E SU 0 IS o: 2 N
CO G I C - U K
LUTON N E W S L E T T E R website: www.cogic.co.uk
email: lnews@cogic.co.uk
Nov – Dec 2016
A Typical Sunday
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UK Website
Inside: Knowing You with Deacon C. Harrison In Picture COGIC UK’s Annual Women’s Convocation 2016 Plus more
Our Free Newsletter
Psalm 27:4 – One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.
LNEWS Issue No: 20
A bi-monthly newsletter Copyright © 2016 All material within this publication may not be used in part or whole without permission. Enquiries should be directed to COGIC UK HQ Address 127 Dunstable Road Luton LU1 1BW Telephone +44 1582 877 070 Website www.cogic.co.uk Email lnews@cogic.co.uk For Newsletter Enquiries, Feedback , Your Articles and Prayer Requests. General Enquiries office@cogic.co.uk Charity Registration Number: 1061869
Cover Story Youth department awards 2016 In Knowing You Missionary Minnette Quinton “Remember to Pray For” Send us your prayer requests and we will place them in this section “Anything to Celebrate” Tell us and we will publish it
You can also get a physical copy of LNEWS at the church. Ask one of the ushers for your copy. 2
“I am the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep” (St John 10 v 11 KJV)
he LORD is our Good Shepherd and has led us into green pastures for HIS name’s sake, our arrival here is a blessing. End of year Greetings and Blessings in abundance, to Bishop Alvin Blake, the COGIC HQ in Luton, Bedfordshire, and the diligent readership worldwide. Jesus Christ came that we should have life in abundance, take God’s promises and run with it. This is a blessed hour in the calendar of life, we are ever grateful to God Almighty for this November/December 2016 issue of our newsletter, being number 20. We truly appreciate Bishop Blake who has so faithfully afforded us this honour of reaching the world with this on-going publication. A pathway set like Abraham before us, who staggered not at the promise. The earth has taken a sudden turn, and we are witnessing an immense shift, but be of good cheer, God has overcome the world. The path of righteousness, is there for the taking, walk therein! The cover story in our last edition chronicled the timeline of the Women’s Convocation, we honour God for Sister Barbra Jacobs penning a wonderful account of our great women of faith and power. The testimony and inspiring profile of Mother N. Sinclair was truly uplifting, there is nothing like the voice of life experience. In this year of 2016 we have witnessed many life changing moves and blessings upon God’s people everywhere, employment, healing, long awaited marriages and much breakthrough, more awaits those who are willing to launch out as encouraged by the Women’s convention, full of motherly wisdom direct from our living example Mother Rivers, the International Women’s Supervisor. We will feature a profile of a faithful and amazing man of God, we are turning the pages in anticipation. The cover story is a typical Sunday of worship, from the start to the benediction. Let’s Bless THE LORD AT ALL TIMES. We thank God for much air-travel, school travel, commuting, ministry travel and movement throughout the earth in this blessed year. Keep travelling people of God everywhere, keep moving, God’s WORD says and you shall KNOW the truth and the truth shall set you free, the earth is the LORD’S and the fullness thereof and ALL that dwells therein. Christmas greetings and blessings, the birth of Jesus Christ allows us to enjoy our families, friends, worship and ministry. One thing we are assured of is that no matter what we witness and encounter, GOD ALMIGHTY WILL BE THERE TO MEET US IN 2017.
COVER STORY A typical Sunday Sister Barbra Jacobs
KNOWING YOU Deacon C. Harrison
IN PICTURE COGIC UK’s Annual Women’s Convocation 2016
In “Knowing You”
Deacon C. Harrison
Phil 4 v 13
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” LNEWS
The team of LNEWS would like to thank our readers for their continual support and are wishing you a Happy Christmas and a blessed New Year.
Christmas Day Service Sunday 25th December 2016 at 11:00am
New Years Eve Service Saturday 31st December 2016 at 9:00pm
1st Sunday
Sunday 1st January 2017 at 11:00am
Get an empty medium sized shoebox, wrapping the lid and box separately in colourful wrapping paper. Attach the appropriate boy/girl label, marking if your gift is for a boy or a girl. Select an age category 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14 and attach the label to the top of your shoebox. ALL ITEMS SHOULD BE NEW. PLEASE INCLUDE ITEMS FROM EACH CATEGORY. Toys - Something to love
Educational Supplies Something to do
Hygiene Items Something to use
Other item - Something to eat or wear
Bears , Soft toys, Tennis ball, Finger puppets, Jigsaws, Yo-yo, Building Blocks, Small musical instruments, Truck and cars (for boys), Dolls (for girls), Clip on earrings, Make up, Hair accessories.
