E SU 1 IS o: 1 N
CO G I C - U K
LUTON N E W S L E T T E R website: www.cogic.co.uk
email: lnews@cogic.co.uk
May – Jun 2015
Greetings from Pastor Stephen Nelson
Knowing You with Brother Myles Maddix Plus more
K Website
Cover Story Youth Fellowship
Access To
COGIC UK’s National Youth President
Our Free Newsletter
Psalm 27:4 – One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.
LNEWS Issue No: 11 A bi-monthly newsletter Copyright © 2015 All material within this publication may not be used in part or whole without permission. Enquiries should be directed to COGIC UK HQ Address 127 Dunstable Road Luton LU1 1BW Telephone +44 1582 877 070 Website www.cogic.co.uk Email lnews@cogic.co.uk For Newsletter Enquiries, Feedback , Your Articles and Prayer Requests. General Enquiries office@cogic.co.uk Charity Registration Number: 1061869
IN THE NEXT ISSUE Cover Story Men’s Fellowship
In Knowing You Brother Eddy King
“Remember to Pray For” Send us your prayer requests and we will place them in this section
“Anything to Celebrate” Tell us and we will publish it 2
e serve a great big mighty God, always victorious always watching over us. Our Almighty God has so wonderfully brought us back together so that we can share yet another issue of this our Newsletter. Spring has sprung and we are prayerfully thanking God for a refreshing and a renewing. We are now embarking on the summer months. Lawn mowing, hedge trimming, bees buzzing, avoiding wasp stings, glorious sunshine. Roll on Summer… This is our bumper May/June issue featuring The Youth Department, much to look forward to. There is food for the soul. A journey and short history through time to present day. We have a great “Knowing You” section with a very blessed young man, vibrant for The Lord. There are great testimonies and being the month of May, it is COGIC’s Annual Youth Convention, when youth from across the country will congregate in fellowshipping with the gifts, talents and the special anointing of God that brings change and transformation. We are anticipating the move of God, and an “Extreme” turnout. Turn the pages to see a special greeting from our National Youth President. I am sure your grandmother used to say as mine did, youth is the very best time to serve The Lord, as the Word of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ says, “I write unto you young man because you are strong”. In this contemporary, technologically advanced hour, youth need to show strength of character, strength in serving God, strength in troubled times and show solidarity in difficult times. The book of Ecclesiastes is a great study for every bible scholar, and especially for the youth, because it carefully goes through every stage of life and tells us of all the physical stages that we must look forward to. Every joint, every fibre, every sinew, every bone in our bodies is of great value and can lose strength with advancing age. Saving grace can come into a life at any age, and at any time (think of the thief on the cross) but if you are privileged to experience the joy of serving God in your youth, as young people of today will say “Go In”. Serve God fully, wholeheartedly and allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you. We are still in expectation of the new recording from the Luton Male Voice Choir. As we enter the season of summer, may we all allow The Lord to lead us into green pastures and restore our souls. The summer of our lives is when we are at our most potent. Youth everywhere you are encouraged don’t waste a moment! As the great songwriter would say “Dare to be a Daniel” And another songwriter would add “God will do it again”. To the faithful readership and the new additions, sit back, relax and enjoy this issue as we celebrate our youth. Be blessed, enriched, encouraged and uplifted, God’s word never returns unto him void.
You can also get a physical copy of LNEWS at the church. Ask one of the ushers for your copy.
