Pick Me Up!
For Local Living
Entertainment and Local Club Guide The Poppy’s Appeal Autumn Fashion
Delivered to over
15,000 Homes
Skelmorlie Wemyss Bay Inverkip Gourock Greenock Port Glasgow Langbank Kilmacolm Quarrier’s Bridge of Weir Brookfield Houston Bishopton ■
Autumn 2015 Issue 26
There’s life in your unwanted furniture and electricals
T S A F & FREE N O I T C E L COL We collect all sorts of items: • Sofas, suites, armchairs • Tables, chairs, beds • TVs, Hi-Fis, washing machines We’ll collect from your home and find them a new life. Your donations will fund our pioneering research and help save lives. There are some items we can’t take for safety or quality reasons.
01475 291 122 © British Heart Foundation, registered charity in England and Wales (225971) and in Scotland (SC039426).
4 The Living Wage 7 Money Matters 8 Pet Care 12 Teen Style Files 17 Recipe - Thai Chicken Tower 19 Toothbrush Tips 20 Scotland’s Boat Show 22 Crossword
23 Waterfront Live Events 24 Beacon Arts Centre 26 What’s On 31 Preparing your home for winter 33 The Poppy’s Appeal 35 Autumn Gardening 36 The Style Files 37 Changes to the State Pension Contact Info: Editorial: 07788-923054 Advertising: 01505-871962 Email: Web:
Issue 26, 2015 Publisher: Life Magazines & Publications Clyde Life Photographer: Steve Elliott
Editor: Charles Briggs
Advertising: Nicky Murphy
ontributors: C Charles Briggs, Stuart Davidson, Robert MacDonald, Marilyn Thompson, Holly Thompson, Rosalind Woollard
Graphic Design: Phil Cunningham Advert Design: Simon Jones, Skep Design
Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party to loss or damage caused by errors, or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Life Magazines and Publications Limited does not officially endorse any advertising material included in this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Clyde Life Magazine | 3
The Living
Challenges and Opportunities Accountant Rosalind Woollard on facing up to change In April next year, the government will introduce a new mandatory National Living Wage for workers aged 25 or over. This will initially be set at £7.20 which is a 50p increase in the adult rate of NMW coming into force in October 2015. This means a rise of £1,200 a year for a full-time worker on the current minimum wage. Accountant Rosalind Woollard says the rise presents opportunities as well as challenges for small businesses. She said: “Organisations such as Inverclyde Council, Cal Mac and AMG have introduced the Living Wage because they see the long-term benefits for both employees and employer. “Doing the right thing by staff leads to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism and improved loyalty and morale. “Of course, the major challenge for many small firms will be paying for the increase. “In general, this will have to be funded by increased
productivity and margins. “Also, introducing the Living Wage may impact on pay differentials. “One way to address the issue is to look at pay structures – perhaps making them less hierarchical. “Training on the job – with vocational qualifications – is one way of tackling the productivity issue. “The founders of the Living Wage campaign were parents in the East End of London, who wanted to remain in work, but found that despite working two or more minimum wage jobs they were struggling to make ends meet and were left with no time for family and community life. “Now it is a national movement and it is going to happen – so planning is critical. “This would be an appropriate time to re-examine costs such as transport, materials and premises. “At the end of the day, a business need the funds to pay the living wage to its staff . Tight control over other costs and cash flow may achieve this.”
RA Woollard
Chartered Accountant Business & Personal Tax Payroll & Accounts Bookkeeping 01475 520699 4 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Show your kitchen some love Customers are hunting high and low for that perfect kitchen. Show your kitchen some love and we will show it our passion & creativity. Everything you could want in your kitchen we have. Top brands, craftsmanship, beauty, elegance & technology, we’ve got the lot and we promise it will certainly be worth your while especially when we get to the bottom line. So look no further, give us a visit. We can’t wait to meet you.
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This winter, if cold and flu aren’t for you
The Glasgow Buddhist Centre has offered classes in meditation and Buddhism for 40 years, helping people become more positive and calm and to lead more meaningful lives.
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With flu season approaching we all want to stay healthy and enjoy the best of the winter. If you want to build your defenses against cold and flu call Salann to see how we can help
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Forthcoming Events Buddhism and Meditation Levels 1, 2 and 3 of our six week courses begin Wednesday 11th November, 7.30 - 9.40pm. Cost: £66 waged or £33 low/unwaged. Meditation Introduction to Meditation six week course begins Tuesday 10th November, 7.30 - 9.30pm. Cost: £66 waged or £33 low/unwaged. All courses include a Day Retreat on Sunday 20th December. Regular weekly drop-in meditation classes for beginners & regulars on Wednesdays from 12.30 - 1pm and Thursdays from 10.30am - 12 noon. For Yoga and Tai Chi courses, please see our website.
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Email: 6 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Money matters Hope is not a strategy
The media would have us believe that a successful investment experience comes from picking stocks, timing your entry and exit points, making accurate predictions and outguessing the market. Is there a better way? It’s true that some people do get lucky by making bets on certain stocks (equities/ shareholdings) and sectors or getting in or out at the right time or correctly guessing movements in interest rates or currencies. But depending on luck is simply not a sustainable strategy. The alternative approach to investment may not sound as exciting, but is also a lot less work. It essentially means reducing as far as possible the influence of fortune, taking a long-term view and this includes ignoring China, Greece or whatever short term “noise” that the media is screaming at you 24 hours a day and starting with your own needs and risk appetite. Of course, risk can never be completely eliminated and there are no guarantees about anything in life. But you can increase your chances of a successful investment experience if you keep these 10 guidelines in mind: 1 - Let the market work for you. Prices of securities in competitive financial markets represent the collective judgment of millions of investors based on current information. So, instead of second guessing the market, work with it. 2 - Investment is not speculation. What is promoted in the media as investment is often just
speculation. It’s about making short-term and concentrated bets. Few people succeed this way, particularly after you take fees into account. 3 - Take a long-term view. Over time, capital markets provide a positive rate of return. As an investor risking your capital, you have a right to the share of that wealth. But keep in mind, the return is not there every day, month or year. 4 - Consider the drivers of returns. Differences in returns are explained by certain dimensions identified by academic research as pervasive, persistent and robust. So it makes sense to build portfolios around these. 5 - Practice smart diversification. A sound portfolio doesn’t’t just capture reliable sources of expected return. It reduces unnecessary risks like holding too few stocks, sectors or countries. Diversification helps to overcome that. 6 - Avoid market timing. You never know which markets will be the best performers from year to year. Being well diversified means you’re positioned to capture the returns whenever and wherever they appear. 7 - Manage your emotions. People who let their emotions dictate their decisions can end up buying at the top when greed is dominant and selling at the bottom when fear takes over. The alternative is to remain realistic. 8 - Look beyond the headlines. The media is by necessity focused on the short-term. This can give you a distorted impression of the market. Keep up with the news by all means, but you don’t have to act on it.
9 - Keep costs low. Day to day moves in the market are temporary, but costs are permanent. Over time, they can put a real dent in your wealth plans. That’s why it makes sense to be mindful of fees and expenses. 10 - Focus on what you can control. You have no control over the markets but in consultation with an independent adviser acting in your interests you can create a low-cost, diversified portfolio that matches your needs and risk tolerance. That’s the whole story in a nutshell. Investment is really not that complicated. In fact, the more complicated that people make it sound the more you should be skeptical. The truth is markets are so competitive that you can save yourself much time, trouble and expense by letting them work for you. That means structuring a portfolio across the broad dimensions of return, being mindful of cost and focusing on your own needs, goals and circumstances, not what the media is trying to sell you. Investing for the medium to long term is a process as described by Carl Richards’ Model.
