Best in Lithuania #12

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Nr. 4 (12) 2010



n o i t a v o n

It is said, that to plead is more difficult than to give.

Prepared by Non-Governmental Organization "Meno miestas"

Yet for the mother, neither pleading nor begging is that difficult…

Charity fund “Mothers Union” has been founded by three mothers. Different in age, professions, unlike experiences of life. These mothers have healthy children, well-liked jobs, true friends and devoted husbands. This would suffice them to feel happy and live in peace and harmony not bothering going an extra mile without knocking on the doors of good people‘s hearts. However, we, photo artist Eglė Melinauskiene, journalist Rūta Mikelkevičiūtė and television show presenter Laima Kybartienė, have established the charity and financial support Fund ”Mothers Union”. The main objective of the fund is to provide help to children and their families suffering from cancer by: fulfilling children’s dreams, helping parents receive professional psychological assistance, and finding the necessary information about the treatment and rehabilitation of the sick children. It is also essential for the Fund to work on establishing a comfortable environment for the sick children, as well as strengthening the relationship with medical staff.

Please consider a financial donation to the Fund „Mothers Union“. Your support is greatly appreciated. Bank settlement account: LT 517400032266923810 BIC 74000 Danske Bank, Lithuania

“Mothers Union” was established for several reasons: the State is not able to take care of our children and families the way every mother would do; one of us has already suffered from cancer and knows perfectly well, that this condition is too overwhelming for a child to bear without adequate assistance and support; we have children ourselves and want to know – in case something happens – that all of our kids will receive the best possible care. During its two years of existence, the Fund has expanded its traditional project „We Need Friends“. This became possible because of generous support from the following partners: CJS „Švyturys-Utenos alus“, CJC „Malsena“, CJS „Amber Pasta“, CJS „Naujasis Nevėžis“, CJS „ Krekenavos Agrofirma“, CJS „ Rokiškio Pienas“, CJS „ Suslavičius-Felix“ , CJS „ Vilniaus duona“. In cooperation with the travel agency „Baltic Clipper“ and „Tokyo Associates Corporation“, the Fund has carried out a project called „Kimono show“, as well as a joint project with the magazine „Cosmopolitan“ and „Forum Cinemas Vingis“. The project was to purchase medical equipment for the young cancer patients. This project was presented by the Fund at the International competition „Nato Wives Bazaar“, and was selected as the top-ranked project.

Dear Readers,

Photo: K. Fedrika

At the turn of the year, upon escaping from the everyday cares and the stressed rhythm of the life, we were forced to stop in order to make a short pause for contemplating our works, acts and achievements within the expiring year. Let’s be sincere to ourselves: the outgoing year presented some joyful moments to each of us and they should be remembered whenever a melancholic mood invades us. Let’s rejoice at our good health and at the pleasure of sitting with the family at the rich table in the Christmas Eve. On the Christmas, we rejoiced at our children and grandchildren, the nice winter with glaringly white snow having brought the real festivity to us. There were the real Lithuanian winter and the real Lithuanian Christmas. Being still full of festive mood, let’s concentrate our thoughts on the incoming year that promises to be better than the expired one. Many things will depend on our attitude towards us and the people round about as well as on cherishing the common human values. Not everything is assessed by tangible measures. Human relations are very difficult to measure; however, they are particularly important. Good luck on starting the new phase of the life and the activities. Be it full of meaning and humaneness – and a success will come to us. Let’s be together as a family, as a single bunch! Sincerely, The Editorial Staff of „Best in Lithuania“

Magazine „Best in Lithuania“ Nr. 4 (12), 2010 Address: Public Enterprise „Kultūros horizontai“ M.Mažvydo str. 9-19, LT-06256 Vilnius Tel. +370 615 83361 E-mail:

Editor Photographer Advertising manager Writers Designer

Rimvidas Stankevičius Gediminas Miškinis Stasė Overaitė Ligita Šoliūnienė, Viktorija Balsevičiūtė Lina Šiškutė

Cover: The new Vilnius Business Centre. Photo by K. Fedirka

The editorial office is not responsible for the contens of advertisements




We can create a successful Lithuania

Andrius Kubilius, Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania

2011 for the industry will be a year of coming out of the economic crisis Interview with dr. Gediminas Rainys, Vice-president of Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists and the Director General of its Executive Directorate

Aleksandr Izgorodin, Analyst at Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists Economics and Finance Department

LITHUANIAN MANUFACTURING. Trends and expectations for 2011 Q1

Dr. Mindaugas Petrauskas, Vice-minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania

The firm foundation for innovative economy of Lithuania is formed

Vitalijus Satkevičius, Mayor of Panevėžys City


Visvaldas MATKEVIČIUS, Director General of Panevėžys Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS of Regional Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts Membership?


The support from EU for updating the heat sector of AB “Panevėžio energija”

Lithuanian manufacturers are in-demand in Norway “Adax”, UAB; “Norac”, UAB


“Amilina”, AB


“panoden”, UAB



Content “Polimerinės plėvelės” is a serious support for economy of Panevėžys District

Deep water is protected by the nature Interview with Alfonsas Žobakas, the long-year Head of Panevėžys Public Health Center

Sander van der MOLEN. Innovation adviser

It is people that make innovations happen


Lithuanian laser school blazed a trail to the world market Interview with Dr. Algirdas Juozapavičius, Director of “Light Conversion”

“Amberplastic”, a company of innovative solutions


“ELGAMA SISTEMOS” Solutions for electricity metering and saving


“Granitas” is preparing a surprise for the market


Scientific research is used in production of vehicle details


“Jubana”, UAB


Professional decisions in fire safety “Poliprojektas”, UAB

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Content 54

The new ideas for online advertising and effective search for jobs & employees “NetVision SDC”, UAB


Scientists and practitioners are going to create a house of dreams in a cluster being established in Alytus


“Schmitz Cargobull Baltic” will produce vehicle bodies of the new generation


Petras Tarasevičius, Computer Technoligies and Development Director of UAB “Sigma Telas”

Multi utility smart metering solution: more information opens up new opportunities “Sigma Telas”, UAB

Arūnas Birmontas, BGM CEO




Precizika metrology

Ligita Šoliūnienė


The contribution of Lithuanian scientists to improvement of the electric power system “Modesa”, UAB


Beverage industry combined effort for business development


Lithuania in the vanguard of using 4G mobile WiMAX technology


Engineering technology leader shares its experience outside Lithuania

Lithuanian Radio and Television Centre

Content Competitive “Axis Industries” services and products for the Scandinavian market


Solid wood interiors


“PIKAS” Software for building and synchronizing timetables based on passenger flows and for presentation of timetables in the Internet (+WAP)


“Merakas”, UAB

Visco-elastic technology is coming to Lithuania “Vita Baltic”, UAB

Klaipėda Port enjoys the record cargo throughput and the increased competitiveness


Kęstutis Fedirka. FotoSkrydis.

Antras leidinys

Interview with Dr. Eugenijus Gentvilas, the Director General of Klaipėda State Seaport Authority



In 2010, AB “LITHUANIAN RAILWAYS” won its victories Gold medal for GSM-R link


Painter Silvija Drebickaitė


book-album „Fotoskrydis. Visa Lietuva II“ /”Fotoskrydis. The Whole Lithuania II”/


Free artist Arvydas Kašauskas


Summer Dream of Count Tyszkiewicz


ceramicist Dalia Laučkaitė -Jakimavičienė


We can create

a successful Lithuania In 2010,

we managed to preserve what had been achieved. During the years of crisis, we succeeded in attracting quite a few world-known corporations to Lithuania. We got ready for the new positioning of Lithuania, with a view to becoming the Northern-Baltic High Technology Services Hub by 2015, and Northern Europe Innovations Hub by 2020. During this year alone, we managed to persuade the global business giants – Barclays, Western Union, IBM, and Thermo Fisher Scientific – to invest in Lithuania and to create high technology and engineering research and development centres in our country. According to the assessment of the World Bank’s Doing Business Project, the Lithuanian Government managed to improve business conditions during a year: in November’s Doing Business report, Lithuania rose 3 positions up and now ranks 23 among 183 countries. This provides grounds for optimism and gives inspiration to take further actions with a view to improving business conditions and raising national competitiveness and attractiveness for foreign investors.

Andrius Kubilius, Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania

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We will be able to integrate into the economic area of the Baltic Sea Region and to become an important player therein by relying on three branches: high added value services, high technologies, and innovative and clusterbased traditional industry. This creates a basis for the new economy of the future Lithuania. The NorthernBaltic Services Hub will integrate services for business (information technologies, accounting and data processing, educational services), Medical and Wellness Services Centre (cardiology, cardiac surgery, odontology, spa) and a European Logistics Centre (monitoring of the European and Europe-Asia transport corridors operated through the multimodal logistics hubs in Vilnius, Kaunas, and Klaipėda). We will no longer be less expensive among the low-priced, but with our infrastructure, talent, and strong political will, we will be less expensive among the innovative.

Lithuanian advantages include a well-developed infrastructure, an appropriate geographical distance for North European countries, highly educated and well-qualified Lithuanian population. The available professional expertise often exceeds foreign investors’ expectations. As regards the development of high technologies, the maximum attention has been and will be given to the sectors of information technology, biotechnology and bio-pharmacy, and clean technology (cleantech). The conventional industry will have to change, too. The current operational priorities in this area include investing in company equipment, innovative management, productivity, and higher added value products. With a view to creating higher national added value, we operate in line with the following agreed priorities: completion of a biennial plan for economic growth and job creation, procurement reform, and the new strategy for investment.

Lithuania that we strive for is a high welfare state with social infrastructure, vibrant culture, well-established scientific platform and innovative economy. What we are saying today, is no longer just a vision. The vision is being translated into reality through specific projects. It is important that all of us look in the same direction, and our ambitious goals will become easier to achieve. In fact, I seem to have a possible formula for Lithuania’s dynamism and future success, which I have "borrowed" from Jack Welsh, former Chairman and CEO of General Electric: 4E’s + 1P, where 4E stands for the “energy” of people, i.e. our strength and capacity; our ability to articulate our vision and inspire others to perform; 3E would be "edge ", i.e. commitment and ability to make tough decisions; 4E is “execution”, i.e. ensuring the delivery. And all the above is crowned by the 1P, which stands for "passion". Anything you do, do with passion and faith, and success is sure to follow you. Kindest regards

The Government is making vigorous efforts to attract direct foreign investment, particularly focussing on high quality and high-growth markets. Low taxes, very competitive general costs of doing business, talented people and investment-oriented central authority are among the key success factors encouraging international companies to establish themselves in Lithuania.

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for the industry will be a year of coming out of the economic crisis

Improvement of the industry’s expectations is not only confirmed by the indexes, but also by a great number of the products that are being newly introduced to the market and intended for export and reviving of home market. Dr. GEDIMINAS RAINYS, vice-president of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LCI), is sharing his thoughts on the results and plans of the Lithuanian industry.

BiL Every quarter from the beginning of the year 2010, LCI together with the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania announce Lithuanian industry expectations index. What is it like at the present time? G.Rainys: You might not believe it, but already in the beginning of this year the expectations index showed an optimistic conjuncture of the traditional industrial branches. And this tendency maintained its positions for the whole year. Surprisingly good results were shown by the light industry. To a greater extent, it was determined by the

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Chinese currency (Yan) value changes, which brought the Western European textile industry’s purchase orders back to Europe. Thus, the number of orders submitted to Lithuanian companies of textile increase. After having evaluated all the negative climate conditions, the food industry also showed quite impressive results. Due to the lack of food raw materials, the price of food products kept growing, nevertheless the food industry remained competitive. Partially it was determined by the EU assistance, which was successfully used not only by the producers of food products, but also by the farmers, manufacturing food raw materials.

The transport sector is one of the main locomotives of economy reviving. Klaipėda seaport hit all the records of the year, and the improving results of the companies engaged in railway and dry cargo carrying activities are closely related to that. Lithuanian carriers of cargo not only are excellent expeditors, but they are also provident businessmen, since the major part of cargoes that are carried though Lithuania, are transported as material goods. When considering the results of the timber and furniture industry, we may notice that for certain companies engaged in business for decades, the year proved to be the best in their history. Thus, the period showed that there are no lifeless branches, there are lifeless companies, and the value of managers or the managerial staff for the company’s activity results may hardly be estimated. The crisis taught us that no eternal growth and evenly increasing expectations are possible and the strongest spot of the Lithuanian economy, its driving force is export. BiL How will the Lithuanian industry keep going on in 2011? G.Rainys: It will not yet be a year of reviving; it will be a year of coming out of the economic crisis. Alas, the most acute factor of economy reviving will remain, i.e. creation of new workplaces. According to all the practices of coming out of the economic crisis, creation of workplaces is performed with certain lagging. Despite an increasing scope of work and a lack of labour force at workplaces, nevertheless managers do not rush to employ new people, and try to perform the work with the labour force available. In spite of the fact that export is growing and it seems that additional labour force will be required – it will not be like that unless the home consumption market starts reviving. The companies will still be very cautious. BiL A contest of the Lithuanian Product of the Year organised by LCI also shows certain economic tendencies. What did the results of the contest of the year 2010 show? G.Rainys: During registration of applications for the contest of the Lithuanian Product of the Year, we noticed significant enthusiasm of the companies and their eagerness to offer the consumer society newly created products or successfully operating services introduced to the market. Having in mind that the year was not an easy one, the results of the contest proved to be quite impressive – the companies would not stagnate, on the contrary they would develop and prepare themselves for the after-crisis life. A contest of the Product of the Year organised by LCI is always understood as the way to increase product promotion that is especially relevant for new products. There remain classical business branches that participate in the contest, and every time there also appear new companies; a number of companies participate every year with new products. It is good evidence to us 12 |

that the companies find such a form of products’ evaluation to be useful. Within the year, a memento label of the Lithuanian Product of the Year was also revived. It reflects the symbolism of the Battle of Grunewald, commemorating its 600th anniversary. BiL Food products comprised the major part among the products offered to the contest. Do the criteria of evaluation change as the consumer society pays more and more attention to healthy food of high quality? G.Rainys: Yes, we keep in mind that this business award would not be granted to the products created with food supplements or on the basis of such products. In order to ensure this, we have involved a committee comprised of different experts, who are in charge of and who are paid for this responsible work. There have been cases when consumers would refer to the LCI asking why this or that food product, using supplements, has been awarded the prize of the Product of the Year. Thus, we had to perform repeated evaluation of the product in the laboratory, and the results would not contradict to the committee’s decision of granting this award. BiL Last year, LCI offered a number of solutions intended for improvement of business environment, and several solutions were offered to the Government as well. What are the plans for this year? G.Rainys: We may not lose rein of the started work, therefore, no special novelties will be introduced. The main work is to prevent the Seimas and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania from mistakes that would slow down the reviving of the economy. The main focus is business conditions and huge changes in the energy sector. No doubt we will further work on, strengthening Lithuanian business relationship with foreign markets and neighbouring countries. Much attention will be paid to the European dimension and developing of the dialogue with the European Commission. Revision of the European documents and expression of our opinion will also be of priority, so that the introduced directives would not disagree with Lithuania’s business reality. The year 2014 is on the way; it is the beginning of the third stage of obtaining EU assistance. Therefore, this year it will be necessary to make the first steps for deciding, which spheres need the EU billions most of all, i.e. either energy, engineering or social issues should be solved first. BiL What would you like to wish to Lithuanian businessmen? G.Rainys: My wish is that the indexes achieved before the economic crisis would become an accomplished fact in the end of this year, so that we would be surprised by a greatly reduced level of unemployment and would be able to say that the year proved to be good for all of us.

LITHUANIAN MANUFACTURING Trends and expectations for 2011 Q1

Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists Aleksandr Izgorodin, Analyst at Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists Economics and Finance Department

(hereinafter – LCI) has recently presented a newly-created Purchasing Managers’ Index of Lithuanian manufacturing industry (hereinafter – PMI), the goal of which is to forecast the main trends in Lithuanian industry for the upcoming quarter. 130 biggest industrial companies in Lithuania, representing all major manufacturing sectors (food and beverages, textile, IT, wood and furniture, chemicals and chemical products, machinery and equipment) take part in a quarterly survey, during which top managers of participating companies are asked to answer 10 open and closed questions in an attempt to find out the main trends in Lithuanian manufacturing industry in the nearest future.

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Glass and mirror product design, production and installation by the wholesale and individual order (glass tables, shower cabins, glass souvenirs, aquariums, glass -shelf’s, commercial equipment, bathroom mirrors) Stiklo ir veidrodžio gaminių gamyba pagal didmeninius ar individualius užsakymus (stikliniai stalai, lentynėlės, prekybinė įranga, akvariumai, dušo kabinos, stiklo suvenyrai)

Modular separations constructions, sauna doors, glass steps and floors, handrails production and installation Saunos durų, stiklo grindų, turėklų, laiptų gamyba ir montavimas

Glass treatment and decorate service (Mirror clarification, painting, engraving, window-dressings) Stiklo apdirbimo ir dekoravimo paslaugos (veidrodžio išskaidrinimas, matinimas, dažymas, graviravimas, dekorų klijavimas)

Frameless glass constructions production and installation (Partitions, glass facades) Berėmių grūdinto stiklo konstrukcijų gamyba ir montavimas (pertvaros, stiklo fasadai)

Cupboard, sliding doors design, production and installation Modulinių Pertvarų konstrukcijos Tel. (5) 276 00 43 El. paštas

Visa, kas telpa žodyje STIKLAS

he survey for the first quarter of 2011 shows that, after strong finish to 2010, Lithuanian manufacturing industry has managed to maintain its optimism for the start of 2011 – the estimated PMI for 2011 Q1 has stood at 55 points, which suggests that Lithuanian manufacturing industry will continue to recover and expand at the beginning of 2011. Positive trends in export markets to whom Lithuanian industry is highly related (more than 50% of manufacturing goods produced in Lithuania are exported) continue to be the driving force of optimism of Lithuanian manufacturing companies. The recent survey conducted by LCI shows that our export partners, in reaction to ongoing economic recovery, will continue to increase their stocks at the beginning of this year, which acts as a catalyst for strong recovery in Lithuanian export. In addition to this, successful penetration of new export markets as well as fruitful negotiations with new export partners in traditional export markets will also strongly contribute to a steady recovery of Lithuanian export, with 42% of companies participating in PMI survey are expecting an increase in export volumes in 2011 Q1. LCI calculations suggest that export volumes will continue to rise in 2011, with export growth reaching 6-8% compared to 2010.

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Domestic demand still remains rather fragile, with majority of respondents (72%) expect domestic demand to be unchanged compared to 2010 Q4 and state that domestic demand is slowly stabilizing, with this view also supported by the latest statistical data. However, respondents’ evaluation of state of domestic demand is worse than that of export, as 17% of companies forecast further drop in demand in Lithuania. However, it is worth mentioning that the majority of manufacturing companies (54%) are expecting a seasonal drop in levels of consumption – both foreign and domestic – at the beginning of the year, which has an additional adverse effect on foreign and domestic consumption forecasts in the survey. We estimate a moderate recovery in domestic consumption of 2-3% in 2011. Despite sustained optimism, Lithuanian manufacturing industry will still have to cope with a number of problems in 2011, which will limit a strong recovery potential of this economic sector. Rapid growth in global commodity prices continues to be one of the main obstacles for Lithuanian manufacturing, as 62% of respondents forecast additional rise in commodity prices in 2011 Q1. This rise in global commodity prices, which has been observed for a rather long period now, will force 40% of manufacturing companies to increase the price of their final products. The majority of rising production expenditures (the result

of growing commodity prices) will be carried over to foreign consumers, whose purchasing power is gradually recovering. Part of rapidly rising manufacturing expenses will be covered by companies themselves (the price of production will not rise at the expense of declining profit margins), while significantly smaller part of increase in business expenditures will be carried over to Lithuanian consumers, which is largely due to strong completion and insufficient domestic purchasing power. Lack of credit flow to businesses, unfavorable taxation policies (which, according to companies in several manufacturing sectors, worsen business competitiveness and financial health, as well as stimulate “grey”, i.e. illegal consumption) represent remaining major challenges that Lithuanian industry will face at the beginning of 2011. All in all, the future of Lithuanian manufacturing industry looks rather bright, as majority of survey participants forecast a sustainable stabilization followed by a steady recovery and expansion for Lithuanian manufacturing in 2011. Significant part of manufacturing companies is planning to implement expansionary projects this year, the majority of which will be related to export markets. However, provided that domestic demand will recover strongly enough, expansion into domestic market is also possible.

