Best in lithuania 21

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Lietuvos pramoninink킬 konfederacija Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists

Magazine about business, science and culture leaders in Lithuania

No. 21 (2013)

Public Limited Liability Company Lithuanian Railways (Lietuvos geležinkeliai, AB) are currently developing public logistics center projects in Vilnius, Kaunas and in Klaipėda. Their emergence will be very beneficial for these cities and regions on account of improved business conditions and creation of new workplace, there as the state budget will be replenished with millions in proceeds. Vilnius and Kaunas projects are partly financed (Klaipėda logistics center projects are going to be partly financed) with money from the European Union Cohesion Fund.

Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union from 1 July until 31 December 2013

Magazine „Best in Lithuania“ Nr. 21, 2013 Address: Linoleum design UAB M.Mažvydo str. 9-19, LT-06256 Vilnius Tel. +370 615 83361. E-mail: The editorial office is not responsible for the contens of advertisements

Editor Rimvidas Stankevičius Advertising manager Gediminas Miškinis Writers Vaidas Grudis, Marius Medekša, Jūratė Mockuvienė Designer Lina Šiškutė Cover: The logo of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU



Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius: let us show to the world and ourselves that Europe is credible, growing and open Marius Medekša


Presidency: Challenges and Opportunities for the Country and its Business Interview with Gintaras Morkis, Deputy Director General of Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists


Aleksandr Izgorodin, Analyst of Department of Economics and Finances of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists

Lithuania: economic growth to remain one of the fastest in EU


Nerijus Dovydėnas, Vadimas Ivanovas, Thomas Notten, Enterprise Lithuania

Lithuania is among the countries with fastest growing exports in the EU Lithuanian innovation centre


Interview with the new Acting Director of the Lithuanian Innovation Centre, Mantas Vilys



Lithuanian roads Lithuanian road administration

Lithuania – Country of Innovations and Technologies Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology


Cutting Edge Technology is the Key to the Success of Lithuanian Laser Companies Vaidas Grudis




Valley Nemunas – to Lithuanian and foreign business Innovation for your well-being Aconitum UAB

Lithuania: economic dynamism born from an entrepreneurial spirit Invest Lithuania


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Alytus industrial park

science & manufacturing



Vilnius Gediminas Technical University is open to international students


Studies, Science and Culture without Borders at Šiauliai University


Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre: creative platform open to the world





Breaking stereotypes Department of Graphic design of Vilnius Academy of Arts

Department of Design of Vilnius Academy of Arts: the future begins here

Contemporary artistic textile is a junction of applied and visual arts Department of Textile of Vilnius Academy of Arts


University’s Research Products recognized internationally Integrated Science, Studies and Business Centre (Valley) SANTAKA




Lithuanian University of Health Sciences: exporting knowledge

Good manufacturing practice


Concern ALGA UAB

Experience and innovations within transport infrastructure engineering Kelprojektas UAB


The most important project implemented by YIT Kausta – the earned trust


Panevėžio statybos trestas


JURES GLULAM: glue laminated timber products

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Broad scope of activities Kauno energetikos remontas UAB

Baltic Solar Energy / Baltic Solar Solutions – solar cells and modules from Lithuania BOD group



Detailed answer to the customer – within 24 hours Venta Windows UAB

Long-term experience in production and quality assurance Aurida UAB



Traidenis is open to novelties and innovative solutions

Stewardship timber for creation of strong and successful business Vakarų medienos grupė UAB



Guartis AB

Professional electrotechnical solutions RIFAS UAB


S-Form: new quality standard


Devold 160 years


Company's Lonas mattress TYLA®*** – Product of the Year 2012, awarded the Gold Medal



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Regional leader in glass business

One step closer... Interscalit UAB

AQ Wiring Systems UAB – we are reliable





Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre Software PIKAS Merakas UAB


DOTNUVOS PROJEKTAI – from small business to an international company


AD REM TRANSPORT: close to the world, close to you


Lietuvos rytas Printing house: quality, services, reliability


Royal Birštonas – a Resort for Health, Wellness and Harmony



The delicious "ambassador" of Lithuania Žemaitijos pienas AB


The 2014 Lithuanian Song Celebration “Here Is My Home”


Lithuanian National Costume


The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania in Vilnius - the Past opens to the Future


Kernavė Archaeological Site


Painter Dalia Kasčiūnaitė


World of fairy tales by Agnė Šemberaitė



FOOD industry

Embracing the real in surreal Artist Artur Širin




Peace and love. Designer Indra Marcinkevičienė

culture | 7

Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius:

let us show to the world and ourselves that Europe is credible, growing and open Algirdas Butkevičius, Prime Minister of the Respublic of Lithuania and José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission


reparation for the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union is like sitting for an important examination – or at least that is what diplomats and civil servants involved in this process claim. Lithuania will be chairing EU Council meetings from July to the end of December, which means that we will be then responsible for balancing national negotiation lines, as well as for a wide range of decisions of European relevance.

From the very establishment of the European Economic Community in 1958, there have been 100 presidency rotations. Each state had its own way in this process by bringing forward ever new priorities, and taking on new initiatives as far as their budgets allowed, 8 |

however all of them sought a common goal – the balance of national interests. During our time in office, we will try to show to the world and ourselves that Europe is credible, growing and open. We must bring back confidence in the European markets through the development of the economy, fiscal sustainability and stability. We will direct our efforts to the management of the economy, and the implementation of the EU Fiscal Treaty. Europe has to be credible.

Europe is growing. Only by working together we will make it more competitive, and job-rich.

will host Eastern Partnership Summit, which will discuss all the issues related to the Eastern partnership. We will try to strengthen dialogue with the Eastern countries, such as Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Belarus, and Azerbaijan. We will also work on Seimas initiatives for more effective control of the EU external borders, stronger Baltic Sea region relations and energy security. The latter is extremely important to us – the internal energy market must be completed after all, thus providing for necessary infrastructure and eliminating energy islands. We will continue the dialogue on energy efficiency and renewables, also focussing on nuclear safety.

Europe is open. Lithuania will focus its attention on closer cooperation between the EU and the Eastern partners. To this end, on November 28-29, Vilnius

The Presidency will call for our utmost attention and responsibility as regards the completion of regulations and other legislation related to the EU multian-

nual financial framework for 20142020, as they will serve the core for new funding programmes starting as of January 2014. Unbiased approach is guaranteed, as it is our duty to balance the interests of all the Member States. Final decisions are made by Member States themselves, and our task is translating political decisions taken in the Council into binding legislation. Lithuanian diplomats and civil servants will chair meetings, including 1800 in Brussels. 200 events and meetings will be held in Lithuania. Major legislative decisions European relevance will be taken in the EU capital. This is a duty we must deal with, thus proving to our EU family that we are no worse: Europe may find our diligence and expertise helpful. Although we are one of the smallest

teams in the history of the presidency, we have no right to come down in our abilities. I am confident that the Presidency will run smooth and be fruitful, as this involved a number of years of preparations. We have built considerable knowledge, and intend to make use of best practises across the EU. Our civil servants and diplomats have attended relevant trainings and seminars, and they will certainly do their best to make our Presidency successful.

one can make a big difference as far as Lithuania’s image is concerned. We should present ourselves through cultural projects, events, communication and services delivered. The presidency is a great opportunity to send a message to Europe that Lithuania is a part of Europe with creative, hard-working people, smart and reliable businesses, providing excellent services and good quality products. We assure you that you are always welcome here!

Every Lithuanian should understand that Lithuania will be in the spotlight during the presidency. Therefore we must do everything to be able to say after the presidency that it was useful not only for the EU but also for ourselves. This involves our skills to negotiate, find balance among the positions and take decisions. Each and every

If we are able to make proper use of the advantages offered by the presidency, we will have great promotion results, thus encouraging tourism. So let’s show all the best we have and share it with the whole of Europe. We are ready for this examination and expect the best results! | 9


Challenges and Opportunities for the Country and its Business As of 1 July Lithuania will perform a highly significant role. Our country, which takes Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first time, will have to address issues of importance not only to Lithuania but also to the whole of Europe. Business-related issues will be among them. The Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK) views the forthcoming six-month term as a period of challenges and opportunities. The magazine ‘Best in Lithuania’ talked about expectations and the agenda of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists with its Deputy Director General Gintaras Morkis. Marius Medekša

BiL What possibilities will Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union open up for Lithuanian business? First of all, it will offer huge possibilities for the State to demonstrate its abilities, trust, and reliability as a member of the European Union. At the same time, this is an opportunity for the business sector. This is not so much about selling anything (although this is very important, too, and will undoubtedly open up more possibilities for service providers) as about the opportunity for the business community to take part in making decisions on important issues, especially in the field of legislation. During the Presidency, Lithuanian business will hold discussions on economic issues which are in principle relevant to the whole of Lithuania. And this will be done together with the highest-ranking officials of the European Union – the Presidents of the EU Council and of the European Commission, Commissioners and Members of the European Parliament. Some argue that presidency is just a function entrusted to a state at a certain 10 |

period of time and this function must be adequately performed, with the presiding country taking a neutral position, which is especially challenging for a country that presides for the first time as it does not know what reaction it might have to encounter should a national issue be raised. Others see this as a procedural thing for which institutions are well-prepared and as an area where business is not supposed to have much say or intervene. But our understanding is different. We think about the state as consisting not only of state institutions but also of its citizens and civil organisations, including such organisations as the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists. BiL Which of the Lithuanian Presidency priorities are relevant for our country’s business? Lithuanian Presidency has four top priorities on its agenda: Eastern Partnership, energy security, effective implementation of the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, and better protection of external borders of the EU. We, as a Confed-

eration, approve of these priorities. For example, the issue of Eastern Partnership is very important because it opens borders to trade and facilitates free movement of goods and people with 6 non-EU countries. Fewer barriers and better communication – this is what business needs. The topic of energy is important in as much as it can bring energy prices down and increase our competitiveness. As we pay the highest price for gas, our competitive ability is much lower than that of other countries, which use cheaper gas to produce the same or similar products. As for the Baltic Sea Strategy, we want to see more tangible and measurable steps. The Strategy has been given much publicity but so far has failed, from our point of view, to meet expectations. The issue of better border control protection is undoubtedly very important given the losses suffered by Lithuanian companies due to smuggling. Again, our companies lose the competitive battle because of smuggling from the East. Lithuania has a quite long border with non-EU countries. BiL What other issues or topics are you

going to address during that half a year of importance to Lithuania? On 5 March we presented our action plan to the business and industry community and to government representatives for the Presidency period. The integrated industrial policy is a highly relevant topic to us. It covers everything that is related to industry and has an impact on it, for example, taxation, energy prices, opening of the markets, market protection against dumping and state aid, better infrastructure, too high climate change requirements and other regulatory matters. This topic was the starting point for our preparations for the Presidency. On 6 March we organised an international conference to highlight problems and threats to industry of both Lithuania and other European Union Member States. On the whole, before raising any problem we always try to answer the question of whether this is going to help industry to survive or force it to move elsewhere or close down. The latest communication on industrial policy sets a goal that industry’s share of the EU’s GDP should be at least 20 per cent by 2020. By the way, Lithuania has already achieved and even slightly exceeded this target. But for Lithuania, I think, this target is too low. We need more industry, more production capacities and more possibilities for people to produce, export and earn. In other EU Member States, business organisations have different attitudes towards the objectives set. Some countries find this target share too high because they rely mostly on banking and services. Will Lithuania become Luxembourg or London? This is the question. Therefore, integrated industrial policy will be relevant throughout the Presidency period and beyond. Following the changes introduced by the Lisbon strategy, we form Presidency Trio with Ireland and Greece. This means that certain issues are being coordinated with industry and business organisations of these countries. Now we support the Irish, after our Presidency we will support the Greeks. Succession must be maintained. BiL What objectives are you going to set in the sphere of legislation? There will be a lot of issues to legislate on. We will focus on further deepening and integrating the Single Market, The most important ones alone amount to about

150. We could cover them all if we had 700 employees working on these issues in the Confederation. Unfortunately, we have to set clear priorities. We are particularly concerned about such issues on the EU agenda for this period as amendments to regulations on trade defence instruments in view of the possible reform of the EU trade defence instruments. There is an initiative to reduce the fight against anti-dumping, pretending to defend consumer interests. Goods from certain third countries are cheaper because they are subject to dumping or subsidised. Still, our manufacturers have to compete with them in the EU markets. This issue will be among those to be discussed during an international event to be held in Vilnius on 24-25 October. Other issues of primary importance will include marking the origin of goods, the arrival and stay of third country nationals for the purpose of seasonal work, and certain legislative packages, for example, on railways or on the internal market in road freight transport. The latter would allow our carriers, once they have delivered their cargo to a destination in a European country, do more transportations there instead of hurrying back home. Currently, this is not the case. BiL The eyes of Europe will be on Lithuania because of Belarus. What position are we going to take during the Presidency? This country is important to us from the economic point of view. What initiative is the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialist going to demonstrate? The Eastern Partnership policy is very important to us. Belarus is part of this policy. At present, Lithuania has a unique possibility to play a role in foreign policy through Eastern Partnership. Of the six Eastern Partnership countries, Belarus is probably more important to us than others from the economic point of view. The Lithuanian-Belarusian Economic Forum recently held in Klaipėda was one more step we are making towards strengthening our economic relations. Belarusian authorities should make decisions to bring the country closer to the European model of a state, while Europe should not turn its back on this country just because of the problems arising there. No other EU Member State is interested in developing economic relations with Belarus as much as Lithuania is. The Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists plays a crucial role

here: no other event organised in Europe can boast of having attracted 150 participants from Belarus, while our Forum even had the Belarusian Prime Minister, line ministers, and representatives of the business community among its participants. This would be unimaginable in any other country. Therefore, the Eastern Partnership pillar can bring a huge economic and political benefit to Lithuania provided that the authorities and diplomats do not miss the chance on Belarus and the Eastern Partnership policy in general. On our part, we will organise a large business forum of Eastern Partnership to be held on 27-28 November and expect high participation from Belarus again. But this is not the only issue that interests us. Other countries of Eastern Partnership are also important to us in terms of economic relationship. No less important are relations with Russia or the issue of Transatlantic relations. In particular, I have in mind a free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States of America. BiL In what way are you going to draw Europe’s attention to the problems encountered by business? We will shortly publish a paper with suggestions to the Lithuanian authorities, as well as to institutions of other countries. These will be more or less universal suggestions. In April we started a series of meetings with members of the European Parliamentary Committees, to be continued until autumn. We hold meetings almost each week. Meetings with some commissioners of the Commission are already being organised. On 5th July we will organise panel discussion with the press from Brussels participing.On 25 July, we are organising an event in Vilnius to raise the issue of economic sanctions on third countries and business. We also plan to organise a conference in Brussels on the issue of energy islands. Finally Presidents of BusinesseEurope, the largest and most influential industry and business organisation in Europe with the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists among its members, are coming to Vilnius in December to discuss economic and financial issues of top importance to Europe, to sum-up the results of the Lithuanian Presidency and to put forward proposals to the Council of Europe concerning future political and decisionmaking processes. | 11


ECONOMIC GROWTH TO REMAIN ONE OF THE FASTEST IN EU espite the fact that uncertainty has been recorded in major outside markets, Lithuanian economy has recently showed a considerable improvement. In 2012 the growth of Lithuanian GDP has been one of the highest in the EU and has been estimated to have increased by 3.7%. The Lithuanian economy has been pulled by the export sector and the Lithuanian industry that is highly related to foreign markets. Lithuanian export has increased by 15.7% last year. Export already exceeds the pre-crisis level by 30% whereas Lithuanian GDP is 5% below pre-crisis level. Although there are some uncertainties regarding the major Lithuanian partner economies, the economic perspectives of Lithuania for 2013 remain favorable. It is forecasted that in 2013 GDP will increase by 3%, which will keep Lithuania among the leaders based on GDP growth in EU. It is forecasted that Lithuanian export will increase by 7% in 2013. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) will remain the main locomotive of Lithuanian export development. Although the economic growth of Russia has slowed from 3.4% in 2012 to 0.9% in January-February 2013, so far the slowdown is not of a high concern. All in all Russian GDP should rise by 3.2% in 2013. Slow

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growth at the beginning of 2013 has been caused in part by high basis effect: at the begging of 2012 the Russian economy grew by almost 5% year-onyear. Secondly, it is estimated that in 2013 the price of oil will reach $110 per barrel. What is more, higher oil price cannot be excluded due to the optimistic economic perspectives for US and China as well as due to the increasing geopolitical tension in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Nigeria. Thus, worldwide tendencies of oil prices remain beneficial to Russia. Considering the fact that oil prices remain high and the condition of public finances in Russia is relatively good (budget deficit is only 1.3% of GDP), Russian authorities could use the Reserve fund resources to stimulate economic growth. Despite the slowdown of Russia’s economic growth, Lithuanian exports in 2013 January and February to CIS have increased by 26% - faster than 24% growth achieved in 2012. The macroeconomic perspectives of euro zone remain gloomy. New estimations of European Commission show that in 2013 euro zone GDP will contract by 0.4%, which will be the second year in row of economic downturn. Difficult bailout procedures of Cyprus’ banking system, political uncertainty in Italy as well as the increased market pressure on Slovenia indicate that Eurozone debt crisis is still not over. The slump of euro zone economy

Aleksandr Izgorodin, Analyst of Department of Economics and Finances of the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists

does not generate considerable threats to Lithuania. The condition of Lithuanian export sector depends not only on the foreign markets’ demand but also on the difference between production prices inside and outside the country. Good price to quality ratio safeguards the competitive advantage of Lithuanian exporters. What is more, Lithuania maintains strong commercial relations with countries which have not been hit particularly hard by the fiscal crisis, i.e. core euro zone countries, and the Baltic Sea region countries, including Scandinavian region. This will help maintain growth in export of Lithuanian goods to the EU market.

crisis period. It is obvious that without a recovery of domestic market it is not possible to achieve faster decrease in unemployment.

The unemployment level in Lithuania remains relatively high. However, it is estimated that in 2013 unemployment level will shrink to 11% and will become lower than the euro zone average of 12.2%. However, the recovery of Lithuanian economy is clearly not strong enough to propel faster recovery in labor market. Due to investment into productivity, employment in manufacturing is increasing at a slower pace than manufacturing output. The number of people employed in industry increased only by 3.8% in 2012 whereas production output increased by almost 10% last year. While the volume of industrial production significantly exceeds the pre-crisis level, the number of people employed in industry is still by 23% lower compared to pre-

The recovering economy and implementation of structural reforms will push the budget deficit from 9% of GDP in 2009 to 3% of GDP in 2013. Thus, Lithuania can meet the Maastricht criterion of budget deficit this year in case there are no negative contingencies in foreign markets. Lithuanian debt to GDP ratio is relatively small in EU context, and will stand at 41% in 2013. This is 2.1 times lower than EU average of 85%. However, sharp increase in debt-to-GDP ratio during the crisis is of a high concern. During the financial crisis Lithuanian debt-to-GDP ratio increased 2.6 times, which is one of the sharpest increases in debt in the EU (only Ireland and Romania have recorded faster rise in debt).

After a long break the real wages will start rising this year. The recent trends in global commodity prices have been beneficial for Lithuania, and inflation will ease from 3% in 2012 to 2.5% in 2013. On the other hand, average wage in will increase by 4% in 2013. This shows that real wage will increase by 1.5% in 2013. Rise in wages will be driven by expansion of Lithuanian economy, the lack of qualified labor force and the 25% rise in minimal wage.

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Lithuania is among the countries with fastest growing exports in the EU Nerijus Dovydėnas, Vadimas Ivanovas, Thomas Notten, Enterprise Lithuania

Trends in exports


or the first time since official reporting started in 1993, Lithuania‘s trade balance (of goods and services) for 2012 was positive (+ €183 million). Although Lithuania‘s services balance has been positive since 1996, the goods balance still reported a deficit. Since the rebound after the 2009 global economic crisis, Lithuania is among the countries with fastest growing exports in the EU. Most industries reported high growth rates last year. Despite the uncertainties in the market as a result of the Eurozone debt crisis, 14 |

2012 was an excellent year for Lithuanian exporters. The food industry continued increasing its market shares, long-term contracts helped the Lithuanian furniture industry to maintain stable growing export volumes, while most other industries also demonstrated remarkable export growth.

struction, whose exported products and services are highly regarded in the EU market. Besides these traditional sectors, new sectors such as biotech, lasers and IT have emerged as strong competitors in world markets. Within a short period of time, these sectors demonstrated their abilities, catching the attention of global market leaders.


Lithuania offers European markets highquality furniture and wood products. This sector emerged in the sixteenth century and gradually became one of the most competitive and highly developed branches in Lithuania’s manufacturing industry. This is marked by the presence

The core of Lithuania’s economy consists of historically strong sectors, such as furniture and wood, food and agriculture, chemical and engineering industries as well as transport and logistics and con-

of Swedish furniture giant IKEA in Lithuania. In order to keep competitiveness level high, Lithuanian companies invest in innovative production methods, process optimization, new product developments and the positioning of their own brands in export markets. Currently, main export destinations for these industries are Scandinavia and the large Western European countries. Last year these industries saw their exports grow with 12.7 percent until €1.4 billion. The Lithuanian food industry offers a wide range of high quality products, which were exported to 116 countries last year. The EU is an important market, with a share of more than 70 percent in export turnover amounting to €1.1 billion. To EU markets, Lithuanian food producers mostly exported cheese, milk and cream, as well as fresh fish and fish products. Meat products are mostly exported to Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries, which share a similar taste with the Lithuanians. The engineering industry went through a transformation after EU accession with companies nowadays focusing on niche markets. These new products attract interest from export markets because of their uniqueness and flexibility to fulfill non-standard orders. The latest development in the sector is the founding of an automotive component cluster in 2013. Last year exports of the Lithuanian engineering industry grew with 9.4 percent, reaching a value of €1.2 billion. The most important export markets in 2012 were Germany, Russia, Sweden, Norway and Latvia. The favorable geographic location and experience in conducting business in CIS countries helped to emerge a strong transport and logistics sector in Lithuania. In Europe, Lithuanian transport and logistics companies are known for their reliability and expertise. Lithuania also has the most northern non-freezing seaport in the Baltic Sea. With an export turnover of €2.8 billion, transport and logistics services constitute around 60 percent of total exports of services. Last year exports of transportation and logistics services grew with 24.5 percent. The main export markets in 2012 were Russia, Germany, Austria and France. The Lithuanian biotechnology sector

started its development in the early 1990s and is considered one of the most sophisticated and developed biotechnology sectors in Central- and Eastern Europe. Biotechnology researches are conducted in scientific institutions and private companies. Investments by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries and Thermo Fisher Scientific proof that Lithuania has a promising biotechnology sector. The Lithuanian laser technology sector is another promising high-tech sector, with a reported annual growth of 20 percent. No other branch of industry in Lithuania dominates the world markets, whereas picosecond lasers created by Lithuanians constitute half the market, femtosecond parametric light amplifiers account for as much as 80 percent of the global market. 86 percent of Lithuanian produced lasers and components are exported to more than 100 countries. Outlook

expected to decrease as well, but stable or moderately increasing prices are expected for tobacco and wood. Experts forecast fertilizer prices to decrease in the upcoming years as well. Therefore, we expect prices of domestically produced exports excluding energy products in 2013 and 2014 to remain at roughly the same level as in 2012. Exports of services have shown remarkably high growth rates in recent years, but we expect a more moderate growth this year with an increase of 11% in 2013 and 9% in 2014. Growth is forecasted to slow down as a result of pressure on prices in transportation services. Exports of travel services are expected to increase, especially during the second half of the year, due to Lithuania’s presidency of the European Union. Exports of construction services are expected to rise as well, because of ongoing construction projects in Scandinavia and neighboring countries.

