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E SU 7 IS o: N

C O G I C - UK

LUTON N E W S L E T T E R website:



Sept – Oct 2014



Greetings from Elder Paul Quinton Cover Story Youth Sunday Knowing You with Sister Mishka Chard Plus more

Sister Shenieka Cunningham


K Website

Access To

moderating at Youth Sunday, J ul y 2 0 1 4

Our Free Newsletter

Psalm 27:4 – One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.

LNEWS Issue No: 7 A bi-monthly newsletter Copyright © 2014 All material within this publication may not be used in part or whole without permission. Enquiries should be directed to COGIC UK HQ Address 127 Dunstable Road Luton LU1 1BW Telephone +44 1582 877 070 Website Email For Newsletter Enquiries, Feedback , Your Articles and Prayer Requests. General Enquiries Charity Registration Number: 1061869


Luton Male Voice Choir

In Knowing You

Sister Victoria Izogu What a worker for the Lord

“Remember to Pray For”

Send us your prayer requests and we will place them in this section

“Anything to Celebrate” Tell us and we will publish it 2

WELCOME CONTENTS Is it true that you attended Bible Study and Prayer Meeting after reading Mother Sinclair’s article? If you did, then you will know that there is always a refreshing, a rejuvenation and a recharging. Glad you went? How about Brother Michael Jarvis’ testimony? He is a very humble brother with so much more to share than these pages could hold, May the Lord continue to bless Brother Michael Jarvis and his family. This issue our “Cover Story” features Youth Sunday. A day in which the youth expresses themselves. The Bible says in Psalm 37 verse 25 - I have been young and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread. Your youth is a wonderful time to serve God and as you advance in age, the blessings will follow. Our “Knowing You” features Sister Mishka Chard. Mishka has been a part of the church for many years. She has many talents which include singing and playing several musical instruments. Read her interview you will learn some of her achievements past and present.

GREETING YOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Greetings from Elder Paul Quinton

NEWS IN BRIEF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 COVER STORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 Youth Sunday

LOOK WHO POPPED IN TO SEE US . . . . . . . .5

Evangelist Karissa Denae Johnson from USA

KNOWING YOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Sister Mishka Chard


By Sister Amii Bonner

IN PICTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 A small selection of photos from the Holy Convocation 2014

REMEMBER TO PRAY FOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 ANYTHING TO CELEBRATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 CHURCH NOTICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SERVICE INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

In “Knowing You”

Sister Mishka Chard

Some of you may be starting university for the first time and may find some of the challenges overwhelming as a young Christian, we have a survival guide, written by a former student who has experienced university as a young Christian. Did you attend the Holy Convocation, its a joy and a blessing when the people of God get together to fellowship. See photos on page 7.

You can also get a physical copy of LNEWS at the church. Ask one of the ushers for your copy. The Editorial Team


Read her interview on page 6 Ephesians 3.20

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, LNEWS


A wonderfully creative theme developed by our youth to illustrate that past mistakes or disappointments do not disqualify you from where God has called you to be. Based on Isaiah 43:18-19 There is a generation of young people in our town who are struggling to make sense of the world around them and searching for direction and hope. Unfortunately too many are looking in all the wrong places and end up making decisions which have potentially catastrophic consequences. The Youth Department is committed to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all young people and always seek to do so with urgency. We are further committed to provide a ministry of discipleship for each new believer, and work in partnership with other COGIC churches and Luton Unite a network of Christian youth groups across the town who desire to accomplish the same mission. The aim of our youth meetings is to provide a safe place where young people can learn, have fun, take part in such activities as drama, arts & crafts, cooking and music (though this is not an exhaustive list), play games, and enjoy each other’s company. There is an opportunity for them to explore, discuss and discover aspects of the Christian faith. There are also outreach days helping in the local community, sports events and an annual retreat which next year will be in Rome. Why not come along, send your young people, or support us with your prayers. Our young people are creating some amazing artwork and they need a crayon just like yours.

