Best in Lithuania 26

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Lithuania very much welcomes United Kingdom investors’ interest to do business in our country. More than 130 investors from the United Kingdom have already implemented investment projects here. Successful projects of British companies Barclays, Callcredit, Sofa Brands serve good practical examples of our cooperation capabilities, and they surely build solid foundation for the future partnerships. Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius (page 6)

The second inernational archery competition for the cup of magazine “Best in Lithuania” was held in Alytus in August. The competition was organized by Alytus archery club “Žaliasis lankas”.




Lithuanian Prime Minister ALGIRDAS BUTKEVIČIUS

To be among EU economic growth leaders

SIGITAS MITKUS, Deputy Ambassador Minister Counsellor, Lithuanian Embassy

We have built a solid foundation for future cooperation between Lithuania and the United Kingdom

SIGITAS BESARGIRSKAS, director of the Department of Economics and Finances of Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists 10

Sigitas Besagirskas: “Lithuania is an ideal partner if you need to make products in small quantities, to do it quickly and with high quality”

Education 14


International School of Law and Business: the missing link between Europe and the CIS countries




Glue laminated windows timber MEDIRESTA UAB



Vilnius intermodal terminal. More logistics services and possibilities for business LITHUANIAN RAILWAYS


Hoptrans Projects. The best solutions for transportation of your cargoes


Limarko Group. Beyond expectations

Magazine „Best in Lithuania“ Nr. 26, 2014 Address: Linoleum design UAB M.Mažvydo str. 9-19, LT-06256 Vilnius Tel. +370 615 83361. E-mail: The editorial office is not responsible for the contens of advertisements

Editor Rimvidas Stankevičius / Advertising manager Gediminas Miškinis / Writers: Vaidas Grudis, Aris Meškauskas, Jūratė Mockuvienė Designer Lina Šiškutė /


manufacturing 24




Created for energy, designed for you SOLITEK

AQ Wiring Systems UAB

Among the three best ones in the world GIRAITĖ ARMAMENT FACTORY AB (GGG)

Fine Organic Synthesis TIKSLIOJI SINTEZĖ UAB








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Professionals of industrial flooring

Br H3C



High quality plastic products HODA UAB

Original technical solutions in the electronic market ELTESTA

The perfect invention that changed clothing habits DENATEKSA

Lelija is the biggest garment manufacturer in Lithuania

Centuries-old shoemaking traditions SABALIN UAB


Things come true with Unicorn LT!


Maišelis production


Food Industry 43


An experencied dairy exporter MARIJAMPOLĖS PIENO KONSERVAI UAB

Distinctive Džiugas is winning the world over ŽEMAITIJOS PIENAS UAB


Breweries of Aukštaitija – the home of Lithuanian ”amber gold“


Galinta buckwheat – delicious and healthy

Service 50

General Medicine Practice Clinic

tourism 52

Biržai. The pearl of Northern Lithuania


The Biržai Castle-Fortress (or History and Beer in one Place)



Have we ever thought about what shoes our ancestors wore five or six hundred years ago?

art & Design 58

Art gallery “terra recognita”


Artists Algirdas and Remigijus Gataveckas


Painter Andrius Miežis


Designer Edvardas Kavarskas


Beauty cannot be empty EMKO

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TO BE AMONG Photo: Andrius Ufatras



Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania ALGIRDAS BUTKEVIÄŒIUS

he past two decades have seen a firm consolidation of democracy and market economy in Lithuania, along with its membership in the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the EU) and the Euro-Atlantic community. We have become a vibrant part of the Western world. It is no coincidence that the crisis-ridden and contracted Lithuanian economy has made it to the fastest growing in the European Union. Following the severe recession, the Lithuanian Government has committed to achieve and maintain sustainable economic growth, which serves the

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basis for better social welfare and business development. The Government aims to step up exports diversification, while looking for new markets. Lithuania’s macroeconomic indicators demonstrate regular economic growth, driven by dynamic export, domestic consumption and investments. The growth of the gross domestic product in 2013 reached the planned target of 3.4 per cent. The GDP per capita exceeds the highest pre-crisis level. Despite various hindrances for the Lithuanian imports into the East, the Lithuanian exports went up by almost 6.5 per cent last year.

Lithuania is expected again this year to be among EU economic growth leaders. The projections show 3 per cent growth in economy, consumption and wages, as well as 10.5 per cent drop in unemployment, and 1 per cent inflation. We are glad that Lithuania has made significant progress as regards better business environment: the World Bank’s Doing Business 2014 has placed Lithuania 17 from the 27th in the previous ranking. Moreover, the 2014 Baseline Profitability Index (BPI) has ranked Lithuania the 2nd in the EU by the highest payback on investment. The successful Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union last year has proved that we are a responsible and reliable partner, which has increased international community’s confidence in us. We can safely say that we have taken another step towards making Lithuania’s name more associated with reliability, quality and integrity. And this will contribute to furthering country’s economic, political and cultural relations. Thanks to our fiscal policy discipline the euro will soon be with us. The long-awaited Lithuanian membership in the euro area will facilitate investment and economic growth. Last year’s European investment attractiveness survey named Lithuania as the first in the Baltic States and the second in Europe as regards its attractiveness for investments. In terms of the population size of Central and Eastern European countries, Lithuania’s results are among the best in the region. There has been a steadily growing interest in our country from investors, and those that have been based here appreciate Lithuania’s advantages, and have plans for further development. One of the main reasons for this is an educated and skilled labour force. Our people are the greatest asset and the main driver towards the innovative Lithuania: 93 per cent of the Lithuanian population have secondary or higher education, 47 per cent aged 24-29 have a university degree; 92 per cent speak at least one foreign language, while more than half of the population can converse in 2 foreign languages. Lithuania very much welcomes United Kingdom investors’ interest to do business in our country. More than 130 investors from the United Kingdom have already implemented investment projects here. Successful projects of British com-

panies Barclays, Callcredit, Sofa Brands serve good practical examples of our cooperation capabilities, and they surely build solid foundation for the future partnerships. It could be fairly stated that the United Kingdom has been one of the most important Lithuania‘s target markets, therefore it is gratifying to witness the smooth development in bilateral trade and investments. The United Kingdom is among top 10 trade partners for Lithuania (8th place). In 2013, the trade turnover between Lithuania and United Kingdom accounted for 1.8 billion EUR. The United Kingdom is our 7th export partner and 12th import partner. Lithuanian production, such as Lithuanian cheese and groceries, has become familiar to the British customers. However, there is still untapped potential to develop our cooperation in trade, especially in the chemical industry, wood industry, textiles and clothing industry, logistics and transport services. Bilateral direct investment is another important platform for boosting our economic exchange. As for the first quarter of 2014, the United Kingdom was the 14th by foreign direct investments in Lithuania, with 220 million EUR already invested. Therefore, we would appreciate to have more UK investors exploring investment possibilities in Lithuania, and developing common projects in the fields of pharmacy and biotechnologies, high technologies, mobile communications and alternative energy. Bilateral cooperation in the fields of science and innovations could be pointed out as self-evident examples of mutually beneficial partnership. Both our countries see innovative, knowledge-based business as a priority for sustainable development of economies. Thus, sharing knowledge and experience is a key to further enhancing economic cooperation. We are pleased with recently growing attention from the United Kingdom Government towards our country. The United Kingdom has actively joined the Nordic-Baltic leaders’ discussion forum on regional innovation prospects. This year, I am again going to meet with British Prime Minister Cameron in Helsinki, at the Northern Future Forum. I am pleased that the United Kingdom is a strong support for the Baltic States, including Lithuania, in the European security system.

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We have built a solid foundation for future cooperation between Lithuania and the United Kingdom SIGITAS MITKUS, Deputy Ambassador Minister Counsellor, Lithuanian Embassy

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ooperation between Lithuania and the United Kingdom has been developing very successfully. Bilateral trade, investments, people to people contacts, cultural and scientific links have been increasing.

A big impetus to our relations was given by the establishment of the Prime Ministers’ Forum of the UK Nordic Baltic countries a few years ago. Politicians, business representatives, artists and scientists have started meeting on a regular basis. Lithuanian and UK bilateral political and economic links have been strengthened even more during the Lithuanian EU Presidency in the second half of

2013. The Lithuanian EU Presidency’s focus on an Open, Credible and Growing Europe was very well supported and received by the UK government and British society. The UK Prime Minister, the leadership of all Governmental departments, representatives of the City of London and leading British business organizations made visits to Vilnius. Seven Lithuanian ministers visited London to participate at conferences and to meet their counterparts. The Lithuanian Embassy in London prepared a rich cultural, political and economic programme specifically designed for the United Kingdom. One of the main objectives of the programme was to present Lithuania as a modern, open, creative, effective and well organized Nordic Baltic country. We held 26 cultural events and 21 conferences. 11000 persons visited Lithuanian exhibitions of architecture, design, contemporary art, and photography, as well as jazz and classical music concerts. These cultural events were combined with 21 conferences on EU policy issues such as the EU banking union, the internal market, transatlantic relations, EU Food safety policy, energy security. More than 1750 participants attended the conferences and roundtable discussions.

SPECIAL FOCUS ON THE INTERNAL MARKET, TRADE, INVESTMENTS, AND RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT In cooperation with the State agency Enterprise Lithuania which is responsible for export promotion and entrepreneurship policy in Lithuania we managed to create the opportunity for our exporters of food products, construction and design services to present themselves to potential partners at four different events. Lithuanian food producing companies participated at the Taste of London Festival, the conference on EU Food Safety Policy as well as at the Royal Agricultural Club’s annual meeting where they were able to meet representatives of import companies, British supermarket chains and retailers. Lithuanian and British construction, design and architectural companies had an opportunity to meet at the conference on Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Architects in the EU organized in cooperation with the Royal Institute of British Architects and the British Construction Council.

Special attention was given to the events in the City of London. Two conferences were organized in cooperation with Invest Lithuania and the City of London Corporation on the EU Banking Union and the regulatory framework for banking and financial services. For the first time, the Lithuanian Days event was organized at 11 Downing Street where the Lithuanian and British finance ministers together with their business delegations discussed ways and means of strengthening bilateral ties. Needless to say, innovation, research and development, as well as cooperation between universities are other areas where we are putting our efforts in initiating common projects. We visited 4 universities, organized roundtable discussions with the Russell Group composed of 24 leading UK universities on possible ways and means of cooperation. Together with the London Science Museum we promoted the development of robotics in the EU by organizing a robots exhibition at the museum. There was also the opportunity to see Lithuanian robots designed by the Kaunas University of Technology. International trade issues were among of our priorities too. Negotiations with the US on transatlantic trade and investment promotion agreements and talks with Eastern European partners on association agreements, including deep and comprehensive free trade agreements, were discussed at the conferences in London.

EXCELLENT COOPERATION WITH BUSINESS During the Lithuanian EU Presidency we enjoyed excellent cooperation with Lithuanian and British businesses. We had 38 partners and 22 supporters for the implementation of the programme. JSC Žemaitijos Pienas, Barclays Bank, E&Y, Vichiunai Group, JSC Birštono vandenys, JSC Skonis ir Kvapas, JSC Lituanica provided very valuable financial support. Lithuanian brands such as Natmade, Lithuanian beer, Naive, Džiugas, Vici, Skonis, Rūta, Vytautas were promoted during our events. We strongly believe that we have managed to build a solid foundation for productive and result-oriented cooperation with business representatives. The Embassy of Lithuania in London is ready to be a partner in implementing new business ideas.