Despite uncertainties in the Eurozone and the recent rumors of a slowdown of the Russian economy, we forecast a 12% nominal growth for total exports of goods and services in 2013 and 8% in 2014. We expect the largest growth this year in exports of energy products. More than 95 percent of exports of energy products consist of refined oil products. Due to the temporary shutdown of oil refinery “ORLEN Lietuva” last year, nominal exports of refined oil products are expected to grow with 25% given that the oil price remains stable. For domestically produced The Lithuanian food industry offers a wide range of high quality exports excluding energy products, which were exported to 116 countries last year products we forecast a nominal growth of 4 percent this year, while for next year we expect a slightly higher growth rate with 5 percent. The slowdown in growth is mainly due to an expected slowdown in growth of export prices. Lithuanian export prices are highly dependent on global prices. Non-food raw material prices are | 15

Lithuanian innovation centre Interview with the new Acting Director of the Lithuanian Innovation Centre, Mantas Vilys BiL Hello. You are the new director of LIC, can you introduce yourself to us? Yes, I’m Mantas Vilys and currently I manage the most diverse and ambitious team of innovation support professionals. I started in LIC as a project assistant more than eight years ago, finalizing PhD in public innovation support on the way. I believe that successful innovation depends on having a relevant public support that helps to nurture and create it. BiL To those who don’t know LIC, can you introduce the organisation? The Lithuanian Innovation Centre has

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had a long history since 1996. The Centre provides innovation support services to companies, clusters, business support agencies and policy makers. LIC employs around 20 innovation experts that can provide help to Lithuanian and foreign organizations in their innovation activities. BiL Who are the main partners in Lithuania for innovation support? You cannot innovate alone. This is the same with providing support to innovation; we work together with almost all relevant innovation stakeholders in Lithuania to optimize business support in the field of innovation. We work together with the Lithuanian Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA), in the field of finance of innova-

tion, cluster collaboration and access to EU programs for innovation. Together with the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LPK) we collaborate to work from the actual needs of companies, since they are the ones that actually do the hard work of innovation. Also, LIC is an active participant and partner in the Knowledge Economy Forum (ZEF); the forum where public and private partners meet and discuss their experience and vision for the future of innovation in Lithuania. Furthermore, LIC closely collaborates with the relevant national ministries in the field of innovation: the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Education and Science. Together with both these Ministries we collaborate and assist in the process of new innovation policy development and implementation. BiL What kind of innovation support services does LIC provide?

The LIC is a partner to the Enterprise Europe Network: a large network that provides business support to companies for free all over Europe. The specific role of LIC in this network is to assist companies and research institutes in the process of technology transfer and partner search. Annually, LIC supports more than 1000 SMEs and researchers in the process of technology partnership building that results in more than ten international partnership agreements and facilitates many more new innovation related partnerships, mainly between small companies from different countries. Furthermore, over 500 companies annually receive advice from LIC on their search for public finance for their innovation activities. A wide range of public support for innovation might dazzle the average SME, or might even be unknown. By introducing different Structural Funds schemes and other public measures dedicated to innovation, e.g. innovation vouchers, we can identify the best strategy for each company to make use of these public funds. Furthermore, LIC supports the creation and development of new clusters in Lithuania and helps them in their internationalization. Finally, LIC advises public authorities on their innovation policies.

BiL And what can LIC offer to our international colleagues? LIC can offer foreign companies help in finding a Lithuanian partner for technology transfer, both when trying to search for sell new technology. We organize technology/innovation related missions to large fairs, including match-making events that will connect companies that are interested in new innovative partnerships. LIC also manages the website that functions as ‘Yellow pages’ of Lithuanian innovative companies: We can identify possible partner clusters in Lithuania for international clusters and establish contacts and match-making. Many clusters are emerging and becoming international, with many different backgrounds and in different sectors: both old sectors and newly emerging ones. As concerns public authorities, we work closely with Lithuanian ministries involved in the innovation policy and we can establish contacts with relevant innovation policy makers at the national level. BiL What do you expect in the future? Lithuanian presidency of the EU this semester highlights the trend for more internationalization. Not only do large firms operate global, but also any innovative company, irrespective of its size. The Lithuanian innovation centre is therefore actively engaged in uniting the innovative players in the Baltic Sea Region (clusters, networks and companies). We are also active in different EUwide initiatives; for example, we try to join different clusters in Europe together to create new innovative solutions for ‘Healthy Ageing’. Additionally, LIC is active outside Europe, for example, in organizing trade missions to China and helping Lithuanian companies find new partners and markets in Asia. BiL Any final words? The Lithuanian Innovation Centre is your first stop shop for innovation in Lithuania. Furthermore, all our services are free!

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One of the key benefits for investors in Lithuania is a well-kept state road network

Lithuanian roads


eighbouring countries envy the motorway network even more than our basketball team. The 65,300 km2 area of Lithuania is crisscrossed by a 82,895 km-long network of winding roads. 74 % of roads are local significance streets and roads; whereas main traffic concentrates on state significance roads and motorways, which consists of 21,242 kilometres. To organize and coordinate the rehabilitation, maintenance and development of state roads, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania has entitled Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications (referred to as the Road Administration), which administers eleven state road maintenance enterprises (10 established on the territorial principle, and one SE Automagistralė, which maintains the main motorways of Lithuania Vilnius–Kaunas– Klaipėda and Vilnius–Panevėžys). The total state road network consists of main (1,746 km), national (4,929 km) and regional roads (14,566 km). 34 % of the 18 |

CEDR meeting

state road network is still gravel paved, but year after year their length and percentage constantly decreases. Almost 92 % of main state road network is part of TransEuropean Transport (TEN-T) corridors, which cross Lithuania from South to North (E67, E77, E262) and from West to East (E28, E85, E272). The main road network, together with the national roads (TEN-T corridor feeders), partially regional roads and links with transport infrastructure of other modes, forms a vital blood supply system of all Lithuanian

A newly constructed Kairiai bypass section

economy. It is the system, that is considered to be an advantage by many foreign and local investors. Long-established and strong road building and maintenance traditions, experience and practical knowledge make road’s function in severe climatic conditions. From -30° C in winter to over +40° C in summer and up to 100 freezing-thawing cycles during late autumn, winter and mid-spring plus moisture in milder climates.

In the second half of 2013, proud road engineering professionals, together with hundreds of foreign experts, will look for and exchange solutions for building better roads for our mobile society at the XXVIII Baltic Road Conference Roads for Society. To satisfy the needs of society at large and road users in particular, the Road Administration constantly improves roads and their network, puts every possible effort to make safe, convenient and pleasant transportation. To improve roads and their network, the Road Administration uses not only the Road Maintenance and Development Programme funds allocated by the Republic of Lithuania but also the European Union assistance funds, which contribute to the integration of Lithuanian roads into the European road network. During 2007–2012 a total of 562 million € of EU structural assistance funds was invested mainly into TEN-T corridors with the average rate of return of 13.5 %. Major recent works financed from the EU funds are Kairiai bypass, Vilnius southern bypass, the reconstructed KlaipėdaJakai grade-separated intersection. Great attention was paid to the implementation of road safety and environmental measures.

The reconstructed Jakai grade-separated intersection

Motorway Vilnius–Kaunas–Klaipėda

Neighbouring countries envy the motorway network even more than our basketball team

Traffic Information Centre

Traffic safety on the roads is a priority task for the Road Administration. To attain the goal, various educational activities are organised and road infrastructure is improved. The measures taken helped to reduce the number of black spots from 267 in 2006 to 43 in 2013 and to reduce the number of fatalities by more than twice from 706 fatalities in 2006 to 301 in 2012.

Centre established at the Road Administration. In the future it will become the National Traffic Information Centre. Information on traffic, road and weather conditions, traffic restrictions due to ongoing works or road accidents, as well as other kind of information important to road users is available at (

Traffic information on state significance roads is provided by the Traffic Information

Bon voyage!

Planting trees near Vilnius bypass. | 19

science & manufacturing

Lithuania – Country of innovations and technologies


round the world, Lithuania is known for its basketball and amber, however when aiming to attract business partners and foreign investments, we should focus more on speaking and presenting all the innovations and technologies that are created in the country. Laser and biotechnology sectors are growing rapidly in Lithuania, concentrating high quality human resources, creating the know-how and high added value. Lithuania is proud of its talent pool and educated people with innovative ideas. Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA), already into its third year of existence, puts great effort into helping all these ideas to materialize. MITA is the main governmental institution, responsible for creating a favorable 20 |

environment for innovations and entrepreneurship in the country. Guiding the implementation of the innovation policy in Lithuania, MITA operates on the grounds of the 2010-2020 Innovation Strategy, approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. MITA provides numerous services for clients from business, science and public sectors, interested in research and innovation projects, national or EU funding possibilities and relations with foreign partners. “We are the bridge, encouraging the successful cooperation between business and science,” says Arūnas Karlonas, director of MITA. “Our Agency is being responsible for coordination of national High technology and Industrial biotechnology development programmes for 2011-2013. A new initiative of the

Arūnas Karlonas, Director of the Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology

commercialization of R&D results was launched. The public funding is provided for establishment of high-tech start-up’s or spin-off’s. Besides that, Lithuania is also part of European programmes such as EUREKA, EUROSTARS, FP7, etc.

A wide variety of programmes that we offer helps our customers to achieve great results and become world class leaders. In collaboration with our partners Lithuanian Innovation Center, Enterprise Lithuania and Lithuanian Business Confederation, we organize business missions and international conferences. We represent Lithuanian companies in various international trade-shows and exhibitions and we‘re proud to host the Lithuanian national stand in many of these events,” comments Arūnas Karlonas. Lithuanian Lasers Succeed in the International Market According to the Lithuanian Laser Association, international laser market comprised $8.3 bn. in 2012, 3% of which were dedicated to science-intended lasers. In the meantime Lithuanian laser producers sell a larger share of their production to the scientific market. We take pride in the fact that Lithuanian lasers amount to 10% of the whole science-intended laser market. “Lasers that are created in Lithuania are exported to more than 50 countries. A common joke has it that the only place without Lithuanian lasers or their components today is Antarctica. The biggest importer of Lithuanian laser production is the USA – almost 20%, Japan imports over 13% and Germany – over 11%,” says Petras Balkevičius, PhD, Executive Director of the Lithuanian Laser Association. Referring to Lithuanian laser production as simply “lasers” would not be accurate, as the production entails different kinds of lasers, optical, electronic, mechanic laser components and their combinations. Over the last five years Lithuanian laser industry has been demonstrating impressive achievements. The sales doubled from 98 mln. Litas in 2008 to 206 mln. Litas in 2012. Similar growth is expected in the future as well. While only 10 enterprises in the laser industry were operating ten years ago, there were 22 in 2012. Since the scientific market is rather small, an entry was made to a 10 times bigger industrial laser market, where in 2012 one fourth of Lithuanian laser production was sold. One of the most standout success stories in the industry is Brolis Semiconductors UAB high technology enterprise, established by three Vizbaras brothers Augustinas, Kristijonas and Dominykas in 2011, specializing in semiconductor

Brothers Augustinas, Kristijonas and Dominykas Vizbaras, founders of the company Brolis Semiconductors

technologies in the sphere of electronics and optoelectronics. The founders also specialize in the creation of long-wave infra-red lasers and technology of molecular fiber epytaxy. At the end of last year, Brolis Semiconductors established the most modern semiconductor laser laboratory in Eastern Europe in notably short period of time. The company attracted venture capital investment from LitCapital and got the support from the European Union’s Structural Funds. The Promising Sector of Biotechnologies The Lithuanian biotechnology industry has been developing since 1990s and is regarded as one of the most sophisticated in Central and Eastern Europe. Biotechnology research has been carried out by various research institutions and companies. Currently over 20 companies are operating in the Lithuanian biotechnology sector, the most renowned ones being Amilina AB, Thermofisher Scientific UAB, Vilnius branch, Mestilla UAB, Sicor Biotech (TEVA) UAB, Biofuture AB. Based on the data provided by Lithuanian Biotechnology Association, the revenues of the Lithuanian biotechnology companies grew approximately 6 times in a five year period between 2006 and 2011, reaching 1.1 bn. Litas, i.e., ~1% of country’s GDP. As further rapid growth is expected, the revenue should be over 2 bn. Litas in 2015 and come close to 2% of the GDP. The number of employees in


2011 amounted to 1300, and the export share in sales comprised 85%. The group of Lithuanian scientists from the company Sicor Biotech (TEVA) has developed the anticancer medication TevaGrastim®, which is 25-35 % less expensive than a similar treatment already on the market, and is just as effective. The medicine had been developed for almost 10 years, until it finally came to the European market on 2009. In 2012 the company registered the invention in the American market as well, making it the first ever Lithuanian medicine to be registered in the USA. The example shows a great potential of Lithuanian scientists, their ability to create and carry out big scale projects. New start-up’s are also being established by young scientists and entrepreneurs in the biotechnology sector. Initiated by Vilnius University and supported by MITA a new start-up company IMD Technologies UAB started to produce biopolyol and epoxide oil, and aims to introduce more eco-innovations based on biocatalysis and biopolymers for various industries. Over the last few years Lithuania has been aiming to demonstrate leadership in the sectors of biotechnology and life sciences. One of the most successful initiatives is the “Life Sciences Baltics 2012” event, which attracted over 800 experts from the Baltic and Scandinavian countries as well as Israel. Also, Lithuania has been participating in such prestigious events of international significance as “Bio International Convention 2013”, held in Chicago.


Creating the Future of Lithuania | 21

science & manufacturing

Key facts about the photonics industry in Lithuania:

Cutting Edge Technology is the Key to the Success of Lithuanian Laser Companies

• 22 companies and 11 science and laser technology research centres • Products sold in over 60 countries worldwide • Total sales in 2012: 57.9 milion euros • More than 80 % of sales from exports • An amount equal to 10 % of total sales is invested annually in R&D

Lithuanian photonics manufacturers have continued their success story, and succeeded in doubling their sales in the past four years. Since 2003, total sales have grown by more than four times. What is the key to this success?

Cooperation is another key to success of Lithuanian photonics companies. In exhibition Laser World of Photonics in Munich, companies participated in one united booth of Lithuanian photonics manufacturers

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“A large part of our success is due to the fact that the core personel in these companies are former scientists. Every tenth employee has a PhD.” notes Dr. Petras Balkevičius, Executive Director of the Laser and Light Science and Technology Association. “They have successfully combined their experience with business management skills to create, develop and market their own technologies.” The history of Lithuanian lasers started 47 years ago, in 1966, when the first laser was built at Vilnius University. Photonics quickly found its place among

other disciplines, and today Vilnius University is famous for being a perfect place for the encouragement of new talents in the field of laser physics. Most of the products and services supplied by Lithuanian companies are for scientific application. Laser manufacturers from Lithuania have earned the trust of many famous universities and research centres, including NASA, NIST (USA), Cambridge University (UK), CERN (EU), and the Max Planck Institute (Germany). The market share of Lithuanian laser manufacturers accounts for 10 % of the entire global academic laser market. As a result of long-term development plans and close partnerships, Lithuanian laser manufacturers have established a value chain with many segments: the products that have been researched and developed include components, lasers, and even complete micromachining workstations.

The surface flatness and transmitted wavefront distortion measurement at EKSMA Optics

Components: From Scientific Laboratories to Satellites EKSMA OPTICS, which traces its roots back to 1983, is a supplier of laser optics and crystals. By exporting components each year to more than 50 countries, the company has developed close relations with many customers, working on application in the industrial, medical, scientific, military and aerospace markets. “Sometimes developing new laser application requires innovative solutions and cutting-edge quality components,” says Marketing Director Daugirdas Kuzma. “One example is the crystals which will be used for laser application in space satellites. Thus, product development projects are very challenging, and we are very flexible in providing reliable and unique state-ofthe-art components, or unconventional solutions, depending on specific requirements.” EKSMA OPTICS participates in “Nanodetector” joint research project, with the aim of developing a general technique for the detection and analysis of single nanoparticles in a complex environment and producing a laboratory prototype, and also “FILCO” project, to develop a laser process head of fibre-delivered laser sources specifically for cutting. The Company also develops “super polishing” technologies of optical components, for use with high-intensity laser radiation beams. Another bright star in Lithuania’s laser industry is ALTECHNA, which in 2011 was acknowledged as the year’s Knowledge Economy Company. It was also recognised for its leading technologies and its exemplary team of experienced scientists at the 2010 German Business Awards. The 2011 Swedish Business Awards competition hailed ALTECHNA as the most harmoniously growing company.

Laser beam attenuator developed at Altechna

ALTECHNA is a reliable supplier of general optics, polarisation optics, laser and non-linear crystals, lasers and laser accessories, custom optics, metrology, and consulting services for scientific research laboratories. In 2012, it developed numerous laboratories: the Laser Optics Quality Inspection Laboratory, the Femtosecond Laser Micromachining MicroLab, and the Micro Laser Development Lab. “We aim to give our clients maximum benefit by providing them not only with laser products, but also with complex solutions designed for a particular use for lasers,” says ALTECHNA’s Director Tadas Lipinskas. The certified quality management system ISO 9001 confirms that ALTECHNA provides quality goods and services oriented to the needs and requirements of clients. | 23

Lasers: World Leaders in Ultrafast Pulses

EKSPLA currently occupies a great part of the global scientific picosecond laser market. The increasing demand in industry for diode-pumped ultra-fast and tunable wavelength laser technologies is opening up new horizons in other markets.

ŠVIESOS KONVERSIJA, known internationally as LIGHT CONVERSION, is a world-leading manufacturer of continuos wavelength tunable ultrafast parametric amplifiers and has nearly 80 % of the share of the global market. Since the very start in production of TOPAS series parametric amplifiers, LIGHT CONVERSION has offered numerous pioneering solutions.

“We are working in several directions today. It is gratifying to see that our lasers are winning the confidence of manufacturers, and are increasingly making their way into their factories,” notes EKSPLA’s CEO. “Profit and experience in the scientific market enable us to invest and direct our efforts towards new goals.”

“TOPAS is our world-renowned branded product line. To date, over 1200 TOPAS series systems have been installed in research institutions in more than thirty-five countries,” notes Algirdas Juozapavičius, Director of LIGHT CONVERSION.

In 2011, EKSPLA became the first company from Central and Eastern Europe to win the Prism Award for Photonics Innovation (known as the “Oscar” of the photonics industry).

Ultrafast laser system PHAROS has attracted attention from industrial and scientific customers

PHAROS, tunable laser system featuring marketleading femtosecond pulses output parameters along with a robust industrial design, has attracted attention from industrial and scientific customers.

Combining Scientific and Industrial Applications ELAS, a laser micro-machining systems manufacturing company, capitalises on laser development technology and material processing. Having been in operation for less than three years, it has already won the Lithuanian National Award for the most innovative product. “Lithuania has been working on developing lasers for a long time, and now it is time we explored the next area along the value chain, scientific and industrial applications,” says Jonas Klimantavičius, Director of ELAS.


“Sales of LIGHT CONVERSION’s industrial products amount to thirty percent and are steadily increasing,” says Juozapavičius. “We cooperate with partners worldwide and as a result our lasers are already in use on production lines in the microelectronics industry. We are currently working on developing lasers for new applications like eye surgery.”

The field of micromachining with ultra-short pulse lasers is an extensive and an interesting one. The selection of suitable system parameters and components demands scientific research and machining trials. Customer applications range from MEMS in super-hard materials for hydro turbines to biodegradable plastics for implants. The end result is high-tech machinery, makFeature-rich material ing small and very precise processing workstation from structures in millimetreELAS weighs more than a tone, but can make small and very precise sized objects.

EKSPLA is a manufacturer focusing on highperformance advanced solutions. Drawing on 30 year experience and close partnership with the scientific community, it designs, develops and manufactures solid-state lasers, laser systems and accessories for R&D and industrial applications; complete spectroscopy systems; and laser optoelectronics. Its strong R&D team enables it to customise and supply products from a single unit to the OEM series.

structures in milimetre-sized objects

ELAS systems are used for solar cell processing, silicon-based high-power semiconductor manufacturing, bio-material based sensor research, and other applications. Assembly of solid state laser at EKSPLA manufacturing facilities

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“Our daily business is designing and producing machines that weigh a ton, and which can produce tiny objects with a beam of light,” says Klimantavičius with a smile.

Partner of Lithuania’s EU Council Presidency

science & manufacturing

Valley Nemunas – to Lithuanian and foreign business Vaidas Grudis

Students of Aleksandras Stulginskis University do research work in modern laboratories


he integrated science, studies and business centres are being actively created in Lithuania, which are referred to as valleys. One of the most active of them is the valley Nemunas (thereinafter referred to as the Valley– the author‘s note), which works for agricultural, forestry and food sectors. Real work is already going on in the centres, and the business people who were given help by their scientists can define the benefit that they have derived from such cooperation.

