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Friday November 24th, 2006 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

So what is this State of Oneness? Hello beloved reader, my name is Alexis Shaffer and the caring director of this newspaper has invited me to share my experiences with you. These are experiences from people who I have personally shared an energy transfer of Divine grace called Oneness Diksha. Flor’s Experience in Cancún: Just a few days after hurricane Wilma destroyed Cancún…. Amazingly, I was living an incredible state of peace! I felt I was not a part of the crazy circumstances. I felt completely apart from everything and I DID NOT IDENTIFY WITH ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING THAT WAS HAPPENING! As MOST people were extremely worried identifying themselves as lost in desperate situations, I was absolutely in peace, with certainty that everything happens for the higher good. I felt completely at peace inside of myself…. Surrounded by so much love…. when my colleagues left the refuge to go back to what was left of the city, they had no idea of the ugliness that was happening outside. Miracles began happening to all of us!!!

Mexican Soldier’s Experiences: …my body relaxed completely and I felt I was traveling to a place I had never gone before; … I felt a transmission of energy circulating through my body and after I felt deep peace in my mind and stillness; … I felt cramps in my belly button and throat, and later I saw colored lights, I felt like waves coming into my body; … I had a headache, and upon hearing her words I experienced peace, and then cramps in my hands and feet; … when I closed my eyes landscapes went by and then peace; … I felt harmony and good feelings with my colleagues, I felt less stress, more internal peace and stillness, I felt positive energy; … I felt a lot of heat inside my body and I begun to sweat and saw white lights; … peace, stillness, harmony in all my body and in my spirit, I felt energy in my head and hands; … I feel more relaxed, more quiet, I slept really well, I now feel more active/alive, I saw colored lights and flashes.

Freddy Nielsen’s Experience: I was in a wonderful state for a long time, I had always the Presence of Love in my heart, I had a very deep Peace, a non attachment to the mind, and many miracles began to happen. Imagine for a moment that A State of Oneness / Self-Realization, that is considered almost impossible to reach, suddenly became a common thing to achieve. It’s not only for a Buddha, a Christ or a Ramana, but for you and me. And imagine that once you got it, it would also be possible to transfer it to others!

So what is this State of Oneness? There are many definitions of it, and it is maybe so because it is not a single state as we tend to believe. It is an experience that can only be individual, but there is one thing in common for all of them: A complete absence of inner/mental conflict or suffering Every person on the planet has a relationship with God, whether we are aware of that fact or not. Some will find holy expression in a tree, in the sound of the rain falling, and in the innocence of a child. No–one has to be told how to appreciate a sunset for they know it’s a living example of God’s work .We innately see and feel the beauty and that is how it is in our relationship with God. God is all there is and there are countless expressions of God energy to be found wherever we go. We need to feel the connection, really feel and know we are all part of the same thing. When we feel that, we stop seeing the separation and start to feel unity with everything. Oneness Diksha is a very powerful tool that can help us to experience the joy of that connection with everything that is, also known as Christ consciousness.

About Oneness Diksha Everything in the universe is energy, water, earth, plants, animals, humans, air, sun, moon, planets and stars. We all are energy and share the energy each moment with everyone and everything around us. There are people in the world that live in a state of permanent peace and joy, like Alexis, who has received the gift to share this energy, a permanent state of peace and joy, so wonderfully called Oneness Diksha. Diksha is a Divine Energy Transfer that takes only one minute with placement of the Diksha Giver’s hands on the head of the person receiving, and then afterward, for maximum benefit, advising the person to lie down for about 20 minutes to enjoy and experience the “State” transferred. Diksha is a current of energy that directly benefits the brain, spine, and glandular system, also known as chakras. Alexis uses special meditations in her groups with the purpose of clearing the chakra system. Oneness Diksha is then given. The focus of these meditations is to eliminate blockages from the chakras and energy bodies to facilitate the effect of the Dikshas, which is the transmission of Divine energy.

