Best in lithuania 23

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No. 23 (2014) Published since 2007

Lietuvos pramoninink킬 konfederacija Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists Magazine about business, science and culture leaders in Lithuania

Approved 7 year EU budget of



Timely reached decision. Strengthens competitiveness. Approved 2014 budget and 2013 amended budget

legal acts

Gro EU budget



pe e



EU enlargement Trade policy



Internal market, e-signature is being developed and an agreement reached regarding telecommunications networks, ICT 2013 in Vilnius

strategic connetions; the Council reports on the completion of the energy market and strengthening of the external dimension of EU energy policy

Eastern n p partnership


Eu ro

Responsible economic policy

Fight against fraud and hate crime, concern ffor data protection, consular assistance



Common energy policy

Banking union

Safe environment ffor or citizens


Digital services

Bank supervisory and restructuring mechanisms, recovery and resolution directive, deposit guarantee schemes

2013 European Semester completed, the new economic coordination cycle started

billion euros

The Vilnius meeting highlighted the importance of the EU Eastern Partnership; 5 agreements signed and initialled. Transport ministers agreed on infrastructure projects; Justice and home

TTalks with Turkey revived aft f er 3 years, Agreement on negotiations with Serbia, new negotiation chapters with Mo onttene e eg gro o

Three negotiation rounds with the USA, common EU position and progress in WTO negotiations

Achievements of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU

Public Limited Liability Company Lithuanian Railways (Lietuvos geležinkeliai, AB) are currently developing public logistics center projects in Vilnius, Kaunas and in Klaipėda. Their emergence will be very beneficial for these cities and regions on account of improved business conditions and creation of new workplace, there as the state budget will be replenished with millions in proceeds. Vilnius and Kaunas projects are partly financed (Klaipėda logistics center projects are going to be partly financed) with money from the European Union Cohesion Fund.

Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius: The Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union has reached its final sprint. Its outcomes will be discussed by the European institutions next January, but we can, in the meantime, briefly overview our achievements and their value for the future.



Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius: We are happy to have passed the Presidency examination Linas Linkevičius, Minister of Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs




184 days, 1176 meetings in Brussels, 130 adopted legal acts and 250 decisions, 50 Council conclusions, more than 30 thousand guests in Lithuania, 257 translators and 500 cultural events in Europe... Smart economic policy is the leading idea of the Lithuanian Presidency Interview with Gediminas Raiys, the Vice-President of the Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists and the Director General of its Executive Directorate

Aleksandr Izgorodin, Analyst of Department of Economics and Finances of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists

Lithuania: economy will continue to grow but the growth structure is to change in 2014

Education 16

Aris Meškauskas

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences exports knowledge Saulė Jaugelaitė


Experience of Lithuanian experts for Kazakhstan Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Magazine „Best in Lithuania“ Nr. 23, 2014 Address: Linoleum design UAB M.Mažvydo str. 9-19, LT-06256 Vilnius Tel. +370 615 83361. E-mail: The editorial office is not responsible for the contens of advertisements

Editor Rimvidas Stankevičius / Advertising manager Gediminas Miškinis / Writers: Vaidas Grudis, Aris Meškauskas, Jūratė Mockuvienė Designer Lina Šiškutė / Cover: Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council: facts and figures. (Illustration:


manufacturing 22







Marine interior systems and equipment Norac

AQ Wiring Systems UAB – we are reliable

Top quality water treatment technology August ir Ko

Company's Lonas mattress TYLA®*** – Product of the Year 2012, awarded the Gold Medal

Outdoor wood products Galanis

Technology and solutions Selteka

We aspire to be an excellent welding electrode manufacturer Anykščių varis






Regional leader in glass business GUARTIS

Professional electrotechnical solutions Rifas

Business is a partner of an active society LIFOSA

Art to invoke nature RUVERA

Packaging is the first thing to catch the buyer’s glance Technopakas


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Fall in love with linen, like we did! Lino stilius



service Lietuvos rytas Printing house: quality, services, reliability


Reliable and innovative PakMarkas


SAURIDA: we develop business by monitoring the demand


ADAMPOLIS – your partner of heavy duty vehicle


AD REM TRANSPORT: close to the world, close to you


DOTNUV OS PROJEKTAI – from small business to an international company



Wood economy

FOOD industry 56

Mineral water is an inseparable part of Lithuania’s history Birštono mineraliniai vandenys ir Ko

Vaidas Grudis 58

The delicious "ambassador" of Lithuania Žemaitijos pienas

Ramunė Hazir 64

One more reason to visit Lithuania: Palace of the Grand Dukes


Mobile exhibition "Up & Down"


Up &

Lithuanian landscapes of being 69

An exhibition in the language library to mark the Lithuanian presidency


Graphic artist Egidijus Rudinskas


TADAM! The Sweet Courses for Your Eyes


NI&CO. New ideas chamber orchestra




Royal Birštonas – a Resort for Health, Wellness and Harmony

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Prime Minister Algirdas ButkeviÄ?ius:

Photo: Vygintas Skaraitis BFL

we are happy to have passed the Presidency examination

The Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union has reached its final sprint. Its outcomes will be discussed by the European institutions next January, but we can, in the meantime, briefly overview our achievements and their value for the future.

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In July, Lithuania for the first time had to take responsibility for a smooth running of the Council of the European Union throughout the second half of 2013. Our Presidency happened at fairly tough times in the political cycle. We had to handle complex issues outside the Presidency agenda: consultations with the U.S. on data protection, the crisis in Syria and Egypt, Russia’s TIR Convention violations, etc. In spite of everything, the Lithuanian Presidency can be seen as a great success. The Council reached an agreement on the EU budget for 2014 and individual EU programmes for 20142020. Significant agreements have been reached on a joint mechanism for bank supervision, as well as on reforms in procurement and the Common Agricultural Policy. Much international attention has been drawn by the culminating events in November: the EU’s Eastern Partnership Summit and all the forums held in its framework. Vilnius was visited by EU and Eastern Partnership leaders. As planned, EU Association Agreements with Georgia and Moldova were initialled; other major EU cooperation agreements with Eastern partners were signed, which will have their effect on EU-Eastern Partners cooperation in the future, and thus the economy as a whole. Unfortunately, Lithuania’s efforts in the negotiations on the EU-Ukraine association and free trade agreements have not been crowned with success, but the current high global attention and the unfading engagement of the Ukrainian people might as well provide new impulses to the development of the Eastern Partnership programme. As an economist and Prime Minister of Lithuania, I see the value of the initialled agreements not only in political terms: the agreements will open the way for closer economic cooperation and bilateral relations. EU-Azerbaijan agreement on visa facilitation and the agreement with Georgia on EU participation in international missions have been signed. We have laid foundations for bringing the Lithuanian foreign policy forward: in October, Lithuania was the first of the Baltic states to be elected as non-permanent member to the UN Security Council; we saw the launch of the Lithuania-OECD Action Plan, providing for

specialized reviews of the country’s policies together with the OECD already in 2014, which could form basis for potential OECD accession negotiations. We are happy with ever closer cooperation with the Asian region, particularly with key countries in the region – China and Japan. It is expected that the dialogue will further grow in 2014 thus paving the way not only for cultural and political, but also business and trade relations with Asian countries. As I have said, Vilnius events were attended not only by EU leaders, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Policy, but also the top officials, ministers and the media people of the 28 EU Member States and the six Eastern Partnership countries. And I have no doubts that all this has added to Lithuania’s promotion. I would like to point out particularly the Eastern Partnership Business Forum that focussed on the ways to reduce trade barriers, attract foreign investment, promote small and medium-sized businesses and look for new opportunities. The Forum was attended by more than 500 guests and over a hundred journalists. Business representatives had an opportunity to make new contacts, which hopefully will trigger new investments and the bilateral cooperation. Personally involved in the business forum, I tried to make the entrepreneurs realize the mutual benefit of the Forum as well as the entire Eastern Partnership. I am convinced that the trade liberalization will open up opportunities for growing flows of investments in the Eastern Partnership countries, and an access to a half a billion consumer market in the EU. The Lithuanian business people welcomed the direct benefits of the Presidency, in terms of the services provided: hotels and cafes operating to their full capacity. Some Lithuanians have a joke about the benefits being directly related to the number of zeppelins ordered. At the beginning of this year, we compared preparation for the Presidency to sitting for an examination. We can now safely claim that Lithuania has passed it. Along with all of the European Union, we have showed that Europe is set to restore confidence through fiscal coherence and stability, and that Europe is growing and open.

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184 days, 1176 meetings in Brussels, 130 adopted legal acts and 250 decisions, 50 Council conclusions, more than 30 thousand guests in Lithuania, 257 translators and 500 cultural events in Europe...

Plenary Hall Exhibition and Convention Centre LITEXPO Linas LinkeviÄ?ius, Minister of Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


hese are only the numbers, but this is the first time this type of statistics has been seen in Lithuania.

Half a year ago we took over the Presidency of the EU Council from Ireland with much enthusiasm and courage, with the aim of creating a Growing, Credible and Open Europe. Those were our goals, for the implementation of which we invoked partnerships and achieved tangible progress. That is why 8 |

I call the Lithuanian Presidency of the EU Council a success. The important work in stimulating economic growth in Europe was the agreement on the 7-year budget, on additional spending for the 2013 and 2014 annual budget. The discussions and debates took many hours, and required multiple negotiation skills on the part of the Presidency country in order that the decisions were adopted. Therefore, as of the first of January more funds

from the EU budget will be allocated to stimulate scientific research and innovation, increasing youth employment, funding energy alliances, and other measures that could help to increase competitive ability of Europe. Lithuania devoted much attention to the development of digital services. Agreement was reached on guidelines for the development of trans-European telecommunication networks, and negotiations were launched on the

Photos: BFL

United States Secretary of State John Kerry and the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Minister Linas Linkevičius

creation of the European e-identification system. Progress was achieved in agreements on measures increasing the security of networks and information systems, and reducing the cost of deploying high-speed e-communication networks. Europe’s biggest digital technology event ICT2013 was held in Lithuania, attracting around 5 thousand global experts. We achieved progressed in creating a common EU energy policy. During the Lithuanian Presidency for the first time the 7-year EU budget provided a financial line for strategic alliance projects, and an EU-wide list of projects of common interest was drawn up. It includes 15 projects from the Baltic States, six of which are Lithuanian. It took tremendous efforts for Lithuania to recover from the recession; therefore the creation of a Credible Europe and efforts towards preventing future crises was an important priority of the Lithuanian Presidency. We achieved progress in creating the Banking Union. Its first pillar, a single supervisory mechanism for banks, helping the prevention of financial and debt crises, will begin operating in November 2014. Moreover, political agreement has been reached on the single resolution mechanism, designed to solve the insolvency problems of banks. Lithuania reached agreement with the European Parliament on the

banking capacity regulation, which will come into effect in 2016. Last year, during the Year of Citizens, the Presidency country devoted much attention to the protection of EU citizens’ rights. Lithuania sought progress in the area of data protection so EU citizens could control their personal data in digital space. Conclusions were reached concerning the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights and fight against hate crimes. It was also decided to strengthen consular help for EU nationals in third countries. Most of all we are trying to ensure that Europe is strengthening relations with its partners, because we believe that an Open Europe grants more opportunities, foremost economically. We moved forward towards the biggest trade agreement in the world – the EU-US Free Trade Agreement, the first three negotiation rounds of which have taken place. Negotiations with Canada on the same type of agreement are completed, and a mandate for negotiations with China on the promotion of investments has been issued. However, our most important event was the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. This was the meeting that delivered tangible results. The Association Agreements with Georgia and Moldova were initialled in Vil-

nius. This is an important step towards the consolidation of the pro-European choice of countries, and an opportunity to access an open market of half a billion people. Azerbaijan and the EU signed a visa facilitation agreement facilitating the EU country visa regime for citizens of Azerbaijan. Future guidelines for the Eastern Partnership programme were drawn up. The results of the summit in Vilnius encouraged Ukrainian society to declare their wish to strengthen relations with the EU in a clear and organised manner. Returning to the numbers – the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius was the largest of the Eastern Partnership summits attended by the highest number of leaders, which received the greatest amount of media attention – it was attended by nearly all EU leaders including 45 delegations, with 750 journalists covering the events. Strong interest in the events of the Eastern Partnership (held nearby at the Civil Society Conference and the Business Forum) shows that the partnership of countries participating in the programme has a solid foundation – a clearly expressed interest from societies and business in developing relations. This is the encouraging result of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and a success for the EP programme as a whole. | 9

Smart economic policy is the leading idea of the Lithuanian Presidency The Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists distinguished itself for abundance of different events related to the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The VicePresident of the Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists and the Director General of its Executive Directorate Gediminas Raiys talks about the Lithuanian Presidency that came to an end recently.