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In “Knowing You”
Brother Myles Maddix
Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to they own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path. LNEWS
would like to take this opportunity to greet our Jurisdictional Bishop Dr Alvin Blake and first lady Mother Blake and all the saints at our UK headquarters in Luton. A special greeting to Elder Paul Quinton and all the Youth Workers, young people and extended church family who is likely to read this publication. As the Apostle Paul would say I thank God for you and your dedication to the Ministry of Jesus Christ. It is because of your commitment and hard-work that the Youth department continues to grow from strength to strength. How often have we heard this phrase “I am so busy I haven’t even got time to think straight”? That’s the cry of so many of us in this fast moving era that we live in. . . . We are constantly on the go, before one project is complete there is another in the pipe line and very often we have 3 or 4 on the go at the same time. There are never enough hours in the day for us to complete the long lists of things that we have to do. As I sit here writing this article my mind is thinking ahead to the number of things still outstanding from my holidays which I was sure that I would complete before going back to work. How wrong I was. Although I was constantly on the go, It became
apparent that I would not be able complete everything in my proposed time frame. Work, home, church, social they are all competing for a piece of that time cake and it is never easy to decide how to divide the pieces. However there is one thing that is always constant to the human race (Prince or Pauper). That is the amount of time in hours, minutes or seconds that we have allocated to us. It is how we choose to use the time that determines what is completed or not or how effective we are, in achieving our goals. In helping us to be effective the writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us “To everything there is a season”. If we apply this principle, by Gods grace we can be effective in the areas that God wants us to be and not just for our own egos. There is commitment and there is extreme commitment. Commitment is usually about success for our own gain and pleasure, someone giving us a pat on the back. But extreme commitment is going above and beyond what is expected of us, doing that which is tedious and sometimes mundane, when no one else is seeing us doing what is required because we are not looking for men’s applause, but because we want God to get the Glory that belongs to Him. As I close my prayer is that during our Youth Convention we would all fully recognise the extreme sacrifice of Jesus Christ for this world. For God so loved the world that He gave, and in so doing we would also give, without looking for something in return... Blessings.
Pastor Stephen Nelson (National Youth President) Evangelist Janet Brown (Asst. National Youth President)
Hosted by: Pastor Stephen Nelson (National Youth President, COGIC)
Featuring COGIC talent such as: New Generation of Hope Choir , Becca Folkes Guest speakers include: Bishop Wayne Brown (NTCG Willesden) Reverend Andrew Wignal (National Youth President, NTA) Guest singers include: Darren Evans & Angel Silvera
• Welcome to our new members: Brother Myles. Maddix, Brother Calum Cunningham, Brother Shakeal Ellis, Sister Anna Hughes, Sister Cordelia Ubah, Brother Andrew Nelson and Sister Velma Charles. • We are sad to announce the passing of Sister Seta Jones on the 9th February 2015. She will be sadly missed. • It was Elder H. Butler’s 80th birthday in March. May God bless you sir. • Day trip to Portsmouth - Friday 31st July 2015 - See Deacon Harrison for further details.
Elder H. Butler at 80 years old
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COGIC National Youth Convention Featuring educational workshops, extravagant praise and empowering preaching
Teachers, Choir Directors, Musicians, Officers of the Church developed their gifts and talents on these memorable Friday nights. Just having a grand old time in the former place of worship “Our little Bethel” as Bishop Blake always described it. Serving in the House of the Lord equips you for your every day life, especially in the workplace, where one can be called upon to lead, team-build and often be asked to engage in public speaking. Remembering the times when you had to stand before the congregation and read a bible verse, or even to exhort, can only give you added courage to face working life with strength. We are very much in modern times and the youth of
admin skills, i.e. secretarial talents, which involves taking the minutes and reading it back, book-keeping, accounting. Much of these spiritual blessings were undertaken and achieved before many even reached the age of 21. (Eccclesiastes 12 v 1) God’s house really is the pillar and the ground of truth. (1 Timothy 3 v 15) The youth have been blessed also to share in craft nights, learning sewing, baking, car maintenance and mechanics. In those days there was no internet, no mobile phones, social networking, there was still many temptations and dangers but with minimal distraction, and the youth could fully concentrate and appreciate taking the time in studying the word of God and the effectiveness of learning from each other. “Iron sharpening Iron” (Proverbs 27 v 17) “The Only Book we Faced was the Bible” (although some were reading Mills and Boon romantic novels in Church!!!) We are not yet immortal… There was no instant information at the press of a button, just good old fashioned picking up the bible, turning the pages and allowing the Holy Spirit to impart wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Many of the Preachers, Pastors, Praise Leaders,