Everything in one place The Rector of Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Professor, Chairman of the Board of the Valley Nemunas Antanas Maziliauskas stated that at the present time too few scientists work in business. “Business people already understand that they cannot do well without knowledge. Therefore it is most convenient to make use of the base of the valleys where the most modern equipment and specialists are concentrated”, the interlocutor told us. All in all, eight different scientific centres are going 26 |

President Dalia Grybauskaitė is visiting the expositionof the Valley Nemunas at the exhibition "Ką pasėsi... 2013" (Eng. - "You reap as you have sown 2013")

to be established in the Valley Nemunas, which will be located with their founders: at Aleksandras Stulginskis University,at the Veterinary Academy of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (VU), Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), at the Lithuanian Agrarian and Forests Sciences Centre (LAMMC). The largest part of them is already functioning and can present the first results of their work. According to Prof. Antanas Maziliauskas, scientists of the Valley helped many business companies improve food products, to create them healthy, qualitative and useful to the user. The secret is the best genes The Director of the Association Valley Nemunas Prof. Albinas Kusta expressed satisfaction that in one of the laboratories of the participants in the Valley – at LAMMC Institute of Forestry – aspens, that will grow in 15 rather than in forty years, are already being cloned. Business undertook the implementation of the results of scientific research and at the present time the private company Euromediena UAB presents saplings of cloned aspens. They are the first to begin activities in the business zone of the Valley established in the territory of Aleksandras Stulginskis University. The scientists of Aleksandras Stulginskis University – National Science Award laureates who have long experience of carrying out international projects – work at the Centre for Biosystem Engineering, Biomass Energy and Water headed by Professor Violeta Makarevičienė. They were the first in Lithuania and Europe to deal with the issues of manufacture of third generation biofuels. “New laboratories of plant genetics and biotechnologies will create excellent conditions for more rapidly creating competitive, fertile species of field, garden and decorative plants that have exceptional qualities and are suitable to be grown not only in our country but also in Central Europe.”, underlined the Director of the Lithuanian Agrarian and Forests Sciences Centre Prof. Zenonas Dabkevičius. According to the Profes-

sor, the exceptional feature of this Valley is that similarly to the Nemunas River that is fed with waters of all big and small rivers of the country, a part of the laboratories of the Valley Nemunas is located in the regions – in Dotnuva, Babtai, Girionys, Baisogala, Vėžaičiai and they all work in the same direction – seek to achieve that knowledge and products created by science should reach the user as fast as possible. LAMMC Deputy Director Česlovas Bobinas is delighted that the Criobiology Laboratory, the only one of this type in the Baltic States, which will create the possibility not only to store genetic resources of the plants propagated by vegetative methods but also to carry out a wide research programme of plant resistance to cold, is being created at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture and Olericulture. Another very important object is the laboratory of modelling fruit and vegetable processing technologies, which will create the possibilities for faster business and science integration. “There is a very wide spectrum of businesses, which can aply scientific achievements in their activities”, Prof. Antanas Maziliauskas is convinced. There is only one aim Another aim of the universities that take part in the activities of the Valley is to achieve that the institutions of higher education in the territory of which especially modern laboratories are situated and up-to-date knowledge is concentrated should become attractive to students. Academic youth not only from Lithuania but also from abroad is welcome. Also, it is planned to invite foreign lecturers to read lectures, and scientists from foreign countries are welcome at the laboratories of the Valley too. According to Prof. Antanas Maziliauskas, in modern laboratories scientists are able to choose the best solutions not only for Lithuanian but also for foreign business people. “After the Lisbon Treaty came into effect in the European Union in 2009, the priority trend “to achieve more with less” was set. In this case scientific valleys | 27

From the field to the table

became of profound significance”, said the Director of the Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service Edvardas Makelis. According to him, the manufacturers see best which products must be improved, what new products are in demand in the market. Having received a business task the experienced scientists will be able to create the best product that is most suitable for mass production. “There is a possibility in the Valley to adapt what is the best in the European Union”, said Edvardas Makelis. The Vice President of ARVI and Co UAB enterprise group Associate Professor Dr. Alfonsas Sigitas Tamošiūnas stated that the aim of the modern group uniting more than 20 companies is to create products taking into consideration the best world experience. “These days one has to gallop to move forward”, the interlocutor explained the necessity for business to improve wittily and added that it was especially important to look for new solutions before the competitors have found them. He is convinced that only science can help in this case. The Associate Professor Dr. Alfonsas Sigitas Tamošiūnas is convinced that “no crop of high quality is possible without modern and qualitative fertilizers”. Edvardas Makelis was of the same opinion and added that it had been calculated that 25 litas spent on scientific research helped the cultivator to save 97 litas in the area of one hectare. According to him, if scientific research was not carried out constantly, within a decade Lithuania would definitely lag behind other countries badly. “In the laboratories we can model various situations of what might happen to a plant: drought, shower, pests, and unfavourable soil. On the basis of the results Valley NEMUNAS the formula of how to grow a plant so SCIENCE, STUDY AND BUSINESS CENTRE that the best result of the crop should be achieved is found”, said Prof. Dr. nas Maziliauskas.

Students of the Faculty of Forestry and Ecology of Aleksandras Stulginskis University are doing practical work in forest exploitation

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The Vice Rector of Aleksandras Stulginskis University Associate Professor Dr. Laima Taparauskienė stated that the strong point of the Valley Nemunas was the possibility to present the best solutions “from the field to the table”. “Lithuania is between the East and the West. We have many relations and are able to adapt the most valuable experience. We are open because if it is necessary to solve a problem it is necessary to assess it from every point of view, and this is best to be done when working together”, the interlocutor is convinced of that. According to Prof. Albinas Kusta, another important task of the Valley Nemunas is to create the intermediate link between business and science: “Scientists most often do not know how to “convey” their ideas. The information system of the Valley, the Centre for Communications and Transfer of Technologies being created will help to do that. The Valley Nemunas that was commenced to be created at the end of 2009 is one of the five valleys being created in Lithuania, which is advanced according to the level of implementing the projects supported by the Lithuanian State, the European Union and the uniting partners. The main purpose of this Valley is to concentrate scientific research and studies, as well as knowledge-intensive business potential of agriculture, forestry and food industry, which has a common and network infrastructure of scientific research and experimental development and which purposefully contributes to developing agriculture, forestry and food industry, creating economy of knowledge, increasing competitiveness of Lithuanian agriculture. Aleksandras Stulginskis University, the Veterinary Academy of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Kaunas University of Technology, the Lithuanian Agrarian and Forests Sciences Centre with its three branches and the following economic entities: the concern Achemos grupė UAB, ARVI enterprise group, Kauno grūdai AB, Mestilla UAB, the Lithuanian Biomass Energy Association Litbioma, the Lithuanian Agricultural Advisory Service and the Baltic Institute of Agribusiness have become members of the established Association Valley Nemunas. Later Mykolas Riomeris University, Vytautas Magnus University, the Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economy, the private company Elinta VS UAB and Visalaukės Park of Technologies joined the Association. A total of eight scientific centres are established in the institution of Valley Nemunas: Food Science and Technology, Animal Welfare and Quality of Food of Animal Origin, Animal Nutrition and Biotechnologies, Joint Land and Forest Research, Forest Sector Research, Higher Education and Development, Plant Genetics and Biotechnology, Agro-ecology and Plant Bio-potential Research and Studies, Biosystem Engineering, Biomass Energy and Water Engineering. The total value of the projects amounts to more than 120 million litas. Scientists are already inviting business partners to become leaders of inovations.

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science & manufacturing

Innovation for your well-being


e offer our partners contract manufacturing, and chemical and microbiological laboratory services. We formulate new products according to partners’ requests, and develop CTD dossiers for medicines registration in various countries. We offer a wide range of services, so we can take care of the whole process, from inception to production. Our partners rate the Company highly for its flexibility and excellent quality features, which are especially important in the pharmaceuticals market.

Aconitum UAB is a pharmaceutical company producing herbal and homeopathic medicines and food supplements. It is one of the leading pharmaceutical manufacturers in Lithuania and in Baltic countries. Herbal medicines development Our mission is to develop new herbal medicines for treating various diseases. Why herbal medicines? Because today people take a lot of synthetic medicines, and, as everyone knows, they have not only positive effects but negative side-effects too. It is very important to offer people natural alternatives. The effectiveness of herbal medicines is based on clinical trials, and most importantly it has been proven that they induce fewer adverse reactions than synthetic medicines.

Vincas Vilius, Director General

Recognised in Lithuania and abroad What we offer to our partners We have a range of over 60 different products. Fifteen of these have been recognised by the top national award, the Lithuanian Product of the Year Gold Medal. Our products have also been recognised by our partners in more than 20 different countries. They are widely distributed, for we have partners in European countries such as Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway and Switzerland, in neighbouring countries such as Belarus and Ukraine, and in more distant countries such as Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Albania. 30 |

We offer our partners contract manufacturing, and chemical and microbiological laboratory services. We formulate new products according to partners’ requests, and develop CTD dossiers for medicines registration in various countries. We offer a wide range of services, so we can take care of the whole process, from inception to production. Our partners rate the company highly for its flexibility and excellent quality features, which are especially important in the pharmaceuticals market.

Green business concept The Company’s logo and its trademark colour are green. This reflects our philosophy. We develop products for which active ingredients are obtained from nature. What is more, our newly built manufacturing plant in Kaunas Free Economic Zone is specifically planned in such a way that over 70 % of energy required is obtained from renewable energy sources. This ecological benefit is achieved mainly from geothermal heating and cooling systems, and from solar panels used for heating water. This helps us save money, it reduces the consumption of electricity and gas, and, of course, it reduces environmental pollution. We have invested significantly in laboratories and manufacturing equipment. A large part of the funds necessary for this were received from EU Structural Funds. Innovation is the most important Modern laboratories and modern production equipment are vital to us. It would be impossible to develop a new drug without modern equipment. Innovation is the Company’s watchword, and the department for research and development is the heart of the entire Company. This is where our new product ideas take shape. In the last few years, we have launched over ten new medicines on the market. In the near future, we expect to launch the same number again. We will never be the Company that simply buys, packages and sells. New ideas and innovations are a very important side of our operation. That is our mission. | 31


economic dynamism born from an entrepreneurial spirit


ith one of the besteducated and multilingual workforces in Europe, an unrivalled communication infrastructure and a high-performance work culture, Lithuania offers a vibrant business environment and a splendid quality of life.

Making a name for itself In less than 10 years since Lithuania joined the European Union, this Baltic State has made a name for itself. Emerging from the periphery, Lithuania has become a trendsetter in Europe through its economic achievements, its disciplined and constructive approach to coping with the economic crisis, and its innovative solutions to the key social and political issues of the day. 32 |

Starting in July, Lithuania will assume the Presidency of the European Union, playing host to a continuous stream European Union officials, politicians, and business leaders, each of whom will discover a country of unfolding possibilities. Visitors to Vilnius will find much more than its charming Old-Town. They will find a vibrant society, built on the people’s entrepreneurial spirit and dynamism, and a leadership committed to providing sound macroeconomic stewardship. They will experience an economy that has regained its footing against the backdrop of continued stagnation throughout Europe. And most importantly, they will witness a country that is open for business, where home-grown talent attracts world-renowned companies like Thermo Fisher Scientific, Barclays and MARS. What makes Lithuanians tick? Lithuanians are ambitious, and deeply committed to the success of their nation. Their global perspective is amply demonstrated

by their exceptional language skills – the country is ranked among the top five in the EU for foreign language proficiency. More than 90% of Lithuanians speak at least one foreign language – typically English, Russian or Polish – well above the EU average of 54 percent. Lithuanians are also among the most tech savvy and connected people world-wide. In 2012, the country had four million mobile phone subscribers – one million more than the total population. In addition, more than 90 per cent of all financial operations are performed via e-banking, perhaps because Lithuania was first EU country to implement mobile signature solutions for online banking. This enthusiasm for information and communication technology has lured a critical mass of young Lithuanians to work and study in the ICT sector. Roughly 22,000 professionals work in nearly 1,000 IT firms, and more highly-trained experts are in the making, as over 4,500 students are studying IT at 16 universities and colleges. The country ranks first in the EU

for its share of individuals aged 16-24 who have obtained IT skills through formal education, and second for its share of advanced IT users. With a tech savvy population and the fastest download and upload speed in the EU (and second fastest worldwide), it’s no surprise that firms with IT needs are flocking to Lithuania. In 2009, Barclays came to Lithuania to set up a business process outsourcing office starting a trend. Western Union and Scandinavian banks have since followed. Lithuania has now developed into a first-rate shared services cluster, employing over 6,000 employees supporting business processes in nearly thirty languages. Innovation leads to business success The European Commission released the Innovation Union Scoreboard for 2013 showing Lithuania with the second highest EUwide increase in its innovation performance between 2008 and 2012. In this environment, local innovators are flourishing, and an increasing number of tech start-ups are calling Lithuania home. GetJar, the world’s second largest mobile application store with over 2 billion downloads to date, and Pixelmator, one of the most successful App downloads, both have Lithuanian roots. The country is set to become the next great App development hub in Eastern Europe.

ports, a key driver of growth, have continued to expand over the past three years, growing by an average of more than 25 percent each year. While the Eurozone core is mired in economic stagnation, Lithuania’s economy is set to expand again by 3% in 2013. Macroeconomic stability is essential to the country’s goal of gaining admission to the Eurozone in 2015. Even after the global financial crisis, which shook regional markets, commitment to fiscal discipline has allowed the Lithuanian economy to return to growth while providing a stable business climate. For example, corporate income tax remains low at 15 per cent, in spite of the initial fiscal challenge stemming from the global financial crisis. Lithuania has the fourth lowest corporate tax rate in the EU, well below the EU average of 23.5%, The country also provides investors with numerous tax incentives ranging from a triple tax deduction for R&D investments to extended tax-exemptions in special economic zones. Beyond providing macroeconomic stability and a business-friendly environment, the country is also making strides in reforming its pro-growth regulatory framework. As the Heritage Foundation reported this year, “The Lithuanian economy has implemented critical reforms in many areas, helping to create and sustain a vibrant private sector that has been growing rapidly.”

Key to investor success: economic expansion and pro-growth policies

Beyond IT: advanced manufacturing from pharmaceuticals to steel processors

Last year, the Lithuanian economy grew by 3.6% – after nearly 6% growth in 2011. Ex-

The country of three million people also provides a range of critical products, from

A new trend: Lithuania is increasingly becoming a SSC hub for major financial institutions

life-saving pharmaceuticals to automotive parts. The Israeli pharmaceutical giant TEVA uses its Lithuanian subsidiary to produce critical proteins at the company’s only manufacturing facility of the kind in Central Europe. Lithuania’s innovative pharmaceutical researchers also developed the cancer drug TevaGrastim and technology that cuts genes three times faster than previously possible. The most demanding customers in the automotive, electronics, aerospace and military sectors also rely on Lithuanian manufactured products, from fully assembled electronic circuit boards to specialty designed components. Such range of production is facilitated by the proportion of engineering students per capita (which is in TOP5 of all EU). Niche manufacturing firms like Germany’s Gerhard Kurz Electronics, which manufactures control systems and pressure sensors, and CIE Automotive, which produces components for the automotive industry, have improved their bottom line through Lithuanian investments. Talk business now Some of Lithuania’s foreign investors came to the country to profit from the country’s strategic location at the centre of a borderless Europe. Others came to build on its IT expertise. Still others have conducted medical trials here, to benefit from Lithuania’s cost-effective, educated workforce. In each case, Lithuania has passed the test of live business development with flying colors. According to a KPMG survey of local and foreign business leaders, both native and international corporations have the same, high level of confidence in the economy’s continued solid performance. A similar report published by the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce records bullish optimism, noting that 93 per cent of German companies would invest in Lithuania again. As Lithuania takes the helm of the EU Presidency, there is no better time to discover the investment possibilities in this vibrant Baltic nation. Investors will find a confident and entrepreneurial spirit driving the core of a dynamic business environment. | 33

Alytus industrial park






Latvia Denmark

Germany Poland


Where? Alytus, the sixth biggest city of Lithuania, has deep industrial traditions, which started to shape in the middle of the past century. Large scale industry encouraged a rapid development of the city and helped Alytus to earn the name of the Lithuanian industry leader. Alytus remained true to its chosen strategy of an industrial city, and managed to preserve what was the best as well as to use the industrial specialists' experience of many years. Qualified industrial specialists is the biggest wealth of Alytus. 4,5 percent of Lithuanian industrial production is produced in Alytus.

Alytus industrial park


MUNICIPALITY OF ALYTUS RotuĹĄÄ—s sq. 4, LT-62504 ALYTUS, LITHUANIA Tel.: +370 315 55 105, +370 315 55 136 E-mail: 34 || 34

A comparatively cheap labor force, a perfect strategic location, qualification of specialists, favorable investment environment has drawn a number of foreign investors to Alytus, and they are successsfully operating businesses up till now. There are more than 70 foreign capital companies, operating in Alytus.

What? The administrator of Alytus industrial park as well as the owner of the major part of the land plots is the municipality of Alytus. Negotiations and document management is without intermediary institutions, no taxes are collected for park management or infrastructure. The purpose of the industrial park land plot is industrial/commercial. The nature of the production activity is not defined. Infrastructure is completed – roads, utilities. Power consumption is not limited. Alytus industrial park covers 56 ha. Different size land plots are already structured. The land plot size can be changed according to particular requests. The annual land plot rent fee is 1,5 percent of the land plot value. The land plot rent is up to 99 years. When production facilities are built, there is a possibility to purchase the land plot. Companies, having rented new land plots and having invested into the construction of new buildings as well as their establishment not less than 724 thousand EUR/ha, have 5 years exemption from the land plot rent and real estate tax, and the following 5 years the latter taxes are reduced by 50 percent. Investors are settling in Alytus industrial park already, operating in the fields of food industry, wood processsing and machinery production.

How? Contact the municipality of Alytus city directly. Visit us and experience the possibility to usefully develop your business. You will find here tax exemptions and a favorable, friendly investment environment.

Why ? Edgaras Kateiva, Direcotr of Sofa Brands

Speed A possibility to start production rapidly due to prepared utilities in the industrial park, due to qualified and inexpensive labor force and efficient paper handling in Alytus municipality. Within one month from a visit to the municipality an investor can start investment activities.Support and consultations in solving appearing issues save investors' time and power, while starting investment activities.

„Our productivity is as high as in Great Britain, and in some cases it is even higher. This is a big plus, and for the owners – benefits and revenue.“

Availability Direct and efficient negotiations with the prime persons of the municipality of Alytus.

Stability The foreign investors' experience in Alytus shows that there is a very low staff change in the companies. This fact and a sincere and favorable position of the administration of Alytus municipality towards foreign investors gives stability and opportunity to make secure investments, to start and continue business.

Darius Grybauskas, Director general of UAB Svenheim „Norwegian investment has proved our 100 percent“

Friendliness The industrial park is an investment-friendly area. The industrial park investors have significant long-term land and property tax exemptions, which depend upon the size of investment.

Successful experience Most of the foreign industrialists, who have moved their business to Alytus or started it here, are successfully operating. The biggest foreign investors are Sofa Brands International (The United Kingdom), UAB Stora Enso Timber (Finland, Sweden), UAB Svenheim (Norway), UAB Graanul Invest (Estonia), UAB Coca Cola HBC (the USA), UAB Litalka Elektronik (Germany), UAB Jakobsen Home (Denmark).

Vytautas Bernatonis and Vytautas Stankevičius, co-owners of the coconut factory being built „We have chosen Alytus industrial park because of a favorable investment environment – the exemptions which will be applicable for 10 years“

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“We do not only train, educate students but also encourage them to reveal and explore the opportunities and follow the chosen path. The international exchange is one of the most effective ways to enhance students’ competences needed in the labour market. We invest a lot into the international partnerships and this is of great value to the whole academic community,” says Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Vice-rector for

Photos by: Simas Bernotas

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University is open to international students

International Relations Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asta Radzevičienė.

Inspiring Environment for International Students

VGTU offers nine first-cycle and six second-cycle study programmes in English.

here is a stereotype at higher education institutions that the greatest academic success is achieved by the university that sends more students abroad than others. Thus attracting foreign students receives much less attention. Both of these two directions are important to VGTU. In 2012, there were 525 incoming and 580 outgoing students.

“We are primarily appealing to foreign students who want to integrate and be a part of VGTU international community. Our university offers high standards of engineering, construction, environmental engineering, and architecture studies. High quality, modern laboratory equipment is available to our students. The University also offers many nonacademic activities. What is important to them is concern about and interest in them, as well as cooperative atmosphere. What is the key to our success? Since we have been offering classes in


What can VGTU offer to foreign students? 15 per cent of all the study programmes at VGTU are taught in English. 36 |

English since 1993, we were the first among Lithuanian higher education institutions to launch study programmes in English, we have set a concrete target - not only motivate our students for studies abroad but also to have a balanced ratio of outgoing and incoming students,” says Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asta Radzevičienė, who has personally coordinated the first VGTU students’ exchanges since 1999. “Besides new destinations in Asia, VGTU fosters collaboration with long-term strategic partners, technical universities in Europe: Technical University of Berlin, Vienna University of Technology, Budapest University of Technology and

High quality, modern laboratory equipment is available to VGTU students

Economics, Warsaw University of Technology. The European Technical Universities Consortium has been established with these long-term partners,” says Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asta Radzevičienė. Professional Gateway Experience Abroad Every sixth Lithuanian student that has gone for internship or studies abroad is a VGTU student. For a number of years, the University has been holding a leading position in student mobility in Lithuania. According to statistics, VGTU is the first university among the state universities in the relative number of outgoing and incoming international students. “During the past academic year, 550 VGTU students out of 12,000 went for studies or placements abroad. The numbers are high enough to compete even with the most prestigious European universities,” VGTU Vice-rector for International Relations Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asta Radzevičienė smiles. “According to ERASMUS exchange programme statistics, we are among Top-100 sending European universities according to the numbers of outgoing student exchange. We are proud to have such a developed exchange system. This is a great strength of our university,” adds VGTU Vice-rector. “The international experience is definitely the unique characteristic of our graduates,” says VGTU Vice-rector for International Relations Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asta Radzevičienė. “Being abroad serves as a catalyst of professional ambitions. A student is placed in a completely different academic and social environment: when changing the usual environment and leaving the comfort zone, a student has to reassess his knowledge and skills from an entirely new perspective. Students test themselves, realize their speciality in a much wider context, can benchmark themselves, as future specialists, against other specialists-to-be of the field, who are trained, say, in Sweden, US, Turkey or China. This is the best test for oneself, and experiencing that there are things you don’t know yet, serves as a good stimulus for learning,” the Vice-rector for International Relations believes.

