham, Ed A 159

Hill, Sylvia J 171

Hindson,Dr Ed 109

Hine,Lawrence 140

Hiner,Robbie 9, 44

Hines,Jerome 18, 100

Hinkley,Richard D. 171

Hintz,LeeAnn 171

Hippey,Sabrina M. 163

Hipsley,Kenneth L.171

Hoagland, Edwin F.171

Hockman,Arthur F.159

Hodges, Danny H. 163

Hofer,Steven J. 171

Hoffecker, Jerry 108

Hofecker, Terry 140

Hogan,Jeanette 100

Hogan,Jonathon E 171

Hohnstein,Noel K 171

Holaway, Bradley 179

Holcomb, Ronald J 171

Holdren,Linda 179

Holifield, Marquerite D 171

Holland,Nathan 163

Holliday, Georginia M 163

Hollinhead,Lolita 204

Holloway,Linda 140

Holt,Sandra 140

Holstein, Martha B 171

Holzbach,Barry 83

Holzbach,Tina C 171

110 Harrison,Kenneth 138 Harrison, Wiliam 163 Hart,Robert D 171 Hartman,Jeffery E 171 Hartman,Harvey 109 Hartley, James 138 Hartman,James 139 Harvey,Aloma 204 Harvey, Paul 17 Haskins,Jacqueline A.171 Hawkins,Dr.Jerry 121 Hawkins,James F. Jr.171 Hawkins,Kenneth 139 Hawks, Constance E. 159 Hayes,Jeri L.163 Hays, Bradley D. 171 Haywood, Darlene M. 171 Heath,Patricia 139 Hedding,Edward L 163 Heggie, JulieA 171 Heiss,Linda