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SIGITAS BESAGIRSKAS: “Lithuania is an ideal partner if you need to make products in small quantities, to do it quickly and with high quality�

he United Kingdom (UK) is one of the most important trading partners of Lithuania. In 2013, it was the 7th most import export market of Lithuania. During the last year the biggest part of products of Lithuanian origin exported to this country consisted of mineral fuels (55,5 percent of all Lithuanian products exported to the UK), also furniture, articles of bedding, mattresses and fertilizers. We speak about the trading tendencies for the two countries with SIGITAS BESARGIRSKAS, director of the Department of Economics and Finances of Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists.

BiL UK is the 12th trading partner for Lithuania. Is this a sufficient indicator and how this bilateral economic relationship could be strengthened? Historically, UK is one of the most important trading partners of ours; during the interwar period Lithuania had only two real export partners, namely UK and Germany. Currently, seeing the potential of this market, the cultural and mentality proximity, the size of Lithuanian migration, Lithuanian business treats UK as one of the most perspective trading partners. Perhaps the biggest business challenge for us is to increase the trade turnovers with Scotland, Ireland and Wales. BiL What do you think, why the export of Lithuanian products to the UK decreased by 16,1 percent in 2013? On the other hand, we can see the increase in the re-export. What does it depend on? 10 |

The statistical indicators were dragged down by the chemical industry, which has a significant relative weight. In 2013, as compared to 2012, its export decreased by 24,6 percent. Food industry, as well as textile and leather industries also decreased a little. Other fields retained the increasing tendency. The decrease in export of chemical industry was influenced by the situation that repeats itself every 4-5 years, when the price of raw materials increase significantly, the demand of products and accordingly its price significantly decrease. Part from that, I think that in 2015 we will see the increase in the export for all of the fields. BiL The peak of the export of Lithuanian products was reached in 2012. Why particularly this year was the most successful for Lithuania in this sense? These exceptionally good results in 2012 were mostly

influenced by the chemical industry, which follows a cyclical pattern. This cycle reached its peak in 2012 and we expect to see another rise in 2015. BiL We can also observe an increase in the production imported from the UK. How do Lithuanian economists assess such tendencies? A significant part of products imported from the UK consist of the long-term investments from the Lithuanian companies, i.e. the import of the equipment and facilities. This shows that Lithuanian companies trust in the engineering products that were made in UK. This trade relationship assures closer cooperation at a later time in the form of service links, as the bought equipment will need repairs, parts and other tools. BiL Around 1994, when Lithuania was not even in the EU, we were compared to Ireland in terms of geography and potential. The latter one was shown to us as an example and aspiration. What are the current economic relations between Lithuania and Ireland? It is a paradox that we have the biggest amount of Lithuanian emigrants in Ireland, but the trading relations with Ireland remain relatively low. We have a lot of similarities with this country, but we do not use up this similarity enough. One of the nearest challenges for Lithuania should be the strengthening of economic relations. BiL Did Lithuanian business experience any of the difficulties before entering the UK market? UK is one of the most regulated and at the same time

bureaucratic markets. When coming from the more liberal countries, most of the rules and business norms in the UK sound rather comic, starting from the fact that the plumber can fix the pipes only of one specific diameter and after seeing another diameter, he states that he does not have a permission for its, finishing with various certificates, for example, BRC, which does not really ensure anything positive for the user, but costs more than ten thousand British pounds (GPB) for the exporter. BiL Why would Lithuanian business and the production made in our country be attractive to the UK and its regions or to Ireland? In Germany and Scandinavian countries, Lithuanian producers are famous for being reliable. I know dozens of examples when the companies from the UK, Germany or Denmark would in the end choose Lithuanian products, when buying from several countries of the Eastern and Central Europe. Recently I had to communicate with a chairman of the board of one of the timber companies in Belgium. He provided a simple basis of why Lithuania is the best provider for him. According to him, “if I would like to order the production on a Friday evening and I will ask that it would be delivered on a Tuesday morning, the Lithuanian company would do so. The flexibility is infinite. I also know that I will not need to check it, since this country does not make defective goods�. Lithuania is an ideal partner if you need to make products in small quantities, to do it quickly and you do not want to spend money for quality management. In this sense, we are probably the champions in the Eastern and Central Europe. | 11


Kuben Yrkesarena, Norway

Smålands Musik & Teater, Sweden

Oslo Smålands university, MusikNorway & Teater, Jönköping

Ullevi Park 1, Sweden

Radisson Blu, Sweden

Swedbank, Lithuania

West Heath Road, United Kingdom

Kuggen, Sweden


INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF LAW AND BUSINESS: the missing link between Europe and the CIS countries he mission of ISLB is to develop a professional for the advanced society. We seek to provide the studies, which would liberate students’ creativity, instill responsibility, teach them to develop new ideas and give them the courage to implement these ideas in the global market. During sixteen years since its foundation, the International School of Law and Business has established itself among the leaders of higher education providers in Lithuania based on the quality of studies and students’ satisfaction; moreover, the school remains a leader in regards of the number of foreign students. The institution is highly regarded for the best graduates’ employment rates, best academic personnel, and modern and innovative teaching methods. Attractive study programmes and foreign student related study conditions determined the choice and decision of students from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Nigeria and other countries to study at International School of Law and Business. Euro-integration related processes, an ability to adapt to global competition, and requirements of contemporary employers resulted in creating new joint study programmes with partner institutions from Bulgaria and Poland. A joint Cosmetology study programme has been created in collaboration with the Academy of Cosmetics and Health Care (Polish, Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa Kosmetyki i Pielęgnacji Zdrowia w Warszawie), and a Marketing and Media Art study programme has been created in partnership with the International University College, Bulgaria. During the process of the joint programme development, strengths of each institution were emphasized and that was the basis for creating exceptional study opportunities in Lithuania.

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The newest study programmes have been added to the constantly growing list of study programmes for international students. The study programmes have been presented at exhibitions in the Commonwealth of Independent States and they have been well received by the local youth. Paradoxically, potential students from the CIS countries prefer studies in English to studies in Russian, and that is exactly what ISLB is focusing on by providing 6 study programmes in English language. The International School of Law and Business collaborates with more than 100 partners from 25 countries including institutions from the Netherlands, UK, Bulgaria, Poland and it is constantly looking for new partners and opportunities that would promote the progress of higher education in the Eastern/CIS countries.

KEY FACTS: The School has been ranked as the top school since 2009. The first place among colleges for international diversity, the second place in regards of graduates’ employment rates. Joint study programmes in collaboration with Bulgarian and Polish institutions. It is the college with the biggest number of international students in Lithuania.

STUDY PROGRAMMES: Business Management Marketing International Business Law Tourism and Hotel Business Cosmetology Marketing and Media Art | 15



he Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU, Lietuvos sveikatos moksl킬 universitetas) is a new appearance in the area of Lithuanian higher education. On June 30, 2010, the Seimas (Parliament) of the Republic of Lithuania passed a resolution to merge Kaunas University of Medicine (KMU) and the Lithuanian Veterinary Academy (LVA). Now LSMU is the biggest institution of higher education for biomedical sciences in Lithuania, continuing the best traditions of KMU and LVA. Students of medicine, odontology and nursing gain their practical skills at the Hospital of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, which is the largest medical institution in the Baltic States. More than 1,200 highly qualified doctors and

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2,400 members of the nursing staff take care of over 78,000 patients at the LSMU Hospital each year. The entire medical staff values innovative and progressive methods of treatment and diagnostics, which meet global standards. Pharmacy students gain practical skills at the University Pharmacy, which is designed not only to serve the public but also to be the main training facility of the Faculty of Pharmacy, offering students a broad spectrum of practical knowledge and skills, and providing them with firsthand working experience. Students seeking to become veterinary doctors obtain their practical skills in large and small animal clinics and operating rooms of the Veterinary Academy. Since 1990, LSMU has been the Alma Mater of many international students and 600 fulltime foreign students from 46 countries (mainly Israel, Spain, Sweden, Lebanon, Poland, India, South Korea, Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom) are currently enrolled here. The number of studying internationally is increasing every year. Italy, France, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Finland and Norway are the most popular Erasmus partner countries among LSMU students. Foreign students choosing to study at LSMU most often come from Spain, Italy, Latvia, Belgium and Poland. The Library and Information Centre of the University is one of the most modern libraries in the EU, which is a member of the Association of European Research Libraries, LIBER, the main network for research libraries in Europe. The library has both virtual and RFID technologies, and is very popular among researchers and students not only in Lithuania but in foreign countries too for its unique architecture and information systems.








Master of Medicine / Physician





Master of Odontology / Odontologist





Master of Pharmacy / Pharmacist



Veterinary Medicine


Master of Veterinary Medicine / Veterinary Surgeon



Food Safety


Bachelor of Public Health



Public Health


Master of Public Health





Bachelor of Nursing / General Practice Nurse



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he name of MediResta has been known in the Lithuanian and foreign markets since 1993. The Company is one of the leading Lithuanian manufacturers of pine glue laminated timber for windows and doors. The Company also produces finger-jointed edge glued pine panels for production of windowsills, stairs, furniture and etc.

More than 20 years of experience enable us to fulfil strict customer demands from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, Baltics and others. The automated production process, together with long and great experience of our professional team, allow us to reach the highest quality demands. Windows and outer doors made from our glue laminated timber are installed in various climatic zones, starting from severe climate of Iceland to arid Arabia. Glue laminated windows timber is made from carefully selected highest quality FSC速 certified Baltic pine timber. Wood drying is performed in modern computer controlled kilns using gentle drying mode to avoid unwanted cracks and wood surface tensions. The Company is constantly investing in new technologies, wood processing is performed using modern leading Germany manufacturers equipment. Glue laminated timber production process is monitored by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden. All Company glued products are marked with FSC100%. || 19


VILNIUS INTERMODAL TERMINAL more logistics services and possibilities for business


his year is exceptional for Lietuvos geleŞinkeliai AB (Lithuanian Railways) because the 95th anniversary, marking the beginning of railways of independent Lithuania is commemorated. It is already in autumn that one of the largest and most expensive strategic objects of transport – Vilnius intermodal terminal (VIT) is to start operating. Speed, technologies and competition are three principles on the basis of which construction of this important object was commenced. It is forecasted that this would be a great leap forward for the sector of transport of the country. It is planned to implement modern technologies that have been tested

in Europe in Vilnius intermodal terminal intended for consolidating and distributing cargoes in Vilnius region, to scan the cargoes brought in with the help of special apparatus, to automate and computerise all the procedures taking place in it in accordance with the most advanced world tendencies. Lithuania takes the leading position in the cargo carrying sphere among the Eastern European States. Our sector of transport creates up to one fourth of the country’s GDP. None of the member states of the European Union can boast of such achievements. It is planned that after Vilnius intermodal terminal starts operating, Lithuania will strengthen its positions even more and will increase cargo flows up to 100 thousand containers per year.