The firm foundation for innovative economy of Lithuania is formed The announced one year ago ambitious plan of the Government of Republic of Lithuania to turn the country into a center of services for the Baltic States by the year 2015 and into the North Europe center of innovations by the year 2020 has a clear direction and shows the first results already. | Vice-minister of Economy Dr. M. Petrauskas | While the level of unemployment was growing and the indicators of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) were rapidly falling, the present Government of Lithuania was developing the innovation strategy for the next ten years. After the expiry of one year only, their insights appeared to be felicitous and it became evident that they will be helpful in formation of the firm foundation of Lithuanian economy. On developing the strategy, the forte of Lithuania, such as excellently developed infra-

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structure, the geographical closeness to Nordic States, high competence and level of education of the population of Lithuania as well as open to innovations small and medium-size business sector (the latter is one of the key advantages of the country), were taken into account. The priorities of Lithuanian innovation policy are clearly reflected in the innovation strategy of Lithuania for the years 2010-2020. Innovative traditional industries (engineering, chemi-

cal, food, wood, furniture, and textile), high technologies (biotechnologies, light & laser technologies, information and communication technologies, production of electrical and optical equipment) and the new spheres of economy (the future energy sector, clean technologies, creative industries, welfare and healthiness) were identified as a foundation of the national economy. Vice-minister of Economy Dr. Mindaugas Petrauskas emphasizes that it is the first horizontal innovation strategy of

Lithuania integrating new initiatives in the involved sectors – business, public sector and community. In course of development of the innovation strategy of Lithuania, the best experience of other countries was used as a base and the joint initiatives of the European Union were taken into account. „We may be glad to know that the innovation strategy of Lithuania reflects the priorities of the exemplary initiative “Innovation union” of the strategy „Europe 2020,“ Dr. M. Petrauskas says. Visions turn into real works A success of the preparation for the new positioning of Lithuania is shown by the results of the first year. Pursuing the set strategic goal (to turn into the North Europe innovative center), we are involved, together with other states of the Region, in implementing the Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region approved by the European Commission. For the first time, Lithuania, represented by the Ministry of Economy, in cooperation with Sweden, is involved in coordination of development of the Baltic Sea Region Programme of Innovations, Clusters and Development of Networks of Small and Medium Enterprises („BSR Stars“ programme). It is planned that the Baltic Sea Center of Services should consist of the center of business services, the center of medical & healthiness services and the European center of logistics. Lithuanian cardiology, cardiosurgery, odontology and SPA are strong national services in medicine and healthiness; they attract already abundant service receivers from neighbouring countries. The other opportunity provided to Lithuania because of its favorable geographical situation is maintenance of European and European-Asian transport corridors via multimodal logistics units in Vilnius,

Kaunas and Klaipėda and it should be used as well. Worldwidely known enterprises choose Lithuania for their investments because they rely on its economic potential and its ability to turn into the North Europe center of innovations. For example, „Barclays“ Bank (the United Kingdom) invests in establishing the regional IT center; American „Moog Medical Devices“ – in the modern European research and technology services and products center; computer manufacturer IBM (USA) is going to establish its research center in Vilnius; international leader of financial services „Western Union“ establishes the world service center in Lithuania; Indian company „Ideal Invent Technologies Pvt Ltd“ establishes R & D center and so on. In addition, a number of worldwidely known companies are included in the list of potential investors in Lithuania. One more step forwards is the agreement on cooperation signed with the European Space Agency. Profit Tax concessions for innovative enterprises The Ministry of Economy reminds about Profit Tax concessions usable by enterprises investing in R & D and technological updating. The expenses of enterprises related to investments in R & D are deducted for three times from the base of taxable profit; such enterprises are allowed to write off the price of acquisition of long-term assets into expenditure within two years. If an enterprise invests in new technologies, its taxable profit shall be reduced by up to 50 percent of the expenses related to equipment, communication technique, computer hardware and so on. According to the data provided by the State Tax Inspectorate, 54 enterprises used the said concession in the

year 2008 (LTL59.3 million) and 92 enterprises used it in the year 2009 (LTL95.6 million). The new opportunities for clusters Clusters positively impact competitiveness of the national economy and provide one more opportunity that is step by step discovered by Lithuanian enterprises. At present, clusters of photoelectric technologies, manufacturers of wood and furniture, food, beverages, lasers, Užupis Creative Cluster, mechatronic cluster and so on operate in Lithuania. Lithuanian maritime, food, high technologies and other clusters are involved in international cluster networks. At present, the Cluster of Photoelectric Technologies may be undoubtedly identified as the most successful national cluster. Other innovative traditional branches of the national economy follow its example; in addition, business and science search for contact points to strengthen the reciprocal potentials of each other. Vice-minister Dr. M. Petrauskas mentions that groups of enterprises more easily increase their productivity and join export markets. In his opinion, enterprises competing in the local market usually can be successful in foreign markets, if they become partners. So, the Ministry of Economy contributes to development of clusters in Lithuania. It is planned to allot over LTL 26 million from EU Structural Funds for the activities of clusters. In addition, over LTL 160 million from EU structural support shall be allotted for formation of the open access infrastructure of clusters. The said support shall be allotted not only for production-oriented industry, but also for enterprises involved in sectors of printing, creative industries, healthiness and „eco-dimensions”. | 19

Panevėžys Panevėžys is the fifth largest city in Lithuania. 112 thousand inhabitants reside here. Comparing with other countries, it is rather small but with big ambitions and perfect possibilities to be the centre of transit, logistics, sports and culture. In recent years, Panevėžys, the so called capital of Aukštaitija Ethnographic Region, has the purpose to attract investments, to invite sports and culture tourists. This year Industrial Park starts its activities in the city. Potential investors are proposed excellent investment conditions in Panevėžys which is not only a compact city but also situated in a favourable geographical location. The city is by the highway „VIA Baltica“, in the midway between two Baltic capitals - Vilnius (135 km) and Ryga (150 km). This advantage is perfectly used by Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, German, Polish and other companies working for a number of years already. The fact that the city is ready to welcome the European Men Basketball Championship and the Championship of European Elite Cycling Track speaks about brave and ambitious Panevėžys. As the Mayor of Panevėžys, I invite all of you – investors, tourists, guests- to visit our cosy and beautiful city. Take your chance to invest, to enjoy your time and new friends! Looking forward to welcome you! 20 |

Vitalijus Satkevičius, Mayor of Panevėžys City

The European Basketball Championship in 2011 will be arranged on Panevėžys “Cido” Arena

A Warm Welcome Awaits Basketball Fans in Panevėžys In 2008 the Universal Sports Arena was opened in Panevėžys. One of the main tasks in constructing this building with over 5000 seats was group competitions of European Basketball Championship in 2011. In 2010, Panevėžys City Municipality signed the Agreement with Lithuanian Basketball Federation. According to it, Lithuanian Basketball Federation commits that the World Winner of Bronze medals, Lithuanian National Team will play at group competitions of the largest sports event in Lithuanian history – Eurobasket 2011. The Agreement also ensures the fact that for the period of 2011-2014, each year, there will be at least 24 international basketball competitions of various age groups. The news is good not only for basketball fans but also for the city businessmen, the whole economy of Panevėžys. This will help a lot in development of basketball in Panevėžys, city marketing. Panevėžys Sports Arenas (CIDO and AUKŠTAITIJA Sports Centre) will be used effectively and youth will be involved into activities. Cycling Track in Sports Arena Panevėžys Universal CIDO Arena is different from other Lithuanian and Baltic countries Arenas as not only basketball competitions, various cultural events can take place here but it also has a high level cycling track. It was designed by the German company „SportBau“. Since 1925, the representatives of the company have constructed 121 tracks in different countries of the world. The project of Panevėžys track has been prepared by the Head of the Company, the Architect Ralph Schuermann. His recent work is the Olympic Track in Beijing in 2008. CIDO Arena with the Ist category Olympic standard cycling track of 250 metres length is a unique sports complex in the region and the only such in the Baltics.

European Elite Cycling Track Championship will be held in Panevėžys Soon the track was evaluated by international experts. In 2012, European Elite Cycling Track Championship will take place in Panevėžys. This is for the first time when such high level international cycling competitions will be held in Lithuania. European Championship in Lithuania will take place after the Olympic Games in London, at the end of October or in November of 2012. The President of the Union of European Cycling (UEC) Wojciech Walkiewicz admires Panevėžys track and the Arena. According to the President, the track can be used for European, World Championships and Olympic Games. It is included into the list of five best world tracks. Excellent achievements of Panevėžys cyclists influenced the decision of UEC to held European Championship in Panevėžys. A well known track woman cyclist Simona Krupeckaitė is the World Champion and the record holder, the prize winner of European Champions, the prize winner of various prestigious World, European Cup Tournaments. Gitana Gaivenytė, Vilija Sereikaitė, Aušrinė Trebaitė, Vaida Pikauskaitė demonstrate perfect results in international arenas. | 21


Panevėžys Industrial Park invites investors The Park is Open to All Investors Panevėžys Industrial Park is located in a perfect geographical position of Lithuania. The city offers skilled labour force, business allowance system promoting the establishment of working places and favourable conditions for investments are functioning. Panevėžys Industrial Park is open to all investors, though special attention is given to the investments in advanced technologies, creation of high added value, and integration of local economy into international chains of value creation. A Favourable Geographical Location The park is situated in a strategically important place: in the midway between Vilnius and Ryga, by the highway „Via Baltica“ and the railway route Moscow – Daugavpils – Panevėžys – Kaliningrad. It is foreseen to modernise and expand Panevėžys railway junction. Panevėžys County is rather important in the system of roads. The 1st corridor of European road network (highway “Via Baltica”) connecting Tallinn- Ryga- Saločiai- PanevėžysKaunas- Kalvarijos-Warsaw cross the County. The roads Panevėžys-Kaunas, Panevėžys bypass and Panevėžys-Pasvalys-Ryga belong to „Via Baltica“ highway. The following crucial motorways also cross Panevėžys County: A2 (Vilnius-Panevėžys), A8 (PanevėžysAristava-Sitkūnai), A9 (Panevėžys-Šiauliai), A10 (Panevėžys-Pasvalys-Ryga) and A17 (Panevėžys bypass). Lithuanian and Latvian cities are located in the distance of only 150 km from Panevėžys. Klaipėda seaport is 240 km away.

The model of Panevėžys Industrial Park 22 |

Minimal Requirements are set for the Investors The investors are proposed the territory of 47 ha with high quality engineering corridors, water supply and sewerage system, power supply network, inner access roads and lighting. The land plots can be formed in accordance to the needs of investors. There is a possibility to install a specific infrastructure in accordance to the needs of potential investors. No taxes for the establishment in the Park exist, tax allowances are applied. The Municipality is obliged to ensure rapid decision making process. Investments have to make no less than 2 million Litas per one hectare of the leased land plot. Number of new long-term jobs to be created per ha of the leased land plot has to be no less than 5. It is foreseen that the direct investments into Panevėžys Industrial Park should reach 60–70 million Litas, 1, 5-2 thousand new working places will be established. As it is forecasted, non-direct new working places may constitute 4–8 thousand. These results are planned to be reached by the year of 2028. The procedure for the selection of investors in Panevėžys Industrial Park is available on / Panevėžys Industrial Park. Land Lease At present, in accordance with the detailed plan, 9 land plots from 25 to 6, 5 hectares are proposed in the territory of the Park. Their size and configuration may be amended in accordance with the needs of the investors. It is foreseen that

the investors will pay a single land lease fee, though, if there is a need, this amount might be divided into parts and covered in the period of 7 years. The Best Place to Invest Here the investors will also find highly skilled labour force. Favourable investment environment has already been evaluated by a number of foreign companies working in Panevėžys. Future engineers and managers study at Panevėžys Institute of Kaunas Technological University; technologists are being trained at Panevėžys College. 4 vocational schools are functioning in the city. Re-qualification system is implemented. Labour Exchange will help in searching for necessary specialists. Panevėžys Centre for Mechatronics, working in the fields of scientific and development research, high technologies, proposes services for the companies creating biggest added value. On the other hand, the national and local government has implemented systemic measures which gave tangible benefit. In revitalising the potential of electronics sector and providing the conditions for research, creation of new products and services, the Centre of Mechatronics and Panevėžys Science and Technology Park were established. The two above mentioned structures with Panevėžys Industrial Park may become the base for the sector of advanced technologies.



of Regional Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts Membership?

This is a frequently asked question which I can answer without the slightest hesitation: you will reap benefit very soon.

Panevėžys Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts unites nearly 300 members working in different areas in the counties of Panevėžys and Utena, including both small and large enterprises. The Panevėžys Chamber is a member of the Association of Lithuanian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, and the organisation Eurochambers and, therefore, we receive information not only from all European countries… It could seem that such a diversity of members and their interests is impossible to combine as each member has his own individual needs. For instance, a small trade enterprise might be interested in advertising its business or presenting new products and services, while representational or lobbyist matters might be relevant to a large company. Therefore, we offer our members a package of services which could satisfy the most different needs of businesses. We monitor the changing business situation on a regular basis and expeditiously organise consultations and offer other types of desired assistance. 24 |

Visvaldas MATKEVIČIUS, Director General of Panevėžys Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts

More than 30 thous. visitors came to see International Fair EXPO Aukštaitija 2010 organised by Panevėžys Chamber

Members of the Chamber pay membership dues which are for the most part used to satisfy their needs. I would point out 9 most important reasons of the benefit of chamber of commerce, industry and crafts (CCIC) membership: 1. Helps business development Membership of the chambers helps companies to extend their businesses to foreign markets or find more local customers.The members participate in business missions to foreign countries, while their business proposals are disseminated in Lithuania and abroad. 2. Members are provided with information on a regular basis Information on laws, business opportunities and contacts is updated on a regular basis. 3. Represents members’ interests For instance, Panevėžys CCIC is an independent “voice” of Aukštaitija region enterprises which represents their interests in local, regional and national institutions. 4. Helps dealing with members’ problems With the help of our information service and accumulated database, we will assist you in addressing all your business-related issues. 5. Initiation of new contacts We organise contact meetings and other events during which our members are provided with the maximum opportunities to meet other businesspersons and have discussions in an informal environment.

ADAX UAB was acknowledged the Best Production Company 2010 in Aukštaitija Region. Certificate of Acknowledgement is in hands of Director Jonas Klybas

6. Practical seminars and training programmes, participation in international projects We offer discounts on specialist training programmes and seminars on different topics and foreign language courses to our members; projects and programmes financed by European Structural Funds. 7. Time- and money-saving services for the members Members of the Chamber receive services for free or at a reduced price. They enjoy discounts offered by other members of the Chamber and may visit all exhibitions organised by the Lithuanian Exhibition Centre fee-free. 8. International relations All CCICs maintain close cooperation relations with other chambers of commerce worldwide and therefore our members have the chance to initiate valuable international business contacts. 9. Export documents In the manner prescribed by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, the Chamber issues certificates of origin of goods, certificates confirming the evidence of circumstances of force majeure and confirms the origin of international documents. The greatest benefit of this membership is obtained by Chamber’s most active members. By participating in events regularly organised by the Chamber you will be able to make use of the experience and competence of the others. Are you a businessperson? Are you a chamber of commerce, industry and crafts member? If not, why not to join us?

Lithuanian Exports Prize was awarded to Lietkabelis AB. Managing Director of Lietkabelis AB Sigitas Gailiūnas in the centre | 25


The support from EU for updating the heat sector of AB "Panevėžio energija" AB „Panevėžio energija“ is a regional enterprise in Lithuania engaged in heat generation and supply. The area of its activities includes towns and districts of Panevėžys, Kėdainiai, Rokiškis, Zarasai, Kupiškis, and Pasvalys. Taking into account the key factors involved in formation of the policy in energy sector and the strategic goals of Lithuanian energy sector, AB „Panevėžio energija“ ensures reliable and safe energy supply to consumers and strives for cohesive development of the national energy sector. 26 |

In course of pursuing objects related to energy and to climatic changes, the level of exhaust gas that causes the greenhouse effect should be reduced; in addition, the share of used renewable energy sources and the efficiency of power consumption should be increased. To ensure more effective power consumption, the efficiency of power supply should be increased: introduction of highly-efficient heat and power cogeneration should be intensified and centralized heating should be expanded. Hence the future of cohesive energy sector can be linked only with innovative decisions and investments, thus financing from EU is an important incentive for them. AB „Panevėžio energija“ is not an exception. This company involved in power supply updates its heat sector annually. It has implemented already a number of projects financed from EU Structural Funds; some projects are being implemented now or are planned for future. Using the support from EU Structural Funds in the years 2007-2008, AB “Panevėžio energija“ was provided the amount of 11.02 million Litas, i.e. about 50 percent of total funds required for implementing the projects. The remained part of the funds required for implementing the projects was invested by the company itself. The total value of the projects amounted to 23.8 million Litas. The principal goals of the projects included updating the worn out old heat supply piping and boiler-houses; the latter were equipped by new boilers and the fuel used in them (shale oil) was replaced by the local fuel, such as firewood and straw. The benefits from the implemented projects were evident: energy resources are used more effectively; heat losses in networks and environmental pollution were reduced; reliable power supply to consumers was ensured. Construction of Panevėžys Heat and Power Plant (one of the largest projects) was com-

pleted in the year 2008. For implementing the project on construction of the 35 MW cogenerative plant, the support from EU amounted to 20 million Litas and the support from the Government of Denmark amounted to 12.7 million Litas were obtained. Heat energy generated by the new plant is successfully supplied to consumers in Panevėžys City and electric energy is sold to the national power system. For the projects on updating the heat supply network of AB „Panevėžio energija“ in the years 2007-2013, the support up to 7.1 million Litas was provided by the European Regional Development Fund. The support from EU for the projects was provided according to the priority “Updating and development of the heat supply system” of the Action Programme for Economic Growth administered by the Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Lithuania. Reconstruction of heat network has been completed already in Kėdainiai and Panevėžys. In the year 2012, updating of heat supply system of Pasvalys will be completed. According to the strategy of using the European Union Structural Assistance to Lithuania in 2007-2013 and the priority “Using of renewable energy resources for power generation” of the Action Programme for Cohesion Support, AB „Panevėžio energija“ was provided support amounted to 13 million Litas. The funds of EU Cohesion Fund and the company will be used for updating the boiler-houses of Panevėžys and Zarasai Districts. Reconstruction of Panevėžys boiler-house is one of the largest projects of the enterprise, its value amounts to about 19 million Litas and about a half of it is covered by EU support. In course of implementing the said project, the fossil fuel (natural gas and boiler fuel) that becomes more and more expensive will be replaced by biofuel. In will be helpful in a settlement of the key problem – the growing of the costs of heat generation. On the updating

of Panevėžys boiler-house, two new steam boilers and condensing economizer will be installed instead of the old steam boiler. Next to the building of the boiler-house, a covered area for biofuel discharge and storage with access roads and other required facilities will be equipped. After completion of the project, two principal goals (increasing the efficiency of heat generation by using renewable energy sources and reducing the negative environmental impact) will be implemented. In the nearest future, AB „Panevėžio energija“ expects to be provided EU support for implementation of ten projects on updating heat supply routes with the total value up to 20 million Litas. It is difficult to assess and calculate their benefit for consumers; however, it will appear beyond any doubt. According to Vytautas Šidlauskas, the CEO of AB „Panevėžio energija“, updating of the routes, first of all, will reduce losses in the renovated segments of routes about 30%.

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Lithuanian manufacturers are in-demand in Norway


he two Norwegian capital companies ADAX and NORAC, operating in Panevėžys, have surprised not only by good activity results, but also by a great influence to the social atmosphere of the city and the region. Both companies employ about 300 local residents. They are managed by Jonas Klybas.

Panel heater GLAMOX heating TPA with digital thermostat

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First, in 2003 in Lithuania there was established the ADAX company, producing and selling heating equipment. The company is a European leader in designing, producing and selling electric heating equipment for domestic, industrial and commercial use. More than one and a half hundred ADAX employees work in 2 factories: Adax AS in Svelvik (Norway) and UAB ADAX in Panevėžys (Lithuania). In Panevėžys, there also operates one more company of the Norwegian OTTERLEI GROUP called NORAC, which was established in 2006. NORAC has almost 30 years’ experience in Norway. Following the success of ADAX in Lithuania and having noticed certain advantages for business development in Lithuania, it was decided to move NORAC to our country. The company both in Lithuania and in Norway produces ship interior equipment: ship bathrooms, panels for corridors, walls, cabins, as well as doors, windows, and hatches. It is also engaged in another activity – bathrooms equipment for hotels and private houses. Director of the companies has ambitious plans for this year. “Last year, ADAX grew by more than 20%. The next year, we hopefully expect ADAX not to slow down the tempo. And as for NORAC, we see a possibility for it to grow by 20%, because in the beginning of the year we are commencing a lot of new projects both in the industry of ship building, as well as in the industry of building of above ground rooms,” director of the two companies said. The greatest investments were made in 2008, when a new ADAX factory was being built. In 2010 in ADAX, there was established a powder coating line for 2 million Litas, which is also used by NORAC. The greatest investments of the latter comprised 1.8 million Litas in 2009, after having upgraded metalworking equipment. The companies invest much, but no huge investments have been planned for this year, since now the investment return is expected.

