Best in Lithuania #9

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Nr. 1 (9) 2010

The first Lithuanian passive house

w w w. B E S T i n LT. l t




Dear Readers, The impatiently waited spring came and is warming both the air and the climate of relations of Lithuania with neighbouring states. The leitmotif of this issue – the contact points of Lithuania and Belarus. Last year, Dalia Grybauskaitë, the President of Republic of Lithuania, set the tone: the political perspectives and the ones of economy discussed upon at her meeting with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko do not lose their relevance at present as well. The recent events on occasion of the 20-year anniversary of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania and the wish to see the heads of neighbouring states, including Belarus, among the guests prove that the policy of good neighbourhood policy will be followed this year as well. We’d recognize that this neighbouring market with the population of 10 million is very important for us. It is true that principles of free market are considerably restricted there by the state authorities. Nevertheless, about 300 Lithuanian enterprises entered this terra incognita and were not disappointed. Failures took place in several complicated cases only. While speaking with representatives of state authorities and businessmen, it becomes evident that one of the most important tasks in the relations with the neighbours is providing an opportunity of free crossing of state frontiers to businessmen and other persons. Although Belarus seemed to be a complicated state in this aspect up to now, the situation is being changed. Improvement of the relations between Lithuania and Belarus is attested not only by meetings of the heads of the both states, but also by Lithuania-Belarus economic forums arranged on an initiative of businessmen, the Business Council for Economic and Trade Cooperation between Lithuania and Belarus established in the last year, as well as various business missions, exhibitions, formal and informal meetings. According to Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius: „Lithuania is interested in economic progress of Belarus“. In addition, development of the economic relations will cause a positive influence upon development of human rights and formation of democracy in the said country. Do not think that only we take an interest in Belarus. For the latter, Lithuania is as if a stepping-stone for an access to old European states. In addition, Klaipëda Seaport is the nearest one for Belarus. The share of Belarus in export of Lithuanian production is one of the largest among CIS countries. Finally, cultural projects are developed as well because we are bound by the rich historical experience. So, we became very close to each other both in the cultural and economic aspect. Businessmen of our country have a choice of abundant activities in Belarus. The sectors of tourism and logistics are not nearly enough used. 500 enterprises of Belarus are waiting for privatization with Byelorussian nuances. So, a divide between politics and business should be drawn in the relations with Belarus. In business, even the controversially assessed Head of the neighbouring state pursues pragmatic objects and they often coincide with interests of our businessmen. So, go ahead to this “discovered land” with new ambitions, objects and warm interrelations! Sincerely, The Editorial Staff of „Best in Lithuania“



103 Virtuv 11 m²

104 Svetain// valgomasis Svetain 40 m²

C 105 Darbo kambarys 15 m²

107 Skalbykla 6 m²


106 Sanmazgas 4 m²

109 Katilin  5 m²

B 60

B A1

102 Holas 14 m²

A1 354


Viktorija BALSEVIÈIÛTË 108 Garažas 36 m²


A 330















MARIJAMPOLËS PIENO KONSERVAI JSC “Marijampolës pieno konservai”





BEST IN LITHUANIA – PERSPECTIVE IN THE WORLD Interview with dr. Gediminas Rainys, Vice-president of Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists and the Director General of its Executive Directorate






101 Tambras 6 m²








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CONTENT EASY & SIMPLE UAB “Saint-Gobain statybos gaminiai“




LITHUANIA IS INTERESTED IN THE TRANSPARENT BUSINESS CLIMATE IN BELARUS Interview with Andrius Kubilius, Prime Minister of Republic of Lithuania





THE WAY OF BUSINESS OF BELARUS TO EUROPE VIA LITHUANIA IS THE SHORTEST Interview with Edminas Bagdonas, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Republic of Lithuania


BELARUS AND LITHUANIA: NEW OPPORTUNITIES The interview with Vladimir Drazhin, the Ambassador of Belarus in Lithuania









INNOVATIVE LIGHTING Company “Terra Lucida“


LITHUANIA: PROMISING DISTANT LAND Arnoldas Burkovskis, Vice-Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania Special report for China


KLAIPËDA PORT FOCUSES ON DEVELOPMENT PLANS Dr. Eugenijus Gentvilas, Director General of Klaipëda State Seaport Authority








Þurnalas / Magazine „Best in Lithuania“ Nr. 1 (9) 2010 m. Redakcijos adresas / Address: UAB „Mata Hari“ Adresas korespondencijai: P.d. 272, LT-03102 Vilnius. Tel. +370 615 83361 E-mail:

Vyr. redaktorius Reklamos projektø koordinatorë Þurnalistai: Dizainerë Fotografas:

Rimvidas Stankevièius Stasë Overaitë Vytautë Merkytë, Viktorija Balsevièiûtë Lina Ðiðkutë Gediminas Miðkinis


SAFE, MODERN, RELIABLE SC “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai”





Dr. Algirdas ÐAKALYS









THE LAND SMELLS OF BREAD… Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre




Virðelyje: Pirmasis pasyvus namas Lietuvoje, pastatytas UAB „Veikmë“ Cover: The first Lithuanian passive house built by UAB Veikmë Redakcija uþ reklamos turiná neatsako The editorial office is not responsible for the contens of advertisements


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Winners of the year 2009

Photo: Gediminas Miðkinis

Best in Lithuania – perspective in the WORLD More and more frequent statements that the economic crisis is controlled already and the state starts recovering are confirmed also by representatives of industry that are prone to assess the situation reservedly. DR. GEDIMINAS RAINYS, the Vice-President of Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LCI), is sure that the enterprises having showed the best results in the contest “The Product of Lithuania 2009” are the flagships of Lithuanian business searching for new niches for development not only beyond the seas.


ome earlier, Vice-President of LCI G.Rainys told to magazine „Best in Lithuania“ that the national economy should be very carefully monitored to ensure a stability of its growing. As annually, the contest “The Product of Lithuania 2009” arranged by LCI in December of the last year that is the most important event for recognition of the business community and assessment of production of enterprises disclosed that the hard period did not stop development of perspective enterprises. This time, the talker has identified the market that provides never used environment for investments and production increment for Lithuanian business to „Best in Lithuania“. It is the market of neighbouring Belarus. 8|

BiL The story goes that the recession comes to end in Lithuania; does industry feel it? In my opinion, the situation of the national business was shown by the results of the contest “The Product of Lithuania 2009”. The important business event even astonished by the fact that the number of potential contestants and the number of awarded enterprises were no less, as compared to years of the most intensive growing. The business leaders remained almost unchanged; however, new products of some of them became more modest and products of others – more daring. New products were presented in various branches of industry. It was found that enterprises made considerable investments

in food industry and other production for consumers. This fact shows that enterprises orient themselves to consumption. Several unique products were presented and awarded. One on them was a ship for construction of windmills in the North Sea made by the Western Shipyard at an order of a foreign state. The other welcomed breakthrough was presented by locomotives produced by company „Vilniaus lokomatyvø remonto depas“/”Vilnius Locomotive Repairing Roundhouse”/ to be exported to East markets. Award of the best product is a kind of certificate that confirms highly positive assessment of it by the board of experts; awarded products are the pride of the business sector and the whole country. We hope such con-

Photo: Klaudijus Driskius

tests express respect to our manufacturers and provide assistance to business. BiL Business did not stop; what stimulated its improvement? The declined inland consumption is regrettable; however, signs of recovery of export markets are evident. In this case, the enterprises were stimulated to develop new products being in high demand in export markets. The indicators of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) show that the deficit of foreign trade was extremely low. So, upon a strong decay of import, Lithuanian enterprises could sell more products in Lithuania; their export activities were successful as well. Export provides an opportunity to maintain and even increase productive capacity of an enterprise, to ensure its efficiency. If business launches the production in foreign markets, it will be a winner in the today economic situation. BiL Are all opportunities of export used already or the national business has any perspective of further extension to foreign markets? Any real opportunity of entering new markets or extending the existing ones is a matter of great concern for business. Business searches namely for real opportunities. The experience shows that the largest investments take place in neighbouring states. For example, Lithuania and Poland are the key investors in Kaliningrad Region, whereas Poland and Latvia are among the key partners of our state in trade and investments. In such a case, Belarus cannot and never will be an exception. BiL Up to now, the activities of Lithuanian business in neighbouring Belarus were not stirring; what predetermined a resolution of both states for joint activities? This market was always attractive for Lithuanians; however, there were abundant activities in other markets and the foreign trade policy of Belarus was contradictory, so this sector was not developed. At present, the evident improvement of the situation takes place, because Byelorussians began inviting our businessmen for making investments in their state. Aleksandr Lukashenko, the President of Belarus, visited Lithuania at the invitation initiated by LCI. The fact that Lithuania

The "Best Product of the Year 2009" established by Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists (LCI); Prime Minister of Republic of Lithuania A. Kubilius was also provided with the award from the hands of B. Lubys, the President of LCI

was the first foreign state visited by him after a long break attests that Belarus is open for cooperation. BiL Why the market of Belarus is attractive for Lithuanian industry? First of all, it is a neighbouring state. Second, it is a large state with well-developed industry. On making economy of Belarus more open, many local enterprises will be transformed and reoriented, so Lithuanian businessmen will be provided opportunities of searching for new business niches. Third, the historical traditions provide positive levers as well. Fourth, in spite of the evidence of a certain political attitude, it is often beneficial for business. The political train on economic base is highly helpful for the development. So, the large and non-overstocked market, sufficiently high profit margin and cheap manpower are the factors attracting Lithuanian business to this neighbouring state. The market of Belarus is on the way to its maturity, so it provides abundant niches and opportunities both to small and large players of the market. And the purchasing power is high enough in Belarus. BiL However, businessmen provide highly conflicting assessments of the investment environment in Belarus. What problems impede the activities in this state? The key problem is the state economic re-

gulation that often predetermines indefinite conditions for business related to administrative decisions. Sometimes, it can play a positive role, because some problems can be settled in the centralized way. One of hindrances is an absence of opportunity of prepayment for products or services. For example, payment for a product made in Lithuania is made after its delivery to the client. The other considerable hindrance is the circumstance that stateowned enterprises (over 70 percent of the local enterprises) are strongly protected by state authorities and provided exceptional conditions. In addition, the state uses the own certification system and so on. However, during forums on economy and investments, we always look for opportunities of cooperation and feel that the situation becomes better. BiL Belarus invites investors and Lithuanians are prone to try in spite of all problems. What can we offer to Belarus? At present, abundant activities take place in the sector of construction. However, we also can help in developing food industry because our achievements in this sector conform to the standards of the European Union (EU) related to the quality and technologies. Byelorussians consider us a bridge to the West Market. And we consider Belarus as one more East market. |9

Winners of the year 2009


Photos: UAB Veikmë

Nine Lithuanian companies and institutions involved in or closely related to construction, building materials, and real estate joined their endeavours to design and construct the first Lithuanian passive house

On 18 December 2009, the Lithuanian passive house built by UAB Veikmë was awarded with a gold medal for The Lithuanian Product of the Year 2009

“In November of the last year, we completed the construction of and commissioned the first particularly energy efficient house in Lithuania. It was built in the Gulbinai Block of Dwelling Houses being developed by our company in Vilnius”, told Mr. Eugenijus Zaremba, Director of UAB Veikmë (private limited

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liability company) which is one of the project partners. “Currently, the structure undergoes monitoring and after some time we will be able to calculate precisely actual energy costs of this building”. When designing and working out tech-

nical solutions for a new generation house, it was calculated that energy consumption of the Lithuanian passive house would not exceed 15 kWh/m2. “We expect an even better energy efficiency of the first Lithuanian passive house than planned”, Dr. Audronë Endriukaitytë, Marketing Director of

UAB Paroc, the initiator of the project predicts. It seems that such perspectives have sufficient grounds whereas the initial monitoring results have not disappointed the authors of the project yet.

WARM AND COMFORTABLE TO LIVE Mr. Rytis Kripas, the architect of the first Lithuanian passive house, says that the idea of the building is quite simple. “We aimed at designing and constructing a well-insulated and air-tight passive building to minimise heat losses through the walls and to ensure air conversion and a qualitative microclimate in the premises through a modern recuperative ventilation system”, R. Kripas says. “We had to create unique solutions for separate building components and closely supervise the construction process to implement those structural solutions properly”. The exterior of a passive house practically does not differ from other detached houses. The only difference could be that it has no chimney on the roof or heaters inside. The house is very warm, economical and functions without a traditional heating system. Fresh heated air is supplied to the premises thereby always producing a good microclimate in the building. Its exterior walls are warm and it has no draughts. The passive house is warm in winter and the rooms stay cool and do not require additional air-cooling in summer. It is a house comfortable to live in notwithstanding the season of the year. The Lithuanian passive house is quite simple, of minimalist architecture, with large south-oriented windows. “People mistakenly believe that a passive house should have small windows”, the architect says. “A more considerable amount of solar energy may penetrate through windows into the house during the cold period of the year. In hot summer months, to avoid overheating the owners of passive houses may install blinds, canopies, or pergolas with climbing plants over floor-to-ceiling windows”. Why should one design a Lithuanian passive house? Would not it be easier to take a German, Austrian, or Scandinavi-

an passive house solution and promote the same in Lithuania? The architect R. Kripas says it would be unfair to do blind copying. “The climate in Lithuania is a little different from the climate somewhere in Germany. You have to adapt the project to particular climatic conditions, to assess particularities of each unique place of the land parcel and its climate, to position properly the building to the points of a compass, etc. Furthermore, in Lithuania like anywhere in the world tastes of constructors differ and clients have different needs. Therefore, for the first Lithuanian passive house we have chosen masonry as the most popular stonework in Lithuania. In Scandinavia, for example, a wooden stud frame is more popular in constructing not only passive but also other types of houses.“ According to the architect, an integrated assessment of the building and its systems in its entirety was of utmost importance when designing and constructing the Lithuanian passive house. “After all not individual components but their completeness and compatibility may produce a desired effect. It is even important who will live in such a house. I believe that supporters of ecological lifestyle should enjoy living in a passive house”, R. Kripas says.

PREPARING FOR FUTURE CHALLENGES In the European Union, all new buildings must be nearly zero energy buildings by 2020 and the buildings occupied by public authorities by 2018. This is how the Council of the European Union maximised the requirements of energy efficiency for buildings at the Council meeting held in December of the last year. After the meeting the European Council it was announced that Member States should draw up national plans to reduce energy costs of building up to zero and to increase the energy efficiency of buildings by energy from renewable sources in the construction sector. The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) should be amended respectively. “This is really a very ambitious objective which constitutes a new qualitative

leap for the construction sector”, Dr. A. Endriukaitytë says. “This is a serious challenge for the industry and builders. After all, approaching to the “near-zero energy buildings” means that the crossbar for the builders has been lifted even higher than expected until now, even discussing about passive house technologies. I am pleased that we already have a good beginning – the first passive house and experience acquired in designing and constructing the building”. According to statistics, currently the buildings sector is responsible for about 40% of the EU’s total final energy consumption. The specialists of Eurima, the European Insulation Manufacturers Association, say that the simplest measures, such as thermal insulation of walls and roofs, may reduce the energy consumption in new and old buildings by half. The 2006 survey disclosed that Europe could save EUR 270 billion a year in energy costs by increasing the energy efficiency of buildings. Furthermore, 460 million tons of CO2 emissions could be saved each year through cost-effective energy-efficiency measures in buildings and approximately 0.5 million full time jobs could be created in Europe. The decision to amend EPBD and to enhance the energy efficiency requirements for buildings within the territory of Europe is timely. It is a very urgent subject in Lithuania. More and more attention is paid to the renovation of old buildings; construction experts may already apply passive house solutions in the renovation process. “We may apply the components used in passive houses and accrued experience to the renovation of multi-apartment buildings. This would make the renovation of old buildings even more efficient and meet present and future expectations”, Dr. A. Endriukaitytë says. Project partners of the first passive house designed and built in Lithuania: UAB Veikmë, UAB Paroc, UAB Veikmës projektai, UAB Hronas, UAB Balterma ir ko, bank Swedbank, UAB Baumit Lit, Institute of Architecture and Construction at Kaunas University of Technology, public agency Statybos produkcijos sertifikavimo centras (Certification Centre of Building Products).

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The first Lithuanian passive house • Total floor are with a garage for two vehicles – 224.14 sq. m.

tion system and a reserved floor-heating system.

• Thermal resistance (R): walls – 9 (m2K/W), roof – 12.9 (m2K/ W). Stone wool slabs PAROC UNS 37z awarded a gold medal for The Lithuanian Product of the Year 2009 were used in the first Lithuanian passive house.

• Wooden window frames with a special infused thermal-insulation material. Thickness – 110 mm, three glass packets, two of which with selective glass. U-values: 0.79 (W/m2K).

• The house is equipped with a combined air heating-ventila-

• Energy costs of the Lithuanian passive house are six times less than the costs of a standard new building. 1

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103 Virtuv 11 m²

104 Svetain// valgomasis Svetain 40 m²


C 105 Darbo kambarys 15 m²

107 Skalbykla 6 m²


106 Sanmazgas 4 m²


109 Katilin  5 m²

B 60

B A1

102 Holas 14 m²



101 Tambras 6 m²

A1 354



5 6



108 Garažas 36 m²



A 330





The first Lithuanian 2-floor passive dwelling house for a family of 4 to 5 members

What is a passive house? A house with extremely low energy needs and high-level comfort in the premises is usually defined as a passive house. The passive house consumes less than quarter of the energy required for a standard building. The efficiency of the house is based on effec-

tive thermal insulation of the outer shell and its parts, increased air tightness of structures, and effective recuperative ventilation. Thus, fresh heated outdoor air is always supplied to the premises, exterior walls and partitions are warm and there are no draughts.

BENEFITS OF A PASSIVE HOUSE • Environmental benefits: It would cost 50 - 400 % more to produce an extra kilowatt of electricity than to save or use it effectively.

insulated, the joints are sealed and the cold bridges minimized. • Better quality of indoor air: Fresh air is delivered and filtered continuously, minimizing indoor air pollution.

• Ecological benefits: An average household is responsible for 6,000 kg of CO2 emissions a year. Living in a passive house the same household emits only 2,100kg of CO2 a year.

• Comfort of handling: Less technical appliances and systems: no traditional heating system. Less maintenance and costs.

• Noise protection: Thick and well-insulated structures provide also effective sound insulation which means quiet rooms and better rest in a noisy environment (traffic, children’s playgrounds, industry, etc.).

• Reduced maintenance costs: Energywise construction pays off itself from the very first day. Maintenance of the house requires no additional investments. A passive house gathers space heating savings at least 75 % a year.

• Thermal comfort (also in the summer): There are no draughts or cold feet in an energywise building since it has been carefully

• Stable value: An energywise building may achieve re-sale price up to 30 % higher in comparison with standard buildings.

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Winners of the year 2009

NORTHERN WOLF growing stronger UAB Ðiaurës Vilkas (Northern Wolf), established in Joniðkis District in 1993, is involved in commodities trading, cargo transportation, and company management and is expanding its business in different directions by purchasing and reviving bankrupt companies. Vilius Kaikaris, the owner of the Ðiaurës Vilkas group, can only be envied his astuteness, entrepreneurial skills, and success. Ðiaurës Vilkas is the incorporator and sole shareholder of UAB Maltosa, UAB SV Transport, UAB „SV Logistic“,UAB Laveksa, UAB Joniðkio agrochemija, UAB Skaistgirio skalda, the SV Obeliai cooperative and UAB SV Servisas. The total annual turnover of the group exceeds half a billion litas. FROM AGRICULTURE TO TRANSPORTATION SERVICES UAB Ðiaurës Vilkas currently works in the following two segments: agriculture and transportation services. In the beginning, the transportation segment covered the transportation of the company’s own products only. The company became involved with international transportation in 2001. The company’s fleet of vehicles is upgraded on a regular basis by adding more powerful vehicles complying with EU requirements. The company now has over sixty vehicles which carry goods on international routes in Europe and Asia. Ðiaurës Vilkas 14 |

is a member of Linava (the Lithuanian National Road Carriers’ Association) and the TIR system. The agriculture subdivision of UAB Ðiaurës Vilkas prepares programmes for growing malting barley, summer wheat, and winter and summer rapeseed together with farmers and agricultural companies on a yearly basis and purchases barley fodder and wheat crops. The grain is cleaned, dried, and warehoused. ‘We try to invest in different areas in order to reduce business associated risks. We invest, revive, and expand’, Mr Kaikaris said. In order to expand its activities, Ðiaurës Vilkas also chooses to revive abandoned sites and bankrupt companies hardly of interest to anyone. For example, it leased a pit in Joniðkis District and is now involved with the production of crushed stone. Malting barley is successfully produced by Maltosa at the bankrupt AB Ðvenèionëliø Grûdai. And the production of Lithuanian cooking oil was successfully revived at SV Obeliai last year. THE RETURN OF REAL LITHUANIAN COOKING OIL In 2005, Ðiaurës Vilkas paid LTL 1.97 million for the assets of the bankrupt Obeliø Aliejus in Rokiðkis District. Here, Ðiaurës Vilkas and agricultural companies—suppliers of raw materials—established the cooperative SV Obeliai.

Ðiaurës Vilkas invested approximately LTL 18 million into the bankrupt plant and received an additional LTL 3.5 million from EU Structural Funds. ‘We will produce as many products as the market can absorb—not only in Lithuania but also abroad. The company can produce as much as 47 tonnes of cooking oil per day’, Mr Kaikaris said. The refined rapeseed oil TYRAS Originalusis, which reached shops in the middle of last year, triumphed at the Lithuanian Product of the Year 2009 contest. This cold pressed oil received a gold medal in the ‘Food Industry’ category. TYRAS Originalusis oil is cold pressed from natural rapeseed grown in Lithuania. The product is rich in the important vitamins A, E, and D and Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which are not produced by our bodies and can be received from food only. In terms of technical facilities and product quality, SV Obeliai equals the best European manufacturers and is one of the most advanced oil pressing companies in the Baltic States.

2009 metø nugalëtojai

Production of KAIÐIADORIØ PAUKÐTYNAS is known in Lithuania and abroad SC „Kaiðiadoriø Paukðtynas“ is a poultry farming and chicken processing enterprise which employs over 800 people and belongs to one of the most modern and economically strongest associations in Lithuania, KG Group. In December 2009, Fiesta pickled chicken wings produced by SC „Kaiðiadoriø Paukðtynas“ were awarded with a gold medal of the Lithuanian Product of the Year 2009, the most important recognition and award in the business community, and a significant achievement of products manufactured CONSUMERS RECOGNISE A TRADE MARK While the current Lithuanian economic situation is not the best, the experience and trend of growing results of the poultry company shows that the company’s activity is stable and products of high quality, meeting consumer needs, are marketable and valued: in recent years, the company participates in this contest annually, and often is among the highest ranks of the award nominees.

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Good results are not only guaranteed by the company’s experience and traditions accumulated since 1972, but also its ability to combine them with modern technology and the efficient quality control system. Consumers identified Kaiðiadoriø paukðtynas as a Lithuanian professional of aviculture. In addition to SC “Kaiðiadoriø Paukðtynas”, this vertically integrated group of companies’ associates Vilniaus Paukðtynas

poultry company and AB Kauno Grûdai grain company. “The close cooperation between the undertakings and sharing of experience ensures the effective production indicators”, P. Rimdeikienë, Director General of SC “Kaiðiadoriø Paukðtynas” and Executive Director of KG Group says. „We have the ability of monitoring the entire production process, from the very preparation of feed required for rearing. In other words, the entire process, “from grain to table”, is fully monitored thanks to our companies

who associated into a single structure and implemented the food safety standards ISO 22000:2005 and Global Standard for Food Safety.” The biggest attention enterprise pays to guarantee the quality and safety of products.

SALES TO FOREIGN COUNTRIES ARE INCREASING SC “Kaiðiadoriø Paukðtynas” produces over 2300 tons of broiler meat and chicken products monthly. Lithuanian and foreign buyers are offered the range of more than 200 products. It includes: • fresh and frozen chicken • hot smoked chicken parts • sausages, rolls • pickled chicken products ready-tocook • chicken fries. Over the last 5 years, SC “Kaiðiadoriø Paukðtynas” poultry sales increased by 70 percent and in 2009 exceeded 25 thousand ton. Meanwhile, revenue grew by 83 percent. In the coming 2010 year, the sales are expected to increase by another 8 percent, income by 6 percent, and reach the turnover of 160 million litas. Within the next 5 years, the company intends to boost the turnover by 30 percent.

Paukðtynas” has a modern poultry slaughtering plant with equipment from the Dutch company Stork Food Systems, with the hourly processing capacity of 4000 chickens. There is also a Dutch Stork–Titan refrigeration line, freezing the products to -30oC over a particularly short period of time. There are modern production deboning, calibration and packaging lines. On a daily basis, they assist in processing and packaging production of a wide range, according to the customers’ needs.

As stated by P. Rimdeikienë, Director General of SC “Kaiðiadoriø Paukðtynas” and Executive Director of KG Group, total over 100 million litas of investment is planned for 5 years ahead, and will be used for the support of the existing technical facilities and for its development and updating. In 2010 alone, about 30 million litas of investment is provided. Nice results enterprise are achieved due to good balance in activity, which ensures high quality of production.