Vilniaus Intermodalinis Terminalas

Vilniaus Intermodalinis Terminalas

Kauno Intermodalinis Terminalas

20 | Kauno Intermodalinis Terminalas


the masters of comfort

LONAS – is the manufacturer of Lithuanian mattresses, which has been known in Lithuanian market since 1993. A unique advantage of LONAS is the highest product reliability and neat work of Lithuanian masters. In 2011 LONAS presented its collection of “breathing” mattresses, which consists of three lines of mattresses: TYLA®, HARMONIJA® and MŪZA®. This collection was awarded the diploma of GOOD DESIGN. Its three mattresses were awarded GOLD medal in Lithuanian product of the year competitions and one mattress was awarded SILVER medal. At the end of 2013, inspired by music, LONAS presented new LONAS musical collection of beds that was created all year round. The collection consists of ten beds, twelve accessories, wide range of textures and colors. If you improvise, even 14400 different combinations are possible; they will turn your bedroom into a cozy, stylish and unique oasis of tranquility.

Lithuanian mattresses |

Masters of comfort.

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The best solutions for transportation of your cargoes optrans Projects UAB is a logistics and transport company. Specialisation of the Company is railway transportation. In cooperation with its partners, the Company provides all transportation services in any combined way of transportation. The Company is an official representative of OAO Transkonteiner (Russia) and AO Kedentransservis (Kazakhstan) in Lithuania. Hoptrans Projects cooperates closely with railway operators and companies of Lithuania, Russia and other states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Hoptrans Projects provides multimodal complex logistics services: • by railway; • by air; • by sea; • by motor transport; • also warehousing and customers brokerage services in the European Union and the CIS countries; • offers all types of platforms and containers in the European and CIS countries.

The Company carries cargoes in railway wagons of all types (standard wagons, cisterns, choppers, cooling sections, etc.): • Takes care of mapping out the most optimal cargo carrying route and its implementation; • organises door-to-door delivery of the cargoes; • sees to it that all necessary documents should be handled and legalised; • organises transportation of outsized cargoes; • can deliver cargoes to any country in the world; • provides any other services related to logistics. The freight-container train BALTIC WIND (goods train) is an exceptional project carried out by Hoptrans Projects. The train runs regularly along the route Lithuania – Kazakhstan. According to the 2013 results, Company Hoptrans Projects was awarded “The best railway logistics company of the year 2013” and “The railway operator of the year 2013”.








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beyond expectations rigins of LIMARKO GROUP date back to 1993, when Limarko UAB – one of the first shipping agents and chartering brokers in Klaipeda Port, Lithuania – was established. Success of this company, based on continuous improvement, allowed the company to grow and diversify its services. Today, LIMARKO GROUP consists of five companies in Lithuania and Belarus, providing wide range of transport services. Throughout 20 years, high quality services and reputation for excellence have always been our driving force. Providing services in the most efficient and socially responsible way is the key objective of LIMARKO GROUP. Come on board and let our experience help you become more successful!

LIMARKO GROUP: Limarko UAB Limarko Shipping Company AB Limarko Maritime Agency UAB Baltkonta UAB Limbela Logistics Ltd. SERVICES: Container transportation services Multimodal shipments and logistics solutions Break bulk and heavy lift cargo logistics, transportation and chartering Commercial, technical and operational ship management services Freight forwarding Ship agency Cargo handling in ports Warehousing || 23




SoliTek is the new joint trademark of The BOD Group companies, Baltic Solar Solutions and Baltic Solar Energy, and partners Via Solis. We are located in the Visoriai IT Park in Vilnius, Lithuania.

The BOD Group itself is a well-known CD, DVD and Blu-ray disc manufacturer, successfully working all around the European Union. This rapidly developing company combines the most sophisticated technologies and over 15 years of manufacturing experience to step into PV (Photovoltaic) cell and module production. The SoliTek manufacturing plant is based in one of the greenest plants in Central and Eastern Europe, the L.I.G.H.T. WING, in Vilnius. The patented geothermal heating/cooling system of our building and manufacturing equipment were created by the BOD Group and partners‘ engineers and save up to 40% of the company’s energy costs.

SoliTek residence at L.I.G.H.T. WING centre, Visoriai IT Park 24 || 24

SoliTek is proud to offer advanced Glass/ Glass PV modules with innovative edgesealing technology developed by LISEC. These technologically advanced modules are much more durable and efficient than standard PV modules.

CUSTOMISED PRODUCTION – FOCUSING ON THE CUSTOMER The specifications and dimensions of SoliTek modules are fully customised with a wide range of standard and BIPV (Building Integrated PV) applicability. The customer is able to choose various dimensions, module shapes and glass features, as well as different colours of cell and glass background. SoliTek activities are oriented towards customer satisfaction by focusing on fully customised production (unlike other major solar products manufacturers). The production specifications and dimensions are adapted for each customer individually in any of company’s offices (Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn, and Munich). TECHNOLOGY AND R&D SoliTek operates the complete production chain from PV cells to finished PV modules. The company specialises in Multi-crystalline PV cells (80 MW / year) and Glass/Glass modules (50 MW / year) production. In cooperation with Singulus Technologies, our R&D laboratory continuously develops and upgrades the production processes. By the end of 2014, SoliTek will be able to reach more than 18,1 % cell efficiency, thanks to PERC technology (IVth generation PV cells). Close cooperation with leading science laboratories, high-tech companies, and universities attracts investors from all around the world. SoliTek Glass/Glass modules have already gained attention and evaluation for their innovative features in the prestigeous Intersolar 2014 awards, and climbed into the top ten nominees from more than 120 products. TOP RANKED PARTNERSHIP

Over 18% multi-crystalline cell efficiency is planned by 2015 Q1. The innovative module full-perimeter edge-sealing technology guarantees module’s resistance to humidity and other degrading forces. Customised SoliTek modules can be used for both standard and Building Integrated applications.

SOLITEK PRODUCTION PV MULTI-CRYSTALLINE CELLS SoliTek manufactures PV multi-crystalline cells in-house and supplies them to European module manufacturers. By the end of 2014, it is expected to gain over 18% of cell efficiency due to PERC technology (IVth generation PV cells). • Manufactured in the EU using green energy • 17.6% efficiency • CalLab 100% PID-free cells • Positive sorting 0-3% • 100% quality inspection and automated sorting by colour PV GLASS/GLASS MODULES

SoliTek cooperates together with solar industry leaders like Singulus Technologies, Mondragon Assembly, Semco Engineering, Lisec, Jonas & Redmann, and others.

Glass/Glass (G/G) modules are produced by laminating PV cells between two sheets of glass, instead of standard glass and plastic. It has better resistance to atmospheric conditions and longer lifespan of 30-40 years. SoliTek uses innovative edge-sealant technology for 100% cell protection from humidity and other degrading forces.

Sharing experiences is the best way to create a synergy and higher value to the customer.

Glass/Glass modules can be fully customised by size, shape, colour of cells and glass with wide applicability for Building Integrated (BIPV) solutions.

• Manufactured in the EU using green energy • 30+ years lifespan • Higher resistance to atmospheric impact • Higher heat dispersion and light transmission • 100% EL double inspection • Unlimited design possibilities

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AQ Wiring Systems UAB was established in 2001. More than 500 workers are employed in the Lithuanian production plant occupying 10 thousand square metres located in the fifth largest town in Lithuania – Panevėžys. Since 2012 the company is a part of Swedish capital group - AQ Group. Since its inception in 1994, AQ Group has shown a steady and fast growth with good profitability. The Group has approximately 3300 employees, including 75% in growth countries outside Sweden. AQ Group consists of 21 operational subsidiaries spread in these countries: Sweden, Bulgaria, Estonia, India, Italy, China, Lithuania, Poland, Mexico. All AQ Group companies span a wide range of products from simple component manufacture to complete system solutions and consist of 7 business areas, which are the following: Electric Cabinets; Wiring Systems; Special Technologies; OEM Products; Injection Molding; Sheet Metal Processing and Inductive Components. AQ Wiring Systems UAB belongs to Wiring Systems business area together with plants in Poland, China, India and Mexico, it provides components and systems for industrial customers with high demands. Company targets at customers who are world leading in their respective niches, such as power transmission, telecommunication, trains, food and trucks. Faultless production and 100% delivery accuracy are not enough to 26 |

make Company‘s customers grow together with AQ Group companies. These companies are steadily becoming more efficient so as to be able to keep up with their competitors when customers demand price reductions and flexibility. Customers’ demand vary over time and Company must be able to adopt but at the same time get a stable production. AQ Wiring Systems UAB faces different challenges for serial and batch production, but the same principles apply. By working systematically and efficiently, Company establishes itself as an attractive supplier and its customers become long-term partners. To be a world leading company, AQ Wiring Systems UAB focuses on working with world leading suppliers. With Companies’ commitment to Total Quality, the product and the quality of services are the utmost important strategy. On the other hand, in the competitive market of today’s automotive industry, the needs for high quality products and just in time deliveries are a necessity for business success. AQ Wiring Systems aims to be a world leader in cost effectiveness, quality, security of supply, alertness and service. Our core values are customer focus, simplicity, entrepreneurial business, cost efficiency, courage and respect. Our vision is to be in a market position where our customers consider AQ Wiring Systems as their first choice.

PRODUCTS AQ Wiring Systems UAB manufactures cable harnesses and electromechanical systems for heavy vehicle industry. Main customers of the Company are manufacturers of buses, trucks, and construction equipment. All products manufactured at the enterprise are exported. The geography of export is very wide: Sweden, Finland, Russia, Belgium, Poland, Germany, France, the USA, Canada, Korea, China, New Zealand and Australia. Brazil and India are also served from Lithuania at present time. Quite complicated manually assembled products are sent to the best world factories of commercial vehicles. The production of the enterprise is specialised and differs greatly from the market of light vehicles, which is noted for stability of production, large batches totalling to hundreds of thousands items. AQ Wiring Systems UAB manufactures medium-sized and small batches of goods. This is a wide assortment of products and complicated products adapted to the customers and modified. Within a year, more than 3700 products of different completing are manufactured for which more than 4000 different components are used by implementing on average 4-5 new products daily. The heavy commercial vehicles industry differs from the light commercial vehicles industry. Furthermore, innovations are constantly be-

ing implemented in this industry, therefore, new technological solutions and close cooperation with the customers are necessary. Flexibility in reorganising production, the necessity to adapt it to the needs of the customers, to fulfil and even to exceed the customers‘ expectations of quality and accuracy of presenting the products are strong points of the enterprise, which guarantee long-term co-operation and reliability. To achieve this, the Company emphasizes that quality and continuous process improvement are the responsibility of all its employees. Certified quality management and environmental protection systems that comply with ISO 9001, ISO/ TS 16949, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 standards have been introduced at the enterprise. Logistics systems were given the highest rating according to AIAG and Odette world logistics evaluation model MMOG/LE. The Company is assigned a high credit level. Only 5% of Lithuanian companies have been rated at the same level. In quest for customer satisfaction ant faultless production, Company continuosly improves all processes. Faultless manufacturing is achieved by the use of systematic methods and quality assurance techniques. Only as little as 0.001% of presented production falls short of the customers‘ quality requirements. AQ Wiring Systems UAB pursues to understand customers‘ demands in order

to be able to enhance customer satisfaction continuously and remain competitive. SIGNIFICANT FROM A SOCIAL POINT OF VIEW AQ Wiring Systems UAB is of great significance to Panevėžys region from the social point of view. Several times Company received acknowledgments for its active contribution to the employment programs of Panevėžys region. The trade union of workers operates in the Company, the Collective Agreement is legally acting there. Company adheres to the highest level of ethical and social behavior. Great attention is paid to ensure safe and healthy working conditions. From the project design stage, Company keeps goal to implement safety requirements in all production steps and levels. The certified Occupational Health and Safety Management System OHSAS 18001 has been introduced in the Company. There is always active participation in the workplace safety enforcement campaigns of Europe and Company‘s good practice examples are presented there. AQ Wiring Systems promotes a variety of health programs implementation with particular attention paid to employees‘ health care. The company aims to ensure employees‘ job satisfaction and the personal development of all Company team members. || 27




Giraitė Armament Factory AB (GGG), which is among the three best ones in the world according to the quality of ammunitions it manufactures, with every year exports more and more of its products beyond the borders of Lithuania.

