E SU 5 IS o: 1 N
CO G I C - U K
LUTON N E W S L E T T E R website: www.cogic.co.uk
email: lnews@cogic.co.uk
Jan – Feb 2016
Cover Story Baptism
In Picture A Review of 2015
K Website
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Knowing You with Deaconess Angela Blackman
Plus more Our Free Newsletter Psalm 27:4 – One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.
LNEWS Issue No: 15
A bi-monthly newsletter Copyright © 2016 All material within this publication may not be used in part or whole without permission. Enquiries should be directed to COGIC UK HQ Address 127 Dunstable Road Luton LU1 1BW Telephone +44 1582 877 070 Website www.cogic.co.uk Email lnews@cogic.co.uk For Newsletter Enquiries, Feedback , Your Articles and Prayer Requests. General Enquiries office@cogic.co.uk Charity Registration Number: 1061869
COGIC’s Statement of Faith
In Knowing You Sister Sarah Watson “Remember to Pray For” Send us your prayer requests and we will place them in this section “Anything to Celebrate” Tell us and we will publish it
You can also get a physical copy of LNEWS at the church. Ask one of the ushers for your copy. 2
spirit-filled Happy 2016. Heartfelt Greetings and Precious blessings to every individual who will have the God given honour and privilege to behold this 15th issue of LNews. Praise God we have arrived safely.
December 2015 is only days in the past, And our days ahead are only secure in Christ Jesus. We honour God undoubtedly for Bishop Alvin Blake, leader and spiritual Father in this jurisdiction (domain). In the last issue of 2015 we were blessed to feature the mysterious hand of God through the gift of the COGIC HQ building. Evident in physical sight but yet mysterious because the word of the living God teaches us clearly that what we see is temporal and what we do NOT see is eternal, (2 Corinthians 4:18). A great songwriter says “For we are building a people of power and we’re building a people of praise,” let everything that has breath Praise Our Heavenly Father. We also read a great testimony from our Brother Michael Jacobs.. Once again with the miracle working hand of God at the helm. In this 15th issue but first of 2016 we have yet another amazing profile with an inspiring testimony of a faithful lady of God. We promise you will be moved. Our cover story will be about baptism and the biblical spiritual meaning. We know it will be both encouraging and enlightening. We feature testimonies and spiritual experiences of baptism. There are tasty recipes, tips and thoughtprovoking advice. It’s a full edition with much to take in. We continue to honour God for the church leadership, the members, the well-wishers, the editorial team, the readers worldwide, the contributors, the browsers, the printers. Every brick makes a wall. As we enter 2016 it’s ours to own. We can do ALL things through Jesus Christ who gives us the strength we have. Let us make every moment count as we advance further. The secular speaks of everything evolving, we the people of God speak of all things moving. In these last days we will see the Joshuas arise, there are yet a few which have not defiled their garments. We Praise God for each and everyone and we know that there is much more on the horizon. Sit firmly in Jesus Christ as he pilots us through 2016. We encourage the heart that is just about to make up their mind about serving God, get on board. May the blessings of God ever remain with us.
In “Knowing You”
Deaconess Angela Blackman
Hebrew 11 :1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
COGIC HQ’s THANKSGIVING SERVICE On: Saturday 13th February 2016 Start: 6:00pm At: 127 Dunstable Road • LUTON • BEDS • LU1 1BW For further details:Visit: www.cogic.co.uk Call: +44 1582 877 070 NEWS IN BRIEF
• There are professional beggars entering the temple at the end of service please be wary of them. • There are many scams happening nowadays. If anyone contacts you via phone, email or letter saying there is a change in the bank details of a company you are already doing business with. Be careful, contact the company to get confirmation of any changes.