BiL Is it true that the Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists started preparing for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union much earlier than Ireland passed on the baton of Presidency to Lithuania? Yes, that is true. As soon as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented the priorities of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union at the beginning of March, on the 6th of March the Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists started with its first event – the international conference Smart Industrial Policy – Key Condition for Economic Growth. It should be noted that the relevance of the topic was guessed absolutely correctly because within these years strong encouragement in Europe was voiced to restore the industrial potential of Europe. As far as we know, earlier everybody spoke for clean Europe, the opinion was expressed that services would help the region by handing over leadership of global production to China. Why smart economy was the second accent? For the simple reason that if other policies, for example, the said policy of services, or climate change or the consumer rights were not controlled, the industrial base of Europe would suffer greatly. Therefore one of the blocks of the presidency events was related to the negotiations between European and other global economies. Lithuania had the honour and responsibility to be not only an organiser but also a moderator of different working and professional sittings in which representative of global economies took part. The first event of this kind was held with the representatives of Canada because it is already for many 10 |

years that the negotiations over the agreement on economic cooperation between the European Union and Canada have been going on. A large delegation of the parliamentarians of Canada arrived in Lithuania. Meetings with the representatives of the largest Confederation of Japanese Industrialists KEIDANREN were held while the negotiations between the European Union and Japan were going on. These were interesting though difficult meetings because there are many trade barriers related to highly specific local non-tariff barriers in Japan. During that period a thorough agreement on economic cooperation between the European Union and the USA was coordinated. Representatives of the American Chamber of Commerce and the largest industrial companies met in Brussels. It took a long time to prepare adequately for these negotiations. I would like to emphasise the significance of another economic vector – towards the East. Since Russia joined the World Trade Organisation (WTO) not a long time ago, we had to observe how the requirements set by the WTO were fulfilled, if the transitional periods were observed. That is of relevance to the entire European Union. BiL Though you represent the industrialists, you had to work a lot with the politicians. Yes, I could single out the entire block of events devoted to the meetings with the delegations of the European Parliament. We had to organise conferences of the representatives of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

(ITRE), the Committee on International Trade (INTA) of the European Parliament. In this case these were sooner cognitive visits of the politicians. BiL During the Presidency the industrialists organised thematic events. Many events were organised in cooperation with the European Economic and Social Committee. One of the most exceptional events was the conference Trade: new possibilities, new ways of partnership and threats. As we know, Lithuania has been integrated into global economy. The ratio of our export to GDP is especially high. This is characteristic of small scale economies. Global trade and openness form the basis for our economic success. On the other hand, trade is to be conducted according to the rules that are understandable to and acceptable, as well as equally treated, by both parties. Unfortunately, there are also attempts at expansion, especially on the part of the Asian states in seeking to increase their market shares by means of not so humane methods, for example, at the expense of working conditions, wages, or artificially reduced prices with the aim to oust or eliminate the competitors. Anti-damping measures form the counterbalance to that. The basis of smart economy must be recognition of the rules acceptable to both parties in economic relations – especially with the states of Central Asia. The chosen theme of the conference Cross-border Business had a deep implied sense. Within this context the words of the President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin can be cited that whether it is a vector of Eurasia or that of the European Union, economic and trade relations between these vectors do exist, did exist and have to exist in the future. A piece of news has been spread that despite political changes business always expects a predictable environment and seeks to achieve that political decisions should not bar the way to trade. BiL Nonetheless, the work done was crowned by two largest events organised by the Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists. Tell us more about them.

interesting first of all in that we had lecturers occupying high ranking positions. They were Presidents of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development and European Investment banks, Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Prime Ministers. Another exceptional event was COPRES, Council of the Presidents of BUSINESSEUROPE in which representatives of 41 organisations belonging to the Council participated. Presidents of even 35 confederations arrived. Really, we were overcome by a feeling of pride when the Presidents of both confederations of such a country as Germany, whose export totals one trillion Euros per year, took part in the event. This was great honour and recognition for Lithuania.

The Eastern Partnership Business Forum that took place on the eve of the political Eastern Partnership Forum and COPRES. Council of the Presidents of BUSINESSEUROPE in Vilnius were really exceptional events.

Presidents of the European trade organisations, Directors General and Presidents of the representations in Brussels met with President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia GrybauskaitÄ—.

The Eastern Partnership Business Forum surpassed all our expectation. We hoped to receive 300 participants from Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and three states of the Caucasus. However, about 600 business representatives from Europe, Lithuania and the six above mentioned countries arrived. The Forum was

To hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union is a rare occasion; this is also creating a business environment though invisible but very suggestive and favourable. Hence, the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union was an objective opportunity to achieve the subjective goals.

Vicepresident of Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, Director General dr. Gediminas Rainys

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Lithuania: economy will continue to grow but the growth structure is to change in 2014 Lithuania’s economy demonstrated a rather rapid growth in 2013; during the first three quarters of 2013 Lithuanian real GDP rose by 3.3% making Lithuania the second fastest-growing economy in the EU after Latvia. However, while Latvian’s economy is still 10% below its pre-crisis level, Lithuanian economy is only 2.9% below the level of 2008, which makes it much more difficult for Lithuania to register rapid GDP growth rates.

Aleksandr Izgorodin, Analyst of the Department of Economics and Finances of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists

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Export has continued to be the major contributor to Lithuanian GDP growth – export rose by 10% in 2013 and is already 38% above the pre-crisis level. However, throughout 2013 the influence of export on the economic growth was gradually fading – the rate of the export growth slowed down from 15.6% in 2013 Q1 to 7.6% in Q3, as a sluggish demand in the euro zone and weakened Russian economy, as well as high basis effect (as it was mentioned, export is already almost 40% above the pre-crisis level) took its toll on Lithuania’s export sectors. Slight export expansion, however, was partially compensated for by consumption and investment. The rate of the recovery of domestic consumption increased from 3% in 2013 Q1 to 6% in Q3, which was the fastest growth in consumption in 1.5 years. What is more; investments rose by 17% in 2013 Q3, from 6.7% increase at the beginning of 2013. All in all, there are clear signs that the structure of the economic growth in Lithuania is changing – while export remains the key factor behind Lithuania’s economic growth, the influence of consumption and investment became clearly stronger in 2013, and

the growth rate of GDP itself became a little more dependent on domestic components. In general, we expect the similar trend to continue in 2014. Our general forecast about performance of Lithuanian economy remains rather positive – we expect GDP to increase by about 3.5%. Moreover, Lithuanian economy has very good chances of actually surpassing the level of GDP of the pre-crisis level in nominal terms (influence of prices being eliminated) – we expect GDP to be almost 1.5% bigger in 2013 than it was in 2008. We also expect to see a similar pattern of GDP growth as in 2013 – export will remain a very important factor of economic expansion, but domestic demand will continue to increase its influence on Lithuanian economy, gradually becoming more and more important in terms of GDP expansion. We forecast that consumption will rise by 6% in 2013. This increase will largely be driven by positive developments in the labor market – as the economy will continue to recover, unemployment is expected to shrink from the current rate

Photos: archive of Best in Lithuania

of 11% to 9.5%. It is worth mentioning that Lithuanian unemployment rate is already below its long-term average of 12.2%. This suggests that from now on, recovery of Lithuanian economy and a resulting decline in unemployment will highlight the structural problems in Lithuania’s labor market. Tensions in the labor market (i.e. lack of labor supply), declining unemployment, as well as improving general economic conditions, will result in a continuous growth in wages, which may reach 5% in 2014. Moreover, consumer sentiment has reached the levels of the early 2008, as Lithuanian consumers have become more optimistic about the perspectives of economy and the labor market. Gradually rising consumer sentiment will eventually stimulate some of the consumers to devote part of their savings to consumption. At the same time, we expect inflationary pressures to remain subdued, with the average annual inflation reaching 2% in 2014. This suggests that the purchasing power of consumers, which has started to rise in 2013, will also continue to grow in 2014, with real wages set to rise by approximately 3%. It is also worth mentioning that the average wages in Lithuania have already reached the pre-crisis level and are in fact 1.2% above the 2008 level. However, the average wages in the private sector are still 0.3% below the pre-crisis level. While we expect the structure of economic expansion to shift a little

from export to domestic consumption, export will remain the key factor behind economic expansion. We expect export to increase by 7% in 2014 in real terms. There are clear indications of gradually improving sentiments and overall macroeconomic conditions in the euro zone, although the growth rate in the euro zone is still in a negative territory. We expect macroeconomic conditions to improve gradually in the euro zone, with Germany (which is Lithuania’s main trading partner within the context of exports of Lithuanian goods) leading the way. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that exports to the EU will follow the upward trend, although we do not expect to see a rapid growth of exports to the EU region, as high unemployment, weak demand, a sluggish credit growth and some uncertainty will determine on the activity in the euro zone. We expect Russian economy to remain rather sluggish in 2014, with GDP growth not exceeding 3%. However, we do not support the pessimistic forecasts about the Russian economy, as oil prices continue to remain at rather high levels. It is also worth mentioning that Russian government has accumulated 87 bln. USD in its Reserve Fund, which accounts for 4% of Russian GDP. Should economic conditions deteriorate significantly, these financial reserves could be used by the government to support the economy. All in all, we do not see any sharp upturn in Lithuanian exports in 2014, but the pace of export growth will remain sufficient to stimulate recovery of domestic demand.

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Lithuanian University of Health Sciences exports knowledge On the first of September, the students who want to gain degree in the Russian language will come to the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. This is a novelty at that academic institution, and the University will start implementing it in the course of the study programme of a new form within some months.