Electric heating equipment ADAX AS was established in Norway in 1948, and initially, it was known as a manufacturer of domestic electric heating equipment for kitchens. Eventually, the assortment of the production has expanded and new products designed for personal care, air, heat and ventilation of premises have been created and offered to the market. The heating equipment was started to be produced in 1960. ADAX produces electric heating radiators for domestic and commercial use with distinguishable trademarks: ADAX, GLAMOX heating, and NOREL. Electric convectional radiators are used for heating of various objects: dwelling houses, schools, hotels, cafes, restaurants, shops etc. ADAX offers a wide range of products for heating and drying – everything, starting with the simplest heater and ending with the entire control system for heating and energy saving. Presently, about 99% of the production, which is manufactured in Lithuania, is being exported. Here, aprox.70% of all the ADAX production is produced for sale. The products go to Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Russia, Japan, Mongolia, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand and other European and World countries. Production for ships Manufacturing of bathrooms furniture was moved to Lithuania by the Norwegian NORAC company due to lower labour cost. Besides, because of legal subtleties, the company could not expand more in Norway, whereas here it managed to establish a daughter enterprise. Raw materials for specific ship bathrooms are purchased from all over Europe: Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and

Poland. According to the director, the production line is not an exceptional one; maybe just its panel production line is a bit specific. All the rest is universal production: metal cutting, flexing, welding and assembling. The company does not get any prepared raw material: everything starting with the metalworking and ending with the ready to use product is produced by NORAC. The company’s annual turnover on average exceeds 40 million Litas. In 2010, it was strived to reach 42 million Litas. The company has worked profitably since its establishment. According to director J. Klybas, the best year was 2009. This market is determined not by the world crisis, but by a certain cyclic recurrence of the ships industry. In the first half of the year 2010, there was felt a sort of a suspension, but from the second half, the production became more intensive again, and this year, the level of the previous years will be restored. The most important clients of the company are: Western builder of ships in Lithuania, and also Norwegian, German, Singaporean, American, Romanian, Polish ship builders. Almost all NORAC’s production is also exported as that of ADAX. Another direction of the NORAC’s production is bathrooms designed for dwelling houses, hotels and social purpose premises. They may range from 5 to 150 orders according to projects. Above ground bathrooms are made only for Norwegian hotels and blocks of dwelling houses. Individual customers’ orders are also planned to be fulfilled. J. Klybas said that it is quite easy to find employees. Their lack was felt the most for the company, when it started to form the production in 2008, however the team was soon quickly gathered and until now the company does not experience a lack of employees in Panevėžys where the level of unemployment is still high.

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Amilina “Amilina” AB: we target to bring high added value for good quality local wheat The story of “Amilina” AB dates back to 1841, when B. Rubinstein founded the first modern steam mill in the town. The company survived through wars, occupations and nationalization, and following privatization and in 1994 became “Malsena” AB. In 1993, a new mill with the capacity of 250 t per day enabled the company to achieve production quality that allowed “Malsena” AB to become a leader of milling industry in the Baltics. Aim to provide the highest possible added value and make exportable products from Lithuanian wheat encouraged the company to undertake ambitious project –wheat starch and gluten manufacturing. Following a complete reconstruction of wheat mill and fodder production facility, a new starch production plant was built together with starch and gluten drying facilities. For an independent Lithuanian starch production company “Amilina” AB, this opened the road and new opportunities to further development within the starch and derivatives business segment. The biggest reward – high customer satisfaction Currently “Amilina” AB is the producer of wheat starch, gluten, pelletized animal feeds and syrup for ethanol industry. Its products are widely used by paper, adhesives, chemical, food, animal feed and many other industries. Wheat starch is the core product of the company. Starch produced by “Amilina” AB is noted for its high purity and particularly low microbiological contamination. It is a universal natural multipurpose raw material, used in production of foodstuffs, paper and corrugated board. Gluten is a natural dry highly concentrated protein isolate, made using advanced isolation and drying technology from high quality wheat flour. Gluten improves dough, its elasticity, cohesiveness and other dough rising properties. It is, therefore, willingly purchased by millers and bakers from different countries in the world. Wheat grains are rich in soluble proteins, microelements and other highly useful nutrients, including substantial amounts of small-particle B starch. Surplus process water is vaporized and, after cooking B starch, it turns into syrup, making it an excellent and economical substance used for fermentation purposes. Mixed with dry bran, dried and pelletized, syrup makes particularly nutritious animal feeds of consistent quality, noted for their high nutrition value and economic benefit to the user. Company’s products are certified according to Quality Management Standard ISO 9001, Food Safety Standard ISO 22000, and also have Kosher, GMP, BfR and Halaal quality certificates. 30 |

Mindaugas Gedvilas, Managing Director of „Amilina“ AB

International recognition for Lithuanian wheat products Since the divestment from “Malsena” AB, the company has been oriented to increasing the added value of starch products through the use of high technologies and expansion of export markets. Export of starch and animal feeds encompasses all EU countries; gluten market has become global, from Korea to the USA. EU market share of “Amilina” AB in non-modified wheat starch segment comprises about 10 %. Managing Director of the company, Mindaugas Gedvilas, notes: “The expansion of export and through ongoing improvement of product quality helped to avoid the decline associated with the economic crisis. Profitability grew due to higher production effectiveness and lower energy costs as well as further development

of export strategy. Compared to 2008, sales volumes in terms of quantities increased by 35 % in 2010. Economic logic implies that it is always more advantageous for the state to process its raw materials and export products of the highest possible added value. To process the wheat, vast amounts ofimported gas are used; however, the remaining added value stays in Lithuania” – emphasized the JSC „Amilina“ products: native wheat starch, vital wheat gluten, animal feed head of the company. optimization studies as well as works associated with value increase of co-products, as well as new product development. “Amilina” AB – company pursing a dynamic Customer technical support is also included in the competence of vision of future R&D division. Specialists comprehensively knowledgeable about the “Amilina” AB plans to commence the production of modified (catiapplication of company’s products participate in production tests onized) starch for paper industry. “Our target is to “turn” up to at the customers’ facilities, carry out the analysis of samples taken 25 % of native wheat starch produced into modified starch with and are capable of modeling certain customer processes in the comhigher added value, seeing as the price of the latter product is pany’s laboratory in order to provide consulting to the customers. higher and the market is broader, - says the head of the company The company further develops the activities of its R&D division Mindaugas Gedvilas. – The intended purpose of this type of modi(“Amilina” AB employs 3 specialists with Ph D degrees) in coopfied starch is to glue the cellulose used for paper production. Ineration with the specialists from Finland, partners in the USA, troducing modified starch, we expect to increase our export to the Sweden and France, and scientific institutions in Lithuania, such markets of neighboring countries, particularly Scandinavia”. as Kaunas University of Technology and Institutes of Biochemistry Starch modification project will amount to LTL 15 million. A modand Biotechnology. ification facility, new product warehouse and product packaging facility will be built. Ongoing scientific research and technology development Scientific research and technology development is an integral part of its routine activities for “Amilina” AB. Company’s research laboratory performs production process

Starch wet screening

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PANODEN Joint Lithuanian-Danish venture „Panoden“, UAB was established in the year 1993 and now is one of leading manufacturers of packaging films in the Baltic States. Effective using the equipment, introduction of modern methods of management, and the team of high qualification professionals enable the enterprise to produce the high quality sophisticated product within the shortest period. A particular attention is being paid to improvement of quality: in the year 2002, the enterprise introduced a quality management system that conforms to provisions of LST EN ISO 9001:2001. In the year 2010, the system of good manufacturing practice for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food was introduced for maintaining the obligatory & systematic self-control of the enterprise and proving our ability to supply continuously the product that conforms to the requirements of the consumer and the provisions of the relevant regulating legal norms. The efficiency of the quality control is being monitored and analyzed; we strive for its permanent growing. In addition, we carefully choose our suppliers and subcontractors. Director general Aleksas Varna


triving to ensure the highest possible quality and efficiency of the activities, our enterprise applies LEAN Manufacturing Management System that helps to ensure the well-timed execution of orders, a better use of circulating assets, and increasing the labour productivity of the manufacturing process. In addition to introducing various practical instruments, we arrange training for our employees striving to assist them in changing their attitude towards their activities as well as to plan their time and works in a more effective way.

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In addition to high quality of the products and services, environmental protection and preservation is a no less important task for the enterprise. Following the said provision, the enterprise started introducing environmental protection management & audit system EMAS and the quality management standard LST EN ISO 14001. All basic and auxiliary raw materials & other materials and the printing ink usable in the manufacturing process conform to provisions of international norms of hygiene and

Lithuanian norm HN 16:2006 on packaging of foodstuffs as well as the Directive No. 1935/2004 (EC) of the European Parliament certifying that the said materials are fit to enter into contact with food. Introduction of new effective manufacturing control methods, quality control of products in all phases of the manufacturing process, permanent improvement of the processes of supply and client servicing enable us to ensure the optimum price/quality ratio to our clients, to realize their needs and to satisfy their expectations; in addition, they cause a formation of a supplemental added value and increase of competitiveness. The principal activities of joint venture „Panoden“, UAB include production of packaging materials of polymeric films. Taking into account the individual requirements of a client, a relevant film or a combination of films is chosen. Using the modern equipment, tapes of various widths and thicknesses applied for packaging products usable for various purposes are produced of the multilayer film. The enterprise is involved in manufacturing packages usable in food industry: for breadstuffs (folding bags), confectionery, such as sweets, chocolates and cookies, or powdery products (sugar, salt or pasta to be packed by automatic packers); fro-

zen ready-to-cook food (dumplings, frozen fish and so on); for foodstuffs to be packed in vacuum; for milk products, such as curd bars, ice-cream and cheese. It also produces packages usable for non-food applications, for example, health and beauty-aid products, such as toilet-paper, paper towels, table-napkins, soaps and so on.

tutions of the world on a regular basis. The ambitious vista of the enterprise is bound with offering convenient packages to users thus facilitating their life. One of the principal goals of the joint venture „Panoden“, UAB is satisfaction of the needs of the internal market and further successful extension of export to markets of West Europe and Scandinavia.

The joint venture „Panoden“, UAB applies flexographic printing. Up to 8 colours of printing are available. Using laser-based methods, the enterprise produces highquality printing forms, carries out preprinting works, makes control prints and laminates of various structures. Abundant opportunities, vast experience, the excellent team and high quality of printing works, timely supply of production, flexibility in satisfaction of the needs of the clients and consulting of clients attracted many Lithuanian and foreign enterprises for cooperation with it. Packages from the joint venture „Panoden“, UAB duly represent the enterprise in international markets, such as Norway, Denmark, Belarus, Latvia, Russia, Estonia and so on. Since 12 January 1998, the company is a member of Lithuanian Packaging Association (LPA). LPA is a full member of WPO (World Packaging Organization) that is provided data on various packaging insti-

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Polimerinės plėvelės

is a serious support for economy of Panevėžys District

Small and medium-size enterprises are one of the flywheels of Lithuanian economy. After our conversation with Mykolas Januška, the director and one of the owners of UAB „Polimerinės plėvelės“, we made sure that the company plays an important role in the life of the region. The enterprise is engaged in producing polyethylene films and bags of LD and HD polyethylene. In the year 2010, its turnover amounted to about 2 million Litas.

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The company extends the scope of its activities: in addition to usual polyethylene articles, it produces biodegradable polyethylene films. It offered the said product to the market two years ago; however, there is no permanent need in its production. The cost of such film is higher as compared to the cost of a usual film and only few persons are prone to buy it. A usual film degrades within approximately two hundred years and biofilm – within two years. The only lever for choosing the product is ecology. In the meanwhile, Lithuanians are immature for such a choice. From thousands to millions UAB „Polimerinės plėvelės“ was established in the year 1996, when M. Januška with a partner and two hired workers – total four persons – started producing polyethylene articles. In that period, polymeric films were highly marketable; the most active users of it were squash producers. In the first year, the turnover amounted to about 10 thousand Litas only and in the last year it was million-strong. In the beginning, home-made equipment was installed. In the year 2003, it was replaced by Chinese and German equipment. In future, we plan more investments in renovation of the equipment.

Nevertheless, there are reasons to rejoice. Within three last months, turnover grew; in November, it increased by 60 percent, as compared to October. Widespread in Lithuania In addition to Panevėžys, films and bags are being sold in other towns of Lithuania. About a half of production is being sold in Lithuania and the nearest foreign states – Latvia and Estonia. According to M. Januška, a biological film that’s price is some higher than the one of the usual film has not become popular in the said foreign states because the attitude of the population towards ecology in these state is similar to the attitude of our population. The Director cannot describe a typical buyer of products of the enterprise. According to him, clients are various. Most of them are representatives of small enterprises engaged in the trade in packing means. The Manufacturer is attractive for its clients because it is able to supply high-quality production that conforms to their needs. We mostly worry about emigration

In the year 2010, we acquired premises at the former „Ekranas“ enterprise for about a half million Litas. „It was an important acquisition that provided stability to the activities of the company. In the current year, we plan acquiring Italian equipment”, M. Januška told.

While speaking about particularity of Panevėžys region, M. Januška expressed sorrow for the fact that abundant most clever, pushing and talent persons look for a job in old states of West Europe. It promises a lack of employees in Lithuania. „It was very difficult to find an employee, although the level on unemployment in Panevėžys region is high”, he shared his experience.

„Polimerinės plėvelės“ is a serious support for Panevėžys region. It is one of the largest enterprises of such a type in Panevėžys region where 21 persons are employed. A majority of them are local residents; about one fourth of them are employed at the enterprise since its establishment, so they are experienced workers. The said number of employees was preserved during the crisis, so it is likely that it will not reduce in future.

On the turn of the years, the owner of the growing enterprise would like to wish more profitable year, clearer attitude towards future and more joyful perspective to him and other persons. Probably many persons will find an opportunity to remain in Lithuania, to create here their future and the future of their children, thus refusing the idea of looking for a job abroad. It is the key duty and concern of employers and employees

However, the economic decay caused a negative impact upon this company as well. First of all, the activities became complicated because of the changes of bank crediting conditions. Two permanent clients of the company became bankrupt before payment for our production; and it is very difficult to find new clients upon the crisis conditions. The Director summarizes that total reduction of the turnover was about 30 percent.

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Deep water is protected by the nature Water is the most important component of our life. It is supplied to us by the complex system. One of the companies involved in supplying this life elixir to the population and enterprises is „Aukštaitijos vandenys“, UAB: it supplies water to consumers through about 650 km long network and extracts almost 6 million cubic metres of water annually. Hereinafter, we speak about the quality of water supplied to the population of Panevėžys with Alfonsas Žobakas, the long-year Head of Panevėžys Public Health Center. BiL You have a long-year experience in working at the Public Health Center. What changes of company „Aukštaitijos vandenys“ took place within that period? I was engaged as an epidemiologist in the year 1961. At this organization (that’s name was changed for many times), I was employed in various positions (mostly managerial) up to spring 2008, so I was not too remote from drinking water. The activities of the today company „Aukštaitijos vandenys“ started as early as in the year 1960 when there were two bored water wells, a water-tower on the top point of the city (close to the Cathedral Church) and the first 700 m of pipes from 36 |

the watering-place towards the future water-tower. Water supply and sewage networks extended, and the number of deep water wells grew. The volume of the watertower became insufficient for the city because it was planned to construct higher buildings, so the water supply system was reconstructed into a direct supply system, without a water-tower. In respect of healthiness, the quality of drinking water was fair. One of the key quality indicators is low bacterial contamination. For this reason, it was allowed to refuse chlorination of drinking water, on the contrary to the Soviet standards on supplying chlorinated water only. Such a decision particularly amazed inspectors

from Moscow when they analyzed the results of microbiological tests of water. In respect of healthiness, the chemical quality of drinking water was fair as well: content of sulphates, nitrites, nitrates, and chlorides was always below the legal limits; by the way, the norms of the Soviet period were stricter, as compared to today European norms. However, two problems having no impact upon human health existed: they included a huge content of soluble and insoluble of ferric compounds as well as water hardness, caused by soluble and insoluble calcium compounds. Internal walls of teapots were covered with thickening brownish “crust”, laundry gradually became more

The former water-tower of “Aukštaitijos vandenys”, UAB

Clear like crystal water springs from the deep

and more yellowish after each washing, then brownish spots or even areas appeared on it. The period of service of first Soviet washing-machines did not exceed a half of year. Such water violated tightness of toilet bowls and sinks. Bil How would you assess the innovations for ensuring high quality of drinking water introduced by the company in recent years? When new head of water supply Algimantas Naruševičius came, the concept of aesthetic and functional quality of drinking water changed. Namely, his attitude towards high content of ferric compounds and water hardness gave a free hand to long-year chief engineer Romualdas Tiškevičius having examined all technical references accessible in the Soviet period and having found the solutions. When iron removal equipment was installed, the results surpassed the calculations: the content of iron in supplied water was reduced over 3 times. In the latter years, the iron removal process was being further improved, more productive and efficient equipment was introduced, so the result is already below the allowable aesthetic limit. Unfortunately, water that achieves the consumers differs from the water supplied by „Aukštaitijos vandenys“. The cause is simple: in all multifamily dwelling-houses built in the Soviet period and in 70 percent of those built later, inlets and internal water supply networks are assembled of the so called “gas” pipes; such pipes rust; however, they are 4-5 times cheaper. So, if water becomes stagnant in multifamily dwellinghouses, it is provided with a considerable “portion” of insoluble ferric compounds. Bil High quality standards are set for drinking water. Does water supplied to the pop-

Algimantas Naruševičius, the former Head of the enterprise (deceased) (in the center) and Romualdas Tiškevičius, the long-year chief-engineer (behind the back of A. Naruševičius) with colleagues from Erfurt in the watering-place of Panevėžys City

ulation of Panevėžys meet their provisions? The hygiene norm HN 24:2003 (that is currently in force) is oriented to European standards; by the way, the said standards are applicable even to water taken from rivers or lakes. Such water should be purified, flocculated, filtered and chlorinated. For regions where underground water is used (such as a major part of the Baltic Region, western territories of Russia, Belarus, major parts of Poland and Ukraine), the European standard is not fully applicable. Underground water is naturally mineralized water. Water from rivers includes various other chemical impurities, including aggressive phenols, heavy metals, detergents and even pesticides. In spite of using advanced technologies in West Europe and USA, a certain content of harmful substances remains in treated water from rivers. On the contrary, water from deep wells does not include any impurities related to waste from human activities and industry. In a major part of Lithuania, top quality underground drinking water is available; it is a subject to reducing the natural mineralization (that is aesthetically inacceptable), first of all reducing the iron content, only. Panevėžys was the first city having implemented this task. Klaipėda still uses water from the King Wilhelm’ channel and protects it from any possible contamination. Bil Were there any major complaints in respect of the quality of drinking water? When water was chlorinated, a majority of complaints were bound with the strong waft and smell of chlorine. Such a situation took place for some years when almost the whole procedure was carried out manually. When dosing equipment was introduced, no complaints followed. Some later, we refused chlorination. About 25 years ago, nitrifying bacteria ap-

peared in the water reservoir. They could get there from dirty hands. They caused growing of the content of nitrites that was dangerous for not breast-fed babies. Water chlorination and purification enabled to ensure the limits set in the standards. Such danger never appeared later. Water from the water supply system in Panevėžys never caused any zymotic diseases on intestine. BiL Do you drink water supplied by the company from a tap? Yes, I do, particularly in summer. However, I drink it when my stomach is empty and no digestive process takes place. Such water (because of turbulence caused by pumps and other turbulent factors) is saturated with oxygen. Oxygen causes oxidation of digestive ferments, so the digestive process becomes slower and worse. Deep water usable for extraction of drinking water through water wells is protected by the nature. It is very important to ensure tamping of all water wells (being out of use) to block the only way for contamination of deep water. Surface waters are easily contaminated. Any spill or discharge of municipal waste waters causes many ares or even hectares of territories with contaminated waters (in rivers, contamination spreads for many kilometers). About a half of Lithuanian wells (in some regions – two thirds) are of low quality because of the surface contamination. In this respect, water from deep wells is undoubtedly superior. | 37


It is people that make innovations happen | Sander van der MOLEN. Innovation adviser |

hat is the crucial factor that determines whether a potential innovation will happen or not? Many policy makers think they know the answer, and they defend their favourite reason by focussing on high technologies, spending more money on researches, protecting intellectual property rights, ensuring better access to finance, greater entrepreneurship or enhanced interaction of the science and the industry.

If you ask successful entrepreneurs that have developed and implemented a lot of innovative ideas during their lifetime, what in their opinion is the crucial factor for making innovations happen, you will always get the same answer: innovations start and end with people. You need a group of talented and skilled people, who are able to make it happen. According to successful entrepreneurs, these people are the most valuable assets of the business. Companies that do not introduce innovations often claim the lack of finance to be the main reason for not doing it, whereas companies that prove to be successful innovators state that innovations are implemented owing to their skilled and competent employees. According to these successful and innovative companies, money will always be attracted by good ideas. It is the good ideas themselves and knowing how to implement them that determines whether innovations will be a success or not. You need talented people for any process of innovation. First of all, you need people with various skills and competences, in order to achieve all the goals 38 |

that are related to innovation: technology, marketing, design, fashion, culture, business, finance, law etc. For this, you need well-educated people, having experience in their field and eager to contribute to the process. Apart from the need for skilled people, any innovation process requires teamwork. Let us assume that CEO has decided that innovations are important for the strategy of the company and the employees have to make it a reality. Thus, with the expansion of the international trade, globalization, and further increase of the complexity of products and services, the people that implement innovations are not restricted to working in one company; they cooperate with different companies and institutions, both public and private. Therefore, to innovate signifies to create a network of people that cooperate and share knowledge and experience based on trust and striving for consensus, it also means to be open to good ideas and suggestions for everybody. What is even more important, for the teams, working on innovations, is that the

activity goes beyond normal business activities and establishes something new that has never been tried before by such companies. More creativity, more problem solving, attempts, errors, expectations and flexible reaction to unexpected events are inevitable in the process of innovation. This requires full commitment of the group engaged in the innovation activity and is not a standard process that can be managed from the high in the hierarchy in the company. In the globalised world, not only do innovations take place locally between different institutions; the cooperation is often carried out at a global level. Different inputs into the innovation process, like knowledge, design, technology, marketing could be provided from anywhere in the world by any partner. Open cooperation between individuals becomes more and more a cross-company and cross-cultural event. Managerial literature on innovations and policy makers dealing with innovations often neglect this aspect. More attention should be paid to the role of people in the process of innovation, the importance of building trust, the aspect of how to transform our companies into more flexible institutions where the employees get more responsibilities and learn to be more independent, the aspect of how to deal with the need for less barriers between institutions and countries that now hinder teamwork and open innovation. The barriers that are to be faced are cultural, psychological and social, inherited by the historic culture. For Lithuania, this means that for promoting innovations in the country, first of all, more attention should be paid to the level of education. When people get good education, they acquire the knowledge for innovative ideas. So that the employees would be able to try out these ideas and turn them into projects, it is important that there would be created an environment (in the country and in the company) where the people would feel free to suggest new ideas, feel responsible for the welfare of the company and would not be afraid to be criticized because the idea could have seemed too strange, unrealistic and nothing of the like that has ever been done inside the company. Foreign investors and national policy makers in Lithuania should start paying attention to the role of individual people in business and innovation, should create and maintain the environment where trust could be build, and where people would have corresponding means as well as responsibility to share, cooperate and be engaged in innovative activities. Creating of such an environment means more attention to social, cultural conditions and a shift in focus towards individual people. A new Finnish strategy for innovation declares a shift from investing into companies towards investing into people. Global innovative competitive companies such as Google focus on creating of a working climate that would make the employees feel valued and responsible. Such examples deserve to be followed in Lithuania.

