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May – June 2016


Annual Youth Convention


In Picture Luton District Annual Convention Plus more


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Knowing You with Sister Jordan Quinton

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Tribute to Barry Morrison

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Psalm 27:4 – One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.

LNEWS Issue No: 17

A bi-monthly newsletter Copyright © 2016 All material within this publication may not be used in part or whole without permission. Enquiries should be directed to COGIC UK HQ Address 127 Dunstable Road Luton LU1 1BW Telephone +44 1582 877 070 Website Email For Newsletter Enquiries, Feedback , Your Articles and Prayer Requests. General Enquiries Charity Registration Number: 1061869


Annual General Convocation

In Knowing You Sister Barbra Jacobs “Remember to Pray For” Send us your prayer requests and we will place them in this section “Anything to Celebrate” Tell us and we will publish it

You can also get a physical copy of LNEWS at the church. Ask one of the ushers for your copy. 2



ow beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him, that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation, that sayeth unto Zion, thy God reigneth (Isaiah 52 v 7 KJV) A blessed 17th edition greeting and welcome to Bishop Alvin Blake, our Church community, and the readership of this newsletter worldwide. The opening scripture verse covers our spiritual life mandate, leaving us without a shadow of a doubt as to the blessing and benefit of fulfilling God’s command. The message remains the same throughout the ages. In this present time, we are witnessing technological gadgetry and advancement on a colossal scale, yet the simple facts of life CANNOT be erased “fear God and keep his commandments”. As we speak the election process is on-going as the next president of the United States of America is yet to be decided, the Queen of England is 90 years old, and with a child of my own in current education, the government is tweaking the format of mathematics and with a cheery smile that says it all, going right back to the beginning, the answer remains the same. We journey on praising God for our last issue, where we covered COGIC’s Statement of Faith again leaving no stone unturned being assured of one’s stand in God. A great big God bless you to Missionary Esther Fenty in her unwavering diligence. We were blessed to feature Sarah Watson and her ministry of praise through song. Great encouragement. The series “Born for a purpose” has begun and we feature the next instalment in this issue. We have an exciting cover story of Youth Convention it’s history and present day. We will read and share testimonies and rewards of youth who have participated in the conventions over the years. An inspiring young lady graces the “Knowing You” page and profile we look forward to the blessing. As Summer approaches, the anticipation of sunshine increases, nature reminding us that the seasons do do life circumstances. Enjoy this edition and by God’s grace we’ll witness the newsletter’s coming of age with the 18th issue. The grace of God be with each of us, confidently knowing the answer remains the same.






















In “Knowing You”

Sister Jordan Quinton

James 1:12 “ God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” (NLT)



MA JP©201

10th DECEMBER 1960 - 5th APRIL 2016



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We are also sad to announce the passing of Sister Gardener and Sister Hope from our assembly. They have gone home to be with the Lord. Like what you read? Would you like to help with the printing costs? Speak to an usher who will point you to a member of the Editorial Team. Did you attend the youth department’s tech evening? A number of experts explained email, ebay,surfing the web etc to our older brethren. Our annual three day fasting dates are Sunday 24th - Tuesday 26th July 2016 - Come and join us. We are pleased to announce the marriage of our Mother C. Thomas to Mr Newton Collman. May God bless both of you.






GOGIC UK’s National Youth President: Pastor Stephen Nelson


We are looking forward to the 62nd Annual Youth Convention of 2016 being held In the headquarters, Luton Bedfordshire. God’s leading and power can’t be replaced, as we are faced with every effort being made by the world to deny the power. Many of the youth that will gather are the offspring of the youth of yesteryear and as we witness changes on a major scale, the Holy Spirit’s presence and anointing will FOREVER save the day. As Pastor Nelson soldiers on in his role as Youth President we pray for the strength of God to guide his hands his heart and his actions. We honour God for HIS mighty blessings of serving God in youth.Father God has promised us that we will once again see and experience the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as in the days of old whereby it will be noise abroad and people will descend from every corner to witness and be a part of the untold move of God. Joel chapter 2 assures us of that. Joel 2 v 17 (KJV)”Let the priests the ministers of The Lord weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say spare thy people O Lord and give not thy heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore they should say among the people, Where is their God?” Joel 2 v 28 (KJV) awakens our spiritual palate and prepares us for that forthcoming regenerated revival. The MODERN era won’t know what has hit it.. Because it will be as in Job 37 v 5(KJV)... INCOMPREHENSIBLE. There’s no doubt that we still have modern youth with the old fashioned and timeless anointing, as the songwriter says.. “Give me that old time religion, It was good for Paul and Silas.. and it’s good enough for me” Young people enjoy your convention and Praise and Worship God like you’ve never done before. Works EVERY time.



