Best in Lithuania #7

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N r. 3 ( 7 )

I 2009





w w w. B E S T i n LT. l t



Mieli skaitytojai, Lietuvoje ðurmuliuoja ðalies vardo paminëjimo tûkstantmeèio renginiai. Nors 1009 m. Lietuva istoriniuose ðaltiniuose pirmà kartà paminëta religijos, o ne ekonomikos kontekste, taèiau per toká ilgà laikà valstybë nuëjo sudëtingà kelià demokratëjimo, rinkos kûrimosi kryptimi. Ðiandien ðalies vadovø, verslininkø dëka dedami tvirti pamatai Lietuvos, kaip inovatyvios, konkurencingos valstybës, vardui pasaulyje átvirtinti. Ekonomikos stabilizavimosi þenklai teikia vilèiø, kad ðalies ûkio saulëlydis baigiasi. Aukðèiausi valstybës vadovai skelbia gerà þinià, jog 2010 m. mûsø ðalies ekonomika gali pradëti atsigauti, taèiau dirbti reikës daug. Tokias prielaidas daryti leidþia po truputá stiprëjanti Vakarø Europos, pasaulio ðaliø ekonomika ir konkreti mûsø ðalies situacija. Po ilgø ieðkojimø, trukusiø jei ne visà tûkstantmetá, tai bent jau nepriklausomybës beveik dvideðimtmetá, regis, Lietuva rado ðalies ûkio vystymosi kryptá. Turbût visi – tiek politikai, tiek verslininkai – supranta, kad plaukiant ekonomikos laivu ðiais nestabiliais laikais galima iðsilaikyti tik diegiant inovacijas, didinant darbo naðumà, efektyvumà. Tai kai-

nuoja daug pastangø, rizikos ir lëðø, taèiau be ðito nebûsime nei patys konkurencingi uþsienio rinkose, nei patrauklûs investuotojams. Vyriausybë brëþia konkreèias gaires, pristatydama Inovacijø versle 2009-2013 m. programà, kurdama Lietuvos inovacijø strategijà 2009–2020 metams. Panaðu, kad sunkmetis ðá procesà paspartino. Derybos dël investicijø Lietuvoje su pasaulinio garso kompanijomis irgi teikia vilèiø sustiprëti bei tikëti, jog esame patraukli valstybë stambioms uþsienio aukðtøjø technologijø investicijoms. Jûsø rankose – unikalus leidinys, atspindintis turtingà ir savità Lietuvos intelektualø, kûrybiná potencialà, kuriam bûdinga tautos istorinio kultûrinio paveldo ir ðiuolaikiniø nuostatø prasminga sàveika. Deja, galime atspindëti tik nedidelës dalies ðalies ðviesuliø veiklà, taèiau ávairialypis kontingentas rodo, kokie turtingi, pirmiausia – dvasiðkai, ir ádomûs esame. Malonaus Jums skaitymo. Nuoðirdþiai, „Best in Lithuania“ redakcija

Dear Readers, In Lithuania, events on occasion of the Millennium of the first written mention of the name of Lithuania sound. Although the first mention of Lithuania in historical sources in the year 1009 took place in religious (not economical) context, the state had come a complicated way towards democratization and market formation during the said long period. Today, thanks to the efforts of the leaders of the state and the business community, a firm foundation for consolidation of the name of Lithuania, as an innovative and competitive state, in the world is formed. The signs of economical stabilization promise an end of the sunset of the national economy. The top leaders of the state announce the good new: in the year 2010, starting of a recovery of the national economy is possible; however, we should work hard to ensure it. Such an assumption is made taking into consideration the gradually strengthening economy of states of West Europe and other parts of the world as well as the specific situation of our country. It seems that after long searching – that lasted if not for the whole millennium, so at least for almost twenty years of the period of Independence – Lithuania found the proper direction of development of the national economy. Probably, both politicians and businessmen perceive that the ship of economy in these hard times can stay up upon introducing innovations

and increasing the labour productivity & efficiency only. This way requires abundant efforts, risks and funds; however, otherwise we’ll be neither competitive in foreign markets nor attractive for investors. The Government provides specific landmarks by presenting the Programme for Innovations in Business in 2009-2013 and developing Lithuanian Innovation Strategy for 2009–2020. It seems that the hard period accelerated this process. In addition, the negotiations with worldwidely known companies on their investments in Lithuania provides us a hope for becoming stronger and believing in an attractiveness of our country for large foreign investments in high technologies. In your hands, you have a unique publication reflecting the rich and original intellectual creative potential of Lithuania that distinguishes itself for a meaningful interaction of the national historical and cultural heritage with the modern attitudes. Unfortunately, we can reflect the activities of a small part of our national enlightened persons only; however, the miscellaneous contingent attests that our nation is the one of wealth (first of all, the spiritual wealth) and causes an interest. Hereby we wish you pleasant reading. Sincerely, The Editorial Staff of „Best in Lithuania“

Photos: Tomas Kauneckas

Dear Readers, Members of the Business and Industrial Community, I would like to extend my congratulations to you all whose hard work enabled Lithuania to achieve speedy economic development and transformation. Despite temporary problems and uncertainties, Lithuania continues to be a model of rapid positive growth for many transition countries. The people and the business community of Lithuania are determined not only to restore export levels achieved before the current slowdown, but also to boost them to new heights. The ability to satisfy the needs of both our close and more distant neighbors has always been at the core of Lithuania’s long-term success. Our country’s potential for success is supported by economic statistics: the value weight of specific commodity groups keeps changing and the technological intensity of exported products is steadily increasing. The Best in Lithuania quality label developed by the local business community undoubtedly helps attract customer interest in foreign markets and serves as an introduction card for the best Lithuanian-made goods. The more of the Best in Lithuania, the better the future will be for us. Recalling the classical economist JeanBaptiste Say, we can say that a supply of quality Lithuanian goods and services will create its own demand in the long run. Please always remember that although our country is small, it is open. This gives us an advantage edge because we are more flexible. Structural public sector reforms will further increase Lithuania’s competitiveness. The continued competition of Lithuanian businesses in western markets makes us stronger in eastern markets, improving our position to be successful in both of these markets. I highly value the great economic achievements of Lithuania and I firmly believe that you will maintain the rapid pace of developing the best quality demand products. On this path of extensive and streamlined energy and enthusiasm, you will also need success – which I sincerely wish you all. PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA



This year, as we celebrate the millennium of the first mention of Lithuania’s name, it’s worth taking a short break from our everyday toils to glance back at the path our country has travelled, and to try to answer a question: what distinct traits did Lithuania bestow upon humanity during our collective voyage through the stormy seas of history?

today as Lithuania much more than a thousand years ago, rejoiced upon discovering a safe haven surrounded by woods and bogs that are not easily penetrable. Today we can confirm that this place is, truly, an excellent abode – during times of peace, that is to say. Unfortunately, there weren’t many of them during Lithuania’s first millenium.

I wonder, sometimes, if we had the chance to sit down at a millennial banquet table with our ancestors from the past ten centuries, which attributes of theirs would we recognise as our own? What, in Lithuania, has survived unchanged down the ages, as the world and as Lithuania itself continues changing?

Because of its geographic circumstances and its cultural links, Lithuania is frequently referred to as a bridge between east and west. Bridges, however, as we all know, take on strategic importance in times of war – pitched battles are fought to gain control of them, and they are frequently blown to bits to prevent the enemy from seizing them. Geographic considerations lie at the heart of the many cataclysms that struck Lithuania during its first millenium. One generation after the next fought to the death to protect their homeland from invading armies that came from east and west, and from north and south. Having thwarted the attackers, Lithuanians continued

Of course, at that festive banquet table, we would find much in common to talk about concerning the land we inhabit, the land of lakes and forests by the Baltic Sea, by the Nemunas and Neris Rivers. It is likely that our earliest forefathers, who arrived in the land that we know


to press their geographic advantage, developing commerce, industry, and various trades. To that table of ancestral generations I would raise a glass to our land on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea – today, as always, the geopolitical tensions are not small ones; but this is also a land that confers upon us political significance as well as opportunities for commerce. The ongoing dynamic of crises followed by brief periods of respite instilled in Lithuanians both resolve and flexibility. The conditions brought about by its complex geopolitical setting meant survival would only be possible if a strong state was created. The maintenance of a strong state backed with force of arms was only possible by resorting to a flexible diplomacy. Such was the pagan empire (which is how most historians refer to the period before Lithuania’s Christianisation and personal union with Poland in 1387) created by Lithuania’s first truly tough-minded politician, Grand Duke Gediminas. During the truce period that he initiated, the country witnessed an expansion of commerce; stonemasons built castles and towns to which Gediminas invited traders, monks, and craftsmen. At the start of the twenty-first century, Lithuania, together with the rest of the world, is again experiencing the cycle of boom and bust. Lithuania, once again, must stand fast and also be flexible, bolstering the state and adapting to dramatic changes so that, just as in the age of Gediminas, a crisis becomes just another period of hardship – a mere preface to another period of expansion. I think it is Lithuanians’ historical ability to adjust to the most varied circumstances, without losing their dignity or resolve, that would be the trait most common to those sitting at that festive millennial table. At this point, I would like to take a step back into the twentieth century, which might be called the culmination and quintessence of Lithuanians’ struggle for an independent state. It was due to the selfsame geopolitical lot that Lithuania was swept up in the zones of influence and opposition of the two most brutal twentieth-century regimes, those of Stalinism and Nazism. Even after losing their statehood, Lithua-


nians consciously resisted the alternating occupiers, forming underground resistance movements to fight against Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Soviet Union. It was this underground that, ultimately, paved the way for the Sàjûdis movement and the largest ever peaceful demonstration that grabbed the world’s attention – the Baltic Way, the twentieth anniversary of which we marked this summer. It was by following this non-violent path that we returned to Europe, here, in our land, fending off that which does not exist in Europe – political systems in which people are forced to be the tools for achieving someone else’s ends. We built our state with arms and diplomacy; we defended it in do-or-die battles; but after the near apocalyptic hardships that came with Soviet occupation in the twentieth century, we re-established our state through civil action and diplomacy alone. Perhaps it is this sea change, which took place during Lithuania’s first millenium, that reveals a broader and wider trend. Perhaps the third millenium Anno Domini has begun with the increasing conviction around the world that unarmed resistance, civil action and diplomacy are more effective than the most powerful weaponry. Perhaps peace conferences and talks among formerly irreconcilable enemies will, in the not so distant future, succeed in liberating humanity from the multitude of wars and impasses brought on by acts of coercion. Today, as members of the most important international bodies, as contributors to the effort to establish peace in the world, as the unrestrained creators of an economy that is open, transparent and based on competition, we must speak up and tell the world that the path Lithuania started out on a thousand years ago was never meaningless or complicated; it was never hopelessly doomed by despots or strong-arm tactics. The power of freedom and truth which, ultimately, determines the course of history, prevails over all hardships and dark forces. This is the truth that Lithuanians have always kept faith with, even in its darkest and most distressing hours. This is the message Lithuania sends to the world as it marks its first millenium.




Dear Colleagues, It is a great honour for me to congratulate readers of the publication and the colleagues on occasion of the exclusive date for our state. Within 1000 years before this symbolic anniversary, many generations of the nation led by various ideals and feeling of justice formed the future and the today Lithuania. Lithuania was and will be developed by devotion to the family, the activities or the profession, by making better the everyday life, by small and large works independently on any particular anniversaries or occasions. This historical date as if crowns the last decades of the first millennium: we accumulated all our spiritual and intellectual powers for meeting the aim that is the most important for any nation and state – to implement its aspirations to independence and freedom of the state, to assume obligations for its future. The said achievements provide a foundation for further strengthening the statehood in its second millennium and economical development works, search for social justice and dissemination of the own cultural maturity that was formed thanks to devotion and diligence of the people as well as their belief in better future of the homeland. I am sure that spiritual and creative powers of the population of Lithuania will be determinants in implementing the noble aspirations in future. RESPECTFULLY







Interviu su Lietuvos Respublikos Ûkio ministru Dainiumi Kreiviu WE‘VE SET THE TRENDS OF THE BREAKTHROUGH Interview with Dainius Kreivys, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania




Interviu su Lietuvos Respublikos Ûkio ministro pavaduotoju Mindaugu Petrausku ATTENTION OF THE GOVERNMENT– TO INNOVATIONS Interview with Mindaugas Petrauskas, Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania






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LITHUANIA HAS ALWAYS BEEN A TRANSIT COUNTRY AND WILL REMAIN TO BE SUCH Eligijus Masiulis, Minister of Transport and Communications







Engineering Centre



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Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania

EDUCATION AND SCIENCE: TURNING A NEW PAGE Gintaras Steponavièius, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania

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Interview with Raimondas Ribaèiauskas, steward of Vilnius Forest Stewardship


TELÐIAI. A capital of Samogitia



TURINYS Stone sculpture park "Vilnoja"











ALYTUS REMAINS THE CENTER OF SOUTH LITHUANIA Interview with Rima Rakauskienë, the Deputy Mayor of Alytus Municipality



JSC „ORLEN Lietuva“


Þurnalas / Magazine „Best in Lithuania“ Nr. 3 (7) 2009 m. ISSN 1822-6590 Redakcijos adresas / Address: UAB „Balto media“, Kæstuèio St. 4, LT-08117 Vilnius. Tel. (+370 5) 249 21 58. Fax (+370 5) 260 78 58. E-mail: www. BEST

Leidybos vadovas Reklamos projektø direktorius Reklamos projektø koordinatorë Þurnalistë Dizainerë

Rimvidas Stankevièius Gediminas Miðkinis Stasë Overaitë Jûratë Mockuvienë Lina Ðiðkutë






Rokiðkis City




Dubravos Experimental and Training Forestry Enterprise







Dailininkas Vilmatas Marcinkevièius Painter Vilmantas Marcinkevièius




Tita s Pe t r i k i s

Virðelyje: 150 metø geleþinkeliui Lietuvoje Cover: 150-year anniversary of railways in Lithuania Redakcija uþ reklamos turiná neatsako The editorial office is not responsible for the contens of advertisements



Interviu su Lietuvos Respublikos Ûkio ministru DAINIUMI KREIVIU

WE‘VE SET THE TRENDS OF THE BREAKTHROUGH Interview with DAINIUS KREIV KREIVYS, Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania | A UÐRA R AMOÐKAITË | BiL Lietuva mini vardo paminëjimo tûkstantmetá. Nors 1009 m. mûsø Lietuvos pirmasis paminëjimas istoriniuose ðaltiniuose labiau siejamas su religija, o ne su uþsienio prekyba, taèiau valstybë nuëjo ilgà kelià demokratëjimo, rinkos kûrimosi kryptimi. Kokie pamatai ðiandien dedami Lietuvos, kaip inovatyvios, konkurencingos valstybës vardui pasaulyje átvirtinti? Vienas pagrindiniø ðalies ekonomikos plëtros pamatø yra inovacijos, kurios stiprina tarptautiná konkurencingumà ir turi tiesioginës átakos eksportui. Todël jau pradëti ágyvendinti pirmieji þingsniai Lietuvos kaip inovatyvios, konkurencingos valstybës vardui pasaulyje átvirtinti. Parengta ir patvirtinta Inovacijø versle 2009–2013 m. programa, kuri ypaè aktuali dabartiniø ekonomikos pokyèiø sàlygomis, taip pat rengiama Lietuvos inovacijø strategija 2009–2020 m. Ði strategija numato ilgalaikes moksliniø tyrimø ir technologinës plëtros (MTTP) ir inovacijø perspektyvas, prioritetus, paþangiø tyrimø ir technologijø kryptis. Kad Lietuva taptø þinoma kaip inovatyvi ir konkurencinga ðalis,

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nustatëme proverþio kryptis ir sieksime ðiose srityse pritraukti inovatyvias kompanijas. Bûdami patogioje geografinëje padëtyje - sankryþoje tarp Rytø Europos, Vakarø valstybiø ir Skandinavijos ðaliø - galime tapti tiltu, jungianèiu skirtingas rinkas ir net kultûras. Tam turime gerai iðvystytà pramonës sektoriø, patirtá, tinkamà kvalifikacijà. Be to, kuriame palankias sàlygas á Lietuvà pritraukti investicijas aukðtøjø ir vidutiniø technologijø srityse, naudodami Europos Sàjungos (ES) lëðas atnaujinsime technologijas. Tai padës Lietuvai tapti aukðtà pridëtinæ vertæ kurianèiu Baltijos regiono paslaugø centru ir patraukliausia verslui valstybe. Inovacijø lygá, manau, galima kelti ne tik per investicijas, bet taip pat remiant ir inovatyvias lietuviðkas kompanijas. Juk turime nemaþai kompanijø, kurios dirba aukðtøjø technologijø srityse. BiL Ministras Pirmininkas Andrius Kubilius yra pasakæs, kad ðiuo gana sudëtingu ekonominiu laikotarpiu turime bûti tikri investicijø medþiotojai, o ne paprasti pritraukëjai. Kokiø þingsniø

"Verslo þiniø" nuotraukos / Photo: „Verslo þinios"


ëmësi Ûkio ministerijos specialistai, kad á Lietuvà pavyktø pritraukti daugiau uþsienio investuotojø? Galbût jau regime pirmàsias kregþdes? Kad galëtume pereiti prie kokybiðkai naujos ekonomikos, iðskyrëme sektorius, á kuriuos siekiame pritraukti uþsienio investicijø, ir ðiuos sektorius ávairiausiomis priemonëmis skatinsime. Tokioms sritims skirsime valstybës paramà, skatinsime ES lëðomis, ypaè ámones, kurios kurs darbo vietas paslaugø sektoriuje. Taip pat suteiksime vietos ir uþsienio investuotojams paramà sprendþiant biurokratines kliûtis, padësime rasti ir parengti kvalifikuotus darbuotojus, skatinsime investuoti rengdami atitinkamø specialybiø aukðtos kvalifikacijos profesionalus. Jau pradëtos tiesioginës derybos su pasaulinëmis kompanijomis dël investicijø Lietuvoje. Pirmàja kregþde galime vadinti 2009 m. birþelio mënesá Jungtinës Karalystës banko „Barclays“ ir Ûkio ministerijos pasiraðytà ketinimø protokolà dël informaciniø technologijø centro steigimo Lietuvoje. Ðis þingsnis padës ágyvendinti Lietuvos tikslà - tapti Baltijos jûros regiono paslaugø centru. Sieksime, kad 2015 m. 40 proc. mûsø eksporto sudarytø bûtent paslaugø eksportas. Turime eksportuoti ne pigias prekes, o þinias ir gebëjimus. Priklausome vienam inovatyviausiø regionø pasaulyje, ir tam, kad taptume reikðminga jo dalimi, dabartinæ þemos pridëtinës vertës ekonomikà keisime aukðtos pridëtinës vertës produktais bei inovacijomis. Pradëti pokalbiai su keliomis stambiomis kompanijomis dël bendrø projektø Lietuvoje vystymo, su keliomis kompanijomis dël duomenø centro statybos, taip pat inicijuojami kiti ne maþiau reikðmingi investiciniai projektai. Lygiagreèiai ruoðiama investicijø skatinimo Lietuvoje 2010–2013 m. programa. Be to, rengiama socialinio sektoriaus infrastruktûros vystymo bendradarbiaujant vieðajam ir privaèiajam verslui 2010–2011 m. programa, pagal kurià á socialinæ infrastruktûrà per ateinanèius dvejus metus ketinama investuoti 7,4 mlrd. Lt. BiL Kokie konkretûs tiesioginiø uþsienio investicijø pritraukimo ir eksporto skatinimo veiklos rezultatai? Eksportas ir uþsienio investicijos yra itin svarbi ekonomikos varomoji jëga, kuri padëtø maþinti pasaulinës ekonominës krizës bei sustingusio vidaus vartojimo pasekmes. Tiek eksporto augimas, tiek uþsienio investicijos pagerintø einamosios sàskaitos balansà, bendràjà Lietuvos finansinæ padëtá. Todël Ûkio ministerija ëmësi neatidëliotinø ðiø sektoriø plëtros veiksmø ir kartu su verslininkais ruoðia siûlymus eksporto rinkos skatinimo priemonëms tobulinti. Ið trumpalaikiø sprendimø paminëèiau parengtà ir ágyvendinamà ES struktûriniø fondø priemonæ „Naujos galimybës“, skirtà pasirengimo eksportuoti ir eksporto sànaudø daliniam kompensavimui. Kuriama verslo kreditavimo sistema INVEGA teiks iki 200 mln. Lt. vertës kreditus eksportui finansuoti. Pasiraðytos atviro kredito linijos sutartys su bankais dël paskolø teikimo per Atviro kreditø fondo (AKF) priemonæ. Ið viso AKF skirta 100 mln. Lt INVEGOS fondo lëðø, finansuotø ið ES struktûriniø fondø. Paskolø teikimas per AKF iðsiskiria tuo, kad smulkusis

ir vidutinis verslas galës gauti gerokai didesnes paskolas – net iki 1,5 mln. Lt. Parengtas ir priimtas Valstybës specialiøjø garantijø dël eksporto kredito ástatymas, kuriuo reglamentuojamas prekinio kredito draudimas dalyvaujant valstybei, kai valstybë prisiima dalá prekinio kredito draudimo rizikos. Ðis teisës aktas tiek eksportuojanèioms, tiek vidaus rinkoje veikianèioms ámonëms padës iðgyventi sunkmetá, nes yra gyvybiðkai svarbus mûsø ekonomikai, verslø ir darbo vietø iðsaugojimui. Rengiama programa faktoringo ir prekinio kredito draudimui (laidavimui). Diegiant ilgalaikes eksporto plëtros ir skatinimo priemones parengta nauja eksporto skatinimo 2010-2012 m. koncepcija, kurioje numatyta pagrindinë eksporto skatinimo bazës samprata, skatinimo kryptys ir priemonës bei finansavimo instrumentai, ir atstovavimo uþsienyje sistema. Kaip sudëtinë naujos eksporto skatinimo koncepcijos dalis steigiama „Eksportuojanèioji Lietuva“. Eksporto strategijos ágyvendinimui ketinama skirti dar apie 75 mln. Lt ir parengti atitinkamas struktûriniø fondø priemones. BiL Ûkio ministerija vykdo programà „Naujos galimybës“, kurioje dalyvaujanèioms ámonëms skiriama ES parama ieðkant naujø rinkø. Paminëkite keletà projekte dalyvaujanèiø verslininkø. Jûsø minimà ES lëðomis finansuojamà priemonæ „Naujos galimybës“ su iðlyga galima pavadinti ,,greitàja pagalba“ eksportui. Priemonës tikslas - paskatinti ámones aktyviau ieðkoti uþsienio partneriø ir iðplësti pardavimà uþsienio rinkose. Ði priemonë skirta pasirengimo eksportuoti ir eksporto sànaudø daliniam kompensavimui. Ið viso pagal priemonæ „Naujos galimybës“ planuojama skirti 100 mln. litø paramos ið 2007–2013 m. Europos Sàjungos struktûriniø fondø lëðø. Kaip parodë praktika, ði priemonë populiarëja. Paramos pagal priemonæ „Naujos galimybës“ daþniausiai kreipiasi ámonës, norinèios rasti naujas rinkas ir áeiti, padidinti turimà rinkos dalá ar su naujais produktais iðsilaikyti esamose. Nuo ðiø metø geguþës, kada pradëjo veikti ði priemonë, paramà gavo daugiau nei 60 ámoniø – joms skirta daugiau kaip 11 mln. litø. BiL Leiskime sau paprognozuoti. Daugelis verslininkø sako, kad didþiausias ekonomikos smukimas bus kitø metø pradþioje. Jûsø nuomone, kas mûsø laukia ekonominiu poþiûriu ir kokios ámanomos priemonës ekonomikos smukimui suðvelninti? Prognozës, kad ir kokios jos bûtø, neturi mûsø gàsdinti, bet mes turime á jas atsiþvelgti planuodami savo veiksmus. Lietuva yra parengusi Ekonomikos skatinimo planà, kurio ágyvendinimas padës pergyventi ðità sunkesná laikotarpá ir suðvelninti ekonominio nuosmukio pasekmes. Nors planas teigiamai ávertintas ir tarptautiniu lygiu, taèiau turime pripaþinti, kad Lietuvai ðie ir ateinantys metai nebus lengvi. Beveik visos plane numatytos priemonës jau veikia. Nesakau, kad iðvysime staigø ekonomikos pakilimà, taèiau neigiamas pasekmes tikrai tikimës suðvelninti.

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Skatinimo planu siekiama suðvelninti pasaulinës krizës poveiká Lietuvos ekonomikai / The Economy Promotion Plan strives to mitigate the impact of the world crisis upon Lithuanian economy

BiL Lithuania celebrates the millennium anniversary of the first mention of its name. Though its first mention in 1009 in historical annals pertains more to religion rather than foreign trade, the state has come a long way leading towards wider democracy and market creation. What foundations are being laid today in order to make Lithuania a big name as an innovative and competitive state worldwide? One of economic development cornerstones is innovations, which enhance international competitiveness and make direct impact on exports. On these grounds, the first steps to make Lithuania a big name as an innovative and competitive country have been already made. The Programme for Innovations in Business for 2009–2013 has been developed and approved. It is of particular relevance in the situation of current economic changes. Furthermore, the Strategy of Innovation in Lithuania for 2009—2020 is under development, which provides for long-term R&D and innovation (R&D&I) prospects, priorities, tendencies of advanced research and technologies. Breakthrough directions have been set in order to make Lithuania reputed as an innovative and competitive country. Due to its convenient geographical position, i.e. located on the crossroad between the Eastern, Western European and Scandinavian countries, Lithuania has an opportunity to become a bridge linking different markets and also cultures. We have got a welldeveloped industrial sector, experience and good competence to achieve this aim. Furthermore, we create favourable conditions for investment attraction into high- and medium-technology areas. We will upgrade technologies through employment of EU funds. This will help Lithuania to become a centre of services generating high value–added in the Baltic Sea region and the most attractive country for business development. The innovation spread rate might be promoted, in my opinion, not only through investment but also through support to innovative Lithuanian companies. Indeed, we have quite a number of

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undertakings operating in the area of high technologies. BiL Mr Andrius Kubilius, Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania, has said that in this quite a complicated economic situation, we must actually become “investment hunters” instead of being ordinary investment attractors. What measures have been undertaken by specialists of the Ministry of Economy to attract greater numbers of foreign investors? Do we have the first results? We have discerned sectors to attract foreign investment in order to grow into a new economy in terms of quality. We will apply all available measures to promote these sectors. These areas will be given the state aid. They and in particular undertakings that will create jobs in the sector of services will be induced by allocations from the EU funds. We will also assist foreign investors in removing bureaucratic obstacles. We will help in recruiting and training skilled employees, and will encourage investment for training highly qualified professionals in respective activity areas. Direct negotiations have been started with international companies on investment to Lithuania. The Letter of Intentions on founding the Information Technology Centre in Lithuania signed between the UK “Barclays“ bank and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania in June 2009 might be presented as the first success in this field. Such an effort will help us to achieve Lithuania’s goal to become the centre of services among the countries of the Baltic Sea region. Our objective is to attain that the 40 percent share of our exports were represented namely by export of services in 2015. Our knowledge and skills, not cheap products, must comprise Lithuanian export. We belong to one of the most innovative regions in the world. In order to become its significant part, we will convert the existing low valueadded economy into high value-added products and innovation. Talks have been started with several companies regarding the development of a joint project development in Lithuania with

several companies on the construction of a data centre. Other investment projects of no less importance are also being initiated. At the same time, the Investment Promotion Programme for 2010–2013 is being developed in Lithuania. Besides, the Programme of the Social Sector Infrastructure Development for 2010–2011 based on cooperation between public and private business is underway, in the framework of which investments totalling LTL 7.4 billion are earmarked for the social infrastructure development in several coming years. BiL What are specific results in the area of direct foreign investment attraction and export promotion? Export and foreign investment are a driving force of particular importance that might mitigate after-effects of the global economy crisis and stagnant domestic consumption. Both export growth and foreign investments would improve the current account balance and the general financial situation in Lithuania. This prompted specialists of the Ministry of Economy to undertake immediate actions aimed at development of these sectors. Together with businessmen, we draft proposals designed for improvement of our export market promotion measures. The already developed EU Structural Funds measure “New Opportunities”, which is designed for partial compensation of costs required for getting ready to export and for export activities, might represent one of short-term instruments for our export market promotion. A new business crediting system is being structured. INVEGA will provide credits amounting to LTL 200 million to finance export. Agreements of an open credit line have been signed with banks on crediting within the framework of the Open Credit Fund (OCF) measure. The total of LTL 100 million of the INVEGA fund allocations that are financed from the EU Structural Funds is earmarked for crediting. A specific feature of crediting under the OCF measure is a possibility for small and medium-sized business to get substantially larger amounts of loans, i.e. amounting to as many as LTL 1.5 million. The Law on Special State Guarantees for Export-credit Insurance has been drafted and passed, which regulates credit insurance with involvement of the state, when the state undertakes part of credit insurance risk. This legislative act will help both exporting companies and those operating in the domestic market to live through the economy recession, since it is of vital importance for our national economy as well as for retaining businesses and jobs. A Programme for factoring and credit insurance (guarantee) is being drafted. In the process of implementation of long-term export development and promotion measures, a new export promotion concept

has been worked out for 2010–2012 providing for the fundamental conception of the export promotion basis, promotion directions, measures and financing instruments as well as the system of representation in foreign countries. “Exporting Lithuania” is to be established as an integral part of the new export promotion concept. About LTL 75 million are earmarked to allocate additionally with devising respective measures within the framework of the EU Structural Funds. BiL The Ministry of Economy implements the Programme “New Opportunities”, under which enterprises involved are provided assistance in search for new markets. Could you mention any of entrepreneurs involved in the project? The referred measure “New Opportunities” financed from the EU funds might be given a conditional name “first aid” rendered to export. The objective of this measure is to encourage companies to search for foreign partners more actively and to intensify sales in foreign markets. This measure is designed for partial compensation of costs required for getting ready to export and for export activities. The total of LTL 100 million of allocations from the EU Structural Funds for 2007–2013 is earmarked under the measure “New Opportunities”. Practice shows that this measure is getting increasingly popular. Companies that are willing to find new markets and penetrate into them, to increase the market share they hold or to retain their positions with new products in markets they operate at present most usually apply for assistance under the measure “New Opportunities”. Since May over 11 million litas have been allocated for over 60 companies. BiL Let us make forecasts. Most entrepreneurs say that the most severe recession will occur in the beginning of the next year. What, in your opinion, is awaiting us in terms of economic consequences and what measures are available to mitigate this recession? Whatever forecasts are, they must not frighten us, though we must take them into consideration when making our plans. Lithuania has developed the Economic Stimulus Plan, implementation of which will help us to live through this period of greater difficulties and to mitigate the recession after-effects. In spite of the fact that this Plan has been prized at international level, we have to acknowledge that the current and next year will be difficult for Lithuania. Almost all measures foreseen in the plan are implemented already. I do not imply that we will see a swift economic upswing but we genuinely expect to mitigate negative effects.

