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Jul – Aug 2016


Annual General Convocation

In Picture Annual Youth Convention Plus more


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Knowing You with Sister Barbra Jacobs

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Psalm 27:4 – One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.

LNEWS Issue No: 18

A bi-monthly newsletter Copyright © 2016 All material within this publication may not be used in part or whole without permission. Enquiries should be directed to COGIC UK HQ Address 127 Dunstable Road Luton LU1 1BW Telephone +44 1582 877 070 Website Email For Newsletter Enquiries, Feedback , Your Articles and Prayer Requests. General Enquiries Charity Registration Number: 1061869


Cover Story Annual Women’s Convention In Knowing You Mother N. Sinclair “Remember to Pray For” Send us your prayer requests and we will place them in this section “Anything to Celebrate” Tell us and we will publish it

You can also get a physical copy of LNEWS at the church. Ask one of the ushers for your copy. 2



ighteenth Edition Welcome, we honour Almighty God for a coming of age. Time is fast approaching there is hardly any space and time between each greeting and salutation. Blessed Greeting and divine salutation to Bishop Alvin Blake,the church leadership, faithful membership and every individual that reads and is inspired by our humble offering to the world through God’s grace and power. “A time honoured admonition must go to the visionary of this newsletter for his dedication, drive and determination. We are truly encouraged and inspired by his effective ministry as he surely is by each of ours.” Iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27 v 17) God bless Deacon Michael Jacobs.” Father God promises to NEVER walk with the proud nor the scornful as we read and digest in Psalm 1 v 1 “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.” We are rapidly moving on praising God for Sister Jordan Quinton’s Knowing You profile. A very profound and grounded young lady. We covered The Youth Convention and it’s timeless quality and we bless God for the outpouring and the life changing fellowship that was shared in this year’s convention. Life is fleeting and passes like a vapour we honour God for the Morrison family. Our gratitude to Father God at the celebration and blessing of the home-going service of our unique phenomenal legend, Brother Barry Morrison. Our cover story features our annual Holy Convocation with an in-depth informative article written specifically. We have an inspiring miraculous testimony of a faithful woman of God, truly Born for a purpose. Her testimony and profile is guaranteed to uplift and empower. By the same token our series Born for a purpose is on its third instalment. Refreshing and insightful. Eighteen in modern terms is a coming of age a transition from young adulthood to adulthood, a time of taking on more responsibility. St. John 9 v 21 speaks of being of age. “Being answerable for one’s self.” Our evangelical offering through this vehicle of the newsletter to the wider world will do the very same, take on a greater stance. By the grace of God. May the God of Heaven bless each and everyone, as Father God promises to do a new thing.








Look who celebrated his 90th birthday


COGIC UK’s Annual General Convocation Pastor Clevere Fenty


COGIC UK’s Annual General Convocation 2016

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Sister Barbra Jacobs


Part 3 - The ministry of Jesus Christ Sister Barbra Jacobs


Annual Youth Convention 2016





In “Knowing You”

Sister Barbra Jacobs

Psalm 27:13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. LNEWS


Look who celebrated his 90th birthday

Photo by Michael A Jacobs ©2016


Church presentation to Brother Palmer. Photo by Rhonda Byam ©2016



Our annual three day fasting dates are Sunday 24th - Tuesday 26th July 2016 - Come and join us. The annual chain fasting rota is on the noticeboard at church - Please consult the church notice board to see your scheduled fasting date(s). Remember Women’s Convention 2016 in October. Like what you read? Would you like to help with the printing costs? Speak to an usher who will point you to a member of the Editorial Team. For the Bank Holiday Monday of Annual General Convocation, parking in the surrounding area IS NOT free so please use the car park(s) provided. Ask an usher or marshall for details. Also please consider your fellow person when parking.