Research in VGTU is concentrated at 11 research institutes, 23 research laboratories, 5 research centres

According to the statistics, VGTU is the first university among the state universities in the relative number of outgoing and incoming international students

About Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Last Year: > 63.000 alumni over more than 50 years of the University‘s existence. > 13.000 students (over 2012/2013). > 10 faculties: Antanas Gustaitis’ Aviation Institute, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Electronics, Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, Faculty of Creative Industries, Faculty of Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Transport Engineering, Faculty of Business Management. > 11 research institutes, 23 research laboratories, 5 research centres. > 930 academic staff members. > 100 study programmes based on three-cycle structure: undergraduate, graduate and PhD studies. > In 2012, the University was the only


> > >

university in the Baltic States to make it to the Top 700 Universities List announced after the prestigious QS World Universities Ranking 2012/2013. Upon completion of the QS Stars higher education quality auditing in VGTU, the University was awarded threestar evaluation. Three categories of the University‘s performance (studies, infrastructure and innovations) were awarded the highest, five-star, evaluation. 123 bilateral cooperation agreements. More than 130 VGTU teachers delivered lectures abroad in 2012. Participation in EU Asia-link, ALFA III, Tempus, MVG/Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus/Mundus programmes.

15 per cent of all of the study programmes at VGTU are taught in English. VGTU offers nine first-cycle and six second-cycle study programmes in English | 37


Studies, Science and Culture

without Borders

at Šiauliai University Rector Prof. Donatas Jurgaitis: Šiauliai University is the centre of education of specialists, the centre of culture and education in Northern Lithuania; also, we deliver study programmes that are unique in Lithuania, we carry out fundamental scientific research, design joint study programmes with universities of other countries, thus, we position ourselves at regional, national and international levels. Here students have freedom to realise their potential Academic and non-academic activities of University students stimulate young individuals’ creativity, self-expression; methods enhancing motivation for studies, as well as volunteership, bring the community sense to this small University where personality breakthroughs are welcome. University students are organisers and participants of public campaigns in the city: these are traditional international festivals “Students’ 38 ||

Spring”, “Under the Sun”, folklore contest-festival “The Flower of the Sun”. Gabrielė Gentvilaitė, President of Šiauliai University Students’ Representation, editor of students’ newspaper “Nešu saulę” (Lith. I Bring the Sun): The University is my space where I can reveal my personality. Here I can express myself through creative tasks in studies, Students’ Representation, artistic groups, Erasmus exchange programme, public organisations, scientific associations etc. University students implement their original ideas annually. This year the students of Šiauliai University Faculty of Social Sciences created a web site for job proposals helping students to search for the employment opportunities. Creativity is an inseparable feature of a student, and at Šiauliai University we all can freely express ourselves, be interested in studies, science, culture in the entire world. Our University is an international uni-

Dr Lester A. Lefton, President of Kent State University (USA) (in the middle) arrived at the solemn celebration of the Faculty of Social Sciences on the occasion of graduation diplomas award ceremony

versity. Here, a friendly environment to every incoming foreign student is created. Experienced pedagogues, mentors engage foreign students in the events of Šiauliai University, presentations of studies, acquaint others with their cultural traditions. Foreigners studying at the University realise themselves bravely and creatively, they are fascinated by Lithuania and the opportunities offered by our University. A student from Portugal, Rui Ramos, studying at Šiauliai University for the second semester now has arranged his personal exhibition of art works “Fluorescence” at the Art Gallery of the Faculty of Arts. Having returned to Portugal, he will continue studies of art and design in his native town, at Bragança Polytechnic Institute. Each year, Šiauliai receives over 100 students from all over the world, and students of Šiauliai University go to study at foreign universities within the frameworks of Erasmus and other exchange programmes.

Here the University offers scientist’s career development at the international level Šiauliai University conducts doctoral studies in four fields of science: Philology, Management and Administration, Economics, Education. Much attention is paid to internationalisation of studies. Together with international partners, Šiauliai University carries out Erasmus Programme Doctoral Studies in Research Methodologies. The first international summer school for doctoral students of 5 countries was held at our University in the summer of 2012 (Šiauliai University, 18-29 June 2012). Renata Bilbokaitė, junior researcher of Šiauliai University Faculty of Education and a head specialist for studies’ quality issues of the University, who in 2012 has successfully defended her Doctoral thesis titled “Psycho-Educational Factors of Applying Visualisation within Science Education” at the sitting of the international defence board: at the international summer school for doctoral students I deepened my knowledge, represented the Education Science school, presented the ideas of my work research. 50 doctoral students from Great Bri-tain, Italy, Lithuania, Finland and Turkey took part in the summer school. They were consulted by, attended lectures and seminars of an international team of professors. Here partnership with young researchers and their academic advisors from Eastern Finland, Turkey Anadolu, Canterbury Christ Church universities started, and this opened the possibility to commence joint international research, research projects. In 2013, the international summer school is to be held at Anadolu University in Turkey. Here relationships between the University, the region and business are being developed Šiauliai University has 6,000 students and some 500 staff members; it is the largest enterprise in Šiauliai city and Šiauliai region. In 2009, Šiauliai Association of Industrialists, Šiauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, as well as Šiauliai University, signed the memorandum of collaboration. Representatives of business from the city and region are permanent partners of the University in

Šiauliai University always takes part in international study fairs

The international summer school of doctoral students at Šiauliai University

Students of the Faculty of Arts study programme Stage Art at the Training Theatre

various fields to constantly strengthen the interaction of science–studies– practical performance. Best students of the University are awarded each year with memorial scholarships established by the enterprises of the city and region. Alfredas Jonuška, Director General of Šiauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts: Performance of the University is highly important to the business community of the city. Our partnership is vital in searching for best solutions for the region, meeting the demand for educated specialists in the labour market. The University is an important link between the science, industry and business ensuring the development of economy and culture in Northern Lithuania.

Justinas Sartauskas, Mayor of Šiauliai City: Šiauliai University is one of the strengths of our region; a city without a university is a city without the future. There is a close dialogue held between the institutions of the public sector, business companies and the University. The mission of Šiauliai University is as follows: together we create, share and make our ideas work. || 39


Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre: creative platform open to the world


he Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LMTA) is the only arts university in Lithuania providing training for music, theatre, dance and film practitioners and theorists. In 2013, the year when Lithuania presides over the Council of the European Union, the Academy is celebrating its 80th founding anniversary. This is a perfect moment to both weigh up the truly significant and sound past of the LMTA and to develop its long-term future strategy. One of the underlying principles of the LMTA’s existence is the unique coherence between the tradition and innovation, the classical culture and innovative ideas. And this is more than just an attractive theoretical vision: the Academy has already started transition into a genuine creative platform for Lithuania, Europe and the world. While focusing on both cultural and social, political and economic global developments, the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre has decided to encourage the entrepreneurship of arts professionals, and to strengthen their competitiveness within the international context. 40 ||

LMTA is the only arts university in Lithuania providing training for music, theatre, dance and film practitioners and theorists

Art and research cluster in the heart of the Lithuanian capital city LMTA currently owns seven buildings in different distant locations in Vilnius. In order to strengthen integration of the Academy’s community, to provide more prerequisites for the circulation of creative ideas and interdisciplinary initiatives, there is an idea to build a new Academy in the heart of the Lithuanian capital city, on the site located next to Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis Art School and Balys Dvarionas Music School. Also, there are plans to establish, in close proximity to the site, separate subdivisions of the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, which is part of the National Museum. Consequently, this will become an important cluster for studies, art and research, which is to become a significant generator of cultural processes. LMTA has assured itself support of the Vilnius City Municipality and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania: the Ministry has already taken over the territory in its hands. The Academy is currently negotiating with different bodies, discussing

Academy is celebrating its 80th founding anniversary. This is a perfect moment to both weigh up the truly significant and sound past of the LMTA and to develop its long-term future strategy (in the picture – the main building of LMTA in the heart of Vilnius)

the future vision of the Academy the LMTA community and working on a financing plan.

Audiovisual Arts Industry Incubator The year 2013 saw the launch of one of the most promising projects of the entire cultural sector of Lithuania over the past decade – the Audiovisual Arts Industry Incubator (AAII) founded by LMTA, Vilnius Academy of Arts, and Lietuvos Kino Studija, UAB. The implementation of the project has been supported under the measure Assistant-2 provided from the EU Structural Funds. The AAII has been established in a remote village of Bareiškiškės, Rukainių local administrative area of Vilnius District. The incubator operates a modern technical facility covering the area of nearly 2 000 square metres. It is made of studios for spatial audio production and synchronous sound, voice and dialogue recording, also image post-production and computer graphic stations, and a centre for non-linear montage. “The Audiovisual Arts Industry Incubator has been established for the purpose of encouraging young and ambitious creators. It is necessary to help them join the Lithuanian and international market of the audiovisual arts and discover the unity between art and business,” says Inesa Kurklietytė, film director, LMTA Professor and initiator of the idea of the AAII.

NEU/NOW In 2009, the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, together with the Vilnius Academy of Arts and the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) offered the audience the project “Vilnius, the European Capital of Culture 2009” the first project of the European arts students’ festival NEU/NOW Vilnius 2009. According to Mantautas Krukauskas, Assistant Lecturer of the LMTA Department of Composition and

Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre has decided to encourage entrepreneurship of arts professionals, and to strengthen their competitiveness in the international context

one of the initiators of the project, the European League of Institutes of the Arts organises the event in a different European city each year. “I am glad that the LMTA’s initiative has survived to this day and is transforming into an emerging European platform for young artists that is to serve their future career. Every year, students and graduates of LMTA submit their projects to the jury of the festival; the selected projects are available on the cyberspace (the website of the festival) or can be viewed directly,” Mr Krukauskas emphasized.

Centre for Music Innovation Studies The establishment of the Centre for Music Innovation Studies, founded at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre in 1996, was prompted by support provided from the European Union Infrastructure Fund which has given the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre – renowned for outstanding traditions and established achievements – a unique opportunity to join the modern music establishments of the 21st century. In the spring of this year, the Centre, together with the organisers of the well-established festival of electronic music “Jauna Muzika” in Lithuania, organised an innovative competition in digital format that was streamed online. “During the competition, the best work of music by a Lithuanian composer was selected by the Internet users in 14 countries all over the world, and the level of interaction during the broadcast of the music performance exceeded the capacity of the “earthbound” philharmonics several times”, rejoiced composer Ričardas Kabelis, PHD in Humanitarian Sciences, Ass. Professor of the LMTA Department of Composition and the Head of the Centre for Music Innovation Studies. In spring of this year, the Centre, together with the organisers of the wellestablished festival of electronic music “Jauna Muzika” in Lithuania, organised an innovative competition in digital format that was streamed online

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Education Vilnius Art academy

breaking stereotypes

Young designers tell us how to join the ranks of the well-known and most creative graphic designers, how to win prestigous competitions, large monetary prizes and journeys, and to take an active part in the design market when you just over twenty. They all are students and graduates of Vilnius Academy of Arts. The designers we talked to are interesting by their creative drive and the realised ambitious ideas. They do not count working hours and are not familiar with the word "impossible". They bravely and impudently break stereotypes in design and expand the concept of graphic design, are creators of interdisciplinary arts. We kindly invite you to get familiar with the works and ideas of our students and graduates about design, creativity and plans for the future.

Aistė Jakimavičiūtė Young Creative Chevrolet , video section, 2nd place, contest for a celebratory logo of the Bank of Lithuania, 2nd place, Avis “Art Car” contest, 2nd place. International contest “Nokia Lumia 820 Design”, design of the rear lid, 2nd place: “I created the design of the rear lid for Lumia 820 within one day only. I decided to do without colours or symbols – anything that may be restricted to “feminine”, “masculine”, “juvenile”, “aggressive”, etc. Finally our roadmap of thoughts led us back to high school times and a math textbook.”

Rasa Jančiauskaitė Winner of the 2nd place at the international contest “Young Creative Chevrolet”: “While producing the film for the Chevrolet contest I went through all stages of the creative process: a search for ideas, the design of the concept, identification of style, purification of the idea and drawing of sketches. Creation of the manually drawn illustrations was really a fun job, and to watch my images coming to life and start moving was a real pleasure”.

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Gražina Komarovska Winner of the nominal scholarship of President Antanas Smetona; Author of the programme logo for the commemoration of the 300 birth anniversary of Kristijonas Donelaitis: “When I started studyng graphic design I had no idea that I would have to learn creating not only logotypes and brand styles, posters or book layout art, but also to work with moving graphics and organise exhibitions of my own works. Every time when launching a project I happened to encounter new challenges and do something I have never done before”.

Petras Navickas – best young designer in 2012 in the Graphic and communication design category (“Individualised social codes”) and Rapolas Vosylius – creator of the design logo “labàdienà”. “We made an attempt to perceive design as a spontaneous game following some own-made rules. Competition is always present, important thing is your view towards other participants – whether they are competitors, or your colleague. Since the goal of all participants is similar competition should be viewed positively – not as a means to fight, but as an opportunity to support and encourage one another”.

Jonė Aleksiūnaitė Bachelor’s degree graduation work “Consumer – identity creator” was a silver award winner at the International Design Contest in Taiwan, International contest “A Design Award” in Italy. Bronze award in the area of graphics and advertising for for the conceptual graphic design work “Consumer – identity creator”. In 2012, the Taiwan International Design Competition hosted 2,085 participants from 28 countries of the world: “My article “Consumer – identity creator” perfectly corresponded to the theme of the contest, it being the identity system integrating a stable and dynamic identity, and embracing a visual structure enabling the consumer to become an instant creator of the image – at the same time creating close links between the Company and the consumer”. | 43

Education Vilnius Art academy

Department of Design of Vilnius Academy of Arts:

the future begins here

Juozas Brundza, Head of the Department of Design

In the ocean of things that surround us every day the articles of good product design will be the main factor creating the consumer culture, sustainable economy of the country and tackling social challenges in the forthcoming decades. Alongside technological innovations, design innovations create a huge value added and a competitive edge for the company products. The Department of Design of Vilnius Academy of Art, which was established in 1961, is the main centre for product design studies in Lithuania. The priority sphere of the activities of the Department of Design is its close cooperation with industrial, business companies and other social partners. Cooperation with social partners is mainly aimed at imparting practical knowledge of the process of developing industrial products and the possibility to work with important problems within a real context, as well as at integrating the latest marketing and technological information into the study process and acquainting the students with the people working in the sphere of industry, business, science, and also with the potential employers and customers. Though the program of design studies is concentrated on the real problems of product, environment and service design, students are not squeezed into the narrow frames of studies. Alongside the projects intended for solving everyday problems of developing company products, projects directed towards a five-ten year future horizon and innovations, which the companies themselves have most often neither time nor resources to develop, are carried out. The Department of Design constantly carries out projects of creative workshops and master classes in cooperation with foreign designers and schools of design. In 20122013 a number of creative workshops conducted by professional designers and lecturers from Italy, Sweden, Great Britain, Holland and Denmark were organized. Cooperation with companies and social partners, as well as participation in world 44 |

design competitions and exhibitions during the recent years, has given really impressive results. The projects created at the Department of Design become real products that are competitive not only in the world and local competitions but also in the international market. Many design projects developed by the students have won awards in the world and local design competitions. Several of such design projects are presented below. The Italian Lighting Company Status began manufacturing the table lamp Light Stick created by the student of the Department of Design Živilė Lukšytė and presented it at the furniture exhibition “ISaloni” in Milan this year. The German Company Berlin Heart manufactures the Master’s final project of Jevgenija Sidorevič’ – the artificial heart equipment bag. Inesa Malafej’s Bachelor’s final project My writing desk won the “IF Concept Design Award” in Germany and at the present time it is being manufactured by the Company Emko. The project The Aid created by Eglė Ugintaitė won the international “Fujitsu Design Award” in Japan. At the present time the Company Fujitsu is developing this project and this year it has presented the functioning prototype of the product. Gabrielė Meldaikytė’s project Single-Handed Cook that is intended for the disabled people to enable them to prepare food with one hand, won a number of awards in the international design competitions in Italy, China and Russia. The chair KU-DIR-KA (the manufacturer is Contraforma) created by the student Paulius Vitkauskas, which was exhibited in the most famous design exhibitions, has become probably the best known and most often publicized Lithuanian chair abroad. The design of a dishwasher Bifoliate by Toma Brundzaitė earned the prize of the finalist at the world competition “Electrolux Design Lab”, and Vilius Dringelis’ design of the tester of food freshness Fridge Nose was qualified for the semifinals out of 1200 designs presented. Folding Table by Aušrinė Augustinaitė won Lithuanian Design Prize “Good Design” this year. Mobile Solar Panels, designed by Laura Vanagaityte won “Atverk” competition in 2012. It was joint project of Vilnius Academy of Arts, company Arginta and five technical universities. Also, the Department of Design is engaged in a number of other sustainable energy, electronics, domestic appliances, furniture, transport design projects in cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign companies. | 45

Education Vilnius Art academy

Gabija Kuzmaitė, graduate student, “Absolut Textiles”, Prof. E. G. Bogdanienė, 2000

Contemporary artistic textile

is a junction of applied and visual arts A considerable attention is paid to a search for social partners, to collaboration with Lithuanian textile companies. The most successful projects of students presented by Audėjas AB as innovative ideas in international exhibition MoOD – Meet only Original Designs in Brussels, 2010

Erika Grigaitytė, candidate for a Master degree, “Mass Camouflage”, Prof. E. G. Bogdanienė, 2008 46 ||

he underlying principles of the developers of the Study Programmes of Textile implemented at Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius Faculty are as follows: contemporary artistic textile is a junction of applied and visual arts. Such understanding was conditioned by dynamic changes in contemporary art, which eliminate between different kinds of arts that have prevailed for ages. Changes in Lithuanian artistic textile started in 1990 together with political changes, i.e., with the Independence of Lithuania, when the philosophy of contemporary art and its quality necessitated changes in the study programmes considering tendencies of disciplinarity and interaction between arts. Next to its functional purpose to satisfy esthetical and functional needs of society, artistic textile has become an equal component of contemporary conceptual art, which stimulates the viewer’s emotions and intellect.

Simona Čepukaitė, graduate student, “Are you sure you want to delete “national unity”?, Prof. E.G. Bogdanienė, 2009

Expression of contemporary textile artworks is elastically expanded from a desire and ability to join, transform, improve and combine materials according to one’s own ideas and needs to fusion of expressive means of various kinds of art into the integral language of art. Purposefully linking themes that are topical nowadays with traditional and innovative technologies, teachers and students of the Department of Textile participate in national and international textile exhibitions and contests of industrial material projecting. Expositions of textile art are most frequently visited exhibitions in Lithuania.

Greta Gritėnaitė, graduate student, Prof. E. G. Bogdanienė, 2011

Aleksandra Glušinaitė, graduate student, Ass. Prof. J. Stankevičius, 2012

At an international level, the Study Programmes of Textile in VAA are exceptional in terms of their broad speciality profile with a focus on a close link between the idea and material in textile art, solid parameters of professional quality, flexibility. During the presentation of the international project “Cloth and Culture” in London, Prof. Lesley Millar, one of the most prominent curators of contemporary fibre art, pointed out: “One of the strongest and most attractive qualities of contemporary Lithuanian textile is the ability to interpret a tradition adjusting the conceptual language of contemporary art, to promote critical interpretations of culture and identity“. Eglė Vengalytė, candidate for a Master degree, “Washroom”, Prof. E. G. Bogdanienė, 2008 Indrė Biekšaitė, candidate for a Master degree, “Cerber, the Fly / to Fly, from Love..., Loyalty, etc. ” Prof. E.G. Bogdanienė, 2012 Sandra Ajutytė, graduate student, “Constraints”, Lecturer S. InčirauskaitėKriaunevičienė, 2012 || 47

Education Integrated science, study and business valley Santaka 5

University’s Research Products recognized internationally In the mid-summer of 2013 the Integrated Science, Studies and Business Centre (Valley) SANTAKA will be opened in Kaunas, the second largest city in Lithuania. A national open access research and experimental development (R&D) centre will contribute to broader cooperation opportunities between Kaunas University of Technology and national, as well as international, business companies, especially in the commercialization of innovative products.


iming to become a competitive country that creates high added value products, Lithuania has been paying more attention to the development of intellectual technologies. High technologies and close science-business partnerships has proved to be concurrent in ensuring a sustainable development of the process.

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To achieve this objective, it was decided to establish the Integrated Science, Studies and Business Centre (Valley) SANTAKA in Kaunas that would concentrate research potential of the following most promising areas in one place: sustainable chemistry and biopharmacy, future energy, mechatronics, information and communication technologies. Good intentions and substantial effort have turned this ambition into the reality. A modern national open access R&D centre building has already been erected at the KTU student campus with modern laboratories and offices under construction. This ambitious project, worth nearly LTL 150 million, is the largest investment into research development in Kaunas, and one of the largest in Lithuania.

ronmental engineering, material science, diagnostic and measurement engineering, informatics, mechatronics, as well as social sciences and humanities.

Prof. Petras Baršauskas, KTU rector

As an example Prof. Pundzienė mentioned a recent KTU scientists’ visit to Akron Global Business Accelerator, an American business incubator based in Akron city. The visit resulted in the memorandum of understanding signed between the institutions, which, according to Ms. Pundzienė, once again proves that both KTU and Lithuanian research potential is recognized in the United States, the mecca for innovation.

Unique solutions recognized worldwide Scientists agree that implementing the ideas that ten years ago would have been attributed to sphere of science fiction but today are being put into practice, requires openness and international cooperation.

Prof. Asta Pundzienė, KTU vice-rector for research

The centre, however, serves just as a tool to achieve the objectives. Without successful work of competent scientists, proactive and creative students, as well as close cooperation with business, it would only remain a nice building in the University’s territory.

A jump into foreign markets According to KTU Rector Prof. Petras Baršauskas, the University makes every effort to ensure that this centre should bring significant added value both to the University, its scientists and business partners. KTU has been long known as having the largest number of research contracts with the Lithuanian industry, taking up to 70 per cent of total outsourcing among Lithuanian universities. And yet, today it is not enough. So we made international markets our strategic direction. Prof. Asta Pundzienė, University’s Vicerector for research, says the University is already attracting foreign researchers, specializing in such areas as chemistry, envi-

Straight to business For a long time scientists themselves have been looking for markets or joint projects with business, but this long standing tradition is on the verge of change. “Every professional must work and improve in his area of expertise. This is to say that scientists should do research and develop research products, while the manager’s job is to sell them. In order to solve the above problems we have applied a single contact point principle. This way we can guarantee fast and direct connection with the company”, explained Dr. Almantas Danilevičius, Head of KTU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre. All the company has to do is to call and express its needs to technology transfer specialist, who will evaluate their request and find a necessary institute or laboratory within the University that would fulfil it. Operating for already a year, single point contact has proved to be successful and has brought results beyond expectations.