“At the present time negotiations are being held with the customers in America, England and other states. Now we no longer need to tell the customers what and how we produce, and what quality our products are – they receive information from other sources”, stated Aleksandras Nikonovas, the acting Director of Giraitė Armament Factory. Nearly 100 per cent of the Factory’s production is exported. Mainly to NATO, the States of the European Union and the Near East. According to Aleksandras Nikonovas, if the agreements turn out to be a success, customers of the American market will become a new customer of GGG. “This year we renewed cooperation with Poland, sent more products than usually to the Near East. We are looking forward to receiving more important orders from England”, listed the interlocutor adding that one of the goals this year is to expand the market in Great Britain, and to supplement the ranks of the existing long-standing intermediaries with new partners.

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Quality control of cartridge case. Precision is one of GGG principles of daily work

GGG is one of the most modern factories of smallcalibre ammunition currently operating in the world. New technologies enabling ammunition meeting NATO highest quality requirements to be manufactured have been implemented. GGG, which started its activity in 2000, had certified all the cartridges it manufactured by May 2005, and it was granted the right to mark them with the NATO symbol of interchangeability. GGG is considered to be one of the best and most innovative small-calibre manufacturers in the world whose all products are tested and confirmed by the British Proof Laboratory”. Among the ammunition manufactured by GGG, there are 7.62×51 mm NATO Ball cartridges and 5.56×45 mm NATO Ball cartridges that have been successfully tested in the NATO testing centres, as well as 308 WIN type cartridges adapted for a civil market for professionals and enthusiasts of sport shooting and hunting. All of them are manufactured according to STANAG requirements and tested according to MC-MOPI and CIP requirements. Labelling of all types of ammunition packaging is made according to the customers’ requests. Ammunition is delivered in linked belts, stripper clips or bulk in boxes. In 2009, the GGG quality assurance system started operating in accordance with the latest standards of quality and environmental protection management systems ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2005.

Cartridge case recrystallization. Heat treatment is very important for further production step

Unique 580 m indoor shooting range with infrared screens for projectile velocity measure and acoustic target for accuracy determination

THE ONLY ONE IN THE BALTIC STATES GGG that is located near Kaunas is the only one in the Baltic States. Several years have been successful to GGG but the year 2012 could be called exceptional, since the factory did not only reach a record turnover but also expanded its market in the Near East. Furthermore, GGG presented its new product to the Lithuanian market – 308 WIN cartridges of several designs.

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Br H3C

CH3 5,9-Dibromo-7,7-dimethyl-7H-benzo[c]fluorene



ine Synthesis (in Lithuanian Tikslioji Sintezė UAB) is a small private enterprise, located in Vilnius, Lithuania. It was established in 2000 as a spinoff from Vilnius University Liquid Crystals Laboratory and functions in a very close cooperation with the said laboratory, sharing the fields of activity: new processes are worked out in Vilnius University Liquid Crystals Laboratory, while scaling up and pilot syntheses are carried out at Fine Synthesis. Tikslioji Sintezė operates in the field of fine organic synthesis, i.e. produces and supplies different organic products. The main destination of its products – organic electronics; started in liquid crystals synthesis, it later switched to OLED and organic photovoltaics.






CH3 Si 4-(Trimethylsilyl)tolane

At present, the main list of products contains about 300 names; a number of products aren’t placed in this list according NDA agreements with customers. The main list of products has been placed at our website.

CH 3


(3,5-Diphenylphenyl)boronic acid

HO 30 |





CH3 1,2,3,4-Tetramethylbenzene






O Fluorescamine


The products are rather different – from well known (say, 1-Bromo-4-hexylbenzene) to those, which are produced using our know-how (say, 1-Bromo-3-hexylbenzene, 2,6-di-tert-Butylpyridine, 4-Hexylaniline) and to products, which aren’t produced by other companies (2-Methyl-4hexylaniline, 2-Phenylanthracene and other). Some compounds are ready-to-use products (2-aryl-pyridine either tolane class liquid crystals, 2,2’-bipyridine derivatives for photovoltaics etc.), some – used as intermediates for further synthesis of OLED structures. The amounts depend on the nature of products and their demand – from tens-hundred grams (Fluorescamine for amino-acid analyzers) to hundred kg (tolane type LC, some alkylphenyl bromides). The main feature of the work – usually the synthesis procedures are not directly taken from literature, but transformed and optimized, seeking the highest yields and the highest product purity. Most often the products are >99% purity, when required – higher, say, 99.95% purity for 2-(4-alkylphenyl)5-alkylpyrimidines. These results are based on a perfect knowledge of literature data and high professional skills of the leading specialists. There are several categories of our customers. Such customers are reagent companies, trade companies, also companies that engage both in trade and synthesis, and companies that are primarily engaged in development of new materials for organic electronics.




We estimate that the main value of Fine Synthesis consists of: • an ability of a rapid introduction of new products, especially when they still are not reported in literature and not supplied in the market; • an ability of an introduction of new synthesis schemes, working out processes suitable for bulk production; • an operation in rather different fields of organic compounds, production of high purity products.





CH 3

Br Some examples of the compounds, produced by Fine Synthesis UAB

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Professionals of industrial flooring In the competitive industrial flooring sector, companies constantly are looking for exclusivity, providing the best quality and speed of the work. These are exactly the main aspects connecting company EIGVIDA.

floors are suitable for all industries and installation technologies are distinguished by universality: • KORODUR flooring can be installed both on fresh and existing concrete base. • NEODUR dry-shake is carried out dry on the fresh screed or concrete surface. • Both are suitable indoors and outdoors.

LONGTIME EXPERIENCE EIGVIDA UAB has qualified employees, who has been working in the industrial flooring sector for more than 20 years. Working with German company‘s KORODUR WESTPHAL HARTBETON GmbH&Co. materials and qualified employees, the company ensures high quality work. The aggregates of KORODUR, made of one or several components according to the German construction standarts DIN 1100, are in compliance with the coating groups A, M and KS. The 32 ||

Working with these German materials, company‘s specialists have already made more than 1 million square meters in Lithuania and Kaliningrad. Floors are made in many notable companies, such as Lifosa, Lukoil, Carlsberg group, Girteka, shopping center network IKI, Lithuanian nuclear power station, car manufacturing plant AVTOTOR in Kaliningrad, which assembles BMW and KIA Motors automobiles, food processing company KALININGRADSKIJ DELIKATES and more.

Unique Robotic Power Trowel

THE FUTURE BELONGS FOR TECHNOLOGIES For the past few years, the specialists of Lithuanian company EIGVIDA have been working on a unique project. The aim was to create a robotic power trowel, which can operate with minimal human supervision, make the floor finishing process more efficient, less burdensome, and requiring less human resources. Current industrial floor finishing process takes a few or even more hours for workers to use trowels while hardening and finishing screed of concrete. Therefore, the work is difficult and tiresome. During the process, people are exposed to vibration and in consequence, muscle diseases may develop. Our automatic control system can be installed on any standard hydraulic power trowel, thus making it capable for automatic floor finishing. In order for the robot to be able to work both indoors and outdoors, accurate laser positioning system was chosen for the navigation. In addition, positioning system is easily transported, can cover large working area and is quickly calibrated on the work site. Moreover, accuracy achieved by this system allows to use it not only for robotic trowel navigation, but also for floor level and other measurements. Furthermore, one operator is sufficient to maintain and control several robotic trowels or even a chain of small construction machinery. The operator’s task is to select working area on the computer screen with other parameters, such as working trajectory type, riding speed and the robot will carry out assigned tasks. All information about working progress or important technological parameters may be seen on the PC on operator’s request. || 33


High quality

PLASTIC PRODUCTS HODA manufactures high quality plastic products by plastic injection moulding technology for customers in 8 European countries and distributes products to all over the world.

Hoda has more than 20 years history in the industrial plastic products injection moulding, and is one of the biggest plastic parts producers by injection moulding in Lithuania. We have over 140 qualified employees, 3400 m2 production plant and 2500 m2 warehousing facilities.

PS, ABS, POM, PA, PC, PVC-h, TPE, Durez. Our services: • mould making for injection moulding • plastic injection moulding • plastic blow moulding • plastic thermosetting moulding (heat resistant products) • gas injection plastic moulding • padprinting and screenprinting • assembling • bonding and gluing • drilling • labelling and custom packaging • warehouse facilities • delivery

Injection moulding of most common plastics with 52 modern machines with clamping force from 28 to 1400 tons, and shot weight up to 10000 grams. Main plastic raw materials we use are the following: PE, PP,

HODA is ISO 9001: 2008 certificated. Our quality department works 24/7 and uses modern quality inspection methods to measure dimensions, gloss and colour parameters.

The Company manufactures products for different industries: • electronics • furniture • automotive • construction • household appliances • equipment

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Original technical solutions IN THE ELECTRONIC MARKET

LTESTA is a company which designs and manufacturers an extensive line of high-performance electronic equipment based on Time-Domain Technologies in Pico- and Nanosecond Areas. The key point of these technologies is generating and acquiring electrical and optical signals with very fast rise time. Main coaxial and waveguide units of the instruments built under this technology are: wide-bandwidth Samplers, picosecond pulse Generators, Wide-Bandwidth Antennas, HF Accessories. They all use very fast semiconductors. Line of the instruments includes: WideBandwidth PC-Sampling Oscilloscopes also working as Communication Analyzer, Time Domain Reflectometer and Network Analyzer; Pulse, Step and One Sine-wave

Generators, Impulse Radars (Ground Penetrating Radar and Mine Detector for effective detection of buried non-metallic anti-personnel and anti-tank mines). Our products serve a vast number of markets, including the high frequency telecommunication industry, semiconductors testing, electronic test instrumentation, computers, aerospace, research, military, police, among others. Instruments can be used for civil and military applications. Many of the products are the key components of T&M systems, which work in pico- and nanosecond data acquisition systems. In some application they can be used as calibrators. ELTESTA’s designing and manufacturing process utilizes highly skilled assemblers and quality assurance testing. All operations are performed in-house

laboratories, including product design, assembly, final test and calibration. ELTESTA was founded as a company in 1993. Today ELTESTA is a joint-stock company with mixed shares capital. At present time, ELTESTA is a sister-company of British company Pico Technology. The name of company was derived of two words – ELECTRONICS and TESTING, i.e. ELTESTA. Please contact us for more detailed product specifications and applications. Demo versions for most products are also available. || 35



that changed clothing habits Since the pantyhose was invented, its production has fractionally changed. Some people will say that its colors and patterns have been changing, but this is just the whims of fashion and design. Knitting machines have changed only in the increasing number of electronics and reduced need of handwork.


echnologically, the production of pantyhose remains similar, like in the 1940s, when nylon tights were invented in the United States. In fact, nylon tights were individually sewn just for actresses and dancers. In 1953, Allen Gant created pantyhose for the mass mar36 |

ket, yet, the mass production of pantyhose started in the fifties, during the breakthrough time of textile industry. Since then, the sales of pantyhose for the first time exceeded the sales of socks. This trend has been continuing up to now, because pantyhose is a comfortable, aesthetic, and practical piece of our wardrobe that even protects against the cold.