Homan, Robert M. 159

Homecoming 12, 13

Honeycutt Rhonda 140

Hood, Danny 179

Hood, Jeannette,M 171

Hood, Katherine 156

Hooks, David W 171

Hooks, Ricky L 163

Hoover, Rebecca 200

Hopkins,Jeffrey D 163

Hopkins,Mike 52

Horn,George 200

Home, David E 171

Home, Mark S 163

Hostler,Dorothy C 204

Howell,Deborah K 159

Howland,Charles 200

Hoy, Melinda B 171

Hoy,Melanie F 171

Hudleston,Joseph L 163

Hudson, David K 171

Huff,Gary 201

Hughes, Mary Key 171

Hughes, Dr Robert 210, 211

Hughett,Cynthia A 171

Hulbert,Debbie S 163

Hulsey,David 204

Humbach, Jeffery 204

Humble, Pamela S.171

Humerickhouse,Gina R 163

Hunt, Dennis E 171

Hunt, Mary A 171

Hutchinson,William 163

lies, Steven L 171

International Studies 34, Intramurals 94, 95

Irvin, Garry 140

Jack,PhylissT 171

JJackson,Michael T 171

Jackson,Victoria R 159

Jacobsen,Helen 163


Jacobson,Terry W 105,171

James,Wanda C. 171

Jarrell, Daniel G. 171

Jarrell, Jeffery W. 171

Jarvis, Cheryl B 171

Jarvis,Robert M 171

Jason,Karen 163

Jenkins,Lewis 141

Jennings, Daniels R 171

Jerner,Brian 205

Jester,Larry E 171

Jester,Maria 163

Jobe,Susan Y 171

John, Dr Douglas 100,102 112

Johnson, Davis 163

Johnson,Deborah J 159

Johnson,Joyce E 171

Johnson,Judy C 159

Johnson,Linda 141

Johnson,Mark 163

Johnson,Michelle L.159

Johnson. Rebecca J. 159

Johnson, Rickie 163

Johnson,Terry L. 163

Jones. Bobby L Jr.171

Jones.Charles R. 171

Jones.Cheryl A. 171

Jones,Connie 189

Jones, Derek B 172

Jones Don P 172

Jones, Ha M 159

Jones,Jeffery C 172

Jones Roy C 171

Johnson,Tony L 159

Johnson Wanda 201

Johnson,Wendell 141

Judd Joseph 179

William 194, 201

LBC Band 38, 39

LBC Baseball 86 87

LBC Basketball 82 83

LBC Cheerleaders 82, 83, 96, 97

LBC Chorale 48 49

LBC Cross Country 90,91

LBC Football 12 76,77

LBC "Lady Flames" Basketball 84 85

LBC "Lady Flames" Volleyball 88. 89

LBC Singers 52, 53

LBC Track 92. 93

Leary,Nathan S. 163

Ledford,Judith 163

Lee,Dennis 205

Lee.Kenneth W. 172

Lee,J.Michael 143

Lees,Cindy S. 172

Leister, Vicy L 172

Lenton,Edgar F 163

Leonard,Christine F 172

Leotti John M 172

Lepp, Deborah 163

Leslie,Donald 103

Lever,Joy L 172

Levy,Joseph P 72

Lewis,Anita 163

Lewis,Lucretia A 172

Liddle,Mark A 172

Linaburg, Rickey L 159

Linaburg,Sandra S 172

Lindsey,Denise J 172

Lindsey,Diane R 172

Lineberger,Tom 228

Lindley,Larry 201, 206

Lindley Pat 196

Lindsell Dr Harold 216 217

Linton Temesia A 172

Lithgow,Julie M 172

