Oscar Stewart in the Localrider Spotlight

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In the Spotlight: Showjumper Oscar Stewart


August 2014


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August 2014 • VOLUME XIV NUMBER 7


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SPOTLIGHT Captured by Oscar Stewart’s passion and enthusiasm for the sport of showjumping, Fiona Rafferty visited him at home in Hampshire to discover more about the determined young man, who is making the leap from school boy to showjumper.

Oscar and Rumbolds Phoebe jumping in the 1.25m class at the Keysoe CSI** Show


itting in the kitchen of his family home, near Winchester, 16-year-old Oscar Stewart spoke with a raw honesty of his determination to make showjumping his profession. Since sitting his GCSEs earlier this summer Oscar has been concentrating on training and competing his seven-year-old mare, Rumbolds Phoebe, who he bought earlier this year. Known as Phoebe at home, she is by Caretino Glory and her dam is by Corland, who has Cor de la Bryere, Landgraf and Ladykiller in his bloodlines and looking at the pictures of Phoebe jumping she has definitely inherited their scope and talent. It is clear Phoebe is the current love of Oscar’s life as he earnestly recounts seeing and jumping her for the first time. She flew round 1.20m and Oscar said he fell in love with her then and knew instantly he wanted her. The days couldn’t pass quickly enough as he waited for the results of her vetting. Oscar believes in the importance of correct training and when I met up with him in mid July he had just returned from two weeks training with George Whitaker, which included trips to South View in Cheshire and the CSI** show at Keysoe.

Playing football with the Whitakers

Oscar first approached George about training with him, when they were stabled opposite each other at the New Forest Show last summer. With George’s busy schedule competing abroad it took Oscar several months to track him down, but eventually he Oscar jumping Hannington to the Point at the English Home Pony International 2013

Oscar Stewart

arranged to go for a week just before Christmas. He managed a visit of ten days earlier in the year and this last stay of nearly two weeks. George is based at his parents Ian and Alison’s yard near Huddersfield. Also based there are George’s eldest brother, William, William’s girlfriend, Elisabeth, George’s girlfriend, Alice and his younger brother James, who is the same age as Oscar. In his relaxed companionable way Oscar has easily adapted to the life of the Whitaker clan. He joined the boys, plus Donald and Tom Whitaker, Matt Sampson, Graham Gillespie and Joe Clayton to watch the world cup and has also played at their Thursday night kick around. Every Thursday the Whitakers rent a football pitch and play a few games amongst themselves. Oscar clearly loves his time with George, riding a couple out for him before his lesson on Phoebe, when they will concentrate on pole work, grids and striding. But it would appear top of the agenda every morning is a coffee-break and a dose of Jeremy Kyle.

Aiming for an Advanced Apprenticeship

Oscar’s main focus this summer has been to jump consistent double clears at 1.20m and above in the hope that he might be accepted for the Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence, which is a combined opportunity between British Showjumping and Haddon Training Ltd. The Apprenticeship covers all aspects of a professional athlete’s career. It develops the technical and tactical skills and also ensures they are well prepared to deal with the wider challenges of a career in show jumping. The places are limited and whilst Oscar is optimistic he has reached the right criteria, he knows if he isn’t accepted this year that hopefully he will be a stronger candidate in 2015. Oscar has regular flat work lessons with South African dressage rider Denise Hallion, who he describes as fantastic and said after his mother, Sally, convinced him to have lessons with Denise, “my riding went through the roof.” Oscar also has weekly lessons with Stuart Harvey.

Supportive family

Oscar lives at home with his parents Sally and Alastair Stewart and the youngest of his three elder siblings, Fred, who is also an accomplished show jumper and runs several joint enterprises with Oscar. Their father is the ITV Newscaster Alastair Stewart, who is also the Ambassador for British 14 Localrider AUGUST 2014

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Showjumping, a voluntary role he took on at the end of 2011 to raise the profile of the sport. Alastair met his wife Sally, a former television production assistant, when they were both working for Southern Television. Even their courtship involved horses, as they would hire horses and go riding in the New Forest. The eldest of the couple’s four children, Alex, 32, works for the Metropolitan Police and has missed the horse bug altogether, but Clemmie, 29, who is a school teacher in Aldershot has ridden since she was six and still keeps her mare, Harriet, who is now 23 at the family yard. Oscar has an impressive work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit for a 16-year-old boy who has just taken his exams. He repeats several times through the interview: “I will do anything to get to the top.” Aware in the absence of owners that it is a tough sport to conquer, he has his own plan to fund his riding, which involves developing a number of businesses in the hope that a few will fly.

Young entrepreneurs

Pictures by Hoof prints Ltd and Copper Photo

These enterprises are all currently co-run with his brother Fred, with whom Oscar has developed a harmonious synergy, even where the horses are concerned. Fred enjoys finding and producing the horses, whereas Oscar prefers competing them. There was not even a glint of sibling jealousy as Fred told me that he hoped one day to find Oscar a world class horse. These are exciting times for the Stewart boys, their current businesses include UK Sport Horses, a website listing quality horses for sale, which they have sourced through contacts across Europe and Capalli Clothing, which is British designed preppy style clothing aimed at equestrians. The main drive behind this was to provide young men with sensible outdoor clothing, minus the bling. And as I waved goodbye Oscar and Fred were busy transforming lumps of wood into jump poles, which they sell and it appears this is one enterprise where demand is outstripping supply. Oscar’s dreams and ambitions are big. If the logistics work he will join George on the Spanish Sunshine Tour next February and then there are hopes of jumping at Scope, the Horse of the Year Show and Olympia. With George’s mantra, “If you think you have enough canter kick on and everything else will follow.” ringing in his ear, one hopes Oscar’s determination and dedication will start to pay dividends and we will see a lot more of this charismatic young showjumper.

Oscar riding Archie, who was left in a stable at the Stewart’s one winter night, with his passport, rug and a note saying: “We can see you care for your horses, please take good care of Archie.”

Wee Man was rescued by Fred and recently accompanied Oscar to his School Prom. Oscar was offered the opportunity to arrive in a big car, but preferred to arrive by horsebox.

Oscar jumping Archie at one of his first ever shows

Oscar and Phoebe were both immaculately turned out for our interview AUGUST 2014 Localrider 15

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