Please feel free to write me: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web: www.livinginoneness.com

I’ll be happy to share this TRANSFORMING WONDERFUL DIVINE GRACE through ONENESS DIKSHA with your friends and family so that ALL can experience the TRUE JOY OF LIVING that is our birth right! Suffering is UNNECESSARY! I guarantee to you that there is ANOTHER WAY! WE ALL ARE ONE - ONLY LOVE EXISTS…. Everything else is just an illusion! I’ll be happy to show you, giving you the opportunity to have your own experience through Diksha. I love you all and send you BIG HUGS full of Love. ALEXIS


Oneness Diksha Divine Healing Would you like to live in harmony? Experience the joy of each moment? Are you ready to be free of your suffering? If so, I can surely be of help then. Alexis Shaffer, (from Barcelona Spain) travels all over the world She is now here in Cancun to channel this <Divine Energy> to all who wish to receive it. All she asks of you is to desire to be free from your suffering. This energy heals relationships and most of all, the relationship you have with your- self You will receive deep peace and tranquility in your very core Free yourself of all negativity and find your authentic being again

Transmission of Divine Energy It cures depression, dis-ease, and removes all physical body pains Bring your whole family so Alexis can heal them Intensive Diksha Course th 26 of November in Condominiums Carisa in Cancun 11am until 1pm On the Beach Terrace Donation 100 pesos alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com www.livinginoneness.com

Friday December 1st, 2006 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

A breakthrough has taken place in spirituality! Hello beloved reader, my name is Alexis Shaffer and the caring director of this newspaper has invited me to share my experiences with you. Sharing their recent experiences after receiving a transfer of Divine grace; Oneness Diksha energy Experience of Joaquin Antonio Piña Ruiz taxi driver in Cancún: I felt my body sliding into time and space, like a leaf falling from its tree in autumn, but in this falling of the leaf all was in darkness, which made me feel how my body followed traveling through an intense peace along with a soothing silence until I felt I was just a part of the water, an Ocean that through her waves manifesting inside of me and feeling complete tranquility, deep inside all of my being…I felt an intense warmth come over me deeply comforting my body and I began experiencing a force of energy start to surround my body like an aura, causing me to visualize a kind of multicolor bar which began from the bottom upwards. The bottom color was blue; it was a dark blue, followed by orange, then yellows, until becoming paler until white and ending finally in a bright light… “How can I describe this Sea of Light that I am bathing in, so that people who aren’t there yet can understand? Words are not powerful enough to mirror this new world, for a new world is what it is. And of course, before this I could feel Love, Joy & Peace, but to BE Love, Joy & Peace is something completely different! This transfer of Divine Grace, Oneness Diksha, brought me into a Love & Oneness Consciousness. I am so grateful… crying almost every day out of Joy, Peace and Gratitude. Thank you!” Louisa

A breakthrough has taken place in spirituality! In this divine state you consciously experience your divine self and become one with God. This can be experienced as a great explosion of love or joy, much more profound than any worldly pleasure. When someone reaches this state of being, this connection with God, the divine, the absolute, they will surely have achieved the ultimate that being on this earth can offer. The beauty of this process is that it is so simple, as it doesn't require any effort at all. And it is available to all of those who wish to awaken to the great abundance of Grace direct from God. Oneness Diksha is a transfer of energy, a phenomenon of Grace, which creates an opening through which you can experience the true desires of your heart: Love, Joy, Peace, Healing and Oneness with God … directly and completely. Diksha energy is universal & useful in all spiritual traditions.

It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine & with the people we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha they experience healing on all levels, as well as powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. People are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. That is why we are sharing this with you. You, your freedom and your liberation are the most important to me. Those who receive Diksha will be receiving a Diksha of initiation into unconditional love, which heals every aspect of ones life. This will enable them to be more aware of the Divine presence, allowing the Divine presence to do this work. -This is what makes this work more powerful in all areas of ones life. "You shall love the Lord God with every aspect of your being and you should love thy neighbor as thy self. Do this and you shall live".-Jesus

What is conscious awakening/enlightenment exactly? Enlightenment is the ability to see reality as it is, without the layers of interference and interpretation imposed by the mind. It is a simple neurobiological event, and can happen in an instant. Enlightenment is to peel off the layers of interpretation from a given event. To the enlightened person, life becomes a very ordinary thing. You walk, and you are walking. You eat, and you are eating. Enlightenment is not about having extraordinary experiences so much as recognizing that each ordinary moment is extraordinary in itself. Before, there were a thousand interpretations in the mind for everything you experienced. Now, there is only the experience

Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com I’ll be happy to share this TRANSFORMING WONDERFUL DIVINE GRACE through ONENESS DIKSHA with your friends and family so that ALL can experience the TRUE JOY OF LIVING that is our birth right! Suffering is UNNECESSARY! I guarantee to you that there is another way! WE ALL ARE ONE - ONLY LOVE EXISTS…. Everything else is just an illusion! I’ll be happy to show you, giving you the opportunity to have your own experience through Diksha. I love you all and send you BIG HUGS full of Love. Namasté ALEXIS

