LRW Vol.46 (Part A)

Page 37

索具行业的权威刊物 VOL.46

(总 第46期)

共享资料 免费交流

ISSN 国际刊号:2219-5904

展后报道/Report : 2021集装箱多式联运亚洲展重启线下交流

Intermodal Asia brings together leading decision-makers in Shanghai

《索具世界》所关注的产品包括: 钢丝绳,钢丝绳索具,索具配件,卸扣,吊带索具,纤维缆,捆绑带,链条,压套机, 拉力机,手拉/手扳葫芦,电动葫芦,起重机配件,防坠落安全保护产品

LRW covers:

Wire Ropes, Wire Rope Slings, Wire Rope Attachments, Shackles, Synthetic Slings, Cordage, Lashings, Chains, Swaging Machines, Test Beds, Manual Chain Hoists, Lever Hoists, Electric Hoists, Crane Attachments, Fall Protection Products



Some sea creatures are more specialized than others. More fit to the extreme conditions under water. Like our subsea shackles and hooks for ROV-operations. Green Pin® offers an ocean of possibilities with our range of specialized and certified components. Designed and produced with the right subsea mindset. For more control. For more precision. And for more possibilities. So make sure you choose Green Pin®. The great white with the green pin.

有些海洋生物比其他生物更专业,更适合水下的极端条件,就像我们用于海底ROV作 业的卸扣和吊钩。Green Pin®用我们专业的、有保证的,全系列的配件为客户提供 了一个海洋应用的可能性。为了更好的控制,更加精确,更多的可能性,我们用正确 的海底思维进行设计和生产。因此请确保你选择Green Pin®,带绿销子的大白。



10月国庆长假过后,忽然开始感觉今年过得特别快,时间都已经悄悄溜走了,而大家年前立下的flag 不知道又有多少实现了呢?

梧桐叶落,秋风萧瑟,不少人容易在这个季节被思绪萦绕。最近常常听到很多不同的声音,“我好想 念以前热热闹闹的行家聚会呀,春茗呀,尾牙呀,派对呀…”“digital events有些虚幻,有时会晃神,有 时甚至在直播途中离开以后再回来可能直播就已经结束了,有种无力感。face-to-face比较真实。”“自从 上次因为周边范围有确诊案例而整个片区被封锁以后,我在家安心待了十四天,等到小区解封的时候,疯 狂庆祝过后突然感觉很落寞,我是不是有病?我是不是得了PTSD?”“正能量的东西看得太多了,居然觉 得自己活得一塌糊涂。”“最好的时代,最坏的时代,该怎么理解?还是the best is yet to come?”“庆



这一年我们做过各种尝试,有成功的,也有失败的。我们相信,路,是人走出来的。我们也发现很多 新的一面。来年希望各行各业不止“重回正轨”,还做得“风生水起”。





November 2021 - November 2022, OSEA Online Match, Virtual



2022年 5月30日 -6月2日,2022汉诺威工业博览会,德国汉诺威展览中心

30 May - 2 June 2022,HannoverMesse2022,HannoverExhibitionCenter,Germany


31 May - 02 June 2022, LogiMAT 2022 (International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and ProcessManagement),StuttgartTradeFairCentre,Germany


15-17 June 2022, LogiMAT China 2022 (International Trade Fair for Intralogistics Solutions and ProcessManagement),ShanghaiNewInternationalExpoCentre,China


28June–01July2022,MarintecChina, National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai),China


12-14July2022,IntermodalAsia2022,ShanghaiWorldExpoExhibitionandConventionCentre (SWEECC),China


13-15 September 2022, OGA 2021, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia


《索具世界》网站资讯丰富,简、繁、英三个不同的版本任君选择。如果您想了解某类产品、 某个品牌或某家企业的最新资讯,只需输入关键词搜索,或在首页标签栏点击标签即可分类筛选;

如果您想采购产品或寻找供应商,可以在线浏览我们的采购指南和供应商栏目,也可以直接下 载PDF,质量上乘、信誉良好的索具供应商和索具产品尽在这里;如果您想翻阅《索具世界》 杂志,只需点击杂志栏目即可在线浏览本年杂志。赶快前往,或扫


Visit LRW Magazine's official website

Scan the QR code and check out what's happening in the Chinese and worldwide lifting and rigging industry.


2021 VOL.46 总第46期

《索具世界》杂志是由香港索具世界杂志社有限公司出版的 一本致力于为索具行业搭建信息交流平台的中英期刊。目前免费 向国内外索具行业各大企业及用户赠阅。欢迎业界来电索阅或洽 谈合作。

Lifting &Rigging World Magazine(LRW)is bilingual magazine published in China. It is widely distributed in China and the Asia Pacific. LRW covers the wire rope, lifting and rigging industries wordwide, with a primary focus on China. The magazine is established to deliver essential information, analysis and insight into the fastdeveloping global lifting and rigging sector.

ISSN国际刊号: 2219-5904

Published by出版单位:

LRW Media Limited


Room F, 25/F., Lucky Plaza, 315-321 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


彭仕杰 Pang See Kit

Honored Editor荣誉主编:

Editorial Reviewer责任编辑:






P10 神力索具检测中心顺利通过CNAS国家认可实验室认证 Shandong Shenli Rigging R&D Center got approval by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment

Talurit 喜迎新任行销企划专员,集团将加快营销步伐 Talurit Group gears up on marketing"


OSEA Online Match - OSEA2021 pivots show to focus on Connecting O&G Industry with Business Matching and Networking

第 21 届中国国际海事会展延期至 2022 年 6 月举办 Marintec China to be Rescheduled to June 2022

2022汉诺威工业博览会:工业化以来最大的一次转型 "The biggest transformation since industrialization" Digitalization and sustainability - these are the key topics at HANNOVER MESSE 2022

Modulift add new product to their portfolio -- the Clevis Drop Link and Delta Plate



SAFETY won 3 awards at China Equipment Leasing Summit LiftEx Bahrain moves to 21-22 March 2022

DLM invests in Hire Fleet

Lifting Products to manufacture GIS Crane Systems in the UK


Account Manager客户经理:

Editorial Office编辑部

余美慧 Michele Yu

石昀 Sharon Shi

黄丽雅 Mandy Wong

凌永铖 Anson Ling

朱月容 Judy Zhu

冯劲烽 Feng Jing Feng

黄丽雅 Mandy Wong


Room H, 15/F, Hua Yu Office Building, 65 Xiao Bei Road, Guangzhou, China

Postcode : 510045

电话: +86-20-83545140

Email :


Mainland China Advertising: Guangzhou Boxifeng Advertising Co., Ltd.


