Toned in 90-days

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Disclaimer and Legal Notices The information provided in this guide is meant to be used for educational purposes only. Please consult your physician to ensure you are healthy enough to follow the tips given in this guide. I am not a doctor and this is not supposed to be taken as medical advice. This is what has worked for me and what is shared from current research. This is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities. Please be responsible adults.



Contents StroNg iS the New Sexy


why weight


Myth BuSterS


MotivatioN & ProCraStiNatioN


Fat ShreDDiNg NutritioN


SMart SuPPLeMeNtatioN




the workoutS




BeyoND 90 DayS CuStoMizatioN


FiNaL worD


aPPeNDix a





Strong is the New Sexy

Take a look around your local gym. Notice what the vast majority of the ladies are doing? Chances are they will either be pounding away at their long slow cardio or sticking to the machine area and repping out with baby weights. If you revisit that same gym in a month, the same women will be doing the same exercises. Their bodies will be looking just the same, too.

What’s missing? Heavy weight training.

Why? Because many women are still hung up on the fear of gaining too much muscle. They are afraid that if they lift heavy they’ll transform themselves into some grotesque mass mistress. Nothing is further from the truth. The reality is that women simply don’t have the testosterone coursing through their veins to build huge amounts of muscle. Weight training will not make them overly muscular. What weight training will do is to allow a woman to craft her body the way that she desires. She’ll be able to shape, tone, sculpt and define her muscles into the ultimate package that she wants to display to the world. Muscle is what gives your body its shape. Toned, lean muscle is sexy. And it’s strong. This book will provide you with the blueprint for a strong, sexy, toned, lean body.


Same or Different? Now that we’ve established that women actually will benefit from some serious weight training, the obvious questions is . . .

Do women need to train differently than men? This very question has been the subject of numerous scientific studies and the resounding answer is that “no” they do not. To build and shape muscle, men and women need to train the same way. That means going heavy and going hard.

Progressive Resistance – They Key to Success The key to shaping and sculpting your muscle is progressive resistance. Keep pushing yourself every work-out to do a little more - be it pushing an extra 1/2 kg or eeking out one more rep. Do that consistently and you will see your body transforming before your very eyes.


Why Weight?

Weight Training burns calories - In fact, it can burn more calories than cardio, especially if you are focused on compound exercises that work your major body parts. Exercises like squats, dead-lifts, presses and lunges chew through calories like you wouldn’t believe. Weight Training boosts your metabolism - Weight training produces what is known as the after-burn effect. This is when you keep burning calories after your workout because the workout actually boosts your metabolism. After a weight training session, you have to repair and replenish spent muscles - that takes a lot of calories. And there’s more - when you increase your lean muscle mass as a result of weight training, you naturally increase your metabolic rate because muscle takes a lot of calories to sustain itself - 5 times as many a s fat. Weight Training strengthens your bones - In fact, it’s the best way known to man to ward of osteoporosis. A full body work-out will strengthen all of your joints and increase overall bone density. Weight training makes you stronger - A stronger body will allow you to perform your daily activities with less stress. You’ll be able to take the strain of your spine because your erector spinae and lumbar muscles are taking the load. You’ll also have a reserve of strength to cope with the multitude of emergencies with which you are constantly confronted - from changing a tire to carrying the groceries. Weight training makes your heart stronger - It’s your most vital muscle and numerous studies have shown that exercising with weights will get the blood pumping through it more efficiently. It will also help to unclog arteries that are being constricted by cholesterol. Weight Training combats the effects of aging - More and more elderly folk are being referred by their general practitioners to the gym and specifically put on a weight training program. Why? Because of the plethora of studies that have proven that weight training is one of the best things to beat the ill effect of old age. Not only does it improve cardiovascular efficiency, strengthen bones, muscles and organs but it also improves neurological function and brain power.


Myth Busters

Bodybuilding is still a sport that elicits false beliefs, myths and strident opinion. When it comes to the female side of the sport, those false beliefs, myths and strident opinions are magnified. For the general population the concept of women and muscle are incongruous - they just don’t seem to go together. As a result, a number of false beliefs have come to be accepted as common knowledge. It’s about time to separate the fact from the myth.

Myth No 1: Lifting weights will make you too masculine Weights are a tool. You are in control. If you want to pile on a ton of muscle, then you’ll need a lot of hard work, food and supplements to achieve it. On the other hand, if your goal is to develop a sleek, athletic look, weights will get you to that goal, too. But you will never look like a man – you just don’t have enough testosterone surging through your system.

Myth No 2: Bodybuilding will make you slower and more inflexible the truth: When people first saw female bodybuilders, with all of those muscles, they naturally assumed that they’d be slow and ponderous. And, because bodybuilders use weights, it naturally followed that weight training would slow you down and make you more unathletic, right?


Weight training will, in fact, make a person a better athlete. She’ll be faster, more agile and stronger. A stronger muscle can contract more quickly, thus producing more power. And exercising a muscle through it’s full range of motion enhances flexibility, along with joint strength and mobility. Thankfully sports coaches have been dragged out of the dark ages on this one. As a result, you’d be hard pressed to find a modern professional sports team’s training facility that doesn’t prominently feature a weights gym. Most of them even employ strength and weight training coaches. Why? Because they know that weight training produces better athletes.

Myth No 3: Weight training will make your breasts smaller the truth: Your breasts are composed of fat. As you get leaner, some of that fat will go, along with the fat from other parts of your body. Because you can’t spot reduce, however, working an area like your chest will not specifically remove


fat from your breasts. In fact, your chest training will lift and shape the pectoral muscles behind your breasts. This will, in effect, make your breasts appear larger.

Myth No 4: Women should stay away from the heavy weights the truth: To build muscle you need to lift heavy weight. Muscle responds to the stress that is placed upon it by way of resistance. If the weight is too light, the body will have no reason to respond. Your rep range, then, needs to pyramid down to heavy sets of six, with that last rep being the last one that you can do with that weight while maintaining strict form.

Myth No 5: Women need special supplements the truth: The multi-billion dollar supplement industry would love you to believe that women and men need different supplements. It’s great for their bottom line. The truth is that, despite those cute pink protein powder containers, men and women both have the same needs when it comes to building muscle. They can both share the same protein tub and the same creatine bottle.

Myth No 6: Women should do weights for muscle building and cardio for fat loss the truth: Both will burn calories. But only one will burn calories AND shape, reconfigure, firm up and build your body. Most people underestimate the amount of calories they can burn if they know how to train with weights properly for fat loss. If you have time to do both weights and cardio, do both. But if you don’t have time for both, then prioritize weight training - it does it all!

The Bottom Line Weigt training is a health promoting activity that will enhance a woman’s femininity while giving her the sleek lines of an Amazonian athlete. It will make her stronger, faster and sexier – and that’s no myth!


Motivation and Procrastination

It’s the eternal dilemma.

Instant gratification versus long-term benefit: Mouth watering muffin versus a lowered cholesterol level in old age.

Cookies and Cream Ice-cream versus fitting into your jeans.

Triple sundae with chocolate sauce versus lowering your risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Let’s be honest about it – instant gratification has a lot going for it, particularly when we are living in a world that is unfailingly giving the message to indulge our every whim. Unless we’re able to identify the real reasons behind our weight loss efforts, we’ll never rise above the instant-noodles society that has spawned the obesity epidemic that threatens the Western World. So, let’s start digging . . .

So you want to get in shape? Great. But before we go any further it’s imperative that you discover why you want to exercise.

To lose weight? Why do you want to lose weight? When you discover what drives you, you’ll also know what motivates you. If you don’t identify your inner driver, it doesn’t matter how hard you try, how much sweat you expend or how many calories you burn, you will fail.


Uncovering the reason that you really want to achieve your goal attaches an emotional element to that goal. And the more emotional content you can stir up, the more motivated you’ll be to go after it. Remember the words of German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche . . .

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. Getting emotionally involved with your goal will deeply impress your why into your subconscious. The subconscious is the seat of your unthinking actions - your habits. Every message that filters through to it is accepted without question and acted upon automatically. That is exactly where you want your weight maintenance habits to be because the subconscious always expresses itself in physical form positive behaviours that will reinforce your goal. The reasons for exercising are many. Your goal may not to be lose weight. In the remainder of this section, however, we are going to assume that weight loss is the goal. It could in fact be the opposite – to gain muscular body weight. Stop and ask yourself right now, just why you want to lose weight. Here are a couple of key questions to help you identify that reason:


What is important to you about reaching your weight goal?


How will your life be better after you have achieved your weight goal?

For some people, looking their absolute best for an upcoming event, such as a wedding, is their emotional motivator. For others it is to be able to be an active, healthy role model for their kids. Others may find that their emotional drive comes from maintaining their sex appeal in the eyes of their partner. Once you have found your emotional driver, write it down in the following format . . .

The emotional driver behind my weight loss goal is to . . . . When I have achieved my goal I will feel . . .


Once you have identified the emotional driver to your goal, it is time to reinforce it by adding in a spiritual element. It doesn’t matter whether you are a believer in a Creator, an atheist or an agnostic. Spirituality involves being in touch with your reason for being. Whether you were created, evolved or were placed here by aliens, you have ended up with a magical, unique and highly intricate machine that will govern your state of well-being until you die. Those who do believe in a Creator God have an obligation to Him to respect and maintain the amazing body that they have been gifted. All of us owe it to ourselves to identify the spiritual reason that accompanies our goal. Find out what yours is and keep yourself accountable to it. Now that you’ve discovered the emotional and spiritual drivers that will motivate you toward your goal, it’s time to learn how to apply the goal setting formula that will catapult you toward your end game.

5 Steps to Goal Achievement 1. Set Specific Goals Losing weight is not a goal. It’s far too general. Body weight is composed of muscle, water, minerals, vitamins and fat, among other things. Your only ambition is to lose body fat. But even that goal has to be narrowed down. If you focus on the specific behaviours that will bring about your desired fat loss and set them as your goals, then the fat loss will take care of itself. Your goals, then, should be to do with the actions and habits that will keep you on your weight management plan.

2. Set Measurable Goals Unless you have a means of measuring your progress regularly you will struggle to maintain your motivation. Don’t expect yourself to make the transition from cookie munching couch potato to fitness / nutrition junkie in a couple of weeks.


Set behaviour related goals that build upon each other and widen out to encompass all aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

3. Set Stepping Stone Goals You definitely need a long-term goal - your ultimate physical look. But it’s also imperative that you break that goal down, working backwards to yearly, 3 monthly, weekly and daily goals. Your 3 monthly goal should revolve around such behaviours as recording your food intake and exercise every day, or increasing your cardio exercise duration by 15 minutes per day by walking at a slightly uncomfortable pace. Your daily and weekly goals should revolve around the exercise and eating disciplines that are immediately before you.

4. Record Your 3 Month Goal Write your 3 month goal on a business sized card and get it laminated. Write your goal in the present tense as if it has already taken place. Here’s the wording . . . The date is (date in 3 months time), and I am now doing everything I can to get me to my desired weight, including recording my daily food intake and workouts every day. Now that you have your card you need to carry it with your everywhere your go. Every 90 minutes make sure that you pull it out and read it to yourself.

5. Visualize Your Goals One of the most interesting innovations in sports psychology over recent times has been the rise of visualization, or mental rehearsal. Sports teams the worldover are using it to build an unconquerable mental drive toward goal attainment. You don’t need to go out and hire a sports psychologist to benefit from the power of visualization. You can do it on your own by mentally rehearsing the achievement of your goals.


Start at the daily level and do it while you are lying in bed. See yourself doing everything that you need to in order to have a perfect goal attainment day, from springing out of bed, enjoying a healthy nutritious breakfast, powering through an invigorating, calorie depleting work-out and then enjoying an energy restoring post work-out shake. Now that you have your emotional, spiritual and mental underpinning for your goals and have learnt exactly how to go about setting proper goals, it’s time to make a record of your goals:


Create a Goal Setting document and record your goals on a time-line, starting with your daily goal and ending with your ultimate body goal.


Type up, print out and laminate your 3 monthly goal.

You now have a roadmap to turning every endeavour, every goal, every quest into an unquestionable reality. You are able to unleash the power of your subconscious in conjunction with your mind muscle connection to become unstoppable. So, get out there and claim what’s yours!

How to Defeat Procrastination Procrastination affects all of us. We seem to have an inbuilt tendency to put off the things we know we have to do, even when we appreciate how good they are for us. Here are 3 powerful techniques to prevent procrastination sabotaging your exercise ambitions: The 10 Minute Rule – If we perceive that a job is going to be hard work, we develop an aversion to it in our minds that leads us to keep putting it off. However, when we break the larger task down into smaller, more manageable chunks, it suddenly becomes much easier to think about. With your exercise sessions, rather than thinking of a 34-minute workout, chunk it out to a 7 minute warm up, 10 minutes of resistance training, 10 minutes of cardio and then a 7 minute warm down. This makes the task seem far easier to achieve.


3 Magical Questions –Next time you procrastinate in the face of an important assignment, take a piece of paper and answer 3 simple questions . . .


Where are you?


What do you want to do?


How will you feel after doing the task?

The very act of putting the task down in writing will make you visualize yourself already doing it. Then it’s simply a matter of your body following through with the task. Ultimate Goal VS Immediate Desire – The battle between long term goal and immediate desire is always going to be a losing proposition for the goal. But, you can win in this standoff every time by simply making your ultimate goal and you immediate desire switch places. Turn your immediate desire into something you can put off until later. Then mae your ultimate goal into something that you insist on right now. Ask yourself this question . . .

AT ThIs momenT Would I prefer good heAlTh or junk food?

Before we get started… If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of learning about your diet and nutrition, as you will see it is a lot of information, we do have an amazing team who is ready to make you a completely customized meal plan.

CliCk Here To CHeCkouT our CusTomized meal Plans! If you don’t know what kind of plan you should start, shoot us an email directly and get a response today! We can get you on the right path and killing it!



Fat Shredding Nutrition

What you eat is more important than how you train. Unfortunately, the world at large has made this subject so confusing that most people throw up their hands in frustration and resort to what they’ve always been doing. In this section we will step you through a nutritional plan that will provide you with the anabolic environment to support your body shaping efforts. It will be built upon 4 principles:


Eat at regular interval


Avoid Refined Carbs and Sugar


Balance Your Macronutrients


Drink Water

Let’s take them one at a time:

Eat Frequently Do you ever skip breakfast, not eat anything until noon, and then complain that you can’t get any results from your exercise? Or do you eat a perfect diet for a few days in a row and then let your diet go to hell for the next few days? You have to give your body the fuel when it needs it if you want it to perform. Our bodies will assimilate everything you eat and excess calories will be stored as fat. Research also indicates that if you feed your body balanced meals that contain quality protein and carbohydrates throughout the day - as many as six small meals spaced out every three hours - you’ll enjoy a number of spectacular benefits, including:


enhanced metabolism


controlled appetite


less stomach discomfort


it provides enhanced energy for your workouts


stable energy levels (Glucose level) throughout the day


it supports muscle growth


Balance Your Macronutrients Sensible eating requires taking in a healthy balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat. Contrary to recent media reports, carbs are not your enemy. They are, in fact, your body’s preferred source of energy. You’ll need them to fuel your workouts. Protein requirements for weight trainers are higher also. Those who regularly engage in weight training exercise are routinely breaking down muscle tissue. They need extra protein to repair all of this damage. What’s more, they need it at specific intervals. In fact, timing of protein is very important. We need it ready to ingest about 30 minutes after a workout when muscle protein synthesis is at its highest. You should aim for 20-30g of protein at this time and a total of 0.7 to 1 grams of protein per pound of body weight throughout the entire day.