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Lithuanian laser school blazed a trail to the world market robably, scientific production company UAB „Šviesos konversija“ (known as „Light Conversion“ on international market), today is better recognized abroad than in Lithuania. More than 95% of total company production is exported to over 35 states of the world. In the year 2007, the enterprise was awarded with the prize of Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists “Lithuanian Exporter of the Year – 2007”. In the year 2006, it won a prize for innovations in the category of products and in the year 2008 - a prize for innovations in the category of enterprises. Hereinafter, we speak with its Director Dr. Algirdas Juozapavičius about the today life of the company that was established in the year 1994 and annually increased its sales.

BiL Scientific production company „Šviesos konversija“, UAB became a laureate of the contest “The Knowledge Economy Enterprise – 2010” this year. What your contribution to knowledge economy was emphasized by the organizers of the contest and how the award affected you? A. Juozapavičius: Any award encourages working still better. We are an enterprise of high technologies and, probably, the jury was impressed by good results of our activities. Within the last 3-4 years, sales of production increased annually by 3040 percent on the average. In the year 2008, our turnover amounted to 17 million Litas and in the year 2009 – 25 million Litas; within 9 months of the current year, it achieved 25 million Litas already, so we hope it will exceed 30 million Litas by the end of the year. At present, about 70 employees are engaged at the enterprise. So, one person produces production for approximately a half of million Litas. At high-tech enterprises (similar to our enterprise), labour productivity is much higher than the average labour productivity in the country and fully conforms to the level of EU. 40 |

BiL How „Šviesos konversija“ passed this hard time and what measures have you taken to resist the threats of the crisis? A. Juozapavičius: We produce multicolor femtosecond parametric amplifiers – these products have gained over 60 percent share of the World scientific market. The second product is femtosecond lasers with diode pumping. At present, we are entering with them to very large world market of industrial lasers. TOPAS series parametric amplifiers, produced since 1994, are acquired mainly by scientific institutions and are world-wide known product. High technical level and quality of our products ensured continuity of commercial orders even during this crisis. In Lithuania, due to low-level investments in science there are only few users of this product in our country. We know personally our potential clients in the country and produce the products they need. However, they form a very small part of our clients. The other product – PHAROS femtosecond laser system with diode pumping – is also very effective tool for scientific research, but in addition has a high potential for

industry applications. PHAROS was introduced four year ago and during couple of years we managed to set manufacturing lines for production of this device in large quantities. Sales are steadily increasing and we already supply these products to electronic industry enterprises of Japan and Korea as well as to the world scientific market. In Lithuania, the said branch of industry meantime unfortunately does not exist. BIL What are the volumes and the geography of export of the company? A. Juozapavičius: In the year 2009, about 33 percent of production was exported to America, 31 percent – to Japan and 2530 percent – to Europe. In total about 97 percent of our products are exported. We cooperate with worldwidely known enterprises, such as „Spectra Physics“, „Coherent“ and so on. They buy our lasers , adapt to their products and supply the joint versatile systems to the market. BiL Please, mention other most important projects co-financed by EU funds (implemented or being implemented).

A. Juozapavičius: I’d like to emphasize that we do not strive only to obtain money while providing our applications for support from EU. Choosing of the activities to be developed is dictated by the needs of the market and the enterprise. If there is an opportunity to obtain a support for implementing our ideas, we use it. Up to present time, company is performing activities at premises taken on lease from Vilnius university. The enterprise grows requiring extension of facilities, but university is not able to offer us a larger space. Therefore, we have acquired several buildings of „Dvarčionių keramika“. At present, designing works are carried out, and after reconstruction of the premises we’ll set laboratories and manufacturing facilities with total area of around 3000 square meters equipped according to the standards set for a modern enterprise involved in producing laser products. We started implementation of project „Development of R & D Facilities for Laser Technologies” and recently signed the agreement on co-financing the said project by EU structural funds. „Šviesos konversija“ is developing laser products for rapidly growing new areas of

application in science, industry and medicine, what requires substantial investment for product development. Starting from 2004, we are permanently applying for EU structural funds for co-financing of company R&D activities. In the years 2004-2005, we implemented project „Production of Microoptical Elements for Diode Lasers“ in the frame of “PHARE” program. At the enterprise, the technology of production of microoptical elements was developed; now we apply it for producing lasers with diode pumping. In the years 2005-2007, we implemented project „Lasers for Microprocessing and Diagnostics”. It was a joint project of four companies („Ekspla“, „Standa“, „Optida“ and „Šviesos konversija“) involved in laser technologies. All companies are engaged in development and sales of lasers for material microprocessing and diagnostics. EU structural fund support facilitated development of new products, helped us to extend and strengthen the links between companies. Last year, we began project “Lasers for Ophthalmological Surgery” and we plan to complete it in the year 2012. At present, eye surgery uses some other la-

sers; we think that our laser system PHAROS could replace them. Next year, we plan to have a system that, according to our expectations, should compete with other lasers that are used in eye surgery and finally replace them. Lithuanian Laser and Light Science and Technology Association that unites most important enterprises and scientific institutions engaged in this sector implements the project on training of employees financed by EU funds where we are involved as well. And finally, it could be mentioned that „Šviesos konversija“ is a partner in two international scientific projects of EU 7 Framework Program, which are devoted for development of future technologies in the fields of genomic and remote pollutants detection.

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Amberplastic, a company of innovative solutions

AB "Amberplastic" is a new company, operating on the fibreglass market and striving for ambitious goals of development in the sphere of industrial equipment production. Fibreglass production is prominent for very exceptional features, which may be hardly attributed to other materials, i.e. resistance to corrosion, chemical impact, temperature differences, etc. Due to durability and lightness, the composites conquer the automotive and aerospace industry. Owing to all the mentioned properties and the ability of producing items of any shape, the fibreglass has been acknowledged in the building industry as well.

At the outbreak of the economy’s hard times, UAB "Amberplastic" managed to quickly react to the market changes by reorganising its activity and flexibly adapting to the market’s needs. Presently, the main UAB "Amberplastic" sphere of activity embraces projects of production of nonstandard industrial fibreglass items. Taking into account the customer’s demands, the required properties of the product, the costs of production, operation and the like, UAB "Amberplastic" offers useful technical solutions, not restricting itself to just selection of fibreglass as a material. The 42 |

services of the company include independent experiments in the field of industrial items designing, mechanical properties computation, production technology selection according to requirements, as well as experiments with the products prototypes. The company is engaged in Research and Development (R&D), produces the items of high quality, using stateof-the-art technologies, and cooperates a lot with the Latvia Ventspils University College and Kaunas University of Technology faculty of mechanical engineering and mechatronics. The

R&D activity is a certain investment into the future activity, which, in fact, secures significant, consistent, and reliable results. Currently, the company is implementing a great deal of innovative projects related to technological fibreglass solutions, such as the top cover of phosphoric acid tanks (16 metres in the diameter) with the supporting lightweight construction, fibreglass leafs’ covering of the belt transporter (880 metres of length), water containers under individual orders, designing and production

of drinking water reservoir covering constructions, fuel leakage containers, production of shafts, servicing fuel containers, cationized container for starch storing with anticorrosion coating (12 metres of height). The construction of fibreglass is 60% lighter than the analogous steelwork. No heavy machinery is required for its mounting and the latter takes up almost twice less time than mounting of the steelwork. The company has also invested a lot into the search of foreign markets. Presently, much work at the stage of item investigation and development is carried out with the Dutch and German companies-customers. As composite material technologies improve, there an entirely new branch of industry – production of blades for wind turbines develops. The increase of the need in production of fibreglass items in future is expected. It is related to the unlimited potential and properties of the fibreglass production technologies, the increasing need in green energy (energy from persistent resources), modernisation of dwelling, ecological requirements. In 2011, the company plans to invest about 100 000 LTL into the R&D activity. Now, the company cherishes an idea of creating a wind turbine blade of a new shape. 92,330.00 LTL were obtained for carrying out of this project from the funds of EU structural assistance according to the VP2-1.3-ŪM-01-K measure Idėja LT (“Technical study of production of blades for wind turbines”, project code No VP2-1.3-ŪM-01-K-02-020). The product, which is strived to be created, is a qualitatively new blade for wind turbines distinguished for its efficiency. In May of 2008, UAB "Amberplastic" became a member of the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA). One of the most significant disadvantages of wind turbines is that only a part of air flow, which gets into the blades, is used for their turning. In the ideal case, the wind turbines may use only up to 59.3% of the wind energy. Having evaluated the importance of the wind turbines blades in terms of efficiency, UAB "Amberplastic" decided to find a solution, which would allow increasing the wind energy efficiency with the help of the shape of blades.

In its production, the company started to use structural honey combs that are acknowledged all over the world as high and constantly improving technologies as well as nonwoven fabrics. The latter are used namely for the production of wind turbine blades, where special resistance of the product to external impacts, light weight, shape and other properties play an important role. When experimenting with the resources and raw materials, which provide the products additional durability without increasing their size and weight, it is possible to discover a shape, which by its overall dimensions will not be great, but will enable achieving of maximum efficiency. Technical study of possibilities will provide knowledge on alternatives, advanced production methods, technological tendencies. In September of 2010, Nomeda Šimbelytė, the company’s Director of Development, visited the world exhibition of composite materials in Bejing called China Composite Expo 2010 there she met with the vendors of wind turbines and blades, performed investigation of the market of Chinese wind turbines, and analysed the current tendencies of the Chinese economy, which create favourable conditions for the Lithuanians to compete – the Chinese Yuan, increasing compared to the USA Dollar, the growing cost of materials, higher requirements to the quality, ecology, and labour security. UAB "Amberplastic" demonstrates its achievements in the most innovative world exhibitions, where it learns more about the newest technologies. The company is already known to such world leading vendors of wind turbines as Vestas, Enercon, and Avantis.

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ELGAMA SISTEMOS Solutions for electricity metering and saving


lgama sistemos Ltd. is a manufacturer of electricity metering distant data readout hardware. Apart from the European Union, the products are sold in Russia, Belarus, the Ukraine, Poland, Malaysia and South American states. The company has been providing solutions for automated electricity metering and saving since 1994.

Increasing interest in automated meter reading systems (AMR) reflect on the actively growing market of free electricity consumers. Unfortunately, the companies in pursue of saving the consumption of electricity are usually looking for the cheapest independent electric power supplier. However, sixteen-year experience of implementing AMR systems testifies the opposite. The consumers would regulate electricity expenditures much more effectively if they implemented the automated data readout system, which would enable to analyze who, where and how much of active and reactive electric power has consumed/generated. This could be done by distributing inner electricity accounting to separate groups of devices or units. It would allow to watch and analyze its consumption according to instantaneous, half-hour or hourly records; to compare the achieved results with the records of the previous months or to foresee the consumption of electricity in forthcoming months. This means of analysis would facilitate the appropriate decision taking for more efficient electricity consumption. 44 |

Typical AMR solution version The most common AMR system architecture consists of the meter for commercial electricity accounting and several or more inner (sub) electricity meters. The entire meter data is collected into data collection centre where it is stored and analyzed. Relatively cheap and featuring less precision electricity meters are chosen for inner (units, workshops, separate devices) accounting, the measured parameters of which are sufficient for energy consumption analysis. The meter data is collected via various communication channels, the most common of which are GSM/GPRS, Ethernet (LAN) or wire connection (dual cable). Independent electricity suppliers Prior to discussions with independent electricity suppliers, the consumers should analyze how and when they consume electricity and what are their options to change the habits of electricity consumption.

Electricity Meter with MCL 5.8 GSM/GPRS Controller Under Terminal Cover of Electricity Meter

MCL 5.8 Data Transfer Controller with Internal GSM/GPRS Modem

Total or monthly data of electricity consumption is not relevant for detailed analysis as it only shows the alternations in electricity consumption in separate months. If a consumer does not have hourly consumption data from electricity meter, then it is not possible to estimate the exact consumption from the point of view of a day or the day of a week, therefore it is complicated to take decisions regarding the saving plans offered by independent electricity suppliers. Other solutions for saving The electricity meters measure and store various parameters about electric power consumption, generation, net quality, malfunction, etc. Every second, the meter provides information about each phase voltage, current, net frequency, cos fi, meter time, and etc. This information is relevant in implementing reactive power compensation system. The core of such system is the REEKS controller of reactive power compensation which analyses the data from commercial electricity meter every second and regulates the capacitors according to the data received.

ESMB 1.0 Data Transfer Controller via TCP/IP Network

The solutions for reactive power compensation according to commercial electricity meter data is one more efficient way to save the expenditures of a company. Over 300 systems have been implemented in Lithuania. The financial benefit of the systems equals to thousands of litas per month. EU support under the measure Idėja LT “Elgama sistemos” Ltd. implemented the project The Preparation of Technical Potential Study of Creating New Electronic Devices. The project was generally funded by the European regional development funds provided according to the second priority of Economic Growth Operational Programme under the measure VP2-1.3-ŪM-01-K Idėja LT for the period of 2007-2013 “Research and Technological Development Devoted for the Economy Competitiveness and the Growth of Economics”.

REEKS 4.5 Reactive Power Factor Controller.

The aim of the project is to get ready for the scientific research project during which new electronic devices will

be designed: electronic devices for data readout and analysis as well as the compensation controllers for the reactive electricity power. The field of activity of “Elgama sistemos” Ltd. is the designing, production and implementation of automated meter reading systems (AMR), compensation controllers for the reactive electricity power and OEM products. During the project implementation, the study of technical potential was prepared. The market analysis for the electronic devices to be created in the future was carried out; technical potential and alternatives for the creating of new electronic devices were analyzed; commercial viability of new designed devices was estimated and preparation arrangements for scientific research project were conducted. EU support under the measure Intelektas LT „Elgama sistemos“ Ltd. received a financial confirmation for the project The Creating of New Electronic Devices. The project is generally funded by the European regional development funds provided according to the first priority of Economic Growth Operational Programme under the measure VP2-1.3-ŪM-02-K Intelektas LT for the period of 2007-2013 “Research and Technological Development Devoted for the Economy Competitiveness and the Growth of Economics”. The aim of the project is to create new electronic devices for data readout and analysis as well as the compensation controllers for the reactive electricity power.

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Granitas is preparing a surprise for the market | Ligita Šoliūnienė |


a half a year, UAB Granitas will have finished implementation of the project assisted from the structural funds of the European Union, according to which there will be created even 18 products that will overturn the market of building and road-laying. The company, selling large amounts of the granite breakstone, paving-stone, concrete mixes and other products in Lithuania, in winter of 2010 submitted a project called “Creation of products of granite chips” for discussion and in summer the financing was granted.

The project evaluated for more than 1.17 million Litas is partially financed by the EU. Approximately 611 thousand Litas of this amount are invested by the company itself. During the first year of the project implementation, the scientists of Kaunas University of Technology and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University will carry out experiments, which will help to determine, what may be produced of the small particles, remaining after washing breakstone. Presently, the grey wastes, having stone properties, are collected and stored on the territory of UAB Granitas. According to the company’s Director General Vytautas Lunskus, not many companies, producing granite breakstone in the world, wash it, thus, actually nobody could share experience of how to recycle the wastes. 46 |

“We sell certified production of especially high quality. By maintaining the set standard we have decided to provide our customers washed breakstone, having better qualities than the nonwashed one – it is firmer and better cohesive”, said V. Lunskus. As he stated, these qualities are especially important when laying roads, executing other significant building activities. After having washed the breakstone, in the sieves there remain quite significant quantities of microscopic particles. After carrying out of the initial examination, it appeared that they could become a part of concrete, dry or asphalt mixes. Small particles of awkward shape would fill in the cavities, which may not be seen by the naked eye and would provide the buildings and coverings exceptional qualities – longer life, firmness, and resistance. “The desire of all investors is long period of service of buildings and roads. If we succeed, in the end of the project we will have materials, which will bring us all within reach of this idyll”, V. Lunskus stated. According to director of UAB Granitas that has initiated the project, small particles, which remain after washing of the breakstone, appeared to be of awkward shape as microscope analysis has shown. The scientists will try to find out, whether such or round particles have better qualities for

various building mixes. After 12 months of scientific researches, there will be performed test experiments. Then there will be created 18 products of a new generation: 11 concrete, 3 – dry and 4 asphalt mixes. “For quite a long time, we have considered a possibility of using the particles that remain after washing the breakstone. However, to make sure that we are not mistaken, scientific researchers are necessary”, V. Lunskus marked out. According to him, the created mixes will not be too expensive, because the main raw material is presently not being used, but is stored in the company’s yard. In V. Lunskus’ opinion, it is great that not only companies in charge, but also the customers more often think about the quality of the purchased products. He is sure that the current tendency is that the competitions of road laying or other important work are won by the companies, which manage to combine the price and the quality of the product, rather than by those, offering the lowest price. All this influences the final result

– the reliability, long-life and security of buildings and roads. Head of UAB Granitas is sure that those producers will be brought to light and publically announced, who when selling their products and services, take refuge in the available documents of the certified companies. Head of the company, developing its activity for 51 years, expressed his gratefulness to the staff that despite of having reduced during the economic hard times is still working sincerely and thoroughly. “The company’s success lies in its employees and in qualitative products”, V. Lunskus stated.

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Scientific research is used in production of vehicle details „Jubana“, UAB (Mažeikiai) causes a surprise at innovativeness of its activities. The company involved in production of vehicle details and trade in them for 18 years has overgrown the scope of Lithuanian market and now it supplies its production to various states of the world.

„Jubana“ is involved in projects for obtaining EU support. In addition to stirring activities of the company, this fact attests its wish to develop new products using various means for the said purpose. In October 2009, the project on analysis of new technical properties in development of vehicle details (under the measure „Idėja LT“) was completed. New details and new models of them were analyzed as well as insights of potential markets for their selling were provided. At present, project “Optimization of the process of the activities by introducing IT solutions” according to the measure „Everslas“ is being implemented. According to the project, new computer system

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AXAPTA is being introduced in the company; the project will be completed in the middle of the next year. It is „Microsoft“ product applied for working with foreign clients. Its essence is introduction of multilingual programme and the joint business management system: sales management and planning, models of clients’ and suppliers’ management. This innovation will be beneficial for the activities of the company more oriented towards export. Only 12 percent of the principal activities of “Jubana” (production of spare parts and wholesale trade in them) cover Lithuania. The multilingual system would facilitate communication with foreign clients, because representatives of large markets do

not recognize foreign languages. If you strive for good results, you’d know the language of the client. So, the company prefers professionals speaking Spanish, Portuguese or French in addition. The remained part of the production is exported to Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Hungary, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Serbia, Germany, France; some products are exported to Holland and Slovakia. New markets in Chile and Argentina were found. The export geography is large and interesting, so the company needs an effective and professional computerized business management system. The contract was signed for the project

on competitiveness increasing according to the measure „Naujos galimybės“ /”The New Opportunities”/; according to the plan, it should be completed in the year 2011. The core of the project is search for new markets. New research works will be carried out An application for the project on acquisition of laboratory equipment and production of small experimental models (according to the measure „Intelektas LT+“) is provided already. According to Sales Manager of the Company Stasys Plūkys, it will be the most important and expensive (over 7 million Litas) project of the company. A considerable part of the price of the project (5 million Litas) should be covered by EU funds. The management team of the company hopes that in the beginning of this year the project will be assessed positively and the expected financing will be provided. The funds would be used for development of new products, research works and tests of properties of materials. „We’d control the quality of materials and create new products with our trademark. If implementation of the project is successful, we’ll equal famous West European companies where research works and development of new products are combined. Usually, manufacturing is arranged out of Europe or in new EU Member States”, S. Plūkys informed. „Jubana“, UAB carries out such research work; however, it uses services of other companies as well. The cause is simple: up to now, the enterprise lacks laboratory equipment and facilities. Research services usually are ordered in foreign states, so control of the process is problematic.