YOUTH CONVENTION 2016 — DARE 2 SOAR — 27th TO 30th MAY 2016


he Youth Convention in the UK has been meeting for over sixty years from the early days under the leadership of Bishop Mclachlan, followed by the many years of Bishop Bell and through to present day under the jurisdiction of Bishop A. Blake. Great leaders teachers musicians, many of who have risen to great heights in their working life have passed through the COGIC National Youth Department. We celebrate our current Youth President, Pastor Stephen Nelson who has come through the ranks of the Youth Department back in the day and now carries the monumental and blessed task of leading the youth in this modern era. Prior to Pastor Nelson our national Women’s Supervisor Mother J. V. Reynolds was the UK’s National Youth President, through whom it has to be said led a mighty army of youth. We truly honour God for the leadership and tutelage through Mother Reynolds who does not mince her words with an anointing that saw youth saved sanctified and restored by God’s power. Youth of thirty plus years ago who are now leaders teachers Elders Pastors in their own right can attest to the many irreplaceable years spent every last weekend of the month of May in the Fentiman Road branch. They, who we can now refer to as eternal youth. Father God promises he will beautify the meek with salvation. Discipline and immaculate presentation was definitely the order of the day, youth came from far and wide, from every denomination to share in those power packed glorious days. The choir sang with a power hardly ever witnessed on these shores once heard never forgotten and once you have had the experience of singing in the COGIC choir your voice box remains stretched never reduced. The teaching and spiritual training received has and will stand the test of time. To God be ALL the glory.



y Love for Youth Convention and what it means to me

MY YOUTH CONVENTION SISTER REBECCA FOLKES bove anything else, youth convention is a time of fellowship. A national link up. A time where the youth can come together from all over the UK and have FUN! From services to workshops to concerts, we have a blast with one another in the presence of God. From: We have COGIC Tottenham leaders who allow us to exercise our gifts and abilities freely in many different ways. Whether it be singing, dancing, playing music or preaching, we can be FREE! I lead the praise and worship team and I sing in the choir. As someone who has a career in this, I value the convention & the space to worship. I also get to sing with my fellow brothers and sisters in christ. For those who don't know what our youth convention is all about, I think it's worth the try. The theme this year is 'Dare 2 Soar'. Let this be the weekend where you break out of normal routines and dare to praise God. I love my youth and OUR convention! You could love it too!



Growing up in church, I was always at meetings. District, General, Missions- you name it, I was there! Obviously, I had no choice in the matter and I guess at that age I could appreciate the meetings and the warm presence I felt, which I now know was Gods presence, but they did not give me that buzz... that excitement. Only one meeting got me going like that. Youth Convention. Fentiman Road I remember being so excited to eat that famous cornbread… whoever made that cornbread, God bless you! Singing songs like ‘this train I s bound for glory’ and ‘two by two they went into the ark’. Fentiman road held so many memories of a carefree young church girl making the most out of her convention. Even though I wasn’t as spiritually involved as I am now, I remember buzzing from just the atmosphere, the meetups with my church friends who are now family, new frilly dresses with the frilly socks, mum getting upset because we were ramping too much and messed up the new frilly dress with the frilly socks. Entering church when it was daylight. Leaving with a patty and ginger beer in hand at night. My first ever gig ...’The Thomas Sisters’, lol. Fentiman Road was the place to be! Children’s choir I remember the rehearsals we had as the National children’s choir. My dad and Aunty Gladys, getting us kids all together to teach us the songs we would be singing at the top of our lungs at YC. I loved getting up on a Saturday morning and looking forward to sitting next to my friends in rehearsal. But we knew that when it was singing time, it was singing time. Anyone who knows my dad, knew that you didn’t want the all famous knock on the head for not listening, and Aunty Gladys instilled that fear in us from early... so them two combined? You better just sing! It was there I found out that I could actually sing. Slowly, I was given little leads, here and there. I remember being so scared and shaking, sometimes crying on the actual night. But it was all a build- up to who I am today. Thank you Daddy. Thank You Aunty Gladys. NGOH When I was old enough to join the youth choir, I thought I was the biggest star going mate! No longer did I have to JUST wear a coloured top and black bottoms, we had a uniform EVERYDAY. Waaaaaahhh! That was major for me. The rehearsals at Luton were the most memorable. It was there I learnt how to harmonise, breathe properly and control my voice ©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