Currently, SC “Kaiðiadoriø Paukðtynas” takes up about 25 percent of Lithuania market. Part of production is exported in France, Denmark, Holland, Latvia. Sales to these countries are growing and take up about 25 percenat of SC “Kaiðiadoriø pauktðynas” production. During the year 2009, as compared to the year 2008, sales to foreign markets increased by more than 40 percent. The main products most favoured by foreign customers are fast cooking chicken fries and chicken fillets. Fries are extremely attractive in Western markets. Sales of this product show a trend of growing: during 2 years, the sales doubled and achieved 1000 ton in the year 2009. INVESTMENTS IN PRODUCTION AND PROCESSING In order to ensure the required quality of raw materials and production, the company makes an ongoing investment in poultry production and processing. Thanks to previous investments, SC “Kaiðiadoriø

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Winners of the year 2009

Our goal is to satisfy the expectations of clients Director of JSC “Gamtos namai” GINTAUTAS GYLYS says

Company “Gamtos namai” successfully develops its business for more than ten years. The main field of company’s activity is production, sales and marketing of vitamins and other nutraceuticals. Not many pharmaceutical companies in Lithuania have Good Manufacturing Practice and Good Supplying regulations implemented. “Gamtos namai” is one of such companies.


new and modern factory, which meets the HACCP requirements, was built in 2004.

The company produces more than 50 products, which are not only sold in Lithuania, but also exported to Poland, Germany, Latvia, Belorussia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. “Gamtos namai” - the only company in Lithuania which has

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fully automated blistering and cartoning line constructed according to special requirements and is capable to pack innovative products - three different products into one blister. Because of this innovative line, company started to produce line of products TRIOPLAN® with modern and unique form and composition “Gamtos namai” is performing placement of containers into carton boxes together with the information leaflet and secondary packaging of blisters enclosing the information

leaflet into a box. The speed of packaging is 40-45 boxes per minute. The company produces more than 350 different products per month. Imagine - single line for packaging blisters does it with the speed of 100 blisters per minute!

The main goal of the company “Gamtos namai” is to be a reliable supplier of the exclusive quality products. It aims at establishing association of the company’s name with high quality and professionalism. The key factors of “Gamtos namai” success are strategy, high qualification and professional skills of employees, constant cooperation with suppliers, service providers and customers.

The stylish TRIOPLAN® Sir daily dosage plan consists of three active components packed in an easy-to-use dispenser. You will always have health and endurance at your fingertips if you carry the one day vitamin dispenser with you wherever you go. Moreover, you will be able to take whatever pill or capsule you need at the right time anywhere - in a car or in a plane, at work or on a night out on the town. GINTAUTAS GYLYS ABOUT THE SOURCE FOR HEALTH, BEAUTY AND STRENGTH The objective of the competition “Lithuanian Product of the Year” is to enhance the competitiveness of the quality of Lithuanian products, introduce the Lithuanian industrial production, goods and services to local and international consumers. What is the strategy of your company to preserve the clients? G.G. “Gamtos namai” has always gone hand in hand with the latest technologies, changing wishes and habits of consumers, and the state-of-the-art achievements in the eld of science. To satisfy our clients, the company introduces innovative solutions into the production process, expands the assortment of vitamins, offers affordable prices and encourages unconditional care of each client. We are organizing promotional campaigns, lotteries, have established a club of people leading a healthy way of life, maintain coopera-

tion with other organizations, publish consultations on our website where we share our knowledge about the healthy way of life and vitamins. The product of your company was granted a gold medal out 94 products and services nominated in 15 categories. Which product was awarded with the medal and why? G.G. The gold medal was granted to the supplement for a healthy modern man TRIOPLAN® Sir. Health is a guarantor of completeness in life and therefore the needs of the body must be satised immediately. It’s rather difcult to put all components that are needed to preserve good health in one tablet. The supplement for a healthy modern man TRIOPLAN® Sir is a completely balanced complex of vitamins,

microelements, amino acids, antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids. TRIOPLAN® Sir is used three times a day each time taking the separately packed complex components. Once you take the daily portion of vitamins with you, you will always have the source for health, beauty and strength at your hand and will be able to take a tablet or a capsule wherever you are, in a car, on a plane, at work, in a restaurant or in countryside. The TRIOPLAN® is the series of vitamins individually created for three groups: women, men and elderly people.

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2009 metø nugalëtojai

beer that is putting Lithuania’s name on the map of the world

Photos: Ðvyturys


Ðvyturys Ekstra, Lithuania’s most popular beer, has been created by Dþuljeta Armonienë

The brewery Ðvyturys that last year celebrated 225 years of its operation today brews beer that is known, liked and acclaimed both in Lithuania and all over the world. Over the past ten years, the products of Ðvyturys have reaped significant awards at international competitions that allow putting Lithuanian beer right next to the world’s best beers

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EKSTRA – A SYMBOL OF SUCCESS The recipe for Ðvyturys Ekstra, the most popular beer in Lithuania, was designed 15 years ago. Back then, the economy of Independent Lithuania was growing rapidly and the country experienced huge demand for draught beer. However, beer aficionados were not expecting some German or Czech brew but rather true Lithuanian beer. Beer Ekstra became the symbol of success for the Klaipëda brewery. Dþuljeta Armonienë, the chief brewer for Ðvyturys, says she was trying to come up with a beer that would have its taste acceptable to a wide range of consumers. “The beer had to be refreshing and easy to drink. That’s how Ekstra was born as a combination of light malt, rice, bitter and aromatic hops, beer yeast and fresh water. We made a beer that became the leader of the entire Ðvyturys family as soon as it hit the shelves. The enticing aroma of hops, the long-lasting aftertaste and the thick dazzling head won everyone’s hearts,” says Mrs. Armonienë, who is today dubbed the most famous brewer in Lithuania.

PINNACLE OF BREWERS’ EXCELLENCE The authentic recipe of Ekstra has never changed since the beer was first made up till now. Although over that time the brewery Ðvyturys has deployed latest technology, upgraded its production process, the taste of the beer remained intact. The main thing that concerns the technologists today is to preserve the much-loved taste and therefore the making of this beer is governed by tremendously austere rules. “We’re making every effort for buyers of Ðvyturys Ekstra to rest assured that they’ll be serving the product they have come to like and appreciate. The hardest thing is not to come up with a recipe but rather to keep it with the conditions, raw materials and workforce changing. I am glad that we are doing this thanks to responsible and diligent work,” Mrs. Armonienë says. In order to maintain the position of the most popular brand, the brewers of Ekstra are always on a lookout for ways to surprise beer aficionados and make

Today beer Ðvyturys can be found on the markets of 25 countries worldwide

them happy. A great achievement was made several years ago, when the consumers were presented with the first bottled draught beer in Lithuania, which is deemed to be the pinnacle of the brewers’ excellence. Having seen the advantages of “live” beer, the brewery Ðvyturys found ways to bottle non-pasteurised beer and keep it that way so that those who have a taste for this kind of brew can both enjoy it on tap and buy it bottled.

der/European Export category at the World Cup in New York. And one year later, Ðvyturys Ekstra placed first, winning gold among Dortmunder beers at the World Beer Championships in Chicago. The commission awarded the beer from Klaipëda with the highest mark that had ever been seen in the European Export category – a whopping 96 points out of 100. Such acclaim usually goes only to the most famous and world-renowned beer brands.


The Silver Medal that was awarded to Ðvyturys Baltas (White) beer at the World Beer Championships in Chicago in 2009 proved that the Klaipëda brewery had no plans to yield its top position at worldwide beer quality competitions.

The top quality of Ðvyturys Ekstra is also evidenced by the awards it has reaped at prestigious contests; it must be the Lithuanian beer that has earned the most titles ever. When the beer brewers first applied to enlist in the World Beer Cup back in 2000, Ekstra already was the most popular and loved Lithuanian beer both in bars and in stores. By the way, it should be stressed that Ekstra has always been supplied to bars and pubs only as a “live”, non-pasteurised beer. That is why the creators of Ðvyturys Ekstra were not surprised to find out that the beer had won silver in the Dortmun-

It was not only at America-based world beer championships that Ðvyturys Ekstra was awarded high marks, it has been acclaimed at other prestigious world beer competitions as well. At the Stockholm beer festival in 2004, Ðvyturys Ekstra was awarded with gold among Lager beers. Last year, Ðvyturys beers from the Traditional Collection, which also includes Ekstra, won as many as three medals at the Australian International Beer Award.

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SURPRISING WITH NEW THINGS One year ago, in order to boost the exclusive nature and quality of their products and to add to promoting a higher culture of beer in Lithuanian, the beer brewers at Ðvyturys merged the three most popular brands on beer into the Traditional Ðvyturys Collection. Three beers – Baltas (White), Baltijos and Ekstra Draught – became available in darkglass bottles manufactured against the specimen of the bottle that the brewery used in the 19th century. The beer of this collection has also earned some prestigious awards. For example, in the US resort town of Aspen in 2002, Ðvyturys Baltijos received the Bronze medal in the category of German Style Marzen/Octoberfest. At the international Siberian Fair that took place in Russia in 2008, Ðvyturys Baltijos won the Grand Gold medal, and Ðvyturys Baltas (White) was awarded with the Lesser Silver medal. In the best product choice awards organised by the British retail giant Tesco in 2007, Ðvyturys Baltas (White)

was acknowledged winner in the wheat beer category. This year, in view of the consumers that favour the natural qualities, purity and good quality of the product the beer brewers at Ðvyturys launched a new beer – Ðvyturys Nefiltruotas (Raw). That is a beer that does not undergo modern filtering procedures and contains yeast that imbues the beer with even more body, character, a rich and unique taste. They say it is a beer from the past, as that is the kind of unfiltered beer that brewers used to make in the old days, that is the beer that the Klaipëda brewery would produce in the early days of its existence.

This proves that the top-quality beer of Ðvyturys ranks equal to the best beer brands in the world,” Mr. Virðilas says. Ðvyturys has already made history as the first Lithuanian brewery to gain the highest international recognition. Currently, exports of Ðvyturys beer to go the world’s largest beer market of the United States of America, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Russia, Poland, Spain, and Scandinavia. This year the Lithuanian beer Ðvyturys is already available to denizens of Brazil and South Korea, and draught beer exports even reach the US.

CONQUERING FOREIGN MARKETS CEO of Ðvyturys-Utenos Alus Rolandas Virðilas says that such rewards stand to demonstrate a significant estimate. “We are proud that the beer we make always gains recognition at world-wide, most prestigious brewery competitions.

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Statybininkų Str. 9 LT-33111 Molėtai, Lithuania Tel. + 370 383 51568 Fax +370 383 51567 WWW.MOLESTA.LT

Winners of the year 2009

MARIJAMPOLËS PIENO KONSERVAI Joint Stock Company „Marijampolës pieno konservai“, which celebrated its 30th anniversary, is one of the largest milk processing enterprises and exporters of dairy products in Lithuania

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The ranges produced by the Company consist of the following high quality

dairy products: various sweetened and unsweetened condensed milk, milk powder, UHT milk, butter and blended spread, cream and blends of sour cream and vegetable fat, cream, cheese. Company takes pride in its own goods and invests great deal of time to make sure produced goods meet the highest quality standards, therefore Marijampolës pieno konservai introduced strict goods assessments programme. Successful Company’s performance in this field contributed to fine achievement and

recognition of its hard work - ISO 9001 Quality management, ISO 22000 Food safety (HACCP) and ISO 14001 Environmental management certificates, all its products have been certified at the Testing and Certification Centre of the Russian Federation ROSTEST-MOSKVA. Currently company employs 540 people. All personnel are specialists in their own field, highly skilled and trained.

Photo: Gediminas Miðkinis

Dairy products, which have stood the test of time and have enjoyed huge popularity in the market, are becoming better and better known to consumers on different continents – they are not only available for European consumption but also for the countries of the CIS, Africa and the Arabian peninsula, the Middle East, and Latin America. Marijampolës pieno konservai exports 80 % of its production.

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Winners of the year 2009

MODERN LOCOMOTIVES ARE “BORN” IN LITHUANIA | H ENRIKAS BALEVIÈIUS | THE LOCOMOTIVE OF THE NEW GENERATION WAS ASSESSED ABROAD The shunting locomotive TEM TMH-001 just produced by UAB „Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto depas“ (“VLRD”) /”Vilnius Locomotive Repairing Roundhouse”/ was exposed in the Second International Railway Transport Exhibition EXPO 1520 held on 9–12 September in Moscow. Experts from Russia and many other states of the world, railway professionals, other participants of the Exhibition and even competitors highly appreciated the locomotive of the new generation. Locomotive TEM TMH-001 is a joint product of UAB „Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto depas“, Bryansk Machine-Building Plant and CZ LOKO. TEM TMH-001 was designed on the base of the frame and bogies of locomotive TEM18 where modern modules of components and aggregates as well as a driver’s cab were assembled. The locomotive includes 1455 kW internal combustion engine „Caterpillar 3512B DITA“ that conforms to provisions of the European environmental protection standards Euro 2. In addition to pneumatic brakes, eddy-current rails are

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The control panel of the locomotive

Locomotive EM TMH-001

Photos: G. Miðkinis

provided in the locomotive as well. In the comfortable driver’s cab with modern equipment, self-contained heating and air conditioning are provided. In the locomotive, fuel consumption is reduced by 30 percent and lubricant consumption is reduced up to 95 percent, as compared to locomotives of earlier produced types. „I hazard a guess that the new product conforms to all requirements related to cost-effectiveness, safety and environmental protection; it is no worse than the best analogous specimens worldwidely and in some aspects, such as price, even surpasses them“, Valentas Stadalnykas, Director General of UAB „Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto depas“, says.


The beginning of the “birth” of the locomotive

TEM TMH was made within four months and caused a great interest in Moscow: at the exhibition, TEM TMH-001 was the only new shunting locomotive and new modern shunting locomotives are not produced in the space of 1520 mm wide tracks for many years.

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Modern control panel of the engine

In the late 2008, when a successful using of updated shunting locomotives ÈME3 began in Lithuanian railways, the management team of UAB „Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto depas“ initiated searching for partners in implementing the new challenge – production of a modern shunting locomotive conforming to the highest standards set for such products. Valentas Stadalnykas mentioned that a Memorandum on organizing production of the new locomotive was signed with Russian company TRANSMASHHOLDING in March 2009. In June 2009, UAB VLRD and TRANSMASHHOLDING signed the contract of production and certification of two new locomotives. The first shunting locomotive TEM TMH-001 made at UAB „Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto depas“ for Lithuanian railways was transferred for experimental use in November of the last year.

line railroaded across the territory of Lithuania one hundred and fifty years ago caused an appearance of new railway stations and stakes, as well as appearance and growing of new boroughs and settlements. Facilities for controlling railway traffic, ensuring its safety and reliability were developed. First of all, the facilities required for everyday existence of railways and facilities for producing and repairs of wagons, rolling-stock and so on appeared. In such a way, the today company „Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto depas“ started its activities; now it is a well-known company that celebrated its 125–year jubilee in December of the last year. „In the beginning, the enterprise consisted of small workshops in accordance with the standards of the period”, Valentas Stadalnykas, Director General of UAB „Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto depas“, says. “There was a long way full of changes and introduction of new achievements of sciences and technologies in practice; adoption of advanced technologies never interrupted since the beginning up to now“.

SEARCHING FOR NEW SOLUTIONS “The permanently obsolescent stock of shunting locomotives where they serve for three decades and longer encouraged us to search for new solutions”, Director General Valentas Stadalnykas describes the prehistory of the appearance of the new locomotive. “Repairs prolong the service life of a locomotive up to 15 years at best. So, in course of searching for new directions of the activities, we decided to develop a modern locomotive that would conform to the key provisions of the today standards: reduced fuel and lubricant consumption; reduced environmental pollution by the exhaust gas; increased mileage between repairs; more cosy and comfortable workplace of the train driver; an opportunity of downsizing the operating personnel; a longer exploitation”.

In the late 2003, a key reorganization of the company took place: the functions of repairs and exploitation were separated. AB „Lietuvos geleþinkeliai“ assumed the ones of exploitation and repairs were confided to UAB „Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto depas“. „Today we can be reasonably proud of our enterprise and its staff. I do not speak herein about repairing works that always distinguish themselves for high quality and promptness. Foreign states take a particular interest in products of the new quality from Vilnius, such as the shunting locomotive TEM TMH“, Director General Valentas Stadalnykas said.

THE REORGANIZATION SERVED THE PURPOSE In September 2009, Lithuanian railways celebrated the sesquicentennial jubilee of their activities. Peterburg–Warsaw railway

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Lithuanian product of the year 2009 awarded with Gold Medal. Made of forest camouage jersey covered with special hidrophobic ďŹ nish to protect from morning dew, fog and rain, and including a protective mesh from insects.

From Lithuania, from the Heart of Europe...

Winners of the year 2009

EASY & SIMPLE In 2009 “Saint-Gobain statybos gaminiai” Weber participated in the annual contest “Lithuanian Product of the Year” organized by Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists where the company presented its new product – concrete for floors Weber.floor BASE 10. In the category of construction materials, the golden medal of “Lithuanian Product of the Year” was awarded to the concrete for floors. This award is very significant to both the company and the consumers as nowadays they are particularly interested in the quality of products. This contest and UAB “Saint-Gobain statybos gaminiai“ Weber shares the same goal – to develop high quality production, oriented to the local market, by encouraging the consumer to choose a Lithuanian product, and in this way contributing to the development of Lithuanian business. A regular introduction of innovations in products and services is one of the main goals of the development of Weber activities. The achieved result is a high quality and reliable product – concrete for floors Weber.floor Base 10. The manufacture of this concrete for

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floors started in August, 2009. Since the start of manufacture, this product has been successfully sold in the local market of construction materials and also exported to Latvia. The clients’ feedback on the product is positive. This product is of high quality, easy to use, a thinner layer of concrete can be applied. It can be laid on the sound or heat insulation and used in the floor heating systems. The product is suitable for the installation of floors in the boiler-houses, basements, individual garages – in the construction field which is the most important for individual constructions in these hard economic times. The preparation for floor installation is easy and simple. What you need to do is prepare the surface before concreting and make sure that it is firm. The foundation must be free of impurities: grease, lime or paint residual. It is important to make sure that all concrete laying works are carried

out properly because it will determine the quality of the finished floor surface whether it is carpet, cork flooring, PVC, ceramic or stone tiles or parquet. The layer of the concrete is from 10 to 80mm thick; it can be smoothened manually or mechanically; the concrete is highly resistant, has reduced shrinkage, is resistant to cold, homogenous, vapour-permeable, easily and quickly processed, does not contain casein, and is not harmful to health. The preparation of mortar is simple. Pour the Weber.floor BASE 10 mixture in the amount of water indicated on the package and mix for 2-3 minutes using a low speed electric driller with a mixer until homogenous mixture is obtained. Leave it for 5 minutes and then mix it again. The mix should be in such amount that will be immediately used within 2 hours. It is not recommended to pour more water than indicated since it lowers resistance and increases the shrinkage of the mix. Also the mix should not be “improved” by adding sand, cement or other material. The main requirements for concrete laying are also applicable for the next 7 days –

the environment and foundation temperature should be higher than +10oC. The maintenance of the installed surface is carried out for 3 days, by wetting it with water or using membranes. The product should be stored in a dry place for 12 months in the original packaging. The concrete for floor Weber.floor Base 10 and other products manufactured or imported by „Saint-Gobain statybos gaminiai“ Weber are available in the largest centers of construction products, such as “Moki veþi”, “Senukai”, also in shops of smaller companies selling construction materials. In 2009, French Industrial Group “SaintGobain” acquired a former UAB “Maxit” which was owned by Swedish “Maxit” Group operating construction mixture factories in Kaunas and manufacturer of ceramsite products “Fibo” in Ðiauliai.

group amounts to 1.2 billion EUR. The company provides exclay and premix products as well as machinery to over 100 international centers in Europe, Russia and China. “Maxit” group (former UAB “Optiroc” founded in 1993) has established itself as one of the leading pre-mix and construction block producers. In 2007, it acquired former UAB “VISCUM” factory of dry construction mixtures in Kaunas district and continues successful development in this field. Some products, for example, “Fibo” ceramsite blocks, “Vetonit” masonry mixtures, “VISCUM” dry construction mixtures, and “Deitermann” hydro-insulation materials, have already gained popularity in the Lithuanian market of construction materials, and we believe that Weber construction mixtures will attract customers in future.

“Saint-Gobain” is one of the largest industrial groups in the world, having 207 thousand employees in 57 countries. The annual sales of the group amounts to 41.6 billion EUR. The group is a global leader in all areas of its activity. The annual turnover of the “Maxit”

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Winners of the year 2009



The Pastry Marzipan Swirl won the gold medal in the national contest The Lithuanian Product of the Year 2009

We are constantly on the lookout for innovations that would satisfy the changing wishes of the clients and needs of the consumers. Thus, the product assortment is renewed steadily and the production is modernized. Also, we have presented the local and the export market with a record number of new products in the year 2009. It reached around 130 products and it constituted about 40% of our assortment. One of the core reasons why we had managed to realize this was the huge investments into the production innovations. We acquired about 80 new sets of equipment in 2008-2009. The company endeavor to introduce innovations was appreciated in a republic scale. Mantinga UAB was nominated to be The Innovative Company in the year 2009.


antinga UAB is a modern and one of the largest companies in Eastern Europe, offering frozen bread and pastry products. Its assortment totals around 300 products. Mantinga UAB has an integrated food safety, quality and environment protection management system, which corresponds to the BRC version 5, LST EN ISO 22000:2005/AC:2006, LST EN ISO 9001:2001 and LST EN ISO 14001:2005 standards requirements. The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system is also in effect in the company. Our priorities are the highest and stable quality of the products, food safety and high hygiene culture. The Pastry Marzipan Swirl is our newest pride and it has won the gold medal in the national contest The Lithuanian Product of the Year 2009. From the point of formula, production process, taste and shape The Pastry Marzipan Swirl has no substitute in local market and that is why it is the innovative product in Lithuania. About 51% of the company production is exported to 25 foreign countries. 34 |

Mantinga UAB Director General Klemencas Agentas in the national contest The Lithuanian Product of the Year 2009 award ceremony

JSC ORION GLOBAL PET – a subsidiary of INDORAMA. Indorama is a leading international PET resin producer established in three major regions of the world – Asia Pacific, North America, and Europe. The ORION GLOBAL PET facility is located in Klaipëda Free Economic Zone, Lithuania. Company produces PET polymers (Polyethylene Terephthalate) which are used in a wide range of industries including beverages, food, pharmaceuticals, personal and home care. The plant started commercial production in 2006 with an annual capacity of 230,000 tons, making

it the largest single PET resin plant in Europe. Employed contemporary Swiss technologies enable to reduce the environmental impact below the permissible parameters. The plant is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified. Company focusses on people, processes, knowledge, quality product meeting customers‘ satisfaction, dedicated service, safety in operations and comittment to social responsibility and environment. In 2009, ORION GLOBAL PET received a merit for product of the year award from Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists.

The company was awarded with the gold medal for the product “Ramapet N1”



Your Garden

A winner of the nomination  “The Best Lithuanian Exporter of the Year - 2003” A winner of the nomination  “The Best Lithuanian Exporter of the Year - 2004” A gold medal winner of nomination  “The Best Lithuanian Product of the Year 2004” A winner of the nomination  “The Best Lithuanian Exporter of the Year - 2005” A winner of the nomination  “The Best Lithuanian Exporter of the Year - 2006” A winner of the nomination  “The Best Lithuanian Exporter of the Year - 2007” A winner of the nomination  “The Best Lithuanian Exporter of the Year - 2008” A gold medal winner of nomination  “The Best Lithuanian Product of the Year 2009”

ers Without our custom we would not exist.

! r e h t e g o t w o r g ’s t e L Konstitucijos pr. 15/5-30, Vilnius LT-08106, Lithuania Tel +370 5 2640311 Fax +370 5 2640308

LITHUANIA IS INTERESTED IN THE TRANSPARENT BUSINESS CLIMATE IN BELARUS Lithuania and Belarus are not only neighbors, but have a general history and old economic relations. Which direction follows Lithuanian Government speaking about these two countries economic relations, we are talking with Lithuanian Prime Minister Mr. ANDRIUS KUBILIUS niches for economic cooperation. It is worth noting the growth of interest of Lithuanian business in the Belarusian market, increase of Lithuanian investment in Belarus; on the other hand, Belarusians are also making investments into Lithuania. In 2009, according to the official data, Lithuanian investment in Belarus nearly doubled and totalled LTL 141 million. Klaipëda is the nearest seaport for Belarus in terms of geography; hence Lithuania and Belarus naturally complement each other by developing transport infrastructure, cargo transport and transit flows. Growing economic cooperation is further reflected by the fact that Belarus trades surplus electricity via the power exchange or transfers electricity it had acquired from other countries by way of transit.