产品新闻 WHAT'S NEW 安峰起重索具推介:平衡梁

ShanghaiAnfengLifting&Riggingintroducetheirspreader beams

产品推介:Green Pin® ROV卸扣及 Green Pin® ROV吊钩全系列产品 Green Pin® ROVShackles&Hooks:ACompleteRange








Intermodal Asia brings together leading decision-makers in Shanghai

2021汉诺威上海工业联展圆满收官,助力推进中国制造的“数字蝶变” Boosting Digital Transformation of "Made in China", Hannover's Industrial Fair Network in Shanghai Rounded off Successfully




Height Safety Harness and Lanyard





P45 P32





P30 P31

最近,山东神力索具有限公司检测中心CNAS国家实验室认 可资格获得CNAS中国合格评定国家认可委员会秘书处及审核专 家组的一致通过,对检测中心的质量管理体系的建立及运行情况 给予了充分肯定,并在CNAS官网上对检测中心获得认可的检测 能力范围进行了预示公布。

山东神力索具有限公司检测中心位于山东省济宁经济开发区 嘉诚路9号,始建于2007年7月,隶属于山东神力索具有限公司。

检测中心场地1200㎡,其中检测场所800㎡,长期为客户提供钢 铁产品化学成份分析、力学性能检测等检测工作。中心下设化学 检测室、力学检测室、中心办公室、样品陈列室、文件档案室等, 各场所均有效隔离,防止互相干扰,拥有完善的空调设施、安全 防护设施和照明设施等。

该中心共有员工14人,其中本科以上学历4人;大专学历 6人。有十年以上工作经验检测人员10人。该中心拥有供金属材 料化学成份分析用金属材料直读光谱分析仪,供力学性能检测用 的微机屏显万能试验机、QBS-300 型电液伺服疲劳实验机、QBS750 型电液伺服疲劳实验机、低温冲击试验机、洛氏硬度计、布氏

硬度计、维氏硬度计、金相显微镜、荧光磁粉探伤仪等30 多台仪 器设备。

该中心主要承担山东神力索具有限公司的日常生产产品、原 材料的检测任务,中心经过多年的运行和完善,具备了较强的检 测能力,并依据CNAS-CL01:2018

(idt ISO/IEC 17025:2017)《检

测和校准实验室能力认可准则》应用要求,结合中心的实际情况, 编制了合理的质量管理体系文件,并进行了有效运行。该检测中 心的检测能力获得CNAS中国合格评定国家认可委员会的认可, 有助于提升神力索具产品的公信力及品牌的影响力,推动行业水 平的发展,为参与国际间实验室认可的双边、多边合作交流提供 平台,提升其产品在国内外市场的占有率。

新闻特搜 BRIEFING 10
神力索具检测中心顺利通过CNAS国家认可实验 室认证

Shandong Shenli Rigging R&D Center got approval by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment

Shangdong, China The R&D Center of Shandong Shenli Rigging Co., Ltd. recently got approval by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), which is a kind of laboratory accreditation certificate.

Shandong Shenli Rigging’s R&D center is founded in July 2007, which occupies a large space of some 1200 sqm. There are chemical testing lab, mechanical properties testing lab, administration office, product showroom and document management & archiving storage in the R&D center. These facilities enables the company to provide their customers with long-term testing services such as chemical composition analysis and mechanical properties testing of steel products. There are more than ten technical staffs working at the R&D center. Among them, ten staffs have more than ten years’ experience of supporting product testing services. Additionally, the 30+ advanced testing and inspection equipments are something important to the R&D center, for example, direct-

reading metal analysis spectrometer for chemical composition analysis, electro-hydraulic fatigue testing machines, low temperature impact test machine, hardness testers, metallographic microscope and fluorescent magnetic particle flaw detector.

With years of working, Shandong Shenli Rigging’s R&D center achieve more and more complete capability for metal analysis, inspection, testing and beyond services. Now the center got approval by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment, which helps to enhance this home-grown company's brand prestige and comprehensive competitiveness inside and outside China.

11 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 11

Talurit 喜迎新任行销企划专员,


作为业内的知名品牌,Talurit 集团研发、生产、销售、维护 用于机械压制钢丝绳的设备和系统,以 Talurit® 品牌行销全球。

最近新聘任的行销企划专员Torbjörn Hillberg,将帮助Talurit 集 团进一步强化品牌战略并且全面拓展数字化营销渠道。

Talurit集团对Torbjörn Hillberg表示欢迎。他以前曾经营过

一家设计公司,给客户提供全方位的营销和设计方案。过去三年, 他在一家起重业的国际总代理机构担任市场部经理。长期从事品 牌和传播业务的经验为他在 Talurit集团的工作奠定了坚实的基础。

Torbjörn 将全面负责品牌工作和市场营销业务,涵盖规划执行营 销计划、在不同的数字化营销渠道和模拟频道创建内容并维持运 营、以及强化Talurit集团的企业视觉识别等方面的工作。

Torbjörn Hillberg 说:“成为 Talurit 这个大家庭的一员感觉 真棒。Talurit集团悠久的历史和强大的Talurit®品牌是建基于“在 安全和效率方面生产业界领先的产品”这样的企业理念。我很期 待和这些能干的同事一起继续成长,为集团的营销业务向前发展 和一直在强化的品牌建设努力工作。”

Talurit AB 副总裁 Victor Andersson 说:“Talurit自 1948 年成立以来,我们一直在这个不断发展的行业处于前沿位置。我 们将继续为客户找出新的、更有效的解决方案。 Talurit 集团未来 继续稳步前进,我们会进一步强化市场业务,除了给予客户更多 的关注,也要更好地向市场传播我们的产品和服务。欢迎Torbjörn Hillberg的加入,凭借他在这方面的专业知识技能,将会给 我们的营销业务带来强劲助力。”

Torbjörn Hillberg 补充说:“能够在这样一个质量有保证 的国际集团中担任这重要的一职,很有价值,也很能鼓舞人心。 Talurit 已经在这个领域获得了很高的认可,现在我们将把它提升 到一个更高的舞台,并在更多的行业里进一步提高品牌知名度。”

新闻特搜 BRIEFING 12
Talurit集团副总经理VictorAndersson(右边)欢迎TorbjörnHillberg(深蓝色衬衫)加入成为集团行销企划专员 Victor Andersson (the right one), Vice President of Talurit AB welcomes Torbjörn Hillberg (in dark blue shirt) as their market communicator for the Group.

Talurit Group gears up on marketing

As a well-known name in the industry, Talurit Group develops, manufactures, markets and maintains equipment and systems for mechanical splicing of wire and wire rope under the Talurit® brand. With a new recruitment they aim to further strengthen the company's branding strategies and improve its overall digital presence.

Talurit Group strengthens the workforce in Sweden, where they welcome Torbjörn Hillberg as their market communicator for the Group. Torbjörn has previously run a design agency, where he offered complete solutions around marketing and design. For the past three years, he has been positioned as marketing manager at an international general agency in the lifting industry. The experience of working long-term with branding and communication forms a strong foundation for the role at Talurit Group. With a wide range of skills, Torbjörn will have overall responsibility for brand work and communication to the market. He will administrate the entire chain from planning and executing the marketing plan, operating and creating content for digital and analogue channels and developing the Group's visual identity.

Torbjörn Hillberg comments:

"It feels fantastic to be part of the team at Talurit Group. Talurit

has a sterling history and a strong brand based on a clear vision to create the market's leading products in terms of safety and efficiency. Here, I look forward to continuing to grow with competent colleagues, drive the development of marketing forward and strengthen the continued brand building."

Victor Andersson, Vice President of Talurit AB comments: "Talurit operates in a constantly evolving industry where we have been at the forefront since the start in 1948. We continue to find new and more efficient solutions for our customers. Talurit Group has a progressive vision for the future and we need to strengthen our market functions, partly to increase customer focus and partly to better communicate our offering to the market. With his broad expertise, we welcome Torbjörn as a strong addition to the business."

Torbjörn Hillberg adds:

"Being able to work with great responsibility in a qualityassured international group like this feels inspiring and rewarding. Talurit already has great recognition in the segment, now we will take it to the next level and increase brand awareness further on more exciting markets."