SISTER HAYLEY THOMAS and the sound that came out. I don’t care; Sis Carol Thompson was and STILL is thee BADDEST choir master! Hands down. She drew a confidence out of me that I From: COGIC Tottenham didn’t know I had. Back in the day, we didn’t really have a choice in joining the choir, so we made the most out of it. But in being a part of it, I learnt so many life skills. I learnt how to socialise and network, how to be part of a team. How to carry myself as a representative of my team, and most importantly, how to worship. Now, I am one of the choir directors for the very same choir that taught me so much. See How God works! Praise and worship Three words: Sister.Esther.Blake. She did not play. She did not ramp. She weren’t about that ‘I’m just here to sing’ life. No ma’am, No sir. If you were in the Praise and worship team, you had to be living a life of worship! That was hard for a 14 year-old, newly baptised young girl. However, she taught us so many great lessons. Not only to do with singing. She taught us the importance of your list for when you were leading. How you can’t just pick songs at random, they have to flow into each other and not disrupt the flow of the Holy Spirit, but help set the atmosphere for worship. She taught us that if the is no anointing, there is no use. Lessons that I hold so dear to me, having grown up. I’m 25 years of age and I still am encouraged by the little talks we had before we would start rehearsal. Now anyone who knows Aunty Esther, knows that back in the day, she was a stern one. Don’t get caught slipping by her or it would be curtains for you!! But during praise and worship rehearsal, I got to see a softer and more loving side of her. That was a privilege because she really cared for our spiritual growth, as well as our musical growth. Now, I am 25... heavily active in the youth department, and Youth convention is still one of the top conventions I look forward to... It may not be for the same reasons, lol... but albeit with my maturing in my relationship with God, I still get that feeling. That buzz. I still got to get my outfits planned and prepared from early... why? Because I’m going to Youth Convention... DUHH! 5



LNEWS: Describe your conversion briefly. SJQ: I was 11 years old when I decided to give my heart to the Lord and it was during youth convention. I felt the presence of God very strongly and from that age God became real to me. LNEWS: How long have you been a Christian? SJQ: Well I was basically born and bred in church so it would be easy to say I’ve been “christian” for all my life. However, I got saved at 11 and was baptised at 16, so I’d say I’ve been a Christian for 4 years. LNEWS: What role(s) do have in the Church community? SJQ: I am a member of the Luton Choir, National choir, youth praise and worship team, visual team and I help with hospitality. I also do bits and bobs, here and there. LNEWS: How important is/are the role(s) you have? SJQ: It would be comical if someone actually said they don’t find their roles in church important to them! To me my roles are really important because I do it all for the kingdom and to help spread the gospel. They keep me busy and thoroughly involved in church and church life and it’s also great fellowshipping with the saints! LNEWS: How long have you been in that role? SJQ: Well, If I’m honest I can’t remember when I started on the visual team but it’s been a while! I joined Luton choir at 16, National Choir at 17/18 and I’ve been in the youth praise and worship for maybe 3 years! LNEWS: What does serving God mean to you? SJQ: Serving God to me means to sacrifice your time and effort to get to know God and build intimacy with Him. It’s putting self and pride aside and humbling yourself to a greater being who can do all things. It’s acknowledging that you can only go so far in life without Him. It’s deciding that you no longer want to be in charge of your life cause everything you do either fails or temporarily fills that void in your heart. Serving God and His people fills that void ten times over and makes me feel complete. Serving God brings untainted peace and exceeding joy in which no man can take away. LNEWS: Who is your favourite gospel artist and song? SJQ: I don’t really have a favourite artist but at the moment I’m really liking Kim Burrell’s latest album “A different place”. My 2 favourite songs on it is Thank you Jesus (That’s What He’s Done) and Praise Groove. LNEWS: What is your professional status? SJQ: I’m currently in my first year of university studying