Felt Pens, Pens, Pencils, Pencil sharpener, Rubber, Colouring book, Notepad, Picture/Puzzle book, Chalk, Pencil case, Stickers.
Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Hairbrush, Comb, Hair clips, Bar of wrapped soap, Flannel
Sweets (sell by date to be at least March following year), Gloves, Scarf, Sunglasses, Cap, Hat, Bangles, Necklaces.
• • •
Bring all boxes to our Sunday School department. Closing date: Wednesday 15th November 2016
NEWS IN BRIEF Movember, supporting men’s health, is here again. Will you be taking part? For further details go to uk.movember.com
Shelly Ann Fung won the YPWW Young person of the year award 2016/2017 at our Youth Awards.
Sister Shelly Ann Fung
Sister Lynnis Abbey was shown appreciation for all of her hard work in the Youth Department at our Youth Awards and can you believe that she just turned 60 years young? ©ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Sister Lynnis Abbey
COVER STORY A typical Sunday - In the Life of COGIC UK Headquarters
ver the years Sunday has become the day of worship for many pentecostal churches. The root in many Caribbean homes in the West Indies, being that Sunday is the day set aside for the family to go to the House of the Lord to offer worship and praise unto God. Many parents in the household work(ed) throughout the week and a day of rest is a sacred day. Genesis 2 v 2 & 3 (KJV) “And on the seventh day, God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. “And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Sister Barbra Jacobs
The fact is that mankind ought to honour and worship God at ALL times with a designated day of corporate praise and worship, the Word of the Lord speaks of the Sabbath being made for mankind, and NOT mankind for the Sabbath. (St. Mark 2 v 27 KJV). Entering the House of the Lord in worship to God is depositing into the spiritual bank, so that throughout the working week one is able to withdraw from that which has been deposited for strength and courage throughout the hustle and bustle of the days. The day of worship is a culmination of each heart uniting in thanksgiving and praise, distraction comes when we are hung up on the day which
Exodus 20 v 8, 9 (KJV) “Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy. “Six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work: Exodus 20 v 10 & 11 (KJV) “But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy GOD: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates “For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it. The Word of God is our guide and pattern for life and HIS Word teaches clearly and with precision our duty as mankind in honour and worship. There are many denominations throughout the world and there is the distinct topic as to whether we determine Monday to be the first day of the week obviously resulting in Sunday being the seventh day or some would say Sunday is the first day of the week and therefore Saturday is the seventh day and is counted by many as the Sabbath.
Greeting people as they enter the temple
we should bring forth our worship and praise to God. As usual, humankind getting in the way!! A typical Sunday has Sunday School commencing at 10.00am until 11.00am. There are those who attend at approximately 10.30/10.45am (namely the Praise and Worship team) to prepare the day’s worship with prayer and consecration in readiness for the service to begin at 11.00am. The commencement of the worship service has the moderator thanking God for all that are blessed to be in attendance. There is a time of devotion through Sunday School
COVER STORY A typical Sunday song. In the early days this was conducted by one individual directing the congregation to hymns from our hymn books, with an organ or piano player. In this modern time we have a team that leads devotion and this is the Praise and Worship team, along with a team of musicians who dedicate their lives and time in worship. Harmony and unity is timeless. There is always a scripture reading which can be read by a designated individual or read in unison by the congregation. Acknowledgement of visitors and first time attendees is made and they are welcomed by the moderator, and dependent
by 1.00pm Evening service starts at 6.00pm with prayer and consecration. The Praise and Worship team leads the praise through song with devotion, the moderator will direct the congregation dependent on the plan for the evening. There is a Scripture reading Closing remarks from the Bishop and just like in the days of old there is still a time of testimony whereby the congregation is
Praise and worship warming up for before the start of service
upon the time frame, a special visitor may be asked to share a greeting with the congregation. The Praise and Worship team keep the flow of songs and praise throughout the morning’s worship, and the offering is collected and blessed. In most pentecostal churches the choir is a huge part of worship and ushers in a blessing and platform for the preacher/teacher of the Word for that morning. After the choir sings this is the time for the sermon of the
The choir singing
