Livestock Plus Inc February 2023

Page 70

The Publication for Cowboys and Kids February 2023, Vol. 27 Issue 2 Since 1995



CALVING EASE SIRE SUPREME! The 2016 NWSS Supreme Champion PB Simmental bull, had the #1 highest semen sales of any Simmental or Angus bulls for Cattle Visions in 2021. His calves are stylish and correct with growth, performance, eye appeal, exceptional udders, ideal feet and leg structure. Many powerful Lover Boy sons and grandsons will sell in this offering. 90 years of living, 55 years of the best to the best, and 50 years of bull sales with emphasis on low maintenance, high performance cattle loaded with eye appeal, structural soundness, fleshing ability, carcass and maternal traits has produced a cow herd and consistency second to none!

YOU’RE INVITED! This year will mark the 90th birthday of Simmental’s seed stock legend, Gib Yardley; It will also be Yardley Cattle Company’s 50th annual bull sale! In honor of these milestones, we would like to invite you to come celebrate with us. FRIDAY, MARCH 10th 6:00 pm in Beaver UT, we will be putting on a concert and reception style party to recognize and honor this great man and icon in the cattle industry. We hope to see you there!

SATURDAY • MARCH 11, 2023 • Steven Yardley (435) 310-1725 • Gib Yardley (435) 691-8688 1pm MST in Beaver, UTAH • View the auction live • Y1 Highlight X Stepping Stone 5/8 SM 1/4 AN, BW: 89 WW: 789 Y1 Highlight X Y1 North Force 5/8 SM 3/8 AN, BW: 90 WW: 705 Y1 Challenger X Primo PB AN, BW: 95 WW: 783 GCC Shocker X Stepping Stone 1/2 SM 1/2 AN, BW: 90 WW: 792 Y1 Abundance X Loverboy 1/2 SM 1/2 AN, BW: 78 WW: 809 Y1 Achievement X Y1 North Force PB SM, BW: 78 WW: 764 K459 K376 K375 K311 K K347 K380
PB SM #2983443
X Right to Love LOVERBOY
Duracell 3


MIKE SORENSEN ~ SALES 641-745-7949


As I start these greetings, I am sitting in Oklahoma City, attending the Cattlemen’s Congress, and awaiting breakfast. The weather here is almost too good; we are looking for around sixtyeight degrees today. I am not complaining because at home we did have a day with wind chills of minus thirty-two already. We will enjoy sixties while we can.

I am having a really good time with my grandson, Tucker Rohrig, who has been traveling with me this weekend. Everyone that knows Tucker, knows he is pure agriculture and will most likely make agriculture his life. I’m not sure why, but he is wanting to follow ol’ gramps and possibly work a few sales with me. (I may have twisted his arm a pinch).

Tucker worked part of his first sale January 7, 2023, at a record-breaking sale for the folks at The Royal Classic sale in Ames, Iowa. Thanks to sale management, auctioneer, and consigners for allowing him this opportunity to work his first sale. Tucker is a true roadie now. For this trip, we headed to Oklahoma City from Ames, Iowa. We stopped in Osceola for gas, and he took over and drove all the way to Oklahoma City. Like the new roadie he is, gramps is becoming pretty proud. Ol’ gramps sat in the passenger seat as he rolled through the outskirts of Kansas City, cruise set at seventy-one like a pro. Here are a couple photos of Tucker; one from ten years ago in a Halloween costume, and

one from his first actual sale, he has come a long way.

Ok, the food story. When gramps got through the first day at the Cattlemen’s Congress and after logging lots of miles and road time, Tucker and I had a weak moment, a real tired moment. We decided to go to the motel restaurant to eat and then crash for the night. I won’t say that it was a white tablecloth kinda place, but it sure worked for us. We selected the bar for our dining experience for the evening and struck up a conversation with two ol’ boys from Texas. They were there for their daughters’ volleyball tournament. It just so happened that one of them was a large farmer and had a daughter that showed pigs. Tucker was in pig heaven! Tuck and this ol’ boy talked pigs all through supper.

Onto the food; I’m kind of a catfish kinda guy, and the report from the lady at check-in time that afternoon was that the catfish at the restaurant is great. Great recommendation! Two large catfish filets that were prepared to a perfection for me, along with a nice helping of tender steamed broccoli. Maybe not the most glamorous of a meal, but it darn sure filled us both up. Tucker and I both snarfed that down like it was our last supper.

Our conversations with the Texas farmer, the bartender/veteran continued, very interesting. A cotton farmer and CBD oil grower and a X-Marine gunner. Talk about a mixed bag of topics. We had a blast conversing with those guys.

Sale season is in full swing, Iowa Beef Expo, Nebraska Cattlemen’s classic, Illinois beef expo are fast

"Greetings" continued on pg 18

RANDY RASBY ~ SALES 308-539-6195

HEIDI ROHRIG ~ SALES 661-900-6004

ERIC LEE ~ SALES 608-295-5312


CODY CRUM ~ SALES 217-248-7282


4 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
The Magazine for Cowboys and Kids Livestock Plus is mailed the first of every month. Email ads or ad copy to or call Linda Luppen @ 515-851-0304 with questions. Please email requests for ad specs. Livestock Plus is published January, February, March,
Inc., c/o Mary Allen,
LIVESTOCK PLUS, INC. are not necessarily the views or
TERMS: All partnerships billed to one party. Due upon receipt.
April, May/June, August, September, October, November, December. Subscriptions are free Direct subscription requests to Livestock Plus
Ridge Lane, Bloomington, MN 55438 Articles or ads published in
opinions of the publisher or staff.
Your online source for Hereford cattle • Directory & Members Listing • Classified listings 5 7

A Cowman’s Best Friend at Calving Time!

Pat Realing, WY - "From a 67 year old guy in Wyoming the calf catcher is a life saver. Catch all calves by my great. Calves and cows are much calmer." Bruce Rickertsen, NE - "Makes catching, transporting and tagging calves much easier and safer."

The Road Ahead for Markets

Pictures are worth a thousand words, however, we’ll go ahead and add the ‘words’ for this current issue of Livestock Plus magazine. The Fat Cattle market has shown amazing resiliency the last half year and while the Feeder Cattle market here on the Board in Chicago has been more elastic the sale barns have not flinched. The US Dollar has been on its back for a long time and while the inflation metrics the Federal Reserve uses have shown a decent shift down the reality is that the Fed is no where near where they want to be on inflation nor where they want the Fed’s balance sheet of MBS [Mortgage-Backed Securities and US Treasury Securities] to be. This back drop will be a grinding process on many markets as the inevitable interest rate escalation rattles the mortgage industry and takes 30-year mortgage rates from 10 to 12 to 15 to 18%. Again, do remember that mortgage rates were as high as 18% in 1981 and those days were mild in inflation and domestic debt on a government and corporate basis.

Most livestock folks would reasonably expect an upcoming Corn market sell off to fuel Feeder Cattle to the moon, but we do not think so since beef demand has to contract at some point while the stock market continues its long term bear market that will continue to bleed 401k plans that in turn should keep the price of beef from reflecting a ‘shortage’ of Cattle on the dirt. Why? Because they say it can’t.

Many bull markets turn on a dime and in a longer term manner when just about everyone is saying ‘it’s different this time’.

Bottom line? The 14 years of easy money facilitated by the Federal Reserve is over and when money is no longer easy then you have to assume that 30 to 40 year rallies in bonds and stocks are ‘goose cooked’, meaning the low hanging fruit is off the tree on a 50 year run on real estate, using 1973 back in the oil embargo days as the beginning of the long term real estate market that has rewarded folks who acquired homes in the early 70’s but that was then and this now.

The stagflation that is present will likely transition into a depression within 24 months when Fed monetary policy proves unable to achieve substantially lower rates of inflation that leave United States economic growth at a level that allows strong personal benefit or reasonable earnings per share.

If you you see 161 on Feb Fat Cattle or 192 cwt on March Feeder Cattle by the time you receive this current issue of Livestock Plus Inc magazine you’ll know to take inventory

on the dirt and quickly so that you can forward contract and attempt to lock-in attractive gains per head on your cattle on the dirt. Do not assume that the next sharp drop on Corn will push the Cattle Board up without looking back. Eventually just about all major commodity markets will bleed like a stuck hog. Domestic and Global debt must be paid at some point and if it cannot be repaid then the system will have to ‘reset’. How is the entire system ‘reset’? We are not sure. Time will tell. Until then you need to have hedge accounts in place to hedge asset classes’ that your gut and objective and outside financial sources confirm.

8 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 COMMENTARY
Protected Processing! Watch Action Video at For local dealers or to order, call 877-505-0914 today! FACTORY DIRECT PRICING Safe Release!
"Markets" continued on pg 10

l ot 7 - 20530081

l ot 13 - 20499709

l ot 69 - 20499613

Resilient x Jindra Blackout BW 73 • Adj. WW 909 • $C 288

Jindra Atlantis x Reserve 1111 BW 74 • Adj. WW 964 • $C 282

l ot 18 - 20526588

l ot 72 - 20499633

Jindra Superior x Guinness BW 86 • Adj. WW 835 • $C 280

l ot 157 - 20499682

Sterling Pacific x Jindra Premium Cut BW 74 • Adj. WW 841 • $C 245

Domain x Limited Edition BW 78 • Adj. WW 800 • $C 247

Jindra Perfection x Jindra Manifest BW 84 • Adj. WW 826 • $C 263

l ot 23 - 20537785

l ot 132 - 20499664

l ot 121 - 20499654

l ot 98 - 20522783


Jindra Megahit x Resource 1441 BW 88 • Adj. WW 930 • $C 258

Jet Black x 38 Special BW 64 • Adj. WW 837 • $C 289

Jindra Acclaim x Reflection BW 71 • Adj. WW 804 • $C 262 9 23 rd A nnu A l P roduction S A le Wed, February 8, 2023 A t the B ull C enter - n e A r C lA rkson , n e B r A sk A Call or stop by anytime! 82235 567 Ave. • Clarkson, NE 68629 402-920-3171 • • Ad Design by Chrisman Cattle Services Preserving the power of Scotch Cap genetics Selling 175 r egi S tered A ngu S B ull S • 30 r egi S tered A ngu S H eifer S l A rge S t S ire g rou PS B y Sitz Resilient • Linz Exemplify • Woodhill Domain • Jindra Superior • Jindra Assurance Sterling Pacific • Jindra Acclaim • Tehama Patriarch • Tehama Tahoe • Jindra Perfection Jindra Strategy • Hoover No Doubt • G A R Hometown • Jindra Cutting Edge • Jindra Megahit Tahoe x Jindra Double Vision BW 74 • Adj. WW 855 • $C 298 l ot 1 - 20499632 Home Town x Off Limits BW 80 • Adj. WW 824 • $C 332 l ot 96 - 20452591 Jindra Assurance x Jindra Beckon BW 80 • Adj. WW 894 • $C


 Custom drawer layout

 Standard or custom colors

 Wheels and locks

 Stainless steel top

 Drawer divider and mats

 Upper cabinets / peg board

much more

Take a few minutes right now and simply contact Michelle White at 312.756.0931 here at our Fox Group office at the Chicago Board of Trade Monday through Friday 9am to 430pm CST and share your email address with her and she will help you receive on a complimentary basis for two full months by email the sundry market advisories sent by us. You can also email Michelle White at and give her your email address to accomplish same. And remember, hedging livestock and grain needs and fuel needs with Exchange positions still has risk of loss and is not suitable for all livestock producers and investors who desire to hedge their operational needs. Also know that educational teleconferences with your team and bankers can be done late afternoon or in person here in Chicago on Saturday’s. n

10 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 SORTING SYSTEMS PORTABLE CORRALS WORKING CHUTES & ALLEY WAYS THE WING CATTLE BOX COW CALF CORRAL W/ OPTIONAL EXPANDERS 580-596-3381 • SORTING SYSTEMS: PAT# 8,534,230 & 9,226,476 • THE WING: PAT # 9,622,453 • PATENTS PENDING FOR:WORKING CHUTES & ALLEY WAYS, CATTLE BOX, COW CALF CORRAL AND EXPANDERS & RECTANGULAR TUBE CORRALS SORTING CATTLE THE EASY WAY! MFGD BY BURLINGTON WELDING LLC ...THAT WILL ENDURE THE TEST OF TIME AND LABOR  Standard Sizes: 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’  1 piece welded steel frame  10 gauge steel table top  Drawers/Doors in 2’ increments  Smooth powder coated finish  Heavy duty ball bearing drawer rollers with a 300 lb capacity  Designed to accommodate mounting vices  Custom drawer layout  Standard or custom colors  Wheels and locks  Stainless steel top  Drawer divider and mats  Upper cabinets / peg board ...and much more CUSTOMIZE YOUR HEAVY DUTY WORK BENCH! WWW.MCTAVISHSTEELWORKS.COM THE TEST
LABOR  Standard Sizes: 6’ 8’ 10’ 12’  1 piece welded steel frame  10 gauge steel table top  Drawers/Doors in 2’ increments
coated finish
 Smooth powder
drawer rollers with a 300 lb capacity
 Heavy duty ball bearing
 Designed to accommodate mounting
BENCH! WWW.MCTAVISHSTEELWORKS.COM 1.888.WKBENCH (952.3624) | PH. 1.204.746.6591
"Markets" from pg 8
63 BULLS Angus, Simmental, & SimAngus TM rust Catch Up Time 34K ASA: 4047270 ES RIGHT TIME FA110-4 x MISS WERNING KP 8543U rust Elite 17K ASA: 4047228 RUST PRIMETIME 507G x RF FLIRT 021H henn/rust Sunset Cure 7K ASA: 4047238 SO REMEDY 7F x EARLY SUNSET PRIDE 49Y rust Wager On Red 6K ASA: 4047233 W/C BET ON RED 481H x MISS RUSGOLD 115F 11

Cherry Creek Progress Through Performance Bull Sale

Sale Date: Thursday, February 9, 2023

At the ranch in Veteran, WY Lunch: Noon • Sale Time: 1 p.m.

49THANNUAL Progress Through Performance Bull Sale

Thursday, February 10, 2022

At the ranch in Veteran, WY • Lunch: Noon • Sale Time: 1 p.m. Selling 150 Fall and Two-Year-Old Bulls

Cherry Crk Blue Collar J187S

Selling 140 Fall Yearlings


Cherry Crk Blue Collar J179S

8/29/21 AAA# 20401516


8/29/21 AAA# 20401514

CED: +14 BW: -.8 WW: +76 YW: +145 M: +28 Marb: +1.05 RE: +1.24$C: +334

PAP 39 Highly recommended for heifers at elevation. Perfect bull to lead off our 50th annual bull sale. Combines tremendous phenotype, calving ease, pap, performance, carcass, and an epd profile that’s second to none. We’ll use this bull in our AI program next year.

Cherry Crk Ramesses J355 BH

9/19/21 AAA# 20401436

CED: +11 BW: +.8 WW: +78 YW: +132 M: +30 Marb: +.81 RE: +.86 $C: +281

CED: 16 BW: 26 WW:

PAP 36 Recommended for large heifers and cows at elevation. Herd bull prospect. Elite EPD profile combining calving ease, performance, pap, and carcass. Dam is a powerful Hickok daughter and is also the granddam to lot 4.

CED: +12 BW: -.8 WW: +73 YW: +133 M: +36 Marb: +1.04 RE: +.64 $C: +273

PAP 37 Highly recommended for heifers at elevation. Herd bull prospect. Another outstanding son of Blue Collar and a beautiful first calf heifer by Assertive. Added length of body and extra eye appeal. We will also use this bull heavily in our AI program next year.

Cherry Crk Commodore J218M

9/2/21 AAA# 20404229 CED:

PAP 42 Herd bull prospect that combines eye appeal, calving ease, performance, and PAP. Dam is a first calf heifer. Top 10% in the breed for WW, YW, CW, RE, $W, $F, $B, and $C.

12 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
ANGUS Our 2021 Sires Include: Powerhouse individual with a great maternal design and ranks #1 on the Main Sire list for combined Foot Score EPDs. Outstanding maternal pedigree and design with elite $Maternal and Foot Score values. Super thick topped and deep sided bull that only improved his power house phenotype while breeding cows as a yearling. Besides his impressive muscle, the first thing you will notice about STELLAR is his outstanding foot quality and added depth of heel. Advantage 6019 • Monumental • Patriarch • Command • Ramesses • Crossbow • Achievement Stellar • Timberline • Enforcer • Powerball • Thunderball • Complete • Advance 5016 Plus many sired by Cherry Creek herd sires. CED: +6 BW: -0.3 WW: +77 YW: +135 M: +24 Marb: +.45 RE: +.66 $B: +135 $C: +266 If you are looking for a phenotype standout with an extremely well balanced trait package then look no further. Superior cow maker genetics with a definitive end product advantage. Offers solid calving ease potential with accelerated growth while adding marbling and red meat yield. Timberline PAP Tested 38 at over 8,000’. CED: +10 BW: +0.1 WW: +60 YW: +107 M: +21 Marb: +.67 RE: +.82 $B: +159 $C: +264 WXW Timberline W287 50ANNUAL
Shawn & Diane 307-534-5865 Michael & Lindsy 307-532-1805 • Kacey 307-532-1532 BOOTH’S
TH Cherry Creek
Sale Date: Thursday, February 10, 2022 At the ranch in Veteran, WY • Lunch: Noon • Sale Time: 1 p.m. Selling 150 Fall and Two-Year-Old Bulls ALL OF THE BULLS HAVE BEEN PAP TESTED BY DR. TIM HOLT AFTER SPENDING THE SUMMER AT 8,000’ IN WALDEN, CO Shawn & Diane 307-534-5865 Michael & Lindsy 307-532-1805 • Kacey 307-532-1532 BOOTH’S ANGUS Our 2021 Sires Include: Featuring sons of: Sitz Stellar 726D Powerhouse individual with a great maternal design and ranks #1 on the Main Sire list for combined Foot Score EPDs. Outstanding maternal pedigree and design with elite $Maternal and Foot Score values. Super thick topped and deep sided bull that only improved his power house phenotype while breeding cows as a yearling. Besides his impressive muscle, the first thing you will notice about STELLAR is his outstanding foot quality and added depth of heel. Advantage 6019 • Monumental • Patriarch • Command • Ramesses • Crossbow • Achievement Stellar • Timberline • Enforcer • Powerball • Thunderball • Complete • Advance 5016 Plus many sired by Cherry Creek herd sires. CED: +6 BW: -0.3 WW: +77 YW: +135 M: +24 Marb: +.45 RE: +.66 $B: +135 $C: +266 WXW Timberline W287 Cherry Creek 49THANNUAL Progress Through Performance Bull Sale Sale Date: Thursday, February 10, 2022 At the ranch in Veteran, WY • Lunch: Noon • Sale Time: 1 p.m. Selling 150 Fall and Two-Year-Old Bulls ALL OF THE BULLS HAVE BEEN PAP TESTED BY DR. TIM HOLT AFTER SPENDING THE SUMMER AT 8,000’ IN WALDEN, CO Shawn & Diane 307-534-5865 Michael & Lindsy 307-532-1805 • Kacey 307-532-1532 BOOTH’S ANGUS Featuring sons of: Powerhouse individual with a great maternal design and ranks #1 on the Main Sire list for combined Foot Score EPDs. Outstanding maternal pedigree and design with elite $Maternal and Foot Score values. Super thick topped and deep sided bull that only improved his power house phenotype while breeding cows as a yearling. Besides his impressive muscle, the first thing you will notice about STELLAR is his outstanding foot quality and added depth of heel. Advantage 6019 • Monumental • Patriarch • Command • Ramesses • Crossbow • Achievement Stellar • Timberline • Enforcer • Powerball • Thunderball • Complete • Advance 5016 CED: +6 BW: -0.3 WW: +77 YW: +135 M: +24 Marb: +.45 RE: +.66 $B: +135 $C: +266 Shawn & Diane 307-534-5865 Michael & Lindsy 307-532-1805 • Kacey 307-532-1532 Our 2023 Sires Include: Circle L Gus • Kessler’s Commodore • Circle L Gusto • CA Mountain Program 445 Cherry Crk Blue Collar G275 • Cherry Crk Advance G248 (Reg #19799376) Plus many sired by Cherry Creek herd sires.
50K Rankings CED: 4 BW: 8 WW: 43 YW: 10 DMI: 84 YH: 53 SC: 15 HP: 77 CEM: 18 M: 43 MW: 61 MH: 58 CW: 14 Marb: 15 RE: 1 Fat: 68 Tend: 3 BW 74# NR: 107 YR: 113 Lot 1
50K Rankings CED: 17 BW: 23 WW: 19 YW: 12 DMI: 78 YH: 35 SC: 32 HP: 47 CEM: 61 M: 5 MW: 12 MH: 17 CW: 29 Marb: 18 RE: 33 Fat: 57 Tend: 9 BW: 71# NR: 106 YR: 108 Lot 2
50K Rankings
37 YW: 46 DMI: 67 YH: 78 SC: 45 HP: 20 CEM: 23 M: 48 MW: 52 MH: 59CW: 50 Marb: 46 RE: 24 Fat: 44 Tend: 3 BW: 90# NR: 111 YR: 108 Lot 3
YW: +162 M: +28 Marb: +.51 RE: +1.05 $C: +312 50K Rankings CED: 26 BW: 46 WW: 1 YW: 1 DMI: 84 YH: 9 SC: 67 HP: 36 CEM: 29 M: 70 MW: 9 MH: 13 CW: 2 Marb: 60 RE: 4 Fat: 17 Tend: 46 BW: 84# NR: 107 YR: 114 Lot 4
+90 13
14 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 15
16 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 17 FRKG CKCC TITANIUM K207 ET | ASA: 4111306 MR CCF 20-20 x WAGR MS PROFIT 7054E Homo Black Homo Polled | Act. BW: 96 | Adj. WW: 753 PB SM Lot 1 CKCC ML KK`S PLATINUM 2740K ET | ASA: 4110990 FRKG CKCC PLATINUM 009H ET x TMAS MS KATINKA KAY 9741G Homo Black Homo Polled | Act. BW: 89 | Adj. WW: 787 PB SM Lot 4 CKCC BELLA`S PLATINUM 2680K ET | ASA: 4110975 FRKG CKCC PLATINUM 009H ET x FSC2 BELLA Hetero Black Homo Polled | Act. BW: 84 | Adj. WW: 706 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Lot 8 WAGR MR RIGHT TIME 2067K ET | ASA: 4111265 ES RIGHT TIME FA110-4 x RESN BIGUPGRADEDDEAL422 Hetero Black Homo Polled | Act. BW: 86 | Adj. WW: 693 PB SM Lot 20 CKCC MR EPIC 2611K | ASA: 4096811 OMF EPIC E27 x CKCC MS ENOUGH SAID 0700H Homo Black Homo Polled | Act. BW: 78 | Adj. WW: 719 3/4 SM 1/4 AN FRKG CKCC KODIAC 211K ET | ASA: 4111309 EC REBEL 156F x J6RA BADA BING 1602B Hetero Black Homo Polled | Act. BW: 96 | Adj. WW: 803 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Lot 42 Lot 69 CKCC MS TESS 1618J | ASA: 3989567 MR CCF 20-20 x MASF HOLT MS TESS 17G Sells safe to OMF Epic E27! PB SM Lot 201 CKCC MS STAR 1405J | ASA: 4156518 HPF QUANTUM LEAP Z952 x 3C CROCUS 5634C B Sells safe to HOLT Night Vision 457H! 3/4 SM 1/4 AN CKCC MS EAGLE 1612J | ASA: 4096765 HOOK`S EAGLE 6E x ACLL COUNTESS 352G Sells safe to Sitz Stellar 726D! PB SM Lot 202 Lot 208 Chris & Kristi E ing Cagney, Chesney, & Kenidey Chris: 605.769.0142 | Kristi: 605.769.1308 WWW.CKCATTLE.COM Lanny & Jayne Wager Dusty, Aimee, Teigen, Kinsley, & Landan Wager Lanny: 605. 769.1211 | Dusty: 605.769.5010 Graham Blagg: 530.913.6418 Jered Shipman: 806.983.7226 Tim Anderson: 605.682.9343 WWW.INNOVATIONAGMARKETING.COM 100 bulls and 45 bred heifers Featuring a powerful o ering of Simmental and Simangus™ Seedstock

Erle 319-668-2082

Office 319-668-2026

• Mobile 319-430-0820

"Greetings" continued from pg 4

approaching. If any of our staff can assist you at any of the upcoming events, please give us a call. Come see us in the south annex at the Iowa Beef Expo. Please keep all our Military and their families along with our Law Enforcement, Boarder Patrol and First Responders in your thoughts and prayers. See Ya down the road!!