The project will enable to develop new versions of details or to improve properties of the existing ones, to apply the new properties of details to certain models of engines and so on. „The project will enable to improve control of the quality of products with the trademark of the company causing all consequences of such improvement”, the interlocutor briefly described the project. At present, 36 persons are employed in „Jubana“. The project will allow increasing of the staff and employing local residents. By the way, the innovation will require high-level intellectual potential. The stable market The turnover of the company involved in production of spare parts for tractors, trucks and combine harvesters, such as spare parts for the engine, the transmission, the chassis and the body, as well as electric equipment, brakes and exhaust system in the year 2010 increased by 70 percent, as compared to the year 2009, thanks to the successful search for new markets and new products. In the current year, the management team of the company plans at least 30% growing and it will be bound with search for new markets as well. In the last year, the income of „Jubana“ from spare parts amounted to 20 million Litas and the total turnover amounted to about 23 million Litas. Production of spare parts will remain the principal activities of the enterprise. In 2007-2008, the company tried trading in building equipment. However, the economic crisis forced it to refuse this sector of the activities. The principal activities of the enterprise covered the losses. According to S. Plūkys, the business re-

lated to spare parts was not impacted too vulnerably by the crisis, as compared to other sectors. Spare parts are always in great request in the secondary market: for already produced vehicles. Nevertheless, the management team of the company plans to supply its products for assembling conveyors of enterprises engaged in vehicle production. „Our prices are neither lowest nor top; I think it is our advantage. We provide all warranties for our products; we have developed our own trading system; we monitor our permanent clients and always have stocks of products at our warehouse. Within almost twenty years of the activities, we made a good name for ourselves”, the Sales Manager says. In addition, he notes that according to Europeans, prices of Lithuanian products are lower but their quality is the same as of the same products in the West. The quality is affected by permanent investments as well. The above-mentioned projects require investing of the own funds as well. Warehouses were updated, new computer equipment is being introduced, and facilities for implementing new projects are being formed. The plans are abundant and the scope of the activities is broad. Although the company follows cue to medium-size enterprises, the results of the activities confirm once more the seemingly banal truth that quality is more important than quantity.

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NEW PRODUCTS OF GRAIN AB “Naujasis Nevėžis”, the largest manufacturer of breakfast cereals and various snacks in Lithuania is successfully expanding its activity and increasing production and sales volume. The company labels the major part of its production by the “oho!” trademark, which becomes more and more recognised not only in Lithuania, but also in the neighbouring countries. Successful activity of the company is determined by the concern for the consumers’ expectation and needs, the products’ quality, and the attractive price. The company employs the system of quality and ecology management, in 2009 UAB “Naujasis Nevėžis” was granted the British Retail Consortium (BRC) certificate of A level. Striving for the best activity results, the company is participating in six EU assistance programmes. Owing to the implemented projects under the EU assistance measure, the output, profitability, sales, and especially volume of export have significantly increased. Presently, the company exports more than 60% of its production to about 20 countries. In 2009, the company won in the competition “Lietuvos eksporto prizas” (“Lithuanian export prize”) organised by the Association of Lithuanian Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts. UAB “Naujasis Nevėžis” is constantly improving the existing items and creates new original products. For the period of 2009-2012, the company has invested over 2 million LTL into the development of 50 |

innovative products and technologies as well as scientific investigative activity. The EU financial assistance is also planned to be used in these projects: 268.357,00 LTL granted according to the measure “Intelektas LT+” “Scientific research on texturated product application possibilities in different branches of the food industry” will be used for purchasing of new laboratory equipment. Upon having implemented the projects “Procesas LT”, “Intelektas LT” there will be created a new segment of products – thermally manufactured grain prefabricates designed for the following food manufacturing industry branches: meat processing and culinary, baking, confectionery, production of beverages. In its activity, the company uses only the grain grown in Lithuania, thus creating a high added value. UAB “Naujasis Nevėžis” has created new raw stuff – thermally manufactured wholegrain – for production of concentrates for beer, beverages, ethyl alcohol, bio ethanol and malt. The wholegrain products made of natural whole barley, wheat, rye, pea grains with employing original multiple thermomechanic manufactur-

ing method are suitable both for classical beer production, as well as for creation of new sorts of beverages, using unusual raw materials. The result of many attempts and searches is a certified method of wholegrain production created and developed by the company’s specialists and the technological serial production line. After having set the required temperature and other optimum parameters, the natural grains are impacted by the high temperature and mechanical load. The structure is altered, the starch molecular chains become shorter, thus the quantity of the dissolvable materials augment, the extraction of dissolvable materials becomes quicker and deeper, and the extract output increases. A very important advantage of this product is preserving the taste and flavour, which are typical to that sort of grain, and retaining of the grain shell, which is required for mash filtration. The major part of the cost in the beer and malt concentrates production is taken up by using of raw malt. The thermally manufactured barley and other wholegrain is an extract raw material, which is cheaper than the malt, and its extractability is significantly

higher than that of other non-malt raw materials and is equal to the malt extractability. By replacing 30-50% of malt with barley wholegrain, a significant economical effect is achieved: the boiling output increases and the price of the extracted raw material reduces, however, the qualitative indicators of the final product and sensual properties remain unaltered. When using the wholegrain, such operations as refinement, polishing, grinding of grain are not required, the product is ready to be placed directly into the kettles for mixing. Since the starch is thermally manufactured, parcooking is not needed; the mash is mixed by a method of infusion. The use of wholegrain does not impact the manufacturing processes: mixing, filtration, cooking, fermentation, retention are performed without deviations from the standard modes. Thermally manufactured grain products have been introduced to the manufacturers of beer and grain extract concentrates in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Czech Republic and got favourable evaluations. Product tests when replacing a part of the malt by wholegrain revealed its advantages compared to other non-malt raw material. The quality of beverages and concentrates did not fall behind the indicators

of the products manufactured in a usual way; however, the cost was lower due to cheaper raw material, shorter manufacturing cycle, less technological operations, and as a result, less energy, labour and time expenditure. At the increase of the consumers’ interest in quickly to cook, but healthy food, UAB “Naujasis Nevėžis” pays great attention to creation and manufacturing of natural, nutritious, easily digestive products. One of such products is breakfast cereals produced only of grain, without using any additional food supplements or flavours, containing no sugar. The appearance, colour, taste, and flavour of the product are formed with using the alterations obtained during technological processing of the grain. The sweet taste of the products is obtained by adding glucose and fructose, which are manufactured from the same grain starch when processing it by the original method of fermentation created by the company. The natural valuable product is obtained, and it corresponds to the grain composition, containing more proteins, fibre, and as many carbohydrates as there are contained in the natural grain, because no sugar is added to this product since a part of the starch turns into sweet glucose and fructose.

The grain products manufactured by a method of fermentation (sweet fermented masses) have wider application. The nutritious and tasty beverages are produced by the company of grain-fruit and grainmilk, where the fermented masses give the products a perfect taste, colour, consistency and supplement them with the nutritious elements of the grain. The sweet masses of the grain may be used in confectionary – for glazes, stuffing, which not only do give the products the exceptional taste, but also increase the nutrition value. The company plans to further strive for purposefull development, constant improving of its activity, and seeking for the best results.

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Professional decisions in fire safety


t is evident that in the today society, in course of rapid changes of cities and striving of their population to ensure a better welfare and environment, the human, property and environmental safety problems arise. In spite of modern engineering achievements of the civilization, the causes of fires as well as the possible painful consequences and losses resulted by them remain a problem of public safety conditionally hard to settle and to predict. The activities of „Poliprojektas“, UAB are oriented towards a settlement of fire safety problems by advanced technical and engineering means to ensure the required level of fire safety by the optimum measures and upon the optimum costs.

Simulation of the efficiency of a fire extinguishing system

Assessment of smoke density distribution in the premises by complicated fire engineering calculations 52 |

One of the key aspects to be focused in introduction of engineering fire safety systems is a proper choosing them according to the computed parameters of a predictable fire and a compatibility of their operation during a fire. Because of this, our company engaged professionals having a considerable experience in practical works related to fire extinguishing and liquidation of incidents, exploration of causes of fires, fire tests of building products and establishing their conformity to the set requirements as well as a long-year experience in implementation of fire safety decisions. The principal spheres of the activities of the company include designing and implementing the fire safety means for public buildings and industrial enterprises. „Poliprojektas“, UAB carried out fire safety works at largest public buildings of Lithuania, such the Trading Center „Akropolis“ (Šiauliai), power plant AB „Lietuvos elektrinė“ (Elektrėnai), oil factory AB „Orlen Lietuva“ (Mažeikiai District) and so on.

Lithuania according to the measure No. VP2-1.3-ŪM-01-K “Idėja LT“ of the priority 1 “R & D for Competitiveness and Growth of the Economy” (the total budget of the Project amounts to LTL 179’406).

One of the principal and important aspects of choosing fire safety means and assessing their efficiency is fire engineering calculation carried out by modern software that enables to develop various virtual models of fire scenarios. Thanks to such simulation, fire safety engineers of the enterprise can reproduce scenarios of real fires and phases of their development; in addition, they can find changes of temperature in chosen points as well as the speed of formation of combustion products (smoke) and their quantities. Most frequently, fire-damaged persons are poisoned by the toxic smoke. The data on the concentrations of toxic substances obtained on virtual simulation of the speeds of moving air flows and the related calculation enabled to settle the problem of safe evacuation of people upon assessing the possible danger of intoxication. Such modern methods and opportunities are helpful in passing important decisions in the phase of designing works; later, such decisions ensure safe exploitation of the buildings, human safety and the proper conditions for liquidation of emergencies by rescuing firemen. „Poliprojektas“, UAB develops its activities in other EU Member States and in states of Eastern Europe as well. Striving to ensure their successful development, it analyzes normative documents and codes of different countries in the sphere of fire safety.

In course of implementation of the findings of the feasibility study on an automatic fire extinguishing system usable in small buildings, „Poliprojektas“, UAB has very clear vision of the desirable result and its applicability in the market (commercialization). It is planned to develop a fire extinguishing system that’s advantage is an ability to limit fire spreading well-timely. The new technology should ensure effective use of water and reducing its consumption by introducing modern water spraying methods and using special auxiliary equipment. In addition to the positive impact upon the size of the system itself, the reduced water consumption would minimize the damage caused to the below situated premises (if large quantities of water are used for fire extinguishing, the damage to the below premises is caused by the water, not by fire). It is notable that the planned product (system) will provide a considerable social & economic benefit because it is designed for relatively small premises where fires most frequently occur and systems offered by the market at present are not applicable because of high prices, complicated exploitation or lack of required engineering networks. The product under development will positively affect reducing the possible losses caused by fire and the number of victims of fire; in addition, it will increase the level of the regional safety. The new system will be helpful in settling the problems bound with observation of the fire safety and prevention rules by the population (in course of advertising the product, the effect of social advertisement will be achieved as well, so citizens will learn to be conscious in following the safety standards related to appearance of fire and its consequences).

Using the measure „Idėja LT„ of the Economic Growth Action Programme, the enterprise implements the project on development of innovative fire extinguishing systems “Development of automatic fire extinguishing systems for small buildings by „Poliprojektas“, UAB”. The goal of the said project is development of easily adaptable automatic fire extinguishing system on the base of innovative technologies. For the Project financing, the amount of LTL 89’703 was allotted by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of

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The new ideas for online advertising and effective search for jobs & employees | Ligita Šoliūnienė |

Well-known Lithuanian IT company „NetVision SDC“, UAB specialized in development of online systems on the base of Microsoft. NET technologies and online investment projects is simultaneously involved in implementation of two innovative investment projects financed by different programmes of EU Structural Funds.

ne of them was started one year ago and the second will be started in the early 2011. In course of implementation of the investment project having been started in December 2009 (that amounts to about 600 thousand Litas), the information system AdUnit for management of provision of online advertising services will be developed. The project being financed under „Everslas LT“ programme will be helpful for website owners in earning from demonstration of various online advertisements and for advertising spender in attracting potential clients to their websites. This solution will distinguish itself for exclusive diversity of online advertising means, as compared to analogues presented in the market; in addition, it will provide detailed statistical and analytical data on using the adver-

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tisements. The principal innovation of the system under development is an opportunity of placing the indexed references of the search systems in websites. It will be helpful in formation of the external network of indexed references that will raise the rating of the advertised website in the results of the search carried out by search system and provide an opportunity of effective application of various SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies. The system under development will be accessible in the second quarter of the year 2011 (

In January 2011, „NetVision SDC“, UAB, in cooperation with its partner „IT VERSLAS“, UAB, will start the other investment project. The object of the project is development of Colibri information system for management of staff screening processes on the base of the performed research works and the tests of prototypical algorithms. The key goal of the project is accumulation of information on offers of employers, position’s person specifications, expectations of jobseeking persons, the data on their experience and so on in a united system. Using the “smart” algorithms, the system will offer candidates conforming to the needs of the employer to the maximum possible extent and ensure more effective staff screening. According to the programme financed by „Intelektas LT“, the amount over 2 million Litas from the own funds of the enterprise and from EU Structural Funds will be allotted for implementing the said project within two years. Before development of the application for the project, an experimental website was designed striving to assess the need in a job search system of such a type. is the website for job search announcements that unites a number of portals for job search announcements and provides an opportunity of integrated search in the united system. At present, portal offers over 10.000 job-related announcements of various profiles. Its attendance exceeds 100’000 visitors a month. „NetVision SDC“, UAB marks its solutions with NetVision™ trademark that unites the group of IT solutions. This trademark is usable in marking IT solutions for business and state authorities. The organization structure of the Company is flexible enough to be involved simultaneously in small and very large projects.

„NetVision SDC“, UAB focuses on development, implementation and integration of online solutions using Microsoft .NET technology since the year 2006. At the Company, high-qualification diplomaed professionals having a considerable experience in IT projects (graduates and students of the best higher schools of Lithuania, such as Kaunas technological University, Vilnius University and so on) are employed. In addition, specialists of the Company take part in various seminars, conferences and training courses related to the recent trends and innovations of information technologies and then apply the acquired knowledge and the update technologies in projects under development. Because of this, IT solutions offered by specialists of the Company are based on the knowledge of new technologies and the accumulated work experience along with progressive ideas. In the year 2010, the Company became a Certified Partner of Microsoft. It will enable us to provide IT designing and introducing services of higher quality and reliability based on recent innovative Microsoft technologies to our clients. Microsoft Certified Partners are enterprises where MPCs (Microsoft Certified Professionals) are employed or where software products recognized fit for use on inspections of Microsoft software are used.

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Scientists and practitioners are going to create a house of dreams in a cluster being established in Alytus

Economical houses are going to be designed and built according to state-of-the-art technologies in the “Modern houses creation cluster” MONAK2 in the capital of Dzūkija that has been famous for building traditions since olden times. It is already today that this project has enlivened business atmosphere in the town, and it is expected to provide the region with new possibilities for an economic-social breakthrough. The cluster will be established in the area devoted to green field investments.

he idea of establishing the cluster emerged a decade ago when eleven managers of various business companies together with its current President and Chairwoman of the Lithuanian Small and Medium-sized Business Council Dalia Matukienė joined the Council of the Business Association of Alytus Region. The business people started to look for ways of staying in the market immediately. When visiting the Swedish Wood Centre the business people of Dzūkija saw the way business and science could co-operate in creating new products. The business people liked the idea so they decided to establish a centre for demonstrating wood technologies in Alytus. The idea that had been cherished and improved for several years was put into action in 2005 after the building project of the demonstration centre had been designed. With the help of scientists from Kaunas University of Technology, Yale Univer56 |

sity (USA), and London Business School, Stanford University (Great Britain), Aalborg University (Sweden) and Hamburg University (Germany) the cluster strategy until 2020 was developed. Each visitor who calls at the cluster will be given the opportunity to become acquainted in its laboratories with advanced technologies and the discoveries, which will be applied in a modern house, He will see how electricity transmission, process management and security systems operate, will become acquainted with state-of-the art window and wall building technologies, economical domestic appliances. Application of alternative energy has not been forgotten either. Mini wind farms, solar energy batteries and boilers will also be presented. Any Lithuanian company that has fulfilled the conditions set out will be allowed to demonstrate its technologies. Further-

Dalia Matukienė, the Director of Public Institution “Pietų Lietuvos verslo kooperacijos centras”

more, with the help of information technologies news of the cluster will reach different countries of the world. Distance teaching and communication will enable one to see how a certain product is made and applied to building a house or to manufacturing furniture or domestic appliances. “The cluster will be creating what we can imagine in the house of our dreams, only with the most advanced technologies and ingenious solutions. Attempts will be made to achieve that everyone should feel cosy and comfortable in his/her house”, stated Dalia Matukienė. The first important steps at the “Modern houses creation cluster” stage have already been made. The Joint Activities Agreement between scientists and heads of the companies has already been signed. The modern houses creation cluster is planned to be created making use of the European Union funds according to the measures “Inocluster LT” and “Inocluster LT+” of the Economic Actions Programme.

Innovative creation and sewing technologies! Long-lived fur and leather traditions! Professional personnel!

SC “Vilniaus kailiai� Paupio str. 28, LT-11341 Vilnius, Lithuania Tel. +370-5-2627803, fax +370-5-2643436 E-mail:


Schmitz Cargobull Baltic will produce vehicle bodies of the new generation

Company of German capital „Schmitz Cargobull Baltic“ in Panevėžys is engaged in production of isothermal bodies, trailers and semitrailers for transportation of perishable and other valuable products. Within the current year, the company will implement the project according to the measure „Intelektas LT“; the value of the project amount to 3.2 million Litas (it will be partially financed by EU) and the final object of the project is development of a line of isothermal truck bodies with a fully openable side.

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According to Director of „Schmitz Cargobull Baltic“ Raimundas Petrauskas, it is planned to increase the volumes of production by 10-15 percent and to achieve the turnover amounted to about 240 million Litas within the current year. The staff will not grow considerably, because application of modern methods of organization of the activities ensures formation of a higher added value by the same number of employees. For example, before the crisis, 180 employees produced 14 vehicles a day on three assembling lines. At present, after the crisis and reorganization of the manufacturing process, 60 employees produce the same volumes of production on a single line. This fact does not mean that the employees “run” more; the equipment, materials and information are accessible in a more convenient way thus saving time for creating the value, so their activities are much more effective and productive.

ject is development of products ensuring a successful competitiveness in Scandinavian market and other European markets. They include trailers and semitrailers that may be loaded from the end and from the side; they are of a lower weight and their exploitation is simpler.

In the current year, investments in manufacturing production of the new generation are planned as well. The principal ob-

In addition, the enterprise produces vehicles fitted for transportation of explosive and hazardous cargoes that conform

„Schmitz Cargobull Baltic“ produces isothermal trailers and semitrailers for trucks and towing machines usable for transportation of fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh meat, meat products, bread products, dairy products, confectionery products, fresh and frozen fish, other perishable products as well as beverages. In addition, they are usable for transportation of just gathered flowers, various consumer goods, medicaments, IT and household appliances to be transported upon special conditions, mobile phones, high fashion items, artworks and other high-value cargoes.

to the requirements of ADR Part III; the enterprise issues EXIII certificates as well. The service department of the enterprises provides services in warranty maintenance and post-warranty maintenance; in addition, it provides spare parts to clients. Loading will be simpler In course of implementation of the said project (partially financed by EU funds), products of the new generation, i.e. specific bodies for trucks, trailers and semitrailers, will be developed. They will be usable for transportation of various products, including wood, metal or paper rolls, perishable foodstuffs or medicaments and so on. The conditions of loading will become simpler as well. It will be possible to carry out it at centers of logistics from ramps or even in a forest without any ramp, by opening the side part of the body. Namely, the flexibility in choosing the way of

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loading should make these products of the new generation attractive for companies involved in cargo transportation. A towing machine with such a trailer or semitrailer will never travel empty because it can be loaded from any side. The funds allotted for implementation of the project will be used for development and designing of the product, generation of ideas, and discovery of new methods of manufacture. „The project requires high intellectual potential; in the period of its implementation, application of abundant methods and materials will be tested. Both individual details and the final product will be tested until the final development of the prototype of the product”, Director of „Schmitz Cargobull Baltic“ Raimundas Petrauskas told. The project is being implemented by designers, engineers, suppliers and other professionals of „Cargobull“ company. Foreign partners are involved as well. Meetings with end clients as well as with sellers or clients from Scandinavia are arranged. Ideas on the needs of the market and on the properties of the products required by the end client are generated. „Beyond any doubt, we also cooperate with the mother company that provides opportunities for training as well as developing and testing some models (when it is impossible in Lithuania) to our designers and engineers. It is an international project. If any work is impossible here, we carry out it abroad”, the Director of the Company says. Attention to efficiency of the activities In the year 1999, when consortium of German capital „Schmitz Cargobull“ (having its daughter companies in many European states) came to Lithuanian market, the turnover of its enterprise in Panevėžys amounted to about 2 million Euro; however, the results were being improved from year to year, the number of won markets was growing, and in the year 2008 the turnover amounted to 280 million Litas. The growing was rapid and dynamic; however, the crisis did the trick, so the turnover fell down to 62 million Litas in 2009. However, in the year 2010, the turnover amounted to 220-230 million Litas already”, the Head of the company said. According to him, such dynamics of the results of the activities of the company are successfully managed by introducing new production manage60 |

ment systems: they allow ensuring a flexibility and rapid response to changes of the market. About 98 percent of the production of the company is exported to European markets. From the very beginning of the activities of the enterprise, it made considerable investments both in the equipment and the human resources. Employees are trained both in Lithuania and in Germany. In addition, new advanced labour management systems were introduced. The investments amounted to about 1.52 million Euro on the average annually. They became some less in the period of the crisis only. „We successfully got under control the considerable fluctuations of the turnover by forming the added value with the minimum squandering, i.e. doing only the works payable by the client.