LIKE THE SECOND SKIN Several parameters show whether the panty-hose is of really good quality: percentage of lycra; amount of other materials (microfiber, cotton, wool, acrylic); pantyhose density, darts, the composition of waits, etc. For a decade running joint-stock company Denateksa takes care that the

duction through distributors is exported to Germany, the Netherlands, Latvia, Denmark, and the Great Britain. The company expects to find more new customers in the United Kingdom, since in 2013 the export market to this country amounted 1,21 billion EUR. The fourth largest category of Lithuanian goods exported to the United Kingdom is a variety of textile products. Lithuanians have long been known for their well-developed textile industry, whereas, an intense internal competition in socks manufacturing industry is undergoing, this motivates to achieve the best results. QUALITY AND TIMELY FULFILLMENT OF ORDERS

PRODUCTION OF DENATEKSA UAB: TIGHTS due to the micro-fiber used for production are extremely soft and comfortable to wear, nice and snug, 60 dens-thick. PANTYHOSE from 15 to 100 dens-thick, strengthened pants and toes areas. According to the order, it may contain from 97 percent of polyamide and 3 percent of elastane to 84 percent of polyamide and 16 percent of elastane. CASUAL SOCKS from 15 to 40 dens-thick, strengthened toes area. According to the order, they may contain from 97 percent of polyamide and 3 percent of elastane to 84 percent of polyamide and 16 percent of elastane. DRESS SOCKS from 20 to 40 dens-thick, strengthened toes area. According to the order, they may contain from 97 percent of polyamide and 3 percent of elastane to 84 percent of polyamide and 16 percent of elastane. ANKLE SOCKS are thin and slightly cover feet, made of polyamide. They are perfect with spring shoes, because they are “invisible”. SHOE FITTING SOCKS that, according to the hygiene standards, are used in shoe stores to try on footwear are made of polyamide.

customer receives only quality products. No coincidence that the company’s motto is “It’s like the second skin for your feet”. It perfectly describes the objective that the piece of clothing, which is nearest to human body, would not cause any discomfort.

of ankle socks. The annual turnover of the company ranges from 3,5 to 4 million Litas (about 1 million Euros). Denateksa is an average Lithuanian company, by producing such small products it is able to make good returns.

The International Oeko-Tex 100 certificate evidences the quality of production. It certifies that the products are of high quality, safe, as well as without risk to health and the environment.

Denateksa and Miledi brands are known in the Lithuanian market. The company’s production with other brand names is delivered to foreign markets. It is a rational decision that guaranteed the stability of the company during various economic crises.

Every month, the company can produce up to 400 thousand pieces of pantyhose, up to 800 thousand pieces of casual socks or dress socks, and up to a million pieces

Usually every month a diverse range of products is produced, according to customer’s needs and season. About 98 percent of pro-

Denateksa has achieved its greatest success and recognition by consistently pushing forward to the international market. The company is appreciated by the customers for its high-quality products, quick response to fashion and market trends, as well as flexible cooperation. The company’s competitive advantage against other companies is that its production is of high quality and timely fulfilled. According to the company’s CEO, Irena Cicėnaitė, the clients lack good manufacturers, who are fair and comply with terms. “10 years experience with German customers has taught us to work with precision, strictly fulfill the orders and make particularly quality products. Before the start of the order, we try to figure out all the nuances with the customer in order to avoid any misunderstandings later. In cooperation, it is impossible to depart from your word, and it is obvious that customers appreciate this”, says the company’s CEO. Currently, the company is going through a sort of second breath, and is looking for new customers who want quality products for an adequate price. Socks professionals from Denateksa are able to make the wishes of the most demanding customers come true, while maintaining a high level of business culture. | 37



IS THE BIGGEST GARMENT MANUFACTURER IN LITHUANIA ompany Lelija was established in 1947. Currently, a total of 1100 employees work with the Company annually producing around one million outerwear textile clothing for men, women and children, 90% of which is exported to West European and Scandinavian countries. Suits, jackets, blazers, trousers, coats, raincoats, skirts, shirts, blouses, vests, dresses and uniforms constitute the main assortment of the Company and are produced on specialized 18 production lines. High quality classical style suits for men, ladies and schoolchildren constitute the Company’s main production volume. Lelija has large garment manufacturing capacities and also its own commercial network (26 garment shops, 3 cafés, one hotel and one resort). The main enterprise is located in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, where there are sample making, CAD (designing), CAM (cutting) departments and 9 specialized sewing workshops. The Company has 5 affiliates in others cities in Lithuania. All state-of-the-art technological equipment come from some of the world’s leading technical manufacturers in West European, the USA and Japan. Alongside fabric cutting, fusing, sewing and finishing operations, there exists the possibility to make quilting and embroidery. Annually two new garment collections are created. All manufacturing operations are performed exclusively in Lithuania and by the local people only. We manufacture garment models, both created by our designers and according to the model documentation delivered to us by our clients. The staff of the Company are all highly experienced specialists who have wide and long experience of working in the sphere of sewing. Most of them have undergone a traineeship with the leading-edge sewing companies in the USA and Western European countries. All technological equipment is maintained by the Company’s experienced electronic, mechanic and IT technical staff on the regular basis. The Company has been awarded the ISO 9001 Quality Management Certification 38 || 38


Centuries-old shoemaking traditions ontinuing centuries-old shoemaking traditions Sabalin UAB in Šiauliai designs and makes the highest-quality shoes for men, women and kids. Children shoes account for 70 per cent of the total production of the Company. As much as 90 per cent of the Company’s production is exported to Germany, the United Kingdom and Finland. All products made at Sabalin, irrespective of the trade mark on the shoes made there, are not only manufactured but also designed at the Company. The Company’s highly-qualified designers-constructors create new models, which are presented at the International Shoe Fair in Düsseldorf (Germany) twice a year. The Company’s collection testifies the original style and maturity of the Company, which is really very pleasant, since nearly half the exported products are sold with the mark of Sabolin. At the present time, eighty highly-qualified masters of their craft are employed in the Company, they produce up to 100 thousand pairs of shoes per year.

The priority of the Company’s activity is the quality guarantee, thus shoes are made strictly complying with the international quality standards; only certified footwear materials are used in production that fulfil the normative requirements set by the European Union. The Quality Management System ISO : 9001: 2008 has been implemented in the Company. THE FUTURE OFFERS HOPES The efforts of the Company’s team, their professional ambitions and the results achieved, as well as its growing recognition allow us to hope that the centuries-old shoemaking traditions in Šiauliai will be kept alive, and qualitative and comfortable Sabalin shoes will bring joy to the customers, and will make the name of the town and Lithuania famous in Europe. | 39


THINGS COME TRUE WITH UNICORN LT! eed furnishing your new apartment? Thinking about renovating your interior? In our store, you will find the furniture of highest quality that you need, be it classical or modern. All of our products are made by the best Lithuanian craftsmen. We offer living-room soft furnishings, universal Italian leather furniture of highest quality, and beds that rank among the best foreign production because of our 20 years experience with internationally acclaimed Canadian furniture company Pallister. You can choose from ready-made products or pick from a huge collection of German, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Turkish or Belgian

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cloth that suits your individual taste. We work with famous producer of luxury fabrics Yebane (Spain), well-known cloth vendor Nevotex (Sweden), and Italian upholstery maker Dino Zoli to name but a few. We give a 4 year warranty to all furniture frameworks made from hardwood (ash or birch) and plywood. These sturdy and lightweight frameworks are known worldwide for their durability, longevity, and affordable price. The softness and comfort of our furniture are guaranteed by elastic polyurethane foam of highest density (35 kg/m3), spring blocks, and siliconized bast for your arms, back, and neck.

We fully understand that choosing furniture is an important decision for our clients, thus Unicorn LT consultants are more than happy to help pick the interior solution that suits your apartment. There is also an option not only to customize measurements but suggest your own concept that our experts will analyse and turn into the interior you have always dreamed of.

Module-based shelf Audžiu/ Weaves is designed using Lithuanian ethnic textile ornaments

Rapolas Gražys

is a young and promising industrial designer, who has been acknowledged as a delicately minimalistic author not confining himself strictly to design only. His furniture, electronic devices, chandeliers etc. very often combine modern and ethno motives. While studying at the Vilnius Arts Academy (MA program) and Royal Danish Academy of Fine

Arts, Rapolas has won numerous awards: Good design award 2013, Electrolux design lab 2013 Lithuania, Acme design lab 2012. Rapolas Gražys often performs music himself, which encouraged him to create a unique electric guitar LAVA electric guitar project highly appraised by his colleagues and music experts. At the moment, the artist’s creative activity focuses on searching for interface between sound and object.

LAVA - fretless electric guitar project. LAVA - the reflection of modern classic

Project Angry flower. International Electrolux design lab contest. Portable applience detects increasing psychological tension between communicating people | 41



MAIŠELIS UAB is the biggest producer of plastic in West Lithuania. At the moment, there are about 90 employees operating in the factory. Consistently developing it‘s activities, the factory sells abroad 50 % of its production (mainly to Scandinavia). The factory was founded 18 years ago. Main activities of MAIŠELIS are manufacture of high (HDPE) and low (LDPE) 42 || 42

polyethylene density and polypropylene (PP) production such as: •triangular and trapezium-shaped bags for packaging vegetables or flowers; •different LDPE and HDPE films and sleeve-films, including 2-layer films; •thermo-films, i.e. which shrinks under heat; •polyethylene and polypropylene bags for various purposes, according to client’s requests. including maximum 6 colors printing;

•plastic bags with glued tape usually for packing clothes; •different signal tape-films (“STOP”, ect.); •garbage bags in rolls or loose.

FOOD industry


DAIRY EXPORTER arijampolės pieno konservai UAB is a Lithuanian manufacturer – one of the largest and highest performing milk processing companies in Lithuania, and the only canned milk producer in the Baltic region since 1977. Year 2013 was very successful for the Enterprise due to stable management, human resources, stock replenishment, export sales, etc. 90% of the company’s production is sold outside Lithuania. It means that export is the main element, which drives it. That is why the company is a permanent participant at international exhibitions for food & drinks (GULFOOD, WORLDFOOD, SIAL, ANUGA and other). Commercial Director Nerijus Ruminas, who never gets tired of business trips, says: “Besides European Union, our products are delivered to countries like Japan, Russia, South Africa, Cuba, Hong Kong, etc. We have a good export team, which is young and vibrant, and ready to do more than that.” The Company’s long experience has led it to where it is now. The Enterprise is a trust-

worthy and well-known supplier in international community. Marijampolės pieno konservai UAB enjoys an excellent reputation and Customers’ trust because of high quality (only high quality fresh milk is used for the production), modern management approach and the technologies used. The production is carried out in accordance with the requirements of certified Food Safety (HAACP), Quality Management (ISO 9001) and Environmental Management (ISO 14001) systems. Main products are very convenient for exports: • Canned milk (sweetened condensed, evaporated, flavoured, caramelized); • Milk powder (skimmed, full cream); • Butter (sweet cream); • Handmade fermented cheese (unique shape); • Curd (curd and curd snacks can be frozen).

Sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk are the most popular products for exports

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FOOD industry

DISTINCTIVE DŽIUGAS is winning the world over Džiugas has long been the bestselling cheese in the Baltics, but it is now increasing in popularity around the globe as a delicious and distinctive addition to the list of favourite world cheeses. This global demand is based on the growing number of chefs and consumers who have discovered and become fans of its unusual flavour. hard cheese Džiugas adds a uniquely mature dimension to a cheese board with its savoury strength combined with creamy sweetness. Džiugas Mild is aged for over 12 months but the cheese is also eaten as Piquant (18 months), Delicate (24 months) or Gourmet (36 months). DELICIOUS TO EAT ANYWHERE, IN ANY WAY AND AT ANY TIME Džiugas has a golden appearance and an aroma that has sweet almost hay-like overtones. Younger cheese is firm and with maturity it increases in density to a craggy, crumbly texture at 36 months. It is the national equivalent in Lithuania to Parmesan for the Italians and Gouda for the Dutch. With a taste that is reflective of both, it is used in a similar fashion either as a gourmet addition to the cheeseboard or to add piquant flavour when shaved or grated over salads or pasta. It is also used as a cooking ingredient that lends strength, richness and depth to a sauce or dish. It is popular for snacking, quick lunches or long luxurious dinners and is as good in a sandwich as it is in a salad or as a cooking ingredient. LIVING UP TO A GIANT REPUTATION The popularity of Džiugas is further enhanced by the story behind it. As a unique selling point, this is cheese with a giant reputation. The legend behind the cheese says it was first made by the Giant Džiugas and his wife to celebrate their love for one an44 || 44

other. Džiugas has a reputation, no doubt from its giant-ish roots, for bringing strength and joy to those who eat it. It certainly has a distinguished taste which has long received praise from cheese connoisseurs and gourmets internationally. WORLD-WIDE AWARDS AND ACCOLADES The good news is that Džiugas cheese is now available across an increasing number of countries, offering the perfect combination of outstanding taste, unusual provenance and great quality. It recently received a top Superior Taste Award, achieving a 3 star review from the expert panel at the International Taste and Quality Institute - the world leading organisation dedicated to testing and promoting superior food and drink. The ITQI judges are selected from the 15 leading European culinary and sommelier associations. This panel gave Džiugas Gourmet a mark of 95.5% for its taste and over 90% each for its first impression, vision, smell and texture, qualifying it for an overall 3 star award. This is the latest in a long list of awards and accolades, including recognition from the Global Cheese Awards, The International Cheese Show awards and International Food Exhibition awards. Judges and tasting panels say that it is “one of a kind” “worthy of a place on any cheeseboard” and “deliciously complex in aroma and flavour”. FROM FIELD TO PLATE Džiugas is made in the heart of pastoral Lithuania, and its beautiful and lush pastures are partly responsible for the unique flavour of the cheese. Cows range freely over land that is ecologically protected. They enjoy a rich mix of clover, grasses and herbs, which result in deliciously creamy milk. This is made into Džiugas cheese only during a certain time in the year, when the milk is best for making cheese. Modern production techniques and a large investment in leading edge equipment means the dairy is worldleading. However, the giant Džiugas would still recognise much of the work the Master

cheese maker and her team carry out when making the cheese. The starter culture is still added by the cheese-wright, based on personal judgement. Every cheese is regularly turned by hand and individually graded by the team. At every stage of maturity, the cheese is judged and selected either to continue on to the 36 month level, or to be consumed at an earlier stage. WORLD CLASS PRODUCTION For restaurants and retailers looking to provide a new addition to their offer, this cheese has much to recommend it. It has serious lineage through its parent company Žemaitijos Pienas that has a turnover of €145m, employs 1,415 personnel and has an annual cheese production of 17.675 tons. The business exports a number of milk related products to more than 30 countries worldwide, and also operates a number of retail outlets and cafes. It is seriously investing in increasing awareness of Džiugas around the world and the brand is supported with beautifully designed packaging, merchandising and sales materials. DŽIUGAS NEWS The latest innovation from the brand is the launch of Džiugas Gourmet Bites. Consumers are used to buying cheese in different forms from shavings, grated, diced, cubed, sliced and even in strings. With Gourmet Bites, Džiugas now offers a new form of cheese – the chunk. The inspiration behind this product is the Lithuanian tradition of serving Džiugas by breaking it into chunks in order to maximise the surface area of the cheese, increasing the opportunity to appreciate its taste. They particularly like to serve it with a drop of honey, eaten in combination with nuts and fruit which ideally complement its flavours. The Gourmet Bites are presented in re-sealable pockets that keep the cheese fresh and portable. Find out more about Gourmet Bites, Džiugas cheese on

Interwoven with legends, long matured with love. Rich with special flavour and aroma cheese DŽIUGASŽ

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FOOD industry

BREWERIES OF AUKŠTAITIJA – the home of Lithuanian ”amber gold“

THE SECRET OF THE SUCCESS IS BOUND WITH THE CHERISHED TRADITIONS UAB "Aukštaitijos bravorai" exists for the ninth year only; however, the young enterprise has much to make boast of. In the late 2010, a product of the enterprise was recognized "Lithuanian Product of the Year".

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Under the auspices of UAB "Aukštaitijos bravorai", five breweries ("Taruškų alaus bravoras", "Miežiškių bravoras", "Kurklių bravoras", "Kupiškio alus" and "Butautų dvaro bravoras") nestle; all of them are proud of the preserved traditions of production of live, non-pasteurized beer of the gourmet category. Just the dark beer produced by "Butautų dvaro bravo-

ras" was recognized the best product of the last year. No wonder, because the brewery is settled at a renovated manor situated in the region of Biržai. That is where at all times, a good host should have regaled his guests with beer made in accordance with the recipe dictated aforetime by his grandfather. "Butautų dvaro tamsus alus" /"The dark beer from Butautai Manor"/ mesmerizes all tasters by its expressively rich taste provided by the natural products and the time-tested method of production (beer is naturally matured and no filtration takes place). After fermentation process in open stainless steel containers, for about a week, under the temperature of 8-12°C, the maturing process takes place. It lasts for a month, under the temperature of 2-4°C. Then the beer is bottled in exclusive glass bottles to be closed with old-time multiple use plugs and the last stage of maturing starts. It continues for about a month. Only after this long process, we can taste fully mattured, natural beer. The technologists speak about this sort of beer with unconcealed tenderness: just under their supervision, the beer is born as a baby from natural products, in absence of any chemical additives. "This light dark beer is produced by an open natural fermentation of mash", the head technologist explains. "In course of production, yeast (that is rich in proteins, mineral substances and vitamins of the group B) is not separated from beer." Seemingly, the exclusive environment contributes considerably to the exclusive taste of the beer. It is produced at renovated old-time premises (not at a usual factory) where a miracle is created by the hands of technologists on the base of the knowledge inherited from their ancestry. And you mentally stray from the nowadays to the times, almost four centuries ago, when dukes of Radvila brought the first brewers to the region of Biržai. THE AWARD OF THE PRODUCT OF THE YEAR IS THE SYMBOL OF THE NEW PHASE BEGUN IN THE YEAR 2010 Not only a way of bottling, but also the sales of this beer are specific. At present, a special trading network is being formed both in Lithuania and out of it. In order, that the live beer produced in Butautai and other breweries of the company, cannot be stored for a long time.

liningrad region). The network in Lithuania will be extended as well. Now, when the production of UAB "Aukštaitijos bravorai" is well-known and duly assessed, the new tasks are set. The design of the labels is being improved. The opportunities of a direct familiarization of a client with production of beer by arranging excursions to breweries with tasting are considered. In addition, searching for new exclusive recipes takes place. They will be included in the collection that consists of 17 sorts of beer already. Like "Butautų dvaro tamsus alus" /"The dark beer from Butautai Manor"/ and "I.O. Boiko šviesus" /"I.O.Boiko light beer"/ that bears the culinary heritage sign. Also any other beer produced by the brewery is originally bottled and used only for this sort of beer. "Aukštaitijos bravorai" strives to provide the unique product to the maximum possible segment of Lithuanian and European market. In addition to satisfaction of clients and effective work, its mission includes environmental preservation.

It is consumable within 30 days. In Lithuania, 11 live beer oases have been established already. They are specialized stands and bars where beer is maintaned under the relevant temperature thus preserving the best properties of the drink. In the nearest future, such oases will be established in the neighbouring countries (Latvia, Poland and Ka-

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FOOD industry


delicious and healthy

A well-known company in Lithuania Galinta ir partneriai UAB and partners, spoil their consumers by providing products with new flavours. The main production of the company is made from buckwheat and is suitable both for everyday meal and for the cuisine of non-traditional meals.


he buckwheat from the foot of the Himalayas had spread all around the world and soon earned the recognition from housewives. Our ancestors knew the things that are now declared by the dieticians long ago. Buckwheat is characterised by especially good nutritional qualities and is not only a satisfying and tasty meal, but also a healthy one.

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Buckwheat grains have a lot of B group vitamins which are necessary for a modern person experiencing stress. Women praise buckwheat for their help when improving the condition of hair and nails. Buckwheat grains also have a lot of trace elements: iron, potassium, calcium and other minerals. Health specialists appreciate buckwheat since it has big amount of rutin. Buckwheat

porridge improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system as well as helps to remove the excess cholesterol, slag and heavy metal ions from the body. Buckwheat is an ecological culture, since it is undemanding to the soil. It is usually grown in infertile lands, resistant to pests and, therefore, not sprayed with pesticides.

THE MOST MODERN BUCKWHEAT PROCESSING FACTORY IN THE WESTERN EUROPE Since Lithuanians have a long tradition of eating buckwheat, Galinta and its partners purchased a factory in the “capital” of buckwheat - Varėna, which was renovated and renewed for 20 million Litas. Therefore, in 2013 one of the most modern factories of buckwheat grains and various flakes opened in Western Europe. During one year, the company processes around 12-15 thousand tons of buckwheat. The annual turnover of the company is about 45 million Litas. According to Karolis Kundrotas, the commercial director of the company, Galinta group of companies is going through something as a second breath, since every year all new investment projects are executed. Just recently, using the EU support, product packaging lines were renewed. Thanks to this investment, BRICK packaging was offered to the market. It is a reusable bag that you do not need to rip and which has a reusable sticker. Even though Galinta and partners have a strong leading position in the Baltic region while producing food products of grain origin, the investments were essential in order to remain interesting not only among the neighbouring countries, but also when exploring more distant markets.

SEARCH FOR NEW FLAVOURS The manufacturers notice that grain consumption is increasing every year. This is due to various aspects: beginning with economic aspect and finishing with the promotion of healthy lifestyle. The consumption of non-allergenic grains is increasing. And such is buckwheat.