n the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah’s wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark….. And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth — Genesis 7:13 & 17 Thus by the means of water God not only brought about salvation to Noah and his family he also saved every creature from total destruction. In Exodus 13 we are told that the Lord went before Israel in a pillar of cloud by day and by a pillar of fire by night. In Chapter 14 God performs a further miracle by ‘parting the Red Sea’, which enabled Israel to escape from the Egyptians. Thus God used the cloud, fire and water to bring about salvation to Israel. What does this have to do with baptism I hear you say?! Well, God had covenanted with His people that He would be with them and deliver them from trouble, distress etc. With Noah He gave the sign of the (Rain) Bow (Genesis 9). Through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) He covenanted through the sign of circumcision (Genesis17). He also presented them with Laws by which they should live. With all of these things God clearly indicated that if His people would follow His guidance that is, if they would walk in obedience to His Word then He would reciprocate and bless them continually. Throughout history the Church (Israel) has passed through various stages of transition with the ultimate goal of being found ‘perfect’ to meet Christ. Not the perfection that man seeks but the perfection that God gives when one truly submits to His will (Matthew 5:48). To this end there is a ‘rite of passage’ that every believer should earnestly seek after and that is baptism. Baptism is a leveller, which means it brings people of all races, colour, gender, age, social status to a place of’‘obedience and humility’ (I Samuel 15:22). Why is water Baptism important for the Christian believer. In Matthew 3:1-17 we are told that John (the Baptist) went out into the wilderness of Judea preaching repentance and baptism. In Matt 3:11 he states ‘I indeed baptise you with water unto repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I ‘. If one were to read this passage incorrectly one would think that baptism brings about repentance and salvation. However, one would be wrong. John clearly stated ‘repent’ first. That is confess your sins before God and then be baptised. In verses 13-17 we find Christ coming to be baptised and even though John did not want to carry out the ritual of Baptism on the Messiah, Christ told him that he had do it because in so doing they, that is Christ and John, would be fulfilling the Will of God, which is righteousness. Thus we have to conclude that baptism does not wash away sin, as Christ had no sin to wash away. In Matthew 28:19/20 Christ attests to the teachings
Acts 2 we are told that on the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. A Christian cannot be truly effective in Ministry without the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that guides the believer. The Holy Spirit gives the believer boldness and also acts as a Counsellor. It is through the Spirit that the Body of Christ receives spiritual gifts and the power to operate in these gifts to the edification of the Church. The Holy Spirit enables the believer to prophesy, to speak, to pray to preach in an effective manner. The Holy Spirit convicts the believer of sin and brings things back to their remembrance. The Holy Spirit makes intercession for the believer and for the Church, He also helps the believer to keep on the right side of God’s righteousness. Every believer has an aspect of the Holy Spirit dwelling within them however, like water baptism, a believer needs to be totally immersed in the Holy Spirit twenty four hours per day, seven days per week. When one is totally immersed then they can look to the Holy Spirit to assist them with making even the simplest decision regarding their lives. To support and enable new converts, to Christ, to walk in these ordinances COGIC Luton (as well as COGIC branches nationally) offer weekly New Believers and Discipleship classes. The purpose of these classes is to provide instruction in Righteousness, considering not only sin, repentance and redemption but the persons of the Trinity (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Every believer who undertakes water baptism needs to be fully versed as to its full implication not only for the day but for the future. Part of the declaration that one makes whilst in the baptismal pool prior to immersion is, thy vows are upon me until death. It is important therefore that the convert makes this decision being fully informed, hence the need for the vigorous and rigorous discussion that takes place in Luton on a Sunday evening between 5 and 6 PM. On Sunday 3rd January 2016 the saints in Luton shared in the Lord’s Supper during morning worship. Within the congregation there may have been some brethren who could not partake of this feast, not because they have not as yet committed their lives to Christ but because they have not as yet adhered to Christ’s teaching that is, they have not as yet followed the ordinance of an open declaration through water baptism. Water baptism therefore is the key that opens the door to sitting at the Lord’s Table and participating in His Body and His Blood. If you would like further information regarding these classes or just to have an informal chat about your ongoing relationship with Christ, then please speak to Elder Andrew Maddix (Chief Adjutant COGIC Luton) or Elder Everton Blake. Note: The Greek word βαπτίζω (baptidzo) means to immerse, to dunk, to dip into. Baptism is therefore total submersion in water. St. John 3:5, St. Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38-41, Acts 8:3639, Acts 16:31-33.