13 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 13


始于1976年的OSEA是亚洲地区影响力巨大的石油及天然 气展览会暨研讨会。鉴于新冠疫情影响,各国出行受阻,OSEA主办 方推出了OSEA Online Match,一个为买家及供应商安排线上配对 交流的客制化平台。

业界人士可根据需求向主办方明确指定希望与之联系的买家 或供应商,之后主办方与双方沟通后确定适合双方“面对面交流”

的时间并安排“会面”。点击这里(立即参与,即有机会和100,000+来自石油 天然气、离岸海洋工程及风能行业的业界大佬们进行对话。

所有参与者相关的企业信息会同时公布在OSEA交易平台上, 直至新一届展会OSEA2022开幕上演。

OSEA Online Match - OSEA2021 pivots show to focus on Connecting O&G Industry with Business Matching and Networking

OSEA - Asia's largest and most established oil & gas industry event is launching OSEA Online Match which seeks to allow buyers and sellers to continue networking despite the travel restrictions set in place during the pandemic.

Take advantage of the extensive network of buyers and suppliers with OSEA Online Match by register online: https:// Reach out to 100,000+ Industry Professionals in the Oil & Gas, Offshore Marine and Wind Energy sector.

OSEA Online Match is a Bespoke Package which is customizable according to your needs. You can provide the organizerInforma Markets with the buyers/suppliers which you will like to connect with and the organizer will arrange the meetings on behalf, on a date that suits all parties. All participating companies will also be featured in the OSEA Marketplace until OSEA2022.

新闻特搜 BRIEFING 14

第 21 届中国国际海事会展延期至 2022 年 6 月举办

原定于2021年12月7日至10日在上海举办的第21届中国 国际海事技术学术会议和展览会(以下简称中国国际海事会展)延 期至2022年6月举办。


近两年来,受新冠疫情影响,全球经济和人类生活遭受了巨 大打击。随着各国的团结合作和有组织的应对工作,新冠疫情虽有 所反复,但总体朝着积极方向发展,国际货币基金组织(IMF)预测 2021年全球经济增速将约为6%,全球经济复苏将带动国际海运贸 易回暖,预计全年海运贸易增速将超过4%。作为全球海事业界商业 交流和技术合作的最重要平台之一,中国国际海事会展得到了各方

的支持和关注。为确保本届会展能在安全的前提下与大家如期见面, 中国国际海事会展在中国政府有关部门的指导下,严格制定安全防 疫方案,积极推进各项措施的准备和落实。同时,会展组织方也诚意

满满地推出了各项保障展商权益的措施,降低大家的商业风险,提 升业界的信心。基于各方的支持和努力,中国国际海事会展捷报频传, 目前会展相关指标已超过预期,已有奥地利、丹麦、芬兰、德国、日本、 韩国、挪威、新加坡、瑞典、瑞士和中国,以及中国香港等12个国家 和地区确认将在本届会展设立国家馆或者地区馆。其中,近几届未 设立国家馆的瑞士也将在本届重新设立他们的国家馆。这背后,一 方面是因为全球业界对线下商业交流的迫切需求,另一方面也体现 了造船、航运等海事相关领域的复苏态势,更显示了中国乃至亚太 市场对全球海事产业的重大意义。



N1-N2展厅:ABB、Berg推进、Bonfiglioli、康明斯、韩国大洋、 Donghwa、日本古野、海翔、香港海通、Hanla、现代重工、Hyman、

Marintec China 2019

Kangrim、康士伯、麦基嘉、三菱重工、川崎重工、日本大洋电机、曼恩、 Rolls-Royce、Royal IHC、施耐德、西门子、瓦锡兰,及各大知名船级社等。

W5-W2展厅:中国船舶集团、中国远洋海运集团、招商局、中国 船级社、振华重工、潍柴动力、广西玉柴、上海柴油机、海兰信、海德威、 珠海云州科技、常熟国瑞科技、江苏兆盛、华南建材、赛尔尼科自动化等。


2021年以来,国际航运市场快速回暖,近日BDI指数已上涨 到3500多点,为2010年中期以来最高水平,集装箱海运需求旺盛, 一箱难求,全球新造船市场非常活跃。克拉克松研究公司认为,2021 年上半年是世界航运市场自2008年以来势头最强的半年,全球造

船业也从造船订单中获利匪浅。数据显示,2021年上半年全球船东 投资额累计713亿美元,同比上升95%,其中新造船投资额为549 亿美元,已超过2020年的投资总额。2021上半年全球新造船订单

达到2402万修正总吨,共签订776艘新船,是近七年以来最高半年 水平。

近年来,国际海事组织(IMO)在环保方面的立法逐渐加快,特 别是在温室气体减排战略的框架下,现有船舶能效指数(EEXI)和年 度营运碳强度指标(CII)等指标已明确自2023年开始生效,更多新 要求将陆续出台。与此同时,中国提出的“碳达峰、碳中和”目标对船 舶工业绿色发展提出了新的要求。数据显示,今年上半年约30%的 新签订单为替代燃料订单,并且以大型船舶为主。新要求、新机遇, 将带动海事业一轮新的发展。

在此背景下,我们相信,聚焦海事业智慧、绿色发展的本届中 国国际海事会展必将为业界带来新的机遇和信心,为推动行业携手 前行注入更大动力。更多详情请留意会展官网 及微信公众号消息。(微信号:MarintecChina)

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

Marintec China to be Rescheduled to June 2022

Marintec China, one of the world's largest and the most important maritime event of the year, was scheduled to be held on the 7-10 December 2021 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, it is announced today the 21st edition will have to be rescheduled to June 2022.

Marintec China - The Must Attend International Maritime Event in 2021

Under this year's special circumstance, much to everyone's astonishment, positive news keep coming and Marintec China confirms 12 National and Regional Pavilions from Austria, China, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Japan, Korea, Norway, Singapore, Sweden and even a new pavilion from Switzerland. Although with more compacted National and Regional Pavilions, all these encouraging participations reflect a strong rebound in the shipbuilding industry.

World Top Shipbuilding Companies at Marintec China

Halls N1 & N2: ABB, ABS, Berg Propulsion, Bonfiglioli, Bureau Veritas, Cummins, DNV GL, Daeyang, Donghwa, Furuno, Hai Cheung, Hoi Tung, Hanla, Hyundai Heavy, Hyman, Kangrim, Lloyd's Register, MacGregor, Mitsubishi, MTU, Nantong COSCO,

Royal IHC, Schneider, Siemens, Wartsila, and many more.

Halls W5 - W2: China State Shipbuilding Corporation, COSCO SHIPPING, China Merchants, China Classification Society, Zhenhua Heavy Industry, Weichai Power, Guangxi Yuchai, Shanghai Diesel Engine, Highlander, Headway, Zhuhai Yunzhou Technology, Changshu Guorui Technology, Jiangsu Zhaosheng, Huanan Building Materials, SaierNico Electric & Automation, and more.

A Strong Rebound in Global Shipbuilding Industry

According to Clarksons Research, 2021 is the strongest half year for shipping markets since 2008, and the global shipbuilding industry is benefiting from the shipbuilding orders. And in this August, for the first time CSSC enter the Fortune Global 500 list and it reinforces the importance of the China Shipbuilding market.

Follow Marintec China Linkedin (Marintec China) and Facebook (@marintecchina) page for updates and to be part of the strong comeback of the shipbuilding market.