On the other hand, the consumer is also becoming more demanding and whimsical; therefore, not only the production technologies need to be modernised, but also we need to search for new recipes and to present the buyers with production of various flavours based on buckwheat. Just recently, Galinta and partners

presented two product lines. Galinta Deluxe product line of high quality and exceptional taste presents various (event the most exotic) mixes of fruits and seasonings mixed with various cereal produced by Galinta. One product contains up to 25 various ingredients that are genetically unmodified. No less exceptional are the buckwheat porridges with five kinds of sauces created by professional technologists. The consumer may choose buckwheat porridge with the sauce of real boletus or chanterelle. The market is introduced with buckwheat with tomato, spicy, saturated sauces, which are characterised not only by exceptional tastes, but also remind the taste of bacon or cheese. “By focusing on a modern consumer, we seek to offer the product that is not only healthy, but also tasty”, says K. Kundrotas, the commercial director of the company, expecting that new porridges with sauces will especially attract the attention of young generations.

SHARING TRADITIONS WITH THE EUROPEANS The markets of further export countries, for example, the USA, Canada or Western Europe countries, have no deep-seated tradition of eating buckwheat as in Lithuania or other Baltic countries. Therefore, Lithuanians raised a goal for themselves to convince the foreigners, especially the EU family members, that these are especially tasty and nutritious products. We participated in exhibitions in 13 countries of the world, beginning with Russia, Germany, Holland, France and finishing with China or United Arab Emirates. We actively work in the neighbouring Latvia, Estonia, as well as Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Poland, the USA, Canada, Russia with the well-known supermarket chains, providing products with Galinta name and under their private product brands. The foreign partners should receive a message that Galinta is a flexible company providing nutritious, delicious and healthy production of the highest quality. | 49


General Medicine Practice

CLINIC Premiere Clinic for consultations, health check-up programs, dental services, general and cosmetic surgery, dermatology and aesthetic medicine since 1993

eneral Medicine Practice Clinic is one of the oldest and largest private treatment centres in the Baltic States. We have been serving the needs of patients for more than 20 years. The managers of the Clinic are the founders and members of the Board of The Association of Lithuanian Private Healthcare Institutions. They are also the founders of The Lithuanian Medical Tourism Association and members of The Medical Tourism Association. The Clinic collaborates with the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. The Clinic has 9 departments: *Outpatient Clinic, *Modern Diagnostic Centre, *Department of Surgery, *Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery, *Rehabilitation and Sport Medicine Centre, *High-end Dental Clinic, *Mental Health Centre, *Family Health Centre, *Aesthetic medicine and Dermatology Clinic �Beauty world“. 50 ||

World class doctors, modern, constantly updated medical equipment, variety of diagnostic tests and longterm experience ensure high quality medical services for our patients.


There are 8 reasons why you should choose to come to our Clinic: 1. We guarantee the highest standard of universitylevel medical services. 2. Our doctors and staff are leaders in their field and have undergone specialization trainings in Western Europe and the USA. The majority of specialists have Ph.D. degrees. 3. We use only innovative methods for diagnostics and treatment. Our equipment is brought from Switzerland, Germany and Finland. 4. We offer health check-up programs which will be tailored to your individual state of health and performed in 3-4 hours. At the same day, you will receive recommendations for further treatment. 5. We feature an all-inclusive surgery centre, meaning all of your preoperative preparations, procedures and after care are provided in one

WE HAVE EXCELLENT REPUTATION AND EXPERIENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL PATIENTS International patients come to us from all over the world. We have treated many patients from Scandinavian countries, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Russia, Latvia, Kazachstan, Tadzikistan.

place under the care of our superb surgery team. With us you are safe and well taken care of. 6. Our prices are lower than in Western European countries. 7. We speak your language: English, Russian. 8. The Clinic is situated only within 5 minutes drive from Kaunas International Airport and 1 hour away from Vilnius International Airport. For your convenience, we provide a lot of organizational services: • Personal manager speaking your language (24/7) • Transfer from/to the airport, bus station, etc. • Booking hotels • Searching and booking a rehabilitation clinic after treatment • Translation of all necessary documents into your language

EXCELLENCE IN PLASTIC SURGERY There is a team of the best Lithuanian plastic surgeons in the Clinic working with contemporary and modern equipment. Due to their unique skills, these surgeons have a well-deserved reputation of performing very complex surgeries with outstanding results. Find out more at

I was very warmly welcomed at the clinic of BMP. The staff that I met during my first visit to the clinic spoke fluent English, which was comforting to a foreigner. The services were efficient and highly professional. The clinic is a very clean and lovely place to come to as a patient. I highly recommend clinic BMP to anyone interested in keeping fit. Nikita, Denmark

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BIRŽAI The pearl of Northern Lithuania


rivate duchy of Radvilos that flourished in the seventeenth century and the most important defensive outpost in the Northern Lithuania, Lithuania’s oldest artificial lake, seven Christian religious denominations today, the land that constantly falls in by surprise, beautiful sink-lakes that meet ones eye, and, of course, extremely welcoming and hospitable people. Where?.. In the Northernmost region of Lithuania – Biržai. Fortress of Radvilos meets tourists from Lithuania and foreign countries in a newly restored arsenal, which is situated in the representative palace of this fortress, where you will find a rich, modern and attractive exhibition of Biržai region museum “Sėla” presenting the history of fortress, city and the whole region. In the fortress arsenal, the visitors of the museum are introduced with military features of the 16 – 17th centuries, blacksmith craft, besides, more than one international event has taken place in the modern conference hall on the 2nd floor. Director Borisas Dauguvietis, who knew by himself how to make homemade beer, which is the culinary heritage of this region, in the interwar newspaper “Lietuvos aidas” quipped about the hospitality of Biržai region people. Character Jokimas Žaldokas from his famous comedy “Žaldokynė” became the godfather of the funny museum’s “Sela” educational program on the old brewery, feast customs and archaean ethnic music (“Žaldoko alus”).

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Lithuanian oldest brewery “Biržų alus”, modern brewery of Rinkuškiai, Butautai manor (where you can choose thematic night programs and tours in the manor’s basements) that revived brewer business promote beer of Biržai and invite you to a variety of beer tasting events. The hungry ones can have a delicious meal at the restaurant “Pilies skliautai” located in the basement of Biržai fortress palace or at the restaurant “Alaus kelias” located near Rinkuškiai brewery. Once you come to Biržai region, you will be surprised by the uniqueness of the landscape: the results of sinking process - sinkholes and gaping lakes. Cow’s, Fox’s, Badger’s cave - impressive sinkholes surrounded by legends... Those who like active relaxation can travel through 700 m long trail that is in the territory of Karaite Reserve, and if you want not only to admire nature, but also strengthen your health, you can try Nordic walking. Nordic walking is perfect for those who want to see the architectural heritage of Biržai city, or take a walk on the longest pedestrian bridge over the lake Širvėna to Tiškevičiai manor in Astravas. Those who want to learn more about the geological processes, the formation of sinkholes should stop by the visitors’ center of Biržai Regional Park, where a modern exposition will tell you the story. The lovers of water entertainment can try canoe sailing in Širvėna lake and see the panorama of Biržai city, if you choose a route through the longest river of Biržai region - Nemunėlis, weaving the Lithuanian Latvian border, for a few days you will escape from the

urban hustle and bustle, enjoy the surrounding nature, admire the spectacular river’s scarps (up to 6 m), and open outcrops of dolomite banks. Those who want to run away from the hustle and bustle, can have a rest in rural tourism homesteads, scattered throughout the territory of the region. The choice of services in the homesteads is quite extensive - accommodation, catering, organization of banquets, conferences, educational - entertainment programs (educational program in Alė Puodėnienė homestead “There was a little hut” – the history of the region flavored with dumplings that are made following the recipe of the count Tiškevičius manor, and lamb sausages and cheeses made by farmers Milišiūnai). New manor’s culture is being created in the reviving estates of the region. Unique game “Monteball” born in Mantagailiškis manor does not require special physical preparation, but perfectly brings together and gives good emotions. Both the elderly and small children can play monteball. The number of players is not strictly defined (from 5 to 63 players can play this game). If you want to experience the culture of the old mansion, you can visit Sigitas Aukštikalnis ranch in Drąseikiai village. Even visitors of two years old are invited to sit on a horse in the riding halls. Tourists are also invited to take trips on a horseback or ride around the neighborhood with cart, and sledge in winter. A rich history, unique landscape, extensive selection of recreation facilities in Biržai – in the city that is deservedly known as the pearl of Northern Lithuania... || 53

Photos: Remigijus Timukas


The Biržai Castle-Fortress

(or History and Beer in one Place) You are about to learn about one of Lithuania’s most cherished places The town of Birzai is located at the confluence of two rivers that were dammed to form the beautiful lake Širvena. The longest footbridge in Lithuania spans this lake. Legend has it, that the numerous lakes that surround Biržai have been formed by giants running on this land, their footprints forming pits or sinkholes that eventually filled with water forming lakes of extraordinary clarity.

The image of the first floor arcade

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The Hussar of the 17th century Grand Duchy of Lithuania near by cavalry flag of Duke K. Radvila (Radziwil). The fragment of the Biržai Regional Museum Sėla exposition

Here you will find a historical treasure: a restored fortress originally constructed by the Radvilai (Radziwil) family in 1856 and ravaged by the Swedes during the XVI-XVII centuries, which has become a tourist attraction and a cultural center. The Sė la Regional Museum is now located in the restored fortress.

Nowhere but in Biržai can you see well preserved XVII century Dutch style defense fortifications that form an impressive compound.

Photo: Rimantas Šopis

At the end of 2013, an interactive XVI-XVII century exposition on wars (warfare) was founded in the fortress arsenal.

Here you can learn the history of Birzai when grand dukes Radvilai and counts Tiškevičiai were in power. The Radvilai brothers were especially influential statesmen and politicians at a time of Lithuania’s Union with Poland. They were truly men of enlightenment bringing innovations and religious thought (with their interest in Calvinism), warfare, cartography and more.

The castle of Biržai from bird’s eye view

You will have an opportunity to learn the customs of Northern Lithuania, its ethnic peculiarities, and see liturgical objects of the various existant faiths in this particular part of Lithuania. The Museum offers interesting educational programs for both students and adults alike.

Birzai is an hospitable place. A visitor to the Radvilai Castle Fortress will not only have an opportunity to learn about the home beerbrewing process but to sample the brews as well. A new restaurant Pilies Skliautai (Palace Vaults) has opened in this historic site. In the 17th century, as the Swedish Army crossed the Livonian-Lithuanian border near Birzai, it already knew what to say in Lithuanian: “Laba diena. Gal turite alaus?” (Good Day. Maybe you have beer? )

The warfare exposition in the Castle of Biržai arsenal: XVII century gun-mortar Photos from the Restorant: Gediminas Gražys

An added attraction in the palace is a public library established in honor of the most famous Lithuanian book carrier Jurgis Bielinis, a native of Biržai, whose work to keep the Lithuanian language from extermination by Imperial Russia in the 19th century was honored at one of UNESCO’s meetings.

The restaurant ,, Pilies skliautai” (the ,,Palace Vaults”) is waiting you with delicious dinner

Remigijaus Timuko nuotr.