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Ðalies inovacijø politikos formavimas tampa vienu svarbiausiø Ûkio ministerijos veiklos prioritetø. Ûkio viceministras MINDAUGAS PETRAUSKAS, kuruojantis inovacijø politikos formavimo ir ágyvendinimo, Europos Sàjungos (ES) struktûrinës paramos politikos bei prieþiûros sritis, paminëjo, kad iki ðiol inovacijø plëtros skatinimui Ûkio ministerijoje skirta per maþai dëmesio. Fizikos mokslø daktaro laipsná turinèio M. Petrausko biografijoje esama ir mokslininko, ir verslininko patirties. Jis yra vadovavæs informaciniø technologijø bendrovei „Danet Baltic“, dirbæs bendrovëse „Lietuvos telekomas“, „Mikrovisata“, Vilniaus universiteto Fizikos fakultete bei Medþiagotyros ir taikomøjø mokslø institute. M. Petrausko teiraujamës, kokios inovacijø politikos krypties laikysis mûsø ðalies Vyriausybë. 20 |

Lietuvos Ûkio ministerijos ir „Besti in Lithuania“ nuotraukos / Photos: Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania and "Besti in Lithuania"


Bil Kokias áþvelgiate spragas formuojant mûsø ðalies inovacijø politikà? Iki ðiol Ûkio ministerijoje inovacijø politikai buvo skiriamas nepakankamas dëmesys. Tad nuo ðiø metø pradþios Ûkio ministerijoje pradëjome aktyviai vystyti ðià kryptá. Ðiemet buvo patvirtinta atnaujinta inovacijø programa verslui iki 2013 m. Ûkio ministerijos iniciatyva yra aktyviai rengiama Lietuvos inovacijø strategija. Norime, kad strategija apimtø visas ûkio sritis Lietuvoje: tiek þemës ûká, tiek atsinaujinanèius energijos iðteklius, tiek klasikinæ pramonæ, pirmiausia pabrëþiant aukðtøjø technologijø svarbà. Stengsimës sukurti þiniø trikampá: mokymo organizavimà (pirmiausia – kryptingà studentø rengimà), taikomuosius mokslinius tyrimus, iðskiriant atitinkamus prioritetus, idant tyrimai bûtø atliekami kryptingai, bei, þinoma, inovacijø diegimà versle. Esant sudëtingoms ekonominëms sàlygoms, ðiandien galës iðgyventi ámonës, kurianèios didesnæ pridëtinæ vertæ, kurios orientuosis á eksportà ir diegs naujas technologijas. Bil Ar tokiu atveju nesidubliuos Ûkio ministerijos ir Lietuvos Inovacijø centro funkcijos? Ûkio ministerija formuoja ðalies inovacijø politikà. Lietuvos Inovacijø centras (toliau – LIC) atlieka kitas funkcijas: jis teikia mokymo paslaugas, patarimus bei konsultacijas ámonëms partnerystës ir tinklaveikos skatinimo, technologijø perdavimo ir kitais inovacijø klausimais. Tokio centro veikla yra bûtina. Taèiau jis veikia savarankiðkai ir vadovaujasi savais reiðkiniø vertinimo aspektais. Kalbëdami apie inovacijø strategijà, galvojame ne tik apie organizacinæ struktûrà, t.y. vykdomø programø koordinavimà, investicijø pritraukimà ir kt., bet ir apie palyginti dideliø finansiniø iðtekliø skyrimà. Norime, kad visa iniciatyva bûtø pagrásta idëjomis, jø ágyvendinimu ir tam skirtais finansiniais resursais. Ðioje srityje Ûkio ministerija gana glaudþiai bendradarbiauja su Ðvietimo ir mokslo ministerija (ÐMM). Kadangi veikloje svarbø vaidmená vaidina finansiniai iðtekliai, yra siekiama koordinuoti jø paskirstymà. ÐMM ketina skirti apie

1 mlrd. Lt integruotø mokslo, studijø ir verslo centrø (slëniø) kûrimui bei nacionaliniø kompleksiniø programø ir kitø susijusiø programø ágyvendinimui. Ûkio ministerija su inovacijø plëtra susijusioms priemonëms yra numaèiusi apie 850 mln. Lt finansinæ paramà. Minimas finansavimas galëtø sàlygoti didelá inovacinës veiklos proverþá ðalyje. Kitas svarbus þingsnis inovacijø politikos ágyvendinimo srityje – kuriama Mokslo, inovacijø ir technologijø agentûra, kurioje ketiname sutelkti þmogiðkuosius ir finansinius iðteklius, sudarysianèius galimybæ kryptingai ágyvendinti inovacijø politikà Lietuvoje. Panaðios agentûros veikia Ðvedijoje, Suomijoje bei kitose ES ðalyse. Lietuva taip pat privalo turëti institucijà, kuri koordinuotø ES lëðø paskirstymà, inovacijø diegimà, projektø ágyvendinimà, turëtø ekspertinæ patirtá bei derintø daugelio inovacine veikla uþsiimanèiø institucijø veiksmus. Bil Kokios paramos galima tikëtis ið ES, diegiant ámonëse inovacijas: tiek þiniø (kognityvine), tiek materialine prasmëmis? ES lëðas, skirtas Moksliniams tyrimams ir eksperimentinei plëtrai (MTEP) ir inovacijø plëtrai, planuojame paskirstyti pagal 7 priemones. Apie 850 mln. Lt bus skirta inovatyviam verslui remti, mokslo ir verslo bendradarbiavimui skatinti (klasteriø veiklai vystyti bei bendrai infrastruktûrai kurti), inovatyviø paslaugø teikimo efektyvumui gerinti bei ámoniø inovatyviø idëjø pritaikomumui tikrinti. Moksliniø tyrimø ir eksperimentinës plëtros bei inovacijø diegimo skatinimo priemonës buvo kuriamos taip, kad pirmiausia verslininkai galëtø atlikti galimybiø studijas – pasitikslinti, ar verta plëtoti turimà inovatyvià idëjà (priemonë Idëja LT). Kitos priemonës („Intelektas LT“, „Intelektas LT+“) yra skirtos MTEP ir inovacijoms plëtoti, MTEP infrastruktûrai ámonëje kurti. Klasteriø veiklos skatinimo priemonës yra skirtos ámoniø grupëms, norinèioms kurti bendrà MTEP infrastruktûrà ir vystyti veiklà. Taip pat yra numatytos priemonës inovaciniø paslaugø teikimo efektyvumui didinti, mokslo ir technologijø parkams bei technologijø inkubatoriams

plëtoti. Praëjusiais metais buvo paskelbti pirmieji kvietimai ES struktûriniø fondø paramai gauti. Paraiðkos buvo teikiamos gausiai. Ûkio ministro ásakymu jau yra pasiraðomos paramos skyrimo sutartys. Norëèiau paminëti paramà, skirtà tarptautiniams patentams gauti. Ðiemet Ûkio ministro ásakymu ið nacionaliniø lëðø tam tikslui yra skirta 812 tûkst. Lt. Tai áspûdinga suma, nes ankstesniais metais bûdavo numatyta po 100 tûkst. Lt. ir neatsirasdavo norinèiøjø gauti ðià paramà. Toks didelis susidomëjimas atsirado paskelbus informacijà apie papildomus finansavimo bûdus, bûtent, apie ypaè aktualià patentø gavëjams avansinio mokëjimo galimybæ. Iðties ES patentas kainuoja brangiai – apie 35-45 tûkst. eurø. Norëdami pasitikrinti, ar Lietuvoje esama potencialo intelektualios nuosavybës kûrimui, ádiegëme avansinæ mokëjimo galimybæ. Jos ádiegimo rezultatai rodo, kad iðradëjø, galinèiø ágyvendinti ir uþpatentuoti savo idëjas, mûsø ðalyje yra. Bil Inovacijos – viena priemoniø verslui iðlikti konkurencingam Lietuvos ir uþsienio rinkose. Ar mûsø ðalies verslininkai ðiandien atviri inovacijoms; kaip kito jø poþiûris á inovatyviø sprendimø diegimà ámonëse? Analizuodami teikiamà finansinæ paramà MTEP ir inovacijø diegimui nuo 2007 m., matytume, kad ðios srities finansavimas didëja geometrine progresija. Turimais duomenimis, informaciniø ir ryðiø technologijø srityje investavimo á naujus sprendimus stabtelëjimas pastebimas praëjusiø metø pabaigoje, nes ámonëms pritrûko apyvartiniø lëðø. Taèiau, kai atsirado galimybë gauti finansavimà inovatyviems technologiniams sprendimams, ámoniø susidomëjimas vël padidëjo. Ðiandien verslininkai ieðko bûdø sànaudoms taupyti naudojant moderniàsias technologijas. Norëèiau pabrëþti, kad inovacijos – tai ne tik paþangiø technologijø diegimas. Pastaruoju metu atsiranda poreikis netechnologinëms inovacijoms, t.y. netechnologiniams ámonës veiklos organizavimo pokyèiams, pvz., ámonëse diegiami paþangûs valdymo metodai, naujos vadybos sistemos, taikomos inovatyvios rinkodaros priemonës ir pan.

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Lietuvos Ûkio viceminitras M. Petrauskas apþiûri naujausià lazerá / M. Petrauskas, Vice-Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania, is surveying the newest laser

Bil Moksliniai tyrimai ir inovacijos – gana glaudþiai susijusios sritys. Ar didëja moksliniø tyrimø poreikis Lietuvos verslui ir prieðingai – ar mokslo institucijos daugiau dëmesio skiria moksliniø tyrimø pritaikomumui versle? Manau, kad verslo ir mokslinës tiriamosios veiklos bendradarbiavimo proverþio reikëtø tikëtis ateinanèiais metais, nes pagal minëtas programas ðiemet bus kuriama MTEP infrastruktûra, o vadinamøjø minkðtøjø (veiklos) projektø ágyvendinimas jau prasideda ir turëtø tæstis kitàmet. Mûsø tikslas – suvienyti verslo ir mokslo tiriamøjø institucijø pastangas, siekiant proverþio. Bil Tiesiogiai prie inovacijø diegimo prisideda mokslo ir technologijø parkai (slëniai). Taèiau jie veikia kas sau. Ar tokie dariniai bus populiarûs ðiandieninëmis gana sudëtingomis ekonominëmis sàlygomis? Mano manymu, Lietuvoje mokslo technologijø parkai (slëniai) kûrësi chaotiðkai, tiesiog ten, kur bûta kiek aktyvesniø þmoniø branduolio. Deja, iniciatyvos toliau nesivystë, nes ðiø dariniø veikla nebuvo koordinuota. Tiesà pasakius, að manau, kad Lietuvai uþtektø vieno slënio. Kitose valstybëse viso slënio teritorijos ilgis –

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AB „Vakarø laivø gamykla“ pastatytas unikalus laivas „WIND LIFT I“, statysiantis vëjo jëgainiø parkà atviroje jûroje / SC „Vakarø laivø gamykla“ has built the unique vessel „WIND LIFT I“ for formation a stock of wind-power plants in the open sea

200-300 km, t.y. beveik lygus Lietuvos teritorijos ilgiui. Ûkio ministerija yra dalininkë keturiuose mokslo ir technologijø parkuose. Kitø parkø veikla vystoma dalyvaujant savivaldybëms, universitetams arba privaèioms struktûroms. Ðiuo metu Vyriausybës nutarimais yra patvirtintos 5 slëniø programos. Ágyvendinant minëtas programas, siekiama Lietuvoje sukurti tarptautinio lygio mokslo, studijø ir þiniø ekonomikos branduolius, sudaryti sàlygas moksliniø tyrimø, aukðtojo mokslo ir verslo bendradarbiavimo teikiamiems privalumams efektyviai naudoti bei þenkliai didinti ðalies inovaciná potencialà. Jeigu Ûkio ministerijai ir ÐMM sëkmingai suderinus finansinius iðteklius, bus kryptingai finansuojami taikomieji moksliniai tyrimai ir teikiama pagalba inovatyvioms ámonëms, tuomet, manau, bus panaudotas minëtas potencialas ir pasiektas proverþis. Ko trûksta mûsø institucijoms? Þmogiðkøjø iðtekliø, specialistø, kurie galëtø kokybiðkai atlikti ðá organizaciná darbà. Todël naujai rengiamoje Lietuvos inovacijø strategijoje didelá dëmesá skiriame mokslininkams, kvalifikuotiems specialistams ir ekspertams á Lietuvà pritraukti. Veiksmø plëtros inovacijø srityje koordinavimo árankiu ávardinèiau kuriamà Mokslo, inovacijø ir technologijø agentûrà.

Bil Kokiose srityse inovacijas diegia mûsø ámonës? Manau, kad inovatyvûs sprendimai galimi daugelyje ûkio srièiø, taèiau ámonë juos pasirenka individualiai, atsiþvelgdama á poreiká, veiklos sritá ar siektinà rezultatà. Pavyzdþiui, inovatyvûs vadybos sprendimai gali bûti skirti klientø aptarnavimo ar darbo procesams tobulinti. Tokius inovatyvius sprendimus savo veikloje daþnai diegia telekomunikacijos, bankininkystës srityse dirbanèios ámonës. Þinoma, Lietuvoje esama ámoniø, kurios inovatyvius sprendimus diegia gamyboje, pavyzdþiui, pasitelkdamos robotizacijà gamybiniø procesø naðumui didinti ir susidaranèiø atliekø kiekiui maþinti. Tokios ámonës kuria aukðtàsias technologijas, aukðtos pridëtinës vertës produkcijà, kurià sëkmingai eksportuoja. Bil Ko palinkëtumëte verslininkams ðiuo nelengvu ekonominiu laikotarpiu? Nenaudoèiau þodþio „krizë“, o sakyèiau – naujos galimybës. Visus verslininkus, gamybininkus paskatinèiau nedelsiant prisidëti prie inovacijø politikos programos ágyvendinimo ir kurti didesnës pridëtinës vertës daugiafunkcinius produktus bei paslaugas, siekiant sëkmingai konkuruoti pasaulinëse rinkose.

Formation of the national innovation policy turns into one of the key priorities of the activities of the Ministry of Economy. Vice-Minister MINDAUGAS PETRAUSKAS, responsible for the related spheres, i.e. formation and implementation of the innovation policy as well as the policy and supervision of the support from European Union (EU) Structural Funds, has mentioned that the Ministry of Economy paid insufficient attention to encouraging innovations’ development up to now. The employment history of physical doctor M. Petrauskas includes both experience of a scientist and the one of a businessman. He was engaged as a head of IT company „Danet Baltic“, was an employee of companies „Lietuvos telekomas“ and „Mikrovisata“, Vilnius University Faculty of Physics and the Institute of Material Science and Applied Research. Hereinafter, we speak with M. Petrauskas about the trends of innovation policy chosen by our Government. Bil What gaps do you envisage in formation of the national innovation policy? Up to present time, the Ministry of Economy paid insufficient attention to innovation policy. So, the Ministry of Economy started active development of this sector since the beginning of the current year. This year, the renovated programme of renovations for business up to the year 2013 was approved. On an initiative of the Ministry of Economy, Lithuanian innovation strategy is being developed. We wish the strategy to cover all sectors of Lithuanian economy, including agriculture, renewable energy resources and classic branches of industry, upon stressing the key importance of high technologies. We’ll strive to form the so called knowledge triangle: organization of education (first of all, purposeful training of students), applied research with identification of priorities seeking to ensure its purposefulness and, of course, introduction of innovations in business. Upon the today complicated economical conditions, only enterprises ensuring a higher added value, oriented to export and open to new technologies will survive. Bil However, will a danger of duplicating the functions of the Ministry of Economy and the Lithuanian Innovation Center appear in such a case? Ar investuotumëte á inovatyvius projektus 2009 m.? / Would you invest in innovative projects in the year 2009? Pramonës tipas / Type of industry

Taip (proc.) / Yes (percent)

The Ministry of Economy is engaged in forming the national innovation policy. The Lithuanian Innovation Center (hereinafter referred to as “LIC”) performs other functions, such as rendering the training, advising and consulting services to enterprises on issues bound with encouraging partnership and on-line activities, transfer of technologies and other innovation-related issues. The activities of such a center are necessary. However, it acts independently and follows the own aspects for assessing specific events. When speaking about the innovation strategy, we keep in mind allocating considerable financial resources, not only the organizing structure, i.e. coordination of the programme under implementation, attraction of investments and so on. We’d like to base the initiative on ideas, their implementation and the allotted financial resources. In this sphere, the Ministry of Economy closely cooperates with the Ministry of Education and Science (MES). Because financial resources play an important role in the activities, we’ll strive for coordination of their distribution. MES plans allotting about 1 billion Litas for development of integrated science, study and business centers (valleys) as well as implementation of combined national programmes and other related programmes. The Ministry of Economy plans a financial support amounted to about 850 million LiKiek pelno procentø ketinate investuoti á inovatyvius projektus? / What percentage of the profit shall you invest in innovative projects? Pramonës tipas / Type of industry

Taip (proc.) / Yes (percent)

tas for measures related to innovation development. The said financing can cause a considerable growing of the innovation-related activities in the country. The other important step towards implementing the innovation policy is formation of the Agency for Science, Innovations and Technologies where we plan uniting human and financial resources for purposeful implementing the innovation policy in Lithuania. Similar agencies exist in Sweden, Finland and other EU Member States. Lithuania also needs an institution for coordinating allocation of EU funds, introduction of innovations and implementation of projects as well as the actions of various institutions involved in innovation activities. Bil What support for introducing innovation at enterprises is expected from EU both in the cognitive and material meaning? Upon distribution of EU funds allocated for implementing the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) programme and for innovation development, we plan supporting 7 measures. About 850 million Litas, will be allocated for supporting innovative business, promoting cooperation between science and business (developing activities of clusters and formation Ar Jûsø ámonë per pastaruosius metus ádiegë kokiø nors inovacijø? / Has your enterprise recently introduce any innovations? Pramonës tipas / Type of industry

Taip (proc.) / Yes (percent)

Pramonë-gamyba / Industry – manufacture


Pramonë-gamyba / Industry – manufacture


Pramonë-gamyba / Industry – manufacture


Prekyba / Trade


Prekyba / Trade


Prekyba / Trade


Paslaugos / Services


Paslaugos / Services


Paslaugos / Services


Statybos / Construction works


Statybos / Construction works


Statybos / Construction works


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of financing innovative technological solutions appeared, the interest of enterprises in them increased again. Today businessmen search for methods of costs reduction by using modern technologies. I’d like to stress that innovations do not include introduction of advanced technologies only. Recently, a demand for non-technological innovations, i.e. non-technological changes of organizing activities of an enterprise, such as adoption of advanced methods of management, introduction of new management systems, applying innovative marketing measures and so on, appeared.

Sparèiai besivystanti Lietuvos metalo dirbiniø ámonë UAB ARGINTA su þaliosios energijos jëgaine ant gamybiniø patalpø stogo / Fast developing Lithuanian metal fabrication enterprise ARGINTA UAB including green energy plant on the roof of manufacturing facilities

of joint infrastructure), improving the efficiency of rendering innovative services and verifying a feasibility of innovative ideas of enterprises. The encouraging measures for implementing the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) programme and for innovation development, first of all, provide the businessmen an opportunity to carry out feasibility studies, i.e. to verify whether the innovative idea is worth of implementation (the measure Idëja LT). Other measures (such as „Intelektas LT“ and „Intelektas LT+“) are applicable for evolving SR&ED and innovations as well as formation of SR&ED infrastructure at an enterprise. The measures for promoting activities of clusters are targeted to groups of enterprises wishing to form joint SR&ED and to develop joint activities. In addition, measures for increasing the efficiency of rendering innovative services and for extension of science & technology parks as well as technological incubators are planned. Last year, the first invitations for obtaining a support from EU Structural Funds were published. Abundant applications were submitted. At the order of the Minister of Economy, contracts on support provision are being signed already. By the way, I’d like to mention a support for obtaining international patents. This year, the amount of 812 thousand Litas was allotted for this purpose from the national funds at the order of the Minister of Economy. The amount is really impressive: in earlier

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years, the amount of 100 thousand Litas per year was offered and there were no applicants for the support. The increased interest appeared after publishing information on additional ways of the financing, in particular, the opportunity of a prepayment that is an important problem for patentees. A price of an EU Patent is really high – about 35-45 thousand EURO. Striving to explore whether a potential for formation of intellectual property exists in Lithuania, we introduced an opportunity of a prepayment. The results of the introduction show that there are inventors capable to implement and patent their ideas in our country. Bil Innovations present one of the ways for preserving competitiveness of business in Lithuanian and foreign markets. Are businessmen of our state open to renovations today; what changes of their attitude towards introducing innovative decisions at enterprises took place? While analyzing the financial support for implementing the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) programme and for innovation development since the year 2007, we can see that financing of this sector increases in geometric progression. According to the data available, a pause of investing in new decisions bound with IT and communication technologies took place in the end of the last year because enterprises lacked circulating assets. However, when an opportunity

Bil Scientific research and innovations are close-knit spheres. Does the need of Lithuanian business in scientific research increase – and do scientific institutions pay a greater attention to adaptability of scientific research in business? In my opinion, a considerable improvement of the results of the cooperation between business and scientific research activities should be expected in the next year, because the infrastructure of SR&ED according to the above-mentioned programmes will be developed within the current year and implementation of the so called soft projects (projects on activities) is started already and should be continued in the next year. Our goal: to unite efforts of business and scientific research institutions striving for improvement of the results. Bil Science and technology parks (valleys) directly contribute to introduction of innovations. However, they operate individually. Will such structures become popular upon the complicated conditions of the today economy? I think formation of science and technology parks (valleys) in Lithuania was chaotic: their appearance was predetermined by existence of a nucleus of some more stirring persons in certain locations. Unfortunately, the initiatives were not further developed, because the activities of the said formations were not coordinated. To put it frankly, I think a single valley would be sufficient for Lithuania. In other states, the length of the territory of such a valley is 200-300 km, i.e. almost equal to the length of the total territory of Lithuania. The Ministry of Economy is a copartner

of four science and technology parks. In developing the activities of other parks, self-governing-institutions, universities or private structures are involved. At present, programmes of 5 valleys are approved by resolutions of the Government. In course of implementing the said programmes, it is strived to form nuclei of science, studies and knowledge economy of the international level in Lithuania, to ensure favorable conditions for effective use of the advantages provided by cooperation between scientific research, higher education and business and considerable increasing the national innovation potential. In my opinion, if a successful coordination of financial resources by the Ministry of Economy and MES results purposeful financing of applied scientific research and rendering assistance to innovative enterprises, the said potential will be used and the increase will take place. What do our institutions lack? Human resources, pro-

fessionals capable to carry out this organizing work qualitatively. Because of this, we pay a great attention to attraction of scientists, high-quality professionals and experts to Lithuania in our new innovation strategy. So, I’d like to identify the Agency for Science, Innovations and Technologies as a tool for coordination of development of actions in the sphere of innovations. Bil In what spheres, does your enterprise introduce innovations? I think innovative decisions are possible in many sectors of economy; however, each enterprise chooses them individually, taking into account its needs, the sphere of its activities or the result pursued. For example, innovative decisions in management can be usable for improvement of the client servicing or the manufacturing process. Such innovative decisions are frequently implemented in the activities of enterprises

engaged in telecommunications and banking activities. Of course, some Lithuanian enterprises introduce innovative decisions in manufacture, for example, by applying robotization for increasing the productivity of manufacturing processes and reducing the volume of waste. Such enterprises develop high technologies, produce production of a high added value and successfully export it. Bil What would you like to wish to businessmen in this hard economical period? I’d like to avoid the word “crisis” and to use “the new opportunities” instead of it. I encourage all businessmen and manufacturers to start immediately their contributing to implementation of the innovation policy programme and to develop multifunctional products and services of a higher added value in order to ensure a successful competition in world markets.

Bendrovës „Fima“ sukurtas unikalus Bûtingës naftos terminalo plûduras 2008 metais pelnë Ûkio ministerijos medalá „Uþ nuopelnus verslui“ / The unique Bûtingë oil terminal buoy made by „Fima“ company was awarded with the medal ”For the Merits for Business” by the Ministry in Economy in the year 2008

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The economic development of the country and high quality standards of living are difficult to imagine without an effective system of communication and modern infrastructure. For Lithuania, which is at the crossroad of two important trans-European corridors, the development of such infrastructure plays a key role. Lithuania tries to make good use of its geographical position and already today it is proud of having a rather well-developed transport infrastructure: an ice-free port of KlaipĂŤda, a developed railway and road ne-

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twork, modernised airports, logistics centres and a smoothly operating sector of communications. The services of the transport sector today account for over 60 per cent of all the export services of the country. In provi-

ding them, Lithuanian enterprises compete successfully on the international transport business and transport market, which is one of the major stimulants of Lithuania’s economy.