(德国汉诺威)“数字化和可持续性”是2022汉诺威工业博览 会的主题关键词。因此,这场世界领先的工业技术盛会将进一步促 进商业和工业中更多的气候保护,并清楚地说明数字化、自动化和 再生能源如何共同为此做出贡献。在新冠疫情引起的长期停滞之后, 汉诺威工业博览会将于2022年 5 月30日-6月2日以线下面对面的形 式举行。

德国汉诺威展览公司首席执行官柯克勒博士表示:“我们正面 临着工业化以来最大的转型 向资源节约型、气候中性和可持续 生产转变。数字化、自动化、创新技术和可再生能源,这些现有趋势 是实现气候目标的动态驱动力。所有技术领域必须共同努力,在商 业、政治、科学和社会之间发起建设性的交流。2022汉诺威工业博 览会因其全球性和主题关联性,将为全球来宾提供理想的线下面对 面沟通平台。”

在“工业转型”主题下,来自电气工程、机械工程、物流、能源、IT 和软件领域的全球领先企业将展示如何成功转向数字化、资源高效 和气候中性的生产。通过展示具体的解决方案,科学界和商业界的 领军人物将有机会在“工业转型”的历史性浪潮中再迎辉煌。

例如,能源行业的公司展示了如何有效地生产绿色氢气以及它 对能源密集型工业公司的潜力。气候中立的流动性是当前另一焦点。

工业行业公司提供减少二氧化碳的技术,并展示能源效率如何 有助于实现气候中和。数字化和自动化使网络化制造系统能够更高 效地运行并节约资源。3D打印等创新技术可创建量身定制的组件, 从而减少库存和资源使用。

在疫情期间全球供应链非常脆弱,因此重新定位价值链的某些 部分将有助于减少这种脆弱性,同时还能减少二氧化碳排放。能源 对于物流公司来说也是一个关键问题,特别是因为电动产品在叉车 领域占据越来越大的份额,并且越来越多地取代内燃机。

数字化包括网络、数据分析、物联网、平台、人工智能和网络安 全等主题。为了在全球竞争中生存,企业必须使用数字化来更快、更 高效地开发、制造和销售产品。在汉诺威,来自电气工程、机械和工 厂工程以及 IT 和软件的公司将展示如何实现气候中和生产的整个 流程链的自动化和数字化。

2022 汉诺威工业博览会将重点关注“线下实体参展”。在疫情 之后,参展商和观众都期待面对面的交流,亲自体验产品和解决方 案并与行业人士建立联系,线上数字展示平台将提供增值的展示服务。 “汉诺威工业博览会汇集线上线下之优势,通过创新的线上数字展 形式增强了独特的线下实体参展。这使得汉诺威工业博览会对来自 世界各地的参展商来说更有价值,因为它在数字空间中获得了额外 的潜在客户,”柯克勒博士解释道。

葡萄牙是 2022 汉诺威工业博览会的合作伙伴国。在“Portugal Makes Sense”的口号下,葡萄牙在展览以及论坛和研讨会上展示自己。 展出重点涉及工业供应、数字平台和能源解决方案——这些领域在 葡萄牙和德国之间提供了许多协同效应,并为新伙伴关系注入无限 潜力。

19 Lifting & Rigging World 19 索具世界

"The biggest transformation since industrialization" Digitalization and sustainability - these are the key topics at HANNOVER MESSE 2022

Hannover, Germany The world's leading trade show for industrial technology thus promotes more climate protection in business and industry and clearly illustrates how digitalization, automation and regenerative energies can collectively contribute. After the long pandemic-induced break, HANNOVER MESSE runs from May 30toJune02in 2022asaface-to-faceevent.

"Thepastfewmonthshaveshownthatdigitalformatscannot replace a real trade fair," said Dr. Jochen Köckler, CEO of Deutsche Messe AG. "In May and June 2022, a full HannoverExhibitionCenterwillspotlightinnovationsand foster face-to-face contact.Visitorsfromallovertheworld willfindnewsolutionssuppliers for the automation and digitalization of their production processes. Furthermore, we focus on climate protection. The exhibitorswillshowcasenewtechnologiesandservices that significantlyreduceCO2emissionsofindustrialcompanies."

"We are facing the greatest transformation since industrialization –into resource-saving, climate-neutral and sustainable production. Digitalization, automation, innovative technologies, and regenerative energy: These existing trends are the dynamic drivers for achieving climate goals. All fields of technology must work together and initiate constructive communication between business, politics, science, and society. With its global and thematic focus, HANNOVER MESSE 2022 provides the ideal platform for this and once again enables face-to-face contact."

HANNOVER MESSE also offers virtual services that expand the physical event. "HANNOVER MESSE brings together the best of both worlds, enriching our offer with innovative digital opportunities for involvement. Companies can participate physically, hybrid or purely digitally – the last two options provide additional leads and reach in the virtual space,"


explained Köckler.

HANNOVER MESSE focuses on industrial transformation, which is driven by two megatrends: digitalization of industry an reduction of C02 emissons.

Under the lead theme "Industrial Transformation", leading global companies from the electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, logistics, energy, and IT and software sectors show how to shift successfully to digitalized, resource-efficient and climate-neutral production. By demonstrating concrete solutions, leading figures from science and business show how to master such a historic feat of strength.

For example, companies from the energy industry show how to produce green hydrogen efficiently as well as its potential for energy-intensive industrial companies. Climate-neutral mobility is another focal point.

Industrial companies provide technologies that reduce CO2 and show how energy efficiency can contribute to climate neutrality. Digitalization and automation enable networked manufacturing systems that operate more efficiently and conserve resources. Innovative technologies such as 3D printing create tailor-made components, which in return reduces inventories and resource usage.

Global supply chains were very vulnerable during the Covid pandemic, so relocalizing parts of the value chain would help reduce such vulnerability while also cutting back on CO2 emissions. Energy is also a crucial issue for logistics companies, especially since electrified products make up an ever-larger share in the forklift segment and increasingly


Digitalization includes topics such as networking, data analytics,InternetofThings,platforms,artificialintelligence, andcybersecurity.Tosurviveagainstglobalcompetition, companieshavetousedigitalizationtodevelop,manufacture andsellproductsfasterandmoreefficiently.InHannover, companiesfromelectricalengineering,mechanicalandplant engineeringaswellasITandsoftwareshowhowtoautomate and digitalize entire process chains for climate-neutral production.

HANNOVERMESSE2022emphasizeson-siteparticipation.On theheelsofthepandemic,exhibitorsandvisitorswanttomeet face-to-face,experienceproductsandsolutionsinperson, andnetworkwiththeindustrialcommunity.Comprehensive digitalpresentationoptionsextendtheoffer."HANNOVER MESSEbringstogetherthebestofbothworlds,enhancingthe uniquephysicalofferingwithinnovativedigitalparticipation options.ThismakesHANNOVERMESSEevenmorevaluable forparticipatingexhibitorsfromallovertheworld,because theygenerateadditionalleadsinthedigitalspace,"explained Köckler.

PortugalisPartnerCountryatHANNOVERMESSE2022.Under themotto"PortugalMakesSense",Portugalpresentsitselfat theexhibitionaswellasinforumsandseminars.Thefocusis onindustrialsupply,digitalplatformsandenergysolutions – areas that offer many synergies between Portugal and Germanyandgeneratepotentialfornewpartnerships.

21 Lifting & Rigging World 21 索具世界
HANNOVER MESSE runs from May 30 to June 02 in 2022

Modulift add new product to their portfolio -- the Clevis Drop Link and Delta Plate

Due to demand in the lifting industry for more innovative products to make rigging quicker, safer and more efficient. Modulift, a technical expert and manufacturer in the lifting industry based in the UK, have added a new product to its portfolio that is compatible with their full modular spreader beam range. The Clevis Drop Link and Delta Plate is designed to replace the standard Drop Link for certain specific rigging situations.