Friday December 8th, 2006 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

THE BIG PICTURE Hello beloved reader, my name is Alexis Shaffer and the caring director of this newspaper has invited me to share my experiences with you. These are experiences from people who I have personally shared a transfer of Divine grace called Oneness Diksha energy. Experience of Rafael from Cancún When Alexis placed her hands on my head, I was immediately transported back to an experience I had 10 years ago: the birth of my daughter, and holding my newborn child in my arms for the first time, which gave me a feeling of great joy once again, the kind of joy that cannot be described in words. I’m so grateful to Alexis for giving me this forgotten experience once again! It’s something I’ll NEVER forget, because I’m living it this very moment. This reminds me of how important my family is to me. The session also freed me of aches and pains in my body, and I’d like Alexis to please heal my wife of her migraines. The “Diksha” phenomenon is no longer new. Since this labour began at a more public level in August of 2003, thousands have received Diksha and many have become enlightened. But many haven’t, and the questions keep coming in. What is enlightenment? How do I know that I’m enlightened? What is the Self? Does enlightenment mean that I’ll be free of the “Self” forever? Who am I if I am not this “Self”? How did St. Francis achieve his incredible closeness to wild animals? What allowed Ramana Maharishi to maintain such a deep state of peace, such that people were transformed merely due to being in his presence? What gave Saint Germaine the ability to wield such a powerful political influence in Europe and America in the 17th Century? How did Ramalinga Swami, Babaji and the Siddha Masters learn to transform their bodies into bodies of light? An enlightened person ceases to be controlled by their ego. Still, there is a difference between the state of emptiness without attachment felt by an enlightened person and the whole presence radiating from a God-realized person. The most profound experience of God-realization can’t happen unless a person is enlightened, but being enlightened doesn’t necessarily lead us to Godrealization automatically.

A Divine Experience Everyone knows that the mind is a “wild monkey”! It constantly plans or broods over something or other, or repeatedly thinks of events that will happen in the future, or events that happened in the past. However, all the experiences and feelings that we go through could happen differently from what we planned. Feelings come up spontaneously. In other words, we don’t plan and resolve “I’m going to be happy today”, or “I’m going to be angry”, or “I’m going to feel upset!” These feelings surface automatically and depend on each situation. Therefore, if we wish for a change in our feelings, perceptions, intentions, motives and opinions we should first realize that it isn’t possible to do so through human effort. If a true transformation is going to happen, we need to have a divine experience. The main reason behind our suffering is the lack of divine experience. On certain occasions, it seems like our lives are lacking enthusiasm or that something’s missing, or that life is incomplete. A feeling of emptiness, alienation, and loneliness is inside our hearts. We could be working among many people in an office, or be in the company of many friends. When we are with our families, we might still be feeling lonely. Something divides us and other people. When we are surrounded by mountains in beautiful surroundings, listening to the chirpy sound of birds, near a crystalline brook, we forget ourselves and enjoy nature enthusiastically. But even then, it lasts only several minutes. There, also, loneliness rears its ugly head again. It feels as if we don’t belong there. The idea that we are just visitors pops up. Something is stopping us from bonding with others, with nature and with the world. We can share some things with others, but there are many things buried deep within that can’t be shared with other people. The reason we feel that we are an “individual” is because we don’t have an experience of the Divine. Appreciation Letter from Juana Ku Colli (Juanita) of Cancún For the last 19 years I have been diagnosed with Diabetes, Skin Cancer and Lung Fibroids. Just 6 weeks ago, I began to lose my white blood platelets. My body was degenerating quickly. I had the great fortune to meet Alexis as she gave me a Special Healing Diksha Therapy. When she placed her hands on my head, I felt a drop of liquid falling on my right cheek and my entire body got very hot moving thru all the way to my knees! When I reached home after I suddenly felt an uncontrollable urge to jump up and down and laugh hysterically! And after showering I felt excellent! I felt brand new as if I was a young healthy child again! The whole rest of the day I felt HAPPY & HEALTHY AGAIN!! All due to the Diksha Energy that entered my body! Thank you Alexis “Joy is prayer, the sign of our generosity, our detachment, our inner union with God.” Mother Teresa of Calcutta Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web www.livinginoneness.com