We tried to identify any other processes that are not important in the opinion of the client (although our opinion can differ from it) and to eliminate them. In the period of the crisis, the staff of the enterprise cared about it. We had not avoided cutting of the staff; however, the remained employees did their best to save resources, to increase the productivity and to ensure high efficiency of the manufacturing process”, R. Petrauskas told. At present, about 270 persons are employed at the company; the absolute majority of them are residents of Panevėžys District.

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Petras TaraseviÄ?ius, Computer Technoligies and Development Director of UAB "Sigma Telas"

Multi utility smart metering solution: more information opens up new opportunities 62 |

“Our energy saving project has paid off before its completion.” Any organization’s management would be pleased to deliver such news. The executives of the Maxima Group retail chain can certainly pride themselves on that.

track the total utility consumption but also break it down according to individual location, equipment or systems. Everybody wins

The Group, operating the biggest retail trade network in the Baltic countries, introduced the multi utility smart metering solution in its 360 shopping centers and stores in Lithuania and Latvia, which in 2009 allowed them to reduce utility bills by 20 per cent. Having invested 2.5m euros in the modernization of utility metering, the company saved 5.8m euros in one year, which means that the investment paid off in less than half a year. Thus the success story of Maxima Group can perfectly illustrate the saying “You can’t control what you can’t measure”. The multi utility smart metering solution was installed in the Maxima shopping centers and stores by the Sigma Telas company. Petras Tarasevičius, its Director for IT and development, says that the new solution leads to a significant decrease of utility expenditure. According to the European Smart Metering Industry Group (ESMIG), the biggest association of multi utility smart metering producers, such systems diminish the utility expenses by 5-15 per cent. The key to success is multiple smart meters and meter data management software. Automated meter reading Smart meters are spreading widely. Differently from electromechanical ones, they are able not only to indicate cumulative readings but also to store consumption data every several minutes. Therefore, the user, who earlier could only see the total consumption since he last checked the meter perhaps a month ago, now can see how the consumption changes every short period of time. In addition, the most useful feature of the system is the remote automated data collection in the centralized data base, in which special software analyses the data. According to Mr Tarasevičius, without the data collection and data analysis, smart meters would be just electronic toys, bringing little more value than old fashioned electromechanical ones. That is why he emphasizes that the heart of smart metering solutions is the EMCOS software package developed by Sigma Telas. It is the core of multi utility smart metering systems enabling to slice, analyze and visualize data collected from practically any electronic meter. It can almost instantaneously provide hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or of any other period consumption profiles, forecast expenses and calculate energy costs per production unit. Collecting information from hundreds or thousands different smart meters, EMCOS allows deeper insights into utility bills. Companies find it meaningful to install more smart meters that will not only

Industrial users and the decrease of their utility bills are just a part of the whole mosaic of benefits created by smart metering. It also provides benefits for the entire producer-supplier-user-society value chain. The spread of smart metering falls to a similar arrangement: depicted graphically, it would remind the viewer of a pyramid. At its bottom there are utility providers and distributors who both were the first to harness smart metering. Industrial users stay in the middle, while the tip of the pyramid is made of residential users. Smart metering gives producers, suppliers and distributors more transparent and accurate consumption tracking. Without smart metering, inspectors check the data declared by residential users once or twice a year, while between inspections they have to rely on the declarations. This may lead to losses and subsidizing. Smart metering also provides end-users with a tool to control and thus reduce utility consumption, which is beneficial for the entire society because of lower environmental pollution, decreased CO2 emission and lesser greenhouse effect. Residential and industrial users as well as providers and distributors can control efficiencies of their networks. For instance, analyzing unusual consumption patterns they can determine locations of losses and thus make their operations more effective. According to Sigma Telas’ information, in 2002 the Lithuanian power grid replaced all their electromechanical meters by smart ones and connected them to automated meter reading systems. Technical and non-technical losses decreased from 35-40 per cent down to 8.5-9.5 per cent. Today in Lithuania there are almost 200,000 smart meters installed, 13,000 of which are connected to automated meter reading systems. New opportunities Mr Tarasevičius defines more advantages of multi utility smart metering solutions. “The power exchange starts functioning in Lithuania. If independent users purchase smart metering systems, they will be able to forecast their consumption more accurately and therefore pay lower price for the energy bought. That is equally important to independent suppliers,” says the IT and development director of Sigma Telas. As the liberalization of the electricity market progresses in Lithuania, smart metering will enable more flexible applications of tariffs and price plans,

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so end-users will be able to switch their suppliers, perhaps even several times per day. Because smart meters can usually not only send but also receive information as well as connect, disconnect or reconnect devices, suppliers will be able to offer their customers better price plans in return of the right to disconnect some power-hungry devices when their networks get overloaded during peak times. Such arrangement is called peak shaving. EMCOS, the software system developed by Sigma Telas, operates in all 10 power plants in Lithuania, is used by the power transmission and distribution networks as well as by more than 200 industrial users. Together with its partners Sigma Telas sells multi utility smart metering solutions in over 10 countries worldwide. Following the recent trend, Sigma Telas also offers the smart metering solutions as a service. Utility suppliers may start offering such solutions to their clients in the near future, too. Sigma Telas has started its first projects in the residential market. Upon the request from the German partner, the company has developed the pilot interface dedicated for residential users. The interface can display multi utility consumption of electricity, gas, heat and water in one’s browser on the Internet. Massive expansion in the nearest decade The European Union supports introduction of multi utility smart metering solutions. Its directives state that as from 2012 all new residential meters installed in EU countries will have to be smart meters, which by 2020 will make up to 80 per cent of functioning meters. In 2022 all residential meters in use will have to be replaced by smart ones. This is an integral part of the EU directive called 20-20-20. It requires reducing the emission of CO2 by 20 per cent, producing 20 per cent of energy from renewable resources, and increasing the efficiency of energy consumption by 20 per cent by the year of 2020. The massive expansion of multi utility smart metering changes the market of utility resources substantially and raises it to a new quality level. This proves once again that the right information at the right time opens up totally new perspectives.

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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES MAKE MOVE TIME FASTER – WE‘RE NOT FAR BEHIND OF IT | Arūnas Birmontas, BGM CEO | Lithuanian privately held company BGM, which specializes in High Performace Computing (HPC) and IT infrastructure solutions, started with the first HPC project at the Digital Science and Computing Center, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vilnius University in 2006. The supplied SGI supercomputer and Sun Microsystems HPC cluster constituted the Flagship computing resources for the Lithuanian parallel and distributed computing and e-services network (LitGrid) which is being successfully operated and continues to be developed and installed. It has over 100 users, about 500 processors, and provides its users with computing and e-services capabilities. It’s exciting to note that Vilnius University acquired supercomputer (Altix 4700) even before NASA, USA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), the biggest SGI worldwide Customer. LitGrid users have leveraged supercomputer and HPC cluster systems to achieve breakthroughs in such diverse scientific

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projects as COST P19 “Multiscale modeling of materials”, PjezoAdapt - Development and research of mechatronic nanometer resolution multi-dimensional displacements generation/measurement systems, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project (ITER), just to name a few. In addition BGM‘s HPC hardware and software were used by BalticGrid project which goal was to extend the European Grid by integrating new partners from the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) in the European Grid research community and to foster the development of Grid infrastructure in these countries. Since 2006, BGM implemented more than ten HPC projects in Lithuanian scientific, educational and government institutions. BGM goal is to be the best in the selected field of activities. Accordingly, the company places high emphasis on quality. All Customer maintenance, diagnostics, installation and consul-

tancy services are provided by BGM‘s extra class authorised and certified specialists who sustainably improve their knowledge and skills at HPC Excellence Centers and Worldwide Conferences. The company is proud of the partnership status of the leading international IT companies as Hewlett-Packard, Intel, SGI, Oracle, EMC2, Microsoft, VMware which is a proof of successful long-term cooperation. Since 1999, BGM was ISO 9001 certified. The certification received by the company confirms that the company’s quality management system has been certified against a best practice standard and found compliant, it‘s activity is carried out according to a set procedure, an effective internal information system is in place and all the processes are controlled, interrelated, constantly checked, monitored and improved. One of the last BGM installations was

an SGI Altix ICE HPC cluster based on the new „Nahalem“ architecture Intel Xeon processors at the Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service (LHMS) for local short-range numerical weather prediction (NWP) applications. The system is running computations using HIRLAM (High Resolution Limited Area Model), a European cooperative scientific program developing a high resolution NWP system, in which Lithuania has participated as an acceding member state since 2007. As with all NWP models, HIRLAM depends on available computing capacity. The physical parameterization and evaluation of air masses in both vertical and horizontal grids requires a huge amount of compute power, and the demand for resources increases with both the geographical area covered by the model and its resolution. In the case of operational weather forecasting, this becomes even more important, as time to result delivery can influence the quality of the decisions made by weather forecasters. LHMS’s new HPC cluster has increased its computational power by almost 20 times, enabling it to run more sophisticated NWP applications - with delivery times that meet the Service’s requirements for providing high quality weather forecasts and severe weather warnings.

Since 2009, BGM together with Association INFOBALT and 51 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector companies, INFOBALT members, is implementing the three year training project “Information and communications technology sector of small and medium-sized enterprises more competitive by strengthening workers special skills“. The project is funded under the 2007-2013 Human Resources Development Operational Programme “High-quality employment and social inclusion”. Project No. SFMIS.: VP1-1.1-MSSL-01-C-01-564. The project is partially funded by European Union funds. The total project cost – more than 17 million LTL, including 13,8 million LTL European Union support. The project goal - to improve information and communication technology professionals working in the general and specific skills. The training program focuses on the specialized knowledge of dredging, introduction of new technologies and professional certification. General training is organized by Lithuania and special - in various foreign countries – UK, Belgium, Spain, Germany, France, USA, Philippines, Denmark and others. Since 2010, BGM by it‘s own is implementing another two projects that are

partially funded by European Union funds: the first is related to developing export oportunities „BGM search for the new markets“ , the second to Cloud Computing technologies „Preparation of the Technical feasibility study of the provision of IT virtual infrastructure services using CC technologies“. Both projects are supposed significantly to strengthen company‘s position in the market and increase export share in the total revenue.

About BGM B.G.M. Ltd., established in 1991, specializes in High Performance Computing (HPC) and IT infrastructure solutions areas. We design, install and service high-performance technical computing products, server and storage systems, IT solutions for business and science.

Algimantas Juozapavičius, Professor, Vice-dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University at the Digital Science and Computing Center | 67


Precizika metrology


great number of the leading industrial countries purchase high-tech products manufactured by Precizika Metrology, including photoelectric linear and rotary displacement encoders, linear and angular glass scales. The company also represents worldwide known vendors and suppliers of measuring equipment, CNC machining centres. Our goal is to consistently and duly provide high quality prod-

ucts and services, meeting customers’ demands. It is achieved through continuous research intended for improving the products and the technological processes of their manufacturing in cooperation with universities and scientific research institutes.

omy Company, Product of the Year, Innovative Product. This year the company Precizika Metrology celebrates its 50th anniversary.

The company’s innovative solutions are supported by EU Structural Funds and it has already gained such awards as Innovative Company, Knowledge Econ-

PRODUCTS: - Photoelectric linear and rotary displacement encoders; - Linear and angular glass scales. SALES AND SERVICES: - Coordinate measuring machines and measuring instruments; - CNC machining centres; - Retrofit and upgrade of used coordinate measuring machines and metalworking machines. 68 |

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hotel is the right stop to explore the city. The Hotel offers 81 rooms, 4 meeting and conference halls. Hotel‘s restaurant DA ANTONIO serves rich breakfast, delicious coffee and Italian delicacies.

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AMBERTON KLAIPEDA Hotel is the biggest hotel by the seaside, located in the center of the port city Klaipeda. You will find everything that you may need for your business or personal stay in AMBERTON KLAIPEDA Hotel. Everything is




| Ligita Šoliūnienė |

The contribution of Lithuanian scientists to improvement of the electric power system In the spring, „Modesa“, UAB will complete implementation of the project “Assessment of Technological, Economical and Commercial Possibilities of Development of an Intellectual (Smart) Electric Power Network and its Provision to the Local and International Markets “ financed according to the measure „Idėja LT“. 70 |




RESU 312

„On the partway of the project, we can see that development of smart power network requires abundant specialized equipment needed both in Lithuanian and international markets”, professor Alfonsas Morkvėnas told. According to him, the idea of development of a smart power network appeared long ago but it recently became particularly popular because modern digital technologies enable development of various power network control and diagnostics systems. However, many states of the world strive to update their power networks in a similar way. This task is particularly important for countries with abundant distributed low capacity power sources and long electric networks where the whole line should be inspected in case of any fault. In course of development of the smart power network, we must develop devices for urgent assessment of the character of a fault, localization of the fault, control of the status of the equipment of the network, fixing any interference in the network and assessment of its impact as well as for urgent change of the structure of the network to ensure high reliability of the network. „In course of localization of disorders of the power network, considerable losses are suffered. The equipment under development will help to localize faults within several metres,

Dispatcher control

to facilitate the activities of all power suppliers, to save funds ant to carry out the works more rapidly; in addition, the devices for controlling the condition of electric equipment will enable to forecast possible faults and to eliminate them well-timely”, prof. A. Morkvėnas told. According to him, in addition to the feasibility study that will be to helpful in assessment of the need in such “intellectual” power network, scientists from Kaunas have already begun real works related to development of equipment for the “smart” network. Experimental smart devices had been installed in several points of Lithuanian power distributing network, they are improved on a regular basis and new functions of them are developed. „Such experimental devices should be further improved; however, it is evident that the developed system is useful for the distributing network because it increases its reliability and efficiency of its control”, A. Morkvėnas explained. If a support from the European Union is provided, the scientists would develop the system within several years and its equipment would localize faults in the distributing network with a sufficient accuracy, carry out fault prevention and forecasting, fix any interference and its impact upon reliability of the network. Such equip-


ment is required for implementation of the idea of intellectual electric power network. „If the sector of the network impacted by interference is known, preliminary repairs can be carried out to ensure reliability of the network and power supply to the users without interference, voltage fluctuations and so on”, prof. A. Morkvėnas explains the advantages of the “smart” network. According to him, the future system will be a large step forwards an improvement of power networks. In the opinion of the professor, in addition to using in the distributing network, components of a “smart” network are usable in internal networks of large enterprises. „Modesa“, UAB develops experimental equipment for identifying places of faults, assessing the technical condition of elements of electric network and registering of interference as well as for proper choosing means for protection against overvoltage, assessing the conditions of their operation and proper dislocation of them in the network.

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Cluster coordinator Romas Apulskis

Beverage industry combined effort for business development Deep and fundamental changes take place in the world economy, not to mention the economy of Lithuania. These changes alter the well-established rules of international competition play. Taking into account that production of Asian manufacturers prevail, and in short time it will dominate the segment of low and medium prices, some of the Lithuanian enterprises are seeking the solution for the problem. One of the solutions is clusterization. Processes of clusterization have to be closely related to the infrastructure of science, technologies, education and business.

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the first bigger surge of patents of Lithuanian scientists. “Partners are going to render us their requests, and we are going to seek for solutions. We are going to solve the problems of beverages’ taste, scent, color or quality together”, said professor R. Venskutonis. He names the creation of functional food products as one of the most perspective activities.

KTU professor Rimantas Venskutonis

In December 2009, on the basis of Alliance Beverages Industry (ABBI), several big enterprises, such as CJSC “Birštono mineraliniai vandenys” and co., JSC “Stumbras”, CJSC “Itaina”, JSC “Warta Glass Panevėžys”, CJSC “Lithuanian glass recycling”, CJSC “Ekstara” etc., producing and handling packages and beverages united their forces and established an ABBI cluster. Kaunas University of Technology and Association of package handling take part in this cluster too. Meantime this ABBI is one of the largest business clusters in Lithuania. Preeminently the forces are concentrated in order to increase the sales. There are several tasks to be tackled: search and expansion of export market, handling of the packages, technological development. “This is why we invited the scientists from KTU, and the university, as a scientific partner, agreed to participate actively in this project. Together with the scientists from university, we are thinking about establishing a certain beverages’ research center”, said the coordinator of the cluster, ABBI president Romas Apulskis. According to him, the help and knowledge of the scientists should give the manufacturers of Lithuania more competitive advantages in the foreign markets in prospect. KTU professor Rimantas Venskutonis, who represents the scientific side in the ABBI cluster, does not conceal that participation in alliance eventually will be the beginning of solving the patent questions of the Lithuanian scientists. If members of the cluster shall successfully apply the discoveries of KTU scientists in manufacturing, this could possibly be

3rd December, 2010, in the faculty of Chemistry in Kaunas University of Technology, the first competence center of Food science and technology in Lithuania was opened. Professor Rimantas Venskutonis said that scientific researches shall be carried out, in order to explain the formation of food products’ structure and to characterize substances useful and harmful to the human health that find their way into the food or that form in it during various technological processes. The aim of the ABBI cluster is not just directly encourage the manufacturing of beverages, but to supply the industry of beverages with the necessary services of proper quality. One of the members of the ABBI cluster is CJSC “Tromina” that belongs to one of the biggest concerns in Lithuania “MG Baltic”. CJSC “Tromina” specializes in

providing services of complex logistics (3PL). They perform logistics for such consumer goods as alcoholic and soft drinks, food products, hygiene products, tobacco, household chemicals, food for the animals and etc. Among the members of the ABBI cluster there is a JSC “Ekstara”, which created a system “EKO taškas” (EKO point). An auxiliary waste collection system was created, the aim of which was to collect glass, PET, aluminum packages and other waste by economically prompting the people to sort them (people are paid for this). Auxiliary waste collection system should help to provide the Lithuanian reprocessors with the secondary raw material and to educate people, to encourage their social responsibility and to form ecologic habits throughout economic gain. In the ABBI cluster a closed cycle of glass packages of products was created: JSC “Stumbras”, other manufacturers and importers of beverages release full glass bottles to the market, CJSC “Ekstara” collects these bottles form the people, CJSC “Lithuanian glass recycling” crushes them and prepares for melting, JSC “Warta Glass Panevėžys” reprocesses this glass waste and produces new bottles that are supplied to JSC “Stumbras”.

Warehouse of JSC “Tromina”

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Lithuania in the vanguard of using 4G mobile WiMAX technology


n the year 2010, Lithuanian Radio and Television Centre (The Telecentre) presented its achievements in using 4G mobile technology WiMAX to the

contest “The Prize for Innovations” arranged by

Lithuanian Innovation Center in cooperation with Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists and Knowledge Economy Forum and became a winner in the category of an innovative enterprise. In addition, the company was a laureate of the project “Made in Lithuania” in the nomination “For Innovative Solutions in Business“. Since March 2009, The Telecentre provides mobile 4G internet MEZON services via WiMAX network to the population of Lithuania and implements various modern projects. In the late 2010, after the renovation of the software of base stations and the one for network control, the average operating speed of mobile 4G internet MEZON was increased and preparation for further updating of the network was completed. This year, in addition to the nationwide extention of WiMAX network, it is planned to provide considerably higher maximum speed of 4G internet MEZON. Unbars the ways for innovations „We develop the most advanced services in communication technologies, courageously choose untested ways and implement our activities with a great fervor. The possibilities

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of WiMAX technology are huge, so we’ll try to use its advantages to the maximum possible extent and to provide them to Lithuanian users”, Director General of The Telecentre Gediminas Stirbys says. This year, in cooperation with TV broadcasters, it was started to use mobile WiMAX more widely for transmission of direct TV reports: development of telecasts became much simpler because of exploiting the possibility of mobile 4G internet MEZON to transmit particularly large data flows. In the year 2010, The Telecentre, in cooperation with „Vilniaus troleibusai“, UAB, implemented the pilot project: it was demonstrated how mobile internet is usable in a moving vehicle equipped with WiFi communication zone and how images can be transmitted by WiMAX network in the real time, if the vehicle is equipped with video surveillance cameras. It provided opportunities to ensure safety of public transport.