COVER STORY COGIC UK’s Annual General Convocation


n the Old Testament, the nation of Israel was commanded to hold Holy Convocations at specific festival times unto the Lord. Biblical commentators have pointed out that not only was this a time of gathering together as a religious community but it was a ‘sacred time’ appointed by God for the people to set themselves apart to read, rehearse and recount. The focus was on God as the people recounted the mighty acts of God and also looked forward to the time that his kingdom would come on earth. Following on from this, the Church of God in Christ, under the leadership of its founder, Bishop Mason instituted an annual Holy Convocation in Memphis. In keeping with the scriptures, Leviticus 23: 2-4, Psalms 50:5 and Zephaniah 2:1, the name convocation was chosen deliberately instead of conference, convention, general assembly or camp meeting. In a similar way that the ‘Holy Convocation’ was a ‘sacred time’ for Israel, so the annual ‘Holy Convocation’ of COGIC was a sacred time for the saints. Bishop Ithiel Clemmons (1997) described those early Holy Convocations as ‘jubilee time, a time to put aside the routine, the social, political, and economic pressures, and to convene’. The Holy Convocation was preceded by three days of prayer and fasting followed by twenty days of nonstop prayer, Bible teaching, testimonies, preaching, singing, laying before the Lord, listening for a word from the Lord, miracles of healing, midnight to morning evangelical services and Pentecostal celebrations. For delegates, the sacred place was a time to be strengthened, transformed, inspired with faith and courage, fired with zeal, renewed of self worth, and charged with life, vigour, vitality, vision and purpose sufficient for another year of service for Christ and His church. According to Bishop Ithiel Clemmons, the experience of 4

Pastor Clevere Fenty

convention reminded each participant that he or she was part of something greater, grander and mightier than what they experienced on a day to day basis. This year COGIC celebrates its 109th Holy Convocation. They are still held in November but for 7 days followed by a General Assembly on the 8th day. After its inception in Britain in the 1950s, COGIC UK started conventions patterned on the same Biblical model as its International headquarters. This year the church is celebrating its 64th convocation. Initially, Convocations were held for 10 days at the ending of July to the beginning of August. Over the years, the time was reduced to 6 days. However, when Bishop Blake was appointed, the dates of the Convocation changed to incorporate the August bank holiday, which was the original date of his local meeting. Eventually the time was reduced to four days. There is no doubt that initially, Holy Convocations provided that sacred time for a people from the Caribbean and marginalised by British society to experience the power of the Lord, be renewed and energised by the Holy Spirit and be affirmed that they were part of something greater. Although the younger generation do not have the same experience of their fore parents, the annual Holy Convocation is still a sacred place. It is a call for a people to be set apart from their daily routines to meet with the Lord; to experience his power as the early pioneers did, to recount to their generation the mighty acts of God and what it means to be a holy people so that they will in turn rehearse to another generation of that which is yet to come. Pastor Clevere A Fenty General Secretary and Chairman Convocation Planning Committee.




Friday 26th to Monday 29th August 2016 127 Dunstable Road Luton • Beds • LU1 1BW For more information call 01582 877 070 or visit


t’s the time of the year again as our annual Holy Convocation draws near! What an exciting and blessed time we are anticipating! As the revellers anticipate the annual carnival with excitement, so we the people of God have even greater expectation of experiencing the manifestation of the power of God amongst us. It happens over the August Bank holiday each year but that is where the similarity ends as we can never predict how the Holy Spirit will work and He continues to amaze us year after year. The topic this year is “The righteous act of Christ”. What an exciting topic! To be reminded that God has already demonstrated his love for us through the righteous act of Christ so that we can have forgiveness of sins – we can live a holy life – we can have sweet fellowship with each other and with God- we can be ambassadors for Christ proclaiming the love of God to a dying world. Pastor Schmikle, an anointed speaker from Jamaica will be one of the preachers along with some of our own COGIC ministers LNEWS


here in the UK. The convention commences on Friday 26th August lead by the dynamic duo Missionary Joan St.Loius and Evangelist Esther Blake for a time of prayer and praise. It concludes on Monday evening 29th with inspirational worship including words of challenge and reflection for the year ahead. If you want a life changing experience then attendance at this convocation is a must. Come with expectation and God will meet you at your point of need; you can begin your relationship with God or deepen it if you have already started the journey, experience physical and emotional healing, direction for your life and ministry, etc. Why not invite your family and friends particularly those that are unsaved for a life changing experience. None of you will regret it. May God’s blessings continue to enrich your lives! Pastor Clevere A Fenty General Secretary and Chairman Convocation Planning Committee. 5