today are experiencing a very different era, because the Word of God teaches us that knowledge will increase, and there is no doubt that it certainly has. It really is a sign of the times, yet there is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1 v 9) Be assured young people that Technology does not phase God! He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending. Taking time to study God’s Word diligently, Prayer and Fasting remains EXACTLY the same. (No magic wand!) as our wonderful Evangelist Nova would sum it up “Kneeology” The level of commitment in the Youth Fellowship throughout the years caused the Church to be blessed with varying Youth Leaders and Presidents gladly volunteering their God-given potential. Mother Merna Ellis to whom we are eternally grateful for her culinary skills blessed the department in the past as a Youth Leader , and in more recent times our Praise Leader, Evangelist Esther Blake graced us with the blessing of youth leadership and now to present day, with Elder Paul Quinton at the helm. In these men and women of God we have great examples of serving God in youth. There are many more gifted and impassioned Youth Leaders to come, only through serving God wholly and with a steadfast determined heart. Friday is finally here and whether you have struggled
he Youth Department in COGIC Luton has been going strong for over 45 years. With very humble beginnings, the Luton Assembly had the first bought and owned building in COGIC UK, situated in Dale Road, Luton. Over these many years there has been a strong and rich youth fellowship. It is a wonderful testament to the upkeep of God’s work that many young people in this town and who also reside right across the globe has shared many Friday nights in fellowship, learning, shaping their spiritual life through, praying, fasting, moderating, bible reading, exhortation, preaching, teaching, bible quizzes, concerts, rallies, fundraising, travel, evangelism, mission work, drama, artwork, singing, poetry, playwriting,
through school for five days, challenged by your college days, underwhelmed with University and the pressure of achieving a degree, or worked to the bone at your job, God deserves the Praise for taking you through. However your body, soul and mind still needs spiritual sustenance. YPWW (Young People Willing Workers) or YP as it’s known for short, is a voluntary Youth Programme that we run at the Church for young people from ages 3 - 21. The official mission for the Youth Department is as follows: The International Youth Department will use innovative methods to ensure that our youth become valued resourceful people to their families, churches and communities. We will teach them how to become self-sustaining productive citizens. The department will pursue financial resources that will allow us to cultivate opportunities for the church’s youth to become economically empowered and producers of jobs in the Body of Christ, without compromising Godly Principles. Thus producing law-abiding outstanding youth to affect change in the church and society. Proverbs 22 v 6 states that you must train a child in the way they should go and even when they are old they will never depart from the teaching. We believe that it is essential that we invest in our young people now to ensure a future generation of men and women with sound Biblical beliefs and morals. Serving God will remain the same throughout the ages and there are many who have passed through the Youth Department over the years who are leading successful and blessed lives, standing strong through life’s difficulties and are around in person as a witness to God’s greatness.
All young people will greatly benefit from being a part of the Church’s youth group, if you know any youth that currently have spare Friday evenings and are not already attending a Youth Fellowship, please encourage them to join us every Friday at 8pm, We are expecting to see many Youth be a part of this wonderful spiritual experience, or if you are a young person reading this and would like to be a part of a thriving Church youth group the doors are open and we await your attendance, With YOU it can only be better:
We are at COGIC, 127 Dunstable Road, Luton, Beds LU1 1BW (There is no fee involved but a small donation is always welcome) By Sister Barbra Jacobs and Brother Luke Francis-Chambers LNEWS
am just here reading 1 Peter 1, the thought has occurred to me it’s not a secret and I will tell you for free that God has a plan for each and every one of our lives (Jeremiah 29:11) It also isn’t just an ordinary plan it is a thought out, detailed plan. There is literally a time that is set for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-22)! This really amazes me, because to think about the billions of people who are on this earth and the gazillions who came before us. God is amazing. I know I would give the same plan to everyone, because catering to so many people is just looooooongggg. But I don’t even know my plan :/ We’ve established that God has a plan. I will be 110% honest I can’t tell the ins and outs of my plan. So how do I know what I’m aiming for? Am I taking Law when I should be taking Biology? Am I in this club when I should be in another? Am I friends with Maria when I should be friends with Steven? Get my drift? So how do I know I am aiming for the right thing or in other words how do I know I am following God’s plan for my life? The Bible is a book of instructions. If you follow the instructions it will give you your plan. For example, the Bible says that our body is a temple (1 Corinthians 6:19) straight away that tells me I’m not supposed to be a stripper or go into a profession which defiles my body because it is a temple! I’m not supposed to be in an abusive relationship because my body is a temple!