God Bless

Dearest Lord,

Thank you for being our rock and firm foundation when the world so often feels like it’s shaky. When we make plans or even goals for our lives, help us to remember that you want to be part of that conversation. You are the only one who truly determines our steps.

Remind us to give thanks to you when we experience success and turn to you when our lives feel like they are falling apart. Help us to appreciate the gifts you give us: the gift of a spouse, parents and children. The gift of having a job, the motivation to want to work and the physical ability to get the job done. The gift of a country that provides us freedom to live and worship You however we want.

The more the world changes around us, help us to recognize that this is an especially good time to thank you for being the one who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Strengthen our minds, our hands, our hearts and especially our faith in you. We pray this in Jesus’ name.


Pastor Steven Broers 641-745-7648

18 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
ANGUS BULLS performance
tested & ready to go!
Muir Embroidery Screenprinting and 124 N. Wilson St. • Jefferson, IA 515-386-4196 AL CONOVER ~ Auctioneer ~ 515-491-8078 19

Friend of the Beef Expo

Friend of the Beef Expo Terry Woiwood

Terry Woiwood

Dedication is defined in the Webster dictionary as “self-sacrificing devotion and loyalty.” The recipient of the 2023 Friend of the Iowa Beef Expo is a true testament of that definition. Terry Woiwood was elected on the Iowa Beef Breeds Council as the South Devon representative in 1990. Terry was dedicated to improving the beef expo for the producers and for the juniors that exhibited cattle there. Terry started raising South Devon cattle on his farm in Garner, IA in 1982. Although today his herd size may have dwindled down to 5 South Devon cows, his dedication to the breed is unmatched. When Terry was elected to the Iowa Beef Breeds Council in 1990, his loyalties lied with the producers. And when his term ended in 2020, after 30 years on the Iowa Beef Breeds Council his dedication was still apparent. Terry viewed his election onto the council as an opportunity to improve the expo and put the interest of the producers first. While on the council, Terry was also an immaculate record keeper. He would document events that would take place at the Iowa Beef Expo, and he spoke about how he has binders full of records from years past. Terry was a dedicated board member that never missed an Iowa Beef Breeds Council because he knew the prestigiousness of his position and held it to the upmost respect.

Dedication is defined in the Webster dictionary as “self-sacrificing devotion and loyalty.” The recipient of the 2023 Friend of the Iowa Beef Expo is a true testament of that definition. Terry Woiwood was elected on the Iowa Beef Breeds Council as the South Devon representative in 1990. Terry was dedicated to improving the beef expo for the producers and for the juniors that exhibited cattle there. Terry started raising South Devon cattle on his farm in Garner, IA in 1982. Although today his herd size may have dwindled down to 5 South Devon cows, his dedication to the breed is unmatched. When Terry was elected to the Iowa Beef Breeds Council in 1990, his loyalties lied with the producers. And when his term ended in 2020, after 30 years on the Iowa Beef Breeds Council his dedication was still apparent. Terry viewed his election onto the council as an opportunity to improve the expo and put the interest of the producers first. While on the council, Terry was also an immaculate record keeper. He would document events that would take place at the Iowa Beef Expo, and he spoke about how he has binders full of records from years past. Terry was a dedicated board member that never missed an Iowa Beef Breeds Council because he knew the prestigiousness of his position and held it to the upmost respect.

Seedstock Producer

Greiman Family Angus strives to continue to produce Angus cattle that are functional for any sector of production. Performance, structural soundness, ease of fleshing and fertility are all part of the equation for a cow at their operation. An operation that has stood through the test of 128 years and counting, is an operation to be proud of. A true family operation that has understood changes when they were faced with them and adapted and overcame.

Greiman Family Angus strives to continue to produce Angus cattle that are functional for any sector of production. Performance, structural soundness, ease of fleshing and fertility are all part of the equation for a cow at their operation. An operation that has stood through the test of 128 years and counting, is an operation to be proud of. A true family operation that has understood changes when they were faced with them and adapted and overcame.

20 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
Seedstock Producer

Make Plans to Join Us FEBRUARY 11-19, 2023

Iowa State Fairgrounds- Des Moines, IA

Saturday, February 11 7:30 AM Judging Contest Registration Jacobson 9:00 AM Judging Contest Begins Jacobson 9:00 AM Trade Show Begins Foyer 9:30 AM IA Angus Show Pavilion 1:00 PM Iowa Tall Corn Bid Calling Championship Pennigroth 1:00 PM IA Red Angus Show Pavilion 2:00 PM IA Limousin Parade Aisle 3:00 PM IA Maine Anjou Parade Pavilion 3:00 PM AOB Show Pavilion 5:30 PM IA Simmental Assn Social Walnut Center 6:00 PM IA Simmental Assn Banquet Walnut Center 6:00 PM IA Charolais Assn Social Bull Pen 6:00 PM IA Angus Assn Social Courtyard Marriott 6:00 PM IA Gelbvieh Assn Social Holiday Inn 6:30 PM IA Red Angus Assn Banquet Bright Grandview 7:00 PM IA Gelbvieh Assn Banquet Holiday Inn 7:00 PM IA Charolais Assn Banquet Bull Pen 7:00 PM IA Angus Assn Banquet Courtyard Marriott 7:00 PM IA Maine Anjou Assn Banquet TBD Wednesday, February 15 8:00 AM IA Select Hereford Parade Pavilion 11:30 AM IA Select Hereford Sale North Annex Thursday, February 16 8:00 AM Junior Cattle Can Arrive Stalls 4:00 PM Weaver Stierwalt Clinic North Annex Saturday, February 18 8:00 AM Expo Junior Show Pavilion Sunday, February 19 8:00 AM Expo Junior Show Pavilion Tuesday, February 14 5:30 PM IA Hereford Assn Social 4-H Building 6:30 PM IA Hereford Assn Banquet 4-H Building Friday, February 17 6:45 AM Check-In IJBBA Brd. Cattle Pavilion 7:00-10 AM Check-In of Junior Cattle Pavilion 9:00 AM Scholarship Interviews 4-H Building 10:30 AM Sullivan Stock Show U Fitting Clinic Pennigroth 12:00 PM Sunglo No-Fit Showmanship Pavilion 3:30 PM Supreme Row Drive Pavilion 3:30 PM Sale Heifer Futurity Pavilion 4:30 PM IJBBA Year End Awards Pavilion 6:00 PM Donors on Ice- Sale of Elite GeneticsNorth Annex Sunday, February 12 9:00 AM Trade Show Begins Foyer 9:30 AM Cowboy Church Pennigroth 11:00 AM IA Angus Sale Pennigroth 11:00 AM IA Limousin Sale North Annex 1:00 PM IA Maine Anjou Sale (or 30 mins after Limousin)North Annex 2:00 PM IA Red Angus Sale (or 30 mins after Maine Anjou)North Annex 2:00 PM IA Gelbveih Sale (or 30 mins after Angus) Pennigroth 3:00 PM AOB Sale (or 30 mins after Gelbvieh) Pennigroth Black Hereford, Miniature Hereford, Salers, Shorthorns 1:00 PM IA Simmental Video Parade Pavilion 2:00 PM IA Charolais Video Parade Pavilion Monday, February 13 11:30 AM IA Simmental Sale Pennigroth 1:30 PM IA Charolais Sale North Annex
*** All Events and Times Subject to Change Check out our Facebook Page and Website for updates. WWW.IOWABEEFEXPO.COM Mallory Robinson 660-525-5717 Iowabeefexpo@gmailcom 21


Hats Off

Onto the short month of February, already! Where does the time go? It won’t be long (hopefully) and the grass will be turning green and days will be getting warmer.

Recently I traveled to Oklahoma City to do some business at the Cattleman’s Congress. A gentlemen, I did not know, approached me and said he enjoyed reading these articles. He went on to say he had seen several of my family’s ads and was curious where “Shy 5 Simmentals” stemmed from. I get that question rather frequently and haven’t told many people where it came from. So, due to the fact I was struggling with writing material this month, I thought I would tell the story behind our brand and farm name.

Most who know me personally, know that I live and breathe cattle. I don’t have a lot of hobbies outside of

watching some sports, but mostly I just focus on the cattle during the week and in my free time. When I was young, my dad and his brothers ran a small herd of commercial cattle together on my grandpa Sorensen’s farm. My folks got me started like most kids with a bottle calf and then moved into showing club calves and on into Simmentals. At that point, mom and dad didn’t feel right running the few purebred cows we had at the farm out of respect for everyone financially involved in those cows, so they purchased a small piece of ground on the edge of Villisca, IA. The place my folks bought was just shy of 5 acres. We were buying all our hay and running a small handful of cows.

Like I’ve mentioned before, my folks have always helped my sister and me push to reach goals. Growing the cowherd meant getting more ground and as the years passed we slowly chipped away at that goal. When I met my wife, we continued to add cows and ground and now proudly own a few farms between us and rent several as well. We definitely have a long way to go, to be where we want to be, but the Shy 5 has always been a good reminder of where we started and came from.

When I was young and my parents bought this place they still call home, I remember talking to my dad about some of the ranchers in the area about how nice the big barns were and how the LED lights mounted off every building and pole sure made their place nice. I’ll never forget him telling me about when he was young, knowing those rancher’s fathers and seeing them carry buckets with flashlights in their hands.

It sure sounds cliché but it is amazing what can happen if you put your head down, work hard, and try your best to do the right things along the way! It also helps to have people in your family like Sydney and I have had on both sides of our families that bless us with opportunities as well. This month, my hat goes off to everyone working to better their operation no matter what that may entail.

We are in the heart of bull and bred heifer sale season so, as always, do not hesitate to reach out to me or any of our team for your livestock purchasing or marketing needs.

God bless, Austin



22 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
Iowa State Fairgrounds Des Moines, IA at the Expo SALE F EBRUARY 12, 2023 11:00 AM View cattle and see the show February 11 Iowa Angus Association Zach Britton • 515-230-5745 IOWA ANGUS ASSOCIATION AAA Regional Manager Adam Conover • 816-676-8560 Conover Auction Service Al Conover • 641-227-3537 Online streaming and bidding Live Auctions .TV 2 0 20482766 Swensons Queen May 822 20432496 Cory Synergy 902 20436395 CA Redemption 221 20503767 KLB Saras Dream 2207 20484190 Moffitt Primrose 2211 20335165 Jensen Lights Out 189 of FAF Selling 68 Lots • TWO-YEAR OLD BULLS • YEARLING BULLS •YEARLING HEIFERS •EMBRYOS 23

Kali Nickell



Contributed by Norma Bolton for IBBC Heifer Project selection team

Red Angus shows. She participated in national Junior contests such as: livestock judging, photography, herdsman quiz, and ID contest and has encouraged others to do the same. She also entered the 2022 Skillathon Quiz at Iowa Beef Expo and placed second in the Jr Age Division.

Kali’s recommendations credit her with goals of striving for excellence, being a peer role model, team player and leader plus having an outstanding work ethic. She is planning to learn more about genetics, breeding, feeding, grazing practices, budgets and promotion of the beef industry. She is an excellent showman but her main goal and plan is to have a quality cow herd as a 4th generation in the cattle industry.

Kali Nickell, daughter of Kevin and Stefanie Nickell, of Gravity, Iowa has recently been announced as the 2023 recipient of the Iowa Foundation Heifer Award. As an award winner, she received three purebred Red Angus bred heifers which were purchased from Garth and Nancy Griffin’s Red Angus herd located at New Hampton, Iowa. The foundation heifers of the breed of the winner’s choice are awarded each year by Iowa Beef Breeds Council and Iowa Cattlemen’s Foundation. At the end of five years, Kali will be expected to repay $6,000 to help with funding to keep the program moving into the future. The program is in year thirteen and was developed to help youth establish

purebred seedstock herds of their own.

Kali is a seventhgrade student at Bedford Community School in Bedford where she is currently involved in volleyball. She is in her 4th year as a member of the Washington Winners 4-H Club and was chosen to serve as this year’s historian. She has been involved in a number of community service projects. In addition, she is a member of the Iowa Junior Red Angus Association and the National Junior Red Angus Association. She shares her family’s love of the Red Angus breed and has shown not only at her local County Fair, but also at the Iowa State Fair, Iowa Beef Expo, Iowa Red Angus Field Days and National Junior

Power of Angus.

A reliable business partner is difficult to come by. Contact your Regional Manager to locate Angus genetics, select marketing options tailored to your needs, and to access American Angus Association® programs and services. Put the business breed to work for you.

She will be honored at the Iowa Red Angus Association Banquet to be held on Saturday, February 11th at 7:00 pm during the Iowa Beef Expo and at the IJBBA Year End Awards held at 4:30 pm on Friday, February 17, 2023 in the Pavilion at the Iowa State Fair Grounds. n Adam

Cell: 816.676.8560


24 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 NEWS RELEASE
Kevin, Kambri, Stefanie, and Kali Nickell, Nancy and Garth Griffin Kali Nickell & Garth Griffin Griffin Award Heifers
Conover, Regional Manager
Iowa Missouri
© 2022-2023 American Angus Association 3201 Frederick Ave. | St. Joseph, MO 64506 816.383.5100 | Casey Jentz, Regional Manager Illinois Indiana Michigan Wisconsin Cell: 608.234.1998
Landers, Regional Manager
Colorado Nebraska Cell:
Geppert, Regional Manager
605.295.3673 Muir Embroidery Screenprinting and 124 N. Wilson St. • Jefferson, IA 515-386-4196 New Apparel!
Minnesota North
Cell: 25 Held in Conjunction with the Red Angus Classic 47th Annual The Red Angus Source for… Show Heifers, Bred Heifers, Bulls and Genetic Lots Sunday, February 12, 2023 | Sale Time: 2 p.m. North Annex of the Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, Iowa She Sells! He Sells! She Sells! Sponsored by: Iowa Red Angus Association For more information visit the Iowa Red Angus Facebook page or contact Mike Hein at 402-719-4389 Auctioneer: Justin Stout 903-645-5136 Watch and bid online:
26 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 BULL P44355277 - Calved: 12/26/2021 - Tattoo: LE 204 CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} {DLF,HYF,IEF,MDF} TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} BK BH FAST BALL F102 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} CRR 4037 ECLIPSE 808 {DLF,HYF,IEF} 44015577 BK COOL BEANS 5707C {DLF,HYF,IEF} VH MR BG 1104 {DLF,HYF,IEF} HAPP KOOL AID POINTS 1218 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF} TFR KU ROLL THE DICE 1326 {DLF,HYF,IEF} STAR TCF LOCK-N-LOAD 300W ET {CHB} {DLF,HYF,IEF} PH 1326 MS RIZZO 723 ET LH LANGFORD LADY 0253 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF} 43994093 DELHAWK KIKI 19B ET {DLF,HYF,IEF} DELHAWK KAHUNA 1009 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF} TH 557E 57G BURGUNDY 33N {DLF,HYF,IEF} PH F102 FERNANDO 204 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} CE BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE -0.6 3.3 60 96 0.6 0.9 10.6 29 58 -1.1 MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 89 1.20 1.10 80 0.008 0.64 -0.05 264 324 107 18 Wednesday, February 15, 2023 OFFERING ONE BULL and ONE OPEN HEIFER COW P44354215 - Calved: 1/17/2022 - Tattoo: LE 215 NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD} {CHB}{DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} LOEWEN GENESIS G16 ET {CHB} {DLF,HYF,IEF} BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} P43987463 LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET {DLF,HYF} MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} {DLF,HYF,IEF} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N {DLF,HYF,IEF} DELHAWK KAHUNA 1009 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF} CH ENUFF PROPHET 2913 {DLF,HYF,IEF} DELHAWK KIKI 19B ET {DLF,HYF,IEF} MCR PPF MISS GOLD DOM 206 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF} P43477809 TH 557E 57G BURGUNDY 33N {DLF,HYF,IEF} RU 20X BOULDER 57G {SOD} MEGS 707B BURGUNDY 557E {HYP} PH G16 GIGI 215 ET CE BW WW YW DMI SC SCF MM M&G MCE 0.1 4.7 70 115 0.6 1.1 10.9 32 67 3.5 MCW UDDR TEAT CW FAT REA MARB BMI$ BII$ CHB$ 120 1.10 1.00 86 0.038 0.75 0.15 297 381 138 48 Petersen Hereford Farm Brent, Robin, Dylan and Nicole / 2169 290th Ave., DeWitt, IA 52742 / 563-357-9849 / Where the Winds Blow and the Herefords Grow! SPH Miss Perfection 3K H199 P44379397 SPH Miss Enduremanator 69H 12K P44396551 SPH Miss Enduremanator 86C 20K P44396553 SHERIFF POLLED HEREFORDS BRAD SHERIFF Orient, IA 641-247-1948 Videos available by text request CONTACT: • Available PRIVATE TREATY • SPH Miss Convoy Excel 2K 0388 P44381115 SPH Ms Campana 66589 37H 4K P44374349 Consigning to the IOWA BEEF EXPO • Feb. 15th 27
28 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 Muir Embroidery Screenprinting and 124 N. Wilson St. • Jefferson, IA 515-386-4196 29

Mr. Copacetic 10K

Iowa Beef Expo Simmental Sale

February 13, 2023 • 11:30 am • Iowa State Fairgrounds

Mr. Copacetic 10K

Iowa Beef Expo Simmental Sale February 13, 2023

Mr. Copacetic 10K

Mr. Night Watch 12K

Mr. Night Watch 12K

11:30 am

About the cow: Miss Knockout 74T won Louisville and the National show at the American Royal in Kansas City the same year. In August 2022 she ranked sixth all time in the Simmental breed for registrations. That says it all! Not quite, her daughter Serena ranks third. Data can be found on page 40 in the July/August 2022 issue of the Register. 74T continues to produce highperforming super attractive off-spring.

Iowa State Fairgrounds

Mr. Night Watch 12K Mr. Pay the Price 11K

Mr. Night Watch 12K Mr. Pay the Price 11K

About the Cow: Miss Knockout 74T won Louisville and the National show at the American Royal in Kansas City the same year. In August 2022 she ranked sixth all time in the Simmental breed for registrations. That says it all! Not quite, her daughter Serena ranks third. Data can be found on page 40 in the July/August 2022 issue of the Register. 74T continues to produce high-performing, super attractive off-spring.

About the cow: Miss Knockout 74T won Louisville and the National show at the American Royal in Kansas City the same year. In August 2022 she ranked sixth all time in the Simmental breed for registrations. That says it all! Not quite, her daughter Serena ranks third. Data can be found on page 40 in the July/August 2022 issue of the Register. 74T continues to produce highperforming, super attractive off-spring.

About the Cow: Miss Knockout 74T won Louisville and the National show at the American Royal in Kansas City the same year. In August 2022 she ranked sixth all time in the Simmental breed for registrations. That says it all! Not quite, her daughter Serena ranks third. Data can be found on page 40 in the July/August 2022 issue of the Register. 74T continues to produce high-performing, super attractive off-spring.

Miss Knockout 74T won Louisville and the National show at the American Royal in Kansas City the same year. In August 2022 she ranked sixth all time in the Simmental breed for registrations. That says it all! Not quite, her daughter Serena ranks third. Data can be found on page 40 in the July/August 2022 issue of the Register. 74T continues to produce highperforming, super attractive off-spring.

About the cow: Miss Knockout 74T won Louisville and the National show at the American Royal in Kansas City the same year. In August 2022 she ranked sixth all time in the Simmental breed for registrations. That says it all! Not quite, her daughter Serena ranks third. Data can be found on page 40 in the July/August 2022 issue of the Register. 74T continues to produce highperforming, super attractive off-spring.

About the Sire: WLE Copacetic E02 is a hot young sire in the Simmental breed. We saw a heifer calf he sired bring $62,000 in an Iowa December sale. Excellent calving ease and growth. He was Grand Champion bull at both the NAILE national show and the American Royal in 2018. He is extra sound structured.

About the cow: Miss Knockout 74T won Louisville and the National show at the American Royal in Kansas City the same year. In August 2022 she ranked sixth all time in the Simmental breed for registrations. That says it all! Not quite, her daughter Serena ranks third. Data can be found on page 40 in the July/August 2022 issue of the Register. 74T continues to produce highperforming, super attractive off-spring.

About the Sire: WLE Copacetic E02 is a hot young sire in the Simmental breed. We saw a heifer calf he sired bring $62,000 in an Iowa December sale. Excellent calving ease and growth. He was Grand Champion bull at both the NAILE national show and the American Royal in 2018. He is extra sound structured.

About the Sire: WLE Copacetic E02 is a hot young sire in the Simmen tal breed. We saw a heifer calf he sired bring $62,000 in an Iowa December sale. Excellent calving ease and growth. He was Grand Champion bull at both the NAILE national show and the American Royal in 2018. He is extra sound structured.


Offered by Roger and Betty Brummett The Rolling B, Bedford, IA 50833 712-542-7712

About Mr. Copacetic 10K: If we would have been able to take a pen to Denver, this would have been the lead bull for the pen. He is full of power and red meat. He is average for calving ease, good growth, and superior milk if you are saving heifers. This bull was scurred. ASA number is 4128123

Offered by: Roger and Betty Brummett

About Mr. Copacetic 10K: If we would have been able to take a pen to Denver, this would have been the lead bull for the pen. He is full of power and red meat. He is average for calving ease, good growth, and superior milk if you are saving heifers. This bull was scurred. ASA number is 4128123

The Rolling B, Bedford, IA 50833 712-542-7712

Offered by: Roger and Betty Brummett

The Rolling B, Bedford, IA 50833 712-542-7712

About the Sire: W/C Night Watch 84E is from a storied program. He b rings tremendous calving ease, a whopping negative 3.4 birthweight and an All Purpose Profit Index of 144. He sold for $142,000 at the 2018 Werning sale.