Littlepage,Keith 53

Lituski, Patricia A 172

Livingston,Debra A 159

Lo, Dr.Lawrence 119

Lockard.William H. 159

Lockrem, William L. 172

Locy, Ray Mr. 119,170

Loftis, Allen K. 172.179

Loftis, Virgil201

Long.Carla L. 172

Long,Marvin A. II 172

Lorenz,LoriA. 172

Lormejuste,Joseph 225

Love Brenda 163

Lovelace Scotty 143,228

Lowe, Barry W 172

Lowe,Thomas D 163

Lowell Maria 144

Lowery Mark 25

Lowman, Brian 172

Lubrich, Otto Jr 179

Lucart,Michael 205

Lucas,Deborah A 172

Lucas,Jerry 229

Lucas,Myra 211, 214

Lucas,Pamela S 163

Luff, Gordaon 48

Lugg Mark 144

Lutz James M 172

Lutz Robert B 163

Lykins Gina L 172

Lyles,Kent 144

Lyons, Patricia 201

Lyons Ray 199 201

Lytle Edwin G 172

Marby Terry 179

MMcArthur,Arthur 205

MacDonald Kathy 164

MacFetrich Renee 156

Mackey, Roger 172

MacLagan, Maranne D 172

Mam Kenneth 205

KKaltenheinrich, Rhonda K 172 Kamphuis, Gerald 163 Kanagy, Bonnie 141 Kanagy, Kenneth E 159 Karika,Karen 141 Karl,Dorothy 205 Kearns,Stephen E.163 Keason, Konnie 156 Keast,Carol L.159 Keenan, Carol J. 172 Keener, Lamar 103 Keeney, David L.172 Keith,David L.172 Keith,James B. 172 Keith,Williams 159 Kellam,Stan E 172 Kelly,Barbara J 172 Kelly, Donald E 159 Kelly, Nancy K 172 Kelly,Robert 172 Kendall, Thane 163 Kendrick,Larry 141 Kennedy, Bob W 205 Kephart,Percy 205 Kent,Lucille 118 Kerr,Daniel R 159 Kerr,Stephen P 39, 172 Kersey David M 163 Kesterson,Judith A 172 Ketron,Naomi A 172 Kidd,Lannie 195,205 Kilburn, Joyce F 172 Killiam, Cheryl L 172 Killian, Gerald 193, 201 Killian, Penny 201 King,Denise 142 King,Ruthann 201 Kinsey,George 201 Kirby, Jimmy 163 Kiser, Gregory 156 Kitchen,Karen 179 Kittle, Sheila 205 Klase,David 172 Klenz,Cynthia J. 172 Krepp,Stephen 142 Knight,Bruce W. 159 Knutson, Pennie R. 163 Kohorst,Sheila M 172 Kracht,James 142 Krieder,Beverly J 163 Kroll,Dr Woodrow 35 109 Krueger,Randall L 172 Kuhns, Mark T 172 Kurczy,Vera L 163 Kuiper,Karen 179 Kunkle,Kim D 172 Kurka,Glenn 142 Kurka Glen 196 Kull, Rebecca 142 Kwauk, Hnery R 172 Kyper,Sheryl 163 Ladwig, Candace N. 172 Lakin Dr BR 23 ' Lamar,Laura 205 Lamb Ronnie L 172 Lance,Steven J 172 Landtroop,Dorman 114,213 Lange,Irene 172 Laremore Edward 142 Larson,Irene 110 Lathren.Christina 143 LaTour.John S. 172 Lattimrer,John L.163 LaVoie,Alice 56 Lawler,Darryl 143 Lawrence. Cathy 143 Lawrence.Jeanne 201 Lawrence,Vernon 143 Lawrenson. Richard 189,192. 201 Lawson. Carolyn M. 172 Lawson Randy D 172 Lawton, Raymond
J 172