The views in this article are personal and provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as recommendation by the publisher or investment advice by the contributor as laid down by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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An advanced level of advice... on Financial Planning MacDonald & Co is a trading style of MacDonald & Co (Wealth Management) Ltd which is authortised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Clyde Life Magazine | 7
Relax knowing your pet is safe
Planning your family holiday is always great fun Deciding on pet care during your holiday travels is often more difficult.
The key to a great stress free relationship with your sitter or home boarder is knowing what to look for when you start your search.
More and more pet owners are now considering using pet sitters Make sure your pet sitter is a professional or home boarding for their pets when they are away on holiday. Not all pet sitters or home boarders are created equal. When trying to find a suitable person to look after your pet it is vital to find a professional. A professional pet sitter or home boarder will be licensed and insured especially if they are staying in your home.
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Due to the success of our Premier Home Boarding service we are looking for additional families, couples or individuals to offer dedicated holiday homes to family pets, as an alternative to traditional boarding kennels. If you are a genuine dog lover and have experience of owning or working with dogs.
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Our home boarders provide a holiday home from home for our client’s dogs. They are all vetted, police checked and fully insured by Largs Pet Minders. If you would like to find out more about becoming a Premier Home Boarder or are interested in using our service please contact us today!
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8 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Communication is Key The more information your sitter is given the better the relationship becomes. Does your pet have any fears or phobias? If the pet sitter is staying in your home make sure they are aware of any areas that are “off limits” for your pet. Pet Sitters are great at being able to provide your pet with their personal little preferences. Everything from a certain bowl to a specific stuffed friend can help make your pet feel special and stress free. It is hard to ask a neighbour or friend to provide all of this. Planning your Departure Before you head out the door for your holiday make sure your sitter is well supplied. Purchase enough food, litter and medications for your pet to cover the entire length of your holiday as well as enough for a couple extra days beyond your expected return date as a precaution. Check your pet’s collar to ensure it fits properly and that your dog is not able to pull out of their collar. Most importantly make sure your pet is identified and microchipped Your pet sitter or home boarder should have you sign a veterinary release form giving them permission to have your pet treated if any illness occurs in your absence. You should also contact your vet to let them know someone else is caring for your pet while you are away. Once all of these items are in place you can relax and have a great holiday knowing your pet is in very capable professional hands. @clydelifemag
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AbbeyVetGroup | 9
THE SCHOOL RUN One of Scotland’s highest achieving schools, in one of Scotland’s most beautiful village locations. Call 01505 872238 now to reserve your place at our Open Week, 9th – 13th November.
W W W. S T- C O L U M B AS .OR G DUCHAL ROAD, KILMACOLM 10 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Fresh air and green spaces – welcome to St Columba’s This academic year St Columba’s celebrated their best ever Higher results (70.9% Grade As), which made them the highest achieving school in Scotland and put them third in overall pass rates. The Rector, David Girdwood, said, “I am delighted with this year’s excellent examination results which are a testimony to our pupils’ and teachers’ commitment and academic diligence.” However, while academic excellence is important in an environment which is challenging and celebrates effort, self-belief and personal achievement, there is also very much a focus on nurturing the individual. Creating an environment that allows teachers to identify and nurture the unique talents and skills of each student, the school’s ethos is to support and encourage each pupil to realise their full potential, helping them to develop into well-rounded individuals, ready for whatever their future may hold. To ensure the School’s place at the forefront of Scottish education in the future and to enhance the overall educational experience, it is currently investing in a substantial development project, the first phase of which has just been completed. Designed by
award-winning architects Page\Park, the development includes a 13 classroom extension to the Senior School with a new library and a pastoral suite. While the children were enjoying a well-deserved break over the summer, the (supposedly) warmer months saw the refurbishment of the Astroturf, in time for pre-season hockey, the colourful transformation of our leafy Junior School grounds and the new Science labs. Open Week from 9th to 13th November is the ideal opportunity to see what St Columba’s has to offer, although taster sessions can be arranged throughout the school year. The school provides an all-through education with a wide range of opportunities for your child and offers wrap-around care from age 3. To find out more and reserve your space at Open Week go to or call 01505 872238.
Clyde Life Magazine | 11
The teenSTYLE Files Now that Autumn is well and truly over The FASHION Class is back. Holly takes a look at whats hot to wear 70s style.
Folks be dressing like... Folk! The glam rock of summers 70’s revival has gone soft for autumn. It’s a little more romantic this time round - soft velvet flares, long boho floaty dresses, waistcoats and cozy patchwork were all seen at Burberry, Pucci and Chloe and are sure to start filtering into high street stores soon.
Pirrie Hall, Campbell Street, Greenock
Tues 29 Sept - 7.30pm
Bargarran Centre, Erskine
Carry the 70’s trend through to your make up with the new ‘Revlon colour burst matte balm’. This simple but effective, chubby lip pencil gives a velvety and moisturised finish and can even be found in Marsala the colour of the year.
Wed 30 Sept - 6pm
DANCE CENTRE T: 01505 614442
Look of the Month
Braids are very on trend this season, try different styles and get an even more boho vibe by wrapping your hair around the elastic
Gadget of the Month
Colour changing nail varnish Holly s This ♥
Asos £6.50
Do’s & Dont’s – Flared Trousers
➤D o keep it classy
t don’
➤D o make sure they’re well fitted ➤D o wear with confidence ➤D on’t go OTT ➤D on’t wear a baggy top with them.
Your fashion questions answered ?????? Q – Hi Holly, how
can I make my summer clothes still work coming into autumn? Cara
A – Hi Cara, luckily layering fits in well
with the folk trend this season so, for example, try pairing a summer tank with a polo neck and cozy kimono, for a warmer and on trend look. Holly x
Get in touch – To learn more about The FASHION Class for teens & children, the courses, camps and Birthday parties, or to tell me what you think and ask any questions, contact: or
12 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Clyde Life Magazine | 13
“ Georgia’s
Georgia was so impressed with the treatment her Grandfather received at Ardgowan Hospice that she wanted to leave a legacy for the Hospice before she went to College. To do this Georgia has set up a project to collect unwanted items that the Hospice will sell to raise funds.
We Collect Accessories, Clothing, Household Linens, Books, DVD’s, Shoes, Bric-a-brac, Electrical Items, Textiles, CD’s, Games and Toys
All you have to do is fill a bag with your unwanted items for collection, and tie the supplied tag on the bag! For tags call us on 01475 726830
BAG IT TAG IT DONATE IT! Ardgowan Hospice 12 Nelson Street GREENOCK PA15 1TS Scottish Charity No SC011541
14 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Kip Marina on Scotland’s west coast is THE place to be Fri 9th – Sun 11th October... Food, Drink, Shopping and Luxury Yachts!
A little retail therapy…
style Clyde Life At Scotland’s Boat Show Come along and enjoy an amazing shopping experience! Fantastic selection of artisan and speciality foods in our Food Pavilion and beautiful design led gifts, crafts, jewellery and fashion accessories in our Clyde Lifestyle Marquee.
Perfect for some early Christmas shopping!