About the Sire: W/C Night Watch 84E is from a storied program. He b rings tremendous calving ease, a whopping negative 3.4 birthweight and an All Purpose Profit Index of 144. He sold for $142,000 at the 2018 Werning sale.

About the Sire: W/C Night Watch 84E is from a storied program. He brings tremendous calving ease, a whopping negative 3.4 birthweight and an All Purpose Profit Index of 144. He sold for $142,000 at the 2018 Werning sale.

About Mr. Copacetic 10K: If we would have been able to take a pen to Denver, this would have been the lead bull for the pen. He is full of power and red meat. He is average for calving ease, good growth, and superior milk if you are saving heifers. This bull was scurred. ASA number is

Offered by Cheryl and John Walston 102 Cattle Company, Bedford, IA 50833 712-542-7712

About the Sire: W/C Night Watch 84E is from a storied program. He brings tremendous calving ease, a whopping negative 3.4 birthweight and an All Purpose Profit Index of 144. He sold for $142,000 at the 2018 Werning sale.

About Mr. Night Watch 12K: He was in our pen of three headed for Denver until we discovered we couldn’t make the trip. This is one attractive young bull calf with all the right parts. He has tremendous milk EPD’s that should transmit to his daughters. ASA number is 4128125.

Offered by Cheryl and John Walston 102 Cattle Company, Bedford, IA 50833 712-542-7712

About the Sire: SC Pay the Price C11. This sire transmits power and profile into his progeny making power bulls and elegant show heifers. It is extremely rare that a bull wins any major show twice but SC Pay the Price won Denver in 2017 and 2018.

About Mr. Night Watch 12K: He was in our pen of three headed for Denver until we discovered we couldn’t make the trip. This is one attractive young bull calf with all the right parts. He has tremendous milk EPD’s that should transmit to his daughters. ASA number is 4128125.

About Mr. Night Watch 12K: He was in our pen of three headed for Denver until we discovered we couldn’t make the trip. This is one attractive young bull calf with all the right parts. He has tremendous milk EPD’s that should transmit to his daughters. ASA number is 4128125.

Offered by: Cheryl and John Walston 102 Cattle Company Bedford, IA 50833 712-542-7712

Offered by: Cheryl and John Walston 102 Cattle Company Bedford, IA 50833 712-542-7712

About the Sire: SC Pay the Price C11. This sire transmits power and profile into his progeny making power bulls and elegant show heifers. It is extremely rare that a bull wins any major show twice but SC Pay the Price won Denver in 2017 and 2018.

About the Sire: SC Pay the Price C11. This sire transmits power and profile into his progeny making power bulls and elegant show heifers. It is extremely rare that a bull wins any major show twice, but SC Pay the Price won Denver in 2017 and 2018.

About Mr. Pay the Price 11K: We’re not supposed to have favorites but this bull calf brings so much to the table. Soggy-middled, he brings width down the top into a square, thick rump structure. He had made our Denver pen of three before we discovered we couldn’t go. ASA number is 4128124

About Mr. Pay the Price 11K: We’re not supposed to have favorites , but this bull calf brings so much to the table. Soggy-middled, he brings width down the top into a square, thick rump structure. He had made our Denver pen of three before we discovered we couldn’t go. ASA number is 4128124

About Mr. Night Watch 12K: He was in our pen of three headed for Denver until we discovered we couldn’t make the trip. This is one attractive young bull calf with all the right parts. He has tremendous milk EPD’s that should transmit to his daughters. ASA number is 4128125.

About the Sire: SC Pay the Price C11. This sire transmits power and profile into his progeny making power bulls and elegant show heifers. It is extremely rare that a bull wins any major show twice, but SC Pay the Price won Denver in 2017 and 2018.

Offered by Cheryl and John Walston 102 Cattle Company, Bedford, IA 50833 712-542-7712

Offered by Cheryl and John Walston 102 Cattle Company, Bedford, IA 50833 712-542-7712

About Mr. Pay the Price 11K: We’re not supposed to have favorites, but this bull calf brings so much to the table. Soggy-middled, he brings width down the top into a square, thick rump structure. He had made our Denver pen of three before we discovered we couldn’t go. ASA number is 4128124.

Offered by: Cheryl and John Walston

About Mr. Pay the Price 11K: We’re not supposed to have favorites, but this bull calf brings so much to the table. Soggy-middled, he brings width down the top into a square, thick rump structure. He had made our Denver pen of three before we discovered we couldn’t go. ASA number is 4128124.

102 Cattle Company Bedford, IA 50833 712-542-7712

Offered by: Cheryl and John Walston 102 Cattle Company Bedford, IA 50833

30 Livestock Plus Inc.
Mr. Pay the Price 11K
Mr. Copacetic 10K About the cow: Miss Knockout 74T won Louisville and the National show at the American Royal in Kansas City the same year. In August 2022 she ranked sixth all time in the Simmental breed for registrations. That says it all! Not quite, her daughter Serena ranks third. Data can be found on page 40 in the July/August 2022 issue of the Register. 74T continues to produce highperforming super attractive off-spring. About the Sire: WLE Copacetic E02 is a hot young sire in the Simmen tal breed. We saw a heifer calf he sired bring $62,000 in an Iowa December sale. Excellent calving ease and growth. He was Grand Champion bull at both the NAILE national show and the American Royal in 2018. He is extra sound structured. About Mr. Copacetic 10K: If we would have been able to take a pen to Denver, this would have been the lead bull for the pen. He is full of power and red meat. He is average for calving ease, good growth, and superior milk if you are saving heifers. This bull was scurred. ASA number is 4128123 Offered by Roger and Betty Brummett The Rolling B, Bedford, IA 50833 712-542-7712 Mr. Pay the Price 11K About the cow:
YOUR LOGO HERE! CALL NOW to Reserve and Pickup your chair @ IA Beef EXPO!!! Muir Embroidery Screenprinting and 124 N. Wilson St. • Jefferson, IA 515-386-4196 YOUR LOGO HERE! HERE! Many styles & colors available! Limited QuanTity!
Fortune x Broker Lover Boy x Executive Order Lover Boy x Loaded Up Right Now x Uno Mas Calving Ease Bull Reserve Grand Champ Bull ISF Low Birth Wt, High Growth Full Sib 319-330-0809 Thill Cattle Company Open January Check us out at the Iowa Beef Expo Sale: Monday February 13th 11:30 am Iowa State Fairgrounds Available online:
Consigning to February 17, 2023 @ IBE • Des Moines, IA
WLE Shez It C056
Austin 712-310-3788 Dan 712-303-7779 Sydney 641-344-8911 Jaron 605-929-3749 Craig 712-470-0787
$19,000 daughter of C056
State Supreme Champion Junior
$26,000 daughter of C056 33

Dedicated to caring for the donor cow on an individual basis

*special assisted living for donor cows

Reasonable rates for all your embryo transplanting needs

Centrally located; just 40 miles east of Des Moines. 1 mile south of I-80, exit 179.


For more information, contact: Tom Graham

2163 Hwy T38 S. • Grinnell, IA 50112

Cell: 641-990-0334

Ph: 641-594-4125

Celebrating 35 Years with OLYMPIC GENETIC CENTER

Olympic Genetic Center was formed to house donors and recipients for embryo transplant in 1988 by Tom Graham after he moved back to Iowa upon working throughout the United States at different cattle operations.

When building the business, it was apparent at that time the need for a collection facility that could offer embryo transplant to those who were wanting to pursue a foreign market (primarily Australia and New Zealand). Our goal was to provide services and facilities for embryologists to continue servicing their clientele for the foreign market and have since evolved to providing a domestic embryo transplant service. Through the years with improvement of equipment and technology we have also been able to expand to offer IVF services.

We are fortunate and privileged to have worked with over a dozen embryologists throughout the country and have maintained the success of the business with over 35 years of experience in the field of embryo transplant. At Olympic Genetic Center you are not going to be served as just another client and your cattle are not seen as just a number within the herd. Our number one goal is to provide individual care and nutrition for client’s donor cattle in order to achieve maximum potential in embryo collections and conception. We continually try to offer the best technology and service available with our clientele. We have had the opportunity to work with many different breeders to house and provide care for numerous nationally know donors. And ultimately, we will continue to offer guidance and educate our clients to obtain optimum conception whether it be embryo transplant, artificial insemination, and/or other bovine reproductive services. n

LOT 1 | OMF KESSLER K89 | ASA: 4100894


Homo Black & Homo Polled FULL BROTHER to the $60,000 OMF Hard Right H21!

LOT 22 | OMF/DK KANNON 19K | ASA: 4057324


Elite performance sire prospect that ranks top 1% of the breed for WW, YW, MWW, CW, & TI!

LOT 18 | OMF KAREEM K58 | ASA: 4100873


One of the rst sons from the $230,000 KCC1 Countertime 872H to sell!

LOT 6 | FIVE STAR KING K14 | ASA: 4106447


One of ve phenomenal ET brothers by the $60,000 OMF Hard Right H21!

LOT 20 | OMF KLONDIKE K49 | ASA: 4100861

KCC1 COUNTERTIME 872H x OMF FARRAH F35 Powerhouse son of KCC1 Countertime 872H that is from a maternal sister to OMF Epic E27!

LOT 51 | OMF/DK JOSIE 31J | ASA: 3893509


One of the very best females we have EVER o ered. Safe AI to OMF Epic E27 with a Heifer pregnancy!

LOT 63 | FIVE STAR JANAE J9 | ASA: 3947789


A stunning FULL SISTER to the $65,000 Five Star Jackson J10. Safe AI to MR SR Red October G1761 with a Heifer pregnancy!



Homo Black & Homo Polled SimAngus™ herd sire prospect that o ers an extremely balanced number pro le!

LOT 52 | OMF/DKSM JERRILYN J44 | AS: 3953615


This full sister to the $52,000 OMF/DKSM Density J34. Safe AI to OMF Rest Assured J18!

TM 35 37 Annual Production Sale
join us for lunch prior to the sale February 13, 2023 • 1 p.m. cst at the ranch • Ree Heights, South Dakota LOT 2 • ECR 9170 CHRISTI 2140 Reg #44399966 • Polled DOB: 2/25/22 • Sire: Pyramid Daybreak 9170 LOT 11 • ECR 8194 MS NIGHTING GALE 2232 Reg #44397382 • Polled DOB: 3/17/22 • Sire: ECR 738 Sleep On 8194 LOT 34 • ECR 0136 DOMINO 2106 Reg #44399868 • Horned DOB: 2/25/22 • Sire: CL 1 Domino 0136H LOT 36 • ECR 9170 OUTLIER 2155 Reg #44399570 • Polled DOB: 3/1/22 • Sire: Pyramid Daybreak 9170 LOT 70 • ECR 238 FORTIFIED 2149 Reg #44399161 • Polled DOB: 2/28/22 • Sire: NJW 84B 4040 Fortified 238F LOT 71 • ECR 9170 ENDURE 2178 Reg #44401388 • Polled LOT 18 • ECR 8923 LADY SANCHO 2383 ET Reg #44397224 • Horned DOB: 4/2/22 • Sire: ECR 628 Ivys Advance 8923 ET “Sancho” LOT 112 • ECR 8454 LAMBEAU 1369 Reg #44292972 • Horned DOB: 4/18/21 • Sire: ECR WF Lambeau 8454 LOT 92 • ECR 38C REDEEM 1318 Reg #44294929 • Polled DOB: 3/27/21 • Sire: NJW 73S 485T Redeem 38C ET To request a sale catalog, please call or text 605-870-6172 or email Keith, Cheryl & Matt 605-870-0161 - Keith cell Dan, Kyla, Hollis & Ivy 605-870-6172 - Dan cell Weston, Kris, Falon, Jensen & Marty Kusser 605-478-0077 - Weston cell 20 Hereford yearling registered heifers 70 F1 baldy yearling heifers 70 Hereford yearling commercial heifers Horned & Polled yearling & 2-year-old Hereford bulls Yearling & 2-year-old Angus bulls 100+ bulls sell &
MARCH AT RANCH 1:00 PM CST 2023 JENSEN BROS. KEVIN & SHEILA JENSEN Kevin 785.243.6397 Courtland, KS WWW.JENSENBROS.NET Sheila 785.262.1116 Brady 785.614.1645 Eddie Sandberg, herdsman 765.490.1719 Request your Sale Book Today! Email us at CE 2.4 BW 3 WW 65 YW 102 MM 32 MG 64 MCE 1.7 MCW 102 UDDR 1.3 TEAT 1.3 SC 1.15 CW 79 FAT 0.028 REA 0.64 MARB 0.17 BMI $394 BII $480 CHB $133 Sale bulls average EPDs: 100 POLLED, HOMO POLLED HEReFORD & HEREFORD BULLS SELL 100 BWF, Black Open Spring 2022 heifers, OCV All of these champions sell March 2 nd ! 2023 NWSS Reserve Grand Champion Hereford Carload 2023 NWSS Res. Grand Champion Pen of 3 8.6 1.0 57 94 .1 33 61 4.2 60 1.4 CE BW WW YW DMI Milk M&G CEM MCW UDDR 1.6 1.6 24.3 74 .0028 0.86 0.21 491 574 141 TEAT SC SCF CW FAT REA MARB BMI BII CHB KJ F31 Rancher 763K I AHA#44361522 Lead off bull 2023 NWSS Reserve Champion Pen of 3 One of 20 UPS Harvester 9985 son’s to sell Offering Bulls by Breed Leading sires with performance, muscle, structural soundness. along with balanced DNA enhanced Epd’s and exceptional carcass data!
KOUPAL’S S&K ANGUS: Scott & Kim Van Winkle & family • C: 605-857-1294 Live bidding on: 1:00 PM CST 2023 BROS. WWW.JENSENBROS.NET Sandberg, herdsman 765.490.1719 MCW 102 UDDR 1.3 BII $480 CHB $133 Hereford Carload 39 41 43

Selecting Hay for Cattle

During winter, drought or any other times that animals do not have adequate pasture, hay is the mainstay of diet for cattle. Next to pasture, good quality hay is the most ideal feed.

Types of Hay

Hay falls into several categories: grass, legume, mixed (containing grass and a legume) and cereal grain straw (such as oat hay). Some of the more common grass hays include timothy, brome, orchard grass and bluegrass. In some parts of the country fescue, reed canary grass, ryegrass and Sudan grass are common. In northern parts of the U.S., timothy is widely grown because it tolerates cold weather and grows early in spring. It does not do well in hot climates, however. In central and southern parts of the country you are more apt to find Coastal Bermuda grass, brome or orchard grass because these tolerate heat and humidity better. Some hayfields consist of “wild hay” or “meadow hay” as compared to “tame” hay grasses that have been planted. Many of the native or volunteer plants that grow in uncultivated hayfields are good, nutritious grasses that make acceptable hay for beef cattle. As long as the plant mix is predominantly grasses of palatable types (rather than weeds or swamp grasses), meadow hay is quite adequate for winter feed—especially for mature cows that don’t need high levels of protein. Some of these native grasses, when cut before seed heads mature, are very palatable and high enough in protein content for calves and lactating cows, without having to add a supplemental protein source.

Cereal grain crops (especially oats) are sometimes cut while still green and growing, rather than waiting for the seed heads to mature for grain. If harvested properly, this makes good hay, especially when it is grown with peas (a legume). There is always some risk of nitrate poisoning, however, if cereal grain hays are harvested after a spurt of growth following a drought period. The hay can be tested for nitrate content if you are considering using this type of hay.

Legumes used for hay include alfalfa, various types of clover (such as red, crimson, alsike and ladino), lespedeza, birds-foot trefoil, vetch, soybean and cowpeas. Good legume hay generally has a higher level of digestible energy, vitamin A, and calcium than grass hay. Alfalfa may have twice the protein and three times the level of calcium than grass hay. Thus alfalfa is often fed to animals that need more protein and minerals.

44 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 EDITORIAL
SELLING 50 SIMMENTAL & HEREFORD BULLS 30 COW/CALF & BRED FEMALES FROM BREED LEADING SIRES HEARTLAND SIMMENTALS KIRK & MARY LYNCH 563.379.1190 1849 190th Street, New Hampton, IA GUEST CONSIGNORS: Echard Farms • Moss Cattle D&K Acres • Lazy H Cattle DeNio Farms ILLG CATTLE COMPANY CHRIS & SUSAN ILLG 660.425.2561 13299 Bear Ave., Cainsville, MO MARCH 4 Saturday HUMESTON LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE SALE TIME 6:00 PM • HUMESTON, IA Guardian Mayhem Perfecto Special Ops "Selecting Hay" continued on pg 46 45

Early bloom alfalfa (cut before the blossoms open) has about 18 percent crude protein, compared with 9.8 percent for early bloom timothy (before seed heads fill), 11.4 percent for early bloom orchard grass, and lower levels for most other grasses. Alfalfa cut at full bloom drops to 15.5 percent crude protein, compared to 6.9 percent for late bloom timothy and 7.6 percent for late bloom orchard grass. Thus legume hay, cut early, is more apt to meet the protein and mineral needs of young growing animals, pregnant and lactating animals than will many of the grass hays.

Nutritional value of hay is related to leaf content. Leaves of grass hay have more nutrients and are more digestible when the plant is immature and growing, and more fiber when the plant has reached full growth. Legume leaves, by contrast, do not have the same structural function and don’t change that much as the plant grows. But the stems become coarser and more fibrous. Alfalfa stems, for example, are woody, serving as structural support for the plant. Leaf to stem ratio is the most important criteria in judging nutrient quality in an alfalfa plant. The digestibility, palatability and nutrient value is highest when the plant is young—with more leaves and less stems. About 2/3 of the energy and 3/4 of the protein and other nutrients are in the leaves of a forage plant (whether grass or legume). Coarse, thick-stemmed hay (overly mature) has more fiber and less nutrition than immature, leafy hay with finer stems.

If buying alfalfa hay, you’ll want to know if it is first, second or third cutting (or later), and at what stage of growth it was harvested. If buying grass hay, maturity at harvest will also make a difference in its nutrient quality. Your choice will depend on the type of animals you are feeding, and their specific needs.

Hay for Cattle

Cattle can generally tolerate dustier hay than can horses, and can often eat a little mold without problems. Keep in mind, however, that some types of mold may cause abortion in pregnant cows. The quality of the hay needed will also depend on whether you are feeding mature beef cattle, young calves, or dairy cattle. Mature beef cattle can get by on rather plain hay—of any type—but if lactating they will need adequate protein. Good palatable grass hay, cut while still green and growing, can be very adequate, but if grass hay is coarse and dry (with little vitamin A or protein), you’ll need to add some legume hay to their diet.

46 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
"Selecting Hay" continued from pg 44 Muir Embroidery Screenprinting and 124 N. Wilson St. • Jefferson, IA 515-386-4196 New Apparel! "Selecting Hay" continued on pg 72
Thursday, February 16, 2023 1:00 at the farm near Olivet, SD 40th Annual Bull & Female Sale Selling 120 Bulls & 50 Bred Females Charles,LeAndra,Chase&TyMogck Logan&ChristyWinckler Charlescell:605 661 4562 Facebook@MogckandSonsAngusofOlivet B r oadcasted by Formore saleinformationandvideosvisitour MOGCK Fair N Square 1182 CED BW WW YW MARB RE $M $W $B $C $260 MOGCK Upgrade 1322 CED BW WW YW MARB RE $M $C MOGCK Gavel 2582 MOGCK Whitewater 2722 CED BW WW YW MARB RE $M +13 +1.7 +93 +160 +0.66 +0.79 +79 +85 $166 $294 MOGCK Empire 492 MOGCK Optimum 1802 CED BW WW YW MARB RE $M +4 +2.6 +87 +169 +0.39 +0.94 +39 +72 $204 $304 CED BW WW YW MARB RE $M +5 +2.3 +78 +133 +0.86 +0.93 +69 +76 $151 $265 CED BW WW YW MARB RE $M +5 +2.8 +105 +188 +0.69 +1.00 +59 +86 $195 $312 20494671 20487726 20524876 20510199 20487762 20510061 47

THE Iowa Land Guy TEAM

Stay up to date with the latest market trends in Iowa farmland.

2022 Year in Review!

Wow, what a year!

Auction Data:

• 515-460-8585


Results from the 1250 Auctions (141,965 acres) this last year have the average for the state at $12,020/acre, high quality ground at $14 ,705/acre, and medium quality ground averagi ng $9,521/acre. Low quality ground has remained steady at an average of $5,876/acre.

Farmland By The Facts:

2021 to 2022

1% i ncrease in acres to market at auction.

9.3% i ncrease to the average price per acre.

2020 to 2022 72.67% i ncrease in acres to market at auction. 58% i ncrease to the average price per acre.

All Iowa Land Sales Data: (Note: Data excludes any land sale less than $2000/acre and any land sale above $30,100/acre)

Results from the 5,575 Sales Transactions (516,189 acres) this last year have the average for the state at $9,537/acre.

2021 to 2022 35% decrease in acres to market (All Sales)

2020 to 2022

15.85% increase to the average price per acre

5% decrease in acres to market (All Sales)

33.25% increase to the average price per acre

Relator Land Institute Iowa shows a 16.9% increase. (2021-2022 opinion survey)

Iowa State University shows a 17% i ncrease. (2021-2022 opinion survey)

Positive Factors Driving Farmland: Good yields, commodity prices, net farm income, equity in the existing land, and a great investment.

Negative Factors Driving Farmland: Interest rates are still on the rise, 2023 input prices, margin compression, increased volume of farms offered to the public market, drought, supply chain, and forging conflicts.

Farmland prices are still at a historical all time high, although interest rates are on the rise the rates are still historically low. My predictions for 2023 are that farmland will remain steady, and the number of acres brought to market will be fewer. We will see new types of buyers entering the farmland landscape. The seller’s expectations will forever be high, and they will be cautious to sell in a softening market. We will be keeping an eye on the carbon market, commodity prices, input costs, net farm income, and foreign conflict. I can tell you this, good quality ground sells good, medium quality ground sells medium, and lower quality ground warrants a lower price. I can also tell you that all landowners have one thing in common…they would like to own more. We would like to thank all the customers that trusted Whitaker Marketing Group in 2022. We look forward to assisting and being your trusted advisor in 2023 and years to come.

Our Mission; Is to be your “Trusted Advisors”, Our obligation; is to market your farmland to the largest audience yielding you the most successful outcome!

48 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
Iowa Land Guy
Call today to see what your farm is worth and get a free land valuation! 515-460-8585 49
50 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 2023 | 1 PM CST LAMOURE, ND | SELLING 45 BULLS & 27 HEIFERS 36TH Baldridge Versatile X BT Equator 395M Growth Fund X HF Jungle Jim 357YY Growth Fund X HF Jungle Jim 357YY BD: 1/1/22 | REG # 20491673 | WW: 835 | YW: 1611 BD: 1/11/22 | REG # 20490373 | WW: 885 | YW: 1731 BD: 1/2/22 | REG # 20490356 | WW: 741 | YW: 1495 CED +6 | BW +.9 | WW +68 | YW +118 | Milk +26 CED +1 | BW +2.4 | WW +91 | YW +161 | Milk +28 CED +6 | BW +2.1 | WW +73 | YW +129 | Milk +25 SVA GROWTH FUND 4465 SVA GROWTH FUND 1085 SVA Ve R saT ile 9140 RICHARD HABERMAN 701.709.0150| SPRINGVALLEYANGUS.COM All bulls have been ANGUS GS TESTED.
Heifer Grant Program: Offering 2 - $500 grant to WJHA members for the purchase of a female in the sale. Contact Melissa for more info.