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Those who have chosen the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences will be able to study medicine, odontology, pharmacy and veterinary science. It is planned to admit up to ten students who want to study these programmes in the Russian language to each study field. According to the Vice-rector of the

Aris MeĹĄkauskas

University Prof. Daiva RastenytÄ—, the University has been preparing for two years to create the possibilities for knowledge to be imparted in the Russian language at that higher school. The Lithuanian University of Health Sciences has wide experience of work with foreign students. The Lebanese

were the first students to obtain the Lithuanian degree. They started studying in Kaunas twenty years ago. At the present time 570 students from more than 40 countries are studying at the University. The largest number of students is from Sweden, Spain, Israel, Lebanon, Germany, South Korea and Poland. The language of instruction for them is English. The representatives of the University are convinced that those who wish to become professional specialists in their field choose the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences located in Kaunas taking into consideration not only the quality of knowledge gained but also the balanced cost ratio of life in the country. Many people who arrive to get acquainted with the University and who want to study there are pleasantly surprised at the country itself, its system of transport and the standard of living. A total of 426 foreign students have received degrees since the time lectures at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences were delivered in the English language. “During several past years the number of students has increased considerably. We do not doubt that studies in the Russian language will also interest foreigners”, said Prof. Daiva Rastenytė. According to her, when selecting an ed-

ucational institution the school-leavers living abroad most often listen to the recommendations of their acquaintances who graduated from one or another higher school or to those who are still studying. “The majority of the students who are studying at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences have taken their acquaintance’s advice. The fact that the students appreciate our University is very important to us”, assured us Prof. Daiva Rastenytė. LSMU makes itself known by taking part in exhibitions, conferences and in virtual space. The University’s representatives do not doubt that admittance of foreign students to study at University is beneficial to the teachers too because the latter can develop intercultural communication. To deliver lecturers in the English language is the easiest part of classes. Of great importance is the ability to create communities in the

groups of students, help the students who arrive from foreign countries integrate. In recent years talented students from Sweden chose the field of veterinary science. Their requirements set to the teachers are especially high. “The teachers seem to have passed the test”, said Prof. Daiva Rastenytė. According to her, the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences as though exports knowledge, which is important not only to the people studying at the University but also to those who already have considerable knowledge. The total result achieved is appreciated in the world, and the Lithuanian degree is recognised and serves as an indicator that the student has gained necessary knowledge. Foreign students at our University account for 9 per cent of all 7000 people studying there. At the present time the possibility to create conditions for students to do clinical practise not only in Lithuania but also at the health care institutions in other countries is being considered. Another novelty at the University is courses in the Russian language for the staff. At our University they have been run in the English language for more than a year. Health care institutions, which want to improve their employees’ qualification and increase their knowledge, ask our University to provide training intended namely for them. “We are constantly developing ourselves and doing our best to introduce the novelties that are of significance in the market of knowledge”, said the Vice-rector Prof. Daiva Rastenytė. | 17


Experience of Lithuanian experts for Kazakhstan Saulė Jaugelaitė

In another case refresher courses for the staff of the treatment establishments of foreign countries are conducted in Lithuania”, said the interlocutor. Relations between the specialists of Kazakhstan and Lithuania were established ten years ago. During that time the staff of LSMU worked at the health care and educational institutions of the partner country more than once, consulted their employees. Meanwhile the courses of raising qualification were organised in Lithuania. About 1000 physicians from Kazakhstan attended them and acquired necessary knowledge. Practical-scientific conferences were held in both countries.


pecialists of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas, LSMU) cooperate with hospitals operating in Kazakhstan especially intensely and provide consultations to them. During the past several years the University established relations with the physicians of Tajikistan who wish to take over experience of the Lithuanian physi-

cians in the field of obstetrics. According to the Vice-Rector of the University for studies Prof. Daiva Rastenytė, there should be possibilities for the University to share knowledge with the employees of the medical sector in other countries.

According to Prof. Daiva Rastenytė, close relations determined the fact that Lithuania’s representative capable of assuring regular close cooperation of importance to both countries has been working in Kazakhstan for some time already.

“The activity is carried out in two directions. In one case our teachers go to the country with which the cooperation is established.

Physicians of different fields go to Kazakhstan – cardio surgeons, cardiologists, obstetrics-genealogists, rehabilitators, radiologists, and nursing specialists. The Head of the Clinic of Obstetrics and Genealogy of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Prof. Rūta Nadišauskienė was the first to establish cooperation with Kazakhstan. Almost at the same time one of the most famous cardio surgeons in the Baltic States Rimantas Benetis started to maintain close relations with Kazakhstan. “Cooperation has been developed successfully up to now. We want it to continue and enhance”, said Prof. Daiva Rastenytė. At the present time nine universities of Lithuania are going to join for common activities in Kazakhstan. 18 |

Shipping lines Railways



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marine interior systems and equipment Tourists of luxury cruise ships, ferry passengers, sailors of freighters, workers of offshore platforms in different countries of the world travel, relax and work in modern and comfortable cabins, which are assembled from the structures manufactured by a subsidiary of the Norwegian Company Norac operating in Panevėžys. Our production, which is internal bulkheads, plates, ceiling panels, doors, windows, hatches and bathrooms, is exported to Norway, Denmark, Holland, Germany, Great Britain, Singapore, the USA, Poland, Spain, Romania, Turkey, Australia and other countries. Bathrooms reach the vessels of foreign countries completely equipped. Their walls and floors are tiled,

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plumbing fittings are put in, lighting is installed, and mirrors are hung. The Company also manufactures complete bathrooms for dwelling houses, which are installed in a house being built at once. Bathrooms are mostly five square meters wide but the subsidiary of the Company in Panevėžys sometimes has to make larger bathrooms suited for the disabled. All the products of the Company comply not only with the international but also with Norwegian standards valid inside the Company, which sometimes are even more stringent. The ability of the workers of Panevėžys subsidiary to be flexible, to satisfy the customers’ desires and to manufacture the highest-quality product at a compatible price enabled the Sales Department of Norac Company located in Norway to successfully win a competitive struggle against the manufacturers of similar products in the global market.

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Top quality water treatment technology

“Solutions for man and nature” is the slogan representing the consistent attitude of the Company August ir Ko engaged in wastewater treatment facilities to the wastewater treatment problems. There are different products in the European and Lithuanian market of wastewater treatment facilities and ever more modern solutions emerge. Strict requirements set to water and wastewater treatment, the customers’ expectations and their desire to ensure comfortable living conditions for themselves make the manufacturers offer modern wastewater treatment facilities to the market.

Effluent treatment plant of Maišiagala town whose capacity is 610 m3 per day (installed in 2010) 26 || 26


nlike many manufacturers of wastewater treatment facilities, the solutions offered by August ir Ko enable nature surrounding us to be protected better and many problems caused by the traditional treatment facilities to be avoided. This is the only company in Europe manufacturing biological water treatment facilities, which is able to offer the entire water and wastewater treatment technology to the customer: from designing, manufacturing, installing water and wastewater treatment facilities to their maintenance. Every two years the Company develops, tests and offers new products to the market,

Every two years the Company develops and tests a new product

Two AT-120-type facilities intended for the population equivalent (PE) have been installed to service Vilnius Jesuit Gymnasium

The design of a new August ir Ko plant that meets BREEAM standards. The work is planned to be completed in 2015

AT-6 facility intended for servicing a dwelling house where up to six people live

which meet the requirements of the customers. Meanwhile in Europe, during the past 3-5 years, no new patented products in this sphere of production have been launched. Hence, it is not by chance that technologies of biological treatment facilities developed by August ir Ko find themselves in the most prestigious scientific publications.

it can compete with the production of any country in quality and price parameters. Constant searches for new technologies and attempts not to pollute the environment surrounding us has proved once again that August ir Ko will not yield its leading position in manufacturing biological wastewater treatment facilities.

August ir Ko is a family company set up 15 years ago and currently it is expanding in other countries of the world. “Family business obligates us to work with great responsibility. Our eldest son is studying water treatment in Munich, Germany. We understand that several generations can develop the same activities only by consistently introducing novelties” says F. August.

The new plant is an example of harmony with nature

Production is exported to 44 countries of the world

One can find patented technology of biological water treatment facilities of the Company in as many as 44 countries of the world, including the whole of Europe and the Scandinavian countries. Customers in India and specialists in water treatment in China, Vietnam and Nigeria take interest in the Company’s production.

Though there is a uniform CE labelling standard in Europe, the majority of states apply their own national additional criteria too. For example, in Norway, where ecological requirements are especially stringent, only four enterprises have the right to distribute biological water treatment facilities, with August ir Ko being among them. It was more than once that the Company has proved that

The design of the new plant has been registered and it complies with especially high requirements of the BREAAM standard set to industrial buildings

Company August ir Ko seeks to achieve harmony with the environment not only in terms of its products but also in organising the entire production process. After fifteen years of the Company’s activities of seeking to meet the growing need for high quality wastewater treatment facilities it was decided to built a modern plant. The plant has been designed seeking to reduce the impact of artificially created environment on human health and nature. The design of the new plant has been registered and it complies with especially high requirements of the BREAAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) standard set to the industrial buildings.

BREEAM is the world‘s leading and most widely used environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings. The plant under construction will be the first building in Lithuania and the neighbouring countries to comply with the assessment “excellent” of this standard. After the projects has been implemented in the year 2015, the planned capacities of the plant will amount to about 250 wastewater treatment facilities per day. These are quite natural needs because the sales of the Company’s production this year, as compared to those last year, have increased by as much as 60 per cent.

Sewage treatment plant of closed type of hotel Le Meridien Vilnius with the golf court (mounted in 2012). Capacities of the facility are 600 m3 per day. The treated water is used for a second time || 27


Company's Lonas mattress TYLA®*** – Product of the Year 2012, awarded the Gold Medal ONO MAŽMENA UAB is one of the LONAS GROUP of companies whose core business is manufacture and sale of mattresses. The Company has been in the Lithuanian market since 1993 and it has great knowledge of materials, their combinations and properties. In 2011 and 2012, the Company LONAS was issued the certificate “Strongest in Lithuania”, which confirmed that the Company’s solvency rating was high. In 2011, the Company LONAS introduced a “breathable” mattress collection, which consisted of three mattress lines: TYLA® (silence) - breather pocket spring mattresses, HARMONIJA® (harmony) - adaptable to the body viscoelastic mattresses and MŪZA® (muse) - durable, advanced vlogys latex mattresses. The first years of existence of LONAS‘ “breathable” collection testified to people’s increasing interest in high-quality and environmentally-friendly products that ensured comfort and healthy sleep. That is why one of the “breathable” mattress collections LONAS mattress TYLA®*** became “Lithuanian Product of the Year 2012” and was

awarded the Gold Medal. In 2013, the Company LONAS also participates in this Competition firmly believing that the Gold Medal TYLA® *** will not be the only one Award of this collection’s. TYLA®*** is a breathable, adaptable to the body, functional and practical pocket microspring mattress with a removable organic latex topper. In assessing the mattress TYLA®*** quality and environmental friendliness are important to note that the Company LONAS was one of the first in Lithuania to introduce nine mattress collection, which, instead of usual synthetic adhesives, used eco-friendly Swiss water-based glue, made from 100 % acrylic and natural rubber. All materials that LONAS uses in manufacturing mattresses are certified by international certificates and meet the highest safety and quality standards. Advanced technology and design solutions help maintain the optimum moisture ratio in mattresses, which prevents bacteria and dust mites breeding in them. LONAS’ production are exclusive and careful handicrafts of Lithuanian Masters.

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Famous industrial designer Nauris Kalinauskas developed a collection of LONAS “breathable” mattresses. Both the designer and the Company LONAS sought to refuse traditional stereotypes and to prove that a mattress does not necessarily have to be white. In this way earth-color mattress covers with the Lithuanian tricolor accent appeared. In 2012, LONO MAŽMENA UAB was awarded GOOD DESIGN diploma at the National Design Award Competition in Lithuania. Due to their positive effect on human physiology, LONAS mattresses are also recommended by kinesiology therapists. Materials used in the manufacture of LONAS mattresses do not disturb the circulation of blood, help the spinal column adopt an anatomically correct posture; hence, the musculoskeletal and nervous system rests faster and regenerative processes take place more efficiently. In short, LONAS mattresses combine physiological needs and individual habits turning a person‘s sleep into a qualitative and, first and foremost, healthy process. Together with every product LONAS gives peace of mind, health and the ability to enjoy life every day. LONAS signifies MASTERS OF COMFORT.


outdoor wood products

he highest quality outdoor wood products manufacturer GALANIS offers a selection of more than 200 finished models of cabins, sheds, gazebos, furniture, and other. What’s more, might you wish for something special and unique, we are ready to bring your idea to life and create a custom-made product.