I’ll be happy to share this TRANSFORMING WONDERFUL DIVINE GRACE through ONENESS DIKSHA with your friends and family so that ALL can experience the TRUE JOY OF LIVING that is our birth right! Suffering is UNNECESSARY! I guarantee to you that there is ANOTHER WAY! WE ALL ARE ONE - ONLY LOVE EXISTS…. Everything else is just an illusion! I’ll be happy to show you, giving you the opportunity to have your own experience through Diksha. I love you all and send you BIG HUGS full of Love. Namasté ALEXIS


Oneness Diksha Divine Healing Would you like to live in harmony? Experience the joy of each moment? Are you ready to be free of your suffering? If so, I can surely be of help then. Alexis Shaffer, (from Barcelona Spain) travels all over the world She is now here in Cancun to channel this <Divine Energy> to all who wish to receive it. All she asks of you is to desire to be free from your suffering. This energy heals relationships and most of all, the relationship you have with your- self You will receive deep peace and tranquility in your very core Free yourself of all negativity and find your authentic being again

Transmission of Divine Energy It cures depression, dis-ease, and removes all physical body pains Bring your whole family so Alexis can heal them Intensive Diksha Course th 10 of December in Hotel Carisa in Cancun 11am until 1pm on the Beach Terrace Donation 100 pesos alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com www.livinginoneness.com

Friday December 15, 2006 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive mind

Miracles and Communion with God Hello beloved reader, my name is Alexis Shaffer and the caring director of this newspaper has invited me to share my experiences with you. These are experiences from people who I have personally shared an energy transfer of Divine grace called Oneness Diksha. A Soldier's Experience (Miguel Alejandro Chávez) “I felt something like electricity, running all through my body, from my head to my toes. And when I did the chakra exercises, I saw lights criss-crossing in my head, forming a violet color, and then I felt completely at peace.” Lucia’s experience “All of a sudden, the Lord spoke from inside me. ‘To embrace yourself is the first and last step.’ The Lord was then silent. At that moment the gates of heaven opened in me. A joy greater than I ever experienced went through my body. When I went back, I was dancing in ecstasy. I danced my jealousy, my egoism, my frustration. This joy has stayed with me till this day…” Flor’s experience “For many months I had been suffering due to an intense sharp pain in my left kidney, and I had been to the hospital many times without managing to cure this problem. Just 10 minutes of Alexis placing her hands on my head and then on my painful kidney … all of a sudden I felt a magnetic energy in my whole body with a vibration of intense heat in my kidney, which is now not bothering me at all any more! I feel it is completely healed! The whole experience was accompanied by a deep sense of peace, and I saw a luminous light inside me, all at the same time. Thank you very much Alexis, you are pure light and love and I’m eternally grateful to you.”

Miracles and Communion with God This week 3500 years ago, Moses and the Israelites were confronted with a crucial decision: to drown in the Red Sea which was in front of them, or to be killed by the Egyptians who were coming from behind them. When Moses shouted to God to save them, the Creator replied with the famous phrase, “Why are you shouting at me?”

At that moment, a single man took slow steps towards the sea. When the water reached the limit, the sea began to part. So I ask you, who did it? God? Moses? The Israelites? God is a powerful infinite force. You create your own miracles when you successfully connect to this infinite power of goodness. The key concept is the “connection”. Through Oneness Diksha we can connect to this power of goodness and infinite energy. This new energy in this new system (the receiver’s body) will adapt transforming itself in the body, maintaining the essential quality which is the Supreme Intelligence, which operates by producing a biological and energetic change within the person’s requirements and guided by the Lord’s intention at the moment of the Diksha. If we look back and observe the experiences of all those men and women who received the experience of enlightenment and who were recognized as Wise Ones or Masters, we find that at some point in their lives they had the experience of this gift, or blessing which might have been given by a spiritual master or directly by the Source. They didn’t actually achieve this state through the constant practice of a spiritual or yogic method, or by following a certain teaching… if we look back at their lives, we’ll see that this experience, which was super-powerful, could not by any means have been achieved by themselves alone, and they recognize it as the greatest of blessings or the greatest gift they could ever have hoped for.

