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Sep – Oct 2015




In Picture General Convention 2015 Plus more


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Knowing You with Sister Susan Haynes

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Cover Story The Ushers’ Board

Our Free Newsletter

Psalm 27:4 – One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.

LNEWS Issue No: 13

A bi-monthly newsletter Copyright © 2015 All material within this publication may not be used in part or whole without permission. Enquiries should be directed to COGIC UK HQ Address 127 Dunstable Road Luton LU1 1BW Telephone +44 1582 877 070 Website Email For Newsletter Enquiries, Feedback , Your Articles and Prayer Requests. General Enquiries Charity Registration Number: 1061869

IN THE NEXT ISSUE Cover Story COGIC HQ In Knowing You Deacon Michael Jacobs “Remember to Pray For” Send us your prayer requests and we will place them in this section “Anything to Celebrate” Tell us and we will publish it


You can also get a physical copy of LNEWS at the church. Ask one of the ushers for your copy.



lessed and Glorious Greetings from the Editorial Team celebrating the 13th Edition of our newsletter. ALL honour and Glory to our Lord God Almighty. WE are anticipating the onset of Autumn but until we arrive there fully, we may just be blessed with the proverbial “Indian Summer” (to those who are slightly bemused the saying means a late summer!!) Here’s hoping. After summer holidays, breaks and time of relaxation, we move onwards and upwards, with the children going back to school, students entering colleges, universities. We join hands and hearts to pray for protection and preservation. God Almighty is unfailing, unchanging, Alpha and Omega. The Word of The Lord teaches us clearly and precisely that as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end, and as we prayerfully advance, balancing the movements of every day life, let us be mindful that there is a great day coming and that we must go to God daily for the renewing of our thoughts our mindset and the security of our soul. Since our last edition covering Men’s Fellowship, we pray that many more men have taken the step of faith and boldness and have visited their doctors for the test and all clear in prostate cancer awareness. Don’t delay.. We were blessed to enjoy the Holy Convocation with dedicated preachers, speakers, teachers, praise leaders and moderators driving home the state of modern man, the predicament of humankind in this hour, no matter how technologically advanced, how sophisticated we believe modern man to be, we are ALL answerable to our Creator. Let us never lose sight of that fact. In this issue of the newsletter we are speaking of the great special task of ushering and greeting. The faithful ushers and greeters from our Church community share their testimonies and experiences in being door keepers in the House of the Lord. This issue will only serve to highlight the importance of making a first impression, we only ever get one chance in life to do that. Ushers have a huge role to play. They keep the Church services functioning, greeting, serving, advising, directing and sometimes without much of us realising it, a shoulder to cry on. Some may never have the opportunity to speak with the Pastor or an Elder but an usher is readily available. May we humbly look deeper into the ushering role and all come away from this cover story with a more profound understanding of who an usher in the House of the Lord truly is. Its food for thought! Further into the pages there is a very bright and upbeat profile of a very unique young lady.. It will bring a smile. Let’s just say our God makes no errors… There is a delicious recipe, news in brief and much to share in the coming months. The series Lush Leaves in the past few issues have been uplifting and tremendously encouraging.. We are looking forward to more of the same. We have been anticipating a new musical release from the legendary male voice choir, this is now on hold. We pray their strength, that the will of God be done. We never tire of hearing their melodious harmonies. Lets take a little time out of the busy schedules of our lives and remember the names in our prayer list, lets make it our duty and foremost mission to place our brothers and sisters at the centre of our communion with God. Let’s look ahead and be reminded United we STAND and divided we FALL. Enjoy this issue as each department, auxiliary, friends and well wishers are equally as precious in God’s sight. May God cover keep, heal, deliver and divulge until we meet again. Blessings and strength to one and all.


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In “Knowing You”

Sister Susan Haynes

Philippians 3 v 13 -14 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.



