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CO G I C - U K
LUTON N E W S L E T T E R website: www.cogic.co.uk
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Sep – Oct 2016
COGIC UK’s Women’s Annual Convocation
Psalm 27:4 – One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.
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Knowing You with Mother N. Sinclair In Picture COGIC UK’s Annual Holy Convocation 2016 Plus more
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LNEWS Issue No: 19
A bi-monthly newsletter Copyright © 2016 All material within this publication may not be used in part or whole without permission. Enquiries should be directed to COGIC UK HQ Address 127 Dunstable Road Luton LU1 1BW Telephone +44 1582 877 070 Website www.cogic.co.uk Email lnews@cogic.co.uk For Newsletter Enquiries, Feedback , Your Articles and Prayer Requests. General Enquiries office@cogic.co.uk Charity Registration Number: 1061869
IN THE NEXT ISSUE Cover Story A Typical Sunday In Knowing You Deacon Harrison “Remember to Pray For” Send us your prayer requests and we will place them in this section “Anything to Celebrate” Tell us and we will publish it
You can also get a physical copy of LNEWS at the church. Ask one of the ushers for your copy. 2
WELCOME CONTENTS “Fret Not thyself because of evildoers because they will soon be cut off” Blessed Greetings to the Church Leadership and to the readership worldwide as we are in our nineteenth issue. The Word of God is being fulfilled in real time even as we put pen to paper. Men’s hearts are failing them because of fear, we can see with our natural eyes that there are wars and rumours of wars and nation is definitely rising against nation, and with that, knowledge is on the increase and as the book of Daniel teaches us, there is truly times on earth like never before. The harvest for the soul of man is very ripe, the labourers are few. God’s people will forever look to the hills from whence cometh our help, our help comes from God Almighty, Psalm 121 v 1 (KJV). We are moving on in our God-given mandate and endeavour to reach the soul of man through this vehicle of pen to paper, with the life and testimony of our fellow brothers and sisters whose lives are a witness to the world of great faith and the reward of serving God wholeheartedly. In our eighteenth edition we witnessed the passing of time and we honour and thank God for Pastor C. Fenty and his stirring account of the General Convocation through the years to present day. We honour God for the the blessing of The Annual General Convocation of 2016, there is such a shift in the atmosphere, whereby its simply out of human control and in the hands of God Almighty. We were truly blessed and honoured to share a faithful testimony and witness from our sister Barbra Jacobs, a living example and display of the mighty hand of God at work. God bless and keep our dear Brother Palmer as he celebrated his 90th birthday. To God be all the glory. This edition brings the Women’s Convocation to the table and again we are blessed with in-depth writing as to the origin and the blessing of the timeline of the women’s department, and with that comes the blessing of sharing a wonderful testimony and profile of an experienced solid woman of faith which can only serve to reach the “one soul” that is waiting to read and be transformed. Jesus Christ always left the ninety and nine and went after that one soul. We have the conclusion of the fruitful series, “Born for a purpose” Let God be your guide in this September/ October of 2016, we have laid to rest many souls throughout this year, some in the prime of their lives, yet the understanding and control is in the hands of our Creator and as we are honoured to still have the breath of God coursing through our being, let’s be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem(s). Have a blessed Autumn season, without fear and trembling.
to Brother S. Trotman
COVER STORY COGIC UK’s Annual Women’s Convocation Sister Barbra Jacobs
KNOWING YOU Mother N. Sinclair
IN PICTURE COGIC UK’s Annual Holy Convocation 2016
In “Knowing You”
Mother N. Sinclair
Ecclesiastes 11:1 Cast your bread on the surface of the waters, for you will find it after many days. LNEWS
The Luton Assembly announces the passing of
Brother Stanley Cecil Trotman who returned to live in Barbados. (A faithful member) We remember his family in our prayers 12.1.1928 – 10.8.2016 RIP NEWS IN BRIEF
Well done to the following members of the Luton Assembly for graduating from the COGIC Theological College
Sister S. Keddo
• • •
Sister M. Sinclair
Brother P. Douglas
Sister C. Cuningham
Sister L. Douglas
Sister P. Jarvis
Sister S. King
Missionary M. Quinton
Mother N. Sinclair
Mother C. Thomas-Collman Brother C. Sterling
Like what you read? Would you like to help with the printing costs? Speak to an usher who will point you to a member of the Editorial Team. Missionary Carol Thompson received a kind gesture of appreciation during the Holy Convocation. May God continue to bless and strengthen her ministry. Please be vigilant whilst at church and report anything suspicious to an usher.