FREE ENTRY - A GREAT WEEKEND NOT TO BE MISSED! Clyde LifeStyle Marquee and separate ‘Food Hall at Scotland’s Boat Show, Kip Marina, Inverkip, Renfrewshire, PA16 0AS For further information email or call 07786 861266
Clyde Life Magazine | 15
Carpet & Rug Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning
Coming soon to Robroyston
Help is at Hand as your Life changes Woodside Care Home is a 19 bedroom Residential Home situated in the beautiful conservation village of Quarriers, just outside Bridge of Weir. Visitors are always made welcome. The Home is registered with The Care Inspectorate for the regulation of care. • • • •
Residential Elderly Long Stay Short Stay Convalescent Respite
To request a brochure or to arrange a visit please contact the manager
Fiona Summers ~ 01505 613370 16 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Hi, my name is Faisal and I am the Head Chef at The Chefs Eye Limited and the resident caterer at Gourock Golf Club where I operate from.
We welcome visitors all year round to the restaurant at the Golf Club where you can enjoy not only a great meal but enjoy our spectacular views over to Argyll To see our lunch and dinner menus including light bites and a la carte visit www., where you can also find details of our upcoming special events. Alternatively please contact us on 01475 631001 for further information or to book. Below is a dish which I prepared for the final of the British BBQ Battle 2015. It is a simple, yet elegant dish and goes well with various other dishes for a dinner party or even to impress the other half. You can enjoy it either hot or cold or my personal favourite, just add a little more chilli to heat things up! All the ingredients below can be found at your local supermarket.
Thai Chicken Tower Serving 2.
Preparation time: Equipment You can either invest in a chef ring, or if you don’t have one - a normal mug. Push all your ingredients in gently using the end of a rolling pin and tip it over quickly onto a plate. Remember to layer it in reverse! - Chicken first > lettuce > tomato > cucumber. Lift it up and voila - read on for the rest of the recipe details Marinade Ingredients To marinade - best left overnight • 1 whole chicken breast (Large) finely sliced into strips • Chinese 5 spice powder • Fresh Lemongrass x1 • Light Soy Sauce (Kikkomans) • Green Indian Finger Chillies or crushed chilli flakes
Ingredients • Toasted sesame oil • Sesame seeds • 1/4 Iceberg lettuce • 1/4 cucumber • 1 Tomato • Lemon Wedge • Balsamic Glaze • Flaked sea salt (Maldons) • Small bunch of fresh coriander
Method • In a hot frying pan, preferably a wok, add a tsp of veg oil and get the pan smoking. • Add the chicken, including the juice and sear it quickly to brown and cook.
• Add the sesame seeds now - it may flame up and look burnt but don’t be alarmed, using a spoon fold it over, (this is the soy sauce reducing down). • Add a little bit of the lemon juice to loosen the spices and to deglaze the pan. Put aside once cooked to cool down a little bit. • Finely slice the tomato and cucumber as thin as you can - or use a slicer if you have one. • Shred the lettuce. • In this order place a couple of slices of cucumber, then tomato and a good handful of lettuce to fill the ring around 2/3rds of the way. • Drizzle 2 dashes of balsamic then firmly push it all in. • Next add the chicken and again firmly push it in so it just covers the ring. • Drizzle some sesame oil on top. • Squeeze a dollop of sweet chilli to the side and, using a spoon, place it in the middle of the sauce and drag across the plate. • Drizzle the glaze to whatever style you would like, place the coriander and lemon wedge
Inverclyde Orthodontics
Stuart Davidson BDS MFDS RCPS Glas
Stuart Davidson provides comprehensive dental care throughout Inverclyde.
Orthodontics deals primarily with the diagnosis, prevention and correction of malpositioned teeth and the jaws. Stuart has been providing Orthodontic treatment for his adolescent and adult patients for over 3 years and now he wants to offer his service to the whole of Inverclyde.
Call in for an appointment on: 01475 521248 Main Street, Inverkip PA16 0AU |
18 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Difficulty taking your children to the dentist? Stuart Davidson explains why it should be Childs Play! The management of the child patient in dental practice is a challenge faced by many dentists on a daily basis. The successful treatment of children can be a particularly rewarding experience but like all aspects of dentistry it requires good communication skills, clinical knowledge and a degree of practice! Children account for a significant proportion of the population and developing a rapport at an early age can result in a long term relationship between dentist and patient with the end result being a healthy, functional, stable and attractive smile. In order to successfully treat kids it is essential to have a good understanding of the factors affecting anxiety in children. Often for children this is a fear of the unknown. The dental surgery is full of unknown people and unknown objects that often produce frightening noises and can induce a ‘fight-or flight’ response. When treating kids it is important to adopt a long-term approach creating a positive attitude towards prevention and treatment where required. The Royal College of Surgeons of England Guidance suggests that the behaviour of children can be categorized in three ways ‘Co-operative’: The child is able to participate in dental care. ‘Potentially co-operative’: The child may be able to participate in dental care with the adjunct of appropriate behaviour management techniques ‘Lacking co-operative ability’: The child is pre-cooperative, for example, very young children. It is very important to set achievable goals and work with children and their parents towards achieving these goals. Techniques we use in Ivy Cottage Dental Practice Tell-Show-Do – This technique is extremely popular and is helpful in acclimatising children to the dental surgery and treatment. There are 3 phases, initially an explanation of the equipment or procedure, followed Clyde Life Magazine
by a demonstration of the equipment or procedure (e.g. polishing the child’s nail) followed by doing treatment. Positive Reinforcement – This technique involves acknowledgement, praise and reward for examples of positive behaviour whilst ignoring negative behaviour. For example, stickers or bravery certificates. Distraction – It can be useful to remove the focus of the child’s attention from the anxiety-causing factor. A useful example of distraction is having the child choose the music played in the surgery. Gangnam Style still seems to be a favourite in my surgery much and the nurses have even been known to dance in the surgery! Non-Verbal Communication – These are nonverbal signals and cues which can help to reassure the child and provide a sense of control to the patient. A particularly effective example of non-verbal communication is the use of stop signals. A signal is agreed between dentist and patient to indicate that he or she would like to stop treatment. It is essential that if this technique is used the dentist does stop when requested as often the child will test out the deal on offer before committing to treatment. Modelling – A particularly useful technique for an anxious child with a co-operative sibling/parent. The child can watch the brothers and sisters taking part in treatment and feel reassured by a positive experience. Often this can remove a fear of the unknown. Relaxation – Simple relaxation techniques using breathing exercises or progressive muscular relaxation can be useful but require a degree of co-operation. In my personal experience this technique is more useful in teenage or adult patients. Next Issue we’ll look at other techniques we use many of which work on adults too!! | 19
Once again the middle of October will see activity around Kip Marina reaching fever pitch as it plays host to Scotland’s Boat Show – for the 29th year. Scotland’s Boat Show offers a host of entertainment and activity for visitors – well beyond the prospect of boats for every kind of sailor. With FREE ADMISSION and a nominal £5 Car Park it is the best value show in the country! The pavilions are open each day from 10am to 6pm including the Hot Food market area.
Scotland’s 9th –11th October at Inverkip Marina
50 Marine Exhibitors 35 Food and Dr
RYA SCOTLAND MARINE PAVILION An exhibition of the latest equipment and trends from all over the UK - Everything you need for boats and boating. Also a dedicated area with a series of lectures, workshops and receptions covering all aspects of sailing and boating in Scotland presented by RYA Scotland
SCOTTISH FOOD & DRINK PAVILION New for 2015 and part of Scotland’s Year of Food & Drink this will tempt the taste buds as we showcase local and regional Scottish producers/products in an indoor market setting complete with a demonstration kitchen theatre! Supported by Event Scotland.