Avoid Refined Carbs & Sugar Concentrate on eating natural, unprocessed carbs. Reduce processed refined carbs as much as possible. Cut out white sugar and flour completely. Include a mixture of both starchy carbs and fibrous carbs on your plate. Unless you are planning a low/no carb day to cut down your glycogen stores after a cheat day, eat fruit every day. Aim to take in 50% of your daily calories from carbs, with 30% coming from lean protein sources and 20% from healthy fats. Here is a list of refined carb and sugar laden foods to avoid like the plague:


French fries and other deep fried foods


White bread and flour products


Ice cream and milkshakes


Energy drinks


Doughnuts and pastries


Hot dogs and fast-food burgers


Sweets and confections


Sugary breakfast cereals


Sugar sweetened soft drinks




Sugar sweetened juice drinks


And here is list of healthy foods to replace them with:


Fresh fruits


Unsweetened oats


Fibrous vegetables


Brown rice and quinoa






Potatoes/ Sweet potatoes


100% whole wheat or whole grain anything

Drink Pure and clean Water No one wants to be told to drink more water. It’s too easy - and cheap. Everyone is looking for some super supplement that will strip away the fat at lightning speed, allowing them to reveal a ripped, shredded, fat free body to startled onlookers. To them there’s only one worthwhile piece of advice -

Drink more water! Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply. For optimal body functions proper hydration is very important. If you ever find yourself dragging your way through a workout, it’s probably because you’re dehydrated. When you lose just 5% of water weight, your strength level can drop by as much as 30%. And thirst is not a good measure of hydration. So carry a water bottle with you all the time. Sip from it regularly - especially if you suddenly develop a between meal food craving. Shoot for 3 liters to a gallon of water per day. Your water needs may increase with intense exercise and in hot environments. Filtered tap water is great choice to stay hydrated!


Peak Performance Nutrition What follows is a sample nutritional program that will allow you to customize your own nutritional plan. It will give you guidance on how much to eat of what, when and why.

The Foundation It’s imperative that you calculate your personal nutritional needs. This calculation will initially be based upon your lean body mass (LBM). Your LBM is the best indicator of your basal metabolic needs (how many calories you need each day to function). By adding your physical activity output, we get a pretty good picture of your overall nutrient needs. This calculation will give us a good jumping off point.

Calculating your LBM:

SteP 1.

Measure your body weight. For most accurate measurement step on the scale first thing in the morning after emptying bladder and bowel movement.

SteP 2.

Get your body fat (BF) measured. You can either do this at your local gym, step on a pair of scales that automatically calculates BF or investing in a set of calipers and doing it yourself.

SteP 3.

To find out the amount of fat you are carrying around in pounds, multiply your weight in pounds by the percentage of BF.

160 PouNDS x 0.29 = 46.4 PouNDS oF Fat

SteP 4.

Now subtract your fat pounds from your overall weight to get your LBM

160 - 46.4 = 113.6 PouNDS LBM


Assess your basal caloric needs: To support 1 pound of LBM you need 13.8 calories. Multiply your LBM by 13.8

113.6 x 13.8 = 1,568 You now need to work out your daily caloric expenditure by activity. The handiest way to do this is via the internet. There is a great site here that lists virtually every activity known.

calculate Pop in the minutes that you engage in that activity and it will calculate the calories that each activity burns. If your activities differ throughout the week, enter each activity for the entire week and divide by 7 to get a daily average. Now simply add your basal caloric needs to your activity needs to get your overall daily maintenance calorie requirement.

To lose fat you should reduce your maintenance level by 500 calories per day ProtEin: You should consume 0.7 to 1 gram per pound of LBM.

1 graM ProteiN = 4 CaLorieS Fat: Try to hit a level of 0.3 grams per pound of LBM per day. Attempt to get most of this as unsaturated, essential fats (especially from fish, flax, hemp, etc).

1 graM Fat = 9 CaLorieS


CarbohydratE: Carbs will be the mainstay of your performance nutrition plan. They will provide you with the high octane fuel to keep you cranking day in day out. Your overall carb intake should equal the remainder of your calorie needs after protein and fats are accounted for.

1 graM CarBohyDrate = 4 CaLorieS

Protein = 113.6 x 1 = 114 grams Daily Protein Calories = 114 x 4 = 456 Fats = 113.6 x 0.3 = 34 grams Daily Fat Calories = 34 x 9 = 306 Carbohydrates = Maintenance Level (say 1600 calories*) - 762 (fat calories + protein calories) = 838 calories Carbohydrate Carbohydrates = 838 divided by 4 = 210 grams

Use this calculation to set up you nutritional plan for the first week. This will be an assessment period. Be sure to weigh yourself and note your body fat percentage at the beginning and again at the end of the week. If you haven’t lost 1-2 pounds, reduce by an extra 200 calories per day.


The Plan Now that you have your nutrient foundation worked out, it’s time to put in the particulars. The following schedule assumes that you work out in the afternoon.

Breakfast Sample Meal: 3 egg whites+ 2 whole eggs handful of nuts 1.5 cups fresh berries/fruit when: 7:00 am why: While you’ll actually be eating 6 small meals throughout the day, breakfast

should include 25% of your daily calories because your body is coming off an 8-10 hour sleep. Because of that your body is in an extreme catabolic state upon waking. This solid dose of calories will go a long way toward reversing that process. The main goal here is to top off your glycogen stores, maintain consistent blood sugar levels and continue provide your cells with the nutrients needed as the anabolic phase of your day begins

Mid-Morning Snack Sample Meal: Nutrition shake made with 1 scoop whey or plant based protein powder 1 slice whole wheat toast with one tablespoon all-natural peanut/ almond butter and one table-spoon all-fruit jam 1/2 large orange when: 10:00 am


why: It’s best to focus on low Glycemic Index carbs here, as the fat intake is fairly

low and the carbs are pretty high.

Lunch Sample Meal: 1 (3 oz. grilled chicken breast) 1 medium sweet potato 2 cups steamed veggies 2 teaspoons butter 1 large pear 300 mls water when: 1:00 pm why: This is a crucial meal. It can make or break your afternoon workout. If you

go too heavy on the carbs, you can be wallowing in the depths of blood sugar depression by 5pm. If you go too heavy on the fats and protein, your system may still be working hard on digesting the food as you start exercising, robbing your muscles of vital blood supply and energy. Focus on water rich veggies and fruits and lean protein. Drink water to keep you well hydrated for your upcoming workout.

Pre-Workout Snack Sample Meal 1/2 tuna sandwich with Mayo Medium apple when: 3:30 pm why: The energy for your workout comes from the fuel that goes into your body

before-hand. You need to infuse the muscle cells with amino acids and ATP to allow them to work at their peak while you’re in the gym.


Post-Workout Snack Sample Meal: Protein bar- low sugar Banana within 30 minutes after your workout. why: This is possibly the most important meal of your day. Within the 60 minutes

following your workout your muscles are like sponges, waiting to soak up carbs and to replace spent glycogen stores. If you pump in carbs and protein in about a four to one ratio directly after exercise, you can not only significantly enhance glycogen replacement, but stimulate immediate muscle recuperation as well. This snack can literally flip you from catabolic to anabolic in a matter of minutes. To facilitate this process, lots of water is necessary.

Dinner Sample Meal: 6 oz. grilled salmon fillet 1/2 cup Basmati rice 10 steamed asparagus spears when: Between 30 minutes after your post snack workout and two hour prior to bed. why: You have already hit your glycogen replacement hard in your post workout

snack, and you’ll be priming it again in the morning and through lunch the next day. You don’t need to hit it while you’re sleeping. By keeping the carbs low here and cranking up the protein and good fats, we set up a hormonal environment in the body that allows for optimal recuperation to take place while not risking fat storage. In other words you get your energy and muscle minus the fat. This is another key hydration time. Drink water to keep you hydrated overnight.


Note: The above nutritional plan will definitely give you an advantage over those who are swayed by every new fad diet like waves on the ocean. Initially it will be a chore to follow this plan, what with all the percentages that you need to adhere to. Stick with it. Before long you’ll know your portions without having to think about it. That’s what you want. Remember this is your new lifestyle eating plan. If it takes a month to ease into it, so what? You’ve got the whole rest of your life to reap the benefits. One last word - every week, allow yourself one cheat meal. Make it a lunch and eat whatever you want. Drink water (not soda pop!) and make sure that it’s just that one meal.