COVER STORY COGIC UK’s Annual Women’s Convocation
he Women’s Convention theme for 2016 is “It’s Time To Launch Out”, The department has gone from strength to strength which culminates in the Women’s Convention always being a highlight in the calendar of the Calvary Church of God In Christ. In the United kingdom we have been travelling this road for the past 63 years and October 2016 will be the 64th year of our annual convention, as we speak, presently under the leadership and diligence of Mother J. V. Reynolds, the National Women’s Supervisor in the UK. We honour and celebrate one of our founding mothers and pioneer of COGIC UK, Mother Mary McLachlan who worked diligently and successfully beside her husband Bishop Oswald McLachlan. In the year of 1948, Mother McLachlan carefully lead the women’s fellowship over many years before her return back to her homeland of Jamaican in 1963. In the early days, there wasn’t the luxury of space wherein to worship, fellow members and worshippers offered up their homes sacrificially just so the work of The Lord could be undertaken by great women who saw it fit to labour in God’s vineyard, fulfilling the call of God upon their lives. Many have transitioned and have gone home to their Saviour and many are still very much alive and strong. We give God praise for these women of great standing, many names to mention, yet we can honour and praise God for Mother A. Blake who works alongside the current presiding Bishop A. Blake and also a great honour to have Mother Wallace still going strong, how excellent is our God in all the earth. The tireless work and the faithfulness of God’s people saw buildings being bought which was and is the product of perseverance and the embodiment of reaping a harvest of blessing if you faint not. After Bishop and Mother McLachlan’s return to their homeland, Bishop Bell was ordained as the presiding Bishop of COGIC UK in 1963 until The Lord called him home in 1998. Mother M. Bell, his wife and help meet served the Church faithfully for many years until her demise in 2015. Mother Bell was the women’s supervisor along with her assistant Mother Ingram, in an era when the Church reached pinnacles and heights that only the hand of God could afford. It truly has to be said that if you grew up in that time then those blessings and times are unmatched. The Word of The Lord teaches us in (Titus chapter 2 verses 4 and 5) regarding the older women being the instructors and mentors of the younger women, it was so evident that the women and leaders we see today are truly representative of the upbringing and strong foundation that was set and will 4
Sister Barbra Jacobs
NEVER be removed despite what we are now witnessing with our natural eyes. Thankfully the Word of The Lord makes provision for what we do see with our natural eyes, which for the most part these days, is not palatable, God’s word teaches us the things we see in the natural are temporal and temporary but the things of the spirit are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4 v 18 KJV) So much can be written as a life long never to be erased testimony of the journey and courage of the women’s department and fellowship. Mother Bell was a mother in so many ways, and a very passionate woman of God. One of her passions was sewing and we saw the love and handiwork with the pristinely robed choir members. Mother Bell never liked to see the choir look out of place at any time, always looking smart and carefully attired, oh what joy that must have been for Mother in the conventions and major meetings, admiring the work of her hands. Such memories to cherish! Jesus Christ covers his children just as a mother hen covers her chicks with her feathers. (Psalm 91 v 4 KJV) The women’s role in ministry is very powerful and is a driving force in the Kingdom of God, yet it has to be said and understood that God will always have us to know that man’s role cannot be diminished by laws and modern rules. The Word of the Lord stands forever and does not return unto him void. In Genesis the hand of creation at work, which is simply awe-inspiring, when God said let there be light, there truly was light. (Genesis 1 v 3 KJV). In the book of St John the light was and is compounded in our study and our spirit that the light became flesh and dwelt amongst us, and the darkness could NOT comprehend the light. We know that Almighty God is no respecter of persons and he will use whom HE will to convey, carry out, demonstrate and apply HIS commands and often time we see the role of a woman as the stand out example because God commands it to be so and HIS will must be done. Esther in the book of Esther was such a woman and the vessel that God used to free her people. The very mother of Jesus Christ, Mary, the epitome of a woman being used of God to fulfil a role specifically designed for her. In both of these great examples we see women of power, distinction, grace and honour, yet the one thing that stands out the most is that their role was always to pave the way for the MAN TO come forth, Esther obeyed the King and it resulted in the freedom of her people and Mary was the vehicle through whom our Lord and Saviour came. That is the strongest point that we cannot miss! We are blessed to have Mother Reynolds as leader in the past era right
COGIC UK ’s Annual Wo men’s Convocatio n will be betwee n 30th Septe mber 2nd Octob er 2016. All are we lcome.