CLYDE LIFE STYLE PAVILION Everything from designer furniture, clothing and candles, and artists to Scotland’s top crafters with an amazing range of handmade goods. Presented by Clyde Life.
20 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Boat Show
FLYBOARDING DISPLAY & TRIAL LESSONS Demonstration and optional try by public of Flyboarding extreme water sport Provided by JET SKI DISPLAY Watch out for the amazing DJR Jet Ski Freestyle Display team with their incredible water based antics on Saturday and Sunday. Viewing area adjacent to Scottish Food & Drink Pavilion. LUXURY CAR AREA Displays of latest models from Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, Bentley, Morgan and, for the first time, Porsche. ISLE OF CUMBRAE PIPE BAND 1.00PM & 2.30PM (Staurday and Sunday) Piping display from the famous Isle of Cumbrae Pipe Band CLIMBING WALL & WEAPONS DISPLAY Visit the Royal Highland Fusiliers specialist weapons display unit and for the more adventurous try the vertical climbing wall! CHILDREN’S AREA Bungee Trampoline attraction, giant inflatable assault course plus the amazing Waterwheels
3 - DAY EVENT Over 130 Exhibitors
rink Exhibitors 35 Lifestyle Exhibitors
ON WATER TASTER SESSIONS FOR ADULTS Try your hand at sailing, powerboats or RIBs under expert tuition of Clyde Muirshiel Park and Seatrek Training – register for sessions at the RYA Scotland Pavilion.
HELICOPTER FLIGHTS Step on board one of our helicopters and enjoy an 8 minute pleasure flight over Scotland’s Boat Show, Kip Marina & River Clyde – a spectacular experience not to be missed! Available from 10am to 5pm- £40 per person. Clyde Life Magazine
Scottish Food and Drink Pavilion For this year we have added a dedicated Pavilion showcasing Scottish produce as part of VisitScotland’s Year of Food & Drink 2015. The Scottish Food & Drink Pavilion contains carefully selected local and Scottish food & drink producers displaying their goods in a ‘street market’ style setting. Expect everything from hand baked goods, homemade tablet and unique artisan chocolates to craft beers. The Scottish Food & Drink Pavilion has received support as part of the Year of Food and Drink, an initiative delivered by VisitScotland and will be situated adjacent to The Chartroom Restaurant. The Year of Food and Drink Scotland 2015 celebrates the country’s outstanding natural larder and produce. Enjoy brilliant moments packed with regional delights and discover the landscapes, people and culture that make our food heritage so unique. | 21
Across 1 4 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 17 19 20 22 23 24 25
Tragic Shakespearean hero (6) Chill until solidified (6) Darcy Bussell (9) Press, smooth (4) Turquoise (4) Leg joints (5) Red gemstone (6) Knight’s tunic (6) Brief (6) Sequence (6) Closes (5) Symbol (4) Ends a prayer (4) Peaks (9) Eyelid hairs (6) Tugged (6)
The solution can be found by visiting
Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 15 16 17 18 21 22
Expecting, desiring (6) Slender (4) Gift (6) Neglect, obliterate (6) Dame ____ Everage (4) Grow (6) Management meeting place (9) Fish tanks (9) Preserves, saves (5) January _____ (5) Beast (6) Ponders (6) Stable, immoveable (6) Did wrong (6) Built an ark (4) Any minute now (4)
Come and Sing with the Bridge of Weir Choral Society No auditions are necessary- just a desire to enjoy singing and making music with others, so come along and join us. The Bridge of Weir Choral Society started their new session at the beginning of September after their summer break. An exciting programme of music is planned which includes something for everyone; the repertoire for this year will include extracts from Saint Saens Christmas Oratorio, Christmas songs and carols and we will be joined once again by the excellent Renfrew Burgh Brass Band for the Society’s popular December Concert being held on Sunday, 6th December. The April concert will allow audiences to hear Poulenc’s
22 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Gloria together with a complementary programme of music. We are always pleased to invite talented performers from the Conservatoire of Scotland as our soloists and our concerts offer audiences an opportunity to hear rising stars early in their careers. A friendly group we meet on Tuesday evenings from September to April in the Lower Hall of St Columba’s Church, Kilmacolm and always welcome new members. We stop for a ‘cuppa’ and a chat half way through practices, and end of term cheese and wine tell you that the social side is as important to us as the singing. Our musical director is Christopher Barr who in 2012 was awarded the National Youth Choir of Scotland Student conductor Bursary which allowed him to study under Christopher Bell as the Assistant conductor of the National Boys Choir of Scotland. Recent achievements
include conducting the world premiere of Ken Johnston’s “Flodden 1513” with Stirling Schools Choirs and NYCoS Stirling Area Choir as part of the Cappella Nova Stirling 500 festival; directing choral workshops for Glasgow Spring Sing and the amaSing Festival, off stage conducting for Scottish Opera’s production of Gareth Williams “Elephant Angel”. In October 2014, Christopher was assistant conductor for the London Welsh Male Voice Choir Festival of Male Voice Choirs at the Royal Albert Hall, London. If you are interested in joining us, please just come along or contact our president, Ernie Smyth on 01505 702997. More information at Follow us on Facebook for regular news and updates.. @clydelifemag
Live Events ED SHEERAN
“JUMPERS FOR GOALPOSTS” - LIVE FROM WEMBLEY STADIUM Thursday 22nd October 6.30pm In July 2015, Ed Sheeran became the first artist to perform solo at London’s iconic Wembley Stadium. 3 historic nights, a combined crowd of 240,000 passionate fans and just the man himself on stage. This spectacular concert film brings together Ed’s captivating performances from the three biggest shows of his career in stunning 4K Ultra HD and will be presented alongside a SPECIAL LIVE PERFORMANCE from Leicester Square, which will be beamed by satellite to cinemas around the world! Ed wows the crowd with all his major hits that have seen him top charts across the globe, including The A Team, Don’t, Sing and worldwide smash, Thinking Out Loud. He’s even joined on stage by the legendary Sir Elton John much to the surprise and delight of the rapturous homecoming crowd. This special event will give his millions of fans across the globe the opportunity to get up close and personal with the multi-platinum selling performer like never before, as well as give those who attended one of his shows the opportunity to relive his mesmerising performances.