of John in that he stated Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. Also Romans 10:9-10 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Therefore, teaching comes first, followed by confession and finally baptism. Baptism then serves as the outward declaration of a belief in Jesus Christ, of an acceptance of Him as Lord and Saviour. One could liken it to the marriage covenant that is made between husband and wife. That is, you meet someone, fall in love however people around you are not sure of your intentions until you commit to each other based on marriage vows. Thus a covenant is made. It is the same with water baptism, one has already covenanted with God through confession, water baptism provides the
open declaration to friends, family, brethren, the world. That is why water baptism is important for the believer as it clearly demonstrates an acceptance of Christ and a willingness to walk in obedience and humility to the Word of God. Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Having received water baptism the believer should also seek to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (this can happen prior to water baptism, simultaneously or after). Jesus told his disciples to wait for the promise of the Father which .. ye have heard of me. For John truly baptised with water; but ye shall be baptised with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judæa, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. Acts 1:4-8 Many of us are familiar with the story of Peter who became fearful during the trial of Jesus and as a consequence he denied that he knew Christ. ( John 18). However after receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Peter became bold and through his initial preaching in ©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
BAPTISM TESTIMONIES Sister Althea Boothe: A brave step, My baptism. 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV “For God has not given us the spirit of fear: but of power, and of love and of a sound mind” Having made the step to get baptised after receiving the conviction in my heart, I am at the point of no return. I constantly ask myself the questions, why not before and how much have I missed out on? I realise that with God everything happens in its appointed time. I just feel blessed to know that when God visited me in my sinful state, I did not harden my heart, but completely trusted him. Getting baptised was a process and I purposed in my heart that my situation at the time would not hinder me surrendering to God. I needed God more than I even realised, He is an awesome God that visited me when I needed him the most. I regularly attended Church and participated well in worship as well as attending New Believers and Discipleship sessions on Sunday afternoons. I had an attentive ear to the spoken word and always gained much from it. I also study and read the Bible independently, praying for God’s guidance and courage, which is still vital in my daily walk with Christ. God has planted a seed in me and I willingly allow Him to nurture that seed as it grows. My journey thus far has not always been easy but I am believing and trusting His Word that He who began a good work in me is faithful to complete it. I am a work in progress but with Christ in the vessel, I will smile at the storm. I am at peace in Christ and I find solace in our relationship. He truly is an awesome God — God Bless Katrice Russell: I was baptised in September of 2012 and I still remember the whole day so vividly, whilst I was still concerned about the very petty things that didn’t matter, such as what dress I would wear or whether my friends would still be with me along the journey; through the development of my faith I have come to understand that these are not the things that matter, what matters is that is knowing Christ. Luke 10:41-42 “41 But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! 42 There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” Nevertheless, God calls us in our imperfect, defiled and sinful state so that he can mould us into beings that he is pleased with. I personally believe that baptism is an external demonstration of an inward work. Baptism demonstrates the commitment you have to Christ and your love for Him. Baptism ought to be done in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. Baptism is seen throughout the bible being done by John the Baptist originally to prepare the way for Jesus Christ although, the Christian baptism signifies something else. Christian baptism illustrates, in dramatic style, the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. As well as the death of the old sinful man and resurrection of the man that is now born in Christ. The full submerging of the individual under the water represents death to sin and our sinful nature, and emerging from the water represents the cleansed, holy life that follows salvation Romans 6:4 “We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life”. Baptism also illustrates a believer’s identification with Calvary and what Jesus endured for our salvation. Everywhere the gospel is preached and people are drawn to faith in Christ, they are to be baptised. Prior to Jesus’ ascension he gave us two decrees which are stated in Matthew 28:19–20) where Jesus tells us to go into all the world and preach the gospel BUT to also baptise them in his name. If baptism holds no other purpose, it is to be done simply because Jesus said it is to be so. Deacon Jacobs set me the task of talking to the other young people and getting an understanding of their baptism and what it means to them so enjoy the personal testimonies from six of the young people: LNEWS