JWC DTC FORT KNOX 6615K | ASA: 4078192


High quality build and look with a cow family that simply does not miss! Three ET ushmate brothers sell!

JWC HEAVY HITTER 9135K | ASA: 4078202


Homo Black & Homo Polled Purebred that ranks Top 1% of the breed for WW, YW, & ADG!

JWC KC2 TURNPIKE 153J | ASA: 4070312


This stout feature Purebred is backed by the famed HPF Victoria B396E donor dam!


JWC UDE CASINO 102K | ASA: 20529580


Stout, rugged, and powerful - This Angus herd sire prospect is from the legendary Casino x 502 mating!

JWC BANKROLL 41K | ASA: 4078184


Full brother to RJ PF Rita 8288F - $164,000 high seller!

W/C FORT KNOX 258J | ASA: 3974295


One of several strong aged herd sire prospects that is ready for heavy service!

MR SR 71 RIGHT NOW E1538 x

Est. Due 2/16/23.

SM 1/2 AN
5/8 SM
JWC ANGEL 126J | ASA: 4070298 MR HOC BROKER x W/C MISS ANGEL 2870Z Safe in calf to KBHE J079. Est. Due 2/24/23. PB SM JWC 7114 ANGEL 114J | ASA: 4070289 W/C BANKROLL 811D x W/C ANGEL 7114E Safe in calf to W/C JWC Trident 9727J. Est. Due 2/25/23. PB SM JWC 9005 ANGEL 121J | ASA: 4070293 W/C ANGEL 9005G
Safe in calf to BAR CK 4118B 8102F “Triple Threat”. 51

Progeny of Featured Sires Include:

These calves have seen it all in 2022, starting with a big spring flood. Selected on soundness and phenotype, they are developed the “Wilde Way” out in big pastures and they have to travel. Northern Minnesota is beautiful in early March, we invite you to join us March 4th!

U2 C oaliton 206C | W ildes B om B er 3137 P oints W est C a P tivation 877 | W hitestone F resno 9069 P oints W est l in C h P in 1484 | s in C lair e xe CU tive 9UF3
MATERNALLY FOCUSED | RAISED IN NATURAL ENVIRONMENT | NO CREEP CALVES WWW.WILDEANGUSRANCH.COM Over 50 years of producing High Caliber Cattle February 17, 2023 1:00 PM CT at the Ranch || Chamberlain, SD 60 Simmental and SimAngus™ Bulls Including lots from guest consignor Cable C Cross Ranch R & R CATTLE COMPANY Steve & Elaine Reimer 25657 345th Ave Chamberlain, SD 605-234-6111 || 605-680-1939 Harley & Dawn Cable 605-680-0845 Broadcasting Real-Time Auctions Marty Ropp 406-581-7835 Corey Wilkins 256-590-2487 Jared Murnin 406-321-1542 QUALITY that has stood R&R CATTLE COMPANY K21 ASA 4116684 3/8 SM 5/8 AN SIRE: STEVENSON TURNING POINT MGS: TJ FRANCHISE 451D 945K ASA 4097241 PB SM SIRE: KBHR HIGH ROAD E283 MGS: RUBYS TURNPIKE 771E K222 ASA 4116604 PB SM SIRE: LBRS GENESIS G69 MGS: CNS PAYS TO DREAM T759 K238 ASA 4116666 5/8 SM 3/8 AN SIRE: CLRS HOMELAND 327H MGS: CCR BOULDER 1339A K201 ASA 4116686 3/4 SM 1/4 AN SIRE: HOOK’S EAGLE 6E MGS: KBHR HIGH ROAD E283 K242 ASA 4116560 PB SM SIRE: RUBYS TURNPIKE 771E MGS: TKCC CARVER 65C 53


Sire: TJ CHIEF 460G | ASA: 4146179

MGS: CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z | 1/2 SM 1/2 AN

A SimAngus™ sire that ranks top 10% of the breed for WW. His dam is backed by the tried and true “Pleasant Pill” cow family!


Sire: TJ CHIEF 460G | 1/2 SM 1/2 AN

MGS: CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z | ASA: 4146846

Homo black & polled SimAngus™ herd sire prospect with breed leading performance!


Sire: TJ CHIEF 460G | ASA: 4146178

MGS: S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 | 1/2 SM 1/2 AN

Homo black & polled calving ease option with built in maternal excellence!


Sire: TJ GOLD 274G | ASA: 4146135


Big spread herd sire prospect that o ers a moderate birth weight and added carcass merit. He is among the top 25% of the breed for 9 traits!


Sire: GIBBS 0689X CRIMSON TIDE | ASA: 4146140

MGS: BC EAGLE EYE 110-7 | 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Eye appealing blaze face herd sire prospect out of the 1105 donor. He charts top 2% CW, top 4% YW, top 4% ADG, and top 10% WW!


Sire: GIBBS 0689X CRIMSON TIDE | ASA: 4146081

MGS: BC EAGLE EYE 110-7 | 1/2 SM 1/2 AN

A performance standout from the 1105 ET ushmate brothers. He charts top 2% CW, top 4% YW, top 4% ADG, and top 10% WW. A true beef bull!




One of several maternal brothers from the 7459E donor, a member of the “Precision” cow family that calls home to Thomas Ranch!


Sire: EXAR STOCK FUND 907B | AAA: 20531780


This powerful Angus herd sire prospect ranks top 10% of the breed for WW, YW, $B and $C. Performance with quality!


Sire: DOUBLE G PAYWEIGHT 7705 | AAA: Pending


A stout set of age advantage Angus bulls will sell sired by resident herdsire, Double G Payweight 7705. A sire group worth studying! 55 For free sale book, call or email Jon. Jon Janssen • 515-468-8221 36251 Hull Ct • Earlham, IA 50072 Janssen Bloodline 1098 20420907 S A V Bloodline 9578 X Janssen Emblynette 0024 CED -5 BW +5.9 WW +87 YW +151 MILK +23 MB +.46 RE +.45 $M +59 $C +250 DOB: 11/02/21 Sale managed by: Saturday • February 18, 2023 • Noon At the Janssen Angus Sale Headquarters 1070 Pitzer Road • Earlham, IA 50072 Performance Tested Angus Bulls backed by the most prolific Cow Families in the World! Selling 60 performance tested bulls! Janssen Bloodline 1063 20150351 S A V Bloodline 9578 X Janssen Miss Bobbie 5062 CED +0 BW +4.6 WW +84 YW +149 MILK +12 MB +.43 RE +.57 $M +57 $C +262 DOB: 09/16/21 Janssen All-Around 1072 20413364 DB Iconic G95 X Janssen Madame Pride 8028 CED +5 BW +.5 WW +76 YW +125 MILK +33 MB +.73 RE +.63 $M +67 $C +241 DOB: 12/19/21 Janssen Legendary 1079 20416734 Baldridge Versatile X Janssen Madame Pride 8028 CED +4 BW +2.4 WW +88 YW +150 MILK +25 MB +.91 RE +.77 $M +79 $C +309 DOB: 12/17/21 Janssen Final Answer 2022 20412203 S A V Final Answer 0035 X Janssen Donna 0045 of PH CED +11 BW +.5 WW +67 YW +121 MILK +34 MB +.43 RE +.45 $M +76 $C +210 DOB: 01/16/22 Janssen Game Time 2023 20412239 Janssen Dow Jones 0005 X Janssen Madame Pride 8028 CED +1 BW +3.7 WW +91 YW +159 MILK +27 MB +.11 RE +.95 $M +75 $C +275 DOB: 01/18/22 Janssen Guarantee 2010 PH 20534206 Crawford Guarantee 9137 X Pinehurst Lady 4824 CED I+8 BW I+2.5 WW I+77 YW I+139 MILK I+25 MB I+.59 RE I+.38 $M +73 $C +255 DOB: 01/04/22 Janssen PriorityFund 2201 BA 20433312 Deer Valley Growth Fund X SAV Bessie Heiress 3009 CED +5 BW +2.5 WW +90 YW +161 MILK +25 MB +.53 RE +.68 $M +82 $C +302 DOB: 12/25/21 57 59

5/8 SM

WINC RELEVANT 247K | ASA: 4100645


The first sons CKCC Relevant 0639H sell! He ranks top 2% ADG, top 3% CW, top 10% YW, top 10% REA, and top 25% WW!


WINC RIGHT TIME 249K | ASA: 4111343


A performance driven son of ES Right Time FA110-4 that is supported by the maternal greatness of W/C Miss Werning 638D!


WINC SURELOCK 248K | ASA: 4118942


Homo Black & Polled son of the legendary ES Surelock ZW15 that offers breed leading performance!

WINC SURELOCK 224K | ASA: 4100640


The NUMBER 1 WW bull with a WWR @ 118. He ranks among the top 1% REA, top 2% WW, top 2% YW, top 2% ADG, and top 10% MWW!


WINC EPIC 213K | ASA: 4100635


This big spread calving ease prospect by OMF Epic E27 posted an impressive adjusted weaning weight of 806 to record a WWR @ 107!

WINC MISS 887F | ASA: 3949681


887F is a massive bodied daughter of WS Pilgrim H182U.

She sells safe to our exciting new herd bull the $100,000 W/C Dabo 703J.



This beautiful blaze faced female that offers breed leading performance figures. She will sell with a calf at side by R&R Testament J155.

H/F MR RIGHT NOW 017K | ASA: 4143554

MR SR 71 RIGHT NOW E1538 x H/F VERA 017H

Calving ease specialist by MR SR 71 Right Now E1538 that was raised by a first calf heifer!

3/4 SM



Homo Black and Polled stud that reads for added calving ease and yet is extra powerful and shapely.

3/4 SM
3/4 SM
3/4 SM
3/4 SM 61
32nd Annual Bull & Female Sale 400 Bulls Sell... Sat., February 18, 2023 • 11 a.m. at the farm near Kimball, MN 350 Registered Angus and 50 Registered SimAngus Bulls... Can’t make the sale? We will handle your orders and selection with satisfaction. Guaranteed. • Free Delivery • All Bulls DNA Tested Schiefelbein Unreal 242 # 20490805 1/24/22 S: Schiefelbein Untouchable 70 Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 57 777 14 -3.3 91 31 169 0.13 27 0.63 0.97 86 308 Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 69 841 10 -0.1 91 32 166 1.09 23 1.12 0.99 46 312 Featuring large groups of the breed’s leading sires: plus many, many more. Showman Untouchable Growth Fund Wall Street DB Iconic Poss Rawhide GAR Home Town Connealy Big Valley Connealy Emerald Linz Exemplify LD Capitalist VAR Fire Power Sitz Resilient Sitz Stellar Ellingson Three Rivers Baldridge Alternative Schiefelbein Spotlight Schiefelbein Skol Schiefelbein Endgame Schiefelbein Attractive Schiefelbein Revolver 50 Registered Angus Bred Heifers 35 18-month old bulls! & Plus 34897 717th Ave • Kimball, MN 55353 320/266-8487 (Dan)• 320/224-5830 (Tim) • 303/324-5149 (Don) • chiefelbein Farms chiefelbein Farms Request your sale book today Find Your Bull Here! ✦ Saturday, Feb. 18, 2023 Friday, February 17, 2023 12 noon Viewing of Sale Cattle 2 to 5 pm Tour of the Farm 4 to 6 pm Social Hour (Free Drinks & Appetizers) 5 pm Celebrating the Life of Big Frank 6 pm Free Prime Rib Dinner with all the fixings Plan to join us for these events: (NOTE: All events will take place at the sale facility) Saturday, February 18, 2023 9:00 am Viewing of Sale Cattle 10:30 am Free Beef Lunch 11:00 am 2023 Sale Begins ✦ Calving Facility in Full Swing ✦ ET & Recipient Facility ✦ Backgrounding Yard ✦ Buy-back Feeder Barn 2023 Tour Includes: Sale to be broadcast live! Schiefelbein Griddy 942 # 20493305 01/31/22 S: DB Iconic G95 63
All EPDs current as of 12/16/22 Schiefelbein Elon 1082 # 20493318 02/01/22 S: Linz Exemplify 71124 Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 81 794 3 1 76 37 137 1.17 26 0.8 0.99 96 304 Schiefelbein Ukraine 992 # 20493331 01/31/22 S: Sitz Resilient 10208 Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 71 826 12 -2.1 77 31 141 0.78 14 0.88 0.54 69 256 Schiefelbein Ponderosa 1122 # 20491564 02/01/22 S: Connealy Big Valley G-Grand Dam: Frosty Upward 1100 Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 76 863 10 1 89 33 159 1.39 34 0.63 0.79 84 293 Schiefelbein Full House 1862 # 20491854 02/12/22 S: Deer Valley Growth Fund Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 86 828 6 1.3 86 32 154 0.41 28 0.6 0.59 79 261 Schiefelbein Elvis 742 # 20493327 01/29/22 S: DB Iconic G95 Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 86 711 7 -0.5 88 37 158 1.6 29 0.98 0.9 76 313 Schiefelbein Mega 9621 # 20408849 9/02/21 S: Deer Valley Growth Fund Dam: Frosty Elba 4107 Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 95 906 12 0.4 90 30 160 0.55 25 0.36 0.75 58 237 Schiefelbein Legacy 302 # 20489194 01/24/22 S: Schiefelbein Showman 338 Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 64 769 9 1.6 100 23 184 1.43 22 0.51 0.83 58 268 Dam: Frosty Elba Lizzy 390 WW is 100 Full Brother to Untouchable Text or Call 320-224-5830 or 320-266-8487 forasalebooktoday! Ask about our industry leading calf buy-back program. Each year we purchase 25,000 high quality customer calves.
chiefelbein Farms chiefelbein Farms • Can’t make the sale? We will handle your orders and selection with satisfaction. Guaranteed! • Sale to broadcast live on Superior Livestock: Dish Channel 997. • 200 bulls sold between $3000 to $5000 in our 2022 sale. • Bulls sold into 22 states in 2022! • Free Delivery to Central Points! Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 75 782 5 1.2 87 24 166 1.27 24 0.43 0.83 64 281 Schiefelbein Cousins 1652 # 20489228 02/08/22 S: Schiefelbein Skol 6786 Schiefelbein Unbeaten 2232 # 20489229 02/16/22 S: Schiefelbein Untouchable 70 Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 81 842 12 -1 90 30 158 0.82 19 0.16 0.73 77 237 Grand-dam: Frosty Elba 4107 Schiefelbein Rip 472 # 20489112 01/27/22 S: Schiefelbein Showman 338 Grand-dam: Frosty Elba 148 Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 114 798 4 4.2 95 25 165 1.32 28 0.51 0.61 105 303 Schiefelbein Top Gun 522 # 20491889 01/27/22 S: V A R Fire Power G-Grand Dam: Frosty Elba 3745 Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 84 912 6 2.3 97 26 175 0.95 33 0.99 0.83 91 336 Schiefelbein Full Send 2372 # 20491840 02/17/22 S: Deer Valley Growth Fund Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 85 834 10 1.3 83 32 149 1.3 19 0.36 0.67 68 260 Schiefelbein Goodfella 602 # 20491888 01/28/22 S: Connealy Emerald Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 76 772 10 -0.4 70 20 137 1.27 22 0.49 1.12 60 245 Schiefelbein Madden 42 # 20491823 01/19/22 S: Poss Rawhide Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW SC DOC MB RE $M $C 92 738 10 -0.3 82 35 144 1.49 30 0.85 0.93 88 315 65


100% of our SimAngus bulls are ETs and all are homozygous black and homozygous polled!

You are really going to appreciate the condition of these forage grown aged bulls.

These fancy Angus females are all out of some of the most elite sires. Selling a rare opportunity to own two of the most elite daughters of Showman ever offered.

This donor prospect is a daughter of Showman that combines phenomenal looks with tremendous performance. She was one of our 2022 elite donor heifers. Confirmed bred to Hoffman Thedford

Another super attractive daughter of Showman. This donor prospect has elite EPDs and stunning looks along with an outcross pedigree. Confirmed bred to Schiefelbein Untouchable

CED BW WW MK YW MB RE $M $C 6 0.7 85 22 150 0.73 0.92 77 283 50 Elite Registered Angus Bred Heifers Sell Schiefelbein Farms • 34897 717th Ave • Kimball, MN 55353 • 320/266-8487 (Dan) 320/224-5830 (Tim) • 303/324-5149 (Don) • •
75 An x 25 Sm Frosty Elba 4301 # 20214913 03/02/21 S: Schiefelbein Showman 338 Follow us on Facebook Schiefelbein Foo Fighter 252 # 4125296 1/24/22 S: Schiefelbein Showman 338 CED BW WW MK YW MB RE $M $C 11 0.3 84 32 146 0.32 0.96 90 266
Schiefelbein Roll On 9791 # 20408865 9/20/21 S: Schiefelbein Showman 338
Act. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW MB RE $M $C 72 737 3 0.4 88 31 161 0.87 0.74 97 319 Adj. BW Adj. WW CED BW WW MK YW MB RE API TI 88 688 14.3 -0.6 93 23 158 0.43 0.66 156 89.7 Frosty Elba
1/22/21 S: Schiefelbein
141 # 20214824
Showman 338
Full Brother
141 66 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
to Frosty Elba

WE ARE CATTLEMEN FIRST AND FOREMOST. It defines who we are and what we do. Our team has over 100 years of combined cattle experience and it shows in everything we design, build and do. We understand cattle and cattle people like no one else in the business.

Let us help you:

• Improve Feed Efficiency

• Save More Calves

• Improve Working Conditions

• Find solutions that suit YOUR operation 67
71st Annual Angus Bull Sale Saturday • February 18, 2023 • 1 pm (CST) Sale at the ranch • 7 miles south of Geddes, SD Watch and Bid Online at Selling 185 Registered Angus Bulls 110 Yearling Bulls (Jan.) • 50 Two-Year-Old Bulls (Feb.) 25 Comings 2s (Fall) • 20 Open Heifers • 3 Bred Heifers Varilek Iconic 8011 2071 20422568 • 1/10/22 BW WW YW Milk Marb RE +1.9+94+157+23 +.68 +1.03 Varilek Loaded 7148 2143 20423320 • 1/18/22 BW WW YW Milk Marb RE +1.5+73+129+28+1.12 +.56 Varilek Monumental 670 2049 20422000 • 1/05/22 BW WW YW Milk Marb RE +1+96+169+17 +.99 +.70 Varilek Rawhide 90 2021 20432563 • 1/01/22 BW WW YW Milk Marb RE +1.5+76+131+35 +.91 +.86 Varilek Mainstay 830 2006 20515622 • 1/01/22 BW WW YW Milk Marb RE +.5+71+126+17 +.44 +.36 Varilek RS Geddes 9143 2082 20500666 • 1/11/22 BW WW YW Milk Marb RE +1.3+85+136+17 +.77 +.60 29208 374th Avenue • Geddes, SD 57342 Ross Cell • 605-680-1580 Ross & Kelly • 605-337-9896 Mick & Lynn • 605-337-2261 Mick Cell: 605-680-2555 69


February 18, 2023 at the Ranch north of Smith Center, KS



50 ~ Red Angus Bulls (12-22 mo. old)

50 ~ Gelbvieh/Balancer Bulls (12-22 mo. old)

60 ~ Commercial Red open hfrs

30 ~ Commercial Black open hfrs

Offering 20 age advantaged coming 2 year olds (April and May born), developed on grass until the end of December.

Balancers that combine the most proven Gelbvieh, Angus, and Red Angus genetics for the optimum blend.

Many bulls suitable for heiferssome yearlings, falls, and coming 2 yr olds.

70 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
Kelly & Risa Brent & Brittany 785-389-3522 785-389-1959 4062 O Road Smith Center, KS 66967
Red Angus & Gelbvieh
Red Angus Bulls with Power, Performance, and Punch

the end-goal is the same: the highest quality beef that yields premiums. By focusing on maternal without undermining terminal traits, we offer the genetics for just that, so as an industry we can progressively

b ru nin
g f ar m s B
you are in, WE BELIEVE
No matter what segment of
FEBRUARY 19, 2023
join us for our production sale
selling bulls , breds
3 PM

"Selecting Hay" continued from pg 46

Young calves have small, tender mouths and cannot chew coarse hay very well—whether grass or alfalfa. They do best with fine, soft hay that’s cut before bloom stage; it not only contains more nutrients, but is also much easier to eat.

Dairy cattle need the best hay— with the most nutrients per pound— since they are producing more milk than a beef cow. Most dairy cattle will not milk adequately on grass hay, nor on stemmy, coarse alfalfa without many leaves. A dairy cow needs to be able to eat as much as possible, and she will eat more fine, palatable alfalfa hay than coarse hay, and get a lot more nutrition from it.

If hay is expensive, beef cattle can often get by eating a mix of straw and some type of protein. Straw (aftermath from harvest of oats, barley or wheat) provides energy — created by fermentation breakdown in the rumen. A small amount of alfalfa or a commercial protein supplement can provide the needed protein, minerals and vitamins. If buying straw to feed, select good quality, clean straw. Oat straw is the most palatable; cattle like it quite well. Barley straw is not as well liked, and wheat straw is least desirable as feed. If feeding cereal grain hay (cut while still green and growing, rather than

at maturity, as straw), be careful with this type of hay, and have it checked for nitrate levels, to avoid nitrate poisoning.

In cold weather, cattle do better if fed extra roughage (grass hay or straw), since they have a large “fermentation vat” (rumen). During the breakdown of fiber in the rumen, heat and energy are created. During cold weather you need to feed your cattle more roughage, rather than more legume hay.


As a general rule, good quality legume hay costs more than grass hay (due to higher protein content), unless you live in a region where legume hay is the primary crop. Relative cost for hay will vary around the country, with cost reflecting supply and demand — along with freight costs to haul it. In drought years when hay is scarce, it will cost a lot more than on years when there is plentiful supply. If hay must be hauled very far, the price of fuel (in freight costs added to the base price) will make the total very expensive.

Tips on Selecting Hay

Hay quality can vary greatly, depending on growing conditions (wet or dry weather, hot or cool). Hay that grows slowly in cool weather is often more fine and palatable, with more nutrients per pound, than hay growing rapidly in hot weather. Hay that grows fast doesn’t have as much time to absorb minerals from the soil, for instance, and some types of plants mature too quickly; they may be too coarse and stemmy (and past bloom stage, with less nutrient quality than green, growing plants) by the time the hay is harvested. Other factors that affect nutritional value include plant species, fertility of soil, harvesting methods (whether the hay was crimped and conditioned to dry faster, losing less leaves and nutrients during drying) and curing time.