The highest quality materials, an aesthetic design and attention to detail result in outstanding, hard to miss products. Company’s production is environmentally friendly, made from sustainable forest Norway spruce (picea abies), and yet solid, tenacious and durable. Established in 1993 in Anykščiai district, GALANIS has manufactured over 100.000 units, which were sold

to satisfied customers all over Europe, USA, Australia, Japan and elsewhere. Our team consists of professional designers, engineers and more than 50 craftsmen, who would be happy to help your dream to come true. | 29


TECHNOLOGY AND SOLUTIONS rivate Company Selteka UAB is the largest manufacturer of electronic goods in the sphere of TV in Eastern Europe and one of the oldest manufacturers and sellers of electronics in Lithuania. The Company expands its export markets successfully and exports its products to Latvia, Germany, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Holland, Denmark and Belarus. The Company provides digital television solutions, EMS services, OEM analogue and digital TV, LED lights production and assemblage services according to the customer’s needs. A modern production enterprise famous for its innovative production technologies and a responsible attitude towards the quality of its products completed the year successfully by winning the award “Successfully Operating Company” in the competition organised by the Confederation of Industrialists. Selteka UAB constantly invests in new technological equipment. In 2012-2013, more than 2,5 million litas was invested in the development of technologies. In 2013, after the Company had received financial assis-

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tance from the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology and the European Union, it successfully completed implementing the project according to the implementation measure Inočekiai LT. In the course of the project, in cooperation with Kaunas Technological University, a software module of measuring real-time digital TV auditorium was created. Selteka follows the philosophy of socially responsible business therefore it seeks to ensure harmony between the market, environmental protection and social groups of interest in the electronic goods manufacturing process. The Company pays great attention to assuring a safe and efficient production process therefore it takes pains to renovate its premises and introduces innovative solutions enabling the amount of energy consumed to be reduced. At the present time the Company has developed new

projects according to which it is going to manufacture intellectual lighting management systems to be used both in everyday life and at work.

The Company has ISO:9001 quality management system

Water ionizer PTV reaches maximum 10.4 pH and -915 ORP

Water ionizer AQUATOR reaches maximum 11.4 pH and -915 ORP

Burbuliukas ir CO is a dynamic, as well as rapidly growing and developing, company established in 1995. The main sphere of activity of the Company is to manufacture products for the people who want to lead a healthy way of life. Ionized water produced from water ionizers naturally boosts vital energy of the body and if used daily helps to maintain complete harmony between the body and health. The Company manufactures water ionizers PTV and ionizers AQUATOR of two modifications. The appliances are patented and are issued certificates. The devices are made from eco-friendly materials that are free of dangerous elements. We are unique in the world because our water ionizer produces three different kinds of water: alkaline, aced and silver. Our Company offers exceptionally high-quality products, which have been appreciated not only in Lithuania but also all over the world.


excellent We aspire to be an

welding electrode manufacturer ANYKŠČIŲ VARIS,

UAB is the only welding electrode factory in Lithuania and the Baltic States. The Company produces 200-250 tons of welding electrodes monthly. At the beginning welding electrodes for industry, construction and agriculture using ANO-4 UONI-13/55 brands were produced, and in the past years new European standards of electrodes AV-31, AV-21, AV-23, AV- 61, AV-66, as well as various types of special electrodes-stainless steel, cast iron, aluminium, hardfacing have been applied. Beside welding electrodes, ANYKŠČIŲ VARIS offers to purchase copper coated welding wire SG2/ER70S-6 for MIG/MAG welding. The Company expands sales in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia , Romania and other markets. The company cooperates with raw material suppliers from Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, France, Poland, India and other countries. Much attention is paid to control and selection of raw materials used for production. It is a must for raw materials to meet international standards. Great attention is devoted to product quality assurance in all technological chains. The Company operates three laboratories equipped with modern equipment which enables us to perform introductory raw material and final product control. Materials dosing, electrode pressing and drying operations are controlled by a computerized bar control system. Technological service continuously monitors and controls the accuracy and quality of the whole process. In the Company operates quality management system based on ISO-9002. ANYKŠČIŲ VARIS products are certified by TUV, Bureau Veritas, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (PC), the Russian agency NAKS certificates. The Technical Supervisory Authority has accepted part of the products suitable for use in potentially hazardous equipment for welding and repairs.

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We offer our customers a variety of product packaging options for a flexible billing and travel. ANYKŠČIŲ VARIS, UAB specialists are always ready to provide detailed information on the characteristics of welding electrode technology and other characteristics. ANYKŠČIŲ VARIS welding electrodes are well known in the markets. The superior quality makes our products competitive in European and other markets.

Journey from Kaunas to Urbino and back II. Etching, ink drawing; 80x60 cm


More about the artist Egidijus Rudiskas on page 70. | 33


Regional leader in GLASS BUSINESS Guartis AB has been counting its history since 1965 after sheet glass production started. The story of the Company's development proves it to be an experienced producer that satisfies the market demands and requirements. The Company's production process meets ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 requirements and all products meet European regulations. The quality was evaluated by “National quality award” received in December 2011.


pprox. 75 percent of the Company’s products are exported to the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia. In 2011, the Company was granted the „Export Award” of the Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts for the results achieved in the field of export.

Tempered glass Flat tempered glass offered by Guartis AB has mechanical resistance which is 5-7 times higher than that of annealed glass of the same thickness. Due to these qualities it is intended for glass parts in buildings, furniture, interior parts, household appliances where safety is particularly important. During the initial phase of production glass is processed mechanically (cut, holes are drilled, the edges are processed, silk-print is put, etc.) and only after that it is put into a tempering furnace to gain resistance to impact and high temperature. Glass sheets can be tested in the Heat Soak chamber, which eliminates spontaneous cracking.

Office house in Kijev (customer - Zavod Steklopaketov i Architekturnogo Stekla)

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Bullet-proof glass is produced by joining some glass sheets by means of PVB foil and then treating such glass units thermally. Guartis AB has experience of producing bullet-proof glass of different thickness.

Bent laminated glass for vehicles

Arena house in Šiauliai (customer - PST)

Lithuanian Museum of Ethnocosmology in Molėtai (customer - Hrono fasadai)

Laminated tempered flat glass

Bullet-proof flat glass

Depending on the assumed field of application and function of laminated glass offered by Guartis AB, it is composed of at least two panes of glass joined either by EVASAFE (ethyl-vinyl-acetyl) film or PVB foil.

It is highly important to ensure safety of property and people against armed robbery in public offices, banks, shops, flats and vehicles. In those places bullet-proof glass plays a very significant role in protecting people in different conditions againts bullets of a gun.

Laminated glass is highly resistan to impact due to foil placed between the panes - separation of the pane in the event of breakage is impossible, thus minimising the risk of injury. Combining different types of foils and glass makes construction material safe in the places where safety both of human and property are of high importance. Laminated glass also offers a wide range of decoration possibilities.

The Company produces serial windscreens but the main focus is placed on special projects for glass for different land and water transport. The Company’s experience of manufacturing bent laminated articles is more than 20 years.

Insulating glass units The ability to join different types of glass into an insulating glass unit enables many different products with different features to be manufactured. Insulating glass units could be applied where it is necessary to ensure security of people and objects (laminated glass, laminated safety glass, strengthened glass, bullet-proof or fireproof glass can be completed into IGU), thermal protection (low-emission glass and noble gas (argon) filling in one or two chambers ensures energy saving and lower costs of heating rooms in winter and cooling them in summer), protection against solar radiation. In 2002, the Company was granted a certificate of Company Dow Corning that proves that Guartis AB has technical possibilities, as well as skills, to produce insulating glass units for structural glazing. Guartis AB produces a number of special products – bullet-proof glass and bent laminated glass for vehicles.

Clear glass containers and jars Besides a wide range of the above mentioned glass products, Guartis AB offers the most advanced flint glass packaging solutions. The Company relies on many years of its international manufacturing experience of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage bottles and jars.

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Professional electrotechnical solutions RIFAS UAB – electrical panel building company, operating since 1991


uring 22 years of striving for perfection RIFAS has built the reputation of a reliable and professional partner.

Long years of working with engineering and system integration companies from Scandinavia, Germany, France, Russia, Brazil and other countries testify to the company’s ability to play the global market by ensuring excellent quality, timely delivery, and professional project management. Today we are proud of our products: control and automation, distribution panels, variable frequency drives, automatic capacitor banks and transformer substations can be found worldwide in marine

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and offshore industry and construction, oil and gas, as well as renewable energy sectors. A lot of people in Lithuania can feel a positive impact on the surroundings thanks to modern waste-water treatment plants operating with automation and power control solutions developed and delivered by RIFAS. Constant attention to and deep understanding of our customers and partners needs allow RIFAS to devise future plans and seek for our long-term goal – to become a worldknown company. Timely deliveries, competence in project management, continuous development of business processes and proximity to partners are our main competitive advantages.

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Kedainiai Arena, a multifunctional sports and leisure complex, was built in 14 months

Business is a partner of an active society


, AB the producer of mineral fertilisers established in Kėdainiai, commemorated its 50th anniversary in 2013. The Company produces diammonium phosphate fertilisers, forage phosphates, aluminium fluoride, extraction phosphate acid and technical sulphuric acid. In 2013, our production reached 38 countries in four continents: Europe, Asia, America and Africa. The farmers choose the production of Lifosa due to its extremely high quality.

“In order to meet the quantitative and qualitative demands of the buyers, it is necessary to plan the activity. The businessman has to know his future actions several years forward”, says the Company’s Director General Jonas Dastikas. “The success is determined by a correctly chosen strategy and timely investments. Let me give you one example: 3 years ago we invested more than 50 million litas into the new forage phosphate production line. Today, we produce 150 thousand tons of this product annually. The prices of phosphate fertilisers have been dropping for the second year now, whereas the extensive production and sale of our other product, i.e., the forage phosphates, allows for the significant reduction of losses: thus, the investment served its purpose”. Each year, Lifosa AB invests millions of litas into new technologies, improvement of workplaces and protection of environ38 |

The opening of Kedainiai Arena was celebrated by the whole community of Kedainiai town.

ment. In 2013, the Company’s investment “crossed the factory’s boundaries”. The construction of sports and leisure complex Kėdainiai Arena was completed in August (the construction works started in May 2012). At the end of summer, the residents were given a present worth more than 20 million litas, where they can enjoy sports and other leisure events. Having built the Kėdainiai Arena with its own funds, the factory handed it over to the Kėdainiai District Municipality. “It is our way to express appreciation to the society for its cooperation”, says Lifosa Director General. “It would be unfair to enjoy our success alone. We live and work together, therefore, we feel obliged to meet the expectations of Kėdainiai residents. Business must be a partner of an active society”.


Art to invoke nature We, Lithuanian capital company Ruvera UAB, which has been operating for over 20 years, are producer and exporter of cosmetics, medicinal products, animal healthcare products, disinfectants and liquid supplements. Alongside production we engage in the distribution of goods that we manufacture or import.

SPECIALIZATION The art of invoking nature is our main idea and challenge – bringing the secrets of nature and results of scientific research together. During ten years of work with herbal extracts and essential oils we have realized that the greatest secrets lie in nature and that it is a real joy, art and passion to get to know those secrets. We are happy to know how to invoke nature and we share the result with our customers. In carrying out our activities we specialize in manufacturing various non-sterile products – semisolid (ointments, creams, gels, liniments) and liquid preparations. We are completely responsible for the entire cycle: preparation of documentation, analyses, development of the formula and production technology, production of test batches, selection of quality control methods and a complete preparation of the product for batch production and sale. 40 |

The following two main development trends give a meaning to our activities: • INOBIO ANIMALIS are preparations and medicinal products for professional use only (for cattle, pets and horses). Various ointments, medicinal products, creams, gels, liquid feed supplements, shampoos, solutions, lotions, diagnosticums and disinfectants for veterinary purposes are produced under this trademark. • INOBIO HUMANICA are preparations for human beings for external use only (ointments, gels, creams) containing biologically active natural ingredients that help to solve problems related to various diseases or disorders. All products are made using herbal extracts and essential oils, the effect of which is scientifically proven.