Malenick,Paul 229

Marlett,Keith 144

Manganella,Scott 144

Mannino, Donna G 172

Magus,John Jr. 164

Maple, David 81

Marble,Leslie H 172"'

Maris,Donna 179

Mark,Kal D. 172

Markley,Kimberly Kae 173

Marshall.Larry 144

Marshall,Paul 201, John 179

Martin, Alan D. 173

Martin,James 164

Martin,Kenneth W. 173

Mason,James 145

Mason, Steven B 173

Mast,Williams 145

Mathis,Patty L 173

Matthes,Jake 91

Matthes, Lloyd 114

Matthes,Sandra 119

Maule,Charles T 201

May, Donald 145

Mayo, Davy 205

McCann, Benjy 229

McCann,John 50

McCarter Donna R 173

McCarty,Orla J 173

McCaskill,Doris M 173

McClary,Amber R 173

McClure,Timothy E.173

McCrory,Claudia 159

McCullough,John 30,47, 164

McDonald, Lynn 173

McDowell,Oliver 229

McFall, John Ann Cheryl 145

McFarland,Alfen R 173

McGee, Richard 255

McGibbon,Garth 114

McHale, Kim 205

McHaney, June 103

Mclntyre,Lorri 179

Mclntire, Venila 145

McKinney, Henry Jr.145

McKnight,Larry 146

McLamb, Jane H. 173

McLaury, David 156

McMullen,Brenda 179

McNabb, Harold D 45, 173

McNabb, Dr Harold 212, 216

McNeer, Rodetta L 173

McVey, Richard G 173

Mead, Robert 146

Meengy, Bill122

Meckley,Charles 164

Mellema,Beth 179

Melton,Brenda J 159

Mellot, Cindy 146

Melvin,Dennis 179

Merry,Dean K 173

Mertens,Glenna B 173

Messick,Stan 201

Meyers, Martha J 173

Michael,David 164

Miedema,Robert 205

Miersma,Ubo 199,202

Milazzo,David 229

Miles,Rebecca 164

Miletta, Jeffery Y 46, 173

Miller, Donald 205

Miller, Gloria 110

Miller, Kenneth 146

Miller, Kathy J. 173

Miller, Kitty C. 173

Miller, Mark 179

Miller, Michael E. 173

Miller,Robert 157

Miller, Wesley C. 173

Mills, Terry A. 173

Mimna, Robin 146

Minich,Rodney A. 159

Minnich,Harley G 159

Mitchell, James T 202

Mitchell, Judy 164

Mitchell, Sally E 173

Mitchell,Shane 180

Mitchell, Tony 29, 56,164

Mitchell, Wilton 225

Mizzo Choir 23

Mobley, Michael 180

Mohler,Carol 146

Mole, Roger 29, 157,173

Moore, Nelda

K 205 Montgomery, Daniel P. 173 Moody, John W. 173 Moody,Timothy L.173 Moon, Jim 32 Moore,David A. 159 Moore, Dr.Alfred 21, 121 Moore, LoriD. 173 Moore, Susan E. 173 Moore,Tony L.173 Morgan, Frederick 180 Morgan,Jerry 34 Morrell,Laurinda J 173 Morris,Bernard 147 Morrison,Karen 26 Morrison,Douglas H 173 Morykon, Michael J 173 Mosely,Laurie S 173 Mosely,Lehman A 173 Moss, Roger L 173 Mottershead,Javne 85, 164 Mount, Dale E II 173 Moyer, Ronald L 173 Mulholland Patricia 147 Mullendore,Karen A 173 Mumford, Donald W 173 Munn, Timothy E 173 Murphy,Aaron J 164 Murphree,Wendy 180 Murphy, Dawn M 173 Murphy, Diana 53 Murray,Randy G 173 Murray, Laveme C 205 Myers, Eleanor 147 Myers, Malcom B. 173