The construction of the Clevis Drop Link and Delta Plate makes the product quite unique, the different size Delta Plates are suitable for various bottom shackles which can be installed in the same Clevis Drop Link, making the product extremely flexible and compatible with a range of shackles. The design assembly is efficient, as the product is supplied in an assembled condition making it quick and easy to assemble on-site with two smaller size shackles replacing one large lower shackle which you would see in a standard spreader configuration. The flexibility enables variable angles on the bottom slings ranging from 0-45 degree STV.

Harshal Kulkarni, Engineering Manager at Modulift who is leading the development of the product said, "At Modulift, we are always challenging our capabilities and how far we can go in product innovation. Our customers are always at the forefront and this product is extremely efficient in compatibility, cost, flexibility and assembly & design. It's tested and certified in accordance with DNV-ST-0378."

John Baker, Modulift Commercial Director said, "We are continually looking for new ideas to compliment our existing range of products and make rigging more efficient whilst maintaining safety. Feedback from site trials have confirmed that the product is really easy to use and saves time rigging up especially when doing repetitive lifts. Our in-house engineering team have been working hard to ensure this product works across all of the Modulift spreader beam range. After a testing 16 months which has been tough for the whole of the lifting industry, things are definitely on the rise for Modulift especially within our bespoke design and manufacture division and we're excited to see what the rest of the year will bring.

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Front view of the Clevis Drop Link and Delta Plate Isometric view of the Clevis Drop Link and Delta Plate

2021年11月22日,全球工程机械产业大会暨中国设备租 赁峰会在上海隆重召开,来自全球主流工程机械主机制造企业、 配套企业以及塔机租赁、高空设备租赁等施工企业代表共同参会。 峰会以"定义产业,定义未来"为主题,共同探讨今后全球及中 国工程机械市场运行、行业发展、企业拓展等关键话题。

本届峰会上,组委会发布了“2021全球/中国塔式起重机制 造商10强”、“2021 全球自行式高空作业平台制造商10强”等 在内的十余份榜单。江苏赛福天钢索股份有限公司斩获三枚大奖, 荣获“中国工程机械钢丝绳年度品牌”和“中国工程机械零部件 供应商100强”,赛福天总经理林柱英先生荣获“中国工程机械 配套产业影响力人物”。

赛福天拥有六十三年的钢丝绳制造经验,早在上世纪八十年 代,就研发了国内第一根多股绳,该结构多股绳也成为行业广泛 使用的起重机用钢丝绳。如今,赛福天的“大力”牌起重绳服务 于国内一线起重机品牌,包括徐工机械、三一重工和中联重科等, 产品配套在塔吊、汽车吊、履带吊和旋挖钻机等工程机械设备上。

新闻特搜 BRIEFING 24
全球工程机械产业大会暨中国设备租赁峰会召开, 赛福天斩获三枚大奖

SAFETY won 3 awards at China Equipment Leasing Summit

On November 22, 2021, the Global Construction Machinery Industry Conference and China Equipment Leasing Summit were grandly held in Shanghai. Representatives from global mainstream construction machinery mainframe manufacturers and supporting enterprises, as well as tower crane leasing, high-altitude equipment leasing and other construction companies attended the summit. With the theme of "Defining (Machinery) Industry, Defining the Future", the summit was focus on key topics such as the market trends of global and Chinese construction machinery, the industry development and business development in the future.

During the summit, the organizing committee unfolded the winners' names of more than ten categories, such as "2021 World's Top 10 Tower Crane Manufacturers", "2021 China's Top 10 Tower Crane Manufacturers" and "2021 World's Top 10 MEWP Manufactures".

Jiangsu Safety Wire Rope Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SAFETY") won three awards at three categories. They are "Wire Rope and Sling Suppliers of the Year", "China's Top 100 Construction Machinery Parts & Components Suppliers", and the company's General Manager Mr. LIN Zhu-Ying was awarded "China's Construction Machinery Supply Chain Influencer ".

SAFETY is a leading company with 63 years of expertise in wire rope manufacturing. Tracing back to the 1980s, the company has developed the first steel wire rope with multistrand construction in China. Since then, multi-strand steel wire ropes are widely used for cranes. With the brand name as "DL", SAFETY's wire ropes are supplied to many leading crane manufacturers, for example, XCMG, SANY and ZOOMLION, being used for tower cranes, truck cranes, crawler cranes and rotary drilling rigs.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World
瑞典 制造 拓锐机械(宁波)有限公司 电话: +86 8630 8590 l +86 153 8189 2699 电子信箱 l 熔头机 压接模具 剪绳机 压套机 各式套管 机械压接系统的创始者 - 始于1948年 手工工具

DLM invests in Hire Fleet

Dynamic Load Monitoring (UK) Ltd. (DLM), of Southampton, UK continues to reinvest in its hire fleet, as demand grows for short- and mid-term use of products such as its running line monitors (RLMs).

DLM's standard range of RLMs (15t, 60t, 200t capacity) are designed specifically for harsh marine-type environments. They are typically used in cable laying, towing, mooring and other winch operations to measure and record line tension, pay-out, and speed. Available in cabled or wireless configurations, they can be integrated into existing vessel systems, or supplied as stand-alone systems with individual or multi-input HMI displays, with touch screen and data logging capabilities.

DLM also has available for hire telemetry or cabled tensile links, handheld displays, compressive load cells, shackle load cells, saddleback monitors, cable counters, and an extensive

range of grapnels.

Jamie Woodcock, business development manager at DLM, said: "Our hire department is increasing all the time and we are constantly investing in the fleet to meet the ever growing technical and specialist demands of our customers, as well as being able to service multiple projects with identical requirements at the same time. We hire to multiple industries,

DLM'sstandardrangeofRLMs(15t,60t,200tcapacity)aredesignedspecificallyforharshmarine-type environments. A60tcapacityrunninglinemonitor(RLM).

Lifting Products to manufacture GIS Crane Systems in the UK

UK-based Lifting Products Limited will provide a full line of slewing jib cranes, light crane systems, and crane track from Swiss manufacturer GIS AG.

Lifting Products will receive jib crane and other parts from Schötz, Lucerne, but will manufacture the range for the first time in the UK. GIS-owned Lift Turn Move (LTM), meanwhile, a supplier of lifting and rigging equipment to the industrial and entertainment event markets, will continue to be the UK supplier of its electric chain hoists, control systems, and additional material handling equipment.

James Porter, formerly of LTM, and managing director at Lifting Products, had earmarked the UK as a potential hotbed for the full range of GIS products, but cited transportation costs as a barrier to entry for heavier equipment. However, the company has invested in infrastructure, primarily to facilitate onboarding of the GIS range of profiles and components for the jib crane and GISKB ranges. Over- and under-braced jib cranes will be offered from 125kg capacity at 2,000mm reach to 1,000kg capacity at 5,000mm reach. Customisations will be available upon request.

The company's first jib crane build was for installation at the Holywell, Flintshire facility for handling steel sheets from the rack to load a plasma cutter. The new computer numerical control (CNC) cutter allows Lifting Products to profile its own, 40mm-thick steel plate—double the thickness of jib crane base plates. Subsequently, welding jigs were installed for repeat assembly processes. Manual and CNC lathes, a press brake, milling machine, and water-cooled welder are among other new tools that complete a state-of-the-art machine shop suite.