From Elder Paul Quinton

News in brief

Baby daughter Rayanne Payne was born on 15th August 2014 to Colin and Keisha Payne. May God bless the family.

Macmillan (Cancer Support) coffee morning to be held on Saturday 27th September 10am 12noon. Tickets are £3.00 per person - See Missionary Carol Thompson for more details.

Sister Jordan Quinton passed her driving test, praise God. Well done.

Sister Lucian Douglas & Brother Michael Jarvis both graduated from the Calvary Theological College.

COGIC UK Annual Women’s Convention 2014 - Friday, October 3, 2014 - Sunday, October 5, 2014.

Brother Trotman is doing fine and sends his greetings to the church.




Brother Michael Jarvis

Sister Lucian Douglas




approach of a five week month is usually greeted with hostility, frustration and annoyance due to the fact that it brings about the daunting reality that pay day is yet another week away and therefore the rationing of wages has to endure seven more days until that precious salary arrives. Whereas the general consensus about the five week month here in Church brings about an air of anticipation. Every fifth Sunday within the year is our youth Sunday, a day where the young people of the church take on the main responsibilities of co-ordinating and running the services. This is everything from leading the praise and worship, praying, preaching, ushering and utilising their talents and gifts in various ways to enhance the overall worship experience of the congregation and to bring glory to God. It is a shame that young people get such a bad press within the media but within the church we are truly grateful that our young people provide a refreshing contradiction to the myth that all young people are lazy, rude, immoral and a generation not worth fighting for. On our youth Sundays we consistently bear witness to young people from the age of 3 upwards confessing their love for God, encouraging the congregation and reminding

Sister Mavis Afriyie

G iv ing he r exh o r t at i o n at Youth S und ay, J uly 2 0 1 4




P h o to s fr o m Y o u th S u n d a y , J u ly 2 0 1 4

them about Gods plan for their lives and doing their best to lift praises to the King of Kings. If there is a young person you know that would be interested in taking part in our Youth Sunday please send them along to Sunday school or our YP (see back of newsletter for dates and times).


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Sister Am

ii Bonne


The Apostle Paul told Timothy, Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. (1 Timothy 4:12 NLT)


The Children’s Ch


Youth Leader, Elder Paul Quinton, the preacher

of our age our commitment is to the work of God and our aim is to be an example to all in good Christian conduct. We hope you are able to share with us on our next youth Sunday.


Brother Myles Maddix

A small selectio

n of our youth



hree years ago, I was given the opportunity of a lifetime. God provided for me to make a journey to Luton, England for the first time. It was my first trip abroad from the US and I was nervous, to say the least. Upon my arrival, I was greeted by a young lady from the COGIC UK at the LNEWS

airport and I was welcomed to the Holy Convocation by everyone I met. I was overwhelmed by the love. Three years later, I had to return to see my UK family. I have a great report to deliver! God has blessed me to see 16 more countries since visiting the UK. I’ve taught English in

China and Saudi Arabia. God has blessed me to minister in several countries while traveling. He is so faithful. I know that it is because of the goodness of the Lord that has allowed me to be where I am today. COGIC UK showed me the well of love that can be shown to an unfamiliar face © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

and the depth of opportunities that God can provide if you just take that blind, leap of faith. Thank you for believing in me as I continue to explore the will of the Lord! 5

