Your Veterans in Localrider March April 2019

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March/April 2019

Your Veterans 11 pages of readers’ Veterans and their stories


Show Reports & Local News… and more from across the region COVERING KENT, SUSSEX, SURREY, HAMPSHIRE, BERKSHIRE & THE ISLE of WIGHT 01-cover3_lrmarch19.indd 1

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Celebrating your Veterans

It is wonderful to see so many horses and ponies still enjoying life right into their late twenties. Many are still out competing, while others are enjoying their retirement or semi-retirement in the field. It is a pleasure to share their rich and different stories and to include pictures of them all looking amazing in their twilight years.


Caroline Court found the perfect equine partner for her boundless enthusiasm in a chestnut Gelderlander called Rio and lovingly referred to as her ‘ginger monster’. Together the combination has travelled the length and breadth of the country to compete, and in summer 2017 Caroline drove herself and Rio to her own wedding, later driving her new husband to their reception. Caroline said: “Rio is 20 this year and as fit as a flea. I have owned him for 10 years this year but have known him for two further years to that. He started life with his matching pair who I sadly lost two years ago. During our time pair driving we won numerous times in our first novice year in the show ring competing at local club shows. Unfortunately his pair had a few lameness problems, so I started driving Rio as a single horse, and boy have we had some fun.


years old

We have been to the Osborne Refrigerators Driving Championships at Addington twice, competing in exercise vehicle classes. We have competed at various club level one day events, trecs and also in social drives. But we found our natural place competing in Attelage, which is a competition with three phases, with the emphasis on it all being driven in a vehicle pre-dating 1945. We compete in a 1900 show phaeton and receive very lovely comments when I am driving it. We have competed twice at Euston Hall in Suffolk and hope to travel to Scotland this year to Glamis Castle and also to Sandringham. At Euston Hall last year we completed with the third highest presentation score. We retired Rio from the show ring, as he felt it wasn’t his thing these days, but I fear he will have to come out of retirement as he is currently chaperoning my new 10-year-old Hackney and teaching him the ropes of pair driving. We have also started tandem driving which they are both proving natural at and I’m hoping to complete my tandem bars this year. Alongside all of this he has taught my niece to drive from the age of five and he adores children and any attention. In July 2017 Rio had the most important day of his life, when I drove him and my father, who was onboard for the first time ever, to my own wedding. I later drove my new husband and myself from the church to our reception party, we did get some funny looks! My ‘ginger monster’ behaved impeccably. What else would any horsey bride do on the morning of their wedding but go and plait up their second main man. I wouldn’t trade Rio for anything, we’ve had blood, sweat and a lot of tears along the way, but he has taught me an awful lot and I trust him immensely.”

Mr Basil B

Angie Jones-Moore from Calne in Wiltshire and her veteran thoroughbred, Mr Basil B aka Bas, are clocking up the miles in support of The Brooke charity. Angie said: “We have hacked 100 miles in 30 days, twice, to raise money for The Brooke and we are currently hacking 1,000 miles in a year. We have rosettes for each 100 mile marker to keep us motivated.” Angie has owned Bas who is aged somewhere over 20 for the last eight years and since nursing him through a six month battle with lymphangitis, says: “He is even more precious than ever now, he is my horse of a lifetime.” Angie added: “Hacking is becoming recognised as a discipline in itself. Bas and I have been through so much together during our hacking years, with so many near misses with wildlife, traffic and cyclists. I am sure the roads and tracks are more harrowing than a cross country course at times. He is confident, patient and my knight in shining armour. Bas and I are a team and we look after each other.”

20+ years old


Sarah Hayter sent this picture of 24-year-old Frosty. Sarah said: “Frosty is best known for jumping huge hedges with his young rider Alfie Marshall when out with the Mid Surrey Farmers Drag, but now aged 24 he is enjoying semi-retirement keeping the youngsters in check and going hacking. He is a proper diva, who hates mud and can be very selective about going out in the field. We joke that he is the sharpest on the yard to ride and likes to keep us on our toes.”


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Bronhuelog Bella Donna aka Crystal 19-years-old Mountlands Danger Mouse aka Mouse 15-years-old Mystique aka Misty 27-years-old


Charlotte Brownings has owned Troy aka Royston for ten years. Troy has instilled confidence in Charlotte as a rider and together they have enjoyed a wide variety of equestrian activities including competing at Hickstead. Charlotte said: “Troy is 28 now and he has taught me so much. He has taken me from a nervous Nellie to a confident rider, happy to hack out alone on the busiest of roads and in his hey day we even went hunting. He hasn’t always been a saint as many of my hacking partners from over the years would agree. He is definitely not dope on a rope (memories of careering across fields with little brakes and being fly bucked off spring to mind), but if I have ever been unsure of what’s ahead, Troy will just crack on whether I was prepared or not. This amazing horse of a lifetime has allowed me to attend many shows, sponsored rides, clinics, the odd morning’s hunting, beach rides, multiple Chase me Charlie’s (the easiest way to over excite him) and as pictured, compete at Hickstead, this was his last outing aged 26. Troy is now starting his semi-retirement having just helped me to teach my newly rescued youngster to be calm and safe hacking out on the roads.”


Arthur has been Amy Bashford’s best friend since she was four-years-old. Amy said: “21 years later and he is still my best friend. Arthur is 28 now and is a big cuddly cob. We have done Pony Club together, enjoyed a splash at the beach, and now in his retirement years we enjoy a gentle ride in the afternoons, when we go on little adventures and he takes in every moment and every view. Arthur also loves it when my children come up to see him with big cuddles and carrots, although his favourite part of the day is when he gets his tummy rubbed and has a good scratch. We call him ‘a pair of old slippers’ comfortable, fluffy and irreplaceable.”

Sygaye Sky

Emma Pearson has been caring for 28-year-old Sygaye Sky aka Sky, a registered Standard Shetland, for the last two years, having rehomed her from World Horse Welfare. During this time Emma has shown Sky lightly, qualifying for Royal London and has also taken part in some pony agility too. Emma said: “Sky is such a lovely old lady, she has a huge personality and is best friends with my two miniature Shetlands, Peg and Lucy. Sky doesn’t think twice about standing up to the bigger ponies to protect the other small ones. Sky means an awful lot to me, she’s my go to pony if I have anything on my mind I need to talk about, she’ll come over rest her head on my shoulder as if to say “it’s ok I’m here to listen”. Recently Sky has been diagnosed with something terminal, so for Sky to be chosen to feature in Localrider would be lovely.”


years old


years old

Thirteen-year-old Alicia Roberts has three wonderful veteran ponies ranging in age from 15 to 27. They all enjoy a range of activities from hacking to jumping and showing during the summer months. Last year Alicia narrowly missed out qualifying for the Senior Showing and Dressage (SSADL) finals on two occasions with Crystal, and currently has everything crossed that this year they might win one of the coveted tickets for the Olympia final. Alicia is no stranger to performing in front of a large audience, as she rode Crystal in the “All the Queen’s Horses” display during the London New Year’s Day Parade earlier this year. The three ponies have all had active lives before finding a home with Alicia. Her mother, Charlotte Hooper said: “Misty has been a jumping pony most of her life until three years ago when she came to us. Mouse has done a bit of everything, but mostly Pony Club with tiny tots and Crystal was a games pony in a few homes before she came to us. I wasn’t going to buy her but seven years later she is very much part of the family.”


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years old

Alicia at the London New Year’s Day Parade on Crystal, with Misty in the background Alicia and Mouse


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years old

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