BiL One of the Lithuanian foreign policy priorities is the European Neighbourhood Policy. How does it apply towards Belarus? We are mostly interested in the economic cooperation policy. Lithuania has an ages-long common history, cultural, economic relations as well as a sense of kinship with Belarus, and the outer EU border running across our countries cannot sever our existing connections and links. Unfortunately, this border so far is not only a dividing line between different political and economic unions but also between opposing views on democracy, fundamental human rights and freedoms. There are, however, signs of certain progress in this area. Belarus had made a decision to take part in the EU-initiated Eastern Neighbourhood Programme. With the aim of fostering a safe, 40 |

democratic and economically prosperous neighbourhood, the European Union plans to spend EUR 600 million for the development of the Eastern Partnership within next few years. As you are aware, the Eastern Partnership focusses on four key lines: democracy, good governance and stability, economic integration and incorporation into EU policy, energy security and human relations. I hope the Belarusian authorities will do their homework with full awareness of reciprocal commitment by securing human rights, freedom of the press, political freedoms and liberties as well as other democratic values for the people of Belarus. Also, the Eastern Partnership opens better opportunities for our businesses to capitalize on our accumulated knowledge of the region and EU markets and to spot new

Nevertheless, we have to mention a couple of cases when the Lithuanian business and its capital investment in Belarus have been put at risk: for example, the arrest of businessman A. Jablonskis and nearly a year-long detention during the investigation of a tax violation or the case of the “Tranzito terminalas” company getting ousted from the Belarusian market. We are keenly interested in the functioning of a transparent business climate in Belarus, therefore we will provide any support to the country’s integration into the World Trade Organisation (WTO). We seek to pursue the Neighbourhood Policy by facilitating freer cross-border movement for the people of Belarus as well. We have finalised and coordinated with Lithuanian and EU institutions the agreement regarding the travelling of border residents of Lithuania and Belarus; it would allow for border residents to cross

the border and enter the border territory of another country with special permits. The agreement can be signed once the neighbouring country has completed its internal harmonisation procedures. BiL For centuries, Lithuania and Belarus have been in close contact with each other; their rich historic heritage rests on common European traditions, similarities of experience and cultural values. What instruments could Lithuanian politicians, diplomats and businesspeople use to resuscitate and strengthen positive historical traditions and economic ties (e.g. common Lithuanian-Belarusian business forums, business missions, bilateral meetings, etc.)? Recent years have seen intensification of economic cooperation between Lithuania and Belarus. One should mention the annual Lithuanian-Belarus economic forums (alternately held both in Lithuania and Belarus) where the bilateral intergovernmental commission on commercial and economic cooperation during its sittings addresses topical issues of particular economic sectors and international cooperation and seeks solutions to emerging challenges for business entities as well as ways to reinforce economic ties. Also, round table discussions with Lithuanian and Belarusian business or Lithuanian business trips to Belarus are regularly held. The Lithuanian-Belarusian economic investment forum took place in Lithuania at the end of February 2010. “The Business Club”, established at the Lithuanian Embassy in the final days of 2009 in Minsk and comprising Lithuanian businessmen operating in Belarus, will provide a fresh and tangible impetus to intensification of economic cooperation with the neighbouring country. This joint business and institutional initiative will help keep abreast of Lithuanian business tendencies, clarify existing obstacles to business and ways to eliminate them, discuss topical issues and challenges that businesses face while operating in the Belarusian market.

flow of goods and cargoes through Lithuania and Belarus in the West-East and EastWest direction has great potential to grow. The projects such as VIKING or MERCURY are already in operation. The above projects – how significant are they for our economies? What other plans are expected to be developed in this area? Belarussian cargo shipments account for nearly 20 percent of total cargo flows at the Klaipëda Seaport. It goes without saying that we are interested in the further growth of cargo shipments and put much effort in this direction. Currently, Lithuania is taking every use of its geographical and geopolitical advantages by participating in the EU transport development initiatives and working out joint projects with Eastern neighbours. In September 2009, Lithuania together with southern Swedish regions, Denmark, northern German states and Belarus launched the East-West corridor development project with the support of the EU Baltic Sea Region Fund. The project parties have set an ambitious goal: to establish an innovative technology-based transport network in the southern part of the Baltic Sea which would be competitive and effective in managing international trade flows between Europe and Asia. To this end, Lithuanian, Belarusian and Chinese transport ministers signed the joint declaration on cooperation in the development of the initiative of the East-West transport corridor after the tripartite meeting in October 2009, held in Vilnius for the first time. I have no doubts that the above initiatives will pave the way for closer cooperation between Lithuanian and Belarusian transport sectors and exert a positive influence on our national economy.

I always discuss these topics in the meetings with my colleague, Belarusian Prime Minister Sergei Sidorsky; on various occasions, we had 4 or 5 meetings at least last year.

Referring to the joint projects that have already been completed, I would like to mention the combined transport train VIKING, which was recognized as one of the best innovative intermodal freight transport solutions and awarded with a special prise. It should be noted that the piggyback shuttle train Klaipëda-Odesa-Ilyichevsk (via Minsk) carried more containers in 2009 (the year of economic recession) than in 2008. I know that at present there is an intensive dialogue to extend the VIKING train route to Turkey.

BiL Belarusians tend to refer to Lithuania as sea gates and take advantage of a wide range of services of Klaipëda Seaport. The

BiL Belarus is attractive in terms of its geographical location, well-developed infrastructure, skilled workforce and size of its

market. How can Lithuania help its entrepreneurs to do business in Belarus? According to estimates, around 300 Lithuanian capital companies are already operating here and around 400 investors have expressed their intentions to set up branches in this neighbouring country. On the other hand, does Lithuania tolerate the entry of Belarusian capital to our country? The various forms of bilateral cooperation with Belarusian partners and the above mentioned joint initiatives of Lithuanian public authorities and private businesses are complemented by a whole range of measures provided for by the Government to promote export, investment and innovation. Support measures are not limited to financial assistance, but also cover training and consulting available to businesspeople who wish to pursue business activities in Belarus. Lithuanian companies operating in Belarus enjoy great competitive advantages over their western competitors thanks to the favourable geographical position and knowledge of the language as well as of the specific business environment. Lithuania welcomes Belarusian as well as any other transparent foreign capital to our country. The Government of Lithuania is determined to provide necessary support to foreign investors, regardless of the sector of the Lithuanian economy in which the investment is made. All foreign investors are treated equally, with certain restrictions applicable only in cases of the possible market monopoly. BiL What is your view on the intentions of Lithuanian entrepreneurs to take part in the privatization of State-owned objects in Belarus? Lithuania is interested in the economic progress of Belarus and our contribution to it is twofold: Scandinavian capital and investments coming to Belarus via Lithuanian businesspeople and managers as well as Lithuanians’ own business and investment in Belarus. The desire of Lithuanian entrepreneurs to take part in the privatization of Belarusian companies demonstrates that Lithuanian business has grown stronger, is looking for new markets and product niches and is seeking to do business on an international scale and to compete with investors from other countries. The Lithuanian Government welcomes and fully supports such initiatives. | 41

Trade cooperation of LITHUANIA with BELARUS



Trade cooperation between Republic of Lithuania and Republic of Belarus is regulated by the legal norms for regulating trade relations of European Union with third countries.

In course of implementing the Article 13 of the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation, the Bilateral Lithuania-Belarus Commission for implementing the objects of the Agreement and developing recommendations for improving the trade and economic cooperation was formed. Decisions of the Commissions are of recommendatory character. From the side of Lithuania, the Chairman of the Commission is Minister of Economy Dainius Kreivys.

In their trade and economic cooperation, the said states also follow: – the Agreement between the Government of Republic of Lithuania and the Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Belarus on Trade and Economic Cooperation (having come into force on 23 February 1995); – the Agreement between the Government of Republic of Lithuania and the Government of Republic of Belarus on Avoiding Double Taxation and Fiscal Violations (having come into force on 26 June 1996); – the Agreement between the Government of Republic of Lithuania and the Government of Republic of Belarus on Stimulation and Protection of Investments (having come into force on 16 May 2002). 42 |

On 11 June 2009, the fourteenth sitting of the Commission was arranged in Vilnius. At the sitting, the problems related to development of trade and reciprocal investment of the states, increasing flows of cargoes transported through Klaipëda State Seaport, increasing the permeability of railway border crossing points for cargo transportation in the direction of Klaipëda Seaport, extension of the itinerary of the combined

train „Viking“, and improving conditions for cargo transportation across the territories of both states were discussed upon. On 16-19 September 2009, the Fifth Forum on Economy of Lithuania and Belarus was arranged in Vilnius; the principal issues discussed upon by the Forum included trade and economic cooperation in the sectors of transport and logistics, projects on development ecology, production of biofuel and information technologies, investment-based cooperation in trade, public catering, hotel sector and roadside service. Simultaneously, the Sixth National Exhibition of Belarus „Belarus EKSPO – 2009“ was arranged in Vilnius. On 4 February 2010, the Belarus-Lithuania seminar on investments was arranged. The idea of the seminar was presentation of the business environment and investment climate of Belarus as well as a discussion of a possible impact of formation of Belarus,

Foreign trade of Lithuania with Belarus in the years 2004-2009 2004






1.5 (2.5% )

1.8 (2.4%)

2.4 (2.6%)

2.9 (2.8%)

3.7 (2.9%)

2.7 (2.9%)

Export, billion LTL


0.8 (3.2% )

1.0 (3.2%)

1.5 (3.8%)

1.7 (4.0%)

2.5 (4.5%)

1.92 ( 4.7%)

Import, billion LTL

0.7 (1.9%3)

0.8 (1.7%)

0.9 (1.8%)

1.2 (2.0%)

1.2 (1.7%)

0.75 (1.7%)







Turnover of foreign trade, billion LTL

Foreign trade balance, billion LTL

Russia and Kazakhstan Customs Union upon the economic cooperation between Lithuania and Belarus. Striving for more active cooperation of economic subjects, on 26 May 2009, a constituent sitting of the Association of Economic Cooperation between Lithuania and Belarus was arranged in Vilnius. The Business Council was established and Vladimiras Romanovas (the President of ÛBIG / Ûkio bankas Investment Group/ and the major shareholder of AB „Ûkio bankas“) was elected to the post of its Chairman. Following members of the Business Council were elected: Algimantas Kondrusevièius, the President of Lithuanian National Road Carriers Association „Linava“; Kæstutis Mizaras, the Director General of UAB „Lodvila“; Audrius Pauþa, the Director General of AB „Klaipëdos jûrø kroviniø kompanija“ (KLASCO); Augustinas Rakauskas, the President of UAB „Senukai“. On 03 February, the first sitting of the Council where business structures of both states planned the milestones in interaction of business with national authorities was arranged.


Belarus in the list of trade partners of Lithuania (in the year 2009: the percentage of the total trade turnover of Lithuania) Export Place


Import Percent











United Kingdom








Czech Republic

Percent 1.8


United Kingdom









United States


TRADE OF LITHUANIA WITH BELARUS Lithuania keeps active foreign trade relations with Belarus; our national business takes an interest in the huge market of the neighbouring state (with population of 9.7 million). In the year 2009, Lithuanian export to Belarus amounted to LTL 1.92 billion (EUR 0.56 billion, or 4.7 percent of Lithuanian export) and reduced by 22.9 percent, as compared to the same period of the year 2008. In the year 2009, Lithuanian import from Belarus amounted to LTL 748.7 million (about EUR 216.8 million, or 1.7 percent of Lithuanian import) and reduced by 40 1 2

Percentage in the total Lithuanian foreign trade Percentage in the total Lithuanian export

percent, as compared to the same period of the year 2008. Lithuanian foreign trade balance with Belarus was positive and amounted to LTL 1.17 billion (about EUR 0.34 billion). The leading objects of export to Belarus in the year 2009: – vehicles (used cars and cargo-carrying vehicles, tractors, prime movers) - the total value LTL 646.5 million (33.6 percent of the total export to Belarus); 3 4

– equipment of machines and mechanisms (taps, faucets, valves, tanks, boilers, cisterns, thermal pumps) – the total value LTL 295.6 million (15.4 percent); – plastics and wares of them (various polymeric materials, plastic plates and sheets, pipes) – the total value LTL 119,0 million (6.2 percent); – electric machines & equipment and their parts (audio recording and playing devices, control panels, stands, distribution cabinets and so on) – the total value LTL 73.1 mln. Lt (3.8 percent).

Percentage in the total Lithuanian import 1 October 2009

| 43

The leading objects of import from Belarus in the year 2009: – mineral products (petroleum oil, crude oil, oil bitumen, portland cement, burnt lime) - the total value LTL 183.4 million (24.5 percent of the total import from Belarus); – fertilizers (mineral and chemical) – the total value LTL 78.9 million (10.5 percent); – iron and steel (ferrous metals) – the total value LTL 77.0 million (10.3 percent); – wood and wooden wares – the total value LTL 64.2 million (8.6 percent); – plastics and wares of them – the total value LTL 36.2 million (4.8 percent).

Direct investments of Lithuania and Belarus in the years 2004-2009 2004






LT investments in Belarus, million LTL







BY investments in Lithuania, million LTL







Direct investments of Belarus in Lithuania according to sectors of economic activities: Million LTL

Direct foreign investments 01 October 2009 Direct investments of Belarus in Lithuania (78 investors)


Including following sectors of economic activities: Manufacturing


Publishing & printing activities

Production of rubber and plastic wares

Production of metalwork

Production of radio, TV and communication equipment and devices

Production of medical, precise and optical devices

Civil engineering works


Wholesale and retail trade


Transporting and storage


Financial mediation


Real estate, rent and other business activities


Other activities related to public utilities, social and personal services


Acquiring and selling private real estate


Direct investments of Belarus in Lithuania according to sectors of economic activities: Million LTL

Direct foreign investments

INVESTMENTS On 1 October 2009, the direct investments of Belarus in Lithuania amounted to LTL 138.2 million, i.e. Belarus was the 26-th in the list of direct investors in respect of the amount of investments.

01 October 2009 Direct investments of Lithuania in Belarus (69 investors) Including following sectors of economic activities: Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishery




Production of food and beverages

On 1 October 2009, the direct investments of Lithuania in Belarus amounted to LTL 141.0 million, i.e. Belarus was the 11-th in the list of direct foreign investments of Lithuania. The direct investments of Lithuania in Belarus doubled, as compared to 1 January 2009 (on 1 January 2009 – LTL 69 million). In Belarus, 58 Lithuanian investors are registered. The largest investments of Lithuanian business were made in wholesale and retail trade (LTL 28.0 million), financial mediation (LTL 15.6 million), real estate, rent and other business activities (LTL 9.5 million), manufacturing (LTL 8.5 million). 44 |


Production of textile products; Dressmaking

 3.7

Production of chemical products

Production of rubber and plastic wares

Production of metalwork

Production of machines and equipment not included in any category


Production of bureau equipment and computers

Production of medical, precise and optical devices

Civil engineering works


Wholesale and retail trade


Transporting and storage


Financial mediation


Real estate, rent and other business activities



• Green-field investment (commercial and industrial areas with infrastructure); • Built-to-suit services; • New warehouses for long-term lease in the harbor territory and in the industrial avenue of Klaipėda city (railway is available); • Customs warehouse & services; • Multimodal services & cargo handling; • Open storage sites; • Residential areas for investment 200m away from Baltic sea shore Tel. +370 620 22357

f o s s e n i s u b f o y The wa a i v e p o r u E o t s u Belar t s e t r o h s e h t s i Lithuania Supreme authorities of the state, diplomats and representatives of business more and more frequently speak about warmer relations between Lithuania and Belarus. Lithuanian products seem to be well-known there. Belarus is the second among all CIS states in the turnover with Lithuania. Most abundant products imported by it from Lithuania include mineral products, vehicles and their parts, pharmaceutical products, plastics and wares of them, vegetable products, and ready-to-cook food. Most abundant products imported by Belarus to Lithuania include fertilizers, mineral fuel, wood and its wares, iron and steel. Hereinafter, we speak about the business climate in Belarus with EDMINAS BAGDONAS, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Republic of Lithuania BiL We take a particular interest in the economical aspect of the relations between Lithuania and Belarus. Please, describe in the main the course of development of the relations between our state and the neighbouring state in business, industry, tourism and other sectors of economy. In any case, it is a market with 10 million population. E. Bagdonas: I have to acknowledge that, even taking into account current world economic crisis, the trend of our economic partnership remains dynamic. All the sectors of cooperation you have mentioned in your question are covered by bilateral contacts and contracts of our businesses. Governments of both countries are aware that revenues from export form a substantial part of our budgets and consequentially are of a particular importance. Therefore I must admit that Lithuanian exporters are well treated and welcome in the Belarus market and vice versa. Lithuanian production is considered to be of a high quality and reliable good; it is 46 |

Ambassador Edminas Bagdonas surrounded by Lithuanian diplomats

well known to consumers in Belarus and is in a constant demand. The proximity of our countries serves as a natural advantage for tourism, trade and cultural historical cooperation. BiL Since October 2008, authorities of Belarus declared starting implementation of the economic liberalization policy to reduce bureaucratic obstacles and the burden of taxes for business. Does it take place in reality? E. Bagdonas: Worsening of the global economical environment and reduction of export volumes have made governments all over the world to reshape their economic policies – Belarus is not an exception. Belarus Government reacting to the crisis on its own initiative, together with the obligations undertaken under the Stand – By Arrangement by the International Monetary Fund, is continuously pursuing objectives which are aimed to liberalize economy. The Government is actively emphasizing current changes in

legislation which are to reduce number of burdensome procedures such as registration/ dissolution of companies, simplification of the licensing procedure, liberalization of the formation of the product price or reduction of the tax burden. Our businesses welcome the level of ambitions undertaken by the Government and therefore are carefully following whether the legislative initiatives would result in actual implementation of the strategic goals. Unfortunately, in so far, our businesses do not seem to feel relief from the procedures which are to be reduced or abolished. BiL The story goes that this state has a pragmatic attitude towards relations with EU, including Lithuania. Belarus, first of all, takes an interest in the West to the extent corresponding to the possible economical benefit from its side for its huge and solvent market. Is this statement true? E. Bagdonas: Allow me to start answering

your question from the axiom that “there cannot be only one winner”; trade will only remain possible with the factor of the mutual advantage. Nevertheless, at this particular point of time, I must confirm that economical pragmatism is at the top of the agenda for Belarus. On the other hand, I am still firmly committed to the believe that mutual economical benefit should come together with the development of democracy, human rights, social society rights, further development of cultural, scientific and historical links. Constructing our relations on the platform mentioned above would act as an anchor between our countries in any economical or political circumstances. BiL Both Belarus and Lithuania consider export a sector of priority. Why this neighbouring state is attractive for our businessmen? E. Bagdonas: I would start from a broader perspective and will remind you that we share the same historical and cultural background, we have been living side by side for centuries and it subsequently developed into the same mental and even genetic prototype. We cannot ignore it, as it serves as a powerful tool of mutual understanding. Therefore it does not came as a surprise that the same is true with the trade and businesses – you do not have to explain to Byelorussian counterpart or vice versa the advantages of one or other deal as it is understood and evaluated instantly. Unfortunately, during the last 15-20 years our economical models become some how separated and rather different. As a result, additional preparation of businesses for adapting in each others market is essential. It goes without saying that Lithuania does support the reform of the Belarus economy towards more market orientated model and has numerously offered its experience of transition. I am aware that the reform of the economy is never easy, but I am confident that it is necessary in order to adapt in a global competitive market, therefore experience of the neighboring countries should not be underestimated.

would like to stress, that out of more than 300 Lithuanian companies, our compatriots are especially noticeable in retailing, timber and food processing, construction, renewable energy, legal and number of other sectors. Looking into the future I recognize a need of further development of tourism and logistical infrastructure and ever growing demand in a wide range of services. BiL We are aware that Business Park Gariûnai and our national trading centers compete for a Byelorussian buyer (a businessman or a simple consumer) with markets of Moscow and Poland. What assistance may expect small and medium-size Lithuanian businessmen from the Embassy and consulates of our state in Belarus? E. Bagdonas: You are right in pointing out importance of the Belarus’ consumer/client for the SME’s of the neighboring countries, thus Lithuania’s SME’s are not an exemption. Unfortunately, access to Russia for Belarus nationals is much easier than access to Lithuania. Nevertheless, this reality has developed long time ago and I believe that consumer/client have long ago decided which way to go. Visa regimes are never welcome or appreciated; however, sometimes they are a necessity of a temporary nature. Lithuanian Government acknowledging importance of Belarus found financial reserves and insured that

visas are issued in 2 Lithuanian representations: Embassy in Minsk and Consulate General in Grodno, which are both well equipped and very effective in meeting the needs of the Belarus’ nationals. We should not forget that Lithuanian visa serves as a legitimate permission to enter not only Lithuania but any of the Schengen states. We have carefully examined requirements for the issuance of the Schengen visas and are applying all possible exemptions in order to facilitate issuance of visas for nationals of Belarus (for example, electronic appointment system is implemented, single entry visa is issued provided that the sole requirement – possession of health insurance- is met, etc.). Our Embassy in Minsk daily issues up to 500 visas, 45 % of them are multiple-entry and 24% are free of charge (students, groups of sportsmen, cultural exchange, etc.). BiL Belarus plans to allow privatization of abundant state-owned objects. Is the said process worth of participating from the side of Lithuanian businessmen? Perhaps, Lithuanians have already taken an interest in it? E. Bagdonas: As you do know, a list of some 500 companies available for privatization was prepared almost 2 years ago. Proactive part of Lithuanian business is already actively following this topic and taking part in the process. In accordance with the respon-

BiL How many Lithuanian enterprises operate in Belarus at present and in what sectors they act? E. Bagdonas: Lithuanian entrepreneurs have always been active in Belarus’ market. Consequently, now you would find a Lithuanian company or companies with a joint capital in every sector of the Belarus economy. I

Ambassador with historians from Lithuania, Belarus and Poland at the Lithuanian Embassy in Minsk

| 47

ses we get from them, the “privatization” offered should in so far rather be considered as possibility to buy limited percentage of shares or, in same cases, portfolio of shares also could be available for purchase. Nevertheless, socially orientated additional obligations (for example, prohibition to lay off employees, duty to support some social projects, etc.) are hardly compatible with the liberal market. Therefore is it safe to claim that the privatization process has been developing rather slowly and it would be much more attractive and efficient if a level of control by the authorities would be reduced. BiL We often hear from Byelorussians: „Belarus has no access to the sea; however, it has good neigbours“. Klaipëda Seaport is a gate of Belarus to the sea being used for transit of cargoes. How the relations in this sphere are planned to develop for using the opportunities of the Port to the maximum possible extent? E. Bagdonas: I am glad to note that Port of Klaipëda is a leading port for a transportation of Belarus’ goods. This result would not be possible without continuous efforts of the Port’s authorities. The Port is constantly adapting to the demands of its clients and flexibility which it employs while doing so is proving to be appreciated by the Belarus’ businesses. I do not think that Klaipëda’s natural proximity to Belarus is a dominant factor in attracting Belarus cargo; I feel that it goes in conjunction with huge investments into the Port’s infrastructure, which allows it to be fully diversified and universal. I would also like to mention good cooperation between Port of Klaipëda and Lithuanian Railways, as well as direct link between this Port, Belarus and Ukraine’s ports through the container train VIKING. I will use this opportunity to say that Port of Klaipëda is of utmost importance to Lithuania and Belarus, therefore I believe that reestablishment of the Representative Office of the Klaipëda Seaport in Minsk would be advantageous/desirable. BiL Lithuania and Belarus are bound by joint historical experience formed for centuries. Business forums of Lithuania and Belarus as well as bilateral meetings of the trade economy commissions are being arranged. What business missions and exhibitions had been arranged already and what are planned in the nearest future? Do you envisage benefit and meaningfulness of such events? 48 |

The proximity of our countries serves as a natural advantage for tourism, trade and cultural historical cooperation

E. Bagdonas: The events you are mentioning are very important for our businesses. Failure to benefit form them would be negligent. We are doing our best to fill in the agenda and to make it as effective as possible. In that respect, the year 2009 was very dynamic and full of events in our bilateral relations. In order to illustrate it, I’m going to mention small part of the activities which, from my point of view, best illustrate our economical and political interconnection. During the last year, we had full range of meetings at all political levels: our Presidents have met in Vilnius, Prime Ministers met in Minsk, Ministers of Economy met in Vilnius, Ministers of Foreign Affairs met for a number of times. Number of Governmental working groups also had intensive meeting schedules. Please, note that it is only a small part of actual contacts at the Governmental level. Our businessmen also adopted a proactive approach and at the end of May, 2009 established Association for Economic and Trade Cooperation with Belarus. This Association proved to be an active tool as it already had a couple of meetings and established its Coordinating Council. Lithuanian Embassy, on the other hand, organized a number of events aimed at introducing to each other Lithuanian and Belarus’ businessmen as well as presenting specific sectors of Lithuanian economy (for example, construction, tourism, etc.) to potential business partners. I must admit that these events had been very well attended by both parties, which also proves that a significant interest in neighboring market exists. At the end of the year, Lithuanian businessmen working in Belarus have united and formed “Trade Club” which has a potential to serve as platform for discussion between business and the Embassy.