Porter said: "The combination of Swiss-designed products, that have been in use in some of highest specification manufacturing plants for over 30 years, combined with UK manufacturing, provides a solid base to support our customers with. While these are new products for the UK market, they have been tried and tested for many years, and we can call on

that know-how to provide a comprehensive offering to the UK domestic market."

Lifting Products partnerships

Erich Widmer, sales and marketing manager / deputy managing director, at GIS, said: "with or UK subsidiary LTM and their long-standing focus on the supply of GIS electric chain hoists and travel trolleys we have a solid base in the UK already, but Lifting Products can now support that existing offering, aided by the infrastructure to stock, cut, weld and paint. It's well known that the two companies work closely together and LTM will supply the GIS hoists to go with Lifting Products'crane systems. The collaboration strengthens the GIS brand in the UK; customers benefit from being able to buy GISdesigned jib cranes and lightweight track systems, in addition to GIS electric chain hoists and trolleys."

David King, managing director at LTM, added: "This is a winwin situation all-round, for GIS, LTM, Lifting Products and, most

新闻特搜 BRIEFING 28
Lifting Products Limited will provide a full line of slewing jib cranes, light crane systems, and crane track.

importantly, the customer and end user community. We have had great success providing [GIS] chain hoists to the UK market and, three years after GIS acquisition [of LTM], the partnership with our colleagues at Lifting Products continues its legacy here in the UK."

Lifting Products has, since inauguration in 2016, based its growth on high-profile partnerships. It initially serviced the UK and Irish market with Haacon equipment, focussing on off-theshelf and bespoke winching, jacking, and handling equipment for water treatment, nuclear, offshore, waste, and other specialist markets. This expanded to Haacon's container lifting and levelling systems, principally in the military sector. Lifting Products is also agent for Koester winches and Wittler safety brakes and cranks, common in agricultural machine making.

Porter said: "We are already stocking GIS parts and can react quickly to customer demands, which will likely come from automotive, aircraft, utilities, construction, rail, and manufacturing. There is a standard range, but almost every jib crane built so far has some custom work involved. The track systems are standard parts but, again, they need to

be machined to exact customer specifications. We have manufactured over 30 jib cranes in the last four months and supplied several lightweight crane systems, which, prior to our official [GIS] launch, gives me great confidence.”

Porter joined LTM in 2008, before setting up Lifting Products in 2016 but his relationship with GIS goes back further to employment with Chester Chain, where he used to service and install the Swiss-manufactured electric chain hoists.

With around 120 employees, GIS AG of Switzerland is a wellknown manufacturer of complete crane systems including hoists and vacuum lifters. The company has been developing and producing electric chain hoists for more than 55 years. Over the decades, numerous special versions have been realised to meet the needs of a wide range of market segments. With the current electric chain hoist models GP for industrial applications and LP for the entertainment industry, GIS has taken a pioneering role in the highly competitive market of lifting and handling technology. GIS hoists and crane systems are in use by the hundreds of thousands worldwide - stationary or mobile - indoors or outdoors.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World


本期上海安峰起重索具有限公司推介的产品是平衡梁。这是 款物体在吊运过程中使用的横梁吊具,属于吊钩下使用的起重 设备。

单根平衡梁上部两端各自搭配两条合成纤维吊索或起重吊链, 下部两端与吊环、蝴蝶环、卸扣、重型吊钩、自锁钩等索具连接。


平衡梁的优势在于把起重负荷均匀地分布在了横梁上,保持 被吊物的平衡,比单个吊索或吊链更安全,非常适合宽面的、 直径大的和或者重型的物件的吊装应用。而且,物件在吊运过 程中不易倾斜、滑动或者弯曲,从而减少意外的发生。

目前安峰起重索具生产的平衡梁承载能力小至1吨,大至 100吨不等,可根据客户的实际需求定制长度、索具组合的水平 角度及更高的承载能力,并完善的吊装方案,包括技术咨询、方 案设计、产品规划、到终端客户的实际使用操作、现场调试、售 后跟进等完整的配套服务。详情请联系021-61766178。

ShanghaiAnfengLifting&Riggingintroducetheir spreaderbeams

ASpreaderBeamisasimpledeviceconsistingofalongbar thatholdstwoslingsapart.It'sakindofbelow-the-hooklifting equipment.SpreaderBeamsusedtostabilizeandsupporta loadduringanoverheadlift.

SpreaderBeamsconvertliftingloadsintocompressiveforces inthebarandtensileforcesintheslings.Twoliftinglugsonthe topofthebeamattachtothelegsofachainslingorsynthetic slingataparticularangledesignedtoensurecompression. Thisevenlydistributestheweightoftheloadacrossthetwo slings,whichthenconnecttoacrane,hoist,orotherlifting machine.Twolugsonthebottom(oneateachend)connectto aslingorhookwhicharethenconnectedtotheload.


cost-effective.Theycanhelptoreducethechancesofload tipping,sliding,orbendingwhenriggedproperly.

AnfengLiftibg&RiggingprovidestheSpreaderBeamsranging capacity from 1T to 100T. They can be designed in fixed dimensionsorcanbeengineeredtoallowforincremental adjustmentoftheslingangle,andthelengthofthebeamitself, orloadingcapacitytomeetcustomer'srequirement.

Meanwhile, their technical staffs could also provide completeliftingsolutions,suchastechnicalconsultation, solutiondesign,productplanning,onsiteassistanceand after-sales support to their customer. Please visit www. polyesterwebbingsling.comformore.


产品推介:Green Pin® ROV卸扣

及Green Pin® ROV吊钩全系列产品

VanBeest 本期推荐的是非常适合水下极端条件使用的 GreenPin®海底用卸扣和吊钩,配合ROV(遥控无人潜水器)工作。

这 系列专业的GreenPin®ROV卸扣和吊钩以适合海底环境工作 为前提去设计和生产,为了在水下控制得更好,为了数据更精确, 为了更多可能出现的情况,为了确保用户选择白色的GreenPin® 系列产品,他们为海底作业带来了无限的可能性。

整个GreenPin®ROV系列有两款吊钩和六款卸扣。其中吊钩 类包括GreenPin®ROV环眼吊钩和GreenPin®ROV直柄钩,两款 专为海底起重用而设计的ROV挂钩。

另外六款GreenPin®ROV 系列卸扣包括:四款ROV释放 型卸扣,两款释放和回收组合型的卸扣。其中GreenPin® GuidedPinROV卸扣用于释放和回收操作,GreenPin®Locking ClampROV(吊索)卸扣仅用于释放操作。值得一提的是,四款 GreenPin® ROV释放型卸扣根据需求可搭配弹簧插销、锁定夹或 压缩弹簧。

详情请前往http://www.greenpin.com查看GreenPin® ROV全系列产品。

Van Beest 成立于 1922 年,是优质的吊钩用配件和绑扎配

件的著名制造商,主要产品包括 Green Pin Tycan® 链条、Green Pin® 卸扣和Green Pin®吊钩全系列产品。Van Beest 在荷兰总部, 及德国、法国、巴西和美国拥有分支机构,集团员工达125 人, 并在全球 90 多个国家拥有带库存的经销商。

Green Pin® ROV Shackles & Hooks : A Complete Range

Some sea creatures are more specialized than others. More fit to the extreme conditions under water. Like the Green Pin® subsea shackles and hooks for ROV operations. Green Pin® offers an ocean of possibilities with the range of specialized components. Designed and produced with the right subsea mindset. For more control. For more precision. And for more possibilities. So make sure users choose Green Pin®. The great white with the Green Pin®.