You are welcome to COGIC UK’s Annual

Women’s Convocation 2015

Topic:- I feel my hair growing again - Judges 16

Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th October 2015 COGIC HQ 127 Dunstable Road Luton • Beds • LU1 1BW

For more information call 01582 877 070 or goto NEWS IN BRIEF

• • • •

Macmillan (Cancer Support) Prayer Breakfast to be held on“Saturday 26th September 2015, 9am - 12noon” at COGIC HQ. Tickets are £5.00 per person - For further information see Sister Sinead Montrose

Youth Fellowship is restarting after the summer break on Friday 9th September 2015

Sunday School restarting after the summer break on Sunday 11th September 2015

Calvary Theological College, an auxiliary of the COGIC UK are going to start having classes in Eschatology and Evangelism right here in Luton - Contact the COGIC UK HQ office for further details. We are pleased to announce that Sister Katrice Russell has passed her second year of police cadets. Be wary of people calling you representing your bank or service provider, offering deals, they may well be fraudsters. Copies of our sermons available on CD from the music desk.






or a day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than dwell in the tents of wickedness. Psalms 84:10. Firstly, I must greet the Holy Spirit who is the head of our life. Bishop Alvin Blake, First Lady Blake, officers, members, young people and visiting friends in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ our soon and coming King. What is a definition of an usher? According to the new Webster’s Collegiate dictionary, ‘an usher is someone who escorts people to their seats’. In the church ushers are more than seat providers. We make the initial impression for the church service. We have to get it right from the outset, because if we get it wrong the impression that we leave with the individual can spoil their time of worship. There is a saying “We never get a second chance to make a first impression”. The Apostle Paul said, in 1st Corinthians 14:40 “Let all things be done decently and in order”, we have to make sure that we do our job to the best of our ability; even if someone is talking loudly, we should be able to correct such a one in love. The Luton COGIC ushers board has been established for many years. Our dearly departed Sister Eileen Williams was an excellent Head Usher, she worked tirelessly and diligently to oversee the team. A woman of great faith and dignity, never murmuring


or complaining, she ran a very tight ship of ushers, with the calmest and gentlest nature. Sister Eileen Williams led the team and ushered right up to her demise, and the fact that she never once said that she was feeling unwell and passed from this life in the most ladylike manner, will remain with our congregation forever. A very great and brilliant example of leadership. Her family are a testament to her great legacy, always coming to the Church every year in her memory. After the passing of Sister Eileen Williams our current head usher is Deacon Nigel Blackman. He does a great job and is a tremendous example. The ushers play a very important part in the church, as the ushers are the first port of call. We are the first ones who the people see when they arrive. As temple keepers, we provide a valuable service to the church. We have to make sure that our attitude and tone is right before we even enter the House of the Lord. Roles of an usher:

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Have a close relationship with God Greeting the people with a smile and shaking their hands, as a symbol of love and respect as they enter the House of the Lord. To be vigilant at all times! Responsible for collecting the offering. To assist anyone in the congregation who might need help. Being friendly and willing to serve


(extremely important).

for our Lord. (Colossians3:24)

• To ensure that personal hygiene is on point. • To have integrity, be trustworthy, knowledgeable and understanding. • To know the building inside out, in case of emergencies or evacuation. • To show the congregation to their seats. • Must dress appropriately • Have the heart of a servant, as we work Undertaking the role of an usher is not as easy as it appears and can be very challenging at times, especially when you’re not listened to. Ushers’ training is absolutely crucial, as it assists you with dealing with the congregation and any issues, which may arise within the service. As an usher I take my role very seriously, I treat it like my paid job. I always let the head usher know, if I am not going to be in service, just as I would my line manager at work. As ushers we have to remember that we are all at different levels and that we are learning from each other, to provide the best possible service to the church. Most of all we have to be team players, in order to ensure things run smoothly, allowing members and guests to feel welcome and important. Please remember the ushers in your prayers, and we know only what we do for God will last. God Bless the readership of this newsletter.