About 2/3 years ago I wanted something SO MUCH that I convinced myself that it was God’s plan for me (Don’t judge me). After being left pear shaped, battered and bruised. I finally asked God to take control of the situation and to let His will be done. Not only did the situation become a bit less pear shaped but something new came into my life which counteracted all the heartache I gained trying to achieve my own plan. If I had just asked God from the beginning, listened and actually did what He said there wouldn’t be so much time and effort wasted. Similarly we can look at the story of Jonah. Here the idea of God’s way or the highway is truly shown. God had a plan and directed Jonah to go to Nineveh but Jonah had a different plan he said (and I am paraphrasing), nah! let me jump ship and go to Tarshish. To make a long story short there was a storm and Jonah was thrown ashore to calm it. Whilst in the water he was swallowed by a big fish. Only by God’s grace and mercy Jonah was coughed up 3 days later and was sorry and realised “I had better go to Nineveh and fulfil this mission.” In this story God’s way was for Jonah to go to Nineveh to spread a message, whereas the highway was Jonah’s and he ended up being fish food. Now I’m not saying that every time you disobey God you’re going to end up as fish food BUT it can happen. Personally the biggest message in this story is that God gives us a GOLDEN road to follow and if we fall off track and acknowledge we’ve done wrong He can put us back on track. What about my specific plan? (Jeremiah 29:11) speaks of God’s plan. We don’t need to fret, we just need to wait for his plan to be fulfilled and TRUST what he says. If God has the plan why are you going to a fortune teller? Just Wait! to be
instructed. You didn’t wake up and simply chose to read this today, I didn’t wake up and just write this, it was God’s plan for somebody to see this. It was not an accident it was God-led. We also are given, by God, particular talents and particular skills which can confirm and help you find your plan. I’m asthmatic so I KNOW I am not going to become a long distance runner any time soon. I’m not 5ft 10 or over so I KNOW that modelling is probably not going to be my profession. I don’t like needles so I KNOW I won’t be a nurse. In (Exodus 35: 30 - 35) Moses speaks to Israel about specific men with specific skills that were given to glorify God. Are you blessed musically? is the plan Praise and worship? Are you blessed to speak publicly? is the plan Preaching? Do you enjoy hands on activities? is the plan Missions? Do you work well with children? is the plan Youth/ Sunday school leader? Of course it isn’t as easy as I can sing so I’ll lead Praise and Worship, But through the skills and talents God has given us we can start to work towards our plan. Finally stay prayerful. God says that if we ask according to His will he will hear us (1 John 5:14-15). It is that deep and that real. My mum always tells me if you don’t ask you don’t get. Even in the Lord’s prayer which we so often recite we ask of God that His will be done. All we have to do is trust and God will show us where to go next. And as we stay prayerful and build that relationship with God, He will guide you.
Thank You, Stay Blessed
ALPHA COURSE SISTER PATRICIA MORRIS Over the last 12 weeks, young people from 14-25 have come together to talk about God. The Youth Alpha Course is designed to encourage fellowship and the
sharing of ideas about faith. It has been amazing to me to see the way in which our young people have evangelised and we have been blessed to be visited by many young people, on different parts of their faith journey. Together we have learned, grown and by God’s grace, moved a little closer to Him. We are coming to the close of the Alpha Course and we are looking forward to celebrating and LNEWS
hearing the testimonies of those who have attended during our Youth Sunday Service on 31st May.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank all of those who volunteered throughout these weeks to run sessions, support groups, provide the meals that are such an important part of our fellowship and kept us in their prayers during this time.
This course is now finished but we are having a Pudding Party celebration on 31st May at 5pm followed by a youth service at 6pm where we will give out the certificates.
YOUTH TESTIMONIES Brother Andrew Nelson I wanted to be baptized from a very young age because I felt within myself that I really loved Jesus. I would talk about him to my friends at school and pray often for everyone in the world. I would attend prayer meetings and church services including baptismal ones. I enjoyed witnessing people getting saved and filled by the Holy Ghost. This made me so eager to get baptized but I didn’t straight away. It took me sometime to really examine myself and think about life in general which also allowed me to consider the importance of giving my life to Christ. It took me some time to come to terms with the contrast between Christianity and what life had to offer. I just didn’t want to make the right step and then turn from Christ and adapt to worldly things. However, tomorrow is never promised so I knew that it was a necessity to give my life to Christ. While going through this experience I had no doubt that God was and will forever be in control. I received support from my family, friends and church members and I am so thankful for them as they have encouraged me every step of the way. Most importantly, I received help from God as I knew he was there for me. He will be
there always. After being baptized, I have been attending new believers’ class. These classes are very helpful as I am learning a lot about the bible and about the Holy Spirit. It has been a tremendous experience. Once again I thank everyone for supporting me and I hope I can become stronger in the Lord.