Sister Barbra Jacobs

LNEWS: Describe your conversion briefly? SBJ: I was born into a Christian family and have been a part of the Church community my entire life. Bible Study, Prayer Meetings, Church services, Conventions. I have always had a very strong conviction with a great love for The Lord and was baptised at the age of 10 years old, two days away from my 11th birthday. LNEWS: How long have you been a Christian SBJ: I have been a Christian for 39 wonderful years. LNEWS: Are You Married? SBJ: I am incredibly happily married to my angel Michael A. Jacobs with our precious angel our daughter Dorinda. LNEWS: Is Your Family a part of Church life? SBJ: My family are all a part of Church life. LNEWS: What roles do you have in the Church community? SBJ: Over the years served well in the ministry of singing, youth and church secretarial duties, intercessory prayer, preaching, teaching, evangelism, street ministry, writing and currently sharing editorial responsibilities on this very newsletter, a vehicle of world evangelism. LNEWS: What does serving God mean to You? SBJ: Serving God means everything to me, its my lifeline, its the breath by which I have my being. A strong conviction can only leave you with a very strong relationship with God and I can certainly say that I have proven God every single day of my life. LNEWS: Describe your childhood briefly SBJ: I had an excellent childhood being my mother’s only child but born into a huge family, admittedly I was always the centre and hub of my family. I spent three and half of my formative years with my grandmother in Jamaica, and attended a brand new primary school there, an experience that is priceless. I also was privileged to spend a lot of time with my great grand parents, learning and gleaning from them, life skills that are still prevalent in my own life today. LNEWS: What has been your most challenging life trial to date? SBJ: My most life challenging trial to date was when I went into hospital to have our daughter, and due to an immense amount of medication, I had my baby on Thursday evening and by the Sunday night I had a cardiac arrest and was placed in intensive care, due to the miraculous hand of God I overcame very quickly, within three days I was out of sedation and able to communicate, and I was told by the doctors that 97% do not survive. I needn’t go into any great detail, because my life tells the story. I will definitely say though, Only Father God can undo what he has ordained. HIS word NEVER returns to him void, IT ACCOMPLISHES. I honour God for my life and for the blessing of Dorinda in our lives. LNEWS: As a minister of song, how would you describe your ministry? SBJ: At times I would say I am speechless because words cannot describe, what the treasure that God has placed within me has brought forth. I have witnessed the transformation of lives on levels that are not humanly possible. The word of God is true, Jesus Christ is truly the resurrected Lord and when he says in Job 37 v 5 (which is one of my absolute favourite scripture verses) great things doeth he which we cannot comprehend…. then believe him. Because its so! LNEWS: What is your favourite hymn? SBJ: I love so many hymns but its got to be Amazing Grace, all time favourite. LNEWS: How well travelled are you? SBJ: I am extremely well travelled. What would you say is your favourite destination? I would love to say Jamaica, my parental origin and the original island of paradise or even Germany which I love for so many different reasons, ministry and otherwise. Belgium also plays a part in my travel experience which has left its mark. Kenya displays the bible verse the earth is the Lord’s in its fullest, but I have to say my 6