The Cobbler A philosopher who only had one pair of shoes asked the cobbler to repair them “its closing time. So it won’t be possible for me to mend them now. Why don’t you come back tomorrow?” said the cobbler. “I only have one pair of shoes and I won’t be able to walk without shoes.” “Very well, I’ll lend you a used pair for the day.” “What! Wear another person’s shoes? Who do you take me for?” “Why do you resist wearing another person’s shoes on your feet, when you aren’t bothered by wearing other people’s ideas in your head?” “Truth, when it isn’t yours, is still false.” Several years ago, a sincere Buddhist practitioner came to visit the master. He was an analyst of philosophical systems with a very good reputation for his keen intellect. He had been practicing meditation for 20 years at several schools of philosophical thought. However, when he came to the master, he was in great anguish. He asked, “Master, I have diligently practiced Sadhana for the past twenty years. And just a couple of days ago I saw my wife being too friendly with a buddy of mine. Great jealousy rose up inside me. Remembering that these things are fleeting, I immediately accepted it. Now it doesn’t cause me any pain. However, I’m deeply saddened as I feel that I haven’t made much progress.” The Master told him “While you are not enlightened, don’t try to act like an enlightened person. You’ll be miserable. If you aren’t a Buddha, don’t try and act like one.” Buddha was free of the search; all cravings and desires, as he reached a perfect state of consciousness. His deep perception altered his state of consciousness and enlightenment became his natural state. For Christ, compassion was his most natural state. His way of being; enlightened.

“Love is the humblest power, but the most powerful one that the world has.” Mahatma Gandhi On December 17th Alexis will be in México City to be closer to the people there. Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com I’ll be happy to share this TRANSFORMING WONDERFUL DIVINE GRACE through ONENESS DIKSHA with your friends and family so that ALL can experience the TRUE JOY OF LIVING that is our birth right! Suffering is UNNECESSARY! I guarantee to you that there is ANOTHER WAY! WE ALL ARE ONE - ONLY LOVE EXISTS…. Everything else is just an illusion! I’ll be happy to show you, giving you the opportunity to have your own experience through Diksha. I love you all and send you BIG HUGS full of Love. Namasté ALEXIS


Oneness Diksha Divine Healing Would you like to live in harmony? Experience the joy of each moment? Are you ready to be free of your suffering? If so, I can surely be of help then. Alexis Shaffer, (from Barcelona Spain) travels all over the world She is now here in Mexico City to channel this <Divine Energy> to all who wish to receive it. All she asks of you is the desire to be free from your suffering. This energy heals relationships and most of all, the relationship you have with your- self You will receive deep peace and tranquility in your very core Free yourself of all negativity and find your authentic being again

Transmission of Divine Energy

It cures depression, dis-ease, and removes all physical body pains Bring your whole family so Alexis can heal them Intensive Diksha Course 17 of December in Reiki Studio Las Huertas 93ª Colonial de Valle, Mexico D.F. Call Lyseth to reserve your place 11am - 1pm Donation 150 pesos alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com www.livinginoneness.com th

Friday December 22, 2006 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive Mind

Diksha and the Brain

Hello beloved reader, my name is Alexis Shaffer and the caring director of this newspaper has invited me to share my experiences with you. These are experiences from people who I have personally shared an energy transfer of Divine grace called Oneness Diksha. A Coronel’s Experience in Mexico’s Military On a personal note, I would like to share a most unique and surprising experience with you. For quite a few years I had been experiencing pain in a wisdom tooth in the left side of my jaw. I did not wish to surgically remove it but I suffered intensely, as it did not allow me to bite down in a normal manner on that side. Without a doubt, after just one session of receiving the Diksha energy - Oneness Blessing from you, the pain disappeared completely and upon visiting the dentist for a previously scheduled appointment ; finally resolving myself to have the surgery, he informed me that he could no longer find anything abnormal in this molar and considered me cured of this problem! Thank you so much Alexis- Coronel Joel Ciprian Larry from Palo Alto, California U.S.A My life is filling with love and light since meeting you. I sensed the shift happen when you touched me. A friend of mine asked me what I would do if I won the lottery. I told him I would go find Alexis’s teachers and fill my cup to the brim so I could do what you are doing. Amy Ford Scottsdale, Arizona U.S.A I was so blissed out driving home! I felt like I was floating. I have to tell you I was smiling so big at everyone when I was driving home. I feel like I can see the emotions in other’s hearts more clearly and profoundly as if it is in full color. I have always been intuitive and full of senses but now it is in living color. I can feel the shifting happening in my body as a result of all the energy transference I have received from you this week. I am so grateful.