day, approximately midday. The sermon is usually delivered by the Bishop himself one of the Elders or Deacons and if it’s a themed Sunday then it will be a member of the Men’s, Women’s or Youth fellowship. The sermon and spoken word is followed usually by the Bishop giving God thanks for the proceedings of the morning and a call to prayer at the altar, affectionately known as the “altar call”, a time when one can rededicate their lives to God, or at times there are specific prayers for the various needs of the congregation, those in attendance and those that are unable to attend. The altar call always has the special invitation for one to give their heart to the Lord in saving grace. The Secretary reads the notices for the various activities taking place throughout the coming weeks and months. After which there is the benediction and the closing blessing, often referred to as the doxology and the worship service is dismissed The morning sermon LNEWS
The altar call
given the opportunity to give a word of expression for any life trial or event they have encountered and overcome. There are certain individuals who are specifically requested to bring a word of exhortation and encouragement to the congregation. Offering time is a part of worship and gratitude to God for His blessing to us with His daily bread. On a typical Sunday evening worship, the choir does not sing. The offering is collected and blessed, the sermon is delivered, usually at 7pm, followed by words of expression from the Bishop or one of the Elders who then makes the “altar call” which is important in any worship service, prayer is key to all of our survival both physically and definitely spiritually. Prayer time is corporate and at times individual, its the core of our communion and connection to our Creator. The notices are read and reminders made by the Secretary. There is the closing blessing of the evening and the service is dismissed by 8pm. THIS IS A GENERAL OVERVIEW OF OUR SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES WHICH CAN DIFFER WHEN THERE IS A “SPECIAL” MOVE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT OF WHOM WE ARE WHOLLY RELIANT UPON THROUGHOUT OUR SPIRITUAL LIFE
“God is a Spirit and they that worship Him MUST worship Him in SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH” Be encouraged to worship God, Worship is a lifestyle…
Deacon C. Harrison
KNOWING YOU LNEWS: Please describe your conversion briefly. DCH: In one word, INSPIRING.
LNEWS: Please share with us a memorable ministry
LNEWS: How long have you been a Christian? DCH: Approximately for 30 years. LNEWS: Is your family involved in the Church community? DCH: Only some of my family are a part of the Church community.
LNEWS: Are you married? DCH: I am happily married to a wonderful “young” lady for 50 plus years.
LNEWS: What role or roles do you have within the Church
community? DCH: I have several roles within the Church community. I help to teach the Adult Sunday School Class, I am the leader of the COGIC male voice choir, I contribute to the men’s fellowship, I sing in the local and national choirs. I am a Deacon on the Church’s officers’ board. I will happily do what’s needed within my capability.
LNEWS: Which role do you enjoy the most and why? DCH: I enjoy every role that God has blessed me to be
a part of, especially knowing the benefit it has to others, kindness being a great part of one’s Christian life.
LNEWS: What does serving God mean to you? DCH: Serving God to me means everything, and the
greatest part in serving God is knowing that Jesus loves me.
LNEWS: Please describe your childhood briefly? DCH: I had a very happy childhood. LNEWS: What has been your most challenging life trial to date?
DCH: I have had several life challenges to date and each
time I am faced with these challenges I constantly refer to Philippians 4 v 13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” this powerful scripture always helps me to overcome whatever life throws at me. I have been lied to, cheated out of what was rightfully and legally mine but each time I come back stronger. The greatest asset is to be ones’ self, not that you do not listen to what others have to say, but you do not necessarily have to accept or take what has been said. In some circumstances I often quote “I never pretend that I know it all neither do I accept that you do, to work with your hands at any job that needs doing does not lower anyone but makes them a better person.”
moment. DCH: I was invited to a wedding years ago and the groom testified that part of his success in life is based on the encouragement and advice I had given him in previous years.
LNEWS: Share with us something about yourself that we
would find surprising. DCH: When I started my own business many years ago, I was told that I would not last for more than six months, however I surprised the naysayers and have been running a successful business for forty years!
LNEWS: What is your leisure of choice? DCH: I love writing and singing. LNEWS: Describe yourself in three words. DCH: Obedient, Kind and Helpful. LNEWS: Which life proverb or saying do you live by? DCH: I live totally by this scripture in the Word of God in Philippians 4 v 13(KJV) “I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENETH ME”
LNEWS: Please share a word of spiritual and life
encouragement with the readership. DCH: The greatest asset one has is to be one’s self. Every person is unique God has formed and fashioned us as to what he desires us to be, so be yourself, and NEVER try to be someone you are not. LNEWS: On a scale of 1-10 how did you enjoy this interview? Here are the 10 ratings: 1. Once and once only. 2. Phew! Made it… 3. I am glad its over, I don’t like questions. 4. Wouldn’t do this in person. 5. Very interesting look at my life. 6. I did as best as I could. 7. I am shy and overwhelmed. 8. I am incredibly shy but don’t mind. 9. I love it, wouldn’t do it again though (not for a long time). 10. I love it, would do it again. DCH: 10.