NNadelen,Robert C 205 Nagel,SylviaJ. 173 Nebel,David F. 174 Neeman, Mark D. 174 Nelms,ThomasJr Nelson,BillyW 174 Nelson,Bruce K 174 Neufeld, Janice 147 Newman, Brenda 164 Newman, Roy 188, 191 Newton, Ruth A 174 Neyman, John F Jr 174 Nicholson,James E 174 Nickell, Toni 202 Nicks,Paul F 174 Nichols,Nicki 157 Nieves,Leonard 174 Noell, Danny 174 Noll, Karl 147 Noll, Russell W 174 Norman, Suanne E 174 Nuckols,Fred D 174
Ockenhouse, Doretta 148 O'dell, Cheryl L 174 Odend'hal,Kathryn A 174 Odlorne,Sharon R 174 Offenbacker,Karen 148 Olson,Douglas S 174 Olson, Jackie K 164 Olson,John A 174 Olson,Michelle K 174 O'Neill, Desmond 180 O'Neil, William 202 Ogingo,Patrick 126,148, 229 Orman, Darrell P 159 Orman, Elizabeth 164 Osborne, Richard 157 Ott,Robert 202 Ott,Debbie M 174 Otto,Alma L 174 Overstreet, William T 174 Owen, Marvin P 174 Owens, Bill205 Owens, Randall 164 Owens, Tom 226 Ozolins,Dr Aija 110 P Packard,Julianne E. 174 Padgett,Krista 229 Padgett, Tamara 164 Paine, Steven 148 Palmquist, David R 174 Pantana,John 121 Pantana,Phil 56, 110 Palen, Gregory 205 Park,Keith 164 Parker, Timothy 180 Parks,Deborah K 174 Parrett,Maureen 205 Parrish, Clay D 159 Parson,Melody Z 174 Parziale Peter 164 Passe,Daniel B Jr 174 Patton,Miriam A 164 Paulson,Susan F 174 Payne,Amy M 174 Peake,Robert W, 159 Patterson,Anna A 174 Patterson,Sling 229 Paul,Bill54, 107 Payton,Paul 202 Pearce,Bill19 Pearson,Connie 107 Pearson, Joel 190 Pederson,Kathy L.174 Pelloni, Cindy 164 Pence,Ada Susie 174 Penn,Warren C. 174 Pennington,Deborah 180 Pennington, James C. 174 Perkins,Paginald D. 174 Perrino,Kathy 180 Perry, Aaron,A 174 Perry,Beverly J 174 Perryman,Cheryl 164 Peters, Anita 148 Peters,Debra D 159 Peters, Gregory A 174 Peters,Stephen 148 Peterson, Victoria 180 Peterson,Yvonne J 147 Pfau,Steven M 174 Phelps,Michael P 174 Phillips, Gary A 174 Phillips, Kent V 174 Picard,Brian L 174 Pickard,Kim L 174 Pickering, Jim 116,117 Pigg,David 92, 93 Pitney, JerrineL Pittman, John M Ill164 Pizor,Glenn 229 Plank, Terry 202 Poff, Deborah J 174 Poison, Allen and Peggy 149 Poole,Lynda G. 174 Poole,Neil 149 Post,Linda 157 Pofforoff, Tim 180 Poucher,Daniel R. 174 Powell,Brenda L.174 Powell,Robert 205 Powers,Joannah 149 Powers, Robert Jr.149 Pratt, Valerie L.174 Preston William 198, 202 Price, David 150 Prillaman,Martha E 174