The year 2010 also has started very efficiently as we have already had a meeting at a Governmental level (Working Group on Cooperation in Energetic Sphere met in Minsk). In near future, Ministers of Economy are going to meet at the 15th meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission on Cooperation in Trade and Economics, which later will be followed by the 6th Lithuanian-Belarus’ Forum on Economy and Trade. Considering all of the above, I think that our relationship and cooperation in the sectors which are of the utmost important for business are at very good level and still have a potential to improve. BiL And finally – take, please, your expert’s look: are there any non-covered sectors of business worth of possible investments for our businessmen? E. Bagdonas: We must accept that Belarus for our business still remains a terra incognita. Companies who are already successfully established in Belarus market are not particularly keen to share their know how with possible new comers and I evaluate it as a normal competition. On the other hand, companies who used to be successfully established and had been driven out of the market by unfair competition applying administrational resources also have to be taken into account when considering market access strategy. Therefore I would sum up that every Lithuanian company from any business can be successful in Belarus market; however, decision to enter the market should be well prepared, market well analyzed, business decisions solidly endorsed by contracts and both the entrance strategy and the strategy for an exit must be developed.

Belarus and Lithuania: new opportunities The interview with VLADIMIR DRAZHIN, the Ambassador of Belarus in Lithuania

H.E. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus of Lithuania and The Republic of Finland Vladimir Drazhin

BiL The states of Lithuania and Belarus are bound by their mutual historical past and long-year commercial relations. In the latter years, abundant publicly known facts attest warming of the economic climate. How Belarus assesses opportunities of closer economic cooperation with Lithuania? Republic of Belarus considers development and strengthening of cooperation with Republic of Lithuania in trade & economy, politics, science and technologies as well as humanitarian cooperation to be a task of a great importance. It was confirmed by the visit of President of Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko to Lithuania in September of the last year. The meeting of President of Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko with President 50 |

of Republic of Lithuania D. Grybauskaitë and participation of the President of Belarus in opening the Belarus-Lithuania International Economic Forum confirm our high interest in achieving the top level of the full-scale dialogue between Belarus and Lithuania. Upon the conditions of the world economic crisis, the neighbouring states should unite their potentials for a settlement of the existing problems. Today Lithuania is one of the key European partners of Republic of Belarus in foreign trade. The Belarus-Lithuania International Economic Forum and the National exhibition “BelEXPO-2009” arranged in Vilnius in September of the last year demonstrated an interest of business sectors of both states in development and strengthening of economic cooperation. In Belarus, over 300 enterprises were

established upon participation of Lithuanian capital and about 200 enterprises of Lithuania were established upon attraction of Byelorussian investments. BiL Belarus is an export-oriented state. Do your consider Lithuania as a state open for export of your production and vice versa – is extending the volumes of import of products and services from Lithuania expectable? What opportunities of a partnership of businessmen of both states exist? Yes, you right: Republic of Belarus is a state of open economy – the volumes of our export and import are considerable. Our state is open for Lithuanian products. According to the results of the year 2009, the turnover between our states amounted to USD 566 million. Export amounted to

USD 371 million and import amounted to USD 195 million. Of course, these indicators are lower by a third, as compared to the year 2008; however, upon the conditions of the economic crisis, the result is good enough. On 4 February 2010, a Belarus-Lithuania seminar on investments and economy was arranged in Vilnius on an initiative of the Embassy for discussing issues related to social and economic development of both states in the context of the world economic crisis, cooperation in the sector of cargo and product transit, attraction of investments to construction and exploitation of centers of logistics, development of services in tourism, hotel sector, roadside services, public catering and trade, as well as the measures taken by the states for improving the investment climate and the business environment. At the seminar, 230 participants from Belarus and Lithuania were presented. In meeting of sections, representatives of over 80 organizations and companies of Belarus and Lithuania were involved. According to the results of the seminar, a reciprocal interest of the states in continuation of the dialogue on making cooperation in business more active was noticed. The seminar provided its participants with deeper knowledge of general investment climate, tax system and legislation of Belarus, the measures of non-tariff control, the measures and privileges applicable for stimulating investment activities in Belarus, the opportunities of participation in privatization projects in small and medium-size towns of Belarus, the strategic projects of Lithuania and Belarus, the normative and legal base for registration of enterprises in Belarus and Lithuania. The seminar confirmed once more a reciprocal interest of businessmen of our states in the cooperation.

"Silichi" is one of the complexes for skiing and snowboarding lovers

BiL Our businessmen take an interest in the promised privatization of Byelorussian enterprises. Is it true that about 150 stateowned objects shall be privatized and what opportunities of participation of Lithuanians in the said process exist? The principal goals of transformation of state-owned enterprises into open jointstock companies include increasing the level of economical development of the state thanks to attraction of direct investments inside it and from foreign states; development of economic companies on the base of new technologies and advanced experience in management. Belarus chose the so called point privatization.

In the year 2008, the Government of Republic of Belarus approved the Plan on privatization of over 500 objects owned by the Republic. The Plan shall be implemented in 2008-2010. Beyond any doubt, Lithuanian companies shall be entitled to take part in privatization of Byelorussian enterprises. The detailed list of objects planned for privatization in the year 2010 is available in the website of the Ministry of Economy of Belarus. Republic of Belarus was always open for sound investors ready to develop new sectors of manufacture, to acquire shares of existing economic subjects, to work, to gain profits and to pay taxes. We welcome honest business and do not practice any inequality based on the nationality or anything else.

BiL How investments of Lithuanian capital are assessed in Belarus? Of course, the financial and economic crisis of the world, including our states, inevitably affected our bilateral economic relations: in the year 2009, the volumes of trade with products reduced by a third and the volumes of trade with services – by a fifth. Nevertheless, an increase of investing activities is being observed. In the year 2009, Lithuanian investments in economy of Belarus amounted to USD 33 million (2.1 times more, as compared to the year 2008).

Mikolas Radvila the Black, who was awarded with a title ÂŤ The Duke of the Holy Roman EmpireÂť made Nesvizh his family residence. Even today Nesvizh Castle strikes the tourists with its beauty

| 51

BiL What role, in your opinion, will be played by Lithuanian Business Council for Economic and Trade Cooperation with Republic of Belarus that unites over ten large enterprises of our state involved in implementing projects in Belarus? The Business Council for Cooperation “Belarus-Lithuania” takes an active part in developing partnership-based relations between business structures of our states. On 3 February, the meeting of the Council where the key problems of business management both in Belarus and Lithuania were discussed upon was arranged in Vilnius. For preserving the high level of economic relations, serious joint activities involving facilitation of conditions for economic activities of Byelorussian and Lithuanian companies in territories of both countries, simplification of bordercrossing procedures, promotion for exporters in searching new niches in markets of Belarus and Lithuania for promotion of marketable production, as well as extending the perspective sectors of bilateral cooperation are required. A part of the said activities is executed by the Council. In fact, it was established for this purpose. BiL Belarus is attractive because of its favourable geographic situation (in particular, a neighborhood with Russia), developed infrastructure, high-quality manpower, and large market. In what spheres, Lithuanian businessmen would be able to develop successfully their business in your state? As I mentioned earlier, the plan of privatization of state-owned enterprises in various sectors has been developed in Belarus. Lithuanian businessmen have a considerable experience in constructions, development of infrastructure, hotel business and

public catering, retail trade, logistics. All these sectors are in great demand in Belarus. In my opinion, the optimum conditions for implementing projects in these sectors are formed in Belarus. BiL What projects are being developed by Byelorussian businessmen in our state? Can you mention some enterprises with capital of Byelorussian origin successfully developing their activities in our state? The examples are abundant. For example, Byelorussian company “Transchema” entered Lithuanian market in the year 2006 and successfully promotes production of Byelorussian petrochemistry in markets of Lithuania and EU Member States. In addition, the said company provides combined services in forwarding Byelorussian cargoes in Lithuania. As another example, “Amkador”, Byelorussian manufacturer of road-building and constructional equipment, having acquired Paberþë (in 20 km distance from Vilnius) enterprise of agricultural equipment, can be mentioned. At the enterprise, about 200 workplaces were established and it plans to produce up to 1000 pcs. of specialized equipment and then realize it in markets of the Baltic Region. BiL Lithuania has access to the sea and the well-developed structure of railways. Are using the opportunities of good neighbouring relations and strengthening the cooperation planned in this sphere? For many years, the transport sector is one of the key spheres of cooperation of Republic of Belarus and Republic of Lithuania. Byelorussian cargoes of its foreign trade traditionally form about 20% of the total volume of cargoes reloaded at Klaipëda Seaport. Only within the year 2009, over 5 million ton of Byelorussian cargoes were re-

loaded in Klaipëda. The cooperation between Byelorussian and Lithuanian railway systems is being successfully developed as well. For strengthening the cooperation in the sector of transit transport, Belarus/Lithuania Transit Transport Working Group led by ministers of transport of Belarus and Lithuania was formed and now operates; preparation for joining Scandinavian States and Turkey to Belarus-LithuaniaUkraine transit project related to the container train “Viking” takes place. In the year 2009, the trilateral Belarus-Lithuania-China declaration on cooperation in developing the east-west transport corridor was signed in the frame of the AsiaEurope Transport Development Forum; the perspectives of a formation of uniform cargo transit and logistics system for Belarus and Lithuania are discussed upon. In this connection, it is possible to speak about serious perspectives of cooperation between Belarus and Lithuania by developing and using transit advantages of our states. BiL And finally, what, in your opinion, we mostly lack of for making economic relations between our states closer, more rational (in the positive meaning of the word) and successfully usable for ensuring economical welfare of both states to the maximum possible extent? In my opinion, the economic relations between Belarus and Lithuania are close and rational already. It is attested by the aboveprovided information. The economic potential of both states is high enough; they are situated at the borders of huge markets: behind Lithuania, the market of the European Union is situated, and Belarus is the starting ground of the joint economic space for member states of the Customs Union. I am sure in growing of economic welfare of both states, if we fully use this factor. The harmonic mixture of such architectural styles as Gothic, Baroque and the Renaissance makes Mir Castle, included into the UNESCO World Heritage List one of the most impressive castles in Europe

52 |

| 53

Bird’s-eye view of Krasnoselskstroymaterialy’s production facilities

Joint Stock Company KRASNOSELSKSTROYMATERIALY– leader in building materials manufacturing of Belarus! JSC “Krasnoselskstroymaterialy” is the largest manufacturer of building materials in Belarus. Currently we produce and export cement, building quicklime, fine granulated chalk, asbestos-cement roofing slates and pipes, concrete slabs, dry mortars, hydrated lime, polyethylene film and autoclaved aerated concrete blocks

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Autoclaved aerated concrete

One of essential conditions of creating a highly competitive strategic outlook for industrial enterprise is his innovative activity and ability to satisfy ever-changing consumer’s tastes, preferences and requirements. During the years of his existence, JSC “Krasnoselskstroymaterialy” has built up an enormous experience in the industry. Willing to keep up with technical advance, the company increases investment activity, implements modern technologies, expands production capacities and product range each year in order to fully satisfy our customers inside and outside our country. Obviously, the priority goes to the quality of our products. Traditions of quality set in 1914 at the start of the cement plant are continuously updated and developed. All our products are tested at the company’s own test center, which comprises four laboratories: for cement, for asbestos-cement products, for autoclaved aerated concrete blocks and for lime and fine granulated chalk. In 1994, our test center

Fine granulated chalk of highest grade

was one of the first in Belarus to be accredited for technical competence under ISO/IEC 17025. The center has been equipped with all necessary tools for any kind of tests of cement, lime, dry mortars and autoclaved aerated concrete blocks according to Belarusian national requirements as well as to European norms. For these purposes, we acquired new modern equipment of Toni Technik (Germany) and some other producers. All our products, manufactured according to international and Belarusian standards, are certified under Belarusian National Certification System. Cement, lime, dry mortars and blocks, manufactured according to European norms, are certified by foreign certification bodies and are granted the right to the CE labeling. In 2001, JSC “Krasnoselskstroymaterialy” designed and implemented the system of quality management according to the requirements of STB ISO 9002-96 “Model for quality assurance in production, installation, and servicing”. Currently we also have a system of quality manage-

ment meeting the requirements of ISO 9001 for design and manufacture of cement, asbestos-cement slates and pipes, building lime, fine granulated chalk, dry mortars, autoclaved aerated concrete blocks and polyethylene film. The quality management certification at JSV “Krasnoselskstroymaterialy” made it possible to considerably increase the export of our products. Our regular customers are some largest construction enterprises from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia and other countries. | 55

Our products quality has been awarded in numerous competitions. Thus, in 2002, the company became the winner of Government of Republic of Belarus Award for the quality of his products. In 2003, for his valuable contribution to the development of standardization, uniformity of measurements, manufacturing of high quality and competitive products, the company was awarded with the honorary mention by Belarusian state standardization, metrology and certification body at Council of Ministers. In 2005, the company confirmed the honorary title of the winner of Government of Republic of Belarus Award for the quality of products. In 2006, JSC “Krasnoselskstroymaterialy” won Grodno Executive Committee’s Award for his achievements in quality improvement. In addition, each year our products win the awards “Best goods of the Republic of Belarus” and “Best building material of the Republic of Belarus”. During last years, we have accomplished a great work. In May 2005, the dry mortars production line was commissioned; in December 2005, the manufacturing of hydrated lime started. In 2007, a rotary kiln BEUMER (Germany) was equipped with the used automobile tires feeding line and the receiving lock CADENCE (USA) onto the kiln casing. In autumn 2009, the construction of a new aerated autoclaved concrete blocks production line MASA-Henke (Germany) with capacity of 250 cubic meters per year was completed and the first blocks were manufactured in November of the same year. Currently we are gradually implementing a project for construction of clinker production line with capacity of 5000 tons per day using dry process technology and coal as main fuel. Also we are actively working on modernization of our lime production facility with a new energy-saving high-speed pulverized lime technology. Total capital investment in 2010 is supposed to reach 62 million euros in local currency. The completion of these projects would enable JSC “Krasnoselskstroymaterialy” to considerably decrease energy consumption of all production lines, especially, cement and lime ones.

Portland cement

ACTUALLY THE COMPANY IS MANUFACTURING FOLLOWING PRODUCTS: Cement (EN 197-1): * Portland cement CEM I 42.5 N * Portland cement CEM I 42.5 R * Slag Portland cement CEM II / A-S 42.5 N * Slag Portland cement CEM II / A-S 32.5 R * Slag Portland cement CEM II / B-S 32.5 N Cement (EN 413-1): * Masonry cement MC 22.5 X Cement is packed in 50 and 25 kg paper bags or 1 ton big bags. Dry mortars: Masonry mortars (EN 998-2) Adhesives for tiles (EN 12004+A1) Plasters (EN 998-1) Building lime (EN 459-1): * CL 80 Q * CL 70 Q Hydrated lime (EN 459-1): * CL 80 S * CL 70 S Fine granulated chalk of highest grade Aerated autoclaved concrete blocks (EN 771-4) * Wall blocks * Wall blocks with tongue and groove * Wall blocks with handhold * Wall blocks with tongue and groove and handhold

JSC “Krasnoselskstroymaterialy” – your stable and reliable partner! Pobedy St. 5, Krasnoselsky Volkovysk district, Grodno region 231911 Belarus

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Tel.: +375 1512 37696 +375 1512 36669 E-mail:



t is hard to imagine the Baltic Sea without the Palanga. The town, which had preserved the old XIX c. resort traditions, became one of the most popular on the Baltic coast. In the summer of 2007, a fully reconstructed Hotel ”Villa Diemedis”, historically one of the first villas ever erected on S. Daukantas street, in Palanga, made a fresh start of its activities. Over the time, the Villa, did not lose its historical spirit. Hotel “Villa DIEMEDIS” is an excellent place for relaxation for any kind of visitors: romantics and pragmatics, writers and artists, travellers and summer holidaymakers. Here historical heritage and modern trends come along in perfect harmony. The hotel includes eighteen double rooms. The rooms are all different and seem as if each would have reflected the historical past of the Villa: in the rooms, one can notice the historical moments and personalities, who have ever resided and created here. The excellent choice of books that will help you to avoid boredom on a rainy afternoon is offered in every room.

рудно себе представить Балтийское море без Паланги. Город, сохранивший свои старые курортные традиции с XIX века, стал одним из популярнейших на Балтийском побережье. Летом 2007 года после реконструкции дверь открыла одна из первых вилл построенных в Паланге на улице С.Дауканто, сохранившая свой исторический дух и облик. Гостиница «Вилла Диемедис» - прекрасный отдых для романтиков и прагматиков, писателей и художников, путешественников и отдыхающих. Здесь великолепно сочетаются современность и историческое наследие прошедших дней. В гостинице - 18 номеров, которые непохожи своим обликом. Во всех номерах можно увидеть моменты истории виллы или здесь отдыхавших знаменитых писателей, которые здесь отдыхали и создавали свои произведения. В каждом номере есть собрания книг, которые развлекут в пасмурную или дождливую погоду.


ГОСТИНИЦА «ВИЛЛА ДИЕМЕДИС» ВСЕГДА ЖДЕТ ВАС! S. Daukanto Str. 11, LT-00134 Palanga. Tel. +370 46052532. Mob. tel. +37069988808. Fax +37046052532. E-mail:

„AXIS INDUSTRIES“ success reason – innovative solutions

16 MW combined heat and power plant in Vileika

„Axis Industries“, the largest industrial and energy group of companies implementing projects in Lithuania, bases its successful operation in the domestic market and abroad on innovative solutions and integrated services

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Flue gas condenser

APPLIES THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS “We are constantly investing in the development of innovative technologies and products, and in our work we apply the latest scientific and technological achievements. One could say that the innovation we offer to the market promotes the progress of the industry and energy in Lithuania”, Remigijus Baltruðaitis, the General director of „Axis Industries“, said. Over the past few years „Axis Industries“ has created several types of heat metering devices, an automated accounting and energy management system, and integrated solutions for biofuel boilerhouses equipment. Soon the group will present two new products – a compact ultrasonic heat and cooling energy meter, and an electromagnetic heat and water meter not only for the Lithuanian but also for the EU and CIS markets.

PROMOTES ENERGY INDEPENDENCE „Axis Industries“ delivers innovative projects not only in the field of power management. Every year increasingly more attention is focused on the development and implemention of biofuel combustion technologies. “Currently, we develop innovative products for biofuel market participants that will contribute to energy savings and the wider use of local renewable energy resources for the production of energy”, said R. Baltruðaitis. „Axis Industries“ offers for boiler-houses

and combined heat and power plants modern biofuel burning technologies that enable the installing of special burners in those high-energy fuel boiler systems that are used not only for burning liquid fuel and gas, but also solid biofuels (pellets, wood waste, etc.). „Axis Industries“ also provides additional equipment to enhance boiler-house efficiency – flue gas condensers, which create additional heat by condensing water steam discharged from the boiler, resulting from the combustion of biofuels. In addition, the company’s specialists implement advanced mobile power stations that use excess heat for the generation of additional electricity or heat energy.

ing steam and water heating boilers for burning wood waste, wooden wool, peat and other solid types of biofuel. The major projects implemented in Belarus are a 16 MW combined heat and power plant in Vileika, a 16 MW combined heat and power plant in Vitebsk, a 20 MW biofuel boiler-house in the Sklou pulp mill, a 2x9 MW boiler-house reconstruction in the Rechetsa hydrolysis yeast plant (fuel used after the reconstruction – wooden wool), and a 7 MW boilerhouse reconstruction in the peat factory „Usyazh“ (fuel used after the reconstruction - peat).

AXIS INDUSTRIES: FACTSHEET „Axis Industries“ has 17 years of successful design, manufacture and installation experience in equipment of biofuel boiler-houses and is deservedly known as a leader in the region. The group has already implemented more than 190 biofuel energy projects not only in Lithuania but also in foreign countries – Latvia, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The total capacity of boiler-houses repaired and built by „Axis Industries“ is 700 MW.

PROJECTS IMPLEMENTED IN THE BELARUSIAN MARKET „Axis Industries“ has extensive experience in the Belarusian market in the area of biofuels power energy. It has already implemented more than 20 projects in this country, including the installation of new biofuel boiler plants, and the reconstruction of existing boiler-houses by adapt-

• Major business areas of „Axis Industries“ group of companies: biofuel energy solutions, industrial automation, integrated solutions of water and heat metering, electrical energy solutions, service and maintenance of industrial and energy facilities, construction management and others. • Sales of the group of companies in 2009 amounted to nearly 49 mln. EUR. • Currently the „Axis Industries“ group of companies employs approximately 700 employees.

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According to Romualdas Mickus, the Director of UAB „Merakas“, the enterprise within 17 years of its activities, developed the original „Pikas“ system and trained over one hundred of users of the system; in addition, it formed a number of databases for linking digital city maps with public transport and its dynamics in various segments of streets and in crossways, provided traffic timetables to mobile telephones and internet for convenience of the users:

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ALYTUS (in the phase of implementation)






KAZAN (in the phase of implementation)

„Pikas“ has some advantages, as compared to the systems being developed in foreign states. The most important of them include the algorithm for traffic optimization according to the given flows of passengers and the original graphic editor allowing simultaneous on-screen coordination and simulation of over 40 routes for transport in any point of the city or the Republic according to the chosen directions. Thanks to the said algorithm, Vilnius City saved 5.2 million Litas in the year 2000. In the contest arranged by Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialist in 2004, „Pikas“ System was recognized the best Lithuanian product of the year in the sphere of information technologies and awarded with a gold medal. In the same year, “Pikas” won two top prizes at „InfoBalt“ exhibition - „The Best Software“ and „The ITT Product of the Year for Information Society“. In the opinion of the enterprise, two last projects implemented simultaneously in the years 2008-2009 in Estonia and Belarus present the top of its achievements. After familiarization with public transport traffic planning systems developed in the European Union, Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Com-

munications chose Lithuanian „Pikas“ System and introduced it in the project on developing Public transportation information system ÜTRIS. This autumn, two first phases of the project were completed and approved by the state commission: 1. Development of the united database for information on traffic of carriers of all Estonian towns (over 250) (on the base of a digital map of the national importance), 2. Development of the website that enables a passenger to plan his/her trip over the whole territory of Estonia according to chosen means of transport (including planes, ferries an so on) ( In the year 2008, passenger transportation enterprise „Minsktrans“ from Minsk chose „Pikas“ System as well. This year, the statement on introducing the System was signed in Minsk. The fact of choosing the solutions developed in Lithuania by „Minsktrans“ attests a very high appreciation of „Pikas“ System. The fact that a course on “Pikas” System is introduced in the study programme for students of Tallinn Technical University with specialization in transport engineering should be considered a great recognition of the System as well.

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INNOVATIVE LIGHTING TERRA LUCIDA company successfully develops its business since the year 1995 and is well-known among architects, interior designers as well as construction companies and individual clients. The company is specialized in domestic lighting. In Lithuania, there are five TERRA LUCIDA lighting shops – in Vilnius, Kaunas, Ðiauliai and Klaipëda


hen the economic situation got worse, we decided to transform the business of the enterprise by strengthening wholesale and export of goods. Using our long-time experience in the lighting business, we started our manufacturing activities. At the moment, we have small workshops only; however, we plan expansion of production by constructing a factory near Klaipëda.

All our products are marked with TERRALUX trademark. Products with light emitting diodes bear additional trademark – LED series. Our main products: High Power LED lamps, LED strips, LED accessories, transformers, crystal and metal halogen downlights, aluminium indoor and outdoor lighting fixtures. Every year, we visit biggest international exhibitions of lighting equipment, and get to know the recent trends of designs and technologies. Last year, we took part in Helsinki trade show (the largest in Scandinavian States) where we presented our recent products and found a distributor for TERRALUX products in the market. This year, we already participated in lighting exhibitions in Stockholm and Warsaw, and plan to participate in the exhibition “Light+Building” to be held in Frankfurt. The business contacts with Norway, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Poland, Belarus and Russia show a great interest in our products. We also research other European markets and are looking for distributors in neighbouring countries. We chose LED (Light-Emitting Diode) technology because it is the most advanced and cost-effective. In comparison with other light sources, LED‘s lifetime is up to 10 times longer, while its power consumption is as many times less. It is

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An important award in the hands of Dainius Ðpuèys, the Owner of TERRA LUCIDA company. He is handed the award “Lithuanian Product of the Year 2009“ by A. Kubilius, the Prime Minister of Republic of Lithuania, and B. Lubys, the President of Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists

the most environmentally-friendly artificial light source because of energy saving and absence of any components being harmful to humans and the environment, so it conforms to provisions of the RoHS directive of the European Commission (EC). Our products are also in line with the standards of EC Low Voltage (LVD) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directives, and bear CE mark. Production of LED light sources is the most promising branch of the lighting industry. It is attractive because of

economy, durability and environmental friendliness of the products and is developing rapidly around the world. Certain decisions of the EU institutions and other international organizations on climate change, environmental protection, and preservation of resources, open a broad perspective for development of LED lighting industry. Last year we introduced our new product – TERRALUX LED Lamp. Lamps with High Power light-emitting diodes provide a cost-effective alternative to incandescent,

and even compact fluorescent (energy saving) ones. Those might be used both in indoor and outdoor light fixtures. Development of the technology will allow to replace a majority of existing bulbs with High Power LED lamps in the nearest future. Our product concept – TERRALUX LED Lamp is a substitute for the most popular incandescent and halogen bulbs and an excellent alternative to compact fluorescent lamps. The product is adapted to the existing technical base, and replaces traditional lamps easily, without additional investments. TERRALUX LED Lamp is available in several modifications (E27, GU10, and MR16; 1LEDx3W or 3LEDsx1W) and colors. We have targeted the most widely used lamps – incandescent lamps with E27 base, and halogen lamps 230V GU10 and 12V MR16. We offer to change those with economical and durable LED lamps of the same standard shape and dimensions, which have been developed according to our design. Power of TERRALUX LED Lamp is only 3W, but it gives as much light as 20W or 35W halogen or 25W incandescent lamp. Durability of LEDs is 50,000 hours – much higher as compared to 1,000-5,000 hours of conventional lamp life. Lamp housing consists of an aluminium cooler, a plastic base and single or triple plastic lens (MR16, GU10), or a glass bulb coated with a special layer for uniform light dispersion (E27). Inside, there is an LED driver and a PCB to which one or three High Power LEDs of 3W or 1W are soldered.