through to this modern hour. Transcending history right into this year of 2016. Mother Reynolds is the daughter of Mother McLachlan and so we are witnessing rich history right in our midst. Never to be repeated, so I am encouraging everyone to enjoy whilst it is day. For the hour cometh the Word says when no man can work. (St John 9 v 4 KJV) Right now the platform is Mother Reynolds’ who is a unique and ingenious woman of faith and character, with a sense of humour like no other. Mother Reynolds worked for many years as assistant to Mother Bell when Mother Ingram retired to her homeland. Mother Reynolds became the leader of the department whilst Mother Bell, for many years was the honorary Supervisor. Mother Reynolds was ordained and installed as the head and Women’s Supervisor by Mother Rivers who is the International Women’s Supervisor of COGIC Worldwide. Mother Rivers is a great example of strength and determination and we truly honour God for this wonderful woman, mother, leader and traveller. Mother Rivers makes air travel seem a breath away. A trust and faith in God that allows her to fulfil God’s call on her life, making it look so effortless. (Psalm 91 v 1 KJV) “ He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” The leadership of Mother Reynolds is strongly lead by the Holy Spirit with a spirit that never leaves you once you have had the privilege of being in her company. Mother Reynolds is such a gifted woman of God that the penmanship will never be able to describe. Mother Reynolds has a spirit of excellence in every way and does not mince words with girls and women alike. Mother Reynolds says it as it is, no embellishments and leaving you in no doubt as to the will and commands of God. When I was a youngster I remember Mother Reynolds leading the sunshine band, and just a look from Mother spoke volumes. The Word of God will always be the foundation and the pillar of truth and her leadership is effective because God’s Word is her guide. Through Mother’s leadership the annual women’s retreat was introduced and is very much woven into the fabric of the women’s department. Just like the songwriter says, through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come, we praise God for his Amazing Grace. Mother’s forever theme is Women of Grace and Power, we have seen many years of great teaching preaching and living examples of women in ministry, and no matter how much God uses women in circumstances of great magnitude, man has been designed and purposed to be the head. In this year 2016 of “Launching Out” we know that means one cannot stay on the shore to do this, water must be walked on, nets have to be cast on the other side, these end days will once again see the values of yesteryear re-emerging, the word of the Lord says as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. Greater works shall the body of Christ do, and the transformation and deliverance of lives WILL be witnessed. The valleys that many are going through WILL be exalted and the mountains that are a hindrance WILL be brought low and the crooked paths WILL be made straight LNEWS
and the Glory of God WILL be revealed. (Isaiah 40) The age of rebellion is in full swing, particularly in the behaviour, dress sense and life choices of women both in and outside of the body of Christ, Ecclesiastes 3 teaches us but to everything there is a time and a season. We serve a God of wisdom, knowledge and understanding and many are given time and space to do and say whatever they will, but everyone will be brought into judgement. (Ecclesiastes 12 v 14 KJV) That is guaranteed. We honour Mother J. V. Reynolds for her steadfastness as leader of the women’s department, whose spiritual insight has blessed, encouraged and empowered many lives, a true witness of faithfulness to God and a soldier of distinction teaching us the ways of The Lord and how to dress as a lady and conduct oneself as