We cooperate closely with Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and its scientists: we realized and commercialized their ideas. Extensive use of R&D services enables us to develop new technologies successfully and adapt them to the manufacture of unique high quality products, which often become market leaders in their category.

thout delay and products of the most innovative composition to be developed. As a result of this cooperation our products have been awarded a gold medal in the exhibition in Poland and the preparations for dairy cow hygiene are one of the most popular in Ireland. The main achievement of this cooperation is that our Company has won the trust of our partners in 19 countries in Europe, Eurasia and the Middle East.

Considerable experience of creative work and cooperation with researchers and customers helps orders of contract production to be fulfilled effectively and wi-

To extend our potential and take up new challenges, we participate in special exhibitions held in Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain on a regular basis.



PRODUCTION On average, we develop and launch up to 10 new products a year. We were the first in the Baltic region and still are the only one Company in Lithuania to implement the European Union requirements for manufacturing veterinary medicinal products. Since 2005 the entire manufacturing has been certified according to the standards of quality management system ISO 9001:2009 and environmental management system ISO 14000:2009. We are 100% responsible for what we create; therefore, prior to putting any new product on the market, we carry out regular tests at our production laboratory as well as perform dermatological tests at the certified international laboratories. During the past five years we have invested a lot into the manufacture of products that we have developed. At the present time there are three production departments for manufacturing semisolid and liquid products. Production volume has increased by as much as 50%-70% during the three recent years. Currently we are thinking of making considerable investments into developing the Company’s capacity within the next five years.

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Most probably any buyer will say that among the abundance of goods, packaging of a commodity is the first thing to attract the buyer’s glance. If it is convenient, attractive and modern, there is a great possibility that your production will be a success. TŪB Technopakas is good help to every manufacturer or salesman offering both traditional and non-traditional variants of product packaging.

Packaging is the first thing to catch the buyer’s glance According to Mečislavas Mikelionis, Director of the enterprise, since the beginning of the existence of the enterprise more than thousand pieces of packaging of different design have been created. It is the creation of individual packaging that is considered to be the priority of the enterprise’s activity at the present time. According to manufacture of individual packaging the enterprise has 70-80 per cent share of the Lithuanian market. And what is more, the enterprise seeks to become the leading one in the region in manufacture of plastic packaging, especially in fulfilling individual orders. The manufacturers turn their attention to the markets of their potential partners in Germany, Holland, Belgium, Sweden and neighbouring Poland. Market leader according to standard orders The largest part of the production of the Company – cake boxes, various plastic box42 |

es, single-use packaging for products are widely used in food industry. The Company can offer more than 300 different packaging models. The share of the production of the Company is half the Lithuanian market of manufacturing standard packaging. Hence, the manufacturer is undoubtedly well-known and recognised by the food enterprises and trading centres of our country. In Lithuania Technopakas works together with the following most famous manufacturers of the country: Mondelez Europe Procurement GmbH, Rūta, Vilniaus Pergalė, Plungės kooperatinė prekyba, famous confectionary factories in Latvia; it also exports its products to the following foreign countries: Cyprus, Slovakia, Sweden, and Great Britain. Relations are maintained with the partners in Holland, Germany and Belgium.

sive but have other necessary properties. It depends on what product the customer has chosen. In the majority of European countries it is customary to mark packaging with a special ecological label that complies with the international requirements; it shows that the product is of a high environmental level and confirms participation in the waste management system, indicates nature of the materials the packaging has been made of. The products of Technopakas are made from ecological raw materials, which can be recycled. The Company feels obliged not to pollute the environment therefore it passes wastes that are not dangerous over to an enterprise engaged in classifying and managing wastes for them to be further recycled.

Packaging is recycled

The 20th anniversary was celebrated

The Company manufactures packaging for food and non-food industry from transparent or colour PET, RPET, APET, OPS and PP film. A wide choice of materials satisfies the customer’s taste: some raw materials are cheaper, whereas others are more expen-

Technopakas celebrated the 20th anniversary of its activities this year. In 1993, three young and ambitious men founded Technopakas seeking to produce inserts for chocolates. With the passing of time the assortment of packaging being manufactured

increased, and the number of orders grew. Since the first day of the existence of the Company they all have been united by a single aim – to present top quality packaging to the customer adapted for an individual product. In 2000, another enterprise Technoforma, which engaged in metalworking and manufacture of moulds was set up. This enables Technopakas to be faster, more flexible and superior in carrying out new projects. In 2001, Company Technoplast was founded in Belarus. This company manufactures plastic packaging for Belarusian and Russian markets. The assortment of Technoplast is as wide as that of Technopakas. Main customers of the Company are sweet and delicacy factories and trade networks of Belarus and Russia. Technoplast can also carry out individual packaging projects. | 43


Fall in love with linen, like we did! Lino stilius

is a family business, offering customers linen products created and manufactured in Lithuania that are unique in their ecological characteristics, design and use.

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The Company’s activity is linen clothes, accessories and home textiles production, realization of the goods inside the country, as well as international sales. Main export markets are the United States of America, Canada, Japan, Australia, Norway, Italy and Spain. We love linen and we have a “relationship” with it by working in linen production industry for over 30 years, hence in 2011 we established a distinctive style store where we present our ideas and designs. Our purpose is to link deep-rooted, centuries-old traditions of flax industry and modern technology, to change the attitude towards linen as wrinkly and coarse fabric. Linen properties combine a national tradition and innovation, excellent hygienic, antiallergic, antiseptic and antistatic features and practicality. Linen is durable, environmentally friendly and biodegradable product. We offer not only traditional but also washed and softened fabric, and the products made thereof have even better hygienic characteristics, are pleasant to the body, do not require ironing after washing. The folowing are main product groups: • Linen fabrics • Linen home textiles • Linen clothes and accessories Please, note that we accept individual orders also, deliver our goods in Lithuania and aboard.

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Lietuvos rytas Printing house: quality, services, reliability


he Lietuvos rytas Printing House is the largest printing house in Lithuania and the Baltic States, and an important enterprise in Central Europe. Established in 1994 the Lietuvos rytas Printing House started its activities with printing newspapers and gradually it grew in accordance with the needs of the market. In almost twenty years of functioning the company earned its customers trust. At the present time over 100 titles of magazines, 50 titles of newspapers, retail publications and other kinds of production are printed there. The authorities of the enterprise pursue the policy of constant investment in new technologies.

Socially responsible enterprise The conclusions of the social audit carried out by the international company Intertek according to the Sedex smeta method at the end of January 2011 state that the Lietuvos rytas Printing House meets all most important requirements in the field of labor rights and work organization, safety and health at work and in the sphere of environmental protection.

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Export Export accounts for about 45 per cent of the production being manufactured. Lietuvos Rytas Printing House has customers in Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Italy, Czech Republic and other countries.

Production The prepress and quality management divisions operate in the Printing House. The Printing House is divided into two manufacturing enterprises according to printing technologies.

Vievis Printing plant – cold set A new newspaper printing plant covering an area of more than 12 thousand square meters started its activities in Vievis in 2008. The printing machine Man- Roland consisting of 3 towers Regioman and 1 tower Geoman is mounted there. Full color newspapers – tabloid and broadsheet consisting of up to 64 pages in one pass are printed in 75 000 copies per hour. The newspaper completing line Ferag AG, an eight-section insert line (up to 8 inserts), one drum; a stitching in-line and off-line, as well as single wrapping in plastic operate in the Printing House. At the present time the Vievis plant co-operates with local publishers and expands relations with business partners all over Europe, customers in the European Union, the Baltic States, Russia and Belarus.

Skaidiškės plant – commercial web High quality magazines, brochures, catalogues, newspapers of trading centers are printed there. Printing facilities are assembled on the “back up” principle. This ensures the fulfillment of any order. Equipment Commercial web (HSWO): > Heidelberg M600: 16 pages. Cut off 630 mm / gluing in line 6/8/12/16/ 24 pages > MAN-Rotoman– 16 pages. Cut off 630 mm/ gluing in line 8/12/16 pages > GOSS M600C - 16 pages. Cut off 625 mm Sheet fed: > Heidelberg CD 720 × 1020 / 6+L / Dry Star / Cut Star > Heidelberg CD 720 × 1020 /6+L Finishing Perfect binding – 2 lines, 15+1 gathering sections Stitching - 3 lines, up to 10 gathering sections UV coating Single copy wrapping

Delivery Production to the Scandinavian countries is delivered as follows: shipped on Tuesday – delivered on Thursday/Friday (depending on the region); shipped on Friday – delivered Monday/Tuesday (depending on the region).

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Reliable and innovative

PakMarkas Private Company PakMarkas UAB is one of the largest and most modern packaging and labelling companies in the Baltic States. This is one of the few business entities in Lithuania that employs eco-friendly technologies in the manufacturing process and relies on the global Social Accountability Standard SA 8000 when it comes to labour relations.

KEEPING ABREAST OF CUSTOMERS’ CHANGING NEEDS Since the beginning of its establishment the key activity of the successfully operating company has been production of adhesive and shrink-sleeve labels, flexographic print-

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ing. It can be said with confidence that the history of the Company grew along with a number of food, beverage, automotive and household chemical manufacturers. A good understanding of customers’ needs is one of the factors determining a successful development of the Company. Today PakMar-

kas is known as a reliable partner abiding by agreements; therefore, its customers are sure that their projects will always be implemented on time and effectively. Customers’ confidence that the Company has deserved is the best evaluation of efficiently organized activities.

ENHANCEMENT THROUGH SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENTS Continuous investments in the modernization of production and new product development help the Company hold its position in the Baltic region. During the period between

2012 and 2013 PakMarkas invested nearly EUR 2 million in upgrading adhesive label printing software and automated production planning. New investments have contributed to expanding the product range, i.e. at present the Company is able to offer its customers more innovative design solutions for luxury beverage and stylish cosmetics packaging. In the spring of 2014, the Company plans to complete the installation of a computerized production management program, which will lead to increased productivity and guarantee better raw material traceability.

in 2011 the Company’s income amounted to EUR 15 million, in 2012 this figure stood at EUR 17 million, and in 2013 the Company plans to increase its turnover to EUR 19 million. A steady supply of products and honesty has earned PakMarkas the name of a reliable partner among foreign customers in Western and Eastern Europe. By increasing production volumes the Company aims at expanding the geography of exports through new customers in Germany, Great Britain, Scandinavia and other countries.

OPEN TO INNOVATIONS AND CHALLENGES SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE COMPANY PakMarkas has become the first label-manufacturer in the Baltic States, which introduced wash-off transparent adhesive labels for all refundable glass bottles into the market in 2012. Due to carefully selected and balanced raw ingredients, such labels are washed off much easier than paper ones, and are designed for conventional bottle washing machines. The wash-off labels are of exceptional design: due to transparency of material the image looks as if it was painted directly on a bottle, and the edges of the label are skilfully hidden. The largest Lithuanian breweries were the first to test and positively evaluate these transparent washoff labels.

The Company’s daily activities are based on the principles of social responsibility, i.e. when making business decisions the Company takes the employees and the community’s interests into account, as well as assesses their positive and negative impact on the environment. The Company has received a number of national awards for its responsible attitude to business. In 2012, PakMarkas was awarded Top Workplace of the Year having ensured much more favourable economic conditions for its employees than it is required by legal acts. This is a contribution of the whole team of the Company to overall success.

BRIGHT FUTURE PERSPECTIVE Over the past uneasy years the Company was able to adapt itself to changing market conditions and promote its further growth:

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Wood economy


we develop business by monitoring the demand

100 % birch logs stacked in wooden crates (1,96 m3)

100 % birch firewood in net bag (40 liters/15 kg). 100 % birch firewood in polyethylene bag (20 liters/10 kg).


aurida group is a viable and dynamically growing Lithuanian capital company. The main sphere of Saurida UAB activities is wholesale and retail trade in oil products. Saurida Oil&Gas operates a network of 32 fuel stations in Lithuania.