TERRALUX Crystal downlights


In Lithuania, the product is manufactured of imported components. This helped to eliminate transportation costs and reduced its price considerably. The product is competitive with imported analogs, and is affordable for ordinary consumers. As compared to similar products of other well-known manufacturers, the prices of our products are cut in half on average. Our subcontractors supply us high quality components, so we provide a threeyear warranty for our products. TERRALUX LED Lamp won the gold medal in contest “Lithuanian Product of the Year 2009” organized by the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists.

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LITHUANIA: PROMISING DISTANT LAND In the XV century Lithuania was Europe’s largest country extending from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. In the beginning of the XXI century, we surprised Europe and the world by our outstanding economic progress and today, although severely hit by the global recession, we are already back on the same track we have been before the crisis – Lithuania’s economy again started growing steeply in the 3rd quarter of 2009, and the market is very much inspired by highly optimistic international analysts’ evaluations and future development forecasts. Bertelsmann Fund has ranked Lithuania 7th among the world’s Top 10 most successful political and economic reformers. And the Heritage Foundation ranks Lithuania among 30 world’s freest markets. The International Monetary Fund projects that the Lithuanian economy will grow 1.6% during the present year and 3.2% in 2011










Economic and structural reforms have facilitated Lithuania’s transition into a modern and flexible economy. Open to global trade and investment, Lithuania enjoys high degrees of business freedom, fiscal freedom, and financial freedom.” Heritage Foundation, 2010 Index of Economic Freedom

Lithuania’s unfailing success has been discovered by a number of multinationals as their biggest business opportunity in the XXI c.

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Multinationals feeling at home

Join them. Think WHEN rather than why or if

CROSSROADS OF 3 HUGE MARKETS Lithuania is located on the very crossroads of 3 huge markets. It’s a springboard to the EU markets; Eastern markets (Russia and the CIS countries) are also at Lithuania’s side. PART OF EU SINGLE MARKET Lithuania is a part of the single European Union (EU) market ensuring unrestricted movement of goods, services, capital, and dividends within the EU. Lithuanian laws are fully harmonized with the EU legislation. Multinationals doing business on the Lithuanian market are easily developing business projects across the EU. Member of the bordless Schengen area since 2007, Lithuania is expecting to introduce the EU currency the Euro in 2013-2014.

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EU PRIME TRANSPORT CENTRE The European Commission has evaluated Lithuania as EU’s prime transport centre because strategic international transport routes run through Lithuania, the North-South highway and the rail route connecting Scandinavia with Central Europe as well as the East-West route linking the huge Eastern markets with the rest of Europe, as being among the ten most important in Europe. The country has 3 international airports located in Eastern (in the capital city Vilnius), Central (in the 2nd largest city Kaunas) and Western (in the seaside resort Palanga) Lithuania. The northernmost and only ice-free seaport on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea is located in the western part of Lithuania. Klaipëda State Seaport is a regional transport hub connecting sea, land and railway routes from East to West. Compared to the neighboring Eastern Baltic seaports, the port of Klaipëda has the widest shipping line network with other seaports. Railway transport in Lithuania provides efficient long-distance passenger and cargo services. Railways carry approximately 50 million tons of cargo and 7 million passengers per annum. Direct rail routes link Lithuania with Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Poland, and Germany. Also, the country is an integral part of the continental TRASECA railway network enabling easy transportation of cargo from Lithuania to the Asian countries, including China.

We found that the travel, infrastructure, communications and people with whom we came into contact were excellent and easy to deal with. Paul Stienlet, General Electric

ONE OF EU’S GREATEST TALENT POOLS Lithuania has one of the best-educated workforces in Central and Eastern Europe. The percentage of the Lithuanian population with higher education is two times higher than the EU-15 average. The public opinion analysis “Europeans and Languages” conducted by the European Commission shows that 90% of the Lithuanians speak at least one foreign language, and 30% speak English, as well as eight Lithuanians out of 10 speak Russian. Half of the population speaks two foreign languages.

BASIS FOR A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS COOPERATION BETWEEN LITHUANIAN AND CHINESE BUSINESSES Lithuanian and Chinese resources, if merged together, make a perfect platform for the development of exclusively high-quality production and services; especially design projects, mass-consumption and VIP products: LITHUANIAN BUSINESS PROFILE


• Proximity to European and Eastern markets

• One of the leading and fastest growing world‘s economies

• Part of EU market

• EU is China’s most important trade partner

• Immense high-tech potential

• Largest world’s population

• Attractive cost and quality ratio

• World famous diligence and accuracy

• Multilingual and hard-working people

• Costless labor

• A win –win business partnership philosophy

• Unique taste

During the last decade trade between Lithuania and China was growing very fast except 2009, when the financial crisis hit the world trade. According to the Lithuanian statistics the bilateral trade reached EUR 561 million in 2008 and EUR 347 million in 2009. The main commodities are: electrical machinery and equipment, machinery and mechanical appliances, optical photographic and measuring instruments, furniture; articles of iron and steel, fruit and nuts and etc. Lithuania’s Trade with China, EUR million

600 542 498

500 400

370 325 291

300 237 200

We chose Lithuania because of the high quality of education here, which has resulted in the development of world-class IT professionals, many of whom are multilingual, and also because of the quality of Lithuania’s technology and connectivity. We will show the world the talent which exists in Lithuania. Frits Seegers, former Chief Executive, Barclays Global Retail and Commercial Banking

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100 0


9,4 2004



Exports to China


15,3 2007




Imports from China


Lithuania’s Imports from China in 2009

Electrical machinery and equipment


Machinery and mechanical appliances


Optical, photographic, cinematographic and measuring instruments Vehicles and parts thereof Furtinure Articles of iron or steel

13% 4%



Miscellaneous articles of base metal




Lithuania’s Exports to China in 2009

Furtinure Machinery and equipment


Copper and articles thereof

22% 9%

8% 3%

3% 4%





Edible fruit and nuts Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes Iron and steel Optical, photographic, cinematographic and measuring instruments Articles of iron or steel Aluminium and articles thereof Plastics and articles thereof Other

EXCEPTIONALLY COMPETITIVE CONDITIONS FOR CHINESE BUSINESSES The Government of Lithuania has been actively working to promote inward foreign direct investment, by proposing exceptionally competitive conditions and special investment packages for foreign investors. In individual dialogues with foreign investors, job creation grants and personnel training subsidies are considered as a part of a project support package for a potential foreign investor.

2010, to get into a hot air balloon during the event and experience an imaginary however very realistic journey to Lithuania – see the flowering cities, untouched green nature, white-sand seaside and open-hearted people. A hot air balloon is not a random choice: Lithuania is one of the leading countries in the world in the number of balloons, and Vilnius is one of the few European capitals where it is allowed to fly balloons.

Visit Lithuania at and get more information on business opportunities on one of the most targeted European destinations for foreign investments. VISIT LITHUANIA BY A HOT AIR BALLOON AT THE WORLD EXPO 2010 IN SHANGHAI On behalf of the Lithuanian people, I am kindly inviting visitors of the World Expo 2010 to be held in Shanghai in May-October | 67

KLAIPËDA PORT focuses on development plans

The annual capacity of Klaipëda Port is more than 40 million tons. Klaipeda State Seaport Authority has a number of ambitious development plans to increase the capacity of the port to its maximum extent. Klaipëda port, as an object of national importance, creates a huge economic and social benefit to the country. The port activity generates approximately 4.5 per cent of Lithuania’s gross domestic product. It is planned that in 2010 the port revenue will amount to 264 million Litas, and out of this amount 206 million Litas will be allocated for investment in various port development projects. We are talking with Director General of State Enterprise Klaipeda State Seaport Authority, dr. EUGENIJUS GENTVILAS, about major projects and future plans. Dr.Eugenijus Gentvilas, Director General of Klaipëda State Seaport Authority

BiL We see that Klaipëda port plays a very important role in Lithuanian economy. However, are the port capacities being used to full extent? E. Gentvilas: Port capacities are limited. In 2009, Klaipëda port handled 27.87 million tons of cargo when over 40 million tons could have been handled. Regular modernisation of the port infrastructure increases capacities of the port. New, modern container terminals, liquid fertilizers terminals are constructed; terminals for handling oil, metal, bulk and packed fertilizers operate 68 |

in the port. Modern stevedoring equipment and technology are employed. The port has a well-developed network of roads and railway lines. Advantageous systems of the port dues have been implemented. We could list many more recent projects that helped increase the effectiveness, performance, and competitiveness of the port. In our opinion, in 2017 the current capacities of the port will be used to the maximum. BiL What other ways could be employed to expand the capacities of the port?

E. Gentvilas: The entire present territory of the port is neighbouring with the city and is being intensively used for stevedoring works; therefore further development of the terminals and warehouses situated therein is not possible due to the limited area. Klaipëda port needs new territories for development, bigger depths, and wider navigation channels. Already in 2004, the Japanese International Cooperation Agency prepared an analysis and feasibility study of potential development options. Pursuant to recommendations of the Agency, this new port (17–17.5 m nat-

Annual cargo throughput - approx. 30 million tons; Ship calls - over 8 000 annually; Depth of the port waters – 13.00 - 15.0 m.; Port activity generates - 4.5 per cent of Lithuania’s GDP and creates over 23 000 jobs; Over 800 port enterprises and 28 specialized terminals operate in the port; The port is capable of accepting large-tonnage vessels: - tankers up to 150.000 DWT - dry carriers up to 80.000 DWT

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Also in 2010, we start the program for removing contaminated soil and its initial treatment. Reconstruction work on quays No. 7, 8, 9 will be started. BiL The port has implemented an ambitious project – “Viking”. Tell us more about it.

ural depth) should be constructed northward from the port entrance channel. An artificial island (1,5 km long and 700 m wide) would be made in the sea within 350 m distance from the shore; the island would be connected with the presently operating port by railways and roads. It is planned that the first terminal on the deep sea port island would start operating approximately in 2020. The Port Authority divided the plan presented by Japanese experts into stages. The first stage includes planned construction of a quay for loading oil products and liquefied gas. The second stage – is further prospects, the final vision of the port. We will prepare design proposals for the second stage of the project “on paper”, but will not start construction until an actual need arises. The first stage has to be implemented after the feasibility study is complete. BiL The port management pays close attention to investments. Could you list the major investment projects. E. Gentvilas: Increasing cargo flows require facilities for additional cargo-related services: warehousing, packing, sorting, labelling, etc. To meet these requirements, a large and modern logistics centre will be established in Klaipëda. More and more tourists every year arrive in Klaipëda onboard the passenger ferries and cruise vessels, therefore construction of the Klaipëda Passenger and cargo terminal has been started in the central part of the port. Every port also has to ensure safe and adequate mooring facilities and navigation of yachts, cutters, boats and other small boats. Constructing a marina for small and leisure boats is an important step to achieve these tasks. We should enjoy the first results of these projects already in 2011. The projects are implemented with port funds, assignments from the state and EU funds. 70 |

E. Gentvilas: Container-contrailer train “Viking” is an especially successful intermodal project and excellent example of collaboration among Lithuanian, Belarusian, Ukrainian railway companies and Klaipëda, Odessa, Ilyichevsk (Ukraine) ports. Containers, semi-trailers and trailers delivered to Klaipëda from Scandinavia or Europe by ferries and container ships are transported to hinterland countries (Belarus and Ukraine) by the “Viking” train. Cargo transportation by this train is faster, cheaper, more environmentally friendly and safer than road transport.

BiL You have been managing the port for a comparatively short time, however has already gone deeply into the matters of this huge economic entity. Shortly describe the major advantages of the port. E. Gentvilas: Klaipëda deep sea port is a leader among the ports of the Eastern Baltic in terms of cargo handling volumes, constantly responding to changes in the market, handling various types of cargo in specialized terminals, applying flexible pricing systems and rendering the highest quality services, operating 24 hours a day and ice-free even in the coldest winters.

BiL Klaipëda is handling more and more cargo to/from China. Do you see opportunities for further development of this cooperation? E. Gentvilas: In 2009, cargo handled in Klaipëda port was transported to/from over 60 countries all over the world. Direct cargo flows to/from China amounted to 13.5 thousand tons. The majority of this export was oil products. In 2008, these direct cargo flows amounted to 106.6 thousand tons (export of fertilizers to China). Last year, I took part in the World Shipping (China) Summit 2009 – a world forum of the top managers of shipping companies and made a presentation of Klaipëda port potential. The goal of the event was to share information on the world shipping industry, its problems and their solutions. The discussions included analysis of the problems related to insufficient cargo flows during the period of economic recession, and possibilities for “green” shipping development. One session of the forum was intended for familiarisation with the Baltic Region, only two ports were presented – one of them was Klaipëda. Undoubtedly, China sees the potential of this region for inland cargo transit. Also, in order to promote Lithuania-China economic cooperation, I am going to visit China at the end of March and attend the meetings initiated by the minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania with ministers of Transport and Railway of China, representatives of other state institutions and business companies. We hope that this cooperation with one of the most powerful countries in the world will only grow more extensive in the future.

The port is situated at the junction of two international transport corridors; it is a bridge between CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries, the countries of Asia region, the EU and other markets. The shortest distances connect the port with the most important industrial regions of the Eastern hinterland (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.). Klaipëda port is on the route of the major shipping lines going to the ports of Western Europe, South-eastern Asia and the continents of North and South Americas. Diversified cargo flow also provides us with a big advantage – it allows us to withstand market changes and fluctuations. Another important factor is having an adequate technology level for stevedoring companies. We can mention large investments made to infrastructure and terminals, not only by the port Authority itself, but also by companies operating in Klaipëda port, and relevant marketing activities. Stevedoring companies within the port put into operation 1 or 2 new terminals every year, and this fact, of course, only increases the attractiveness and potential of our port.







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Investors have trusted in the Klaipëda Free Economic Zone

If you are looking for an attractive location to do your business – look for a free economic zone, because everything there is accomplished expeditiously: the site is prepared for construction, premises can be leased, the rapid implementation of projects is guaranteed, and even an exemption from a portion of state taxes is available. The Klaipëda Free Economic Zone is such a site. It is a special economic zone that is favourable for doing business in, which has been operating in Lithuania for eight years already. There are clients here that have been successfully taking advantage of special tax exemptions and other reliefs and privileges for doing business in the Klaipëda FEZ. During the last eight years, approximately 400 million Euros has been invested here. Business is carried on here by 16 companies from the countries of Western Europe, Asia, and Scandinavia. Another 4 companies have already commenced construction 72 |

or design works. The Klaipëda FEZ is a universal zone, where the activities of industrial production, logistics and the provision of services are permitted. The Free Economic Zone occupies a properly-planned territory of 412 ha in area, which has the necessary and newly-implemented modern engineering infrastructure in place, and is situated by the most important transport roads – including a national motorway, railway, sea harbour nearby and an international airport. KLAIPËDA FREE ECONOMIC ZONE No real estate taxes

WHY KLAIPËDA CITY? The Klaipëda FEZ is located in the Klaipëda City, which is the third largest city in Lithuania and a centre of attraction for science and business in the Western Lithuania; therefore, it has no lack of qualified workers and labour costs are low. A very important advantage of the Klaipëda FEZ is a well-situated geographical location and good communications infrastructure. Because of its convenient geographical position and well-developed transport lines, the EXISTING TAXES IN LITHUANIA (2010) 1% from real estate value annually

6 years exemption from corporate income tax 15 % from profit following the date of investment and 50% discount for the following 10 years- for companies that have invested more than € 1 million. No taxes on dividends paid to foreign investors

15 -20 % on dividends

neighbouring Eastern and Western markets can be easily and conveniently reached from here. Some of the most well-known corporations from all over the world have gladly taken advantage in investing in the Klaipëda region, such as “Philip Morris International”, “Mars Incorporated”, and “Ikea”. The Klaipëda FEZ, as an effective and reliable business location, has also been chosen by investors from diverse countries of the world (Thailand, UK, Ireland, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Ukraine, Japan, Norway, Belarus, etc.), who successfully continue the development of their businesses here. Attractive operating costs, tax exemptions and the legal environment in the Klaipëda Free Economic Zone have created a favourable business environment for investors. ADVANTAGES OF THE KLAIPËDA FREE ECONOMIC ZONE The companies of the Klaipëda FEZ enjoy exclusive tax exemptions harmonised with the European Union law: no payment of a profit tax during the first 6 years, then for 10 years it is two times less than normally assessed, the dividends of foreign investors are not taxable, and real estate tax is not paid. The Klaipëda FEZ has been recognised as an economic project of state importance. Such status of the zone ensures a favourable attitude of authorities in solving any issues that may arise. Lithuania’s membership in the European Union is also an important criterion for investors, and especially for investors who are outside the European Union, because goods produced in the zone are open to the entire EU market without any restrictions and customs duties. The zone is managed by a private management company that won the international tender for it. This private management is not burdened by bureaucratic obstacles, enabling it to make quick necessary decisions which meet a client’s expectations, flexibly respond to a client’s needs and quickly solve issues that arise. In the Klaipëda FEZ, clients are offered a wide spectrum of services and the possibility of choice; beginning with the long-term lease of a state-owned land plot and ending with the lease of necessary premises or the implementation of turn-key projects. The zone management company employs a team of experienced professionals, who have gained the clients’ trust. All this accelerates the process of setting up, reduces



BNTP (Ireland) Verslo parkas (Ireland)

Industrial real estate development Industrial real estate development

Orion Global PET (Thailand)


Ad Rem LEZ (Lithuania)

Logistics services

Albright (England)

Electrical connections

Espersen (Denmark)

Fish processing

Glassbel Baltic (Belarus)

Architectural glass

Vingës logistika (Lithuania)

Logistics services

Helsina (Switzerland)

Metal manufacturing

Yazaki Wiring Technologies (Japan)

Automotive harnesses

Klaipëdos Skuba (Lithuania)

Warehousing center

Mestilla (Norway/Lithuania)


Pack Klaipëda (Lithuania)

Plastic foams

Anis (Lithuania)

Metal manufacturing

Retal Baltic (Ukraine)

PET films

Lindstrom (Finland)

Workwear services

costs and enables the choice of the most optimum project-implementation methods for clients, including reliable and verified contractors and partners. Investors are provided with all project management services: from the preparation of pre-project solutions to construction and delivery thereof for use according to their goals (commissioning). The Klaipëda FEZ management company also provides the following services: - provides consultations on the matters of establishing and registering a zone enterprise and for doing business in the zone; - issues a permit for activity in the zone; - provides information about EU struc-

tural support opportunities for the client’s investment project; - escorts the client’s project before authorities; - provides temporary office services at the beginning of doing business; - provides contacts of reliable and verified service providers and contractors. The investors from various countries of the world, who have chosen the Klaipëda Free Economic Zone as an effective and secure business location, were satisfied with their decision. Moreover, last year the zone companies had an increased turnover (+ 10%) and rate of export (+13%). The fact that the zone companies are capable of increas-

Orion Global PET – largest single PET plant in Europe

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Mestilla - is equipped with the most advanced biofuel production technologies in Europe

ing volumes of production and export during an economic crisis only once more proves the effectiveness of doing business in the free economic zone. Given all this, the Klaipëda Free Economic Zone can be reasonably considered as one of the most successful and effective industrial parks in the Baltic States.

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HOW TO BECOME A KLAIPËDA FEZ ENTERPRISE? 1. Contact the FEZ management company by e-mail at or by phone at +370 46 312163. Complete the investor’s questionnaire at 2. Introduce your investment project, agree on the terms and conditions of doing business in the zone and sign an agreement with the Klaipëda FEZ Management Company.

3. Obtain a permit for activity in the zone from the zone management company. 4. Register a zone enterprise in the register of enterprises. 5. Take on a sublease from the FEZ management company for a land plot or lease premises for doing business in the zone. 6. Present to the tax administrator an auditor’s report, proving the amount of capital investment as prescribed by the law.

BALTIJOS PERVEÞIMAI JSC “Baltijos Perveþimai” / Baltic Shipping / is one of the Baltic States leading companies in cargo forwarding, logistics, distribution, custom clearance and maritime agency Company is managed under international standards according to requirements of ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System. Our company was established in 1997, staff is high educated and formerly worked in shipping, forwarding, railway, sea transport, port stevedoring and law companies.

Our aim is to define clients’ transportation needs, which may be grouped into three main factors: quality, price and delivery time. The company has stable contractual attitudes (relations) with leading organizations all over the world which allows to execute complete forwarding services on territory of the Baltic, CIS, Europe, Asia and US.

TAKING CARE FOR THE CARGO OF OUR PRINCIPALS WE MAY ASSURE IN: 1. On-time delivery; 2. Overall responsibility; 3. Competitive price; 4. On-time pick-up; 5. Shortest transit time; 6. Billing accuracy; 7. Highest degree of control; 8. Claims processing; 9. Tracking capability.

BASED ON ABOVE WE ATTEND OUR CUSTOMERS IN FOLLOWING SERVICES: • Transport routes • Door to door transportation by sea, railway and trucks • The technical capabilities, tariffs, trading conditions of all carriers, ports, terminals and warehouses, distribution of goods/commodity on behalf of clients. • Export and import requirements at customs • INTRASTAT declaration, commerce, including banking and insurance, reinsurance by main European insurance companies of all kind of cargo or transport • The documentation requirements of all parties concerned – shippers, carriers, custom authorities, ports, terminals etc • Shipping agency serving all type of vessels • Ship’s brokerage • Dry docking, repairs, supplies arrangements • Crew changes, repatriations, inspections and survey arrangements • Legal support, granting of interests of customers under claim requirements in transport business

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Our company is offering services of class “A” customs and commercial/distribution warehouse (3PL and 4PL) which are an integral part in logistics chain. As professionals of 4PL services, we may ensure arrangements to coordinate the activities of the third parties in which a Client‘s firm contracts out (outsources) its logistical operations to two or more specialist firms (the third party logistics) and to secure payment between parties, including sellers, buyers, service providers. We may assist to arrange trade/distribution chain/network on behalf of clients within CIS and Europe countries with full guarantee of payment for the seller.

ADVANTAGES OF OUR SERVICES ARE: • Favorable location in the nonfreezing Klaipeda port; • Cargo transshipment by railway and trucks added with perfect transport infrastructure; • Warehousing of palletized, non-palletized and oversized cargoes; • Order picking, repacking, sorting, labeling, weighing, packing, bottle filling, capping, of cargoes; • Customs brokerage. • Distribution on behalf of clients • Ensuring payment between trade parties of distributed commodity

OUR MAIN CARGOES: Metals, ferroalloys, fish meal, oil products, frozen products, cereals, grain, feed stuffs, sugar, liquid cargo, containerized cargo and many others.

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Photo: from KSTP archive

The Lithuanian Maritime Industry – New Challenges Maritime industries is an extensive market worth of billions of Euros and a huge economic potential, which means that developed countries and private business try to capitalize on as many opportunities this economic field has to offer | R OMA STUBRIENË |

Klaipëda in not an exception by the decision of Lithuanian government to pay more attention on developing maritime industries in a country cause of energy and transport challenges there where project Baltic valley approved. Aim of Baltic valley project is - to establish a nucleus of maritime knowledge economy by concentrating territorially scattered and functionally non-integrated academic marine research-oriented institutions and their divisions, to optimize institutional co-operation by means of the development of the common infrastructure, and to create conditions for a closer interrelationship of the marine research, studies, and business. There is planned to invest more than 30 mln. EUR. to research and development infrastructure of Klaipëda University and expansion of Klaipëda Science and Technology Park. The seaport town is becoming ever more attractive to foreign investors and companies not only because of its huge industrial base, deep-rooted ship building traditions, quality and comparatively cheap and qualified work force but also because of the traditions of maritime technologies that took hold many years ago. Consequently, the maritime market of Klaipëda with its economic potential

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Klaipëda Science and Technology Park director Roma Stubrienë

finds itself at the top of the list as a challenge for the European Union – all tendencies of the European and global market have to be taken into consideration, with special emphasis being placed on the growth of intellectual potential and innovation in the area, as well as application of new technologies. The contribution of the Association of Lithuanian Shipbuilders and Shiprepair Workers, which currently unites 28 enterprises, is quite considerable. It employs almost five thousand people and the annual sales of the Association’s members amount to over LTL 400 million. Such companies as Western shipyard and Baltija shipyard, which run by the Danes and go back many years belong to the Association. The annual turnover of shipbuilding in Europe is close to LTL 34 billion, hence Lithuania can offer excellent conditions for investing in and joining the single European market. Following Lithuania’s accession to the European Union, the ideas of creating and implementing a common maritime policy were gradually implemented – loading works at the Port, as well as other state sectors related to maritime business, have received special attention in this matter. Klaipëda is set on implementing longterm European-wide technological initiatives, which would strengthen the

competitiveness of the European Union by creating and introducing innovations. These mechanisms call for higher education bases such as Klaipëda University the Klaipëda Science and Technologies Park and Baltic Valley to identify future innovative direction, create a vision of the future, develop scientific research programmes, and finally disseminate their work. The new maritime industry policy of the European Union has already brought many changes to the maritime universities’ activities. Both the University of Marine Technology of Klaipëda and the University and Klaipëda High Technical School (previously known as the Klaipëda Ship Building Technical School and was established as early as 1959) train more and more highly qualified specialists. The maritime technologies and industry sector in Klaipëda has been given political priority – municipal authorities, scientific institutions, commercial companies have all rallied to achieve a common goal. In order to encourage economic growth and to develop marine potential, favourable conditions are being created: premises are given and consultations are provided at the Klaipëda Science and Technologies Park on favourable terms; seminars are organised; and co-operation programmes with foreign companies are developed.

