Issue21 - Jan/Feb 2017

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L U T O N A S S E M B LY N E W S L E T T E R ( L N E W S ) W H O W E A R E & W H AT W E D O I N L U T O N



Jan – Feb 2017

Issue 21 COGIC UK Website

Our Free Newsletter

Inside: Knowing You with Missionary Minnette Quinton In Picture Review of 2016

Sister Shelly Ann Fung T h e Yo u n g P e r s o n o f E x c e l l e n c e 2 0 1 6 / 2 0 1 7

Plus more

Young Person of Excellence Awards 2016/2017


WELCOME CONTENTS 3. . . . . . . . . . . NEWS

Issue No: 21 A bi-monthly newsletter Copyright © 2017 All material within this publication may not be used in part or whole without permission. Enquiries should be directed to COGIC UK HQ Address 127 Dunstable Road Luton LU1 1BW Telephone +44 1582 877 070 Website Email For Newsletter Enquiries, Feedback , Your Articles and Prayer Requests. General Enquiries Charity Registration Number: 1061869

IN THE NEXT ISSUE Cover Story The Cross - An Easter reality In Knowing You Brother Christopher Jarvis “Remember to Pray For” Send us your prayer requests and we will place them in this section “Anything to Celebrate” Tell us and we will publish it

You can also get a physical copy of LNEWS at the church. Ask one of the ushers for your copy. 2

3. . . . . . . . . Deacon Michael Jacobs

Sister Barbra Jacobs


or the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it because it will surely come, it will not tarry (Habakkuk 2 v 3 KJV) A wonderful and blessed 2017 from the editorial team. A new year, a new blessing, a new attitude, a new anointing. Special honour and greeting to Bishop Blake. The song says “Over, over… I made it over”. We have come across the hills and valleys of 2016, smiling at the storm. As the disciples said to JESUS whilst out at sea and facing the turbulent waves….when Jesus was asleep, “How can you sleep and the sea is raging?” JESUS responded by saying “Oh ye of little faith”. He rebuked the waves and stilled the storm… How masterful! The wind and the waves must obey the one who created them. (St Matthew 8 v 23 - 27 KJV) Mass hysteria is at every corner of the earth, yet in all things rest assured, we serve God Almighty who stills the storm. In the very last issue of 2016, we thank God for the profile of Deacon Harrison, a very endearing and honest insight. We also bless God for an overview of our Sunday worship, to God be the glory for the blessing and power in corporate praise and worship. May God ever bless the penmanship of Sister Barbra Jacobs. We look forward in this twenty first issue and the first issue of 2017 to the testimony of a wonderful lady in the Lord. A blessing to share the hearts and testimonies of these great servants of the Lord. We will feature the cover story about the “Young Person of Excellence Awards” May God bless our days ahead as JESUS prayed in St John 17 v 15 that HE promises to keep us from evil. A fulfilled, prosperous and sanctified year is our prayer to every member, well wisher and reader worldwide. This vehicle of praise and evangelism gives the heart and the soul the opportunity to honour and praise God in spirit and in truth. Unity is strength.




........................... National Thanksgiving Service ......................................Luton Assembly Meeting

4-5. . . . . . . . . COVER STORY

............................... Young Person of Excellence Awards 2016/2017 Sister Patricia Morris

5. . . . . . . . . .


6-7. . . . . . .


.................................................Brother Myles Maddix

........................... Missionary Minnette Quinton

7. . .


..........................................................LNEWS Special

7. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


..........................................................Review of 2016

8. . . . . . . . CHURCH NOTICES 8. . .


In “Knowing You” Missionary Minnette Quinton

Psalm 3 verse 3 But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head LNEWS - JAN/FEB 2017

News In Brief

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Coming Events

LNEWS has had a little bit of a makeover, after three and a half years, makes for a more enjoyable read. Have you seen the new layout of the church car park? Please adhere to the parking guidelines and always be considerate to others. For those of you who use the internet to shop you may receive an email from what seems to be a reputable online store, requesting you to access your account and expose your credit card details, simply ignore the email as it is more likely to be a scam, whoever it is will use the information to make illegal purchases. Can we ask you to look after your church and if you see anything untoward please report to an usher. Do you have simple recipes, tips and advice? Please send it to us.