wife and mother. Young women can pattern themselves from our great and Godly women that have paved the way. Even whilst undertaking the work of God, women are the mothers and the examples to our younger women that are facing this modern hour with so much influence from the darkness. Through diligence, faithfulness to God, a training in God’s word and his commandments the foundation laid can only remain firm and strong. Rahab the harlot (Joshua 2) was used mightily of God, because it is clear that there was a foundation of honouring God despite her life choices, and when in the presence of God’s servants the spirit of the Lord used her to spare the lives of those that were sent to spy out the land, and because of her faith and obedience Rahab is counted in the line up of faith in the book of Hebrews. Her life story is encouraging and offers deliverance to women who seemingly cannot find a way out of their circumstances. Again, a woman used mightily of God only so that the men of God could continue their spiritual call. This is the Word of The Lord not a fairytale nor a myth. WE are our sister’s keeper and many woman have faced trying and very challenging times, tears have flown and hearts have been broken, yet God has made provision for every trial faced, and HE being the High Priest touched with the feelings of every infirmity, encourages the strong to bear with the weak and nurse back to health. (Hebrews 4 v 15 KJV) Women in all walks of life and in every part of God’s earth, you are encouraged to “Launch Out”, be bolder, stronger, smarter, and be a witness and testimony of God’s greatness just like the women of old, Mary, the Mother of Jesus,(St. Luke 2). Deborah called upon for her wisdom and foresight,(Judges 4 and 5). Esther leading her people to freedom,(Book of Esther) Harriett Tubman, Mary Seacole, Mother M. McLachlan through to Mother M. Bell and now Mother J.V. Reynolds, who next?? Its in God’s hands… ©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Mother N. Sinclair
LNEWS: Describe your conversion briefly. MNS: I remember I was not thinking about The Lord at the time and one night whilst I was in my bed a bright light came into the room and I asked my husband if he had seen it and he said no. Immediately I began to speak in another language and felt reborn. My husband thought that something was wrong with me, I told him that I was alright and its the saving grace of Jesus Christ. I found a Church to attend and receive my water baptism and I’ve been serving The Lord ever since. LNEWS: How long have you been a Christian? MNS: I have been a Christian for over fifty years. LNEWS: Are you married? MNS: I am very happily married to a very quiet and honest gentleman for over 52 years, Charles Thomas Sinclair. LNEWS: Describe your childhood/upbringing. MNS: I had a very happy childhood being born and raised in Jamaica I am the fourth of eight children, think of the fun and noise in our household. My upbringing was rich because I had time to spend with my grandparents, uncles and aunties. The values I learnt from them all is still taking me through life. I was taught good manners and good etiquette, my grandmother always taught me that good manners will take anyone through life. LNEWS: What has been your profession in life? MNS: In my profession I worked as a Nursing Home Manager, very challenging at times but thank God for the Holy Spirit that gives us wisdom to help us through life. LNEWS: What role(s) do you have in the Church Community? MNS: In the Church I work as a Mother on the officers’ board, I work in the finance department, I am a member of the choir and also have worked as the Church secretary for many years. LNEWS: Which role do you enjoy in the Church Community and why? MNS: I enjoy singing in the choir, its such a beautiful ministry, I also enjoy producing the certificates for new members and the dedication of babies, its wonderful work.