Sister Lynnis Abbey





salms 84:10 “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of My God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” I greet the Holy Spirit, Bishop Blake, Mother Blake, COGIC and every person that shall read this newsletter. An usher is a very important role in the Church. As a teenager I had a passion to work for The Lord. When I was living in America I joined the ushers’ board. Now that I live in England, I am privileged to be working alongside Deacon Blackman as the Assistant Head Usher. Ushering may look easy but it takes dedication and hard work. Part of an usher’s role is to welcome the congregation as they enter for

worship. An usher must have the Holy Spirit in their life for direction. Most of the time an usher is the first person someone meets upon entering the Lord’s House. An usher should be one that loves others, loves The Lord and have a smile on their face. Being an usher means so much to me. I am happy to help in any way that I can. I do hope and pray that I can be an usher the way God would have me be and use me according to HIS will and glory and for the saving of souls. I pray my living will not be in vain. To every reader…Be Encouraged.



have been an usher for 19 years in total and I thoroughly enjoy the role. When the word “Usher” is mentioned, many concepts appear in people’s minds. Here are a few of the most popular : . Someone who shows people to their seats . A Door Keeper . A Greeter, who welcomes people The role of an usher is a very important part within the church environment. An usher is the first person that you see when entering the church building. This ministry means to serve, and if undertaken correctly directs us to fellowship with Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament, ushers were called door keepers. In the temple that Solomon built, one of the functions of the door keeper was to receive the offering. (2nd Kings 22 v 4 - 6) In the New Testament Jesus used the disciples in an ushering role on



moved from London to Luton thirteen years ago. Once in Luton I searched for a church for quite a while. Eventually I visited COGIC. I felt at home, and after a short time I started attending the new believers’ class to gain more information about the Church doctrine. Soon after I became a member. I was an usher in my previous assembly for many years. I began to feel restless whilst sitting in the congregation. I approached Deacon Blackman regarding ushering and he was enthusiastic about my interest in the role. I became an usher in the

several occasions, eg. in seating the 5000 in groups of 50. (St. Luke 9 v 13 - 15) A good usher is someone that the visitor can depend on for information and advice, and adds joy to each individual entering the sanctuary, with good manners and a smile before and after church services. Ushers are often the first official representative, at the church service and may be the only one that the congregation has direct contact with during the church service. (Psalm 84 v 10 and 11) is my personal testimony. On a final note - For all football supporters Arsenal is the best team in the world. Its great to smile because the Word of God teaches us that a merry heart is like a good medicine.

COGIC Church. It is a challenging role at times. However I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. Psalm 84 v 10. The ushers’ role teaches and develops patience and brings out the love and compassion for brethren and friends. (1 Corinthians 13 v 1-5) I love the role and I cannot imagine holding any other position in the Church.



love being an usher, the experience is a good one. It is better to serve than to be served. Being on the frontline has taught me a lot of things e.g. People’s reaction to you as an usher. When I started at COGIC I wanted to hide in the crowd, then I was asked to be a part of the choir and to be an usher. I am honoured to do both. Ushering requires humility and a steady prayer life. I always ask the

Lord to give me the patience to deal with his children because it’s not always an easy job to do. We are working for our reward in the life to come. May God continue to bless our leaders and may we work in unity through Jesus Christ so that our labour is not in vain.



ood Morning” and “God Bless” are what you will hear me say on a Sunday. The Bible says “I would rather be a doorkeeper in the House of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness” Psalm 84 v 10 I certainly would say I am the doorkeeper in the House of The Lord. I aim especially to make first time visitors warmly welcome and make it my duty to reasonably cater to their needs, and provide information about the Church community. The newsletter is a handy information outlet. Remembering people’s names and showing interest makes visitors feel at ease. When they are particularly from another country, I often ask that they return a greeting of hello and thank you in their mother tongue. Ushering people into the House of the Lord is paramount and never about the usher but about the work of The Lord and preparing the congregation for worship. An usher’s responsibility is vast and often-times someone may enter