An Evening with Nicola Legrottaglie who played football for Juventus, Inter Milan and the Italian National team came to our church to share his testimony about playing for Team Jesus.

Saturday 11 February 2017 at 6:00pm 127 Dunstable Road • Luton Beds • LU1 1BW

Ask an usher or contact the office for further details


Deacon Harrison’s son Michael Harrison has written a children’s book called “Karis and the Tree House”, suitable for 5-16 years old and only costs £3.50p. Get your copy before they sell out.

Know the way, Go the way, Show the way St John 14:6

Friday 24 - Sunday 26 March 2017 at 6:00pm ■■

Like what you read? Would you like to help with the printing costs? Speak to an usher who will point you to a member of the Editorial Team.


127 Dunstable Road • Luton Beds • LU1 1BW Ask an usher or contact the office for further details



COVER STORY Young Person of Excellence Awards 2016/2017 PRESENT AND PAST WINNERS

Sister Shelly Ann Fung 2016/2017


Brother Myles Maddix 2015/2016

Sister Shenieka Cunningham 2014/2015

cripture tells us that everyone is born with talents and gifts. (1st Corinthians 12:7-11; 1st Peter 4:10-11). God gives these gifts to all regardless of whether a person chooses to believe in Him or not. Once we have these gifts, whatever they are, we have a responsibility to nurture and cultivate them. Timothy is urged by Paul to, ‘Stir up the gift within you’. (2nd Timothy 1:6) For the last five years at COGIC Luton, we have held a ceremony aimed at encouraging our Young People to stir up their gifts and develop a spirit of excellence in all they do. We want our Young People to be bold and assured of their place in their communities. They live in a world where they are constantly measured, compared, graded and categorised. For some, this can be empowering and they may thrive on the challenge, but for others, this can be demoralising. Young People and parents need to understand that a spirit of excellence is not always about achieving the highest grade. It is about hard work, perseverance and resilience. It is about recognising Keligah Mordore Spencer that the attitude with which you Awarded for volunteer work work is just as important as the altitude to which you climb. That is why in the ceremony we celebrate those who have been given the Star of the Week for being a good buddy or helpful in class, as well as those who gain excellent exam results. Daniel and Joseph grew in favour with those around them, first because of their honesty and their integrity. Once 4

Sister Sinead Montrose 2013/2014

Brother Christopher Jarvis 2012/2013

they were in position, they were able to use and perfect the gifts they had for organisation and leadership. It was the strength of their character that allowed them to be recognised by others and elevated beyond their station and take up positions of great power and authority. The theme of 2016’s ceremony was “Who is Calling You?” based on 1st Samuel 3. As our young people grow and continue to cultivate a spirit of excellence, there will be many people calling them to use their gifts. First and foremost, God gives us gifts to be used to His glory. (Colossians 3:23-24) We are to use them to help to perfect the saints and bring lives to Him. But there are other uses for our gifts and talents. Paul was a tent-maker (Acts 18:3); Peter was a fisherman; Lydia was a seller of purple cloth. They and others in the Bible used their gifts to earn a living. Paul did this so that he would not be a financial burden on the saints. Lydia, by using her talents, was able to earn enough money to support the ministry. Peter’s work led him to an encounter with Jesus. Scripture admonishes us that we should work, and that the work should be done to the glory of God. (Proverbs 16:3, 2nd Thessalonians 3:6-9). However, when people see that you have a spirit of excellence, that you have integrity they may try to call you to use your gifts in a way that is not pleasing to God. Young People have to be mindful and prayerful when seeking to use their gifts both within the church and outside of the church. Here the church community can help with guidance and prayer. We have seen so many Young People seduced by promises of wealth if they use their gifts, but we need to ensure that our Young People understand that their integrity, honesty and character is more important than riches. Proverbs 28:6 says, ’Better is a poor man that walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways’. Whatever you do, do not compromise



your integrity. Remember, that you are first called by God and He calls you to be set apart, to be in the world, but not ‘of the world’. (John 15:19) As our Children and Young People mature and grow, they may struggle to know how best they can use their gifts – they may even struggle to identify what those gifts are. My advice; be prayerful; find something to occupy your hands, your mind and your time; volunteer; study; read. In time, God will reveal His purpose to you. I was thirty before

Handing Over Brother Myles Maddix


reetings to the household of faith. To Bishop, Mother, Elders, Officers, and all the wonderful saints in Jesus. Once again it is that time of the year where we present our “Young Person of Excellence award”. Having been last year’s winner, I have the great honour of presenting a new winner. Which means in a few minutes I can no longer call myself the Champ.