Diksha and the Brain by Kiara Windrider The bio-circuitry of a human being was designed in such a way that after developing a self at around age 3 we would return naturally to a state of unified existence at around age 18. Unfortunately, something went awry, and we experienced a fall within our evolution as a biological species.

There is nothing you can ‘do’ to get enlightened. Enlightenment cannot be achieved through your own efforts any more than a drowning person can yank himself out by his own hair. We are in a prison of the mind, and the key is on the other side. The mind cannot deactivate itself. It can only happen by grace. If you know you are not enlightened, and you become aware of the cravings and aversions generated by the illusion of self, then you become open to grace. When you see clearly the nature of the mind, and the extent of your conditioning, and when you become tired of the resulting suffering – all the incessant comparing, judging, lost effort, and blaming – then grace can begin to flow in. Understanding this as a mental concept isn’t enough. It must be felt and experienced. Diksha = Oneness Blessing punches through the wall of concepts set up by the mind. The winds of heaven can then blow through. In the words of Carlos Castaneda, we open up to the world of the ‘nagual’, our ‘assemblage point’ shifts, and we are free. In the current species of humanity, the brain is designed in such a way as to serve as a receptor station for a certain band of frequencies corresponding to the Ancient Mind. Diksha = Oneness Blessing serves to loosen up the receptor sites within the brain from this band of frequencies, and simultaneously to dissolve the feedback loops of consciousness that create the sense of separate identity which we have referred to as the self. The brain then becomes sensitive to a wide range of frequencies emanating within the Universal Mind. What happens when a person receives Diksha = Oneness Blessing? Some may immediately go into a peak experience of bliss, deep silence, or cosmic consciousness. This may or may not be permanent. If it isn’t, this first peak experience is followed by other peak experiences over the following days and weeks, until a permanent enlightened state establishes itself. The first thing that often comes up for people is an acute sensitivity to the nature of mind, and the patterns that have ruled our lives so long. It can be a shocking and painful experience when we first begin to look at it, but necessary if we are to break free. If more than one Diksha = Oneness Blessing is given, often the first Diksha is programmed to pinpoint the self-centeredness of the mind. If a person has done some self-examination and emotional clearing beforehand, or already ‘hit bottom’, that can help. Grace only flows when you recognize your illusions. As long as you think you can make it on your own, its flow will be impeded. After receiving Diksha = Oneness Blessing, you neither have the power to stop the process in any way nor to help it along. The activity of the Diksha has nothing to do with how deserving you think yourself to be, or with any concepts of spirituality you may be holding, or with making any kinds of efforts towards it. As Bhagavan puts it, once the train pulls out from the station, will you get to your destination any faster by constantly running around back and forth inside the train? Please realize that enlightenment has nothing to do with the mind or the contents of the mind. It has everything to do with the brain, and the Diksha = Oneness Blessing is an intelligent force which is programmed to do whatever is necessary to create the neurobiological shift necessary to get there! Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web:www.livinginoneness.com

Friday December 29, 2006 QueQui QuintanaRoo Newspaper Positive Mind

How Can I End My Suffering? Hello beloved reader, my name is Alexis Shaffer and the caring director of this newspaper has invited me to share my experiences with you. The beauty of this process is that it is so simple, as it doesn't require any effort at all. And it is available to all of those who wish to awaken to the great abundance of Grace direct from God. Oneness Diksha is a transfer of energy, a phenomenon of Grace, which creates an opening through which you can experience the true desires of your heart :Love, Joy, Peace, Healing and Oneness with God directly and completely. Diksha energy is universal and can be used by people of all spiritual traditions. It enhances our ability to connect from the Heart with the Divine and with the people we love. Many report that after receiving Diksha they experience healing on all levels, as well as a powerful and ongoing spiritual awakening. People are seeking harmony and joy. We have discovered that it is possible for everybody to live in that state of inner freedom, even permanently. That is why I am sharing this with you in this column. You, your freedom and your liberation is what is most important to me. These are experiences from some people who have received Oneness Diksha energy: "In the Diksha I felt like my physical self completely disappeared. And then I had the realization that I am part of the whole; All that is.” – F. "I have significant more increased energy now then before, and I seem to have become more in tune with the energy around me. My hands have started to pulse when I grasp the hands of another." -P. "Since receiving the Dikshas, I've noticed a more permanent feeling of connectedness to everything. Definitely a strong sense of no separation. I have invoked The Divine several times in the last weeks and felt the presence around me.” -M. "Since receiving two Dikshas, this month has been the most wonderful, incredible, and fascinating time of my life. I have had so many adventures, from the ordinary, to the extraordinary, to the incredible Oneness, and now feel life has no limits! We are ONE. I feel so happy to be here and alive at this time." -R. "During the session I was able to feel and see brilliant waves of energy, and I felt an emotional release, with a fleeting moment of nausea, then afterwards feeling so full of joy that I wanted to scream, and now I only feel deep peace and a relaxation interior." -H.