the Church with worries and cares a kind word and a smile can only help them to enter the gates with joy and thanksgiving. Visitors and members alike need direction and information regarding, baby facilities etc. and ushers must be on hand to provide a helping hand. I look out for the security and welfare of the church building and the congregation. At times I am called upon to escort the Bishop to his seat. The role can be challenging and you may come across a visitor who isn’t smiling. The role is rewarding and for me a pleasure to undertake. I can definitely see and share in the blessing of helping my brothers and sisters from all walks of life. I can certainly guarantee you a smile and a warm greeting. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the House of the Lord…



KNOWING YOU SISTER SUSAN HAYNES LNEWS: Describe your conversion briefly? SSH: This is an interesting question, as one that still continues to put a smile on my face. I was one of those that had my life mapped out, first on the list at the age of 16, was no more Church, unfortunately for me God had another plan for my life and the rest is history.

were both blessed and honoured to feed over 500 underprivileged children in the Tesano area of Ghana. Now I am smiling as I remember that recent event. So overwhelming! An amazing life changing experience, so many of you donated to that worthy cause, and I remain both thankful and grateful. LNEWS: What is your profession? SSH: Someone once asked me what supermarket I worked in lol, but I am actually a ‘Payroll Officer’, there are some similarities I suppose, so an easy assumption to make.

LNEWS: How long have you been a Christian? SSH: I suppose those Christian values were instilled in me from a young age, but gave my life to God at 15 years old. LNEWS: Are you married with Children? SSH: Yes married to Anthony (better known as Greg, yeap he was named one thing, and called another) with 2 and half kids: Alana and Antwaine (Ashaye is considered half right??). LNEWS: Describe your upbringing in brief? SSH: I think that as a child, you feel hard done by, but actually my upbringing was pretty good. I wasn’t lucky to pick rice on a Saturday evening, or season up the meat. I wasn’t even blessed to brown the chicken. I rarely washed clothes over the bath, I didn’t have younger siblings to look after, and never wore ‘hand me downs’ so Yes! Life was alright lol. Now that I am a parent, I appreciate my parents so much, and realise that they tried their utmost best with all their kids. Our home was a happy inviting home that was never empty. Someone called it ‘Hayes’ open house’, food was always available, and you never knew who you would come home to find in the house, having brothers that attracted the opposite sex didn’t help either, I don’t need to say no more, ooops did I say too much already… LNEWS: What do you enjoy the most about Women’s Fellowship? SSH: The freedom to share with each other, we all have our own personal issues whether big or small, and the worse feeling in the world is when a person feels isolated. We have laughed, cried, shared intimate thoughts and feelings, and you can come away feeling like a load has been taken off your shoulders. There are no right or wrongs in our discussions, but it’s a time to share and encourage each other. These sessions are a platform for confidence building, share various hidden talents. Every session is a school day, where we can learn something new. Our get togethers are not a replacement for the regular church activities, but a time just for Women to get together, and before you ask, we don’t gossip. LNEWS: What has been your most challenging time in life? SSH: Oh my days! I could write a book on challenging times in my life, and I sit here wondering which of the many should I talk about. But being obedient to the question, then I will have to decide whether it was the day that I heard my Father had cancer, or the time I was hospitalised for almost 5 weeks after collapsing with a blood level of less 3.2 units, and the consultant telling my family that it is impossible to operate on a daily basis with that amount of blood, much less still be alive, and yet I was commuting into London everyday for work, and when he heard that, he scratched his head in disbelieve, not only that, but I am still here and still very much alive. God has the final say, not man! LNEWS: What does serving God mean to you? SSH: God plays a major role in my life, because my reliability on him is constant. I rely on God to oversee my parents who reside in Florida. He remains my constant source of survival and all that I do, is through his goodness and his love for me. My life isn’t perfect, but I am still a work in progress, if we were perfect, then God wouldn’t have anything to mould. LNEWS: Where have you travelled on mission? SSH: Can I even remember! Let’s see Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, Antigua, Puerto Rico and Africa (May I add, these were mission trips and not holidays) LNEWS: Name an exciting moment whilst on mission? SSH: I just recently came back from Africa, and on the first of July 2015 we 6