I became a teacher. I see teaching as one of my gifts that I can use inside and outside of the church. It took time for me to get there, and whilst I did not always consider God, God had a plan for how He wanted to use me in His kingdom. In this fifth year of our Awards Ceremony, I am more conscious than ever of the need to ensure that the dominant voice encouraging, supporting and nurturing our Young People should be that of the church community. There are so many other voices that will call our Young People away from God and from His purpose, we have a duty to ensure that our voices are the loudest. So, as we go forward I pray that you will all join us to celebrate, encourage and nurture our Young People as they continue to develop that spirit of excellence to which God has called them.

Sister Patricia Morris

Nala Thakazi Awarded for good work LNEWS - JAN/FEB 2017

This person is an amazing person. Knowing this individual personally, they are dedicated, loyal, strong minded, kind, approachable and just a flat out lovely person. Just to give you a small insight to how dedicated this person is, a member of New Generation of Hope (NGOH) the COGIC Luton Choir as well as the local youth Praise and Worship team. This person has strong beliefs in outreach and women empowerment.We see this on many different platforms such as, Social Media where she owns her very own YouTube channel called UnashamedtwinszTv, where the objective is to show young Christians that its okay to be young and unashamed of the Gospel. As well as having her own YouTube channel she also has her own ministry called Purple Petals where the objective is to empower women. In July 2016 she graduated from the University Of Kent with a first in Biomedical Science. For those of you who don’t know what a first is, it’s the highest grade you can achieve. If you still don’t know what that means it’s like getting a A*. She has recently joined the YP staff here in Luton. Ladies and Gentlemen please be upstanding and give a loud cheer for this years’ Young Person Of Excellence Awards Overall Winner the lovely, Miss Shelly Ann Fung



KNOWING YOU Missionary Minnette Quinton LNEWS:  Describe your conversion briefly MMQ:  It was nothing supernatural, I just knew that I loved the Lord, I loved church life and didn’t want to go to hell. LNEWS:  How long have you been a Christian? MMQ:  A very long time, I was baptised at aged 14 years and I’m now 21... ok... a little older than that... well.. even older... so many years but it hasn’t been without its’ pitfalls. I just thank God for His love towards me..Great is His faithfulness, even when I wasn’t. LNEWS:  Are your family involved in the Church? MMQ:  Yes, my husband is Elder Quinton and both my children, Aaron and Jordan are members of this church. LNEWS:  What role (s) do you have within the Church community? MMQ:  I’m a Missionary, in the Altar Ministry, the Praise and Worship Ministry, a Youth Worker and a member of the choir. LNEWS:  Which role do you favour (if any) and why? MMQ:  It’s a privilege to serve in all the departments. They fill different parts of my spiritual walk and church life. They require a desire to live a spirit-filled life so that I can hear from God. LNEWS:  What does serving God mean to you? MMQ:  My life depends on it. Serving God completes me. My life would be very different without God in my life. LNEWS:  What is your profession? MMQ:  I’m a Probation Officer. LNEWS:  What has been your greatest life challenge to date? MMQ:  Wow!! Life itself is a challenge. I find that I watch less TV because of the subliminal messages trying to pervert my mind into accepting a way of life that is an abomination to God. I work in an extremely challenging/stressful job which requires me to analyse people’s thinking, attitudes and behaviour in order to assess, predict and manage the serious risk of harm they pose to others. The only way I get through these challenges is to depend and trust God completely, with all my heart, mind and soul each new day. Sometimes I get it wrong but I know His steadfast love towards me never ceases... it is new every morning. Great is His faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23). I am assured that I can always seek His forgiveness when I fail and start all over again. The Word of God also says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that God is faithful and He will not give me more than I can bear - He will provide a way of escape.. so when I face a huge problem or obstacle, I know I can bear it because MY GOD will make a way out for me. I know when I am faithful to Him, He will remain faithful to me. I just keep my eyes on the Cross and trust Him. LNEWS:  What spiritual advice would you give youth and teenagers in these times? MMQ:  Enjoy your Christian walk- be happy, be free in the liberty that has set you free and don’t get yourselves involved in things you know is outside His will. Sinful desires appear innocent at first but can devour and destroy your mind, body and soul. 6