Brother Calum Cunningham When I first stepped into the large warm pool I had to say a vow and I got to say it twice! “I promise to follow Jesus all the days of my life”. I loved saying it because it made me feel that I was closer to God. When I was dipped into the warm water, I felt a bit scared and it felt longer than I thought it would be; then, it all ended: I got baptized! My song, “Take my heart and mold it; take my mind, transform it; take my will, conform it; to Yours, to Yours, oh Lord...” I got welcomed into the Church family. I took the Lord’s supper and I washed my feet for the first time, and it was good to do that because I remembered Jesus. Jesus will always be there for me in my life. 5
Brother Myles on the drums at church
Brother Myles Maddix being baptised by his father Elder Andew Maddix, Sunday 4th August 2013
Brother Myles at the end
LNEWS: Describe briefly when you gave your heart to The Lord? BMM: It was during the Youth Convention of 2013 when I fully gave my heart to The Lord. That’s when The Lord opened my eyes and revealed a small glimpse of His Glory. LNEWS: How long have you been a Christian? BMM: I was born into a Christian family, I have been baptised for 2 Years. LNEWS: Is your family a part of Church life? BMM: My Father is an Elder and my Mother is a Deaconess. LNEWS: What areas of Church life have you been involved in the most? BMM: I have been a part of the Projector Team since 2009. LNEWS: What is the most treasured part of ministry that you enjoy? BMM: When I play the drums and the Holy Spirit is moving inside of me, it gives me a feeling like no other. LNEWS: What is your leisure of choice? BMM: My Favourite Hobbies are music and sport, it’s very hard to choose between the two. LNEWS: What is your favourite sport? BMM: Football, supporting the Mighty Blues, Chelsea. LNEWS: How is being a young Christian man in today’s world? BMM: It’s Okay, I guess in life you will have your struggles, there are so many different religions and so many different people will try and tell you who you are and what you should believe in. Sometimes it can get a little daunting. When I am privileged to have bible discussions with other Christians and the blessing of sharing our views on the Scriptures, it is amazing all the new things I learn. LNEWS: What is your life’s ambition? BMM: To be successful in anything and everything I do. LNEWS: What is your present status in life? BMM: I am currently in my last year at college studying IT and Music. 6
of service
LNEWS: Share with us an amusing ministry moment? BMM: It was during our regular Sunday Morning Service, I was playing the drums and I was looking sharp wearing one of my favourite suits. The Praise Team were singing “My God is Awesome”. The Holy Spirit was moving I was enjoying the presence of The Lord, I took a glance and noticed that my trousers had split all the way down to the knee, it left me Speechless! LNEWS: What spiritual advice would you give to your peer group? BMM: Although times get rough and I am a young man, I know that different situations can and do arise, new temptations. I would encourage my peer group to Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, in all of your ways acknowledge God and he will direct your path. LNEWS: Please describe yourself in three words? BMM: Funny, Bold and Hyped. LNEWS: Please share a line of encouragement with the readers? BMM: I am just going to share one of my favourite choruses, “Then Forward still, tis Jehovah’s will, though the billows dash and spray. With a conquering tread we will push ahead, He’ll roll the sea away”. LNEWS: How much did you enjoy this interview? BMM: I enjoyed this interview a lot it has allowed me to express myself and hopefully grow closer with the saints. LNEWS: On a scale of 1-10 how did you enjoy this interview? LNEWS: On a scale of 1-10 how did you enjoy this interview? Here are the 10 ratings: 1. Once and once only 7. I am shy and overwhelmed 2. Phew! Made it… 8. I am incredibly shy but don’t mind 3. I am glad its over, I don’t like 9. I love it, wouldn’t do it again though questions (not for a long time) 4. Wouldn’t do this in person 10. I love it, would do it again 5. Very interesting look at my life BMM 10 6. I did as best as I could
Thank you for your time, An insightful and humble interview
St Mark 11:17
Jesus taught the people saying "is it not written, my house shall be called of all nations the house of "prayer? But ye have made it a den of thieves".
hapter 11 of St Mark’s Gospel begins with Jesus riding into Jerusalem. It’s a wonderful picture of Christ’s humility, yet also His majesty which prompts a completely spontaneous response of worship from those in the vicinity. “Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord...Hosanna in the highest” they cry. There really is no other way to respond as The Anointed one rides into the City. The worshipper should at all times have a spontaneous praise. When you are truly convinced of an individual’s worth, praise is a natural response and that praise has to be expressed vocally otherwise it’s not
praise. Praise flows naturally and with ease from the worshipper whose heart is full of gratitude.