Saurida Oil&Gas owns two largest household and industrial gas cylinder filling bases in Lithuania. Extremely safe gas cylinders are perfectly suitable for use in industry and household. By monitoring changes in the market and a growing demand in other business areas, the Company has founded the following

100 % wood pellets for biomass fuel. (1000 kg/Big bag)

100 % wood sawdust briquettes. Each pallet contains 96 polyethylene bags.

independent companies, which belong to Saurida group: • ENHYDRIS engaged in recovery and regeneration of oil product waste. • SAURIDA WOOD - solid bio-fuels production and trade. • SAURIDA LOGISTICS involved in local and international freight transportation.

To produce the highest quality products, the Company is investing in state-of-the-art production technologies and equipment. Top quality products and services are highly rated not only in Lithuania but also abroad. The largest part of the Company’s products and services is exported to other European countries.

Safe and reliable transportation of all kinds of oil and chemistry products, liquid and bulk freights

Extremely safe and comfortable industrial and household gas cylinders

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ADAMPOLIS – Your partner of heavy duty vehicle eing in business for more than 18 years, ADAMPOLIS today is one of the major companies of heavy duty vehicle trade, hire and maintenance. ADAMPOLIS began its activities by providing the truck maintenance services, but in a long run has not only become the official representative of MAN Truck & Bus AG in Lithuania (2005), but also has consolidated its positions both in the heavy duty vehicle maintenance and service, and supply of spare parts. Currently the company has over 2000 customers, and renders services at 5 service centres (in Vilnius, Marijampolė, Kaunas, Klaipėda and Šiauliai) and in the network with 7 spare part stores in the same towns as well Panevėžys and Utena. The company’s service network alone employs over 130 qualified members of staff.

ADAMPOLIS, a partner to one of the major European truck manufacturers, has adopted MAN standards and applies them in daily operations, has a training centre for rising competence of the staff as well. The service network also serves the trucks of other manufacturers – especially strong is Marijampolė service center, situated on the international highway of Via Baltica. In view of its customer requests, the service network applies the one-stop service concept therefore customers can repair not only trucks but also trailers and semitrailers. Currently, the company services Wielton, Scmitz, Krone, Koegel, Lamberet

and Fliegl, and also vehicles with SAF and BPW axles. ADAMPOLIS spare parts centre offering the range of over 50 000 components is one of the largest in Lithuania, and ensures the supply of components not only for the legal companies of Lithuania, but also those in the neighbouring countries. Its main represented brands include MAN, Fleetguard, Wabco, and Frasle.

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AD REM TRANSPORT: close to the world, close to you Less than a year ago, AD REM TRANSPORT separated from the AD REM GROUP network and has won significant “Transport and Logistics 2012” award. The Company received the award for being the most promising logistics’ company in 2013.

Darius Brekys, Director of AD REM transport D REM TRANSPORT provides international and domestic freight forwarding services and is one of the leading logistics’ companies in Lithuania. The Company provides services ranging from personal goods to the oversized shipments around the world. Road transportation is the most extensive line of business, which includes international transportation and freight forwarding services. Darius Brekys, AD REM TRANSPORT Cirector, thinks that multi-skilled and experienced Company‘s managers are building a strong bridge between Europe and the CIS countries. The Company is strategically located in a convenient location close to the highway of Vilnius-Minsk-Moscow and is only 32 kilometers away from the eastern border of the EU. Also, situated next to the import export terminal, having good connection to the railway line and railway cooperation with the Lithuanian and Latvian railway companies helps effectively plan and ensure the highest level of freight rail lines. Besides, AD REM TRANSPORT is located near Vilnius International Airport which guarantees fast air freight, which the Company has been providing for more than ten 52 || 52

years. Also, the Company is involved in sea cargo transportation services, and ensures shipments from a terminal to a terminal or door-to-door. During the past seven years, the Company has done many successful international removal services to 45 countries around the world, including simple and diplomatic removals. It’s important that the Company is a member of various associations (Lithuanian National Road Carriers’ Association LINAVA, Lithuanian National Freight Forwarding Association LINEKA, Lithuanian Logistics Association LLA, FIATA, IATA and others.) which ensures continuous and professional development of employees. Experience of the employees of the Company guarantees the highest quality service, reasonable prices and undivided attention to each customer.

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DOTNUVOS PROJEKTAI – from small business to an international company


For many years, Dotnuva has been famous for seed growing traditions.

hus, the market demand for high quality products, as well as the location, dictated that the main activities of Dotnuvos projektai UAB established in 1996 include seed reproduction, processing and sales, trade in new and second hand agricultural machinery, grain storage and drying equipment, and spare parts supply. Dotnuvos projektai UAB started with 5 employees and the turnover of the first year was 0,6 million EUR. Today the Company has 4 regional sales

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offices covering all Lithuania, they are closer to the farmer and provide the latter with service, supply and consultations. It managed to grow from small business into an international company - since 2010, it has been running 2 subsidiary companies in Latvia and Estonia engaging a total of 240 employees. The main worldwide agricultural machinery and equipment producers - CASE IH (USA), Kverneland (Norway), Cimbria (Denmark) trusted the Company granting it representation rights also in Latvia and Estonia. Thus, Dotnuvos projektai strengthened its activities in the neighbouring countries.

The turnover of Dotnuvos projektai is increasing with every year: 43.8 million EUR in 2010, 55.8 million EUR in 2011, 66.0 million EUR in 2012. The „Lion share“ makes sales of agricultural machinery, a significant input comes from certified seed sales, as well as from grain storage and drying equipment. Annually the Company sells up to 12 thousand tons of seeds, up to 900 pieces of agricultural machinery, installs 20-25 grain storages. Considering the turnover of the 1st Quarter of 2013 we can state that it is exceeding our expectations- it shows the growth of sales and the year seems to be promising. Sales of agricultural produce strongly depend on EU support, farmers‘ income, well known brands, input on the market and skilful staff.



Dotnuvos projektai is proud to be the main and the most reliable partner to the most innovative and modern farms not only in Lithuania but also in Latvia and Estonia.


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FOOD industry

Mineral water is an inseparable part of Lithuania’s history Lithuanian Company Birštono mineraliniai vandenys ir Ko, which has many years of unrivalled experience, is an official supporter of Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Birštono mineraliniai vandenys with Vytautas trade mark is an inseparable part of the history of Lithuania.

Vytautas and Akvilė were official mineral water of the European Basketball Championship EuroBasket 2011 held in Lithuania 56 |

irštono mineraliniai vandenys is the first bottled water company in Lithuania. In 2014, it will celebrate its 90th jubilee. Hence, it is not surprising that at the event of great significance to Lithuania – the Presidency of the Council of the European Union – Birštono mineraliniai vandenys ir Ko took the opportunity to leave another imprint in the history of Lithuania in adequately representing the state.

Extracted in the reserve Production of Birštono mineraliniai vandenys ir Ko is extracted in the Nemunas Loop Regional Park in Birštonas covering an area of 25 thousand ha and protected by the state. Industrial and any other economic activity, which can do harm to the harmony of nature, is banned in that territory. Attempts are made to preserve intact nature and all its gifts in the Nemunas Loop Regional Park. Underground waters that have formed in the course of millions of years reach the customers as they had been created by nature, unchanged, and straight from the well. Wells of highly mineralised water Vytautas and Birutė, water of average mineralization, are found in the 100-million-year-old cretaceous strata at a depth of 125 metres. A well of natural mineral water Akvilė is found in the rock quartet of up to 100 million years at a depth of 50 metres. These are best-known trade marks of the Company. Vytautas is the most popular Natural mineral water supplements the daily food allowance of an individual with naturally dissolved minerals, which help reduce stress, give strength and improve a person’s general condition. Vytautas is natural mineral water containing the largest amount of minerals in the Baltic States therefore it is especially useful. Minerals perform extremely important tasks in a human organism: they ensure that all functions of metabolism should be carried out faultlessly; regulate balance between water and acids; take part in transmitting impulses to the nerves; coordinate muscle activity and relaxation. A total concentration of the dissolved substances in Vytautas mineral water amounts to 7309mg/l. This product has won numerous awards. It was


“Presidency is one of the most significant events in the history of Lithuania. We wanted to contribute to it substantially, to go down in history and welcome our 90th anniversary in the proper way. We feel proud that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania found our products perfectly suitable for high-level events. It is an especially important appreciation for us. In our turn, we are happy being able to be Lithuanian partners and to provide such important assistance to the needs of the Presidency both in Lithuania and the European Parliament in Belgium”, said Director General of the Company Valentinas Lukoševičius. Participants in the Presidency events hosted by Lithuania and its foreign guests could appreciate the Company’s production and they surely did not get disappointed in it because this is water of excellent quality and of perfectly-balanced mineral composition. It should be noted that the Company constantly increases export volumes in the direction of both the European Union and the East. More than 15 per cent of a total production of the Company is sold to the Member States of the European Union.

awarded the gold medal at the competition Lithuanian product of 2004 held by the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists. In the category of mineral water Lithuanian consumers appreciate the Company’s production best. Natural mineral water Vytautas was recognised to be the most popular commodity three years in a row, from 2010 to 2012. This product became the most favourable product in the category of food products and beverages in Lithuania (in 2011 and 2012).

President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė. During the sittings and meetings of Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2013 the officials could refresh themselves with carbonated mineral water Vytautas and non-carbonated drinking water Akvilė.

Both medicine and food Useful minerals that are found in the composition of water strengthen immunity of a human organism and restore energy lost when exercising, sunbathing or sweating in the sauna, help improve the digestion process. Minerals that are dissolved naturally are absorbed by the organism best. For example, when the organism lacks calcium bone fractures, tooth, nail, hair injuries, spasms, cramps, disorders of the heart rhythm occur more frequently. When the organism lacks magnesium dizziness, heart palpitations, and a turn for muscle spasms might occur. When the amount of potassium decreases in the organism muscle weakness, a decrease in blood pressure, and cardiac disorders appear, the appetite is lost. Sodium is needed to ensure that we should not feel weakness or muscle spasms. Chloride, together with sodium, regulates water balance in the organism, and also stimulates digestion. When our organism lacks chloride digestion disorders might occur. It is wrong to think that it is healthy to drink mineral water only in summer. It is especially useful, even recommended, to drink mineral water in winter. When premises are heated our skin dries, the organism becomes dehydrated. Seeking to restore the balance of liquids one has to drink plenty of water. Highly mineralised water supplements the organism with minerals, which we badly need during the cold season or when we are ill. | 57

FOOD industry

Vaidas Grudis

The delicious "ambassador" of Lithuania Legendary, rich in original taste and smell, useful, successful, interestingly packed, the most popular in Lithuania, the “godson” of the President, and even the country’s ambassador abroad… All these and many more epithets are used to characterise one of the most famous Lithuanian products, hard cheese DŽIUGAS.


peaking about the product of the cheese makers of Žemaitijos pienas AB one can value it differently – as a historical product that has the name often found in legends that makes the country and its culture famous, as a unique recipe and the product that meets high quality requirements or hard cheese that is matured for an especially long period that has a high nutritional value and that suits even the people who do not 58 || 58

tolerate lactose, as well as vegetarians. Also, as cheese that brings substantial economic benefit to the county. However, first and foremost, it is simply cheese having a distinctive pleasant taste and even a small piece of it when tasted leaves a piquant delicious taste and flavour, light bitterness in your mouth and pleasantly cracks in subtle crystals of calcium salts... Due to unique patented technology and the original composition of ferment cultures this cheese does not lose its quality during the period of long maturing (from 12 to 48 months) and acquires exceptional qualities that are characteristic exclusively of it. The highest quality combined with original ideas of packing render exceptionality to cheese DŽIUGAS, which is appreciated not only in its country but also abroad. The manufacturers believe that it is the whole of these features that determined the fact that DŽIUGAS has become an inseparable part of Lithuania’s image, a peculiar ambassador because it is often taken as a delicious present to friends living in foreign countries, business partners, family members abroad.