The Green Pin® ROV range features two types of ROV hooks designed for subsea lifting: the Green Pin® ROV Eye Hook and Green Pin® ROV Shank Hook. They also offer four types of ROV release shackles and two types of combined release & retrieve shackles. Showpieces in this range are the Green Pin® Guided

Pin ROV Shackle (for release and retrieve operations) and the Green Pin® Locking Clamp ROV (Sling) Shackle (for release operations only). ROV release shackles are available with spring pins, locking clamps or spring loading.

For more information about the complete Green Pin® ROV range, please visit:

Founded in 1922, Van Beest is the leading manufacturer of premium quality below-the-hook lifting and lashing fittings such as Green Pin Tycan® Chain, Green Pin® shackles and hooks. Van Beest has 125 employees and branches in The Netherlands (head office), Germany, France, Brazil and USA. The company has stock-holding distributors in more than 90 countries worldwide.

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 31

Elebia Subsea Hook for Subsea Lifting Applications

Underwater lifting operations are made possible with the Subsea Hook. They are designed with specific materials for marine application and an acrylic polysiloxane cosmetic finish to provide long term durability.

For years Elebia Autohooks S.L.U. has been approached for a solution to the possibility of carrying out loading and unloading operations in subsea environments. More specifically in underwater lifting operations. Lifting hooks play an important role in ensuring the success of any subsea lifting operation. In other words, there are countless operations that are carried out under water and where the application requires that a subsea hook must be submerged. And at the same time release the load remotely, from a distance.

The subsea automatic hook is designed with a marine configuration (electro zinc coating; fast drying two-component epoxy primer; a two component, high solids, low VOC epoxy micaceous iron oxide coating formulated on proprietary polymer technology which provides rapid cure and overcoating even under low temperature conditions; and a patented high performance, high volume solids content acrylic polysiloxane cosmetic finish providing excellent long term durability.) And it is specifically wired for use in complex marine environments with a high degree of salinity.

The printed circuit board (PCB) and the lithium ion battery are removed from the automatic hook. They are placed in a cylinder that is watertight, but which must remain out of the water at all times in order to maintain radio communication with the remote control. In addition, this cylinder also features an external radio frequency antenna and LED status indicator, providing visual confirmation of hook status at all times.

The motor, which remains in the marine-configured hook, is isolated by an internal cylinder from the possible influence of water within the frame structure and is hermetically sealed for additional protection.

The subsea automatic hook and the subsea cylinder are connectedbyatransmissioncableofupto30m.maximumlength.

elebiaisthemarketleaderinautomaticliftingsolutionsand equipmentwiththepatentedevoautomaticcranehooks, automaticliftingclampsandtheNEOrangeofliftinghooks. Remotely attach and release any load with no handling, increasingproductivity,enhancingsafetyandminimisingrisks inafail-safewayinallliftingoperationsacrosseveryindustry suchasAerospace,Construction,Energy,Manufacturing, Mining,Moulding,PortandSteel,tonameafew.

ThankstotheirinnovativerangeofevoAutomaticCrane Hooks,AutomaticLiftingClamps,NEOrangeofLiftingHooks andLiftingAccessories,thecompanyisdrasticallyimproving productivityandsafetyofgloballeadingcompaniessuchas Rolls-Royce,Space-X,ArcelorMittal,Boeing,Airbus,Siemens, Tenarisandmanymore.Visitwww.elebia.comformore.

WHAT'S NEW 产品新闻 32

用于海底起重应用的 Elebia海底自动吊钩

多年来,来自西班牙的Elebia Autohooks致力于为海底环境, 更具体地说是在水下吊装作业中进行装载和卸载操作提供智能吊 装解决方案。而吊钩在确保各种海底吊装的成功作业发挥着重要 作用。因为水下作业多不胜数,而很多起重应用必须把海底吊钩 浸入水中,同时远程释放负载物。

Elebia的海底自动吊钩为水下吊装作业带来无限可能。这款 吊钩采用适用于海洋应用的特定材料和丙烯酸聚硅氧烷表面处理 设计,使其长期耐用。他的设计采用适应海洋的构造(电镀锌涂层; 快干双组分环氧底漆;采用专有聚合物技术配制的双组分、高固 体份、低 VOC 环氧云母氧化铁涂层,即使在低温环境下也能快速 固化,并充当保护层;以及获得专利的高性能、高固体含量的丙 烯酸聚硅氧烷表面处理,使其长期耐用),这是专门用于高盐分 的复杂海洋环境的吊钩。

其中的印制电路板(PCB)和锂离子电池脱离自动吊钩,被 放置在一个不透水的圆筒中,必须始终远离水,使其与遥控器保 持无线电通信。这个圆筒形保险杠还内置外部射频天线和 LED 状 态指示灯,指示灯始终显示起重吊钩的状态。而电机置于吊钩内部,

通过里面的圆柱体与框架结构内的水隔离,并且密封保护。这款 海底自动吊钩与海底用油缸是通过最大长度达30米的传输电缆连 接起来的。

elebia是自动吊装解决方案和自动吊装设备领域的佼佼者, 主打产品包括获得专利设计的evo系列起重机自动吊钩、NEO系 列起重吊钩、自动起重钳。elebia的产品通过远程操控来挂接和 脱钩负荷物,以此提高装卸作业的工作效率和安全性。独特的故 障安全设计使得悬挂的负荷物不会掉落,因而减少危险。产品适 用于任何行业,例如航空航天、建筑、能源、制造业、煤矿、码头、 钢铁等行业。

凭借 evo 系列起重机自动吊钩、NEO 系列起重吊钩、自 动起重钳及相关配件的智能创新,安全性和高效能,他们的产 品受到众多世界顶尖企业的青睐,譬如劳斯莱斯、Space-X、 ArcelorMittal、波音、空客、西门子、Tenaris等等。详情请浏 览。

33 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World 33

集装箱多式联运亚洲展在经历去年的延期之后终于回归 了。世界银行预测中国经济将在 2021 年实现强劲增长,凭借令 人羡慕的经济态势,中国仍然是举办集装箱多式联运亚洲展的理 想之地。集装箱多式联运亚洲展是英富曼与中国集装箱行业协 会合作举办的展览。此次盛会还得到了全球最大的集装箱制造 商中集集团的鼎力支持。


在现场展示产品和解决方案的供应商皆是集装箱相关领域的 佼佼者。展会汇聚了主要的国际化展商,他们利用平台与客户和

行业翘楚建立联系,维护关系。很多展商有在亚洲地区设有服务 基地,他们拥有丰富的集装箱物流产品专业知识和技能,主要是


包括中国国际海运集装箱(集团)股份有限公司、东方国际 集装箱、胜狮货柜企业有限公司、新华昌集团有限公司、中车长 江运输设备集团有限公司、Florens Asset Management、卡鲁高 吉集装箱有限公司、国能铁路装备有限责任公司、北部湾港股份 有限公司等展商携展品及其解决方案到场,吸引了不少业内人士 前来洽谈。

埃克森美孚化工、陶氏化工、中外运、中远航运、DHL全球 货运、阿里巴巴、腾讯、西门子、马士基和京东物流等企业也以 组织员工到现场参观。

34 REPORT 展后报道

加强行业对话 促进信息流动

现场会议议程紧凑,主要由中国行业专家主持。在部分论坛上, 国际演讲嘉宾通过视频的形式分享他们对热点问题的思考和阐述 观点,来自格但斯克港和安特卫普港的国际演讲嘉宾亲临会议现 场和观众互动。