„We develop the most advanced services in communication technologies, courageously choose untested ways and implement our activities with a great fervor”, Director General of The Telecentre Gediminas Stirbys says

Lithuania sets an example for Europe The Telecentre was the first company of EU and one of the first companies worldwide having implemented 4G mobile technology WiMAX, so the experience of the company causes a considerable international interest. On the initiative of „Intel“ company, international conference „Vilnius WiMAX event June 2010“ was arranged in Vilnius where delegates from over 30 foreign states representing telecommunication enterprises of Bulgaria, Czechia, Great Britain, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Poland, Macedonia, France, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia and other states were presented. ‘Having high level network skills and creative approach we apply 4G mobile WiMAX technology while providing internet services for different individual needs, such as NATO Parliamentary Assembly meeting held in Vilnius, voice broadcasting services in 4 churches simultaneously during Taize meeting in Vilnius and live video broadcasting during Lithuanian President elections and so on’ Gediminas Stirbys said, “We believe that other potential service providers will accelerate their drive for 4G mobile WiMAX business with a success story of our company’ he added. Won one third of the market The next generation MEZON internet based on 4G WiMAX technology offered strong advantages and had found its place in the market. Last year, almost 30

percent of new users of mobile internet in Lithuania connecting to it by computer chose 4G internet MEZON, also about 40 percent of new private users of mobile internet and approximately every fifth user of internet (fixed and mobile) chose it. In the year 2010, the volume of data sent by clients of the company using WiMAX network MEZON quintupled, as compared to the year 2009. „In November 2010, over 400 million MB of data were sent by mobile WiMAX network – this volume equals to approximately 40 million YouTube video records of the average size”, Head of The Telecentre Gediminas Stirbys says. According to him, the company strives to use the advantages of 4G mobile technology WiMAX to the maximum possible extent and to satisfy the growing needs of users. At present, the operating speed of one sector of WiMAX base station is up to 40 Mb/s and it is the highest in Lithuanian mobile communication market. Striving to the optimum use of the resources of the network and ensuring high-quality communication to every user of the network, the operating speed up to 10 Mb/s is provided to clients of 4G internet MEZON. In addition, this year Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd will provide a commercial solution of WiMAX 2. Upon application of the said standard, further updating of WiMAX communication network will be carried out. Technical capacities of WiMAX 2 already allowed to achieve the operating speed of data transmission up to 330 Mb/s.

WiMAX technology was the first technology worldwide that surpassed the capabilities of 3G communication and unbarred the way for mobile communication of the fourth generation (4G) About 150 countries worldwidely have already introduced WiMAX network and over 620 million people of the planet (including about 115 million Europeans) can use it. WiMAX Forum forecasts that 4G WiMAX technology will be accessible to a billion of people in the late 2011. Lithuania was the first EU Member State launched the 4G mobile technology WiMAX The Telecentre has the most extensive experience in the field of telecommunications among Lithuanian companies. With the advanced communications technologies the company ensures radio and TV programmes broadcasting to all residents of Lithuania, as well as provides data transmission, network connection, telephony and other services. The Telecentre is the member of WiMAX Forum since 2004. The company started providing services of WiMAX technology 4G internet MEZON on 03 March 2009.

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Engineering technology leader shares its experience outside Lithuania

Since its establishment in 1992, the company has implemented over ten thousand various projects in the fields of telecommunications, security, automation, data centres, transport and energy.


ince the day of accession to the European Union, the overall level of innovation has been on a rapid increase in Lithuania – domestic infrastructure is undergoing modernisation in many areas, from urban traffic control systems to strategic objects. All this is taking place with a substantial contribution from the intelligent engineering solutions company "Fima" which exports its exclusive experience to the neighbouring countries too. “Drawing on their knowledge of the fundamental sciences, our engineers are finding ways to address various technological issues in the society’s life, be it reduction of traffic congestions or border security or simply a more efficient way to call a nurse to a hospital ward. Our goal is to design a more comfortable and safer environment,” Gintaras Juknevičius, the General Manager of “Fima” has said. In his words, just like every other state in the EU, Lithuania seeks to develop its knowledge-based economy and last several years has been rapidly progressing towards the EU average.

In the project of the transit railway section modernisation, “Fima” will perform works covering 94-kilometer section. 76 |

“Fima” plays a significant part in this process. Since its establishment in

1992, the company has implemented over ten thousand various projects in the fields of telecommunications, security, automation, data centres, transport and energy. Today the company is actively developing its operations in Latvia and Belarus as well. From strategic objects to public needs “Fima” submits tenders for modernization of almost every field of the public sector in Lithuania. The company consistently contributes to strengthening the security of national strategic objects: it has modernised the security systems on several sections of the national border, has

turned the pumped-storage power plant in Kruonis into a top-level security zone, and has been awarded by the Economy Ministry for the security system installed on the sea buoy at Būtingė oil terminal. “Fima” implements projects on railways, in airports and installs data centres.

vations related to data centres. “There is a global tendency of the need for data centres growing significantly, closely followed by the goal to ensure their reliability, security and cost-efficiency. The latest trend is to build energy efficient, so-called ‘green’ data centres,” G. Juknevičius says.

Apart from modernisation of strategic objects, a considerable part of “Fima” projects serve the needs of the public directly. For instance, currently “Fima” is carrying out an important project across Lithuania to install the road traffic information system that will provide every citizen and road workers with a range of information about traffic conditions on roads over the Internet.

“Fima” has deployed several dozens of state-of-art data centres in Lithuania. One of the major innovations that the company brought to Lithuania this year was the Dutch-patented KyotoCooling technology – “Fima” was the first in the Eastern and Central Europe to install this technology designed for cooling servers that allows cutting down the energy needs up to 8 times.

Flagman of global tendencies

Photo by J. Grigelytė

G. Juknevičius has noted that adaptable innovation is prevalent model in Lithuanian market. “This model is perfect for a small country like Lithuania. The physicists, mathematicians, engineers working at our company tailor the taken over solutions to the needs of the client and improve them to such extent that often they become even more efficient,” G. Juknevičius says. The engineering solutions under implementation in Lithuania are sought by “Fima” from global partners all over the world. “Fima” focuses on searching for inno-

Level of international competence “I think that we have all reasons to consider regional expansion of our company as the past few years have showed us both to be the Lithuanian leader in our own field and to have reached the quality standards of international companies,” G. Juknevičius says, providing an example of the tender to modernise a section of the transit railway that was won a couple of years ago. This project stands out both in terms of its volume and the level of complexity of engineering solutions; to top it off, the project involves an extremely large number of elements and systems to be installed

and the work will be done on a particularly broad scale, which covers a 94-kilometer railway section. “Fima” competences have been recognized by the Spanish consortium Iberdrola Ingenieria y Construccion which is building a new unit at the Lithuanian power station – the company has been trusted to work on the fire safety of the block. “Our vision is to pursue expansion both in the Baltic region and in the CIS countries as well. Many of these countries are only taking their first steps on the road to innovation and therefore our unique experience and knowledge can be applied there very effectively to develop an infrastructure based on technological advancement,” G. Juknevičius says. In his words, these are the reasons why the company founded a subsidiary in Belarus last year to try and bring the country’s infrastructure closer to the EU level. Just like in Lithuania, in Belarus “Fima” seeks to participate in projects on modernisation of national infrastructure that require exceptional experience.

When it comes to installation of data centres “Fima” seeks to ensure their reliability, security and cost-efficiency

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Competitive Axis Industries services and products for the Scandinavian market


nnovative solutions, long-term experience, and the competitive prices of its services and products are the three pillars on which Axis Industries – Lithuania’s largest group of companies engaged in the implementation of industrial and energy projects–bases its operations. The company is now entering the Scandinavian market.

‘Having gained the leader position during our 20 years of successful operations in Lithuania, we are now looking at new markets. We want to expand our package of integrated services, which we now provide to Lithuania’s major production and energy companies, to international markets’, Giedrius Vaitkevičius, Deputy Director General for Foreign Markets of Axis Industries, said. Synergy as the underlying basis Axis Industries, which is primarily engaged in the design, production, installation and general contracting of major biofuel boiler room installations in Lithuania, has 78 |

begun its expansion into foreign markets by inviting its long-term foreign partners whose products it represents in Lithuania. ‘When participating in international energy company tenders, we employ synergy as the underlying basis—we offer the latest biofuel boiler room products and solutions in cooperation with our partners’, the representative of the company, which has already implemented hundreds of large-scale biofuel energy projects in Lithuania and other Eastern European countries, said. This year, the company began exporting its products and services to the energy sectors of Scandinavia, the Netherlands, and the UK, which are the leading energy sectors in terms of technology.

Competitive production capacities ‘We have been supplying biofuel boiler room equipment to Sweden for a decade now, and this year we expanded our exports of services to Swedish companies’, Mr Vaitkevičius said. Axis Industries is able to offer competitive production capacities, which allow partners who transfer their production to Lithuania to reduce their production costs. ‘This cooperation model, which ensures real financial benefits for our partners, is gaining in popularity’, Mr Vaitkevičius said further. At present, Axis Industries provides a metal structure production service and produces electrostatic filters based on projects prepared by Swedish biofuel equipment manufacturers. Some of the products of Renewa, a Finnish biofuel equipment manufacturer, are also produced in Lithuania. ‘We are basing our next step to the leading European energy markets on the premium quality of our products and services. A successful start on international markets demonstrates that we are viewed as highly qualified partners who are able to offer competitive prices’, Mr Vaitkevičius asserted. A bridge to Eastern European markets Two of the major biofuel energy projects currently implemented by Axis Industries in Lithuania are the design and construction of biomass combined heat and power plants (CHP) in Alytus and Šiauliai. In Alytus, the company assembled a biofuel boiler with a capacity of 20 MW and auxiliary installations and started the implementation of a 5.4 MWh turbogenerator. Plans are that the thermofication power plant being constructed by Axis Industries in Šiauliai will produce 215.4 GWh of thermal power and 64.5 GWh of electrical power per year. Axis Industries, which has vast experience in the design, production, and implementation of biofuel installations, does not limit itself to the Lithuanian market and is deservedly called the leader in the region. The projects completed by Axis Industries include biofuel boiler rooms in Siberia, which is thousands kilometres from Lithuania, as well as projects in various other Russian regions and dozens of sites in Ukraine, Belarus, and Latvia. ‘We offer cooperation opportunities in the rapidly growing Eastern European biofuel energy markets, where we implement a number of projects with our local partners. We help our partners from Western Europe to integrate quickly in these markets and to learn about the peculiarities of these and offer implementation of joint projects or representation in Eastern European markets’, Mr Vaitkevičius said.

Another area waiting to be exported by Axis Industries is the competitive automation solutions and products, which are implemented today in Lithuania’s largest companies working in the field of thermal power and energy production, oil processing, chemical industry, and food industry. The group also provides construction management services to industrial and energy sites. Axis Industries also offers electrical energy solutions to foreign companies. The company manufactures various electrical installations and provides services for the design of electrical power distribution points and sub-stations, implementation of relay protection, automation and management systems, and general contracting construction services. Investments in innovation Axis Industries is also the leading manufacturer and implementer of heating units and heating and water meters in the Baltic States. ‘Every year, we invest increasing amounts in innovation development, which allow us to offer new generation products to both the Lithuanian and foreign markets’, Mr Vaitkevičius said. Some of the major products developed by Axis Industries in recent years include several types of heating meters and an automated energy accounting and management system, which allows all the main meters used in households— heat, electrical power, and gas meters to be connected— and ensures the convenience of use of their data. The automated heating units and water and heat meters manufactured by Axis Industries are certified and valued both in Eastern European markets and in other EU countries such as Germany, Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Turnover of the Group In 2009, the turnover of the Axis Industries Group totalled EUR 48.6 million, and a turnover of EUR 52 million is forecast for this year.

Ready for expansion According to Mr Vaitkevičius, the innovative biofuel boiler room equipment solutions that have been exported up to now represent only a small part of the products and services which the companies of the Axis Industries Group can offer. ‘Our long-term objective is intensive partnership development and expansion of the range of services and work opportunities starting with individual projects and ending with general contracting work in energy and industrial sites in Scandinavia’, Mr Vaitkevičius said.

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IEVOS NAMAI salon invites to tea


Prepared by Non-Governmental Organization “Meno miestas”

„Ievos namai“ salon presents environmentally-friendly, healthy-lifestyle products and offers to fight the bad weather by enjoying the herbal tea "Breath." This tea lightens breathing; it can be used against cough, bronchitis, asthma, hay-fever, anaemia, diabetes mellitus, diarrhoea, teeth, and skin diseases. Substances of the herbs clean up toxins, slags, and vermin from the body. "Breath" is made according to the natural traditional folk wisdom medicine and has its millennial roots. Tea is prepared of three herbs – Cardamom and Curcuma, growing in India, and Fennel, growing in Central Europe. Cardamom affects the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems. Curcuma restores energy and weakened muscles, helps in fighting the duodenal ulcer and diabetes mellitus. It is well known that Fennel relieves expectoration, disinfects and improves digestion, cures flatulence, reduces gastrointestinal pain, stimulates lactation of nursing mothers, and regulates menstruation. The magazine "Best in Lithuania" offers its readers to try this amazing and tasty tea and not to surrender at the nasty weather!

Ieva Jonaitienė

FAMILY – WARMING TEA, protecting extremities from cold, improves capillary bloodstream. Good in case of asthma, fever, muscle spasms, back, shoulders and waist pain. Suppress pain of gums and teeth, eliminate bad breath, good for rinse of mouth sores. Especially good with added cream and saffron in the evening

Foggy autumn has landed on the land as a rough wind and a perishing rain; in particular at this time of the year the likelihood of getting sick with viral respiratory tract diseases increases. Cough, common cold, exacerbations of chronic inflammatory airway diseases are the most common striking diseases in the autumn.

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PIKAS Software for building and synchronizing timetables based on passenger flows and for presentation of timetables in the Internet (+WAP) Inovative solutions • Developed original graphic timetables‘ editor, which allows to synchronize the timetables of city routes (bus, tram, trolleybus, microbus, train) in all directions and in any points (stops, crossroads, rail stations, airports and ports). At the same time, it is possible to synchronize over 50 routes in different city (region or country) points and then using simulation review it

visualy and quickly. That allows to notably improve the quality of passenger service. • According to passenger flows, original timetables‘ optimization algorithm was developed, which allows to save electricity and fuel (in some cases it is possible to save 1 vehicle if the interval is increased by 1–2 minutes). In year 2000, this algorithm was highly evaluated in Berlin internation-

al conference „Computer Aided Scheduling in Public Transport“. • Developed original map editor, which allows to introduce (move) stops, crossroads, streets, routes, describe loading of streets during the day and season and to set the speed of any vehicle for all segments of streets. It enables the creation of high quality timetables.

About company „Merakas“ Activities

• Development of software for timetable planning and synchronizing. All Estonia Tallinn Jelgava Minsk

• Creating database for network of Public Transport (PT) using digital maps. • Calculating traffic schedules for PT, synchronizing traffic of different kinds of PT.

• Development of software for presentation of timetables in the Internet (+WAP):

Klaipėda Riga Panevėžys Vilnius

• Software development for duty planning (drivers work optimization, accounting of indexes). • Software development for vehicle

Druskininkai Kaunas Alytus

scheduling: maintenance, deployment. • Manufacturer, producer, direct provider of a service.

Our Clients

Municipalities, transport departaments, public transport companies. Software PIKAS is used in the major cities of the Baltic States (Tallinn and whole Estonia, Riga, Jelgava, Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Panevėžys, Druskininkai, Alytus), in Ufa (Russia) and Minsk (Belarus). Please check our last two projects:

• Project contracted by the Government of Estonia Republic: • Project contracted by the Capital city of Belorussia, Minsk Transport Department „Minsktrans“:

Awards (software Pikas)

• Competition “Lithuanian product of the year 2004” – gold medal • Exhibition „INFOBALT’2004“ – the best Software product 2004 • Exhibition „INFOBALT’2004“ – „ITT Product of the Year for Information Society“ 84 |

Visco-elastic technology is coming to Lithuania

No. SE 09-182

Swerea IVF

Production of visco-elastic foam is now in full swing at the foam plant Vita Baltic International. “Assimilation of new products indeed requires much effort. A wider range of products guarantees more stable income for our company and ensures work for our employees. Introduction of new, marketable products to the market at the right time is of significant importance”, said Vladislavas Gunevičius, Director General of Vita Baltic.


t has been an outstanding project for the local team and demanded considerable planning intended to modify the existing line and to install new storage tanks. The tasks were performed by the site‘s technical team under the leadership of its experienced Senior Engineer Vytautas Kančys.

Technical preparation took six months to be completed. With involving its own employees for the installation, the cost of the project comprised €192,000. Vita Baltic’s Senior Technologist Eduardas Janušauskas was eager to assist in preparation of the site for a new product. Recently the first test production of visco-elastic foam on the modified line has been successfully put into operation. High quality of the new product

A famous judo trainer Zenius Vencevičius takes pleasure in experiencing healthful characteristics of the remarkable Lithuanian Visco-Elastic Foam

has been proved by the carried out laboratory tests. In October 2010 the quality of the Lithuanian Visco-elastic Foam was highly evaluated as that conforming to the international Oeko-Tex Standard 100. It is a great achievement for the foam manufacturing plant that was awarded the Lithuanian Innovation Award 2009. The produced open-cell (the so called “breathing”) Visco-Elastic Foam evoked the greatest interest of the customers. Alone during September 2010, 39.5 tons of new foam were sold and 34.4 tons of it were exported. Company profile UAB “Vita Baltic International” is a leader on the PU foam market in the Baltic

States. The company belongs to the "VITA GROUP", one of the largest polyurethane producers in the world. Its production, which conforms to the highest EU requirements for quality and environment, is exported into 12 countries. What are the exclusive features of Visco-elastic Flexible Foam (Memory Foam)? One of the exclusive features is reaction to the human body temperature and individual locomotor system. Depending on different pressing impact of separate human body’s parts and on the body’s temperature, this foam becomes softer in the places, which get more pressure and warmth. It enables unique opportunities for production of special-purpose medical mattresses and other similar means. Visco-elastic flexible foam is also used for enhancement of exceptional qualities for making comfortable furniture and mattresses. Due to its specific property – slow recovery of its initial shape – it is also called “lazy” foam or foam with “memory”.

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Boutique Hotel in the Heart of Vilnius 50 rooms in a 16th-century building, perfectly located on the main street of Vilnius’ Old Town, with all the intimate and refined atmosphere of a private home. E XCELLENT R ESTAURANT AND C OSY BAR LUXURY S PA


tel. +370 5 2122894 | faksas +370 5 2622882 | | | 87

Klaipėda Port enjoys the record cargo throughput and the increased competitiveness

In 2011, Klaipėda State Seaport Authority will celebrate the 20th anniversary of its establishment. This important occasion will unveil huge and ambitions port development plans. We are talking to the Director General of Klaipėda State Seaport Authority, Dr. Eugenijus GENTVILAS about Klaipėda Port development plans.

laipėda port, often referred to as the hub of the Lithuania’s economy, maintains ever increasing cargo volumes by strengthening its inexhaustible capacities. In the nearest future, even larger vessels will be able to moor to the quays and the terminals of the port, because the container distribution hub in the Baltic Sea is being established here. Moreover, in adjacency to the Port, a large Public Logistics Centre will be constructed. A new Marina for small pleasure boats and fishing ships will 88 |

be built. A number of many other no less important infrastructure projects, which are significant for the country, the port and the residents of Klaipėda, has already been started. Economic fluctuations, increasing volumes of maritime transportation, and fierce competition force the ports to make rapid operational and administrative changes. Klaipėda port having made adjustments during economic recession proved that the insightful vision and right decisions were taken.

BiL When Klaipėda Port will be able to accommodate larger ships, which currently cannot enter the port due to insufficient port depth? E. Gentvilas: Dredging of the port entrance channel is an important project, which has to be completed as soon as possible. Having implemented the project, the width of the navigation channel will be increased up to 150 m (presently it is 120 m), and the depth will be increased up to -14.5 metres. Dredging and widening of the northern part of the port will allow us to accommodate Post-Panamax ships, which are 300 - 310 m long and 40 m wide. This will also increase the competitiveness and capacity of the port, as well as its navigation safety. Presently, the engineering-geologic investigations, Environmental Impact Assessment, and the Technical project of the future dredging operation are being prepared. In the beginning of 2011, we will launch an open tender to select a contractor; later on, in a six-month-period, we intend to submit the Applications for the EU co-financing. It is planned that about 30 % of the entire dredging operations will be carried out in 2011, while the remaining part of the dredging works is scheduled for 2012. BiL During these large-scale maintenance and capital dredging operations, considerable quantity of the contaminated sediments will be excavated. How do you plan to handle contaminated sediments? E. Gentvilas: This is an old problem, but it is being solved now. The point is that in the remote part of the port waters there are sediments which had accumulated before restoration of Lithuania’s independence. Since 2008, the dumping of contaminated sediments in the open sea is prohibited; therefore a number of researches and studies were carried out in order to find out the most feasible solutions how to handle contaminated sediments. The contaminated soil will be dredged, particularly in the repair-dock pits of the Ship Building Yards where due to the large quantity of accumulated contaminated sediments they can no longer carry out ship building and repair activities to its full extent. Having carried out the maintenance and capital dredging operations, the navigation in the port

will be safer and entering / leaving the repair-docks will become easier. BiL What kinds of improvements imply the deeper navigation channel? E. Gentvilas: The container distribution hub to serve the ocean container vessels in the Baltic Sea is being established in Klaipėda. In 2008, Terminal Investment Limited (which is closely related to Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) acquired „Klaipėdos Smeltė“ stevedoring company. The new owners of the company plan to establish the container distribution hub for the Baltic Sea region. The company’s container sites are being expanded and the port waters are dredged till 14.5 m. Widening of the turning basin is scheduled for 2011. Having dredged the fairways and the port waters alongside the newly constructed quays (the length of which will be 1045 m), the annual capacity of „Klaipėdos Smeltė“ will reach over 700 000 TEU’s. The company will be capable of accommodating ocean container ships of 6500-7000 TEU capacity, thus making the distribution within the Baltic Sea. BiL What about the construction of a new Marina (the quay for small boats and entertainment ships)? E. Gentvilas: The project called “Deepening of port waters and building of the quay for small boats and entertainment ships” will be started in 2011. The green light to launch this project is given: positive appraisal of the report on Environmental Impact Assessment has been received. The Technical project on dredging has been prepared, the expertise of this project has been carried out and a positive conclusion of the expertise has been received. Klaipėda State Seaport Authority has acquired a stateowned land plot. Later on the public procurement procedures will be carried out to select the contractor for the construction of piers, quays, and mooring systems. The public procurement procedures of the major activities will be carried out in order to select the contractors for dredging operations, construction work, and technical supervision. Having signed the contract for the major activities and having prepared other required documents, the Application for the EU co-financing will be submitted.