Legal dope Cheese DŽIUGAS is a highly nutritious, easily digested product that contains plenty of useful proteins, minerals, microelements and vitamins. Calcium is of great significance to a human body and matured hard cheese contains lots of it. If you eat as many grams of cheese DŽIUGAS per day as your organism weighs, you will receive as much amino acids as it is necessary to maintain good health. Cheese is produced from selected milk that smells of summer meadows and is obtained from local farms in which cows graze freely in the pastures surrounded by streams and hills of the Lowland. Milk is cleaned, standardised to necessary fatness and pasteurized at the plant. Later it is fermented with the help of special cultures and enzymes of micro organisms of lactic acid. It is manufactured using modern equipment therefore necessary consistency of cheese granules is obtained. Following compressing cheese is salted in special basins, matured in chambers where necessary temperature and relative

air humidity are maintained. During the entire production and maturing process the cheese is carefully watched by qualified cheese makers. House of cheese DŽIUGAS Recently a network of specialised shops of cheese DŽIUGAS has contributed greatly to making the cheese popular. In cosy small specialised shops cheese lovers are met by experienced sales girls who know everything about DŽIUGAS and gourmet trimmings and who offer their customers to taste cheese of different maturity, a nice cup of coffee, piquant sweets, cakes, spreads, scones, new kinds of ice-cream with cheese DŽIUGAS, nut treats that go well with DŽIUGAS wine, propolis brandy… The greatest part of these products is exceptional because cheese DŽIUGAS is used in all of them. This year a new shop opened its door in Telšiai, and this is the sixth house of cheese DŽIUGAS in Lithuania. As many as four of them are located in Vilnius, one house is opened in Klaipėda. They are also opened in Riga and St. Petersburg. They are being created in other cities of Europe too. The house of cheese DŽIUGAS in Telšiai is as though a symbolic tribute to the legendary giant Džiugas, the founder of the town. This house is situated on the picturesque bank of Lake Mastis, it is more spacious than houses in other places therefore it opens up greater possibilities for new activities: tasting, education, stories about the history of Žemaitijos pienas AB and cheese DŽIUGAS.

In October 2013, President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė extended congratulations to German Chancellor Angela Merkel on winning the Bundestag election and presented her with the Lithuanian cheese Džiugas. Dalia Grybauskaitė pointed out that Lithuanian-made cheese was well-known and appreciated all over Europe. As she accepted the gift, Angela Merkel said that she supported Lithuania and liked Lithuanian cheese.

President of the Republic of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus (second from left) and his wife Alma (second from right) are marking the cheese in Telšiai in 2010. Due to solid image and recognition abroad His Excellency President Valdas Adamkus and Mrs. Alma Adamkienė are godparents of the cheese.

Abundant awards 2013 – Gold medal at the International Exhibition of Food Products PRODEKSPO, Moscow. 2013 – The Most popular Lithuania Product in 2012. 2013 – Two stars at the Superior Taste Awards 2013, International Taste and Quality Institute (iTQi), Brussels, Belgium. 2013 – Diploma SIAL Innovation Grand Prix, at international Exhibition of Food Products SIAL CHINA, Shanghai. 2013 – Gold, silver and the Bradburys awards at the „International cheese awards“, Nantwich, UK. 2013 – Top Innovations of ANUGA 2013 Taste13, Souvenir box cheese DŽIUGAS, ANUGA 2013, Cologne, Germany. 2013 – Gold medal at the exhibition „World Food“ 2013, Kiev, Ukraine.

The first house of DŽIUGAS in Telšiai || 59


Royal Birštonas – a Resort for Health, Wellness and Harmony

Birštonas is inimitable with its unique, authentic nature and the bends of the Nemunas Loops


t is one of Lithuania’s oldest and most beautiful balneological resorts, famous for its royal roots. Resort treatment is considered to have begun in Birštonas in 1846, so it is the place that has long been endowed with natural resources: gushing mineral water springs, therapeutic mud, clean air and salubrious climate. The resort prides itself on its mineral water, which is rich in bromine and recognised and valued throughout Europe. Today Birštonas attracts visitors with its modern resort facilities, the Tulpė and Versmė health resorts, the Royal Residence Spa Hotel, an abundance of hospitable hotels and restaurants, exciting recreational activities and memorable events. For more than 30 years now, the resort has hosted the Birštonas International Jazz Festival, which is the oldest of its kind in Lithuania. Birštonas is located in the centre of the country and is an ideal place for relaxation, harmonisation of body and soul, and a high quality lifestyle. Birštonas is the only town in Lithuania implementing the ECO-city project, and is developing a reputation of a “green” town, which maintains balance with nature and contributes to the preservation of the ecosystem. It is a compact city of the future – one in which it is safe, pleasant to relax, and convenient to work and live. 60 || 60

The resort is becoming more and more beautiful, especially with the restoration of its wooden architectural monuments: the Kurhaus and the Birštonas Tourist Information Centre. Lovely halls with good acoustics will host classical and jazz concerts as well as art exhibitions. Then in July, when Lithuania begins to hold the Presidency of the EU Council, the new Birštono Eglė health resort will open its door to the holidaymakers and guests. It is with the operations of this health resort and the development of modern health and wellness services that the expectations of the future and the evolution of Birštonas as a modern resort town are linked. Now revamped, Birštonas is ready to compete in the international market of tourism and health services, which is why the special projects currently being implemented focus on the mineral water galleries and the sea climate atmosphere that will only be available in Birštonas. It is our goal to position Birštonas as a modern, European-level royal resort.

Entertainment in mineral water

"Birštonas Jazz" - the international biannual jazz festival for exclusive music lovers

The treatment facilities of the “Tulpės” sanatorium were established in 1927


We would like to present to you a unique series of honey and herbal teas where taste and a gentle herbal aroma are in a perfect match. These natural teas are of high quality and are distinguished by a wonderful harmony of taste. They are manufactured only from natural honey of the highest quality and natural herbal extracts.

with Thyme with Lemon balm with Ginger with Peppermint with Cinnamon and Ginger with Raspberries,Iceland moss and blossoms of Hibiscus

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Photos: Vytauta Abramauskas

culture: history One more reason to visit Lithuania:

Palace of the Grand Dukes

Thriving 400 years ago, 200 years ago destroyed — Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania in Vilnius has finally opened its doors. A long-awaited openning of one of the most important objects in both Lithuania and Europe coincided with a significant event — beginning of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It seems to be not an accidental — history tends to repeat itself: from the 14th to the middle of the 17th century Lithuanian rulers ruled the entire European region of this place — Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Livonia, Prussia, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine, part of Russia, Finland, and the envoys from Turkey, Persia, Spain, Italy and many Central European countries were received in the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania. Today once again questions important for the whole Europe are addressed in the palace and hundreds of guests from a wide variety of countries around the world attend the palace every day.

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Ramunė HAZIR

A settlement turns into a castle, a castle into a palace Prehistory of the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania dates back to 4th-8th centuries — when according to data of the detailed, twenty years long research on the site a constant settlement existed. Over time the settlement became a castle, and in the thirteen century brick construction was began. Researchers associate these construction works to the entrenchment of the Gediminid dynasty in Lithuania. Many Lithuanian rulers —from the predecessors of Gediminas to Vytautas and Casimir Jagiellon were famous for building initiatives, but the radical change of the residence began at the turn of 15th and 16th centuries, with Alexander Jagiellon becoming the Grand Duke of Lithuania, later followed by his brother Sigismund the Old. The fact that Alexander resided in Lithuania, the growing administrative needs of his vast estate and nation, and his marriage to Helen, the daughter of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III – all necessitated the expansion of his residence to meet not only domestic, but also increasing ceremonial needs.

architect and sculptor Bernardino Zanobi de Gianotis from Rome or Florence, architect Bartolomeo Berecci, who was one of the chief architects of the Renaissance Wawel Royal Castle, the stonemason Benedict from Sandomierz (or Benedykt Sandomierzanin), who had worked for Sigismund the Old in Krakow, also worked for him in Vilnius. Both Berrecci and Sandomierzanin could have contributed to the reconstruction of the Vilnius palace. Construction work was supervised by the German engineer and caretaker of the Lower Castle, Ulrich Hosius (Ulricus Hosius). The palace was built and inhabitet by the high classes A new phase of expansion of the Renaissance palace is associated with the rule of Sigismund Augustus. In 1544 he was named vicegerent (ruler de facto) of Lithuania by his father Sigismund the Old and in that same year came to Vilnius with his wife, Elisabeth of Austria (Habsburg).

Historical sources indicate that the palace was several times ravaged by the fires, and not only for them, but with the advent of each new ruler the palace was increasingly expanded and remodeled. So after Alexander Jagiellon works it was the turn of the Grand Duke of Lithuania and the King of Poland Sigismund the Old, and his wife, the Italian princess Bona Sforza to transform and reconstruct the palace.

The chief architect of Sigismund Augustus’ construction work was the Italian architect, sculptor, and stonemason Giovanni Cini from Siena. He received help from his brother Bartolomeo, a stonemason. Others who worked there for several years were: the Flemish architect Frederik Unstherffe, the Polish stonemason Benedict from Sandomierz, and the architect and military engineer Job Breitfuss, the chief carpenter was Marcin from Poland. The room interiors were decorated by the sculptor Donatus from Hungary. The room friezes and other artwork were painted by the German master Gerhard Sweiger, who lived in Vilnius. Other painters were Anton Wiede, a German from Gdansk, and the Italian Giovanni da Monte.

Although it is not known who was the main architect of palace rebuilding, some of them were mentioned:

The palace walls were decorated with expensive fabrics, sandstone from Livonia and Sweden was

Bona Sforza brought European culture

Third Mannerist antechamber returns us to a "golden period" for the palace

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culture: history before with the famous Italian Baroque architect Carlo Maderno. The 16th and 17th centuries can be referred to as a „golden period“ for the palace. It came to an end in 1655 when Vilnius was attacked by the Muscovite and Cossack army and occupied for six years. During these years, the palace was plundered, ravaged, and burned. It was never rebuilt and never again served as a residence for the rulers of Poland and Lithuania, even though the Lithuanian nobility often urged that the palace be rebuilt. At the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries, on the orders of the Tsarist administration, all except the eastern wing of the palace was torn down. What did happen at that time?

The first tour shows remaining authenticals walls, unique and especially vast archaeological findings made of ceramics, wood, metal, glass, leather, bones as well as jewellery

During its „golden period“ the palace in Vilnius became not only a political, administrative, and diplomatic center but also a center for culture and the arts, and its influence spread far beyond the Lithuanian capital. The palace contained rich collections of tapestries, paintings, and other works of art, weapons, armour, hunting trophies, and a huge library as well as a collection of treasures and jewels that impressed the papal legate Bishop Bernardino Buongiovanni, who then spread the news of the treasures he saw in 1560 throughout Europe. In 1636 — earlier than in Rome or Paris —the first opera in Lithuania was staged in the palace – Il Ratto di Helena (The Abduction of Helen). The libretto was written and published in Vilnius by Virgillio Puccitelli, secretary to Ladislaus Vasa, and the music was probably composed by the famous Italian composer and conductor Marco Scacchi.