在“多式联运中国日”论坛上,演讲嘉宾从各自专业领域畅 谈中国多式联运发展态势,讨论适合中国国情和“一带一路”倡 议下多式联运的新领域、新模式、新动向。例如,西安国际陆港 多式联运有限公司总经理邵博尔发表的“中欧班列(长安号)逆 势增长,推动共建‘一带一路’高质量发展”,天津港(集团) 有限公司业务经营部物流经营中心总经理刘鹏的“发展海铁联运,

服务双循环发展”,成都国际陆港运营有限公司副总经理高鸿皓 演讲“建设国际多式联运枢纽生态,疫情下中欧班列的发展和思 考”,宁波舟山港股份有限公司业务部部长洪其虎的“宁波舟山 港海铁联运发展经验成果分享”等等。中国集装箱行业协会也选 择在亚洲展上发布最新的《中国集装箱行业与多式联运发展报告》。 集装箱多式联运亚洲展让大家再一次认识安峰起重索具

今年我们索具行业迎来了首次参加集装箱多式联运亚洲展的 企业——上海安峰起重索具有限公司。这是一家专门提供起重设 备、索具设计安装调试、钢丝绳索具以及索具配件等产品的专业 技术型销售公司。

索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World
Development Report
◀▶共同见证中国集装箱行业协会发布最新的《中国集装箱行业与多式联运发展报告》 Global Launch Ceremony of "China Container Industry and Multimodal Transport (2020)"

总经理徐继宗先生表示,此前是以观众的身份前来集装箱多 式联运亚洲展参观交流学习,十分认可这个展会。现在作为展商 参展,收获也不少。他说:“这几天,非常开心能和我们的新老 朋友们见面聊天,包括中集旗下多个子公司、集装箱服务公司、 货运服务公司、船运服务公司的高管和采购代表们。感谢大家对 我们安峰起重索具的关注和支持!”

“我们感到很荣幸,通过集装箱多式联运亚洲展这个行业平 台,除了有机会和老朋友们聚一聚,也让更多的专业人士认识安峰, 了解安峰。”

“20多年来,安峰起重索具只专注于一件事,那就是给客户 提供安全可靠的吊索具以及专业的技术支持。长此以往,我们积 累了丰富的客户资源,客户的信任就是我们持续成长的推动力。”

为满足集装箱行业的客户需求,安峰起重索具不仅为客户提 供优质的集装箱用吊索具、绑扎链、捆绑带及绑扎固定配件;还 根据不同的项目需求提供完善的吊装方案和绑扎方案,包括技术

咨询、方案设计、产品规划、到终端客户的实际使用操作、现场 调试、售后跟进等完整的配套服务。


美中不足的是,本届集装箱多式联运亚洲展的国际访客未能 莅临现场,把握这个更富有成效的国际业务拓展机会。而且突如 其来的疫情反扑让访客纷纷取消前来现场的计划,尽管如此,不 少展商表示,虽然展会未能达到他们预期的整体效果,但仍旧支 持集装箱多式联运亚洲展,期待明年举办得更好。

据了解,2022集装箱多式联运亚洲展已经被提上议程,展会 将于明年7月12-14日回归上海世博展览馆。

提到明年的展会,中国集装箱行业协会常务副会长兼秘书长 李牧原女士信心十足。“我们作为主办方非常有信心,我们对中国 的多式联运有信心,对中国全球的供应链有信心,我们是非常 有信心把展会继续做大做强。


Intermodal Asia brings together leading decision-makers in Shanghai

Taking place in Shanghai, China - one of the world's most dynamic logistic markets, Intermodal Asia offers a unique opportunity to discover innovative products and meet suppliers in order to gain long-term competitive advantage. It is the perfect opportunity for professionals to come together to network, do business and encourage the healthy and sustainable development of modern intermodal transport. After a year of pandemic-induced break, this year's Intermodal

Asia exhibition and conference brings together leading decision-makers from all areas of container shipping, transport and logistics across the road, rail and sea sectors, making it one of the most important industry annual meeting points in Asia.

The past months has shown that a face-to-face trade fair is much more important than online webinars or some digital events.

37 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World


knowledge&expertisefromtheleadingnamesin theindustry

The quality of exhibitor programme is extremely high this year, featuring leading exhibiting companies, expert industry speakers, the latest technology and many networking opportunities. Exhibitors such as Mainland China's CIMC, Dong Fang International Container, CXIC Containers Group, CRRC Yangtze Group, CHIN Energy and Beibu Gulf Port, Hong Kong's Singamas and Florens Asset Management, most of them are leading corporates in the industry.

Bringing together, thousands of intermodal professionals, internationally and globally to network, do business and shape the industry's future. Leading companies such as ExxonMobil Chemical, Dow Corporate, DHL Global Forwarding, Siemens, Maersk, China's Sinotrans, COSCO Shipping, Alibaba, Tencent and have sent their representatives to attend this annual gathering.

During the three exhibition days, more than 100 experienced

speakers addressed a series of high-level conference. The themes, topics, and discussions are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the international market issues that are being faced today, as well as technical challenges.

The Intermodal professionals provide attendees with the latest intelligence and knowledge on key industry topics, which include "Overview of international shipping market", "Intermodal China Day", "Intermodal Technology and Equipment Innovation Forum- Promoting the Development of Domestic Intermodal" and "Container Technology Forum". Meanwhile, Global Launch Ceremony of "China Container Industry and Multimodal Transport Development Report (2020)" was also held on the first day of the event.

Youshouldknowthename:ShanghaiAnfengLifting& Rigging

38 REPORT 展后报道
This is the first time for Shanghai Anfeng Lifting & Rigging to exhibit at Intermodal Asia. With years of supplying container During the three exhibition days, more than 100 experienced speakers addressed a series of high-level conference.

lifting and securing equipment and solutions to container manufacturers, freight forwarders and shipping line traders, the company achieves high reputation in the industry.

For this year's Intermodal Asia, Anfeng Lifting & Rigging showcased their high quality Cargo Lashings, DNV 2.7-1 Offshore Container Lifting Sling Set, Flat Webbings, Round Slings, Wire Rope Slings and Rigging Accessories. They are widely used in the container lifting or securing applications.

"I would like to say a big thank you to those who came to our booth. It's a great opportunity to have a face-to-face communication with our users and peers. We met a lot of friends and potential customers cross the three days, such as representatives from China's CIMC. Intermodal Asia is a perfect platform to let industry professionals know more about our company. " Said John Xu, the General Manager of Shanghai Anfeng Lifting & Rigging.

"For the past 20 years, our staffs contribute themselves to provide safe lifting equipment, rigging solutions and technical support to our customers and gain long-term partnership. We


"Duringtheeventdays,wearequitefrequentlyasked:could you tellmewhatkind of accessories should Ichoose for securingmycontainerbeforetransportation?Actually,when weareacknowledgedthespecificationandapplicationdetails forthecontainer,ourtechnicalstaffscouldprovidecomplete solutions,suchastechnicalconsultation,solutiondesign, productplanning,onsiteassistanceandafter-salessupportto ourcustomer" Xuadded.

WhentalkingaboutthenexteditionofIntermodalAsia,Xu thinkshighlyofthisannualeventandhesaidAnfengLifting& Riggingwillbeingexhibitingcompanyagain.

Fromofficia'spost-showreport,thenextIntermodalAsiawill takeplaceinShanghai,ChinaagainattheSWEECCon12-14 July2022.Formoreinformation,

39 39 索具世界 Lifting & Rigging World

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