Photos: from UAB KJKK BEGA archive Maritime technologies is that niche of the market in which Lithuania could follow strong maritime traditions, attract foreign companies and create an extensive scientific, business and technological base

KSTP IS UNDERTAKING THE FOLLOWING INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVES: • “Oversize Baltic” Oversize transportation is a big part of industry, energy, infrastructure development. Oversize transportation has a big impact to economical development in every country but it is still very differently organized in separate countries of the south Baltic region. Oversized transport is usually a very important part of every development project so it supposes to be free of any bureaucracy, miscommunication or possibly infrastructural issues. It would really ad an economical competitiveness to Sought Baltic region in many industry sectors: energy; industry; transport. Understanding that the oversize transportation may be the key issue for the regions industry and energy sector development Klaipëda Science and Technology Park is developing the project “Oversize Baltic”. Project aims at development of an oversize cargo transportation strategy and a unified South Baltic transportation information network to enhance expansion of Lithuania’s industrial zones and economic development. • “Baltic Supply” Small markets in the South Baltic Region

and SME access barriers to European supply markets are key problems addressed by the project. They cause competitive disadvantages for Baltic SMEs and their regions compared to suppliers and regions acting in large regions. “Baltic Supply” seeks to encourage SME’s to be more innovative and to engage “in new sectors and niche markets”. Project will pursue an integrated and proactive approach to shaping the future of supply logistics and link innovation policies and competitiveness promotion strategies in the BSR. The SME Supply Cluster concept is an innovative instrument for effective regional economic development and SME promotion in the BSR. Baltic Supply aims at stimulating integration of BSR SME’s info North European supply chain logistics. • “MarChain” The success of cluster and value chain development is heavily affected by the access of information, knowledge and competence. All the mentioned resources in primary phase are accessed within integrated communication processes. By improving communication and coop-

eration processes among BSR maritime sector will be achieved a better resource access for Maritime product and service development. “MarChain” idea is to develop a virtual communication and cooperation environment for business, knowledge and competences by connecting the national Maritime clusters into united communication and business support infrastructure.

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In the hall of power station: Minister of Communications E.Masiulis and Director General of “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai” S. Dailydka


Striving for increasing the efficiency of the activities of the enterprise, AB „Lietuvos geleþinkeliai“ pays a great attention to updating and extending railway information systems, so more and more processes related to the direct activities of the enterprise, such as transportation of cargoes and passengers, management of systems of the infrastructure as well as management of finance and the enterprise, are controlled by information systems

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Another no less technologically sophisticated system is „KROVINYS“ information system ensuring control of management and accounting of the accompanying documents for cargo transportation in the railway network of Republic of Lithuania. The information system oriented both to a client and a cargo carrier ensures collecting the data from the accompanying documents for cargo transportation by railways in the central database and operative provision of the required information from it. The system unites and controls the total cargo transportation cycle from concluding the contract on cargo transportation with the client to issuing the VAT Invoice followed by the settlement. Over 1200 registered clients use the system already; they are provided an opportunity to manage all the key cargo accompanying documents, such as waybills, customs declarations, settlements and so on, by internet. Speaking about information systems for cargo transportation management and control, the information systems of the Wagon Transfer Station (WTS) and the Distributing Station (DS) should be mentioned. WTS is the information system for transfer and acceptance of wagons (with and without cargo) in borderline stations. The system is used for information exchange with the relevant railway systems of another country; in accordance with coordinated data on wagon transfer and acceptance, one railway administration transfers further using the wagons and further cargo transportation to the other railway

Photos: G. Miðkinis

At present, information exchange between major national freight stations as well as computing centers of railways of Latvia, Estonia and CIS, also accumulation and provision of information on the composition of freight trains, traffic, formation and discontinuing of trains, arrival and departure, passing borderline stations and all data on the stock of wagons are ensured by the operative computer information system for freight transportation „OPKIS“. This major technologically sophisticated information system that includes about two hundred workplaces in various railway objects covers cargo transportation controlling as well; at present, over 700 users use it.

Laimonas Murinas, the Chief Engineer of the Information Technology Center, at the new server

administration. The system operates at all borderline railway junctions of Republic of Lithuania and is closely integrated with OPKIS and Krovinys information systems. DS is the information system for managing the technological process at a distributing station. The system unites and controls the technological process in over thirty specialized workplaces of the distributing station; it ensures increasing the productivity and efficiency of the process and reducing the labour expenditures. The system is used already in Vaidotai and Radviliðkis distributing stations. The information system for international tickets reservation (Express-3) involved in controlling transportation of passengers should be briefly described as well. This information system is usable in selling and reserving tickets for local and international trains, executing freight documents for accompanied and non-accompanied luggage, as well as providing information on train beds, time of departure, stations, number of wagons, prices of the tickets and so on. Using the system enables to obtain monthly reports on income, to distribute the international revenue from tickets sold and luggage transported according to the countries involved. At present, intensive preparation for introducing “The National Train Bed Reserving and Ticket Selling” and “Electronic Ticket” information systems takes place.

Management of a today enterprise cannot be imagined without the reliable information system „Financial Accounting and Business Management”. At present, AB „Lietuvos geleþinkeliai“ has began using an integrated information system for more efficient management of the resources of the company, operative collection, processing and analysis of increasing data on the processes of the activities of the enterprise. It is information system developed on the base of SAP AG software; it will unite the economical procedures with planning & control functions into a joint process. It will be used by over 400 users. Because subdivisions and objects of the enterprise are situated geographically faroff, over 90% of the data transmission networks of the enterprise were updated striving to ensure proper environment for developing information systems of the enterprise and the objects of AB „Lietuvos geleþinkeliai“ were united into the single high-speed data transmission network of the enterprise. At present, the data transmission network of the enterprise unites over 200 various objects of the enterprise in whole Lithuania where over 3500 workplaces of the information systems of the enterprise are actively exploited. For information exchange with railways of neighbouring | 81

a similar capacity. DPP/UPS conforms to the highest standards of the international recommendations on reliability (Tier IV, i.e. fault-free operation). The solution is technologically unique because: • it combines 3 functions: of a generator, an uninterrupted power supply and a battery; • instead of a large block of batteries, an accumulator of kinetic energy (flywheel) is used; on interruptions of voltage, the flywheel, affected by the force of inertia, ensures power supply until reactivation of the diesel engine; • it enables to avoid using batteries (as it is done in the classic systems); in the case of the present project, their weight would exceed 50 ton and special premises of about 140 sq m The equipment of the fire extinguishing station of the data center would be required in addition for their installation; countries, the data transmission network • the world and Lithuanian practice shows of the enterprise is connected with data that even the best lead accumulators transmission networks of railways of Russhould be replaced once in 3-4 years sia, Belarus and Latvia. and such a replacement would cause considerable operational costs; The project on RESERVE DATA CENTER • the kinetic accumulator ensures a relicompleted in the late 2009 is of a parable feeding, because in case of batterticular importance for development of ies, their capacity becomes clear after information systems of AB „Lietuvos their loading only and this circumstance geleþinkeliai“ and ensuring a reliable opcauses an additional risk; eration of the systems. Within the frame • it is an „environment-friendly” solution of the said project, the 120 m2 premises of because no batteries and accumulators the technological data center with a proharmful for the environment are used. tective armoured capsule, the engineering systems for maintenance of the premises The said technological solution enabled (such as combined protection and fire developing a feeding system of the top alarm/extinguishing system, the environlevel of capacity and reliability (TIERIV), mental control and cooling systems and thus saving a part of funds required for so on as well as power supply, data transequipping a traditional system plus opmission and communication networks) as erational costs once in 3-4 years required well as the facilities required for informafor classic systems with batteries of a simtion systems and their development (such ilar capacity. as servers, data repositories and so on). Advanced technologies were used on deStriving to increase the efficiency and velopment of the cooling systems for the usefulness of the Reserve Data Center, a data center as well because functioning number of advanced means and unique of the data center depends on a reliability technological solutions (having no anaof the said systems no less than on power logues both in Lithuania and other Baltic supply. States at present) were applied. On designing the cooling systems, the One of such solutions was 890 kW dieunique software TimeFlow was used for sel power plant (DPP) of a new type with simulating hot and cold air flows, thus an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) of enabling to locate the equipment in the

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optimum way and to choose the most effective quantity of cooling facilities, to simulate possible faults identifying weaknesses of the system. The data obtained from the simulation enabled to achieve the maximum capacity and efficiency of the system, simultaneously minimizing the consequences of possible faults, thus reducing risks related to faults of the system. The result of the above-described was designing and installation of a combined cooling system (where both air and water are used as cooling agents). Because cooling by a liquid distinguishes itself for very high efficiency, it enabled to save about 33% of power required for cooling a data center of such a size. At present, the system installed at the Reserve Data Center is the second among the largest installations of this type in Lithuania. For saving energy resources and increasing a reliability of the cooling system, a complete separation of the cold and hot zones was ensured at the Data Center, i.e. the equipment cabinets are located in such a way that ensures an absolute isolation of flows of cold air fed for cooling the servers and flows of hot air from the servers, so they are not mixed and a higher efficiency of cooling (up to 20%, dependently on the loading) is achieved, because only the hot part of the air of the premises, not total air of the premises, is cooled down the required working temperature. It is a quite new solution not applied at present at any data centers of Lithuania and the Baltic States. On assessing the potential risks caused to operability of the Reserve Data Center by external factors (fire, water and so on), it was decided to use the solution Lampertz of Rittal company for technological protection of the premises. It is an armoured structure for protection against fire, water, explosion and other external factors. The structure withstands an impact of 1000ºC temperature within one hour, it is resistant to water flows in case of fire, breakdown or another emergency. It is the first installation of such a size in the Baltic States.

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ON THE FRONT LINE TOWARDS ELECTRONIC ENVIRONMENT Electronic document is epochal phenomenon and may be equally compared to the Gutenberg’s invention of printing press. Not only information, but also the activities that are based on information processing move to electronic environment. As a result of these activities relations are created among people and/or software entities that represent them. Activities in electronic environment have to conform to legal regulations and use official electronic documents.

Assoc. Prof. Dr.


| A NTANAS MITAÐIÛNAS | Official electronic documents signed by electronic signature form the basis for electronic government and electronic public services, as well as for many information society and knowledge economy investment projects being implemented. It is also soon to be realized mean of communication between European Union and other countries. The status of official electronic documents infrastructure essentially influences not only information and communication sector, Lithuania or any other country, but all modern societies. Lithuania is on the front line in the development of electronic documents system not only in European Union. It is among the foremost countries going on the way towards electronic environment. These statements are based on participation in the work groups activities of European Commission Services Directive implementation initiative and the following European Commission study reports: • Study on electronic documents and electronic delivery for the purpose of the implementation of Art.8 of the Services Directive. Analysis & Impact assessment report. Analysis of country profiles, Brus84 |

sels, 2009 • Study on electronic documents and electronic delivery for the purpose of the implementation of Art.8 of the Services Directive. D3.1 Recommendations on improving the cross border exchangeability of electronic documents and interoperability of delivery systems for the purpose of the implementation of the Services Directive, Brussels, 2009. Partially the fact may be explained that EU countries that have started the transition to electronic environment earlier, followed the path of transmitting information between administrations via secure channels. This is a suitable way of exchanging information among individual administrations. However, as electronic environment expands drawing in people and business, a more promising approach is the use of official electronic documents signed by qualified electronic signatures. These signatures are safe by themselves and may be transferred by open channels, email for instance. They ensure document authenticity, integrity, content validation and, if necessary, content confidentiality. This is the approach Lithuania is undertaking. The achievement has been mainly driven

by the continuous and targeted work of Lithuanian Archives Department – participation and communication in European Union and worldwide forums, following the trends in the field, integrating and consolidating the efforts of Lithuania’s potential. Official electronic documents consist of three components: content, electronic signatures and the set of metadata that may be signed or not depending on the decision made by document producer and receiver. Content in general consists of main document, an annexes to the document and attached other independent documents that may have their own independent documents attached, etc. The lifecycle of electronic documents is complicated and differs little from usual paper documents. It covers collaborative document creation, transfer, usage and the procedures of document storage and archiving. The adequate electronic document model that meets procedural requirements is rather complicated, consisting of multiple electronic signatures and multiple data objects that are being signed. On the other hand, such defined universal model of electronic document is a necessity in solving the document

exchangeability problem in electronic environment.

document as ZIP package that conforms to ODF packaging conventions.

download from since May 2010.

The official electronic document has to conform to the standard from the moment of its creation through its entire lifecycle in order to store it to the archive of electronic documents. This is essential feature of official electronic documents. It is not possible to prepare the electronic document for transfer properly just before storing it to the archive.

All these principles are implemented by official electronic documents specification ADOC-V1.0 that has been approved by the order No. V-60 issued on the 7th of September, 2009 by the general director of Lithuanian Archives Department: query=ADOC&p_tr2=2 (Lithuanian version); signa-web/webResources/docs/ADOC_ specification_approved20090907_ EN.pdf (English version).

In May 2009 the 3 year project SPOCS has been started to implement Art.8 on electronic procedures of European Services Directive. One of the main intended project purposes is the creation of EU common electronic documents specification and the development of software modules for electronic documents creation and verification. ADOC specification is foreseen as the main input for project work package on electronic documents.

The European Commission Services directive and its implementation have a major impact on the expansion of electronic documents. The documents of the European Commision working groups for Services Directive implementation recommend to use all formats XAdES, CAdES and PAdES as qualified electronic signature formats. For XAdES format all three topologies of electronic signatures and signed data objects are recommended: detached, enveloped and enveloping. Out of all these possible variations XAdES format and detached topology of joining electronic signature and signed data is strictly recommended. Moreover, out of various implementations of XAdES format and detached topology it is particularly recommended to supply official electronic

Software tool SIGNA for creation and verification official electronic documents that comply with specification ADOCV1.0 is developed in three implementations: • official electronic documents creation and verification on-line service SIGNA WEB that is accessible free at http:// • official electronic documents creation and verification software libraries SIGNA SDK for Java and .NET environments • official electronic documents creation and verification software SIGNA for MS Windows that will be available as a free

As a result of the efforts in the field, Lithuania has become one of the leading European Union countries in the official electronic documents standardization and software development for exchanging electronic documents in European Union.

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VGTU based Lithuanian Intermodal Transport Technology Platform promotes East-West Transport Corridor The transport sector is one of the most important sectors serving as a key factor for enhancing national activity in global economies. Due to the trend of globalization, the management of logistics and of transportation system became a significant challenge requiring joint efforts by all countries of particular regions. Therefore, in recent decades, the means to unite efforts of different transport modes, business structures and research institutions in forming global intermodal logistics chains are being actively discussed. The growing competitiveness inspiring us to create new forms of cooperation enables the representatives of different transport modes, researchers and politicians to solve effectively national as well as world wide transport problems and to find best solutions. | D R . A LGIRDAS Ă?AKALYS |

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The idea to establish one of such cooperation structures – Intermodal transport platform – has emerged in European transport policy quite long time ago. But the realization of such idea appeared in Lithuania in spring of 2007 firstly then Lithuanian Intermodal Transport Technology Platform (LITTP) was initiated and created by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. LITTP was aimed to strengthen Lithuanian international market position in trade and transportation services of the Baltic Sea region, to form a national innovative transport development strategy as well as to promote national logistics competitiveness and foster economic growth.

of whole southern Baltic Sea sub-region in the international markets. The main attention during the Forum was paid to the development of international EastWest Transport Corridor.

Soon after the establishment, LITTP attained quite wide international recognition. It received strong support from European Transport Intermodal Association (EIA) which positively evaluated the very concept and the activity of LITTP. In March of 2007, EIA accepted Membership application of VGTU Competence Center for Intermodal Transport and Logistics (CCITL) as a managing partner of LITTP. In 2008 LITTP received support through EU initiated and financed CIPROC project

In the newly adopted EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea region, the project was defined as a Flagship green transport corridor project. If the project is implemented successfully, it could serve as an example of best practice in transport field, keeping in mind that there is no worldwide concept for a green transport corridor yet. The general mission of EWTC II project is to become a test site for innovations, new technologies, business models, transportation management systems, market analysis of new logistics schemes, and development of business plans. Considering the needs of global market, this will aid the development of international trade between Europe and Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Far East including China. The participants of LITTP Forum also witnessed the historically significant

The role of LITTP is increasing not only on national, but also on international level. On 16th of December, 2009, the LITTP Forum took place aiming at discussing specific practical issues of intermodal transportation development and to find ways for strengthening the competitive positions of Lithuania as well as

The global perspective of East-West Transport Corridor

For a wider context, in order to coordinate the implementation of East-West Transport Corridor in Lithuania the working group of representatives of different national transport modes, business structures, science and government was established. Together with partners from the Baltic Sea region, the group applied for a European Union funding to carry on the second phase of East-West Transport Corridor project (EWTC II).

Dr. Algirdas ÐAKALYS, Vice Chairman of LITTP, Head of VGTU CCITL

event. During the Forum the Declaration regarding the establishment of the initiative group of the Association of East West Transport Corridor was signed. This project is carried out pursuant to the EU Baltic Sea region cooperation program. It has been scheduled that by the end of June, 2010, this declaration will lay the foundation for the establishment of EWTC Association. It is a major, maybe even a historic change in trying to balance out the development of the Baltic Sea region transportation system. With no doubt it is also an important step in further integration of Lithuania into the market of EU transportation services. The Association is planning to strengthen the cooperation between transportation, logistics companies, intermodal terminal operators, shippers and consignees, national, regional and domestic authorities and science and research institutions; to develop the links between EWTCII and particular world regions, to promote competition and reliability, to pursue conformity of standards and indicators of activity of major general participants of the project, to pursue simplification of procedures and documentation, to promote the development of infrastructure and technologies of individual means of transportation in a balanced way and to develop interaction (intermodality) between them, to represent the associated EWTCII partners in the European Commission and international transportation organizations as

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After singning the declaration regarding the establishment of the inititiave group o EWTC Association

well as in national and regional authority institutions. The initiators of the establishment of EWTC Association became Stasys Dailydka, “Lithuanian Railways”, Algimantas Kondrusevièius, Lithuanian Road Carriers’ Association, Kæstutis Kravcovas, Lithuanian branch of DFDS Lisco, Vytautas Levickas, Lithuanian Hauliers’ Association, Algirdas Ðakalys, Lithuanian Intermodal Transport Technology Platform, Klaus Ebeling, European Intermodal Transport Association, Magnus von Schenck, EWTC II project (Sweden), An-

ders Wiberg, Karlshamn Port (Sweden), Ivan Liptuga, AB “PLASKE” (Ukraine), and Michail Orechov Glubokoye region (Belarus). The idea to establish EWTC Association was already presented in Asia-Europe Logistics conference in Almaty (Kazachstan), Lithuanian-Sweden business seminar in Malmö (Sweden), the Ukrainian Transport Ministry, to be presented during the Logistics Industry Conference in Rostock (Germany), as well as in logistics seminars in Denmark and Russia.

Soon after the signing the Declaration, the interest to become a partner of the establishment of EWTC Association was expressed by Chinese Euro-Asia Landbridge Logistics Association Council which unites logistics associations from Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu, etc. Mr. Wang Peng is chosen as the representative of the Council to join the initiative group. The involvement of Euro-Asia Landbridge Association Council is very important to LITTP, keeping in mind that VGTU aims to strengthen links with Shipping Research Department of COSCO R&D Centre in China according the cooperation agreement signed in 2009. The constituent assembly for establishing EWTC Association is foreseen in the end of June, 2010, in Vilnius. All interested transport, logistics and business structures and potential partners are kindly welcomed to participate in the establishment of Association.

Regional perspective of East-West Transport Corridor

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HONORING THE BRAVE: an innovation prize tradition is maturing in Lithuania | A LGIS DAVIDAVIÈIUS |

Despite the economic downturn, Lithuanian enterprises increasingly compete for the prize that honours the most innovative ones

It is not easy to innovate in a still post-soviet

work and enterprise culture, that is mostly based on initial mutual mistrust (and, yes, sometimes Schadenfreude). These are day-to-day realities of Lithuanian enterprises set to compete in harsher domestic and International markets that are still recovering from the recent economic downturn. Despite all of this, more enterprises are actively seeking being acknowledged as “innovative” in the one of a kind annual contest here. Lithuanian Innovation centre together with Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists established and maintain a tradition of organizing this „Innovation prize“ competition since 2005. Last year, 74 Lithuanian enterprises competed for 18 nominations in areas like „most innovative firm“, „most innovative product“, „most innovative young entrepreneur“ and alike (in 2008, it was 76, in 2007 – 67). This might not seem a lot, but it started with more modest numbers of about 40 contesters in 2005. Overall statistics show that during last 10 years those few firms that dare to innovate are generating the bigger half of annual turnover in private sector. This means not only those participating in the contest, but all who at least implement innovations as novel solutions acquired domestically or abroad, usually no more than 25 percent of all private enterprises.

The last year’s winners included UAB „Elsis“ and their innovative smart-house operation system for managing engineering systems inside novel, integrated „smart

housing“, as well as AB Lithuanian radio and television centre for ultra-high bandwith Internet access system WiMax for Lithuanian internet users, as well as several young star-ups in engineering and services sector (all information about the contest can be accessed through www. Most companies participating in this contest say that it is one of the best marketing tools for their products domestically and, sometimes, even on International markets. This was the case several years ago of successful Lithuanian telecommunications equipment producer UAB Teltonika, who expanded their operations worldwide and are successfully withstanding the global economic downturn. Practically, all of the participants say, that to get one of the prizes of these contests adds to their visibility and also improves morale of their staff – which might be even a more important outcome of this contest. The motivation of mid-qualified or lower qualified workers in Lithuania to embrace novelties and contribute to or even to instigate an innovation process in private sector firms is one of the most improvable in EU. One reason for this is the top-down man-

agement culture, inherited from soviet times. This creates a widespread mistrust towards most non-specialist workforce and invites pavlovian ‘conditioning’ (stickand-carrot) management styles that are further “justified” by austerities of the downturn. Other reason is reciprocal passivity and psychological sabotage by most less qualified workers towards mistrustful and demanding management that cannot be overcome by financial incentives or even a fact to be employed while the unemployment increases. As a result of this, as EUROSTAT numbers show, 70 percent of the active, employed workforce in Lithuania is in continuing psychological stress over their jobs. This clearly is a bad motivator for day-to-day active innovation processes. Such an added value contest as Innovation Prize, in line with other organizational innovations such as delegating more responsibilities over their work-process to the workers themselves may help involve them more personally into their work and boost its effectiveness, say most of the contenders. With such a motivated workers Lithuanian innovative enterprises may well be actively competitive in regional and international markets quite soon, organizers of the contest are hoping. | 89

BEAUTIFUL SMILE – THE GUARANTEE OF SUCCESS Contemporary oral surgery enables specialists to bring in the harmony into the face even when big deformities and non-aligned teeth are present. Professionals of Vilnius Implantology Center (VIC) clinic assure their patients that they will return the key to successful communication – healthy and beautiful smile.

Graþi ðypsena – sëkmës garantas Ðiuolaikinë burnos chirurgija leidþia atkurti harmoningà veidà esant net paèioms sudëtingiausioms problemoms. Vilniaus implantologijos centro klinikos gydytojai pacientams sugràþina tai, kas suteikia pasitikëjimà ir yra raktas á sëkmingà bendravimà – sveikà, graþià ðypsenà.