Hamlet (NTLive) Thursday 15th October at 7pm Hamlet Encore (NTLive) Friday 23rd October at 7pm
See Benedict Cumberbatch as Hamlet in the fastest selling show in London theatre history broadcast live from the Barbican Often considered Shakespeare’s greatest tragedy, National Theatre Live’s production of ‘Hamlet’ stars Benedict Cumberbatch in the title role. Academy Award® nominee Benedict Cumberbatch (BBC’s Sherlock, The Imitation Game, Frankenstein at the National Theatre) takes on the title role of Shakespeare’s great tragedy as a young man compelled to avenge the death of his father. After his uncle Claudius murders Hamlet’s father and marries his mother, Hamlet determines to kill him but is crippled by indecision and paranoia. While Denmark prepares itself for invasion by Norway, Hamlet’s sanity gradually crumbles as the body count rises. Directed by Lyndsey Turner and produced by Sonia Friedman Productions, this eagerly awaited production will be broadcast live to cinemas from the Barbican in London. Tickets for the Barbican were the fastest selling in London theatre’s history. This event is expected to have high demand so please book early to avoid disappointment
Il Trovatore(Met Opera) Saturday 3rd October at 5.55pm (£25.00/ £21.00) The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (Vaudeville Theatre) Thursday 8th October at 7:15pm (£15.00) Giselle (Bolshoi Ballet) Sunday 11th October at 4pm (£13.00/ £15.00) Aida on Sydney Harbour (CinemaLive) Tuesday 13th October at 7pm (£18.00) Hamlet (NTLive) Thursday 15th October at 7pm (£12.00/ £10.00) Othello (Met Opera) Saturday 17th October at 5.55pm (£25.00/£21.00) The Barber of Seville (ENO) Monday 19th October at 7.30pm (£12.00/ £10.00) Henry V (NTLive) Wednesday 21st October at 7pm (£12.00 / £10.00) ED SHEERAN “JUMPERS FOR GOALPOSTS” - LIVE FROM WEMBLEY STADIUM Thursday 22nd October at 6.30pm (£20.00) Hamlet Encore (NTLive) Friday 23rd October at 7pm (£12.00/ £10.00) ED SHEERAN “JUMPERS FOR GOALPOSTS” - LIVE FROM WEMBLEY STADIUM Encore. Saturday 24th October at 2pm (£10.00)
Jewels (Bolshoi Ballet) Sunday 8th November at 3pm ( £13.00/ £15.00) Ronaldo World Premier Live, Monday 9th November at 7pm (£15.00) Of Mice & Men (NTLive) Thursday 19th November at 7pm (£12.00/ £10.00) Lulu (Met Opera) Saturday 21st November at 5.30pm (£25.00/ £21.00) A Winter’s Tale (Branagh Theatre) Thursday 26th November at 7pm (£15.00)
Tickets available through box office (01475 732201) or online at Clyde Life Magazine | 23
What’s on at the Beacon Get in on the act
October – December Highlights include: Mad About The Musicals
Sun 4 October Join Gareth Gates and West End star Michael Courtney for a concert featuring all your West End favourites. Les Miserable, The Phantom of The Opera, Chicago plus many more popular tunes from the musicals you love.
Michael English
Wed 14 October The Kildaire man performs an evening of foot-tapping tunes for anyone who enjoys a good old Irish sing-along
Family Shows My Friend Selma
Wed 14 October The real life story of one young girl who met her best friend when her father brought 50 Bosnian refugees over to Yorkshire. Funny and touching this is a story for children and adults alike
Shona Reppe is Magic Sho
Sat 17 October A magician and her rabbit are the stars of a show which features fun and magic for kids aged 5 – 8
Sinatra: 100 Years
Wed 7 October 2015 marks the centenary of Sinatra’s birth. To celebrate we present a night of all the classics, performed by acclaimed jazz singer, Todd Gordon.
Hairy Maclary
Mon 19 October A show featuring of storytelling and catchy songs – ideal for kids aged 2 – 8.
Singin’ I’m No A Billy He’s A Tim
Thu 24 October Everyone’s favourite comedy about the old firm rivalry comes to Beacon Arts Centre –advance booking is advised.
An Evening with Simon & Oscar from Ocean Colour Scene
Wed 28 October A stripped down acoustic performance of all of Ocean Colour Scene’s hits performed by 2 members from the band
11 December – 2 January It’s panto time at Beacon Arts Centre and this year they present everyone’s favourite eastern tale –Aladdin. Featuring stars from River City, Gary Tank Commander and Still Game, MAKE your way to Greenock for a festive treat featuring comedy, dance, music plus a little bit of Christmas magic For the full programme please visit
Follow us on Facebook: Beaconartscentre, Follow us on Twitter @thebeaconarts Email: The Beacon Arts Centre Custom House Quay, Greenock, PA15 1HJ
24 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
LINE-UP INCLUDES: King Creosote • Skerryvore • Chris Stout Finlay MacDonald • Ross Martin and Hamish Napier Rab Noakes • Yvonne Lyon • Iain Morrison Trio Mairearad Green and Anna Massie • PLUS MORE Each show £15 / £12.50 Events include: Folk film programme at Waterfront Cinema Come and try workshops • Family events
Clyde Life Magazine | 25
What’s On What’s On Wh Classes | Group Meetings | Regular Events and Local Member Clubs
Classes groups and local clubs
Clyde Life publishes details of classes, groups and clubs located within the magazine distribution area. If you are looking for new members or want to publicise an event please let us know. To be included in the magazine and on the website please send details to
Health and Wellbeing Classes
Yoga for all levels Teacher: Aileen Hughes, YS(reg.) 01475 801613 | aileenhughes@ Mon 2-3.30pm RAF Club, 11 Ardgowan Square, Greenock Tue 2-3.30pm Westburn Church, Nelson Street, Greenock Aileen is trained and registered with Yoga Scotland, and is a certificated teacher of a deep relaxation technique called yoga nidra. Hatha Yoga for all levels Teacher: Flora MacKenzie Wednesday 7-8pm Lyle Kirk, Union Street, Greenock. Yoga and Meditation Teacher: Joanna Ritchie, Birsay Holistics 07518 373 073 | Email Mon 9.30am and 8pm Skelmorlie Tues 10am, 6pm and 7.45pm Gourock Wed 6pm Wemyss Bay. Thurs 10am Largs, 6pm Gourock, 8pm Largs Fri 6.30pm Meditation Skelmorlie Sat 8.45am Largs Yoga for all levels Instructor: Jacqueline Gibson 07851 735357 | Email - Tues 9.30-10.30am Wed 5.15-6.15pm Fri 9.30-10.30am All in Kilmacolm Yoga for all levels Instructor: Patricia A. Ralston SYTA (Reg) 01475 785685 Tues 7.45 - 9.15pm Finnart St Pauls Church Hall, Bentinck Street, Greenock.
26 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Beginners Yoga Instructor: Sara Marijuan-Tuck 07962 347950 Tues & Thurs 10:00 to 11:30 Freeland Church, Bridge of Weir Thurs 7:00p-8:30pm Scout Hall, Horsewood Road, Bridge of Weir Yoga and Meditation Teacher: Janis Binnie 07813 924922 | Langbank Village Hall Tues 8.00-9.30pm Kilmacolm Community Centre Wed 6.30-8.00pm Pilates (all levels) Instructor - Jenn Forbes 07713 643693 | | Facebook forbespilates Wednesday 8pm Dazzles, 1 George Square ,Greenock, PA15 1PQ Mats provided, just come along in something warm that you can move freely in. Classes are £8 individually or £40 for a 6-week block. Private tuition also available
Other Classes The Fashion Class Fashion Courses for children & teens, age 8-15. Call Marilyn Thompson on 07793 591524 or visit for more information.