KNOWING YOU SISTER MISHKA CHARD - SINGER, MUSICIAN AND MORE LNEWS: How long have you been a Christian? MC: I have been in church all my life. My parents were both AOG (Assemblies of God) before we joined COGIC so I was in for a bit of a shock when I had my first experience of worship – COGIC style. This year I celebrate 10 years since I was baptised. LNEWS: Describe your conversion briefly? MC: I first gave my heart to the Lord during one of the services in youth convention, around 2003. The same year, I attended a gospel concert in Wembley and it felt like I was completely consumed by the Holy Spirit. At one point, I couldn’t even hear the music anymore, just one still small voice telling me that it was time to make that step that would change my life forever, and it sure did! LNEWS: How many Siblings do you have? MC: I am proudly the eldest of four. My mum definitely had her work cut out with us! LNEWS: Are your siblings musically gifted? MC: We have all been privileged with the opportunity to learn music, both how to read and play. We all play 2+ instruments and were allowed to choose the instruments of our choice from a young age so it has always been in our ‘blood’. LNEWS: We know you are musically gifted when did you first notice your love for music? MC: Both my parents played classical guitar so I was exposed to music from the very beginning. My mum always used to play her gospel/Christian music every Sunday morning before church so the music I heard was always varied. I have always sang, I enjoyed being the loudest singer in school. A parent of one of my friends at school heard me sing and suggested to my mum that I audition for St. Alban’s Abbey & Cathedral choir. I passed the audition and it provided me with an opportunity to learn how to sing from a technical perspective as well as a musical one. My mum actually made history being the choir parent that had children in the choir for the longest duration of time as both my sisters and my brother were also members. She sacrificed a lot to make sure we were always attending rehearsals and services and for that we will always be grateful. LNEWS: You are part of the Praise Team, and church choir, what does worship mean to you?

MC: Being that my love of music started from a very young age, I was extremely enthusiastic to apply everything I knew and learnt to the praise team and the choir. I instantly realised that this was my calling, that this was my ministry. All the time invested into perfecting my talent was for a purpose. Even though I enjoyed participating in concerts, competitions and talent shows, it could never compare to my love of the ministry of music. Music is my worship. LNEWS: What instrument(s) do you play? MC: Flute was the first instrument I learnt so I am completely a flautist at heart. I also know how to play, the piano, saxophone and the clarinet. LNEWS: Do you prefer singing or playing an instrument or both? MC: There really isn’t a preference for me. I love to sing because I can do it anywhere and use the words. But I also love the feel of my flute in my hands and my fingers. That’s a tough one! LNEWS: Share an amusing musical moment with us. MC: The only thing that really springs to mind is the general reaction I get whenever people find out that you can sing or play instruments. It seems to be a commodity these days! I always find it amusing LNEWS: What is your present status in terms of study/work? MC: I have finished studying now and I am currently working as an Admissions Officer at GSM London – a business school that works in partnership with Plymouth University. LNEWS: What are your aspirations? Briefly? MC: The obvious answer, I guess, would be to develop my career. But I definitely would love to start teaching music again. I gained so much experience and found so much pleasure in teaching others how to read, write and play music. To watch them find joy in something that has provided so much joy for me already. I would also like to discover how to further use and implement my talents in the church within the music ministry. LNEWS: Please share a line of encouragement? MC: You will fail over and over and over again, but success is all about the journey you make to pick yourself back up and find yourself again. There is always better in God, never be satisfied with remaining in the same place.

LNEWS: On a scale of 1-10 how did you enjoy this interview? Here are the 10 ratings: 1. Once and once only 2. Phew! Made it… 3. I am glad its over, I don’t like questions 4. Wouldn’t do this in person 5. Very interesting look at my life 6. I did as best as I could 7. I am shy and overwhelmed 8. I am incredibly shy but don’t mind 9. I love it, wouldn’t do it again though (not for a long time) 10. I love it, would do it again MC: 10

T hank you for your valued time S ister M ishka C hard . W e are truly inspired 6





ow to survive university as a Christian is one of the hardest things I have experienced. When I first left for university I was still in the beginning stages of learning more about God and how to be closer to him in my life. YEAR 1



1. Meet as many new people as possible.

I spent most of the time focused on studying when I was unable to come home but when visiting home I started to: 1. Attend Youth Meeting on Friday Evenings

My final year of university was by far the hardest year ever!! I suggest you:

2. Try to join a meaningful Group/ Activity. I joined the African and Caribbean Society which helped me to develop my photography skills in different environments and helped with my degree. 3. Remember to keep in contact with your church family who are in the same situation as you are and talk to them via Skype. If you need to speak to adult members at church they are only a phone call away. Missionary Minnette Quinton always sent me an encouraging text message with scriptures and inspiring words. 4. Remember to pray and read your Bible if you cannot find a church or make it to church.