Lietuvos Susisiekimo ministerijos nuotrauka / Photo: Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania

ELIGIJUS MASIULIS, Minister of Transport and Communications The growing economy and increasing traffic intensity inevitably calls for a faster development of transport infrastructure and modernisation and, along with that, bigger investment. A higher productivity of the transport sector requires investments in the application of new and innovative transport technologies and deployment of intellectual transportation systems. Having the aim to maintain and increase transit cargo flows, we are improving, in a streamlined fashion, the infrastructure and quality of transportation services by pursuing active cooperation with neighbouring countries and countries in the region. We aim to become a transit state where cargo transportation logistics would add value to the state budget. In other words, we seek to create a network of modern logistic centres and intermodal terminals to render loading, cargo sorting, pre-packing, distribution and other services. The establishment of public logistic centres will ensure better links between road, rail and sea transport and increase the current network’s freight carrying capacity. Moreover, they will attract international freight flows while keeping the concentration of freight transport outside the urban areas. In this way, Lithuania will develop high capabilities of intermodal transport and strengthen its position in Euro-Asian transport corridors. The investment priority of the Ministry of Transport and the system of its subordinate structures is to ensure a further improvement of the infrastructure. This will increase

the attractiveness of Lithuania as a transit country. Admittedly, a modern infrastructure of transport and communication is a prerequisite not only for transit but also for the development of favourable business environment and attracting more direct foreign investments. THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT ARE ASSOCIATED WITH TRANSIT Lithuania is developing its network of transport infrastructure in two main directions: North-South and East-West. This development is based on pan-European transport corridors I and IX and the European Union policy of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). The development of these axes of the Lithuanian transport system ensures access to our country by the main types of transportation: road, railway, air and water. International road and railway projects Via

Baltica and Rail Baltica are implemented on the North-South axis. Their objective is to modernise road and railway infrastructure and to ensure good conditions of communication with Central and Western Europe. Projects developed on the East-West axis include development of road, railway, airport and Klaipëda seaport infrastructure. In addition, the goal is to develop transportation with Western Europe by taking part in sea highway projects. In order to strengthen this axis we also develop the system of public logistic centres near Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipëda. The East-West Transport Corridor (EWTC), which connects Lithuanian, Russian, Sweden and Danish transport hubs, is an integral part of the Trans-European Transport Network and facilitates East-West trade flows. This corridor provides extensive links for transport flows from Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian transport networks offering connections with the CIS and Far East coun-

FACTS ABOUT THE LITHUANIAN TRANSPORT SECTOR • In 2008, the transport sector generated 12.6 per cent of the country’s gross value added (GVA). • The gross value added created by one working hour of the transport sector is almost two times bigger than the average gross domestic product. • Transportation services account for approximately 60 per cent of the country’s export of services. • Every litas invested into the country’s transport infrastructure will have a double return guarantee in the next five years.

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Transport is one of the major stimulants of Lithuania’s economy

tries. Moreover, as a green transport corridor, it contributes to sustainable development, which is a top priority in Lithuania. One of the most important Lithuanian initiatives is the international combined transport train Viking. It serves in the exchange of goods between the Baltic sea and the Black sea. The core of the Viking project is simple: universal containers and trailers are loaded on railway platforms and carried to the nearest railway stop, where they are removed from railway platforms and are shipped by road to the place of destination. This system now functions between the ports of Klaipëda (Lithuania) and Illychevsk (Ukraine) and will be further developed. A special role in modernising the transport sector is played by the European Union financial support which helps to carry out many important works and speeds up the advancement of our country. The transport sector is the most successful out of all economic branches of the country in absorbing the European Union structural funds. From 2004-2008, the entire transport and communications sector received LTL 8.5 billion of investments. The plan is to allocate almost LTL 7.5 billion for the development of the Lithuanian transport sector. According to the scientific estimate, the return on investments in the coming five years will amount to LTL 18 billion. THE FIRST ASEM TRANSPORT MINISTERS’ MEETING (ASEM TMM) Seeking to make the most effective use of the opportunities lying ahead Lithuania as a transit country, the Ministry of Transport initiates the first meeting of Asian and European Transport Ministers. A forum, which will take place on 19-20 October 2009 in Vilnius, will invite representatives of 27 European Union Member States and 16 Asian countries. This meeting will launch an institutionalized dialogue on the future of the Euro-Asian transport system, which will be followed-up by regular meetings of transport ministers under the ASEM framework. Recent developments in international transportation and global economy reveal a growing need for a more coordinated approach towards transport between Asia and Europe. The ASEM ministers of transport will discuss the measures which will help maintaining competitiveness of the Euro-Asian transport system, building the the basis for closer relations between the two regions. Ministers will address the issues related to the development of the transport infrastructure, involvement of private investors, promotion of intermodal transport and sustainability, and other areas for cooperation. The First ASEM meeting of transport ministers will be organized in close cooperation with the business community. OUR VISION IS PERFORMANCE The Long-Term Strategy of Lithuanian Transport System Development by 2025, approved by the Government, provides for a co-ordinated approach towards the development and modernisation of road, railway, port and airport infrastructure with a view to promoting an effective use of transport technologies and increasing competitiveness of the transport sector. Our aim is to create unlimited opportunities of mobility to business and people by ensuring a balanced integration of transport into environment. We strive for a fully operational multimodal system of Lithuanian transport to serve as a stimulating environment for national, regional and international business. With that in mind, we are building one of the most lively elements of the transport network in the Baltic sea region. A full integration into the European transport network and well-developed connections with the EU neighbors provide great opportunities for transit. The key elements of our transport system in the nearest future will also include state-of-the-art transport and logistics operations.

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-year anniversary


Lyduvënai bridge over the Dubysa River. The longest bridge (599 m) in the Baltic States built in the year 1918 by German occupants. After the restoration of the Independence, AB ”Lietuvos geleþinkeliai” renovated the bridge at the own expense and now trains run on it again”

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Algio Palionio nuotr. / Photos by: Algis Palionis

STASYS DAILYDKA Director General of SC „Lietuvos geleþinkeliai“

In the geographic aspect, Lithuania is a state of transit; it is a small, but very important area around the intersection of transport corridors of two principal directions: North – South and East - West. It is attested by 150-year history of Lithuanian railways with its upsurges and decays that in any way is worthy to be provided an exclusive place in the annals of Lithuanian state. The first page of the history of Lithuanian railways appeared when the Government of Tsarist Russia passed the resolution on building the railway St Petersburg – Warsaw. In the territory of Lithuania, the railway building works on the segment Daugavpils – Vilnius – Grodno with the branch-line Lentvaris – Kaunas – Kybartai (Virbalis) were started in the year 1859. The first train (registered in press) came from Daugavpils to Vilnius on 4 September 1860; the construction works on the line were completed in the year 1862. The railway construction in Lithuania caused a necessity in various civil engineering works, so some later, Kaunas and Paneriai tunnels, bridges over the Neris, the Vilnelë, the Merkys and the Nemunas rivers, as well as first Lithuanian railway stations, appeared; other railway lines of strategic importance, such as LiepajaKaiðiadorys (1868-1871), Lentvaris – Romnai (1871-1874), Klaipëda – Bajorai

(1872), Tilþë – Klaipëda (1875), Pagëgiai – Lauksargiai – Ðilënai and Ðiauliai – Joniðkis – Jelgava (1912-1916), were built as well. On constructing Lauksargiai –Ðilënai railway segment, 42 m high and 599 m long Lyduvënai Bridge was built; it is the longest bridge in Lithuania. When Independence of Lithuania was declared on 16 February 1918, new events took place in the history of Lithuanian railways. On 4 July 1919, the Government of Lithuania signed the agreement with Germany on transfer of the railway network to the Ministry of Communications of Republic of Lithuania. On 6 July 1919, the first Lithuanian train left Kaiðiadorys for Radviliðkis. In the year 1924, Ðeðtokai – Alytus broad railway segment (58 km) was built; in the years 1924-1932, Kuþiai – Telðiai – Kretinga railway line was built. After the invasion of the Soviet Union to

Lithuania, very intensive replacement of 1435 mm railroad tracks for 1524 mm railroad tracks took place. In June 1941, German Army occupied Lithuania and replaced the broad railroad tracks for 1435 mm tracks (usual in Europe). World War II and the post-war upheaval caused a decay of the railway sector. Then the key railway lines were restored, new railway stations (in Kaunas, Kaiðiadorys, Kretinga and elsewhere) were constructed, two-way segments were built in areas of intensive traffic. In summer 1949, diesel trains began running between Vilnius and Kaunas in summers; since the year 1970, only diesel locomotives are used in suburban railway traffic of Vilnius and Kaunas regions. On 29 December 1975, the first electric train left Vilnius for Kaunas. In the year 1979, electrification of Naujoji Vilnia – Kaunas and Lentvaris – Trakai branches and total replacement of steam-

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A modern two-storey train in the route Vilnius-Kaunas-Vilnius

powered trains for diesel locomotives were completed. After the restoration of independence of Lithuania on 11 March 1990, the USSR Ministry of Communications signed the order (dated 28 December 1991) on a liquidation of the Baltic Railways under the USSR Ministry of Communications from 1 January 1992. Lithuanian railways turned into a state-owned enterprise. On 7 July 1992, the first international train left Ðeðtokai for Suwalki (Poland); on 31 August 1993, the last train of the occupation army left Kena railway station. Ðeðtokai railway station turned into the gateway to Europe. Lithuanian railways started reentering relations with international organizations and maintaining business contacts with railways of states of West and Central Europe. As early as in June 1992, Lithuanian railways joined the International Organization for Cooperation of Railways and restored their membership in the International Union of Railways. In October 1995, Lithuania restored its membership in the Intergovernmental Organization for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF). On 3 September 1994, Lithuania celebrated the 75-year anniversary of its independent railways. Since the said date, Lithuanian railways have their own banner. On 18 July 1995, the state-

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owned enterprise „Lietuvos geleþinkeliai“ /”Lithuanian railways”/ was reorganized into the joint-stock company of special purpose AB „Lietuvos geleþinkeliai“. On May 2004, Lithuania joined the European Union and Lithuanian railways were provided the opportunity of joining the joint railway transport market of western states and updating its facilities under a support from EU Structural Funds. The process of integration of Lithuanian railways in the European transport system is of a considerable importance for developing the national economy, because the railway transport sector is one of the key arteries assisting to implement the EU principles on free movements of goods and persons. Striving for formation of the favorable conditions for developing the railway transport business, increasing its competitiveness and promoting railway transit, AB „Lietuvos geleþinkeliai“ successfully implements abundant technological measures. One of them is the combined transport train – the joint project of railway systems of Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine, stevedoring companies and seaports of Klaipëda and Odessa; the project is successfully implemented for the seventh year. The key tasks of Lithuanian railways related to development of its infrastructure

include renovation of roads and constructions of IXB and IXD Crete transport corridors, updating the telecommunication, alarm and power supply equipment, increasing the velocity of passenger trains up to 160 km/h, the velocity of freight trains up to 120 km/h and the carrying capacity of the latter up to 6000 ton. They also include reconstruction of bridges and viaducts of IX Crete corridor, updating telecommunication equipment in the section Kaiðiadorys – Kybartai (IX B corridor), updating the automatic rolling-stock control system on the joint of IX B corridor with Klaipëda Seaport and so on. In Kena, a new modern railway station was constructed. Other priorities of development of the potential of the railway transport sector, such as renovation of the rolling-stock, are of a considerable importance as well. In the year 2005, we signed the contract on production of 44 new freight locomotives with Siemens AG. The value of the project amounts to 425 million Litas. However, it is of a great importance for the Company, because the new locomotives are cost-saving up to 45%, as compared to the existing locomotives of the Company. In addition, Siemens locomotives will serve for 30 years, so the benefit of this investment will be felt by our young generation as well. At present, the stock of locomotives in Lithuania is considered the most

34 locomotives “SIEMENS ER 20“ acquired by AB ”Lietuvos geleþinkeliai” form the most powerful base of rolling-stock in Central and East Europe

updated in East and Central Europe, not only in the Baltic States. In the period of Independence, the subsector of passenger transportation by railways was not renovated in Lithuania. Within the last 5 years, passenger stations and platforms were put in a good order; however, passengers are transported in old coaches of the Soviet period; they are exploited for 25-30 years. Such technique cannot satisfy the growing needs of passengers. However, projects on introducing trains with velocity of 300 km/h (and more) are too expensive both for AB „Lietuvos geleþinkeliai“ and the whole country in the nearest ten years. The Company makes every endeavour to improve the situation, so passenger trains in Lithuania will run more quickly and frequently; they will become more comfortable as well. Total we need about 30 new passenger trains; in addition, at least 50 new modern passenger coaches are required for formation of international communication trains. Total investment about 1 billion Litas is required for new passenger rolling-stock, so implementing the programme of the stock renovation will depend on the decisions of the state related to financing the railway sector.

One more important direction of the investing policy is introduction of updated information technologies. At present, AB „Lietuvos geleþinkeliai“ uses the financial accounting and management system SAP, the National computerized information system for effective transportation OPKIS and the information system KROVINYS for managing and accounting documents for cargoes transported by railways in Republic of Lithuania. The results of the independent activities of the Company for almost 20-year period attest its positive development and optimistic perspectives. However, it is ready for new challenges in future. The first of them is ”Rail Baltica“ project on building rail gauges of the European standard. It will be a key turn in the history of the national railways. Although implementation of the project is in its initial phase, some important steps, such as coordination of the points of crossing the borders of Lithuania – Poland and Lithuania – Latvia by „Rail Baltica“ with neighboring countries and announcement of a contest for railway designing works, were made already. In spite of all difficulties, we expect to travel from Kaunas to Poland and other European states by new modern

railways with European gauge about the year 2015. The projects on updating Vilnius – Kaunas railway line for its applying for velocities up to 160 km/h and extension of Klaipëda railway junction are no less complicated and important. Implementing these projects will be an important impulse increasing the attractiveness of passenger transportation by railways and ensuring effectiveness of the activities of Klaipëda Seaport. In summary, it may be stated that today Lithuania has its strong national carrier in the European Union: Lithuanian railways, the warrantor of improving the quality of transport services and development of railway transport. The Company consolidated itself in the national and international markets of transport services; Lithuanian business community considers it an example of a company that ensures stability and profitability of its activities. It is confirmed by the nominations, such as „Petras Vileiðis Nomination”, „Vytautas Andrius Graièiûnas Nomination”, “The Successfully Operating Enterprise” and “The Exporter of the Year”, provided to the Company by Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists”.

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INTELLIGENT ENGINEERING CENTRE IN LITHUANIA A leader in intelligent engineering solutions, Fima last year was elected by the Republic of Lithuania Ministry of Economy one of the most innovating companies in the country. The company, which has Lithuanian roots and is vastly controlled by US capital, was the first domestic business to sign a contract with the NATO C3 agency, enabling it to participate in NATO’s tenders. During the economical hard times, Fima expects to remain a stable business – the year 2009 kicked off with a large portfolio of orders, amounting to a whopping EUR 100 million. HELPING LITHUANIA CATCH UP WITH MORE TECHNOLOGICALLY ADVANCED STATES “According to the famous US physicist of Hungarian descent Theodore von Karman – scientists study the world as it is now, and engineers create a world like it has never been. This saying is a quite spot-on definition of what we do,” Fima’s CEO Gintaras Juknevièius says. The company offers intelligentl engineering solutions in the areas of telecommunications, security, data centres, transportation and energy. Founded back in 1992, right after Lithuania had regained its independence, over nearly 20 years of doing business the company has implemented some 8,000 projects

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of varying scope and complexity both in Lithuania and abroad. Of the 100 Lithuania’s top companies, more than one-half are Fima’s clients. The company has branches in several other Lithuanian cities, as well as a subsidiary in Riga, the capital city of Latvia. “So far, last year was the best year ever, with the sales totalling EUR 40 million. On top of that, last year we also inked our biggest contract, whereby in cooperation with a partner, the Czech company AÞD Praha, we are going to carry out modernisation works worth over EUR 46 million for Lithuanian Railways,” Juknevièius says. In his words, the reason behind Fima’s successful development was the aim to do more than the competition – to design projects that have never been implemented before, to raise the awareness of the public, the business and the authorities about the importance of innovations for economical development. Lithuania has been deprived of any possibilities for engineering innovations for quite a long time, and therefore Fima possessed vast opportunities to nurture the professionalism of its staff and to accumulate unique experience in this area from day one. Lithuania’s membership in the EU and the pledge to safeguard the Shengen space also introduced new requirements to integrate engineering solutions ensur-

Director General of FIMA G. Juknevièius: Our goal is to serve as a centre for expertise, which disseminates news of intelligent engineering solutions among domestic companies and organisations ing all-round security of objects of national significance. In the light of the economical recession, a lot of companies and authorities start paying particular attention to making their perform-

Bendrovës „Fima“ archyvo nuotr. / Photos from the archive of "Fima" company


The Lisbon strategy envisages that European Union Member States must serve as a basis of knowledge for developing economies. Although the general level of innovations in Lithuania is still falling behind the EU average, it is growing fast. And not without contribution from Fima, one of the companies that offer innovative engineering solutions to Lithuanian businesses and authorities.

ance more effective via state-of-the-art engineering tools. Therefore, Fima’s CEO admitted he felt a moral obligation to employ the company’s engineering knowledge for the common good of the country as well. FOCUS ON PROJECTS OF NATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE Key areas in which the company’s specialists have worked are the development of a safe city and traffic, making healthcare services and solutions for the energy sector and telecommunications, etc. more effective. However, the most valuable experience that Fima has compiled relates with implementation of engineering solutions at objects of national significance: Fima has been tasked with upgrading the borderland security, making Kruonis Pumped Storage Plant a top-level security zone, and for developing the unique security system for the SPM Buoy of the Bûtingë oil terminal the company was presented with the Lithuanian Economy Ministry’s award under the Launch of an Innovative Product category. ON A PAR WITH FOREIGN COMPANIES “Innovation and integrated solutions is what helps us stand out from among the local competition. We have always seen the capability of providing the client with the turn-key solution with fully adjusted and built-to-suit systems as one of our strengths,” Juknevièius says. Recent events have showed that by virtue of its experience and activity in national tenders Fima is capable of facing even the strong foreign businesses like Siemens or Bombardier – the Lithuanian company’s superiority became evident while vying for the contract with Lithuanian Railways. In four years, Fima and its Czech partners will have to modernise a railroad strip that is very important to the country in terms of reliability and security as that is an artery, which runs through Lithuania to connect the Russian Federation with its Kaliningrad enclave. “Implementation of complex and largescale projects on modernisation of the domestic railway systems until now would require joint efforts of the major interna-

tional engineering corporations. I can say that no Lithuanian company has won an engineering project of this scale throughout the history of state-held tenders in Lithuania,” Juknevièius says, commenting on the exclusive nature of the achievement. The success in the tender was not incidental – Fima has already upgraded several railway strips in Lithuania, outfitting them with advanced surveillance, security and other engineering solutions. APPLYING GLOBAL ENGINEERING INNOVATIONS IN LITHUANIA Speaking about the level of innovation as it currently exists in the country’s enterprises and organisations, Juknevièius notes that Lithuania is dominating in applied innovations, this domination manifests itself in practice via adaptation of technologies and manufacturing methods that have been developed abroad. In his opinion, that is the right model for a small country. All the more as we have been isolated from global experience in the field of innovations and it would be just irrational not to make use of it. Engineering solutions that are being implemented in Lithuania are taken over by Fima from the US, Japan, Korea, Germany, Italy, Great Britain or other countries that have seen some progress in the area of engineering innovations. The receipt of an order is, first of all, followed by tests that help to identify the solution that will be best for the client. Before presenting solutions to the client, the efficacy of every new solution is put to test by the physicists, mathematicians and engineers working for the firm. Juknevièius says that often a solution can be honed so that its efficiency even goes up a little. “Our clients have neither the time nor the resources to constantly track information on the latest technologies, hardware, engineering solutions that have been developed anywhere around the globe. Therefore, our goal is to serve as a centre for expertise, which disseminates news of intelligent engineering solutions among domestic companies and organisations,” Juknevièius says. PLANS FOR EXPANSION In the words of Fima’s CEO, although the

crisis in Lithuania has put a check on the business of many successful enterprises, this year the company is not going to give up on its plans to expand on foreign markets, which involve both the Baltic, and the CIS region. The coming of the new stakeholder – the New-York stock exchange-listed US business development company MVC Capital Inc – this year opened yet more useful possibilities. Fima has reached an agreement on cooperation with another US-capital company – Crowley Data Poland. From now on, both partners will be offering integrated engineering projects in Poland on consortium basis, thus strengthening their positions on the market of the country. Of course, as Juknevièius puts it, the performance this year will also be affected by the general tendencies in the economy of the world and of individual countries.

In cooperation with the Czech partner AÞD Praha company, Fima is going to carry out modernisation works worth over EUR 46 million for Lithuanian Railways

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diegiant paþangiausias ryðio technologijas


AB Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos centro (Telecentro) kaip ámonës veikla prasidëjo nuo Kauno radijo siøstuvo transliacijø pradþios 1926 metø birþelio 12 dienà. Lietuvos televizijos istorijos iðtakos – 1957-øjø pavasaris, balandþio 30-oji. Tà dienà ið Vilniaus á aplinkiná regionà buvo pasiøsti pirmieji televizijos signalai. Jau 83 metus Lietuvos radijas kalba lietuviðkai ir jau 52 metus þiûrime lietuviðkà televizijà. 36 |

Telecentro archyvo nuotr.


Augusto Didþgalvio nuotr.

„Organizuojant ámonës veiklà svarbiausia principingai laikytis strateginiø nuostatø, suburti profesionalø kolektyvà ir dràsiai investuoti á paþangà. Veiklos galimybës tuomet pleèiasi savaime, tereikia jas pamatyti ir iðnaudoti“, – sako AB Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos centro generalinis direktorius ALGIRDAS VYDMONTAS.


er daugiau nei 80 metø keitësi ðalies ekonominë ir politinë situacija, keitësi ámonës pavadinimas ir struktûra, taèiau pagrindinis Telecentro uþdavinys visà laikà buvo tas pats – plëtoti radijo ir televizijos priemoniø tinklà, uþtikrinti kokybiðkas radijo ir televizijos transliacijas visiems Lietuvos gyventojams.

ávairiø paslaugø gyventojams ir verslui ir jau ásitvirtino ðalies interneto paslaugø rinkoje.

Atkûrus Lietuvos Nepriklausomybæ, bendrovë pleèia veiklà ne tik duomenø perdavimo, bet ir telefonijos, interneto prieigos ir kitose elektroniniø ryðiø srityse.

Ypaè gerà reputacijà tarp vartotojø pelnë belaidþiø technologijø internetas „Erdvës“. Ði paslauga pradëta teikti dar 2001 m. ir iðsiskiria tuo, kad klientui gali bûti prieinama net paèiose atokiausiose ðalies vietose – ne tik mieste ar kaime, bet ir sodyboje, poilsiavietëje ir kitur. „Erdvës“ – tai saugus, patikimas ir nepriklausomas interneto ryðys.

Þengdamas koja kojon su sparèiai besivystanèiomis IT technologijomis, Telecentras nuolat tobulina televizijos bei radijo ryðio siuntimà uþtikrinanèias sistemas. Generalinis direktorius Algirdas Vydmontas pabrëþia, jog tai didelis bendrovëje dirbanèiø specialistø – savo srities profesionalø nuopelnas. Ðiuo metu ámonës bûstinëje Vilniuje ir visoje ðalyje veikianèiuose struktûriniuose padaliniuose dirba apie 500 darbuotojø.

„Telecentras visada þengë prieðakinëse gretose, diegdamas paþangiausias ryðio technologijas“, – tvirtina generalinis direktorius Algirdas Vydmontas. Jis neslepia, kad ásiverþusi á rinkà su naujos kartos produktu – WiMAX technologijos belaidþiu internetu MEZON, valstybës valdoma ámonë privalo veikti itin ryþtingai, nes konkuruoja su stambiomis privataus verslo kompanijomis, teikianèiomis panaðias 3G technologijø paslaugas.

„Septintajame deðimtmetyje Lietuvos þiûrovai dar dþiaugësi matydami juodai baltà vaizdà, devintajame deðimtmetyje jau galëjo gërëtis spalvotais kadrais, o ðiuo metu analoginæ televizijà jau keièia skaitmeninë“, – prisimena raidos etapus ilgametis Telecentro vadovas Algirdas Vydmontas.

„Sprendimas diegti WiMAX ryðio tinklà buvo iððûkis visam kolektyvui, taèiau nëra nieko neámanomo – tereikia stiprios valios ir darbðtumo, – pasakoja Algirdas Vydmontas. – WiMAX projektas yra perspektyvus ir naudingas visai ðaliai, todël dràsiai pradëjome já ágyvendinti. Galime didþiuotis, kad Vilnius tapo pirmàja Europos Sàjungos sostine, ádiegusia pasaulyje ðiuo metu paþangiausià – ketvirtos kartos (4G) belaidþio ryðio technologijà“.

Anot generalinio direktoriaus, ypaè spartus technikos ir kokybës ðuolis ávyko Lietuvai atgavus Nepriklausomybæ. Telecentras daugumà analoginiø TV ir radijo siøstuvø pakeitë naujais, o naudojant MPEG-4 vaizdo glaudinimo standartà Lietuvos gyventojai jau gali matyti apie 40 skaitmeniniu bûdu perduodamø televizijos programø. Bendrovë rengiasi etapui, kai Lietuvoje bus visiðkai atsisakyta analoginës televizijos ir pereita prie skaitmeninës, o ateityje planuoja sukurti raiðkiosios (HDTV) ir judriosios televizijø tinklus. Ðiuo metu Telecentro televizijos siuntimo tinkluose veikia 135 savi (ið jø 47 – skaitmeniniai) ir 54 kitø transliuotojø televizijos siøstuvai, ið kuriø 26 – skaitmeniniai. Radijo siuntimo tinkluose veikia 77 savi ir yra patalpinti 99 kitø transliuotojø siøstuvai. Radijo ir televizijos programos yra siunèiamos ið 34 visoje Lietuvoje árengtø siuntimo taðkø. Be TV ir radijo ryðio siuntimo paslaugø, Telecentras teikia daug

Komercinës 4G interneto MEZON paslaugos Lietuvoje buvo pradëtos teikti 2009-øjø kovo pradþioje, o WiMAX ryðio baziniø stoèiø tinklas taip sparèiai pleèiamas, kad ðiandien 4G internetu MEZON jau galima naudotis ne tik Vilniuje, bet ir Kaune, Klaipëdoje, Panevëþyje, Ðiauliuose, taip pat pajûrio kurortuose Nidoje, Palangoje ir Ðventojoje. Sparèiausias belaidis internetas jau pasiekiamas ir Tauragëje, Utenoje bei Alytuje. Telecentras planuoja, kad 2010-øjø pabaigoje plaèiajuosèiu MEZON internetu galës naudotis 93 proc. miestieèiø ir apie 63 proc. visø ðalies gyventojø. Daugeliui ámoniø ypaè aktuali tinklø sujungimo paslauga. Veikdamos vietiniame tinkle, elektroninës komercijos, logistikos, bilietø rezervavimo, elektroninio paðto ir kitos sistemos padeda optimaliai organizuoti darbà. Taèiau Telecentras siû-

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lo ir papildomà – virtualaus privataus kompiuteriø tinklo paslaugà. Sujungus vietiná kompiuteriø tinklà ir padaliniø kompiuteriø tinklus, bendro tinklo teikiamos galimybës tampa prieinamos visiems darbuotojams. Dar daugiau, gali

ÁDOMÛS FAKTAI APIE VILNIAUS TELEVIZIJOS BOKÐTÀ: • Vilniaus televizijos bokðtas – vienas ið aukðèiausiø Rytø Europos statiniø ir aukðèiausias Lietuvos pastatas. Jo aukðtis - 326,5 m. • Bokðtas veikia nuo 1981 m. sausio 31 d. • 1991 m. sausio 13-osios naktá KGB specialiosios paskirties grupë ,,Alfa“ apsupo Vilniaus televizijos bokðtà ir já gynusius civilius. Ðturmo metu þuvo ir mirë nuo suþalojimø 11 þmoniø. • Aukðèiausias ðalies statinys, panaudojus modernias ðviesos instaliacijos medþiagas, 2000øjø metø iðvakarëse virto aukðèiausia Ðventine Kalëdø egle.

bûti sujungiami ne tik bendrovës padaliniø, bet ir partneriø tinklai, gali bûti sudarytos sàlygos prie tinklo prisijungti keliaujantiems ir namuose dirbantiems darbuotojams.

Skulptûra „Aukojimas“ Lietuvos laisvës gynëjams (skulptorius D.Braþiûnas, architektas A.Asauskas) atidengta Vilniaus televizijos bokðto kiemelyje 2005 m.