LNEWS: How would you advise young people who are
venturing into starting their own business? DCH: Be sure of what you desire in life and go for it. Never accept defeat.
LNEWS: Please share with the readership an amusing
ministry moment? DCH: My amusing ministry moment is a reminder to all to dress dignified at all times especially when entering a place of worship. Thank God for the Mothers of old who are wise enough to have spare clothing to help alleviate one’s shame!!!
LNEWS: We know you also have the wonderful gift of
ministry in song, what does that mean to you? DCH: Knowing that someone is touched and blessed by my ministry in song. 6
Sister Patricia Morris
t its heart, the church is a community. Through this community we support, love, nurture and cherish one another. It is also through this community that we work together to bring up our children in the beauty and love of God. Sunday School plays an important role on this. We want our children to understand and appreciate the community they belong to, so every year, in October, the National Sunday School, under the leadership of Missionary Esther Fenty holds a National Sunday School Day. This day is for the children across all the COGIC churches to meet, work together, fellowship and play together. And sometimes for them to compete with one another as districts. This year’s National Sunday School Day in London took the form a sports day. Luton joined with the other districts within the Shires (Watford, Aylesbury and
Dunstable) to form one team. God shined on us and it was a beautiful, bright day. There was an amazing atmosphere of fun and friendly competition. The outstanding star of the Luton and Shires Team was Sister Rhondeda Byam. Rhondeda, our Sunday School Assistant Secretary, romped home with three gold medals, including medals in the sack race and the sprint. She carried the honours of the Shires as our team champion. Secondly, Brother Colin from Dunstable, won the adult race, beating out the stiff competition from Superintendent Folkes and Pastor Nelson. In the end, London South won the trophy for the day. We congratulate them. But, most importantly, our community won, because we were able to demonstrate the strength of our love and fellowship through God our Father, to our children and to others around us.
Look who is
The LNEWS team always need your prayers. Prayer changes things so please remember to pray for those on the list below: Deacon Hunter Sis. Buchanan Colin Spalding Derek Spalding Bro. Joseph Toro Jacobson Provide us with your prayer requests and we will publish it for you. You don’t have to give the full details just a name will do.
Anything to Celebrate Birthdays
Years young. Happy Birthday SISTER E. HARRISON May God bless you. IN PICTURE
Remember to Pray For
COGIC UK’s Annual Women’s Convocation 2016
November Sis. Annette Chard-Patrick Sis. Merla Wright Sis. Lynnis Abbey Sis. Barbra Jacobs Sis. Ann Marie Stewart Sis. Maureen Stephens Sis Warner Sis. Shirley Myers Elder Everton Blake Evangelist Nova Wilson Sis. Sandra Palmer Deaconess Angela Blackman Sis. Denise Kerr Sis. Patricia Young Sis. Pauline Young Sis. Marcia Morrison
2nd 4th 5th 7th 7th 9th 14th 17th 18th 19th 25th 27th 28th 29th 29th 30th
December Bro. Michael Jarvis Missionary Minnette Quinton Bro. Colin Payne Bro. Dorrell Thompson
9th 21st 21st 28th
Just a thought Your ministry sometimes needs fresh air LNEWS
CHURCH NOTICES Local Meetings: Friday 11th November 2016 Friday 11th November 2016 Sunday 20nd November 2016 Friday 25th November 2016
Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship Cultural Evening Men’s Fellowship
Start 8:00pm 8:00pm 6:00pm 8:00pm
Friday 9h December 2016
Men’s Fellowship
Friday 9th December 2016 Sunday 18th December 2016
Women’s Fellowship - Christmas Dinner Sunday School Christmas Service
8:00pm 6:00pm
Sunday 25th December 2016
Christmas Day Service
Saturday 31st December 2016
New Years Eve Service
National Meetings:
Ser vice Times
Prayer Meeting (Every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month)
Sunday School
Morning Service
New Believers & Discipleship Classes
Evening Service
Prayer Meeting & Bible Studies
Prayer & Fasting
Youth Meeting
Men’s Fellowship (Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the Month)
Women’s Fellowship (Every 2nd Friday of the Month)
Which Sunday is Which First Sunday
Communion Sunday
Second Sunday
Sisters’ Sunday
Third Sunday Fourth Sunday
Pastors’ and Elders’ Sunday
Fifth Sunday
Youth Sunday
All the above services/meetings are subject to change - See church secretary for further details
Deacons’ Sunday