LNEWS: What is your leisure of choice and why? SSH: All leisure activities are on hold and will be for some time, as I dedicate myself to our Children’s Charity of which I am the Co-Founder. It’s one of those things, where your mind never stops in trying to find new ways of helping those in desperate need. Global Aid for Children is one of the few charities that does not take administration charges out of any financial donations given. LNEWS: Describe an amusing ministry moment? SSH: There is a thought floating at the top of my head, but if I say it, I will never hear the end of it, and my pride isn’t ready to be laughed at every time you see me, so the one thing that is annoying and amusing at the same time, is being called ‘Lonnie’s Sister’, this statement only happens in church, maybe it’s because they don’t know my name. I will let you know if it still happens after this magazine goes live. LNEWS: Describe yourself in three words? SSH: Loving, humorous and kind. LNEWS: Share with us a saying/proverb that has carried you through life? SSH: For all you West Indians out there or is this a Jamaican thing??? ‘Everybody have dem four o’clock’. LNEWS: Finally, share with the readership a line of spiritual/life encouragement. SSH: This thought came to me the other day, which I shared with a close friend, ‘No matter how strong the storms may be! even the winds have to calm down’. I encourage you to never give up. I remember my Mum saying to me, that when you feel you have reached rock bottom, then the only way is up. God’s promises are sure, and despite the hard knocks of life, he will never leave or forsake you. Cherish the memories of yesterday, dream of tomorrow, but live life the best you can today, whatever little you do, will be a blessing to someone. The 3 C’s of life: CHOICES, CHANCES, CHANGES. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. Take God at His word and watch the miracles start to unfold. LNEWS: On a scale of 1-10 how did you enjoy this interview? Here are the 10 ratings: 1. Once and once only 2. Phew! Made it… 3. I am glad its over, I don’t like questions. 4. Wouldn’t do this in person. 5. Very interesting look at my life. 6. I did as best as I could. 7. I am shy and overwhelmed. 8. I am incredibly shy but don’t mind. 9. I love it, wouldn’t do it again though (not for a long time). 10. I love it, would do it again.


Thank you for your time, a cheerful and thoughtful interview LNEWS




St Mark 11:17

Jesus taught the people saying "is it not written, my house shall be called of all nations the house of "prayer? But ye have made it a den of thieves".


ere is our 3rd study. Last time we saw Jesus speak directly to the fig tree and the following day “ they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots”. There is a great significance here for the worshipper. Note that Jesus SPOKE to the fig tree. Note also not only were the lush leaves dried up, but the fig tree was dried up from the roots. Jesus instructs His disciples “Have faith in God...whosoever shall SAY unto this mountain...He shall have whatsoever he saith”. Let us look at St Luke 17:6 to help our understanding of what the mountain represents - “And the Lord said, if ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should

obey you”. The picture here is one of a problem or obstacle or issue - name it what you will -

with roots. In other words established; akin to a mountain. Mountains are massive, they do not move with the wind. They are established and firmly in place. We may have some things lingering in our lives like that.

Had Jesus not dealt with the root of the fig tree it may have continued to fool the passerby into thinking it was fruitful when in fact it was fruitless. Had Jesus not cleansed the temple those on the outside would continue to suppose that prayer was taking place inside. Jesus sets a precedent for us here - we can speak to those established patterns of hypocrisy in our personal lives. Those are the mountains He is concerned with. The fig tree will never bear again - no one will eat again of its pretence. It shall not pollinate and spread cursed is it from the root.