Prof. Rymantas Kažys, Head of KTU Ultrasound Research Institute, says ultrasonic research carried out in Lithuania, especially in measurement and diagnostics, is of a high international level. This is evidenced by a relatively large number of EU Framework funded projects implemented at KTU. Also, KTU scientists often carry out contract research projects for well-known international companies such as Bosch, Endress+Hauser, Beta Laser Mike. Telematics Science Lab researchers are the only ones who solved the puzzle of every neurologist and neurosurgeon in the world by creating a non-invasive intracranial pressure measurement method. It would seem to be quite an easy task, says prof. Arminas Ragauskas, head of Telematics Science Lab, but ensures that the development of such system was not that simple. “Both the United States Army and the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) gave tens of millions of dollars to private companies to develop this technology. They all made one mistake that we have fixed. Neither patient’s age nor his anatomy or physiological conditions has any effect on the ICP measurement method that we developed. Currently we are closely collaborating with NASA and in 2015 astronauts will carry into space our intracranial measurement apparatus, only smaller in size”, said prof. Ragauskas.

Device for non-invasive measurement of intracranial pressure

Prof. Rymantas Jonas Kažys with young ultrasound specialists | 49


Lithuanian University of Health Sciences:

exporting knowledge


oday Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) is the country’s largest specialized health education at institution with 21,000 members and staff, including over 7,000 students. LSMU is a public university of the Republic of Lithuania including 7 faculties, 6 research institutes, LSMU Hospital and the two animal clinics.

Prof. Remigijus Žaliūnas, Rector of LSMU

“The university takes pride in having been the alma mater for many international students for 20 years. Nearly 520 students from 42 foreign countries are enrolled at LSMU. I strongly believe that these international students are the best ambassadors of our university and our country. They become acquainted with our culture and traditions, they learn to write and speak the Lithuanian language, and they spread all that to all corners of the world after graduating,” claims the Rector of LSMU prof. Remigijus Žaliūnas. 50 || 50

The number of those studying internationally is increasing with every year. Foreign students who choose to study at LSMU are mainly from Spain, Israel, Sweden, Lebanon, India, Great Britain, Belgium, Poland and other countries. LSMU collaborates with more than 140 European, American and Asian universities for study and research purposes. The study programs at LSMU meet the university’s educational standards applied in EU countries and graduates are eligible to take the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and PLAB examination of the General Medicine Council in the UK.

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Good manufacturing

practice T

he concern ALGA UAB is one of the biggest companies in Marijampolė district and one of the largest companies manufacturing metal constructions in Lithuania. The activities of the concern ALGA UAB are concentrated on the manufacturing, building, trade and services sector. Today, however, it is known mainly for manufacturing antenna masts and towers, container mobile communication stations, container-type shelters, waste containers, metal building constructions, aluminium and plastic products. We are the only company in Lithuania to design and manufacture, as well as to build telecommunication, radar, observation and other purpose towers and masts. We have an exceptional position in the market. The Company’s products are not only intended for the local market but they are also exported to Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Belarus. 52 |

The concern ALGA UAB has been issued the welding quality certificate. This means that the Company complies with the welding standards and meets welding quality requirements set by the European Union, applies good-manufacturing practice. The integrated management system that complies with the international standards of quality, environmental protection, occupational health and safety of workers (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001) has been implemented in the Company. This proves that the structure, responsibility and authorisations are determined, processes and procedures are described, documents are controlled and constantly updated, verified and control procedures are regularly being carried in the Company; any inadequacies are identified, analysed and rectified, prevention of inadequacies is assured.

The concern ALGA UAB is a solvent company and has sufficient financial resources therefore it is capable of financing the development of business. This is a rather reliable indicator of stability. Besides, the concern ALGA UAB has been assessed as one of the most stable companies in Lithuania, which is testified to by CrefoCertSTABILUS certificate issued on 29 June, 2012. Manufacturing of high quality products and the trust of foreign partners has earned the success of the activities of the concern ALGA UAB. Seeking to maintain high positions the Company watches and controls quality indicators of manufacture, constantly modernises production by implementing state-ofthe-art technologies, which help to react to changes in the market more efficiently and to create products that meet the customer’s needs faster. The success of the Company also depends on highly qualified workers and good management of the Company. In developing the activities of the concern ALGA UAB, an increase in competitiveness of the products being manufactured by the Company, high quality, reasonable price, flexible policy of payment, servicing after the guarantee term has come to an end, etc. play an important role. Hence, progress of technology, high quality of products and services, reduction of costs, analysis of the market, as well as a correctly chosen strategy for the new products, ensures their smooth market entry. Such factors as progress of the science and technology, changes in the needs of customers themselves, saturation and competition of the market, and, of course, the desire of the concern ALGA UAB itself to submit more products, services and expand its market have an impact on the creation of new solutions and innovative products. At the present time the Company, in cooperation with an organization that provides scientific services, is carrying out manufacture of a new, state-of-the-art production line for eco-containers manufacture. Having adapted the new production line volumes of products being manufactured and labour efficiency will greatly increase.

ALGA group Date of founding: 1995 Markets: Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Belarus. ALGA group consists of 13 companies: Concern ALGA UAB whose activities are concentrated on the manufacturing, building, trade and services sector. ALGOS SECURITY SERVICE UAB provides security services. MARIJAMPOLĖS MUITINĖS TERMINALAS UAB provides customs services. SWETRAK UAB manufactures concrete and reinforced-concrete products. Marijampolės švara UAB is a waste management and territory supervision company. Marijampolės techninės apžiūros centras UAB provides services of road transport maintenance inspection. AUTOFORUMAS UAB is an official BMW AG motor car trade agent. FIADA UAB is an official seller of motor cars Fiat, Lancia,and ALFA Romeo. GEPAGA UAB is engaged in the development of real estate projects. VEIDO PERIODIKOS LEIDYKLA UAB is one of the largest publishing companies in Lithuania. REGIONAS UAB publishes the Miesto laikraštis (The City’s Newspaper) distributed in Alytus and Marijampolė. PROJEKTSERVISAS UAB engages in rent of premises to offices. MARMAST UAB is engaged in renting offices, commercial premises and warehouses. | 53


xperience and innovations within transport infrastructure engineering

Jakai roundabout is one of the most modern road infrastructure projects in Lithuania. The reconstruction of the crossing and access roads carried out, 3 skyways – the longest skyway in Lithuania in the direction of Kaunas-Klaipėda (610 m long) and skyways in the direction of Kaunas-Palanga (317 m long) as well as Palanga-Kaunas (552 m long) were built in accordance with the technical designs worked out by Kelprojektas.


ith the activities commenced in 1956, Kelprojektas UAB is currently the biggest transport infrastructure engineering company in Lithuania, engaged in the design of modes of transport (roads, streets, bridges, railways, airports and seaports, etc.), public buildings, and engineering networks. Now the Company employs around 250 people.

petence. Successful implementation thereof and awards is the greatest appreciation of our experience and qualification within transport infrastructure engineering,” said A. Medžiaušis. Expansion on foreign markets

Appreciation of innovations The year 2012 was especially successful for Kelprojektas: at the prestigious “Innovation Prize” competition the Company won the “Innovative Company” category. “We are focused on continuous progress and aspire to ensure the top quality of services. Therefore, we have invested into the installation of new generation infrastructure engineering technologies, improvement of work processes, as well as in-service training of our employees,”

said Algimantas Medžiaušis, CEO of Kelprojektas UAB. Innovative solutions and technologies, introduced by Kelprojektas, were also recognised at the competition “Product of the Year 2012 in Lithuania”: the reconstruction projects of Jakai interchange and of the existing Rail Baltica section Marijampolė - Kazlų Rūda – Kaunas worked out by the Company, were awarded 2 gold medals. “These were the design works of exceptional complexity, which demanded top level com-

Engineering the reconstruction of the Rail Baltica stretch Marijampolė Kazlų Rūda - Kaunas: the engineers of Kelprojektas presented the engineering solutions for the reconstruction of the existing road and construction of new road, as well as solutions for the reconstruction of the existing stations, platforms, and pedestrian crossings within the stretch, and 18 level-crossings and 15 bridges across the railway, etc. 54 || 54

Through more than five decades of activities, the specialists of Kelprojektas have applied their experience in engineering of nearly 5 thousand projects of various size and complexity: ten thousands of kilometers of newly built and renovated roads, streets, railways, and bridge projects, which received explicit acknowledgement and highest rating, is just a part of Kelprojektas contribution to the modernization of the Lithuanian transport infrastructure. Moreover, the company is expanding its activities in foreign countries – Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, Norway, etc. Presently the specialists of Kelprojektas are working on engineering of the reconstruction of Liepaja Airport (Latvia), the reconstruction of Tartu detour (Estonia).

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The most important project implemented by YIT Kausta is the earned trust


he YIT Kausta group is a part of the largest Finnish construction services company YIT Corporation. The Finnish construction services company has operate since 1912 and manage 450 subdivisions in Northern and Central Europe, the Baltic States and Russia. The companies owned by the YIT employ about 26 thousand workers in 14 countries. The joint-stock company YIT Kausta operating in Lithuania is one of the largest and most modern Lithuanian construction companies providing construction and commercial real estate development services, as well as successfully developing housing business. YIT Kausta ended the past year by reaping its laurels at the national contest “Product of the Year” - two golden medals were won for the objects built by the company. However, the Managing Director of the company Kęstutis Vanagas emphasizes the importance of not only appreciating the achievements but also maintaining the earned trust.

National Open Access Scholarly Communication and Information Center (MKIC) 56 || 56

foundations for the long-awaited start The projects implemented by the Company helps Lithuania to keep in closer contact with the world. “YIT Kausta” has executed the construction and installation works of Vilnius International Airport’s new passenger terminal for non-Schengen passengers. Also, in 7 months it has finished the construction works of the new terminal for Kaunas International Airport. These terminals meet all the Schengen Area and the EU border safety requirements and help to regulate the passenger flow more effectively. At the present time members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania sit in a reconstructed, one of the most modern halls in Europe. This is a result of cooperation between YIT Kausta specialists and the best-known architects of the country. The enterprise has been trusted with other works of reconstructing and developming the building of the Seimas.

Kaunas International Airport

The Company has earned confidence of not only the state but also of business representatives. This summer, in Vilnius, the international network IKEA which is being built by YIT Kausta should open the door of its first shopping center in the Baltic states. “We really appreciate the fact that such a world-famous company as IKEA has placed its trust in us. The clients set very high quality requirements to this building and this does not only make us improve but also develop the construction market of the country,” - said K. Vanagas. To be the first One of the most ambitious projects of the Company is the Science Communication and Information Centre of Vilnius University. At the exhibition Žvilgsnis į save (Eng. Look at Oneself) the architects of Lithuania have included this building in the list of five top projects of the recent two years. Also, it was trusted to represent Lithuania in the prestigious European “Mies van der Rohe” awards.

The building mentioned is the most advanced library in Lithuania, established in the heart of the currently developing science and technology park “Saulėtekis Tchnology Valley”. It has earned the name of the most interestraising building among the residents of Vilnius and its guests. This object of exceptional architecture, which is open 24 hours a day, and accommodates more than 600 visitors, contains technologies used by the most advanced European libraries. To lay the foundations of the future centre for science or education of the country is not uncommon for YIT Kausta. The Company has become the first to break the ice in Kaunas Free Economic Zone by building the logistics centre Kaunas Terminal. That is an area of modern 30 000 sq. m. storehouses with administration premises, which has become the first completed project in this zone since its establishment. “YIT Kausta” housing projects Aušros namai (Eng. House of the Dawn). Situated in the prestigious neighbourhood of the second largest city in the country. Awarded with the gold medal in the contest “Product of the Year 2007”. Rivera. The residential complex of ten houses established in the very centre of Vilnius, on the Nėris River. Awarded with gold medal in the contest “Product of the Year 2008”.

Aušros namai

Krivių namai (Eng. House of Kriviai). A cozy oasis of residential houses, consisting of 2-3 store buildings in one of the most attractive parts of Vilnius and surrounded by nature Užupis. Krivių namai has been awarded with a diploma of the exhibition Žvilgsnis į save (Eng. Look at Oneself) for good symbiosis of nature, modernity and a living environment. The project has been recognised as “the best apartment block”.

Krivių namai

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anevėžio statybos trestas AB (PST) is one of the largest Lithuanian construction companies in terms of revenues and the number of people employed. Nowadays PST is a well-known construction company in Lithuania and abroad. Works performed and unique technical and technological solutions are the best descriptors of operations of the parent Company and its subsidiaries and branches. The Company was established in 1957, and since 1958 it has been developing its activities as Panevėžio statybos trestas. Over more than fifty five years of activities

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numerous significant and very complicated projects have been completed, including engineering and industrial constructions, highly assessed by professionals, administrative and public buildings, objects of architectural heritage and residential houses. SERVICES PROVIDED » Project management » General contracting » Design of buildings and structures: - Detailed design of construction works - Technical detailed design of construction works - Technical design of construction works - Process design of construction » General construction works » Building decoration » Electric installation » Production and assembling of metal structures

» Installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems » Landscaping and outdoor engineering » Analysis and testing of construction materials » Manufacturing and construction of timber frame houses » Modernization of apartment houses If you plan to make an investment or carry out design and construction works, we are always ready to provide more information about the services that PST can offer your business, about our work principles and potential co-operation.


Sports Hall, Checiny, Poland

JURES GLULAM: glue laminated timber products Also, new products were developed. The expected annual turnover after modernization is over 11 mln. EUR.

Laminated log house in South Korea


rom the very beginning in 1974, the main activity of Jūrės medis was manufacturing of high technical level glue laminated timber products for public, industrial, agricultural and residential purpose buildings. Innovation is a key for success In 2008, the Company completed modernization and reconstruction of the factory. More than 11 mln. EUR investment was made and new modern production line was installed.

As result of this production capacity has increased almost twice, up to 30 000 m3 per year. Jūrės medis has become one of the biggest and most modern glulam manufacturer in the Eastern Europe.

Good experience in the foreign trade The Company exports about 80 % of its total sales to 12 countries. The main export markets are Germany, Italy, Poland, Norway, Russia. Also, the Company exports to Sweden, Japan and South Korea. Sales managers speak English, German, Russian, Polish languages. Flexible and customer-friendly The Company has long experience of dealing with special products for various projects or manufacturing customized products. In addition, Jūrės medis can provide the following services: > pre–design and consultations; > preparation of technical and detailed design; > suply of connection parts; > treatment and painting of wood; > delivery; > erecting of structures.

beams, arches, frames, trusses, as well as glue laminated logs and log houses. Products can be made of spruce (white wood), pine (red wood) and larch. Jūrės medis has German Stuttgart OttoGraf-Institut certificate issued by MPA and can offer glue laminated timber of the following strength classes: GL24 (BS11), GL28(BS14), GL32(BS16). Jūrės medis is certified for FSC and also has ISO9001 and ISO14001 certificates. Fjelleet bridge, Norway

Production range Jūrės medis produces glue laminated load– bearing timber structures, posts, straight and curved beams, varying cross-section || 59


Traditions, experience and reliability ANNO 1919

Umega prides itself on its rich and long lasting traditions in the areas of machine manufacturing and metal processing. • • • • • • • • •

Biomass Heating equipment (industrial, domestic) Agricultural and forest machinery Metal components for furniture and machinery Jerry cans Laboratory and industrial furnaces Air blowers Valves and piston rings Storage equipment Contract manufacturing

Umega exports its products to West and East Europe, CIS, Asia, and Scandinavia. Company Umega has these certificates: • ISO 9001:2008/LST EN ISO 9001:2008 • ISO 14001:2004/LST EN ISO 14001:2005 • DIN EN ISO 3834-2 Recent awards and achievements: • “Successfully working company – 2012” (Lithuanian industrial confederation) • “Best company 2012” (Vilnius chamber of commerce, industry and crafts) • “Lithuanian best product in 2011” – 3 gold medal award

Sales department +370 614 64129 60 || 60

|| 61


broad scope of activities "Kauno energetikos remontas" UAB provides installation of high voltage electrical substations, repair and technical maintenance of electrical equipment, fabrication of industrial steel equipment/structures as well as industrial repair and installation

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oday the activities of “Kauno energetikos remontas” UAB are carried out in three following directions: > installation of high voltage electrical substations - 10, 110, 330 kV. Repair and technical maintenance of electrical equipment, including generators, transformer; > industrial repair and installation mostly for power and chemical plants, including HP and LP piping systems and equipment, repair of turbines; > fabrication of industrial steel equipment/structures from carbon and stainless steel. Mostly - pressure vessels, boilers, heat exchangers, stacks and chimneys, pipe modules, also civil structures. Besides broad scope of supplied items and services, lately “Kauno energetikos remontas” UAB has made another step further in terms of project complexity. Reconstruction of Panevėžys substation in 2011-2014 is famous as the first especially turn-key project of TS installation, covering engineering, installation and supply of sophisticated equipment, handled only by “Kauno energetikos remontas” UAB. Since 2011, the reconstruction of Pane-vėžys transformer substation has been carried out. A substation of 330 kV and 110 kV is under construction. A big part of work has been carried up to now including the hardest work – delivering, constructing, and installing the transformer. Along with electrical business, “Kauno energetikos remontas” UAB goes on developing production and industrial installation activities. The enterprise includes five laboratories engaged in metrological measurements, equipment diagnostics, tests, detection of defects by various methods of nondestructive defectoscopy both at the enterprise and on the premises of our customers. Three laboratories have been accredited by the National Accreditation Bureau according to the standard LST EN ISO/IEC 17025. Our customers include water power plants, thermal power plants and nuclear power plants, industrial enterprises, power and heat networks, as well as building companies in Lithuania and abroad. The Company is well-known in Europe too. The enterprise makes production and provides services to the enterprises in Germany, Norway, Estonia, Russia and other countries.

Panevéžys transformer substation of 330 kV and 110 kV is under construction. A big part of work has been carried out to now including the hardest work – delivering, constructing, and installing the transformer.

High-performance metal processing equipment includes a metal surface cleaning machine, a programmable gas-plasma cutter for sheet metal applications, the unique four-shaft rolls for rolling a steel sheet up to 40 mm thick and 3 m wide, as well as items of cylindrical or conical shape "The enterprise includes five laboratories engaged in metrological measurements, equipment diagnostics, tests, detection of defects..."

The enterprise has introduced the Quality Management System according to the Standard LST EN ISO 9001 that ensures high quality of its products and services. To improve working conditions and occupational safety of employees, the Occupational Health and Safety Management System according to OHSAS 18001 and the Environmental Protection Management System according to the standard ISO 14001 have been introduced. The enterprise was certified according to DIN 18800 (the quality standards for production of metal structures for the German market); LST EN ISO 3834-2 (quality standards for fusion welding. Part 2. Detailed quality requirements) and EN 1090-2 (execution class up to EXC3). Also, since 2012 LEAN methodology has been implemented at the Company, which is supposed and expected to be a significant improvement of manufacturing processes.

The Company closely cooperates with the branch associations; the said cooperation provides it the opportunities to extend commercial relations, to obtain relevant information, to take part in exhibitions, seminars, forums and to come into new contacts. The above-described measures allow us to expect further successful activities of the enterprise in the market conditions, extension of its production volumes and services, improvement in qualification of its employees and their working conditions, as well as assurance of high performance. | 63


Baltic Solar Energy / Baltic Solar Solutions –

solar cells and modules from Lithuania

Baltic Solar Energy (BSE) and Baltic Solar Solutions (BSS) are companies that will put Lithuania on the map of PV manufacturers' market. A new 67 MW production line will be the first of its kind in the region of Baltic States.

Location The building of a new factory with 28,000 sq. m production facilities is built in Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania. Located just a couple of minutes from Verkiai park (one of the most beautiful landscape-type parks in Lithuania) it provides a beautiful and comfortable working environment, and is an easily reached by private or public transport. The headquarters of BSE/BSS is a part of Visoriai Information Technology Park (VITP),

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which is a knowledge-economy centre in the sphere of information and communication technologies. The main goal of VITP is to develop a favourable infrastructure for establishing new businesses and expanding the existing ones by providing a favorable environment for commercialization of R&D activities and integration of business, science and studies. The Institute of Biotechnology and Ecology, medical institutions and hospitals, laser and biotechnology companies are operating in the neighbourhood.

BOD Group and BSE/BSS Since the beginning of 1998, BOD Group has become the largest manufacturer of industrially pre-recorded CD, DVD, Blu-ray discs in the Baltic States and one of the most modern groups in Central and Eastern Europe, owning two modern plants in Vilnius and Tallinn. In spite of a stable and increasingly growing strong position in the optical media market, BOD Group is expanding its activities in a new business area – renewable energy sector. This sector will be run by the Baltic Solar Energy and Baltic Solar Solutions companies.

Building Integrated Solar Design BSE/BSS is taking one step further and will produce glass/glass type solar modules based on c-Si cell technology, using the latest equipment from the well-known suppliers “Singulus Technologies AG” (Germany) and “LiSEC” (Austria). According to the latest studies, the Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) market will increase fivefold until 2017, which will be further supported by EU political strategy for building construction. The main feature of the BIPV concept is not to add additional weight and complexity to the construction, but to use solar modules as structural building components for roofs, walls, windows, facades, sound barriers on the highways, car parking areas and so on. By having no aluminium frame, but only specially treated and a sealed glass/glass “sandwich” structure, the freedom for architectural design in terms of size, transparency, colours and cell layout is opened. Alongside the manufacturing, a research centre will be established in the new building in VITP. Upon combining forces of business and Lithuanian scientists, the Research Centre will conduct research and improve solar cells, by patenting inventions and competing with the global industry leaders. The production at BSE/BSS will begin at Q4 of 2013 and until 2017 the Company will contribute over 40 million of litas in taxes (excluding VAT) to the public budget. About 40 new jobs will be created and by 2015 the planned turnover from the solar cells will reach 415 million litas, with exports accounting for more than 90 % of production.

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Detailed answer to the customer – within 24 hours

Jūratė Mockuvienė

The Company Venta Windows supplying PVC, aluminium and other constructions demonstrates its attention and trustworthiness to the customer by rational offers and work performed. Perhaps we shall not find another company of this type, which could offer technological solutions to the customer within 24 hours from the receipt of the enquiry and would give up to a 50 years’ guarantee for its products. 66 |


o ensure the customer’s needs an entire system of activities has been created in the Company Venta Windows. According to the Commerce Director of the Company Paulius Gricius, the customer receives the answer about the characteristics of the desired product and its implementation within 24 hours following the enquiry irrespective of the size of the project being carried out. “The customer knows that if he needs the price of installing the product he/she will receive an answer within three hours; if he/ she has technical questions they will be analysed and the answer will be given within 24 hours at the latest”, says the Commerce Director of the Company.