Children’s Saturday Art Attack & Comic Book Classes Sat 24th October to 21st November Rig Arts, Studio 1 Tobacco Warehouse, 2 Haig St, Greenock Saturday morning children’s Art Attack class 10am to 12pm Saturday afternoon Comic Book class 1pm to 3pm Inspirational, creative fun working with professional PVG disclosed artists in a real art studio. Book in advance as drop in subject to availability. Each class is £10 and includes all materials, snacks, refreshments and lots and lots of fun, multi child discounts available. For more information or to book contact 01475 649815 / 07811 264042 Scottish Country Dancing Classes Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Scottish Country Dancing Classes are run at the Elim Pentecostal Church Hall, Kelly Street, Greenock on Monday evenings at 8pm. The Class resumes on 21st September and all are made welcome. Contact Jennifer Murrin 01475 633096 for more information @clydelifemag
hat’s On What’s On What’s O Community Council Meetings Inverkip and Wemyss Bay CC 1st Thursday every month at 7pm Inverkip Primary School or Wemyss Bay Primary School Cardwell Bay & Greenock West CC 2nd Wednesday every month at 7:30pm Cardwell Bay Sailing Club Kilmacolm & Quarrier’s CC Last Tuesday every month at 7:30pm Kilmacolm Community Centre Houston CC 3rd Wednesday every month at 7:30pm Carrick Centre, Houston Everyone is welcome.
Local Clubs Greenock Camera Club Every Thursday at 7:30pm Westburn Church Halls, Nelson St, Greenock Kilmacolm Camera Club Every Tuesday at 7.30pm Kilmacolm New Community Centre, Room 1.01 Contact David Walker 01505 873883 for more information Inverclyde Camera Club Every Friday at 7.30pm Cardwell Bay Sailing Club, Cove Road, Gourock Ann-Marie Westwood on 07971607453 |
Clyde Life Magazine
Fort Matilda Bridge Club Meets Monday, Tuesday & Friday 7pm Visitors always welcome Tarbet Street, Gourock (turn right at Bluebird cafe on the main road. The club is on the right hand side opposite ‘Duncan’s Ices’) Ann MacLeod (Secretary): 01475 522181 | Fort Matilda Tennis Club Newark Street, Greenock The Club has four artificial grass courts, in very good condition and has recently added floodlights to three courts. The Club has regular social tennis for members, four times per week. Non-members may also join in on Monday evenings for a small fee. There is also coaching for children of various age groups. Membership costs are very reasonable, and we would welcome anyone interested to come and try the facilities before joining. Details of our club, coaching and contact information can be found at The Ardgowan Club Ardgowan Square, Greenock The club exists to encourage, foster and develop the sports of Bowling and Tennis throughout the Inverclyde area. The Club has 2 bowling greens and 4 all-weather surface tennis courts, set in beautiful garden surroundings. Further information can be found on the club website www. or by contacting Gilbert McCracken or Dougie Warnock at the Club t: 01475 723418 Royal West of Scotland Amateur Boat Club Esplanade, Greenock, PA16 7SE The Club also has an active social calendar with a monthly Folk night, sporting event functions and seasonal themed events. More information and can be found at or by calling 01475 723260 Greenock Cricket Club Brisbane St, Greenock The club exists to encourage, foster and develop the sports of cricket and squash throughout the Inverclyde area. Membership is open to all age groups. Anyone interested in joining should email the Secretary -
Greenock Speakers Club Ardgowan Square, Greenock Its main purpose is to help people improve their public speaking skills in a friendly and supportive environment. The Club meets over the winter months from October to April. Meetings are held fortnightly, on alternate Thursday evenings, within The Ardgowan Club from 19.30-22.00 hours. All age groups are welcome and individuals can attend in a guest capacity initially to determine whether it is their ‘cup of tea’. Further information can be obtained by contacting Tony Cowden on 01475 783228 or by email at tony.cowden@ Greenock Writers Club Ardgowan Square, Greenock Come and meet the members of Greenock Writers’ Club for a taster session as they start their new season at the Ardgowan Club. They get together most Wednesdays from the middle of September during the season from 7.30pm to 9.30pm with a break for tea and coffee. They are a small group affiliated to the Scottish Association of Writers’, who enjoy the chat and fun activities as much as the writing. You’ll be guaranteed a warm welcome from members of all ages, abilities and interests and a friendly atmosphere to help encourage you in your own writing. So come along and see what we’re like, there’s no obligation to join, try before you buy! Whether you’ve barely written a Christmas card or you are squirreling away on your latest tome! We’ll be happy to meet you at the Greenock Writers’ Club, or contact President Mark Jones on 01475 713413. | 27
Woodland Light Experience Bringing the woodland to life is the inspiration behind the beguiling Woodland Light Experience. The natural habitat is transformed into a magical theatre of light and shadow play, set against the backdrop of dark autumnal skies. Suitable for the entire family, both adults and children will be in awe of the beautiful lighting effects, dazzling projections and the breathtaking finale featuring light, music and water. Children, with their keen senses and curious minds, might spot something altogether more magical in the woodland. Running from the 12th – 25th November, and within a short drive from Glasgow, Edinburgh and Perth, the theme for 2015 is ALIVE. Seeing the woodland as a living space is the inspiration behind the theme this year, and the professional lighting sympathetically enhances and captures that organic feel. Owner and Director at Woodland Experiences, Ken Hendry, worked alongside award-winning company NL Productions to realise his creative dream for the woodland he planted nearly twenty-five years ago:
“The woodland is a living and breathing habitat, that is teeming with life. At night it’s also a place that fires the imagination. I wanted to capture that, and the lighting does give that sense of something alive and magical with the trees.”
Woodland Light Experience • Open 12th – 25th November
Book online 28 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015 North Ballochruin Farm, Balfron Station, G63 0LE @clydelifemag
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30 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Every year it pays off to make sure your house is ready for winter. If, as some forecasters suggest, Scotland is about to face yet another bitter winter, it really is time to make a serious inspection. Now is the time to make sure of your winter comfort by walking about your property inspecting, checking and remedying when and where necessary. Most of the jobs you can do yourself so it won’t cost you a great deal more than time, effort and a few inexpensive items from your local DIY store. Inside the house Check the draught-proofing. Check round the windows, under the doors and around the skirtings. There are draught-proofing materials for doors and windows that are clean and easy to fit. Gaps under skirting boards can be filled with strips of wooden battening.
Outside the house Check around doors and windows to ensure mortar has not loosened and fallen away. Damp and frost will get in such areas and cause wider damage before the winter is out. Replacing mortar is a simple enough job. Check the paintwork is in good repair. It is all that keeps your exterior woodwork from rotting away in the winter. Gutters and drains can be a source of problems over the winter if they become blocked. Both get blocked by leaves and gutters can also become blocked by nesting birds. Get up to roof level and clear the gutters and the downpipe access holes. Ensure the downpipes are clear by pouring water down. It should flow easily and quickly out at the bottom. Back at ground level, drains may need clearing of leaves and general garden litter. Maintenance makes economic sense. A well-cared for building will almost always retain maximum value and the cost of regular maintenance will more than repay itself whether or not you sell your property. A small regular investment in maintenance can limit the need for or the extent of expensive repairs. The annual cleaning of gutters and drains, for example, can be much cheaper and less inconvenient than having to cope with a serious outbreak of dry rot in the timbers of your roof caused by years of neglect.