Cameron Jarvis: “Being a young baptised Christian is definitely a challenging yet rewarding lifestyle. The generation I was born into can at times be very dysfunctional in terms of behaviour of young people and the type of lifestyle they live now a days. I’m known amongst friends and family to be a very calm person and when it came to getting to know people who aren’t Christians my calm nature often seemed strange to them. The way that I believe Christ has helped me since my baptism was purely to trust in him more and that he controls every situation and its for reason that most times when others stress I stay calm.” Rhondeda Byam: “What I think baptism means to me is getting a step closer to God. Baptism is a declaration that a person has repented their sins, accepted Jesus as his or her personal Saviour. Anyone who knows right from wrong and would love to get a step closer to God should get baptised being completely covered in water. This is the baptism of Bible times. Baptism is a way of showing that our sins must be forgiven. Once you get baptised you are born again in Christ.” Andrew Nelson: Baptism is extremely important to me because it publicly shows how people give their lives to Christ. Even Jesus himself was baptised by John in the river in Mark 1:9. This signifies how Christ encourages us to be baptised too, as it is an example for us all to follow. Baptism symbolises the death and the resurrection of Christ Jesus. We can also implement this in our own lives. It is the death of your past where all your sin is washed away by the blood of Jesus and the resurrection of your new life as a born again Christian. Shahnee Parkins: The simple answer of what baptism is to me would be an outwards physical representation of what happens spiritually on the inside. By this I mean that baptism is a physical step which represents that you’ve accepted Christ as your personal saviour and that you’ve chosen to live a life pleasing to God. It also gives a physical date and time in which you can personally refer to as a milestone that you’ve chosen to live a life that is pleasing to God. Finally, baptism is also an outwards confession for others to see the decision that you have made. Jordan Quinton: Baptism to me is an open declaration of an inward change. It’s making that step to show your family and friends that you’re serious about your faith and are committed to serving God and His people. In baptism, vows are exchanged in front of God and heavenly beings that officially welcome you into the church family. Although there are other types of baptism, this [watery baptism], is showing the world that from this point on you are a new creation and you are no longer the labels that were spoken to your life but are renewed by the blood of Jesus. Honestly, It’s the best decision you will ever make. Myles Maddix: Baptism is when someone decides to give their life to Christ. The way this is done is when the individual is publicly baptised in a place of worship by ordained ministers and witnessed by the congregation. Vows are repeated with witnesses showing an act of free will. Baptism is key but it’s not so much the display, because baptism is spiritual rather than physical. Being baptised doesn’t bring you closer to Christ, it’s how you live your Christian life. Baptism is very important in your Christian journey.
KNOWING YOU DEACONESS ANGELA BLACKMAN LNEWS: Describe your conversion briefly. DAB: I gave my heart to the Lord as a 12 year old girl in Jamaica. After hearing the message of salvation preached, I was convicted and I went to the altar. My friends thought that I would only last for 2 weeks but here I am still serving the Lord many years later. LNEWS: How long have you been a Christian? DAB: 39 Years.
LNEWS: What is your profession? DAB: I am a Community Health Worker.
LNEWS: What is your country of origin? I was born in the UK but raised in the beautiful island of Jamaica. LNEWS: Are you married? DAB: I am married to gorgeous and handsome Deacon Nigel Blackman. We have been married for 30 years. LNEWS: Is your family involved in Church life? DAB: Yes as a family we are involved in Church life LNEWS: What role(s) do you play in the Church community? DAB: As a Deaconess I serve on the Officer’s Board and work within the following departments, Hospitality, Baptism, Communion, Home/ Hospital visits, Ushers’ Board. I also serve as Adjutant to Mother Reynolds, our National Women’s Supervisor.
LNEWS: Describe a challenging moment at work and how you overcame. DAB: Through Christ we are always overcomers and I have been in my job for 31 years. LNEWS: What would you describe as your greatest achievement to date. DAB: I would have to say my greatest achievement is being a mum, when I thought I was unable to have children, I am blessed with 3 lovely children. LNEWS: Share with us an amusing ministry moment. DAB: I would say thank God for hair weaves and hair extensions, wigs aren’t always favourable when there’s a move of God!!!! Denture wearing preachers are far more blessed now than they were back in the days of old…
LNEWS: Which role do your prefer and why? DAB: It is difficult to choose a favourite because I enjoy all of my duties. I am however always pleased to see people giving their hearts to the Lord at baptisms.
LNEWS: What is your leisure of choice? DAB: I enjoy dining out. I had a spa experience and enjoyed it very much and would like to do more spa trips in the future.