2. Attend evening bible study class lead by Elder Everton Blake on Sunday Afternoons 3. Read my Bible and pray when it was not possible to attend church. The fellowship and personal bible study led me to decide to get baptised in October

2012 before going off for my final year of university.

1. Focus on your work as much as possible and pray to God with faith 2. Go to church if possible or ask for prayer from your church family 3. Read your Bible and develop a prayer life

Remember to Pray For

Prayer changes things so please remember to pray for those on the list below. The LNEWS team always need your prayers. Sis. Gardener Bro. Trotman Deacon Hunter Sis. Jenny Wilson Derek Spalding Bro. Joseph Toro Jacobson Sister Carol Cunningham Bro. Shakeal Ellis The Payne Family The Francis Family The Cyrus Family Provide us with your prayer requests and we will publish it for you. You don’t have to give the full details just a name will do.

Many people in church always remembered me in their prayers whilst I was away

Anything to Celebrate

Studying and I am so thankful, because I finished university and graduated successfully. I hope this helps others who are in university now, considering going to university or about to go into university.


The most Important thing is Prayer and the Word of God. Hope you enjoy my survival tips and keep me in your prayers.


September Bro. Joseph Toro Jacobson - 2nd Lily Jacobson - 6th Alana Hayes - 7th Rebekah-Anna Morgan - 15th Sister Mavis Afriyie - 17th Luke Ryan - 18th October Bro. Byam - 11th Sis. Jacina Abbey - 16th Sis. Sandra Ryan - 20th Sis. Rhonda Byam - 25th Elder Andrew Maddix - 26th

Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements, Baby Births, Graduations, Promotions, etc.

A small selection of photos from the COGIC UK National Holy Convocation 2014

We want to celebrate with you and thank God for you. Let us know and we will publish it.

Just a thought

Be part of the solution and not part of the problem LNEWS



CHURCH NOTICES Local Meetings: Friday 12th September 2014 Friday 12th September 2014 Saturday 13th July 2014 Friday 26th September 2014 Friday 26th September 2014

Men’s Fellowship Tarrying Service Women’s Fellowship Tarrying Service Men’s Fellowship

Start Time 8:00pm 10:00pm 8:00am 10:00pm 8:00pm

Friday 10th October 2014 Friday 10rd October 2014 Saturday 11th October 2014 Friday 24th October 2014 Friday 24th October 2014

Men’s Fellowship Tarrying Service Women’s Fellowship Tarrying Service Men’s Fellowship

8:00pm 10:00pm 8:00am 10:00pm 8:00pm

National Meetings: Saturday 6th - Sunday 7th September 2014 Friday 12th - Sunday 14th September 2014

Wales Special Meeting - Pastor Stephen Nelson Midlands District Convention - Superintendent Spencer

Saturday 20th September 2014 Saturday 27th September 2014

End of year Ministers meeting Mission Training - Missionary St Louis

Friday 3rd October - Sunday 5th October 2014 Saturday 11th October 2014 Saturday 25th October 2014

Annual Women’s Convention - Mother J. Reynolds Appreciation Service for Bishop Blake National Sunday School Day - Missionary Fenty

Service Times Sundays

SERVICE INFORMATION Prayer Meeting (Every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month) Sunday School Morning Service New Believers & Discipleship Classes Evening Service

Start 7:00am 10:00am 11:00am 5.00pm 6:00pm

Finish 8:00am 10:50am 1:00pm 6.00pm 8:00pm


Prayer Meeting & Bible Studies




Prayer & Fasting




Youth Meeting Men’s Fellowship (Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the Month)

8:00pm 8:00pm

9:30pm 9:30pm


Women’s Fellowship (Every 2nd Saturday of the Month)



Which Sunday is Which First Sunday

Communion Sunday

Second Sunday

Sisters’ Sunday

Third Sunday Fourth Sunday Fifth Sunday

Pastor’s and Elders’ Sunday Deacons’ Sunday Youth Sunday

All the above services/meetings are subject to change - See church secretary for further details

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