Nutrition Checklist

Eat every 3 waking hours for a total of 5-6 meals per day

Take in just 10% of your daily carbs for dinner

Eat a sensible balance of carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats Stay away from refined carbs and sugar Drink 3 liters of water per day minimum Calculate your daily caloric needs Work out your macronutrient ratios (calories, grams) for each meal Eat 25% of your day’s calories for breakfast Fuel your training with a pre-workout meal within an hour of your training get quality carbs into your system

Allow yourself a single cheat meal every week


Manipulating your Macros Carb Cycling Carb cycling refers to strategically altering your carb intake between low, moderate and high days rather than sticking to a set intake each day.By following a low / medium/ high carb day cycle, you are manipulating your hormones such as insulin, thyroid, Leptin (appetite controlling hormone), ghrelin (fat homeostatic hormone) etc. With manipulating carbs, you can manipulate your insulin (anabolic hormone) level which can help you to build your muscles. When to use carb cycling strategy? You are trying to lose fat/weight and you hit plateau. Carb cycling can maximize glycogen stores and improve workouts during a low calorie period. Carb cycling strategy depend on: How you feel with lower carb intake days. How much muscle mass you have. Your physique goals. Length of time you anticipate on the carb cycle. (which is usually a short duration) On this 12-week program, you should carb cycle for the last 5 weeks of the program, in order to strip off excess body fat and reveal the shapely, defined muscle that you’ve been working so hard to achieve. So, for the first 7 weeks of the program you will eat according to the nutritional plan laid out in the last chapter. Then, for the final 5 weeks, you will follow the carb cycling plan laid out in this chapter. The 6-day cycle of four low, 1 high and one moderate carb days can be repeated throughout your diet period.


How Many Carbs? Before establishing your carb intake find out your calorie need/goal. Then find your protein intake. Next you will establish your fat intake and then finally you are picking carbs. The best way to set your carb levels is to work out how many you’ll be taking on the highest carb day of the cycle. You’ll have to do some fine tuning with your numbers based on your daily activity level, how intensely you’re working out, your age and gender. For example a women with need of 190 grams of carbs we will establish her carb intake for carb cycling regimen Now that you’ve got max level on the highest day of the cycle, you can work backwards to set daily levels. Based on a 190 gram max, it will look like this . . .

As you see, Day 1: 50 gM

Day 1 iS Low CarB Day

Day 2: 100 gM

Day 2 iS Low CarB Day

Day 3: 150 gM

Day 3 iS MoDerate CarB Day

Day 4: 100 gM

Day 4 iS Low CarB Day

Day 5: 125 gM

Day 5 iS Low CarB Day

Day 6: 190 gM

Day 6 iS high CarB Day

And on Day 7 you simply go back a regular relaxed day of tracking your macros with the option of a cheat meal here or there, :) then jump back to Day 1. Following the carb cycle as outlined will enable you to strip body fat while still having energy for intense training.


Carb cycling tips: Eat carbs in the morning and minimal at the end of the day. Set your calorie goal first. Carb portion varies during the cycling but protein and fat intake stay relatively similar. But, you do have to adjust your protein and fat accordingly with relatively less variation. As you reduce carb intake your fiber intake can go low, and overall calorie intake goes low. Combine high carb days with workout days.

The Clean Carb List Your carb cycling plan will succeed or fail on the basis of the types of carbs you select to consume within your daily requirements. Focus on complex carbohydrate. Fibrous vegetable carb sources are not included in your carb count and can be eaten as much as you like. Eliminate bread from your diet when carb cycling. The following starchy carbs need to form the foundation of your carb cycling intake:

Baked potato




Sweet Potato

Brown Rice


DefiningTerms:BMR andTDEE BMR = Basal Metabolic Rate is the number of calories that you need each day to stay alive at your current weight. If you were lying in bed all day, it would be the number of calories you needed to function. To work out your BMR use the following formula . . .

BMr = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (CM) - 5 x age (y) -161 TDEE = Total Daily Energy Expenditure is your BMR plus the extra calories that you use up throughout your daily activities. You can multiply your BMR by a factor based upon activity grouping. The factors are:

Sedentary - 1.2 Lightly Active - 1.3 Moderately Active - 1.5 Very Active - 1.7 Extremely Active - 1.9

TDEE allocates calories in accordance with the following activity groupings:

Sedentary - desk job, very little exercise Lightly Active - light exercise, 1-3 days per week Moderately Active - moderate exercise, 3-5 days per week Very Active - hard exercise, 6-7 days per week Extremely Active - hard daily exercise plus a physical job


Putting it allTogether We now have all of the information we need to calculate our specific nutritional requirements. We’ll use an example of a girl named Samantha to see how it works . . . Samantha is 32 years old and 55 kg. She is 158 cm tall. She trains 5 days per week on a heavy, compound exercise based program. She’s a teacher who spends most of her day at the front of a classroom. Samantha belongs on the Moderate Activity Level of the TDEE activity scale. This gives her a TDEE factor of 1.5. We now have to work out Samantha’s Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) using the following formula . . .

BMr = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (CM) - 5 x 22 -161 10 x 55 + (6.25 x 158) - (5 x 22)-161 1266.5 We can now work out Samantha’s TDEE by multiplying her BMR by 1.5

1266.5 x 1.5 = 1900 In order to maintain her current body weight, Samantha needs to take in 1900 calories per day. But we want her to lose body-fat, not stay the same. Our goal is to drop one pound of fat through nutrition every single week. To do that we will set her daily caloric total 500 calories lower than her TDEE.

1900 - 500 = 1400 We now have Samantha’s total daily caloric total: 1400 We can go deeper and work out Samantha’s macronutrient requirements for each day.


Our Toned In 90 Days program will involve 4 low carb days, 1 moderate carb day, and 1 high carb day. The low carb days will be Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.


On low carb days, Samantha will be consuming: 45% protein 35% carbs 25% fat

we can go even deeper. 3. Now, There are:

4 calories in every gram of protein 4 calories in every gram of carbohydrate 9 calories in every gram of fat

means 2. That that she

we can drill down to how many 4. So, grams of each macro Samantha

will be taking in: 560 calories from protein 490 calories from carbs 350 calories from fat

needs on her low carb days:

560 divided by 4 = 140grams of protein 490 divided by 4 = 122.5 grams of carbs 350 divided by 9 = 39 grams of fat

The above numbers are Samantha’s key markers. So long as she hits them each day, she cannot help but torch body fat from her physique! Ok, let’s get the numbers for Samantha’s high carb days. High carb days will be Monday and Thursday. On high carb days, Samantha will be consuming:

That means that she will be taking in:

30% protein 50% carbs 20% fat

420 calories from protein 700 calories from carbs 280 calories from fat


So, we can drill down to how many grams of each macro Samantha needs on her high carb days:

420 divided by 4 = 105 grams of protein 700 divided by 4 = 175 grams of carbs 280 divided by 9 = 31 grams of fat

Samantha now has everything he needs to lose a pound of fat every single week through nutrition.

Your Turn To calculate your daily macros, you can either fill in the numbers below or click onto this handy iiFyM

calculator that will do it for you.

Step One: Your BMR BMr = 10 x weight (kg) + (6.25 x height (CM)) - (5 x 22) -161 eNter your NuMBerS . . . 10 x ______ + (6.25 x _____) - (5 x 22) -161 your BMr = __________ CaLorieS

Step Two: Your TDEE __________ (BMr) x ________ (aCtivity FaCtor) your tDee = _________ CaLorieS


Step Three: Your Low Carb Day Macros _______ (tDee) x 0.4 ÷ 4 = _________ graMS ProteiN _______ (tDee) x 0.35 ÷ 4 = _________ graMS CarBS _______ (tDee) x 0.25 ÷ 9 = _________ graMS Fat

Step Four: Your High Carb Day Macros _______ (tDee) x 0.3 ÷ 4 = _________ graMS ProteiN _______ (tDee) x 0.5 ÷ 4 = _________ graMS CarBS _______ (tDee) x 0.2 ÷ 9 = _________ graMS Fat

Congratulations You now know exactly how many macros you need to be eating to get your body shredded. All you need to do now is to follow the plan and you cannot fail! Do your best to hit your target every day. In the grand scheme of things, it won’t be a catastrophe if you are out by 10% every now and again. Consistency, however, is the real secret here. So, stay locked in on your macros.