LNEWS: What does serving God mean to you? MNS: Serving God means everything to me, God is my all and all, the joy and the strength of my life. LNEWS: How would you encourage a young person in these troubled times. MNS: Life has its challenges but if you hold on to Jesus Christ you will be alright, don’t lean on your own understanding, but lean on Jesus and trust him, believe me, I know he will never forsake you. In the darkness he is our light, in the storm he is our anchor, in despair he is our hope, in confusion he is our wisdom, in times of uncertainty he is the Rock on which we stand. LNEWS: What has been your most challenging life trial to date? MNS: My most challenging life trial to date was when The Lord delivered me from the gun and knife attack, the word of God says the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him. LNEWS: Tell us something about yourself that we would find surprising. MNS: Not many people know that I worked as a Special Constable in the Police Force for a while. LNEWS: Share with us an amusing ministry moment. MNS: A very sweet moment when the Church choir went out visiting another assembly, we were asked to sing, some choir members were singing totally different words to what the others were singing, we all had a good laugh. LNEWS: Share with us a memorable ministry moment. MNS: To see my husband get saved and my son Clive saved and baptised. LNEWS: At present what are your spiritual aspirations? MNS: I want to continually see the Church move from strength to strength, and God’s people delivered and sinners come to know The Lord. LNEWS: Tell us briefly of your time spent in theological studies. MNS: My time in theological college has been a time well spent in my life. I enjoyed the teachings, when it came to the exams I did tremble but thanks be to God and the Holy Spirit, each graduation I received Distinction Awards. LNEWS: What is your leisure of choice? MNS: I love reading, gardening when the weather is nice, I love cooking. LNEWS: What special life proverb/saying do you live by? MNS: Cast your bread upon the waters for you shall find it after many days. LNEWS: Describe yourself in three words MNS: Kind, courteous and full of joy. LNEWS: Share with the readership a line or two of encouragement. MNS: Philippians 3 v 13 - Before you can set out on life’s journey you need a road map, that is known as your dreams, for Moses it was leading God’s people to the Promised Land. For Florence Nightingale it was bringing healing and hope to the dying soldiers in the Crimean war, for Thomas Edison it was illuminating the world. Anyone who ever made a difference started with a dream that eventually became their life’s obsession. Mine is to put God’s word into the hands of every person I can during my lifetime, you may say how do I know my dream is of God, its because it will always bless and benefit others. I would encourage the dreamer to be awoken in within you, stop looking at where you have been and start looking at where God is taking you, don’t let past failures stop you because God has blotted our entire record, Isaiah 43 v 25. Remember a seed is anything you plant for a desired result, a harvest is anything you decide to receive back from God, both are an act of faith. Inspiration without perspiration is only a daydream. LNEWS: On a scale of 1-10 how did you enjoy this interview? Here are the 10 ratings: 1. Once and once only. 2. Phew! Made it… 3. I am glad its over, I don’t like questions. 4. Wouldn’t do this in person. 5. Very interesting look at my life. 6. I did as best as I could. 7. I am shy and overwhelmed. 8. I am incredibly shy but don’t mind. 9. I love it, wouldn’t do it again though (not for a long time). 10. I love it, would do it again. Thank you for your solid and profound interview MNS 10.
BORN FOR A PURPOSE Part 4 - THE CRUCIFIXION Sister Barbra Jacobs The Redemption of mankind was first and foremost in the mind of God when his son Jesus Christ came in the form of sinful flesh. The mandate was set clear from the outset. The life of Jesus Christ was for the ultimate act of unconditional love. Hence the whole series, Born For A Purpose. There are not many in this life that will just completely walk in the path that has been God-given and God-ordained, that is the reason when we encounter lives that do, they stand head and shoulders above the rest. As pen is being put to paper with this final part in this series, there couldn’t be a more fitting tribute as the world is celebrating the life of Muhammed Ali upon his demise, who made a great impact on his generation because of his confidence and the lack of doubt in his God-given ability charm and charisma. A great example of a man who stood tall. We honour God for his life. With the record of the Holy Scriptures we are given such insight to the mother, birth, life, ministry and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Reading, learning and studying God’s word will always come alive in our spirit man because it truly is the “living” word of God, and just as at the beginning of the Holy Bible in Genesis 1 v 26 (KJV) we were always in the mind of God “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.” We look closely at the life and ministry of Jesus Christ as he walked this earthly realm:1. HE SLEPT St Mark 4 v 38 (KJV) teaches us of God resting in the storm the Word says “And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?” 2. HE WEPT St John 11 v 35 (KJV) simply says “Jesus Wept” 3.HE WAS ANNOYED St Matthew 21 v 12 (KJV) “And Jesus went into the temple of God and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves”. 4. HE DEFIED TRADITION St Luke 19 v 7 (KJV)