Diksha is a transfer of Divine energy which helps us to disidentify from conflict and suffering, taking us to states of inner peace, joy, happiness and Oneness. Diksha starts a process of awakening the Divine Presence inside you, taking you towards Oneness enabling you to see the reality of what you are in every moment, healing your body, your relationships, and recognizing the divinity in the experience of the present moment‌.

What exactly is Suffering?

Suffering is caused by our own resistance to experiencing reality 'as it is'. We are living the illusion that there actually exists "a self" that can in fact control this reality. Also being programmed genetically with a fear of "death" also limits us to experiencing a type of slavery to that reality. When this sense of 'self' and separation disappears is when we truly begin to actually live.

How Can I End My Suffering?by Anandagiriji Suffering is not in the situation, in the fact, but in the perception of the fact. There is a common belief in the world today that we can transform a situation by changing it. That is called situation content. We think by transforming the content that we are going to be happy with it. But in reality the situation has nothing to do with your happiness or your sadness. It is in the way you look at the situation--the way you perceive the situation. Very often when something has happened which you did not expect, which you don't like or appreciate, the situation has long passed but you still carry the situation inside of you. You are constantly questioning the situation with, "Why? Why did this happen to me? What could I have done differently?" And you try to offer many explanations as to why it happened to you. You see, the suffering is not caused from the situation itself, but in the way you are questioning the situation, in your inability to accept the situation, and all the reasons you think this happened to you. It is impossible in the current state of the world, and with all the karma, that one can become completely free of all problems. Problems are bound to be there, for anybody and everybody--whether they be rich or poor, educated or uneducated, or of any class or location. Problems can be there but there is no reason for one to suffer, because the situation--the problem-intrinsically does not contain any suffering. When you reach a level of consciousness where you can accept situations in life fully, by being alive to the situation, no matter what the situation is, you will be happy. Diksha - Oneness Blessing can help you reach that level. If you want to feel that peace, if you want to feel that love, it's possible when the changes happen in the physical, gray matter of your own brain. When your brain is wired differently, then it's possible for you to experience that love and peace. That's what Diksha - Oneness Blessing does. There is not much to explain about Diksha -Oneness Blessing because it is not a technique.

The Divine Presence has not only given us the experience of enlightenment, but also has given us the capacity to give this experience to others through Diksha - Oneness Blessing. Two monks were walking to their monastery when they suddenly encountered a beautiful woman trying to cross the river. She couldn’t cross because the river was over flooded and the bridge was gone. The woman asked the monks if they would be so kind as to help her cross the river. The monks stared at each other in fear as it is forbidden in their Order to touch a woman, let alone to carry her. So the older monk decided to help her and carried the helpless woman across the river leaving her on the other side. The monks continued walking to their monastery; and after a few hours the younger monk unable to contain his anger any longer screamed at the older one, “How could you carry that woman?? You know it is forbidden to touch women!!!” And very calmly the older monk replied, “I left that woman back beside the river hours ago, and you my son are still carrying her on your shoulders!” This story is a perfect example of how we unconsciously burden ourselves with suffering and then also carry it with us our whole lives. Alexis is presently working in Chihuahua, Chihuahua Mexico Please feel free to write me at: alexislivinginoneness@yahoo.com Web: www.livinginoneness.com I’ll be happy to share this TRANSFORMING WONDERFUL DIVINE GRACE through ONENESS DIKSHA with your friends and family so that ALL can experience the TRUE JOY OF LIVING that is our birth right! Suffering is UNNECESSARY! I guarantee to you that there is ANOTHER WAY! WE ALL ARE ONE - ONLY LOVE EXISTS…. Everything else is just an illusion! I’ll be happy to show you, giving you the opportunity to have your own experience through Diksha. I love you all and send you BIG HUGS full of Love. Namasté ALEXIS

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