Smart Supplementation

why SuPPLeMeNt? The right supplements - taken at the right times - can help propel you to your body shaping goals by doing three things. They can . . . increase your anabolic drive improve your workload capacity decrease your recovery time. Individually, these factors can make a big difference. Put together they will work synergistically to power you towards your goals. Let’s consider them one at a time:

Anabolic Drive The word ‘anabolic’ refers to the body’s ability to produce more muscle tissue. Anabolic drive involves the natural production of testosterone, growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), insulin, thyroid, cortisol and other hormones and growth factors involved in muscle growth. For athletes, it refers to the body’s ability to increase it’s anabolic (or muscle producing) response to exercise, nutrition, supplements and other factors. In the case of supplements, those targeted towards increasing the production of testosterone, growth hormone and insulin, and decreasing cortisol, will result in both anabolic and anti-catabolic effects, thus maximizing the anabolic drive. One way to increase this is to simply get a good nights rest every night. During the night, when you fall into your deep sleep (REM), this is when your body naturally produces and releases growth hormone in your body. So the more deep sleep you allow yourself to get, the more of the hormone gets produced.

Workload Capacity Endurance or workload capacity involves your ability to maintain high quality training throughout a workout. If your capacity is limited and you don’t have the energy,


endurance or concentration necessary to train hard from the beginning of your workout to the end, it won’t matter how well you manage the other components nutrition, supplementation and rest. Your diet may be excellent. You may even be training properly six days a week, but if you don’t have the overall energy and muscle endurance for a productive workout, you aren’t going to experience maximal progress. Again, get your sleep! Another way to increase your workload capacity is to increase your ATP levels in your body. ATP is pretty much an energy source for your muscles. When you are training, ATP is broken down throughout your workout. When you can no longer do anymore reps of an exercise, also known as your “failure point”, it is because all of your ATP was broken down. But if you supplement 5mg of creatine daily, this will create an abundance of ATP, allowing your body to push harder and longer through your workout.

Recovery When you train in the gym you are going to war with your body. The stress that you put on your muscles breaks them down, causing micro tears in your muscle tissue. Recovering from that stress is vital in order to switch over from a catabolic to an anabolic state. Failure to recover properly will put you in an over-trained state. You will feel lethargic, lack energy and have little motivation to train. Certain supplements can have a strong effect on lowering recovery time and increasing muscle growth. Supplements targeting recovery can also help you handle additional stress in your training. If you want to extend workouts from four to six days a week, supplements can help you accelerate recovery to make those workouts productive. Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are the building blocks of all proteins and these should be your go-to supplement for muscle recovery and endurance.

Anti-Catabolism You can decrease the breakdown of muscle tissue both during and after exercise and thus provide potent anti-catabolic effects in several ways. A lot of substances


and methods decrease muscle breakdown and have anti-catabolic effects; for example taking in adequate carbohydrates is known to have a protein sparing effect. Cortisol is a necessary hormone and it plays a significant role in decreasing muscle stiffness and inflammation. Without normal and somewhat elevated cortisol levels, we couldn’t even exercise properly - so it wouldn’t matter what training, diet, drug or nutritional supplement regimen you followed. Yet, chronically elevated levels of cortisol have a catabolic effect on muscle and decreases the effect of anabolic hormones. Decreasing the amount of cortisol after exercise can provide you with an added anabolic boost by decreasing muscle tissue breakdown and increasing aminoacid influx and utilization by muscle cells.

Smart Supplementing: Pre-Workout

Eat a whole full meal 60-90 minutes before your workout The meal should contain fast release lean protein, slow release carbs and no fat Have a pre-workout shake 20 minutes before training

Your pre-workout shake should consist of all your BCAAs. There are many BCAA supplements on the market and many are good. My personal favorite is bioENDURE from Global Formulas. They have four flavors and each one consists of a near perfect ratio of amino acids.

CliCk Here To CHeCk ouT THese BCAAs

Smart Supplementing: Post-Workout

Take a fast acting whey protein powder shake within 20 minutes after your workout to fast track amino acids to those hungry muscle cells.

Add 5 mls of creatine to your shake. Creatine is the most effective supplement you can use for boosting muscle performance.



Your 12 week training program to achieve your toned physique will encompass a two pronged attack on your body fat. Five days per week you will be training with weights to build muscle while, at the same time, stripping the surface body fat from those muscles. You will also be doing high intensity cardio interval training (HIIT) three days per week to convert your body into a fat burning machine 24 hours a day. In this chapter we will detail the weight training protocol that will get you lean.

The 7 Commandments of Strategic Weight Training 1.

ProgreSSive overLoaD: Every single workout you need to do something to make it more intense than the one before. Whether it’s lifting an extra couple of pounds, doing one more rep or reducing the rest time between sets, you have got to keep moving forward with your workouts.


iNteNSity: When working out with weights, intensity refers to the difficulty with which you push the weights. You know that you are working at the right intensity if the last 2 reps of each set can just be squeezed out and you couldn’t possibly do another one.


CoMPouND MoveMeNtS: To burn the maximum amount of calories, focus on movements that work muscle groups in tandem. Exercises like squats, dead-lifts and lunges will work nearly every muscle group in your body while churning through a heap of calories.


traiN Major MuSCLeS FirSt: Your smaller muscles groups - shoulders, biceps, triceps - are synergists when you are training your larger muscle like chest and back. They link the weight to the working muscle. The last thing you want to do is to pre-exhaust these weak links and not allow the larger muscles to get a decent workout.


MiNiMize reSt BetweeN SetS: Keep your between set rest periods to just 30-45 seconds. You don’t want your intensity level to drop.



ChaNge your PrograM every Six weekS: That will prevent your body from getting too used to the routine. You need to keep your body guessing if you want it to keep responding. Changing it up every six weeks will allow you to do just that.


iSoLate the workiNg MuSCLe: If you are working on your biceps, don’t allow your lower back to do the work by swinging and using momentum. Get your mind into the working muscle. Focus on tensing and contracting that muscle without the aid of other parts of the body.

Correct Lifting Technique A gym is a great place to get fit and healthy. Unless you know what you’re doing, however, it can also be a doorway to a whole lot of unpleasantness. There are lots of heavy weights around. You can’t just sack up and start throwing them around. First you’ve got to learn some lifting fundamentals. Here are some basics to master before your first session.

griPPiNg the Bar: There are three types of grips used to grab a dumbbell, barbell or weight machine handle . . . pronated (overhand)

supinated (underhand)

neutral (palms facing in)

With an overhand grip your knuckles face up and your thumbs are toward each other. For an underhand grip, your palms will be facing up and pointing away from each other. For a neutral grip, your palms will be facing in and your thumbs are pointing up. All three grips should be closed grips. This is when the fingers and thumbs are wrapped around the bar. The opposite to this is an open grip, where the thumbs do not wrap around the bar. You should avoid using an open grip because the bar may roll out of your grip, especially when you are using a heavy weight. Grip width varies with the specific exercise that you are performing. A shoulder width grip is standard for most movements, however.


LiFtiNg the Bar: It is vital that you learn the proper technique to lift a bar from the floor. Here are the steps that you need to adhere to:

in front of the bar, feet flat on the floor and shoulder width apart. Your toes should be i. Stand pointing slightly outward. your core (pull in your stomach and pull back your upper back), squat down in ii. Tightening front of the bar. iii. Grasp the bar with a closed, over-hand shoulder width grip. up, ensuring that your back is in a flat, rather than a rounded position. Your shoulder iv. Look should be back and your chest out. the bar close to your body, rise up to a standing position. The power to stand should v. Keep come from your thighs, rather than your back.