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Facts Facts

• Klaipėda distinguishes itself for a multipurpose (37 specialized terminals), a deepwater (-15 m) and ice-free port, providing all maritime business services. The port is able to accommodate vessels with the length of 315 m and with the max. draught of 13 m; tankers with 80.000 DWT and dry cargo-carriers with 150.000 DWT. • Contrary to what is anticipated during an economic decline, the recession has played a role of a catalyst in Klaipėda port’s development. During 2009–2010, a radical decline of construction materials and labour costs were observed. For this reason, large-scale infrastructure projects and dredging works are executed and the latest technologies are implemented. The port benefits from and ingeniously uses the period of crisis for its development: over EUR 174 million will be invested in the port infrastructure throughout 2010 – 2012.








• Klaipėda is proud of the highest growth of the maritime trade: from 15 million tons in 1999 up to 31 million in 2010, which unequivocally proves its increasing importance and influence within the range of the Baltic State ports.


BiL Not only is the infrastructure of Klaipėda Port expanded, but also some construction works in Šventoji Port are foreseen. ?

• The successful activity of Klaipėda port has been achieved due to the efficient funding system, which allows it to rapidly carry out the port development projects. The state funding is provided by Klaipėda State Seaport Authority; its income generated by port dues and port land lease, makes up over 140 million Litas per year. This amount of money, as well as bank credits and the EU funding, comprise the total share of the state funding, which is allocated for the development of the port infrastructure, access roads and railways, maintenance and capital dredging of the port waters, implementation of the latest IT technologies, and improvement of the port security. The funds are also allocated to the construction and reconstruction of the city’s streets, recreational and leisure areas, and restoration of beaches. • The annual capacity of Klaipėda port exceeds 45 million tons. Klaipėda State Seaport Authority makes tremendous efforts to use the potential and capacity of the port as most efficiently as possible. • In 2010, the amendments of the Regulations of Klaipėda Port Dues came into force, which provided for more favorable conditions for ro-ro, ro-pax, container and cruise vessels. Since then, thanks to the decrease of the port dues, 2 new ro-ro lines started to operate in the port. • The integrity of all components plays a key role for the port competitiveness: well-developed infrastructure, effective storage operations and modern facilities, flexible port dues system and highest level of services. The credibility of the port is proven by its clients: throughout 2010, Klaipėda port reached the cargo throughput record with over 31 million tons handled here.

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E. Gentvilas: Presently the poor state of Šventoji Port requires fundamental reconstruction. The reconstructed port will render services to small pleasure boats and yachts; in this way, it will enhance tourism development in Šventoji. The port will also be used for local fishermen; and it will provide services to specialized rescue, oil spill response, fire fighting, marine environment, fish breeding and coastal guard boats. Presently, Environmental Impact Assessment of Šventoji Port reconstruction is being carried out. The project design works are scheduled for 2012, and the construction itself for 2013. The reconstruction works of Šventoji Port, which will be able to accommodate over 655 ships, will cost more than 180 million Litas. Šventoji Port will also have a quay to accommodate small (up to 70 m long) cruise ships. Klaipėda State Seaport Authority strives to finish some construction works of Šventoji Port in 2011 so as to partially use the port from the summer of 2011 for commercial (fishing) and recreation activity (yachts, other entertainment ships). In this way, the partial port activity will satisfy the needs of today’s fishing business and rendering services to entertainment ships in Šventoji. Moreover, it will also enhance socio-economic growth in the region. BiL During dredging operations of Klaipėda port waters, huge boulders and stones are excavated. Please, tell the readers about your idea to use these stones for the establishment of the Stone Park, a social project designated for general public. E. Gentvilas: During dredging operations of Klaipėda port waters, large quantity of big boulders (with the diameter from 0.8 m to 2 m) are excavated and hoisted on the surface. They are numbered and stored on the quay in Smiltynė. These boulders and stones are not just ordinary Lithuanian stones; they have scientific and cognitive value. Besides, the stones brought up to the surface from the seabed are important from emotional and psychological point of view. They are not simply field boulders, but the boulders which testify the port development and natural history; therefore, it is worthwhile preserving them and exposing to the public within the boundaries of Klaipėda Municipality. Klaipėda State Seaport Authority plans to present these stones to the newly established Stone Park exposition, regardless of the fact that their hoisting to the surface costs millions of Litas. Presently, the main problem is to find a suitable area of land (several hectares large) which would be easily accessible for city residents and guests, to establish an exposition of the seabed stones, namely, the Stone Park.

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In 2010, AB LITHUANIAN RAILWAYS won its victories Gold medal for GSM-R link

Director General of the Company Stasys Dailydka (in the middle) was given the prize by the Chairman of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuanian Irena Degutienė (left) in the Parliament of the state. Right: Gediminas Rainys, the Vice-President of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, Juozas Magelinskas, the Vice-President of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists.

GSM-R wireless-connection, implemented in AB Lithuanian Railways, was awarded a gold medal in the competition Lithuanian Product of the Year 2010. On 17 December, the Chairman of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Irena Degutienė gave a prize to Director General of the Company Stasys Dailydka in the Parliament of the state. 92 |

There were 76 companies of 15 country’s branches of economy nominated for the competition Lithuanian Product of the Year 2010. The commission, representing the two-level experts and different branches of industry and enterprises, after summarizing the conclusions of experts, decided to award the chosen production and services of companies 81 golden and 16 silver medals.

‘I am very glad to see that our efforts to work more effectively and reduce cost of service do not remain unevaluated,’ S. Dailydka said. ‘Thanks to the GSM-R project, vocal wireless-connection and wireless data transmission include 1563.3 km of railway lines what allows us not only to certain high quality of provided services but to perform more productively wagon distribution, maneuvering, railway maintenance and other works which are performed in a usual railway activity.’ GSM-R wireless connection replaced the means of communication used in the AB Lithuanian Railways theretofore for the reason the latter were uncertified and fell short of the accepted standards of Communication Regularity Authority and the European Union. After implementing GSM-R wireless-connection, there was the increase in rail traffic safety and the reduction in the risk of accidents for which threatening materials may be spread into the environment as well as people and their property may suffer.

Stasys Dailydka constantly participates in Lithuanian and international seminars and conferences, reads notifications, presenting the results of the company’s activity, the politics of the investments, logistics, the development of business, the transportation of freight and others themes. Director General has announced publications in the Lithuanian and international editions on the topical themes of railway transport, takes part in the activity which organizes studies for the various projects, cooperates closely with the most important organizations in the world, business partners in the East and West Europe and Asia. His supervised AB Lithuanian Railways is an active member of Vilnius Chamber of Trade, Industry and Handicrafts.

Lithuanian Railways – successfully working company The representatives of a Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists gave Director General of AB Lithuanian Railways Stasys Dailydka a prize of Successfully working company 2010 during a festive Christmas-New Year event organized in the Royal Palace of Grand Duchy of Lithuania on the 17th of December. The companies which were selected by the evaluation commission were given a prize in three groups of major, small and medium companies as successfully working companies in 2010 under difficult economic conditions. Successfully working companies 2010 were evaluated according to the production and the scope of services (annual income), profitability, investments in production, export volume (finished goods or services performed outside Lithuania), labor productivity indicators and other additional criteria. The Silver Labour Star for the merits In the Presidency of the Republic of Lithuania Director General of AB Lithuanian Railways Statys Dailydka was awarded with the Silver Labour Star for the personal achievements in labour field. This award was established by the Lithuanian Trade, Industry and Handicrafts Chamber, awarded for the distinguished traders, industrialists and handicrafters. S. Dailydka was awarded with the Labour Star by the President of Lithuanian Trade, Industry and Handicrafts Chamber Rimantas Stankevičius. AB Lithuanian Railways in the ceremony of awards was presented as one which conduces to the economical rebirth of the country, as a company which is able to save the workplaces. Also, it was emphasized that

This Silver Labour Star for Director General Stasys Dailydka was awarded for the personal achievements in labour field

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,,Reflection of Klaipeda ll”, oil on canvas, 2006, 40x50

Silvija Drebickaitė S

ilvija Drebickaite is a famous Lithuanian monumentalist artist and painter. She was born on March 11, 1957 in Šiauliai and during 1975-1980 Silvija studied monumentalist pictorial art in State Art Institute of Lithuania where she learned composition mostly from Sofia Veiverytė, painting from Leopoldas Surgailis and drawing from Kazimieras Morkūnas. After her studies the young artist started creating paintings, mosaics and stained glasses for public buildings.

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,,Flowing stream “, oil on canvas, 2005, 80x65

,,Shine”, oil on canvas, 2003, 80x90

,,Flowering lake”, oil on canvas, 2007,80x80

,,Double”,oil on canvas, 2007, 80x80

,,Quietness”,oil on canvas, 2006, 80x60

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,,Golden Vilnius”,oil on canvas, 2003, 60x80

During the first ten years of independent creative work, the artist produced quite a few murals, e.g., in Vilnius Institute of Construction and Planning, in Stockbreeding complex of Širvintos and in “Bočiai” restaurant in Vilnius; a number of mosaics, e.g., in Druskininkai bank, in a curative swimming pool “Jūratė” in Palanga and in the Bathhouse of Birštonas, as well as stained glasses, e.g., in the rest house of Palanga Water-supply Department, in the assembly hall of Klaipėda division of Šiauliai Pedagogical Institute, in the office of Lietuvos draudimas and a project for the chapel of the Lithuanian High School in Heidelberg (Germany), which won the first place in the competition. These were extensive monumental paintings of different techniques that demonstrated good professional know-how, vast creative dimensions and ability to create a strong composition, sense of rhythm and an eye for colours. The main motive of Silvija’s work is the life of nature, i.e. the variety of its forms and the strength of its motion – growth, bloom, and spontaneity. Today we know her as a painter of portraits, landscapes and still-life whose imagination is stimulated by the variety of life forms. From the annotation to the book “The pictorial art of Silvija Drebickaitė” by docent Nijolė Tumėnienė ,,Beginning”,oil on canvas, 2004, 100x100

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Can Once In A Lifetime Happen Twice?

Handmade accessories

sales * Winter Collection Sales * Winter Collection Sales * Winter Collection Sales * Winter Colle

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Antras leidinys

Kęstutis Fedirka. FotoSkrydis.

Everything started some years ago when I acquired the first radio-controlled aircraft. I fixed my camera to it, looked at the homeland from the sky that is not accessible to everybody and was fascinated by the beauty of the landscape as well as cities and boroughs. The idea of sharing the unique images of the homeland with other Lithuanians residing in Lithuania and out of it appeared.

All images presented in the website and in the album were shot from a radio-controlled model of aircraft “Šarka“/”Magpie”/ of Lithuanian origin.

I’d like to present you the second book-album „Fotoskrydis. Visa Lietuva II“/”Fotoskrydis. The Whole Lithuania II”/. It is a part of the large project. The album includes photos and unique video clips made in different seasons from the bird’s eye view representing Lithuanian cities, boroughs, villages, new objects of industrial and civil construction, state-scale arrangements, sport events and so on; they are taken from the only in the world website (at present, Lithuania is the only state of the world having such a website). All these images present wellknown and being of high value for every person localities of the homeland.

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Kęstutis FEDIRKA

If images of your town are absent in the book, you’ll probably find them in the website www. Have a pleasant time!

I hope this publication will gladden you and provide you abundant pleasant moments.

In course of time, the aircraft was improved to the extent ensuring stable and safe lifting of the camera skywards to the required height and position and taking pictures from various perspectives. The model can fly up to 30 kilometers without landing in every season. The weight of the model is two kilograms only; it is easily dismountable and fits into a car trunk. The aircraft is equipped with the flight stabilization system that keeps it stable even under conditions of high wind. The navigation system helps to avoid losing the way in a new environment and the video equipment directly transmits the image from the aircraft downward.

free artist

Arvydas Kašauskas 102 |

“Composition”, 200x150, 2007, oil on canvas

“Motif of Užupis”,100x90, 2010, oil on canvas

“Motif of Užupis”,100x90, 2009, oil on canvas

“Landscape”, 100x90, 2010, oil on canvas

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“Composition”, 120x100, 2010, oil on canvas

“Composition”, 200x150, 2006, oil on canvas

”Muse”, 150x130, 2006, oil on canvas 104 |

t is hard to imagine the Baltic Sea without the Palanga. The town, which had preserved the old XIX c. resort traditions, became one of the most popular on the Baltic coast. In the summer of 2007, a fully reconstructed Hotel ”Villa Diemedis”, historically one of the first villas ever erected on S. Daukantas street, in Palanga, made a fresh start of its activities. Over the time, the V illa, did not lose its historical spirit. Hotel “Villa DIEMEDIS” is an excellent place for relaxation for any kind of visitors: romantics and pragmatics, writers and artists, travellers and summer holidaymakers. Here historical heritage and modern trends come along in perfect harmony. The hotel includes eighteen double rooms. The rooms are all different and seem as if each would have reflected the historical past of the Villa: in the rooms, one can notice the historical moments and personalities, who have ever resided and created here. The excellent choice of books that will help you to avoid boredom on a rainy afternoon is offered in every room. VILLA DIEMEDIS ALWAYS WELCOMES YOU. S. Daukanto Str. 11, LT-00134 Palanga. Tel. +370 46052532. Mob. tel. +37069988808. Fax +37046052532. E-mail:

The young painter J. Kyzikaitė was seeking the dialogue between the culture and its attributes on the one side and the walls of the palace and their elements – chandeliers, paintings, trophies – on the other side

Summer Dream of Count Tyszkiewicz Exhibition “Imaginary Stories” in Užutrakis Palace

In this time of the year the wind rages and snowflakes twirl around Užutrakis Palace. The voices of tourists, sightseers or weekending families do not disturb the silence too much. However, last summer saw one of the most elegant ever exhibitions, which enjoyed attention of numerous visitors as well as warm response. This was an exhibition with lasting value manifesting through memories of its visitors and participants as well as reminding of the Count Tyszkiewicz (lith. Tiškevičius) Palace, its history and the present. The project “Imaginary Stories“ is a unique one. It combined the past and the present, historical facts and the fantasy, artists of the young and elder generation. 15 artists located in different spaces of the palace. Each of them chose the space of individual interest: either a former library or a children’s room or a dining room. The artists presented their own interpretation on the history of the palace or the atmosphere of a selected premise, they worked on freely selected topics by using freely selected techniques. Apart from the reconstruction of the history there were more objectives established by the project. The artists were also interested in reflecting upon the present, the self as well as their creation activity in the spaces of the palace.

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When selecting the paintings for the former boys’ room the painter V. Marcinkevičius was thinking about the ever changing perception of art. What would the boys who lived here say looking at these big and expressive pictures?

L. Liandzbergis filled the former billiard room with vigour and ardour – one can feel this in the atmosphere of the room combined with conversations, whoops and joy of victory

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Ž. Jasutytė applied plants in her paintings. Some of them were collected in Užutrakis Park. A wonderful coincidence was that after having started working on the painting “Herbarium” the author discovered that the mistress of the Užutrakis Palace used to collect plants herself

In the environment of the ancient palace the works created by K. Grigaliūnas spoke about a halted moment. Indeed, all things happen once, all things are unique. And the most unique is another person and an individual life

V. Tomaševičius brought dreams back to the former bedroom of the countess. In this way the internal order and elegance of the past can be brought to the present world for a while

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The paintings of the young painter B. Gražys in the former dining room of the palace created the atmosphere of gentle hustle

“The task to “accommodate” the entire space of a certain premise of the palace constitutes a substantial challenge for an artist. This exhibition is like fifteen different personal exhibitions within one location”, – said the organisers of the project – the painters Linas Liandzbergis and Vilmantas Marcinkevičius expressing their satisfaction with the results achieved. The exhibition was also appreciated by its visitors because each of them could find works up to their taste among artists practicing different techniques and styles. The exhibition came to an end with the summer. However, its success invokes the hope that next summer Užutrakis will invite us once again for an opportunity to admire not only the charming architecture in spellbinding surroundings but also attractive and intriguing exhibitions. Prepared by Non-Governmental Organization “Meno miestas”

The painter R. Katiliūtė reflects the space of Užutrakis Palace in an idealised and quiet manner as if quietly snoozing in a romantic spirit of neo-romanticism

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Dalia Laučkaitė -Jakimavičienė | Laima Surgailienė |

Noctuidae. Collection. A Detail. 2010. Earthenware, decals, overglaze colours, lustres. 45 x 47 cm 110 |

A Mechanical Vessel with Roses. 2000. Earthenware, decals, overglaze colours, lustres. 25 x 20 x 19,5 cm

The Insect Pipe-Network. 2005. Earthenware, decals, lustres. 15 x 45 x 3 cm


alia Laučkaitė-Jakimavičienė is a ceramicist, acknowledged in Lithuania and abroad. She has held a considerable number of solo shows, participated in many group exhibitions and symposia in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Netherlands, England, Poland, Scandinavian countries, Korea, Australia and the USA. The artist was in residency at prestigious ceramics studios – the Clay Studio in Philadelphia, USA, International Ceramics Studio in Kecskemét, Hungary, and the University of Akron, USA. She received international grants and awards – ArtsLink grant (USA), Merit Award of the Sixth Taiwan Golden Ceramics Awards, Zepter International Design Award, and Lithuanian State grants. The artist has a distinctive style and her works cannot be confused with those of other artists. Her porcelain or white-glaze crockery, ceramic objects replicating household articles are decorated with decals, i.e. commercially produced images with motifs from art history, in particular paintings of the Italian Renaissance. She uses the devices of pop art, but her decals are disassembled, cut into pieces and her own motifs are blended into them, thus creating a new world of collages which tells delightful, elaborate though rather quirky tales. | 111

Chasing a Butterfly by the Church of St Philip and St James. 2002. Stoneware, decals, overglaze colours, lustres. 33 x 43 x 5 cm

A Woman Holding a Moth. 2009. Porcelain, decals, overglaze colours, lustres. ¨ 33 cm 112 |

Let us take a closer look at this world. Dalia’s artwork bewilders us with ‘abracadabra’ ingenuity: idyllic Renaissance ladies brandish knives, people turn into fish-creatures and night butterflies into shaggy monsters, angels keep company with mice, and bird-creatures sit at a table. As if the images were not puzzling enough, they are explained by incomprehensible Latin inscriptions. This is not a cosy world we are familiar with and its laws simply do not apply here; what happens here is beyond rational understanding. This world is full of absurd juxtapositions, strange metaphors, ambiguous meanings, which can only be grasped intuitively. This is where the strategy of surrealism begins, the strategy that to a large degree underpins LaučkaitėJakimavičienė’s work. Her work reflects the impulses of the subconscious, personal allusions and fantasies. By deconstructing decals, the artist creates an individualized world: moreover, over the last decade, with the help of photographs, she started making special decals for her own work. She is the first among Lithuanian ceramicists to use digital technologies, computer software and laser prints, which enabled her to design a unique assortment of decals based on autobiographical mythology. The art critic Jurgita Ludavičienė characterizes

Lamps With a Bulb and With a Foot. 2007. Porcelain, decals, overglaze colours, lustres. 19 x 12 x 8 cm

Mechanical Things about Moths and Fish. 2008-2009. Porcelain, decals, overglaze colours, lustres. 13,5 x 10 x 7,5 cm | 113

Sweet Dreams. 2001. Earthenware, decals, overglaze colours, lustres. 70 x 100 x 6 cm

Cof Cof. 2005. Earthenware, decals, overglaze colours, lustres. 6,5 x 7 x 2,5 cm 114 |

the ceramicist’s work as an odd mixture of handicraft, plumbing and kitsch, ironically blending into an object of art, is the artist’s trademark. Her strength is the ability to create a contrast and to play with it. The contrast between what is trivial and what is unique, what is conventionally considered as masculine and what is exclusively feminine, between tradition and innovation. Visual elegance, allusions to aristocratism alongside with impudently egalitarian selection of motifs. Sugary sentimentalism and willful irony. What is most challenging about Dalia LaučkaitėJakimavičienė’s work is her constant act of balancing between the images from art history, with their beauty, sweetness, and kitsch, the surreal world of the subconscious and the coded autobiographical signs. The artist successfully straddles these diverse worlds in her art, the overall effect of which is even more enhanced by its elegant and precise execution. Prepared by Non-Governmental Organization "Meno miestas"

“Gateway to Innovation in Lithuania� is a Catalogue of innovative companies operating in Lithuania. Catalogue is regularly updated since 2007. The purpose of the Catalogue is to present Lithuanian industrial and technological potential to European business community and public institutions. The Catalogue is published by the Lithuanian Innovation Centre. The Catalogue is supported by Lithuanian government and partly financed by European Commission. Companies included in the Catalogue: - Are innovative: apply new technologies in their activities, constantly seek to develop new products and/or modernize technological processes. - Show interest in the international business and establishing of technological partnerships.

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