“And when they saw it, they all murmured, saying, that he was gone to be guest with a man that is a sinner” 5. HE SUFFERED ANGUISH And here is where we conclude our series St Matthew 26 v 39 (KJV) “And he went a little further and fell on his face, and prayed, saying O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. Jesus Christ was betrayed by Judas Iscariot one of his disciples, having given in to temptation for thirty pieces of silver. (St Matthew 26 v 15 KJV) Jesus Christ was brought before the authority of the day namely Pontius Pilate being accused of saying he was the King of the Jews, and even in their accusation Jesus answered and conducted himself with wisdom. As Jesus Christ neared the hour that would define his coming, he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. (St Matthew 26 v 42 KJV) Knowing what was to be his ultimate act of unconditional love for the redemption of mankind. Jesus Christ went humbly to the cross, although at the hands of sinful men, the entire move was ordained from before the foundation of the earth. The accusation was set above his head on the cross which read thus: “THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS” (St Matthew 26 v 37 KJV). Even at the point of physical death, The Lord Jesus Christ was still delivering souls into their heavenly destination, declaring to one thief on the cross beside him “This day shalt thou be with me in paradise”. Proving to us as the Word of the Lord says “Mankind looks on the outward appearance but God looks at the heart”. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ served to bring each and every one of us back into alignment with the original purpose of God’s design for our lives, to live holy before him, serving only God Almighty and be free from idolatry and the spirit of rebellion. Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today and forever more. May each heart and reader acknowledge the power in serving the creator of the universe and the price paid so that we can all have access to the throne of grace. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6 v 23 KJV) JESUS CHRIST BORN FOR A PURPOSE AND PURPOSE FULFILLED
Remember to Pray For The LNEWS team always need your prayers. Prayer changes things so please remember to pray for those on the list below: The Dean/Maddix Family Deacon Hunter Sis. Buchanan Colin Spalding Derek Spalding Bro. Joseph Toro Jacobson Provide us with your prayer requests and we will publish it for you. You don’t have to give the full details just a name will do.
Anything to Celebrate Birthdays September Bro. Joseph Toro Jacobson
Lily Jacobson
Sis. Alana Haynes
Rebekah-Anna Morgan
Sis. Mavis Afriyie
Luke Ryan
18th October
COGIC UK’s Annual Holy Convocation 2016
Bro. Byam
Sis. Jacina Abbey
Sis. Sandra Ryan
Sis. Rhonda Byam
Elder Andrew Maddix
Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements, Baby Births, Graduations, Promotions, etc. We want to celebrate with you and thank God for you. Let us know and we will publish it.
Just a thought
Jesus sets you free LNEWS
CHURCH NOTICES Local Meetings: Friday 9th September 2016 Friday 9th September 2016 Friday 23rd September 2016
Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship Men’s Fellowship
Start Time 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm
Friday 7th October 2016 Friday 7th October 2016 Friday 28th October 2016
Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship Men’s Fellowship
8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm
National Meetings: Saturday 3rd - Sunday 4th September 2016 Saturday 10th September 2016 Friday 16th - Sunday 18th September 2016 Saturday 24th September 2016 Friday 30th September - 2nd October 2016
Wales Special Meeting - Pastor Stephen Nelson End of year Ministers Meeting Midlands District Convocation - Superintendent Spencer Mission Training - Missionary St. Louis Annual Women’s Convocation 2016 – Mother Reynolds - COGIC UK HQ
Saturday 15th October 2016 Saturday 22nd October 2016
Appreciation Service for Bishop Blake National Sunday School Day - Missionary Fenty
Prayer Meeting (Every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month)
Sunday School
Morning Service
New Believers & Discipleship Classes
Evening Service
Prayer Meeting & Bible Studies
Prayer & Fasting
Youth Meeting
Men’s Fellowship (Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the Month)
Women’s Fellowship (Every 2nd Friday of the Month)
Which Sunday is Which First Sunday
Communion Sunday
Second Sunday
Sisters’ Sunday
Third Sunday Fourth Sunday
Pastors’ and Elders’ Sunday
Fifth Sunday
Youth Sunday
All the above services/meetings are subject to change - See church secretary for further details
Deacons’ Sunday