BreathiNg: As you push or pull the weight with each exercise, you should

exhale (concentric contraction). As the weight moves back to the start position in readiness for the next rep, you should inhale (eccentric contraction).

Safety Considerations 1.

Loading a barbell: It’s amazing how many people seem to forget about gravity when changing the weight on a barbell. The bar can be sitting on the bench press rack and along comes some noob intent on changing the weight. They take the collar off one end and then slip the weight off, oblivious to the fact that gravity is about to cause that, now lighter, end of the bar to fly up into their face. That sort of carelessness could cause someone to lose an eye.

LeSSoN: have another person pull of the weight at the other end while you

are changing it. always load a bar evenly.

2. 3.

Lock barbells: Always make sure that the collars are tightly affixed to the end of the bar before performing a set. Check them again between sets as they can easily come loose during the set. Use a spotter when going heavy: If you don’t have a training partner to provide a spot for you, ask a gym instructor to help you. The spotter should be positioned in front of you, ready to give you balanced assistance with their finger tips when you reach the failure point.



Don’t use momentum: You want the working muscle to do the work, not gravity or momentum. By lowering the weight to a count of four, pausing momentarily and then focusing on using the target muscle to lift, you will be working the muscle only.

5. 6.

When you are using a machine with a weight stack attached, don’t allow the weight plates to slam down on the rest of the stack between reps. Keep your core tight and back straight: This will avoid the tendency to swing you back into the movement, avoid lower back strain and give your abs an auxiliary workout on every exercise.

Warm Up Every exercise that you perform should begin with a warm up set. This set should be done with little or no weight for 15 repetitions with a slower than normal tempo.

High and Low Rep Days The Toned In 90 Days program is based around a few compound exercises, which will form the nucleus of your training,and then a few isolation exercises, which will give your body the detail that you’ve always wanted. Starting out, compound moves are the best bang for your buck when it comes to creating a muscular, lean physique as they use many different muscles. On the Toned In 90 Days program you’ll be progressing through two different weekly workouts. The first one weeks 1-6, and the second one weeks 7-12. These weekly regimens will have one workout for each body part each week. Following a training plan for 4-6 weeks allows your body to build up just enough muscle before you need to change your regimen to continually shock your muscle into new growth. Changing your plan allows you to hit your muscles from new angles in order to bring about the ultimate muscle fiber stimulation. It also keeps your training mentally fresh, preventing stagnation.

Rep Range The program has been created using rep ranges that ensure maximum hypertrophy along with maximum calorie burn. Starting weeks 1-6 with 4 sets of 12 reps,


followed by weeks 7-12 with 3 sets of 10 with put on muscle while keeping your body lean and toned. Your sets of 10 will call for more focused strength and power to move the maximum amount of weight possible. You must be totally dialed in to achieve that. Your goal each time will be to lift more than you did on your last low rep set for that exercise . . . nothing else matters! You will find that your high rep sets come at the end of a series of 8-10 rep sets. That means that you will already be exhausted when the high rep set rolls around. However, you must push out this set with absolute intensity while maintaining as perfect form as you can. At the end of that set you should be totally exhausted.

Pre-Workout Stretching Routine Follow these stretching guidelines:


Move slowly into the stretched position and stretch to a point where you can feel slight tension


Relax, inhale deeply and then exhale


Hold the stretch for 15 seconds and then return slowly to the start position


Perform each stretch twice

Upper Body Stretches:

PeC StretCh: Major MuSCLeS workeD = PeCtoraLiS Major aND DeLtoiDS With your elbows straight, clasp your hands together behind your back and slowly lift your arms upward. If you are not able to clasp your hands, simply reach back


as far as possible. For an additional stretch, bend forward at the waist and raise your arms higher.

triCeP StretCh: Major MuSCLeS workeD = rhoMBoiDS, DeLtoiDS aND triCePS BraChii With your left hand, grasp your right elbow and pull it slowly across your chest toward your left shoulder. Repeat with the other arm.

uPPer BaCk StretCh: Major MuSCLeS workeD = LatiSSiMuS DorSi aND triCePS BraChii Bring both arms overhead and hold your right elbow with your left hand. Bend your right arm at the elbow and let your right hand touch your upper back. Pull with your left hand to move your right elbow slowly toward and behind your head until you feel a stretch. Repeat with your other arm.

Lower BaCk StretCh: Major MuSCLeS workeD = ereCtor SPiNae aND gLuteuS MaxiMuS Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Bend your right leg, cross it over your left knee, and place the sole of your right foot flat on the floor to the outside of the left knee. Next, push against the outside of your upper right thigh with your left elbow, just above your knee. Place your right hand behind you and then slowly rotate your upper body toward your right hand and arm. Repeat with your left leg placed over your right leg and rotate toward your left hand.

thigh StretCh: Major MuSCLeS workeD = quaDriCePS Using a wall or stationary object for balance, grasp your left foot with your left hand and pull so that your heel moves toward your left buttock (the alignment is


important for avoiding stress on your knee). You should feel the stretch along the front of your left thigh. Repeat with your other leg.

haMStriNg StretCh: Major MuSCLeS workeD = haMStriNgS aND ereCtor SPiNae

Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Flex your right leg, rotate your right hip to point your right knee out to the side and place the sole of your right foot lightly against the inside of your left knee. Slowly lean forward from your hips to move your torso toward your left knee. Be sure to keep the toes of your left foot pointing up with your ankles and toes relaxed. Switch the position of your legs and repeat with your right leg straight out in front of you.

CaLF StretCh: Major MuSCLeS workeD = SoLeuS aND gaStroCNeMiuS Stand about three feet away from a wall or stationary object. Keeping your left heel in contact with the floor, place your right foot about one foot in front of your left foot with your right knee flexed. With your left knee straight, lean forward at your waist. Keep your left heel on the floor and your back straight. Repeat with other leg.


The Workouts

Weeks 1-6






Chest & Abs



Shoulders & Abs


Quads & Shoulders

Cardio Circuit


Hams & Glutes

Weeks7-12 Chest & Back

Here are the four workouts that you will perform. For visuals on how to perfect form see videos of each exercise attached.

Chest & Abs:


Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 12 reps

Barbell Squat: 3 sets of 12 reps

Machine Fly: 3 sets of 12 reps

Leg Extension: 3 sets of 12 reps

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 12 reps

Assisted Chest Dips: 3 sets of 12 reps Crunches: 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Prone Leg Curl: 3 sets of 12 reps Cable Glute Kickback: 3 sets of 12 reps

Reverse Crunches: 3 sets of 12-15 reps Plank: 30-45 seconds


Straight Leg Dumbbell Deadlift: 3 sets of 12 reps

Lat Pull Down: 3 sets of 12 reps Iso-Dumbbell Row: 3 sets of 12 reps (each arm) Reverse Dumbbell Fly: 3 sets of 12 reps Seated Low Row: 3 sets of 12 reps Lower Back Extension: 3 sets of 12 reps

Shoulders & Abs:

Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 12 reps EZ Bar Upright Row: 3 sets of 12 reps Dumbbell Front Raise: 3 sets of 12 reps Dumbbell Later Raise: 3 sets of 12 reps Russian Twists: 3 sets of 12-15 reps Heel Taps: 3 sets of 12-15 reps Side Planks: 3 sets of 20-40 seconds each side


Bi’s & Tri’s

Quads & Shoulders

Superset 1 Alternating Dumbbell Curl:

Superset 1 Arnold Press:

3 sets of 12 reps (each arm) Cable Tricep Extension With Rope: 3 sets of 12 reps

4 sets of 10 reps Goblet Squat: 4 sets of 10 reps

Superset 2 Superset 2 Dumbbell Hammer Curl: 3 sets of 12 reps Car Drivers: 4 sets of 20-40 seconds Dumbbell Skullcrushers: 3 sets of 12 reps Walking Lunges: 4 sets of 10 reps (each leg) Superset 3 Standing Barbell Curl: 3 sets of 12 reps Iso Dumbbell Kickback:

Superset 3 Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 4 sets of 10 reps Leg Extension:

Chest & Back

Cardio Circuit

Superset 1 Barbell Bench Press: 4 sets of 10 reps Assisted Pull-Ups: 4 sets of 10 reps

3 sets of 12 reps (each arm)

Superset 2 Incline Dumbbell Fly: 4 sets of 10 reps Incline Dumbbell Row: 4 sets of 10 reps Superset 3 Machine Fly: 4 sets of 10 reps Supinated EZ Bar Row: 4 sets of 10 reps

4 sets of 10 reps

20 Body Weight Squats 12-15 Reverse Crunches 12-15 Pushups 2:00 Moderate Paced Stairmaster 20 Jump Squats 15-20 Crunches 8-12 Burpees 2:00 Moderate Pace Stairmaster

*Repeat for 2-4 total rounds*



Hamstrings & Glutes

Superset 1 EZ Bar Curl: 4 sets of 10 reps Incline EZ Bar Skullcrusher:

Superset 1 Dumbbell Hamstring Curl: 4 sets of 10 reps Barbell Hip Thrusts:

Superset 2 Cable Hammer Curl With Rope:

Superset 2 Good Mornings:

4 sets of 10 reps

4 sets of 10 reps

Iso Cable Tricep Extension: 4 sets of 10 reps (each arm)

4 sets of 10 reps

4 sets of 10 reps Donkey Kicks: 4 sets of 20 (each leg)

Superset 3 Superset 3 Iso Cable Curl: 4 sets of 10 reps (each arm) Prone Leg Curl: 4 sets of 10 reps Pull Throughs: 4 sets of 10 reps Seated Tricep Dip: 4 sets of 10 reps

A Note on Resistance Selecting the appropriate weight for each exercise will require a little bit of trial and error. For the first two weeks of the program your focus should be on training your body in correct exercise technique and performance. The resistance, therefore, can be a little lighter than optimum until you are in the groove of the movement. For compound exercises such as squats, dead-lifts and bench presses you can start with just an Olympic bar. Movements that isolate the smaller muscles groups (such as lateral raises and flyes) don’t require that much weight to be effective. After a couple of weeks, apply the guidelines already providing on choosing resistance (i.e. the last 2-3 reps should be the most you could do at that weight). See Appendix 2 for a complete breakdown of the optimized exercise technique for each exercise in the program.



Most people who exercise to lose weight are operating off the more is better mindset. As a result, the vast majority of them are in an over trained state. Not only will that curtail the body’s natural fat burning mechanisms, it will, more than likely, result in burnout, lack of motivation and workouts that become a drudgery rather than a delight. In order to burn the maximum amount of calories, and therefore burn the maximum amount of fat, during your workouts you need two things: Intensity


In fact, these two go hand in hand. Think of running. You can do a slow jog for a long time, but up the intensity to an all out sprint and you’ll be lucky to stick it out for more than a minute. When it comes to working out to torch body fat the equivalent of an all out sprint is known as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). HIIT has hit the headlines over recent years because a whole raft of studies have shown conclusively that it is a far superior form of fat loss exercises than either regular aerobic exercise or resistance training. HIIT training will allow you to slash your workout time to less than one hour per week, including your warm up and warm down time. That hour will be separated into three 20 minute workouts on alternate days.

That 60 minutes of total exercise time will equate to of your week. Yet, within that tiny fraction of time you will consume more energy in the form of calories than you would achieve with hours of steady state cardio. And, what’s more, HIIT is the only form of exercise to produce the EPOC effect. EPOC stands for excess post oxygen consumption. It means that your body will continue burning as if you were still exercising long after you’ve hit the shower room. In fact, HIIT will keep your metabolism revved up for 24-32 hours after your workout has finished. HIIT training produces more mitochondria in the muscle cell. And mitochondria happen to be very effective burners of fat. An Australian study separated women into two exercise groups: moderate intensity cycling and high intensity HIIT style


cycling. The first group performed 20 minutes of steady cycling. The second alternated between 8 seconds of sprint cycling and 12 seconds of gentle cycling for five minutes. After fifteen weeks, tests revealed that only the women in the HIIT group lost weight. Average weight loss among the group was 11.3 pounds. As well as losing fat from their thighs, the women lost weight from their stomach area and their average fasting insulin was down by 31%.

5 Reasons Why HIIT MUST

Form the Basis of your Cardio Program . . . 1

HIIT is fast and effective


HIIT makes more fat burning mitochondria


HIIT allows you to burn more calories after exercise


HIIT leads to fat loss from your belly


HIIT suppresses the appetite

Your HIIT Action Plan Your Fat Obliterator Exercise program is based around the principles of HIIT training: Hard and Fast

Brief workouts

Progressive resistance


You will be exercising three times per week. This should be on alternate days to make sure that your body gets the maximum amount of rest and recovery possible. Most people find that Monday, Wednesday and Friday works best for them. Your workouts will last less than 20 minutes each. Within that time you will work every muscles group in your body and you will flick the switch on your body’s fat burning mechanism, allowing you to torch body fat for many hours after your workout is in the bag.

The Workout: Day One In this workout you will be performing sprint sessions followed by rest intervals. You need to choose between one of the following to perform your sprints:




Running on a field


If you decide to do your sprint work by running on a field, you should chose a location that allows at least 100 yards for you to run in a line. You will need a timer for this workout. Your phone will do nicely. Set it to beep at 20 second, then 10-second intervals.

warM uP Your warm simply involves 5 minutes of slow movement on your chosen exercise type. Your goal here is to get the muscles ready for the challenging work to come so you should perform some exaggerated movements to really feel the muscles getting involved.

the workout As soon as five minutes is up on your warm up, it is time to get to work. If you are using a treadmill, dial the speed up to between 8-12 miles per hour, depending on your current fitness level.


Your job now is to begin sprinting as fast and as hard as you possibly can. If you are running, imagine that you are being chased by a very hungry dog! On the cycle, pump your legs like there’s no tomorrow. And, if you are rowing, imagine that you’re closing in on the Olympic Games finish line. Continue this all-out sprint for 20 seconds. Then stop. You’ve got 10 seconds before you do it all again. Take in deep breaths (through your nose) and get psyched for the work ahead . . .

Now go! Sprint as hard as you did the first time. Try not to let the intensity level drop. Keep pushing harder, harder, harder . . . at 20 seconds stop and breathe again. You will repeat this cycle until you have completed 8 twenty-second sprints with 10-second rest intervals between them. This will take you just 4 minutes – but it will fee like an hour!

warM DowN Finish your workout with a 5-minute cool down. Repeat the same process as for your warm up, maintaining a slow, steady pace to allow your body to return to a non-exercise state.

The Workout: Day Two Today is your body weight circuit training day. That means that you’ll be performing exercises that target the individual muscles of your body one after the other with minimal rest between them. You will also alternate between exercises that are primarily aerobic (jumping jacks) and those that are mainly anaerobic (push ups). This approach has been scientifically proven to burn the most amount of calories in the shortest possible time, while also building up muscle strength and mass AND dramatically improving cardiovascular fitness.

the warM uP Today’s warm up is the same as your Day One workout warm up; that is 5 minutes of slow movement on your chosen exercise type. Your goal here is to get the


muscles ready for the challenging work to come so you should perform some exaggerated movements to really feel the muscles getting involved. If you don’t have access to an exercise machine or a skipping rope for your warm up and you are not at a place that you can jog, simply run in place.

the workout Today’s workout will hit every muscle group as you move through a circuit that tones and shapes while it scorches away body fat. Here’s how to perform the workout, for visuals on form see attached videos:

PuSh-uPS Set yourself on the ground, face down with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Your feet should be touching. Keeping your body in a straight line, rise up so that your arms are fully extended. Tense your buttocks and tighten your abs to prevent your butt from lifting you into a ‘v’ position. Look straight ahead rather than down. Now steadily lower yourself until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle. When your chest touches the floor, explode back up to the start position. note: You may have to start with modified push ups, in which you you have your knees on the ground until you build sufficient upper body strength to perform full push ups

MouNtaiN CLiMBerS Starting in the plank position (extended arms on the floor, shoulder width apart, body flat, legs straight and together), as if you were starting a sprint. Now alternate bringing your knees to your chest, going as quickly as possible. Keep your back flat and but down. Continue for 30 seconds

BoDy weight SquatS With your feet shoulder width apart, your eyes focused on the ceiling and your lower back arched, place your hands on your head. Now lower down to a parallel squat position by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. After a slight pause, and without rounding your back, push through your heels to return to the start position. Perform your body weight squats with a smooth, rhythmic cadence. Take 4-5


seconds per repetition and focus on feeling the work that your thighs, glutes and hamstrings are doing.