The final price is a constant Offers about other services provided, for example, installation works, are made to the customers together with the most important technical part of the project.

“In cooperating with a customer all circumstances are assessed, if it is needed a specialist is sent to the site, and commercial offers of separate stages of production are provided. After the product has been manufactured, a team of prepared workers is already waiting at the site to install it”, the Commerce Director of the Company explains the practical process of work. The rule that the final price cannot deviate from the price agreed upon is unconditionally followed. The principle that the unpleasant “surprises” are the problem of the Company rather than that of the customer is strictly adhered to. If the customer ordered products at a certain price, he/she will get them at that price no matter what unforeseen circumstances could have changed the situation during that time. “Sometimes it happens so that the product is ordered to be manufactured according to the offer made 6-8 months ago, however, despite a long time that has passed the final price agreed upon remains unchanged” assures Paulius Gricius.

50 years’ guarantee Another strong side of the Company Venta Windows is guarantees, which are given for up to 50 years. For example, a white frame of a PVC window is given a 50 years’ guarantee that during this period it will remain snow-white. A 10 years’ guarantee is given to the entire window. An intermediate 15 years’ guarantee is given to the colour when painted or laminated products are ordered. Colours palette, as well as that of structures and models, and the spectrum of possibilities to choose, are very wide. There is no point in raising the question of what type of products and services the Company offers because almost all possible window and door solutions are implemented. Alongside a wide supply of services Venta Windows also undertook mounting of aluminium facades. The absolute majority of customers want to receive the whole package of services: from product designing to its mounting.

Thermal value of the whole product is presented The Company orients itself mainly to the markets of the Scandinavian countries. Adapting to the specificity of these states a new measurement of the window quality has been introduced into the market of Lithuanian manufacturers – thermal resistance of the whole window or the thermal value of the product. “The customer highly appreciates the fact that the offers made by our Company present the thermal value of each product and the total thermal value of all products offered. Many other manufacturers disregard

this and the largest part of them doesn’t even know how this thermal value can be calculated”, says the Paulius Gricius.

Partners in Norway Company Venta Windows was founded in 2006. This is a Norwegian capital company that belongs to BYGGLEVERANDØRENE holding, which guarantees even more its smooth activities and financial security. Venta Windows is the largest PVC windows importer to Norway. In 2012, the Company’s turnover totalled more than 21 million Lt. Though this amount does not satisfy the managers. Window and door solutions in Norway are bought annually at approximately 32 billion Euros so the possibilities of the market have been far from exhausted. At the present time the largest markets of the Company are Norway and Sweden, contacts have been concluded with the following largest and world known building companies: Optimera, XL-BYGG, Veidekke, Byggeriet Norge, Mestergruppen and many others. Despite the variety of manufacturers and the development of innovations, all employees of the Company Venta Windows know one rule – client has to have all information no matter what. The Company works with legal entities therefore any sparkle of mutual distrust would mean great losses in orders. All those who want to learn more about the Company Venta Windows can get in touch with the representatives of the Company and the enterprises selling Venta Windows products at one of the largest exhibitions of building and construction industry BYGG REIS DEG 2013, to be held on 16-20 October in Norway (

"...all employees of the Venta Windows know one rule – client has to have all information no matter what"

... for any house | 67


Long-term experience in production and quality assurance PanevĂŠĹžio Aurida UAB has been operating for a number of decades. This is compressor production company which has a long-term experience and is well known and acknowledged in the world.

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Aluminium die casting under pressure using Swiss Buhler machines with aluminium products

Process different types of metal machining


he company began its history in 1907, when mechanical workshops were founded in Panevėžys. Over time the workshops were restructured into automotive compressors production company. Panevėžio Aurida UAB, which began its business since 1995, carries on the traditions of Lithuanian compressors developed for over 50 years. Considering the needs of the most strict customers and the objective to produce and provide the highest quality products, the company’s employees pay a lot of attention to improvement of the existing products, development of new products, modernization of production, and smooth cooperation with scientists of Lithuanian science establishments and academic communities. The factory’s operation is integral to quality control and is certified according to international quality standards: ISO 9001:2008, ISO/TS 16949:2009 as well as environmental safety and ecology standard ISO 14001:2004. Currently, the company produces over 20 main models of automotive compressors and a number of modifications with cubic capacity from 73 cm3

Panevėžio Aurida factory buildings

to 500 cm3 . Production of compressors for car brake assemblies is the main area of the company’s business, however, the company provides other services as well: > Aluminium die casting under pressure using Swiss Buhler equipment; > Mechanic metal processing; > Thermal metal processing;

is proud of its long-lived operation and well-deserved acknowledgement. Several years in a row the company was acknowledged as successfully operating company, also acknowledged as the most exporting company and in 2012 was awarded gold medal for Lithuanian product of the year.

Panevėžys compressor factory imports its products to CIS, European and other countries. Panevėžio Aurida compressor factory || 69


Traidenis is open to novelties and innovative solutions responsibility and are confident in providing guarantees to the customers”, explained the Director of Traidenis, “Everything in engineering industry must comply with the standards, as well as with quality and technology requirements.”


lytus company Traidenis, which was the first in the country to start manufacturing wastewater treatment equipment and tanks from glass-reinforced plastic 17 years ago and is the only company producing technological equipment for industrial wastewater treatment, continues to keep its leading position in this field.

Research created innovations The Company’s specialists had been creating, testing and implementing new products before Lithuania became a member of the European Union. Working together, the specialists in different areas aimed at one objective – to implement their ideas. With the help of EU support, the Company established a research and development laboratory, introduced advanced technology of production of tanks using the method of winding, acquired an industrial robot and started using a manufacturing process control program. The research laboratory carries out works during which new prototypes of products and innovative technologies are tested, which allows commencing serial production of new products. Today most of this production consists of dif70 ||

ferent types of tanks: two layer, three layer, chemically resistant, thermo insulated tanks, petrol tanks, tanks for drinking water, scrubbers, firewater tanks, silo towers and etc. Quality based on science Technological, engineering solutions and their compatibility are the best evidence of high quality of our products. The whole production process must be based on science: on calculating thickness and strength properties, evaluating the purpose and chemical resistance of the tank etc. “It is a complex process. If you perform everything in a scientific way and reasonably, this becomes high-technologies, for which you assume

Nonstandard products open new markets The Company built its business in the new markets of Scandinavian countries, Slovenia and Germany and offered new products: fibreglass prefab overground tanks from 100 to 5,000 m3, petrol tanks and tanks for drinking water. In 2012, Traidenis UAB, implemented the Lindstrom laundry wastewater treatment plant project in Slovenia applying the flotation method. We produced two 53 m3 insulated tanks for storing of ferrous sulphate for a site in Kaliningrad on order of the Sweden company Malmberg Water AB; a scrubber (biogas purification tank) produced on order of Germans went to Vietnam. A 200 m3 insulated tank intended for industrial water was exported to Saint Petersburg, etc. Various products (tanks, oil catchers and etc.) were exported to Russia, Poland, Belarus, Scandinavian countries and Slovenia. Many years’ experience and professionalism of Traidenis UAB allow the best solutions in the fields of wastewater treatment and engineering to be found. When one invests in science and knowledge, the investments return through innovations, new products and technological solutions. Then one can feel confident in the world markets and show that Lithuanian companies may be leaders and earn international recognition as well.


New flat-line furniture production floor with modern automatized wood processing equipment (Klaipėdos mediena AB)

Stewardship timber for creation of strong and successful business


ood Industry group (Vakarų medienos grupė UAB) has been well-known and trusted for over 10 years is by its partners. The production companies managed by Wood Industry Group has a strong background when it comes to particle board, layer glued products and furniture production.

export markets – from the USA to Western Europe, from Asia to Australia. Wood Industry Group has developed trustworthy business relationship with IKEA which is the group’s biggest purchaser and partner. The Company also invests into wood production supporting such businesses as energy production and transport services which influence the growing effectiveness of the group.

The Company constantly implements different investment projects which not only allow the growth of capacity, equipment modernization and development of production to foreign countries, but also reach distant

Wood Industry Group has over 2000 employees of high qualification. The Company promotes friendly internal atmosphere where employees are massed to aim for best results.

10,000 m2 production warehouse. Klaipedos mediena AB

New VMG project in Belarus: 22 hectares covering plant consists of PB, Flat-line furniture and Layer glued production

Wood Industry Group companies: Klaipédos mediena (Lithuania) Sakuona (Lithuania) Wood Industry (Ukraine) Baltijos elektriniù investicijos (Lithuania)

VMG Technics (Lithuania) VMG Industry (Belarus) VMG LogDrev (Belarus)

Furniture production. Packing line

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Regional leader in GLASS BUSINESS Guartis AB has been counting its history since 1965 after sheet glass production started. The story of the Company's development proves it to be an experienced producer that satisfies the market demands and requirements. The Company's production process meets ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 requirements and all products meet European regulations. The quality was evaluated by “National quality award” received in December 2011.


pprox. 75 percent of the Company’s products are exported to the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia. In 2011, the Company was granted the „Export Award” of the Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts for the results achieved in the field of export.

Tempered glass Flat tempered glass offered by Guartis AB has mechanical resistance which is 5-7 times higher than that of annealed glass of the same thickness. Due to these qualities it is intended for glass parts in buildings, furniture, interior parts, household appliances where safety is particularly important. During the initial phase of production glass is processed mechanically (cut, holes are drilled, the edges are processed, silk-print is put, etc.) and only after that it is put into a tempering furnace to gain resistance to impact and high temperature. Glass sheets can be tested in the Heat Soak chamber, which eliminates spontaneous cracking.

Office house in Kijev (customer - Zavod Steklopaketov i Architekturnogo Stekla)

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Bullet-proof glass is produced by joining some glass sheets by means of PVB foil and then treating such glass units thermally. Guartis AB has experience of producing bullet-proof glass of different thickness.

Bent laminated glass for vehicles

Arena house in Šiauliai (customer - PST)

Lithuanian Museum of Ethnocosmology in Molėtai (customer - Hrono fasadai)

Laminated tempered flat glass

Bullet-proof flat glass

Depending on the assumed field of application and function of laminated glass offered by Guartis AB, it is composed of at least two panes of glass joined either by EVASAFE (ethyl-vinyl-acetyl) film or PVB foil.

It is highly important to ensure safety of property and people against armed robbery in public offices, banks, shops, flats and vehicles. In those places bullet-proof glass plays a very significant role in protecting people in different conditions againts bullets of a gun.

Laminated glass is highly resistan to impact due to foil placed between the panes - separation of the pane in the event of breakage is impossible, thus minimising the risk of injury. Combining different types of foils and glass makes construction material safe in the places where safety both of human and property are of high importance. Laminated glass also offers a wide range of decoration possibilities.

The Company produces serial windscreens but the main focus is placed on special projects for glass for different land and water transport. The Company’s experience of manufacturing bent laminated articles is more than 20 years.

Insulating glass units The ability to join different types of glass into an insulating glass unit enables many different products with different features to be manufactured. Insulating glass units could be applied where it is necessary to ensure security of people and objects (laminated glass, laminated safety glass, strengthened glass, bullet-proof or fireproof glass can be completed into IGU), thermal protection (low-emission glass and noble gas (argon) filling in one or two chambers ensures energy saving and lower costs of heating rooms in winter and cooling them in summer), protection against solar radiation. In 2002, the Company was granted a certificate of Company Dow Corning that proves that Guartis AB has technical possibilities, as well as skills, to produce insulating glass units for structural glazing. Guartis AB produces a number of special products – bullet-proof glass and bent laminated glass for vehicles.

Clear glass containers and jars Besides a wide range of the above mentioned glass products, Guartis AB offers the most advanced flint glass packaging solutions. The Company relies on many years of its international manufacturing experience of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage bottles and jars.

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Professional electrotechnical solutions RIFAS UAB – electrical panel building company, operating since 1991


uring 22 years of striving for perfection RIFAS has built the reputation of a reliable and professional partner.

Long years of working with engineering and system integration companies from Scandinavia, Germany, France, Russia, Brazil and other countries testify to the company’s ability to play the global market by ensuring excellent quality, timely delivery, and professional project management. Today we are proud of our products: control and automation, distribution panels, variable frequency drives, automatic capacitor banks and transformer substations can be found worldwide in marine

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and offshore industry and construction, oil and gas, as well as renewable energy sectors. A lot of people in Lithuania can feel a positive impact on the surroundings thanks to modern waste-water treatment plants operating with automation and power control solutions developed and delivered by RIFAS. Constant attention to and deep understanding of our customers and partners needs allow RIFAS to devise future plans and seek for our long-term goal – to become a worldknown company. Timely deliveries, competence in project management, continuous development of business processes and proximity to partners are our main competitive advantages.

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new quality standard


etting up business, from the very beginning S-Form Ltd has elaborated certain values, on which the production and marketing of furniture is based – it is quality, durability, complexity and comfort level of furniture. “Manufacture of cheap, homogenous, and faceless production” – says light track production standards. This kind of production is simple in planning, needs no high skilled professionals, it is possible to predict accurately both the financial flow and the volume of production, and the customer satisfaction is not the main target. It is easier to manage, but this it not the way we do business. We are different in our approach towards furniture, and are proud of how we do it. Speaking about quality, we can highlight that it is checked four times, from arrival of raw materials, during production processes, to a finished piece of furniture. We ensure durability carefully selecting materials used for production. 76 ||

Complexity is one of the features of our furniture. The customer is offered the possibility to have a piece of furniture assembled according to his desires – the model, leather or tapestry, armrests, legs, seating and back seating comfort, seating depth, the width of furniture, and the number of furniture complex parts. The comfort level is our pride. The customer has a choice of a wide range of seating and back seating comfort levels – we use the highest quality foam, selected manufacturers’ springs and cushions with multi-complex fillings. Surely, fillings are not cheap PES fiber pellets, but calibrated foam mixed with feathers, latex and other materials. All this allows us to produce personally to each customer, making the most suitable, appealing, comfortable piece of furniture, serving and bringing satisfaction for many years. Although our Company can be considered as a new one – aged as a child – compared to Western Europe scale, however, our furniture, as well as comfortable seats and cushions (as semi-finished products) are purchased by well-known furniture customers from Germany, Italy and Norway. It means that customers believe and trust us, our production, its quality and comfort level. Lithuania has always been famous for its people’s diligence and professional skills. We are trying to develop and encourage these features in the Company. We cooperate with training institutions in order to employ young people and give them the opportunity to learn from professional staff. Every employee is regarded as an important person in the whole production chain. We are pleased that this business philosophy gives results. | 77


DEVOLD 160 YEARS The initial success of the relocation can be explained by various factors, including the fact that the company has also been investing more in modern equipment, product design and marketing. In particular, the focus on natural fiber products and the interest for outdoor activities has been important in raising market interest for the Devold products.

Devold of Norway AS is a company with a long and proud history. Devold has produced high-quality wool clothing since 1853 – making it the oldest existing manufacturer of knitted garments in Norway. For 160 years, Devold’s goal has been to to create comfortable, high-quality clothing that protects people against the elements. The Lithuanian production company, UAB Devold, was set up in 1998. In subsequent years, there was a progressive relocation of the production. The main production of knitting, dyeing and seaming of underwear was moved from Norway to Lithuania in 2002

Devold serves two different markets, offering sports & leisure wear and protective clothing. Devold® sports & leisure wear comprises a wide range of comfortable wool underwear, socks, headwear, various types of mid-layer garments and knitted sweaters. Within protective clothing Devold supply underwear, mid-layer garments, socks and accessories. All designed to protect users against cold, heat and flames. It is important for Devold® to maintain its renowned product quality, which is the result of a long tradition of craftsmanship combined with the best available technology, while continuing to develop new functional garments of appealing design. Devold® has a unique position in the business since the company produces more than 90% of the garments in it’s own production facilities in Lithuania. Devold’s vision is to ensure that you can enjoy outdoor life in all kinds of weather.

Merino Wool - one of nature’s true wonders Merino wool is a 100 % natural fibre with properties that man-made fibres are unable to match. This natural soft miracle fibre, allow us to create superior clothing that forms a buffer zone around your body, keeping you at an ideal temperature in all climates and conditions. It has unique properties that keep you warm even when it is wet, and unlike man-made fibres, it does not smell even after days of continual use. In addition, the garments are lightweight, soft and comfortable against the skin – is there anything more to ask for?

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Photo: Roger Brendhagen

Worn by norWegIans sInce 1853

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Company's Lonas mattress TYLA®*** – Product of the Year 2012, awarded the Gold Medal ono mažmena UAB is one of the Lonas group of companies whose core business is the manufacture and sale of mattresses. The Company has been in the Lithuanian market since 1993 and it understands materials, their combinations and properties. In 2011 and 2012, the Company Lono mažmena was issued the certificate “Strongest in Lithuania”, which confirmed that the Company’s solvency rating was high. In 2011, the Company Lonas introduced a “breathable” mattress collection, which consisted of three mattress lines: TYLA (silence) - breather pocket spring mattresses, HARMONIJA (harmony) - body adapting to the viscoelastic mattresses and MŪZA (muse) - durable, advanced technologys latex mattresses. The first years of existence of Lonas‘ new collection testified to people’s increasing interest in high-quality and environmentally-friendly products that ensure comfort and healthy sleep. That is why one of the

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“breathable” mattress collections Lonas mattress TYLA®*** became “Lithuanian Product of the Year 2012” and was awarded the Gold Medal. TYLA®*** is a breathable, adaptable to the body, functional and practical pocket microspring mattress with a removable organic latex topper. In assessing the mattress TYLA®*** quality and environmental friendliness is important to point out that the Company Lonas was one of the first in Lithuania to introduce nine mattress collection, which, instead of usual synthetic adhesives, used eco-friendly Swiss water-based glue, made from 100 % acrylic and natural rubber. All materials that Lonas use in manufacturing mattresses, are certified by international certificates and meet the highest safety and quality standards. Advanced technology and design solutions help maintain the optimum moisture ratio in mattresses, which prevents bacteria and dust mites breeding in them.

Famous industrial designer Nauris Kalinauskas developed a collection of Lonas “breathable” mattresses. Both the Designer and the Company Lonas sought to refuse traditional stereotypes and to prove that a mattress does not necessarily have to be white. In this way earth-color mattress covers with the Lithuanian tricolor accent appeared. In 2012, Lono mažmena UAB was awarded GOOD DESIGN diploma at the National Design Award Competition in Lithuania . Due to their positive effect on human physiology, Lonas mattresses are also recommended by kinesiology therapists. Materials used in the manufacture of Lonas mattresses do not disturb the circulation of blood, help the spinal column adopt an anatomically correct posture; hence, the musculoskeletal and nervous system rests faster and regenerative processes take place more efficiently. In short, Lonas mattresse combine physiological needs and individual habits turning a person‘s sleep into a qualitative and, first and foremost, healthy process.


One W



elcome to a world of well-being - the world that gives you a good night's sleep and helps prepare for the following day rested, healthy and full of energy

Interscalit UAB is one of the biggest Baltic producers of bedding products, producing more than 3 mln. quilts and 5 mln. pillows per year. Due to the right quality and value ratio, flexible service and modern equipment, Interscalit products are well known in almost all European countries. In order to follow the market trends and present new items, the Company takes part in the main European Textile Fair Heimtextil in Frankfurt am Main annualy. Making full use of more than 20 years experience, knowledge and modern equipment, Interscalit is able to offer a wide range of quilts and pillows, focusing on your healthy and relaxing sleep. Aloe Vera items Items with Aloe Vera finishing protects, moistures and cares for the skin; boosts your body’s defence again negative influences and stress. Such items contain a range of biologically active compounds, which positively effect the organism’s immunity and supports the well-being of the body. Interscalit can offer 100 % cotton, mix of polyes-

ter / cotton or 100 % polyester microfiber (very soft fabric with peach touch effect) with Aloe Vera treatment. Antibacterial items These products eliminate house-dustmites, mould fungi, bacteria and corresponding allergens and guarantees a longer service of bedding. Anti-mosquito items Quilts and pillows with anti-mosquito finishing keep mosquitoes away from the body and are highly recommended for the summer time. Antistress items with silver The human body gets charged with static electricity throughout the day from TV, a computer, lightening and even mobile phones. The result is that we feel stressed. The silver yarns, woven into the fabric, capture and eliminated electrostatic fields contained in the body for a better sleep. Such items have antistatic properties, the heet conducting and antibacterial action and will help get maximal relaxation during the night’s sleep.

Merino wool items Merino wool is highly absorbent. Wool fiber can hold up to 30 % of its weight in moisture before it starts feeling damp. Wool is a heat releaser. Fabric has a “heat sorption” rate at least twice as much as polyester, which means that even if it is cold or damp, wool brings heat back to the body keeping it warm. Wool items are very soft and are ideal for senitive skin. All items have the Oeko-Tex certificate which proves that only safe and friendly materials are being used in manufacture. | 81


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service “The body means a lot in a person’s feelings and thoughts. Likewise, thoughts and feelings mean a lot in the life of the body”. Vydūnas, Lithuanian philosopher

Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre


he permanent rush and nervous strain of life often make us forget these simple things. Our bodies get sick and our souls tired. When the soul is restless, the body is left untended. The mission of a physician is to be a reliable advisor on disease prevention and treatment. Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre (MDTC, Centre), one of Lithuania’s biggest and best-known

private clinics, tries to create the best possible conditions for patients and for the physicians working here. Patients often use the following phrases to describe the MDTC and its services: professional physicians, kind and attentive nurses, top-quality services, supermodern medical facilities. Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre provides reliable medical assistance to Lithuanian residents and visitors alike.

Reliable and highly professional specialists in MDTC examine the systems of human body as well as their functions, using: > magnetic resonance tomography (MRI); > computed tomography (CT; for children under anesthesia); > endoscopy (at patient’s request, testing is conducted while the patient is anesthetized); > roentgenography; > roentgenoscopy; > mammography; > sonoscopy; > electroencephalography; > electrophysiology, and others instrumental tests.

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MDTC ensures comprehensive health care for its patients: > health check-up programmes; > the examination of a wide variety of health conditions; > disease prevention and early diagnostics; > consultations by physicians specializing in many different fields; > the use of extensive laboratory and instrumental testing facilities; > therapeutic and surgical treatments; > rehabilitation, etc.