The activities of Lithuanian Radio and Television Center (Telecentras) began as early as on 12 June 1926 when Kaunas radio transmitter delivered its first broadcast. History of Lithuanian television starts on 30 April 1957 when the first TV signals were sent from Vilnius to the surrounding region. For 83 years already, Lithuanian radio speaks Lithuanian; for 52 years, we watch Lithuanian TV. Within over 80 years, changes of the national economical and political situation as well as of the name and the structure

Telecentras taip pat siûlo ávairias telefonijos paslaugas ir technologijas: analoginæ ir skaitmeninæ telefono linijas, telefono stoteliø (PBX) paslaugà, unikalius fiksuotojo ir mobiliojo ryðio suliejimo sprendimus, pavyzdþiui, SIP telefono paslaugà. SIP telefonas – tai programa kompiuteryje, kuri veikia taip pat, kaip ir fiksuotojo ryðio arba mobilusis telefonas. Tam reikia kompiuterio, ausiniø, mikrofono arba vaizdo kameros ir kokybiðko interneto of the enterprise took place; however, the key task of Telecentras remained the same in all times; to extend the network of radio and TV means, to ensure high quality of radio and TV broadcasting for all residents of Lithuania. Telecentras always applied most advanced telecommunication technologies. After restoration of Independence of Lithuania, it rapidly developed its activities in data transmission, telephony, internet accession and other spheres of electronic communications. Today this state-owned company in-

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ryðio. Didþiausias ðios paslaugos privalumas tas, kad skambinti ir priimti telefono skambuèius galima ið bet kurios vietos ir net bûnant uþsienyje galima skambinti ir priimti skambuèius vietiniais tarifais, tarsi bûtum Lietuvoje. Klientui suteikiamas telefono numeris, á kurá galima paskambinti ið fiksuotojo ar mobiliojo ryðio tinklø. Kaip teigia Telecentro generalinis direktorius Algirdas Vydmontas, organizuojant ámonës veiklà svarbiausia principingai laikytis strateginiø nuostatø, suburti profesionalø kolektyvà ir dràsiai investuoti á paþangà. Veiklos galimybës tuomet pleèiasi savaime, tereikia jas pamatyti ir iðnaudoti. troduces communication technology WiMAX of the new generation (4G) in Lithuania and successfully competes with large private business companies in rendering wireless internet MEZON services. “We are proud of the fact that Vilnius became the first capital of EU Member State where the wireless communication technology WiMAX that is the most advanced one worldwidely at present was introduced,” General Director of Telecentras Algirdas Vydmontas says.

The state enterprise „Problematika“was founded in 1993 as the engineering-consultancy company for infrastructure. The SE „Problematika“ provide state-of-the-art services within the fields of laboratory testing of construction materials and structures, certification (CE) of building products, maintenance of RWIS stations, design expertise, technical supervision, consultation, work supervision and project administration. The smart activities of the management team and the high-qualification staff of the enterprise ensured it the position of a leader of Lithuanian market in this sector.

w w w. p ro b l e m a t i


1918 m. gruodþio 6 d. ásteigta ðiandieninës Lietuvos automobiliø keliø direkcijos prie Susisiekimo ministerijos pirmtakë – Plentø, vandens keliø ir uostø valdyba. Tuo metu jai priklausë 1196 km keliø. Ðiandien Lietuvos automobiliø keliø direkcija prie Susisiekimo ministerijos (LAKD) rûpinasi valstybinës reikðmës keliais, kuriø ilgis – 21320 km. Lietuvoje tûkstanèiui gyventojø tenka 6,25 km, o tûkstanèiui kvadratiniø kilometrø teritorijos - 326,6 km valstybinës reikðmës keliø. Keliai pelnytai laikomi vienu svarbiausiø ðalies privalumø. Jais gabenama apie 60 proc. visø kroviniø, mûsø ðalis vertinama kaip svarbi tranzito valstybë. Nuo Þemaièiø plento iki tarptautinës automagistralës „Via Baltica“. Toks bûtø simbolinis tiltas, jungiantis praeitá ir dabartá, atspindintis ekonomikos pokyèius ir keliø raidà. Nepriklausomybës metais Lietuvos automobiliø keliø direkcija tapo Pasaulinës kelininkø asociacijos (PIARC), Tarptautinës kelininkø federacijos (IRF), Europos keliø direktoriø konferencijos (CEDR), Baltijos ðaliø kelininkø asociacijos nare. Lietuvai ástojus á Europos Sàjungà, nuo 2004 m. geguþës 1 d. visos Europos transporto koridoriai bei TINA tinklo keliai Lietuvos teritorijoje buvo pripaþinti TEN-T tinklo keliais.

VIRGAUDAS PUODÞIUKAS – Lietuvos automobiliø keliø direkcijos prie Susisiekimo ministerijos generalinis direktorius

VIRGAUDAS PUODÞIUKAS Director general of The Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport

Mûsø specialistø iðmonë ir darbðtumas palankiai vertinami tarptautinëje arenoje. Bendri Lietuvos ir Europos Sàjungos finansuojami keliø projektai pripaþástami kaip vieni sëkmingiausiø Rytø ir Vidurio Europoje. Rikiuotën stoja nauji ir suremontuoti plentai, tiltai, viadukai. Modernëja keliø ûkio valdymo sistemos, keliø statybos ir prieþiûros technologijos, keliø ir tiltø projektavimas, tyrimø laboratorijos. Nepaisant ekonominiø bangavimø, nuosekliai siekiama, kad Lietuvos keliai taptø ðiuolaikiniais tarptautinio transporto koridoriais, europinës integracijos dalimi, kad bûtø greiti ir patogûs, atitiktø poveikio aplinkai ir ypaè – saugaus eismo reikalavimus. Kruopðtus kompleksinis darbas davë akivaizdþiø rezultatø: inþineriniø priemoniø, aktyvios socialinës reklamos dëka pernai þuvusiøjø autoavarijose Lietuvoje skaièius buvo pats maþiausias per pastaruosius 40 metø.

and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania

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December 6, 1918 was the day when the Bureau of Roads, Waterways and Ports was established, which actually was the predecessor of the current Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications. 1196 km of roads belonged to it at that time. Currently, Lithuanian Road Administration under the Ministry of Transport and Communications (LRA) takes care of the roads of national importance – 21,320 km altogether. In Lithuania, the roads of national importance can be distributed 6.25 km for each 1,000 citizens and 326.6 km for 1,000 m2. Roads are fairly considered to be one of the most important advantages of the country. About 60% of all cargos are transported using our roads, so Lithuania is valued as an important transit state. There is a symbolic bridge from Þemaièiø road to the international highway „Via Baltica“. This bridge connects the past and the present, it reflects the development of roads and changes in economy. During the years of Independence of Lithuania, LRA became a member of Permanent International Association of Road Congresses (PIARC), International Road Federation (IRF), Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR), Baltic Road Association (BRA). After Lithuania entered the European Union, all transport corridors of Europe and roads of the TINA network within Lithuania were recognized as belonging to the TEN-A network. The diligence and creativity of our specialists are valued internationally. Common Lithuanian and EU funded projects are acknowledged as one of the most successful ones within Eastern and Middle Europe. New and renovated roads, bridges and overbridges are constantly added to the list. Systems of the road economy management are being modernized, as well as technologies of road building and supervision, designing of roads and bridges, research laboratories. Despite economical instability, every effort is made to turn Lithuanian roads into corridors of contemporary international transportation. They should be a part of European integration: convenient and fast, meeting all environmental and safety requirements. Thorough complex work gave some obvious results: due to engineering implements and active social advertising campaigns, the casualty rate in car accidents was the lowest in the last 40 years.

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EDUCATION AND SCIENCE: TURNING A NEW PAGE Photos from the archive of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania

Since regaining Independence, Lithuania has reformed its school system and this year has started a major reform of higher education and science sector

GINTARAS STEPONAVIÈIUS The Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania This year marks a significant and outstanding anniversary for Lithuania – the millennium of the first mention of the name of Lithuania. This anniversary makes it possible to review the system of education and science of our country, namely, its origin, history, and the current situation. A formal educational system began to take shape in Lithuania at the end of the 14th century. The first known school – the Cathedral School of Vilnius – commenced its activities over 600 years ago (1397). In the 16th century, the entire educational system was created in Lithuania: primary education, non-higher education, higher education. A network of congregational schools was rapidly expanding, and Catholic schools were being consolidated. In 1579, the Vilnius Jesuit College (currently Vilnius University) was reorganised and became an academy, it was granted all privileges and rights of European universities. The year 1773 saw establishment of a joint Lithuanian and Polish state educational institution, namely, the Educational Commission, which was the first ministry of education (using the current terminology) in Europe. It was supposed to reform the entire system of education and halt the process of disintegration of the state. Following the collapse of the Union of Lithuania and Poland in 1795 and incorporation of Lithuania into the Russian Empire, the Educational Commission discontinued its activities. During the period of declaration of independence and formation of the State of Lithuania (1918 – 1940) and based on the system of education and teaching tendencies of Western Europe, education followed the basic principles of the national culture. In 1922, the

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intelligentsia’s effort resulted in establishment of a university in Kaunas. In addition to this university, 10 other higher education establishments were gradually founded in independent Lithuania. The early flourishing of education was terminated by the Soviet occupation. Lithuania’s education became a part of the Soviet educational system: not only the content, but also the form of education changed. The entire educational system was controlled in a centralised manner from Moscow. Development of science at higher education establishments was isolated from science in other countries and became dependent on ideology. Nevertheless, Soviet Lithuania preserved the right to conduct teaching at schools in the mother tongue. EDUCATION In 1988, a reform of Lithuania’s education started. The principles of reformation of the Lithuanian educational system were declared to be national affinity, democracy, humanity and change. At the end of 1992, a concept of the reform covering the entire educational system of Lithuania was adopted. The reform is currently being carried out in compliance with the provisions of the State Strategy for Education 2003-2012 as approved in 2003 by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. The principal objective of education is to help every child to understand the world and become an independent, active and responsible person, to assist every adult in acquiring a qualification and maintaining it by means of life-long learning. This is made possible by the increasing variety of educational establishments. Non-State educational establishments

are set up alongside State ones, secular educational establishments – alongside the educational establishments representing various religious confessions, also new educational establishments of ethnic minorities; alternative educational methods are selected. Until the present day, the legal basis of education has been updated, and a transition has been made to 12year general education and two-stage higher education (Bachelor and Master studies). The unified Soviet educational programmes were replaced with a new curriculum providing greater freedom of choice for an individual learner. The Ministry of Education and Science purchases and transfers to municipalities school In 2002, a procedure for financing general education vehicles, namely, yellow buses, which are intended for transportation of pupils from distant schools was altered, and the so-called ‘pupil’s basket’ villages to schools higher education – according to the principle of the ‘student’s was introduced. In other words, a shift occurred from financing of basket’. The students who received best marks in their tertiary class groups to allocation of funds to a single pupil. The ‘pupil’s education graduation examinations will study free of charge at basket’ is a targeted grant of the State for the purpose of a pupil’s a higher education establishment of their choice, others will be education. granted access to studies upon creation of an efficient system of In improving the Lithuanian educational system, considerable atstate-funded loans. Such a system of funding will introduce a fair tention is devoted to modernisation of learning, improvement of and transparent competition in higher education, where success conditions of learning, and harmonisation of the system of eduwill directly depend on performance. The studies of over 11,000 cation. The Ministry of Education and Science purchases and first-year university students and over 10,000 first-year college transfers to municipalities school vehicles, namely, yellow buses, students will be funded by the State this year. which are intended for transportation of pupils from distant villagHigher education establishments will compete not only for the es to schools, schools are being speedily provided with computers. ‘student’s basket’, but also for good lecturers. The higher educaSince 2001, millions of Litas have been allocated each year for tion establishments will be able to carry out an independent rerenovation of general education schools. One third of the general muneration policy, and the State will not regulate the salaries of education schools have already been renovated. lecturers and scientists in a centralised manner, hence it will be possible to promote lecturers by paying higher salaries to them HIGHER EDUCATION and providing them with improved social and other conditions. Higher education is acquired by studying at higher education esThe public requires higher education establishments to be dynamtablishments, namely, universities and colleges. ic, improvement-committed, and responsible for their activities. Lithuania has 30 State higher education establishments (15 uniThe establishments will have more freedom in managing propversity higher education establishments and 15 colleges) as well erty; they have been granted the right to independently plan their as 19 non-State higher education establishments (7 university strategy of activities, to be more active in solving the issues of higher education establishments and 12 colleges), 17 State redevelopment, merger, renovation of laboratories and dormitories; search institutes, 18 university research institutes, and 8 State the principles of a transparent responsibility and accountability to science institutions. the public have also been stipulated. On the basis of experience of Lithuania is participating in the establishment of the common EuroWestern Europe, a new model of management of State colleges and pean higher education area. The professional qualifications acquired universities will be introduced, where the most important strategic in our country are recognised abroad. Over a thousand of students decisions are adopted by the councils consisting of the academic and lecturers leave abroad each year for studies or internships. community and the broad public. In April 2009, the Seimas passed a new Law on Science and StudThe science and studies reform aims at attaining an ambitious goal ies, which provides for a major reform of higher education. The – the bringing forward of the country’s economy. main goal of the reform is quality of education. Students want to Lithuania’s long-term strategic documents stress the necessity of a acquire a high-quality education without leaving Lithuania, busicloser interaction between science, studies and business. The year nesses are in need of highly qualified specialists, higher education 2008 marked the beginning of establishment of five integrated establishments and research institutes – professional scientists, centres of science, studies and business. The centres are expected and the public – a guaranteed and secure future. to help to create in Lithuania internationally recognised nuclei of A high quality of studies and science will be attained through an science, studies and knowledge economy and speed up the creaefficient funding and modern management. Upon completion of tion of knowledge society. the reform, research will be financed on a competitive basis, and

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The main building of the University

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Photos from the archive of Vilnius University


Vilnius University, one of the oldest Universities in Eastern and Central Europe, was established in 1579. Functioning for a long time as the only higher education establishment in the region, it has made a substantial influence on the cultural life not only of Lithuania, but the neighboring countries as well. The oldest and largest Lithuanian higher education institution is an active participant in international scientific and academic activities and boasts many prominent scientists, professors and graduates. Currently, the University has 14 faculties, 6 institutes, 3 university hospitals, 10 study and research centers, one of the richest libraries in Europe, the Astronomical Observatory, the Botanical Garden, the Centre of Information Technology Development, St Johns’ Church. The university structure also embraces several museums, a dormitory campus, laboratories, workshops, summer resorts and student traineeship bases. Vilnius University has nearly 24 thousand students, over 1,500 teaching and research staff (70 percent holding scientific degrees). In 2009, Vilnius University celebrates its 430-year anniversary; however, it remains young, dynamic, progressive and open to the world’s cultural and scientific values. OBJECTIVES One of the main aims of the University is to position and distinguish itself in European research and education area by top level research. Vilnius University seeks to be acknowledged officially as a national university, taking full responsibility for maintaining highest level of research and studies, pertaining to the needs of the state and society in terms of European perspective. The University strives to distinguish itself for a broad spectrum of fundamental and applied research. It seeks to assume the leading position among other Lithuanian institutions and sets itself the goal of international excellence in the interdisciplinary research.

The Astronomical Observatory

A SHORT HISTORY The history of the University is intertwined with the history of the Lithuanian state. 1570 The Jesuits established a College and opened a library in Vilnius. 1579 On 1 April, King Stephanus Batoreus issued a Charter granting the privileges of a university to the College, and on 30 October, Pope Gregory XIII announced a Papal Bull confirming the transformation of the College into a University. 1641 The Faculty of Law was established under the Charter of the King Vladislaus IV and funded by the Lithuanian Vice-chancellor Casimirus Leo Sapieha. 1753 The Astronomic Observatory was established, which was the fourth in the Europe and the oldest in Eastern Europe. 1773 After the abolition of the Jesuit Order, the University was put under the authority of the Education Commission, the prototype of a ministry of secular education in Europe. 1781 The University was granted the name of the Central School of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The Faculty of Medicine was established. 1803 The University was named an Imperial University. At that

time, the University had a number of world-renowned scholars, such as naturalist Georg Forster, who was also a famous traveler, member of the team of Captain Cook’s second voyage around the world; professor Andrzej Sniadecki, the originator of physiology in Lithuania; medics from Vienna - Johann Peter Frank and his son Joseph Frank. 1832 Tsar Nicholas I ordered the University to be closed. 1918 On 5 December 1918, the Lithuanian State Council approved the Statute of the University and announced a decision to re-establish the University in January 1919. 1919-1939 The Polish Stephen Bathory (Stephanus Batoreus) University functioned in Vilnius. 1939 Vilnius University renewed its activity when the Faculties of Humanities and Law were transferred from Kaunas. 1940 After the Soviet annexation of Lithuania in 1940, Vilnius University was reorganized according to the model of higher education establishments of the Soviet Union. 1990 With the restoration of Lithuanian Independence, the Statute of the university was approved and the University regained its autonomy.

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The Rectors Aula was decorated with original paintings by Antanas Kmieliauskas

The Grand Courtyard is like a spacious hall under the open sky

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The Library of Vilnius University is famous for its magnificent interior design. Smugliewicz‘ Hall – the oldest hall of the University decorated by the famous painter professor Franciszek Smugliewicz

ACHIEVEMENTS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS The University is a member of the European University Association (EUA) and the Conference of Baltic University Rectors. The University of Vilnius is a member of UNICA Network as well as The Utrecht Network, which maintains close cooperation with the university networks in the USA, Australia and other states. There have been signed over 104 bilateral cooperation agreements. Currently, international cooperation and international relations of Vilnius University are on the upswing. The number of bilateral agreements with foreign universities is growing, the cooperation geography is expanding and its nature is changing. International cooperation has an impact on all spheres of the University life embracing studies, research and cooperation of administrators. The University actively participates in projects with international organizations such as UNESCO, NATO and EUA, and engages in EU education and scientific programmes, such as Lifelong Learning, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window, COST, FRAMEWORK and others. Since 1991, the University of Vilnius has been a Signatory to the Magna Charta of European Universities. According to ratings, made by Lithuanian media, we are the most popular and most acknowledged higher education establishment in Lithuania. Fundamental and applied research in all fields of science is pursued at Vilnius University. The greatest attention is paid to such underlying directions of research as Lithuanian studies; Lithuanian society in the conditions of globalization, economic and socio-cultural processes in small countries; mathematic methods and models, development of information technologies; new functional materials, derivatives and technologies; bio-medical and psychological cognition of humans and development of treatment methods; research of bio-molecules and

FACTS YOU PROBABLY DIDN‘T KNOW: A model of Vilnius University old campus is the only model of an European University, presented in Brussels park “Mini Europe“, where all the EU Member States present themselves with the most valuable architectural, cultural monuments. Nobel prize winner poet Czeslaw Milosz was a student of Vilnius University. A famous graduate of the University of Vilnius, geologist and mineralogist Ignacy Domeyko (1801-1889) became the Rector of the University of Santiago in Chile; A mountain ridge (Cerro Domeyco), a town (Puerto Domeyco), a flowering plant and a mineral that Ignacy Domeyko discovered were all named after him. The treasure of Vilnius or Rybiskiai treasure, kept in the Science Museum of Vilnius University Library, is the largest collection of the silver alloys, so called „Lithuanian long“ (substitutes of money) of the middle of the 13th century.

Petras Repðys‘ fresco „The Seasons of the Year“, painted in 1976-1984 decorating the lobby of the Centre of Lithuanian Studies

cells for medicine and biotechnology; environmental dynamics, protection and utilization. Scientific development and the expanding relations with global research centers have contributed to the variety of research at Vilnius University. The laser specialists of the University have joined the European Laser Network and have established the Center of Excellence “Cebiola” together with the biochemistry specialists. The researchers of the Institute of Applied Research established the Center of Excellence “Selitec” and joined the programmes of the European Nuclear Research Centre, CERN. University researchers have earned national and international acclaim. This is illustrated by their membership of the Lithuanian Science Academy, European Science and Art Academy and other international academic organizations, awards of honorary titles at foreign universities, participation in international congresses and programme committees as well as international prizes and grants. INNOVATIONS The “Sunrise Valley” and “Santara Valley” programmes, initiated by Vilnius University, are going to change the structure of the University itself and will stimulate a breakthrough in research development and research commercialization. These integrated centers of research, education and business are in development. This is a guarantee for Vilnius University to position itself in European and global research and education, uniting universities,

A model of Vilnius University old campus represents Lithuania in Brussels park „Mini Europe“

research institutes, top-level high-tech companies and fast-developing start-ups. The first building of Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park with Business Incubator has opened already, the next one – The National Open Access Science Information and Communication Centre is soon to be built. The Sunrise Valley STP provides high quality sites and premises suitable for technologydriven businesses and promotes networking between the universities and businesses, between the businesses themselves, and with partners elsewhere in Lithuania and worldwide.

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Raimondas Ribaèiauskas: „If forest is assessed in an economical aspect only it should be taken away from arboriculturists“ | J ÛRATË M OCKUVIENË |

Photos from the archive of Vilnius Forest Stewardship administration

Since high antiquity, a tree and a human were inseparable. Forest provided dwelling and warm, it was important in housekeeping and everyday works. The state-owned company “Vilniaus miðkø urëdija” /”Vilnius Forest Stewardship”/ cherishes old traditions, forms respect to a tree and develops wellbalanced economical activities. Hereinafter, we speak with steward Raimondas Ribaèiauskas about the economical results and supplemental activities of the Stewardship. Steward Raimondas Ribaèiauskas at the state-owned enterprise „Vilnius Forest Stewardship“ Information Center where abundant exhibits related to forest and the life of a forester are collected. It is the only and unique natural museum in Vilnius City and County that propagates the nature-related ideas and is engaged in training & enlightening activities in arboriculture

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The first training exposition of various eggs and nests of birds as well as stuffed birds

BiL Vilnius Forest Stewardship is original in several aspects, such as abundant population and a large number of territories under protection; in addition, it is situated in the zone of uncompleted agricultural reform. Vilnius Forest Stewardship administers about 55 thousand hectares of forest, including over 32 thousand hectares of forests of the national scale importance. The Stewardship consists of 12 forestries: Dûkðtos, Juodðiliai, Kalveliai, Lavoriðkës, Mickûnai, Migûnai, Paeþeriai, Paneriai, Parudomina, Sudervë, Taurai and Verkiai. Because the agricultural reform is not completed in Vilnius County yet, it is supposed that about 36 thousand hectares of forest should remain there after the privatization. There are total about 6 thousand hectares of administered forests in Vilnius City. 57 percent of forests of the Stewardship are territories under protection or territories with restricted mode of economical activities. So, the activities in the Stewardship are hard. The annual turnover of the whole activities of the enterprise amounts to 15-18 million Litas. A majority of the funds gained comes back to the forest. They are investing works – from maintenance of roads, fire prevention bands and section nets, as well as protection against animals up to reforestation, planting and so on. The enterprise gives back 110-120 percent of the value of the forest stock. The price of forest stock is fixed by the state; in the Stewardship, it varies between 3.7 and 4 million Litas. It means that we give back about 4-4.7 million Litas from the amount gained by us from forest management annually to the forest. In addition to the totality of taxes, the Stewardship pays 5 percent of the income to the state budget as a payment for using natural resources.

Almost whole territory of the Park (95 percent) is covered by forest; almost a half of it belongs to Vilnius Stewardship. The Park includes 11 various reserves and 1 natural Dûkðtos Oak-Wood Reservation. Verkiai Regional Park was established in the year 1992 striving to preserve the natural complex of the Þalieji Lakes, the cultural com-

THERE ARE ACHIEVEMENTS WE CAN BE PROUD OF BiL Maturity of a state is assessed in millenniums. The best maturity of a forest is assessed in centuries. What oldest forests of the Stewardship would you like to single out? The territory includes Verkiai Regional Park and the Neris Regional Park as well as 19 various reserves. Between Vilnius and Kernavë, the natural southeastern limit of Vilnius Stewardship is formed by rapid waters of the Neris River. In 10 thousand hectare territory of the Neris Regional Park, 4.2 thousand hectare is covered by Dûkðtos Forestry and Sudervë Forestry of Vilnius Stewardship.

The oak-tree at Dûkðtos cognitive walkway

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Dûkðtos Oak-wood

plexes of surroundings of Verkiai, Kalvarijos and Trinapolis as well as other values of the natural and cultural heritage, to form favorable conditions for recreation (first of all, for cognitive tourism), for dissemination of the ideas related to environmental protection, to the heritage of material and spiritual culture. The total area of the Park is 2673 hectares. DÛKÐTOS OAK-WOOD Our ancestry respected oaks, believed in their supernatural powers, enjoyed their strength and longevity. In course of time, the perception of a human about nature changed: the consumer attitude entrenched. Today there are few localities where we can see ancient oak-woods, feel their spirit and listen to the sough of an old oak-tree. 302 hectare Dûkðtos Oak-wood is one on the oldest and largest natural oak-woods in Lithuania. Dûkðtos Oak-wood is of a natural origin. We are proud of the stone with signs of runes dated to the times of ancient Balts that stands in the Oak-wood. Many plants found in the wood are registered in the Red Book. In the Oak-wood, arboriculturists made 2.2 km cognitive walkway that is adapted for the disabled as well. Along the walkway, wooden sculptures of Lithuanian pagan divinities as well as personages of legends, history and mythology welcome the visitors. There are about 110 various objects for recreation in the Stewardship. BiL Who is responsible for maintenance of such public objects? Of course, employees of the Stewardship.

Arranging of recreation objects seems to be simple. However, their maintenance often causes problems. Our Stewardship is the only one that has own refuse collection teams, although the legislation does not foresee such activities for us. About 22 percent of the total population of Lithuania resides in the territory of Vilnius Stewardship. About 20 percent of all capacities of the national industry are concentrated here. So, all forests are highly loaded in respect of recreation. If forest is assessed in an economical aspect only, it should be taken away from arboriculturists. We do not strive for gaining the maximum possible benefit from the green wealth. THE COMMUNITY SHOULD BE EDUCATED BiL Was establishing of the Information Center in the Stewardship a purposeful step? The future of forests depends on all of us. So, it is very important to ensure this be felt and understood by the growing generation that will care about forest – our natural wealth – in future. Vilnius Stewardship pays a particular attention to working with Young Forest Friends. The Information Center of the Stewardship makes attempts to explore history of arboriculture. Here the collection of various stuffed birds as well as their nests and eggs is exposed. Here you’ll find trees damaged by animals, insect pests and diseases or dead wood, get to know the tree-planting errors, the biological and chemical forest protection measures, learn various signs for forests, measuring the age, diameter, height of trees and so on. Annually, sev- 54 |

eral hundred schoolchildren and abundant various delegations visit the Information Center. The educative activities of the Stewardship are being extended. In Parudamina Forestry we’ve established a forest school, a group of young naturalists where collections of various stuffed birds, collections of eggs, seeds, descriptions of diseases of trees as well as large housekeeping items, in a word, everything that lacked a place in Vilnius will be exposed. There formation of a mini-zoo was started to provide children an opportunity to get to know animals. At present, there are fallow-deers, raccoons, four species of pheasants, skunks, and moufflons. On occasion of joining Lithuania to the European Union, the Young Forest Friends of Vilnius Stewardship planted over 18 hectares of forest as well as alleys of various EU Member States. A NATION IS LIVING THANKS TO ITS CULTURE BiL The Stewardship is famous for one more non-traditional activity – it established „Nalðia“ Folklore Group. In the year 1984, cherishers of Lithuanian songs led by Rimantas Klimas, the Director of the then consortium Vilnius Forestry, established „Nalðia“ Folklore Group. At present, the Group is directed by Audronë Vakarinienë. Within 25 years of its activities, the Group gained a firm position among the national folklore groups; in addition, it became one of sentinels and cherishers of Lithuanian culture in foreign states. The repertoire of the Group include authentic Lithuanian folk songs, dances and instrumental music.

LTU 1000 will return to Lithuania, having circumnavigated the globe on a mission to invite the world’s Lithuanians to gather for the millennium celebrations. The yacht has visited 26 Lithuanian


Viliaus Maèiulaièio nuotr. / Photos: Vilius Maèiulaitis

On the 5th of July, 2009, the yacht Ambersail

communities worldwide, returning on the eve of

the anniversary of the coronation of Mindaugas, to

announce together with all the world’s Lithuanians that we are united under one name – Lithuania.

Stanislovo Buloto nuotr. / Photo by Stanislovas Bulotas

Ernesto Butikio nuotr. / Photo by Ernestas Butikis

Vyto Karaciejaus nuotr. / Photo by Vytas Karaciejus

Viktoro Ðtombergo nuotr. / Photo by Viktoras Ðtombergas

Gedimino Jurguèio nuotr. / Photo by Gediminas Jurgutis

Didþiøjø burlaiviø regata 2009 The Tall Ships’ Races Baltic 2009

Juliaus Kielaièio nuotr. / Photo by Julius Kielaitis

Sauliaus Jokuþio nuotr. / Photo by Saulius Jokuþys

Arûno Stapono nuotr. / Photo by VArûnas Staponas

Jono Laurinaièio nuotr. / Photo by Jonas Laurinaitis

Vytauto Abramausko nuotr. / Photos: Vytautas Abramauskas

Valdovø rûmai Palace of the Grand Dukes

On 06 July 2009, the symbolic ceremony of opening the National Museum the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania took place. During the ceremony, the historic standard of Lithuania (the Vytis on a red background) was raised and the main baroque portal with Latin inscription „Millennio Lithuaniae MIX–MMIX“ („The Millennium of Lithuania 1009–2009“) to attest that the restored Palace is a monument for the Millennium of Lithuania was unveiled. In the festive event on occasion of the Millennium of the First Mention of the Name of Lithuania, President of Republic of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus, other leaders of Lithuania and official representatives of foreign states having come to Lithuania on occasion of the Millennium of Lithuania took part.