LNEWS: What does serving God mean to you? DAB: Serving God means a lot to me, without God I would be nothing. When I am going through situations in my life I call on God and he always hears and answers prayer.
LNEWS: You have been a frequent traveller in the past to the annual convocation in America, what has been your most memorable time spent there? DAB: I really enjoyed attending the Holy Convocation in Memphis USA especially hearing the late Bishop G E Patterson. The Convocation highlights for me were also the Women’s day and morning manna. I even visited Graceland in my leisure time, home of Elvis Presley!
LNEWS: How important is/are your role(s) in the Church community to you? DAB: My roles in the Church are very important because I love to serve and I greatly enjoy the work of the Lord. LNEWS: Tell us something about yourself that would surprise us. DAB: At school I never lost a race. I was the 200 metre champion and our relay team was the best in the school championships. I started training with Daley Thompson and Tessa Sanderson at the same athletic club when I lived in the Midlands. As I grew up in Jamaica, the British weather proved too cold for me! LNEWS: What has been your most challenging time in life to date? DAB: I have faced many challenges in life. The most challenging times have been the loss of loved ones. I lost two sets of twins: the first 6
set of twins was a boy and a girl and the second set of twins was two boys. I then had very difficult pregnancies but Thank God I am blessed with a son Kieran, and twin daughters Yasmine and Kimberley. Losing my only brother in a car accident when he was only 34 years old was difficult and losing my mother when she was only 65 years old has not been easy. I am still facing challenges but God is good.
LNEWS: Describe yourself in three words DAB: Caring, friendly and kind. LNEWS: Share with us a proverb or life saying that you live by. DAB: It’s not a proverb exactly but one of my favourite scripture verses is “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”. St. Matthew 4:4. LNEWS: Give the readership a line or two of spiritual encouragement. DAB: If anyone is going through any situation that you feel you cannot handle then just remember that God will see you through, if you have the faith and belief to trust him. God is OUR rock and OUR refuge. He is our Salvation and in him we trust. LNEWS: On a scale of 1-10 how did you enjoy this interview? Here are the 10 ratings: 1. Once and once only
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Phew! Made it… I am glad its over, I don’t like questions. Wouldn’t do this in person. Very interesting look at my life. I did as best as I could. I am shy and overwhelmed. I am incredibly shy but don’t mind. I love it, wouldn’t do it again though (not for a long time). I love it, would do it again.
DAB 10
Thank you for a blessed and insightful interview
COMPUTER TIPS PART 2 Is your computer running slow? Is it taking ages to do what should take seconds? Well, here are a few ideas to speed up your computer.
Some tips taken from Callum Tennent, Which Online
[Note these tips only apply to Microsoft Windows 7 and upwards. Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft and will not receive updates]
1. Hard Drive - Check to see if your computer’s hard drive is near its capacity. When a hard drive is nearly fully it makes the system work harder and run slower. Start button > Click computer > Click the hard drive and check the space. 2. Freeing up Hard Drive space - Removing temporary files Click Start. In the search box, type disk clean up and, from the list of results that appears, click Disk Clean-up > In the list of Drives, click the hard disk drive that you want to clean. For most people this will be the C: drive. Click OK > In the Disk Clean-up box, select the type of files that you want to delete and then click OK and then click Delete files. -You can also move some of your data to an external hard drive. 3. Memory - Your computer may now require a memory upgrade. The programs you are running today will take up more memory than the one Start button > right click computer > click Properties > In the system section, next to installed memory, you can check how much memory your computer has. The average PC memory size is about 4 gigabytes. 4. Software updates and Anti-virus - You will be surprised how many people ignore the warning pop ups. They are very important to the performance of your computer. Also make sure your anti virus is up to date and scanning on a regular basis. Viruses not only disable your computer but slows it up as well. 5. Unused programs - Unused programs take up precious disk space and could be running unnecessarily. Speed increases don’t end with startup times. You’ll want to make sure that your computer is running fast when you’re using it, too. Here’s a few key pointers. Free up storage space and memory by uninstalling programs that you don’t use. These may include trial versions of software that came with the computer when you bought it, out-of-date antivirus programs, old software or games that you no longer play. Click Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a program. From the list of programs that appear, click the program you want to uninstall, then click Uninstall.