favourite destination is South Africa, despite all that has happened there and is still occurring it is breathtaking, as Ruth said to Naomi in the book of Ruth your people shall be my people etc. put it this way, I didn’t feel at home, I was simply home. LNEWS: Share something surprising about yourself. SBJ: Sir Cliff Richard has my autograph. LNEWS: What is your leisure of choice? SBJ: I love reading, writing, poetry, word games and being a part of all my daughter’s creative games and activities, trust me she has bag loads.. Never a dull moment. LNEWS: What are your spiritual ambitions? SBJ: In my mind I have achieved so much already spiritually, God’s thoughts and ways are higher than mine so I know there is yet more, there are still many lives to be set free. The Glory of the Lord is still yet to be revealed and I am anticipating the latter rain. LNEWS: Share with us an amusing ministry moment. SBJ: I have many but I can recall whilst on mission once we were planning a surprise thank you for an individual who happened to see a book passing around whilst they were trying to speak, thinking this was rude to our amusement the individual became annoyed and a pastor in our midst, began singing “Yes Jesus loves me” to diffuse the atmosphere, it was very funny, and as they say all’s well that ends well. The individual received their well deserved accolade. Moral of the story.. its not as bad as it seems!!! LNEWS: Describe yourself in three words SBJ: Favoured, Fabulous and Fun. LNEWS: Which word best describes you? SBJ: Favoured, I’m having a ball through Christ Jesus. Which life proverb/saying do you live by? SBJ: As the word of the Lord says “Do unto others as you would have them do to you” LNEWS: Share with the readership words of encouragement. SBJ: Tough times don’t last tough people do. With my words of encouragement I will quickly say that every one is not the same and blanket advice don’t always suit someone’s life circumstances. One thing that goes for every individual that God ever created is that we will go through testing times, and the outcome of each one is dependent upon the measure of strength and character that God has given each individual. Never compare yourself, because some of us in life have to go through to come through for God’s glory to be revealed and so that he can prove to us that he has spoiled principalities and powers and has made a show of them openly. Be yourself and work to the strength and character that God has given you, he promises that he will not put upon any of us more than we can bear, that’s our blessings as well as our trials. I am grateful to God Almighty for the blessings upon my life. I can truly join with the songwriter to say “I am Standing on the promises of God” my life is a living on-going testimony and witness to the world that only God can undo what HE has ordained. My rise and my life has and will continue to astound the medical field and the powers that be. I am assured that Jesus has already spoiled principalities and powers and has made a show of them openly. Ten years and counting, there was a declaration made that I should say goodbye to my darling husband and to our precious angel our daughter Dorinda whom God so delicately and intricately handed to us. I am not one that gives any place to the enemy of our souls I am far more at ease giving God the Glory and the Praise and just like a life truly dedicated to God, it’s far more important to watch and see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. I have been blessed with a true man of God my husband Michael Jacobs who is maturing like a fine wine and my daughter who just keeps defying all of the written man-made laws and her life astounds me. God be Praised and lifted up as the Jacobs life story keeps unfolding. I am encouraging each and every one trust God wholly and Do EXACTLY as he says. Love God and Love his people. LNEWS: On a scale of 1-10 how did you enjoy this interview? Here are the 10 ratings: 1. Once and once only 2. Phew! Made it… 3. I am glad its over, I don’t like questions. 4. Wouldn’t do this in person. 5. Very interesting look at my life. 6. I did as best as I could. 7. I am shy and overwhelmed. 8. I am incredibly shy but don’t mind. 9. I love it, wouldn’t do it again though (not for a long time). 10. I love it, would do it again. SBJ 10.


Thank you for your time, a deep and amazing interview. LNEWS

BORN FOR A PURPOSE Part 3 - The ministry of Jesus Christ Sister Barbra Jacobs


he ministry of Jesus Christ began at his very appearing. The Gospel of St. John gives a profound account of Jesus Christ and his life’s work. God Almighty ensured that there was a witness to every move of Jesus Christ. When the mother of Jesus was with child of the Holy Spirit her cousin Elisabeth was also with child. One can never speak of the life of Jesus Christ without speaking of the life of “John The Baptist”. Elisabeth’s son was as he became affectionately known “John The Baptist”. John’s birth and ministry was also foretold St. Luke 1 v 14-17 speaks of John’s character, standing in God and the fact that he would go ahead of Jesus Christ speaking of the light to come, being a forerunner to Jesus Christ and his ministry, preparing the way for the Lord Jesus Christ. John bore witness of the light being Jesus Christ, who was sent in human form to redeem mankind. After the fall in the Garden of Eden, God Almighty kept his word to restore mankind. No word of God will ever return unto him void it will always accomplish that which he has set it forth to do. (Isaiah 55 v 11) The ministry of Jesus Christ is the very epitome of humility, the structure on which his ministry is founded, built and executed. John baptised Jesus (what an honour and act of humility) and at that powerful moment Father God appeared in the form of a dove saying “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased”(St. Matthew 3 v 17). Jesus Christ’s mother Mary walked diligently in her role. At the age of 12 (in the temporal sense we would describe him as precocious) Jesus was found in the temple with the doctors and scribes learning of them and they of him. When his mother and father came upon him in the temple after searching for him for three days, his mother spoke of her sorrow in seeking for him unsure of his whereabouts, yet his answer was “I am about my Father’s business” (St. Luke 2 v 49) truly a man on a mission. Jesus had twelve disciples, men of varying characteristics and profession. (St. John 6 v 70) There was a marriage feast in Cana (St.John 2) Jesus was there as was his disciples and his mother Mary. The feast ran out of wine and Mary being the mother that she was, having pondered so much in her heart and in humble acceptance of who she had become, spoke to her son regarding the wine at the marriage feast. (St John 2 v 3) Mary portrayed confidence in her role/position and in her