We look forward to greeting you with a “yes” to this question. || 55

Photo: Dalia Grigonienė


Cowmouth shoes (reconstruction, 16 cent., Vilnius)

Low-cut shoe with platform (reconstruction, 16 cent., Vilnius) 56 ||

In Lithuania, Dalia Grigonienė has been perhaps the first one who decided to reconstruct historical shoes from archaeological material and has been doing this for almost 15 years. After graduating from Vilnius Academy of Arts (study programme in applied design) her family went to live in Kernavė and she has worked at Kernavė Archaeological Site Museum ever since. It was the remains of the footwear found by the archaeologists namely in Kernavė – a UNESCO World Heritage Site – that encouraged Dalia to undertake reconstructive shoemaking.

Photo: Dalia Grigonienė

Photo: Dalia Grigonienė

Photo: Dalia Grigonienė

Have we ever thought about what shoes our ancestors wore five or six hundred years ago?

Wooden pattens worn under the shoes (reconstruction, 14 - 15 cent., W. Europe)

Primitive shoes worn from the Stone Age till the beginning of 20 cent

Photo: Vilmantas Ladyga

Photos: Dalia Vaičiūnienė, Dalia Grigonienė

Educational programme for schoolchildren “Living Archaeology” Ankle shoes (13th - 14th cent., Kernavė Archaeological Site, archaeological artefacts and reconstruction)

Designer and reconstructor Dalia Grigonienė at her studio

Workshop of shoemaking

Photo: Dalia Grigonienė

The largest part of the reconstructions carried out is ancient shoes found in different archaeological sites: Kernavė, Vilnius Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania, Kaunas and elsewhere. The period of reconstructions is from the first centuries of our epoch to the beginning of the 17th century. Dalia does not only sew by hand the reconstructed copies of the shoes commissioned by different museums using ancient technologies but also models of ancient footwear of Lithuania and Western Europe adapted for the present-day. Dalia Grigonienė is a member of the Lithuanian Club of Experimental Archaeology Pajauta. Together with other craftsmen, she takes part in specialised festivals, and in educational camps she teaches the participants the secrets of ancient shoemaking. Dalia says that archaeologists in Lithuania have found lots of remains of shoes, so she dreams of reconstructing as many archaeological shoes of this country as possible and no longer can imagine herself without this activity.

Low boots (reconstruction, 16-17cent., W. Europe) || 57


Green wood - white sea 2010 - 2014. Wood, gas masks, constructive adjusting foam, metal

Photo by ELTA

conceptual jewellery working in contemporary art scene for more than 25 years. Elected the most favourite audience’s artist of 500 participants of “ArtVilnius 2014”, the biggest international contemporary art fair in Lithuania, he stands as one of the most mesmerizing figures of today’s art.

Art gallery “terra recognita” represents SAULIUS VAITIEKŪNAS, a well-known artist of large format installations, sculpture and 58 ||

The main principles of monumentalism, conceptualism and actuality uniting all of S. Vaitiekūnas works, are easily recognized in the artist’s practice. Each piece from the massive authentic sculptures to conceptual small Baltic and Lithuanian field stone and silver plastics resembling monuments reveals a certain society problem and

...I will love and respect you for live... 1999. Grenade, wedding rings

St. election days dream 2002. Wood, amber, toilette, tiles

To be or not to be 2013. Stone, silver

up-to-day actualities or an interesting story of true values that are powerful source of inspiration to the artist. Using a native earth stone as material, S. Vaitiekūnas suggests a way of finding one’s purpose and place in life. A natural field or the Baltic Sea stone

incrustrated with silver can become an amulet, a rosary, a piece of jewellery or an urn, the last shelter. It’s like a bound to one’s native land and a possibility to keep and remember one’s native roots, which is an essential answer to a question “who am I?”

Message 2005. Original phone cabin, fieldstones

Art gallery “terra recognita” has also been elected to the top ten unique Vilnius galleries by www.theculturetrip. com this year. Facebook: galerijaterrarecognita

Requiem to the orchestra 2008. 150 brass instruments, chairs, music stands, burning lamps, 5 km high-voltage cable. Total installation area 200 m2 || 59


Algirdas and Remigijus


Algirdas and Remigijus Gataveckas are twin brothers. As it is common among twins, they are not only similar in appearance (many people find it difficult to distinguish them), they together create works of art and projects. Therefore, talking about their creation, they use the first person. I was born in Alytus in 1985. 20042008 graduated from monumental art (fresco-mosaic) Bachelor study program in VDA (Vilnius Art Academy), Lithuania. 2008-2010 graduated from monumental art (fresco-mosaic) Master study program in VDA (Vilnius Art Academy), Lithuania. I am studying in the doctoral studies of arts since 2010. “Algirdas” (left) painted by Remigijus and “Remigijus” (right) painted by Algirdas Gataveckas. 2014, paper, pastel, sanguine, carbon, hairspray, 76.38x40.16 inches 60 ||

From 1993 till 2004 I lived in Alytus Children’s Home. I am perfectly well familiar with this care establishment. This social environment seems imminent to me and my experience, especially for my creative work. My research is closely related to young people living in children’s homes. The project IMPACT is a large-scale design to make full-height, 194 × 102 cm, photorealistic images of young people. This work requires unbelievable will. I would like my hard work to inspire institutionalised children to creative life. I am not a stranger or theorist in my idea, as I come back to the environment which I know very well to share my experience. Therefore, my work is not estranging, decorative or necessitated by fashion. The message I deliver is not abstract or directed to everyone and nobody. This work is focused on specific young people who will leave care homes in 2011–2015 and start their own lives. By communicating, being together and inviting to take part, I convey my experience to my friends in fate, thus leading them to the world of strong will, determination and creativity. • The process: I draw sixteen-eighteen years old youngsters from the foster home, starting from the oldest ones - the eighteens. I have to devote at least two months of accurate work for every picture. • Goals: To find out the needs of children, their fates, experiences, dreams, wishes, perception of art, beauty and so on. Investigate their appearance details (body, cloths, accessories and other). To find out what influence makes the artist. • The subject: Reactions of sixteen-eighteen years old youngsters. • Expected results: Foster home children learn about the creative process, the unfolded influence of art for the children’s worldview, the ability to construct and build their lives, set their life goals and make achievements, ability to maintain emotional ties. • Further plans: Continue the art project for two more years. Facebook: Algirdas and Remigijus Gataveckas drawing Algirdas and Remigijus Gataveckas, “Dzetaveckai”. 2014, paper, pastel, sanguine, carbon, hairspray, 76.38x40.16 inches || 61

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O Life. 2012, canvas, acrylic, 130x90

Everything is O.K., just wash your hands when you come back home. 2013, canvas, acrylic, 155x180

Art critic Ignas Kazakevičius

In A.Miežis’ paintings, one can feel almost tangible fourth dimension – time. It is stagnant in embryonic form. A.Miežis’ paintings are near to metaphysical art trends. Lyrical image deformation and strains of painted soft plastic, broken line, decorativity and stylization, gentle irony and grotesque. Admit it, it’s an unusual alloy.

What makes the art works of Andrius Miežis so effective, attractive and, lets not be afraid of the word, popular? First of all, they are weird but understandable. It means that when looking at them, you can clearly see the limits of colors and shadows, the contours of geometric forms and objects. Expressive ideas in parallel, transversely and longitudinally mixes in the same format, unexpected plot turns… This breaking of rules should not be considered as floundering from desperate situation. However, the content belongs to the typical underground mindset, it allows to grow for the ironic beauty weed. From the first sight, the paintings of the artist may seem skittish, full of childishness. Flowers, fruits, water-drops, masked faces from exotic regions and animals. Sort of moulages of reality. As if they were made from a glop material, clear transparent tones and limpid colors. The individual parts – hands, feet, face – are like reliefs, rounded off the visual side, while the background remains flat.



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Primordial animal (The Golden Calf). 2014, canvas, acrylic, 90x130

Love is everlasting, and everything else are just temporary combinations of atoms. 2012, canvas, acrylic, 90x130

Mr. Chaos. 2014, canvas, acrylic,130x90

Photo by: Modestas Ežerskis


Edvardas Kavarskas Creative dossier: Edvardas Kavarskas completed his bachelor and master degree studies at Vilnius Academy of Arts (VAA) and has been working as a freelance designer since then. In 2009–2013, together with fashion designers Ieva Ševiakovaitė and Jolanta Rimkutė, he created graphics for the “LT Identity” and “Baltai” collections and engaged in various projects related to Lithuanian and international trademarks. In 2012, the limited edition “Lithuanian Vodka Gold” collection, created with “LT Identity”, was awarded the first international gold prize in the competition “A‘ Design Award”. This project was posted on many package design internet portals and included in books and exhibitions worldwide. In 2013, he took gold in the same competition for Grissini breadstick packages (produced by “Biržų duona”). Since 2012, Edvardas Kavarskas has been a member of the Lithuanian Association of Graphic Design (LAGD). Since 2013, he has been a member of the LAGD Board. Currently Edvardas has been actively working on the creation of package and visual identity. He is also a doctoral student of Design at VAA, doing the interdisciplinary project and exploring ways of application of neuroresearch in package design. His latest creative achievement is the award for the design of “Stumbras Vodka Premium Organic” at the competition “Good Design 2014”. The prize has been awarded by Dalia Grybauskaitė, President of the Republic of Lithuania.

Photo by: Robertas Daskevičius

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Photo by: Edgaras Marozas

Photo by: Robertas DaskeviÄ?ius

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Beauty cannot be empty EMKO is a team of professionals unified by one purpose – development of Lithuanian design products and selling them worldwide. At the moment “worldwide” means Belgian, Swiss, German, USA, Singapore and some more countries high-end boutiques and we aim to go forward. These pieces of furniture are appreciated by educated people with a fine sense of style, to which needs EMKO can easily adjust. The commercial success of the products is crowned with international awards: in year 2012 was received IF award, year 2013 Geras Dizainas award and 2014 two Red Dot awards, which also respond about high technological lev-

el and innovation, modernness and progressiveness of the design. These products were created while cooperation with young but already internationally known design studio called etc.etc. My Writing desk and Foldin shelving unit are recognizable and bright products which also promotes the name of Lithuanian design and helps to find it individuality among other countries. What is more, EMKO was invited to exhibit their products with others best Lithuanian designers in the united stand at 100% Design, which will take place in Earls Court London at 17-20 September 2014.

SHELVING UNIT FOLDIN Red Dot award 2014 honourable mention possessor. Foldin is a modest wooden knock down shelf with a variety of sizes. The design is inspired by Japanese aesthetics and brought to a western type of furniture. The shelf is comprised out of a framework and foldable shelves. Each shelf is made out of three plywood plates joined with a sheet of felt. The framework varies in sizes and can hold from two to twelve shelves. It is easy to remove or replace the shelves simply by folding the sides of the shelves and storing flat-packed.

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MY WRITING DESK Red Dot award 2014 winner. It has its storage space organized around the table top where all the things are always in sight and easily accessible. The desktop can be used right up to the edges without worrying that things might fall down, and any unnecessary objects can simply be pushed to the storage sides. The high edges of the desk isolates it in the room and creates a positive microclimate where things “feel good� in relationship with the user. The small version of the desk will be exhibited in united Lithuanian stand at 100% Design furniture fair in Earls Court, London at 17-20 of September 2014.

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Writable T-shirt “ Cotton twitter� Take a piece of chalk and write your message on a Cotton Twitter T-shirt. Want a new message? Simply throw the T-shirt into a washing machine.



Shiny can package consists of 1 folded T-shirt and 3 sticks of white chalk.

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