Don’t overlook the possible draughts that can come into the house through the letterbox. Check the insulation in the loft to make sure it is evenly distributed over the whole loft area, and see the space immediately under the water tank is left un-insulated so the heat from the house below will prevent the tank from freezing. Check all pipes are properly lagged. Cold water pipes should be lagged of course but the hot water ones should be also. There is a great deal of expensively heated water in a hot water pipe; lagging will ensure it stays hot. While you are checking the water system, make sure there are no dripping taps. If there are, replace washers where necessary. Finally inside, there is the heating system. It will need checking if you haven’t yet had it done. It’s best to get an expert in for this. If you use solid fuel in any capacity, make sure the flues are swept clean. This is a job you can do yourself if you have a set of brushes and rods. It is an outlay now to be sure but the rods can double as drain rods so it is doubly useful and will pay for itself in no time. If you can’t envisage yourself doing this, book a local sweep before he starts getting busy. Clyde Life Magazine | 31
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The Poppy’s Appeal How the humble poppy came to symbolise remembrance and raise millions to help war veterans This year marks the 101st anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War. More than nine million soldiers were killed during the four-year conflict. Much of the worst fighting took place in Flanders, the western part of Belgium. The whole area was completely devastated, with homes, farms, roads and trees all completely destroyed. The land became a bleak, muddy graveyard for the thousands of soldiers who fell there.
One plant, however, thrived in the disturbed soil and that, of course, was the poppy. Year after year, as the warm weather arrived, the poppies bloomed and turned the bare ground into a sea of red. Nowadays, we are all familiar with the poppy as a symbol of remembrance and a way to raise funds to support veterans. But how did the iconic flower make the journey from the fields to our lapels? It all began with Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, a Canadian physician who fought in Flanders. In May 1915, his friend, a fellow soldier, was killed in action. Looking at the poppies growing alongside his grave moved McCrae to write the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’, which was later published in Punch magazine. The idea to use the poppy as a symbol of remembrance came from an American professor and YWCA worker, Moina Michael, in 1918. She wrote a poem in reply to McCrae’s called ‘We Shall Keep the Faith’ and started to sell silk poppies. The idea was adopted by the American Legion in 1920 and she became known as ‘The Poppy Lady’.
In 1921, Anna E Guerin started making artificial poppies in France and gained the support of Field Marshal Douglas Haig, founder of the Royal British Legion. The first poppy appeal was held on Armistice Day 1921. It was hugely popular and, despite a recommended selling price of threepence per poppy, single petals sold for £5. In all, the appeal raised £106,000 – that’s nearly £30 million in today’s terms! Some people choose to wear a white poppy, either instead of or alongside a traditional red one. This symbolises pacifism and remembers the civilians killed in war, as well as the soldiers. The idea was initially put forward in 1926 by the No More War Movement, and the first white poppies were sold by the Cooperative Women’s Guild in 1933. They are now distributed by the Peace Pledge Union, a British pacifist nongovernmental organisation that works for a world without war. And finally, did you know that there is also a purple poppy? It commemorates the animals that have been victims of war and raises money for Animal Aid.
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Clyde Life Magazine
FROM £580
Now you can buy a composite door for the same price as a UPVC panel door! These GRP front and back doors have the traditional and charming appeal of timber but with a Yale multi point locking system. | 33
– Service With A Smile! An Grianan
It’s been a crazy few tradespeople have struggled months for Cloudy2Clear since last year and I Windows. The company honestly feel that during which specialises in the good times a minority repairing windows which perhaps didn’t focus on are steamed up, broken customer care as much as or damaged by replacing they should have done. the panes – not the We make sure we turn frames has grown rapidly up when we say we will, as homeowners take do the job the customer advantage of their services. requires and leave their Managing Director Peter house as clean as a whistle. Brummit feels that it’s I often get comments back all about service. “Our from customers on how product is simple. If your they really didn’t expect double glazing is misted that sort of service which, up we can replace the glass in a way, is very sad for at a fraction of the cost the service industry as a of a new window, in any whole.” type of frame, and with a Cloudy2Clear service Now new 5 year guarantee. But Inverkip, Gourock, Stockin 01505 703756 M: 07773 107450 ood Pe g it’sT:not just about saving Greenock, PortWGlasgow, ll a nd Iris ets peopleE:money, although Langbank, Kilmacolm, Peat h that obviously helps. Many Bridge of Weir and
surrounding areas & Peter is finding that his approach is a major factor in his success. “The truth is that it’s not just the personal satisfaction that I get from doing a good job but also it makes good business sense. I get a huge amount of business from friends and
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Turning over a new leaf ! After a poor July and August we have enjoyed a fantastic September which has enabled many of our flowering plants to show off really well late in the season. However autumn is now upon us and it’s time to get ready to shut the garden down and to start preparing for the coming Spring. It can be a pretty unattractive prospect at this time of year to spend time working in the garden, but a bit of graft now can really pay dividends. Autumn provides the perfect opportunity to split and divide some of your plants too, saving you a fortune in money spent at the garden centre! If you’re lucky you might even get a crisp day when the sun is out and a Robin comes to grub around everywhere you dig. One of the reasons why a lot of plants end up looking sickly and unwell is that they pick up diseases at this time of year when it is often mild and damp, with accumulations of leaf litter providing perfect environments for the plant diseases to thrive. Here are a few key Dos and Don’ts for garden jobs at this time of year: ■ DO clear up leaves in the garden regularly, especially on
the lawn and around plants
■ DO divide herbaceous perennials (the ones that die
back completely)
■ DO prune climbing Roses
If you want a good show, now is the time to plant while the soil is still warm enough to encourage germination. It’s also damper than in high summer so the plants will become well established before the rigors of winter stop all growth. Make sure all early flowering bulbs are in too. Later blooming ones like tulips however, can be left till later on. You can also sow hardy annuals in more sheltered parts of your garden. Don’t forget to label what you have sown though, it’s easy to forget. Evergreens can also be planted at this time of year, choose container or root-balled specimens. Plant them in prepared holes of sufficient size and water well in. Apply a thick mulch - pulverised bark is ideal, but don’t extend it right up to the plant’s stem. If you buy bare rooted trees, they should not be planted until all the leaves have fallen, so don’t buy them until then. The garden may be going to bed but there’s lots going on under the soil…..and one last thing – don’t forget to feed the birds!
■ DO lay new turf or spread grass seed ■ DO spike holes in boggy
patches of your lawn
■ DON’T prune trees ■ DON’T apply Nitrogen rich fertilizers ■ DON’T forget to stake young trees to protect them
from storms
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Clyde Life Magazine | 35
s e l i F E L Y T S The Autumn’s Top Picks Marilyn Thompson looks at what is available this comming season
Tailoring Structured or unstructured, wool or tweed, plain or patterned, the varied choice is indeed yours, however, taking inspiration from the 70’s trend you’ll find lots of flared trousers, waistcoats and fedora style hats alternatively, you could mix it up with the Victoriana trend by wearing your suit with a glamorous silk high necked pussy bow blouse and statement jewellery. Teamed up with a classically tailored winter coat (there’s plenty to choose from) along with a stylish scarf and bag and you’ll be good to go.
Fancy a new look for Autumn? If so, here’s a good selection of the best trends which you might like to try. All three (Victoriana, 70’s & Tailoring) are easily interchangeable and elements of each trend work really well together. Victoriana Lots of designers including Alexander McQueen, Valentino and Rodarte took inspiration from historical references to create their fabulously dramatic collections. Gothic and funereal are key here with the main influences being lots and lots of beautiful black lace, fur, brocades, silks and high ruffle necklines. To complete the look add some dramatic jewellery large chandelier style earrings and perhaps a large ‘poison’ ring which nowadays could be used to hold your emergency ‘rescue remedy’ instead of the traditional poison which historically would have been used to do away with your enemy!
36 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
high chance this trend could put you seriously in the mood to watch Saturday Night Fever once again!