In 1636 — earlier than in Rome or Paris — the first opera in Lithuania was staged in the palace. Today opera sounds in the Palace again

used for flooring, metalwork was brought from Poland and Austria, and glass from France. From flourishing to destruction Although by the 17th century the palace had already acquired typical residentional features and was flourishing, members of the Swedish Vasa dynasty who at that time ruled Lithuania and Poland were improving and redecorating the palace. Architectural details found during the archeological research at the site indicate that the palace was repaired and decorated in the Northern Mannerist style and later the building acquired early Baroque features. Efforts were led by the Italian architects, sculptors Constante and Jacopo Tencalla who had worked 66 ||

This palace was witness to the romantic love story of Sigismund Augustus and Barbara Radziwiłł. The Council of Lords and the Parliament of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania met here. The Statutes of Lithuania (the code of laws of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) were compiled and edited here. The Lithuanian Metrica (chancellery records of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania) was kept here as well as the treasuries of Lithuania’s rulers and of the Grand Duchy. This is exactly why the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, destroyed and reborn, remains the symbol of nationhood in the consciousness of most of Lithuanians. It is associated with unity and the greatness of one of the most influential European Empire of the Middle and New Ages. The current exhibitions beyond the gates of the Palace tells this story and much more... The best in between of St Ptersburg, Stockholm and Krakow Today in the reconstructed Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania two of the four exhibition tour routes planned are available.

The first tour will show the historical and architectural development of the palace by highlighting the ancient ruins still in place and the excavated artifacts as well as by using models and iconographic material. The main part of this exhibition show remaining authenticals walls, unique and especially vast archaeological findings made of ceramics, wood, metal, glass, leather, bones as well as jewellery. These are accompanied by written comments and iconographical material. The first exposition commemorates the luxury of the residency and illustrates the everyday life 300 to 600 years ago. The wooden and clay findings are especially valuable for the European heritage context in general as elsewhere such material had degenerated before they could even be found. The collection of the stove tiles is probably the biggest in the world. The exposition is very attractive for one extraordinary feature – all the archaeological findings are presented in the places where they were originally found. It is the Lithuanian Troy and Pompeii at the same time. The second expositional route mirrors the stylistic epochs and historical interior functions; it is like a walk through representational interiors of different times, from late Gothic to Renaissance and early Baroque through fine and applied arts – furniture, tapestries, maps, works of graphics, portraits of rulers and noblemen, armoury and weapons, valuables of lithuanistics. Both these tours are meant to complement each other, giving the visitor a well-rounded view of the development of the palace, its role in Lithuanian

The organization of international exhibitions from the world’s most famous musuems, as well as the exposition of jewellery coffret of Hedwig Jagiellon from the Collections of the State Hermitage Museum in the reconstructed Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania serves as confirmation of the integration of this museum into the global museum network

history and culture as well as its political and artistic ties with the rest of Europe and Asia. It is planned that the two extra routes will be available to the visitors in 3 to 5 years time when the process of rebuilding the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania will be completely finished. Whether or not Lithuania will come back to active European politics through the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania is a question for the future. However, even now the palace undoubtely is Lithuania‘s tourism gates that many local Lithuanians and foreign countries‘ visitors want to get through.

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culture: art

Artist Audrius Gražys

Up & During Lithuania’s presidency in the EU Council, Brussels has been adorned with playful Lithuanian marks. Take, for instance, the European Commission building, the Berleymont: in its twelve elevators, twelve original pieces of art by contemporary Lithuanian artists have been travelling up and down. This mobile exhibition “Up and Down” has been arranged by an artist Audrius Gražys together with the team of Algirdas Šemeta, European Commissioner from Lithuania. According to Gražys, these paintings

displayed in the elevators generated a lot of positive emotions for the employees as well as visitors of the building. “Very often you enter an overcrowded elevator and you don’t know where to point your eyes. But now thanks to this exhibition, people could give their eyes a rest, relax and have a cheerful chat with perfect strangers, discussing some surrealist or abstract painting by a Lithuanian artist” – Audrius Gražys pointed out rejoicing the successful implementation of the idea.

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Opening of the exhibition. From left to right: Agnes Tarnai, Head of HU Language Unit, DGA3 Translation Directorate B; Sabine Ehmke Gendron, Director, DGA 3/B Translation, General Secretariat of the EU Council; Viktorija Tichonova-Zurbienė, Head of LT Language Unit, DGA3 Translation Directorate A.

Vilmantas Marcinkevičius

The exhibition “Lithuanian Landscapes of Being” (SeptemberDecember) brings together five Lithuanian artists – Rimas Bičiūnas, Audrius Gražys, Linas Liandzbergis, Vilmantas Marcinkevičius and Laisvydė Šalčiūtė – who each come from different backgrounds and whose techniques and philosophies range from the totally abstract to the folkloric and figurative. The exhibition of the Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books of 2012 demands very special attention from visitors. The work of book designers and illustrators is almost invisible unless you look closely at the book itself. The exhibition in LEX is comprised of fiction books, textbooks, children’s books and art books which won the 2012 award or a special prize.

Laisvydė Šalčiūtė

Linas Liandzbergis

n exhibition of five Lithuanian artists and an exhibition of the Most Beautiful Lithuanian Books of 2012 was opened on the 19 September 2013 in the Language Library of the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU. The exhibitions and the exceptional Lithuanian jazz concert Druskininkai Jazz Band were organised by the Language Library, the Lithuanian Language Unit and the Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU to mark the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council.

Rimas Bičiūnas

It is impossible to imagine Lithuanian art without Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis (1875 - 1911) and his intriguing and complex work, in which image and music are intimately intertwined. Back in 2011, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of this great Lithuanian composer, the Druskininkai Jazz Band came forward with the challenging project Čiurlionis KITAIP. They pay tribute to Čiurlionis by transforming his preludes into an exciting mixture of jazz modulations. The band invites you to listen to unique rearrangements of Čiurlionis’s symphonic poems into soft and vibrant jazzy sounds. || 69

culture: art

Egidijus Rudinskas had been more than once characterized as an upholder of traditional values, faithful to the form and contents of classical graphics, archaic spaces of thought and images; at the same time he remains persistently Lithuanian in his lyrical models of the national spirit and sensitive to his time – the creator of the new era. The creative work of the author who is original without reservation, of the worldview that is organically merged with the personality and having his own personal style, opens up in an authentic imagined reality in which universal archetypes, mythology and traditional culture, cosmic logic and existential symbolism are conveyed from a particular angle and are represented using surrealistic principles of modern taste. Despite differences, which subtleties of the cycles of the creative stages spread, they all are joined by the author’s value-based position – searches for a real meaning and the existential depth in the cultural tradition, in man’s inner and outer link with the world: his existence on Earth and with it, within oneself and with oneself. The texture of his creative work saturated with narrative plots, symbols and signs fills in the smallest vacuum making the observer dive into the opening multilayer reality without a pause and linger there. Jūratė Tutlytė And death shall have no dominion... Etching, 65x32 cm 70 || 70

Raphael's life. Etching, 37x55 cm

Letters. Etching, 15x13 cm

Matilda di Shabran. Etching, 100x70

Autumn. Etching, 50x32 cm

Spring. Etching,12x22 cm || 71

culture: design

The Sweet Courses for Your Eyes

What is TADAM! about? TADAM! is about making surprises and bringing joy. A year and a half a go we came up with an idea to launch a laboratory of exclusive surprises for sale – surprises that would instantly make a person, getting them as a gift, smile and feel delighted and happy. And so the collection of „Sweet Courses for Your Eyes“ has appeared. Who is the person/team behind TADAM!, can you tell us your background? Deimantė Litvinaitė (Ms) is the inventor and chief designer of the product of TADAM! as well as head of the company, which unites a team of 5 other professionals: Aistė Jurė (Ms), as copywriter, Vilma Kelečiūtė (Ms) as Sales Manager, and Dzuljeta Raudonienė (Ms), Gvidas Raudonis (Mr) and Jolanta Mašidlauskienė as ceramists. The company started its activity in 2012 and won Lithuania’s National “GOOD DESIGN AWARD” in 2013. 72 || 72

Why did you decide to create food inspired jewelry? The task was to come up with a piece of jewelry, a sheer and unexpected surprise, but at the same time very subtle and simple in its nature. And so we created our first three “sweet courses” of a “Raffaello”, a dark chocolate bar and a small donut. These are the items that are very common as real edible desserts, however not seen as aesthetic wearable and not edible units. And here’s the core of our idea with a light spice of irony – turn a dessert into a piece of a “delicious” jewelry. Why do you like donuts so much? In fact, we have mini donuts, like small biscuits with a hole in the middle, in Lithuania, and they are our traditional bakery product, called “baranka” in Lithuanian, which you will not come across beyond the borders of our country. In English there is no other term than “a donut”, so we named it as donuts :) Donuts have a perfect form and look nice as jewelry pendants around one’s neck. And naturally they attract lots of attention and a desire to touch them :) Next projects? Our „Sweet Courses for Your Eyes“ collection has been very successful and we are about to develop it further. Food is an infinity of inspirations that we will certainly turn into more TADAM! surprises. Keep your eyes open to see the next TADAM!

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NI&Co (New Ideas Chamber Orchestra) is a string ensemble that has developed a new concept of performing; the musicians play all compositions by heart and also integrate minimalistic body movements into their live performances, thus creating a unique concept, which could be called „visualized music”. Founded in 2006 by composer and conductor Gediminas Gelgotas, the group, both acclaimed by the public and critics has performed in venues such as The Roundhouse and Institute for Contemporary Arts (London), festivals Usedom Music Festival (Germany), The Baltic Triennial of Arts, Gaida (Lithuania), Sacrum non Profanum (Poland) and others. It has toured in Latvia, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Great Britain and the USA. In 2009, NI&Co perfomed in Essen when Vilnius handed over the title of European Capital of Culture to the Ruhr region (Germany). NI&Co album Music for Strings were released by Peermusic Classical (2013). From 2012 NI&Co is a resident of Vilnius City Hall.

Photo: Edgara Kordiukovas

culture: music

The artists of NI&Co are young, professional and adventurous musicians, winners of many international competitions: Augusta Jusionytė (violin), Dalia Simaška (violin, viola), Julia Ivanova (violin), Justas Kulikauskas (cello), David Dumčius (cello), Auris Galvelis (double bass). Artistic director Gediminas Gelgotas. The greater part of the ensemble’s repertoire consists of works by Gelgotas that require special artistic abilities from the performers, often including singing, speaking or acting on stage. In 2011 NI&Co made its debut on Minimal Music Festival (Kassel). “Musically, NI&Co follows a concept similar to that of Apple in the computer world: The design, here the styling of the musicians, is super cool, the programs appeal to the emotions, and user guidance, that is, the approach with the audience, is intuitive and suggestive at the same time.”(Hessische Nachrichten, Kassel, 2011) It is NI&Co’s wide range of repertoire, direct approach to the listener, high level of mastery and luxurious style that attracts audiences of different ages and views, providing the opportunity to successfully perform on a variety of occasions, such as classical or contemporary music festivals, diplomatic missions, fashion shows and others. 74 || 74

Gediminas Gelgotas‘ (born 1986) In 2006 founded the ensemble NI&Co (New Ideas Chamber Orchestra) for the purpose of realizing his own musical and conceptual ideas. The compositions by Gediminas Gelgotas appeal to a young audience and are based on melodic beauty and rhythmic drive. “He already exercises a masterful control over a highly attractive musical language that utilizes all possibilities of modern compositional techniques – including its cacophonous ‘abbyses,’ likewise audibly influenced by a strong expressionist will. Fascinating!” (E. Ochs, Ostseezeitung, September 2012.) G. Gelgotas most recent symphonic work Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean for symphony orchestra was premiered in Berlin Konzerthaus with the Baltic Youth Philharmonic conducted by Kristjan Järvi and was described as “a sensation“ (Neue Musikzeitung, 2012). Terry Riley, the American founder of minimal music hailed Gelgotas as a composer with „a very unique and compelling compositional voice.“ (2009) „That‘s how unlimited the contemporary music can be!“ (Kieler Nachrichten, C.Strehk, 2013). Gelgotas‘ works are published by Peermusic Classical New York – Hamburg. He resides in Europe with his composing periods spent in California, the US.


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