GRILLED CHICKEN SALAD EDITORIAL TEAM INGREDIENTS 2-3 Fresh chicken breast fillets Mixed leaf lettuce 4 Cherry Tomatoes Crispy croutons Balsamic vinegar dressing All purpose seasoning 1 clove of garlic Curry powder Mixed herbs Thyme Chives A dash of liquid seasoning 1 lime METHOD 1. Wash chicken fillets thoroughly 2. Dry the fillets on kitchen towel 3. Slice fillets in half lengthways 4. Place fillets in a bowl
Add a heaped teaspoon of all purpose seasoning, a heaped teaspoon of curry powder, a crushed clove of garlic, a sprinkling of thyme, mixed herbs and chives and a dash of liquid seasoning. 6. Mix all together covering the fillets evenly either by using a fork or with your hand. 7. Leave coated and seasoned fillets for at least 5-6 minutes to marinade. 8. Whilst the meat is marinading heat a griddle pan gas mark 5 and ensure the pan is very hot. 9. Add the fillets two/three pieces at a time and cook for 10minutes turning the meat over on each side. 10. Assemble the washed lettuce
leaves, crispy croutons and cherry tomatoes on a plate place the two pieces of the fillets in the middle. 11. Add the balsamic vinegar dressing 12. And a squeeze of lime to taste.
Remember to Pray For The LNEWS team always need your prayers. Prayer changes things so please remember to pray for those on the list below: Bro. Barry Morrison Sis. Whittaker Sis. Gardener Bro. Trotman Deacon Hunter Sis. Buchanan Sis. Jenny Wilson Derek Spalding Bro. Joseph Toro Jacobson Pauline Segbefia/Easy family Sister Bailey and Family Provide us with your prayer requests and we will publish it for you. You don’t have to give the full details just a name will do.
Anything to Celebrate Birthdays
A healthy New Year option Enjoy this tasty salad
Leyah Maddix Bro. Junior Stewart Bro. Christopher Jarvis Sis. Jordanna Quinton Matthew Ryan Bro. Michael Jacobs Sis. Sarah Watson Elder Paul Quinton Rhonneika Byam Sis. Kimberly Atkinson Sis. Esther Douglas
January 3rd 7th 11th 11th 13th 15th 15th 16th 17th 19th 23rd
Some photos taken by Amii Bonner and Shirley Myers - ©2015
February Missionary Carol Thompson 3rd Bro. Jonathan Addai 4th Sis. Andrane Beckford 4th Bro. Luke Francis-Chambers 6th Amelia-Rose Morrison 7th Deaconess Mellonie Maddix 8th James Ryan 14th Kieran Blackman 17th Sis. Shelly-Ann Fung 18th
Just a thought Remember Lot’s Wife! St Luke 17:32 LNEWS
CHURCH NOTICES Local Meetings:
Friday 8th January 2016
Men’s Fellowship
Friday 8th January 2016
Women’s Fellowship
Friday 22th January 2016
Men’s Fellowship
Friday 12h February 2016
Men’s Fellowship
Friday 12th February 2016
Women’s Fellowship
Friday 26th February 2016
Men’s Fellowship
National Meetings: Saturday 9th January 2016
National Annual Women’s Conference - Mother J. V. Reynolds
Saturday 30th January 2016
National Annual Youth Day - Pastor Stephen Nelson
Saturday 13th February 2016
Thanksgiving Service Luton HQ
Monday 15th - Friday 19th February 2016
Youth and Sunday School Retreat
Saturday 27th February 2016
Annual General Assembly for all certified COGIC officers
Prayer Meeting (Every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month)
Sunday School
Morning Service
New Believers & Discipleship Classes
Evening Service
Prayer Meeting & Bible Studies
Prayer & Fasting
Youth Meeting
Men’s Fellowship (Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the Month)
Women’s Fellowship (Every 2nd Friday of the Month)
Which Sunday is Which First Sunday
Communion Sunday
Second Sunday
Sisters’ Sunday
Third Sunday Fourth Sunday
Pastors’ and Elders’ Sunday
Fifth Sunday
Youth Sunday
All the above services/meetings are subject to change - See church secretary for further details
Deacons’ Sunday