Biomedical engineering. Not many people know what it is but it is an engineering course in which I learn how to improve, design and manufacture devices that would help improve lives, which will make life easier and more (physically) manageable for us. It is a very broad subject and can go from designing replacement heart valves or knee caps, prosthetics to things we regularly use- like glasses and contact lenses- I don’t know what I’d do without glasses! LNEWS: Share some encouragement for fellow youth studying in higher education. SJQ: Be consistent and focus on your work! Pray before you start and thank God when you get it right and when you start to understand things you struggled with! Don’t leave it to the last minute (<Note to self!!) Have fun but if you’re willing to play hard, you also have to work hard! Don’t give up, if you are qualified to get to do what you’re doing, you are qualified to pass through it cause God doesn’t give you more than you can bear (1 Corin. 10:13) and you can cast all your cares on him(1 Peter 5:7)! In Jesus name you have overcome cause Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33). LNEWS: What are your life’s aspirations? SJQ: Well I’d be a biomedical engineer when I graduate so I could work as one or go on to further study if I feel for it. I would say what my goal of goals would be but me and God are still in discussion… LNEWS: Tell us something about yourself that we would find surprising. SJQ: I like to play fight…people are usually surprised that I enjoy a bit of rough and tumble. LNEWS: What is your leisure/hobby of choice? SJQ: I play judo cause as I said before that I enjoy play fighting…obviously during a game I’m not exactly “playing”, but you get the drift. LNEWS: Where in the world would you love to travel to and why? SJQ: I’d like to go Tanzania and Thailand. Tanzania because it looks absolutely beautiful and I’d love to go to the safari and see animals in their natural habitats. Also Thailand because it seems so rich in culture and art… It just seems like a place I have to travel to. LNEWS: Describe yourself in three words. SJQ: Ambitious, happy and an optimist. LNEWS: What is your favourite food. SJQ: I love food, I don’t think I can knuckle it down to one dish… it all depends on my mood and what I’m feeling at the time. Today my favourite is Chicken chow mein. LNEWS: What special life’s proverb/saying do you live by? SJQ: I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. LNEWS: Share a word of encouragement with the readership. SJQ: My encouragement to the readers will be to not lose hope in what they’re going through whether it’s stresses at work or issues within your family. God hears your prayers even though you feel as though He hasn’t. I’ll leave with you my scripture of the day as it encouraged and uplifted me Colossians 2:5-7 (NKJV) “For though I am absent in the flesh, yet I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good order and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ. As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” LNEWS: On a scale of 1-10 how did you enjoy this interview? Here are the 10 ratings: 1. Once and once only 2. Phew! Made it… 3. I am glad its over, I don’t like questions. 4. Wouldn’t do this in person. 5. Very interesting look at my life. 6. I did as best as I could. 7. I am shy and overwhelmed. 8. I am incredibly shy but don’t mind. 9. I love it, wouldn’t do it again though (not for a long time). 10. I love it, would do it again.

SJQ 10, haha! I feel like I’ve nearly shared my whole life with you.

We have loved your eye-opening insightful interview 6





he foretelling of the birth of Jesus Christ is declared strongly in Isaiah 9 v 6 and 7(KJV) named as the Light.