"Selecting Hay" continued on page 130

44 Point After

72 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
George (641) 236-3833 Randy (641) 990-9911 343 - 310th Ave. Gilman, IA 50106 Group of BULLS AND HEIFERS FOR SALE at the farm!! SIRED BY RRR MAHOMES 73 Annual Production Sale 02.19.2023 gaffney family cattle barneveld, WI selling Angus, Hereford, SimAngus Bulls and an elite group of fall bred heifers live sale at the Gaffney Farm | Starting at 12:30 Pm special guests stone creek angus Freeport, IL sale location
Jumbo C009 AAA #20478453 Sire: Musgrave Jumbo CED BW WW YW Milk Marb REA $C +0.0 +4.6 +83 +149 +29 +.87 +.62 +306 Styles Agent C007 AAA #20478451 Sire: Musgrave Jumbo CED BW WW YW Milk Marb REA $C +8.0 +0.7 +93 +162 +21 +.58 +.92 +295 Styles Jumbo C006 AAA #20478450 Sire: Musgrave Jumbo CED BW WW YW Milk Marb REA $C +12 -0.6 +83 +136 +26 +.72 +.68 +277 Styles General Purpose C033 AAA #20478465 Sire: Styles Amendment Z55 CED BW WW YW Milk Marb REA $C +2.0 +4.0 +93 +156 +19 +.37 +.80 +240 Styles Stellar C025 AAA #20478460 Sire: Sitz Stellar 726D CED BW WW YW Milk Marb REA $C +4.0 +1.4 +96 +178 +24 +.28 +.90 +265 Styles 75 77
Scott 402-239-1272 Lauren Hope 402-239-4517 Loren 402-645-8306 or 402-230-0812 Sale Managers: EBERSPACHER ENTERPRISES INC. Office 507-532-6694 • Val Cell 612-805-7405 Full sale offering online at 516 E Pine Road, Wymore, NE 68466 Guest Breeder: State Line Simmental 402-239-0843 LHT Mr Turnpike 74K 3/4 SM Rubys Turnpike 771E x LHT Ms Brilliance 147C BW 1.3 WW 82 YW 130 API 117 TI 76 LHT Mr Right Now 424J PB SM Mr SR 71 Right Now x LHT Ms Primetime 327D BW -0.5 WW 85 YW 135 API 140 TI 85 LHT Mr Favor 08K 3/4 SM LCDR Favor 149F x IR Ms Geneva X200 BW 1.9 WW 95 YW 147 API 146 TI 92 LHT Mr Chief 412J SimAngus™ TJ Chief 460G x LHT Ms United 47W BW 0.2 WW 90 YW 140 API 135 TI 86 LHT Mr All Star 440J 5/8 SM LHT All Star 118G x LHT Ms Cadillac 06F BW -0.6 WW 85 YW 135 API 127 TI 84 LHT Mr Essential 149K 3/4 SM Gibbs 9114G Essential x LHT Ms Brilliance 13Z BW 0.0 WW 90 YW 144 API 145 TI 88 TJ Chief 460G x LHT Ms Main Event 390F 5/8 SM • BW .00 WW 84 YW 127 API 134 TI 80 LHT All Star 118G x Ellingson Ms Amigo X71 PB SM • BW 1.7 WW 86 YW 124 API 129 TI 83 BID ONLINE AT Cory Wilkens 256-590-2487 LHT Mr Chief 67K LHT Mr All Star 34K 100 YEARLING BULLS, 40 ADVANCED AGE BULLS & 30 FALL BRED FEMALES 79
www . macholanangus . com Jim, Jessica & Keaton Macholan 2250 Road 47 • Linwood, NE 68036 Jim Cell 402-750-3543 Keaton Cell 402-615-2824 M ACHOLAN ANGUS Design by Chrisman Cattle Services Current AI Sires Jindra Acclaim • E&B Plus One • Connealy Blackhawk • DL Dually • Sterling Pacific 4M Ace • Hoover No Doubt • Hoover Notary • Plattemere Weigh Up K360 M ACHOLAN ANGUS along with Double D Angus DD 3 RD ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE 60 Registered Angus Yearling Bulls 20 Open Registered Angus Yearling Heifers TUESDAY, MARCH 7 , 2023 AT THE COLUMBUS SALES PAVILION COLUMBUS, NE • 1:00 PM CST Selling 20441223 Wilks Regiment 9035 x Deer Valley Growth Fund BW 1.6 • WW 97 • YW 179 • CW 88 • $B 193 • $C 317 Macholan Magnus 102 20435109 Baldridge SR Goalkeeper x Mogck Bullseye BW 2.6 • WW 72 • YW 133 • CW 51 • $B 155 • $C 274 Macholan Zamboni 2732 20441225 Wilks Regiment 9035 x Deer Valley Growth Fund BW 0.4 • WW 92 • YW 175 • CW 79 • $B 189 • $C 300 Macholan Dirk K012 20447564 Wilks Regiment 9035 x Hoover No Doubt BW 2.8 • WW 94 • YW 173 • CW 90 • $B 202 • $C 329 Macholan Lady Prideva 12 20435210 E&B Plus One x LD Capitalist 316 BW -1.8 • WW 64 • YW 108 • CW 37 • $B 122 • $C 232 Macholan Asset 3162 20436109 4M Ace 709 x Mogck Bullseye BW -1.9 • WW 72 • YW 135 • CW 58 • $B 163 • $C 290 Macholan Diamond 2952 Herd sires Jindra Evolution • Jindra Open Road 81

2023 marks our 71st year in the Polled Hereford business. Selling 40 bulls, All 2 years old Selling 33 heifers, 2 years old bred for spring calves

Our herd is ranked high on the list of 2022 Dams of Distinction

We have held 49 successful sales and have sold cattle into 37 states, Canada and Argentina.

Veiw Our Online Sale Catalog At:

This bull has been a looker since birth. He is a deep red color, with short markings, a red neck, and is the heaviest pigmented bull in the sale.

He is a soggy made bull with a medium frame. He is perfectly marked with a red neck and heavy pigmentation. His mother is a good producing cow that weans top calves.

Sired by: JDH MRD 2Z 33Z Victor 6G ET

She is a dark red heifer out of a great About Time granddaughter. She is gentle minded and will make a great cow. Bred AI to BEHM 100W Cuda 504C on 6-8-22. Checked safe to AI date.

Sired by: NJW 113D 1010 Tough 126F

This is one of our top heifers out of our new 33Z son. She is thick all the way through and has great teat placement. Bred AI to KJ Nella 919E Leader 476G on 6-9-22. Checked safe to AI date.

Sired by: JDH MRD 2Z 33Z Victor 6G ET

82 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 Ron and Nancy Schutte 1417 Road 2100, Guide Rock, NE 68942 Phone: (402) 756-3462 Cell Phone: (402) 746-4378 E-mail: At the ranch located eight miles north and one mile west of Guide Rock, Nebraska This sale will be broadcast live on the internet Real time bidding & proxy bidding available 50th ANNUAL Tuesday, March 7, 2023 1:00 p.m. CST PRODUCTION SALE Schutte & Sons
S&S Leader 2J P44241725 • 3/06/2021 S&S Victor 1J P44248777 • 3/01/2021 3/20/2021 Birth Weight 90 adj. 205 595 adj. 365 1194 BW EPD 3.2 WW EPD 70 YW EPD 112 MM EPD 21 M&G EPD 56 FAT EPD 0.038 REA EPD 0.62 MARB EPD -0.02 S&S Miss Lamp 783J P44242397 • 3/23/2021 Birth Weight 78 adj. 205 613 adj. 365 1066 BW EPD 0.8 WW EPD 52 YW EPD 76 MM EPD 22 M&G EPD 48 FAT EPD 0.058 REA EPD 0.39 MARB EPD 0.19 Birth Weight 80 adj. 205 570 adj. 365 953 BW EPD 3.9 WW EPD 64 YW EPD 105 MM EPD 26 M&G EPD 58 FAT EPD 0.038 REA EPD 0.31 MARB EPD 0.08 Birth Weight 86 adj. 205 625 adj. 365 974 BW EPD 2.4 WW EPD 66 YW EPD 101 MM EPD 27 M&G EPD 60 FAT EPD 0.088 REA EPD 0.53 MARB EPD 0.19
Sired by: KJ Nella 919E Leader 476G

WEIS DOUBLE UP 8K | PB SM | ASA: 4158111


Elite quality and structural build. This purebred herd sire prospect is backed by the tired and true “Rudy” donor!

WEIS LEDGER 1618K | PB SM | ASA: 4158116


A powerful son of TL Ledger that is backed by generations of maternal excellence!

WEIS MISS RUDY 211J | PB SM | ASA: 4158118


Flushmate sister to the 2023 Cattlemen’s Congress Grand Champion Purebred Simmental Heifer! AI Bred to THSF Lover Boy B33!

CLF OUTSIDER 15K | ANGUS | AAA: 20553014


High quality Angus herd sire prospect that offers a unique combination of calvng ease and maternal strength!

CLF 24 KARAT 29K | ANGUS | AAA: 20553016


We have been a fan of 29K since day one! A herd sire prospect that is backed by the famed “Pin Up Gal” cow family!



30K is a softer bodied, smoother version of his dominant sire. Bid to own here!



Full sib to the 2021 AICA Show Bull of the Year & BHSS High Seller!

TC EAGLE 22K | RED ANGUS | RAAA: 4638677


Outcorss genetics in a stout, rugged, three-dimensional body style. Elite herd sire prospect!

WEIS BANKROLL 9K | 1/2 SM | ASA: 4158112


We love that natural dimension, power, and ruggedness that this W/C Bankroll 811D possesses! 83 Annual Production sale February 21, 2023 Jon & Blair Caraway Family Jon (507)530.3166 Blair (308)325.2712 76005 Road 429, Lexington, NE 1 p.m. CST Near Cozad, NE 16K - Feddes Liberty D210 Son 60K - Feddes Brunswick D202 Son LRA Redemption 729 Feddes Brunswick D202 Bieber Forefront F135 CRAR Fourteen E 1414 3SCC Laser Focused C171 bieber CL Stockmarket E119 Loosli Hughes 437 Bieber Deep End B597 Feddes Liberty D210 WFL Merlin 018A Crar Domain 32G CRAR Domain 44F Selling sons of: 85
86 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 51ST ANNUAL WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE TESTED BULL SALE FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 2023 // 6:00 PM WIU LIVESTOCK CENTER // MACOMB, IL Offering 40 Yearling Bulls // Angus, Red Angus, Simmental & SimAngusTM Bulls Sires include: CDI Innovator, W/C Pinnacle, Lover Boy, VAR Discovery, Sydgen Enhance, 44 Faultless, and more REQUEST YOUR SALE CATALOG TODAY! BULLS LIKE THESE WILL SELL! Request your catalog via email at: Keela Trennepohl 805.440.8421 • WIU Performance Bull Test Website: OVERSHOES ON SALE! Lightweight Zipper Front Overshoe $10 All others $20 - $30 All styles Sizes 6-15 Some styles have limited sizes availbale. Round Toe and Western Style 5 buckle 4 buckle 2 buckle Lace up and slip on. Muir Embroidery Screenprinting and 124 N. Wilson St. • Jefferson, IA 515-386-4196
MATERNAL EMPIRE BULL SALE CedarRanchTop DO ONE THING... DO IT WELL... WE RAISE BEEF CATTLE Scott Starr•212 Starr Drive•Stapleton, NE 69163 308-530-3900 (Scott)•308-530-2720 (Austin)•Facebook: Cedar Top Ranch 225 HEAD SELL 175 RANGE-DEVELOPED 2 -YEAR-OLD BULLS BALANCER, ANGUS & RED ANGUS FEATURING 50 ET BULLS 50 BWF BRED HEIFERS ALL A.I. BRED TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 12:30 PM | BURWELL, NE 45TH ANNUAL 87 89 Tuesday, February 21, 2023 • Torrington, WY Selling 85 Angus and 3 SimAngus Bulls 31ST ANNUAL BULL SALE 90% CALVING EASE BULLS WITH EXPLOSIVE GROWTH GENETICS 50 YEARS RAISING REGISTERED ANGUS CATTLE Delivery Available • Performance Data Available • Volume of Heifer Bulls Free Wintering Available • Negative for PI-BVD • Sight Unseen Guarantee • Phone Bids Welcome All Angus Bulls Have Been Tested CED: +5 BW: +1.3 WW: +93 YW: +163 M: +28 Marb: +1.62 RE: +.77 $W: +84 $C: +335 DB Iconic G95 • Exclusive • Wickwire • Ashland • Fair N Square • Wheelhouse • Patent • Three Rivers • Patriarch • Growth Fund FEATURED AI SIRES: • DB Iconic G95 • WAR Albion H191 • B/D Rice Payday 7027 OWNED HERD SIRES: DOB: 2/3/22 Wickwire x Stunner CED: +11 BW: -.4 WW: +79 YW: +124 Milk: +32 Marb: +1.30 RE: +.63 $W: +88 $C: +284 DB Wickwire K17 DB Ashland K4 DB Iconic K86 AAA# 20548071 AAA# 20548124 AAA# 20544849 DOB: 1/27/22 Ashland x Boulder CED: +14 BW: -1.8 WW: +72 YW: +127 Milk: +26 Marb: +1.05 RE: +.77 $W: +69 $C: +270 DOB: 2/14/22 Iconic x Ashland CED: +7 BW: +1.4 WW: +96 YW: +167 Milk: +28 Marb: +1.23 RE: +.98 $W: +83 $C: +319 DDB Patent K12 DB Albion K46 AAA# 20544845 DB Wickwire K63 AAA# 20548185 AAA# 20555042 DOB: 2/11/22 Wickwire x Weigh Up CED: +4 BW: +2.7 WW: +87 YW: +158 Milk: +32 Marb: +1.24 RE: +.58 $W: +76 $C: +308 DOB: 2/8/22 WAR Albion x Payday CED: +3 BW: +3.4 WW: +79 YW: +133 Milk: +28 Marb: +.75 RE: +.60 $W: +70 $C: +266 DOB: 1/30/22 Patent x Exclusive CED: +5 BW: +2.3 WW: +73 YW: +142 Milk: +30 Marb: +.95 RE: +.54 $W: +66 $C: +264 Visit our website at DOUG & CAROLYN BOOTH 7618 Road 41, Torrington, WY 82240 (307) 532-5830 4156 Road 82, Torrington, WY 82240 (307) 532-6207 DUDLEY & JENNIFER BOOTH Stop In Anytime – Visitors Always Welcome
90 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 Scott Eblen Kadee Ann 641-745-5574 641-745-7381 91


Bulls will be checked in February 22nd. Bulls will be weighed, frame scored, scrotal measured, and evaluated for disposition and soundness.

Paperwork provided will include BSE, health report, health papers, negative Johnes on mothers, BVD, trich test on all non-virgin bulls.

If not picked up on sale day, later delivery needs to be pre


Keller Broken Heart

Stavich Simmentals

Ellingson Simmentals

Bichler Simmentals

• Bulls checked-in 2-22-23

• Bulls will be weighed, frame scored, scrotal measured, and evaluated for disposition and soundness.

• Paperwork provided will include:

• BSE • Health report/papers • Negative Johnes on Mother • BVD

• Trich Test on all non-virgin bulls


Bob and Kathy Fitzpatrick

Sale Manager: Travis Meteer PH: 217-430-7030

• If not picked up on sale day, delivery needs to be pre-arranged

Sale Day Consultant: Roger Eakins PH: 573-576-2965

are fortunate to have these ranches using our genetics: Bichler Simmentals • Ellingson Simmentals • Keller Broken Heart Lazy C Diamond Ranch • Stavich Simmentals

1011 155th Ave West, Milan, Il 61264 Go to for complete sale listing, Email or call us to view our bulls on the farm, pictures and videos with questions, deliver options

To make phone bids contact Travis Meteer

PH: 309-236-7330 for the sale day phone number


92 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
at the
Lot # % BD Reg No. Sire Name CE BW WW ADJ YW ADJ Milk Marb Marb REA REA API TI EPD EPD 205 EPD YW EPD Scan EPD Scan 43 5/8 SM 8/14/2021 3955002 LRS Iconic 303C 12.2 85 98 868 150.9 1384 20.6 0.61 4.41 0.94 18.61 157.1 97.4 44 5/8 SM 8/17/2021 3954996 LRS Iconic 303C 14.2 88 111 890 178.5 1410 20.6 0.44 3.82 0.97 15.76 161.2 101.0 45 50 SM 8/18/2021 3955010 TJ Flat Iron 259G 17.2 74 67 824 100.9 1393 34.1 1.04 5.23 0.59 15.57 186.5 95.5 46 PB SM 8/21/2021 3954993 HHS Entourage 867B 11.5 88 81 738 125.0 1268 22.7 0.40 2.21 0.86 13.42 158.2 87.5 47 PB SM 8/26/2021 3954997 BCLR Manifesto G352 12.5 83 90 777 139.0 1278 31.9 0.59 2.93 0.62 14.00 172.1 97.9 48 5/8 SM 9/29/2021 3955001 TJ Stone Cold 336G 17.2 72 82 761 132.1 1233 25.7 0.76 4.09 0.51 14.85 173.8 97.3 49 PB SM 10/3/2021 3955012 HHS Entourage 867B 9.7 83 89 800 141.0 1341 22.7 0.45 4.0 0.83 15.91 155.8 92.4 50 50 SM 10/13/2021 3954995 BCLR Manifesto G352 13.0 91 92 790 143.0 1296 28.5 0.51 3.41 0.64 14.17 144.3 92.7 HHS’s consignments to the IPT Bull Sale... Questions, to view
on the
or set up delivery options, contact: HAVEN HILL SIMMENTALS Bob and
1011 155th Ave West • Milan, IL 61264 309-236-7330 •
Kathy Fitzpatrick
23, 2023 Springfield, IL
brother to lots 46 & 49
HHS MISS 836Z: Dam of lots 43 & 44 93
March 11, 2023 • 12:30 PM Contacts: Tom Judy 641-295-0300 Darin Meyer 563-419-4736 Dustin Meyer 563-419-4737 Hosted By: New location! At the Ranch 29006 Yates Ave, Fremont, IA 52561 @desuangus •90 18-24 month-olds •45 yearling bulls that have EPD’s up to 410 $C Offering: Sires Represented: Deadwood Clarity Salvation Rawhide Reliant Steadfast Home Town Provider Greater Good Freedom Kansas Huckleberry Discounts Offered! •Pick up on sale day •Previewing


Friday, February 24, 2023 | 6:00 PM CST

75 Bulls and 75 Pairs, Breds and Open Females

Video Auction at the Farm near Bloomfield, IA [Heated Sale Facility] Sale located at 24589 Ebony Ave. Bloomfield, IA 52537




Cooperators: Andy Joos, 641-777-4949 • Bloomfield, IA Eric Smith. 563-379-6486 / Dustin Smith. 563-379-6408 / Chad Gotto. 563-599-3932

Request a sale catalog on our website today!

Deppe Mistress 0419
AAA# 20129321 2022 NatiOnal Jr Angus Show - Division 4 Winner Phenotype & Genotype Show (PGS) Selling a maternal sister & genetic lots from this powerhouse donor Deppe FC Barbara 470
AAA# 17896433 The ultimate phenotype & genotype donor! Dam of Deppe SFF Full Spectrum 160 Selling multiple sons and daughters, and an IVF cycle Sire groups by Growth Fund, DB Iconic, Resilient, Southern Charm, Versatile, Panther CR Incredible, Tahoe, Stellar, Patriarch BID ONLINE AT Deppe WW SFF Duracell 279 / AAA# 20512137 The ONLY bull in the breed with this combination of CED (1%), Marb (5%), $M (1%), added bonus of HP (1%) & PAP (10%) Sitz Resilient Son CED BW WW YW HP Milk PAP Marb $M $C 17 -1.6 71 121 19.3 37 -1.16 1.24 108 301 CED BW WW YW HP Milk RE $C 8 1.6 88 154 14.9 33 1.50 293 Deppe Summation 269 / AAA# 20512134 K C F Bennett Summation Son Deppe Road Trip 2209 / AAA# 20512834 The ONLY Iconic son in the breed with the combination of CED (15%), YW (10%), SC (15%), Doc (10%), Marb (1%), $C (1%) DB Iconic Son CED BW WW YW SC Milk Doc Marb $C 11 -.1 82 144 1.55 33 29 1.60 335 Deppe SFF Full Spectrum 160 Progeny and half-sibs sell DAM 95
Bull Sale Ogallala Livestock Auction Market • 1pm MST 9 th Annual Saturday, March 11, 2023 Jason & Krystle Koberstein | 29813 CR 36 Holyoke, CO 80734 | 970-520-2385 | Call, email or visit our website to request a sale book!
FRESE Angus and Hereford 7th Annual Bull Sale Friday, February 24, 2023 | 1:00 PM CST at frese angus and herford 20286 frese drive | columbus, NE Call or text us at (402)-276-4086 featuring Top sires S Powerpoint plus RES Dark Fire | VDAR Really Windy 4097 | Crouthamel Protocol | Ellingson homestead deer valley growth fund | deer valley fox trot | SAV Rainfall | cts remedy sav cattlemaster | tehama tahoe | KCF Bennett Homeland | Find us on facebook at Frese Angus and Hereford NEW Sale LOCATION e & b new addition connealy big valley musgrave 316 exclusive Scan for DV Auction Scan for Frese Site 97


Lot 25 Lot




BD 2/09/22 BW 92#

WW: 859# Ratio 113



BEPD +1.1

WEPD +80

YEPD +136

MEPD +24



BD 2/10/22 BW 88#

WW: 865# Rratio 114



BEPD +0.7

WEPD +76

YEPD +137

MEPD +37

For nearly a century, our cow herd has been known for its ability to increase pounds and create superb quality!

Five Tahoe sons out of the legendary donor, 7885. Average birth weight was 79# and average WW was 808#



BD 1/20/22 BW 78#

WW: 765# Ratio 101



Seven sons of Evenson Everest 964 sire that are all super calving ease bulls. They have an average of 77# for birth weight. Average WW is 815#, Ratio 108. Gaining an average of 4.72# per day. Good size and of the best quality ever!

Average BEPD +.4

BEPD .5+

WEPD +66

YEPD +119

MEPD +19

Two sons of the Emerald sire, with an average ww of 826#

One of the best sons to date of our Bushs Wing Man 201 sire. He will set the standard for quality!



BD 2/11/22 BW 54#



BEPD -1.4

WEPD +66

YEPD 106

MEPD +29

February 25, 2023 • 1:00PM at the farm • Britton, SD 49th Annual 61 POWERFUL
201 BUS H ANGUS 41785 109TH ST • BRITTON, SD 57430 SCOTT 605/470-0555 • JIM 605/470-0605 Tyler 605/290-0888 • OFFICE 605/448-5401 Performance is our Product 300 mile free delivery on ALL sale cattle! •
55 Lot 27
Lot 65
x 99

Carcass Challenge steers delivered

On November 21, the Carcass Challenge steers were delivered to the Iowa State University Beef Nutrition farm north of Ames. We are extremely thankful for the generous donors, the Iowa Cattlemen’s Leadership Program class, and the volunteers who hauled steers to Ames.