The first thing Jesus did when he entered Jerusalem was to go into the temple and survey all that was taking place, and
then He left and went to Bethany. Jesus has a great concern for what takes place in the temple. “...He had looked round about upon all things...”. It really matters to Him. Jesus observes everything. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” 1 Corinthians 3:16. “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19. If Jesus expresses such passion, as we shall see later, about what happens in the temple as a building it follows that He is equally if not more passionate and concerned about the worshipper’s spiritual temple, i.e. their body.
Next time – Jesus returns to Jerusalem hungry!
AUXILIARY INFORMATION Youth Meeting Friday’s 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Men’s Fellowship 1st & 3rd Friday of the month 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Prayer Meeting & Bible Studies Wednesday’s 8:00pm - 9:30pm
Sunday School Sunday’s 10am - 10:50am
Women’s Fellowship 1st Friday of the month 8:00pm - 9:30pm
New Believers’ & Discipleship Classes 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Remember to Pray For Prayer changes things so please remember to pray for those on the list below. The LNEWS team always need your prayers. Sis. Gardener Bro. Trotman Elder Everton Blake Deacon Hunter Sis. Buchanan Sis. Jenny Wilson Derek Spalding Bro. Joseph Toro Jacobson Bro. Shakeal Ellis The Jones Family Deacon Michael Jacobs Provide us with your prayer requests and we will publish it for you. You don’t have to give the full details just a name will do.
Anything to Celebrate Birthdays Sis. Dahlia Jackson Bro. Cameron Jarvis Sis. Amii Bonner Bro. Aaron Quinton Sis. Marcia Sinclair Evangelist Jeff Ryan Bro. Myles Maddix
May 3rd 10th 15th 17th 22nd 27th 31st
June Kadeem Maddix 7th Sis. Hannah Montrose 8th Sis. Mishka Chard 18th Deacon Nigel Blackman 19th Sis. Shenieka Cunningham 23rd Sis. Keisha Payne 30th Mother Merna Ellis 30th
Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements, Baby Births, Graduations, Promotions, etc. We want to celebrate with you and thank God for you. Let us know and we will publish it.
Just a thought
If you can’t operate the item read the instructions.
CHURCH NOTICES Local Meetings: Friday 8th May 2015 Friday 8th May 2015
Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship
Start Time 8:00pm 8:00pm
Friday 12th June 2015 Friday 12th June 2015 Friday 26th June 2015
Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship Men’s Fellowship
8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm
National Meetings: Friday 1st - Monday 4th May 2015
London East District Convocation - Superintendent Wallace Annual National Youth Convention - Pastor Stephen Nelson
Friday 22nd - Monday 25th May Saturday 6th - Sunday 7th June 2015 Friday 12th - Sunday 14th June 2015
Special Meeting - Aylesbury
Saturday 20th June 2015
National Women’s department Fund Raising Event
London South District Convocation - Superintendent Grant
Service Times Sundays
Prayer Meeting (Every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month) Sunday School Morning Service New Believers & Discipleship Classes Evening Service
Start 7:00am 10:00am 11:00am 5:00pm 6:00pm
Finish 8:00am 10:50am 1:00pm 6:00pm 8:00pm
Prayer Meeting & Bible Studies
Prayer & Fasting
Youth Meeting Men’s Fellowship (Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the Month)
8:00pm 8:00pm
9:30pm 9:30pm
Women’s Fellowship (Every 2nd Friday of the Month)
Which Sunday is Which First Sunday
Communion Sunday
Second Sunday
Sisters’ Sunday
Third Sunday Fourth Sunday Fifth Sunday
Pastor’s and Elders’ Sunday Deacons’ Sunday Youth Sunday
All the above services/meetings are subject to change - See church secretary for further details