Power juMPS Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Crouch down into a squat and then explode up into a vertical jump. Bring your knees up as high as possible. Continue in a fluid motion without any rest until the 30 seconds is complete.

MoDiFieD PuLL uPS Set up a bar or equivalent between two uprights so that it is positioned horizontally at waist height. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip and lower yourself so that you are hanging underneath it with feet extended out. Now, with your back arched, pull up so that your chin touches the bar. Lower to full extension and repeat.

StaNDiNg LoNg juMP Jump off with both feet together as far as you can. Bend your knees before you jump and focus on going low to go far. Sprint back to the start position and repeat.

reverSe DiPS Position yourself in front of a low bench facing away with your hands behind you resting on the bench. Your hands should be about 6 inches apart and your legs extended in front of you so that your body forms a straight line. From this position, bend at the elbows to lower your core area towards the floor. From a bottom position power back up, focusing on your triceps to do the work.

BurPeeS Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Crouch down and place your palms on the ground. With your arms supporting your body kick your legs back. Immediately draw your legs back then thrust yourself back up to the start position. That is one rep. Continue for 30 seconds.

waLL Sit

Sit with your back against a wall, just as if you were sitting in a chair. Your feet should be shoulder width apart with your legs at right angles and thighs parallel


to the ground. Spread your arms out along the wall at shoulder height. Hold this position for the set time.

CooL DowN Finish your workout with a 5-minute cool down. Repeat the same process as for your warm up, maintaining a slow, steady pace to allow your body to return to a non-exercise state.

The Workout: Day Three Today you will repeat your Day One workout. Remember to push hard each and every sprint, not allowing fatigue to slow down your intensity level. Your work session is only 4 minutes long, but those four minutes need to be golden in order to produce the fat burning results that you deserve. If you can, it is a great idea to change up the type of exercise you are doing between Days One and Three. So, if you are using a cycle on Day One, switch to a rowing machine on Day Three.

How To Stay Committed to An Exercise Program In order to make a success of working out, you must find a way to make exercise rewarding. Of course, we all know of the long-term rewards of working out. For many people, though, those rewards are too far off to motivate us in the present. Of course, unless you have unlimited financial means, tangible rewards are not the way to go. And dare we say it – DO NOT use food as a reward. That’s part of the cycle that got many people into the fat zone when they were kids in the first place! How about if exercise itself were the reward? What does that mean. It means slowing down and enjoying the process of exercising. Exercise strengthens the connection between mind, body and spirit It also sharpens our awareness of the interconnectedness of the aspects that make up our whole


being - the mind, body and spirit. For many people there is a spiritual dimension that comes with the endorphin rush that comes with exercise - especially if you’re jogging along the beach at sunrise. When you work out, your body releases endorphins - commonly referred to as ‘feel good’ chemicals. Endorphins give you a natural high - a sense of euphoria and mood enhancement that just makes you feel good about your life. Integrate exercise as a special time of your day. Rather than viewing it as a chore that you’ve got to endure, see it as your personal time - the hour of the day that you are using to sculpt and perfect the package that you present to the world. This is the time where your mind and body are working together to make you better, faster, stronger. There’s no one encroaching on your time. This is your daily maintenance - cherish it. Use exercise to find out who you are in that moment. Expel any negative thoughts from your mind and focus on the positive benefits of what you are doing. Explain to yourself why you are doing what you are doing. Remind yourself of the discipline you are displaying by working out. Visualize yourself having achieved your ultimate goal.


Beyond 90 Days: Customization

The 90 day nutrition and training program will take your body where you never thought possible. The type of lean, toned muscle that you’ve envied on others will finally be yours. But 90 days is only the start. Use what you have learnt over these 3 months to take your training to the next level. From now on you will change your routine every 4-6 weeks. By following the principles presented in this book, you will be able to design your own training programs designed to ramp up the fat loss even further and get you closer and closer to your ideal body. Here are the key guidelines that you will need to employ when designing your future workouts:

Work from the ground up Work from the center of the body out Maintain good form with all exercises Keep your workout under one hour Allow 48 hours before working a muscle group again

If you don’t want to have to deal with this and are interested in having a customized training plan made for you every month by our team of personal trainers with check-ins every week to keep you accountable click the link below:

CliCk Here To CHeCk ouT our CusTomized WorkouT Plans!”


Final Word

Within your grasp you now have all of the knowledge that you need to transform your body, taking charge of your physique and allowing yourself to wear it proudly anywhere, anytime.

Knowledge, of course, is vital. But, in itself it is never enough. Unless you actually get off the couch and start implementing what you’ve learnt, then you have simply wasted your time.

Let this book mark a turning point in your life. Allow the knowledge that you

now have to spur you to action, so that you begin to immediately implement the training and nutrition know-how that you have at your disposal.

Your new body is waiting for you – get out there and claim it! 66

aPPeNDix a

Sample Low Carb Meal Plan this meal plan is based on consuming a maximum of 50 grams of carbs per day. Breakfast


Scrambled egg omelete (2 whole / 3 whites) Spinach Mushrooms



Nonfat plain yogurt Protein shake with chopped nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews)

Lean beef (3 oz), topside Broccoli Asparagus

Smoothie with coconut milk, berries, almonds and protein powder

Old Fashioned rolled oats / skim milk chopped up banana low fat yoghurt

Salmon (3 oz) over Protein shake mixed greens and vegetables with 1tbs balsamic vinigriette dressing

Grilled chicken (3 oz), 1 cop steamed yellow and green squash, roasted red potato

Apple with one tablespoon of natural peanut butter

Whole grain waffles, Sugar Free Maple Syrup, Low Fat Cottage Cheese

Tuna fish (1 can), spinach salad, red grapes

Shrimp (4 oz), 3 Hummus, 1/2 egg omelete (1 cup with mixed whole, 2 whites), vegetables hot salsa

1/2 cup of rolled oats with Splenda and cinnamon 1 orange

2 slices whole Protein shake wheat bread, 2 tbsp natural peanut butter, 1 banana

Sirloin burger (3 oz), sweet potato, asparagus

Meal replacement shake

1 apple, 2 hard boiled eggs, skim milk

Grilled chicken (3 oz), sweet potato, steamed broccoli

Steamed chicken breast (3 oz), brown rice, diced pineapple

Nonfat plain yogurt with black, seedless grapes and a banana


Protein shake

Protein shake


reFereNCeS Lieberman, HR. Nutrition, brain and cognitive performance. Appetite, 40(3):245-54, 2003. Spriet, LL, et al. Muscle metabolism during prolonged exercise in humans. Am J Physiol. , June, 2009: 262 (6 part 1): E891-8 Powers M. Performance Enhancing Drugs. In Levers, Dunn. Principles of Pharmacology for Athletic Training. NY, Slack Inc. pp 332-5: Anselme, F et al. Maximal anaerobic power and blood lactate concentration. Eur Appl Physiol Occup Physiol, 65(2):188-91 2010 Ibraham AR, et al. Aromatose Inhibition by Flavanoids. J Steroid Biochem. 37.2 (2011): 257-260 Kamber C, et al. Creatine supplementation Part 1: Performance, Clinical Chemistry and Muscle Volume. Med. Sci. Sports Exercise. 31:776-781 (2009) Walliman, T, et al. The Creatine kinase system and pleiotropic effects of creatine. Amino Acids. Springer Wein 40(5): 433-451 Nester, E. Moelcular Neuropharmacology: A Foundation for Clinical Neuroscience, McGraw Hill, 2001


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