son’s, Mary again was oblivious to the sharp reaction from her son, “Woman what have I to do with thee?” (St. John 2 v 4). Mary said to the wedding party/feast “whatever he says do it”. That is a mother, woman of God, walking in confidence in God Almighty. With that confidence comes the proof, the evidence of trusting God without question. Jesus Christ gave clear and precise instructions as to the operation to be carried out, and of course his mother’s advice to them shows us clearly the reward of being obedient to spiritual advice. The greatest display of mother and son in ministry and in union. The water that was poured was wine, leaving the wedding feast in awe of this miracle, so much so it was said that the best was saved for the last. This being recorded as the first ever miracle wrought at the hands of Jesus Christ. On his travel through the earthly realm, Jesus encountered the lonely, the unmarried, the bound, the hungry, the deaf, the dumb, the blind, the thief, the witch, the warlock, the weary, the worn, the adulterer, the traditionalist, the regimented, the legalistic, the lame, the knowledgeable, the authentic and more. (St. Matthew 15 v 30) He grew in stature as his ministry grew, never wavering in his call. (St.Luke 2 v 40) He made himself of no reputation, yet his following was vast, the multitude always gathered. With Jesus Christ no two situations were/are ever the same. The feeding of the five thousand came from a young man’s lunch, faith in God and blessing and breaking. Whatever we bless and break and share only multiplies. Your lunch can become someone’s breakthrough. Jesus Christ is our greatest example of supernatural power, faith, humility, kindness, compassion, truth and authority. Jesus feeds us spiritually and then he is mindful that human kind need to be physically fed. What a Father, “don’t send them away hungry”, he said to the disciples. (St. Matthew 15 v 32) Whilst writing and putting these words on the pages the Spirit of God can be felt powerfully, only the power of the Holy Spirit can bring true conviction. True ministry in God is never for self-glory, selfrighteousness, fame, fortune, self-fulfilment or selfgratification. Jesus Christ denied “SELF”. True leaders are BORN not made.. The ministry of Jesus Christ took him right through to mankind’s redemption. What love. Coming Next, The fourth and last part in this series BORN FOR A PURPOSE “The Crucifixion”.

Annual Youth Convention 2016

Remember to Pray For The LNEWS team always need your prayers. Prayer changes things so please remember to pray for those on the list below: The Morrison Family The Hope Family The Gardener Family The Quinton Family Bro. Trotman Deacon Hunter Sis. Buchanan Colin Spalding Derek Spalding Bro. Joseph Toro Jacobson Provide us with your prayer requests and we will publish it for you. You don’t have to give the full details just a name will do.

Anything to Celebrate Birthdays

July 1st

Sis. Meade Sis. Susan Haynes Andre Wilson Sis. Dorinda Jacobs Sis. Pauline Segbefia Bro. Andrew Nelson Sis. Rhonesha Byam Mother C. Thomas-Collman Sis. Jessica Francis-Chambers Sis. Sinead Montrose


8th 13th 19th 22nd 23rd 25th 26th 29th

August Sis. Donna Beckford-Smith Evangelist Esther Blake

7th 18th

Bro. Wilton Keddo Mother A. Blake

18th 23rd

Anniversaries Bro. & Sis. Jacobs


Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements, Baby Births, Graduations, Promotions, etc. We want to celebrate with you and thank God for you. Let us know and we will publish it.

Just a thought

Wake Up, check - Get ready for the day , check - Read your bible? LNEWS



CHURCH NOTICES Local Meetings: Friday 8th July 2016 Friday 8th July 2016 Friday 22th July 2016

Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship Men’s Fellowship

Start Time 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm

Friday 12th August 2016 Friday 12th August 2016 Friday 26th August 2016

Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship Men’s Fellowship

8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm

National Meetings: Friday 8th - Sunday 10th July 2016

London North District Convention - Superintendent Folkes

Saturday 6th August 2016 Tuesday 9th - Thursday 11th August 2016 Saturday 13th - Sunday 14th August 2016 Friday 26th - Monday 29th August 2016

Bible College Graduation - Evangelist Edwards Minister’s Retreat Coventry Special Meeting Annual General Convocation 2016 – COGIC UK HQ.




Prayer Meeting (Every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month)



Sunday School



Morning Service



New Believers & Discipleship Classes



Evening Service




Prayer Meeting & Bible Studies




Prayer & Fasting




Youth Meeting



Men’s Fellowship (Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the Month)



Women’s Fellowship (Every 2nd Friday of the Month)




Which Sunday is Which First Sunday

Communion Sunday

Second Sunday

Sisters’ Sunday

Third Sunday Fourth Sunday

Pastors’ and Elders’ Sunday

Fifth Sunday

Youth Sunday

All the above services/meetings are subject to change - See church secretary for further details

Deacons’ Sunday

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