Lietuvos Dainø ðventë Lithuanian Song Celebration

Martyno Vidzbelio nuotr. / Photos: Martynas Vidzbelis

Current of time has no end, time runs from the past to the future, from eternal darkness to immortal light, from the profound to unattainable heights, from the bottom roots to a splendent blossom, glistening in our hopes like the sun. This is how an immortal oak, the tree of our world, grows. A loud-voiced bird of our songs has alighted from the heaven and settled on its crown, singing out new tones of millenary songs, the sutartinÍs (from a word sutarti – to accord, consent) of our contrasting Dalia (Destiny), whose diverse voices are incessantly weaved into one cloth by our common Laima (Fate). As to consent does not mean to wear the same face and sing in one voice, yet to hear the one beside while singing your unique song and feel the hearts of all of us moulding into one single Lithuania, just like effuse branches of an oak melt into one crown, one SONG OF THE CENTURIES humming through thousands of years.

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Samogitian museum ALKA. Lucas Cranach (1472-1553) "Adoration of the Kings"


Telðiai is a capital of Samogitia, the original historical and ethnocultural region of Lithuania, the centre of Telðiai Diocese, County and District. The town is situated on seven hills mentioned in abundant legends, close to the Mastis Lake.

The pride of Telðiai Cathedral Church – its unique door. Artist Romualdas Inèirauskas made the embossed metal plastic door of Telðiai Cathedral Church within three years

Telðiai Old Town is one of seven protected old towns of Lithuania. There are abundant places of interest, such as St Anthony of Padua Cathedral Church with the design that is very rarely met in Europe – a broad balcony along the whole perimeter of the building; the door of the Anniversary Cathedral Church

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by famous Lithuanian artist Romualdas Inèirauskas (architect Algirdas Þebrauskas) decorated with the excellent work “Christening of Samogitia” (cold embossing technique) on occasion of the 600-year anniversary of christening of Samogitia; St Michael Orthodox Church, the only Lithuanian

church built in the style of cubism; Rainiai Chapel of Martyrdom built in the period of the Resurgence epoch, the only building of the Folk architectural style in Lithuania; the preserved building of Telðiai Yeshibot that is well-known in the Jewish world up to now and so on. In the Old Town, there are

Telðiø savivaldybës archyvo nuotr. / Photos from the archive of Telðiai Municipality

abundant artworks bound with history of the town and the region, such as the monumentfountain “The Great Artillery Art” (dated 1650) in memoriam of author Kazimieras Simonavièius; the sculpture „Samogitian Legends”; kinetic sculptures „The Samogitian Globe” and “Acquaint yourselves with the Capital of Samogitia”; the urban clockfountain with a bear on its tower and so on. There are Þemaitë Drama Theatre, two gymnasiums and branches of four higher schools in the town, including Vilnius Art Academy Telðiai Department that distinguishes itself for artistic ambitions and train future sculptors, jewelers and designers. There are a number of exclusive museums in Telðiai District. The Samogitian Museum “Alka” is famous for abundant collections (archaeological finds, pictures by worldwidely known artists, furnishing of Renaissance, Baroque and classicism styles, tapestries dated to the 18-19th centuries, high-value old prints and photos, forged artworks, a particularly valuable old collection of sculptures, an excellent set of contemporary medals and so on). The Open-Air-Museum of Rural Life of Samogitia is situated on the picturesque southwestern bank of the Mastis Lake. In authentic buildings of rural Samogitia dated to the late 19th century – early 20th century (situated in 15 hectare territory), abundant housewares, farming implements and furniture are exposed. In the Museum, folk art feast-days and international folklore festivals are arranged; the

Barn Theatre operates and horses of the species þemaitukai are bred there. At the late baroque building of the former Varniai Samogitian Theological College (built about the year 1770), the Samogitian Diocese Museum with its unique exposition preserved from the time of its appearance is situated. The Tourism and Information Center established at the Museum arranges excursions to the Museum, Varniai Cathedral Church, around the town and the region; there are special excursions related to Bishop M. Valanèius, the sacramental and architectural heritage as well as the trails of marches of Crusaders. At Varniai Regional Park (close to historical town of Varniai), there are abundant majestic Samogitian mounds that put in remembrance the times of struggles against Crusaders and Sword-bearers (such as Ðatrija, Girgþdûtë, Moteraitis, Sprûdë, Vembûtai and so on). There is unique Sietuva maul over the Sietuva Rivulet between the Lûkstas and the Parðeþeris lakes; according to archeologist L. Krzywicki, it was a segment of the secret road that connected garrisons of Medvëgalis, Parðpilis and Ðiuraièiai castles. In ancient times, Lithuanians used it for escaping in cases of attacks of assailants; the latter were not aware of such roads and could hardly detect them, because such roads were under water. The Lûkstas Lake (that is the largest natural lake in Samogitia) is the only lake of Lithuania where waves brings small pieces

The panorama of old town of Telðiai

Meðkos pëda (The Bear’s Foot)

The sculpture “Samogitian Legends”

The Mastis lake

of amber to the bank; here the International Blues Festival “The Blues Nights” is arranged annually. The cognitive walkway in Jomantai Forest is one of the best walkways of Lithuania usable for this purpose. This 4.2 km long cognitive and training walkway provides

an opportunity to get to know the forest, its natural monuments, the inhabitants of the forest, its benefit for a human, the economical activities in the forest and the old traditions. For entertainment, several sites of attractions are arranged along the walkway. The highest point of the region is Ðatrija

mound that is described as follows: „This mountain is not the highest one in the world – many mountains are higher than it. However, from this mountain we can see our very distant amber view. So, Ðatrija is the highest mountain for us...“ (Eduardas Mieþelaitis „Ðatrijos legenda“/”The Leg-

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end of Ðatrija”/, 1974). It is one of the most beautiful Samogitian hills often mentioned in fairy stories; it is old, as the whole Samogitia. They say that Ðatrija is the favourite site for meetings of all Samogitian witches. The surroundings of the hill put in remembrance Tadas Blinda, the legendary “leveler”.

Telðiai District is famous for its manors and parks around them. One of them is Birþuvënai Manor, in the distance of 1.3 km southward from Luokë – Vieðvënai road, on the both banks of the meandering Virvyèia (Virvytë) River. It is a complex of large wooden manor dated to the 18-19th centuries of particularly high architectural, historical and urbanistic value; in the year 2000, it was included in the Register of Immovable Cultural Values of Lithuania. The territory of the Manor includes 6 sacramental and mythological places of interest: the roadside pole with a small whittled sculpture of a Saint, the cemetery of Gorski family, the cemetery of German military men, a wooden cross for the drowned, Birþuvënai mound and the spring Laumës pëda. There is the Ethnographical Museum as well. At present, the Manor is being restored and applied for tourism. • The e-publication about the cultural heritage of Samogitia • Telðiai country tourism information center • Samogitian museum ALKA

St. Michael Orthodox Church. Built in the year 1937 according to the project by V. Kaplov. The only example of Cubist architecture in Lithuania

Samogitian Village Museum. It is one of three major Lithuanian museums of countryside life

The Chapel of Martyrdom in Rainiai Village

St. Anthony of Padua Cathedral Church built in the year 1791. The only church in Lithuania with a two-storey altar and a gallery surrounding the whole upper storey 58 |

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Photo: T.Didþgalvis

The region of palms in turns of history... Vilnius District surrounding our ancient Vilnius is presented, first of all, by picturesque environs, small villages and the stock of ancient Lithuanian history. For many centuries, representatives of many nations formed the unique originality of the location. The best palm-weaving traditions were formed namely in this region as well. The symbol of Palm Sunday in this region is exclusive: it is a colorful rod firmly woven on one side or around a dry wooden holder; its pattern consists of manycoloured dried plants and painted chips with a tuft of bent painted grey or green woven onto its top. Traditional palms of Vilnius region are the ones of roller type, with winding pattern that is similar to a cord winding. Such palms are particularly frequently made in the environs of Krauèiûnai, Èekoniðkës and Platiniðkës villages where palm-weaving art is transferred from generation to generation of women. One may get an acquaintance with the palm-weaving traditions of Vilnius region at Èekoniðkës Museum of Palms and Everyday Life. The bends of the Neris River at Sviliðkës Village

ed close to the capital distinguishes itself for wonderful panoramic views: wooded valleys, high banks of the Neris River and its inflows, impressive exposures, springs flowing from downhills, and rare plants; it belongs to the Neris Regional Park. Medininkai is one of the most ancient localities in Vilnius district. In the early 14th century, a strong defensive castle was constructed there. After abundant attacks of Crusaders, only a part of walls and one of four towers remained. Close to the castle, one of the first Lithuanian churches was founded at the order of W.

Jogaila. The other place of interest of the region is Aukðtojas Hill, the highest point of Lithuania (293.84 m high). In vicinity of the said hill, Juozapinë Hill (only 2 m lower) is situated. History of Maiðiagala and Nemenèinë boroughs is as if reflection of history of Grand Duchy of Lithuania. It is supposed that people settled here as early as in the 1st century A.D. In the year 1387, two of seven first Lithuanian churches were already constructed here. Today the population of Maiðiagala is proud of priest prelate Józef Obrembski, the Patriarch of Photo: G. Karosas

A considerable part of the region is situated in valleys along the Neris River. In all times, large rivers were as if annalists of history of the land. Since ancient times, steep banks of the Neris and its inflows serving as natural fortresses attracted people to settle there for a long time. The staring witnesses of passed époques in the landscape are hill-forts. They were sites of formation of communities, not only fortresses. Vilnius region saw the period of formation of the Lithuanian state; its unique cultural heritage is of a great importance both on the national and European scale. The territory situat-

Stone sculpture park "Vilnoja"

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Open air museum of the centre of Europe "Europos parkas"

Vilnius region. This year, the priest celebrated his 103rd birthday and 77-year anniversary of his frock. In spite of the age, the priest prelate faithfully disseminates Catholic religion to the population of Vilnius region.

are arranged in the Geographical Center of Europe. The borders of the territory governed by the Self-government of Vilnius District were identified in the year 1962. It is the largest of 60 self-governed territories of Republic of Lithuania. The District includes 23 rural administrations. In the run of history, Vilnius District became multinational. Since ancient times, various nations live here peacefully and cherish their national traditions. At present, the total population of the region is about 100 thousand, including Poles (61 %), Lithuanians (22 % ), Russians (8 %), Byelorussians (4,7 %), Ukrainians, Tartars, Jews and so on. By the way, first Tartars were brought to Lithuania in the year 1397 by Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas after the successful march to the Crimea. Tartarian mosques operate in Nemëþis and Keturiasdeðimt Totoriø villages at present as well.

V. Damaðevièius

Photo: J. Karpoviè

„Vilnoja” Stone Sculpture Park provides an excellent chance to enjoy the picturesque landscape and to get to know the specificity of granite, as unique material. Within eight years, 51 sculptors from various countries of the world made sculptures of Lithuanian granite during international symposiums. The other location where art, wonderful nature, entertainment and recreation are combined is the Open-Air Museum of the Centre of Europe (55 hectares). Sculptures created by over 100 artists from various countries of the world, including impressive works of famous representatives of modern art, such as M. Abakanowicz, S. Le Witto and

D. Oppenheim, are exposed in the Museum. In addition, two objects of the territory of the region were included in the list of World heritage protected by UNESCO. It is the chain of the Struvë Geodetic Arc that forms a triangulation system for precise measuring the shape and size of the Earth. The other object we are proud of is the Geographical Center of Europe. In the year 1989, it was identified (in Purnuðkës village, in the distance about 26 km from the capital) by scientists from the National Institute of Geography (France) using the method of gravitation centers. The Center of Europe is marked by the granite column with a stellar crown on occasion of joining of Lithuania to EU. The panorama around it is typical for this region: abundant small hills with golfcourses among them, a small lake and a hill-fort close to it. Annually on 1 May, events for commemoration of joining of Lithuania to EU and the Day of Europe

The folklore group „Cicha Nowinka“ of Èekoniskës Museum of Palms and Everyday Life

Palms – the symbol of Vilnius Region

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Visitors of the capital are always welcome at hospitable countryside tourism homesteads and hotels of the District. Fans of horse-riding can visit „Civinskø þirgai“, „Vilniaus þirgynas“ and „Peteðos dvaras“ stud farms. Vilnius District forms as if a green ring that surrounds the capital of Lithuania by its wooded territory. Namely, in this territory, active tourism is being successfully developed; in the depth of the District, environmental-friendly agriculture and processing industry are being developed. Low density of the population of the District (about 47 people per km2) provides favorable conditions for busi-

ness. Because of the favorable geographical position, a number of logistics centers, Lithuanian Film-studio, some largest national food processing enterprises and so on choose this region for their activities. The key goals of the local authorities include promotion of new technologies and environmental-friendly business, cherishing the multinational cultural heritage and traditions of the region, forming a recreation and cognition recess in the heart of Europe for the population of the capital and its visitors. You are always welcome in our region.

Photo: S. Pupininkas

The geographical centre of Europe

• Vilnius palms, the nares of dry plants typical for Vilnius Region (the so called verbas), are assessed as an original branch of folk art. • The Neris Regional Park • The Vilnoja Sculpture Park • Europos parkas • The Geographical Centre of Europe: 4 degrees 54 minutes North latitude 25 degrees 19 minutes East longitude Countryside tourism

Photo: J. Karpoviè

Photo: P. Dabrovski

Photo: J. Karpoviè

Bradeliðkës Hill-fort

The mosque in Keturiasdeðimt Totoriø Village

Medininkai Saint Trinity Church and St. Casimir Church


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Maiðiagala Church of the Virgin Mary’s Ascension

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The joint-stock company „ORLEN Lietuva“ (known as AB „Maþeikiø nafta“ before the 28th August of the current year) in Juodeikiai, close to Maþeikiai, the only oil refinery in the Baltic States, is one of the most widely known companies. It is engaged in oil refining and transporting as well as trading in oil products. The Company makes a particularly strong impact upon the national economy: it is the largest tax payer, the leader of companies in respect of the income and one of largest exporters in Lithuania.

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„ORLEN Lietuva“ archyvo nuotr. / Photos from the archive of ORLEN Lietuva

THE LEADER OF THE REGION The joint-stock company „ORLEN Lietuva“ is oil refining and trading enterprise that controls the only Baltic oil products’ enterprise, Bûtingë terminal and Birþai oil pipeline. Via its daughter company AB „Ventus – Nafta“, the Company also owns the network of filling-stations marked with trademarks „Ventus“ and „ORLEN Lietuva“ in Lithuania; it includes 34 modern filling-stations. At the oil refinery, about 10 million ton of oil can be processed annually. Over two thirds of production is exported. The oil refinery supplies high-quality petrol and dieseline to the Baltic States; production of the enterprise is also exported to West Europe, USA, Ukraine and other states. At present, about 3500 persons are employed at „ORLEN Lietuva“ group. In course of developing creativity and initiative of the staff, the programme for personnel stimulation and motivation is applied at the enterprise. At the Company, various competence-improving programmes have been introduced. Working in the large international group provides new opportunities of career abroad for employees. THE INVESTMENTS INCREASED THE OUTPUT Several late years can be referred to as the years of investments. They enabled the enterprise managed by Polish con-

cern ORLEN to improve the manufacturing process, to increase output of processing, to optimize the activities and to prepare itself for the unexpectedly appeared crisis. Last year, the Company processed almost 9.6 million ton of crude oil, i.e. 65 percent more, as compared to the year 2007. In the same year, the major repairs of the enterprise (of the largest scope within its history) took place. The said investments increased the reliability and efficiency of the activities of the oil refinery. In the same year, the vacuum distillation equipment (damaged during the fire in 2006) was restored, so the enterprise can operate using all its capacities. In the year 2008, investments were made as well. Last year, investments amounted to 240 million US dollar (about 565.7 million Litas) and in the year 2007 – 375 million US dollar (about 883.9 million Litas). So, the amount of over 600 million US dollar (about 1.4 billion Litas) was invested in the enterprise within two last year – it was a huge investment. In addition, considerable attention was paid to improvement of organization of the activities and its restructurization in 2008. The owners and managers of the enterprise do not change the trends of the investments. This year, projects started in earlier years were completed. The new hydrogen producing equipment operates already at the oil products’ processing enterprise. In addition, updating of the

second equipment for hydraulic cleaning of dieseline was completed and caused extension of capacity of low-sulfur diesel fuel. In the first quarter of the current year, the amount of over 25 million US dollar (about 66 million Litas) was allotted to the said projects. So, investing is continued: however, taking into account the conditions of the crises, the amounts of investments were some reduced, as compared to earlier periods. THE PRINCIPLES OF ETHICS AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The Company follows the principles of business ethics and social responsibility. „ORLEN Lietuva“ is a member of the United Nations initiation „Global Compact“ and one of the founders of the National network of responsible business enterprises in Lithuania. The name of the Lithuanian oil refinery is often heard among the sponsors of projects related to sports, environmental protection, culture and social problems. Abundant funds are used for introducing environmental protection measures. We closely cooperate with Lithuanian and international companies in developing environmental-friendly programmes. The Company cherished its old traditions of events for its employees and is proud of them. Jamborees of the Company’s tourists, feasts for children of employees, various sport events and travels are particularly popular.

Vita Petroðienë: „I do not know any other enterprise where the activities are more interesting“ At „ORLEN Lietuva“ (former „Maþeikiø nafta“), a considerable attention is paid to promotion of loyalty of the employees. So, professionals engaged at the Company for a long period and devoted to their work are highly respected. One of them is Head Financier Vita Petroðienë engaged at the oil refinery since the year 1983. Her work experience conforms to the classical model of career – from an ordinary engineer up to a member of the management team. BiL You are as if a chronicler of the history of the enterprise. What period of your employment distinguished itself for the maximum changes and challenges? The maximum changes of my career took place since the 90s when we turned towards market economy and started entering relations with the West. The Economical Reform Bureau was established and I was appointed to the position of its head. We began cooperating with foreign companies. In fact, the members of the management team of the Company cudgeled their brains about modernization of the en-

terprise already in that period. In the year 1993, American company „Foster Wheeler“ assessed our enterprise and developed the programme of its updating (the project was financed by the Government of USA). I can state that the today trends of our activities slightly differ from the planned in that period. The activities at the said Bureau marked my turn to economy. I went deep to the spheres of economics and finance, studied additionally business management, strategic planning, financial management, general insurance practice, assessment of investment projects and so on. | 65

BiL And then – a jump to the position of the Deputy Director? The years 1993–1995 were very dynamic. Many ambitious men from the management team left the enterprise and established their own business; others strived for career at „Maþeikiø nafta“. Upon the said circumstances, I became Deputy Director for economy in 1995 and Director for economy and finance after one year. So, I became responsible for planning of the activities and financial management of the whole enterprise. As I remember, the situation of the enterprise in that period was very hard: there was a lack of circulating funds, huge debts to the state budget and clients that supplied crude oil and took the produced products. The key problem was searching for sources of financing the circulating capital and borrowing the funds. In the said period, all banks of Lithuania together were not able to finance the oil refinery. In addition, the interest rate of the national banks was too high. The annual interest rate of one of the cheapest credits (provided by Lithuanian Savings Bank) was 24 percent. We considered an opportunity to apply to international financial institutions for borrowing the needed circulating capital. At an advice of the Ministry of Economy, we announced the international contest for choosing a financial adviser. The winner of the contest was PRI, Inc. company from USA. It assisted us considerably in entering the international scene, perceiving the business crediting conditions, learning to deal with banks and so on. In February 1997, „Maþeikiø nafta“ was the first enterprise of the post-Soviet space having issued an emission of Eurobonds. Up to now, I am surprised that the bank put trust in us and we convinced it of our ability to buy oil self-dependently, to process it, then sell the products and repay the money to the bank. In the said period, the price of oil was less than 10 USD/barrel and we borrowed USD70 million. BiL And then privatization started... V. Petroðienë: When the activities of the enterprise became stable, the Government of the state decided to privatize it and began searching for a strategic investor. By the way, the whole epopee of privatization bound with „Williams International“ is well-known to everybody from mass media. „Williams“ “inserted” us into the frame of an international company of the western type. Abundant essential changes, in particular, in the sphere of business management, took place. Then each change of shareholders caused our improvement only.

Our Company is very dynamic; we always meet new challenges and search for new decisions. In addition, I learned (and learn at present) much here from managers, colleagues and business partners thus acquiring all-round experience, including international. Within 25-year period, we have changed amazingly. When I came here as an ordinary engineer, my only working tools were a fountain-pen and a sheet of paper. Computers caused major changes of our activities; simultaneously, changes of business management and accounting system took place. On the one part, we acted according to the requirements of the management team and the shareholders; on the other part, we’d not be capable to carry out those tasks in absence of talent employees using their personal time and every effort for searching the best decisions. BiL As I understood you put trust in the bright future of the enterprise? Beyond any doubt. Unless a menace of a worldwide energetic beachhead causing a replacement of the today vehicle fuel for anything else would appear. I can state that the investments in the enterprise within two late years were much more, as compared to a long prior period. And the technical condition of the enterprise was considerably improved. In addition, important projects are planned both for the current year and the year 2010. THE PRODUCTS OF „ORLEN LIETUVA“ INCLUDE: • lead-free petrol 98 and 95; • petrol with multifunctional additions „Verva“; • summer and winter dieseline; • dieseline with multifunctional additions „Verva“; • boiler fuel; • reactive fuel JET A-1; • liquefied gas for vehicles and housekeeping; • bitumen for roads, roofs and construction works; • elemental sulfur.

BiL Did you ever think about a change of the job? This job is very responsible. In particular when shareholders are changed, you are obliged to provide financial statements and to answer, probably, all questions put by members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Observers as well as shareholders. Nevertheless, I always answered the question about a change of the job to myself: “I do not know any enterprise in Lithuania where the activities would be more interesting”. 66 |

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Photos from the archive of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University at the Turn of the Millennium

THE MILLENNIUM OF THE FIRST WRITTEN MENTION OF THE NAME OF LITHUANIA is a holiday of the whole nation. It is a crown of the coactivity, creative work and gunfight of Lithuanian men and women of all generations for the Homeland, its freedom, its truth as well as for a renovation of its historical memory now and here, in the lands of Jatvingians, Sudovians, Upland Lithuanians and Samogitians. The Millennium crown for the Homeland is a product of historical conservation of the memory and cultural force of the nation. On the celebration of the Millennium of the name of Lithuania, we perceive the cost of our freedom and the joy of renovation felt while living in Lithuania, being respectable citizens of Lithuania having chosen a right way and recognized as contributors to European concord. „Sapere aude“ – strive for wisdom – such inscription is found in the symbol of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. It is the motto of our community as well. Not without reason, our University was provided with glorious name of Gediminas, the Grand Duke of Lithuania. Namely Gediminas turned the policy of the country towards the West perceiving that technical and economical progress of a state can be achieved by learning and cooperation only. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University follows this attitude up today: it actively integrates itself in the space of European studies and science, trains professionals required for a development of the country, such as architects, civil engineers, specialists in transport engineering, environmental protection, road building, electronic engineering, informatics as well as managers and so on. I think an enterprise where no graduate of our University is engaged cannot be found in Lithuania. Hereby I congratulate the people of Lithuania on occasion of the Millennium of the name of Lithuania and wish the engineering studies to play a more important role in the new millennium and to remain a basis for economical development of the state.


he said higher technical school was established in Vilnius in the year 1956 as the Evening Department of Kaunas Polytechnical Institute; in the year 1961, it was reorganized into Kaunas Polytechnical Institute Vilnius Branch with the Full-time and Evening Departments. In the year 1969, Vilnius Branch was reorganized into the independent higher school – Vilnius Civil Engineering Institute; in the year 1990, the latter was named Vilnius Technical University and in 1996, Seimas of Republic of Lithuania provided the name of Gediminas, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, to the University. Within 53-year period of its activities, this Vilnius higher technical school always strived to progress as well as to qualitative

and quantitative growing. At present, the number of students of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University amounts to between eleven and nineteen thousand, it is the third national university in respect of the number of students. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University is a leader among higher schools according the employment level of its graduates; in addition, many graduates of the University achieve excellent results in science and almost annually some of them are awarded with national prizes in science. Impressive achievements of them took place in various spheres of their activities, such as international studies, involvement in various international programmes, creative works of architects and so on. While looking at the past of the school it may

Professor ROMUALDAS GINEVIÈIUS, the Rector of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

be concluded that the decision on establishing the higher technical school in Vilnius was strategically reasonable and well-timed both in respect of satisfaction the needs in professionals and making the capital of Lithuania as well as Vilnius Region more Lithuanian. The result of those devoted and persistent activities is Vilnius Gediminas Technical University – the dream of the prewar technical intelligentsia. At the said Vilnius higher technical school, first of all, technical sciences were developed. Professionals in building mechanics, building constructions, dynamics of mechanical systems and electronics distinguished themselves for particularly notable achievements. Later, research works in fundamental sciences (mathematics, chemistry,

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and physics) were started. Abundant applied scientific works (very beneficial for the country) were carried out as well. At Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, over 600 scientists conferred with a scientific degree and 200 other researchers are engaged. They include 80 professors and habilitated doctors. It is a powerful scientific potential and its power is proved by the increasing number of ordered scientific works and participation in international projects. We have over a quarter of thousand persons maintaining a doctor’s thesis and 30-40 scientific doctor’s theses are defended annually. A majority of them are bound with technological sciences; however, there are theses in fundamental sciences (mathematics and physics) as well as in social sciences and the humanities at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU). At present, the University is entitled to confer a doctor’s degree in 15 branches of science. One of the key indicators of the activities of a scientist is scientific publications of such a scientist, in particular, in editions referred in the database of USA Institute of Scientific Information ISI Web of Science. The number of such publications of scientists of VGTU increases considerably from year to year. In addition, scientists of VGTU publish 15 own international and regional scientific magazines and 7 of them are referred in the database of ISI Web of Science. This indicator is the fourth among all European universities. Studies at technical universities are not easy. For a majority of the first- and second-year students, most problematic study subjects are higher mathematics, physics and chemistry. Only hard work is a gate to success in

Railway Management building – the second premises of KPI Vilnius Branch

striving to be a competitive professional. The quality of training future professionals depends considerably on the qualification and pedagogical talent of their lecturers. A higher level of lecturing is predetermined by the intensity of the scientific activities of the lecturer, the works on probation, the opportunities of using sources of updated information, such as scientific references and internet. Lecturers should be experiences in the activities of an engineer or a businessman. Pedagogical mastership of a lecturer is of a very high importance as well.