Surgery procedures are performed at the Centre, almost all of them are minimallyinvasive: endoscopic, laparoscopic, and arthroscopic (joint) surgery. After surgery, patients are cared for round-the-clock by qualified doctors and attentive nurses.

At MDTC, extensive diagnosis, and prescription of treatment takes place one day Health and time are vitally important values in everyone’s life. But it is only when we lose them that we realize what we have lost, and everything else seems meaningless. Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre strives to cherish both of these values: helps people preserve or restore their health while saving their precious time. That is why MDTC have been acknowledged and supported by its patients. Over 60,000 patients recover at the Centre every year, for most of them the MDTC is their first choice when they need medical assistance.

Certification / accreditation

> international certificate LST EN ISO 9001:2008 > international laboratory accreditation ISO 15189 > international accreditation Treatment Abroad Code of Practice

At present, accreditation of MDTC according to the international standard JCI (Joint Commission International) is under way

About the treatment unit

Citizens of the UK, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, and other Western Europe countries come here for treatment. Highly professional, attentive staff speaks English, French, German, and other languages.

> 160 highly-qualified doctors, among them 46 habilitated doctors, professors, doctors holding PhD, associate professors, who are well known in Lithuania and abroad; > advanced medical equipment, produced by world-class manufacturers; > 4 modern operating theatres; > 5 laboratories (525 different tests, more than 200,000 tests performed annually, ranging from the simplest to the most sophisticated tumor markers and molecular diagnostics); > in-patient care for 20 patients (single and twin wards); > personalized meals menu approved by a doctor nutritionist. Additional services > visas, meeting at the airport/railway station; > transport from the airport, accommodation, organization of leisure activities; > personal assistance manager; > translation of medical documents into foreign languages; > organization of rehabilitation and sanatorium treatment; > cafe, car parking. MDTC cooperates with a number of international health and life insurance companies.

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PIKAS Software for building and synchronizing timetables based on passenger flows and for presenting timetables on the Internet and Mobile phones Car free day in Vilnius. One bus contains passengers from 9 minibus or 77 cars = empty streets = no pollution

ccording to Romualdas Mickus, the Director of Merakas UAB, within 21 years of its activities, the enterprise has developed the original Pikas System and trained over three hundred users of the system; in addition, it has



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formed a number of databases for linking digital city or state maps with public transport and its dynamics in various segments of the streets and on crossroads, provided traffic timetables to mobile telephones and the Internet for convenience of the users:

All Estonia





All Latvia * (* - in the test stage)

Vilnius *** (*** - timetables in 15 languages)









Rostov na Donu


Pskov Oblast **

(** - in the test stage)

Pikas has inovative solutions and some advantages, as compared to the Systems being developed in foreign states. The most important of them are as follows: > Developed original graphic timetables‘ editor, which allows the timetables of city lines and all state lines (buses, trams, trolleybuses, microbuses, trains, airplaines, ferries) in all directions and at any point (stops, crossroads, rail stations, airports and ports) to be synchronized. At the same time it is possible to synchronize over 100 lines and then using simulation to review it visualy and quickly. That allows the quality of passenger service to be notably improved. After familiarization with public transport traffic planning systems developed in the European Union, the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications chose Lithuanian Pikas System and introduced it in the project on developing Public transportation information system ÜTRIS (for all public transport operators in Estonia: cities and regional public transport, domestic airlines, ferries, railroad lines; more than 15000 stops and about 3000 lines). The information and trip planner is available to passengers at website The same databases using Pikas System are being created in Latvia (together with the Company LatTelecom) and in Pskov Oblast (together with bus company PskovAvtotrans). > According to passenger flows, the original timetables‘ optimization algorithm was developed, which allows to electricity and fuel (in some cases it is possible to save 1 vehicle if the interval is increased by 1–2 minutes) to be saved. In year 2000, this algorithm was highly evaluated in Berlin international conference “Computer Aided Scheduling in Public Transport”.

Timetables of Almaty (Kazakhstan) trolleybuses for 2013-2014 created in order of World Bank

Estonia: Timetables of cities and regional public transport, domestic airlines, ferries, railroad lines - in one data base (

> The developed original map editor, which allows to be introduced (move) stops, crossroads, streets, lines, to be described loading of streets during the day and season and to be set the speed of any vehicle for all segments of streets. It enables of high quality timetables to be created. In the contest arranged by the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialist in 2004, Pikas System was recognized as the best Lithuanian product of the year in the sphere of information technologies and awarded with the gold medal. In the same year, Pikas won two top prizes at “InfoBalt” exhibition - “The Best Software” and “The ITT Product of the Year for Information Society”.

System PIKAS simultaneously it is possible to synchronize over 100 lines

The fact that a course on Pikas System is introduced in the study programme for students of Tallinn Technical University and Rostov na Donu Building Institute with specialization in transport engineering should be considered to be a great recognition of the System too. The member of Associations:

Trip planner is available to passengers of Latvia (joint project with LatTelecom)

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DOTNUVOS PROJEKTAI – from small business to an international company


For many years, Dotnuva has been famous for seed growing traditions.

hus, the market demand for high quality products, as well as the location, dictated that the main activities of Dotnuvos projektai UAB established in 1996 include seed reproduction, processing and sales, trade in new and second hand agricultural machinery, grain storage and drying equipment, and spare parts supply. Dotnuvos projektai UAB started with 5 employees and the turnover of the first year was 0,6 million EUR. Today the Company has 4 regional sales

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offices covering all Lithuania, they are closer to the farmer and provide the latter with service, supply and consultations. It managed to grow from small business into an international company - since 2010, it has been running 2 subsidiary companies in Latvia and Estonia engaging a total of 240 employees. The main worldwide agricultural machinery and equipment producers - CASE IH (USA), Kverneland (Norway), Cimbria (Denmark) trusted the Company granting it representation rights also in Latvia and Estonia. Thus, Dotnuvos projektai strengthened its activities in the neighbouring countries.

The turnover of Dotnuvos projektai is increasing with every year: 43.8 million EUR in 2010, 55.8 million EUR in 2011, 66.0 million EUR in 2012. The „Lion share“ makes sales of agricultural machinery, a significant input comes from certified seed sales, as well as from grain storage and drying equipment. Annually the Company sells up to 12 thousand tons of seeds, up to 900 pieces of agricultural machinery, installs 20-25 grain storages. Considering the turnover of the 1st Quarter of 2013 we can state that it is exceeding our expectations- it shows the growth of sales and the year seems to be promising. Sales of agricultural produce strongly depend on EU support, farmers‘ income, well known brands, input on the market and skilful staff.



Dotnuvos projektai is proud to be the main and the most reliable partner to the most innovative and modern farms not only in Lithuania but also in Latvia and Estonia.


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AD REM TRANSPORT: close to the world, close to you Less than a year ago, AD REM TRANSPORT separated from the AD REM GROUP network and has won significant “Transport and Logistics 2012” award. The Company received the award for being the most promising logistics’ company in 2013.

Darius Brekys, Director of AD REM transport D REM TRANSPORT provides international and domestic freight forwarding services and is one of the leading logistics’ companies in Lithuania. The Company provides services ranging from personal goods to the oversized shipments around the world. Road transportation is the most extensive line of business, which includes international transportation and freight forwarding services. Darius Brekys, AD REM TRANSPORT Cirector, thinks that multi-skilled and experienced Company‘s managers are building a strong bridge between Europe and the CIS countries. The Company is strategically located in a convenient location close to the highway of Vilnius-Minsk-Moscow and is only 32 kilometers away from the eastern border of the EU. Also, situated next to the import export terminal, having good connection to the railway line and railway cooperation with the Lithuanian and Latvian railway companies helps effectively plan and ensure the highest level of freight rail lines. Besides, AD REM TRANSPORT is located near Vilnius International Airport which guarantees fast air freight, which the Company has been providing for more than ten 90 || 90

years. Also, the Company is involved in sea cargo transportation services, and ensures shipments from a terminal to a terminal or door-to-door. During the past seven years, the Company has done many successful international removal services to 45 countries around the world, including simple and diplomatic removals. It’s important that the Company is a member of various associations (Lithuanian National Road Carriers’ Association LINAVA, Lithuanian National Freight Forwarding Association LINEKA, Lithuanian Logistics Association LLA, FIATA, IATA and others.) which ensures continuous and professional development of employees. Experience of the employees of the Company guarantees the highest quality service, reasonable prices and undivided attention to each customer.

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Lietuvos rytas Printing house: quality, services, reliability he Lietuvos rytas Printing House is the largest printing house in Lithuania and the Baltic States, and an important enterprise in Central Europe. Established in 1994 the Lietuvos rytas Printing House started its activities with printing newspapers and gradually it grew in accordance with the needs of the market. In almost twenty years of functioning the company earned its customers trust . At the present time over 100 titles of magazines, 50 titles of newspapers, retail publications and other kinds of production are printed there. The authorities of the enterprise pursue the policy of constant investment in new technologies.

Socially responsible enterprise The conclusions of the social audit carried out by the international company Intertek according to the Sedex smeta method at the end of January 2011 state that the Lietuvos rytas Printing House meets all most important requirements in the field of labour rights and work organisation, safety and health at work and in the sphere of environmental protection.

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Export Export accounts for about 45 per cent of the production being manufactured. Lietuvos Rytas Printing House has customers in Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Holland, Italy, Czech Republic and other countries.

Production The prepress and quality management divisions operate in the Printing House. The Printing House is divided into two manufacturing enterprises according to printing technologies.

Vievis Printing plant – cold set A new newspaper printing plant covering an area of more than 12 thousand square meters started its activities in Vievis in 2008. The printing machine Man- Roland consisting of 3 towers Regioman and 1 tower Geoman is mounted there. Full colour newspapers – tabloid and broadsheet consisting of up to 64 pages in one pass are printed in 75 000 copies per hour. The newspaper completing line Ferag AG, an eight-section insert line (up to 8 inserts), one drum; a stitching in-line and off-line, as well as single wrapping in plastic operate in the Printing House. At the present time the Vievis plant co-operates with local publishers and expands relations with business partners all over Europe, customers in the European Union, the Baltic States, Russia and Belarus.

Skaidiškės plant – commercial web High quality magazines, brochures, catalogues, newspapers of trading centres are printed there. Printing facilities are assembled on the “back up” principle. This ensures the fulfilment of any order. Equipment Commercial web (HSWO): -Heidelberg M600: 16 pages. Cut off 630 mm / gluing in line 6/8/12/16/ 24 pages -MAN-Rotoman– 16 pages . Cut off 630 mm/ gluing in line 8/12/16 pages -GOSS M600C - 16 pages. Cut off 625 mm Sheet fed: -Heidelberg CD 720 × 1020 / 6+L / Dry Star / Cut Star -Heidelberg CD 720 × 1020 /6+L Finishing Perfect binding – 2 lines, 15+1 gathering sections Stitching - 3 lines, up to 10 gathering sections UV coating Single copy wrapping

Delivery Production to the Scandinavian countries is delivered as follows: shipped on Tuesday – delivered on Thursday/Friday (depending on the region); shipped on Friday – delivered Monday/Tuesday (depending on the region).

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Royal Birštonas – a Resort for Health, Wellness and Harmony

Birštonas is inimitable with its unique, authentic nature and the bends of the Nemunas Loops


t is one of Lithuania’s oldest and most beautiful balneological resorts, famous for its royal roots. Resort treatment is considered to have begun in Birštonas in 1846, so it is the place that has long been endowed with natural resources: gushing mineral water springs, therapeutic mud, clean air and salubrious climate. The resort prides itself on its mineral water, which is rich in bromine and recognised and valued throughout Europe. Today Birštonas attracts visitors with its modern resort facilities, the Tulpė and Versmė health resorts, the Royal Residence Spa Hotel, an abundance of hospitable hotels and restaurants, exciting recreational activities and memorable events. For more than 30 years now, the resort has hosted the Birštonas International Jazz Festival, which is the oldest of its kind in Lithuania. Birštonas is located in the centre of the country and is an ideal place for relaxation, harmonisation of body and soul, and a high quality lifestyle. Birštonas is the only town in Lithuania implementing the ECO-city project, and is developing a reputation of a “green” town, which maintains balance with nature and contributes to the preservation of the ecosystem. It is a compact city of the future – one in which it is safe, pleasant to relax, and convenient to work and live. 94 || 94

The resort is becoming more and more beautiful, especially with the restoration of its wooden architectural monuments: the Kurhaus and the Birštonas Tourist Information Centre. Lovely halls with good acoustics will host classical and jazz concerts as well as art exhibitions. Then in July, when Lithuania begins to hold the Presidency of the EU Council, the new Birštono Eglė health resort will open its door to the holidaymakers and guests. It is with the operations of this health resort and the development of modern health and wellness services that the expectations of the future and the evolution of Birštonas as a modern resort town are linked. Now revamped, Birštonas is ready to compete in the international market of tourism and health services, which is why the special projects currently being implemented focus on the mineral water galleries and the sea climate atmosphere that will only be available in Birštonas. It is our goal to position Birštonas as a modern, European-level royal resort.

Entertainment in mineral water

"Birštonas Jazz" - the international biannual jazz festival for exclusive music lovers

The treatment facilities of the “Tulpės” sanatorium were established in 1927

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FOOD industry

Vaidas Grudis

The delicious "ambassador" of Lithuania Legendary, rich in original taste and smell, useful, successful, interestingly packed, the most popular in Lithuania, the “godson” of the President, and even the country’s ambassador abroad… All these and many more epithets are devoted to one of the most famous Lithuanian products, hard cheese DŽIUGAS.


peaking about the product of the cheese makers of Žemaitijos pienas AB one can value it differently – as a historical product that has the name often found in legends that makes the country and its culture famous, as a unique recipe and the product that meets high quality requirements or hard cheese that is matured for an especially long period that has a high nutritional value and that suits even the people who do not tolerate lactose, as well as vegetarians. Also, as cheese that brings substantial eco98 || 98

nomic benefit to the county. However, first and foremost, it is simply cheese having a distinctive pleasant taste and even a small piece of it when tasted leaves a piquant delicious taste and flavour, light bitterness in your mouth and pleasantly cracks in subtle crystals of calcium salts... Due to unique patented technology and the original composition of ferment cultures this cheese does not lose its quality during the period of long maturing (from 12 to 48 months) and acquires exceptional qualities that are characteristic exclusively of it. The highest quality combined with original ideas of packing render exceptionality to cheese DŽIUGAS, which is appreciated not only in its country but also abroad. The manufacturers believe that it is the whole of these features that determined the fact that DŽIUGAS has become an inseparable part of Lithuania’s image, a peculiar ambassador because it is often taken as a delicious present to friends living in foreign countries, business partners, family members abroad. The export manager of Žemaitijos pienas AB Rimantas Banevičius says that the amount of Lithuanian dairy products sold abroad is on

the increase with every year. During the past two years export of the Company increased by as much as 10 per cent. People in Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Estonia, etc. enjoy the products manufactured by the Lowlanders. Among all the products that are exported to other markets it is DŽIUGAS that accounts for 60 per cent and has been presented with more than one international award. “The first country with which we established export relations was the United States of America. And the first product that crossed the border of Lithuania was our hard cheese”, says Rimantas Banevičius. Legal dope Cheese DŽIUGAS is a highly nutritious, easily digested product that contains plenty of useful proteins, minerals, microelements and vitamins. Calcium is of great significance to a human body and matured hard cheese contains lots of it. If you eat as many grams of cheese DŽIUGAS per day as your organism weighs, you will receive as much amino acids as it is necessary to maintain good health.

Cheese is produced from selected milk that smells of summer meadows and is obtained from local farms in which cows graze freely in the pastures surrounded by streams and hills of the Lowland. Milk is cleaned, standardised to necessary fatness and pasteurized at the plant. Later it is fermented with the help of special cultures and enzymes of micro organisms of lactic acid. It is manufactured using modern equipment therefore necessary consistency of cheese granules is obtained. Following compressing cheese is salted in special basins, matured in chambers where necessary temperature and relative air humidity are maintained. During the entire production and maturing process cheese is carefully watched by qualified cheese makers. House of cheese DŽIUGAS Recently a network of specialised shops of cheese DŽIUGAS has contributed greatly to making the cheese popular. In cosy small specialised shops cheese lovers are met by experienced sales girls who know everything about DŽIUGAS and gourmet trimmings and who offer their customers to taste cheese of different maturity, a nice cup of coffee, piquant sweets, cakes, spreads, scones, new kinds of ice-cream with cheese DŽIUGAS, nut treats that go well with DŽIUGAS wine, propolis brandy… The greatest part of these products is exceptional because cheese DŽIUGAS is used in all of them.

created in other cities of Europe too. The house of cheese DŽIUGAS in Telšiai is as though a symbolic tribute to the legendary giant Džiugas, the founder of the town. This house is situated on the picturesque bank of Lake Mastis, it is more spacious than houses in other places therefore it opens up greater possibilities for new activities: tasting, education, stories about the history of Žemaitijos pienas AB and cheese DŽIUGAS. Abundantly awarded Cheese DŽIUGAS has been awarded with nine medals, recognised as the most popular Lithuanian product. The product of unique taste and production technology won the first international recognition in the year 2005. Then it was awarded the gold medal at the international exhibition of food products “ПРОДЭКСПО – 2005”. DŽIUGAS was awarded the gold medal at the same exhibition in 2008, in 2010 and in 2011. In 2010, Lithuanian cheese DŽIUGAS was awarded the diploma of the most popular

This year a new shop opened its door in Telšiai, and this is the sixth house of cheese DŽIUGAS in Lithuania. As many as four of them are located in Vilnius, one house is opened in Klaipėda. They are also opened in Riga and St. Petersburg. They are being

product at the specialised international exhibition Peterfood-2010 in St Petersburg. In the same year the product was awarded for its unique exceptional taste and stable quality in the competition “Product of the Year - 2010” in Minsk, Belarus. Two years ago in Brussels, at the competition of assessing food and beverages “Superior Taste Award” organised at the “International Taste and Quality Institute” (ITQI) cheese DŽIUGAS was awarded two stars. Some other international awards were the gold medal in Germany “Goldener preis – 2011”, the gold medal in the United Kingdom “International cheese awards”, the gold medal in Moscow “World Food 2012”, the gold medal at the international specialised exhibition of food products, beverages and raw materials “Prodexpo 2013” in Russia and Eastern Europe. Due to solid image and recognition abroad His Excellency President Valdas Adamkus and Mrs. Alma Adamkienė are godparents of the cheese.

Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus (second from left) and his wife Alma (second from right) are marking the cheese in Telšiai in 2010

Recently cheese DŽIUGAS was awarded two Taste Award gold stars and Chinese SIAL INNOVATION 2013 Grand Prix Award

The first house of DŽIUGAS in Gedimino prospect in Vilnius || 99

culture: folk culture

The 2014 Lithuanian Song Celebration

“Here Is My Home� The Song Celebration

is the leading event of the Lithuanian cultural life, a spectacular show and one of the most beautiful Lithuanian cultural traditions, exposing the creativity of the society, strengthening the national identity, assembling tens of thousands of participants and guests from all over the world. The tradition of the Baltic Song and Dance Celebrations of Lithuania, together with Estonia and Latvia, has been recognized by UNESCO and included on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The preparation to the Song Celebration involves upholders of traditional culture, professional authors and performers, amateur art groups. The programme of the Celebration is composed of four fundamental parts: the Folklore Day - dedicated to the traditional culture, the Evening of Ensembles presenting the programme of the folk springs in a colorful, theatrical and stylized form, the Dance Day, based on dance compositions arranged by professional choreographers offering interpretations of Lithuanian customs and symbols, performed by near 10 thousand dancers, and the

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Photos by: Martynas Vidzbelis and Arturas Moisiejenko

Song Day drawing in 20 thousand singers into a joint mighty choir, performing harmonized folk songs, vocal compositions by professional authors both contemporary and from the golden fund. The exceptionality of this programme is singing a cappella. The entirety of the Celebration is complemented by the Folk art exhibition, the Afternoon of the traditional national instrument Kanklės, brass orchestras’ performances, parades, amateur theatres’ shows, professional art events, and an emotional and colorful procession of the celebration’s participants. The Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre is the headquarters of the Song Celebration. The 2014 Celebration “Here Is My Home” will invite the participants and spectators to take a fresh look back to their home – the family, the homeland and the song. On the 28th of June the Celebration will be opened by a solemn event – mentioning of the 90th anniversary of the Song Celebration -, which will take place in Kaunas, the Song Valley. On the 2nd of July the great Opening Concert will greet guests at the Cathedral Square in Vilnius, the

presentation of the collection of the Baltic tribal communities’ costumes will be held on the 3rd July, at the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania. On the same day the spectators will enjoy the Kanklės Afternoon at the St. Johns’ Church – one of the most sacred spaces of the historic Vilnius, in the evening the festive crowd will climb the Kalnai Park enlightened by the Evening of Ensembles. On the 4th of July the Sereikišės Park will buzz for the Folklore Day “Laimužės lemta” (Destined by Laima). On the 5th of July the Theatre Day will be held dedicated to the creative work of Kristijonas Donelaitis and in the evening the Celebration will continue with the Dance Day events at Kalnai Park resounding with brass pipes’ melodies and the Žalgiris Stadium, where the finest dance ornaments will be weaved by thousands of dancers. The finale of the Celebration – the brightest and the most spectacular event - the Song Day at the Vingis Park, inviting to sing along, feel and enjoy the unity, the harmony and understanding – here is my home.

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Photos by Artūras Moisiejenko

In photos - examples of National Costumes Collection of Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre

Aukštaitija (Higher Lithuania)

Žemaitija (Samogitia)

Dzūkija (Southeast Lithuania)

Suvalkija (Southwest Lithuania)

Lithuanian National Costume

is now an important national symbol, a testimony to our ancestors’ high standard of workmanship and a reflection of their artistic taste. Today’s national costume is a reconstruction of the festive national clothing of the 19th century. The costumes of all five Lithuanian ethnographic regions – Aukštaitija (Higher Lithuania), Žemaitija (Lower Lithuanian or Samogitia), Dzūkija (Southeast Lithuania), Suvalkija (Southwest Lithuania) and Klaipėda Region – consist of the same main elements, but differ in silhouettes, colours, ornaments, wearing habits of separate elements, adornments and other accessories.

to wear several red checked headscarves at once by combining several ways of tying them. They wore leather shoes or solid wooden shoes. Shawl-like apparel worn over shoulders was nearly an indispensable facet of the Samogitian woman’s festive costume. In the middle of the 19th century, Samogitian men wore coarse overcoats. In the South, they usually wore overcoats sewn from cloth of natural light-colour woollen yarn, while in the North, the cloth for overcoats would be frequently dyed dark green, blue and black. In the second half of the 19th century, coarse overcoats were gradually replaced by frock coats.