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” verse 7 reads thus “ Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom to order it, and to establish it with judgement and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this”. Isaiah the prophet speaks of this special child whose attributes and character tells of his standing, his position and the fact that the entire process is ordained and is the working of God’s own hand. The shepherds in the field in St .Luke 2 and the magi (the magi in modern terminology are star gazers and astronomers) as described in St. Matthew chapter 1, knew of this special birth and rushed to witness the special child BORN FOR A PURPOSE. St. Luke 2 v 20 “ And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen as it was told unto them”. Herod was King at the birth of Jesus Christ and upon the arrival of this special child in Bethlehem of Judaea, sought to destroy all male children in the hope of terminating the purpose and destiny. As we read and understand worship of our Lord Jesus Christ began at his birth. Herod demanded that wise men seek the whereabouts of Jesus Christ so that he also could offer worship. When they arrived at the house where the baby was with his mother Mary they offered immediate worship. St. Matthew 2 v 11(KJV) “And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gold, and frankincense and myrrh. St. Matthew 2 v 12 “And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.” Joseph being Mary’s husband and the caregiver of the young child was again warned to leave Bethlehem and go into Egypt with mother and child as Herod’s wrath was kindled and desperate to abandon purpose. Only Father God can UNDO what He has ordained. Many plans in life are terminated by the hands of insecurity and envy, because our Father in Heaven would have it be so. In the case of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, destiny would prevail. Praise be unto God. At the departure of Joseph and his family into Egypt, where his family were in safety, Herod’s death was spoken of in a dream to Joseph in St. Matthew 2 v 19 and 20 (KJV) after which he brought his family to Israel. Joseph played a subtle but very powerful role at the beginning of Jesus’ earthly journey, without any fuss or doubt his hand in destiny was assured. In St. Luke 2 (KJV) Simeon was chosen by God to bless baby Jesus and he was told that he would not encounter death until his eyes had behold the LORD’S CHRIST. The birth of Jesus Christ brought about immediate worship and at his blessing by Simeon, he received salvation. Simeon confirmed the declaration and prophecy foretold by Isaiah that the birth of Jesus Christ would bring light. St. Luke 2 v 32 “ a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of the people of Israel” Born in very unusual circumstances and bringing deliverance at the very outset of his appearing, clearly shows and defines the role of this special child. Jesus Christ’s birth simply put, Pursuer destroyed, Purpose fulfilled. IN PICTURE


Remember to Pray For The LNEWS team always need your prayers. Prayer changes things so please remember to pray for those on the list below: The Morrison Family The Hope Family The Gardener Family Elder Paul Quinton Bro. Trotman Deacon Hunter Sis. Buchanan Colin Spalding Derek Spalding Bro. Joseph Toro Jacobson Provide us with your prayer requests and we will publish it for you. You don’t have to give the full details just a name will do.

Anything to Celebrate Birthdays Sis. Dahlia Jackson Bro. Cameron Jarvis Sis. Amii Bonner Bro. Aaron Quinton Sis. Marcia Sinclair Evangelist Jeff Ryan Bishop A. Blake Bro. Myles Maddix

May 3rd 10th 15th 17th 22nd 27th 28th 31st

June Kadeem Maddix 7th Sis. Hannah Montrose 8th Sis. Mishka Chard 18th Deacon Nigel Blackman 19th Sis. Shenieka Cunningham 23rd Sis. Keisha Payne 30th Mother Merna Ellis 30th

Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements, Baby Births, Graduations, Promotions, etc. We want to celebrate with you and thank God for you. Let us know and we will publish it.

Just a thought

Gossiping is the devil’s radio, don’t be his DJ LNEWS



CHURCH NOTICES Local Meetings: Friday 13th May 2016 Friday 13th May 2016

Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship

Start Time 8:00pm 8:00pm

Friday 10th June 2016 Friday 10th June 2016 Friday 24th June 2016

Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship Men’s Fellowship

8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm

National Meetings: Friday 29th April - Monday 2nd May 2016 Friday 27th - Monday 30th May 2016

London East District Convocation - Superintendent Wallace Annual National Youth Convention - Pastor Stephen Nelson

Saturday 11th - Sunday 12th June 2016 Friday 17th - Sunday 19th June 2016 Saturday 25th June 2016

Special Meeting - Aylesbury London South District Convocation - Superintendent Grant National Women’s department Fund Raising Event




Prayer Meeting (Every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month)



Sunday School



Morning Service



New Believers & Discipleship Classes



Evening Service




Prayer Meeting & Bible Studies




Prayer & Fasting




Youth Meeting



Men’s Fellowship (Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the Month)



Women’s Fellowship (Every 2nd Friday of the Month)




Which Sunday is Which First Sunday

Communion Sunday

Second Sunday

Sisters’ Sunday

Third Sunday Fourth Sunday

Pastors’ and Elders’ Sunday

Fifth Sunday

Youth Sunday

All the above services/meetings are subject to change - See church secretary for further details

Deacons’ Sunday

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