The first premises of KPI Vilnius Branch in J. Basanavicius Str. 28

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A personal contact with a skillful scientist (being simultaneously an experienced and honest lecturer) causes perception of the importance of the activities of an engineer or a businessman as well as the fascination (and sometimes even romantics) of the profession by the future graduate, not only aspiration for scientific knowledge. At Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, many excellent lecturers distinguishing themselves for honorable scientific reputation, didactic wisdom and honest work are engaged. They form a majority of the academic community of the University and their students turn into good professionals and sage citizens. VGTU library is one of the most updated academic libraries. This year, its Director was recognized the best head of library in Lithuania. The library and its reading-rooms are situated in the Campus, so are very popular among students. In the year 2007, VGTU library established an internet reading-room with 12 computerized workplaces (operating round the clock) – it was the first reading-room of such a type in the country. In addition to its principal activities, the library is the center of culture and arts. In the year 2005, the Art Gallery “A” (the first in the Saulëtekis Campus) was opened at the library; expositions and conversaziones are arranged there on a regular basis. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University pays a considerable attention to spiritual

education of its students. It is impossible to simulate a thoroughbred person. Only a well-educated and spiritually rich person is a real intellectual. The professoriate of VGTU strives to develop moral attitudes, respect to honest work and culture in the students. In this sphere, an important role is also played by the mixed choir „Gabija“, the folk ensemble „Vingis“ and the theatre studio „Palëpë“. Within the whole history of the higher school since the year 1956, total 55763 graduates, including 45943 engineers and bachelors as well as 9820 masters completed their studies at the University. A majority of them were Lithuanians employed later in Vilnius and Vilnius Region. They caused a positive impact on making the Region “more” Lithuanian. Graduates of VGTU work everywhere throughout the country. A majority of them are honest and skillful professionals; many of them hold high positions in state governing institutions or the spheres of manufacture and business or are famous for excellent achievements in science. Some graduates of VGTU held the post of the Prime Minister of Republic of Lithuania and the post of the Chairman of Seimas of Republic of Lithuania, were chairpersons of committees of Seimas or ordinary members of it; many of them were and are ministers, vice-ministers or heads of large business enterprises. Four lecturers and graduates of VGTU were elected to the post of Mayor of Vilnius. On 22 June, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University started the graduation ceremony. Each academic year is crowned with it, so we can see the results of our activities. This year, on occasion of the Millennium of the name of Lithuania, the number of our graduates was the maximum, i.e. 3349 graduates, including 2417 bachelors and engineers as well as 932 masters. According to the new Law on Studies, 1980 first-year students were invited for tuitionfree studies in the academic year 2009/2010. VGTU is the second among all Lithuanian universities according to the number of the obtained “study baskets”. Lecturers, scientists, employees and students of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University understand that the way of Lithuania

to a better life is laid by science, studies, aspiration to knowledge and the perception that the future of a state having no rich natural resources is based on the knowledge society. Because of this, VGTU supported the idea of the formation of European space for higher education initiated by Bologna Declaration and contributes to its implementation in Lithuania. VGTU was the first university in Lithuania and one of the first European universities where three stages of studies, i.e. the bachelor’s studies, the master’s studies and the doctor’s studies, were

introduced. Our University is a leader in international lecturers and students exchange projects. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University is open to the world; the number of students from foreign states increases at the University from year to year. In all times, members of the community of science and culture were among those who formed Lithuania – the Nation and the State. Only a well-educated nation can be strong – this principle is followed in the activities of a majority of personalities of Lithuanian community of science and culture.

„New York“ in Sauletekio ave

Visualization of VGTU buildings complex

Folk ensemble „Vingis“

Diploma ceremony

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VMU student ID (1937)

A FREE UNIVERSITY FOR A FREE LITHUANIA The university embodies a nation‘s progress, advancement, and creative thought. Thus when on February 16, 1918 Lithuanians declared their political independence and began creating their state institutions, the scholars among them saw the establishment of a Lithuanian university as one of the most important tasks ahead. And when in 1919 Lithuania lost its historical capital Vilnius, it fell upon the second-largest city, Kaunas, to serve as the country‘s political, economic, and cultural center for the next twenty years. It was here that Lithuania‘s intellectuals first organized a Program of Higher Education that gave rise to the university. Later, in

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This year Lithuania celebrates the millennium of the first mention of the name – it comes to us in the story about St. Bruno’s mission in 1009. Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) commemorates 50 times smaller, but not even half less important date – 20th Anniversary of the reestablishment of the university. VMU, established in 1922, closed in 1950, and re-established in 1989, from the first steps cherished liberal ideas, and harmonious intercourse between academics and students, fostered innovative ideas as well as a new approach towards science and culture. response to the growing demand for a publicly financed, fully-fledged university, the Program of Higher Studies was reorganized, broadened, and designated as the University of Lithuania on February 16, 1922. This is considered to be the University‘s official founding day. On June 7, 1930, in commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the death of Ancient Lithuania‘s most popular leader, Grand Duke Vytautas the Great, the University of Lithuania was renamed Vytautas Magnus University. From the very beginning, the University was a dynamic and largely self-governing institution of higher learning. Its statute allowed it a high degree of autonomy. As an independent institution of the Lithuanian state, it was fully funded by the latter and only formally

subject to the Ministry of Education. During the entire interwar period of national independence, it was a vitally important center of Lithuanian cultural, scholarly, and civic life as well as a fountain of modern intellectual thought. Most of the country‘s political and cultural leaders were associated with it, either as teachers or as students. For example, the country‘s first and third president, Antanas Smetona, was an occasional associate professor in the Humanities Faculty; and the list of famous professors included Jonas Maèiulis-Maironis, Juozas Tumas-Vaiþgantas, Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas, Vincas Krëvë-Mickevièius, Balys Sruoga, Pranas Dovydaitis, Mykolas Römeris, Petras Leonas, Mykolas Birþiðka, Vaclovas Birþiðka, Viktoras Birþiðka, Stasys Ðalkauskis, Tadas

Photos from the archive of Vytautas Magnus University

Higher Studies Program Building, now Maironis Gymnasium, Kaunas

Ivanauskas, Kazimieras Bûga, Jonas Jablonskis, to mention several of the most important Lithuanians. This list of native professors was complemented by a distinguished roster of foreigners, including the Swiss linguist Alfred Senn, the Swiss literary scholar Joseph Ehret, the Latvian-German ethnographer Eduards Volters, the German born German professor Horst Engert, the French-born English instructor Raymond Schmittlein, the Nordic multinational philosopher Vasily Sesemann , and the Russian cultural historian Lev Karsavin. All of these foreign-born scholars as well as those born in Lithuania had received their own education at non-Lithuanian universities, usually in Germany, Switzerland, France, and/or Russia, thus giving VMU a truly international flavor. It did not take long for VMU to educate dozens of students who soon became leaders of Lithuanian public and cultural life, both in the country itself and later in exile. A short list of them would include the historians Adolfas Ðapoka, Zenonas Ivinskis, Juozas Jakðtas, and Vincas Trumpa; the philosophers Antanas Maceina and Juozas Girnius; the economist Domas Cesevièius; and the writers Salomëja Neris, Bernardas Brazdþionis, Antanas Vaièiulaitis, Kazys Boruta, Antanas Gustaitis, Jonas Aistis, Antanas Miðkinis, Henrikas Nagys, Juozas Gruðas, Antanas Ðkëma, Vytautas Maèernis, and Henrikas Radauskas. The interwar VMU was unique in its spirit of intellectual liberty; the lively interaction among its faculty and students; and its varied and vigorous community life. During nearly two decades of independence between both world wars, VMU had seven rectors and

produced 3,790 graduates. In 1922, it had 1,168 students taught by 102 teachers; in 1931, there were 4,475 students instructed by 220 teachers, the latter number growing to 490 by 1937. LOOSING FREEDOM, BUT KEEPING HOPE ALIVE When in October 1939 Lithuania regained control of its ancient capital, Vilnius, both the government and the scholars set about resuscitating the ancient University of Vilnius (which from 1921 to 1939 had functioned as the Polish Stephen Bathory University). Meanwhile, the summer of 1940 saw the occupation of Lithuania by the Soviet Union, i.e. the replacement of Lithuania‘s semi-democratic national independence with a Communist Russian-controlled dictatorship. This resulted in the closing of the several faculties. The students, however, did not disband; most of them joined the underground; some helped organize the 1941 June Revolt against the Soviets and persisted in it; and some students and professors took positions in the 1941 Provisional Government. VMU renewed its operations when the Nazis were replaced by the returning Soviets in the fall of 1944; two years later, the latter again named it Kaunas University. Many students joined the anti-Soviet resistance, taking up leadership positions in the forces that fought a hopeless guerilla war against the Communists from 1945 to 1952. In 1950, the University was shut down by the Soviets for good and remained so for nearly 40 years. The Soviet occupation regime tried to transform Kaunas into a closed industrial city de-

voted at best to the technological, medical, and agricultural sciences and bereft entirely of the social sciences, the humanities, the theology, and the philosophy in which the nation‘s historical memory and the traditions of a free university had been embodied. These traditions were nurtured and fostered in exile. As World II drew to a close and the second Soviet occupation approached, the greater part of Lithuania‘s academia fled to the West. While living largely in displacedpersons camps, the erstwhile professors and students reconstituted their former corporations or created new academic societies as they hoped to return to VMU in a liberated Lithuania. Eventually, with the hardening of the divide between the democratic West and the Communist East and the intensification of the Cold War, the displaced persons‘ dreams of returning to a freed Lithuania evaporated; yet the academic exile community never forgot its commitment to keep the spirit of a Lithuanian university alive. THE UNIVERSITY REBORN When in the late 1980s winds of change began blowing in the Soviet Union and thereby reawakening hopes of Lithuanian freedom, the U.S.- based World Lithuanian Symposia of Science and Creativity, which starting in 1989 joined scholars from both sides of the crumbling Iron Curtain, were especially significant in stimulating the efforts that ultimately led toward the resuscitation of VMU.

After awarding the Honorary Doctor‘s title to President Valdas Adamkus. From the left: Prof. Bronius Vaðkelis, Dr. Valdas Adamkus, Prof. Algirdas Aviþienis (2002).

In 1989, VMU became the first autonomous institution of higher education not only in Lithuania but in what then still was the Soviet Union as a whole. The date when

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VMU got off to a flying start as the first autonomous University is a significant event not only for Kaunas, but also for the whole Lithuania. ‘The university had to start totally from scratch; however, the community then was very enthusiastic. Young people, despite the risk demonstrated their faith and devotion to the idea of reestablishment, at that time, the sense of community was very strong, people felt as a part of a strong dynamic movement. And that is still felt now’, Rector of Vytautas Magnus University prof. Zigmas Lydeka says. THE UNIVERSITY’S PRESENT Even though two decades, if compared to the millennium, may seem a short period of time, the young University strived to explore every possible avenue that is the reason why nowadays members of VMU community take pride in being a part of the university and having the opportunity to contribute to its development. Nowadays the University is an integral part of the celebrating state and together with all Lithuania commemorates the millennium of the first mention of the name. The feeling of an importance of the millennium is inwoven everywhere: in speeches of honorable academics, in students’ discourse and even in official documents – diplomas.

Students who graduated this year were amazed to learn that they have exclusive diplomas, marked with a special sign of the millennium. As of 2009, VMU has ten faculties: Humanities, Economics and Management, Informatics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Catholic Theology, Arts, Social Welfare, Political Science and Diplomacy and Law. Together they offer more than 70 bachelor and master‘s degree programs as well as 16 doctoral programs. The VMU academic community now consists of more than 9,000 students taught by 550 scholars who since the university‘s reestablishment have brought forth 23,000 alumni. Just like twenty years ago, the reestablishment of a free university in a free Lithuania seemed difficult if not outright impossible, so today VMU is nothing if not ambitious in looking forward to a time when it is not only a modern, but also a leading institution of higher education that actively participates in the life of world-class universities. Vytautas Magnus University has set itself the task of putting people and their personal dignity first, which entails recognition of their achievements and individuality; showing openness to, and toleration of, various cultures and worldviews; achieving leadership positions in research and teaching of the humanities, social sciences,

VMU celebrates the millennium of the first mention of Lithuania by staying an active partner with foreign institutions and constructive a positive image of the country. Recognizing the paramount importance of international academic relations, VMU has signed cooperation agreements with more than 80 universities abroad. It has membership in various international associations and is an individual full member of the European University Association.

physical sciences, and biomedicine; developing international networks and intercultural communications; fostering international studies in the Lithuanian language; becoming relevant to challenges facing world universities; and promoting novel research and modern teaching. Extracts from the album “Vytautas Magnus University: Memory, People and Ideas”

The University is proud of creative and enthusiastic community – students and academics who feel free to communicate as of equal status what allows to cooperate and not only share what they know but also generate new knowledge

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Students who graduated this year were amazed to get exclusive diplomas, marked with a special sign of the millennium

Company AUKMERGËS BALDAI is an enterprise successfully developing its activities for many years. Its production is presented by modern design furniture of original style. The furniture is produced of high-quality natural solid wood blanks, such as oak or birch veneered with veneer of valuable species. The enterprise uses advanced technologies and the best finishing materials; the contribution of high-qualification staff and manual works of creative masters is of a great importance as well. The assortment includes sets of furniture for a bedroom, a dining-room and a living room as well as other products. The sets of furniture distinguish themselves for individually expressive stylistics; in addition, each product is durable and serves for many years. MANDERVILLE furniture. The raw material: skillfully dried solid birch blanks of the top grade. The surface of the product is a subject of artificial ageing, then it is painted and varnished; handmade retro style metal handles decorate the product.

AUKMERGËS BALDAI UAB AUKMERGËS BALDAI Kareiviniø g. 51 A, Ukmergë Tel. +370 340 65360 El.p.

High-quality living room furniture of original stylistics are well-known in markets of foreign states, such as Great Britain, Sweden, Holland and so on. Enterprise AUKMERGËS BALDAI was highly-rated exporter of furniture: its activities were nominated in the contest “Lithuanian Exporter of the Year 2008” arranged by Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists



RIMA RAKAUSKIENË, the Deputy Mayor of Alytus Municipality



Alytus Municipality recognizes that the strategic plan for the City development up to the year 2015 is being corrected; however, the ambition to preserve the status of the center of South Lithuania region remains. So, we strive to increase the competitiveness of the regional center, to use better the available potential, to form attractive living media for the population and favorable conditions for business development. Hereinafter, we discuss upon the above-mentioned issues with RIMA RAKAUSKIENË, the Deputy Mayor of Alytus Municipality. 76 |

Photos from the archive of Alytus Municipality

BiL Dear Deputy Mayor, you are a representative of the generation that grew and matured upon the formation of the Soviet world outlook. How you succeeded to keep firm rightists’ creed and to remain faithful to your attitude? It was predetermined by my gnoseological roots: both my grandfathers were Lithuanian Riflemen. When my mother was nine years old, their family was exiled to Siberia. In early summer of the year 1945, my father joined the partisan squad ,,Ðarûnas“ (“Dainava” district of the Union of Lithuanian Freedom Fighters). In October 1946, he was arrested and sentenced for imprisonment in Komi concentration camps by “the court of three judges”. I was born in Ukhta City. My parents were not allowed to come back to Lithuania, so I was brought to the homeland alone in 1965 for frequenting a Lithuanian school. Abundant members of our kin were exiled or left for the West. Undoubtedly, my world outlook and my politic attitude

were formed by the media of the family where love of the homeland, Lithuanian spirit and traditions as well as inviolability of property were the key priorities. My life was successful. I met good teachers and friends both at the secondary school and the higher school. There were abundant like-minded persons among them. BiL You are a well-known politician in Alytus and you hold a responsible position in the Municipality. What spheres do you care about, what can you do for a benefit of the population and what tasks are of paramount importance for you today? My tasks include formation of the image of the City, care about development of investment projects and coordination of their implementation, coordination of activities of public organizations, extension of international contacts and coordination of cooperation, formation of sociality and public spirit of the population, substitution of the Mayor and working in other

spheres of activities by order of the Mayor. All above-listed tasks are interrelated and they contribute to formation of the image of the City. A considerable share of our joint activities with Mayor Èeslovas Daugëla is related to development and implementation of investment projects. Within two nearest years, we’d use the amount of 200 million Litas from EU Structural Funds in Alytus. It will be an important support for implementing abundant projects, such as reconstruction of the center of the City, putting public spaces of the oldest residential area ,,Dainava“ in good order, street laying, arranging walkways and cycleways, putting in order the total infrastructure as well as the Industrial Park and 3 industrial zones seeking to form favorable conditions for development of industry and business. International relations are of a great importance as well. Alytus Municipality had signed already protocols of intentions and agreements on cooperation with 14 City Partners.

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Young and modern Alytus

BiL How can you describe the relations between the Municipality and business? Some persons think that Alytus can turn into a resort, if it looses the position of the industrial center of South Lithuania. So, what direction should it choose? In my opinion, the strategic plan for the City development up to the year 2015 should be corrected because Alytus strives to remain the regional center of South Lithuania and should remain such. Our paramount task is increasing the enterprising activity of the population of territory governed by Alytus Municipality (that is insufficient at present) and the investment attractiveness of the City, to ensure a better using the investment potential of public areas and industrial territories of Alytus. Attractive living environment would suspend workforce supply decreasing caused by migration and recession of economy. At present, a majority of small and medium-size business enterprises are situated at the industrial zones (Naujoji, Kepyklos and PramonĂŤs Streets); however, there are free areas fit for establishing new enterprises. 26 plots (from 0.7 to 4.6 hectares) in Alytus Industrial Park usable for investing and manufacturing activities are offered for local and foreign investors. In fact, the activities in industry and business are regulated by higher au-

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The average age of residents varies between 30 and 44 years.

thorities, not by self-governing institutions; however, Alytus Municipality has planned some measures for facilitation the activities of businessmen and looks for new opportunities in this sphere. This year, funds for supporting small and medium-size business were planned in the budget of the Municipality. They will enable to provide a considerable support and privileges to very small, small and medium-size enterprises, to assist business enterprises in searching for business partners and entering international relations, to arrange training of managers and employees. In addition, they are encouraged to use funds from European Union Structural Funds. If an enterprise takes on lease a new plot of land in the Industrial Park and invests at least EUR 1 million per hectare in construction & equipment of a new building for business-related purposes, the Municipality shall exempt it from paying the Land Leasing Tax and Real Estate Tax for 3-year period and reduce the said Taxes by 50% for the next 5-year period. BiL Does the community support the activities of the Municipality? It should be recognized that residents of Alytus became more proactive. For example, the community of Druskininkø Street supported our initiatives by the

own funds. Care of the City from the side of its population facilitates the activities of the Management Team of the Municipality. We are glad to see children and adults involved in various actions and feasts or joined to supporting teams hereof on the own initiative. BiL While visiting foreign states, you have an opportunity to compare Alytus with other cities. What facts related to Alytus rejoice you mostly – as a human and as one of the members of the Management Team of the Municipality? The population of Alytus lives in the open country, in the City decorated with picturesque forests and green hills surrounded by 16 km the Nemunas Loop. I think no other industrial city of our country enjoys such a natural media. Over 30 percent of the territory of the City is covered by forests and parks. Alytus is often described as a city in a park. The original Youth Park attracts visitors by metal plastic sculptures. There are playgrounds for children, sports grounds and cycleways. We are also glad to know that Alytus is one of the youngest cities of Lithuania in respect of the age of its population. The average age of its inhabitants varies between 30 and 44 years.

In summer, abundant visitors come to the town

BiL The geographical situation of Alytus is favorable. It is a real advantage. According to the Lithuania and Poland Neighbourhood Programme, 22 projects were implemented by the Municipality within four last years, technical documentation for improving the tourism infrastructure and arranging the industrial zones had been developed. At present, implementing the projects is being continued. In the plan of the measures for implementing the Investment Programme of Complex Development of the City for the Period 2008-2013, renovation of the facilities of recreation zones is foreseen. The planned works include putting the territory from the City Park to Alytus Mound, Alytus Stadium with the surrounding territory, the Didþioji Dailidë Lake, Alytus Mound with its approaches, the historic Pirmojo Alytaus Square and so on in good order and their adapting for recreation. The works will be financed by funds from the European Union Struc-

tural Funds, the budget of the Municipality and the state budget. Alytus Municipality is particularly stirring in its endeavour related to extension of sports bases and encouraging the healthiness activities of the population. Today not only sportsmen of our City enjoy the new swimming-pool that conforms to the Olympic standards. Various national and international contests are often held there. At present, it is the best swimming-pool in Lithuania. The old stadium (built as early as in the year 1924) is being reconstructed as well and about 30 million Litas will be invested in its reconstruction. Reconstruction of the Sports Palace was started too striving to ensure an excellent arena for the European Basketball Championship in 2011. The Palace will contain five and half thousand onlookers. We look forward for investors of the sector of hotels and restaurants. BiL In June, Alytus celebrated 632-year anniversary of its foundation and 428-year anniversary of the Magdeburg rights provision to it. This year, the feast ,,Alytus – tai mes!“ /”Alytus is we!”) was devoted to the Millennium of the first written mention of Lithuania in the world context. The birthday of the City was organized at the expense of sponsors only. Many respectable guests came to Alytus feast. They included delegations from Twin Cities, cooperation partners from various lands and representatives of the diplomatic corps. Sociality, cohesion and love of own City expressed themselves in inventively arranged events of the feast: concerts were delivered by local youth groups as well as by musicians and singers, native of Alytus, not “costly” performers. One of the most pleasant events was the action “White Roses for the City. Let’s Come and Stay Here”, arranged by the Former Alytus Residents Club from Vilnius at the old City Garden. Representatives of business enterprises

arranged the exhibition ,,Business for the City“ and its Inhabitants. At the exhibition, services and production of 56 enterprises were exposed. In Alytus, the dress rehearsal of the Millennium Song and Dance Festival of World Lithuanians was arranged: over 500 participants delivered the concert programme of groups ,,Metai“ /”Years”/. BiL On occasion of the Millennium of the first written mention of Lithuania in the world context, you became the godmother of ,,Dzûkas“ ship. Is this event important for Alytus and what expectations does it cause? We live in our pine forests and can see the sea in summer only. However, as all Lithuanians, we are proud of the fact that Lithuania is a naval power. We are very glad to get to know the decision of the Navy on providing names of Lithuanian regions to warships. It means that all the country is involved in protection of the borders at the seaside. On 23 February of the current year, Lithuanian Navy (LN) arranged a solemn ceremony of inauguration of the new spyboat P12 and the name granting to it in Klaipëda Seaport. I was provided a great honor to become the godmother of ,,Dzûkas“ ship. It is as if a symbolic opportunity for Alytus to become more opened to the world, making more widely known its people and their activities, not only the production of the City. The Municipality signed the Agreement on Cooperation with the crew of ,,Dzûkas“ ship and assented to the request of naval captain Oleg Marinich, the Commander of the Navy, on using the emblem of Alytus City as the symbol of the ship and the flag of Alytus City as a symbolic flag of P 12 ,,Dzûkas“ ship. Other traditions are being formed as well. For example, the Brass Band of the Navy from Klaipëda took part in the International Brass Band Festival ,,Dainavos fanfaros“ /”Dainava Fanfares”/ arranged during the City Day this year. I hope residents of Alytus will visit ,,Dzûkas“ ship while their staying in Klaipëda.

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Kaunas University of Medicine together with the University Hospital represents the largest specialized integrated structure in medical education, research and clinical practice in Lithuania. Its study and research traditions go back to 1919, when the Higher Medical Courses were established, which developed into the Faculty of Medicine of Kaunas University in 1922. Later on in 1950, the Faculty of Medicine was transformed into Kaunas Medical Institute, which in its turn was reorganized into Kaunas Medical Academy in 1989. And finally in 1998, Kaunas Medical Academy by the decision of Lithuanian Parliament was renamed into Kaunas University of Medicine.

More than 5000 students including foreign students from 30 countries are enrolled in Kaunas University of Medicine study programmes

Kaunas University of Medicine consists of five faculties - Medicine, Odontology, Pharmacy, Nursing and Public Health - the University Hospital, Hospital of Oncology and four research institutes - Biomedical Research, Endocrinology, Cardiology, and Psychophysiology and Rehabilitation. The University Library, Information Technolo-

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gies Centre, Distance Learning Centre, several museums, University Pharmacy and many other facilities for the students and staff complete the above structure. Kaunas University of Medicine together with its Hospital is one of the largest employers in the whole country. The number of different level staff working in various University

subdivisions is approximately 7500. More than 5000 students are enrolled in various study programmes. Starting with 1990, Kaunas University of Medicine is Alma Mater not just for Lithuanian health professionals but for many international students - currently nearly 300 full-time foreign students from 30 countries are studying here.

Photos from the archive of Kaunas University of Medicine

Kaunas University of Medicine Hospital

Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine is the largest health care institution in Lithuania providing tertiary specialized health care services. Starting its activity in 1940, the Hospital became one of the modernest hospitals in the Country. More than 1400 highly qualified doctors and about 2400 nursing staff professionals take care of society’s health. Up to 2000 inpatients may undergo treatment in the inpatient departments at a time. In 2008, almost 89,000 patients underwent treatment in 34 specialized inpatient departments, with almost 59,000 patients being operated. The 15 ambulatory departments (polyclinics) are situated in 15 buildings. The scientific activities performed at the base of the University Hospital enables the practical usage of the progressive, scientifically proven, innovative methods of diagnostics and treatment. All-level consecutive and successive medical studies and scientific researches are performed at the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine. The doctors of the Hospital – professors, associated professors and assistants – actively participate not only at Lithuanian, but also at the international congresses and conferences. They successfully use the acquired knowledge and experience to introduce more innovative and more progressive methods of treatment and diagnostics meeting the global standards. Over the recent years, the profile of surgery at Kaunas University of Medicine Hospital has become the national centre of surgery in Lithuania. Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine is open

for people from all over Lithuania as well as other EU Member States, and the patients admitted can be sure they receive here quality care and best treatment. The international collaboration is highly valued and has a long-lasting tradition in the University. The University maintains close international connections and has nearly 100 international cooperation agreements with European, American and Asian universities and international organizations, which cover student and staff exchange Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP)/Erasmus programme as well as intensive cooperation in health research. The University is a member of numerous international organizations, such as European University Association (EUA), Association of Schools of Public Health in The European Region (ASPHER), Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE), Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), Baltic Sea Region University Network (BSRUN), Organisation for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System (ORPHEUS), etc. Kaunas University of Medicine is also World Health Organization collaborating centre for Research and Training in the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases. There is strong belief that Kaunas University of Medicine is well positioned to effectively use the support from EU Structural Funds. Several projects have been prepared and submitted for this purpose. One of those is aimed at the establishment of the modern scientific and aca-

Library of Kaunas University of Medicine provides information in all areas of biomedicine and health care

Museum of the History of Lithuanian Medicine and Pharmacy presents and preserves the rich history of pharmacy and healthcare

demic centre as integral structure for the Faculty of Pharmacy, which was submitted and financed (~15 million Euros) by European Regional Development Fund. These projects are aimed at the human resource development through the improvement of study processes, to warrant the highest standards of health care, to increase teachers’ and health professionals’ qualification, as well as modernization of basis for teaching, research and health care. University is actively searching for the partners among Institutions in all EU countries that would help to accomplish these and other ambitious projects, and is open for variety of international cooperation and initiatives in many areas of research, teaching and medical practice. The mission of today’s University is to contribute to the development of healthy and educated society providing stimulating and creative environment for the students and the staff covering faculty members, researchers, health care professionals and at the same time being open to the entire society.

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n historical sources, the first reference to Rokiðkis is found in the Privilege for Gregory Astika signed by Alexander Jagiellon, the Duke of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and later the King of Poland, on 21 September 1499. In the 20s of the 16th century, Rokiðkis was governed by dukes Kroszinski. In the second half of the 17th century, counts Tyzenhaus settled in Rokiðkis and since the late 19th century – the offspring of Pszezdziecki kinsfolk resided there. The period when Rokiðkis region was governed by counts Tyzenhaus remained particularly conspicuous imprints. They built the new palace in the mansion-house, designed the classicism-style center of Rokiðkis and transferred their residence from Postavy (Byelorussia) to Rokiðkis. They promoted development of manufacture, trade, agriculture. The town grew rapidly. On an initiative of counts Tyzenhaus, the neo-Gothic St Matthew Church (by the way, the most beautiful in Lithuania) was constructed in Rokiðkis. The railway built close to Rokiðkis in the year 1873 accelerated development of the region. After proclaiming the restoration of an independent State of Lithuania, residents of Rokiðkis were active players in the political life of the country as well. Three of twelve Prime Ministers of Republic of Lithuania in the interwar period were from Rokiðkis region. They were Antanas Tumënas, Juozas Tûbelis and Vladas Mironas. By the way, Vladas Mironas was a signatory of the Act of Independence of Lithuania, as of 16 February 1918. In memory of that period, the Monument of Independence by sculptor Robertas Antinis (Senior) was built in

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The Museum (mansion-house) in Rokiðkis Region

Rokiðkis in 1931. Residents of Rokiðkis were active players of the activities of Sàjûdis as well. After restoration of Independence, Rokiðkis became the center of the county. This circumstance positively impacted further development of the region and the town. The Old Town, the Independence Square and the palace of the mansion-house were restored; Lionginas Ðepka Park was established. Rokiðkis region is not only an industrial zone; it turns into an attractive center of tourism as well.