Super 70’s The colours which were popular in the 1970’s are what you should look for here, perfectly suited for Autumn there’s lots of browns, burnt oranges and murky greens, all earthy and natural shades. A relaxed bohemian trend where keeping warm whilst looking stylish should not be a problem. There’s lots of fringing, patchwork, poncho’s, wraps and long knitted scarves. Vintage style prints also feature in this trend and range from the graphic print to the more romantic and delicate. Warning - there’s a
Autumn Beauty Department To add the perfect finishing touch to your new Autumnal purchases why not try one of the fab new nail varnishes which come under the term ‘Greige’ which as the name suggests is a brilliant mix of both grey and beige. If it’s a special treat you could try Burberry or Bobbi Brown (who has a whole make up range dedicated to Greige) otherwise, a trip into the cosmetic counters at Boots or Superdrug should do the trick and get your nails looking just as good and as on trend as you.
Changes to the State Pension Rules State pension rules are changing dramatically but many people have been left in the dark If you are approaching retirement the chances are you probably don’t know how much you will receive from your State Pension. Alongside confusion about whether you qualify for state pension, and the age at which you can expect to get it many people do not understand the radical changes coming in April 2016. A recent survey found that a third of over 50s have no idea whether they will be better or worse off when the new flat-rate state pension comes into effect. A flat rate for all pensioners The most significant reform is that from April the state pension is being simplified. Everyone who qualifies for a state pension will receive the same amount, unlike at the moment where different groups of pensioners receive different amounts. The elements of the state pension known as the Second State Pension (Serps) and the Pension Credit are being abolished. Instead there will be a universal payment for everyone who has reached the state pension age and has made 35 years of National Insurance contributions. At present the maximum you can receive before the mean-tested benefits are added is £115.95 a week. Clyde Life Magazine
Under the new system everyone who qualifies for the full state pension will receive at least £151.25 per week. This is very likely to benefit the low-paid, selfemployed and people who have spent periods out of work for whatever reason. That’s because in the past these groups often didn’t build enough National Insurance credits to qualify for the second state pension so missed out on the higher payments. Now all their credits go towards the single tier system so they will receive a bigger income. However, the opposite is true for high earners. Under the new system they won’t be able to build up credits towards Serps meaning they will only receive the flat-rate. Topping up your State Pension Another area causing confusion is state pension top-ups. Only 7 per cent of the people in a recent survey knew how to go about making extra National Insurance payments to secure a better state pension. If you are going to have made less than 35 years of National Insurance contributions when you retire after April 2016 then you can buy additional credits. This can make a big difference to how much you will receive in your retirement. Buying additional credits isn’t cheap so you need to consider carefully how much you stand to gain over the length of your retirement and how much income you will receive from other sources such as a private pension. You can also buy additional National Insurance credits if you will qualify for the state pension before April 2016. You can find out more by visiting www. | 37
Scotland’s most technologically advanced independently family run garage Advanced Automotive Solutions from Auto-Tec Scotland Auto-Tec of Port Glasgow has grown from modest beginnings in 1988 to become Scotland’s most technologically advanced independent garage in 2015.
on the wheel and vice versa. The system is fast and extremely accurate and customers will immediately notice that their car is much smoother to drive.
Auto-Tec won Greenock Chamber Of Commerce Bees Knees Award for “best Use of technology or Innovation” but it is not resting on its laurels.
Auto-Tec also brings to Inverclyde Hunter’s most advanced 4-wheel Alignment System. This technology enables Auto-Tec to offer a 90 second quick check service FREE to all new and existing customers. Following the check expert staff discuss the results with the customer and any recommended adjustments.
Auto-Tec founder Robert McKenzie who owns the company with his son says you cannot pull the wool over customers’ eyes. The company has just installed the world’s most advanced tyre and wheel balancing equipment. The Hunter system was imported from the USA and Auto-Tec is one of only four garages in Scotland with this level of technology – the others hold franchises for three of the world’s most desirable car brands. The new equipment simulates a road-test and the customer is then taken through a printout which clearly shows problems, if they exist. The next step is for the system to match high spots on the tyre with low spots
Auto-Tec’s new tyre equipment has been introduced just a year after the company installed its state-of-the-art Autologic vehicle diagnostics system. This technology, normally only available to franchised dealers means Auto-Tec can offer a comprehensive diagnostics check for only £65+VAT Auto-Tec’s Autologic system covers a variety of manufacturers including Land Rover, Mercedes, Citroen, Peugeot, BMW, Jaguar, Skoda, Volvo, Audi, Renault, Porsche,
Volkswagen, Seat and Bentley. No longer do you have to travel out of Inverclyde for servicing or fault finding because there is no local dealer. This saves customers time, inconvenience and most importantly money since Auto-Tec’s labour rates are lower than franchised garages. Employing around twenty staff Auto-Tec is a one-stop garage covering all aspects of the private and business customers’ requirements including wheel alignment and tracking, accident damage repairs, paintwork rectification and tyres at competitive prices. Auto-Tec’s recovery fleet can manage a vehicle up to heavy commercial and operates both locally and throughout the UK. Auto-Tec’s significant and ongoing investment in the latest technology is reflected in the fast that the company pays more than £10,000 per annum for technology system licensing and software updates.
Autologic Diagnostic Manufacturers Mirrored Technology Most major manufacturers including: BMW, Land Rover, Jaguar, Mercedes, Audi, VW, Skoda, Seat, Porche, Renault, Citreon, Peugeot and Volvo
Wheel Straightener
Welding Facilities Available
5 Queen Street, Port Glasgow PA14 5EF | Tel: 01475 742800 38 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015
Find us on Facebook under Autotec Performance and see our virtual tour
Cash for Kids Fundraiser – Put your Little Angels in the picture This year why not create something really special for Christmas. Angel Images will be running our popular ‘Little Angels’ fundraiser in aid of Cash for Kids for the whole month of October. Cash for Kids is an amazing charity because the funds raised locally stay local to help disadvantaged and vulnerable young people in our community. All props will be supplied by Angel Images so all you need to do is bring your little angels. Girls and boys are both welcome to this event. To get involved, book an Angels session by contacting the studio on 07932764963 or email angela@ We suggest a donation of £10 for each session and we will have very special pricing on prints and digital images for you to make your own special Christmas cards.
Clyde Life Magazine | 39
The Chartroom
get Our famous Party Nights are the perfect way to a you into the festive mood! Arrive at 7.30pm for ich sumptuous 4 course Christmas Dinner during wh it’s on our own Bublé style singer entertains you, then with the party until 1.00am with our resident DJ.
You can reserve your table now with a deposit of . only £5 per person by calling us on 01475 520919
ALA HOGMANAY G CE DINNER DAeceNmber D Thursday 31st
Year and the ing in the New br to ay w tie A black in Inverclyde! best Hogmanay us 4 course su napés, mptuo Cock tails & ca , dancing till hy om Jimally w fr ic us m e liv , dinner ith & a piper at o Clyde’s Bill Sm di Ra ith w on. m 2a s £60 per pers the bells! Ticket sed. vi ad ns strongly Early reservatio
MID-WINTER BALL Sunday 27th December A glass of fizz on arrival, candlelit dinner & live entertainment with THE JERSEYTONES till the wee hours. Black tie for the Gents and Glamorous for the Ladies. Tickets £35.
The Chartroom, Kip Marina, Inverkip, PA16 0AS
Tel: 01475 520919 •
40 | Clyde Life – Autumn 2015