Aukštaitija (Higher Lithuania) Costumes worn by women in Aukštaitija are frequently considered to be the most archaic ones in Lithuania. The white cloths – shirts, aprons and headdresses – were usually decorated with archaic red patterns. A peculiar element of the woman’s costume in Aukštaitija – a married woman’s wimple - reminiscent of the Middle Ages. A wimple was worn by winding it round the face to cover the neck and shoulders. Woollen check skirts were the most dominant. Bodices were most often sewn from expensive industrially manufactured fabrics (e.g. silk, damascus, velvet). The main element of the men’s of the Aukštaitija costume was a coarse overcoat sewn from cloth of naturally grey or brown woollen yarn or dyed black, dark blue or dark brown.

Dzūkija (Southeast Lithuania) The Dzūkija men wore rough overcoats sewn from natural homespun, decorated with dark stitches and edgings. In the northern part of the region the women’s costume was similar to garments of the neighbouring province of Aukštaitija. Women admired white linen cloths: aprons, shawls and bonnets. Married women wore small wimples similar to wimples of women in Aukštaitija, but smaller and easier to tie. Checked skirts, dark aprons with tiny checks and multi-coloured patterns, white shirts with white openwork embroidery were dominant in the whole region of Dzūkija. The Dzūkija women wove a great many sashes. Girls decorated their heads with gold-toned galloons, crowns made of silk ribbons, while married women wore white and coloured bonnets covered with headscarves.

Žemaitija (Samogitia) Samogitian costumes distinguished for their flamboyance. The women of South Žemaitija wore top skirts striped lengthwise and several underskirts, sometimes as many as five. Wide festive aprons of the Samogitian women were also striped lengthwise. Women distinguished for their predilection 102 || 102

Suvalkija (Southwest Lithuania) Festive costumes of the Suvalkija inhabitants were sewn both from manufactured and good quality homespun cloths. The Suvalkija women preferred rich, deep colours, such as dark blue, dark red, violet, green,

Klaipėda region

for their festive attire. Colourful interwoven patterns and decorative elements were then especially showy. Women wore wide gathered skirts striped lengthwise. The skirt testified the financial status of the owner. The Suvalkija women’s shirts distinguished for their especially wide sleeves, gathered into multiple pleats and embroidered with white plant motifs. The apron with a complicated overlay design constituted the most significant and complex part of the costume worn by the women of this region. The Suvalkija men preferred light coloured cloths. In the middle of the 19th century, a town dweller’s attribute – a coarse frock coat - came into fashion. A waistcoat was usually worn under the frock coat. Klaipėda region In the first half of the 19th century, the costume of the inhabitants of the Klaipėda region was multi-coloured and adorned with exotic, ancient elements. Women used to wear shirts with fine embroidery and short bodices or jackets. Checked or striped skirts were covered with linen aprons decorated with red ornaments interwoven into their white background. The women of the Klaipėda region girdled themselves with wide and narrow pick-up patterned sashes and had an especially decorative flat handbag called a delmonas fastened at the waist. In the beginning of the 19th century, brides would wear a very impressive bride’s bonnet (kykas) – a very tall cylindrical headdress of black velvet or felt. The Klaipėda men wore not only long, but also short trousers. The fashion for them came from the Western Europe. Their coarse overcoats were also cut according to the 18th century official fashion, with pleated sets at their sides.

The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania in Vilnius the Past opens to the Future

The idea to recreate the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania in Vilnius was born together with the independence of Lithuania. Currently, after the long way of the project’s realization the first part of the Palace is almost finished. Now National Museum – Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania is preparing for the ceremonial opening on the 6th of July this summer. It is very symbolical, that the opening will take place on the Lithuania’s Statehood Day.


he Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, which is being recreated in Vilnius, embodies the whole course of Lithuania’s history – from the beginning of statehood in the 13th century to the expansion of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the next several centuries, from the beginning of decline starting in the mid17th century, to the loss of statehood at the end of the 18th century and the rebirth of the modern Lithuanian state at the end of the 20th century. 104 ||

Photos by V. Abramauskas

culture: history

In the year 2000, the Seimas of Lithuania passed a law on recreation of the Palace and on determining its functions. It was decided not to rebuild, but to construct a new building in the form of the former Renaissance ducal Palace. All this construction was done according to the large amounts of archeological, historical, and iconographic materials as well as European historical parallels. When the reconstruction of the palace began in the year 2002, intensive archeological work continued. For 20 years since 1988, over two hectares in the centre of the city were carefully excavated and studied. The new building in the shape of the ducal residence serves as a big hood and protects the archeological treasures below – the authentic stone and brick walls and the different cultural layers rich in archeological finds. These archeological treasures will become a part of the museum exhibition. This is a unique way of preserving them in their original location. For this purpose, complex and expensive engineering and architectural solutions were adopted. They were highly evaluated by famous foreign experts.

On the territory of the ducal palace, archeologists discovered approximately 300,000 artifacts. It is not the number of artifacts that is impressive, but their quality and variety. Because of the damp soil, human material cultural objects which normally do not survive in the ground did so perfectly. These include wood and wooden artifacts, leather and textile articles, and various other organic objects. Using these materials and other archeological finds and historical data, researchers have been able to shed light on various aspects of Lithuania’s history and to determine the external cultural ties, as well as the everyday life of the ducal palace. Functions, exhibitions, collections In order to carry out the cultural and educational mission of National Museum – Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, which will be opened on the 6th of July 2013, four tour routes related to the historical functions of the palace are developed. The first tour will acquaint the visitors with the very rich and important archeological findings – both the ancient ruins and the excavated artifacts. Employing models, iconographic materials from all over the world, and written labels, we will inform the visitors about the history of the palace and its architectural features. This exposition will be in the underground of the South Wing and on the first floors of the South and East Wings. It will be a kind of archaeological and architectural preserve, where different kinds of media will be used to help contextualize and integrate those archaeological findings into a story of the historical development of this area at the foot of the Gediminas Hill from the earliest times until its reconstruction today. Visitors will be able to use individual computer terminals to learn about the history of Lithuania and its cultural heritage, about the Vilnius castles, about Lithuania’s rulers and nobility in more details; find biographical information about artists and other well-known cultural figures. This didactical exhibition will take up about one third of the museum’s exhibition space and will also present those who made significant contributions to the reconstruction of the Palace. The second tour will bring the visitors into the ceremonial halls, which have been recreated to show the evolution of architectural styles – from the late Gothic to the Renaissance and then early Baroque. The goal is not only to show the evolution of architectural styles but also to describe the different functions of each hall and room – guard rooms, antechambers, audience halls, chancellery offices, private apartments of Grand duke and of the Grand duchess – to show what life was like there. The halls are located on the second and third floors of the South, East, and West Wings. These halls and rooms will be decorated and furnished with authentic art objects from Gothic, Renaissance, and early Baroque periods. This particular tour will end in the hall representing the State and royal treasury. This display of the interiors will consist of about 20 halls and will take up about one-third of the museum’s space. These halls will also be used for cultural, musical, diplomatic, protocol, and other ceremonial events.

Both of these tours are meant to complement each other, giving the visitor a well-rounded view of the development of the Palace, its role in Lithuania’s history and culture as well as its political and artistic ties with Europe and Asia. Each of these tours will demonstrate different kinds of exhibits and will use different modes of presentation but in harmony with each other. This is quite typical in many European castles and historical residences where time and the ravages of war have destroyed the original structures and their furnishings. The reconstructed buildings must compensate for that by serving more functions and telling a more detailed story of the city, country, or state in which they are located. In this way, the mission of the National Museum – Palace of the Grand Dukes is similar to many others in Europe.

The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania

Third Mannerist-style antechamber || 105

The other two routes are specialized tours. The third tour is dedicated to the musical and everyday life of the palace. There will be a multipurpose hall for concerts, performances and educational programs. It will be a place for staging concerts and historical operas, for hosting conferences and seminars, and holding ceremonial events. It will be located in the Northwest Wing. Historically, at least in the 17th century, this part was a kitchen.

Ceremonial suit of armour of Sigismund Augustus, Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland, which went to Catherine Jagiellon after his death, made by craftsman Kunz Lochner, Nuremberg, 16th century, Livrustkammaren, Stockholm

Tapestry with the Polish and Lithuanian coats of arms and goddess Victoria. Brussels, around 1555 Wawel Royal Castle 106 ||

The fourth tour will lead visitors through the temporary exhibition center, meeting international standards. The major focus of the exhibits will be European and Lithuanian material culture from the era of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. This space will be located in the Northwest Wing. There will be place in the reconstructed Palace for a tourist information center, as well as a café-restaurant serving traditional national dishes and drinks, a book and a souvenir shop. The infrastructure for all of these and other

visitor services will be located underground – under the Great Courtyard. Ticket booths, an information desk, cloakroom, an auditorium will also be located there. By locating the visitor terminal under the Great Courtyard, we will be able to show some of the earliest ruins of the medieval Castle walls. All of the four tour routes will begin and end there. In this way, the visitor will be able to plan his or her own visit to this historical residence. The collections of the National Museum, which will be displayed in the thematic exhibitions, are formed based on exhibition needs, the different functions of the museum, and the availability of historical objects. The archeology collections are truly impressive and make up

the bulk of the Museum’s collections. One of the most important and impressive collections is the 15th–17th century collection of tiles, especially stove tiles, which in terms of numbers and variety has no equal in Europe. In order to provide furnishings for the interiors, the Lithuanian Art Museum in the year 2003 began to collect furniture, tapestries, paintings and other art objects from the Gothic, Renaissance, and early Baroque periods. Currently these items (values, exhibits) form the second collection of museum, which is called history and art collection. The acquisition of most of these treasures was financed by the national government or by the Palace Restoration Fundation. Some were acquired as gifts. About one tenth of these artefacts was donated. Among the highlights are: the collection of Italian, French, and German 15th–17th centuries furniture; the collection of tapestries, including the unique tapestry with the coat-of-arms of Sigismund Augustus; glass goblets that belonged to Augustus II; and, a collection of rare books and maps related to Lithuania’s history. Both these collections are important not only for the understanding and interpretation of the history and culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, but also for the comparative study of European civilization. Visiting card of Lithuania’s history and cultural heritage The most important thing is that these treasures will be displayed in the recreated Palace and will be accessible to the Lithuanian public and guests of Vilnius. The historical residence of Lithuania‘s rulers, from which Lithuania reached out to Europe and through which European culture spread to Lithuania a long time ago, will once again come alive. This recreated historical residence in the heart of Lithuania’s capital should once again become the traditional symbol of Lithuania’s long-lived statehood and an object of national pride. It should become a center for civic education, for raising of historical consciousness and appreciation of material culture, for state ceremonial events and tourist information. It will also be an important part of Lithuania’s museum complex. The Palace is viewed by the public as important object for national self-consciousness and historical memory, for the restitution of historical truths regarding Lithuania’s independence, for illustrating Lithuania’s historical and cultural roots in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania – a multinational state of Lithuanians, Poles, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Jews, Tatars, Karaims and other nationalities – and for showing the importance of Lithuania’s historical and current European ties. During the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union a wide variety of events and formal dinners for senior officials will take place in the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania. It will unite Lithuanians scattered all over the world, will represent the respect of Lithuania’s people for the past of the statehood and the responsibility for its future.


08 09 30 VILNIUS





August 13th | 7 pm

August 19th | 7 pm














Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė



August 30th | 7 pm






Kernavė Archaeological Site. View from one of the hill-forts

Kernavė Archaeological Site Kernavė is an area of unique archaeological and historical value. In 2004 the State Cultural Reserve of Kernavė was declared as UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Photo by Dalia Vaičiūnienė

t 35 km distance from Vilnius on the picturesque bank of Neris River five hill-forts surround Pajauta Valley. People have settled and been buried here since time immemorial. Over an area of 194 hectares the surviving cultural properties, numerous archaeological finds and the landscape formed in the course of history testify to the cultures which have existed in the area for 11,000 years, since the Late Palaeolithic period (9th millennium BC) to this day. At times thriving, stagnant at others, life in the area never ground to a halt.

Pottery (13th-14th century) in Kernavė Archaeological Site Museum’s exposition 108 || 108

This is the very beginning of our history. For Lithuanians, however, Kernavė is a symbol of statehood, the capital of pagan Lithuania, about which there are many legends and stories. In historic sources, Kernavė was first mentioned in 1279 in the Herman Wartberge’s Livonian Chronicle, which described the unsuccessful march of the Order of the Sword to Kernavė, the land of Grand Duke Traidenis. The Middle Ages (13th–14th century) were an exceptional time for Kernavė, one of the most important political and economic centres in Lithuania, a time of flourishing and, unfortunately, of failures. It left an invaluable heritage: a fortification system of five hill-forts, burial ground with amazing grave goods, the traces of burnt ducal castles and the remains of a town of craftsmen and merchants, which has disappeared.

Photo by Jonas Vitkūnas

culture: history

Photo by Giedrius Grigonis

Photo by Jonas Vitkūnas

Traditional Midsummer's Day (Rasos) in Kernavė

Annual festival of experimental archaeology "Days of Live Archaeology in Kernavė"

Young archaeologists in educational classes

Photo by Dalia Vaičiūnienė

At present only about 2 percent of the Reserve area has been excavated. As a result, 18 archaeological and historical monuments have been entered in the state register of immovable cultural values. Kernavė Archaeological Site Museum houses more than 20,000 artefacts discovered on the Site. The most valuable of them are displayed in a modern museum exposition opened in 2012. Full spectrum of Site development starting from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages has been revealed here. Archaeological material using visual effects is combined with the experience of experimental archaeology as a result of long-lasting archaeological research. Events in the educational programme for schoolchildren “Living Archaeology” are held at the Museum all year round. They learn what archaeology is all about, and try their hand at old trades.

Photo by Jonas Vitkūnas

The cultural heritage of the last pagan country in Europe lies hidden under a layer of deposits. Archaeological excavations have started in the area more than 30 years ago. The research deepened our understanding about prehistory of our country and one of the most significant processes in the history of Lithuania and Europe – the period of transition from pagan beliefs to Christianity.

In early July every year the traditional festival “Days of Live Archaeology in Kernavė” takes place. Visitors can get acquainted with the crafts, warfare and music of prehistoric times and the early Middle Ages, helped by masters of trades from Lithuania and other European countries. They can try their hands at making pots entirely by hand or on a potter’s wheel, archery, minting coins, riding horses, and also taste old foods. Visitors are invited to come to the Kernavė and discover it for themselves. The hill-forts and Pajauta Valley will show the magic power of the place with its secrets of the past. The Kernavė Archaeological Site is an open-air exhibition created by nature and man over many centuries. Every coming day opens a new page of Kernavė history.

New exposition in Kernavė Archaeological Site Museum || 109

culture: art

Dalia Kasčiūnaitė

Lithuanian painter, graphic artist, poet. In 1972 graduated from the State Art Institute of Lithuania. Since 1992 is a member of Artists’ group “l”. She is a Recipient of Lithuanian National Prize (2000). “Black”, 2006, oil on canvas Dominates poetic mood, metaphorical images, full of subjective references. Dalia develops a unique manner of painting abstractionism - often spontaneous, intuitive brushes, sensitive color to its fragmented form, centered the image space. Uses poetic texts, fragments, emphasizes the domination of one color or Sharpens picture Prada (scratches, abrasion traces). The issues of abstraction and concretion ultimately remain central to Dalia’s work. Her vision is rooted in the origins of nonfigurative paintings of this century. In the latest works she explores photographic techniques elements combining with intuitive brushes, for some she refuses standard canvas replacing with metal plate. More often appears grey, blue and even purple color palette. “Good mood”, 2011, oil, acrylic on canvas

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Dainora Remeza

“Hope”,2011, acrylic, oil on canvas

“Meditation on ethno motives”,2002, oil on canvas

“Blue blues”,2012, oil on canvas | 111

culture: art

world of fairy tales by Agnė Šemberaitė

Once lived a girl..., 2012 41/45/34cm; white earthenware 112 || 112

Dragons tale, 2009 43/43/5 cm, white earthenware

Elf, 2008 25/20/19 cm, stoneware

Vase, 2008 h - 35 cm, white earthenware

Spring!, 2012 42/31/19 cm, stoneware

Infante with mouses, 2009 32/18/13 cm, porcelain

Little Girl & Dragon, 2012 39/53/24 cm, white earthenware

Agnė Šemberaitė was born in Vilnius in 1972.Between 1988 and 1992 she studied ceramics art at Vilnius Academy of Arts, Ceramics department. Got Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees. Since 1999 Agne became a member of the Lithuanian Artist Association. Participated in numerous group exhibitions, symposiums, seminars in Lithuania and abroad. “For 20 years after graduation of the Vilnius Academy of Arts I am working as a free artist in my own studio. As well I am giving private ceramic lessons for children and adults. I am working in different fields of ceramics, making decorative pieces (plates, vases, tea pots etc. ), interior details ( mirror frames, famine decoration , pano). However I am mostly interested in sculpture ceramics. The greatest influence on me made the art of the Middle Ages and mythology of various cultures. I am attracted by the way how gestures , expression of the face may imply a shift in mood , change of character and how the body language reflects each individual personality.” - says Agnė Šemberaitė. The art critic Vaidilutė Brazauskaitė wrote: “Each Agne’s work including plates ornamented with animalistic motives or massive vases decorated with “portraits” of mermaids as well as sculptures of hybrid little men figures has a slyly subtle humour. Characters of miraculous fairy tales though with tales, wings but always lovely and cosy, make you smile.”

Dragon-fly, project "Subject. Object", 2009-2010 | 113

James & Laurie Posted on 10/08/12 - 11:32

What a lovely campsite, spacious, clean, reasonably priced and friendly. Would definitely recommend. :)

Honey Valley is a perfect place to spend your leisure time! Ovidijus, owner

Campsite 114 |

culture: street art

Embracing the real in surreal Ideas float everywhere. An old lady with some odd-looking hat at the market. A conversation between two girls who saw an advertisement about plastic surgery and discounts for boob jobs. A group of foreign tourists who feel lost and act funnily. Maybe even the sound of a weird word combination. Absurd and spontaneity inspire art and Artur Širin takes full advantage of little things in life. Born in the mid-eighties, Artur started his relationship with art through graffiti which he fell in love with in his teenage years. And stuck ever since. He believes that creativity is crucial in his life. An important project or just a random sketch – everything counts as a way to express oneself, explore new techniques and measures. Why not try and create toys even if that seems a little crazy? Many of Artur’s works portray animals (cats, mice, rabbits, monkeys) and technical pieces (gears, tools, pipes, buttons). It has been pointed out that these details make the illustrations very lively, dynamic, resembling comics and animated movies. Today Artur’s main activity is architecture. However, his minimalistic but creative approach can be seen not only in his architectural projects. Some of the sharper, more structured details are also spotted in Artur’s artwork: book illustrations, cards, animation, paintings, design objects. In his free time, he has participated in short-movie contest “Pravda viena minutė” multiple times, worked as a webpage designer, created paintings on walls which were used as Christmas cards for various embassies, illustrated V. V. Landsbergis’ book “Angelų pasakos” and L. Jakimavičius’ “Žiogas Zigmas Žalgirio mūšyje”. In addition, Artur has represented Lithuania at a comics’ contest in Brussels, animated a movie about the Roma people, participated in the creation of the biggest graffiti picture in Lithuania.

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culture: art


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Martynas Gaubas is PHENOMENON in Lithuanian and World art. And everything that is said. In the sky of art world he appeared thirteen years ago and started to shine so bright that blinded of his brilliance art donisours generation just professed the fact that somewhere in Radviliskis town was born young artists with the big dose of lye. M. Gaubas form the beginning the same. And after 30 personal exhibitions, 70 group exhibitions, hundreds of various art symposiums, projects and competitions, he didn’t change. No wonder, - because this artist claims from himself a lot. Looking for beauty in ugly shapes, he sqeezes out terribly much form every sculpture, picture or graphic work. From fat cellulite madam to sports-weared sexually perverted angel. Many people usually start to evaluate M. Gaubas art works from visual abominations and many people‘s evaluation ends with them – apparently this is just advertising trick of artist. M. Gaubas offers big supply of visual abominations and let for all this type connoisseures amuse themselves as they just wish and are able to do that. But indeed there is naked reallity in his works. Equally, as it must be. Without make-up and overstate. Absolutly authentic and strict by the time. M. Gaubas is well-known not only in Lithuania, but also in Shanghai, Europe and America – all over the World, form small Birstonas town till the prestigious galleries in Viena and New York, where nestle up the God of surrealism Salvadoro Dali and other art geniuses. And it is not suprising, because he is PHENOMENON. SUPERPHENOMENON, related with charming over-postmodern, provocative, stimulating reflection, powerful and masterly made art. Ramunė Hazir Art reviewer, journalist | 117

culture: design

ADAM CHAIR This chair is therapeutic: it massages the body and gives joy to the soul. Wood, stainless steel, fabric (88% Polyester, 12% Polyurethane)

peace & love

Indra Marcinkevičienė has an exclusive personality. She creates vibrant, colourful, unconventional and decorative interior and provides variation of contrasting colouring and fabric solutions, combinations of geometrical and streamlined forms, and has acquired a vibrant and exclusive style. She is identifiable, which says a lot about her as an author. While involved in the field of interior design, Indra Marcinkevičienė is very close to various art forms (both, visual and applied), thus furniture design came as a natural thing. Art critic Julija Petkevičienė

ABACUS CHAIR Count the happy moments of this day – they are worth it... Wood, stainless steel, fabric (88% Polyester, 12% Polyurethane)

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AB Kauno Grūdai along with Vilniaus Paukštynas and Kaišiadorių Paukštynas make up the KG Group, one of the most modern, economically developed and the largest industrial union in Lithuania. AB Kauno Grūdai, which specializes in processing agricultural products, has broken down its activities into seven business areas: Flour and flour product business Crop production business Noodles business Compound feed and premix business Raw material trade business Pet product business Veterinary pharmacy business

Vilnius and Kaišiadorys poultry farms specialize in the following business activities: Fresh meat and preparations business Meat product business Own retail business Animal by - product business UAB East West Agro - agricultural machinery and equipment trade company.

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