Photos from the archive of "Gimtasis Rokiðkis"

Rokiðkis St. Matthew Church in the square of the town

All forests of Lithuania distinguish themselves for original beauty and attractiveness. Pine and juniper forests with odour of mushrooms in Dzûkija, ash and oak forests in Middle Lithuania, tenebrous and mysterious fir forests admixed with birches or black alders in Samogitia – all of them are wonderful. The landscape of hilly Aukðtaitija attracts by blue lakes with birches, firs and pines around them. One of the place of attraction is Rokiðkis Stewardship, where the Ðventoji, the Kriauna, the Nemunëlis, the Vyþuona and other rivers meander, where the Sartai, the Petroðiðkis, the Obeliai, the Bedugnë, the Ignotiðkis, the Vyþuonos and other lakes lie, where brave heroes defended hill-forts against invaders, where grandparents told legends to their grandchildren and instructed them to love the forest that accompanies a human from the cradle to the grave.

Steward Rimantas Kapuðinskas at the memorial stone of the forest planted on occasion of the Millennium of the Name of Lithuania

HISTORY OF THE STEWARDSHIP „Lietuvos miðkø metraðtis“ /”The Chronicle of Lithuanian Forests”/ mentions that 18 forest stewardships, including Rokiðkis Stewardship, existed in Lithuania in the year 1919. However, Rokiðkis Stewardship in fact was formed in 1920 of former private forests, owned by the Pszezdziecki kinsfolk (11000

hectare), Komaras kinsfolk (1300 hectare), Krasnickienë (1300 hectare) and Komarowski (800 hectare). In that period, stateowned forests were presented by about one tenth part of the territory of the Stewardship. The Administration of the Stewardship was situated in Vyþuonos.

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Ðaltiniai su besiformuojanèiais tufais yra saugoma, prioritetinë Europos Bendrijos svarbos buveinë. Tufai – kalkiniø medþiagø nuosëdos, kurios susidaro kieto vandens ðaltiniuose. Per ilgà laikà ðios nuosëdos sudaro korëtus, ávairaus dydþio gabalëlius – tufus. Tokiomis sàlygomis ðaltinio upeliø dugne bei jø pakraðèiuose gali augti tik kalkiamëgiai augalai (kalcifilai), todël èia susiformuoja labai savitos augalø bendrijos, kuriose vyrauja samanos. Ðios buveinës beveik visada nedidelës, apima tik ðaltiniø iðsiliejimo vietas. Springs where sinter is formed are important objects of priority protected by European Community. Sinter is sediment of calcareous substances formed in brackish water springs. Within a long period, the sediment forms spongy pieces of various sizes (sinters). Upon the said conditions, only calciphyle plants (calciphyles) grow on the bottom and banks of rivulets of such springs, so very original plant communities where moss predominates are formed there. Almost usual, such areas are small – they are found in places of spring overflowing only.

Bradesiø àþuolas – prie Bradesiø kaimo Kamajø girininkijoje augantis valstybës saugomas gamtos paminklas. Àþuolo amþius apie 500 metø, aukðtis – 29 m., skersmuo – 1,95 m., apimtis – 6,12 m. Bradesiai oak is a natural state-protected monument in Kamajai Stewardship close to Bradesiai Village. The age of the oak is about 500 years, height – 29 m., diameter – 1.95 m., size – 6.12 m

THE FOREST IN MEMORY OF THE MILLENNIUM OF THE NAME OF LITHUANIA In the year of 2003, foresters of Rokiðkis Stewardship initiated and arranged planting the European Forest. The population of the region supported the initiative. The Forest was dedicated to the Millennium of the name of Lithuania. Steward Rimantas Kapuðinskas cherishes ambitions to give an exclusive name to the forest planted during important national events. R.Kapuðinskas told that “not every generation has an opportunity to celebrate events of an exclusive importance for the state, such as the Millennium of the first mention of its name. Because of this, such date should be marked by objects of long-lasting value. The Millennium Forest will delight many future generations and expectably will exist in the Third Millennium as well. The state granted land for the new forest;

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we planted the forest and gave it the name, because the forest planted on such important occasion should not remain nameless. The stone with the rupestrian name of the Forest is erected already. It is surrounded by ten oaks symbolizing centuries of the millennium passed. Maybe, any of them will become well-known on the European scale like Stelmuþë Oak in Zarasai District that exists for over 1500 years“. In planting the 55.4 hectare mixed Millennium Forest in Kuliai Village of Jûþintai rural district, teachers and schoolchildren of Jûþintai Otto Ðirvydas Secondary School were involved as well. The new Forest grows rapidly and delights everybody.


About 80 percent of all conifer seeds produced in Lithuania are kept in the seed storehouse-cooler of Dubrava ETFE

The seed plantation of 50 silver birches in the greenhouse of Dubrava ETFE isolated from the environmental impact In greenhouses of Dubrava ETFE, selection saplings and seedlings are grown for seed plantations of all forest enterprises of Lithuania


he name of Dubrava Experimental and Training Forest Enterprise (one of the newest Lithuanian enterprises of such a kind) reflects, first of all, its scientific activities; however, usual works are carried out at the Enterprise as well. Annually, on the average 56000 m3 of wood is obtained from forest harvesting and then realized; annual thinning covers over 150 ha; 120 ha of forest is restored and planted out in clearcut areas and lands unused for agriculture. On the average, 2.5 million standard seedlings and saplings of coniferous and deciduous trees of high selection value are grown annually in 52 ha forest nursery of the enterprise. 86 |


CENTENARIAN FORESTS The state-owned Dubrava Experimental and Training Forest Enterprise (Dubrava ETFE) was established in the year 1957 as an educational-experimental base of Lithuanian Forest Institute (LFI) called Dubrava Forest Research Center (Dubrava FRC). Dubrava FRC was formed on the base of Panemunë and Dubrava forest districts (Kaunas Forest Enterprise). Later, Pajiesys and Jiesia forest districts (Prienai Forest Enterprise) as well as Kaèerginë and Kuras forest districts (Kaunas Forest Enterprise) were attached to Dubrava FRC. After the restitution of a part of the forests owned by the forest enterprise to private forest owners, Dubrava ETFE at present administers about 13613 ha of state-owned forests in the 58’000 ha territory (0.68% of the territory of the Lithuania) on the left bank of the Nemunas river. These are small islets of the old sublime forests of Birðtonas, Darsûniðkis, Rumðiðkës and Kaunas. Jurgis Geèys, the first director of Dubrava Forest Research Center (1957 – 1966), took the burden of its establishing in open fields. Steward Kæstutis Ðakûnas manages the activities of Dubrava ETFE since 1998. Although the directors and the status changed, Dubrava Forest Research Center (and later the Forest Enterprise) always remained the principal base for carrying out scientific research works by Lithuanian Forest Institute, for training students from Kaunas College of Forest and Environmental Engineering (KCFEE) and the Faculty of Forestry of Lithuanian University of Agriculture as well as the owners of private forests, for improving qualification of professionals in forestry.

V. Ribikausko nuotr. / Photos: V. Ribikauskas

ELITE SAPLINGS ARE GROWN JJust as other Lithuanian forest enterprises, Dubrava ETFE carries out the usual works bound with forest management activities, such as forest harvesting, restoration and planting, growing saplings, forest tending and thinning; in the area of 400 ha, the works bound with care and maintenance of young stands and implementation of preventative measures against wild animals, forests pests and diseases are carried out. In the 52 ha forest nursery of the Forest Enterprise, about 2.5 million of standard saplings and seedlings of coniferous and deciduous trees of high selection value are grown annually. In these activities, modern technologies are applied and mechanisms for forestry works produced by „Egedal“ company (Denmark) are used. The young trees are used for satisfying the own needs and the needs of other national forest enterprises as well as owners of private forests and lands in forest restoration and planting; a part of them is exported. In addition, saplings of about 200 species and forms of coniferous and deciduous trees, bushes, lianas usable for urban sprouting as well as Christmas trees are being grown in the forest nursery. At the cone shelling department (the most modern and powerful in Lithuania), cones of spruces, pines and larches are being shelled for almost all national forest enterprises as well as for the owners of private forests. About 80 percent of all conifer seeds produced in Lithuania are kept in the seed storehousecooler upon the optimum conditions. The Dubrava ETFE has been working with forest selection and seed breeding since the year 1969. The staff of the Forest Seed Growing and Selection Center under Dubrava FRC reassessed trees of the main species having been selected earlier at forest enterprises and selected new elite species of trees. Hundreds of hectares of Lithuanian forests were singled out for selection and many thousands of young trees were engrafted with grafters from the best pines, spruces, larches, oaks, black alders and other trees in greenhouses of Dubrava Growing Select Seedlings subdivision then the said trees were used while planting select plantations in Dubrava and other forest enterprises of Lithuania. 34.5 ha of forest seeds plantations, 35.4 ha of clone sets, 40.7 ha of forest genetic reservations and 23.3 ha of seed stands were planted; in addition, also 77 elite trees were selected. The staff of the Growing Select Seedlings subdivision established in Dubrava ETFE is engaged in planting and growing select seedlings for all national forest enterprises. The seed plantation of silver birches in the green-

houses of the subdivision isolated from the environmental impact is used for growing birch seeds for seedling of high select value. Any national forest enterprise and owners of private forests as well as foreign tree growers can acquire these seedlings here. Lithuanian repellent G-4 for protecting forest sprouts against cervine animals invented by LFI professor Vytautas Padaiga is produced in the forest nursery and sold to other forest enterprises as well as owners of private forests. CHERISHED BIODIVERSITY In the territory of the Forest Enterprise, protection of nature and extending the biodiversity of the forests take place. There is a 746 ha area (5.5% of the total area of the forests of the Enterprise) where any activity is forbidden. 1037 ha of forests belong to the territory of the Kaunas Reservoir Regional Park. In 118 ha of the forests of Dubrava ETFE, there are 84 woodland key habitats and the reservation area (120 ha) of Dubrava forest where no human activities took place for over a half of century. The reservation area is a site of community importance usable for preserving rare forest species of conifers and other valuable plants. In forests of the Enterprise, roosts of birds of prey and other rare birds are protected, trees with hollows aren‘t cut and 120-200 nesting boxes are provided annually for birds that hatch in tree hollows. Dubrava forests are close to Kaunas, so inhabitants of the City like visiting them. For convenience of visitors, foresters of the enterprise arranged 9 campings, 13 resort-sites, 24 sites for short-term recreation, 8 sightseeing grounds and 9 forest walkways for various purposes with the total length about 20 km. Some of these sites are fit for using by handicapped persons. SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES In addition to the usual forest works, Dubrava ETFE is engaged in the activities typical for an experimental and training forest enterprise only. A wide variety of soils in the territory allowed forming various sets of forest stands. The forests of Dubrava ETFE as if reflect the variety of forests of whole Lithuania. Over 60 species of trees and bushes were used for applying different schemes of hybridization in the 600 ha territory of preservative sprouts of Kaunas Reservoir. Wide variety of woody plants can be found in one of the most beautiful forest parks in Lithuania – Girionys forest park, also in the Dubrava arboretum. Dubrava arboretum is a dendrologic collection where various plants of local and introduced dendroflora

Kæstutis Ðakûnas, the Steward of the state-owned enterprise of Dubrava ETFE, with President Valdas Adamkus, during the visit of the latter at Dubrava Forest Enterprise

being of high value in scientific, cognitive or decorative aspect are accumulated, protected and exposed. The dendroflora collection of the arboretum is an extremely valuable base for scientific research, forest research and studies in other branches of biology science. The forests of the Dubrava ETFE are not too far from Lithuanian forest science and scholastic institutions, so they are convenient for developing the activities related to forest research and the relevant training. There are over 500 objects of scientific research, manufacturing and training in Dubrava ETFE, where employees of LFI and Kaunas College of Forestry and Environmental Engineering (KCFEE) carry out various experiments and observations. Students of KCFEE pass there their practice and maintain their diploma papers under a supervision of professionals from the forest enterprise. Thanks to the convenient geographic position, abundance of objects of scientific research and training, forest selection and seed breeding, protection of nature and recreation in Girionys forest park and the arboretum, about 150 delegations, participants of training courses, students groups, circles of young forest friends from Lithuania and many states of the world visit annually Dubrava ETFE. Such specific activities require considerable expenses and labour expenditure. Because the activities of the forest enterprise are not sponsored by the Government, carrying out the functions of an experimental and training forest enterprise becomes more and more difficult for this one of the smallest national enterprises of this type from year to year. This is why it is important to change the status and principles of organizing the activities of the Forest Enterprise in such a way that would ensure the favorable conditions to trying scientific innovations and recommendations as well as obtaining centralized supplemental financing for this purpose.

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TOYOTA TAI EKOLOGIJA IR EKONOMIJA Pastaraisiais metais neámanoma ásivaizduoti në vienos rimtos tarptautinës automobiliø parodos, kurioje nebûtø pristatomi hibridiniai automobiliai su integruotais elektriniais varikliais. Automobiliø gamintojø lyderis „Toyota“ 1997 m. iðleido pirmà serijinës gamybos, vieðam pardavimui pristatytà hibridiná automobilá, o dabar japonø kompanijos hibridai uþima 90 proc. visos tokiø automobiliø rinkos. Bûtent „Toyota“ hibridiniai automobiliai, palyginti su kitø gamintojø siûlomais analogais, yra pigiausi, taèiau iðlaiko aukðtà tik „Toyotai“ bûdingà kokybæ. Pastaruoju metu Japonijoje norint ásigyti tokià transporto priemonæ reikia palûkëti eilëje. Apie ðiuos automobilius kalbamës su oficialaus „Toyota“ ir „Lexus“ atstovo Lietuvoje UAB „Mototoja“ direktoriumi EDMUNDU POVILAUSKU.

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UAB „Mototoja“ archyvo ir „Best in Lithuania“ nuotr. / Photos from the archive of "Mototoja" and "Best in Lithuania"

BiL Gal galëtumëte plaèiau pristatyti „Toyota“ siûlomas hibridiniø automobiliø markes. Ðiandien „Toyota“ Lietuvos rinkai siûlo jau treèiosios kartos hibridiná automobilá „Toyota Prius“. Susidomëjimas ðiuo visiðkai hibridiniu automobiliu pasaulyje tik didëja. Automobiliø gamintojø lyderis dar kartà árodo, kad ateities technologijomis galima naudotis jau ðiandien, ir tai, jog aplinkos apsauga buvo ir yra svarbi jau daugelá metø. BiL Pakomentuokite hibridinio automobilio veikimo principà. Hibridinis automobilis – tai benzininio ir elektrinio variklio sintezë, kai visapusiðkai suderinama ðiø varikliø galia. Treèiosios kartos „Toyota Prius“(1,8 litro VVT-i) turi du paþangius elektrinius variklius, kurie veikia visiðkai atskirai nuo benzininio variklio – taip uþtikrinamas maksimalus efektyvumas su bet kuria pavara. Pagrindinis elektrinis variklis gali varyti automobilá vien tik elektra iki 48 km/h greièiu. Taip taupomi degalai bei maþinama CO2 tarða. Unikalu yra tai, kad antrasis elektrinis variklis gali bet kuriuo metu savarankiðkai ákrauti akumuliatoriø. Ðiame automobilyje ádiegta „Stop & Start“ sistema maþina degalø sunaudojimà dar labiau – automobiliui

uþvesti naudojamas tik elektrinis variklis ir tokiu bûdu uþtikrinamas greitesnis bei þymiai sklandesnis jo uþvedimas ið naujo. Pajudëjimas ið vietos Automobiliui pajudëjus ið vietos HSD („Hybrid Synergy Drive“) naudoja tik elektriná variklá, varomà akumuliatoriaus. Benzininis variklis yra iðjungtas, kadangi jis negali uþtikrinti didelio sukimo momento maþø apsukø skalëje, o elektriniai varikliai gali, todël automobilis ið vietos pajuda tolygiai ir sklandþiai. Kitaip nei benzininiai varikliai, elektriniai varikliai greitai sukuria aukðtà sukimo momentà, leidþiantá greitai ir sklandþiai pajudëti ið vietos. Vaþiavimas dideliu greièiu Vaþiuojant didesniu greièiu ásijungia HSD benzininis variklis, kuris uþtikrina efektyvias energijos sànaudas. Benzininis variklis tiesiogiai varo ratus. Priklausomai nuo vaþiavimo sàlygø, dalis energijos yra tiekiama á generatoriø. Generatoriaus sukuriama energija yra elektrinio variklio ðaltinis, taip pat naudojama benzininio variklio veikimui pagerinti. Greièio didinimas Smarkiai didinant greitá (pvz., vaþiuojant staèia ákalne), akumuliatoriaus energija tiekiama á elektrinius variklius galiai padidinti. Veikiant abiems HSD galios

ðaltiniams – benzininiam ir elektriniams varikliams, sukuriama galia, bûdinga aukðtesnës klasës automobiliams su didesnës talpos varikliu. Greièio maþinimas Stabdant arba kai akceleratorius yra atleistas, HSD naudoja kinetinæ automobilio energijà sukti elektriniams varikliams, kurie veikia kaip regeneratoriai. Energija, kuri paprastai dël trinties virsta nereikalinga ðiluma, maþinant greitá paverèiama elektros energija, kuri akumuliatoriuje regeneruojama ir vëliau pakartotinai panaudojama. BiL Hibridiniø technologijø ðalininkai pastebi, kad papildomas elektrinis variklis, padedantis automobiliui pajudëti ið vietos ar visiðkai pavaduojantis vidaus degimo motorà vaþiuojant nedideliu greièiu, ypaè efektyvus mieste, kur kiekvienas raudonas ðviesoforo signalas padeda stabdant iðsiskirianèià kinetinæ energijà paversti elektra, ja pakrauti akumuliatorius, o vëliau ðià energijà panaudoti sukant maðinos ratus. Ar tai vienintelis hibridinio automobilio privalumas þiûrint ið technologijø pusës? Kaip minëta, automobilyje esanti automobilio uþvedimo sistema „Stop & Start”nau-






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Hibridinius automobilius teigiamai norëèiau ávertinti ið ekologinës ir ekonominës pusës. „Toyota Prius“ – ekologiðki naujos kartos automobiliai, ypaè patogûs mieste, kur paprastai terðalø iðmetama daugiausiai. Tai iðties sveikintinas „Toyota“ inþinieriø kûrinys. Tokiam pirkiniui mûsø visuomenë turi subræsti. Lietuvos vartotojui dar palyginti maþai rûpi ekologija, taèiau Europos Sàjungoje tam skiriamas ypaè didelis dëmesys. Ðiuos dalykus ilgainiui sureguliuos ES, nes bræsta reglamentai ir direktyvos, kurios per mokesèius (keliø, ekologijos) pirkëjà vers rinktis ekologiðkesnæ transporto priemonæ, kaip tai jau sureguliuota dël tolimojo perveþimo transporto priemoniø. ES bus vertinamas bendrasis ekologinës apsaugos lygis, áprastinio kuro sànaudos, kur hibridiniai automobiliai kol kas uþima lyderio pozicijà.

doja vien tik elektrinio variklio energijà. NiMH akumuliatorius uþtikrina didesnæ galià ir didesná kieká regeneruojamos energijos, kad vaþiuojant á aplinkà nepatektø terðalø. Akumuliatoriaus vëdintuvas dirba didesniu greièiu ir puèia stipresnæ auðinamo oro srovæ, padidindamas regeneruojamos energijos efektyvumà ir pagerindamas bendrà kuro ekonomijà. Artimøjø ðviesø priekiniuose ir galiniuose bei stabdymo þibintuose ádiegta LED technologija, kuri padeda sumaþinti energijos sànaudas iki 30 proc., taip dar labiau pagerinamas HSD galios ðaltiniø veikimas. LED þibintai tarnauja þymiai ilgiau nei áprasti halogeniniai ar HID þibintai. Treèiosios kartos „Prius“ buvo patobulintas taip, kad jo CO2 rodikliai tapo maþiausi klasëje – 89 g/km, kuro sànaudos taip pat maþiausios klasëje – 3,9 l/100 km, sistemos galia padidëjo 22 proc., nuo 110 iki 136 AG. Netgi kito Japonijos gamintojo siûlomas „Honda“ hibridinis modelis, turëdamas maþesná variká bei pats bûdamas maþesnis, tokiais parametrais negali pasigirti – vartoja nuo 4,4 iki 4,6 l/100km benzino ir iðmeta á aplinkà CO2 dujø nuo 101 iki 105 g/km. Be to, tarp ðiø automobiliø yra ir akivaizdus technologinis skirtumas: „Toyota“ siûlo visiðkai hibridiná modelá

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(abu varikliai dirba tiek kartu, tiek atskirai), „Honda“ - pusiau hibridiná (elektrinis variklis tik „padeda“ benzininiam). Lyginant „Toyota Prius“ automobilá su ne hibridiniais konkurentais, skaièiai kalba visai ne pastarøjø naudai. Skaitytojø dëmesiui duomenys, paimti ið automobiliø „Honda“, „Ðkoda“, „Mitsubishi“, „Mazda“, „Ford“ atstovø Lietuvoje tinklapiø apie automobiliø, turinèiø analogiðko tûrio ir galios variklius, degalø sànaudas ir aplinkos tarðà: „Skoda Octavia“ su benzininiu 1,8 l varikliu: vidutinës kuro sànaudos 7,7 l/100 km, CO2 –180 g/km; „Mitsubishi Lancer“ 1,8 l benzininis variklis: vid. kuro sànaudos 7,9 l/100 km, CO2 – 188 g/km; „Mazda 5“ su benzininiu 1,8 l varikliu: 7,6 l/100km, CO2 – 182 g/km; „Ford Focus“ su 1,8 l benzininiu varikliu: 6,4 l/100 km, CO2 – 155 g/km; BiL Statistika liudija, kad „Toyota Prius“ – pirmasis hibridinis automobilis pasaulyje, kuris buvo pradëtas gaminti masiðkai ir iki ðiol iðsaugojo geriausiai parduodamo „Toyota“ hibridinio automobilio vardà – nuo 2000 m. Europoje parduota daugiau kaip 73 tûkst. tokiø automobiliø. „Lexus“ hibridiniø automobiliø pardavimo Europoje statistika taip pat áspûdinga

– daugiau 27 tûkst. automobiliø. Populiariausia pasaulyje hibridiniø automobiliø gamintoja „Toyota“ pasaulyje jau pardavë apie 1,2 mln. hibridø. Kokia hibridiniø automobiliø pardavimo statistika Lietuvoje? 2008-2009 m. oficialiose „Toyota“ ir „Lexus“ atstovybëse Lietuvoje parduoti 9 „Toyota Prius“ automobiliai bei 78 „Lexus“ markës hibridiniai automobiliai. Mûsø ðaliai tai tikrai nemaþai, nors tikimës, kad ateityje tokiø automobiliø populiarumas dar iðaugs. BiL Didelæ átakà hibridiniø automobiliø populiarumui turi nuolat brangstantys degalai bei susirûpinimas visuotiniu klimato atðilimu. Reikia pripaþinti, kad tokie automobiliai ekonomiðki bei ekologiðki. Pavyzdþiui, treèiosios kartos „Toyota Prius“ degalø sunaudojimas sumaþëjo iki 3,9 l 100 kilometrui, o CO2 tarða – iki 89 g kilometrui. Ar tai argumentai potencialiam pirkëjui, turint omenyje, kad tokie automobiliai yra ðiek tiek brangesni uþ áprastinius benzininius ar dyzelinius? Hibridiniai automobiliai Lietuvoje daþnai perkami ne vien dël nemaþø degalø kainø, nors tokio automobilio ekonominæ naudà galima nesunkiai apskaièiuoti. Klientams svarbi ir pati technologija. „Prius“ perka tie þmonës, kurie apie ðá automobilá yra nemaþai skaitæ, girdëjæ ir jø gyvenimo bûdas atitinka ðio automobilio koncepcijà. „Toyota Prius“ – tai ekologija ir ekonomija: ðis automobilis naudoja 2 kartus maþiau kuro, 2 kartus maþiau terðia gamtà. Konkretus pavyzdys: 3 metus eksploatavæ ir 100.000 km nuvaþiavæ tokiu automobiliu, esant dabartinëms kuro kainoms, mes sutaupytume 14400 Lt. Tai daug ar maþai? Spræsti paèiam pirkëjui. BiL Viena patikima Vokietijos apklausø ir rinkos tyrimø bendrovë apklausë per 3500 þmoniø, kurie neseniai ásigijo ar planuoja ásigyti naujà automobilá. Apklausoje stengtasi nustatyti, kam pirkëjai teikia pirmenybæ, kas jiems svarbiausia bei ko jie tikisi ið ateinanèiø metø. Net 42,7 proc. apklaustøjø hibridà paminëjo pirmiausia ir ávardino já „ateities automobiliu“. Daugiausiai populiarumo hibridiniai automobiliai susilaukë JAV ir Prancûzijoje, atitinkamai 50,9 proc.

Paprasta frazë – „hibridinë pavara“, gali bûti su paaiðkinimu – vidaus degimo ir elektrinio varikliø darnus darbas, papildant vienas kità

ir 46,9 proc. Ið darbo patirties pasakykite, kaip Lietuvos gyventojai vertina ðià naujà technologijà? Ði technologija nëra nauja, á gatves hibridiniai automobiliai iðvaþiavo jau 1997 metais, todël nieko keisto, kad ji tokia populiari. Deja, Lietuvoje dar vengiama ásigyti tokius automobilius, kadangi perkant vis dar vadovaujamasi kitokiais kriterijais. Dþiugu, kad þmonës þodá hibridas automatiðkai susieja su „Toyota Prius“, taèiau pardavimams tai átakos nedaro. Kaip minëta, „Toyota Prius“ vairuotojai yra iðskirtiniai þmonës, kurie tiki ðio automobilio idëja ir stengiasi gyventi santarvëje su aplinka. Nors technologija ir yra vertinama teigiamai, taèiau kol kas valdþia nesiima jokiø priemoniø, kad gatvëse atsirastø kuo daugiau ekologið-

kø automobiliø. Jûsø minëtose ðalyse yra specialios vietos hibridiniams automobiliams pastatyti, gràþinamas pridëtinës vertës mokestis arba taikomos specialios lengvatos norint ásigyti hibridiná automobilá. Natûralu, kad toks produktas tampa patraukliu ne vien dël paèios idëjos, bet ir ið finansinës pusës. Kol ði problema mûsø ðalyje nebus iðspræsta, tol hibridiniø automobiliø gatvëse nepadaugës. BiL Uþèiuopëme ypaè jautrø klausimà. Hibridai uþ áprastus savo analogus brangesni apie 10-15 tûkst. Lt, todël nesant specialios mokestinës lengvatos ar kitø paskatinamøjø priemoniø vis dar sunku masiðkai átikinti visuomenæ pakeisti savo áprastinæ transporto priemonæ á ekologiðkesnæ. Daugelyje Europos ir pasaulio valstybiø tokiems automobiliams taikomos ávairios mokestinës lengvatos, skatinan-

èios pardavimà. Ar Lietuvos Seime ir Vyriausybëje nebuvo inicijuota diskusija ðia tema, juo labiau, kad mûsø ðalis prisijungë prie bendro Europos Sàjungos siekio iki 2020 m. sumaþinti klimato atðilimà skatinanèiø CO2 dujø iðmetimà iki 20 proc., Lietuva – iki 23 proc. Galbût pats laikas pradëti tokià diskusijà ir imtis konkreèiø veiksmø? Dþiugu, kad ávairios nevyriausybinës organizacijos pradëjo varstyti departamentø bei ministerijø duris, bandydamos atkreipti dëmesá á ekologijà. Projektas yra paruoðtas, taèiau kol kas jo atgarsiø negirdime. Kurti ekologiðkesnæ bendruomenæ reikia nuo pagrindø, todël valdþia, vykdydama ásipareigojimus ES, turëtø atkreipti dëmesá á tai, kad árankis, galintis sumaþinti CO2, yra, tereikia iniciatyvos.

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PRANCÛZIJA: fiziniai asmenys gauna 2 tûkst. eurø, o juridiniai – 700 eurø nuolaidà nuo prekybos agento siûlomos maþmeninës kainos. PORTUGALIJA: 50 proc. nuolaida pridëtinës vertës mokesèiui. NYDERLANDAI: atsiþvelgiant á degalø sànaudas, taikoma nuolaida vartotojo mokesèiui iki 6,4 tûkst. eurø. 50 proc. maþesnis transporto priemonës mokestis, jei benzininio variklio CO2 emisija maþesnë nei 110, o dyzelinio – 95 g kilometrui. LIUKSEMBURGAS: jei CO2 emisija maþesnë nei 120 g kilometrui – 750 eurø mokesèiø nuolaidos. ÐVEDIJA: 10 tûkst. SEK nuolaida fiziniams asmenims, perkantiems aplinkai draugiðkà automobilá (etalonu laikomas hibridinis modelis, kurio CO2 emisija maþesnë nei 120 g kilometrui); toká automobilá perkanèios bendrovës gauna 40 proc. mokesèiø nuolaidø. AUSTRIJA: hibridinis automobilis, daugiau nei 1 km galintis nuvaþiuoti naudodamas vien elektros energijà, gauna 500 eurø mokesèiø lengvatà; ði nuostata taikoma ir E85 degalus, CNG ar LPG dujas naudojantiems automobiliams.