IC clinic is privileged to have highly qualified professionals on staff. The team consists of oral and maxillofacial surgeon Simonas Grybauskas, periodontist Algirdas Puiðys, prosthodontist Tomas Linkevièius, orthodontist Dalia Latkauskienë, and root canal therapist Laura Andriukaitienë accompanied by well trained junior staff and hygienists. All specialists have considerable clinical experience and they constantly improve their knowledge and skills during international conferences and visits to foreign universities and hospitals.

ei Jûs ar Jûsø artimieji turi odontologiniø rûpesèiø, VIC klinikos gydytojai nuoðirdþiai padës juos iðspræsti. VIC dirba kvalifikuoti ir patikimi gydytojai: burnos, veido ir þandikauliø chirurgas Simonas Grybauskas, periodontologas Algirdas Puiðys, protezuotojas Tomas Linkevièius, ortodontë Dalia Latkauskienë, endodontologë Laura Andriukaitienë ir kiti. Visi klinikos specialistai sukaupæ nemaþai klinikinio darbo patirties bei nuolat tobulëja, ieðko ir domisi savo srities naujovëmis ir pasiekimais visame pasaulyje.



VIC specialists were among the first in Lithuania to initiate the modern application of teeth restoration by use of dental implants. Their success and professionalism earned them the confidence from other doctors who refer most difficult cases to VIC team of specialists for consultations and treatment. At present, screw-shaped titanic implants are used in everyday practice – they serve as natural roots of teeth in respect of their form and function. Implants adhere and become attached to the bone within 4-6 months after placement. During this period the patient is provided with provisional dental crowns to avoid toothless period of life. Later permanent prostheses are fabricated. Patients usually choose implants to avoid the damage of surrounding teeth. Otherwise, crowns of healthy teeth would need to be trimmed and cut in order to produce the bridge. Implants serve as natural

Bene daþniausiai pacientai á VIC klinikà atvyksta dël dantø implantacijos. Èia dirbantys specialistai yra vieni ið pirmøjø Lietuvoje, pradëjæ taikyti ðá gydymo metodà. Paþangiausias dantø atstatymas ðiuolaikinëje odontologijoje – dantø implantai. Tai titaniniai „varþteliai“ ir forma, ir funkcija atitinkantys natûralias dantø ðaknis. Á trûkstamo danties vietà ásriegus implantà, palaukiama 4-6 mënesius, kol implantas suauga su kaulu. Visà ðá gijimo laikà pacientui uþdedamas laikinas vainikëlis, kad be dantø nereiktø bûti në dienos. Vëliau pagaminamas nuolatinis danties protezas. Ðá gydymo metodà gydytojai siûlo rinktis todël, kad negadinami aplinkiniai dantys, kas nutinka juos ðlifuojant vadinamajam „tiltui.“ Kadangi implantas yra tarsi nuosavo danties ðaknis, já ásriegus á þandikaulá, netirpsta kaulas arba tirpimo procesas yra

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VIC klinikos variklis-darni gydytojø komanda. Ið kairës: T. Linkevièius, A. Puiðys ir S. Grybauskas The engine of VIC clinic – cohesive team of dental care professionals. From the left: T. Linkevièius, A. Puiðys and S. Grybauskas

roots and load the jawbone. Therefore, it is a usual occasion that bone loss stops or slows down in the toothless region of the jawbone after placement of dental implants. Fear of dentists often prevents patients from timely visits. However, contemporary dentistry and oral surgery is absolutely painless. It takes only 10-15 minutes to place a single tooth implant and less than an hour to place several implants. Oral specialists always take care and control the pain during all oral procedures. ORTHOGNATHIC TREATMENT At VIC clinic patients with bite discrepancies are offered with setup for corrective jaw surgery and occlusal restoration. Oral and maxillofacial surgeon Simonas Grybauskas helps to restore facial harmony and jaw function when treatment with braces is not sufficient and cannot correct the bite problem. First of all, the problems are analyzed in detail and an orthognathic treatment plan is prepared. After 1-1.5 years of orthodontic treatment orthognathic surgery planning and the surgery itself is done and soon the patient can enjoy his/her correct bite and improved facial harmony. In addition to improved function of the temporomandibular joint there are other benefits of orthognathic surgery - improved breathing and chewing function, slower attrition of teeth and best facial aesthetics. ALL DENTAL SERVICES In addition to complex oral surgery procedures, many other dental services are provided at VIC clinic. Dental treatment, dental implant surgery, bone augmentation before and during implant placement, fabrication of prostheses on implants and teeth, root canal treatment, periodontal and aesthetical gum surgery, orthodontic care, orthognathic treatment, oral hygiene and dental whitening – are only a part of the list of solutions offered by VIC clinic. Smile and use your opportunities!

þymiai lëtesnis. Daþnai pacientai baiminasi, kad labai skaudës. Taèiau ðiuolaikinë odontologija labai paþengusi ir yra neskausminga, implanto ásriegimo procedûra uþtrunka 10-15 minuèiø. Gydytojai visuomet pasirûpina, kad skausmas nekliudytø pacientams dþiaugtis sveikais dantimis ir graþia ðypsena. ORTOGNATINIS GYDYMAS PADEDA ESANT NET SUDËTINGIAUSIOMS SÀKANDÞIO PROBLEMOMS VIC klinikoje pacientai yra ruoðiami sàkandþio atstatymo operacijoms. Burnos, veido ir þandikauliø chirurgas Simonas Grybauskas padeda pacientams atkurti veido harmonijà, kuomet gydymo breketais pacientui nepakanka. Pirmiausia yra kruopðèiai iðanalizuojama situacija bei atliekamas iðsamus ortognatinio gydymo planavimas. Tuomet pacientas nukreipiamas ortodontiniam gydymui, kuris uþtrunka 1-1,5 metø, o jam pasibaigus yra suplanuojama bei atliekama þandikauliø operacija, po kurios pacientai gali dþiaugtis taisyklingu sàkandþiu. Ortognatinë chirurgija ne tik pagerina þandikaulio sànario bei kvëpavimo funkcijas, bet ir kramtymo funkcijà, apsaugo nuo greitesnio dantø susidëvëjimo bei atstato taisyklingà veido estetikà. VIC KLINIKOJE – VISOS ODONTOLOGINËS PASLAUGOS Be sudëtingø burnos chirurgijos procedûrø VIC klinikoje teikiamos visos odontologinës paslaugos. Terapinis gydymas, dantø implantacija, kaulo atstatymas prieð implantacijà, protezavimas ant implantø ir dantø, kanalø gydymas, periodontologinës ir estetinës dantenø operacijos, ortodontinis gydymas, ortognatinis gydymas, burnos higiena bei dantø balinimas – tai tik dalis sprendimø, kuriuos klinika gali pasiûlyti savo sveikata besirûpinantiems pacientams. Nusiðypsoti, vadinasi paðalinti kliûtis ir pasinaudoti galimybëmis!

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The land smells of bread… | V IDA ÐATKAUSKIENË | Photo: Martynas Vidzbelis

Last year, the country celebrated the millennium of the first mentioning of Lithuania‘s name in historical sources, whereas the cultural origins of the country reaches far earlier times of the spread of Indo-Europeans, the settling of Baltic tribes from the coasts of the Baltic Sea far to the East. Therefore the Lithuanian nation can be proud of old and rich traditions of rituals, folk songs, dances, music, crafts and culinary. Just as every nation we, Lithuanians, cherish our traditional culture making us unique. Fortunately, we have preserved many of those traditions through centuries and still keep them alive. 92 |

purchased. The film was created using the national costume collection reconstructed by the specialists of the Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre.

The film “Lithuanian National Costume” presents 19-20th century traditional costumes from all regions of Lithuania: Aukðtaitija, Þemaitija, Dzûkija, Suvalkija, and Klaipëda region, refines upon certain costume details, showing their application, wearing habits, tells how the costume, certain elements of the costume were made or

“Lithuanian Calendar Festivals” – is the film about traditions of the Lithuanian calendar festivals, having preserved the relation with the ancient cultures and believes beholding respect for the Earth and the Water – the sources of life, the eternal circle of the Moon, the Sun and the stars. Key Lithuanian trades – agriculture and stock-

A set of 3 DVD comprises of three films “Lithuanian Traditional Songs”, “Lithuanian Traditional Instrumental Music”, “Lithuanian Dance Tradition” - precisely, informatively and attractively presenting archaic, abundant and diverse mines of Lithuanian music and choreography that have been kept alive till nowadays. Each of the films is richly illustrated with folklore inserts, though each of them retains its own way to reveal the particularity of the folklore tradition, the long lasting beauty and value of the sound, meaning and the poetical word. The songs are presented by sections of regional and genre particularities and stylistics, the instrumental music is presented by showing the diversity of instrument and playing techniques, the choreographic heritage in a broad sense – by emphasising the context of its application.

raising - have left a sound trace in the rituals and the entire cycle of festivals. The most recent film of the series “Gyvoji tradicija” the film “Lithuanian Folk Art” introduces the Lithuanian and foreign society, interested in cultural heritage, to the most characteristic and valuable Lithuanian folk arts, including the Lithuanian cross-crafting tradition and its symbolism, which has been recognised by UNESCO as a valuable of the intangible cultural heritage of the humanity, the unique local phenomenon of Lithuanian traditional palm-trees - verbos and other folk arts. The film presents technologies of the traditional crafts and introduces the masters practicing and keeping the traditions unchanged. The film “Lithuanian Traditional Food” introduces the Lithuanian rural cuisine, which has preserved its uniqueness and archaic appearance, kept the connection to the local ingredients and seasonality, and retained the respect for food as a result of human effort and divine grace. One of the essential traits of Lithuanian culture is the sacralisation of bread, which can still be observed in traditions and beliefs connected to the baking, keeping, cutting and eating of bread. Black rye bread is sacred for every Lithuanian, the worth of the bread serves for the rest of food.

Photos: Baltos lankos

Photo: Martynas Vidzbelis

The Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre (the institution that has already been introduced in the previous issue) actively contributes to keeping the most valuable traditional cultural heritage alive and circulating within the contemporary society and its culture. This objective is manifested in the biggest and most significant Lithuanian event – the Song Celebration, as well as international festivals and various publications. The centre publishes the Gyvoji tradicija (the Living Tradition) series, consisting of books, video, audio and electronic publications. The series includes the following films in DVD format with Lithuanian and English narration: Lithuanian Calendar Festivals, DVD collection - Lithuanian Traditional Food (2007), Lithuanian National Costume (2007), 3 DVD - Lithuanian Traditional Songs, Lithuanian Traditional Instrumental Music, Lithuanian Dance Tradition (2008), Lithuanian Calendar Festivals (2009), Lithuanian Folk Art (2009). Publications can be purchased at the Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre (B.Radvilaitës st. 8, Vilnius).

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toes and meat.

these days, smoked in the smokehouses using fruit-tree wood and juniper berries to enhance the smell of the smoke.

Potatoes were introduced to Lithuania only in the end of 16th century, but they quickly became the second Lithuanian bread. Kugelis, bulvinës bandos, vëdarai, and didþkukuliai, are now deeply rooted in our cuisine.

Traditional varðkës sûris (curd cheese) also deserves a mention, and it is still frequently served for breakfast.

Lithuania is a land of rivers and lakes, thus fish also frequently features in our meals. Among meats, pork is the most popular. Pork skilandis, mentioned back in the 13th century chronicles, is still being made Photo: Martynas Vidzbelis

In central and northern Lithuania, where wheat was abundant, Lithuanians also baked wheat cakes; one of them was the traditional wedding cake karvojus, decorated with herbs and berries. In these regions, pancakes are also still popular, along with virtiniai, boiled dumplings with stuffing. The soil in the south-eastern part of the country, in Dzûkija, is favourable for growing buckwheat, thus grikinë babka is a staple here, and the northern part, Þemaitija, is known for sotusis ðiupinys dish, cooked using various grains, pota-

The Lithuanian Kûèios (Christmas Eve) table is not set without featuring 12 dishes, while the tradition to relish meat dishes, ðiupinys, pancakes and other stodgy foods no less than 12 times on the Shrove Tuesday - is one of the most interesting surviving examples of the traditional ritual meals. For those willing to get deeper acquainted with Lithuanian foods and traditions, the recent publication Metai uþ stalo (The Year at the Table) (publishing office „Baltos lankos“) compiled by Nijolë Marcinkevièienë, a specialist of long years of experience at the Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre, would be a real discovery. The book introducing traditional foods, cooked and ate year-round comprises four main sections – Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Each season is shortly, informatively and illustratively reviewed in each section enriched with recipes of dishes and drinks of Calendar Festivals of that particular season. Some are refined or having a ritual meaning, others – simple, easy to cook, healthy, thus more suitable for an everyday table. Cook yourself and taste!

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Recipes Mushroom buns

Cold–nosed potato buns / ðaltanosiai / 1 k grated potatoes 2 cups buckwheat or rye flour 1 cup grindei poppy or hemp seed salt 0.5 teaspoon sugar

1.5 cup whead flour 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon sugar 10 g dry yeast 1 egg 50 g butter

Drain some potato jui ce from grated potatoe s, mix with flour and sal t. Make palm size rou nd s of dough, place some stuffing made of onion and hemp seed grinded with salt (or poppy see d grinded with sugar) an d form buns. Place int o baking dish and bake in a medium hot oven for 45 min.

For filling: 1.5 cup cooked dried mushrooms 1 carrot oil, black pepper, salt Blend yeast with some sugar and dissolve in warm milk. Sift a third of flour to milk and blend well. Sprinkle dough with flour and let rise in a warm spot. Add egg, salt, sugar, remaining flour and beat dough. In the end, add mel ted butter. Knead dough, until it is no longer sticky and set for another rising. Roll out dough to rolls, cut and roll out roun ds. Stuff rounds with filling and seal edges. To make filling fry chopped mushroo ms, onions and carrot, add black pep per and salt and mix well. Place buns into a greased baking dish and set in a warm spot to rise. Bake in an oven unti l golden brown.

Buckwheat baba/babka 1 k buckwheat flour 0.5 l milk 1 egg

Photo: Martynas Vidzbelis

Blend flour in milk ( sour milk, or milk mixed with sour cream), fold in egg, add salt and mix all well. To enrich the batter add finely chopped fried bacon and mix again. Place dough into a greased round baking pan and bake in a hot oven for about an hour.

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eople can often encounter painting works, which immediately astonish one with their astoundingly bright colours, but when a person takes a second look at them, they seem to fade away. The works of ÞYGIMANTAS AUGUSTINAS are those you fall in love with for a long time. In different lightings they release and reveal something more, and when you look at them for a while, the vastness of a painting pulls you in more and more until you feel like you are part of that painting. From the time he was a student at the Vilnius Academy of Art, the painter has had the ambitious goal to not be inferior to the old masters. Since receiving a Bachelors degree in 1996 and a Masters degree in 1998, Þygimantas Augustinas has kept on searching for the secrets of painting. Summer courses at the Florence Academy of Art, Joe Santore’s training courses in the USA, painting studies at the Art Students League of New York, plenary activities, seminars and self-study – all of these things have directed him towards his goal.


ûna tapybos darbø, kurie apstulbina savo ryðkiomis spalvomis, pritrenkia, taèiau antràsyk á juos þiûrint nublanksta. Dailininko ÞYGIMANTO AUGUSTINO darbai – ið tø, kurie „prisijaukinami“. Jie vis kitaip atsiskleidþia esant skirtingam apðvietimui, o ilgai á juos þiûrint paveikslo erdvë ima vis labiau átraukti ir pasijunti gyvenantis paveiksle. Bûti ne prastesniam nei senieji meistrai – tai ambicingas dailininko tikslas nuo pat studijø Vilniaus Dailës akademijoje laikø. 1996 m. gavæs bakalauro, 1998 - magistro laipsná, Þygimantas Augustinas tapybos paslapèiø ieðkojo toliau. Florencijos meno akademijos vasaros kursai, Joe Santore’s tobulinimosi kursai JAV, tapybos studijos Niujorko Meno studentø lygoje, plenerai, seminarai ir savarankiðkas studijavimas – viskas vedë á uþsibrëþtà tikslà.

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"Hrönir # 1", oil and charcoal on canvas, 93 x 186 cm, 2006

„Hrönir # 1“, drobe, anglis, aliejus, 93 x 186 cm, 2006

"Hrönir # 3", oil and charcoal on canvas, 93 x 186 cm, 2006

„Hrönir # 3“, drobe, anglis, aliejus, 93 x 186 cm, 2006

In his article “Three Truths about Þygimantas Augustinas”, Alfonsas Andriuðkevièius, one of the most influential Lithuanian critics, characterises the painter in the following way: “How does he manage (is able) to paint? Like 17th century Holland’s. Like 18th century French. Like 19th century French. Like (…) the German born British, Sigmund Freud grandchild Lucian Freud...” Painting layer after layer is a complex method requiring intense concentration, because even a single “off balance” movement can destroy a half year’s worth of work. The painter often primes this own canvases and has often made his own paint from pigments. The painting he is working on, can, depending on the stage, look like a drawing, like an inside out image or a set of weird masks, until it gradually becomes more and more alive, expressive and “strong”. Vienas átakingiausiu Lietuvos kritikø Alfonsas Andriuðkevièius savo straipsnyje “Trys tezës apie Þygimantà Augustinà” raðo: “O kaip jis moka (gali) tapyti? Kaip 17 a. olandai. Kaip 18 a. prancûzai. Kaip 19 a. prancûzai. Kaip (teisingai, Neringa) ið Vokietijos kilæs britas, Sigmundo Freudo anûkas Lucianas Freudas...” Tapyti sluoksnis po sluoksnio – sudëtingas ir didelës koncentracijos reikalaujantis bûdas, nes net vienas judesys „pro ðalá“ gali sunaikinti pusës metø darbà. Dailininkas daþnai pats gruntuoja drobes, ið pigmentø gaminasi daþus. Jo tapomas paveikslas priklausomai nuo stadijos gali atrodyti kaip pieðinys, „iðvirkðèias“ vaizdas ar keistø kaukiø rinkinys, kol palaipsniui tampa vis gyvesnis, iðraiðkingesnis ir „stipresnis“. | 97

“Model № 3”, charcoal on paper, 94 x 62 cm, 2008 „Pozuotojas # 3“, popierius, anglis, 94 x 62 cm, 2008

"Hrönir #5 (exboxer)", oil on canvas, 114 x 66 cm, 2008 „Hrönir #5 (buves boksininkas)“, drobe, aliejus, 114 x 66 cm, 2008

“You cannot place Þygimantas Augustinas in the same group as the careless or dull “anonymous realists” who renounce an authentic artistic touch or saturate themselves on “illusions of the forms of reality”, states the critic R. Rachlevièiûtë. “His eyes, as the interested creator’s, produce forceful programmed realism, if, of course, we can perceive realism in its wider sense”. „Þygimanto Augustino nepastatysi á vienà gretà su lengvabûdiðkais ar prëskais „anoniminiais realistais“, kurie atsiþada autentiðko kûrybinio braiþo ar sotinasi realybës pavidalø iliuzijomis.” – teigia kritikë R.Rachlevièiûtë. – “Jo, suinteresuoto kûrëjo, akis pateikia programiðkai valingà realizmà – þinoma, jeigu realizmà suprantame plaèiàja prasme.“ 98 |

"Head № 9", 2008. Charcoal on paper, 94x62 „Galva # 9“, 2008. Popierius, anglis, 94x62

"Three Extreme Sportsmen", tryptych, 2009. 110x310, Acrylic on canvas

„Trys ektremalai“, triptikas, 2009. 110x310, akrilas, drobë

Þygimantas Augustinas’s art has received sound evaluations. He won a prestigious grant of the Elizabeth Greenshield Foundation and took the second place at the BP Portrait Award, a portrait competition organised at the National Portrait Gallery in London. The painter researches painting as a scientist. In 2008, Þygimantas Augustinas received a licentiate degree at the Vilnius Academy of Art for his post-graduate work “Painting: Image and Matter” Aside from presenting one personal exhibition to the public every year, Þygimantas Augustinas also participates in general exhibitions, public painting projects and lectures.

Þygimanto Augustino tapyba ávertinta solidþiai – jis laimëjo prestiþinæ Elizabeth Greenshield fondo stipendijà, o Londono Nacionalinës portretø galerijos organizuojamame portretø konkurse “BP portrait award” gavo antràjà vietà. Dailininkas gilinasi á tapybà ir kaip mokslininkas – uþ aspirantûros darbà “Tapyba: vaizdas ir materija” Vilniaus dailës akademijoje 2008 metais jis gavo licenziato laipsná. Kasmet þiûrovams pateikdamas po vienà personalinæ parodà, Þygimantas Augustinas taip pat dalyvauja ir bendrose parodose, vieðose tapybos akcijose ir paskaitose. "Man in White", 2000. Oil on canvas, 90x60 „Vyras baltais marðkiniais“, 2000. Aliejus, drobë, 90x60 | 99

The painter talks very little about himself or his work: “I am fascinated by transformation, when paint or charcoal turn into something that has heretofore not existed: man, light, or movement”. The painter’s advantages are skilful drawing and concentration, while the quality of his paintings is truly delightful to the critics, collectors and public.

Pats dailininkas apie savo kûrybà kalba maþai – „Mane þavi virsmas - kai daþas, potëpis ar anglis virsta tuo, kuo nëra: þmogum, polëkiu, judesiu”. Dailininko “arkliukai” - meistriðkas pieðinys, koncentracija, kokybë paveiksluose ið tiesø pakeri. Ir kritikus, ir kolekcininkus, ir þiûrovus.

“After Action”, 2009. Oil on canvas, 83,5x64 “Po veiksmo”, 2009. Aliejus, drobë, 83,5x64

“Beginner”, 2009. Oil on canvas, 200 x 108

„Pradedantysis“, 2009. Aliejus, drobë, 200 x 108

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STRAIPSNIØ SANTRAUKA LIETUVIØ KALBA 8 psl. GERIAUSI LIETUVOJE – PERSPEKTYVUS PASAULYJE Vis daþniau girdint kalbas, kad ekonominë krizë jau suvaldyta ir ðalis pradeda atsitiesti, patvirtina ir itin atsargiai padëtá vertinæ ðalies pramonës atstovai. Lietuvos pramoninkø konfederacijos (LPK) viceprezidentas DR. GEDIMINAS RAINYS ásitikinæs, kad 2009-aisiais konkurse „Lietuvos metø gaminys“ suþibëjusios ámonës yra Lietuvos verslo flagmanai, naujø plëtros niðø ieðkantys nebûtinai uþ jûrø mariø.

Ðiandien kooperatinë bendrovë „SV Obeliai“ pagal techniná lygá ir produkcijos kokybæ nenusileidþia geriausiems Europos gamintojams ir yra viena moderniausiø aliejaus spaudyklø Baltijos ðalyse. Konkurse „Lietuvos metø gaminys 2009“ triumfavo praëjusiø metø viduryje parduotuviø lentynas pasiekæs rafinuotas rapsø aliejus „TYRAS Originalusis“. Ðalto spaudimo aliejus Maisto pramonës grupëje pelnë aukso medalá. Tokie sëkmingo verslo pavyzdþiai tik dar kartà patvirtina ilgametës „Ðiaurës vilko“ strategijos „Investuojame. Atgaiviname. Pleèiamës“ efektyvumà: investicijos á skirtingas veiklos sritis maþina verslo rizikà ir suteikia galimybæ sëkmingai plëtoti verslà. Bendra „Ðiaurës vilko“ ámoniø grupës apyvarta – daugiau kaip pusë milijardo litø per metus.

10 psl.

LIETUVIÐKAS PASYVUS NAMAS Energinio pastatø efektyvumo didinimui Lietuvoje jau pasirengta. Devynios Lietuvos statybiniø medþiagø, statybø ir nekilnojamojo turto kompanijos bei ástaigos susibûrë á vienà komandà ir bendromis jëgomis suprojektavo ir pastatë pirmàjá lietuviðkà pasyvø namà. „Praëjusiø metø lapkritá baigëme statyti ir atidavëme naudoti pirmà lietuviðkà ypaè energiðkai efektyvø namà. Jis iðkilo mûsø vystomame Gulbinø individualiø namø kvartale Vilniuje,- pasakoja vienas ið projekto partneriø, UAB „Veikmë“ vadovas Eugenijus Zaremba. – Ðiuo metu vykdome statinio monitoringà ir po kurio laiko galësime tiksliai suskaièiuoti kokios yra realios ðio namo energijos sànaudos“. Projektuojant bei rengiant techninius sprendimus naujos kartos bûstui buvo skaièiuojama, kad lietuviðkas pasyvus namas naudos ne daugiau kaip 15 kWh energijos vienam kvadratiniam metrui per metus.

14 psl.