Ingredients 3 Eggs 75g Plain flour 250g Caster Sugar 175g Butter (I use Stork!) 175g Cooking Chocolate 40g Cocoa (optional if you don’t have rich taste buds)



Pour the egg and sugar mixture into the melted chocolate and butter.


Sift the flour and cocoa and add to the mixture, mixing it together to make a lovely chocolatey look.


Pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 25-30 minutes.


Once baked cut into even squares.

10. If you want to have them warm eat straight away or cool at room temperature.

Remember to Pray For Prayer changes things so please remember to pray for those on the list below. The LNEWS team always need your prayers. Bro. Barry Morrison Sis. Whittaker Sis. Gardener Bro. Trotman Deacon Hunter Sis. Buchanan Sis. Jenny Wilson Derek Spalding Bro. Joseph Toro Jacobson Bro. Shakeal Ellis The Jones Family Pauline Segbefia/Easy family Sister Bailey and Family Provide us with your prayer requests and we will publish it for you. You don’t have to give the full details just a name will do.

Anything to Celebrate Birthdays


Preheat the oven to 180oC, gas mark 4.


Grease a square tin and place grease proof paper in it.


Put the butter and cooking chocolate in a glass bowl.

Bro. Joseph Toro Jacobson



Put on a saucepan of water and place bowl with the butter and chocolate on top of water to melt.

Lily Jacobson


Sister Alana Haynes



Whisk the 3 eggs and sugar together until thick and creamy.

Rebekah-Anna Morgan


Sister Mavis Afriyie


Luke Ryan


Please Enjoy!!!



October Bro. Byam


Sis. Jacina Abbey


Sis. Sandra Ryan


Sis. Rhonda Byam


Elder Andrew Maddix


Birthdays, Anniversaries, Engagements, Baby Births, Graduations, Promotions, etc. We want to celebrate with you and thank God for you. Let us know and we will publish it.

Just a thought



Do not promise things in excitement you will later regret


Local Meetings: Friday 11th September 2015 Friday 11th September 2015 Friday 25th September 2015 Friday 25th September 2015 Saturday 26th September 2015

CHURCH NOTICES Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship - Young Ladies Night: Courting & Relationships (Ladies aged 15 - 21) Men’s Fellowship Young People of Excellence Awards Macmillan (Cancer Support) Prayer Breakfast

Start Time 8:00pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 7:00pm 9:00am

Friday 9th October 2015 Friday 9th October 2015

Men’s Fellowship Women’s Fellowship

8:00pm 8:00pm

Friday 23rd October 2015

Men’s Fellowship


National Meetings: Saturday 5th - Sunday 6th September 2015

Wales Special Meeting - Pastor Stephen Nelson

Friday 18th - Sunday 20th September 2015

Midlands District Convention - Superintendent Spencer End of year Ministers meeting Mission Training - Missionary St Louis

Friday 2nd October - Sunday 4th October 2015 Annual Women’s Convention - Mother J. Reynolds Saturday 17th October 2015

Appreciation Service for Bishop Blake DD

Saturday 24th October 2015

National Sunday School Day - Missionary Fenty


Service Times Sundays

Prayer Meeting (Every 1st & 3rd Sunday of the Month) Sunday School Morning Service New Believers & Discipleship Classes Evening Service

Start 7:00am 10:00am 11:00am 5:00pm 6:00pm

Finish 8:00am 10:50am 1:00pm 6:00pm 8:00pm


Prayer Meeting & Bible Studies




Prayer & Fasting




Youth Meeting Men’s Fellowship (Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the Month)

8:00pm 8:00pm

9:30pm 9:30pm

Women’s Fellowship (Every 2nd Friday of the Month)



Which Sunday is Which First Sunday

Communion Sunday

Second Sunday

Sisters’ Sunday

Third Sunday Fourth Sunday Fifth Sunday

Pastor’s and Elders’ Sunday Deacons’ Sunday Youth Sunday

All the above services/meetings are subject to change - See church secretary for further details

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