Be to, jei CO2 emisija maþesnë nei 120 g kilometrui – suteikiama 300 eurø mokesèiø lengvata; jei CO2 emisija didesnë nei 180 g kilometrui – mokestis padidinamas 25 eurais uþ kiekvienà papildomà CO2 gramà. (2010-aisiais ðis reikalavimas bus sugrieþtintas iki 160 g kilometrui). ITALIJA: visiems aplinkai draugiðkiems automobiliams – iki 2,8 tûkst. eurø mokesèiø nuolaidos. ISPANIJA: dviejuose regionuose perkantiems hibridinius automobilius mokamos 2 tûkst. ir 1,89 tûkst. eurø kompensacijos. BELGIJA: jei CO2 emisija maþesnë nei 105 g kilometrui – 15 proc. mokesèiø nuolaida, bet ne didesnë kaip 4,35 tûkst. eurø; jei CO2 emisija maþesnë nei 115 g kilometrui – 3 proc. mokesèiø nuolaida, bet ne didesnë kaip 810 eurø. GRAIKIJA: hibridiniai automobiliai atleidþiami nuo pardavimo mokesèiø. VENGRIJA: hibridiniams automobiliams fiksuotas itin maþas registracijos mokestis. SLOVËNIJA: jei automobilio CO2 emisija maþesnë nei 110 g kilometrui, jis atleidþiamas nuo pardavimo mokesèiø.

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Culture live is sincerely open to each and every person who is a constant creator of Life.

European School of




Date: January–December 2009 Venue: Vilnius, Vilnius District, other Lithuanian cities, Lion, Strasbourg, Frankfurt and Milan Organizer: Public institution “Vilnius – European Capital of Culture 2009”

Date: September and November 2009 Venues: Lithuanian National Drama Theatre, Lithuanian National Philharmonic Concert Hall, other Vilnius areas Implemented by Public Institution Vilniaus džiazo klubas

A year round programme involving art students and young artists, who will devote their works to Vilnius and its guests. The programme consists of two parts: creative workshops and residencies for young artists, and cooperation projects between higher schools of art.

Two concert cycles of European jazz masters will draw together artists of different nationalities and art traditions. The concerts are to reflect the variety of contemporary European jazz, diverse world music cultures and art phenomena. Contemporary European jazz legends and performers from Austria, France, Poland and other European states will participate in the programme.

Co-operation projects for Lithuanian and foreign Art universites and colleges



Date: 2 October – 7 December Venue: National Art Gallery of the Lithuanian Art Museum, Konstitucijos Av. 22, Vilnius Organiser: Victoria and Albert Museum (London) Promoter: National Art Gallery of the Lithuanian Art Museum Curators: David Crowley (Royal College of Art, London) and Jane Pavitt (University of Brighton, Victoria and Albert Museum), Peter Ghyczy, Garden Egg Chair, 1968, © V&A Images

Both Western and Eastern fine arts, design of things and clothes, architecture and film art of the period marked by dramatic conflict and competition between two political blocks will be brought together for the first time in the international exhibition.

The exposition will also present unique engineering items, such as a model of “Sputnik”, the first artificial satellite of the Earth, and a model of the “Vostok” space capsule, as well as the spacesuits of US astronauts and USSR cosmonauts, a model of Ješted (former Czechoslovakia) TV tower, etc.

1945-1970 was a time remembered not only for its political tension, but also for the exceptional creativity.

For more information about these and other Vilnius European Capital of Culture 2009 events visit


Official Partner of Culture

Information partner


Capital of Culture Car


www .

.com Nuotraukos ið asmeninio archyvo / Photos from the personal archive


XXI amþiaus Madona / Madonna of the 21st Century, 2005. 200 x 175. Drobë, aliejus / Oil on canvas 96 |

Audriaus Andraðiûno nuotr. / Photo by Audrius Andraðiûnas

Vilmantas Marcinkevièius – þinomas tapytojas neoekspresionistas. Jau vienuolika metø jis – Danijos galerijos Galleri NB menininkas. Jo tapyba – impulsyvi ir ekspresyvi, rëkianti. Jo potëpiai – laisvi ir iðraiðkingi. Jo darbai – mëgstami meno galerijø, muziejø ir meno kolekcininkø. 2009-aisiais atvirame Saatchi Showdown konkurse tapytojo kûrinys „XXI a. Madona“ ágijo galimybæ bûti eksponuojamas galerijoje Saatchi Londone. Neseniai baigësi porà mënesiø Nacionaliniame Farerø salø meno muziejuje veikusi personalinë Vilmanto paroda. Ðiuo metu menininkas ruoðiasi dar vienai didelei personalinei parodai Danijoje.


aradoksalu, taèiau Vilmantas Marcinkevièius iðpopuliarëjo svetur – Danijoje. Menininkas yra tapæs Danijos karaliðkàjà ðeimà bei kitus þymius asmenis. Ypatingo dëmesio sulaukë 2004 metais nutapæs Danijos princesës Alexandros ir princo Joachimo portretus. Tapytojas nelaiko savæs portretistu, bet bûtent ðie portretai atneðë jam tarptautiná pripaþinimà. Deklaruodamas atviro, laisvo ir visiems prieinamo meno idëjas, Vilmantas bendradarbiauja rengiant meno projektus Lietuvoje ir uþsienyje - jis buvo vienas bendraautoriø projekto Bitës “Meno erdvës”, kurio metu Lietuvos ir uþsienio menininkai tapë dideliø formatø paveikslus vieðose erdvëse: gatvëse, parkuose ir skveruose. Menininkas siekia priartinti menà prie þmoniø, pabrëþia, jog meno kûriniai turi perþengti galerijø ir parodø rûmø ribas, ásilieti á miesto aplinkà. Apþvelgiant menininko kûrybà, svarbu paminëti abstrakèià ir iðraiðkingà plastinæ kalbà, kuri yra jo meniniø ieðkojimø pagrindas. Standartizuotas, metaforiðkas, be perdëto dëmesio anatomijai vaizdavimas – esminis Vilmanto Marcinkevièiaus

kûrybos bruoþas. Vilmanto kûryba turi ryðkiø ekspresionizmo bruoþø - jo paveikslai emocingi ir paveikûs, o ið jø sklindantis geidulingumas, vieniðumas, skausmas stipresni uþ realius jausmus. Naujausi Vilmanto darbai reflektuoja nûdienio gyvenimo temas. Nors idëjine prasme jo tapyba yra „sunkiasvorë“ (iðdavystë, nusivylimas, homoseksualumas, terorizmas, „jausmø supermarketas“ ir pan.), taèiau kontrastuoti stereotipinei tokio pobûdþio aliejinei tapysenai yra viena ið menininko technologiniø siekiamybiø. Tapytojas tapo aliejiniais daþais taip, tarsi lietø akvarelæ. Jis siekia suvaldyti ir sukontroliuoti tekantá daþà, kad drobëje regimas vaizdas atrodytø iðgautas lengvai, be pastangø, o ávairûs paliejimai sustotø ten, kur jiems reikia sustoti. Vilmantas – kosmopolitiðkas menininkas, jis savo drobëse skleidþia poreiká priklausyti bendrai kultûrinei erdvei, siejanèiai ir vienijanèiai þmones. Siekdamas vidinës laisvës menininkas atrado savo meninæ kalbà, atpaþástamà ir bûdingà tik jam.

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2008 metais, nusprendæs „pasitikrinti“ savo kûrybos aktualumà, Vilmantas Marcinkevièius pateikë savo kûriniø atviriausiam, didþiausiam (darbø kiekiu) ir atrankos kriterijø visiðkai nevarþomam Saatchi Showdown konkursui. Charles Saatchi garsëja didþiule meno kolekcija bei galerija Londone. 2006 m. buvo ákurta galerija internete Saatchi Online, kurioje pasitelkus

ðiuolaikines medijas rengiamas Saatchi Showdown konkursas. Per porà metø Saatchi Online tapo didþiausiu pasaulyje menininkø socialiniu tinklalapiu. Galerija jau yra sukaupusi per 80 tûkstanèiø menininkø kûriniø, tarp kuriø pateko ir Vilmanto Marcinkevièiaus „XXI a. Madona“, nurungusi konkurse per 30000 meno kûriniø.

Jausmø supermarketas / The Supermarket of Emotions, 2009. 80 x 70. Drobë, aliejus / Oil on canvas

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Paskutinis teroristo orgazmas / The Last Orgasm of the Terrorist, 2005. 175 x 125. DrobĂŤ, aliejus / Oil on canvas

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Vilmantas Marcinkevièius is a famous painter, neoexpressionist. He has been creating for Galleri NB in Denmark for 11 years. His paintings are impulsive, expressive, crude. His strokes of a brush are free and strong. Art galleries, museums and art collectors love his works. Vilmantas‘ „Madona of the 21st Century“ won the first place in the Saatchi Showdown competition in 2009, and received the right to be exposed in the Saatchi gallery in London. His personal exhibition took place in Faroe Islands for a couple of months; it finished not long ago. Now the artist is preparing for one more big personal exhibition in Denmark.

Danijos Princas Feliksas / Prince Felix of Denmark, 2004. 65 x 50. Drobë, aliejus / Oil on canvas


It‘s a paradox, but Vilmantas Marcinkevièius became popular in a foreign country – Denmark. The artist has painted the Royal Family of Denmark and other famous people. He was in the centre of attention after he painted portraits of Alexandra, the princess of the Kingdom of Denmark, and prince Joachim. Although Vilmantas does not recognize himself as a portraitist, these two portraits led him to international appreciation. Vilmantas declares the ideas of open, free art which could be available to anybody. He helps organizing different art projects in Lithuania and abroad. He emphasizes the need for art to step outside museums and galleries: it should melt into the city environment. Only then it can become closer to people. Vilmantas Marcinkevièius was one of the co-authors of the Bitës „Meno erdvës“ project, when Lithuanian and foreign

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artists painted full-sized illustrations in different public places: in the streets, parks and squares. Talking about the artists’ creations, it’s important to mention the abstract and expressive plastic language which is the base of all his artistic searches. The main feature of Vilmantas Marcinkevièius’ creation is metaphorical rendering, leaving out any excessive attention towards anatomy. Vilmantas’ style has some clear features of expressionism: his paintings are emotional and touching; sensuality, loneliness and pain are stronger than real feelings. The newest works by Vilmantas reflect some topics of the current life. Although his painting is „heavyweight“ in terms of ideas (betrayal, despair, homosexuality, terrorism, supermarket of feelings, etc.), one of the main technological purposes

Pasimetusi mënulio ðviesoje / Lost in the Moon Light, 2008. 100 x 80. Drobë, aliejus / Oil on canvas

Dvi ðokëjos / Two Dancers 2009. 170 x 120. Drobë, aliejus / Oil on canvas

Draugai parskrenda / Friends Fly Back, 2009. 120 x 170. Drobë, aliejus / Oil on canvas

of this artist is to contrast against the stereotyped oil-painting of this kind. The artist works with oil paint in the same way as with aquarelle. He is seeking to master and control the running paint, so that the viewer could think the painting was created without any efforts, easily. Vilmantas is a cosmopilitan artist: in his canvas, he expresses the need to belong to a general artistic space which connects different people. While searching for inner freedom, the artist has found his own artistic language only he can recognize. In 2008, Vilmantas Marcinkevièius decided to check a relevance of his oeuvre, so he sent his works to the most open and biggest (in terms of quantity) Saatchi Showdown competition, which is not limited by any selection criteria. Charles Saatchi is famous for the huge art collection and the gallery in London. In 2006, an Internet gallery Saatchi Online was established. Using contemporary medias, the Saatchi Showdown competition is organized there. During a couple of years, Saatchi Online has become the biggest international social network for artists. The gallery contains more than 80,000 works: „Madona of the 21st Century“ is among them, after leaving more than 30,000 works behind.

Pagauk beþdþionëlæ / Catch the Monkey Monkey, 2004. 200 x 150. Drobë, aliejus / Oil on canvas

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Atrodo, jog tik prieð porà metø Bornemuto kino akademijos magistrantûrà baigæs kompozitorius TITAS PETRIKIS yra mûzø numylëtinis, nes kitaip bûtø sunku paaiðkinti per kelis metus jo nuveiktø darbø sàraðà. Titas sukurë muzikà daugiau nei dvideðimèiai trumpo metro filmø, keliems teatro spektakliams bei vaidybiniam filmui „Kolekcionierë“. Tito muzika skamba Lietuvos nacionalinio transliuotojo (LTV) uþsklandoje, ávairiose reklamos, festivaliø vinjetëse. 2007 m. Titas tapo Berlyno kino festivalio rëmuose organizuojamo „Volkswageno“ filmø muzikos konkurso finalistu, net dusyk uþ savo darbus buvo nominuotas prestiþiniam Sidabrinës gervës apdovanojimui. 102 |

BiL Titai, pradëkime nuo Berlyno kino festivalio. Girdëjau, kad net dvi savaites miegojai tik po kelias valandas per parà – kà veikei?

kuri komercinës (uþsakomosios) ar nekomercinës muzikos? Ar bûtina pusiausvyra tarp jø?

Berlyno kino festivalio metu vyko jauniesiems kompozitoriams skirtas filmø muzikos konkursas. Man, pirmàjam ið Pabaltijo ðaliø, pavyko patekti tarp 3 finalistø ir su Babelsbergo orkestru áraðyti savo konkursinæ muzikà bei paruoðti jà erdviniam kino garsui (Dolby standartui). Nors ir trûko miego, tai buvo iðties nereali patirtis, nes teko ið peties padirbëti su kiekvienos srities profesionalais - orkestrantais, garso reþisieriais, o seminarus (master classes) vedë þymûs kompozitoriai, vienas jø - Oskaro laimëtojas Jan A. P. Kaczmarek. Dvi savaites trukusi programa buvo puikus profesinës ir gyvenimiðkos patirties ðaltinis, mat Berlyno kino festivalis kino muzikos kûrëjui yra tarsi arterija – èia uþmezgami ateitá garantuojantys kontaktai.

Pasaulyje tikriausiai yra nedaug þmoniø, kurie kuria tik nekomercinæ muzikà ir ið to gyvena. Nors mûsø srityje reklamos yra daþniausiai pasitaikantis pajamø ðaltinis, kuriant muzikà vien joms kyla grësmë sustabarëti, tapti fabriku. Todël dirbu ties ávairiais projektais, net ir apmokymø ar konsultavimo srityse. Ið kitos pusës, visai nesvarbu, pagal uþsakymà tai paraðytas kûrinys ar ne, kai já atlieka orkestras ar keli atlikëjai, apima dieviðkas jausmas. Esu dëkingas gyvenimui, kad turiu galimybæ tai patirti.

BiL Politikos mokslus baigæs verslininkas, vëliau tapæs kompozitoriumi, skamba neáprastai. Kas pastûmëjo mesti sotø gyvenimà ir ðokti á muzikos vandenynà, nors plaukti beveik nemokëjai? Nors muzika ir kûryba mane lydëjo nuo maþø dienø, tik penkerius metus pradirbæs vienos JAV konsultancinës kompanijos padalinio Lietuvoje vadovu, supratau, kad darbo dienos buvo pilnos verslo rûpesèiø, o kûrybai laiko likdavo tik trupinukai. Netikëtai susipaþinau su profesoriumi-kompozitoriumi Stephen Deutsch ið Didþiosios Britanijos. Jam parodþiau savo darbus ir papraðiau patarti, kaip galëèiau tobulëti. Jis man ir pasakë, „tavo kûryba ádomi, taèiau jei nori tuo uþsiimti profesionaliai, turi mokytis“. Tàsyk aiðkiai suvokiau, kad gyvenime trupinukø negana. Ástojau á Bornemuto kino akademijà (Bournemouth Screen Academy), iðëjau ið darbo, baigiau kino muzikos kûrimo magistrantûrà ir dabar mokausi doktorantûroje. BiL Kokia tavo darbo tema? Tema kiek neáprasta - kuriu muzikà ir garso takelá 1931 metø siaubo filmui „Drakula“ (reþ. Browning). Ne paslaptis, kad muzika átakoja tai, kaip þiûrovas interpretuoja filmà, jo tematikà ir herojus. Norëdamas filmui suteikti naujà emociná gylá ir ëmiausi ðios temos. Stengiuosi nespalvotiems filmo vaizdams suteikti rimto siaubo, kad ir ðiuolaikiniam þiûrovui grafas Drakula bûtø baisus. BiL Kalbant apie projektus – pats daugiau

BiL Yra mananèiø, kad meno srityje bet koks darbas pagal uþsakymà yra tam tikras parsidavinëjimas, gal net prostitucija. Esà, tikras kûrëjas turi kurti nevarþomas jokiø saitø. Kà apie tai manai? Manau, kad tokia interpretacija nëra teisinga. Kurdamas privalai jausti savo auditorijà ir kà tai auditorijai nori pasakyti, o tai jau yra apribojimas. Muzikos kûrimas yra toks pats verslas, kaip ir bet kokia kita sritis, turi sukurti kokybiðkà produktà, laiku ir numatytomis sànaudomis. Prieðingu atveju, komercinë kompozitoriaus sëkmë yra maþai tikëtina ðiuolaikinëje globalioje aplinkoje. BiL Kokias paslaugas teiki verslui? Pagrindinë mano veikla yra muzika filmams ir spektakliams. Taèiau bûna ir kitokiø uþsakymø, kartais labai originaliø – kûriau muzikà tarptautinës ámonës pristatymui-spektakliui, kuriame vaidino ámonës darbuotojai. Taip pat vieno verslininko pageidavimu sukûriau originalià mobilaus telefono melodijà, kurià jis padovanojo savo iðrinktàjai. Originalumas, þinoma, kainuoja, bet suteikia iðskirtinumo, o to norisi visiems. BiL Esu ámonës atstovë, kuriu reklaminá filmukà. Kodël man verta investuoti á muzikà, juk paprasèiau panaudoti kokià neákyrià jau sukurtà muzikà? Tiesà pasakius, Lietuvoje taip daþnai ir galvojama, taèiau man labiau suprantamas kitoks poþiûris. Ðtai klientas ið Anglijos kûrë dokumentiná pristatomàjá filmà HSBC banko padaliniui Londone. Bankas norëjo originalios, orkestro atliekamos muzikos. Jø manymu, jei „mes veikloje akcentuojame origina-

TITAS PETRIKIS lumà ir naujø idëjø taikymà, negalime eiti pigiausiu keliu, todël ir mûsø filmuko muzika negali bûti jau kaþkur skambëjusi“. Kai Londone susitinku su ðiuo uþsakovu, bûna malonu iðgirsti, jog mano sukurta muzika ðis bankas labai didþiuojasi. BiL Kaip atrodo tavo rytas – puodelis kavos ryto saulës nuðviestame sode tarp obelø ir paukðèiø èiulbëjimo laukiant mûzø malonës? Rytas labai panaðus kaip nupasakojai, tik mûzø laukdamas duobutës neiðstoviu. Be abejo, kaip ir visiems, bûna darbingesniø dienø, bet bûna ir ðtilis jûroje, nors plaukti verkiant reikia. Namuose turiu ne tik obelø sodà, bet ir profesionaliai árengtà studijà bei biurà, tad jei nesiseka kûrybinis darbas, bet kada galiu imtis administracinio – já taip pat reikia atlikti ir tai uþtrunka. Darbas amerikieèiø kompanijoje mane iðmokë disciplinos ir efektyviai planuoti laikà. BiL Vyrauja nuomonë, kad kûrybininkai trokðta apdovanojimø, nes tai leidþia kilstelti paslaugø kainas... Negaliu atsakyti uþ visus, taèiau man dalyvavimas kûrybinëse varþybose yra ádomus. Girdëdamas kitø kompozitoriø darbus, pleèiu akiratá ir geriau jauèiu, kas vyksta

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pasaulyje. Þinoma, kaip ir visi mirtingieji, trokðtu laimëti, taèiau laimëjimas neturi nieko bendra su mano paslaugø kainomis. BiL Sakyk, kai iðgarsësi ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir pasaulyje, kaip ketini panaudoti savo vardà – kovosi prieð globaliná atðilimà, gelbësi nykstanèius gyvûnus ar...? Esu globalus pilietis, bet tuo paèiu ir savo tëvynës patriotas. Daug keliauju po pasaulá, matau, kad mûsø ðalis galëtø uþimti dar stipresnæ vietà kino meno srityje. Viena ið galimybiø lietuvaièiams puikiai dirbti yra kino muzikos kûrimas, ar tiesiog suorkes-

travimas, muzikos áraðai, garso parengimas. Ðiais laikais tai galima atlikti bendraujant internetu ar tiesiogiai su uþsakovu - reþisieriumi, prodiuseriu, ar kompozitoriumi. Toká verslo modelá jau sëkmingai taiko mûsø kolegos èekai ir bulgarai. Kyla klausimas, kodël nepritaikius jo ir Lietuvoje? Að norëèiau, kad Lietuva taptø ryðkia þvaigþdute kino pasaulyje. Jei mano vardas ir darbai kada nors prie to prisidës, labai dþiaugsiuosi.

ti jëgø nenueiti lengviausiu keliu, nebijoti ieðkoti naujoviø ar suklysti, nes padaryta klaida yra neákainojama patirtis ateièiai. Iðvardinæs ðias vertybes, galiu pasakyti sau tik tiek: „Tikëk, ir tau pavyks“. Tuo gyvenimas ir graþus, jis leidþia svajoti ir paversti tas svajones darbais.

BiL Mëgstamiausias tavo posakis? Jø yra keletas, taikau juos pagal situacijà, nes pats gyvenimas yra ávairus. Svarbiausia gyvenime yra nesustoti, tobulëti, suras-

Apsilankius mano tinklalapyje ir paspaudus kairëje pusëje esanèià nuorodà „Listen to music“ arba lietuviðkoje versijoje - „Klausytis muzikos“.

Lietuvos kino ir televizijos kino apdovanojimas „Sidabrinë Gervë“ 2008 metais atiteko filmui „Kolekcionierë“. Filmo kûrybinë komanda / Lithuanian film industry awards "Silver Crane". Film "The Collectress" Crew.

BiL First of all, let us start from Berlinale film festival. I have heard you had little time to sleep over those two weeks - what have you been doing? During Berlinale film festival a special competition for young film composers was held. I was lucky to be the first one from the Baltic countries to advance to the finals. In result, I could record my music with Babelsberg orchestra and prepare it for cinema sound (Dolby surround). Although the schedule was very intensive, it was an unbelievable experience, since I had a chance to work with the professionals of each film sound area – orchestrators, sound engineers and supervisors. The master classes were given by Oscar-winning film composer Jan. A.P. Kaczmarek. This workshop was great for gaining professional and life experience, because Berlin becomes the heart of filmmakers’ life during this time of the year. This is where you create and expand you business network. BiL You graduated with degree in Political 104 |

BiL Sakyk, o kur galima pasiklausyti tavo darbø?

Apparently TITAS PETRIKIS is darling of muses, otherwise it is difficult to explain the long list of accomplishments of this young Bournemouth Screen Academy graduate. Titas has composed music for over twenty short films, several theatre performances, feature film “The Collectress”. His music can be heard at the main title of the Lithuanian National Television, various advertisements, festivals and shows. In 2007, Titas became a finalist of Berlinale Talent Campus Volkswagen Score Competition. He has been twice nominated for the Lithuanian Silver Crane award.

sciences, worked in business and then turned into music. It sounds rather unusual. What made you give up the abundant life style and jump into the ocean of music? Besides, you hardly could swim? Even though composing was a part of my life from young days, I began to work and immerse in the business life. After five years of general manager’s position at the US consulting company’s branch in Lithuania, I understood - my business days get longer, I create less and less music every day, I was not sure if that was the life I wanted to live. Fortunately, I met professor Stephen Deutsch from the United Kingdom. I showed him my compositions and asked for his advice. He told me “your work is interesting, but if you really want to do it professionally, you have to study”. I understood the hobby-time is not enough to become a composer. Therefore, when I was accepted to Bournemouth Screen Academy, I quit my job and went to study in the United Kingdom. Bournemouth still plays an important part of my life – I am doing PhD there at the moment.

BiL What is your PhD about? The research is quite interesting – I have to create a new soundtrack for the horror film Dracula (Browning, 1931). The film is old, it has black and white images, the sound consists of a lot of hiss. Despite this, I will bring Dracula into the modern world and make it a horror film in a contemporary way. BiL Talking about your projects – do you compose more commercial music (ordered by clients) or non-commercial, so called art music? I think there are few people who can compose non-commercial music and live from it. Despite the fact that the easiest income comes from ad industry, it is rather dangerous to compose music just for advertisements. One can turn into robot, work like a factory. Therefore I tend to expand my field of activity – I join education and consulting projects. On the other hand, when a composer hears his or her own music played by live orchestra or just a couple of musicians, a divine feeling overwhelms. It is not important

Berlynalës talentø stovyklos Volkswageno kino muzikos konkurso finalistu apdovanojimas / The Award Ceremony of Berlinale Talent Campus Volkswagen Score Competition

whether that was a commercial or art project. You are thankful to life for being able to experience it. BiL Some people argue if you work only on satisfying client’s needs, it’s some sort of prostitution. They say a true creator must have no bounds. What is your opinion? Well, I think such an interpretation is not legitimate. When one composes music, he or she must think about the audience, what message shall be communicated to the listener. Composing is similar to other business – one must deliver the product in time, of good quality and on budget. Otherwise it is difficult for a composer to achieve success in the global market. BiL What service do you provide for business? My main activity relates to film and theatre music; however sometimes I engage in projects for regular businesses, too. Some of them are quite original. For example, one international corporation asked to compose music for their performance, where actors were the company‘s employees. Also there was a businessman, who asked for an exceptional melody for mobile phone. He wanted to present it to his mistress. Being original is pricey, but uniqueness is what people desire. BiL Let‘s assume I represent a company, which is making a corporate promotional video. Why should I invest into music, if I can use anything easily available online? Indeed, most Lithuanians think this is the best way, but in my opinion it is not so and let me explain why. For example, one of my

clients from England was creating a corporate film for HSBC bank in London. The bank asked for an original orchestra score. Their justification was „if we offer innovative and original business decisions to our customers, we have to be original ourselves; therefore the music in our film must be unheard and specially composed, otherwise our business values become ambigous“. When I meet the director of the film in London, it is pleasant to hear his complements for the score. BiL How does your morning look like? A cup of coffee in the sunny apple orchard, surrounded by birds in the wait for muses to come? The morning is very similar to what you have just described, as I have a nice garden, professional studio and an office at home. The only difference - I don’t spend too much time waiting for the muses. Of course, there are good and bad days. Sometimes there is no wind, but you need to sail fast. If the creative work does not develop on a particular day, I can do administrative work – it is something that has to be done. Work in the American company has taught me many good things, among them discipline and time planning. BiL There is an opinion that artists seek for awards because they help to increase their rates? I cannot speak for everybody. The competitions are important to me, because I can hear the works of other composers, expand my creative range, and see what is going on in the world. Of course, as all mortals, I want to win; however it has little relation with the price of my services.

BiL When you become famous not only in Lithuania, but also in the world, how do you plan to use your name – fight global warming, save rare animal species, or... ? I am a global citizen, but also a patriot of Lithuania. I travel around the world and see that our country could take a stronger position in film art. One of the areas of success could be film music composing, orchestration, recordings and mixing for cinema formats. Technology allows making it via internet having the customer hear the real time result of the process in their studios. This business model is successfully adapted in Bulgaria, Czech Republic and other Eastern European countries. A question is why don’t we make that in Lithuania, as we do have so many talented musicians? I want Lithuania to become a little bright star in the film world. If my name and works helped to achieve that, I would be very happy. BiL Your favourite credo? I have several and use them according to the situation. I believe that it is important to keep moving forward, improve own skills, seek for the best, and not to be afraid of making mistakes. Even though mistakes are painful, it is a great learning experience. To sum up all this, I can say “Believe in what you do, and you will succeed”. The life is beautiful because you can turn dreams into achievements. BiL Tell me where I can listen to your works? If you visit my website at www.titasmusic. com there is a link “Listen to music” on the left, just below the main menu. | 105

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