16 psl. „KAIÐIADORIØ PAUKÐTYNO“ PRODUKCIJA YRA ÞINOMA LIETUVOJE IR UÞSIENYJE AB „Kaiðiadoriø paukðtynas“ - paukðèiø auginimo ir viðtienos perdirbimo ámonë, kurioje dirba per 800 þmoniø, priklauso vienam ið moderniausiø ir ekonomiðkai stipriausiø respublikos susivienijimø „KG Group“. 2009 m. gruodþio mën. AB „Kaiðiadoriø paukðtyno“ gaminami marinuoti viðtienos sparneliai „Fiesta“ gavo konkurso „Lietuvos metø gaminys 2009“ aukso medalá. Ðis apdovanojimas ðalyje laikomas svarbiausiu verslo bendruomenëje, vertinant gaminamà ámoniø produkcijà. AB „Kaiðiadoriø paukðtynas“ priklauso vertikaliai integruotai ámoniø grupei „KG Group“, kurios nariai yra ir „Vilniaus paukðtynas“ bei „Kauno grûdai“. “Glaudus ámoniø tarpusavio bendradarbiavimas ir patirties dalijimasis uþtikrina efektyvius gamybos rodiklius”,- teigia „Kaiðiadoriø paukðtyno“ generalinë ir „KG Group“ vykdanèioji direktorë P. Rimdeikienë. „Mes turime galimybæ atidþiai stebëti visà gamybos eigà nuo pat paðarø, reikalingø paukðèiø auginimui, paruoðimo. Kitaip tariant, visas procesas nuo grûdo iki stalo yra pilnai priþiûrimas mûsø ámoniø apsijungimo á vienà struktûrà ir ádiegtø ISO 22000:2005 bei maisto saugos standarto „Global Standard for Food Safety“ dëka”.

„ÐIAURËS VILKAS“: INVESTUOJAME, ATGAIVINAME, PLEÈIAMËS Joniðkio rajone 1993 metais ákurta UAB “Ðiaurës vilkas” uþsiima grûdø prekyba, kroviniø gabenimu ir ámoniø valdymu, verslà stengiasi plëtoti ávairiomis kryptimis, pirkdama ir gaivindama bankrutavusias bendroves. Vienas ið geriausiø tokios veiklos pavyzdþiø – lietuviðko aliejaus gamybos atgaivinimas. 2005 metais „Ðiaurës vilkas“ ásigijo bankrutavusià Rokiðkio rajono ámonæ „Obeliø aliejus“. „Ðiaurës vilkas“ á bankrutavusià gamyklà investavo apie 18 mln. Lt, ið Europos Sàjungos struktûriniø fondø - dar 3,5 mln. Lt.

18 psl. „GAMTOS NAMAI“ Farmacijos ámonë „Gamtos namai“ gyvuoja ir sëkmingai pleèia savo verslà jau antrà deðimtmetá. „Gamtos namai“ – viena ið

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nedaugelio Lietuvos farmacijos ámoniø, kuriose ádiegti Geros gamybos praktikos (angl. GMP) ir Geros platinimo praktikos reikalavimai. Ámonës sëkmingà veiklà lemia puiki verslo strategija, aukðtos kvalifikacijos darbuotojai, rûpestingai puoselëjami ryðiai su verslo partneriais bei vartotojais.

„Ðiandien pagrástai galime didþiuotis ámone ir jos þmonëmis, apie kuriø darbus raðë, juos teigiamai vertino ne vienos Europos ðalies mokslo, technikos ir verslo leidiniai. Ir èia jau kalbama ne apie remonto darbus, kurie visuomet atliekami labai gerai, operatyviai. Uþsiená labiausiai domina visiðkai naujos kokybës vilnieèiø gaminiai. Pavyzdþiui, Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto depe pagamintas manevrinis lokomotyvas TEM TMX, kuris rugsëjo 9–12 d. buvo eksponuojamas antrojoje tarptautinëje geleþinkeliø transporto parodoje EXPO 1520 Maskvoje“.

22 psl. „ÐVYTURYS“ – LIETUVOS VARDÀ PASAULYJE GARSINANTIS ALUS Pernai 225-àsias savo veiklos metines paþymëjusi „Ðvyturio“ alaus darykla ðiandien verda alø, kuris þinomas, mëgiamas bei sulaukia pripaþinimo ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir visame pasaulyje. Per pas-taruosius deðimt metø „Ðvyturio“ produkcija pelnë reikðmingus apdovanojimus prestiþiniuose tarptautiniuose konkursuose, kurie lietuviðkà alø leidþia prilyginti geriausioms pasaulyje alaus rûðims.

26 psl.

32 psl. LENGVAI IR PAPRASTAI 2009 metais UAB „Saint-Gobain statybos gaminiai“ Weber kasmetiniam „Lietuvos metø gaminys“ konkursui, rengiamam Lietuvos Pramonininkø Konfederacijos, pateikë savo naujà gaminá betonà grindims Weber.floor BASE 10. Tarp iðdalintø 4 aukso medaliø, statybiniø medþiagø pramonës grupëje, betonas grindims apdovanotas „Lietuvos metø gaminio 2009“ aukso medaliu. 2009 m. Prancûzijos pramoninë grupë „Saint Gobain“ ásigijo buvusià UAB „Maxit“, priklausiusià Ðvedijos „Maxit“ grupei, kuri valdo gamyklas statybiniø miðiniø Kaune ir „Fibo“ keramzito gaminiø Ðiauliuose. Vienoje didþiausiø pasaulyje pramoniniø grupiø „Saint Gobain“ dirba 207 tûkst. darbuotojø 57 ðalyse, o kasmetiniai grupës pardavimai siekia 41,6 mlrd. eurø. Ði ámonë yra lyderis Europos ir pasaulio mastu kiekvienoje ið savo veiklos srièiø.

„MARIJAMPOLËS PIENO KONSERVAI“ Atðventusi savo 30-ies metø jubiliejø UAB „Marijampolës pieno konservai“ yra viena didþiausiø pieno perdirbimo ir pieno produktø eksporto ámoniø Lietuvoje. Laiko ir mëgëjø patikrinti pieno produktai vis labiau paþástami ávairiø kontinentø vartotojams – jie pasiekia ne tik europieèiø stalus, bet ir NVS ðalis, Afrikos ir Arabø ðalis, Artimuosius Rytus, Lotynø Amerikà. Ið viso UAB „Marijampolës pieno konservai“ eksportuoja 80 % produkcijos.

28 psl.

34 psl. UAB „MANTINGA” - INOVATYVI ÁMONË UAB „Mantinga“ yra viena didþiausiø Rytø Europoje moderni ðaldytø duonos ir pyrago gaminiø ámonë, kurios asortimentà sudaro apie 300 gaminiø. Ámonëje ádiegta integruota maisto saugos, kokybës ir aplinkos apsaugos vadybos sistema, atitinkanti BRC 5 versijà, LST EN ISO 22000:2005/AC:2006, LST EN ISO 9001:2001, LST EN ISO 14001:2005 standartø reikalavimus, veikia rizikos veiksniø analizës ir svarbiø valdymo taðkø (RVASVT) sistema. Pats naujausias ámonës pasididþiavimas – pyragëlis „Marcipaninis sukutis“, kuris nacionaliniame konkurse „Lietuvos metø gaminys 2009“ pelnë aukso medalá. 2009 m. UAB „Mantinga“ buvo pripaþinta nominacijos „Inovatyvi ámonë“ nugalëtoja.

MODERNUS LOKOMOTYVAI “GIMSTA” LIETUVOJE „UAB „Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto depas“, plaèiai þinoma ámonë, ðiø metø gruodá paþymësianti savo gyvavimo 125-eriø metø jubiliejø, buvo palyginti nedidelës dirbtuvës, atitikusios to laikotarpio reikalavimus“,– sako UAB „Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto depas“ generalinis direktorius Valentas Stadalnykas. 102 |

40 psl. LIETUVA SUINTERESUOTA SKAIDRIA VERSLO APLINKA BALTARUSIJOJE LR Ministro Pirmininko Andriaus Kubiliaus atsakymai á „Best in Lithuania“ þurnalistës klausimus. „Su Baltarusija Lietuvà jungia bendra istorija ir ðimtameèiai kultûriniai, ekonominiai bei giminystës ryðiai, kuriems neturi trukdyti tai, kad ðiuo metu mûsø valstybes skiria iðorinë Europos Sàjungos siena. Deja, ði siena kol kas skiria ne tik skirtingas politines ir ekonomines sàjungas, bet ir skirtingus poþiûrius á demokratijà, pagrindines þmogaus teises ir laisves. Taèiau yra þenklø, kad ðioje srityje esama tam tikros paþangos. Baltarusija apsisprendë dalyvauti ES pasiûlytoje Rytø partnerystës programoje. Puoselëdama saugià, demokratiðkà, stabilià ir ekonomiðkai klestinèià kaimynystæ ES per ateinanèius keletà metø Rytø partnerystës iniciatyvai vystyti planuoja iðleisti 600 mln. EUR. Kaip þinia Rytø partnerystë vystoma keturiomis svarbiomis kryptimis: demokratija, geras valdymas ir stabilumas, ekonominë integracija ir ásiliejimas á ES politikà, energetinis saugumas, þmoniø ryðiai“...

42 psl. LIETUVOS PREKYBINIS BENDRADARBIAVIMAS SU BALTARUSIJA Straipsnyje Lietuvos respublikos Uþsienio reikalø ministerijos iðoriniø ekonominiø santykiø departamento direktoriaus pavaduotojas Regimantas Jablonskas apþvelgia Lietuvos Respublikos ir Baltarusijos Respublikos prekybiná bendradarbiavimà,

54 psl. UAB „KRASNOSELSKSTROIMATERIALY“ STATYBINIØ MEDÞIAGØ GAMYBOS LYDERË BALTARUSIJOJE UAB „Krasnoselskstroimaterialy“ yra didþiausia statybiniø medþiagø gamintoja Baltarusijoje. Ðiuo metu gamina ir eksportuoja cementà, statybines negesintas kalkes, smulkiai granuliuotà kreidà, asbestcementinio ðiferio plokðtes stogø dangoms, taip pat vamzdþius, betono plokðtes, sausus statybinius skiedinius, gesintas kalkes, polietileno plëvelæ ir autoklave apdorotus akytbetonio blokus.

58 psl. „AXIS INDUSTRIES“ SËKMËS FORMULË – INOVATYVÛS SPRENDIMAI „Axis Industries“ didþiausia pramonës ir energetikos projektus ágyvendinanti ámoniø grupë Lietuvoje, kuri savo sëkmingà veiklà ðalies rinkoje ir uþ jos ribø grindþia inovatyviais sprendimais ir kompleksinëmis paslaugomis. „Nuolat investuodami á inovaciniø technologijø ir produktø kûrimà, savo darbe taikome naujausius mokslo ir technologijø pasiekimus. Galima sakyti, kad mûsø siûlomos rinkai naujovës skatina pramonës ir energetikos srièiø paþangà Lietuvoje“, - teigë ámonës generalinis direktorius Remigijus Baltruðaitis. Per pastaruosius kelis metus „Axis Industries“ sukûrë net keliø rûðiø ðilumos apskaitos prietaisus, automatizuotà energijos apskaitos ir valdymo sistemà, kompleksinius biokuro katiliniø árangos sprendimus. Netrukus ne tik Lietuvos, bet ir ES bei NVS ðaliø rinkoms grupë pristatys du naujus produktus – kompaktiná ultragarsiná ðildymo ir auðinimo energijos skaitiklá ir elektromagnetiná ðilumos ir vandens kiekio skaitiklá.

50 psl. BALTARUSIJA IR LIETUVA: NAUJOS GALIMYBËS Interviu su Baltarusijos Respublikos Neprastuoju ir Ágaliotuoju Ambasadoriumi Lietuvos Respublikoje Vladimiru Nesterovièiumi Draþinu. Baltarusijos Respublika laiko labai svarbiu uþdaviniu prekybinio, ekonominio, politinio, mokslinio techninio bei humanitarinio bendradarbiavimo su Lietuvos Respublika plëtrà bei stiprinimà. Tai patvirtino ir Baltarusijos Respublikos Prezidento A.G. Lukaðenkos vizitas á Lietuvà praeitø metø rugsëjá. Baltarusijos Respublikos Prezidento A.G. Lukaðenkos susitikimas su Lietuvos Prezidente D. Grybauskaite, Prezidento dalyvavimas Baltarusijos ir Lietuvos tarptautinio ekonomikos forumo atidaryme patvirtina, kad mes esame labai suinteresuoti visapusiðko Baltarusijos ir Lietuvos dialogo vystymu aukðèiausiame lygmenyje.

Page 88 SISTEMA „PIKAS“ Sistema „PIKAS“ skirta visø rûðiø vieðojo transporto eismo planavimui, optimizavimui ir koordinavimui (miestams, regionams, respublikai) bei pateikimui internete ir mobiliems telefonams per WAP. Sistema pagal pasirinktas transporto rûðis internete bei per WAP pateikia greièiausià susisiekimà tarp pasirinktø taðkø ar adresø mieste bei visoje respublikoje. „PIKAS“ ádiegtas visuose didþiuosiuose Baltijos valstybiø miestuose, visoje Estijoje, Minske.

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62 psl. INOVATYVUS APÐVIETIMAS Firma TERRA LUCIDA sëkmingai dirba nuo 1995-øjø metø ir yra gerai þinoma tarp architektø, interjero dizaineriø, statybiniø firmø, bei individualiø klientø. Specializuojamës buitinio apðvietimo srityje. Ðiuo metu Lietuvoje veikia penki TERRA LUCIDA apðvietimo salonai – Vilniuje, Kaune, Ðiauliuose, ir Klaipëdoje. “Pablogëjus ekonominei situacijai, nusprendëme pertvarkyti ámonës veiklà, sustiprindami didmeninæ prekybà ir prekiø eksportà. Panaudojæ daugiametæ patirtá apðvietimo srityje, pradëjome produktø gamybà. Ðiuo metu turime nedideles dirbtuves, taèiau planuojame gamybos plëtrà – ðalia Klaipëdos ruoðiames statyti fabrikà. Visi mûsø ar subrangovø pagal uþsakymà gaminami produktai þymimi firmos TERRA LUCIDA prekiø þenklu TERRALUX. Gaminius su ðviesos diodais þymi papildomas prekiø þenklas LED series” – pasakoja firmos savininkas Daunius Spuèys.

64 psl.

pasaulyje þinomø kompanijø. Bendri Lietuvos ir Kinijos projektai gali tapti puikiu pagrindu ypaè aukðtos kokybës paslaugø ir produkcijos plëtrai ir gamybai. Pastarøjø 10 metø statistiniai duomenys rodo, kad prekyba tarp Lietuvos ir Kinijos nuolatos augo, iðskyrus 2009 m., kai pasaulinæ ekonomikà palietë krizë. Remiantis Lietuvos statistikos duomenimis, dviðalë prekyba tarp Lietuvos ir Kinijos 2008 m. siekë 561 mln. eurø, o 2009 m. 347 mln. eurø.

68 psl. KLAIPËDOS UOSTAS PUOSELËJA PLËTROS PLANUS Klaipëdos valstybinis jûrø uostas per metus gali perkrauti daugiau nei 40 mln. t kroviniø. Uosto direkcija nestokoja planø, kaip maksimaliai iðplësti uosto galimybes. Ðio valstybinës reikðmës objekto átaka mûsø ðaliai – didþiulë. Klaipëdos uosto veikla sukuria 4,5 proc. viso Lietuvos bendrojo vidaus produkto. Planuojamos uosto pajamos 2010 m. sudarys 264,569 mln. Lt, ið jø – 206,237 mln. Lt ðiemet ketinama skirti investicijoms. Apie svarbiausius projektus ir ateities planus straipsnyje pasakoja uosto direkcijos generalinis direktorius Eugenijus Gentvilas.

LIETUVA: DRAUGIÐKA TOLIMA ÐALIS Arnoldo Burkovskio, Lietuvos Respublikos ûkio viceministro, specialusis reportaþas Kinijai. Lietuvos strateginis tikslas iki 2015 metø tapti Ðiaurës Baltijos regiono paslaugø centru, o iki 2020 metø – tapti Ðiaurës Europos inovacijø centru. Ásilieti á Baltijos jûros regiono ekonominæ erdvæ ir tapti svarbia jos dalimi galësime remdamiesi trimis ðakomis: aukðtos pridëtinës vertës paslaugomis, aukðtosiomis technologijomis, inovatyvia ir klasterizuota tradicine pramone. Tai sudaro bûsimos Lietuvos naujosios ekonomikos pagrindà. Lietuvos stiprybës – puikiai iðplëtota infrastruktûra, tinkamas geografinis atstumas Ðiaurës Europos valstybëms, aukðtàjá iðsilavinimà ir labai gerà kompetencijà turintys Lietuvos gyventojai. Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybë aktyviai siekia pritraukti tiesioginiø uþsienio investicijø, siûlydama palankias sàlygas ir specialius investicinius paketus uþsienio investuotojams. Ûkio ministerijos keliamas tikslas – per penkerius metus padvigubinti uþsienio investicijas Lietuvoje. Dabar uþsienio investicijos sudaro 2893 eurus vienam gyventojui, o Ûkio ministerijos Investicijø skatinimo strategijos projekte numatyta, kad 2015 metais uþsienio investicijos turës pasiekti 5220 eurø. Lietuvoje jau dabar veika

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72 psl. KLAIPËDOS LAISVOJI EKONOMINË ZONA PATIKIMA VIETA INVESTUOTOJAMS Jeigu dairotës naujos vietos savo verslui – ieðkokite laisvosios ekonominës zonos, nes ten viskas vyksta greitai: vieta paruoðta statyboms arba iðnuomojamos patalpos, garantuojamas spartus projektø realizavimas ir netgi atleidþiama nuo dalies mokesèiø. Tokia verslui palanki vieta yra Klaipëdos laisvoji ekonominë zona - jau aðtuntus metus Lietuvoje veikianti specialioji ekonominë zona, kurios klientai sëkmingai naudojasi specialiomis mokestinëmis ir kitomis lengvatomis bei privilegijomis. Per aðtuonerius metus èia investuota apie 400 mln. eurø. Veiklà vykdo 16 kompanijø ið Vakarø Europos, Azijos, Skandinavijos valstybiø. Dar 4 ámonës yra pradëjusios statybos ar projektavimo darbus. Klaipëdos LEZ - universali zona, kurioje leidþiama pra-

moninës gamybos, logistikos bei paslaugø teikimo veikla. Laisvoji ekonominë zona uþima 412 ha tinkamai suplanuotos teritorijos, turi reikalingà inþinerinæ infrastruktûrà, yra prie svarbiausiø transporto magistraliø - nacionalinës automagistralës, geleþinkelio, netoli jûrø uosto bei tarptautinio oro uosto.

Á ðá slëná planuojama investuoti daugiau kaip 30 mln. eurø., skirtø Klaipëdos universiteto moksliniø tyrimø infrastruktûros vystymui ir Klaipëdos mokslo ir technologijø parko plëtrai.


76 psl. „BALTIJOS PERVEÞIMAI“ UAB „Baltijos perveþimai“ – viena ið pirmaujanèiø kompanijø Baltijos ðalyse laivø agentavimo ir transportinio-ekspedicinio kroviniø aptarnavimo srityse. Kompanija yra Tarptautinës organizacijos BIMCO, Ekspeditoriø bei Lietuvos Makleriø ir Agentø asociacijø narë. Kompanija vadovaujasi tarptautiniais standartais pagal Tarptautinës Standartø Organizacijos reikalavimus 9001:2000 (ISO 9001:2000). Kompanija ákurta 1997 metais. Mûsø tikslas - patenkinti kliento poreikius transportuojant kroviná, kurie gali bûti apibrëþti trimis pagrindiniais faktoriais: kokybë, kaina ir pristatymo laikas.

Ypatingai svarbus AB „Lietuvos geleþinkeliai“ informaciniø sistemø plëtros ir patikimo ðiø sistemø darbo uþtikrinimui, 2009 metø pabaigoje baigtas vykdyti Rezervinio duomenø centro árengimo projektas, kurio apimtyje árengta technologinë duomenø centro 120 m2 patalpa su apsaugine ðarvuota kapsule ir patalpà aptarnaujanèios inþinerinës (kompleksine apsaugos, prieðgaisrine gesinimo, patalpø aplinkos valdymo auðinimo ir t.t., elektros maitinimo, duomenø perdavimo ir ryðio tinklo) sistemos o taip pat informacinëms sistemoms ir jø plëtrai reikalinga (serveriai, duomenø saugyklos ir t.t.) infrastruktûra. Siekiant padidinti Rezervinio duomenø centro efektyvumà ir naudingumà, panaudota visa eilë paþangiausiø priemoniø ir unikaliø technologiniø sprendimø, kurie ðiuo metu neturi analogø nei Lietuvoje nei kitose Baltijos valstybëse.

78 psl.

84 psl.



Klaipëda – vienintelis ðalies uostamiestis, kuriame vystomos jûrø pramonës plëtrai Lietuvos Vyriausybë skiria daug dëmesio. Numatant sëkmingas jûrines, energetines ir transporto pramonës plëtros perspektyvas, buvo patvirtintas Baltijos slënio projektas. Baltijos slënio projekto tikslas - sukurti jûriniø þiniø ekonomikos branduolá, sutelkiant teritoriðkai iðsibarsèiusias jûrinio mokslo ir studijø institucijas ir jø padalinius, bendros infrastruktûros pagalba optimizuoti ðiø institucijø tarpusavio ryðius bei sudaryti sàlygas glaudesnei jûrinio mokslo, studijø ir verslo sàveikai.

Dr. Antanas Mitaðiûnas, UAB „MitSoft“ direktorius. Elektroniniu paraðu pasiraðytø oficialiø elektroniniø dokumentø sistema yra vienas ið pagrindiniø modernios visuomenës infrastruktûros elementø. Lietuvos vieðojo ir privataus sektoriø partnerystës rezultate sukurta

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elektroniniu paraðu pasiraðytø oficialiø elektroniniø dokumentø sistema, apimanti elektroniniø dokumentø specifikacijà bei dokumentø sukûrimo ir tikrinimo instrumentines priemones, iðvedë Lietuvà á pirmaujanèiøjø ðioje srityje gretas Europos Sàjungoje.

89 psl. PAGERBTI DRÀSIAUSIUS: LIETUVOJE BRÆSTA INOVACIJØ PRIZO TRADICIJA Algis DAVIDAVIÈIUS VðÁ „Lietuvos inovacijø centro“ projektø konsultantas. Lietuvos ámonës vis aktyviau siekia bûti pripaþintomis inovatyviausiomis arba pelnyti kitas kiekvienais metais rengiamo „Inovacijø prizo“ konkurso nominacijas. Svarbiausia ðio konkurso reikðmë yra tai, kad jis leidþia konkurse dalyvaujanèiø ámoniø darbuotojams labiau pajusti savo darbo vertæ ir prasmingumà bei skatina patiems kûrybiðkiau reikðtis.

86 psl. VGTU INICIJUOTA LIETUVOS INTERMODALINIO TRANSPORTO TECHNOLOGINË PLATFORMA SKATINA RYTØ-VAKARØ TRANSPORTO KORIDORIAUS PLËTRÀ Dr. Algirdas Ðakalys, VGTU intermodalinio transporto kompetencijos centro direktorius. 2007 m. Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto (VGTU) iniciatyva ákurta Lietuvos intermodalinio transporto technologinë platforma (LITTP) yra inovatyvi struktûra, telkianti ávairiø transporto rûðiø atstovus bendrai veiklai formuojant nacionalinës ir regioninës transporto politikos gaires. Vienas didþiausiø LITTP nuopelnø tarptautiniu mastu – rezultatyvios pastangos prisidedant prie Þaliojo transporto koridoriaus „Rytai-Vakarai“ (angl. EWTC) plëtros. Siekdama iðjudinti ðio koridoriaus, laikomo Lietuvos transporto politikos prioritetu, ágyvendinimà, LITTP ð.m. birþelio pabaigoje inicijuoja EWTC Asociacijos, atsakingos uþ veiksmø, realizuojant koridoriø, koordinavimà, sukûrimà: ðiuo metu jau suburta Asociacijos iniciatyvine grupë, kurià sudaro svarbiausiø nacionaliniø transporto asociacijø, verslo struktûrø atstovai, taip pat uþsienio partneriai, suinteresuoti koridoriaus plëtra nuo Skandinavijos per Lietuvà iki Tolimøjø Rytø.

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94 psl.

ÐALIS KVEPIANTI DUONA... Kaip ir kiekviena tauta, lietuviai didþiuojasi savo senomis ir turtingomis paproèiø, liaudies dainø, ðokiø, amatø, kulinarijos tradicijomis. Lietuvos liaudies kultûros centras rûpinasi ðiø tradicijø tæstinumu ir visà jø spektrà atskleidþia didþiausiame ir svarbiausiame Lietuvos renginyje – Dainø ðventëje. Publikacijø serijoje „Gyvoji tradicija“, kurià sudaro knygos, garso, vaizdo, elektroniniai leidiniai, ðis centras parengë ir iðleido lietuviðkai bei angliðkai ágarsintø filmø komplektà DVD formatu. Tai filmai: „Lietuviø tautinis kostiumas”, „Lietuviø kalendorinës ðventës“, “Lietuviø tradicinës dainos, lietuviø instrumentinë muzika, lietuviø ðokiø tradicija”, „Lietuviø tradiciniai dailieji amatai“, „Lietuviø tradiciniai valgiai“. Norintiems iðsamiau susipaþinti su lietuviø nacionaline virtuve – ðiais metais iðleista N.Marcinkevièienës knyga „Metai uþ stalo“. Knygà sudaro keturi skyriai – Pavasaris, Vasara, Ruduo ir Þiema – su kiekvienam ið ðiø sezonø bûdingø valgiø, gërimø, kalendoriniø ðvenèiø patiekalø receptais.

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