We are excited for this group to be on feed as well as thankful for the opportunity to house the steers at Iowa State University.

In addition to this opportunity, thanks to the help of Elanco and the Veterinary Diagnostic Lab this year, we did a bacterial analysis on the health of the animals. Donors will receive these results in late December, letting them know if there is anything alarming with the calf to make aware of what is lingering on the farm.

The steers began the data collection period on December 5. Beginning weights and initial scan carcass data were taken thanks to Bonnie Larson with Critical Insights The next scan will be mid-test on February 15. Donors will receive that information by email and mail.

All updates and information about the steers throughout the program will be communicated through email, mail, the Iowa Cattleman magazine, and phone calls from our ICLP program participants. We are excited to have recruited more steers this year and look forward to keeping you updated throughout the program. We are excited to see the outcomes and results as a group.

If you have any questions or concerns through the upcoming months, please do not hesitate to reach out to Madyson Thill.


Adams Co. Cattlemen; Allen JohnsonSterling Cattle Co.; Amana Farms; Andrew Benning; Asmus Farm Supply; B&G Feed Service; Bank Plus; Ben and Monica

Danner; Beth Baudler; Bob Connely; Bob Noble; Brad Balsley; Brad Koima; Braun Show Cattle; Brian Tuttle; Brooke Stowater; Buchanan Co. Cattlemen; Byergo Angus; C & B Operations; Carl Bormann; Cascade Livestock Auction; Cerro Gordo Co. Cattlemen; Chad Jacobs; Chad Nold; Cherokee Co. Cattlemen; Clarke Co. Cattlemen; Clayton Saeugling; Clint VonGlon; Clinton Co. Cattlemen; Cornerstone Insurance; Crawford Co. Cattlemen; Custom Precast and Dale Larsen - Larsen Angus; and Dan Delaney; Dan Powers - Maquoketa Livestock Exchange; Danny Behr; Darin Koch; Dave Lubben and Lydia GrantLubben White Oak Farms; David Bruene; David Chambers; David Rueber - River Valley Coop; David Trowbridge; Decatur Co. Cattlemen; Dennis Clarahan; D&R Feeds; Don Gutheridge; Doug Schroeder - Schroeder Angus; Dr. Erik Laumann, DVM; Driven Embryo Services; Duane & Mindy Rose - 4R Herefords; Dubuque, Jones, Deleware Co. Cattlemen; Dunlap Livestock Auction; Dustin Balsley; Dustin Noble; Elkader Vet Clinic; Emmet Co. Cattlemen; Eric Sanny; Evan Vermeer; and

Fayette, Clayton, & Winneshiek Co. Cattlemen; Franklin Co. Cattlemen; Fremont Co. Cattlemen; Galen Jimmerson - Deer Run Ranch Red Angus; Gary and Linda Olsen - Olsen Red Angus; Gary Walter, Geordan Hansen - Winding Acres; Glassnapp Ag; Greene Co. Cattlemen; Gregory Feedlots; Greiman Brothers; Hamilton Co. Cattlemen; Highland Vet Service; Highway 64 Auctions; Holden Maines & More; Holstein - Motor Inn; Humeston Livestock Auction; and Ida Co. Cattlemen; ISU Beef Teaching Farm; Jack Giltner; Jackson Co. Cattlemen; Jason Kreimeyer; Jason Kurt; Jay Petersen; Jayme Sieren; Jeff Olrich - Roller Mill Ag; Jerard Gnade; Jeremy

Walter; Jesse Prochniank - East Fork Land and Cattle; Jim Gibson; Jim Mosher; Jim Skartvedt - Renew Livestock; John Irmiter; John McGrath; Jon LaFrenz; JR Larson Electric; Julie Evans; Justin Murray; and Katie Wernimont - Hubbard Feeds; Kennedy Cattle; Kent Pruismann; Kevin Converse - Converse Cattle; Kirby Goettsch; Kirk Lynch - Heartland Simmentals; Krukow Brothers; Larry Johnson; Larry Kester - Red Star Feeds LLC; LCB Farms; Longinaker Farms; Loren Truelson; Luana Savings Bank; Lyon Co. Cattlemen; M&D Partnership; Macel Sebetka - Sebetka Farms; Madison Co. Cattlemen; Manternach Land and Cattle; Marion Co. Cattlemen; Mike Bates; Miller Ag Feed; and Mills-Mongomery Co. Cattlemen; Minnehan Family Farms; Mitchell Co. Cattlemen; Muscatine, Scott, & Cedar Co. Cattlemen; Nate Blackford; Neal Ruschy; Nick Andersen; Ory Brothers; Palas Farms; Peyton and Bruce River; Pineview Angus; Polk Co. Cattlemen; Producers Livestock Marketing Assoc.; Purple Ribbon Beef; and Randy Lehman - RL Fleckvieh Limerock Ranch; Ringstead Insurance Co.; Riverside Casino and Golf Resort; Russ and Diane Cook; Ryan Lindsey - Animat; Sioux Co. Cattlemen; Spencer Ag; Stateline Publication; Steve Rehder; Steve RiesDevinish Feeds; Stockman Advantage; Tate, Harper, & Hudson Lawton; Terry and Sheryl England - Sandridge Red Angus; Tim and Sandy Meyer; Todd Pille; and Tom Reuvers; Travis Olson; Trent Rehder; Ty Lauritsen; Tye Rinner; Tysen Christensen; United Bank; Upper Iowa Beef; Vic Nichols; Voss Angus; Walker Farms; Walter Family Stock Farm; Washington Co. Cattlemen; Will Epperly and Jon Schaben; and Worth Co. Cattlemen.

January 2023

100 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023


Member Services Team thankful for 2022 and looking forward to events in 2023

As we are in the thick of the holiday season we always need to take time to reflect on how 2022 went and look forward to the exciting things in store for 2023. In 2022 we added three new staff to the team and it has been exciting to see them hit the ground running. We now have all four regions of Iowa covered and look forward to continuing to help your local county boards and members.

We are also thankful for our members that continue to renew and support each other. We are stronger together and more powerful as one voice and you all continue to help us be at the forefront of topics and continue to push our leaders in Washington, D.C., and in Iowa to support our Iowa cattlemen.

As we look forward to 2023 we wanted to make sure we were getting to each region for an update and some educational opportunities.

In January, February, and March you will be able to take advantage of opportunities at our 2023 Cattle Forums to listen to an ICA and IBIC update, market outlook, and some different topics pertinent to each region of the state. Please take advantage of the dates, times, and locations listed below in the table to get your cattle industry update this winter. These events will be free to any paying member and will provide a meal and plenty of opportunities to learn and interact with ICA staff and speakers. Please watch your mailbox for a postcard reminder and rsvp as the dates approach in your area.

If you don’t get a chance to catch one of our Cattle Forums, please reach out to your Member Services Team and see if we can get a small producer meeting sched-

uled in your county. Also take advantage of the local Cattlemen’s banquets and auctions that might be happening in you area over the next few months.

For a list of these events please stop by our website, or visit our Facebook page to find out times and locations.

Thank you again for a successful 2022 and we look forward to talking with and seeing you at one of our events or out in the countryside in 2023. From our team to yours, have a blessed holiday season.


All events will begin with registration, trade show and meal at 5 p.m.

January 9, 2023

Anthon Community Center 110 N 5th Ave. Anthon, IA 51004

January 10, 2023

ISU Extension Office 309 N Main St. Leon, IA 50144

January 23, 2023

Ventura Community Center 4 North Weimer St. Ventura, IA 50482

January 31, 2023

Legion Hall 301 Jackson St. NE Cascade, IA 52033

February 7, 2023

Guthrie County Fairgrounds Community Building 408 W State St. Guthrie Center, IA 50115

February 23, 2023

The Great Hall of Royal 300 1st Ave. Royal, IA 51357

March 1, 2023

Washington County Extension Office 2223 250th St. Washington, IA 52353

March 21, 2023

Keystone Turner Hall 91 2nd Ave. Keystone, IA 52249

March 30, 2023

Newton Fore Seasons 6232 Highway S74 S Newton, IA 50208

If you have questions or would like to RSVP, call 515-296-2266 101

3RD ANNUAL 103 PRODUCTION SALE LAZY BLACK DIAMOND RANCH REGISTERED ANGUS SINCE 1951 GENETICS BACKED BY GENERATIONS OF MATERNAL POWER H U S S L I V E S T O C K M A R K E T , L L C K e a r n e y , N E FEBRUARY 25, 2023 LAZY BLACK DIAMOND RANCH GLAUSE FAMILY 379 HWY 92 - PALMER, NE 68864 - Kevin Glause 308-750-9055 Morgan Glause 308-750-3125 Saturday - 1:00 PM CST To request a sale book, give us a call or visit L I V E O N L I N E B r o a d c a s t i n g R e a l - T i m e A u c t i o n s 106 Registered Yearling Angus Bulls 32 Registered Open Angus Heifers SIRES REPRESENTED: LBDR 7108-5142 Power Tool LBDR 9133-5142 Power Tool LBDR 9159-6145 Broken Bow LBDR 0409 Playbook LBDR 5142 Power Tool SX3 Cowboy Up 967 TC Forthright 333 Deer Valley Growth Fund Sitz Resilient 10208 E&B Plus One Square B True North 8052 LBDR 2437 True North SIRE: Square B True North 8052 2/12/22 BW-86 WW-737 CED +12 BW -1.1 WW +60 YW +108 Milk +31 LBDR 2404 Cowboy Up SIRE: SX3 Cowboy Up 967 1/25/22 BW-96 WW-777 CED +9 BW +1.8 WW +64 YW +112 Milk +30 LBDR 2531 Resilient SIRE: Sitz Resilient 10208 2/11/22 BW-82 WW-796 LBDR 2433-9159 Broken Bow SIRE: LBDR 9159-6145 Broken Bow 2/11/22 BW-81 WW-861 Milk +18 11 22 33 LBDR 2414 Growth Fund SIRE: Deer Valley Growth Fund 2/2/22 BW-74 WW-832 LBDR 2434-5142 Power Tool SIRE: LBDR 5142 Power Tool 2/11/22 BW-82 WW-765 CED +14 BW -.4 WW +57 YW +103 Milk +27 113 3 44 LBDR 2532 Growth Fund SIRE: Deer Valley Growth Fund 2/11/22 BW-101 WW-811 CED +0 BW +4.2 WW +76 YW +140 Milk +31 55 LBDR 2450 Cowboy Up SIRE: SX3 Cowboy Up 967 3/1/22 BW-90 WW-895 CED +6 BW +2.6 WW +82 YW +140 Milk +30 117 7
Big Country/Cut Above 1.5 BW - 145 YW Big Country/Net Worth 4.4 BW - 161 YW Goal Keeper/Southern Charm 2.7 BW - 159 YW Goal Keeper/Treasure 1.8BW - 160 YW - 300 $C Goal Keeper/Ashland 1 BW - 164 YW - 300 $C Growth Fund/Double Vision 2.2 BW - 170 YW 290 $C Growth Fund/Dollar Up 1.2 BW - 147 YW Connealy National/Maternal Made 1.0 BW - 151 YW 300 $C Regiment/Dollar Up 2.6 BW - 172 YW - 345 $C
SimAngus/Big Country .7 BW - 156 YW Regiment/Cut Above 2.2 BW - 162 YW - 306 $C Regiment/Dollar Up .7 BW - 146 YW - 312 $C No Doubt/Upgrade 309 $C SimAngus/Power Play .4 BW - 146 YW SimAngus/PowerPlay .4 BW - 147 YW SimAngus/Frosty -.9 BW - 155 YW 105 107 Galaxy Beef Macon Farm | Sale Address: 33835 US Hwy 63, Macon, MO | Russel Miller 660.254.1337 Randy Miller 660.415.6339 Steve Miller 660.582.1334 Sale managed by Wes Tiemann 816.244.4462 | P S Galaxy Trooper 2000 Galaxy iconic 1511 Galaxy growth fund 1519 CED +15 CED +4 +1.4 +93 +155 +79 +208 +349 $C +329 +12 +1.1 +95 +175 +81 +188 +325 Also Selling these Heifers... AAA. 20529709 AAA. 20474937 Galaxy Beef Macon Farm | Sale Address: 33835 US Hwy 63, Macon, MO | Russel Miller 660.254.1337 Randy Miller 660.415.6339 Steve Miller 660.582.1334 Sale managed by Wes Tiemann 816.244.4462 | P r o d u c t i o n S a l e Saturday, February 25, 2o22 | 1:00 P.M. | Macon, MO Galaxy Trooper 2000 Galaxy iconic 1511 Galaxy Clarity 1653 Galaxy growth fund 1519 CED +15 BW -.2 WW +101 YW +179 $M +80 $B +206 $C +347 CED +4 BW +1.4 WW +93 YW +155 $M +79 $B +208 $C +349 CED +0 BW +2.5 WW +85 YW +149 $M +71 $B +199 $C +329 CED +12 BW +1.1 WW +95 YW +175 $M +81 $B +188 $C +325 Also Selling these Heifers... AAA. 20529709 AAA. 20474937
108 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 Beetle Beetle Beetle X KR Quality KR Quality KR Quality One flush... many champions! MES Music Man 603-650 2020 MO Angus Open Bull of the Year Hunters Primo 010 MES Burgess Benni 015-650 2021 NJAS Champion Steer ISF RSV Champion Female MES Burgess Beetle 650 - 122 Semen For Sale! Embryos selling on 2-25-2023 at the 2023 MO Angus Futurity! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @osagegrassandlivestock Osage Grass & Livestock THE SADOWSKY'S Jim: 660.868.1745 Teela: 660.868.0433 Mardee: 660.853.8215 Selling Registered Angus Bulls | Semen | Embryos | Show Heifers | Your chance to join Team Beetle! 25 Annual Performance Tested Angus Bull & Female Sale Bloomington Livestock Exchange | Bloomington, WI 2K Cattle Enterprises Kevin and Keri Retallick Family Sunday, March 19th, 2023 1:00 p.m. Maternal Brother Sells | 2021 Top Seller Decades of Experience. Decades of Performance Testing. Decades o f Progress. 8281 East Glen Road, Glen Haven, WI 53810 Kevin: 608.732.6838 | Kelsi: 608.778.7748 55 Angus GS Tested Bulls & 25 Bred Females Bulls sired by Baldridge Alternative, Myers Fair-N-Square, GAR Hometown, Deer Valley Growth Fund, EXAR Grenade, Sitz Resilient & more. To request a Sale Book visit our website: Call to view cattle ahead of sale. Sale broadcasted on th

We’ve consistently delivered the very best genetics from our breeders across the state representing 300+ $C genetics and heifers made for the photo backdrop. This rich history continues in 2023 with our in-person sale.

MISSOURI ANGUS 02/25/23 Breeders Futurity Join us in person for our annual meeting and banquet on Saturday, February 25 at the Courtyard by Marriott in Columbia, MO. Visit for more details. SELLING APPROXIMATELY 40 LOTS! Show heifers, production females, bred heifers, bulls, embryos, flushes, and pregnancies all sell. For event information, contact Missouri Angus Association Executive Director Julie Conover at (734) 260-8635 or 634 SW 1201 Road, Holden, MO 64040 Sale Powered by THE JUDGE SOURCE LLC I Joel & Kourtney Judge 805.234.7191 I 480.322.1583 I SELLING 3 IVF EMBRYOS BY PVF BLACKLIST AAA +*18919200 DOB: 10/23/17 Daughter of EXAR Blue Chip 1877B CED +o BW +2.9 WW +59 YW +92 MILK +15 DOC +11 MARB +.53 REA +.32 $M +47 $B +122 $C +205 EXAR Frontier Gal 2057 SELLS OPEN AND SELLING FULL SIB EMBRYOS AAA +20539462 DOB: 04/07/22 Daughter of STAG Good Times 201 ET CED I+6 BW I+1.0 WW I+51 YW I+85 MILK I+23 DOC I+12 MARB I+.29 REA I+.67 $M +52 $B +110 $C +205 Clearwater Lady 2087 SELLS BRED TO SITZ RESILIENT 10208, DUE 2/2/23 AAA 20211484 DOB: 01/25/21 Daughter of SAV Rainfall CED +5 BW +1.2 WW +72 YW +133 MILK +31 DOC +17 MARB +.54 REA +.86 $M +59 $B +158 $C +264 Birks Lady 601 EPDS AS OF 01/05/23 7:00 pm at the Courtyard by Marriott Columbia
112 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 63rd Annual Bull & Female Sale Feb. 25, 2023 1:00 p.m. Selling 35 Polled Hereford Bulls 40 Bred & Open Females At the farm near Burchard, NE Joel Birdwell - Auctioneer Kingfisher, OK / 405-368-1058 Register to bid online Watch for Videos, Photos & Catalog at Russ Tegtmeier - 402.865.5805 h / 402.335.0470 c 71556 609 Ave., Burchard, NE 68323 Tegtmeier Polled Herefords CT COMMANDER 112J Tremendous all around herd bull prospect sired by EF BEEF A250 TESTED F225, and out of a CUDA daughter from the donor pen. This bull has superior carcass EPDs, with the pleasing phenotype. Top herd bull prospect sired by Spearhead Corps Command. Clean & correct, full of muscle. Several more herd bull prospects by Command sell! BW WW YW MM Marb REA +3.9 +65 +106 +26 +0.19 +0.64 BW WW YW MM Marb REA -0.8 +65 +100 +33 +0.63 +0.62 CT TODD 130J CT MISS GOLDEN DOLL 101K A great daughter of GOLD RUSH out of a top-selling female in the recent Dry Creek Sale. Her dam is a maternal sister to ENCORE. Tremendous cows in this future donor’s pedigree!! BW WW YW MM Marb REA +1.4 +68 +106 +28 +0.52 +0.71 Total Performance from... Also selling 5 Red Baldy Heifers WISCONSIN BEEF improvement association ANNUAL BULL SALE SAVE THE DATE | APRIL 1ST, 2023 Hosted by DV Auctions at UW-Platteville in-person, phone & internet bidding | 608-527-5747
HONEST PERFORMANCE & CALVING EASE – Ranch Raised – Great Dispositions – 1st Season Guarantees – Free Regional Delivery 35 BULLS SELL ANGUS, CHAROLAIS, RED ANGUS, SIMMENTAL 75% of the Offering is HEIFER-SAFE WE SELL BULLS THAT MAKE YOU $$ –IT’S PROVEN - COME SEE US BULLS ON DISPLAY NOW Stop In or Call Anytime FEATURED SIRES: Resilient - Exemplify - Pacific Perseverance - Dew North - Cracker Jack 113
Sale Managed by, Dwyer Cattle | Bob 309-337-1404 | Nick 309-337-6404 | 3/4 Simmental Bull JSUL S.A.M. x CDI Innovator PB Simmental Bull Long’s Shear Envy x Long’s Stand Alone PB Simmental Open Heifer W/C Cyclone x TL Ledger PB Simmental Open Heifer Long’s Shear Envy x Shear Pleasure 1/2 Simmental Bull CDI Innovator x Chestnut Cash 3/4 Simmental Bred Heifer Mr CCF 20-20 x TLLC One Eyed Jack AI Bred to OMF Epic 1/2 Simmental Bred Heifer TJ Main Event x W/C Lock Down AI Bred to THSF Lover Boy PB Simmental Bred Heifer Executive Order x Ruby’s Wide Open AI Bred to OMF Epic Southwest SIMMENTAL SALE GROUP Sunday February 26, 2023 at 12:30 pm Dunlap Livestock Auction - Dunlap, IA - 80+ Lots of Registered Simmental Cattle PB Simmental Bull TL Ledger x W/C Bankroll 115

Visitors Welcome Anytime!