Robinson,Pen E 164

Robinson.James 23

Rodgers. Kyle L. 175

Rogers. Phillip D 175

Rogers. Redgie M 164

Rogers, Robert 205

Rolf Cathy L 175

Rooks, Susan L 175

Rose, Larry 202

Ross,Vicke L 164

Roth David Jr 151

Rotz,Glenda K 159

Roustio,Dr Edward 215

Rowe, David G 175

Rowe, Janet M 159

Rowe, Morris A 159

Royer,Matthew S 159

Ruckman, Kathy L 159

Ruppel,Susan L 175

Rusk,C Jacel 175

Ryver,Cindy G 164

Rozell, Orland J Jr 202

Runion,Dr Garth 121

Rutherford,Gordon 205

Runge, Sheri 157

Sady, Louis 195,202

Sady,Michele 175

Samples,Cynthia 151

Samual, Nathan 205

Samuelson, Marshall 111

Sanders,Cathy A 164

Sanders,Charles 192, 205

Sanders,Craig D 164

Sandy Mark A 157

Sapp,Jeffery 180

Sargeant,Douglas 229

Sauiter, Joe 175

Saunder,Cindy 202

Saunders, Debra 180

Saunte,William C 175

Saunders,Deborah M 175

Savoy,William C 175

Sawanowich,Joseph W 159

Sawtelle, Timothy D 164

Scharmann, Richard J 164

Schauer, Robert J 175

Scheitor,Marion 159

Scherer,Karen A 175

Scherer,Philip 203

Scheuing, Paul 157

Schlimm, Barbara A. 175

Schmeckenbecker, Eddie 180

Schmidt, Bonnie K. 164

Schmidt,Dr.Frank 213, 215,216

Schroeder,Gerald R. 164

Schrumpf,Colleen J. 175

Schwartz,David 226

Scjrpeder,Giu R 175

Scoggin,Renee 151

Scott Arthur G 164

Scott,Debra 205

Sedora,Sandra J 175

Seider,Kenneth W 164

SELAH Staff 56,57

Seneff Deborah M 50, Setliff, Timothy A 164

Severson Benita 188

Seuerson, Bonita 203

SGA 50,51

Shaffner David 180

Shamblin,Cloa S. 164

Shank, Ronald L.175

Shannon,Ted 175

Shattuck,Calvin 152

Shaver, Elivia 180

Shaw, Kathy S 175

Shearer,Virgmai C. 164

Sheppard, Tom A 175

Sherfy.Billy 152

Shaver Elivia 175

Sherman Kerry 180

Sherman, Rick 170

Sherrick Dwane K 164

Shinkle,Conte L 159

Shirley, Tammy J 175

Shreve Tamara E 175

Shull Cheryl L 175

Shumacher, Marilyn D 164

Shumaker Beth 159

Shuman, Karen 152

Sims, Eric 0 Ill164

Sims,Thomas 152

Simmons, Norman H 175

Simmons, Terrie L 164

Sims, R Jane 157

Sindy,Bruce 181

Sistrunk,Sally A 164

Skinner Sandra S 176

Slaback,Harry D 164

Slabaugh,Dennis 164

Slagle,Michael 157

Sloan,Donald 181

Sloan,Laurie A. 176

Slaon,Ronald 152

Sly, Diane S. 176

Small,Verna 152

Smeltz,David 203

SMITE, LBC InternationalSingers 40, 41

Smith,Annella 181

Smith,Annella S. 176

Smith,Dr.Alfred 16

Smith Charles 205

Smith,Debbie D 176

Smith,Elizabeth 203

Smith,James E 176

Smith,John M 176

Smith,Julie D 146

Smith Leonard 205

Smith,Lenora 111

Smith,Lori 176

Smith, Randy 229

Smith, Randy R 164

Smith, Renee M 176

Smith, Robert M 164

Smith,Thomas M 176

Snyder,David E 176

Snell,Billie 105

Snyder,Al 117

Snyder,James R Ill176

Snyder,Howard 157

Snyder,Sandra L 176

Soccer 78, 79

Soden, Ellen 121

Soden, Elmer 121

Sorot Claude 203

Sorrelles, Calvin M. 176

Sosnoski,James E. 176

Soud,Carey 181

Soule,Dr.Roger 121

Spawn, Melinda A. 176

Sparks,Wendy R. 176

Spangler,Sherrie S. 159

Sparh, Ruth N. 176

Spencer,Sandra 205

Spanski,Paul E 164

Sprankle,Kenneth 181

Spaeth,Paul 213, 229


Sprano,Jonathon D 93,176

Spriggel,Mark 153

Squier, Jane 176

Stadel,Randy 181

Stahl,Brian K 176

Stahl Pamela J 176

Stahlman,Amanda 203

Stallard James 229

Stallard Michael 229

Stambaugh, Charles 153

Stanley,Rose R 176

Starnes,Troy I 176

Stemmger Frederick 157

Steffen Cindy A 164

Stephens Keith A 159

Stephens,Kevin 176

Stevens EarlC 176

Stevens,James 109 189

Stern Cynthia 205

Stewart, Bruce D 164

Stine,Diane 203

Stme. James 203

Stirewalt. Cindy A 176

Prince,Brian C 174
Prucian Steven 191
J. 174
R. 174
QQuaintance. Laurie
Quattlebaum, Mary
174 Quidera.Sylvia 174
K 174
D. 174
A. 164
S. 174
Leslie 175
Rola A. 164
150 Ramsey, Amy L 175 Randolph,Janet K 164 Randolph,Judy A 164
118 Rasmussen, Scott J 175
Robert G 175
Michael T 175
John 17 Read,Alan 217
Doug C 175 Reed, Kathy 180 Reed, Phil 180
Edward 205 Reese,Glenn 150 Reeves,Jeffery B 175 Reese, Linda C 175
Timothy A 175 Reid,Cheryl 205
C 164
William G 175
J 164
C 175 Reyes, Linda 205 Renas, Kim 43 Renas,Jane 119 Reynolds,Debra 157 Reynolds. Donald 202 Reynolds,Gary 202 Reynolds, Harvey 205 Reynolds,Steven K. 164 Rhoden, Joyce 150 Rice.John R. Dr.22 Rice,Herbert 202 Rice,Linda J 164 Rice,Mark E 175 Rice,Warren Jr 114 205 Rich,Jon W 150 Ritchie, Thomas 205 Richards,Cathy 180
Debbie 180 Richard,Cathy J 175
E Ill175
E 164
Debbie K 175
P 164
Daren L 159
Boyd 112
Bret R 164
Faye E
175 Roberts,Jay 157
Roberts,Laird D 175 Roberts Mark 157
151 Robertson.
Robertson,Michael W 175
Robinson,Deborah J. 175