You cannot truly achieve the fullness of Gods power without the indwelling of the Holy Ghost/Spirit. It is impossible! The Holy Spirit is an essential companion of every Christian and the guarantee and means by which we endure all what life throws at us in our desire to reach heaven. He is the power source for Holy living and the perfecting of our faith. Consider the Apostles; they walked with Jesus and even did miracles, yet they scattered when Jesus was crucified. When Jesus rose from the grave and gathered them together, He instructed them to wait in the upper room for the comforter, who is the Holy Spirit- Everything changed in that room on the day of Pentecost. They changed from fearful people, hiding from the Jews, to champions, courageously witnessing and evangelising, proclaiming the Good News - they received power after the Holy Ghost came upon them (Act 1:8) . Their lives were never the same and it is the same for us. It puts our Christian walk on a complete different level. The Holy Ghost is essential for Holy living in a time like this. LNEWS:  Share with the readership an amusing ministry moment MMQ:  I guess it would have to be a time when I was singing away in praise and worship and didn’t realise that the mic lead was disconnected. I couldn’t stop laughing after that. I do have the giggles in church when something funny happens. I have to avoid certain individuals’ eye because they exacerbate my problem they know who they are... LNEWS:  Share with the readership something about yourself that would be surprising MMQ:  Hmmm, don’t know... pass LNEWS:  What is your leisure of choice? MMQ:  I love eating out; the arts; creating things; learning/movies and books on Black History; watching young children interact (they are so cute), super-hero movies and going to the theatre LNEWS:  What are your life and spiritual ambition/aspirations? MMQ:  Working with young children and teaching about their Christian ministry; Evangelism/Caring about the souls of man Spiritual Healing of the body, mind and soul LNEWS:  Share a memorable ministry moment MMQ:  I guess it’s when I help people I meet who don’t know Christ. I don’t necessarily preach to my work colleagues (even though they know I’m a Christian) or people I meet but I am able to speak into their lives and advise them thanks to the guiding of the Holy Spirit and the principles of the Word of God. LNEWS:  Do you love travelling? MMQ:  Oh yes, I particularly love Jamaica. LNEWS:  Describe yourself in three words MMQ:  Christian, Confident, Determined LNEWS:  Which proverb/life saying do you live by? MMQ:  At this moment it’s Psalm 3:3 But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. LNEWS:  Share with the readership words of encouragement MMQ:  Live life to the full, love and do your best to be good to others and avoid those who wish to harm your body and mind. Life troubles can seem insurmountable and painful but remember it won’t be like this always. It may sound like a cliche but the Word of God is so right; James 1:2-4 says.. Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. I’ve been through some really tough times, but through it all, I have learnt more about the faithfulness of my Heavenly Father and I’m overwhelmed by the love He has for me. My encouragement for you is to Be encouraged and trust God



regardless. People might interpret your desire wonderful, glorious Kingdom. Whenever to live a right(eous) life and serve the Lord in life gets tough, just remember that beautiful a negative way- but be Holy anyway because Kingdom waiting for you and say : ‘Lord, I it is God you really need to please, not Man. submit to you, I resist the devil and he MUST Remember we are only in this body a short FLEE from me (James 4:3) Keep your eyes on while but our spirit and soul is immortal. the eternal prize! There is a place prepared for us; a beautiful, On a scale of 1-10 how did you enjoy this interview? Here are the 10 ratings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Once and once only. Phew! Made it… I am glad its over, I don’t like questions. Wouldn’t do this in person. Very interesting look at my life. I did as best as I could.

I am shy and overwhelmed. I am incredibly shy but don’t mind. I love it, wouldn’t do it again though (not for a long time). 10. I love it, would do it again. MMQ: 2. Phew! Made it… 7. 8. 9.