116 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
VOSS SCALE CRUSHER 2052 Reg #20385689 VOSS QUARTERBACK 1554 Reg #20338246 VOSS ELBA 2108 Reg #20297457 VOSS BLACKCAP MAY 2024 Reg #20301416 VOSS MADAME PRIDE 2055 Reg #20385681 117
VOSS GENERAL 2234 Reg #20307531 VOSS DOC RYAN Reg #20311814 VOSS MADAME PRIDE 2106 Reg #20297456 VOSS BLACKCAP MAY 2059 Reg #20382750 VOSS BLACKCAP MAY 2204 Reg #20302323
1:00 PM (MST) Free Lunch 43rd Production Sale Thursday, March 16, 2023 Lemmon Livestock Auction Lemmon, SD SELLING: 70 Yearling Angus Bulls • 55 Fall Angus Bulls 40 Commercial Angus Heifers • 10 Reg. Angus Heifers Box 1089 • Hettinger, ND 58639 WWW.EVENSONANGUS.COM For more information contact: KR QUALITY 8525 Reg. AAA *19219149 • BD 2/14/18 • Tattoo 8525 Sire: TEF Outside 514 • MGS: May-Way Equity BW 2.2 WW 90 YW 167 M 29 CW 69 MRB .40 REA .39 LT REVERED Reg. AAA *19548516 • BD 2/17/19 • Tattoo 9008 Sire: Basin Rainmaker 4404 • MGS: S Foundation 514 BW 1.0 WW 71 YW 132 M 32 CW 67 MRB .78 REA .47 SITZ RESILIENT 10208 Reg. AAA *19057457 • BD 2/15/18 • Tattoo 10208 Sire: Sitz Stellar 726D • MGS: Sitz Top Game 561X BW .3 WW 79 YW 140 M 22 CW 48 MRB .94 REA .74 KESSLERS COMMODORE 6516 Reg. AAA 18545936 • BD 1/2/16 • Tattoo 6516 Sire: Connealy Comrade 1385 • MGS: Summitcrest Complete 1P55 One of the hottest trending bulls in the Angus breed. BW -.2 WW 88 YW 152 M 25 CW 64 MRB .75 REA .57 EVENSON SOUTHERN CHARM 086 Reg. AAA 19910117 • BD 2/20/20 • Tattoo 086 Sire: BUBS Southern Charm AA31 • MGS: Evenson Stetson 100X BW 3.3 WW 87 YW 144 M 24 CW 73 MRB .93 REA 1.02 Evenson Angus Rod: 701-567-3358 • Bill: 701-567-2861 • OTHER SIRES: Evenson Commodore 0160 • Evenson Everest 964 • Freys Quality 0187 son Evenson Southern Charm 086 • Evenson Black Granite 837 • BT Incredible 0368
MONDAY • FEBRUARY 27, 2023 • 1 PM • CROFTON, NE Man In Black 726 x TC Forthright 340 Three Rivers x Hf Tiger 5T 55314 887 Rd • Crofton, NE 68730 CATTLE SIRED BY: Foxhovens Man In Black 726, 4M Ace, Foxhovens Active Duty F444, Foxhovens Ace 047, Foxhovens O’Reilly Factor 05, Foxhovens Ace 238, Redemption, Johnny Cash, Pinpoint, 3 Rivers, Resilient, Charisma 85 JANUARY BORN YRLG ANGUS BULLS. 20 BRED COWS/BRED HEIFERS 28 OPEN YEARLING HEIFERS Cattle Run on Fields • Free Wintering on Bulls Visitors Welcome Anytime! SELLING: Man In Black 726 x 4M Ace Lot 18 • Reg #20456859 Redemption x Roughrider Lot 146: • Reg #20456914 4M Ace x O’Reilly Factor 4M Ace x TC Forthright 340 Lot 11 • Reg #20456853 Lot 12 • Reg #20456854 Heifer • 4M Ace 709 047 x Mainline Heifer • A&B Payweight x TC Ez Money Lot 259: • Reg #20466638 Lot 2154: • Reg #20466676 Johnny Cash x Skyhigh Lot 8 • Reg #20456851 Lot 3 • Reg #20456920 Lot 4 • Reg #20456850 Resilient x TC Forthright 340 Lot 5 • Reg #20457604 Resilient x KA Conquest Man In Black 726 x Easy Decision 98 Lot 24 • Reg #20457605 Lot 114 • Reg #20456907 BW 64lbs 205 867lbs, 365 1475lbs BW 77lbs 205 752lbs, 365 1344lbs BW 94lbs 205 885lbs, 365 1471lbs BW 75 205 807lbs, 365 1362lbs BW 83lbs 205 721lbs, 365 1455lbs CED +6 BW +1.0 WW +50 YW +94 BW 82lbs 205 747lbs, 365 1457lbs BW 76lbs 205 735lbs, 365 1453lbs BW 81lbs 205 709lbs, 365 1317lbs CED +8 BW +.4 WW +68 YW + 122 BW 83lbs 205 703lbs, 365 1365lbs BW 81lbs 205 738lbs, 365 1362lbs 119
WW+Bl W+147 SM +83 SB +216 121
Reg. No: *20128935 DOB: 01-27-2021 Sire: +*Deer Valley Growth Fund MGS: #*Sitz Dash 10277 CED BW WW YW SC HP MILK $EN CLAW ANGLE CW MARB RE $M $B $C +9 +.2 +75 +135 +.63 +13.1 +30 -23 +.36 +.46 +72 +.58 +.72 +82 +167 +299 E&B Essential E&B WILDCAT 9402 Reg. No: 19810163 DOB: 10/01/2019 Sire: +*GAR Discovery 6737H MGS: #*Connealy Confidence Plus CED BW WW YW SC HP MILK $EN CLAW ANGLE CW MARB RE $M $B $C +14 +.9 +87 +161 +.42 +15.7 +28 -43 +.43 +.34 +77 +1.30 +1.00 +75 +214 +353 E&B RIVAL 175 Reg. No: 20128929 DOB: 01/28/2021 Sire: +*Deer Valley Growth Fund MGS: #*Connealy Confidence Plus CED BW WW YW SC HP MILK $EN CLAW ANGLE CW MARB RE $M $B $C +7 +2.1 +94 +162 +.54 +12.5 +37 -41 +.37 +.42 +75 +.90 +1.12 +79 +178 +310 165 BULLS SELL! • First Breeding Season Guarantee • Genomic Enhanced EPD’S • Complete Performance Data • Free Delivery Sale Managed By: E&B LADY PLUS 643 E&B LADY PAYWEIGHT 7177 E&B LADY PLUS 517 34th Annual BENOIT ANGUS BULL SALE 1:00 PM • Thursday, March 16, 2023 Held at the Ranch • Esbon, KS The Home of Herd Sires… Backed By Proven Females... BENOIT ANGUS RANCH 621 Hwy. 36 • Esbon, KS 66941 Everett & Bonnie Benoit (785) 725-3231 Doug Benoit (785) 545-6806 Chad Benoit (785) 545-8095 Email:
WWW.MRANGUSRANCH.COM 5104 Hwy 34 • Wheatland, WY 82201 307-331-1530 (cell) 21419 WCR 13 • Johnstown, CO 80534 970-587-2534 • 970-371-7819 (cell) 98 Olson Rd • Wheatland, WY 82201 307-322-4848 • 307-331-1568 (cell) 123

“Working Bull”


HAYNES Exponential 2433

20463883 • 2/2/22

Sire: KCF Bennett Exponential

Maternal Grandsire:

VAR Discovery 2240

+12 CED • Top 1% WW, YW, CW, $W, $C • Top 2% $B

HAYNES Exponential 2313

20463844 • 1/28/22

Sire: KCF Bennett Exponential

Maternal Grandsire:

HAYNES Outright 452

+12 CED • Top 4% $C • Top 3%

Docility • Top 5% WW, YW

HAYNES Exponential 2168

20463809 • 1/21/22

Sire: KCF Bennett Exponential

Maternal Grandsire: Mill Bar Hickok 7242

Top 3% WW, $C • Top 4% $B

• Top 5% CW, $F

Sires represented include:

Tehama Patriarch F028 (18981191) (20 sons)

Heiken Broadview (19421003) (13 sons)

KCF Bennett Exponential (19507801) (30 sons)

4M Ace 709 (19014756) (30 sons)

HAYNES Breakout 9153 (19545006) (20 sons)

HAYNES Canyon Rim (19234277) (20 sons)

Sitz Alpine 11076 (18385837) (20 sons)

HAYNES Fulfillment 089 (19842246) (10 sons)

Buy ’Em Your Way!

n 100% AI from industry leading sires

n Free delivery to surrounding states

n Genomic enhanced EPDs

n Developed on native range without creep feed

n Athletic and ready to work in big country

n Many heifer bulls in the offering and all are cow makers!

n First breeding season guarantee. Sight unseen purchases are guaranteed.

n Trich tested

n Ask about our “On Ranch Inspection” discount

HAYNES Patriarch 202

20463896 • 1/22/22

Sire: Tehama Patriarch F028

Maternal Grandsire:

Poss Achievement

+10 CED • Top 1% WW, YW, $W

• Top 2% RE, $C • Top 3% CW

n Volume and repeat buyer discounts

n Ultrasound data available early February

If you are interested in improving the genetics in your operation, backed by our family’s commitment to the success of our customers, give us a call.


“Our Reputation Rides on Every Bull!”
February 28, 2023 • 1 PM
Livestock Auction
Ogallala, Nebraska For further information, contact: Gale & Cynthia Haynes • Office: (970) 854-3310 • Cell: (970) 520-3374 • 61284 CR 14 • Holyoke, CO 80734 • Bulls are located at Stateline Ranch, 15 miles southeast of Holyoke, CO, or 25 miles west of Imperial, NE. • Check out our website at
SALE Tuesday,
the sale and bid live online at
and 125


Sale Managers: Eberspacher Enterprises 507-532-6694 Val Cell 612-805-7405 • Catalog will be online at Steve

Home 605-425-2391 • Cell 605-421-1152
& Cathy Eichacker
Guest Breeder: JK ANGUS 605-940-5104
1/4 AN
6E X W/C
SM 1/4 AR 1/8 AN W/C Fort Knox 690F X CDI Authority 77X
PB SM KBHR Honor H060 X Remington LockNLoad54U
ES KH93 3/4 SM
Hook’s Eagle
Fort Knox
ES KA110-5 PB SM LBRS Genesis G69 X Remington LockNLoad54U ES KB44 5/8
ES KA110-2
3/4 AN W/C
609F X BC Lookout 7024 Bred to Schooley Haggard A411H
5/8 SM ¼ AR ¼ AN ES Statement GZ33 X GW Major Move 590E • Bred to KBHR Honor H060
Trustee 387F X TNT Axis X307 Bred to LRS Rarity 983J ES J58 5/8 SM
Fort Knox
ES J12
Relentless 127
Roy Miller, Summit Farms 22213 230th St. | Hubbard, IA 50122 641-373-6031 • Available this Spring Show Heifers Bulls Draft Horses Bred Females ANGUS, SIMANGUS, RED ANGUS, CHAROLAIS, PERCHERON by private treaty
Sale Management: Eberspacher Ent. • Office 507-532-6694 • Val Cell 612-805-7405 • Catalog online at SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 2023 12:00 NOON • RUSSELL LIVESTOCK MARKET • RUSSELL, IOWA ANNUAL BULL SALE Simmental & SimAngus™ CASON’S PRIDE & JOY SIMMENTALS 2077 715th Avenue, Albia, IA 52531 Denny Cason 641-814-3332 • Landon Cason 641-799-7350 CASON’S MR KOSTER K50DA [ PB SM ] Sired by TSN Eagle G618 BW: 84 • WW: 856 • EPDs: BW 0.5 WW 76 YW 117 API 155 TI 85 CASON’S MR BRUNSWICK J29D [ PB SM ] Sired by Hook’s Eagle 6E BW: 80 • WW: 777 • EPDs: BW 0.1 WW 79 YW 120 API 153 TI 86 CASON’S MR J357 [ PB SM ] Sired by TJ Gold 274G BW: 84 • WW: 758 • EPDs: BW -0.8 WW 75 YW 114 API 150 TI 84 CASON’S MR KADE K13X [ 3/4 SM ] Sired by WS Proclamation E202 BW: 84 • WW: 826 • EPDs: BW 1.8 WW 80 YW 115 API 123 TI 76 CASON’S MR KARTER K410 [ PB SM ] Sired by Hook’s Eagle 6E BW: 87 • WW: 928 • EPDs: BW 0.8 WW 91 YW 133 API 161 TI 93 CASON’S MR KADE K351 [ PB SM ] Sired by WS Proclamation E202 BW: 92 • WW: 944 EPDs: BW 3.1 WW 96 YW 143 API 149 TI 90 CASON’S MR KINGSTON K90 [ PB SM ] Sired by TSN Eagle G618 BW: 71 • WW: 811 • EPDs: BW 0.7 WW 75 YW 115 API 146 TI 82 Selling 70 Performance Tested Bulls CASON’S MR KNOX K345 [ PB SM ] Sired by TJ Roosevelt 366E BW: 90 • WW: 898 • EPDs: BW 3.6 WW 83 YW 120 API 130 TI 78 EPD from 12/12/22 129

One way to assess maturity of alfalfa hay is the snap test. If a handful of hay bends easily in your hand, the fiber content is relatively low. The hay will be more nutrient dense and digestible (with less woody lignin), than if the stems snap like twigs.

Hay samples can be tested; core samples from several bales can be sent to a hay testing lab for analysis. This is always wise when trying to evaluate hay for protein or mineral content. You should also open a few bales and look at the hay inside, to check texture, maturity, color and leafiness. Check for weeds, mold, dust, discoloration due to weathering (to know if the cut hay was rained on before being baled and stacked). Check for heat (and smell the hay) to know if it’s fermented.

Also check for foreign material in the bales, such as rocks, sticks, baling twines or wire. The latter can cause hardware disease in cattle if ingested wire pokes through the gut and creates peritonitis. Cattle often eat hurriedly and don’t sort out small foreign objects. Baling twines in hay can also be hazardous if eaten. Calves often chew on and eat twines, which can create fatal blockage in the gut.

Rained-on hay that had to be redried will be dull in color— yellow or brown, rather than bright green. All hay will weather; the sun bleaches the outside of the bales. You often can’t tell the quality of hay by looking at the outside. The inside should still be green, however, even if the outer edges have faded due to exposure to rain and sun.

Odor also gives a good clue to quality. Hay should smell good, not musty, sour or moldy. Flakes should separate easily and not be stuck together. Moldy hay, or hay that heated too much after being baled will usually be heavy, stuck together, and dusty. Alfalfa hay that has heated excessively may be brown and “caramelized,” smelling sweet or a little bit like molasses. Cattle like it, but some of the nutrients have been cooked; much of the protein and vitamin A have been destroyed. Good hay will be uniformly green and smell good, with no brown spots or moldy portions.

Try to select hay that has been protected from weather by a tarp or hay shed, unless you are buying it directly out of the field after baling. Rain on a stack can ruin the top layer or two, soaking in and causing mold. The bottom layer of bales may also be moldy if the stack sat on ground that draws moisture. Top and bottom bales will weigh more (adding cost) and have spoilage. n

130 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
"Selecting Hay" continued from pg 72 MATT LOWERY Professional Livestock Auctioneer 308-750-6119 Burwell,NE For Hereford information and questions regarding the American Hereford Association, contact: Joe Rickabaugh • 816-842-3757 YOUR HEREFORD PROFESSIONAL Serving the Hereford breeders of the Central Region MISSOURI AND IOWA 131

H d Sire


Owned with Conley Cattle

H d Sire



Owned with Conley Cattle & C-4 Land & Cattle

H d Sire



H d Sire



Owned with Boyert Show Cattle

H d Sire



H d Sire



Owned with Stagemeyer Cattle Company & Rosebud Cattle Company

H d Sire



Owned with Chestnut Angus Farm & Schae er Show Cattle

DEAN 641-208-9626 • NANCY 641-208-0434 HOME 641-929-3208 • MAGGIE 641-208-0000 March 4, 2023 • 1 PM • Maggie’s Machine Shed • 18130 296th Trail, Bloomfield, IA FABIUS CREEK ANGUS STAR SEARCH XXXI Presented by: Annual production Sale BLOOMFIELD, IA FABIUS CREEK ANGUS SALE FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: FABIUS CREEK ANGUS DEAN & NANCY HOUGLAND 29244 ICE AVE • BLOOMFIELD, IA 52537 Fabius Barbie 1720 • AAA 18332953 Selling some of the best sons by Barbie. Deer Valley Growth Fund • AAA 18827828 The Angus sire of sale toppers. Musgrave 316 Exclusive • AAA 18130471 Sires more style and calving ease. EXAR Grenade 9152B • AAA 19358194 Selling an outstanding set of bulls by the calving ease expert. SELLING 50 Bulls • Spring Yearlings Fall Yearlings and Coming Two–Year-Olds 10 Bred Replacement Heifers 10 Open Yearling Heifers 133
134 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 March 12, 2023 1:30 pM Find us on Selling Registered Red Angus 2 Year Old Bulls, Yearling Bulls, Heifers, & Semen Rock Solid Genetics Since 1992 Production Sale at the Ranch Stockport, Iowa Stuart & Kaye Gilbert Family 641-919-0196 12th Annual Bull Sale Thursday March 16th, 2023 1 PM • at Fullerton, NE Selling 120 Fall and Spring Angus Bulls & a select group of Reg. Yearling Heifers Dean Christensen 308-550-0298 Fullerton, NE Bonnie Christensen 308-550-0299 Office 308-536-2405 Guest Consignor: Lori & Ashley Wagner 308-550-0349 308-550-0239 Additional Sires: Mohnen Homeraised, B/R MVP, 4M Ace, Sterling Pacific, and our own Herd bull battery. Mohnen Worldwide SAV Black Diamond Baldridge Versatile Musgrave Exclusive VAR Power Play
Presented by Hickory Hollow Farms and Burns Angus Farm Blake, Jenni, Halli, Cobi, Myli & Graci Hershberger 1904 135 Street Wellman, IA 52356 Blake Hershberger (319) 330-3466 Tommy Stumpf (319) 325-2088 Joe, Kati, Kyndall & Kennedy Burns 1781 IWV Road Oxford, IA 52322 Joe Burns (319) 631-5732 Pat & Kris Burns 1785 IWV Road Oxford, IA 52322 Pat Burns (319) 330-4255 For your free reference sale booklet, contact anyone in the office of the Sale Manager, TOM BURKE, KURT SCHAFF, ALEX POPPLEWELL, AMERICAN ANGUS HALL OF FAME, at the WORLD ANGUS HEADQUARTERS, PO Box 660, Smithville, MO 64089-0660. Phone: (816) 532-0811. Fax: (816) 532-0851. E-Mail: Noon . Saturday, March 4, 2023 . 1904 135 Street, Wellman, IA 52356 Fall & Spring Yearling Bulls . Bred and Open Females HHF 20 Pride 2114 Sire: Tehama Tahoe B767, Dam: Marcys 20 Pride 111-0 HHF 20 Ethelda E6-0 2117 Sire: SAV Final Answer 0035, Dam: Marcys 20 Ethelda E 6-0 HHF Expertise 2013 Sire: SAV Expertise 7028, Dam: SAV Elba 0404 HHF Rainfall 2005 Sire: SAV Rainfall 6846, Dam: Voss Elba 3513 Burns Armor Truck 2215 Sire: Car Don Annuity 114, Dam: Trails End Epponia RN89 Burns Tahoe 2179 Sire: Tehama Tahoe B767, Dam: Burns Forever Lady 1778 HE SELLS! HE SELLS! SHE SELLS! SHE SELLS! HE SELLS! HE SELLS! AAA 20459440 AAA 20459435 AAA 20330703 AAA 20444584 AAA 20541105 AAA 20539544 135
ANNUAL ANGUS PRODUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 4th, 2023 • HIGH NOON • OLSBURG, KS This is the most dynamic set of bulls and females to ever be offered at Laflin Ranch! Selling 100 Herd Bulls, 50 Fancy Females, 6 Big Time Junior Show Heifer Prospects, Halter Broke and Ready to Go! Fall Pairs, Bred Heifers, Bred Cows, Donor Prospects and Embryos. Tahoe Growth Fund Wilks Regiment Reg 20343691 Reg 20399235 Growth Fund Sitz Accomplishment Reg 20420904 Reg 20399244 Reg 20399202 Iconic Reg 20397055 Reg 20523081 Reg 20523035 Reg 20518773 Wilks Regiment Daughter Main Stay Daughter Tahoe Daughter R.D.785-587-5852, Shelie 785-564-0916 Look for Sale Videos and Sale Book online at 137
SELLING 100 ANGUS BULLS 80 Spring Yearlings 20 Fall Long Yearlings Sale Features 2 sons of HA Rito Lady 3839 by Bomber 2 sons of Casino Annie J15The maternal sister to the Dam of Bomber by Growth Fund A son of Annie K48, Bombers Dam by GAR Ashland The first sons of Kraye Big Country, Casino Constable T34 and Galazy Corporate 0114 to sell! Sons of Deer Valley Optimum 9246, Vermillion Optimist KG Justified, Sitz Achievement 743F, Connealy AShland 777X, 4M Entice, DPL Sequel W84, GAR Kansas Casino Bomber N33 Connealy Rock 277P Casino Constable T34 Sitz Barricade 632R Galaxy Corporate 0114 41053 W. North Loup Rd • Purdum, NE 69157 David 209.765.0508 • Carol 209.604.9089 DAL PO R T O LIVESTOCK 82914 Milburn Ave • Anselmo, NE 68813 David 925.250.5304 • Jeanene 209,535,3657 Free Delivery Volume Disoucnts First season Guarantee SELLING SONS OF THE GREAT SIRES! Tyson & Rachel COX 41065 W North Loup Rd Purdum, NE 69157 Tyson 308.880.0231 H: 308.834.3306 139
140 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 Bottomless Feed Bunk Bull Panel 712-660-0046 2561 175th STreet, Nemaha, IA 50567 NEW! at coon river gate company Coon River Gate Company • Use as calving pens, fence, swinging gates, or anywhere corral panesl are used • The 10’ gates swing 360 degrees and fold flat against either side of the mainframe • Tires will easily break free from any frozen surface • Models range from 20’ to 60’ and make up to four calving pens with one freestanding gate
EnduraGate makes life easier for
operation as
as the feedyard! Home of SARA SHEPHERD 515.321.6870 1308 QUEBEC AVE | STUART, IA 50250 LETTER2SARA@GMAIL.COM DAN SHAMBURG | 402.880.5179 WWW.SHEPHERDCHAROLAIS.COM PATRIOT x M6 COOL REP x M&M STEALTH 8512 Free Delivery 250 Miles 2022 Bulls Sold to Commercial & Purebred Breeders in 5 States Private Treaty SELLING 50+ BULLS 18-MONTH-OLD & YEARLING CHAROLAIS & ANGUS Sale Catalog & Bull Information available on our website! Videos posted Mid-February. SAT., FEBRUARY 25, 2023 Open HOuse Noon Lunch | Bid off 1 pm Watch for more sons like these 2022 High Sellers COOL REP x CIGAR x GRID MAKER ENHANCE x SS OBJECTIVE x ROCKN D AMBUSH BULLS FOR SALE OUT OF THESE SIRES: CHAROLAIS – LT AFFINITY, RBM FARGO, SAS BIG FLIRT, WCR CADILLAC JACK & M&M WATT 6549 ANGUS – MAGNITUDE, ENHANCE, CRAWFORD GUARANTEE & VAR INDEX
both the cow/calf



At the Mead Sale Headquarters • Versailles, MO Every Bull DNA PARENT VERIFIED with GENOMIC ENHANCED EPDS! Mead Farms is committed to producing sound, functional cattle that will perform in every environment. “Performance-Oriented” and “By the Numbers” approach consistently producing high quality genetics in volume! America’s #1 Pathfinder Herd 300 HEAD SELL! ANGUS, CHAROLAIS, RED ANGUS, HEREFORD SATURDAY MARCH 4, 2023 NOON MEAD FARMS PERFORMANCE-TESTED BULL SALE 21658 Quarry Lane • Barnett, MO 65011 Office (573) 302-7011 • Fax (573) 348-8325 Email: WWW.MEADFARMS.COM Alan Mead, Owner (573) 216-0210 Scott Wall (309) 212-5450 Jennifer Russell Sales & Marketing (573) 721-5512 SALE CAN BE VIEWED ON MEAD FARMS MEAD SURPASS X093 Birth Date: 11-23-2021 Reg. *20364743 +*BJ Surpass x #*Connealy Confidence Plus CED +15, BW -.8, WW +72, YW +125, Milk +35, CW +53, Marb +.87, RE +.84, $M +104, $W +85, $B +161, $C +313 MEAD ICONIC X244 Birth Date: 12-13-2021 Reg. *20364280 *DB Iconic G95 x #*S A V Ten Speed 3022 CED +8, BW +.4, WW +77, YW +143, Milk +29, CW +66, Marb +1.13, RE +.72, $M +62, $W +74, $B +196, $C +316 MEAD CLARITY X949 Birth Date: 12-10-2021 • Reg. +*20396292 *Connealy Clarity x #*Connealy Final Solution CED +7, BW +3.3, WW +73, YW +126, Milk +33, CW +59, Marb +1.08, RE +.69, $M +88, $W +74, $B +175, $C +315
Birth Date: 11-21-2021 • Reg. *20381473 +*Connealy Upscale x #*Basin Advance 3134 CED +4, BW +2.7, WW +85, YW +145, Milk +34, CW +65, Marb +.68, RE +1.00, $M +91, $W +87, $B +165, $C +305
Date: 12-18-2021 • Reg. *20364161 #*KG Justified 3023 x +*Connealy Beyond Doubt 838X CED +6, BW +1.4, WW +78, YW +134, Milk +30, CW +57, Marb +1.11, RE +.63, $M +91, $W +80, $B +163, $C +302 Birth Date: 12-25-2021 • M969559 DC/CRJ TANK E108 P x SMR WALDORF 83W PLD MEAD TANK X526 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK CW MARB RE TSI +9.1 -0.5 +76 +145 +1.0 +42 +44 +0.03 +1.02 286.77 Birth Date: 11-21-2021 • P44354001 BEHM 100W CUDA 504C x /S MANDATE 66589 ET MEAD CUDA X078 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD SC MILK CW MARB RE BMI BII CHB +7.2 +0.3 +64 +99 +1.1 +35 +84 +0.38 +0.78 +417 +515 +159 Birth Date: 11-10-2021 • 4600431 MILWILLAH MARBLE BAR J53 x BECKTON EPIC R397 K MEAD MARBLE BAR X797 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD STAY MILK CW MARB RE PROS HB GM +14 -0.6 +75 +119 +15 +31 +45 +0.43 +0.33 +116 +70 +46 141
Birth 143 INVESTMENT Bull Sale Wednesday. MARCH 8 . 2023 1:00 PM ( CST ) At the Ranch, Arapahoe, NE Genetic 37 th Annual Bull Sale Tuesday, March 7, 2023 1:00 PM ( CST ) At the Ranch, near Oxford, NE Plan to attend our marketing partner’s sale for a selection of 250+ bulls between the two sales. GELBVIEH, BALANCER® AND ANGUS BULLS Selling 145 lots. Bulls bred right and fed right FOR TODAY’S PROGRESSIVE CATTLEMEN. • Sight Unseen Guarantee || Full Guarantee • Large Sire Groups • Complete Data and Genomics on every bull • Free Delivery || Volume Discounts Broadcasting Real-Time Auctions Dan and Kate Warner 42198 Road 721, Arapahoe, NE 68922 Dan Warner: 308.962.6511 Monte Warner: 308.962.6136 Darren Warner: 308.824.2950 5172K - 62% GV Balancer sired by Hombre. 6134K - 67% GV Balancer sired by Jackpot. 9131K - 50% GV Balancer sired by Howard. 191K - 62% GV Balancer sired by Hombre. 432J - 92% GV Purebred sired by Jackpot.