Stockwell Mickey R 176

Stone Larry K 176

Stone,William N 159

Storay, Kimberly J 160

Strader Donna L 176

Stringfield,James C Jr 176

Strong, Bonnie 218

Strong Kurt 218, 226

Sterling. Dr.Wayne 213. 214

Stone,Dr.Maurice 121

Stover, Phil 105, 112

Stowell,Donita 153

Stroupe, Barbara J. 164

Stryker,S.M. 165

Stutsman, Kevin S. 176

Suell.Jerrie L. 176

Summers, Lesa G. 176

Summers, Kenneth L 164

Sumrall,Dr Glenn 114

Super Conference 16,17

Surratt,Dennis W 176

Sutyak, Linda 205

Swank, Jerome 229

Swanson, Peggy 165

Swanson, Shirley L 165

Swean, Arie J 176

Sweat,Gregory 3

Swift,Harley 82

Swift Mark R 176

Swift,Russell 155

Sykes,Danny 205

Taitt, Steven F. 176

TTagg Howard 205

Tanner,Alvin 205, 206

Tanner, Ernest 227

Tant Kay L 176

Taylor,Becky 111

Taylor Betty L 176

Taylor,Bill 114, 115

Taylor, Homer 176

Taylor,Kandi 181

Taylor, Randal S 165

Taylor, Rebecca L 160

Taylor, Russell H 165

Temple, David H 165

Temple David E 176

Terrell,Steve 165

Thomas Daniel M 165

Thomas, Mark V 176

Thomas, Kevin R 176

Thomas John C 176

Thomas, Dennis A 165

Thompson, David L 176

Thompson, David 153

Thompson, Perry 157

Thompson, Tom 106

Tice.Gerald 205

Tinman, Gerald 205

Tinman, Douglas 181

Tinman, Jack T. 165

Tobin.Alvin F. 176

Todd, Joy R. 176

Todd, Robert S. 165

Toews, Kenneth, E. 177

Tomlin, Evelyn 165

Toth,Cheryl A 177

Totten, Dan 229

Toy Sharon M 177

Towles, David 110

Traugh, Carol J 177

Trauger, Elaine 205

Treadway, Debra A 177

Treadway, Steven A 165

Trenary, Judith A 177

Tripp,Wayne E 160

Trost,Stanley J 165

Trost,Steven 153

Totten, Mark T 165

Totten,Timothy 165

Trower, Glenda 177

Troyer, Mark L 177

Truman, Beth A 177

Tsiatsios,Caryl A 177

Tubbs Susan L 177

Tucker,Teresa D 177

Tucker, Dr Austin 215

Tucker,James 229

Turley Thomas R 177

Turner, Patrick 181

Tyler,Sandra L 177

Utley,Denise 181

uVanaman, Barbara L 177

VVanaman Tambra C 165

Vanderpool, Cindy A 165

Vanderpool, KelliJ 177

Vanover, Randall W 177

Varkey, Dr Alexander 114

Vaughn, Venetia C 177

Vaughan, Elder 203

Vaughan, Everett 203

Vaughn,Jeffrey 181

Vaughn, Richard 153

Veach, Karen 165

Veach, Kathy 164

Veale,Patricia L 177

Venable, Murnice W 160

Vermillion Linda 181

Vessell,Eleanor J 15, 177

Viera,Joseph 203, 205

Vigneuelle, Michael 154

Vigneuelle. Richard H. 160

Vincent. Katnryn 181

Vincent, Kathryn A. 177

Vogelpohl, Ronald J. 177

Volkots,John M. 160

VonDuyke, Timothy D. 177

Waddell, Robert E. 160

Wadsworth, Chuck 193

wWagner. Timothy 15,205

Waggett, Debra 154

Waite,Michael W. 177

Wakefield, John C. 165

Waldrep,Allen B. 177

Walker,Deborah 154

Walker,James D 177

Wallace, Donna 157

Wilkerson, Patricia 165

Wilkerson, Dina 160

Williams,Chene L. 165

Williams,David 181

Williams, Paul J 177

Williams Vicki L 177

Willis, Thomas L 177

Willis, N 181

Willimington, Dr Harold 184,186

Willmington, Sue 196

Willoughby Sharon 181

Wilson,Ann 181

Wilson,Carla J 177

Wilson, Frances D 165

Wilson, Howard 203

Wilson,Johnny B 160

Wilson, Larry 205

Wilson, Richard L 177

Wolson, Sheri 181

Winn, Roy 203

Winstead, Jeffrey 155

Winter,Nancy L 165

Wipf,Joyce 111

Wisdom, Robyn 227

Witham, Donald 194,205

Wix,Charles L 177

Wolf, Jeffrey P 165

Wommack, Timothy R. 205,206

Womach, Merrill 18

Wong. Carmen 111

Wood, Bette 107

Wood, Dr.Don 109

Woodburn, Beverly A. 165

Wood, Jamie L. 177

Woodard, Dalese E. 177

Woods. Byron J. 160

Woods, Lisa 155

Wooten, Anita G 165

Wordie William 177

Worley, William A Jr 177

Worrell,Cynthia E 177

Worthington, Al 131

Wray Wayne T 177

Wrestling 24, 80,81

Wright, Kevin D 165 Wright Rupert C 165

Wrinn,Arvella M 177

Wrinn,WillieV 155

Wyrtzen Christine 26

Yates,Steven F 165

YYelvington, Juanita J 177

Yohe, Rebecca E 160

Yeoman, Trevor J 177

Yoder, Richard 181

Yonce, Edna J 177

Warren, Dvid 154

Warren, Ronald A 165

Waters, Michael H 57,165

Watros, Kimberely A 177

Watts,David B 160

Weaver, Patricia L 177

Webb Kenneth 181

Webb, Roger, 160

Webster, Sarah 100

Weimer, Rod W 160

Welch, Larry A 177

Welch,Tobby 177

Welkley, Christine G 177

Welling,Faith I 177

Wellman. Dr.Ora Max 123

Wells,Edward L. 177

Wemp, Celeste 2

Wemp. Charles 79

Wemp, Dr.C. Sumner 2, 3, Werts,Carol A. 177

Wertz,Lori E. 177

Wheeler, James 157

Whittaker.Walter E. 160

Whitman, Leonard 154

Whittington, Tina M 177

Wiita, William 155

Wiley,Vance 154

Yougn Dr 192

Young, Deborah 203

Youth Aflame Singers 54, 55

Zeitler. Philip D. 177

Zeller,Frederick 205

Zick, David 31

Zike Douglas 181

Zimmerman, Janelle K 177

Zook, Ramona M 177

Wallace,Terry J 177
Walsh,Julieanne E 160 Walsh Betty 110 Ill Walton, Sherry L 165 Ward, Daniel 177
Warner, Douglas 177 Warrell Ken E 165
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