Healthy stir fry rice with pork shoulder LNEWS Special

Alternatively you can use chicken breast fillets and without meat for a vegetarian option

INGREDIENTS 2 cupfuls of white basmati rice 2 medium sized pork shoulder steaks or two chicken breast fillets A small broccoli (chopped) A medium sized onion (sliced) Half a tin of sweet corn A quarter of a medium sized white cabbage (sliced) Half of a large red pepper (sliced) Half a bag of curly kale (comes already chopped) 1 spring onion (chopped) 1 tbsp of margarine 2 level tbsps of soy sauce 2 level tbsps of all purpose seasoning 2 tsp of everyday seasoning 1 tbsp of mild curry powder 2 crushed cloves of garlic 2 tsp of liquid seasoning 2 level tbsps of extra virgin olive oil 2 tsp of vinegar tbsp. = tablespoon – tsp. = teaspoon

METHOD 1. Ensure the meat is thoroughly washed 2. Season the meat to taste with a tsp of everyday seasoning, a tbsp of all purpose seasoning, a clove of crushed garlic, half a tbsp of mild curry powder. (From the ingredients already assembled) 3. Place meat on a baking tray and place in oven at gas mark 4 (180 degrees) cook until tender. Approx 20/25 minutes 4. Whilst the meat is cooking wash and cook the rice, lightly cover the rice with water and a tbsp of margarine, bring to the boil and then simmer until just fluffy and not overdone.

half a tin of sweetcorn, chopped broccoli, sliced onion, sliced cabbage, sliced red pepper, curly kale, crushed cloves of garlic, a tbsp of water and the vinegar. 7. Steam the vegetables in the wok for approx. 2/3 mins then add the rice, the meat and the rest of the seasoning, 2 tbsps of extra virgin olive oil and the soy sauce. Stir until seasoning, meat, vegetables and rice are blended. 8. Garnish with chopped spring onions

Remember to Pray For

The LNEWS team always need your prayers. Prayer changes things so please remember to pray for those on the list below: Brother P. Byam Sister Meade Deacon Hunter Sis. Buchanan Colin Spalding Derek Spalding Bro. Joseph Toro Jacobson Provide us with your prayer requests and we will publish it for you. You don’t have to give the full details just a name will do.

Anything to Celebrate Birthdays

January 3rd

Leyah Maddix Bro. Junior Stewart


Serve whilst hot, (chopsticks optional)

Bro. Christopher Jarvis


Sis. Jordanna Quinton


Enjoy a healthy start to 2017

Matthew Ryan


Deacon Michael Jacobs


Sis. Sarah Watson


Elder Paul Quinton


Rhonneika Byam


Sis. Kimberly Atkinson


Sis. Esther Douglas


5. When the meat is cooked remove from oven and cut into strips. 6. Place a wok onto the cooker at gas mark 4 (180 degrees) with the washed vegetables,

In Picture Review of 2016

February Missionary Carol Thompson 3rd Bro. Jonathan Addai


Andrane Beckford


Bro. Luke Francis-Chambers 6th Amelia-Rose Morrison 7th Deaconess Mellonie Maddix


James Ryan


Kieran Blackman


Sis. Shelly-Ann Fung


Just a thought Let anger and bitterness go Ephesians 4 v 31 KJV LNEWS - JAN/FEB 2017



CHURCH NOTICES Local Meetings: Friday 13 January 2017 Friday 13 January 2017 Friday 25 January 2017

Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship Men’s Fellowship

Start 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm

Friday 10 February 2017 Friday 10 February 2017 Friday 24 February 2017

Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship Men’s Fellowship

8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm

National Meetings: Saturday 7 January 2017

Ministers Prayer Plus

Saturday 14 January 2017

National Annual Women’s Conference - Mother J. V. Reynolds

Saturday 28 January 2017

National Annual Youth Day - Pastor Stephen Nelson

Saturday 11 February 2017

Thanksgiving Service - Luton HQ

Monday 13 - Friday 17 February 2017

Youth and Sunday School Retreat

Friday 24 - Sunday 26 March 2017

Luton Assembly Meeting

Saturday 25 February 2017

Annual General Assembly for all certified COGIC officers




Prayer Meeting (Every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month)



Sunday School



Morning Service



New Believers & Discipleship Classes



Evening Service




Prayer Meeting & Bible Studies




Prayer & Fasting




Youth Meeting



Men’s Fellowship (Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the Month)



Women’s Fellowship (Every 2nd Friday of the Month)




Which Sunday is Which First Sunday

Communion Sunday

Second Sunday

Sisters’ Sunday

Third Sunday Fourth Sunday

Pastors’ and Elders’ Sunday Deacons’ Sunday

Fifth Sunday

Youth Sunday

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