ASA: 4149186 | PB SM


Homo Polled red hided calving ease herd sire prospect that ranks Top 10% CE, Top 3% BW, Top 4% MCE, & Top 30% API. His maternal granddam is a FULL SISTER to SVF Steel Force S701!


ASA: 4149241 | 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Sire: W/C MAINSTAY 355F • MGS: HARKERS BANDITO UNO Impressive SimAngus™ herd sire prospect that is among the Top 10% WW, Top 15% YW, Top 10% MWW, Top 15% CW, & Top 10% REA!


ASA: 4149160 | PB SM

Sire: WCS GLOCK 357 7117E • MGS: LRS TURNING POINT 3117A He ranks Top 25% WW, Top 20% MWW, and Top 15% CW. He posted an adjusted weaning weight of 847 with a WWR @ 114!


100 Wohlers Drive - Crawford, NE 69339 Brenda. 308-430-2117 - Jock. 308-430-0668 -


JOCK & BRENDA BEESON 100 Wohlers Drive - Crawford, NE 69339 Brenda. 308-430-2117 - Jock. 308-430-0668 - SALE MANAGED BY - INNOVATION AG MARKETING GRAHAM BLAGG - 530-913-6418 JERED SHIPMAN - 806-983-7226 TIM ANDERSON - 605-682-9343 WWW.NNOVATIONAGMARKETING.COM PRODUCTION SALE - 1 PM MST - MARCH 23, 2023 JOIN US AT THE RANCH-CRAWFORD, NEBRASKA WCS MR RED EMPIRE 2818K ASA: 4149186 | PB SM Sire: BAR CK RED EMPIRE 9153G • MGS: JF MILESTONE 999W Homo Polled red hided calving ease herd sire prospect that ranks Top 10% CE, Top 3% BW, Top 4% MCE, & Top 30% API. His maternal granddam is a FULL SISTER to SVF Steel Force S701! WCS MR STAY 2121K ASA: 4149241 | 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Sire: W/C MAINSTAY 355F • MGS: HARKERS BANDITO UNO Impressive SimAngus™ herd sire prospect that is among the Top 10% WW, Top 15% YW, Top 10% MWW, Top 15% CW, & Top 10% REA! WCS MR GLOCK 2125K ASA: 4149160 | PB SM Sire: WCS GLOCK 357 7117E • MGS: LRS TURNING POINT 3117A He ranks Top 25% WW, Top 20% MWW, and Top 15% CW. He posted an adjusted weaning weight of 847 with a WWR @ 114! RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF THREE FEMALES, 2023 NWSS SELLING PICK OF THE NWSS PEN HEIFERS! RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF FIVE PERCENTAGE BULLS , 2023 NWSS 147 149 151




Thurs. 2nd - Williamsburg

Thurs. 2nd - State Center

Thurs. 16th - State Center

Thurs. 23rd - Winthrop


Thurs. 2nd - State Center

Thurs. 9th - Williamsburg

Thurs. 16th - State Center

Thurs. 23rd - Winthrop

Thurs. 30th - State Center


2 Bear Mountain Angus - Palisade, NE


Ohlrichs & Friends Bull Sale - Norfolk, NE

Poss Angus Bull Sale - Scotia, NE


Cardinal Cattle Co. Bull Sale - Wyoming, IL

Horsley Bros. Future Generation Sale - Toulon, IL

Loonan Stock Farm Private Treaty Prod. Sale - Corning, IA

Ruby Cattle Co. Bull Sale - Murray, IA

Springer Simmentals Production Sale - Decorah, IA

Steele Land & Livestock Bull & Female Sale - Anita, IA

Upstream Ranch Production Sale - Taylor, NE


Frey Angus Ranch Production Sale - Granville, ND

Hartman Cattle Co. Bull Sale - Tecumseh, NE


Long’s Simmentals Production Sale - Creston, IA

Taubenheim Gelbieh Production Sale - Amherst, NE

7 Hoover Angus Production Sale - Tingley, IA

8 Jindra Angus Production Sale - Clarkson, NE


Booth’s Cherry Creek Angus Bull Sale - Veteran, WY

Rust Mountain View Ranch Bull Sale - Mercer, ND


Clear Springs Cattle Co. - Starbuck, MN

Lemke Cattle Bull & Female Sale - Lawrence, NE

Raml Cattle Bull & Bred Heifer Sale - Goodwin, SD 11

CK Cattle / Wager Cattle Production Sale - Highmore, SD

Crooked Creek Angus Production Sale - Clarinda, IA

Precision Beef Genetics Bull Sale - Griswold, IA

RL Fleckvieh Limerock Ranch Mature Cow DispersalBrandon, IA

Rousey SimAngus Bull Sale - North Platte, NE

11-19 IA Beef Expo - Des Moines, IA 12

IA Angus Assn. Show & Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA

IA Gelbvieh Assn. Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA

IA Red Angus Assn. Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA

Oak Meadow Farms Production Sale - Cresco, IA


Fawcett Elm Creek Ranch ProductionSale - Ree Heights, SD

IA Charolais Assn. Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA

IA Simmental Assn. Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA

Koupal’s B & B Angus Bull Sale - Dante, SD

14 Werning Cattle Co. Production Sale - Emery, SD 15

IA Hereford Assn. Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA

Ostrand Angus Production Sale - Ansley, NE


Krebs Ranch Bull Sale - Gordon, NE

Mogck & Sons Angus of Olivet Bull & Female Sale - Olivet, SD


Donors on Ice Sale @ IBE - Des Moines, IA

Hoffman Ranch Spring Bull Sale - Thedford, NE

Jared Werning Cattle Production Sale - Parkston, SD

R & R Cattle Co. Production Sale - Chamberlain, SD


Janssen Angus Bull Sale - Earlham, IA

Leader Angus Farm Production Sale - Crofton, NE

Overmiller Production Sale - Smith Center, KS

Pine View Angus Bull Sale - Colesburg, IA

Schiefelbein Farms Bull Sale - Kimball, MN

Varilek Angus Bull Sale - Geddes, SD

18-19 Sexton Cattle Open House - Ainsworth, IA

18-26 NE Cattlemens Classic - Kearney, NE 19

Bruning Farms Production Sale - Bruning, NE

Gaffney Family Cattle Production Sale - Barneveld, WI

K-Ler Cattle Production Sale - Saint Charles, MN

Miller Angus Bull Sale - Valentine, NE

Trauernicht Simmentals Production Sale - Wymore, NE 20

Rennert Ranch Charolais Bull Sale - Cozad, NE

TC Reds / Weis Cattle Bull Sale - St. Ansgar, IA 21

Caraway Red Angus Production Sale - Cozad, NE

Cedar Top Ranch Bull Sale - Burwell, NE

Douglas Booth Family Angus Bull Sale - Torrington, WY 22

Sexton Cattle Online Bull Sale -

TC Ranch Bull Sale - Franklin, NE 23

Cattlemen’s Cut Bull Sale - Brewster, NE

IL Performance Tested Bull Sale - Springfield, IL 24

Deppe Angus Bull & Female Sale - Bloomfield, IA

Frese Angus & Hereford Bull Sale - Columbus, NE 25

Bush Angus Bull Sale - Britton, SD

Cannon Charolais Ranch Bull Sale - Newton, IA

Galaxy Beef Production Sale - Macon, MO

Eblen & Sons Simmental Bull Sale - Bridgewater, IA

High Point Genetics Bull Sale - Osceola, IA

Lazy Black Diamond Ranch Production Sale - Kearney, NE

MO Angus Breeders Futurity - Columbia, MO

Pleasant Hill Farms Bull & Heifer Sale - Bowling Green,KY

Shepherd-Shamburg Charoalis & Angus Open House - Stuart, IA

Studer Shorthorns Bull Sale - Anita, IA

152 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
"Sales" continued on pg 154 153

"Sales" continued from pg 152

February 25 continued....

Tegtmeier Polled Herefords Bull & Female Sale - Burchard, NE


Circle B Livestock Bull Sale - Albion, NE

Southwest Simmental Group Sale - Dunlap, IA

Voss Angus Production Sale - Dexter, IA


Foxhovern Angus Sale - Crofton, NE

Hart Angus Farms Production Sale - Frederick, SD

Reyes/Russell Bull Sale - Wheatland, WY

28 Haynes Cattle Co. Angus Bull Sale - Ogallala, NE



Bredemeier Angus Production Sale - Stella, NE

Kraye Angus Ranch Annual Sale - Mullen, NE


GG Genetics / Mars Bull & Female Sale - Ida Grove, IA

Jensen Bros. Bull Sale - Courtland, KS

Kearns Cattle Co. Bull Sale - Rushville, NE

3 Eichacker Simmentals Production Sale - Salem, SD


Cason’s Pride & Joy Simmental Bull Sale - Russell, IA

CNN Cattle Co. Online Bull Sale -

Fabius Creek Angus Production Sale - Bloomfield, IA

Hickory Hollow Farms / Burns Angus Bull & Female SaleWellmanm IA

Laflin Angus Ranch Production Sale - Olsburg, KS

Mason Angus & SimAngus Sale - Broken Bow, NE

Mead Farms Bull Sale - Versailles, MO

Moriondo Farms / MM Cattle Sale - Mount Vernon, MO

Real World Genetics Sale - Humeston, IA

WI Hereford Assn. Spring Sale - Fennimore, WI

Wilde Angus Ranch Annual Sale - Shevlin, MN

4-5 Western IL Cattle Jackpot - Peoria, IL


Gateway Genetics Bull Sale - Pierce, NE

Spring Valley Angus Production Sale - LaMoure, ND

T & E / Mr. K Angus Open House - Clarks, NE

Windy Creek Cattle Co. Production Sale - Spencer, SD 6

Hanel’s Black Simmentals Bull Sale - Courtland, KS

Styles Angus Production Sale - Brentford, SD

T & E / Mr. K Angus Online Bid Off Sale -

Vision Angus Annual Sale - North Platte, NE


Macholan Angus Production Sale - Columbus, NE

Schutte & Sons Pld. Herefords Production Sale - Guide Rock, NE

Swanson Cattle Co. Bull Sale - Oxford, NE

8 Warner Beef Genetics Bull Sale - Arapahoe, NE

9 Brookhauser T-Bone Angus Bull Sale - Atkinson, NE 10

Hilltop Simmentals Bull Sale - Worthing, SD

Kenny Angus Bull & Female Sale - Odebolt, IA

Weiss Brothers Bull & Female Sale - Red Cloud, NE

Western Illinois University Performance Test Bull SaleMacomb, IL


Brad Z Ranch Annual Sale - Guthrie Center, IA

DeSu Angus Sale - Fremont, IA

Koberstein Farms Angus Bull Sale - Holyoke, CO

Yardley Cattle Co. Bull Sale - Beaver, UT

12 Graystone Cattle Co. Production Sale - Stockport, IA 13

ICA Symbol of Excellence Bull Sale - Bloomfield, IA

Lee’s Cattle Co. Bull Sale - Brush, CO

14 Weber Land & Cattle Bull Sale - Lake Benton, MN


Diamond M Cattle Co. Online Bull Sale -

Wagonhammer Ranches Production Sale - Albion, NE


Benoit Angus Bull Sale - Esbon, KS

DBL Bull Sale - Fullerton, NE

Evenson Angus Production Sale - Lemmon, SD

K7 Herefords Annual Sale - Lockridge, IA


The Genetic Event - Des Moines, IA

TD Angus Bull Sale - North Platte, NE


Buck Creek Ranch Bull Sale - Yale, OK

Musgrave Angus Production Sale - Griggsville, IL

The Main Event Lamb & Goat Live Auction - Des Moines, IA

19 2K Angus Bull & Female Sale - Bloomington, WI


Flat Water Gang Red Angus Bull Sale - Broken Bow, NE

Rancho Casino Angus Bull Sale - Purdum, NE

23 Western Cattle Source Production Sale - Crawford, NE

24 Impact Catte Co. Online Bull Sale -



Kraye Angus Ranch Sale - Mullen, NE

WI Beef Improvement Assn. Bull Sale - Platteville, WI


A & B Cattle Annual Sale - Bassett, NE

Herbster Angus Farms Bull & Female Sale - Beatrice, NE

14 ICA Symbol of Excellence Bull Sale - Tama, IA

154 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023
Dustin Carter Auctioneer 4424 E. Main St. • Vermillion, SD 57069
H H 155
156 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 Hoop Beef System ............ 67 IA Angus Assn ............... 23 IA Beef Expo ............. 20-21 IA Gelbvieh Assn ............. 22 IA Hereford Assn. ............ 27 IA Red Angus Assn ........... 25 ICA 100-102 Impact Cattle Co. 153 IL Performance Test Bull Sale 93 Janssen Angus 55 Jared Werning Cattle. 51 Jensen Bros. 38 Jindra Angus 9 Jochimsen Cattle Co. 145 K-Ler Cattle 75 K7 Herefords 28 Kearns Cattle Co. 42 Kenny Angus 158-159 Koberstein Farms Angus 96 Koupal’s B & B Angus ......... 39 Kraye Angus Ranch .......... 155 Krebs Ranch ................ 45 Laflin Angus Ranch .......... 137 Lazy Black Diamond Ranch ... 103 Leader Angus................ 72 Lee’s Cattle Co. ............... 3 Lemke Cattle ............... 13 Macholan Angus ............. 80 Main Event Sales ............ 157 Mason Angus & SimAngus 139 McTavish Steel Works 10 Mead Farms 141 Mikkey’s LC 28 Miller Angus 77 MO Angus Assn. 109 Mogck & Sons Angus of Olivet 47 Moriondo Farms & MM Cattle Co.54 Muir Embroidery 30, 86 Musgrave Angus 163 NE Classic 56-59 Oak Meadow Farms 35 Olympic Genetic Center ....... 34 Osage Grass & Livestock ...... 108 Ostrand Angus ............... 43 Overmiller Red Angus & Gelb. .. 70 Peterson Hereford Farm ........ 26 Pineview Angus .............. 61 Pleasant Hill Farms .......... 111 Precision Beef Solutions ....... 16 Purdum Angus Farms ......... 131 R & R Cattle Co. ............. 53 Raml Cattle ................. 15 Real World Genetics Sale 44 Rennert Ranch 81 Reyes Russell 123 RL Fleckvieh Limerock Ranch 18 2K Cattle Enterprises ......... 108 A & B Cattle ............... 124 American Angus Assn. ......... 24 Benoit Angus ............... 122 Booth’s Cherry Creek Angus .... 12 Brad Z Ranch ............... 86 Bredemeier Angus Farms ....... 14 Brookhauser T-Bone Angus ..... 84 Bruning Farms ............... 71 Buck Creek Ranch ........... 132 Bush Angus 98 C & L Hereford 29 Cannon Charolais Ranch 99 Caraway Red Angus Ranch 85 Cardinal Cattle Co. 164 Cason’s Pride & Joy Simmentals 129 Cattlemen’s Cut Bull Sale 91 Cedar Top Ranch 87 Circle B Livestock 113 CK Cattle / Wager Cattle 17 Clear Creek Farms #2 16 CNN Cattle Co. 130 Coon River Gate Co. 140 DBL ...................... 134 Deppe Angus................ 95 DeSu Angus................. 94 Diamond M Cattle Co. ....... 114 Donors on Ice ............... 33 Douglas Booth Family Angus.... 89 Draper Family Cattle ......... 146 Eblen Simmental ............. 90 Eichacker Simmentals ........ 127 Elite Trailers ................. 30 Evenson Angus 118 Fabius Creek Angus 133 Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch 37 Flat Water Gang Red Angus 136 Fletcher Nichols 147 Fox Group Market Report 8, 10 Foxhoven Angus 119 Frese Angus & Hereford 97 Gaffney Family Cattle 73 Galaxy Beef 107 Gateway Genetics 62 Genetic Opportunity Bull Sale 138 GG Genetics/Mars ............ 36 Graystone Cattle Co. ......... 134 Hanel’s Black Simmentals ...... 76 Hart Angus Farms ....... 120-121 Haven Hill Simmentals ........ 92 Hawkeye Breeders........... 160 Haynes Cattle Co ........... 125 Herbster Angus Farms ........ 6-7 Hickory Hollow/Burns Angus .. 135 High Point Genetics ..... 104-105 Hoffman Ranch ............... 5
Rolling Hill Mfg 19 Rust Mountain View Ranch 11 Schiefelbein Farms 63-66 Schutte & Sons 82 Sexton Cattle 90 Shepherd Charolais 140 Sheriff Polled Herefords 26 Shy 5 / Hilltop Simmentals 32 Southwest Simmental Sale Group115 Spring Valley Angus ........... 50 Studer Shorthorns / Will Cattle . 162 Styles Angus ................ 74 Sullivan Supply. ............. 161 Summit Agriculture Group .... 128 Swanson Cattle Co. .......... 142 T & E / Mr. K Angus ........... 70 TC Ranch ................... 1 TC Reds / Weis Cattle ......... 83 TD Angus ................. 126 Tegtmeier Polled Herefords .... 112 The Answer 148 The Iowa Land Guy 48-49 The Rolling B / Walston 30 Thill Catlte Co. 29 Trauernicht Simmentals 79 UPCOMING SALES . . . . . . 154, 156 Varilek Angus 68-69 Vinton Red Angus 25 Vision Angus 78 Voss Angus 116-117 Wagonhammer Ranches 110 Warner Beef Genetics 143 Weber Land & Cattle ......... 106 Weiss Brothers. .............. 88 Werning Cattle Co. ........ 40-41 Western Cattle Source ........ 144 Western IL Cattle Jackpot ...... 46 Western IL University Bull Test .. 86 WI Beef Improvement Assn .... 112 WI Hereford Assn ............ 50 Wilde Angus Ranch ........... 52 Windy Creek Cattle Co......... 60 Yardley Cattle Co. 2 ~ SIRES ~ Cattle Visions 149-151 Crossover 164 Honour 164 Hummel FitzRoy 146 LLSF Favored One 147 MEK Bankers Approval 145 Merit 164 Patriot 164 True North 164 The Answer 813 148

So, while I write this, I am watching the San Francisco 49ers play in their first playoff game against the Seahawks. If you know me very well, you know I am a huge Niners FAN and have been since I was in grade school; loving Joe Montana and Jerry Rice! It is, to this day, the thing that keeps my brother, Bubba, and I super connected because of our LOVE of the 49ers! My kids, thank goodness, are BIG fans as well! Now that we have Brock Purdy to cheer on from the Iowa State Cyclones, life is just a little sweeter! I will even concede to being happy about our tight end, George Kittle, even though he played for the wrong Iowa team! How can you not like the Niners, if you are from Iowa??

Our lives continue to be crazy with Taylor’s 8th grade basketball season coming into full swing and AAU Volleyball as well. When my brother and I played high school sports we always vied for the #5 jerseys. We always said it was a family number to guilt anyone even considering grabbing #5. Fast forward to Tucker playing football, he knew I loved #5 but being an offensive lineman the #5 really was not an option. Next best thing he got #50! Taylor in her regular season volleyball this year got the #5. Volleyball was my favorite sport in high school and so we got my button out from high school as a Bridgewater-Fontanelle Panther and compared to Taylor’s 8th grade Creston Panther!!

Tucker is prepping for the FFA Public Speaking Contest at sub-districts coming right around the corner, as well as, submitting another application for an FFA District Officer position. Spring seems to be filling up quickly!

Wish me luck, Taylor will turn 14 on Feb 4th and get her driver’s permit. I have a feeling Matt will be taking her driving because our clashing personalities might not be a good idea. Pretty sure Tucker plans on letting her chauffeur him around!

We have been able to catch a couple of my niece’s basketball games and watch my brother-in-law coach as well! Nodaway Valley is pretty darn lucky to have such a great girls’ basketball coach, Brian Eisbach, and in my opinion to have a star player in my niece, Izzy (Treva calls her Z). My sister, Mandi, gets the privilege of trying to keep me from yelling at the refs as well, and Treva adores my nephew, Max (she calls him X). Max is less than impressed with her constant hugs.

Please continue to keep our nation and military in your constant prayers.

Hope everyone has an incredible February!



160 Livestock Plus Inc. February 2023 161
The Gilman Family | Cary, 515.360.6006 Ethan, 515.360.1445 Dale: 641.344.8035 | Nate: 641.344.8487 Follow on Follow on Chance Will | 712.249.6865 GILMAN’S PIT BOSS 27K 02.10.2022 ASA# 4342109 S: CIRCLK Gilman Dream Easy 21F D: Gilman’s Glamor Girl 99H GILMAN’S ALL IN 6K 02.01.2022 | ASA# 4335784 S: Gilman’s Clout 45H ET D: Gilman’s Maystar Rosewood 39G STUDER’S JUSTIFIER 114J 11.10.2021 | ASA# 4339350 S: Studer’s Marquis 86G D: Muridale Delight 121A STUDER’S KEY NOTE 13K 1:00 P.M. | WCC COW PALACE | ANITA, IA 01.18.2022 | ASA# 4340275 S: Saskvalley Tradition 106T D: Muridale Iris 20A WATCH AND BID LIVE AT ...
| ANITA, IA 163
Gilman Family
MN 55438 CARDINAL CATTLE COMPANY 9736 MODENA ROAD • WYOMING, ILLINOIS J. Riley, Owner Jeff Wisnefski, Manager, (815)274-3860 Lucas Wisnefski, (309) 883-3971 WWW.CARDINALCATTLECOMPANY.COM CALL 573-641-5270 TO ORDER AND SHIP OR CALL US TO PICK UP Angus
8840 Deer Ridge Lane Bloomington,
Bull 20373212
Simmental Bull 3819962
Bull 3640090
11.95% CHI BULL 410511 SOMEWHERE
ANGUS BULL 20198682

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